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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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597f49 No.3314

I've just gotten into the series, and I heard that the revamp sequel was probably one of the weakest games in the series. I had no idea it'd be as bad as it was though really.

Were they trying to optimise this for the PSP or something? I know the japanese in regards to geimu gyoukai are megajews and shit, but this is just absurd. Other than the reused fiery cavern level, only the first level has any sort of verticality, and some stages are used several times for the same events, the CPU candidate portraits don't update (I can't blame them for thinking we'd go back the second we see those slutty bikinis though), common route credits real seems to "spoil" the true ending, and there's that shitty time based minigames assassin's creed started using.

Still, I'm eating all of their shit up. So is there any general advice I could get on ending conditions and other stuff?

I was planning on getting the conquest ending first up simply because the name looked cool, but I hadn't looked up the guide and got the Neptune ending instead. Still don't know what the "makers" are, but it seems like getting the conditions for their ending screws you out of the true ending, right? What order should I go for, other than the waifu platform endings? Does getting the conquest ending first ruin anything? Why is Puchiko a character? Why is the translation team so shitty? I'm sure Red'd be just a little bit more bearable if they were at least saying "waifu".

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597f49 No.3315

I really liked RB2 and wouldn't consider it a weak Nep game at all. I didn't have any performance issues except the guard break animation which causes massive framedrops, so I replaced it with the RB1 animation. All Nep games are filled with reused assets and mediocre gameplay (VII looks pretty good though). There's a retranslation for RB2 that fixes the memes, link is in the Nep general on /v/. Makers are simply the playable humans like Compa and IF. They're named after companies who make games.

See image for the endings and how to get them. I strongly recommend doing the conquest ending, it's something quite different. The true ending has an extra chapter so I recommend doing that one as well. You can save before the chapter 5 CFW Magic fight and do extra endings from there if you wish.

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597f49 No.3316

File: 1466333586836-0.jpg (146.76 KB,919x599,919:599,endings.jpg)

File: 1466333586836-1.jpg (47.45 KB,414x318,69:53,1464442284041.jpg)


Forgot image.

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597f49 No.3324


Sorry, what are V makers? Are there makers other than IF, Compa, Cave, 5pb., RED, Falcom. and Broccoli(???)?

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597f49 No.3325


They're the makers that join you when you get 30% shares in any nation that isn't Planeptune, just like you'll get the goddess of that nation when you get to 50%. They're MarvelousAQL, Cyberconnect2 and Tekken I believe. They're called V makers because they play a bigger role in the V/RB3 game.

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