▶ a5d781 (36) No.75946
>>75940 (OP)
Where did you find this photo of my house?
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75947
>>75940 (OP)
Thank you, lass
▶ 00b423 (24) No.75949>>75954
>read Quran
>read Hadith
>follow sunnah
>go to mosque
>pray to Mecca
>shout Allahu Ackbar
Not a muslim
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.75950>>75965
So you are suggesting that actual practicers of the Roman religioons, for example, lied to each other knowing that DA JOOOOOOOOOOOOZ would one day be in Europe and they would want to appeal to those in the twenty first century because they had some sort of time travel?
Bit of a stretch.
▶ 5811dc (6) No.75951>>75953 >>75956
>has a look through the flag options
>no manchester flag
sort it out
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75952
Remember to keep the bullying at just the right level
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.75953
Manchester is Lancs tbh
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75954
He smoked marijuana, lad
▶ d050fb (45) No.75955>>75969
>hellenistic and germanic
>what are ancient aryans
>cheddar gorge rape stone
Because our more primitive ancestors failings are ours?
>implying all sorts of bullshit
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.75956>>75958 >>75963
So who is moonlad.
Is this the one you mean? I made it for /brit/ ages ago.
▶ 5811dc (6) No.75957>>75962
that's definitely caught my attention
▶ 5811dc (6) No.75958
▶ 786777 (10) No.75959>>75969 >>75988
Wrong. Sexual mores varied according to regain, class, and time, however there was certainly high civilisation, which degenerated when Christians took hold and destroyed the civilisation that had existed prior. The early Christians vandalised Roman civilisation, and thousands of years of advanced learning was lost as a result.
Things only started to pick back up again when religious dogma began to recede, in the Renaissance.
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.75960>>75964
>except casual sex, its better than being a wanker.
It's objectively bad according to every statistic you can look at. But it feels good for you to shoot your cum so you do it anyway and excuse it. You are not inherently good. No one is and to claim otherwise is a ridiculous delusion.
>Paganism has no records lad, how would you know the truth? :^)
The things we have come from Christians writing later. In those things there are no moral teachings.
My point stands that there exist no moral teachings in the dead religion of European paganism.
There's no point in me explaining anything else. He doesn't want to know the truth. he has decided what he wants to believe and will stick to it. I could explain that verse, and then he'd pull another one and I'd be playing wackamole with bible verses. If he was actually interested in the truth he would actually have investigated this for himself. My non-argument was warranted and came after several arguments. You started with a non-argument.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75961
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
5 HOUR OLD METEOR MAN: Why Does This Keep Happening?
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75963>>75980
Discord shitposter. Also wears the Lincolnshire flag on /brit/.
▶ d050fb (45) No.75964>>75988
>inherently good
No lad, I implied we have an inherent moral compass that tells us what is good and what is bad.
>casual sex is objectively bad
By what metrics? Being a celibate eunuch is morally wrong lad.
▶ 00b423 (24) No.75965>>75967 >>75972
Not sure what you're getting at tbh, I was just making a general point about the truthfulness of things that are written down. This goes double when people write things down about their enemies.
▶ d050fb (45) No.75967
▶ 5811dc (6) No.75968>>75970
the whitening in that picture makes her look like a fuck doll
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.75969>>75973 >>75974
The primitive ancestor's failings are the religious beliefs you purport to follow. What is your point about ancient aryans? You know gods worshipped by non-aryans were easily made part of the pantheon? Cults travelled very far lass
I think you'll find Atilla the Hun might have had a hand in the destruction of Rome lass. Further sexual mores were essential unchanged. The only unusual circumstances of sexual morals as we may understand them were due to secular reasons such as the Augustan marriage laws which were intended to repopulate Rome and were much criticised as anti-religious at the time.
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.75971>>75975 >>75977
>likes asian women
>but only through a lightening filter
I don't understand lad.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.75972>>75978
The point is that:
A). What Christian writers wrote is often supported by the archeological record
B). We have sources for eastern and southern cults in manuscripts written by those people
▶ 786777 (10) No.75973>>75982
Christians destroyed temples, defaced statues, murdered non-Christians and burned books and libraries.
Christianity had its hand in destroying Rome, from within.
▶ d050fb (45) No.75974>>75981 >>75982 >>75999
>the failings are the beliefs
Thats conflation and wrong. I dont support deflowering and stone rape, how does that follow?
>cults travelled far
So did Atlanteans.
>non aryan gods were accepted to the pantheon
>but there are no recirds of paganism
Your brain on christian d&c
▶ caacbd (27) No.75975
I just like chinky women lad.
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.75976>>75979
>didn't see that there was a new thread
>was sat in the old thread wondering what happened
>fenian edition
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75977
I doubt they'll ever perfect the technology for pink nips tbh
▶ 786777 (10) No.75978>>75999
Reminder that the New Testamwnt was not written by Christ, or even while he was alive. It was written by Jews, after Christ's death, then heavily censored and controlled by a corrupt Church.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75979
Seems like a common thing around here, even though the new thread is always linked
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.75980>>75984
>discord shitposter
I-I was only doing it ironically, h-haha
▶ 786777 (10) No.75981>>75983 >>75999
The irony is BumBum King is THE MOST degenerate poster on /newbrit/ !!!!
So much for Christcuck moral superiority!!!
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.75982>>75986
Yeah the Pope is sitting in an ex Roman temple but Christianity destroyed these things
Further where that may be the case it was usually done by the converts. Pagans did even worse and did it across the board rather than in small instances. Remember when they raided Britain for 200 years?
The failings are the beliefs you thick fucking cunt how many times do you need telling that the defloweration was a religious fucking ritual? That van you are living in must be leaking gas or some shit for you to be this obtuse.
▶ d050fb (45) No.75983>>75993
>most degenerate
Only for the pedoshit, otherwise its probably me tbh.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75984>>75985 >>75998
Did you also bully me ironically? The answer better be "yes"
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.75985
▶ d050fb (45) No.75986>>75999
>deflowering was a ritual
>but paganism has no historical evidence
>but this definitely happened because christians said so
>personal attacks
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.75987>>75991 >>75994 >>75995 >>76008
Added Manchester flag
Also religion arguments can get dumb after a while tbh, I don't want us to turn into /brit/ in this regard
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.75988>>76005 >>76008
>muh dark ages
Brain drain caused by fall of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire was highly unstable long before Christianity took over and it's fall was inevitable. The idea of ruling that many people and that many different groups and uniting them as "Romans" is ludicrous. They were doing what we are doing now with making everyone "British".
Christianity was a tiny sect at one point. I would argue that such a small thing would never have been able to take over the empire had it not already been on the decline.
>No lad, I implied we have an inherent moral compass that tells us what is good and what is bad.
And yet you can't tell that drug taking and casual sex and cuckolding are bad.
>Being a celibate eunuch is morally wrong lad.
Being chaste and waiting for marriage is highly virtuous.
>By what metrics?
picrelated. It also spreads disease and creates single mothers. People who do it are invariably miserable degenerates who also do other wrong things like take drugs for example. Would you want your daughter having casual sex? Do you want to marry a girl and have children with a girl who has had multiple casual sex partners? Look at all the shit on TV and in films. See how hedonistic everything is and how sex is shoved in to everything. That is what happens when you embrace casual sex in your culture.
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.75989>>75990 >>75992
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.75990>>75997
It is
Also welcome back
▶ 5811dc (6) No.75991
▶ 3c462b (76) No.75992>>75997
195 you mean? Done
▶ 786777 (10) No.75993
BumBum gay posts constantly, and makes pics of him raping other posters.
No wonder he's a Christcuck, with their hypocritical moral standards - that they love to inflict on others when they want to, but don't follow themselves, very Jewish tbh.
▶ caacbd (27) No.75994
Religion arguments are useless and no one gets anywhere
Literally what is the point of having an argument that has been had per verbatim
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.75997
you too lad
yeah meant that heck me tbh
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.75998>>76001
U-Uh, Yeah! It was all an ironic joke, h-haha… Please don't ban me, laaad
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.75999>>76008 >>76011
>This fucking retard did need telling a third time
Is he really this fucking thick?
