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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1434425207682.png (400.66 KB,500x708,125:177,tumblr_nkfr27M3lv1uofb9ho1….png)

0f2051 No.330

We need to get Nepnep in Smash, if Ryu made it she can too. Tell all your friends, spread it around and we can make this happen


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0f2051 No.331

File: 1434425326378.jpg (15.13 KB,240x290,24:29,Nep3.jpg)

sorry man weebs never win

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0f2051 No.332

File: 1434425531641.jpg (84.49 KB,500x500,1:1,Tzao5.jpg)

we need to keep weebing until Nintendo can't take it anymore

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0f2051 No.333

File: 1434453246303.jpg (316.62 KB,391x3798,391:3798,NepinPS.jpg)

Well, OP, I've been voting for senrans at the moment, but I can certainly help with some nepvotes.

I definitely would've bought Playstation All-Start Totally not Smash if Nep was in it

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0f2051 No.334

File: 1434472695677.png (703.82 KB,800x1132,200:283,hyperdimension_neptunia___….png)

Good looks, senrans are good ideas too. Maybe Reggie will heed our call

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0f2051 No.335

Sorry, I want Marina in more.

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0f2051 No.336


I hope a well known fighter comes out with Nep in it.

The reaction would be so great to see.

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0f2051 No.339


Yeah, Nep would be a fun character thrown into a game.

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0f2051 No.341


With images like this, OP, I can't help but read your posts in Nep's English voice

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0f2051 No.342

File: 1434825810998.jpg (144.46 KB,1280x720,16:9,hyperdimension_neptunia-01….jpg)

It's only a matter of time

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0f2051 No.346


I'm contributing buddy. I'm still reading your posts in Nep's voice

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0f2051 No.349

File: 1435094407465.jpeg (21.51 KB,496x331,496:331,received_109611436045169.jpeg)

Any contribution makes me happy

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0f2051 No.1104

Bumping this thread, we got a few days left!

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0f2051 No.1142


X-post to the Nep thread on /v/.

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1ca720 No.5994

Thread unsmashed.

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