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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 18d733e326f0a25⋯.png (1.52 MB,1219x1720,1219:1720,Cathy II Thumbnail1.png)

736c17 No.391071 [View All]

Finally, the CYOA sequel no one asked for - Cathy II: Electric Boogaloo!

Here are the previous parts:

Part 1 https://archive.fo/ojb9x

Part 2 https://archive.is/fwXNz

Part 3 https://archive.fo/I09K7

Part 4 https://archive.is/LaSvz

Part 5 >>339651

If you’re interested in monstergirls wrestling check out Monster Mania:

Part 1 >>366381

Part 2 >>380200

For anyone not familiar with Cathy here’s a summary: Cathy, our little gargoyle has been through an awful lot since she moved into Saint Monica!

She lost her job, but quickly found new employment at a gym working for Big Alp and made friends with a Jinko co-worker named Tabitha! But not long after she was hit with a new kind of street drug - a special mana infused cologne called Love Spice that forcefully stimulates Monstergirls! And not just sexually!

Thankfully Cathy was able to remain pure with the help of her new friend Tabby.

Later on the two met up with one of Tabitha’s old friends, a Hellhound named Valerie Rhodes, a local cop that was investigating the origins of this new drug that had recently been causing similar and worse incidents.

They were then approached by a man named Coop who had information. Turns out the drug is being manufactured by a gang called Cupid, a foothold for a much larger threat, a company known as the Junko Eastern Wares. Junko has also been paying off the police in Saint Monica to turn a blind eye, making the criminals nearly untouchable.

It was later discovered that Junko has been attempting to purify the monster races for what Cathy and her friends could only guess are nefarious reasons.

After some crazy back and forth, a shootout at a hospital, several kidnappings, an inner wonderland experience with a telepathic grandma (you had to be there), super-powered crime-fighting luchadores (you really had to be there) and Cathy metaphorically and very literally earning her wings she, her dad and friends manage to escape from Junko’s grasp and sink Cupid’s base of operations, the ship known as the Philtrum.

With everyone safe and sound all seemed well for Cathy and her dad back at Saint Monica Hospital, but as Cathy was coming back to the room she found her father missing!

Our story picks up there, but where the hell is it going to go now?

<I will be doing things a little differently in this CYOA, but nothing too drastic. I’m gonna attempt to limit choices to two this time around, but if the votes tie up and are not resolved then something else might happen!

<Posting may take a little longer because as you can see I am trying to put a little more quality into my art for this “chapter” of Cathy. Sorry I wasn’t doing this for Monster Mania for anyone who cares.

<I’ll try to limit the drawings to a maximum of two per post so I don’t take TOO long, between work and actually writing/artfagging.

<Oh and suggestions will still be a thing as always. You guys usually:^) have some really good ideas.

187 posts and 46 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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ca53bc No.405359


>B. You’re not his keeper, Owen is a grown man. He probably just went to take a leak.

>D. Nonchalantly mention the box to Mavis and see if she knows anything about it.

Ask her about the box of human dildos

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123010 No.405383


First thing: D. Bring up the box and maybe stretch the truth a little, but only a little because the scylla is the bigwig wrench twirler and will know if you're trying to shit her about the box. Mavis might let something slip if she's distracted by the fact that her gremmies are fucking around and not doing their job. Which will tie in with the next choice

A: Since I have my suspicions about the gremlins Cathy's going to make sure the gremmies aren't using Owen's tool to fix their lack of pregnancy. Not to mention Cathy might be able to figure out something with any additional information Mavis has given up. Important for Cathy to tell Mavis that she's looking for them because they're not doing as she wants. Also:

>Trusting gremlins


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824cd5 No.405393


C and D

Curiosity killed the cat, but it can't kill our gargirl!

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ed887c No.405411


I'm going with this guy, we got Cathy a man finally, not gonna lose this one. Also adding in a character change to Owen so we can see this from his pov

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736c17 No.405425

File: abd568ff08a14ef⋯.png (321.48 KB,1259x562,1259:562,VirginChad.png)

I made another shitpost

<Go check out the Space Quest! /shilling

<Unanimous D

<2 A

<1 B

<1 C


>we got Cathy a man finally, not gonna lose this one.

>Change to Owen so we can see this from his pov

<I might just do that anyway, cause I like ya a lot, anon. No homo

<Bumping for more votes!

