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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1437100834187.png (27.76 KB,512x484,128:121,I'm going to cum inside Bl….png)

ab08e9 No.419

I've done it, guys!

IFI has given me permission to marry Blanc!

This is the happiest day of my life.

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ab08e9 No.420

File: 1437163837657.gif (142.11 KB,400x400,1:1,nadeko clap.gif)

Congratulations anon! I hope you'll treat her well!

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ab08e9 No.421

Congrats - but is that just one Blanc? Or all iterations of Blanc?

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ab08e9 No.2755

File: 1454615287374.jpg (110.61 KB,639x332,639:332,1454614003175.jpg)



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ab08e9 No.2760

File: 1454624854237.png (540.96 KB,632x826,316:413,BASED IFI.png)


I did it guys!

I made myself famous!

You know, since IFI actively lurks Nepgen on halfchan, how hard would it be to invite someone on the team here for an interview?

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ab08e9 No.2761

File: 1454626353211.jpg (93.77 KB,494x513,26:27,NepSmug1.jpg)


If that's you, why is your ID different than the OP's (who I assume is Blancanon for sure)? My ID on one of the other threads here has been the same for months now.

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ab08e9 No.2762


I got a new modem, I think. I dunno.

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ab08e9 No.2763

File: 1454646545488.gif (294.29 KB,328x263,328:263,1448462362904.gif)


So what's the next step in your master plan?

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ab08e9 No.2769



Holy shit

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ab08e9 No.2794


This is a story to tell over the generations

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ab08e9 No.3590

Well shit.

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65ffcb No.5997

This glorious ruin is back.

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