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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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d4aa73 No.1603

Hey /nep/, I'm trying to get into neptunia since I'm a weeb it looks fun but I don't have any console. I've heard there are a few games for PC though.

What should I start with? Also, does anyone have a link to the japanese version? I downloaded the english one but it was fucked to shit and the /v/share thread didn't help.

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d4aa73 No.1605

>What should I start with?

Re;Birth 1 as its a remake of the first game.

>Also, does anyone have a link to the japanese version?

2ch might have them

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d4aa73 No.1606


Start with RB1.

There's a link on the Nep thread on /v/ that has the Japanese RB3 script files, if you get that far. You can ask around there to see how to get it working with your US copy. But it was originally on 2ch.

Also keep in mind that RB2 and soon RB3 are being at least partially retranslated.

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d4aa73 No.1608

Hi! I'd say start with RB1, but that's just because that's where I started. After playing that, you can branch into the other Nep RPGs like 2 and 3, or into the spinoffs like Action U or Noire.

If you think you'd like the characters there are also some manga and the anime you could watch. I'd say definitely start with the game, though, personally.

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d4aa73 No.1610

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>upload board is only for uploading

>game board is only for discussion

S-sorry for being a newfag, but where should I ask for it? Never browsed 2ch before and my shit japanese isn't helping.


I tried watching the anime. I gave up once I noticed I was tricked and it wasn't manly man doing manly things but I might give it another try.

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d4aa73 No.1612


Don't start the anime until you've at least done RB1.

Personally I thought the first 8 episodes were fine, and then the writing really dropped off the rest of it. With the notable exception of the end of the 10th episode however…

As far as 2ch, I guess you could monitor the /v/ threads or the threads here. We tend to find whatever shit they post eventually anyway.

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d4aa73 No.1618

I can RIP Nep V JP for you but as you said, no consoles lel.

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d4aa73 No.1619


The anime in some cases though felt like a loose adaptation of RB2 and Victory, though I didn't really feel like it worked that well.

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d4aa73 No.1620

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>does anyone have a link to the japanese version?

Nevermind, I'm retarded and there's no japanese version for PC. Anyone got the original audio version? I asked in /v/ and a few other places but no luck so far.


pls no bully

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d4aa73 No.1621


>Original audio version.

Err… I am sorry to break the news to you but every neptunia game ever has shipped with dual audio, it's just that version, has both audio options

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d4aa73 No.1622


I'd rather the nip version but

>tfw no vita

so anything I can get is fine if I can at least use the original sino-korean audio.

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d4aa73 No.1623


You said original audio version, and I said all the game, any release, all of them, have dual audio; they have the nip voices in them. You just came to realization that a nip version on PC does not exist, at all. So, yeah? Why do you do not want the localized version if you are already pirating it? Please do say "shitty localization" please.

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d4aa73 No.1624


Isn't the localized version censored to fuck though?

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d4aa73 No.1625


Cencored? What? No, not at all, just shitty translation which you can withstand or replace with a fan effort of dechemo

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d4aa73 No.1626

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D-do you have it then?

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d4aa73 No.1627


Have what? The games, yes I bought them from steam. Uploaded? No. The Chemo? Just search for the thread for chemo it's quite visible.

Don't torrent sites have them? That is highly unlikely for singleplayer PC release these days.

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d4aa73 No.1628


>Don't torrent sites have them

God damn it. I was trying to find it for weeks in japanese sites, nyaa and PD but I couldn't find shit. Your post made me realize it could be in a normal torrent site.

There are three fucking pages on kick-ass

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d4aa73 No.1629


Look up IGG, you'll find it there.

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d4aa73 No.1630


I already found it, thanks. I'm just mad that it was full of torrents over at kickass while I was trying to find it in obscure japanese sites.

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d4aa73 No.1632


Best of luck! I hope you enjoy it!

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