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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 8c5c27737b7f245⋯.jpeg (172.48 KB,850x478,425:239,B6E47F6A-5457-4A05-A0AB-2….jpeg)

File: 758cf125c8fecf4⋯.jpeg (408.08 KB,600x852,50:71,43F8FED5-EB7C-4BEE-ADDD-7….jpeg)

File: 1fa578688b599ee⋯.jpeg (153.59 KB,849x1201,849:1201,EB08FC13-F0D1-4642-99CC-A….jpeg)

1a6467 No.398419 [Last50 Posts]

This board is contaminated with to much sin and must be purified! So these nuns have been brought in to help you repent for your sins and stamp out these monstrous thots. Release your sin on to these women so that you might become pure. So god commands it!

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2dc8ba No.398420

You're right, I've been masturbating to human women when there isn't a lot here

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063024 No.398424

File: c6b77d4061c0952⋯.jpg (70.59 KB,423x600,141:200,c6b77d4061c0952af9d82dabd0….jpg)

Finally! A proper Dark Priest thread for penitence and piety! Hopefully she can pray that those degenerates like that one vore-fag stay off.

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1a6467 No.398426

File: 893e314be9a9a8d⋯.jpeg (162 KB,850x717,850:717,0284D5DD-2CDE-4A24-A3BF-8….jpeg)


Gotta pray the sin away.

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dadab1 No.398438

Do I still keep my virginity after prayer miss nun?

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aab4ff No.398439

File: 1008869f25b7f75⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,197.58 KB,1280x578,640:289,IMG_3355.JPG)

>Fallen God

Get that borderline Slaanesh-tier degeneracy where it belongs: ON A BURNING STAKE.

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d601bb No.398444

File: e3fa233e9f04666⋯.png (542.76 KB,679x1050,97:150,d60eef8-5f83e814-de86-4a60….png)


Why repent when I can REDEEM? >>398439 this Anon gets it.

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1a6467 No.398464

File: b8b8194c02de61b⋯.png (281.05 KB,557x800,557:800,6B6EDD82-18DE-4DF6-B0C9-EA….png)


You keep it unless you’re praying for marriage. Then a sister will be happy to fulfill your prayers.

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aab4ff No.398476


Maybe, but the Fallen God starts to blur those lines pretty hard. Not like it matters, they both burn well enough!

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762b62 No.398484


I disagree. While fallen god cultists do take their love of sex to excess, the sex they are having is still wholesome non-/d/-tier sex. They have something they want to do all the time, but even a fallen god cultist would never cross those lines in the pursuit of sensation like a real slaaneshi.

also shame on you for suggesting that anyone’s /monster/ waifu should be immolated. That’s rude and needlessly edgy.

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4b2310 No.398486


Exactly, the women of MGE are far more different than mere 3DPD type hedonists, it's been said many times in the past and shall be said again and again.

The worshipers of the fallen god wish for good family and a good life

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aab4ff No.398488

File: 0f8d35ab4fa575d⋯.jpg (527.57 KB,970x810,97:81,IMG_3363.JPG)


>While fallen god cultists do take their love of sex to excess, the sex they are having is still wholesome non-/d/-tier sex.

My problem lies in pandemonium. A realm of one big never ending orgy sounds pretty Slaaneshi to me. Sure it's comparatively vanilla, but far from the wholesomeness of literally every other monster not associated with Not!Slaanesh.


Fool. You aren't thinking broad enough. Why attack the grunts when you can kill the general? Crusade against the Fallen God! Cleansing flame! Wholesomeness restored!

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748bd8 No.398490


>Needlessly edgy.

>on a board where rape, body horror, brain washing and other topics strewn throughout MGE canon are treated as part of the “waifu experience” and spun as good and even enjoyable experiences.

Of course, we hand wave or ignore the more degenerate entries, but they are there.


Exactly, “approaches” being the operative word. I don’t think there are any futanari in MGE

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762b62 No.398492


Well, all that rape, brainwashing, and body horror ends up with a happy ending, creating love and children. Killing a man’s waifu just creates suffering and grief. There is no good end to which that is the means. Therefore to carelessly threaten the latter is a much more serious matter than threatening an anon with, say, monster-rape.

