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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 615bceb7932cd9a⋯.png (1.14 MB,1009x751,1009:751,war against washington.png)

929d10 No.3636 [Last50 Posts]

/nep/ seems like it could do with a little more activity, so I'm going start up a Neptunia-themed play-along of a game. The first choice is pretty obvious: Sid Meier's Civilization V. It has numerous high-quality Neptunia mods, care of Vice Virtuoso and a few other characters have been added to fill out the gaps since his work on them ceased.

As it stands, I'm going to do a playthrough in the spirit of Hirohito Anon's Darkest Hour runthroughs. As much community action as possible, with as much lore and in-game material as possible.

Without further ado, let's begin…

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929d10 No.3637

File: 42d34f13c91609e⋯.jpg (135.2 KB,631x607,631:607,IMG_0778.jpg)

Who will you play as, and what's the victory condition?

Will this condition be set in stone, or will it change depending on what's the best in the current situation?

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929d10 No.3638

File: bff9dd795d92708⋯.jpg (345.38 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170314212232_1.jpg)

File: 2ad6c413f109592⋯.jpg (345.42 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170314212236_1.jpg)


The one condition that will always be active will be "kill everyone", that's a given. I haven't actually generated the map yet though so I could toggle anything to our specifications. Currently I have all conditions enabled.

I'm intending on a Plutia playthrough at the moment unless there's any major objections. I've done a Uni run previously so I would not pick her for some time. These are the current overall settings before I begin.

I'm very open to changing world gen options, since I'm familiar with how SMAC did world gen I would assume that age and moisture values would work similarly. Continents are currently selected but a highly eroded, moist archipelago world could be entertaining as well given the limited clay available to everyone.

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929d10 No.3639


What does planeptune have in terms of bonuses

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929d10 No.3640

File: a22fc1f255328fd⋯.png (486.54 KB,1000x800,5:4,N2uhTf9.png)

File: ba9a49d96b72d78⋯.png (409.69 KB,860x630,86:63,SYXlRc9.png)

File: 482366bac2de91b⋯.png (408.46 KB,821x608,821:608,ILQsabX.png)


I'll run through all the Planeptune civs real quick.

Neptune: A tricky character to play. While she's in normal form she doesn't really control her Civ; all towns are puppet territories in normal form. If Histoire is sent to a city, that changes and it gets annexed, but only one city at a time can be under direct control that way. Once she's in HDD however, she gets a lot of production bonuses. There's a pudding farm improvement that counteract puppet penalties, and the Doogo Knight can be a very effective troop when deployed properly, with the ability to completely halt enemies in their tracks.

Nepgear: Potentially very powerful herself, she gains more shares the more friends and allies she has. In fact she can remain in HDD permanently and give a bonus to unit construction in the process. She can also use Shares to permanently improve the combat capabilities of her units. Nepgeardam is available and is a fine siege weapon, and she can construct a workshop that gives her Great Scientist points, Shares, and (if playing as Gear) Science bonuses. There's a chance she can find a certain sword and…well…you'll have to remove her if she gets it. Fast.

Plutia: Gets more Shares from areas that fear her. This improves even more as Iris Heart, and gets even better as you spread fear. The more units you kill, the happier your citizens are. She can build a daycare that not only acts as a Granary but also produces more food if more citizens are being produced. Her Animated Dolls are an early-ish unit but are superb flankers, can be built alongside other units/structures and at higher tech levels many can be made at one time (allowing for some swarming possibilities).

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929d10 No.3641

File: a35642f1f2140d7⋯.png (1.07 MB,1680x1050,8:5,final game settings.png)

If noone has any objections, I will begin the game with these settings as Plutia.

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929d10 No.3642

File: 683b0a254a9e9be⋯.jpg (281.91 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315001452_1.jpg)

Hi everybody! My name…is Pppllluuutttiiiaaaa! I’m Planeptune’s goddess!

Well, eheheh, not exxxacccttlllyyy~… There’s a bunch of goddesses for Planeptune. I have my friend Neppy, and Gear-chan, and allllll my other friends from other landssss. Like Noireee, and Blanccc, and Vertttt…and then, there’s Peashy-chan, and then Rei-chan. They’re alllll super cuteee~.

Anyway…a long time ago we allll had a biggg adventure, and Rei-chan went crazy and killlled a whole bunch of people, and caused billions of credits in property damage. But it wasn’t really her fault, so I forgave her. But I needed to spank her jjuuussttt aaa littttllleee first.