>Being Christian
We have the oldest surviving records for Christianity than anything else in that period mate. No other manuscripts exist so close to the period they are writing about as that. Rather important when writing about something whose contemporaneity is essential.
>There is a guy who makes hilarious jokes on an imageboard that don't represent his real views
Wow, I guess you got me.
Now he wants me to explain a fourth time! Last time cause I have to play Sims 3:
>No written record from most of the northern pagans
>what we have is written by Christians
>Wold be unreliable if not for archeological data
>Some things stand based entirely on archeological data which fit the character we know to have otherwise
>Romans and Hellenes did write things down and the character of their religions is straight forward as I've elaborated on ad nauseum
The only points you've made are "nuh uhhh!" and "we just know! "
It's not my job to save your soul lad. It's obvious that you want a "faith" that requires nothing of you. You choose Druidism because nothing exists about what they believe except for some abstract concepts that are only understood through hypotheses derived from Christianity's didactic reinterpretation of them.
Ironically you can't even be a druid right because you write your phony beliefs down on an imageboard which, for all we do know for certain about druids, is against their strictest moral code
Bizarre. Sad. bon nuit.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76001>>76004
Alright lass I believe you
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76002
Embrace pure energy, destruction manifest
▶ 786777 (10) No.76005
Christianity had its hand in the downfall of Rome, that's not even contested. They destroyed art and architecture, and burned books and libraries. Followers of other religions were murdered and tortured. They were a destructive cancer within an already troubled civilisation.
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76006>>76009 >>76012
>tfw I've fallen for the Imperium memi so I'm saving most of what HKlad posts
It's an odd feel tbh lads.
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76007>>76016
>just remembered that I might miss the film tomorrow because I'm out with friends
brb going to tell them they have to move it later so I can watch tbh
▶ d050fb (45) No.76008>>76045 >>76156
>And yet you can't tell that drug taking and casual sex and cuckolding are bad.
Drugs are bad, I have said this.
>casual sex
If you arent increasing your chances of procreating, you should kill yourself
>invariably miserable degenerates
>tfw own a business
>tfw have a fulfilling life
You should try it lad, if you are a virgin past 21 you have utterly failed at life tbh.
>being chaste and waiting for marriage is virtuous
Yes, but being a sexless shut-in is inhuman. Casual sex is better than bitter virginity.
Fair tbh lad, apologies, though its not pagans ragging on the christians.
▶ caacbd (27) No.76009>>76019
Good lad, now get a chinky gf irl
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76010>>76015 >>76017
who's the nameless poster
▶ 786777 (10) No.76011>>76035
>degenerate gay and rape shitposter tries to claim Christian moral high ground
Not convincing anyone son.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76012>>76013 >>76019
Fucking hell lad. Not you too. I don't believe a lot of you lads posting here lusting after chinks smh SMH
▶ caacbd (27) No.76013>>76020
it'll happen to you one day
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76015>>76022
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76016
shit nigger
don't worry if we watch Robocop first it will start much later so if you have the stamina you're good. Btw does Moonamigo know about our streams? It's not like we didn't shill them endlessly on /brit/
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76017>>76024
idk his entire post history is arguing about religion
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76019>>76021 >>76023
I have a Canto gf tbh, that's what I meant by 'fallen for the Imperium memi' tbh
I can't stop wanking to Chinky sluts, lad, it's a serious problem
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76021>>76026
>I can't stop wanking to Chinky sluts, lad, it's a serious problem
Please stop, lad. For me
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76022
▶ caacbd (27) No.76023>>76026 >>76032
you have a gf tbh lad you don't need to wank
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76024>>76025 >>76028 >>76029
I don't know where we keep getting these people. Are they being redirected here from the /pol/ thread?
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76025>>76027 >>76028 >>76029
probably since we have druid immigrants
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76026>>76030
I will after uni, it's just a temporary thing tbh
Based Earthly pleasures tbh
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76027>>76031 >>76032
Aaaaahhh they're trafficking their own kind into our board.
▶ d050fb (45) No.76028>>76032
reeee no theres probably 3 or 4 of us in total at the minute lasses, me, wessex, 40k anon and yank-druid.
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76029>>76033
this >>76025 tbh I think we get druid/pol/ people now
/newbrit/ keeps in changing so much
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76030
▶ d050fb (45) No.76031
reeeeee stop bullying us tbh
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76032>>76034 >>76036 >>76037
him having a gf is an excuse to wank, no?
jesus this is spoopy
▶ d050fb (45) No.76033>>76038 >>76042
Not true lad, the druid posters have flags.
▶ caacbd (27) No.76034>>76046 >>76396
He can wank into his gf to give her hafu daughters
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76035
▶ d050fb (45) No.76036
there are only 3 or 4 regular posters since the hack lass.
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76037>>76039 >>76046
wanking when you have a gf is bad lass, you need to increase sensitivity so she can get you off, or else you'll get bed depression where you've just jerked too much so she can't wrench your cock in the same way you can similar to how having more porn makes you prefer more and more depraved porn.
▶ 786777 (10) No.76038>>76041 >>76043 >>76044 >>76047
>Druids and pagans try to have a chat
>Christcucks interrupt with their tedious faggotry
>Druids and Pagans point out where Christcucks are wrong
>Christcucks sperg out at mere mention that Jesus is a Jew, as are all his disciples
>mods blame Druids and pagans
▶ d050fb (45) No.76039>>76049 >>76056
what about tactical-wanks to increase bedroom-lomgevity?
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76040
>The results of western military intervention across North Africa and the Middle East in the 21st century have been disastrous, from Libya, to Syria, Iraq, and even to Afghanistan, where a necessary initial intervention lost momentum and focus because forces were switched to the Iraq War.
>In the years ahead, UKIP will avoid allowing Britain to become embroiled in foreign wars. We will maintain our sceptical view of neoconservative arguments for attempting to deliver change in the Middle East at gunpoint. You cannot bomb people into democracy.
No mention of Iran and Israel only appears with "we want to see a resolution".
▶ d050fb (45) No.76041
Dont attack the mods lad, I can see how tit might aopear to them tbh.
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76042>>76050 >>76051 >>76053
btw I saw an NA thread, I cba to do anything but perhaps our esteemed colleagues at /brit/ may want to act
Maybe it's just random /pol/ overspill
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76043>>76048
I'm not blaming anyone I just get sick of religion arguments
Who are you?
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76044>>76048
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76045>>76066 >>76156
>Drugs are bad, I have said this.
And yet you do them.
>If you arent increasing your chances of procreating, you should kill yourself
Yeah create single mothers. That will create a good country for everyone to live in! It's not a disgusting cancer at all. Do you even have any children? You aren't impregnating these women you have sex with are you? So what is even your point? You aren't even doing what you're telling me and others to do.
>You should try it lad, if you are a virgin past 21 you have utterly failed at life tbh.
Pathetic how enslaved to sex you are that you think someone has failed at life if they haven't had casual sterile sex with a stranger by 21.
>Yes, but being a sexless shut-in is inhuman. Casual sex is better than bitter virginity.
False dichotomy.
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76046>>76052 >>76054
You're a really weird animal buddy. You hate white women, yet you claim you're not gay, you want to have asian kids, but only female kids, so you'd have to find a woman who actually is willing to kill her sons, and at the same time you don't actually want a relationship. Tell me. How do you expect saying to your pregnant fiance "if it's a lad we kill him"? What do you do if she reacts grossed out?
On top of that you don't masturbate and hate hugs or when someone else hugs. Do you actually enjoy the idea/thought of sex? You seem to be completely repulsive to any intimacy.
well maybe that means women are worthless because they can't please you the right way. Only women with sex appeal will be able to give their genes away based Darwin tbh
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76047
you came out of nowhere, have nothing against you
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76049>>76085
you have to find the right balance tbh, if you're like my mate, who was a total virgin and jerked off nearly every day, when he first got with his gf he'd last literally too long with her, so he gave up jacking it for a while to return to normalcy
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76050>>76058
>btw I saw an NA thread, I cba to do anything but perhaps our esteemed colleagues at /brit/ may want to act
▶ d050fb (45) No.76051>>76058
>maybe a /pol/ overspill
Maybe lad, I dunno, but we have worked hard to be part of this community tbh, I wouldnt put a link to /newbrit/ and say "all pagans come and shit the place up".
