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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 49336bd018c8e04⋯.png (239.86 KB,986x810,493:405,4fe90b5cbbf65812bdc9fa1b40….png)

017414 No.4648

This is a joke right? Stop it. You've been doing this for far too long.

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340371 No.4656

File: 14890878ed7a0ac⋯.png (97.34 KB,570x570,1:1,1458837434221.png)

Considering we've been "doing this for far too long", wouldn't the joke be to actually stop and to make of all this time a joke ?

Also… Stopping it, but stopping what ?

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a5b360 No.4659

File: 7290bbdac42e530⋯.png (200.2 KB,277x334,277:334,1457313520435-1.png)

Why should we stop it?

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015a7a No.4679

File: d3f0bfe0bef4f19⋯.jpg (18.97 KB,337x311,337:311,mfw.jpg)

>This is a joke right? Stop it. You've been doing this for far too long.

>saying this when >>>/homosuck/ exists

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bd0d70 No.4708


Looks like somenep hasn't heard of >>>/underground/

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