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157696 No.405430

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ac06a4 No.405435


>D. Nonchalantly mention the box to Mavis and see if she knows anything about it. She seems talkative and relatively nice.


noice m8

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8cd4c8 No.405454


Some more D, and switch to Owen. I bet he's doing Kurt Russel stuff. Pop culture from 30 years ago is best culture

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0d61d2 No.405480


> infamously, sailors get very "lonely" at sea

> probably even worse for monster girl sailors

> Owen has shown some interest and aptitude in what the gremlins do

> he's all greasy and sweaty

> his clothes just got soaked

This reads like the start of a romantic porno designed for gremlins. Shit, they'd probably be willing to "marry" him as a duo right about now. I don't know what option to choose, but if Cathy doesn't intervene somehow she's probably going to get cucked again.

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1ea592 No.405491


>This reads like the start of a romantic porno designed for gremlins.

They were referring to him as "eye candy" earlier too.

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1ea592 No.405492

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8cd4c8 No.405548


Also, I demand you make one nice shitpost about Cathy. This was just mean

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736c17 No.405825

“Any idea where they’d go?” The gargoyle asked. Mavis shrugged, directing the sahuagin with her tentacles.

“Hey, make sure the water’s off first! I’m not mopping any more water than I have tae!” She turned to Cathy and frowned, “knowin’ them they went tae their bunks tae get a few tools for their toy box there.”

Cathy raised a brow, “why would they have tools in their bunk room?”

“Y’mean asides bein’ gremmies? I refuse tae let ‘em clutter up my supply room! Ya seen their pet project there? This whole side a’ the deck was a mess afore they put it together!” Answered Mavis.

“That bad, huh?” Cathy said, staring at the box.

“Oh, if twern’t for Rip they’d be the main reason for all my troubles, gargirl.” Mavis nodded.

“What’s it for anyway? That box, I mean?” Asked Cathy.

“That? Beats me. I heard it was tae catch somethin’ nasty.” She said, leaning in closer. The scylla covered her mouth and began to whisper. “Supposed tae snatch ‘em up and electrocute ‘em tae keep ‘em in it or something. Been real curious about it myself but anytime anybody asked ‘em about it they clam up tighter’n that box a’ theirs! Captain won’t answer any questions about it neither! Tae think they let the thing on my ship! If whatever they aim tae catch makes any filth or heaven forbid it gets loose I’ll toss it in tae the sea myself! An’ I know it will! If I know one thing about gremmies and their ideas they’re always hair brained! They’re a mischievous bunch! I’d watch out for ‘em!” The scylla warned her.

“So I’ve heard… say… they’ve been gone a while now. My friend was with them so do ya mind if I go check to make sure he’s alright?”

“A man? Uh oh. Ya best hurry up then girl! Their room’s at the end a’ the hall by yours!” Mavis told her, “and make sure to bring ‘em back so I can scold ‘em! I’d go myself but I gotta fix this pipe first! You get that old pipe out yet?” She called up to the fish girls.

“Already did it!” One of them called back.

“You done with that glue yet?”

“Yep! Here!”

“Goin’ in! Here we go!” They cheered, fastening the joints and pipe in place with the sprinkler. Cathy took her leave, hurrying back to the bunk rooms. By some miracle she managed to find her way back with ease, retracing her steps until she found the right hall and rushed to the end. She could hear something strange going on in the room at the back. Voices, the gremlins and-

“Whoa! Stop!”

That was Owen!

Alright, Cathy, Owen’s in trouble and you got this! She braced herself, slowly prying the bulkhead open and slamming against it.


“DON’T WORRY OWEN, I’M COMIN’ TO SAVE YA!” She found herself shouting.



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736c17 No.405826


“Ah! Tch, dammit!” Amber hissed, rubbing her chest. Her ribs ached horribly, the bruises on her muscles were painful and turned her skin a nasty shade of purple and blue. Thankfully nothing broken or worse - at least as far as she could tell. That bitch had shot her twice just under her heart. A damn good shot, hate to admit, Amber scowled at the thought. Clearly this is turning out to be a bigger challenge than I’d guessed.

With all the adrenaline gone and her heart pumping like crazy she had barely made it back to her vehicle and escaped before passing out.