▶ caacbd (27) No.76052>>76055
Lass are you trying to psychoanalyse me
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76053>>76058
If we shitpost they'll just try to raid us. Then again if /brit/ does it they'll pin the blame on us anyway.
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76054>>76057
Nah lass, it's not about a babe giving you a stiffy, it's about her being able to get you off, you get death grip syndrome, where essentially your grip is too strong and anything that isn't close to it wont be able to make you orgasm, even if you're turned on to the max
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76055>>76071
Not really it's questions I meant to ask for a while. Answer them if you're kind.
▶ 091bcd (5) No.76056>>76085
Just get some Sildenafil and you can go again 30 seconds after you come
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76057>>76061
Alright pal obviously I know nothing on this topic
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76058>>76066
on /pol/
I'm not blaming you lads at all, I like you guys.
I don't really care just thought they might be interested
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76059>>76060
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76060>>76062
here you newfag
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76061
It's a complex and intricate subject, which varies from man to man, some men can beat it to the extremes whilst still perform just fine in the bedroom, and others are of course too quick to finish.
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76062>>76063 >>76064
>tfw still don't know how to crosslink off the top of my head so I always juts post the URL
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76063>>76065
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76064>>76079
Well I'm here to show you so you don't forget
not to be mean tbf
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76065>>76079
▶ d050fb (45) No.76066>>76070 >>76078 >>76080
>yet i do them
I am a mortal man with vices lad. You masturbate and eat sweets, its just a self control issue. Have some compassion tbh.
>creating single mothers
If women are going to sleep around, you may as well get your end away. Use a condom and thats a non issue. I agree its not of an overall benefit to society, but its less detrimental than not contributing at all.
>not having sex before 21
I dont understand how your life went so that tjis wasnt a possibility. Sorry lad.
>impregnating women
I need a stable bit of land first, which I am working on.
Its not that lad, but my kids will be raised to understand the joy of sexual unity tbh.
Its male genetics lad.
>false dichotomy
Im sorry it seems like that to you tbh lad.
ta lad, I dont mean to be defensive tbh, cant resist a good argument though, and the other lads and lasses make good points about the pointlessness of it all.
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76067>>76068 >>76069
>we're going out later now so I can watch the Blood God rise to power
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76068>>76073
did you read my post
22st, when are we watching what? I'm confused now.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76069>>76072 >>76073 >>76074
*swaps through my VPNs and votes so RoboCop wins*
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76070>>76084
I know lad, I'm not against having arguments here, it's just that religion in particular tends to always spiral out of control and it never ends.
I'm no pagan but I like you lads all the same
▶ caacbd (27) No.76071>>76083 >>76085
>You hate white women, yet you claim you're not gay
This one I actually take issue with, I don't see how only liking chinky women makes you gay.
>you want to have asian kids, but only female kids, so you'd have to find a woman who actually is willing to kill her sons, and at the same time you don't actually want a relationship. Tell me. How do you expect saying to your pregnant fiance "if it's a lad we kill him"? What do you do if she reacts grossed out?
I'm largely memiing with that tbh with you, but whenever you mention a hafu lad you get replied moaning about how he'll turn out like Elliot Rodger, which is not an argument I feel like having. I tend to think that hafu women are much better than hafu men, but I know hafu men who are intelligent and not socially retarded, so I don't know.
>On top of that you don't masturbate and hate hugs or when someone else hugs. Do you actually enjoy the idea/thought of sex?
Not really. The idea disgusts me, and you are going to think I'm memiing here, but I genuinely only want to have sex for the purpose of procreation.
>You seem to be completely repulsive to any intimacy.
It does make me incredibly uncomfortable, and I've tried to avoid it for most of my life. I don't think I'm capable of being intimate.
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76072>>76077
oh. i thought The Dearu was loosing
ok then
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76073>>76087
>did you read my post
What post must have missed it
I think we're watching The Deal at 8 right? And it's less than 90 minutes
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76074>>76077
Um by Sierra Nevada I meant Sierra Madre my bad smh smh
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76075>>76077 >>76082
Now that I think about it 22st don't you dare put Boku on again
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76077>>76081 >>76088 >>76090
It's a trilogy, lad. We have to finish it…
The Deal wins. I'm closing the poll now since I am in charge here.
Robocop is second.
Noted. That has third place.
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76078>>76156
>If you arent increasing your chances of procreating, you should kill yourself
>If women are going to sleep around, you may as well get your end away. Use a condom and thats a non issue
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76079>>76088
Thank you, lass, much appreciated
▶ 9be91a (5) No.76080
Jokes on you, Vishnu does not allow those who have engaged in premarital sex into valhalla.
▶ caacbd (27) No.76081>>76089
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76082>>76089 >>76090
Haha you think 22st would do a thing like that?
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76083>>76086
>I don't see how only liking chinky women makes you gay
No it doesn't, just the memu that Asian are more andro. It's still weird.
>but whenever you mention a hafu lad you get replied moaning about how he'll turn out like Elliot Rodger
hmmmmmmm I wonder why, maybe because… it's occurring so often? Could there be some truth to that I wonder… nah prolly not
>which is not an argument I feel like having
Oh so then you only pretend because you don't feel like fighting off valid criticism? Petty tbh. But then I don't understand why mischling lads are crazy and mischling lasses aren't.
So you'd have male sons in the end is what you're saying?
>and you are going to think I'm memiing here, but I genuinely only want to have sex for the purpose of procreation.
>I don't think I'm capable of being intimate.
No lad I understand, that occurs quite often. I won't bully you for being rather asexual.
▶ 786777 (10) No.76084>>76090
>I'm no pagan
But you are, you just don't know it, because your rain has been Jewed by Christcuckery.
▶ d050fb (45) No.76085
>don't see how only liking chinky women makes you gay.
neither do I tbh.
>not capable of being intimate
with the right woman, you will be fine.
Dont much like pharmaceuticals tbh lad
thats true lad, though Ive had a few women that i had no choice but to *cough* 'brace myself' *cough* before seeing. "everyone has a plan till their dick is in a mouth"
▶ caacbd (27) No.76086>>76092
>maybe because… it's occurring so often?
Other than elliott rodger, has a hafu actually done an supreme gentelman like incident
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76087>>76090
Ok thought we were watching Robocop at 8. I'm glad it turned out this way.
There was no post haha *deletes post*
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76088>>76097 >>76136
If you actually do that I'd be for a demodding tbh lad
>now moonman calls me lass too
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76090>>76094 >>76116
Don't do it lad at least wait till I'm gone
He wouldn't, surely not…
tbh lad I will ban you unless you drop it
I have no beef with you and if you want post here fine but you haven't told us who you are and your entire history is religion arguments
>I'm glad it turned out this way.
So am I, didn't think it would win
>*deletes post*
This should be your new trip, kek
▶ 091bcd (5) No.76091
Lad don't be a nonce
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76092>>76093
Of course, haven't you seen the large /pol/ infographics with all of the famous hapa serial killers?
▶ caacbd (27) No.76093
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76094>>76103
>at least wait till I'm gone
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76096
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76097>>76100 >>76102
>If you actually do that I'd be for a demodding tbh lad
Post last edited at
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76099
Labour are the real racists.
▶ d050fb (45) No.76100>>76104
its "tempt fate" not "faith", no bully.
▶ caacbd (27) No.76101
she looks like an aged saint jo cox
also >white """"""""women""""""""
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76102>>76104
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh lad you said it wrong
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76103>>76107
don't worry lad I'll tell tomorrow
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76104>>76106
Fuck I'm getting too excited. *edits it*
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76106>>76120
If you do it lad…. there's no hope for you
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76107
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76109>>76112 >>76113
Look at those puffy nipples, what a fucking homo.
▶ d050fb (45) No.76110
>noname pagan-posts
>and then fagposts
ahhhh stop stop stop
▶ 091bcd (5) No.76111>>76115
Why is the aut-right so full of homosexuals?
▶ d050fb (45) No.76113>>76114
>not having SWOLE areolas
do men have areolas? my biology is pretty poor tbh.
