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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1456758139322.png (211.08 KB,471x597,157:199,832110c46d1bf920f528c357df….png)

344571 No.2848

Linda is the best girl, even though I'm the only person who thinks so.

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344571 No.2851

File: 1456879592796.png (35.78 KB,943x514,943:514,1452208956835.png)

No. that's me

i wrote a fucking mail to IFI, but they never replied me!

Maybe it's better because i doubt they even remember her since they can't guess which of the twins is rom

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344571 No.2852

File: 1456884580967.jpg (117.65 KB,617x634,617:634,1444500815621.jpg)


>i wrote a fucking mail to IFI, but they never replied me!

Maybe its because they're tired of getting the same 'I want to marry this Nep' e-mails they've gotten ever since Blancanon has gotten famous.

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344571 No.2853

File: 1456894248655.jpg (287.22 KB,520x734,260:367,37285431_p0.jpg)


It was pretty funny the first time, though.

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344571 No.2854

File: 1456912833370.jpg (174.84 KB,508x587,508:587,1409355961388.jpg)


Right, but ever since that took off, suddenly many want to be Blancanon, racing to claim waifus first.

>can I marry Nepgear?

>can I marry IF?

I ain't stop anyone from doing it as I'm just a faggot behind a screen, but don't be surprised if you don't get any responses or in the event that you do, its automated.

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344571 No.2858

File: 1456966270394-0.jpg (318.97 KB,767x1024,767:1024,q.jpg)

File: 1456966270580-1.png (147.72 KB,679x1175,679:1175,linda_from_hyperdimension_….png)

File: 1456966270675-2.png (511.78 KB,642x965,642:965,Linda_Strip.png)

Need more Linda in my life

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344571 No.2876

File: 1457300200559.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.47 MB,1417x2480,1417:2480,ea0c954f0f5eec989d9096ef4a….jpg)

Someone actually drew a lewd of Linda.

Personally, I was hoping for more hand holding.

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344571 No.2877

File: 1457315301238-0.jpg (917.27 KB,2931x2082,977:694,1441868430443.jpg)

File: 1457315301239-1.jpg (561.61 KB,1112x1512,139:189,002.jpg)

File: 1457315301239-2.jpg (608.56 KB,1112x1512,139:189,009.jpg)

Have some rare canon Underlings. And CFW Magic.

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344571 No.2880


>first image



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28f235 No.4262

i'd agree if she didn't have that navel piercing

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