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762b62 No.398493


I don’t recall seeing any indication that Pandemonium involves a massive orgy. Everything I can find on it just describes it as a time-warping realm where couples can fuck in private for eternity (or at least what appears to be eternity).

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607a1e No.398499


Unless dicks are grown on otherwise females, shove the accusations up your ass inquisitor. I would like to know who that character is. Seems like a cool guy to purge with

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c15db9 No.398500

File: 9736110ec960cc5⋯.jpg (15.86 KB,450x253,450:253,450px-Exterminatus_Retribu….jpg)


> ends up with a happy ending

Yeah. it's called exterminatus

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1a6467 No.398504

File: 78b516ef544dbdd⋯.jpeg (142.08 KB,850x1203,850:1203,C00481F1-E9C0-475D-B770-E….jpeg)

Well this has gone a bit off topic, I just wanted an excuse to post monster girl nuns.

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52c5ae No.398530

File: 751d97e83301a97⋯.png (210.74 KB,600x600,1:1,You expect me to listen to….png)





Oh hi space battles/HFYfags, daily reminder to end your reprehensible and woeful existences.


You intentionally fabricate worriments and misinterpret the source material. Cease this vile bullshit.


>on a board where rape

Sex you never knew you wanted*

>body horror

Monsterization is a painless, non-grotesque procedure with no negative effects. By your logic, giving a cripple the ability to walk/function again is also body horror.

>brain washing

No real "brain washing" occurs in MGE. Everybody is still themselves just a bit different, like when people are influenced by others or their enviroment.

>I don’t think there are any futanari in MGE

How can you be so unsure about something so obvious? Your lack of knowledge speaks volumes.


>implying MGE was ever wholesome in the first place

If MGE is not wholesome than I'm the queen of fucking england.

>It's a well-known fact that Kenkou Cross is a massive /d/egenerate who happens to draw the line at NTR

No u

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89fd71 No.398532


>post monster girl nuns.

do it, faggot. i need more of those in my life.

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aab4ff No.398534

File: 3b694a9f59b85ab⋯.png (38.76 KB,504x494,252:247,IMG_3245.PNG)


Look, I'm just trying to have a little fun, alright? I apologize for disrupting your super serious discussion about sexy monster nuns. I'll try to keep it serious next time.

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89fd71 No.398536

File: d45ceff5621b551⋯.png (Spoiler Image,452.26 KB,800x1000,4:5,▣ 67631133_p0.png)


>Look, I'm just trying to have a little fun,

Maybe you should have a little nun

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52c5ae No.398538

File: 8c2f286f951eb47⋯.png (Spoiler Image,69.14 KB,166x175,166:175,Neutral face.png)


Well if you are indeed genuine than apologise for disturbing your shitposting. I can no longer detect sarcasm because of the effects of the clown world.

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aab4ff No.398541

File: 590882ad6e15d43⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.07 KB,300x615,20:41,IMG_3358.JPG)


It was sarcastic, to be sure. I saw a thread about religious monsters and thought shitposting Redeemer stuff would be funny. Irony or something, I dunno. I can sympathize with the side effects of the clown world. I have a hard time taking anything seriously anymore.


Klovis the Redeemer from The Redeemer 40k comics. It's about an absolute lunatic on Necromunda who takes faith in the emperor a bit too seriously. Pic related is an actual line.

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6a6168 No.398545


>he can't even spoiler

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90061d No.398550

File: b66c77e09d1c0b0⋯.jpg (69.93 KB,386x426,193:213,b66c77e09d1c0b0cc579c481c2….jpg)


Go back to whatever cuck forum you came from, faggot.

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aab4ff No.398552


He's probably a refugee from half-chan. All the boards are falling apart.

Disreguarding his point because of a fuck up dosen't prove him wrong, however.

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05cfc4 No.398555


Call me a degenerate, but i love that stuff

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6a33af No.398559

File: 6dab53bda52a2a6⋯.mp4 (1.75 MB,326x326,1:1,GET_OUTTA_HERE.mp4)


You showed your hand here, fag. The door is that way.