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76114>>76119
▶ d050fb (45) No.76115
Something something its the jews
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76116>>76124 >>76126
>at least wait till I'm gone
This is exactly why we need you here
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76117>>76123 >>76126
>108 active users
>third fastest pph
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76118
>in scare quotes
Is this one of the big newspapers mocking her or something? It's a bit boring tbh.
▶ d050fb (45) No.76119
Ta lad that clears that up.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76120
>there's no hope for you
W-what do you mean
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76122>>76130
Where did you come from?
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76123>>76127
>108 active users
>17 UIDs
What's this based on?
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76124>>76125 >>76128 >>76141
I cannot hold this board together forever
maybe I should mod someone temporarily while I'm away tho
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76125>>76138
*steps forth from the shadows*
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76126
the speeeed
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76127
Unique IP[s to post in the last 72 hours. Some VPNs, granted, but it's almost double what we usually have
▶ d050fb (45) No.76128>>76138
we dont really
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76130>>76131 >>76132 >>76135
I heard you did regular showings of gay anime?
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76131>>76140
*cocks banhammer* I asked you a question,.lad
▶ caacbd (27) No.76132
He would if there wasn't a stabilising force to stop him
▶ 23828b (12) No.76133>>76134 >>76137 >>76152
Thinking about ordering a pizza hut to eat while I watch Question Time lads, what do you reckon
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76134
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76135
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76136>>76139 >>76148
I only do it because 22 does it tbh
▶ d050fb (45) No.76137
get some cookie dough too tbh lad.
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76138>>76144 >>76156
tbh I'll think about it, we may not even need one
Not a democracy tho
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76139>>76143
Good lad. *pats your head and gives you a treat, rewarding appropriate behaviour*
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76140>>76145
Ah yes, the question…
What was it again?
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76142
It's ok I'm still here for now
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76143
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76145>>76161 >>76172
*smashes the ground next to your feet with my banhammer* Scroll, up, lad
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76146>>76149 >>76150 >>76153 >>76154
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76147>>76151
I miss binposter I wish he was here
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76150
This, haven't seen him in a while
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76151
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
me too lad…
▶ 091bcd (5) No.76152
Papa John>Pizza Hut tbh
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76153>>76154 >>76155
where's Britposter
▶ caacbd (27) No.76154
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76155>>76160
▶ d050fb (45) No.76156>>76163
Damn you welshposter thats actually true.
>you should kill yourself
I withdraw this statement.
tbh I went too far, waifuposter, maybe my moral compass is slightly skewed in relation to yours.
Oh gods no lad I was joking, fuck democracy with a rusty spoon.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76157>>76158 >>76159 >>76160 >>76162 >>76163 >>76164 >>76167 >>76172
▶ d050fb (45) No.76158>>76176
nice big-boy trousers lad.
▶ 23828b (12) No.76159>>76176
Yeah, the final boss in the video game ye fat shit
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76160>>76176
not a good thing
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76161>>76176
I found this board through my travels of AltRight thought spaces.
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76162>>76164 >>76176
i don't know
can you repeat the question?
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76163>>76168 >>76176
I know lad
You kinds had a point though, we have so many minority groups here
>/newbrit/ is a literal melting pot of different boards
Bit too early to say that lad
jk I'm not giving up BO
▶ bb8651 (9) No.76164>>76166 >>76168 >>76170 >>76176
night lads
life is unfair
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76166
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76167>>76174 >>76176
just do what he says… *cowers*
▶ d050fb (45) No.76168>>76173
>tfw Herts created that which he despises
**arent we mostly all white and british?
Night lass.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76170
▶ 23828b (12) No.76171>>76177
post one who looks older than fourteen lad
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76172>>76175 >>76176
Have you read my book, The Way Of Men?
It'll teach you how to be a real man.
The trick is to never allow women to control you, that leads to the bonobo masturbatory form of society. Instead find authentic bonding with other self realised males.
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76173>>76176 >>76178 >>76179 >>76190 >>76199
Right lads I might be back later but if not then goodnight
Also please don't be sad, I don't deserve this much sympathy
>arent we mostly all white and british?
I certainly hope so although we do have a foreigner among us
Post last edited at
▶ d050fb (45) No.76175>>76186
>real men do photoshoots
No they dont.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76176>>76180 >>76184
>not a good thing
I think you got the wrong board, the [insert 8chan ayy board] is a few pages back.
Thanks, lad. Big trousers for big lads
w-what? Is this a continuation of the video?
Lad be honest with us
Night lad
>You're not so big
>jk I'm not giving up BO
Goodlass. Submit and I won't have to hurt you.
>buy my book
Night lad
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76178>>76182 >>76185
night lad
filthy foreigners right haha
▶ d050fb (45) No.76179
*weeps and prays for your salvation for hours*
Night lad.
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76180
Fucks sake, I'm Jack Donovan!
▶ 23828b (12) No.76181>>76183
her face says she's tired
just like permanently tired from all the dick she's had
▶ d050fb (45) No.76182
Johnny Foereigner is fine when they are not standing on our glorious White Heaven of Albion. or flying over it, or within sigh of the shore.
▶ caacbd (27) No.76183>>76187
why are you so mean
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76184>>76188
I just don't like you being the ruler of this place because you aren't capable of that lad no offence. But I'm wrong of course, as I am always.
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76185>>76192
You're not foreign to my heart tbh.
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76186>>76189 >>76197
>Real men do photo shoots
Appreciation of the male form has virile pagan roots, son.
▶ 23828b (12) No.76187
I have to live in Liverpool
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76188
▶ d050fb (45) No.76189>>76191
>idealised statues are the same as posing in nood lighting
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76190
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76191>>76193
Someone posed for those statues. They were the photo shoots of their day.
▶ 6eda4f (28) No.76192>>76194 >>76195
>replying to the obvious baiter
thank you. you neither.
▶ d050fb (45) No.76193
The somebody was probably a faggot artists assistant or 'muse', not the subject tbh. Except the face carving, but that equates to a passport photo not a full suite of backgrounds and editing software.
▶ d050fb (45) No.76194>>76204
reee I bite too easily after a drink. Ove filtered him now.
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76195
I'm just telling the truth actually. He found disagreement with me first.
▶ 091bcd (5) No.76197>>76207
Appreciation of the male aesthetic is not the same as being a narcissistic faggot
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76199>>76203
*hides potato under his jacket*
what foreigner?
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76200
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76201
▶ d050fb (45) No.76202
▶ d050fb (45) No.76203
*puts baguettes under duvet*
oo iz zis foreignere?
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76204
Doing what a woman tells you to do.
▶ 9be91a (5) No.76205>>76209 >>76210 >>76211
"eyy bro, u went ta my school right? anyway i got these spare tickets to some concert want ta come wiv meh bro? Truest me bro, i'm just a regular lad, yr not raycyst are yu?"
How do you respond?
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76206
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76207
Quite so. Would you dare call Jack a faggot to his face though?
No. And that makes you the faggot.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76208
▶ d050fb (45) No.76209>>76223
Tally ho, good sir, to what discipline does the orchestra belong to at said concert?
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76210>>76213
*shoots you in self defence*
he came right at me officer I had to
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76211>>76216
"Sure, I'll go to the concert with you son. I don't usually fuck on the first date though."
▶ d050fb (45) No.76213>>76216
>using a firearm as self defence
sounds pretty american tbh.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76214>>76218 >>76220
take the sylph pill
▶ d050fb (45) No.76215>>76220
Ancient DNA evidence shows hunter-gatherers and farmers were intimately linked
>In human history, the transition from hunting and gathering to farming is a significant one. As such, hunter-gatherers and farmers are usually thought about as two entirely different sets of people. But researchers reporting new ancient DNA evidence show that in the area we now recognize as Romania, at least, hunter-gatherers and farmers were living side by side, intermixing with each other, and having children.
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76216>>76219 >>76221
I really wish I could shoot Jack Donovan
>tfw having fake legal battles over the right to self defense whilst you cook din dins
▶ 23828b (12) No.76217
>andy burnham
oh God please remember Aryan Goddess Virginia Hale, Joe, and Truth Bomber exist when he's speaking, lads
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76218>>76220 >>76225
*takes a sylph pill*
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76219>>76222 >>76224
>I really wish I could shoot Jack Donovan
Why, does he make you feel insecure in your masculinity?
