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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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814c0d No.213

English or Japanese?

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814c0d No.215


I've been playing Re:Birth in English - it was the default setting on the Vita so I just went with it. However, I have switched back and forth because I've been interested to hear how the CPUs sound in both forms in both languages. I tend to keep the language in English in battle because I appreciate some of the things yelled out by the girls in battle, and I wouldn't understand it in Japanese.

However I always play in Japanese when I have MarvelousAQL in my battle party

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814c0d No.216


>I tend to keep the language in English in battle because I appreciate some of the things yelled out by the girls in battle, and I wouldn't understand it in Japanese.

I agree with this.

Also, not to be racist, but everyone sounds the fucking same in Japanese.

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814c0d No.217


I agree with this to a point. I feel like the more you listen to the Japanese, the more you can pick out the differences in the voices.

In my case, I like the work Hitomi Harada did as Asuka in Senran Kagura the only game I can think of that I played completely in Japanese and so when I learned that she played Marvy I wanted to see how similarly it was. Given she was picked to play the girl made to directly represent Senran Kagura, I figured my odds of hearing the same character were good.

Although while playing Nep there's something special about hearing our little purple protagonist yell out "gonna HIT YA"

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814c0d No.219

Japanese. I couldn't imagine Perfect Heart without her sex voice, and I like the rest of the cast much better than their english counterparts too.

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814c0d No.221


Which Goddess do you call Perfect Heart? I know a lot of people like Iris Heart, but I wasn't sure if that's who you're going for.

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814c0d No.233

Controversial opinion coming through:

I really really REALLY like Compa's English voice, FAR better than her Japanese one.

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814c0d No.236


Purple Heart. Perfect in every way, shape and form. Not waifu though

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814c0d No.238

Depends on my mood, don't really care either way.


It doesn't have a dub

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814c0d No.241


I know, and that got me into the Japanese VAs for the series although it did make my first impression of the anime dub a lot harsher than expected. I didn't watch the anime in either English or Japanese, though, since I already knew the story through Burst on 3DS


Perfect but not waifu? You fancy yourself a flawed girl? Or is your waifu just in a different series?


Given in English she doesn't desu everything I understand that, but I'm sure it's the exact opposite for someone else. She does sound incredibly ditzy in English, but I think that's what they wanted for her

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814c0d No.253

Nep's English voice was okay for a little bit but then it got REALLY annoying.

Then I tried Japanese voices and I immediately had to switch back because I couldn't deal with the forced "cuteness" that wasn't even marginally cute, just kind of headachy.

I'm fine with most everyone else's English voices though.

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814c0d No.254


Neptune's english voice is pretty good in HDN, but I'm also going back and finally playing after having not played a Nep game in a while so I might be biased.

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814c0d No.257


No, I don't have a waifu.

She's probably the closest that will happen though. Too bad she's just a cloud of ones and zeroes.

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814c0d No.259


>just a cloud of ones and zeroes

True, but for some people, that makes it easier to have one.



Understandable, it is a little high. I like it, but I can understand someone else not being into it

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814c0d No.275

I think Noire's English VA is very spotty, wish she'd be more consistent.

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814c0d No.276


Listen to glorious Imai's goddess voice instead.

and then listen to her eroge voice clips of her getting railed from behind

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814c0d No.277


She was great in HDN and I think mk2 and V, then IFI directed her into crap.

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814c0d No.279


got a link?


Really? That's a shame. I was wondering if she kept this tone throughout, because working for her in HD Noire looked like it would be fun with her as she is in HDN

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814c0d No.282

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814c0d No.283



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814c0d No.307



Hyperdevotion Noire is just a better game all around.

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814c0d No.309


nah it's total shit hey

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814c0d No.325



I hear it's fun, but really simple, and the traps on the maps don't affect the mooks

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814c0d No.379

I actually use both.

Jp voices for others and eng voices for convos/CGs (if voiced)

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814c0d No.382


Any characters you prefer in one voice over another?

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814c0d No.449


I really don't like Blanc's english VA. It feels like she doesn't even get Blanc's personality

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814c0d No.450


Well obviously english VA's can't do shit right

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814c0d No.456


None of them do

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814c0d No.474

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I really don't mind the English VA's at all. Live and let live, I say.

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814c0d No.477

>tfw i realized that Nepgear English VA is a flip

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814c0d No.481


Does it sound like a flip, though? I haven't listened to her English VAs, had to swap immediately

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814c0d No.487

I switch between them a lot, because I like Japanese voices, but I can't understand what they are saying during battles.

I tried english voices for dialogues too, but Japanese voices sound cuter in my ears.

So far I can say the only thing I don't like about dub is Noire's HDD voice, and absolutely love english Compa, even more fitting than the Japanese one

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814c0d No.521


Black Heart's dub voice annoys me as well. She goes from valley girl to fake posh english for no reason

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814c0d No.576


I agree, but that's because we're New Weebs, or Neweebs, who are basically disgusting baka gaijin normies to the glorious 1000-times-folded weebs of times past.

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10b7a9 No.5988

Fixing this one too.

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