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1a6467 No.398566

File: ff44420a089d4c0⋯.jpeg (215.37 KB,850x1020,5:6,9D730393-1AAC-4DD5-8C59-B….jpeg)

File: 871f886dbe601e5⋯.jpeg (202.08 KB,850x1190,5:7,E22EE2FF-7E46-487A-895F-6….jpeg)


Here ya go boi.

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871718 No.398567


>guy who sells smut throws different fetishes a bone so he can sell more

Big fucking surprise cuckchanner. Doesn't change that it is vanilla at its core.

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5e7b66 No.398578


Where did the third one come from?

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9b2e43 No.398579

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90061d No.398589

File: 910a39c469c866a⋯.jpg (485.51 KB,1000x1312,125:164,910a39c469c866a9273cbb706d….jpg)


I think it's actually pretty funny that there's an entire market, nearly limitless, to finding new magical elixirs that allow married couples to safely explore what would otherwise be relationship and soul crushing fetishes. I think this sanitation is what actually has lots of real degenerates upset. I recall /d/ posters being quite miffed that a lot of monster girl commissions weren't monster girls getting a train run on them and shit like that.

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b7fc99 No.398591


Exactly. You can enjoy tentacle sex and such becsuse its still you making love to your wife. But its just magical roleplay now. I love that

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84f6b5 No.398600

File: b2fba98556ec6fe⋯.jpeg (88.6 KB,850x850,1:1,F589AF74-8B83-4E53-99F6-C….jpeg)

File: ebba767857f2ce5⋯.jpeg (93.07 KB,675x951,225:317,4DCF253A-1DE5-492A-99E0-C….jpeg)

File: c32c23a5dc94f32⋯.jpeg (443.24 KB,850x1193,850:1193,D9A9124F-F6D4-4EA4-8682-9….jpeg)

File: 920544252b854ba⋯.png (923.3 KB,700x1044,175:261,BD9F4E0F-2A95-4CBE-A36A-B5….png)

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84f6b5 No.398601

File: 250fd67ca547384⋯.jpeg (260.58 KB,850x1228,425:614,6D47083A-BBE6-476F-AE23-F….jpeg)

File: 1333aa6b3887ad0⋯.jpeg (266.49 KB,850x1206,425:603,FCEE7996-204C-4346-AB0F-0….jpeg)

While nuns are good they are always ripe for getting turned into monsters.

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1a6467 No.398625

File: 67e4003fd3aaec7⋯.jpeg (284.64 KB,1200x1500,4:5,D7E697DA-9F3B-4954-8432-F….jpeg)

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5bd41b No.398644



Far too lewd to be a nun

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52c5ae No.398646

File: 90511aad106fa86⋯.jpg (45.1 KB,676x858,26:33,000% mad.jpg)


>can have a harem and get fucked to exhaustion every night

Polygamy is only degenerate and dysfunctional with 3DPD. And just to avoid misunderstandings I am talking about multiple female harems. Multiple male harems are not possible with monsters, and would still be degenerate.

>can turn into tentacles and fuck unicorn in both her pussies

Yes, and?

>can turn into a dog and fuck a loli orc

Yeah those potions should be destroyed.

>can make clones of yourselves and gang up on a cheshire

Faggot cat deserves it.

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8d9625 No.398659


>Get annoyed by a local faggot cat.

>Day in and day out, this faggot at is just such an annoying piece of shit.

>Goddamn woman, nobody wants to hear you going on about old memes at 2 in the fucking morning.

>Decide one day to take her down a peg.

>Make some purchases, but spread them out over a month so suspicion wouldn't be drawn to you.

>A clone potion, some clown masks, plenty of gags, pies, and memes.

>Soon the day arrives.

>You toss all your stuff in a bag and head off.

>Find her taking a break for once.

>Bitch doesn't know what's coming.

>You chug down the potion.

>Aw fuck, this feels weird as shit.

>Eventually you have have four clones of yourself ready to go.

>You feel a little off and not as sharp, but you all have the will to know your main objective.