So a lot of stuff happened between then and now, and I was asleep for most of it. I don’t really get it, but we haddd a biggggg problem not too long ago. Everything was nice, but then some girl in a robot suit and a purple sword came through Neppy’s dimension gate and started killing everyone. All the CPUs from my dimension and Neppy’s were there for a biiigggg conference, but I forgot what it was about. It probably wasn’t a big deal at alllll.

Noone could beat her, and she was screaming reeallll looouuuddd abooouuuttt a sister she had. It was really confusing. Anyway, Gear-chan thought that it was too hard to beat her up, so we had to go to a new dimension for awhile while we figured out what was going on…

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929d10 No.3643

File: 9d4516f8b7f74cf⋯.png (179.98 KB,1000x1000,1:1,Plutia, hiding behind wall.png)


Kill them all

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929d10 No.3645

File: 5939719a272976d⋯.jpg (323.03 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315001559_1.jpg)

…anyway, so as I was saying, we alllll went through the portal. I think we all came to the same world, but this is a reallllyyy scarrryy placeee~. There’s no lands here at allll, and that means there’s no Shares we can borrow.

Shares are things we get when people pray to ussss. It’s makesss us realllyy strong. And I get to turn into a pretty girl with them, but some people get scared when I do that. Noire gets reallllyyy upsetttt~…

And I’m a little sore since I didn’t have Noire to catch me when I came here…that was really naughty…

I used a trick to make some cute moving dolls using Shares, but I can’t make any more if I can get people to help me make them. So I need to make a home town alll overrrr againnn.

Um…I’m new here and everything, so could you give me some help? What do you want me to do? I think I’ll make a city right here to start.

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929d10 No.3646


Move closer to the water if possible, found a city there

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929d10 No.3647


Use the dolls to scout the nearby area

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929d10 No.3648

File: bd3152a446e23c4⋯.jpg (250.84 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315004239_1.jpg)



Ehehe. I was a litttleee slow to change it. But this should be allll OOKKK, but I'll be REAL CAREFUL next time. We can make another town when we get more people to live here. There's already some people who want to get away from meee for some reason…


Um…that's a good idea. I'll go around and see what's here.

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929d10 No.3649

File: 5cb621d76a3de84⋯.jpg (339.35 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315004734_1.jpg)

I'm going to build an AWESOME monument that glows, but someone is telling me I need to invent something. But there's soooo mannnyyy choicesss…I'm soooo confused…

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929d10 No.3650


Animal Husbandry, we like animals right

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929d10 No.3651


go with pottery so you can make some Clay dolls

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929d10 No.3652

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d2)



…hmm. Both are good plans…

I know. I'll flip a coin! Heads (1) it's the animals, and tails (2) it's the dolls…

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929d10 No.3653

File: 5919d383baa1c87⋯.jpg (2.75 MB,3020x2056,755:514,with dolls.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d2)


Yay! Looks like I'll get to build a daycare soon!

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929d10 No.3654

File: f4a088f47bd5aa5⋯.jpg (285.98 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315005753_1.jpg)

File: 102fd60afb5bb2b⋯.jpg (210.44 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315005820_1.jpg)

File: e459429e16d0a70⋯.jpg (408.6 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315005936_1.jpg)

File: 3f6a9b1b45c9d69⋯.jpg (367.9 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315010003_1.jpg)

File: 1d8c67f052c0587⋯.jpg (430.85 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315010103_1.jpg)

Hey, buddy! It's me, Plutiaaaa~!

I came here a couple hundred years ago. I guess I slept through most of it, but I hear a lot of stuff has happened. All my dolls went out to explore. I kept some near Planeptune, and I send the others out reaaalll farrrrr. The ones by the city found a bunch of neat stuff. We have bananas, and truffles and wheat and everythiiinnnggg.

The other dolls found some super neat stuff. They found some reaallly oolldd ruins that had a bunch of money in them. There were some other people who lived nearby, but they didn't want to be friends. Maybe they used to live in the ruins and something bad happened a long time ago.

I kept the dolls close to Planeptune in case the people turned out to be mean, but I sent the other dolls out to keep looking for things. And guess what I found: Noire! And it's my Noire, tooo. She's my beeessstt fffirrrennndd! But doesn't seem to remember me. Maybe she hit her head when she fell. Then she'd be just like Neppy~!

Anyway, like I said, we had a lot of stuff happen since I first talked to your super-great grandparents. But now that we've found Noire, I don't know what to do…

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929d10 No.3655


Turn her into a vassal state


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929d10 No.3656

File: 33218c91a19f6a9⋯.png (139.04 KB,300x283,300:283,1440995404513.png)


Um…um…that's pretty mean to do to Noire. She hasn't even been bad. But then, she could beat me up right now pretty goodddd…

Although…you do have a pointttt…I should make some more dollllsss. Once I get the cool monument built, I can then make some and have them protect people~.

