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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 4f55ef89983dab0⋯.jpeg (6.15 KB,237x213,79:71,download - 2019-04-29T205….jpeg)

7eefd8 No.406224

Hearing 8chan will be shut down, apparently. It was a good run, /monster/ friends. I'll miss you guys

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a035b6 No.406225

oh shit. Really? Because the CIA/FBI likes to use it for their falseflags? nuts. Anyone know where else we can go?

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2128e6 No.406226

I don't wanna go back to cuckchan

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143fed No.406227

File: 3483461661385e2⋯.jpg (212.33 KB,1440x900,8:5,DSInpNzVAAAEe3v.jpg large.jpg)

/monster/ will live on, we have a bunker if 8chan goes dark.

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8595e8 No.406228

No cunt, bc of the screenshot in the “it’s over” thread. No. Mo. Protection. Fags.

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941016 No.406229


Source? The three letters love this place because retarded criminals actually give law enforcement advance warning of their crimes. Just look at the transparency report. This "evil cesspool" usually gives law enforcement ~5 - 10 leads/pieces of evidence a month.

In any case, if the site does go down just make sure you have a saved link to the bunker:


Second bunker hub:


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2690ac No.406230

It's not getting shut down, but the ddos protection will be gone in a couple hours, so you can imagine it will be hardly useable at random points from now on. Get the bunker ready.

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5eda8c No.406235

Quit being retarded, we're only losing our DDoS protection from cloudflare.

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090dff No.406236

Original Yaobro checking in.

I think It'll all be fine. What's the worst that can happen? Ledditors with Loic just fucking the site up 24/7? They wouldn't be that petty right? Eh he he he…..

(This post might have been posted a few times?)

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29fbab No.406238


There's issues with being able to post right now, Aux had them too.

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2128e6 No.406240


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42f7c5 No.406241


>Quit being retarded, we're only losing our DDoS protection from cloudflare.

That's a pretty big deal. That's them effectively taking us offline since we'll be DDoS'ed in short order. We'll have to find a new host or a new site.

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42f7c5 No.406242


I'm working on doing some archives of the CYOA threads but those sites are getting hammered now with people doing backups.

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29fbab No.406244


Have you tried using wayback machine?

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5eda8c No.406246


The site will be gone only temporarily, he’s treating it like the site will be gone permanently.

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42f7c5 No.406247


It's working. I'm backing up several now.

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2dc5e1 No.406254

don't give up hope, lads. programming primate says he's migrating us to other ddos protection https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1158202303096094720

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42f7c5 No.406256

I posted archive links to several CYOA threads but hopefully they won't be needed. And I'm going to bed.

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bc4f58 No.406258

We could move some stuff to tft I guess. I’m not a big user of that but I would guess that we could try and start over at that site.

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a7719d No.406259

Alright, time to see if I can actually post or if captcha is still being a gigantic faggot

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6ab936 No.406263


they might use the same service that the daily stormer uses.

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5eda8c No.406267


Worst comes to worse, we use the same service, but I would try to avoid it if I were Jim if only to alleviate the political pressure both sites could put onto the one service. Straw that breaks the camel’s back and all.

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a035b6 No.406270

that pressure ain't going anywhere no matter what he does

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0b5d09 No.406284

File: 9570ade92727837⋯.jpeg (37.44 KB,480x360,4:3,sadputin.jpeg)



/monster/ was a special place. The bunker just isn't the same. Fuck you FBI/CIA for committing these false flag attacks and then blaming 8chan. god we really do live in clown world.


Could /monster/ create it's own website? You or someone else would have to pay for the website hosting.

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fc0940 No.406289

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8b0f9b No.406290


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1755d2 No.406291


are we back?

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6a0bfc No.406292

File: 6c9a0e205de7528⋯.png (725.32 KB,1700x1000,17:10,5a1f66414976e12f0dc394025d….png)

/Monster/ is officially undead. Give her some time to put her self together.

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6a0bfc No.406293


If you're having trouble posting try presolving the captcha, it's up on top next to the board directory

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d5ea8b No.406294


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3aaca4 No.406295



You know, /monster/ never truly died at all, since we were one of the boards with a bunker.

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8482c5 No.406298

File: 82534a96b3e3547⋯.png (268.82 KB,354x313,354:313,1467908885908-0.png)


>cripplekike kept us down for so long

>but we're back now

>back from the dead

Time for smug undead loli.

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f94178 No.406299

File: 230c977796a7e69⋯.jpg (509.46 KB,997x1217,997:1217,ghoul03.jpg)


>/Monster/ is officially undead

Need me a ghoul to tongue my anus, maybe two.

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e3abee No.406303

I'm glad to be back too.

The complainers are pissing me off. I understand that trying to pander to Qtards is dumb as shit, but at this point, I'd rather use it to spite those dumb blackpilled fucks.

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f3513e No.406304

Is anyone else having a problem posting a new thread? I can't manage to make a new thread here yet (I can on other boards, but not here.)

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4475c1 No.406305

Its back?

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