>You all don the masks and start laying out the bait of memes.

>Faggotcat soon picks up on said memes and follows them into the alley where you all are hiding and waiting.

>Once she gets in the middle, you all jump out and block her escape.

>Before she can yell out or do something, you all grab hold of her and proceed to gangmeme her.

>Old memes, new memes, classic memes, shitty memes, esoteric memes.

>A barrage of cheap gags, injokes, and other assorted bullshit you packed assault her.

>You pull out the cheap clown horns and honk at her.

>Each meme and gag is met with a cruel honk.

>She is terrified and crying out, but you do not relent in your onslaught, memeing her harder and faster, honking ever louder.

>The graphic scene of silliness ends with you all slamming banana cream pies all over her, letting lose one last mournful honk, and then covering her in a confetti and glitter bukkake.

>You all watch your masterpiece as the faggotcat lays there twitching and covered in pie and party decor.

>You all quickly pack up your gags and escape out the alley.

>You wait a bit somewhere else until the clones dissapear before tossing the bag in a dumpster.

>You then make your way home, only making a stop at a convinience store for a coke.

>Later that night, you're enjoying a nice dinner of pasta and beer while flipping through the television.

>Commercials, romance movie, kids show, more commercials, news, more commercials.

>Wait. Hold on.

>You flip back to the news to see the faggotcat you memed all over earlier today.

>She's sitting there looking sad and covered in a blanket.

>The ratatoskr reporter is just finishing up her report.

>"And that's why clown rape is never funny."

>You burst out into a laugh and you can see the hellhound cop on screen trying to keep from chuckling too.

>You congratulate yourself on a job well done and make a toast to the coming peace and quiet before flipping over to a pre-portal movie that's playing.

>The next few days really were full of peace and quiet.

>No memes, no annoyances, nothing.

>You could finally truly relax you thought as you cozied up in bed.

>That is, until you heard a honk in the dark of your room.

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6a6168 No.398661


continue please, i love cheshire's they don't get enough writefag attention

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1a6467 No.398669

File: 22a1daac05efa7e⋯.png (574.92 KB,568x599,568:599,A5A23BB7-542D-4FEC-9A05-68….png)


Those nuns are not to lewd, it’s those demon girls that are causing the problems.

Those nuns are defiantly pure, but they won’t be for long.

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173e14 No.398680


That nun is pure. Pure lewd, that is.

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474979 No.398681


I want to see a nun get infected with a slime parasite and have her spread it throughout her nunnery. Even better if the infections are all unknowing and they just continue on the same except lewder.

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e6aa6d No.398689


>defiantly pure

So their mothers were 3dpd who tried to get them to be a prostitute like herself?

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1a6467 No.398699


I think I’ve read some good writefag stuff that actually had that.

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474979 No.398700


A man requires a link then?

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1a6467 No.398702

File: 6c8fc14b5056801⋯.jpeg (134.33 KB,900x800,9:8,E3230D2B-560C-4532-BEF2-A….jpeg)


That’s why I say I think my friend. I couldn’t find it for the life if as I’m complete shit at searching for stuff.

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dbeb35 No.398726


That sucks.

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085d6b No.398727

May your waifu have a violently painful period and tease your dick mercilessly through the pain. Is probably the best /monster/ curse I can think of. It is for use solely on degenerates who would dare corrupt our pure monster girls.

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1a6467 No.398728


Who would want to do such impure things to a monstergirl. They need plenty of handholding and loving sex in a private room, after marriage.

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c15db9 No.398734

sure are a lot of MGE apologists around here

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085d6b No.398756


Degenerates want to corrupt monster girls.

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87286a No.398761



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6cba87 No.398762


You opinion is invalid, 3dpd.

Go get raped to death by a drugged-up nigger.

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52c5ae No.398763

File: c38baa6977936d0⋯.png (5.21 KB,219x230,219:230,bait.png)

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ecd8b3 No.398874

File: 278332f5c046324⋯.jpg (73.35 KB,692x319,692:319,1552576936939.jpg)


Lol incin thot.

