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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: e32093c9736d96f⋯.jpg (145.95 KB,1280x720,16:9,discord-logo.jpg)

a63bdb No.4587

Alright /nep/fags, we're recruiting for a little Neptunia-based Discord server we've made. We're not massive in size yet, so we're ready for any contributions you'd wish to make to our discussions.


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8d2fae No.4589

We already have a bunker organized, if you seen our /v/ thread (which you may or may not choose to investigate). It's in a good position, so I don't think anyone who uses it is likely to move. Just ask for an invite there if you want to check that out.

EDIT: Or you could ask here as well now that I think about it…

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a5ffe2 No.4591

File: 6587411c49f157b⋯.jpg (80.11 KB,315x263,315:263,1461713421215.jpg)

The /nep/ community on this chan already has a Discord.

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8d2fae No.4592


Among other things, to be fair, but yeah.

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064c63 No.4641

Please don't use Discord, not only do they record everything you say and post and have full right over all that information (check their Privacy Policy, seriously), they also are loli-hating faggots.

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63784f No.4751

File: a753a511e0d413f⋯.webm (5.37 MB,1280x720,16:9,discord1.webm)

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