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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1411089490250.jpg (138.01 KB,1280x853,1280:853,1406227789349.jpg)

8dbbe4 No.5

Claiming the first character-specific thread in the name of the best goddess: Blanc.
Ram and Rom welcome too but Thunder Tits is not.
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8dbbe4 No.19

File: 1411097278944.png (255.33 KB,330x469,330:469,1408867886040.png)

>but Thunder Tits is not.
Not nice
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8dbbe4 No.24

File: 1411099177949.png (1.38 MB,1496x744,187:93,Reading.png)

Praise White Heart
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8dbbe4 No.28

File: 1411156217533.jpg (453.12 KB,640x905,128:181,1371284888374.jpg)

Best goddess perfect waifu
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8dbbe4 No.40

File: 1411238418882.webm (2.73 MB,640x360,16:9,Welcome to Lowee.webm)

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8dbbe4 No.41

Lowee turned 125 years old today. Thanks, Blanc!
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1e2348 No.5982

Owner "repair thread" post.

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