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929d10 No.3657

File: 8434c5e86d01278⋯.jpg (428.67 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315011919_1.jpg)

File: 666f48a08727c9c⋯.jpg (416.29 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315011928_1.jpg)

File: 8ef3ed74e0bb9b4⋯.png (511.43 KB,535x514,535:514,waaaa.png)


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929d10 No.3658

File: 79ee6545b7e23f6⋯.jpg (25.72 KB,362x298,181:149,IMG_0958.jpg)

File: 7a3703f6d57f071⋯.png (11.61 KB,240x24,10:1,ClipboardImage.png)




>Lots of it

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929d10 No.3659

File: c354382e3008849⋯.png (545.15 KB,585x500,117:100,platinum mad.png)

IIII–III waaassss SSSOOOooooOOoo NNiiIICccEEe to NNnnoOOiIiiRrEEe…I'mmm gettinnggg ANNNGGRRYY…

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929d10 No.3660

And here we go…

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929d10 No.3661

File: 79752da08ea6ea5⋯.jpg (228.84 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315012509_1.jpg)

File: a8df9a4289f738e⋯.jpg (237.61 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315013914_1.jpg)

File: dbbe69c8d38995b⋯.jpg (216.02 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315013956_1.jpg)

File: 550d28739105f5c⋯.jpg (183.14 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315014218_1.jpg)

File: 29de4dde825e022⋯.jpg (306.86 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315014322_1.jpg)

Soooo…I thought about it for a little bit…and I don't think I could beat up Noire right noowww…but I'll definitely punish her soooonnn~…

Anyway, I found a bunch of things near Noire's city. I found a neat looking mountain with a funny name, aaaannnddd I found twooo mooreee rrruuiiinns. One had plans to build boats, and the other had some old games lying around that were super cooolll. AND the best thing, is that Noire can't have them now!

Someone just visited me and asked me if I had anything that I should teach the people in Planeptune. I don't know what to do, but I'd like whatever would help me take care of Lastation.

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929d10 No.3662

File: dc44eee9a9fe916⋯.png (526.06 KB,640x640,1:1,Plutia Stabbing Noire.png)



Pic Related

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929d10 No.3663

File: 7b45201e32c2e66⋯.jpg (306.86 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315015133_1.jpg)

File: bab617f319e2bb9⋯.jpg (309.17 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315015140_1.jpg)

File: 77b95b90bdc6a61⋯.jpg (307.99 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315015144_1.jpg)


Eheheh…you're funny~.

Soooo, I toookk a LONG time too read alll the ideas that people were asking meee about…and I think the BEST ones would be ones toooo heeelllppp me punishhh Noire. Sooo…here they are!

Ummm…but they all look SOOO good…it's really hard to pick JUST oneee…

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929d10 No.3664

Obviously Discipline

Gotta keep everyone in line

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929d10 No.3665

File: 8c9ea4355b75b2b⋯.gif (607.11 KB,480x270,16:9,Plutia.gif)

Discipline everyone

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929d10 No.3666

File: 78339f8bcf60ada⋯.jpg (387.91 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315020822_1.jpg)

File: 89d5f236b4391a6⋯.jpg (233.55 KB,580x700,29:35,1451765089200.jpg)


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929d10 No.3667

File: 95a22e945f9c4b1⋯.jpg (428.92 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315021242_1.jpg)


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929d10 No.3668

File: 313d6a689e989cb⋯.jpg (86.35 KB,1280x720,16:9,0856456.jpg)

You must bully

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929d10 No.3669

File: e3b2498d416f459⋯.jpg (276.8 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315022117_1.jpg)

File: 410c6d16f3b04bf⋯.jpg (379.95 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315022227_1.jpg)

Welllll…I started making mmmmoooreee doollllsss, and the mean barbarians are being beat upppp…

And Neppy's Noire wayyyy nicer than my Noire…

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929d10 No.3670

File: 1273d05fbac3954⋯.jpg (105.97 KB,686x800,343:400,1456184600863.jpg)


Oh~! And I found First Gen Compa~! She's super cute~!

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929d10 No.3671

File: d86e9cf898296ba⋯.png (75.06 KB,446x77,446:77,ClipboardImage.png)

Having more than one person named Noire is confusing.

