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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1411434706729.jpg (211.16 KB,1697x805,1697:805,1410717258981.jpg)

97e35b No.42

Nepnep Navel thread.
Post anything involving navels (lewd libs, doujins, art, produce, etc.).
Pick one of these navels.
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97e35b No.43

I pick Vert's.
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97e35b No.60

Which Nepnep would lick bellybuttons for increased shares?
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97e35b No.61

Nepgear is a slut, so Nepgear.
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97e35b No.62

I pick Noire's.

I also want to protect it.
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97e35b No.68

They are all so lickable.
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97e35b No.92

File: 1411934393568.png (54.08 KB,384x264,16:11,navelcomp.png)

Which one belongs to who?
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97e35b No.96

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97e35b No.100

>still show bellybuttons
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97e35b No.101

File: 1412374274707.png (352.07 KB,462x650,231:325,1410764161388.png)

ded /nep/
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97e35b No.103

My dick is always so hard for you, Noire.
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97e35b No.105

File: 1414845827833.jpg (Spoiler Image,441.17 KB,1200x1691,1200:1691,1396577088353.jpg)

This board is dead.
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97e35b No.106

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97e35b No.107

File: 1418164375060.png (33.85 KB,133x146,133:146,1399501805763.png)

Such a shame this board is dead as fuck. Makes me hope 4chan does indeed die by moot selling it out
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97e35b No.110

File: 1419905402559.png (111.72 KB,543x541,543:541,Noire and Vert.png)

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97e35b No.370

File: 1436023012121.png (152.76 KB,788x675,788:675,1426592601353.png)

Have some ingame navels.

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97e35b No.371

You guys…

You didn't choose ass, tits or legs.

You didn't choose facial expressions or structure, features or hair.

You chose navels.

WHY? What is so interesting about a damn NAVEL?

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97e35b No.372


I think this is more of a niche thread. We could definitely do a tits or ass thread, but that would alienate a lot of Lowee's fans.

Maybe we should ask a board like >>>/senran/ about their tit and as threads

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97e35b No.373


Why do you like ass tits and legs? Same answer for navel.

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97e35b No.377


T+A are erogenous zones. The navel is not. I'm not condemning you, I just find it odd.

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97e35b No.392



There's more erogenous zones than you'd think. It's not something as strictly defined as you think it is.

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97e35b No.393


Go figure. Whatever floats your boat, man.

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97e35b No.762

File: 1440293564514.jpg (2.63 MB,4732x6996,1183:1749,Noire Vert.jpg)

>navel yuri doujins never

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