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90061d No.398891

File: 26e03f3184c8334⋯.jpeg (122.81 KB,1200x663,400:221,26e03f3184c8334f7e4d535f1….jpeg)


Only feminist ally soyboys and autists have a problem with MGE's setting and themes.

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1a6467 No.399609

File: 9cf07fb04745a99⋯.jpeg (176.27 KB,850x1190,5:7,97F4C2D1-9704-45FF-B4A6-3….jpeg)

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0ebc77 No.399622


Where do you think you are?

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79b07d No.401327

File: 218b2e62ba75e05⋯.png (2.49 MB,1920x1080,16:9,1560712112776.png)


I know this is kind of late but according to KC, if you get proactively dated by a monster, it's because you secretly wanted it, so it's not literal rape.

>I think the translation of the word "犯す(okasu)"to"rape" caused confusion. Actually, it is not used in serious nuance. For me and Japanese fans, this part is interpreted like "Such attractive girl nestles and pushes me down! Yes!" At least, we don`t consider it creepy or with denial of the dignity of man as you may feel from that word.

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52c5ae No.401361

File: 1b8c70528cfb689⋯.jpg (104.77 KB,399x462,19:22,1b8c70528cfb689f08b4afd51f….jpg)


>I know this is kind of late but according to KC, if you get proactively dated by a monster, it's because you secretly wanted it, so it's not literal rape

>so it's not literal rape

>Implying that's a problem

By Ammit, grow a pair.

>you get proactively dated by a monster, it's because you secretly wanted it

Oh so all the people/soliders who grew up thinking/firmly believing that monsters are blood thirsty creatures and will kill them on the spot, secretly want to be raped. Even when most humans don't even know about the sexual nature of mamono? How fatuous.

You read what you wanted to see, not what was actually written.

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019809 No.401364


>Oh so all the people/soliders who grew up thinking/firmly believing that monsters are blood thirsty creatures and will kill them on the spot, secretly want to be raped.

Of course men want to have sex with beautiful women. Not everyone's a low-test cuck like you.

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52c5ae No.401366

File: 80116330d76709c⋯.jpg (73.23 KB,434x600,217:300,box of butthurt.jpg)


>N-no U!

Y-you too.

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79b07d No.401367


>Oh so all the people/soliders who grew up thinking/firmly believing that monsters are blood thirsty creatures and will kill them on the spot, secretly want to be raped. Even when most humans don't even know about the sexual nature of mamono?

Given how those people/soldiers are meant to be self-inserts for real-life fans, I'd say so.

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52c5ae No.401373

File: cb7c49d196b6f5e⋯.jpg (63.26 KB,1024x888,128:111,What am I looking at.jpg)


>Given how those people/soldiers are meant to be self-inserts for real-life fans, I'd say so

Nigger what?

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79b07d No.401385

File: 1bb82041375593f⋯.png (26.4 KB,1585x293,1585:293,Screenshot_2019-06-27 a -….png)


You can't be this new.

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90061d No.401405


>Lescatie is fantasy communism

What now, order fags?

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79b07d No.401409

File: 073d3f2cc901b36⋯.png (73.59 KB,1863x529,81:23,53c2069f-a52e-4058-99ca-ba….png)

File: 021a49d94015e3f⋯.png (228.49 KB,1863x1681,1863:1681,13eb2607-1b64-408b-a560-3f….png)


Most anti-mamono shitters are soy-guzzlers anyway.

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90061d No.401412


The first one really gets my gears grinding. It's a very post (((sexual revolution))) thing to have trial relationships which involve sexual intimacy. Monster girls (MGE in particular really) that resolves this.

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52c5ae No.401497

File: 46b38d2c720fc15⋯.jpg (146.27 KB,512x502,256:251,Wipe this meme from the fa….jpg)


>"yOU CaNt bE tHiS NeW"

>Proceeds to show why KC made MGE and what this PERSONAL fantasy helps to alleviate.

In your previous post you said that every un-named man, woman and child is a self-insert I don't need to explain why this statement is simply erroneous. This beautiful and wholsome world is not some bloody MMO, where everybody (other than monsters) are player characters. YOU, the reader is the only self-insert. When KC was talking about clown world societal problems and how the word rape should be interpreted, he was talking about/to us, the outside us. I have no fucking idea where you got this "everybody in the MGE world is an analog to us real world fans".


