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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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ef7de8 No.740

Gonna keep up a thread of the translations I've been making for the Neptunia threads on /v/.

Megami Tsuushin Volume 3 Chapter 1:


Neptune has to take care of some baby-fied Candidates.

Megami Tsuushin Volume 3 Chapter 9:


Neptune and Gust hatch a master plan to get a fuckton of chocolate.

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ef7de8 No.741

Updated Megami Tsuushin Volume 3 Chapter 9 link:


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ef7de8 No.742

File: 1440017610691.jpg (778.57 KB,1100x1320,5:6,52077652_p1.jpg)

Thanks for the translations, you glorious motherfucker.

Can't thank you enough for doing V3Ch9, again.

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ef7de8 No.769

Thanks man!

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ef7de8 No.772

Wow - well done! Thanks!

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ef7de8 No.924

These are the translations for the VII bonus disks that I've been working on. Since this thread is the closest thing there is to a general translation thread, I hope you don't mind if I use this thread as an archive.

Who knows, it might bring some more life to this place.

Uzume: http://pastebin.com/Drp0pL1b

Blanc: http://pastebin.com/HzDw23JG

Vert: http://pastebin.com/etAcmnSB

Noire: Coming soon

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ef7de8 No.925

File: 1442032251791.png (66.77 KB,296x287,296:287,what.png)



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ef7de8 No.928




Glad you enjoyed.


Go for it. I most likely won't be able to translate anything else for the next month or so anyway.

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ef7de8 No.1222


Ah, right, I totally forgot about this.

Noire: http://pastebin.com/0WZrViGv

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ef7de8 No.3594

One of these days a pastebin of the remaining untranslated stuff should get posted. I think we could do it.

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824ff7 No.6000

Not accessible? Unacceptable.

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