In-game Museum => Gallery images are mostly in \event\bg\, \event\ma\ and \picture\privilege\ folders.
I personally did all the shiz like this:
1) unpacked .pac files with QuickBMS with "Neptunia Re;Birth1" script (works with all 3 games);
2) converted all .tid files with "tidtool.exe" into RGBA32/ARGB32 BMPs;
3) fixed ARGB32 BMPs (they look too red or too light blue when you open them in any image viewer) with ImageMagick + a little BAT;
4) compressed them into PNGs, dropping alpha channel where it's full white (i.e. image is fully opaque, BGs for ex.);
5) ran OptiPNG on all converted images, to save 0.3 to 15% of space;
6) renamed all of relevant files as {GalleryPage#}-{PagePosition#}_{GalleryName}
7) ???????
There are also Chirper Users (those superdeformed images when you click though "Information" section in Towns) in \symbol\texture\ and some other fun things.