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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1449202540610.jpg (51.36 KB,600x462,100:77,CVWlVQ8UEAA0hRC.jpg)

52f78e No.1652

Just condensing everything.

Big announcements:

pic related

Advent Dark Force coming to PS4 in Spring as well


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52f78e No.1653

File: 1449202556541.jpg (41.07 KB,600x450,4:3,CVWk49gVAAAUZPt.jpg)



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52f78e No.1654



Brace yourself, Costume break mod inc

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52f78e No.1655

so uh

are those going to need retranslations too?

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52f78e No.1656

File: 1449270405010-0.jpg (139.68 KB,960x544,30:17,naRZ6qK.jpg)

File: 1449270405011-1.jpg (47.63 KB,600x340,30:17,u5SELJU.jpg)


U, along with PP, is like the embodiment of Nick Doerr's cancer.

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52f78e No.1657

File: 1449273257032-0.jpg (127.34 KB,960x544,30:17,sogZGMn.jpg)

File: 1449273257033-1.jpg (128.74 KB,960x544,30:17,ggv1glf.jpg)

>>1655 >>1656

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52f78e No.1659


Not likely yet since Doerr left after RB3. I dont care as much since for the Buran game, it's a more lighthearted looking spinoff.

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52f78e No.1661

>still no Neptunia PP PC port

Some day?

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52f78e No.1664

File: 1449342741497.jpg (164.2 KB,960x544,30:17,2014-06-17-193117.jpg)


Why do you want it at all?

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52f78e No.1667


good lord


was referring to the vita -> PC ports, not the newer games

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52f78e No.1680


For modding purposes.

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52f78e No.1689

I like getting Blanc&Nep vs Zombies. The lack of co-op in the Senran Kagura "Versus" titles can be offset by Neptune and company

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52f78e No.1690


It's a fairly big *if* regarding the ability of the modding tools to access these game's data. We'll have to see when they come out.

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52f78e No.1691


They run on the Senran Kagura engine, right?

If that's the case it should take some getting used to, but I doubt it'd be that hard, especially since with Shinovi Versus coming to PC, the boob producer wants to see mods.

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52f78e No.2211

Neptunia U beta signups are open. IIRC testers for the Re;Birth 2 and 3 ended up getting the game for free. Can't hurt to sign up.

They don't have any sort of format, though. I kinda just listed my info off. Didn't make it into the last two :V


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52f78e No.2213


hmm. would they mind, that I have zero neptunia games in my steam account?

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52f78e No.2214


I think they want a variety of platforms to test systems on, rather than actual Neptunia ownership.

Perhaps you have an x86 tablet, or a specific AMD build. Or have a non-mainstream soundcard. That kind of stuff.

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52f78e No.2215


I've applied to every beta they've had so far with no luck yet. Hopefully this time it's different with my new computer.

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52f78e No.2216


I got in the V3 testing by having a toaster, worth a shot.

Also if you say you're married to a Nep like I said I'm Blanc's husband it helps!

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52f78e No.2218


Aw crud, I should have said that.

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52f78e No.2226

Looks like that beta form is closed up.

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52f78e No.2341

I missed that last part in #10 of the terms and conditions so that explains a lot


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52f78e No.2344

File: 1453740189524.jpg (810.21 KB,800x1131,800:1131,1451339703543.jpg)


>To get in, I needed to post Nep is life

But I thought that went without saying?

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52f78e No.2365


Damn. Well played IFI.

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52f78e No.2376


Hah. I didn't bother going for the beta registration myself, but I imagine they got a grand total of 5 people in if that was their criteria.

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