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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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fb7667 No.3278

So you want to deflower cute little neps, fill them with your semen and dress them up as sluts? Well then this is the best place you could find(not really)



I use this torrent, it's version 1.26 so at least you don't have to update the version


1. Install the above torrent

2. go to http://www.kisskiss.tv/cm3d2/update.php and download the アップデータ Ver.1.31, this patch should bring your 1.26 version to 1.31, you can check if it worked on the start screen, click the gear icon and then the 3rd icon from the left. To actually install it, throw all the .exe files and folders into the root of your installation, you know, the palce that has the same folders and .exe files, overwrite the files and launch the only new .exe in the folder which should be called "update"

3. On the same site, under the grey boxes, there's another link, this is a hotfix to a patch, you apply it the same way

4. Now comes the actually shitty part, the DLC's



You should install EVERYTHING from the above pastebin, I did it one-by-one but the MEGA link includes a document with how to make a all-in-one DLC installer, but I couldn't get that way to work, do note that the list is updated when there are new DLC's, you should be able to sort the files by date in the MEGA link to see what's the new stuff that you hanve't installed yet


5. After all that is done you should have a fully functional game with all the content, so let's get some translations going


Download and install the HF patch, it comes with lots of shit, some good, some not really needed if all you want is to play the game, but it also has uncensor and translation for UI and a few other things, so check everything during installation, I guess

And that should be it, I don't think I missed anything regarding the installation, now for the thing you are here for, the neps


has mods for PH, BH and VNoire, the upside, links are in plain view in each gallery and not protected by passwords(I think), the downside, you need to make a baidu account…yeah. If you only care about PH then there's this MEGA mirror I found


BH does not work in this one but PH does, the Blanc should be the same as the next one


in his description there's a link to his uploader, he made lots of mods for both the first game and the 2nd one, his mods include Blanc, Iffy, Nepnep and Noire, everything is password protected and unless he changed something, all passwords should be either @n777 or n777@

That's all for the avalaible nep mods, there's also Compa from


but good luck asking him for link

To actually install the mods, throw everything in the "Mod" folder, worked for me with everything nep related and a few other things, some mods also include Preset folders, throw the contents into your Preset folder in the installation root, this will give you the ready neps in your maid creation presets, feel free to play with them, make a flat Noire, make YH-sized Blanc etc. I suggest launching the game only through __Patch x64 NTLEA(or x86 if you don't run a 64bit system but I doubt you do) in the ReiPatcher folder, I believe this actually confirms thigns like DLC's and mods to work properly

Lastly, if you want to save yourself from all the fucking grind


This is a handy tool for editing/unlocking stuff from a program you can launch during the game(in the menu with save/load etc), thanks to HFpatch you have two of the required plugins, so just install the Cecil.Inject and you can install MaidFiddler, both should come with directions on how to install them so I don't think there's a need for me to explain

Happy nepping! Remember to treat your neps with love and care!

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fb7667 No.3279

File: 1465203855057-0.png (1.67 MB,1858x1057,1858:1057,img20160525191910.png)

File: 1465203855057-1.png (1.53 MB,1858x1057,1858:1057,img20160606183028.png)

File: 1465203855057-2.png (1.77 MB,1858x1057,1858:1057,img20160605184925.png)

Here is a HDD-eyes and Nepgear hairpins mod I made and my presets for Nepgear, Purple sister, Uni, Black Sister, Vert and Orange Heart. All use vanilla stuff and my mods.


To install, put mods in mod and presets in preset folder. I probably dabble more into modding CM3D2 later on.

I also found an all in one installer on nyaa, haven't tested it though


And there is this Nep in a Nepgear outfit made by a japanese modder which is behind a password.


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fb7667 No.3281


the all-in-one installers on nyaa are most likely outaded

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fb7667 No.3283

File: 1465214400615.jpg (23.19 KB,369x368,369:368,1431880123059.jpg)


Thank you very much for this guide. I'm gonna have some fun with this.

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fb7667 No.3284

File: 1465216994680-0.jpg (46.65 KB,312x474,52:79,ss (2016-04-15 at 04.19.27….jpg)

File: 1465216994681-1.jpg (63 KB,365x641,365:641,ss (2016-04-16 at 11.28.08….jpg)

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File: 1465216994681-3.jpg (91.58 KB,487x700,487:700,ss (2016-05-03 at 09.30.26….jpg)

File: 1465216994681-4.jpg (99.78 KB,564x689,564:689,ss (2016-05-17 at 07.54.50….jpg)




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fb7667 No.3285

File: 1465220739883-0.png (459.81 KB,513x640,513:640,Custom Hold Me Blanc.PNG)

File: 1465220739883-1.png (502.83 KB,445x719,445:719,Custom Gear Confident.PNG)

File: 1465220739883-2.png (300.95 KB,257x721,257:721,Custom Nepgear Point.PNG)


Has three presets of my Nepgear since I couldn't tell which one was the one I use on my file (pretty sure they're all almost the exact same).

The Blanc I'm posting pictures of is in one of the mega links above. Just posting images of what she looks like in game.

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fb7667 No.3288

CRC failed in 'CM3D2\GameData\sound2.arc'. File is broken.

I don't think this is normal, will patching it fix this?

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fb7667 No.3289


I honestly have no idea anon, I only know what worked for me, sorry

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fb7667 No.3291


Well I'm redownloading the whole thing, if it happens again, guess I'll just have to find another torrent.

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fb7667 No.3292



It seems redownloading the torrent fixed the errors.