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929d10 No.3672

File: f380b9892dcbb45⋯.jpg (455.82 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315023354_1.jpg)

File: 2f9841d7479c2aa⋯.jpg (373.6 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315023422_1.jpg)

I had a bunch of dolls beat up the bad people near Planeptune…AALLLLL GGGOOONNNEEE…

And now it's time to punish my Noire…

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929d10 No.3673

File: d9d1d449731360b⋯.jpg (307.38 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315024714_1.jpg)

File: 869a2aedc8d95d7⋯.png (120.49 KB,300x265,60:53,1441005649107.png)


Ummmm…I was about to attack my Noire's Lastation when Rei-chan's armies appeared. She doesn't look really friendly…

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929d10 No.3674

File: 53c2b4841ba456a⋯.jpg (483.17 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315025036_1.jpg)

File: 4485cb750009cd8⋯.jpg (416.75 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315025931_1.jpg)

File: 9147ec0e1b223c1⋯.jpg (296.98 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315025608_1.jpg)

File: 9295076cf1cf743⋯.jpg (357.47 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315030329_1.jpg)

File: 1f4199fdc4635e8⋯.jpg (424.08 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315030208_1.jpg)

Plutiaaaa heeerreee…I wass at war with Noire for almost 1000 years! That's a looonnggg time. I had a lot of dolls attack her Lastation, but none of them were strong enough to do much damage…

But…but…Noire asked for a peace treaty, and gave me money for an Embasy in my territory! It's alllll right again. And Vert was the first person to become friends with me, and Rei likes Vert right at the moment, I think I'm friends with her too…

And even better…I FOUND NEPPY!

Also some people want me to build a city…but also want to expand Planeptune. I dunnoooo…

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929d10 No.3675

File: a18d8ccfce2c511⋯.jpg (13.46 KB,255x255,1:1,Plutia cheering.jpg)


Build another city, means more people to give us shares

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929d10 No.3676

File: 744d0747eae5435⋯.jpg (359.71 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315032212_1.jpg)

File: 5e10c823e15ba8e⋯.jpg (939.15 KB,2874x1930,1437:965,za waldo.jpg)

It's beeennnn a while loonnggeer…but I did some exploring with some dolls but I still haven't found where Rei is, and she's VERY strong. But I did find Uni, she's being nice~.

Aannnyyywwaayyy…here's a map of the whole world, at least what I've found soooo faarrrr…I made a new city by the water to the north. It's got a whole bunch of awesome animals, and rocks, and everything…

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929d10 No.3677

File: 2498bc6c74cf80c⋯.jpg (297.84 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315041157_1.jpg)

File: af2c56dc5108eaa⋯.jpg (425.07 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315041654_1.jpg)

File: aa83f99ea14137b⋯.jpg (341.79 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315042010_1.jpg)

File: 931a656c3fc1220⋯.jpg (342.78 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315041858_1.jpg)

File: 8e3a3a1fa4c0149⋯.jpg (527.4 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315042126_1.jpg)

Oookkkk, I made to the "Classical Era". I don't get what that's supposed to mean…maybe that when all the coollll space sims and shhoooottteeerrsss came out…? Anyway, I think it's good.

And I'm making soooo many friends…Neppy's Vert and Uni and Neppy herself…I even got Neppy to come over to play! Things are going soooo weellll…

I'd beee waayyy ahead of EVERYONE…if the citizens of kept rebelling every other ttuuurrrnn…but the new city is behaving very good, which makes me super happy~.

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929d10 No.3678

File: a9c52c9c6859a8c⋯.png (1.26 MB,1280x1366,640:683,1458282623638.png)

And I forgot ooonneee laaasstt thing…I sent some good stuff to Neppy, so I'll get a whoolllee bunch of money!

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929d10 No.3679


>Nep has salt

If we make her feel better she won't feel salty!

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929d10 No.3680

File: 141c43093a1bb46⋯.mp4 (4.68 MB,336x180,28:15,v6ZIwyzXi9KF1Jyh.mp4)

αℓяιgнт, gσιиg тσ тαкє α вяєαк fσя αωнιℓє. тнιиgѕ ѕєєм тσ вє gσιиg σк ѕσ fαя, вυт ι ѕнσυℓ∂ ѕнσяє υρ му мιℓιтαяу ѕσσи ιи¢αѕє ѕσмєσиє gєтѕ ριѕѕу αт мє.

ιи тнє мєαи тιмє, нєяє'ѕ иєρgєαя ∂αи¢ιиg.

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929d10 No.3681


I don't know what you're saying but you posted a cute Nepgear, and I guess that's all that matters.

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929d10 No.3682

Alright, getting the thread going again for tonight. Let's see how badly we fuck it up.

