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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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fe3ae7 No.4263 [View All]

Chapter One: >>3738

TL;DR from last thread: you escape school, wanted to become guild agent, lot of shit happening, including Overlord Momus, end up in a prison like thing for sex slaves, escape with a girl and her ex, back at Compa's apartment, now as a (pretty much) official guild agent, time to wrap this mess up. Also, Neptune is MIA.

Chapter Two

After finishing the breakfast, you start to aimlessly wander around in the house, until you meet Histoire.

"Oh, did you finish your breakfast already? The girl and the boy you rescued, they woke up in the meantime and currently they're in the bathroom."

"They're?" you wanted to ask, but realizing it's probably better to not meddle in, you just keep quiet.

"Anyway, we should move to the living room, the others will arrive shortly."

In the living room you find IF and Compa. Apparently IF is still upset, as Compa tries to reassure her. However, as she notices you, she quickly runs toward you, jumping into a hug, almost knocking you over.

"Anon, I'm so glad you're back alive desu! I was afraid I'll never see you again, that you died in an unknown place and…"

Your vision is completely filled with the soft sweater of the nurse. "I'm happy too, just don't squeeze me so hard, you're going to suffocate me!" You try to voice your disagreement, but the sweater completely muffles you. You almost prepare to die in the hands of Compa when she finally releases you.

"Oh, Histy didn't let me bandage you after the last time… But are you sure you're okay? I can check you to make sure…"

"I'm fine, it's only a few small scratches, don't worry" you stop Compa before she mummifies your precious parts again.

During this chit-chat, you almost completely forgot about IF. She's still sitting at the same place, motionlessly staring in front of her.

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f5a2ae No.4924


"*Sigh* … It's been a day."

"You should have been here, you wouldn't complain. I hope you've come to take these two guys away, I don't know if I can put up with them even a second, they're getting on my nerves. Uni pretty much escaped the Basilicom and now I'm alone with them."

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f5a2ae No.4925


Oh crap, your answer just appeared as I posted my reply.

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2acdb3 No.4926


All good

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2acdb3 No.4927


Have we met Uni?

What exactly have they been doing? Also as a quick report to what happened, we have 3 injured captives, courtesy of Blanc, all 3 are currently hospitalized, don't feel sorry for them, not after what they did to IF.

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f95f16 No.4928

I think we have

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f5a2ae No.4929


"What exactly have they been doing? Also as a quick report to what happened, we have 3 injured captives, courtesy of Blanc, all 3 are currently hospitalized, don't feel sorry for them, not after what they did to IF."

"After what they did to IF… did I miss something? Also, about Yumi and Taro, they closed themselves into their room, they're constantly making weird noises, and when they stop Yumi appears to collect parts to some weird devices. I have no idea what they are doing, I opened the door once, and now I don't want to go near their room again."

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2acdb3 No.4930


…Weird parts? This could either be just some really weird kinks and fetishes or we're being spied on. Regarding IF… things did happen. I'm just glad she doesn't seem to remember it.

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f5a2ae No.4931


"…Weird parts? This could either be just some really weird kinks and fetishes or we're being spied on. Regarding IF… things did happen. I'm just glad she doesn't seem to remember it."

"Spying? I don't think they're used for that but…" Noire suddenly stops speaking.

You look behind, IF returned with Yumi. She's now wearing some black, latex-like dress. The skirt part is very short, it just covers her crotch. Just add a whip, and she would make a perfect dominatrix. Ugh…

"Where's Taro?" Noire asks.

"He's… well, he's not available right now."

"What's that even supposed to mean? … On a second thought, it is probably for the best if I don't know about it. How long do I have to put up with them?"

"Planeptune is still too dangerous, as today's events illustrate it. Lowee is out of question, Blanc would hospitalize them in a few minutes."

"Then what about Leanbox? They would perfectly fit into Vert's Basilicom with all that paintings of naked men and the other weird stuff."

"That's why… oh, look."

You both look at Yumi, who's on the edge of tears.

