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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1468991757668-0.jpg (574.72 KB,1920x1080,16:9,RB3RT.jpg)

File: 1468991757669-1.jpg (598.74 KB,1600x1800,8:9,retranslation rb3 example ….jpg)

File: 1468991757669-2.jpg (409.37 KB,800x900,8:9,retranslation rb3 examples….jpg)

70e636 No.3451

Are you tired of Neptune sounding like a moron?



With Retranslation, say goodbye to bullshit like Nep Jr. (which for some reason came back for an encore) and say hello to dialogue that won't make you cringe!

Grab the first version here: https://mega.nz/#!WZNRCJTY!zJ8FJp9gApBtEYjdAGcUrvtyhTDT185Iv1m88VqnFO4

(MD5: 6FF62ACF07FE8D87BBA37D622F7406D6)


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70e636 No.3454

Okay, I'm out.

Too many pinned threads.

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70e636 No.3456


you're a pinned thread

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70e636 No.3457


Just for a short time. We'd like to see if there's any bug reports, that's all.

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70e636 No.3458

File: 1469059617968.jpg (98.63 KB,679x960,679:960,1446521628477.jpg)




MD5: 9CD6DB8EF7087B7FA57BCE2EB7B35660

This fixes a problem people reported on Steam with the script not loading for some people. No content changes.

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70e636 No.3464


Doesn't that second line with Blanc sound like a RB1 line? Or is this more about getting it closer to the actual meaning?

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70e636 No.3475


It's basically getting closer to the original version. It's subtle, but it does changes what's actually being said a bit.

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70e636 No.3486

Is there something like that for Re;Birth1?

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70e636 No.3487


team's said that ReBirth 1's translation is optimal, and something they should aim for with retranslations

A different team translates the next one, if you think the script's bad at all now, it's going to get much worse

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70e636 No.3490


Well RB1's translation did have some syntax errors. You can see some Engrish in there, especially in the written bits, but overall it's pretty close to WYSIWYG.

So with all that said…


…what do you find troublesome about RB1's translation?

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70e636 No.3563

File: d72a8e61b037f9e⋯.jpg (175.96 KB,960x544,30:17,2016-09-05-144003.jpg)

Place the folder PCSE00661 in ux0:patch/

Note that you need a Vita on 3.60 with henkaku installed to install it.

You should need about 123MB of free space in order to install it.

I only tested the early part of the game, so if you come across anything weird be sure to let me know and I'll try to fix it.


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70e636 No.3566


Dunno if it worked completly or not saw the bad news bears line and interwebs line.

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70e636 No.3567


Is that DLC content? If so that still needs to be translated for the PC, let alone Vita.

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70e636 No.3568


maybe, I am unsure.

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70e636 No.3569


Thanks as always. These are what make the games playable for me.

I did a playthrough and recorded the typos along with some things I'm pretty sure you just missed. It can be found here: http://pastebin.com/eLdiVDvb

Personally, I wish you'd lean a little more towards the Japanese voices rather than keeping things localized, but playing the DLC reminded me of just how big an improvement this is.

Any plans to do the spin-offs or VII?

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70e636 No.3570


VII, probably not. Most of the people on the team who've seen the VII output don't really have a problem with it.

Now that I've played Neptunia U, there's plenty there that could be tightened up but it's a fairly low priority target over getting the last few bits of RB2 and RB3 cleaned up. But I'd certainly like that as a target if at all possible once that's been done. It'd be a fairly short project too, at that.

As far as the bugs, thanks! I've been waiting for playtesting reports but I think I released this a bit too close to VII to get much traction that way. Although that might pick up again with these games getting patched and the Winter Sale coming up.

And regarding the actual work itself, for one thing you don't want to get too off track from IFI conventions if for no other reason then people wouldn't be able to benefit from a guide or asking a friend for help as easily as they could. This is actually a problem with RB2 where there's an item name and a place name that are clearly wrong. We fixed those but are thinking of reverting those changes to vanilla in the 1.5 patch for it, when it comes out.

Also some jokes are sort of hard to deal with as they basically require translator notes and that's something you can't really insert either. There's one joke in Chapter 1 here for example where Plutia thinks Histoire has a Chinese name that's sort of hard to bridge over. I was thinking of a different method than what IFI chose that was a little closer to the original intention of the joke but I have that on ice for a later patch as I want to revise it a bit. As far as honorifics, I wouldn't be upset about those being in there, but it's the Japanese culture stuff again.

Still, I wouldn't necessarily mind seeing some development along those lines one of these days, from somebody.

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70e636 No.3593

Just an update on the Nep U front, it seems some people were upset about a few lines with Blanc's game being troublesome. From what I've heard overall this isn't a large block of text…I dunno, I'm getting more receptive to looking into these Tamsoft games at some point (mainly Nep U though), but only if we can get some tools to edit the script.

Until such time as we get those, options regarding these games are somewhat limited.

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70e636 No.3595


I guess I'll take you guys' word for it and go through VII and Hyperdevotion vanilla while waiting to see if U gains any traction.

It makes sense why you'd want to keep things consistent, especially important since you're not doing every game. I'm probably in the minority of people who want things to match up just right with the nicknames/honorifics, but there are some cases where it effects other things too (NEPU being translated sometimes is the big one) that I'm sure others would like to see updated.

For future reference, is there any particular way that you guys like to see error reports like this? Or what content you are most interested in (I'm not always sure if the "jokes" that pop up were intentionally left in or not)? I tried to make it easy to find where in the script the problem was, but if there's a better way to do it I'd be happy to use it for any future releases.

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70e636 No.3599


Well, take screen shots of anything you find suspicious and then post them (also mention the Chapter or if they are DLC or something).

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905a22 No.3929

Rezzing thread.

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bd75de No.5078


Download link is dead, can someone post a mirror?

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bd75de No.5081


I found it and I'm gonna mirror it here in case any of that bullshit happens again.


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