>Lescatie is fantasy communism

Well communism can only work in fiction and irl.


Fucking space battles. Have they done anything heinous recently?


>I've been saying for a long time that MGE canon is actually perfect

Wow, someone who actually reads the books and gives a fuck about the cannon? The likes of you are sadly rare.

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52c5ae No.401498

File: dcd24409e46de7a⋯.png (481.1 KB,747x812,747:812,Spy_oh fuck.png)


I made a typo.

I was meant to write "Well communism can only work in fiction and NOT irl". Retroactively editing posts should be easier, so I can avoid horrible typos like this.

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474979 No.401502


>Fucking space battles. Have they done anything heinous recently?

Not much. Some one is making a redo of the shit atelier fic though.

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0a248d No.401507


>MGE canon is actually perfect

Maybe if you neglect the siths, theriomorphosis potions, and dark elf daughteru dicking.

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9c2101 No.401511


Who is your waifu?

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0a248d No.401517


Fuck off, then. Furries, bestiality, and incest aren't tolerated here.

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79b07d No.401521


It doesn't matter whether you post pictures-the moment you admit to liking trash, your ass is grass.

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f0744f No.401598


Daughterus are for raising not dicking, never for dicking

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c15db9 No.401609

File: 49d6faf3b81531e⋯.jpg (42.02 KB,365x450,73:90,Welles-1980_01.jpg)


>admitting to being a furfaggot

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52c5ae No.401623

File: 0dc048186b6aee0⋯.jpg (59.29 KB,670x671,670:671,0dc048186b6aee06a9f3beed27….jpg)


>but I'm allowed to like cu sith

Deserves a slap on the wrist.

>and cait sith

Deserves a razor blade to the wrist.

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90061d No.401635

File: cc273f512631e82⋯.png (54.95 KB,255x222,85:74,1328045144768.png)


Not for much longer you wont.

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79b07d No.401688


Pretty sure they already have.

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6a33af No.402084

File: 99aa40ea43c2d05⋯.jpg (43.35 KB,590x300,59:30,laughter_-_mocking_PREVIEW….jpg)



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0115ed No.402389


Oh nice, there's a screencap of me getting quoted. Seriously tho, I just don't get SB's hatred of MGE. It doesn't make sense to me. Worse even, one of their most recent MGR is a story about some SI becoming an Order Inquisitor with the Order behaving like Nazis (they use body parts of monstergirls) and the reader cheer this on.

Just disgusting.

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42f88b No.402401

File: ae74cc50c4bd017⋯.png (25.94 KB,1852x221,1852:221,Screenshot_2019-07-04 tg ….png)


>I just don't get SB's hatred of MGE. It doesn't make sense to me.

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82af8d No.402405


They're a bunch of soyboy cucks who try to shoehorn themselves as something they will never be.

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4e8823 No.402409


>behaving like Nazis (they use body parts of monstergirls)

You know that even the most contemporary of holocaust "researchers" have begrudgingly dismissed soapshit as wartime propaganda, right?

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87286a No.402436

File: 2fb760ed0179de9⋯.png (385.78 KB,720x675,16:15,sad developer.png)


because liberals are mentally ill retards they just want an excuse to kill people and often think that people executing them are evil when in fact its the only way to stop them from hurting whats left of the aftermath. They dont know how to calculate their actions, they dont understand that people are a resource. and are so used to being in groups that agree with them that they will never write stories where normal people or people within their order are actively having a rebellion because of the endless genocide.

A villain is ultimately a person that cannot administer the maximum amount of resources(people) under extreme and retarded conditions. their protagonists are villains to the average normalfag and are inneficient chaf.it shows in their writing when they try to idealize a racewar against people that would actively destroy parasitic human factions like angry spinsters and jews.

pick related its how they look to everyone else. these chucklefucks cant write a proper racewar.

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337c42 No.402454

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90061d No.402460


You need to learn subtlety, Atomic Warrior 101.