She had at least managed to hide herself in a parking garage before that happened. When she came to, it was already nightfall. There was little doubt in her mind that she had missed her opportunity to take her vengeance, but she wasn’t about to give up. Linking back up with the Junko security detail she was sure to find them. There was no way Junko wouldn’t have eyes on someone who attacked one of their shipments - that just didn’t happen. There might even be a hit on them, which meant she had to hurry. No damned lowlife button men were going to rob her of this.

She winced again as she moved in the driver’s seat. If not for the kevlar she might have been done for right then and there. No JUSTICE for Jade, no revenge for Amber.

I’ll have to thank Jade when I see her again, Amber thought, looking out the windshield of her stolen cruiser. Maybe sooner than later. Maybe that wouldn’t be so bad…

“So long as I take ‘em with us, right, Jade?” She found herself saying to the empty cruiser. After a moment of silence, the lizard felt a weight in her chest. She had nearly expected her sister to answer in her usual peppy quips, but she found herself staring back in the mirror alone. She knew it would come eventually, the heart-break and grief she had suppressed even during her burying of Jade, but she found herself wishing she could stave it off until she had finished what she set out to do. A tear ran down her burnt cheek, the sting of salt on her exposed skin not even a drop in the ocean of pain she felt herself sinking into at that moment. Amber breathed through her teeth, fighting the emotions assaulting her psyche.

I don’t have time for this! If I… if I don’t hurry I’ll lose my chance… and I’ll never be able to face Jade.

“SHUT UP!” She screamed, slamming a fist into the dash, crushing the radio. Before any more tears could come Amber slapped herself on her burn and hissed with pain.

“I’ll give you something to cry about! Now stop it! I don’t need this right now, what I need is a plan!” She told herself, spouting out orders like she would to a greenhorn enforcer.

First things first, she needed to get in contact with Junko again and get the info she needed. Once she had that she could come up with a course of action.

Maybe I could even put together a team, she considered. They could deal with the bitch’s friends while I settle things with my own hands.


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736c17 No.405827

It was a start. Amber knew of a Junko outpost not far from where she was: a distribution warehouse. The very one they were to arrive at on that train. So much for that, Amber mused angrily. Too bad I’ll have to deal with the bitch. The drive wasn’t long, although the two kinds of aching pains in her chest made it agonizing. She drove up to the front gate, a Junko enforcer standing guard. A man from the looks of it, Amber surmised. One that she was acquainted with. He held up a hand as the gate came down to block her entry. Amber rolled down the window and glared at him.

“Ma’am, I know you’re law enforcement, but this is private property,” he began.

“Jerid.” She greeted him curtly. Jerid did a double take, not sure if he had heard her right.

“You don’t recognize me do you? It’s me. Amber.” She growled. The blood drained from Jerid’s face, the realization of who he was talking to hitting him.

“Captain A-A-Amber? I d-didn’t recognize you, ma’am! Wh-wh-what happened to you?” He asked. “And what are you doing in a police cruiser? You were supposed to be on that train, right?”

“Jerid, can you read?” Amber inquired, ignoring his question.

Jerid raised his brows, “Ma’am?”

“Notice that this cruiser is from Colorado?” Amber growled. Sweat ran down Jerid’s forehead. He visibly gulped, his mouth dry.

“Well, allow me to inform you that I’ve been through some shit. Now open the damn gate.” Amber ordered him. “And let that cunt Biggs know I’m here.”

“B-but… you’re supposed to be… yes ma’am!” He panicked, hitting the switch to let her through before getting on his radio. As soon as she was in, she parked the vehicle and noticed one more enforcer approaching. A minotaur, roughly a head taller than her swaggered over from one of the warehouses.

“That idiot, Jerid. What the hell was he thinking…” she grumbled. “Hey, ma’am, there’s been a mistake, we have a no trespassing policy here!”

“Ah, Cass. How about you try throwin’ me out, ya damn ringnose.” Replied Amber, stepping out of her cruiser..

“Hey, wait… is that…?” The minotaur stopped short. “Amber?!”

“That’s right ya bull dyke, it’s me.” Amber called to her. The two smiled at one another as the minotaur ran over, only to gasp at what she saw.

“Whoa,” she started. “Damn, girl! What happened to you? You lose a fight with a blowtorch?”

“Eat a dick, Cassidy.” Amber spat.

The minotaur laughed, “You offerin’? Ben’s been holding out on me.”

