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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: b61412d0feee348⋯.jpg (86.68 KB,354x600,59:100,Werewolf_0.jpg)

File: 287b5ca4972c62b⋯.jpg (52.26 KB,600x585,40:39,mge__monster_girl_encyclop….jpg)

95fc0d No.396093

This is the prep thread for the CYOA I am planning and writing out. The story is you are wed to a country bumpkin of a werewolf… by force. You were driving along the most rural parts of Missouri late at night. But as fate would have it, a deer jumped out in the middle of the road, and in a panic, you swerved out of the way and ended up crashing right into a trailer that was conveniently placed along the side of the dirt road you were driving on. The owner was less than pleased to put it lightly. And when the police showed up, they didn't take you to the nearby station, they instead dropped you off at a lawyers office, who offered you a deal. Marry the woman and have a family, or pay the massive fines you would have had to pay out of pocket within a week or face a very large number of years in prison.

That's what I've got so far and am still actively writing and editing it till I like it. But I wanted to know what you guys would like out of it, I want some ideas, some spare creative juice if you will. Also, any comments, questions and concerns would be greatly enjoyed and appreciated.

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456c24 No.396099


This CYOA needs a lot more planning, because I can't see why the local law would force a single guy into a shotgun wedding. Rather then having the police taking the MC to the lawyer, have the police take him to a cell and the werewolf brings her cousin, whom is a lawyer and offers you the deal.

So the owner of this trailer is the werewolf, correct? Did she live alone and why? Werewolves are pack MGs. Personally if you drive at such a speed along a dirt road that you lose control, then the werewolf deserves better, alot better. Can MGs in this setting produce human boys? Would she come and live with the MC as he totaled her home?

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66d647 No.396102


>This CYOA needs a lot more planning, because I can't see why the local law would force a single guy into a shotgun wedding.

>So the owner of this trailer is the werewolf, correct?

You pretty much seem to have answered it there. Isn't it basically her agreeing to drop the charges only if you marry her?

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0564a4 No.396103

How long post-DotR is this? Is she some first generation immigrant from the other side of the portal that happened to go native pretty quickly, or is the story set a few generations afterwards?

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2559bd No.396104

What's the objective? Most CYOAs have an implicit objective of "meet your waifu and marry her" and these are CYOAs that have a bunch of other stuff going on. If you've already met your waifu, and there's no overarching storyline beyond "make a family with your waifu" I think this may be better off as a normally formatted story

And I hear you all begin to type

<But what if the objective is to escape the werewolf!

To which I reply only an utter faggot would want to leave a good and loyal wan, and I ain't playing no fag CYOA

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95fc0d No.396105


>This CYOA needs a lot more planning

Well that's what this thread is for.

>Did she live alone?

Yes, the reason I was thinking is that she was doing something illegal either involving drugs or moonshine, so she wanted as much privacy as possible.

>Can they produce human boys


>Would she live with the MC

Yup, seeing as she wouldn't be able to afford another trailer

And the reason they would take you straight to the lawyer is in my head, the danuki lawyer runs this small section of town, everything from the local judiciary system to the smallest deal between two people, and is helping a good friend out by helping hook her up with a man. But this is all still in planning and such, so this is easily subject to change.


The story is set a few generations afterwards.

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95fc0d No.396109


While I am working on the objective Still very early in planning most things The objective would things along the lines of due to your waifu moving out of her home state, and thus out of her safe zone. Her legal problems would be coming to bite her in the ass, and you would have to start balancing things like court fee's, lawyer fees and things like that in order to keep your waifu a free woman.

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f7f5f1 No.396141


OP I’d suggest you spend a bit more time on the objective as well as the in-game cause/reason for the CYOA. Like >>396099 said there’s some holes here that tell us you aren’t entirely sure what you want the story to be.


>Yes, the reason I was thinking is that she was doing something illegal either involving drugs or moonshine, so she wanted as much privacy as possible.

So she wanted privacy, yet she was so close to the road that anyone who swerved and/or lost control of their vehicle would hit her trailer?

>And the reason they would take you straight to the lawyer is in my head, the danuki lawyer runs this small section of town, everything from the local judiciary system to the smallest deal between two people, and is helping a good friend out by helping hook her up with a man. But this is all still in planning and such, so this is easily subject to change.

How did a danuki lawyer, someone who in all likelihood is upper class. Come to be friends with a drug dealer/user, something that almost always marks someone as lower class or in poverty? They would have very little overlap in their day to day life so there must be a reason why and how they met.

Most CYOA prep threads tend to be about the character and his/her personal motivations or origin yet still takes place within the same overarching story. Take wizardquest 2 for example. The end goal was to rescue the grand wizard and Selene from ectria but we also had a lot of Liberty in deciding who Rommel was and why he undertook the quest.

It seems like we’re lacking the end goal for this quest. You have the set up, which, while rough, serves it’s intended purpose.you also suggest some of the things we might do in the middle of the quest here. >>396109 but what’s the end? What’s our win condition?

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