You wake up in a bed that's obviously a bit too small with you. Your feet are on the edge of said bed, yet it doesn't matter. What matters, though, is the heavy weight between your legs. That, and the fact you can't either move or see.
"Ah, he's waken up !"
"Hello, Onii-chan !"
"Girls, it's not that funny, let me off ! Rom ! Ram !"
It has been two years that you've been appointed to Lowee's Basilicom as the newest guardian for the twins. Twins who didn't accept you at first, and who were quick to pranking you, but after several talks and small incidents, the situation has been calmed down… Until recently.
Ram suddenly began throwing a fit and starting to prank both you and Rom, locking both of you in rooms, wardrobes and closets, throwing buckets of cold water at her and so on. However, this time, they seem to work together on the prank.
"…We're not playing anymore."
"What ?"
"Tell us, Onii-chan, what day is it ?"
"If I'm not wrong, it's both your birthday today, isn't it ?"
"I'll finally be able to free my closet a bit, since there are your presents in."
"Presents ?"
"Yeah, free me and I'll give them to you."
"Nice try, Onii-chan. But you're not getting away."
"Why ?"
"As you know, this is our birthday. Our eighteenth birthday, to be more precise."
"Eighteenth ? But you look like thirteen at best !"
"Thank our Share Crystals for that."
"Why ?"
"When you're chosen to be a Candidate or a CPU, you have a Share Crystal that comes with, and that determines which growth is ideal for your role. But since we were born at the same time, we also share the same Crystal, which means our physical growth is cut in half."
"Thanks for the information, Ram, but that doesn't explain why I'm all tied up."
"…You're my gift for Rom."
"Eh ?"
"You know I've spent my last months annoying both of you, right ?"
"Yes, and ?"
"It was just to create some situations… I'm her twin sister after all, so she can't hide anything to…"
"RAM ! Don't tell it !"
"…Fine, but you do it, then."
You felt part of the weight on your under body trembling a bit. Which makes you think that both twins are on it.
"…Onii-chan ?"
"Yes, Rom ?"
"…I love you. Since the first time I've met you here… I never stopped thinking about you since then…"
"I understand."
"…You don't love me, do you ?"
"…I honestly never thought about you this way, especially with the chance of hammer time should your big sister happen to know about it."
"And now that I give you the time to do so, what do you think about it ?"
"…I know you since two days now, and I've seen lots of things about you, both your good and bad sides. You have a serious tendency to not be able to refuse anything from a friend or your sister, but you also are kind and really cute. And I think I can't refuse these feelings that comes from you."
"…Really ?"