"A-Am I really that bad kind of person?!"

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2acdb3 No.4932


Yumi, what kind of get-up is that? What exactly have you two been doing here?

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f5a2ae No.4933


"Yumi, what kind of get-up is that? What exactly have you two been doing here?"

"Why, is there something wrong with it? We were just having some fun, and it matched the theme, but apparently fun police didn't like it."

"Fun police?!" Noire replies in an annoyed voice. "This is not…"

"Hey, you both calm down!" IF tries to prevent the upcoming disaster. "We have more important issues right now… I know, Yumi, Anon, let's go to that room, we don't want to bother Noire anymore."

"Yeah, thank you for being so generous to let me work in my own Basilicom."

You walk to a nearby room, and close the door behind you.

"*Sigh*, Noire is really pissed. I'll have to figure out something about this… but before that, Anon, I'll have to ask something. It won't be easy, especially for me, but please describe as accurately as possible everything that happened after you found me. In what state did you found me, did you notice anything unusual, how did I end up in Compa's house, what did I do during the trip and… ugh…" She starts to blush. "Yes, even what happened in the bathroom. Yumi spent a lot of time with these monsters, maybe she'll figure out something we couldn't."

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f95f16 No.4934

"Well when I first found her she was semi-conscious after being kidnaped by some people who took her away in a van. After I freed her hands from where she was cuffed she clung to me. After some minor inspection she was … most likely violated, orally, or they just had fun looking at her body after they stripped her. We took IF back to Compa's house after Compa came up with her car. There Compa looked her over, I closed my eyes to respect IF's privacy. Compa said they didn't do anything noticeable to basic examination, and recommended IF should get a bath and some sleep. I asked if it's possible they used drugs on her so Compa took a blood sample we are still waiting for the results for. After that I helped Compa bring IF to the bathroom to bathe her. Compa left bathing IF to me and I washed IF. It was not till after I put IF in the bathtub that she let go of me, but since I did not want to risk her drowning I stayed with her to make sure she didn't drown. That was when she woke up … and got understandably mad at me for doing things to her unconscious body."

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2acdb3 No.4935

File: e01a8951dc3ca01⋯.jpg (331.39 KB,1360x768,85:48,IMG_1008.JPG)


After Blanc blew up overturned the van with her hammer, you were handcuffed to a metal bar. Your clothes were torn off in two distinct places, your chest and between your legs. As Vert pointed out there were white spots on your face and hair and your breasts were groped pretty hard, even left a mark. As you can surmise, the white stuff was semen. Vert didn't check if you were … violated down there, she said there was no blood, but I personally wouldn't know.

I released the handcuffs and immediately you clung on to me and asked me not to leave. From that we were discussing how to get you to safety. Thankfully, Compa arrived with her car and drove us back to her place. Her driving was terrifying, to put it simply.

We laid you on a bed in Compa's apartment and Compa did her examination. She, in her words, disrobed you, for examination. Your grip on my hand was still quite strong, so I turned away and closed my eyes, during the examination your grip became stronger as Compa examined you, I could probably guess she was touching some of the bruises your body had taken. After the examination, she determined that you were in shock, and recommended a warm bath and some rest. We were discussing how they would've been able to overpower you, she said if it was a blow to the head, it would've left a mark, psychic pain shouldn't have been an issue with you, so Compa took a sample of your blood for analyzing. She was going to bandage some of your bruises, but she decided you had to be cleaned up first, so she entrusted me to give you a bath. Asked me to open my eyes so I can carry you to the bathroom.

I asked her if she would be the one to give her a bath, and she immediately shot that down. She left us in the bathroom after I placed you sitting on the stool and I quote, "I leave you two lovebirds alone, make sure you wash her properly before entering the bath."