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929d10 No.3683

File: 5450fbcc28445e8⋯.jpg (387.25 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315225655_1.jpg)

File: 3ef8d4116dd20fb⋯.jpg (383.2 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315225651_1.jpg)

File: 0331b1cf5296ddc⋯.jpg (304.11 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315225703_1.jpg)


So, here's the situation. So far I'm seeing UD Noire moving around her units outside her territory and close to mine. That to me seems a bit sketchy so I'm recalling my dolls and building more, as I can.

I have a treaty of friendship with many Neps. I might have to put the fear of Plutia into some citystates though, to get the ol' shares up. Actually I'm not particularly sure what my share rating is right at the moment.

I know where nearly everyone is, except Nepgear, UD Vert, all of Lowee, or Pii. I suspect Rei is to the west of Leanbox, across the ocean. She's very powerful, even right now. I shudder to think how bad she'll get with Pong Cannons.

Anyway, willing to listen to suggestions as far as our current situation goes.

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929d10 No.3684


Find Gandhi

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929d10 No.3685

File: 3177d4264fb0c53⋯.jpg (480.37 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315230947_1.jpg)

File: 99d59686cfa6afe⋯.jpg (480.41 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315230950_1.jpg)


That would require boating, which I need to get to soon. But I should shore up my position first.

Also I have no relationship problems with any Civ except these two. UD Noire I think will need to go…Rei however will be a problem.

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929d10 No.3686

File: 73eabf2995166ec⋯.png (566.77 KB,786x879,262:293,HDD Rei.png)


Rei will become the final boss if she isn't dealt with immediately

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929d10 No.3687

File: b30e95edb777296⋯.jpg (429.1 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315233248_1.jpg)

File: d9bb2f45fac8c64⋯.jpg (289.62 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315232117_1.jpg)

Hey everybody. It's me…Pluttiiiaaa~!!

Anyway, I took a niiceee loonnggg nap, and someone did some work for me while I slept. Isn't that niceeee?

So the guy who did the work for me said that UD Noire and Rei weren't being nice at alllll. It looks like Neppy's Vert and Rei have been fighting, too. Butttt…I made a new dolll of Vert! And it's really cute…I like using it as stress doll, because then it gets people who yell at me to go into anarchy…isn't that coooollll?

I made a wwhhhooolllee bunchh offf regular dollls tooo…they're so many of them, I got a lot of military power because of it…

Someone mentioned that I get shares from bullying people. I don't know if I want to do that, but First Gen Compa is nearby. I could go and bully heerrr fooorrr a bittt…if I get enough Shares, I could activate HDD…

I found out that if my capitol rebels, but if I have the right doll, every time it stops being a problem I get some sort of gift from people. I think I'm going to have to look at my doollllss…

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929d10 No.3688

File: 911d36efaa8fcc0⋯.jpg (411.7 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315233929_1.jpg)

File: 106cc1818cde324⋯.png (119.49 KB,243x233,243:233,1448572683394.png)

Hmmm…I'm getting ANGRY.

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929d10 No.3689


Looks like it's time to bully Noire. Do you know what her forces are like?

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929d10 No.3690


Stab her, salt the ground

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929d10 No.3691

File: af1a032ed85bc2e⋯.jpg (366.27 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170315235723_1.jpg)

File: 52b0588244e924c⋯.png (94.97 KB,333x500,333:500,plutia_templated.png)



Laaassstaaatiiooonnn iiiissss wooorrssttt eeempppireee…

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929d10 No.3692

File: a0a1d43d6a7d07d⋯.jpg (513.64 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316000511_1.jpg)

File: bb2d6a7639ed5c9⋯.jpg (300.43 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316000541_1.jpg)

It keeps happening…~

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929d10 No.3693

File: 8519dd70a1c2964⋯.jpg (531.3 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316001622_1.jpg)

File: 32f4c24d23af2d7⋯.jpg (482.52 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316001732_1.jpg)

File: 3a16dfe682f2d94⋯.jpg (365.3 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316003514_1.jpg)

File: b3010fbc62fd423⋯.jpg (431.59 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316004004_1.jpg)

Sooo…I don't get it, but Noire and Noire started fighting each other…but it was pretty cool seeing their warriors stab each other to death…

Neppy's Noire seemed to think she made a mistakeeee and wanted to be friends again~. Shheeee diiiddd, but I'lll punish her laterrrr. I'm going to focus allll ooonnnn myyy Noireeee. We both got beat up prettyyyy baddd, but I think I can beat her up now with these archers I'm building…I'll combine them with my dolls and cause a lot of trouble…

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929d10 No.3694

The plot thickens

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929d10 No.3695


Truly, Noire is tsundere even to herself.