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76220>>76225 >>76226
Based mixing allowing us to be both farmers and hunters today
Wait isn't that risky? What does it do?
▶ d050fb (45) No.76221>>76224
▶ 23828b (12) No.76222
I'm just mad about cocaine, and cocaine's mad about me, doo da doooo
▶ 9be91a (5) No.76223>>76229
"don't know about that stuff bro, just know therely be bare gash there mate *chuckles* in more ways than one"
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76224>>76230
No he reminds me of a weird prison rapist from a TV drama I'm watching who is obsessed with male rape but assures his fellow aryan brother's that it was just power dynamics.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76225
good lass
I bet it feels like having butterflies
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76226>>76227 >>76228
It transfers your molecules into an artificially constructed miniature humanoid body. It doesn't shrink you because Gordon's autism prevented him from fapping to a scientifically impossible concept.
▶ caacbd (27) No.76227>>76232
that doesn't sound scientifically possible either
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76228>>76232
Aren't both those scientifically impossible?
▶ d050fb (45) No.76229
*senses implied threat*
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76231>>76233
*puts on sunglasses he found in a cardboard box*
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76232>>76234
Yeah but to Gordon it must have seemed slightly more possible. I just remember him explaining that he had to invent his own version of a shrinking fetish because it bothered him that atoms can't shrink.
He just has a really fevered imagination. It really doesn't make a lot of sense.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76234>>76235 >>76249
Couldn't he just make them more dense?
▶ caacbd (27) No.76235
He's already dense as it is
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76236>>76240 >>76245
>No giant Welsh corgi to ride
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76237>>76242 >>76244
oh yeah question time is on
▶ d050fb (45) No.76240>>76243
>giant corgi
think of the knee and hip problems theyd have lad.
▶ d050fb (45) No.76241
*walks around the horror*
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76243>>76246
*blocks your path*
With some fairy dust they would be made lighter tbh
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76245
apparently it's quite good >>>/brit/301919
▶ 9be91a (5) No.76246>>76250
common filth reveals his new clothing line
▶ d050fb (45) No.76247>>76252 >>76264 >>76265
Night to all lads, have a restful sleep.
▶ 23828b (12) No.76248
>theyre still calling the terrorist British
this triggers me beyond belief
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76249>>76252 >>76254
If the lore behind sylphs got any more dense it would turn into a black hole.
Reminds me of playing Amnesia.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76250
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76251
I don't know I find "blocks your path" funny. It's so dumb, it isn't even significant enough to be a memi, but I find myself saying it to myself in my mind sometimes when I see a fat person or some such and I have to contain my laughter.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76252>>76253
>Reminds me of playing Amnesia.
Pics spoilered for a reason
Night lad
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76253>>76255
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76254>>76261
>If the lore behind sylphs got any more dense it would turn into a black hole.
But shrinking a person wouldn't change their mass…
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76255>>76257
I thought there might be enemies that looked like disgusting fat people in that game. These certainly look like they would fit in one.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76256>>76262
Yes please keep doing this
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76257
I wonder if there are any models of the Headless Hamplanet. If so we could make a game about her.
▶ caacbd (27) No.76258
>not just writing a book about a race of people that are literally as dense as a neutron star
Also, considering cell reproduction at 50% D2O in the body leads to radiation sickness like poisoning and death, shrinking people to be really dense would just kill them.
▶ 23828b (12) No.76259
based old man with glasses
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76260
Not that it would be any better in Britain
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76261>>76263
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76262>>76266
>they're allowed to be so soft - innocent until proven innocent
I have no clue what this means. It's like it's written in English, but not.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76263
T-thanks, lass. Y-you too
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76264>>76267
*does a handstand*
night vanlad
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76265
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76266
It's just a nigger writing a blog as if it was news. Fucking hell.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76267>>76269
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76269
thanks lad, looks like I forgot to fix pepe's head though smh
▶ caacbd (27) No.76270>>76271 >>76273 >>76288
night tbh lads
hope you all have a good day tomorrow
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76271>>76277 >>76280 >>76285
Merkel looks so creepy
night lad
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76272>>76275
Sweet dreams, fellow men.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76273
same to you lad, night
▶ 73318d (6) No.76274>>76276
>tfw miss out on an entire thread full of drama
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76275
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76276>>76283
What drama? Religious drama? BOOOOOOOORING
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76277
May got a spot next to the big Don. Nice.
Maybe because we are one of the few that stuck to our NATO commitments.
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76278>>76281 >>76284
I know the lad's dead now but isn't that tweet true? ISIS's most numerous victims have been muslims that they consider heretics afaik
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76280
>Merkel is 5'5
She's so tiny.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76281
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76282
He did something alpha, took charge of a room of dithering world leaders, and so this feminist tries to prove she is bigger with a mean tweet.
It doesn't prove she is bigger though, because she is still fixated on him, and I doubt he cares about her at all.
▶ 01e73c (18) No.76284
Only because they mainly operate in Islamic countries. If they came here we would be their main victims. It's the old shit in the toilet vs kitchen metaphor.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76285>>76287
>trump doing pepe hand
smh it's too late…
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76286
tbh I wasn't following closely I hate drama. What are you referring to though, lad?
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76287
It's no longer fun and memis tbh
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76288
Thanks, lad
And thanks for the pics too
▶ 9be91a (5) No.76289>>76293
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Alt Right Leader Jack Donovan Caned by Indonesian Police
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76290
Not a real Muslim, brav.
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76291
He doesn't look that short.
▶ 23828b (12) No.76292
This girl is p brave if she's actually saying that stuff as a muslim. She'll have some mental third cousin who'll see this and take a knife to her house.
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76293
He's the queer one who runs those camps for young boys deep in the woods isn't he?
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76294>>76300
*comes back even though everyone has already said goodnight to me*
It's not for long though I promise
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76295
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76296>>76300
>not giving the all-powerful BO a (You)
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76297
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76298>>76299 >>76300
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76299>>76304
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76300>>76304
▶ 73318d (6) No.76301>>76306 >>76312
>ywn expose the real GCHQ agent of /newbrit/
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76302>>76306
smh don't fall for his tricks
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76304>>76308
The board is safe… for now
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76305>>76306 >>76308 >>76309 >>76311
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76306
>tfw I know who it is
ree tbh
▶ 23828b (12) No.76307
>There are people in this thread who think anyone but Christ can save us from the mess we're in
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76308
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76309
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76310
▶ 73318d (6) No.76311>>76314
*makes a note that 22st didn't tuck you in or kiss you goodnight*
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76312
It's me tbh.
Nah, it's not.
or is it?
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76313>>76315
>EU law prevents us from banning live exports for slaughter, and prevents us from labelling food that has been ritually killed as halal or shechita.
Wait, really? Fuck me I never knew this smh
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76314>>76316
No kissies for me no kissies for her tbh.
▶ 73318d (6) No.76315
>prevents us from labeling food that has been ritually killed as halal or schechita
▶ 73318d (6) No.76316>>76317
*makes note of the strained, and perhaps failing, relationship*
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76318
c'mere lad *wipes your tears*
What's wrong?
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76319>>76321 >>76323 >>76326
My brother is such a nigger smh. Less than one day into it just being us in the house and the sink is full of uncleaned bowls and plates such a cretin.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76321
wew. Guess you'll have to clean up after him
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76323>>76328
You should give him a piece of your mind tbh
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76324>>76327
Why are you angry, lad?
▶ 23828b (12) No.76325
I'm past being angry at things, just get depressed now
The blackpill reaches everyone in time
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76326>>76328
Break one over his head, lad.
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76327>>76329
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76328>>76330
I promised my parents I wouldn't get in fights with him anymore.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76329>>76332
▶ 5ce3a7 (30) No.76330>>76333 >>76335
Night lads
Then get them to tell him off and do their jobs as parents
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76331
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76332>>76336
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76333
I've done that before lad.
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76334>>76337
I wish I existed. Tbh, lads.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76336>>76338
ahhhh help me understand
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76337
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76340>>76345
Lad….. You seemed okay earlier today what happened
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76341>>76342
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76342>>76343
What's stopping you, lad?