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fb7667 No.3295

After nearly a week of downloading and fiddling and fucking up

I have CM3D2 working with English

still getting the Neps in though

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fb7667 No.3300


>japanese modder which is behind a password

Anyone figure out the password? Wondering if it's his CM3D ID or something?

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fb7667 No.3307

File: 1466212077254-0.png (476.48 KB,1187x655,1187:655,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1466212077254-1.png (43.28 KB,318x121,318:121,ClipboardImage.png)

Did I fuck up because I'm pretty sure it isn't supposed to be this unreadable

yes I used maid fiddler

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fb7667 No.3308

File: 1466269210331-0.jpg (272.36 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ss (2016-06-18 at 12.57.59….jpg)

File: 1466269210331-1.jpg (345.06 KB,1920x1080,16:9,ss (2016-06-18 at 12.58.57….jpg)


Oh god what did you do?

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fb7667 No.3309



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fb7667 No.3310

Is there a way to uninstall ReiPatcher unpatch everything

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fb7667 No.3311


Oh I guess not nevermind

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fb7667 No.3312

File: 1466287524838-0.png (22.94 KB,339x141,113:47,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 1466287524838-1.png (147.81 KB,1225x685,245:137,ClipboardImage.png)

Eyyyyy it's fixed

Apparently I downloaded the wrong HF Patch

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fb7667 No.3321

File: 1466398566816.png (155.72 KB,336x512,21:32,ClipboardImage.png)

I love this game

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fb7667 No.3326

File: 1466462281004.jpg (847 KB,1850x1128,925:564,1440887731762.jpg)

For body accurate Neps

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fb7667 No.3333

File: 1466565540950.png (179.95 KB,377x532,377:532,ClipboardImage.png)

Is there really no Vert mods, or I guess she can be somewhat created vanilla already


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fb7667 No.3401


This guy is creating Vert, he mentioned he's not satisfied with her costume yet and he won't release it until he's done with that.

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fb7667 No.3402

File: 1467552977897-0.png (907.4 KB,1920x1057,1920:1057,img20160701145622.png)

File: 1467552977897-1.png (715.84 KB,1920x1057,1920:1057,img20160701155632.png)


Took me a few weeks, but I learnt how to mod the game. I added Purple Sister's Mk2 and mk3 outfit to nepgear stuff.

Also started to use sybaris instead of reipatcher, which has some nice japanese mods.



He had it partially on his pixiv description, but removed it recently. It would be nice to have it.

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fb7667 No.3406


>I added Purple Sister's Mk2 and mk3 outfit to nepgear stuff.


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fb7667 No.3407


It's in nepgear stuff.zip in mega link in my previous post


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fb7667 No.3413


You are the greatest of men.

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fb7667 No.3415

File: 1467705724910.png (331.35 KB,657x1057,657:1057,img20160704140152.png)


Thank you very much, even though I'm just another guy who wants to be with his waifu.

Also managed to add her Mk1 outfit in my day off. It's in the same link and zip as the others.

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fb7667 No.3443

For once I remember I was supposed to post these


The presets for the closest possible Uzume and Puru, need stuff unlocked form in-game shop

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fb7667 No.3571

File: 0184da2f88937c5⋯.png (1.07 MB,1920x1080,16:9,56641527_p0.png)

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fb7667 No.3581


Can you upload the .presets too?

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fb7667 No.3583


there were no presents

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fb7667 No.3596

File: 1d1a693ec32ad10⋯.jpg (435.58 KB,1722x1017,574:339,nepgearmodisgo.jpg)

Looking for the CM3D2 mod for Segami.

Here's a new mod released today for Nepgear:


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fb7667 No.3597

File: aa37b6dd59c00cf⋯.jpg (381.71 KB,2048x1086,1024:543,Ctq2ET0UEAA-d-D.jpg)

Compa(wasn't able to test it in game, but he has a picture on his twitter) and Uni


That same guy posted pictures of a lot of neps on his twitter, pic related being one of them.


They are out there, just gotta find them.

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fb7667 No.3598


In fact, there's a lead on at least one of them: http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4791223383

Apparently the link is there, possibly have to sign in but I can't be bothered to do it.

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fb7667 No.3600


Preset for Black heart (I think it turned out well)


And an update for Purple heart, (better than previous but still the original mod needs longer front hair)



Found the baidu sources but he has since then taken them all down

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fb7667 No.3624

Anyone has a working Uni preset? im having problems with the one im using, seems like im missing some kind of file or something. Her clothes bugs.

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fb7667 No.3625

In the event that anyone still browses here actively: https://twitter.com/18043n777/status/818006375825424384

Voting between Neptune vs Atelier series for his next model(s), I think. Pretty close, but Atelier is currently leading.

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fb7667 No.3626


Forgot to mention it ends in 4 hours from this post.

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fb7667 No.3627

File: dd73dfbdd3840f1⋯.jpg (131.51 KB,1199x633,1199:633,this_is_to_go_beyond.jpg)

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fb7667 No.3628


The download link is 404'd for me,could you possibly have another?

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fb7667 No.3629


Looks like it was taken down. Will have to reupload. Sorry.

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fb7667 No.3630


Can someone upload it on mega?

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fb7667 No.3631

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fb7667 No.3632



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fb7667 No.3633

File: 420566c12ffe52d⋯.jpg (212.25 KB,1920x1080,16:9,kangpa.jpg)

I forgot all about it, but YXQ has a Compa mod for download on his getuploader too:


Get it while you can. He removed the link to his uploader from his twitter page and will probably remove everything else too.

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25f407 No.4073

Was NEXT Black ever released publicly?

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