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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: d20f3c0afc747a0⋯.png (954.46 KB,1563x1132,1563:1132,Jora_rowrow.png)

3ffdae No.406662

Anyone still here? Is it all over?

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3a3e01 No.406663

File: 2a6a03fc60b9234⋯.jpg (1.03 MB,3508x2480,877:620,IMG_0244.JPG)


I've heard there's a bunker but I haven't found it yet. Not even sure if anyone posts there.

God I miss this board.

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102b7f No.406664


Also still here, also got left behind when the purge came. RIP /monster/ we had a good run

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868d92 No.406667

File: f343de3e804928d⋯.png (93.76 KB,771x872,771:872,005_.png)


Im here, but I don't make OC, so not too useful

this place was fun, and hard to find a place that makes OC like this, and is aggressive to cuck shit

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da7803 No.406668



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82977b No.406669

I am also here

I come to check on it from time to time

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edfda0 No.406670


Damn, bro. It's been pretty much up from the day 8chan went down and it's pretty active.

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edcbdd No.406674


finally qshit finally died

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