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929d10 No.3696


Vassal one of them, raze the other one to the ground

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929d10 No.3697

File: 536a9784ccc9b49⋯.jpg (295.06 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316001932_1.jpg)

File: 289b2c2a89018a7⋯.jpg (312.37 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316014835_1.jpg)

File: 65966dc86793a84⋯.jpg (516.25 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316014201_1.jpg)

File: 0ea8d8a19d51c60⋯.jpg (525.12 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316014807_1.jpg)

File: 91c493e8f64e71f⋯.jpg (425.96 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316014934_1.jpg)

Here'sss a quick status uppppdateeee…

Ooohhhh…ehehe, sooorrryyy, I got distracteeeeddd there…

Anywaayy…everyone got into a war with Rei, and it looks like shes loosssinnggg…so I don't have to worry about her~! Neppy said we'd have a defense pact too, but she hasn't done anyyythinggg to help, just like norrmalll…

I got a bunch of dolls and archers together, and I moved them…allll near my Noire's capitol. I'm gonnaaa invade her now. I think since she was waaayyy meanerrr than Neppy's Noire, I'll have to take alll off her citiesss away from herrr…


I think I'll be way nicer to Neppy's Noire, and make her a servanttt…she can come over alll the timeee and playyy with meee~.

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929d10 No.3698

UD noire confirmed worst.

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929d10 No.3699


Puppet UD Lastation, keep them under your whip at all times, you could annex them at any moment. The real iris option!

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929d10 No.3700

File: d9b9f564cd83277⋯.jpg (331.61 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316023234_1.jpg)

File: ad3494b58fb3c8c⋯.jpg (417.26 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316025710_1.jpg)

File: 6d96a0f972a59c6⋯.jpg (432.99 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316034629_1.jpg)

File: 557fecadb6e98e3⋯.jpg (416.53 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316041006_1.jpg)


I basically spent 5 hours trying to kick UD Noire's ass and it would take entirely too long to do it from Plut's perspective. Anyway I was at war with her for like another 500 years. She started spying on Neptune and other Civs, since I was at war with her I naturally ratted her out. Also I had Peashy join up as a spy.

While I tried to dislodge UD Noire (hard because I have a shit industrial base + constantly rebelling capitol and she has the fucking Great Wall) Vert send some people to convert my population to BL fanatics, which succeeded. Since I didn't get my faith game going basically Vert has corrupted the minds of my population. Oh well.

As the war wore on Noire got increasing DESPERATE, and Neptune turned into Purple Heart for 5 minutes; she is so far the only CPU to hit HDD in this runthrough.

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929d10 No.3701

File: c86031aaf3ee39a⋯.jpg (218.49 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316041645_1.jpg)

File: ab2a498a2c05f40⋯.jpg (409.98 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316044318_1.jpg)

File: f38025994191cff⋯.jpg (299.42 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316045659_1.jpg)


Additionally I ran into Ghandi, HD Blanc and Another Peashy. I am on good terms with all of them; since nuclear weapons are not available yet, Ghandi is still peaceful.

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929d10 No.3702

File: cd43071b1c5acbb⋯.jpg (439.97 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316030640_1.jpg)

File: d6cc3002429037f⋯.jpg (502.87 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316033653_1.jpg)

File: 8494be3402e41d8⋯.jpg (572.19 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316045757_1.jpg)

File: 896c1bebe92d271⋯.jpg (567.34 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316045829_1.jpg)

File: 1951eb2b3ee423f⋯.jpg (357.05 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316045923_1.jpg)


As the war wore on, I had to construct several citadels to buffer my territory against UD Noire's; also I needed the extra maneuverability. It paid off once I got a fleet of catapults and trebuchets organized (which took a long time since I had to build up my economy). And, as a result, it took several thousand years but we've finally resolved the UD Noire situation.

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929d10 No.3703


(and yeah, UD Noire doesn't have Plutia dialogue yet so she's acting like a retard who hasn't spoken to me in forever)

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929d10 No.3704

File: be85c8dbdf4db28⋯.jpg (657.88 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170316051812_1.jpg)

I'll continue later, but for now, here's the ruins of New UD Lastation. Later.

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929d10 No.3705

File: 1eeea681d7cc99e⋯.jpg (51.48 KB,720x960,3:4,11737869_1618609121752087_….jpg)



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929d10 No.3706


Going to take a break for today's session. Will resume tomorrow.

Since you all have a fairly good appraisal of the in game situation, give me a heads up on where you want to see me push this game.

