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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1442006186090.png (1.06 MB,1024x768,4:3,VV Uni.png)

7bde94 No.918

Dump thread for any mods (made here or otherwise) that have Neps in them for games NOT made by Compile Heart/IFI.

I'll start.

Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri:


Made by an 8/nep/ anon, this contains four fully featured SMAC factions, in the form of the nations of Planeptune, Lastation, Leanbox, and Lowee.


1) Have a copy of Alpha Centauri with Alien Crossfire.

2) Extract the contents of the mod into your main game directory. Make sure the MP3s go into the Voices folder.

2) Open "alphax.txt" in the main game directory with any old text editor.


4) Just under that part, copypasta the following:

neptune, neptune

noire, noire

vert, vert

blanc, blanc

5) Save the file; might wanna back it up first just in case something screws up.

6) Start Alpha Centauri w/ Alien Crossfire.

7) Play normally from there. Have fun with your Nep!

Civilization 5 Mods

Uni, Nepgear, Blanc, and Vert by Vice Virtuoso

(Neptune coming soon)


REQUIRES BRAVE NEW WORLD but Civ 5 sucks shit without BNW so of course you have that by now, right?


Neptune, Noire, Vert, and world maps by Mogarane


I don't know if they require BNW but again why are you playing Civ 5 without it?

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7bde94 No.1097

Long time since I've been able to work on these. Just finished a soundtrack mod for the Civ 5 Neps. Works with both mine and mogarane's versions.


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7bde94 No.1438


Fallout NV mod that turns all the securitron faces into Nep

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7bde94 No.1439

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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7bde94 No.1532

>this gets an article in Siliconera

Well now everyone knows nothing beats Civ V with the Brave New World Expansion Pack

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7bde94 No.1534


The voices are in English, just a heads up

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7bde94 No.3183

File: 1463279464624.jpg (278.72 KB,1680x1050,8:5,682806037_preview_20160514….jpg)

Apparently there's new non-Neptunia nepping occurring. Specifically for Stellaris.


Anyway this seems like a good thing to possibly sticky up here in case anyone has more content they'd like to add here. I know Vice did some more Neptunia civs but he's taken a break from the series since Plutia.

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7bde94 No.3187


Hahaha oh wow.

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7bde94 No.3587

Fix e0001 by my command.

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7bde94 No.3604

anonfiles seems to be down so i reuploaded the nep centauri mod to mediafire


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7bde94 No.3635


Thanks anon.

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70e99e No.4518

File: 181b91cb8aec5cf⋯.jpg (56.85 KB,504x254,252:127,please get back to work ne….jpg)

>rezzing the thread gave all the posts the same ID

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