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dcce09 No.402461

File: 7ff1eb7531acb50⋯.jpg (170.17 KB,1270x1777,1270:1777,48518583.jpg)

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90061d No.402465

File: ecd4887af5961c3⋯.png (886.82 KB,948x648,79:54,1439186627827.png)


10:1 odds it's censored to high heaven. If not that, it will bring out all the anti-loli pearl clutching faggots, so maybe that will be a blessing so you can put those fuckers out on ice.

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474979 No.402548


I dont understand why the spergery. Itsjust gunna cause more fagattrons to show up and shit things up worse.

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337c42 No.402553


I am just looking for a way to get banned from there, for some reason i can't delete my account

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337c42 No.402555


I have nothing else to do and I want to get banned from there

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9b2e43 No.402556

File: 90c74d06abc2a49⋯.jpg (607.09 KB,1320x2064,55:86,saya.jpg)


Is Saya even a monstergirl?

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337c42 No.402559


But I guess I shouldnt have namedropped you, sorry anons

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337c42 No.402560

seriously sorry for namedropping, I was not thinking straight

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474979 No.402564




Oh well. Cant say i blame you. The utter shit that pops up in the main MGE thread has nearly made me want to get banned as well. Although i feel like i have seen you there before?

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337c42 No.402565


Say where and I might be the guy

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337c42 No.402571


what happens if you are

A Christian that wants to do the marriage ceremony before any sexy time happens

A christian that wants to do the ceremony before any sexy time happens

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337c42 No.402572


wat the fug, why didnt the second message delete

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f77feb No.402586

File: 434dd83561a7535⋯.jpg (177.31 KB,891x578,891:578,64944501_p31.jpg)


SpaceBattles is pretty left-wing, and MGE is an affront to their worldview because it has no room for STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMEN WHO DON'T NEED NO MAN.

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2c039e No.402591


looks like it me

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f590c7 No.402603


Can confirm, most of them are socialists and anarchists if not social progressives

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5f73c8 No.402618

You go into any predominantly left leaning hell hole and give your logical argument about why something is good or what we should do and you'll have all sorts of thinly veiled names thrown at you and no comment on the actual validity of what you're saying which to the sane is all that matters. Check the MGTOW thread on Kiwifarms for example, or their thread on RGE which is nothing but ad hominems. At least in the MGTOW one they have the decency to use botched statistics (women are the breadwinners in 50% of households because 40% of all households are single moms, etc) that kind of stat manipulation that doesn't account for all factors.

As an engineer it bugs the shit out of me with the combination of dishonesty and intellectual laziness. Its important to be the opposite of both in my field.

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d128d8 No.402656


I am aware, just didn't have a better comparision at hand.

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9b2e43 No.402659


The Soviets did pretty much everything they accused the Germans of doing.

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474979 No.402660


in the space battles MGE thread:hammer edition.

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474979 No.402661

I wish AltHist would get more into it.

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87286a No.402662

File: 9f8a02736b612ca⋯.png (533.91 KB,892x768,223:192,blackfatswordsman.png)


A world without power mommies is an affront to spacebattles. I feel bad if any women gives them the time of the day because they're just going to treat her like the single mother they wish they had.

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5f73c8 No.402663


Hey hey hey griffith gon' die today

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a8b9a4 No.402666


Wishing single motherhood on innocent women is a cardinal sin, for sure.unless they burned coal, then it is deserved

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d0de56 No.402677

You know this isn’t what I thought would happen when I made a thread for cute nuns and monster girls dressed as nuns.

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924d01 No.402693


It's a chan, it'd be more worrying if the thread didn't get off track somehow.

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474979 No.402695

I like the image of Nunneries being corrupted by Parasite slimes and Becoming secret monster nunneries converting their local town women into more Parasite slimes and Other monsters.

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337c42 No.402812


where in the fuck do you think you are

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f12841 No.402813

File: 488d54a55057d24⋯.gif (101.1 KB,1800x1578,300:263,Entered_dislike_upset_1.gif)


Get out

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c59014 No.403770

File: e52996cb869cd9c⋯.png (1.21 MB,1887x2136,629:712,75750210_p0.png)

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1eb437 No.403782


out of luck. But I think God will still recognize that the two of you are married even if you skip the ceremony and go straight to the consummation.