For the bath, I was endlessly worried you would suddenly wake up while I was scrubbing you down or something, with your tight grip on my hand I would've already counted myself as a dead man if that ever happened. I made sure all the necessities for cleaning you were within reach, a soft loofah, shampoo, body wash, warm water. Personally I didn't know how you preferred your water temperature so I just made it warm. I washed your hair first, taking great care to not drown you with the shower, I had a bit of a mental discussion with myself on what shampoo to use, decided to use the Peach one, heaven knows what may have happened if I decided on the bottle that proclaimed that it will give you more energy than Neptune. You were completely motionless the whole way through, so after washing your hair I applied the soap to the loofah and started gently scrubbing you down, from top to bottom. After I lathered you up and washed you down with water, I carried you to the bathtub filled with warm water, where your hand finally released its grip on me.

I was debating if I should leave immediately to not incur awkwardness or your wrath, but I decided against it, I'd rather not you suddenly slip and drown, I'll never be able to live with myself. I used the mirror to check up on myself, then you woke up. I believe you should know what happened next.

I have not once took advantage of the situation, you can ask Yumi to vouch for my chasteness, when I personally found her she was … well, it was quite the different situation.

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f5a2ae No.4936



"Compa, geez… if what you said is true, then sorry about that, I had no idea what happened. But if it turns out to be a lie, I'll make sure you'll have a long painful death!"

"So you still don't believe me…"

"Listen, a lot of shit went down in the last few days in connection with you, it's hard be not suspicious. I just don't know how can people, like Compa, be so trusting of others. But more importantly, Yumi, anything to add?"

"Hmm, did you take a photo of the marks on her breasts?"

"No… but why would I do that?"

"You could tell how they groped it. Plus it can be used as evidence."

"This time I'm exceptionally glad that the evidence was destroyed," IF sighs.

"When they abducted me, they used an anesthetic drug, and as far as I know they did the same to all other girls in the prison. IF, do you remember anything like stabbing a syringe into you or perceiving some distinctive smell?"

"No. The last thing I remember is that a few men circled me, I don't know what happened after and how I got up in the van."

"Interesting… the anesthetics drugs I know they use don't cause memory loss."

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

"We found a room filled with various drugs in the prison while trying to escape. I took a sample of them, so I could analyze them later." IF becomes pale while listening to Yumi's words. "Plus that grip thing… Oh, did you say that she was in a shock?"

"Yes, Compa said that after examining IF."

"Then IF, I think you were conscious, at least at the beginning, and the shock is the result of what happened to you. You don't remember what happened, because your brain doesn't want to remember it, to preserve your sanity. They didn't use anesthetics, because it wasn't a planned kidnap."

"There is one problem with that explanation," IF starts to speak. "Those men didn't seem too strong, normally I would be able to defeat them all alone."

"At the prison, they have a muscle relaxant drug, and I think every guard carried a few of them. They used it on me once, they administered it from a syringe, and a few seconds later my body became weak, I would probably collapse if I weren't chained to the wall. If you want to move your arm, it feels like you're trying to move a 100 kg iron ball, while they can move it like if it were styrofoam. I once saw it used on a poor girl who tried to resist, they quickly shot her, a few seconds later she was already collapsed on the floor. She tried to resist even in that state, but it was hopeless, she was barely stronger than a plush toy."

You both look at Yumi flabbergasted. If they really used that drug, that would explain a lot of things, but not the strong grip.

"But her grip was very strong at Compa's house. If she really became that weak, how could she do that?"

"The effect of the drug is pretty short lived, after about 10 minutes it starts to fade away, even though it may require even an hour until you regain your complete strength. Plus, if you're determined, you can focus your strength."

"I think I heard enough for now." IF reponds. "Could you please leave me alone for a few minutes?"

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f95f16 No.4937

"Yeah, take your time. Just let me know if there's anything I could do."

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2acdb3 No.4938


"Alright IF, if that's what you want, we'll give you time to think about it. Yumi, let's go."

Let's just stay outside the room if there's a door, close it and stay somewhat nearby.

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f5a2ae No.4939



"Alright IF, take your time, if that's what you want, we'll give you time to think about it. Just let me know if there's anything I could do. Yumi, let's go."