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929d10 No.3707

File: cb4700e82d1fb91⋯.png (326.38 KB,649x611,649:611,Rei, insane, pillow.png)


Befriend the other Noire

Burn down Lowee

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929d10 No.3708

File: 0f66891d6ba52d2⋯.jpg (372.43 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170317232854_1.jpg)


I've shoved UD Noire out of the way but it appears HD Noire immediately declared war against me as soon as war #1 was over. Only problem is that she's x6 as powerful as I am; fortunately, I now have the Great Wall. Also Purple Heart is at war with Nowa as well, giving me a buffer (she has to get through her Planeptune first to get to me through the south).

Should I annex UD Lastation or keep it puppeted as a matter of course due to the emergency?

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929d10 No.3709


What would making her a puppet entail, what would it give us

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929d10 No.3710


UD Lastation? I get to control city production if I annex it, but everyone is deeply unhappy (and that's much higher now at the moment since I just lit it on fire). If I puppet it, less unrest but then I can't order them to pump out defensive units; all new defenders must come from my (already underdefended) core cities.

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929d10 No.3711


Annex it if HD Noire has to go through UD Noire and Neptune

Puppet it if there won't be any real benefit

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929d10 No.3712


Can your happiness afford the annex?

You might want to raze depending on how close she is to you.

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929d10 No.3713

File: ce58466040055d8⋯.jpg (393.17 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170317234137_1.jpg)

File: 19e3dff82507488⋯.jpg (300.24 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170317234207_1.jpg)

File: a2074b22e93dec1⋯.jpg (577.5 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170317234218_1.jpg)

File: 10a2121b7c24671⋯.jpg (219.19 KB,477x454,477:454,Plutia Why do I feel bad.jpg)

Plutia here…why is everyone so meaaannnn to me…

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929d10 No.3714

File: b26ac5f2a657583⋯.png (31.13 KB,429x53,429:53,ClipboardImage.png)



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929d10 No.3715

File: 87468657a146803⋯.jpg (143.07 KB,837x596,837:596,peashy is secretly a grown….jpg)


top peash

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929d10 No.3716

File: 406374ee92962b5⋯.png (133.63 KB,268x268,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

She will be your greatest ally, I'm sure of it

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929d10 No.3717

File: 96a9ab28941ff62⋯.jpg (361.98 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318003321_1.jpg)

File: 99278ac141d46e7⋯.jpg (565.03 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318003518_1.jpg)

File: 08f3a8d6452ea55⋯.jpg (562.4 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318003626_1.jpg)

Ummmm…now the other Noire wants to be friends with us…she's a realll weirdo~. But she's not upset with us at allll…

Some people are telling me that Neppy's not having nice thoughts right now though~.

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929d10 No.3718


Station 17 Catapults outside her capital

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929d10 No.3719

File: 213f737de28f439⋯.jpg (544.43 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318005136_1.jpg)

Why is Noire killing everyone in one of Neppy's cities~?

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929d10 No.3720

File: b14fc80ff5f9ccd⋯.jpg (408.53 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318010118_1.jpg)

File: a06f09469c24c7c⋯.jpg (406.08 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318010212_1.jpg)

File: 3d8053cb90b4576⋯.jpg (332.99 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318010236_1.jpg)

File: b4658c6a2615fec⋯.jpg (373.21 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318010310_1.jpg)

File: ef4714252d8af0f⋯.jpg (344.94 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170318010753_1.jpg)

Wow~! I just ran into alllll the other CPUs…including Gear-chan, Blanc-chan, Vert-chan, and the cute little Lowee sisters…

I also ran into another meeee…having a clone is kinda awesome, but I wonder if she can get angry like I can…

It's pretty funny…the other me is the most powweerrfulll CPU in the world…

I also ran into a creepy old lady…she seems realllllyyy familiar…

Anyway, it's all because of a new thing called a "world congress"…all the people in the world got together to make important decisions…although I'd rather just take a nap right now~!

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929d10 No.3721

Taking a brake, be back in about 12 hours BTW.

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929d10 No.3722

Dice rollRolled 5 (1d5)

1= Compa

2=IF rom

3=IF adv



Unrelated ignore me

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929d10 No.3723

Plutia come baaaaaaaaaack~

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929d10 No.3724

File: 801587e168837c3⋯.png (624.59 KB,1280x720,16:9,Mexican Plutia.png)


I wasss sooooo sleeeppyyy~. I'll get up in a little bit and see if the other Plutia is nice~.