“Shut up and listen, where’s the cunt?” Amber interrupted, dropping any pretenses of friendly banter. Cassidy thought about it for a second before pointing back at the building on the other side of the warehouse.

“In the main office. Why, whadda ya wanna talk to that bitch for?” Asked the minotaur.

Amber was already walking that way when Cass grabbed her by the shoulder.

“Hey wait a minute, Amber! I know you’re a higher up but you gotta gimme somethin’! You were scheduled to be here two days ago and now you show up looking like you went down on the local hinezumi! And where’s Jade?”

The twitch in Amber’s eye came back violently. She spun around on the minotaur and slapped her hand away with force.

“Jade is dead! The shipment got attacked and this - this crazy BITCH! She killed my sister and set off a bomb with us still inside! So you shut your mouth and get out of my way, Cass!” Amber roared.

“Wh-whoa! S-sorry, Amber! I didn’t know!” Cassidy sheepishly replied, backing away from the wrathful lizard.

“Apparently nobody does! I doubt they even stopped the damn train or sent out a search party. That's why I want to talk to the cunt! That and find out where this bitch is!” Amber explained.

“Well, don’t let me get in your way, haha…” Said Cass. “Just don’t do anything you’ll regret!”

Amber laughed, sending a shiver down the minotaur’s spine. “There’s nothing I could do that I’d regret. Not anymore.”

The lizard turned and made for the main office with purpose, ignoring the pain in her chest and the twitch in her eye.


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736c17 No.405828

As Amber shoved open the door and walked inside she looked at her surroundings. The first floor being a single hall and several cubicles interspersed, there was only the odd pencil pusher here and there. A slow day it seemed. Good.

To her left were the stairs that went straight up at such a sharp angle it seemed like the steps were made with giants in mind. Or one tall, blue bitch. The lizard took them and hurried up each step, not wasting time. The bitch is probably in her office fucking about right now, Amber figured. As soon as she reached the door she twisted the knob and threw it open, marching over the threshold to the only desk where an oni was at work. She was wearing a business jacket and skirt and sat ticking away at her laptop.

Even for an oni she was tall, coming up to Amber’s height even while sitting. Her blue skin reflected the light from her monitor as she liked to keep the lights low in her office. Amber knew her as Biggs - a fitting name considering not just her physical stature but her status within Junko. She was the chief logistics officer for the entire west coast and operated out of California to maintain connection with homeland Junko businesses. She was also bigheaded in Amber’s experience, which was the root of her nicknames.

The oni looked over her glasses to see the unannounced guest.

“Mm. Amber. What are you doing here?” She asked clearly out of courtesy, but her tone made it abundantly clear that she was not the least bit interested.

“I gotta ask you the same thing Biggs.” Replied Amber, crossing her arms.

“I work here. Would you like to sit?” She offered, waving a hand at the chair in front of her desk.

“No, I prefer to stand. I got a question for you though: why the hell didn’t you send out any search parties?” Amber inquired. The oni stopped typing for a moment before continuing on as if she hadn’t heard her. After a moment she cleared her throat.

“Search parties cost money, Amber. If I sent one out for every ex-Junko employee that went on a week long bender then I’d lose this position very quickly.” She answered, not looking away from her work.

“BENDER?!” Amber roared, slamming a fist on the desk. “You know exactly what happened out there, don’t give me that corporate BULLSHIT! We got attacked and you guys didn’t lift a goddamn finger!”

Biggs looked over her glasses at the lizard, staring straight through her before going back to her typing.

“What do you want, Amber? This is getting tiresome.”

“Oh, tiresome? Well I’m sorry that I interrupted your comfy little life of luxury to tell you I want answers. What the fuck happened - and don’t feed me that horseshit again or I’ll rip your fucking horns off! I had a whole security team on that train and no one noticed the big explosion?!”

“No one reported an explosion, Amber. Are you sure you and your sister didn’t just fall off the train?”

“FUCK YOU BIGGS! AND YOU KNOW WHAT?! FUCK ALL THAT SHIT!” The lizard erupted, swiping the desk clear of everything including the oni’s laptop.

“You know what I want, Biggs? I want answers! Who attacked us and where are they, NOW!”

Biggs sighed deeply before narrowing her red eyes. “I’ll only tell you this once: leave.”