You leave the room, close the door behind you and you look around. Noire is sitting behind a huge pile of papers, doing some kind of work.

"Say, Anon, thinking about the time we spent in the prison, and your story now… is it possible that you're gay?"

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f95f16 No.4940

"… Excuse me, no. I'm just trying to be a gentleman.

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2acdb3 No.4941


No. It was just not the right time and place. Would I really want to do it in a prison cell knowing I could've gotten caught and then more bad things could happened? Would I really wanted to have done it to someone who obviously just gotten hurt?

…Sorry I got a little defensive there, but anyway, you would not believe the amount of self-control I am doing right now.

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2acdb3 No.4942


…There was one part I didn't bother mentioning in too great of a detail, but when Compa made me open my eyes so while carrying IF, obviously I just … had to look at her … uh anyway…

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f5a2ae No.4943




"… Excuse me, no. I'm just trying to be a gentleman. Plus it was just not the right time and place. Would I really want to do it in a prison cell knowing I could've gotten caught and then more bad things could've happened? Would I really wanted to have done it to someone who obviously just gotten hurt? …There was one part I didn't bother mentioning in too great of a detail, but when Compa made me open my eyes so while carrying IF, obviously I just … had to look at her … uh anyway…"

"I see. Well, we're no longer in a prison, we can't get caught and nobody is hurt. You don't have to play the gentleman either, I don't care about it. So, let's go to a place where the no-fun police isn't around."

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2acdb3 No.4944


"Hold on, don't you have Taro with you? What happened to him? And besides… I like IF."

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f5a2ae No.4945


"Hold on, don't you have Taro with you? What happened to him? And besides… I like IF."

"Taro is upstairs, I think I gave him a too high dose of the drug I was playing with, so he'll be asleep for a few hours, he won't bother us. Or maybe you want to invite IF too?"

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2acdb3 No.4946


Drug? What drug? Also you mentioned a drug that can be used as a muscle relaxant which is how they got IF down, is that drug traceable with a blood test? A drug that effective can't be that common.

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2acdb3 No.4947

And even if that drug is that common, you mentioned that he equipped *every* guard with it right, with more than one dose even, I believe. That means unless their operation is smaller than we thought, there should be some kind of record of a purchase of mass quantities somewhere, or a continuous trickle of purchases. Unless they literally made the drug from the ground up with their own materials, there should be a record of purchase of raw materials. If somehow, the majority of the purchases all go to a hospital, I have an idea which hospital to check up on first.

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f5a2ae No.4948



"Drug? What drug? Also, you mentioned a drug that can be used as a muscle relaxant which is how they got IF down, is that drug traceable with a blood test? A drug that effective can't be that common. And even if that drug is that common, you mentioned that he equipped *every* guard with it right, with more than one dose even, I believe. That means unless their operation is smaller than we thought, there should be some kind of record of a purchase of mass quantities somewhere, or a continuous trickle of purchases. Unless they literally made the drug from the ground up with their own materials, there should be a record of purchase of raw materials. If somehow, the majority of the purchases all go to a hospital, I have an idea which hospital to check up on first."

"Avoiding the question, huh? Anyway, you remember that I took a few bottles from the prison, right? I've been playing with them. About the muscle relaxant drug, I think it's the result of a failed attempt to copy some monsters' ability to paralyze the opponents for a short time. Unfortunately I don't know the exact formula for that drug or how it interacts with your body, so I'm not sure whether a blood test would reveal anything or not. I'm pretty sure they have a secret laboratory somewhere, but where it is or how do they source materials, I have no idea. I heard the guards talking about warehouses a few times, but I don't know anything specific. Maybe Taro will be able to give you some details. But now come on, I don't want to spend more time in one room with… um, that person," she says while making gestures at Noire.

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2acdb3 No.4949


If it'll be from a monster, IF would be the best to ask for details on such monsters. As for me dodging the questions, look, I'm a guy, but goddamnit there are a lot of things that need to be settled first before I can even start thinking about those kinds of things.

