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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1447341271593-0.png (192.57 KB,1920x1080,16:9,BLESSING IT.png)

File: 1447341271594-1.webm (367.08 KB,1920x1080,16:9,SOUNDZ.webm)

0b6cab No.1552

I herd u guyes like soundz

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0b6cab No.1553

File: 1447344385373.png (54.62 KB,675x1012,675:1012,Clipboard01.png)

With weapons of choice:




and of course: Open Office Calc

We have finally a shitload of wavs.

Will do something sweet later, hold onto your butts and breasts

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0b6cab No.1555

sounds good op.

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0b6cab No.1556

Nice, clean Nep sounds.

What are you going to pack them in? FLAC or MP3 or what?

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0b6cab No.1557


Anything people ask for really

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0b6cab No.1558


Well FLAC is lossless but about the size of a 320kbps MP3 with max compression.

You can at least halve the filesize with MP3 but it's obviously NOT lossy.

Certainly any music and "bonus voice audio" should be FLAC, if nothing else.

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0b6cab No.1559


I know that.

I originally recorded (instead of ripping) the mk2 bonus voices using OGG because my main goal was to provide them for Mobile Phones.

After I just get around making packs and extracting everything etc. I probably will do packs of both 320 MP3 and FLAC. Since I would not want to use FLAC for my phone or whatever.

I will also check Neptunia 1 on PS3 and so one for what I can do.

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0b6cab No.1567


Fair enough, I forgot about OGG.

HDN1 resources would be rather interesting indeed.

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0b6cab No.1572



I'm really curious on those PSSG files that is used for textures like character sprites as opposed to Re;Birth trilogy's TID file

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0b6cab No.1574


Why did Rebirth use a different texture system anyways? Is it because it was on the Vita which is still different than a PS3?

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0b6cab No.1579


Thats my guess.

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0b6cab No.1580


Most likely since PS3 is a PPC system with a Nvidia GPU even if it today is ancient while Vita is basically Samsung Galaxy S3.

With more dedicated GPU ram.

Vita to handhelds is what consoles are to PC's.

I really, REALLY should stop being lazy and already convert, name and pack those sound files up. You want the BGmusic too I am sure since the OST's for sure missed some of the tracks

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0b6cab No.1582


yeah thats cool

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0b6cab No.1591


I actually ripped the RB1 audio files and found some unused audio from Plutia, and some other character I can't remember.

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0b6cab No.1592

File: 1448111600289.jpg (406.38 KB,833x1200,833:1200,1410727652385.jpg)


I'm interested.

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a3d1a0 No.5998

Neat little thread here. Fixing.

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