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929d10 No.3725

File: 0760db93235ef55⋯.jpg (301.22 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170319220114_1.jpg)

File: a5ed1fb0effd7c8⋯.jpg (383.12 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170319220636_1.jpg)

File: 869a2aedc8d95d7⋯.png (120.49 KB,300x265,60:53,1441005649107.png)

Wooooaaaaahhh~! Everyone in the world declarreeddd waaarrrr on meee! And Neptune's taken Planeptune~!

I'm outta here~!

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929d10 No.3726

File: e1f7850c485e978⋯.jpg (42.36 KB,500x500,1:1,CvIvQh6UIAAZL3R.jpg)

Uni-chan's soooo niceee… She has a copy of the portal technology…

I think I'll use that, and give my remaining cities to her~. She's almost the strongest right now, so I think she can win with those…but everyone's super mad at me for some reason.

See you in the newww world…bye-byeeee!

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929d10 No.3727

[Post-mortem: everyone denounced me at the same time after taking UD Lastation, which caused a spiral where everyone in the world hated me, so they mostly declared war on me. Also Noire and Neptune wanted to eliminate me suddenly at the same time; Noire was ineffective but Neptune overwhelmed my defenses after a period of many turns. I could have rebuked her at the time with all my forces but Noire was harassing one flank simultaneously as Neptune was attacking another. I really didn't stand much of a chance with my garbage economy.]

[I'm restarting on a new map.]

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929d10 No.3728

File: 31473abacb3d8a5⋯.jpg (275.77 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170319234239_1.jpg)

…soooo…this is my newwwww world~! I'm in a pretty chilly place…

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929d10 No.3729


the old tundra start, looks like getting a good second city will be aids.

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929d10 No.3730


beeline for religion, get the +1 faith to each tile belief

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929d10 No.3731


Yeah it works, was never the biggest fan though. Especially since its tundra without forest that get faith its not even on the good tiles.

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929d10 No.3732

File: c478b2e69aada5b⋯.jpg (342.26 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170320002257_1.jpg)

File: 9b4735b5b9e4a9d⋯.jpg (335.23 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170320002337_1.jpg)

File: cbf47875b29aa5f⋯.jpg (525.02 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170320005940_1.jpg)

File: aa8748705c31f0b⋯.jpg (290.43 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170320010011_1.jpg)

File: 52a7e90f0c48068⋯.jpg (292.68 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170320010013_1.jpg)

Heyyy everybody~! Plutia here~!

Things have been going preetttyy gooddd this time~! I've only run into Noire, and she's way weaker than I am…

I also built another town to the north, because it had grapes for juice, and cinnamon for sweet rolls~! Everyone's reallll happy now…

I also built a bunch of special buildings… They've helped out a bunch, and I got enough faith going this time around for the people to give me Shares~. It feels soooo goodddd…

There's a little island to the southeast that has some oranges, and cows for meat…maybe we can build a nice restaurant in Planeptune~!

Also someone who liked me a whole bunch started work on my Basilicom~! That means the Church of Iris Heart can be made, but there's a lot of other faiths out there… They gave me some crosses and moons and stars, but I think I came up with a pretty awesome design~.

Any suggestions…?

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929d10 No.3733


Befriend Noire

Station 17 catapults in front of her capital

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929d10 No.3734


found jewdeism

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929d10 No.3735

File: fbdc8e0e8f030ae⋯.jpg (266.09 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170320011320_1.jpg)

File: 96436a54d3c731d⋯.jpg (251.59 KB,1680x1050,8:5,20170320013721_1.jpg)

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I'll punish this Noire later, but I just bumped into another Rei…you'd think she wouldn't be trouble in another dimension, but she's still pretty mean~. But I did get four towns going, which is pretty good…

Anyway, I founded the Iris Heart church, and now it's fully developed~. Now I just need to get some good defenders and I can just keep building up and up…

While I was doing alllll thatttt…some nice people came by and told me some stories…fariy tales, and a cute story about kitties, I think~. I didn't really get it all, but I had them all written down and it got of people thinking up some neat ideas~.

Anyway, it looks like Blanc wasn't able to set up her faith this time around…I feel a little bad for her…

But what's really awesome is I got enough Shares to transform~. Now I can make sure everyoneee behavesss…

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929d10 No.3736

File: fca8e6c4c55194a⋯.png (924.58 KB,901x724,901:724,687852523.png)

>Plutia can transform

Time to dominate the world

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929d10 No.3737


I'm sure your merchant will be great at…persuading…a city state to be friends with you.

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929d10 No.3749

File: 6fb275a5fe1454b⋯.png (239.58 KB,451x320,451:320,ClipboardImage.png)


Our Merchant friends will save us

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