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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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e5a050 No.2182

Can we have a Nep music thread?

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e5a050 No.2188

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e5a050 No.2194

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Sucks that most of the Neptunia OST isn't on YouTube.

Anyways, I think this is my favorite world map theme. Much better over RB1, RB3 comes sort of close though

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e5a050 No.2195

What's the name of the theme when something silly is happening in the Re;birth games

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e5a050 No.2197


Life lite?

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e5a050 No.2198

File: 1452537238695.mp4 (7.04 MB,360x360,1:1,Hyperdimension Neptunia~. ….mp4)

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e5a050 No.2202


I looked it up in-game apparently the name is Minicar

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e5a050 No.2203

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e5a050 No.2205


I've been kicking around the results of potentially flipping around Minicar and Tear Drop.

Certainly would give a different feel to Conquest…

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e5a050 No.2206


Minicar playing in Conquest? Would the whole thing be revealed to be Blanc or IF's chunni fanfic?

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e5a050 No.2207

File: 1452650558416-0.gif (968.53 KB,500x281,500:281,NepBlancUpset.gif)

File: 1452650558478-1.jpg (93.77 KB,494x513,26:27,NepSmug1.jpg)


It actually seems like something Blanc would write.

Blanc: "I wrote a new story that involves the brave self-sacrifice of the heroine and her friends. I think this is my crowning achievement as a writer so far."

Everyone: "…"

Blanc: (They seem to be reading it quietly. It looks like this will be a success.)

Blanc: "What do you think?"

Neptune: "Well…it's…interesting."

Blanc: [smiles] "Really? In what way?"

Neptune: "Well…uh…I'm kinda flattered that you'd write a story about us, Blanc."

Blanc: [smile drains] "What? N-no, it's an original story…"

Noire: "Sure, no one's called me 'Nowa' before.” (glares at Neptune)

Blanc: [gulp]

Vert: "This sort of reminds me of that time a few years back where Noire tried to kill herself. The thought of Nepgear killing all of us with that cursed sword as a result is spine chilling."

Neptune: "That's one little complaint, Blanc. It's pretty edgy."

Blanc: "…it…it's meant to be a dramatic tale!"

Noire: "You mean 'melodramatic'."

Blanc: "GAH!"

Neptune: "I don't remember a cursed sword during the whole ASIC thing, Vert."

Vert: "Are you sure? I remember quite clearly leaving your nation in a foul mood, and Lastation losing a lot of shares suddenly."

Neptune: "I'm pretty sure I'd tease Nowa to death if I ever made her a hobo in her own nation."

Noire: "Grr…"

Neptune: "Besides, I remember giving Nepgear all of our shares voluntarily."

Vert: "I could have sworn that Nepgear and Uni made a sword together. Noire, do you remember what happened?"

Noire: "W-well of course I do! I wouldn't lose all my shares to Neptune! But…I also remember Uni helping make a sword too…”

Neptune: "That's funny. Oh well, I guess that purifying the sword or that share-belief thing would pretty much lead to the same ending in Re;Birth 2. I guess that's what's confusing us!"

Noire: "Jeez, stop being so meta…besides, Blanc's been standing here all this time with that glazed look on her face.”

Blanc: (indistinct gurgling sounds)

Neptune: (whispers to the others) “Hey, we should get our sisters in here. Also the guys from Ultradimension are here somewhere too…”

Vert: "Hmm…this could be an entertaining diversion. I think I saw Uzume heading toward the kitchen when I came over."

Noire: "Hey, it's not really sporting to kick Blanc around while she's already dividing by zero.”

Blanc: (drools)

Noire: "Which is why we need to hurry and find everyone before she comes too…”

Neptune: “Alright! I'll round up the candidates!”

Vert: "I'll try and find Uzume, since I already have a lead on her."

Noire: "I wanna find Uzume. All that Ultradimension stuff bugs me…”

Vert: Very well. I'll retrieve Plutia and dear little Peashy.♥"

Neptune: “Come on, come on! Let's go before she gets back into sorts!”


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e5a050 No.2208


I could see what you wrote happening as another in-joke about the Conquest end. At least if IF still wants to acknowledge it.

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e5a050 No.2803

Bretty good nepu

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e5a050 No.2863

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A certain lyricist's theme song.

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e5a050 No.2864

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Looks like 8chan ate my last post. Posting Noire singing to get things where they should be.

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e5a050 No.2865

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Since we have Mk2/5pb's song out of the way, here's where it all started.

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e5a050 No.3588

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