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a15017 No.403986


I play Warhammer, MGE has more grimdark than the 41st Millenia. It’s really telling when something like the daemonculaba is considered a heinous abortion of science and sorcery in 40k, but in MGE it’s just Tuesday.

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87286a No.403998

File: 370f9754ae3da06⋯.png (466.51 KB,1351x1783,1351:1783,no relevant matches.png)


spoken like someone who doesn't want to have kids, or is afraid of being a dad.

niggers scared. you cant really run away from an inhuman women with the ability to track yo ass.

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82af8d No.404014



>in MGE it’s just Tuesday

You're a fucking moron. I play 40k too and MGE is nowhere near that. Go back to fucking spacebattles or whatever other shithole you crawled out of.

Retards like you deserve beatings.

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1eb437 No.404121

File: 9f5fdc2f2416c77⋯.png (1.76 MB,2000x2800,5:7,dark_priest5.png)

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52c5ae No.404183

File: f4bf17ce7c1bbfd⋯.png (98.01 KB,625x626,625:626,Bait_stop.png)


/tg/ nigger, go and paint the miniatures your mom bought you.

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4e67ca No.404198

File: 8454c091bd7b607⋯.jpg (640.19 KB,900x1000,9:10,__dark_priest_monster_girl….jpg)

File: cf2ab8acb851c39⋯.jpg (279.75 KB,491x800,491:800,dark pries.jpg)

This thread needs a clean up

W40 soyboys shouldn't be sperging around


She applies more like a female ACTUAL eldrich monster

Main character is sick and cant see shit how it is so his perception doesn't count

Great game tho

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8c890a No.404870

File: 7abb746434ed176⋯.jpeg (173.4 KB,1531x960,1531:960,D1B71BBE-7347-414B-9B2A-6….jpeg)

File: d897e0899960fc7⋯.jpeg (156.45 KB,1232x983,1232:983,BC890F14-7EA1-4D83-82E4-D….jpeg)

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9f157c No.404895

File: cefe5d1a1c35571⋯.png (170.19 KB,500x370,50:37,danger is my fetish.png)


She looks like she wants to bite off my dick… That makes me harder

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190fbd No.405073

File: fb180a2cecd5d8f⋯.jpg (1.49 MB,2015x2015,1:1,this happenes literally ev….jpg)

Given how monsterization works, how would the Vestals from Darkest Dungeon be affected? Canonically they are sexually repressed to the point of wearing a chastity belt and even something as simple as watching a couple make out makes them start biting their lip. I know little of MGE's background lore outside of the articles, but from what I gather, sexually repressed human women are like free real estate for monsters. Would they just transform into generic succs or would they transform into whatever monster inevitably makes them fall and they will. No Vestal I ever had ever went virtuous. I've had fucking Antiquarians go virtuous while these bible bitches kept either begging the fishmen to gut her or scolding my Leper every time he oneshotted a monster in a way that wasn't to her liking

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90061d No.405077


>mega faith

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474979 No.405079


The fallen god will whisper in her ear. It will start somewhat mundane before getting lewder and lewder. The fallen god will eventually tell her to find a man and make him hers. She will be told do shake her hips and given a gods guidance on blowing his mind. Eventually the repeated acts of lewdity will result in her gaining massive quantities of spirit energy. The fallen god will then use that to convert her into a dark priest. Although one final ritual will need to be done where in the near dark priest will chant to her god as she enthusiastically shakes her hips causing both to cum repeatedly. Eventually building into a massive orgasm that will complete her transformation.

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71a591 No.405080


Strange,I had several go virtuos once

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ea595c No.405087


Kek yeah that’s my experience too.

I have the best ‘luck’ with Lepers going virtuous and the worst with Vestals. I honestly do think different classes have different rates. Makes sense to me. A warrior king is prolly more likely to be heroic than a witch hunting repressed psycho.

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