“Hahaha! You think I came all this way like this just to take your shit talk, tuck my tail between my legs and leave? That’s rich!” Amber chuckled before kicking the chair aside and pushing the desk into Biggs’ gut. “Cunt!”

The oni pushed herself off, standing up from her chair in a huff. She towered over Amber, even taller than Cassidy by her estimate, but still she didn’t back down.

“You’re going to regret this, Amber. You could have walked away as a free woman.” Biggs threatened.

“I think this’ll be the only thing I don’t regret, you big, blue bitch.” She answered, kicking the desk at the blue oni. Biggs tossed it aside and advanced on her, throwing out a string of powerful kicks. Amber dodged one, two but a third caught her in the gut, knocking the wind out of her. Without skipping a beat, Amber quickly grabbed hold of the oni’s leg, digging her claws into her calf before pulling with all her strength.



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736c17 No.405829

Somehow she had managed to topple her opponent, giving her a moment to catch her breath. Biggs didn’t stay down long however, as she quickly recovered and picked herself up off the floor.

She brushed herself off, took off her glasses and placed them inside her suit jacket, scowling at the lizard woman. “When did you get the balls-!”

“When I fucked your alp husband! Come on!” Amber screamed. Biggs let out a roar, charging at her with a speed she had not expected.

WHAM! The two collided, Biggs ramming Amber into the wall with her shoulder. The lizard coughed up blood, the plaster crumbling behind her in a slump as Biggs stood upright.

“Not so cocky when I put you through a wall, are you, you damned skink?” Biggs huffed, wiping sweat from her brow. She took her glasses from her suit jacket and placed them back on her nose, adjusting them until they were straightened.

“Ha… that all ya got you stupid cunt?” Amber murmured. Biggs’ frown deepened.

“You really want to die that badly? You know how easy it would be for me to cover this up? Everyone already thinks you’re dead. You got no one left to ask around about you.” She spat.

Amber’s eye began to twitch again, the words pissing her off more than anything.

“So you did know. You knew what happened. You knew Jade was dead all along! You probably knew from the start, didn’t you?! Right down to how she died!” She shouted, having found her second wind.

Biggs scoffed. “Of course I did. It’s my job to know these things.” She shrugged, “but I suppose a fool like you wouldn’t know much besides brute force, or in your case, failure.”

“What else aren’t you telling me?!” Amber bellowed, pulling herself up from the hole in the wall. “Or do I have to beat it out of you?!”

“Oh my God, you actually do want to die! Haha! Alright, so be it!” Said the oni, taking off her jacket and tossing it aside.

“Been waitin’ all day for you to kill me, you cunt!” Amber taunted. Rage filled the oni’s eyes, causing her to rush right at the lizard. Amber jumped out of the way, Biggs slamming right into the wall before pushing off it to come at her again. This time the lizard was ready for her. She went low, diving into the blue oni’s legs. She flipped, falling feet first, the momentum sending her soaring across the room into her desk with a crash. Biggs let out a growl, more angry than hurt, but when she turned around Amber was standing there with her fists cocked.

Once, twice, three punches and more, Amber pummeled the oni’s head, sides and kidneys. Wherever Biggs put up her guard, Amber went for an opening, gut, chest, jaw. Nothing the oni could do would stop her. She continued her rampage until Biggs’ arms slowly slumped beside her. She was left bruised and battered, blood running down her busted lip, nose and a few cuts on her cheek.

“Ready… to talk?” Amber panted, massaging her knuckles.

Biggs glowered through her puffy eyes, unwavering. A wild laugh came out of Amber’s throat, her eye twitching fiercely.

“Proud ‘til the bitter end, huh?! Well I told you I’d rip off those horns, wouldn’t want to be a liar!” She shouted, grabbing hold of one and - with all her strength she snapped it clean off.

Biggs let out a scream that the whole block could hear, her hands weakly trying to hold her half-horn.

Amber tossed the other half and slapped her hands away before grabbing the remaining horn. Just as she was about to pull Biggs cried out.

“STOB… I’ll talg…” she whimpered through her fat lip.

Amber grinned, her twitch easing up a little. “Oh, so you… finally get it? Good.” She said between breaths, letting go of the oni’s horn. “So what else aren’t you telling me?”

Biggs held one hand on her half-horn, tears streaming down her cheeks. She hiccupped a few times before regaining some composure, “The whole thing… was a setub from the stard…” she sobbed out. Amber’s grin disappeared just as quickly as it came.

