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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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5715e0 No.116

ded board
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5715e0 No.117

That's true, this place is pretty dead

It's a shame
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5715e0 No.120

Is there any life here these days?
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5715e0 No.121

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5715e0 No.122

That's a shame - I only started NepReBirth a week ago and saw the daily threads on /v/ about it.
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5715e0 No.123

Maybe the two new announcements will help move people here?
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5715e0 No.124

What do anons think of the two new nep games? How do you feel with the onslaught of neps coming out of every orifice?
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5715e0 No.125

This board was always dead, it was /vg/ Nepgen's backup board.
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5715e0 No.126

I didn't even see a nepgen on /vg/
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5715e0 No.127

there's a ==NEPTUNIA GENERAL== on halfchan /vg/
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5715e0 No.128

OH, that's why this is a dead board. Ah well, I'll stick around these parts and see if neps return.
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5715e0 No.129

NepZombies could be a fun game
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5715e0 No.131

I finally met Green Heart. Does she have a thing for all girls, or just IF? I have a feeling she likes smaller girls, if you know what I mean
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5715e0 No.132


Never mind, I figured it out. She really likes IF.

Wrapping up the Lowee chapter sometime this week, I think, so long as my actions in the next snowfield aren't quashed

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5715e0 No.162

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Can't believe this wasn't posted back then.

Some neps just need to learn how to nep videos

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