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76343>>76344
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76344>>76347
Just do what Pinocchio did, lad. Rescue your father from the belly of the whale.
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76345>>76348
We started talking to eachother again, they said sorry for trying to hurt me, then they started acting weird and did some things that annoyed me, and something that pissed me off.
I want them to be happy lad but idk if I can do this.
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76346>>76349
Such a horrible situation to be in, I kinda blame myself for letting it get this far, but I didn't want to hurt them though.
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76347>>76349
I wish Jordan was my Dad.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76348>>76350
>We started talking to eachother again, they said sorry for trying to hurt me, then they started acting weird and did some things that annoyed me, and something that pissed me off.
They did it unintentionally?
>I want them to be happy lad but idk if I can do this.
Maybe take a break from them for a while and see how that makes you feel?
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76349>>76350
Yeah, lad
>Such a horrible situation to be in, I kinda blame myself for letting it get this far, but I didn't want to hurt them though.
So vague, lad.
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76350>>76351
>They did it unintentionally?
They knew what they were doing, and they knew I wouldn't like it.
>Maybe take a break from them for a while and see how that makes you feel?
I probably should tbh lad, I think I would feel fine about it but I would worry about them.
>So vague, lad.
I am a master of ambiguity tbh lad.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76351>>76353
>I probably should tbh lad, I think I would feel fine about it but I would worry about them.
Do something that keeps you occupied most of the day and away from the computer maybe? It's not like they'll hurt themselves just because you're away for a day or two, right? I assume this is somebody you talk to online anyway
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76352>>76353 >>76354
>Do something that keeps you occupied most of the day and away from the computer maybe?
That isn't really the problem lad.
>It's not like they'll hurt themselves just because you're away for a day or two, right?
They probably wouldn't do aything like that, but they get so upset when they don't get to spend time with me.
>I assume this is somebody you talk to online anyway
Yer lad, I know that it's silly that this is an internet thing, but I still don't want to hurt them.
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76353
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76354>>76355
>That isn't really the problem lad.
what is the problem, lad?
>Yer lad, I know that it's silly that this is an internet thing, but I still don't want to hurt them.
I understand, lad, it's only with people online I have an actual emotional connection tbh
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76355>>76356
>what is the problem, lad?
I don't want to hurt them. I care about them.
>I understand, lad, it's only with people online I have an actual emotional connection tbh
I feel you lad.
▶ 3c462b (76) No.76356>>76358
Time for bed. Night,lad
▶ a3da02 (2) No.76357>>76359 >>76360 >>76404
Watch your backs lambs, sealposters are being targeted
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76358
Night lad thanks for the talk.
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76360>>76361 >>76362
▶ a3da02 (2) No.76361>>76363
▶ 2cca79 (6) No.76365>>76366 >>76367
I liked that show tbh
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76366
It was a good show. Even the multiracial cast seemed appropriate, and not forced and annoying.
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76367>>76368
Same lad, same… Hope you're doing well lad.
▶ 2cca79 (6) No.76368>>76369
I'm doing so so, pretty angry about the attack and all. Job is OK as I have some nice people working for under me. I hope you are doing well too
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76369
Good lad, and thanks.
▶ 2cca79 (6) No.76371>>76372
▶ ae10c4 (23) No.76372
Thanks lad, you too when you go to sleep.
▶ 2cca79 (6) No.76373
Any of you want to play this new memi game?
▶ 416d3a (2) No.76374>>76375 >>76376
>everyone I know is going to vote labour
>everyone I know is preaching tolerance and love over doing something about Islam
>everyone I know are saying "keep calm and carry on"
I am legit going crazy
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76375>>76381
Just politely ask them how many more kids need to die before they stop keeping calm.
▶ 2cca79 (6) No.76376>>76381
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76377
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76378>>76379
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76380
You can sit in a booth all day and read books. It'll be nice, lad.
▶ 416d3a (2) No.76381
I'm more worried that labour is probably going to win and people will keep bending over after Islamic attacks. I can handle people spewing bullshit but not right after an attack where it plain as fucking day what really happened.
▶ e4d471 (7) No.76384
Morning lad hope you saw my retraction last night, welshposter set me straighter tbh
▶ e4d471 (7) No.76385>>76386
▶ bb8651 (9) No.76386
*posts normie memis*
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76387
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
>tfw no gf to go frog hunting with
Everyday I find a new feel to feel about
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76388>>76389 >>76402
how do i get rid of dust
i wake up every morning with a stuffy nose and i read dust causes that and can also cause you to wake up feeling unrested and with a headache which happens to me. mould ofc does the same thing so i wont be fully well until my whole room is sorted
but how do i get rid of dust? i wipe it away and it just settles again theres tons of it all the time i can see floating around in the air when the sun shines through my window
▶ 7fc3ce (2) No.76389
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76390>>76391
i dont know what that means
i have my window open all day and a fan blowing
▶ 7fc3ce (2) No.76391>>76393
Why'd you deny me my (you)?
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76393>>76394
had box open and was in it ready to type cba to click your post
>game of plebs
▶ 74f38f (11) No.76394
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76395>>76396 >>76402 >>76608
>fell asleep at my desk
>only got 4 hours sleep
>feel like shit
Saaaveee meeeee laaaaads
>he can wank into his gf to give her hafu daughters
No thanks, lad. I was only planning on this to be a temporary uni thing. I actually want a Jock waifu to impregnate
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76396
Fucking hell, second half of that was meant for >>76034
▶ 74f38f (11) No.76398>>76399
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Sorry, not sure why that posted again
▶ 74f38f (11) No.76399>>76400
Wtf it happened again!
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76401
she reminds me of elsa jean
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76402>>76403
Hoover. Open the windows.
>a kiltwog
>not the ultimate reflection of God's design that we know by the name "a chinky lass"
▶ 74f38f (11) No.76403>>76406
>Hover, open windows
What if he's on a Mac?
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76404
Those muslims will know the wrath of the beachmasters.
▶ 74f38f (11) No.76405>>76407
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76406
Macs can dualboot can't they?
>tfw too poor to own a Mac
Not that I particularly wanted one tbh, when I was at uni the computer room in my department was filled with Macs and it taught never to bother. They're supposed to be user friendly but something about them was really off, they felt so awkward and clunky to use. And the worst sin is that they used the yank keyboard layout instead of the UK one, but that may just have been my department's IT guys being shit.
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76407>>76408
How much more privacy to we have to give up for this this to stop happening? Maybe we should ban passwords?
▶ 74f38f (11) No.76408
Nothing to fear, nothing to hide.
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76409>>76410
▶ bb8651 (9) No.76410>>76412
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76412
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76415
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76416
▶ e748d9 (2) No.76417>>76418
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76418>>76421 >>76425
Is it good, or will I want to throttle them?
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76419
Um but that's the fault of white people not welcoming them into their society?
▶ e748d9 (2) No.76421>>76422
If you understand Traditionalism you'll like it.
If you're an autistic Christcuck, with a brain that runs on a Jewish operating system, you'll hate it.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76422
Are you still here?
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76423
Based conservative woman tbh
>Laura Perrins
>Laurie Penny
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76424>>76426
>Coke can spells colour correctly
I wonder if it's the same on American cans?
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76425
STJ is a good YouTuber and not an autistic weirdo murderer like Varg. However this girl is annoying and a bad interviewer. She always seems really nervous and it is distracting.
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76426>>76427
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76427>>76428
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76428>>76429
I've been up all night.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76429>>76432
Bomb Parliament ===HAHAHA JUST JOKING GCHQ==
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76430>>76431
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76431>>76433
Are you a real person yet?
▶ 00b423 (24) No.76432>>76434
Suicide bombing a bunch of children is the lowest form of terror lad
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76433
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76434
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76435>>76436
>ywn be a thicc king and hunt some boar
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76437>>76439 >>76440
Don't probe and assimilate me, lad. I am not that thicc, I swear.
