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/nep/ - Hyperdimension Neptunia

Now with 100% more Nepping

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File: 1420017825567.jpg (70.26 KB,800x400,2:1,Nep on steam.jpg)

0df222 No.111

It's so good to be Peashy Master Race.
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0df222 No.112

I doubt the TurboGrafix 16 can play Neptunia
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0df222 No.113

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0df222 No.114

File: 1422583302634.png (185.96 KB,1600x790,160:79,LITERALLY 1 HOUR AFTER.png)

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0df222 No.115

File: 1422583231153.png (281.22 KB,877x388,877:388,NEP TOP 3.png)


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0df222 No.118

link's dead.

use this instead.
the other link has a BITCOIN MINER.
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0df222 No.119

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0df222 No.298

Welp, apparently Fairy Fencer F is finally coming to Steam.

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0df222 No.300

I wonder if they'll be doing a retranslation, or if it will be a simple port. If it's just a port I'm going to pirate it, since the original was NISA

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0df222 No.304


Probably going to be NISA

How do they get their hands on everything?

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