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2acdb3 No.4950


Let's go talk to Taro now I suppose, also what did you and IF talk about if there was anything?

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f5a2ae No.4951



"If it'll be from a monster, IF would be the best to ask for details on such monsters. As for me dodging the questions, look, I'm a guy, but goddamnit there are a lot of things that need to be settled first before I can even start thinking about those kinds of things. Let's go talk to Taro now I suppose, also what did you and IF talk about if there was anything?"

"Are you sure you prioritize your time right? If you really want to do something, you'll find time to do it," she says with a wink on her face. Was she always this careless? "Taro is upstairs, let's go. IF… well, um, we didn't really talk about anything, she just came to my room, looked around and uh… let's just say we quickly left the room. … Why are you looking at me like this? Hey, there, here's the room with Taro, look at this room instead."

She opens the door, and a peculiar scenery appears in front of you. It looks like she carried everything she found at the prison to here… you look around, there are handcuffs, chains, ropes, vibrators and stuff like that, all over the place. Just where did she keep all this stuff? She said she can't use her inventory. Or maybe this is the result of Yumi collecting parts for weird devices…?

You also notice Taro, lying on the bed. Naked and gagged. His arms and legs are cuffed to the bed frame.

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2acdb3 No.4952


I suppose I can see why Noire is a bit upset at this whole situation. How did you even get all this stuff? And is Taro even conscious right now?

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f5a2ae No.4953


"I suppose I can see why Noire is a bit upset at this whole situation. How did you even get all this stuff? And is Taro even conscious right now?"

"Are you even listening to me? I told you, he's just asleep, he'll wake up… um, I'm not exactly sure when, I guess anytime between 10 minutes and an hour from now. But as you can see, I made sure even if he wakes up, he won't make a ruckus. About the stuff here… well, it's a long story. Come on, don't just stand there, you will die because of boredom if you continue like this, geez…"

Without warning, she hugs you from the behind and starts to unbutton your pants.

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f95f16 No.4954

shake her off and say

"I told you I like IF. Look I'll just be outside till Taro wakes up."

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2acdb3 No.4955


Yumi! No! There's no way this will not end badly. I don't want to get on the bad side of a CPU and especially IF! Besides don't you already have Taro to play around with instead?

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ff5d56 No.4956

God Damn Thirsty Hoe

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f5a2ae No.4957



You try to shake her off, but she doesn't want to release you.

"Yumi! No! There's no way this will not end badly. I told you I like IF. I don't want to get on the bad side of a CPU and especially IF! Besides don't you already have Taro to play around with instead? Look I'll just be outside till Taro wakes up."

"And? I told you that you worry too much, the CPUs have nothing to do with what you do in your free time! And as you can see, Taro is unavailable right now, I can't play with him. Come on, you won't regret it."

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2acdb3 No.4958


I would really rather not Yumi, please respect my wishes.

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5b7127 No.4959

Firmly yet politely refuse her advances

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f5a2ae No.4960



"No Yumi, stop it. I would really rather not Yumi, please respect my wishes."

"So, you're going to be mean with me? Fine, if you don't want to cooperate…"

"Huh?" You have a feeling that something is not right, but before you could react anything, you feel a sudden prick in your arm. You quickly check out the source of the pain: Yumi injected something into your arm. Only a second passed since the injection, but you already started to feel dizzy, and the world became blurry. Is it the same thing she used to knock out Taro in the prison? In a desperate attempt you try calling for help while trying to run away, but after two steps you collapse on the floor. "Why?" is all you can say before you completely pass out.

End of Chapter Two

I hope I found the optimal time to take a break, see you guys later. And sorry about what just happened

And if you have any suggestions or whatever, shoot it.

And I should stop starting all of my sentences with "and"

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2acdb3 No.4961

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>this kind of cliffhanger after all we've been with through Yumi

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2acdb3 No.4962


Hopefully this doesn't end with us being stuck in *another* prison

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f95f16 No.4963

and things were going soo well for anon

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2acdb3 No.4964


>IF would probably find us being fugged by Yumi

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2acdb3 No.4965


As for comments, I think going like this is fine, the lack of combat is also understandable as we usually only have answers every few days.