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76438>>76441
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76440>>76443
*snuggles into your layers of thicc*
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76441
Lad careful with the Bum Bum King around
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76442>>76444
*swats at you but but you're out of reach*
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76443
w-wew. Is it cold today, lass? *evelopes you in my thicc fat rolls*
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76444
*flees just in case*
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76445
>All these sexy soldiers on the streets
Can't handle it tbh, hope they go topless in the street smh
▶ f1ad85 (2) No.76446>>76447
*peers in*
Alright laddos, is there a filum tonight?
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76447>>76448 >>76449
Hey lad. Starting with the Deal, then Robocop.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76448>>76451
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
*spoils film night*
▶ f1ad85 (2) No.76449>>76450 >>76453
Neat. See you lads then.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76450
Billy Rainbow will see you lass x
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76452
Billy Rainbow aggressively kisses you all x
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76453
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76454
Billy Rainbow is now aroused
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76457>>76459
not you too rooooooooo
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76458
Billy Rainbow goes for a poo
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76460
>tfw we became colonised from within
▶ bb20e4 (9) No.76461>>76462 >>76463
>tfw the lasses of /newbrit/ are being even more gay than usual
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76462>>76467
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76463>>76467
Billy Rainbow gays you up
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76464>>76466
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76465>>76468 >>76470
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Mass production of Kimchi in North Korea
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76466>>76469 >>76476
▶ bb20e4 (9) No.76467>>76471
The very next post
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76468
How can capitalists compete?
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76470>>76476
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76471
Billy Rainbow wonders why you are calling him gay after you tried to kiss him last night
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76472>>76474
Top kek the way he stands and asserts his dominance after doing it
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76473>>76475
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76474
Billy Rainbow would thump him really hard on the head if he did that to him
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76475>>76478
Are you farting again?
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76476
how could we ever doubt are GOD-EMPEROR?!
good lad
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76477
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Billy Rainbow can't help but laugh at this
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76478>>76484
can help with dust and mould though
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76480>>76483
and it does help with smells too and my room stinks because i have an old smelly carpet that reeks
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76481>>76486
>Two years after "Mattress Performance," Emma Sulkowicz continues to provoke. Her most recent piece,
>in which she was bound, berated, and hung from the ceiling, tackles the question of the value of art under the Trump administration.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76482
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76483>>76487
Stop dripping on your carpet lad. I ruined one like that.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76484>>76487
wew. It wasn't black mould, was it? Why don't you do something with the mould anyway?
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76486>>76494
Is that mattress girl? She's just mad as fuck that she didn't get to ruin that guy's life, isn't she?
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76487>>76494
its ruined ages ago
black mould
mummy is supposed to get it fixed and paint my walls and put laminate flooring down and get me a new bed and all that soon
▶ bb20e4 (9) No.76488>>76489 >>76493 >>76495
>ywn unironically fuck a liberal beta leftist in the ass
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76490
1. Because you are disbelievers
>"We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah -- whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices."
2 . Because you are liberal
>"We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because you Christian disbelief and paganism 32 separate between religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power."
3. Because some of you are atheist
>"In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator."
4. For your crimes against Islam
>"We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion."
5. For your crimes against Muslims
>"We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth."
6. For invading our lands
>"We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out. As long as there is an inch of territory left for us to reclaim, jihad will continue to be a personal obligation on every single Muslim."
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76491
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76492>>76502
I sure wish binposter was here. I hope he'll be here for film night.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76493
Billy Rainbow begins to think you are a homosexual
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76494
It better happen soon. Fucking hell
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76495>>76501
>tfw I will never double-team a beta leftists with you
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76496
golden one was always fine with christianity and varg has unsubbed him and encouraged others to do the same and claims its because of go view on christianity but that was always there and did not change. what did change is golden one disagreed with varg and its obvious that is what is driving it.
and yet ppl still make excuses for this its fuckign amazing how brainwashed ppl can be
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76497>>76499
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76499>>76500
>Charlotte Campbell, 36, and partner Paul Hodgson
>Not married
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76500
Billy Rainbow despises this word. He thinks it so cold and unemotional. Fitting really considering the two don't have the willy to get married.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76502
I'm sure he'll find his way lad, the call of film friday goes far and wide
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76503>>76509 >>76512
Leave the nips alone for fuck's sake
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76505
glad he died tbh
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76506
Billy Rainbow laughs at this so hard he evacuates his bowels
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76507>>76511
Billy Rainbow wonders why a woman who dances on a pole simulating the phallus is surprised she gets treated like a cheap whore.
▶ bb20e4 (9) No.76508>>76511
The more I learn about this Ariane Grande and her fans, the less tragic the Manc explosion seems.
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76509
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76510>>76511
They never would. They need someone to produce kids for them to molest.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76511>>76513
God why would people want to watch that?
Children tbh
Can't wait for artificial wombs I bet
▶ bb20e4 (9) No.76512
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76514>>76515 >>76516
going to have a lie down on top of the ambulance tbh
▶ bb20e4 (9) No.76515>>76559
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76516
Sounds comfy, lass
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76517>>76518
▶ 42e1f1 (27) No.76518
>I don't sexualise myself. You sexualise me by having eyes
Flawless women logic.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76520
Look at his flag, lad
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76521>>76522
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76524>>76525
Billy Rainbow thinks she looks better on the left
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76525>>76529
Neo thinks Billy Rainbow is a nonce.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76526>>76527
smh she grew up to have a horse face.
Did you die, lass?
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76527>>76528
Why would I die lad?
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76528>>76541
Thought I choked you
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76529
Billy Rainbow is a nonce
Billy Rainbow loves being in Hollywood
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76530>>76531 >>76533
Billy Rainbow wish he could make little girls feel like this
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76531>>76533
Billy Rainbow also thinks it's disgusting to take little lasses hunting
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76532>>76534 >>76540
*shoots you for avoiding eye contact*
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76533>>76537
Stop it, lad.
▶ e4d471 (7) No.76534>>76535 >>76542
*scowls more heavily at every foreigner*
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76535>>76539
They'll shoot you in self defence for that as well, lad. How are you?
▶ 0ca436 (7) No.76536>>76541
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76537>>76543
Billy Rainbow didn't stop after the crimes he committed in Britain's BBC studios and will not stop now
Billy Rainbow believes that little girls should be taught to nurture not slay
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76538>>76544
I get embarrassed on Canada's behalf tbh. Fucking hell.
▶ e4d471 (7) No.76539>>76547
Looks like its time to duel every negro I meet. En garde monkeys!
Im alright ta lad, melting again today, still on the same job. How are you?
▶ a5d781 (36) No.76540
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76541>>76549
No I'm okay lad.
▶ bb8651 (9) No.76542>>76546
*spits at their backs after they've passed by*
any news on the weekend?
I can get to Portsmouth and back for less than £30
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76543>>76545
Unlike the BBC we're not pro noncery though
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76544
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Billy Rainbow remembers this
Billy Rainbow would love those socks smh
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76545
Like the constabulary you cannot stop Billly Rainbow and his wondering hands
▶ e4d471 (7) No.76546>>76550
That isnt bad at all lad. Ive had a few messages that ill check after work, bear with me tbh.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76547>>76551
Just being lazy tbh. Have prepared what needs to be prepared for film night.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76548
Billy Rainbow resumes his strength training
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76549>>76564
Any less despondent today?
▶ bb8651 (9) No.76550
s'all good, got to go out into the melting asphalt for the afternoon anyway
▶ e4d471 (7) No.76551>>76555
>being lazy
You lucky fucker, ive been essentially NEET for a month, now Im back to 7 days work a week.
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76552>>76555
>tfw no aryan traditionalist gf like lauren southern pictured here
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76555
> 7 days work a week.
Fucking hell, lad. At least your making money you can drink away.
Where did the wheat field go?
▶ bb8651 (9) No.76556>>76558 >>76562
aaa the ladybugs are back and making a colony outside my window
at least they are a benign insect
gets annoying throwing them out repeatedly though smh
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76557
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76558
Billy Rainbow advises you to be nice to ladies
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76559>>76561 >>76563 >>76566
>not having a decommissioned ambulance in the back garden
wew lad
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76560
Billy Rainbow engages in esoteric occult paedo practices for the loli goddess Amatsu
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76561>>76577
Billy Rainbow formulates the idea to use such a machine to kidnap injured children
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76562>>76565
They can bite, lad
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76563>>76577
How do you get on top of it?
