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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 7147694ae92fe15⋯.gif (161.26 KB,785x438,785:438,goodnightsweetnep.gif)

c7c227 No.4570

I mean, c'mon, 4GO released one month ago, why aren't we talking about it?

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ed988e No.4575

It needs to be on PC first

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c008f2 No.4593

Most the people here play 4GO on PC. And there's also the fact that there is the /v/ thread, too, which is very convenient to post in.

That said, I've played 4GO as an English alpha/early beta and it was fine. If you don't get over aggressive and have the right party mix you don't have to worry too much from what I've seen. I like the artstyle too, definitely want to see it in action with all the assets finalized.

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2e3ff2 No.4600


Because you're not posting in the best thread in ages.


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4fdd0f No.4614



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0c7a4e No.4642


Because you cant nep neps in a hurry!

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a145aa No.4658

Why isn't this board as big as Senran?

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f1bdeb No.4662


/senran/ has, I think, developed from a 4/vg/ retort and some 8/v/ threads that were half-chased off the board. The Neptunia threads get a pass because as one of the few renmants of better times they've basically always been there and /nep/ is just a bunker/retranslation board.

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0c7a4e No.4664

Neps must be loved slowly and tenderly

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b6acfc No.4667



Don't beat your neps!

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c008f2 No.4676

File: 5a3655d9a494b0b⋯.png (200.31 KB,439x621,439:621,big grill 4u.png)


Do not listen to this anon.

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37800a No.4702


/senran/ slowed down considerably in the past year. I hope it comes back like /nep/ has someday

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