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f5a2ae No.4967


I mean, next chapter is here


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f5a2ae No.4985

I'm going to write some meta shit here, in order to not disturb the ongoing thread too much.

I think it would help the quest if there were some discussion among the players, like at the beginning of the new thread (flail or not), instead of the more usual anon A posts a message, some time later anon B shows up and post another message, in complete isolation, like anon A never existed, and that's the end, until I post a new update. I mean, it works when both of you write about the same thing, or it's possible to do both things without causing interference/trouble/etc, but there are cases when the answers are pretty much exclusive (like now, should we tell IF to "do whatever you please" vs "what are you waiting for?!"). Since there are rarely more than two players, I can't go with majority vote. Maybe I should throw a (virtual) dice, try to come up with something that's somewhere in the middle (that's what I usually tried to do, with varying amount of success), or just pick the one I like more, but tbh neither of them sound like an ideal solution to me.

I know, having a discussion with anons in completely different time zones is not easy, and we shouldn't slow down the quest even more just to have some extra chit-chat. Maybe I'm just overreacting this, and everything is fine.

What do you think about it? If you have any suggestion on what should I do differently to help with this problem, shoot it.

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2acdb3 No.4987


The thing is, atleast how I see it, due to the nature of the quest time, it gives us plenty of time to think about what can be done in a clear manner, unlike in, let's say D&D, where emotions can run high due to a bad decision and everyone is left suddenly in a panic and not the best decisions are made.

Some randomness where it can apply, and where it makes sense, like making a persuasion roll if our wording was pretty flimsy, but that's difficult because like I said we pretty much have a few days to think, discern, double-check, about every small decision.

One more thing, is the randomness of the update time, which is fine, mind you, I completely understand why it's like this, adds some to the problem.

Also, just as a suggestion, using the 2 current answers in chapter 3, it can be worded to something like this, that still retains both posts.

"Well, even if you release me from my chains I might just fall down in pain and still have trouble getting it off, it's your choice IF, I trust you completely on your decision, because for the first time in a man's life, He does not care if a cute girl touches his dick. Please, just take them off."


"Iffy, for the first time in a man's life, He does not care if a cute girl touches his dick. Please, just take them off. Even if you release me from my chains I might just fall down in pain and still have trouble getting it off, it's your choice IF, I trust you completely on your decision."

In my opinion having two opposite answers and working them together could spark a nice scenario in itself.

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f5a2ae No.4988


>updates are a bit chaotic

Yeah, that's true, I try to do 1 or 2 updates per day depending on how much free time and motivation I have and how much text I have to write and so on. I don't think a more regular update schedule would work, I could only really pull it of if the update interval would be increased to multiple days. But if you ever feel like I didn't give you enough time, say it! The negative consequence of using an anonymous imageboard is that there are no presence indicators, and anons sometime disappear for weeks, so I can't tell if someone is still thinking on his response or they just disappeared.

>suggestions about merging the two answers

I suppose they aren't as incompatible as I originally thought. This is what I usually end up doing, trying to combine the answers until something comes out that makes sense while still being faithful to the original answers as much as possible, hoping that nobody would mind it.

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2acdb3 No.4990


If you personally think our answers are lacking some detail, go ahead and tell us even if it'll delay the answer

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f5a2ae No.4992


No, the answers are fine by themselves. My original problem was how they ignored each other.

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2acdb3 No.4993


It's more of when it's in agreement we just say in a slightly different way, but if it's too different we do say something

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f5a2ae No.5024


If you're still here. I could already post a reply now (because I'm getting sick of the slow pace things are happening), wait half a day, or a whole day, or I don't know. The other anon just appears, posts a message then disappears for multiple days, and I don't know if I should wait for it or just ignore it and continue.

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