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76564>>76568
Not really, I've barely done anything all day. I got out of bed early and did absolutely nothing.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76565
Billy Rainbow is about to make a humorous remark:
>Imagine being the only lady bird without spots
>All the other lady birds bully you
>Sacrifice you in strange esoteric occult paedo practices to the lady bird loli goddess Bernard the Wise
▶ e4d471 (7) No.76566>>76577
I do like the thought of having an ambulance tbh.
>Six men have been jailed after smuggling "truly colossal" quantities of drugs from Holland to the UK in fake ambulances.
>Cocaine, heroin and ecstasy were all involved, Birmingham Crown Court heard.
>The drugs were sealed behind riveted panels inside a fleet of Dutch ambulances entering UK ferry ports with bogus patients and paramedics on board.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76567
Billy Rainbow remarks that he is only 4'2" tall
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76568>>76572
And the lawn is already mowed… what to do. Get pumped and exert yourself with exercise. At least you'll feel like you've done something
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76570>>76571 >>76573
How can thinbois compete?
▶ 0ca436 (7) No.76571
Plot twist. The "boy" is the one on the right.
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76572>>76574 >>76575
All right, I'll go work up a good sweat before lunch.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76573
Billy rainbow wonders how ugly pointy nosed white men can compete
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76574>>76576
Billy Rainbow rests his hand on your knee and says he can help you with that
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76575
me too tbh. Looking to get some equipment I can use at home, Right now I'm just jogging and doing some body weight exercises.
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76576>>76578
Neo politely declines Billy Rainbow's offer.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76577>>76578
Pembs thinks they'll call the police
step ladder lad. it was so hot I was scared I'd get burned lol
top kek, I mean who stop and searches an ambulance right? it's pretty comfy and has been converted into a room a bit like yours
Post last edited at
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76578>>76585
Billy Rainbows sweaty palms run up your leg as you squirm in fear but his manager comes into the green room and tells him it is time to go on and perfom.
Billy Rainbow laughs at Pembs naivety for Billy Rainbow holds the position of honourary keeper of the peace and is a close friend of the commisioner
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76579
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Billy Rainbow determines that he will watch a documentary
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76580>>76584
>If you want to honour your Pagan ancestors you should be a Roman Catholic - Survive The Jive
top kek
Pagans BTFO
▶ 0ca436 (7) No.76581>>76587
Bully Rainbow is a closeted homosexual that vents his perverted ideas on image boards while also LARPing as a Christcuck.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76583>>76588
I'm sure if I keep doing these exercises I'll end up looking like those bodies at the top
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76584
But I'm against fiddling little boys smh
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76585>>76587
ahh who can put an end to Billy's rampage
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76586>>76588 >>76589
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
I was wrong, I am sorry.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76587
Billy Rainbow wonders where you got the impression that he is any sort of Christian for he is an acolyte of the lotus cult
Billy Rainbow is part of the establishment and even when the British police nearly arrested him in '86 went to America to forge a successful career which also allowed him to bee himself
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76588>>76590
I want to do Supermans all day.
Golden One stands triumphant.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76589>>76590
thanks lad
I never thought he'd apologise for something tbh
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76590>>76593
>thanks lad
You're welcome, lass
>I never thought he'd apologise for something tbh
Me neither. Haven't watched it yet so we'll see.
>I want to do Supermans all day.
Wew, really? Everyone I've ever known has hated that exercise.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76591>>76594
Billy Rainbow takes out his huge throbbing willy and just stands there as though nothing is going on whilst everyone gets uncomfortable
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76593>>76603
It just looks funny.
▶ 0ca436 (7) No.76594>>76596 >>76606
Observe the "moral" mind of a Christian.
This is what happens to European minds when they run Jewish operating systems.
▶ 0ca436 (7) No.76595
I agree. We have 3500 jihadis running free, we should just disappear them.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76596>>76597
Billy Rainbow reminds you that he hates Christianity as head of the San Franciscan and Los Angeles lotus cult. In Britain you may call me a Druid!
▶ 0ca436 (7) No.76597>>76598
Nope, you're a Christian, which is why you're such a freak.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76598>>76601
Billy Rainbow wonders why you are so insistent he is a Christian?
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76599
>non-blonde and non-red hair genes were completely removed from the gene pool by natural selection
varg here is claiming that having darker hair in europe is such a huge disadvantage that with time it was completely removed so that not one of the natives had dark hair
just dumb tbh
▶ 3026cc (2) No.76601>>76602 >>76604
Yesterday you were promoting Christianity and touting the moral superiority of Christians, today you are annoying everyone with your usually seedy sexualised behaviour.
Typical Christcuck, say one thing, do another. Very Jewish.
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76602>>76605
>annoying everyone
No just you.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76603
>It just looks funny.
it's not roooo
>leg curls
Looks painful. I'll always be a push-ups lad
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76604
Billy Rainbow wonders how I could have been here yesterday when my first postings have been today. Although I do love my jewish friends for they often ask to be initiated into the lotus cult. Would you like to be initiated lad?
▶ 3026cc (2) No.76605>>76611
>just you
Neo has also expressed dismay at this new "comedy" persona.
▶ b6f5a4 (1) No.76606
"Thou shalt engage in sodomy to please the most merciful gods" - The Pagan Bible, Vikings Verse 4
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76607
Billy Rainbow wonders what is wrong with his fellow pagans who also worship a paodophilic culture something the lotus cult recognisesOften we have toga parties where we chase little boysWe call it the egg hunt kek
▶ 52fe79 (3) No.76608>>76609 >>76610
lads you need a thread soonish
> I was only planning on this to be a temporary uni thing.
imperiumposter will have a breakdown
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76609>>76613
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76610>>76613
▶ 0b6c7f (28) No.76611
>2 people is everyone
See how he twists words like this. "Everyone" yeah right. Typical cum drinking Pagan.
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76612
UK bomber said to have pleaded 'Forgive me' before blast
>The suspect in the deadly Manchester concert bombing was driven by what he saw as unjust treatment of Arabs in Britain, a relative said Thursday, confirming he made a final phone call in which he pleaded: "Forgive me."
>Salman Abedi was particularly upset by the killing last year of a Muslim friend whose death he believed went unnoticed by "infidels" in the U.K., said the relative, speaking on condition of anonymity over concerns for her own security.
>"Why was there no outrage for the killing of an Arab and a Muslim in such a cruel way?" she asked. "Rage was the main reason," for the blast that killed 22 at the end of an Ariana Grande concert at Manchester Arena on Monday, she said, speaking by telephone from Libya.
▶ 52fe79 (3) No.76613>>76615 >>76641
ey pal how are you
So you want to be a taig forever? Maybe we should get your Lincolnshire flag? Or do you want some other individual flag?
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76615>>76616 >>76618 >>76620
>ey pal how are you
Alright. Thinking of doing a run in my cute shorts soon. You?
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76616>>76617
Billy Rainbow is aroused by this
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76617>>76619
Hyaaaaaa~! hentai! *slaps you*
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76619
This only arouses Billy Rainbow's passions further
▶ 52fe79 (3) No.76620>>76626
Great stuff, I might bicycle after lunch.
I was really hyped for it as I was starving the whole day because I ate nothing but now that I'm home I can't think of anything I want to eat.
▶ ecfb0c (43) No.76621>>76625
>2 weeks ago Corbyn to win was 14/1
>It's now 3/1
slightly worried tbh
▶ 9895c3 (28) No.76624
New thread.
▶ be9ac8 (60) No.76625
Billy Rainbow anticipates a glorious return to his home country if this happens
▶ 4ae9a2 (56) No.76626
Thanks, lass. *gives my bum a slap*
Should get my bike out again too tbh.
>because I ate nothing
Wew, lass. Can't you bring something with you from home so this doesn't happen?
> but now that I'm home I can't think of anything I want to eat.
Has the hunger subsided?
▶ 9c1f6a (19) No.76641
I don't mind tbh, but yeah, a Lincs flag would be based of you. (Even if I actually hate the flag and think that the Lincolnshire coat of arms would make a much better flag)
>tfw the Yanks are not only culturally apropriating the names of our towns, but their flags as well
smh, get your own flags