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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

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7aa94d No.5234

Asked a question about this specific spinoff in the nep threads but I figured why not have a full thread about them

How are the spinoff games in the nep series? Which do you enjoy the most? Which were actually done well?

Were there any that's translations were particularly fucked?

Any you're playing now? How are they?

I'm considering checking out Superdimension Neptune Sega Hard girls but I've heard some mixed things about it.

Producing Perfection sounds like a comfy experience, though I've never played an idol/dating sim game except maybe huniepop kinda

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e48c92 No.5235


>How are the spinoff games in the nep series?

These are rather mediocre.

>Which do you enjoy the most?

I only played Hyperdevotion Noire and 4GO, so I can't say until I try them all.

>Were there any that's translations were particularly fucked?

Not really, but some things in HN were slightly weird.

<Some scenes were weird

<Secondary characters that only show up for this game

>Any you're playing now?

I plan to continue 4GO after I finish VII.

>How are they?


Singleplayer MMO game. Not bad, if you enjoy that kind of games.



Late game stages and grinding Lily ranks feels like chore.

Especially latter when number of lily ranks increased from 8 to 100 points.

Majority of game went into VN elements, TRPG elements feel a little bland and game overall is only recommended for Noire fans.

>What spinoff game I want to see?

Some games that has Blanc or Vert as MC.

Blanc would work for any Mosou-like/Beat-them-up game.

Vert would work in some Princess maker-like game.

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98fffa No.5240

>Action U

Decent Senran Kagura clone. I've been grinding up levels in the Neptral Tower and when I get more time I plan to finish the final chapter. Game is sort of boring gameplay wise and I only play it because it's Neptunia related. Translation is okay, I guess? It does have some of the weird translation that in Rebirth 3 (Nep Jr….).


Don't play this often since it isn't buttery smooth on my integrated graphics. Seems fine, I do like it since it's all about Noire. The chibi versions of the characters are really cute.

I haven't played Sega Hard Girls, and I don't have a Vita to get PP but I might end up getting one just to play it. Vitas are pretty damn cheap now.

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7c6124 No.5244

Hyperdevotion Noire:

The supposed self-insert character felt unneeded. As for the game, it's alright, a very simple SRPG, tons of characters that will never EVER be referenced again.

Cyberdimension Neptunia:

Pretty fun hack and slash, albeit very repetitive. Enjoyable if you don't mind how repetitive it is. The multiplayer is godawful in its legendarily bad netcode. I never realized netcode could be that bad.

MegaTagmension Blanc:

Same as Cyberdimension Neptunia, although technically this one came first, and has actually better multiplayer, though your mileage will always vary. Tried playing with people and things went alright.

Hyperdimension Neptunia U:

If you really enjoy button mashing and repetitiveness for hours and seeing your Neps' clothes get torn apart, then this game is a champ.

Superdimension Neptune VS Sega Hard Girls:

The game where IF is actually viable for end game parties.

If Producing Perfection somehow made it to the PC, I'll probably get it as well.

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69beda No.5303

File: b42a4b36a37958f⋯.jpg (263.59 KB,2000x1372,500:343,fanart_96.jpg)

Producing Perfection: Dunno, don't have a Vita. I think having a non-combat game is interesting though and the music isn't bad either from what I've heard.

Hyperdevotion Noire: The game itself is alright; it's fun but a bit grindy if you want to really win it (to the point where I've sort of dropped it for now, even though I was having some fun). The PC port is garbage however, resolution options don't work and its locked at 30FPS for no reason. Vita version might be a $10-20 value all things being equal on a tech basis, PC is only $5 if that.

Neptunia U: It's a fun pickup action RPG style game but very simple, and short. Not nearly as bad as Noire's game technically but doesn't have enough meat to it to justify picking it up for anything more than $5. Netcode is questionable too.

MegaTagmension Blanc: Basically Nep U on steroids. Runs better than Nep U and has like 5x the content and quite a bit more in the strategy and character selection department, while still overall being a simple game. Decent storyline for what it is. Overall I recommend it, at a $10 level since the netcode while better is still a bit iffy.

Cyberdimension Neptunia: Currently in the middle of this one but this is really a full game even in comparison to Blanc's game, let alone Nep U. The netcode is worse than Blanc's though, but the single player is so strong I suggest a $10-20 value, right up there with the Rebirths and VII.

Sega Hard Girls: I actually have this but have not gotten around to it yet. Need to fix that, but first I need to finish 4GO.

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