“What do you mean a setup?” The question came out more surprised than anything. Knowing this wasn’t a random act from one of those anti-Junko factions came as a shock.

“Thad girl thad attagged you… she’s a person of special interesd.” Biggs explained.


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736c17 No.405830

“So what, we were luring her out?” Amber asked, leaning against the wall. Biggs groaned her affirmation, which only irritated Amber more. Jade died as some kind of bait? Was that whatever that dummy hostage was for? Just what the hell was going on?

“If she’s a person of interest then who is she?! Where the hell did she go?!” Amber roared, pulling her up by her lapels.

“Her name is… Connor… Caffy Connor… they wend do… A… Alas… ga.” Biggs said through pained breathing.

“Great, fuckin’ great! How the hell am I gonna kill her now?! I won’t be able to fight her in the cold,” Amber grumbled to herself. Almost makes me wish I wasn’t born a lizard. The thought made her grin as she held the now defeated oni in her claws.


“Who set us up?” She interrogated the oni.

“Migi…. Jun… ko.” The oni groaned out before losing consciousness.

“Migi Junko…? What the hell for?” Amber loosened her grip, letting Biggs fall back onto the pile of desk parts like a bag of rocks.

“Hey! Wake up! I’m not done with you yet!” She said, slapping the oni. She was out cold, not even budging from where she lay. Amber checked her pulse, which was slow. She was still breathing as well - barely.

Amber stared at the laptop she had thrown to the floor. It was a little dented up but it could prove useful. Fuck it, she thought before snatching it up and taking her leave. If this useless cunt can’t answer a few questions then maybe this will. Before she left the room she spotted the other half of Biggs’ horn and grinned, scooping it up into the palm of her hand.

Outside Cass was waiting as well as a few other nobody enforcers.

“Whoa. Looks like you took a beating.” She remarked. Amber spat blood out of her mouth and scowled, the other enforcers backing off under her gaze.

“You should see her.” She gloated, flipping the blue horn in the air before catching it. Cassidy’s eyes lit up as she smiled.

“Holy hell you actually challenged her and won?! BAD! ASS!”

“That’s why you don’t fuck with me.” Amber said, jabbing a claw at the grunts. They scattered, running past her to get inside the office building.

“Yeah that’s right, go tend to your bitch’s wounds.” She called as she began to walk back to her cruiser.

“Damn right! So what are you gonna do now? You’re not with Junko anymore are ya?” The minotaur asked, following after her.

“Fuck no. Bastards set us up according to Biggs.” The lizard answered, opening the door to her cruiser as soon as she got to it. She hopped up into the driver’s seat, Cassidy standing beside her holding the door.

“You actually got her to sing? Wow. You know, I knew there was always somethin’ I liked about you, Amber. Why, if I didn’t have Ben I’d let you bend me over and-“

“Cass, there had better be a point to all this fuckin’ brown nosing!” The lizard said, tossing the oni horn up in the air a few more times to get her point across.

Cass swallowed the lump in her throat before smiling.

“Take me with ya. It’s boring around here and Benny won’t be back for another month! I can’t stand this shit anymore.”

“You’ll have to quit Junko.” Amber stated flatly.

“Done!” Cass said, ripping her jacket off.

“Won’t your precious Ben be mad that you quit?” Asked the lizard.

“No way, he’s been wanting me to quit and move into his place for months! Says he makes enough for both of us! Been lookin’ for a good reason to and here you come waltzing in like you own the place!” The minotaur praised her.

Amber stared her down for a moment, looking over her like a piece of meat. Or perhaps a meat shield, she thought. “You could die.”

“Psh, everyone dies.” Cassidy shrugged with a smile. She pointed back at the Junko cronies carrying Biggs out toward the medical station.

“Won’t be surprised if she ends up dying. Seriously, how hard did you beat her ass?”

“Almost broke both hands punching her face in.” The lizard admitted proudly. She watched as Cassidy’s smile grew wider and wider, her ears nearly flapping with delight. “You know, when I grow up, I wanna be just like you!” She teased.

“Shut up already and get in.” Amber said, realizing there was no convincing her otherwise. Not after hearing that.

“WOOHOO, ROADTRIP! Fuckin’ BYE Junko!” Cassidy cried out, whipping her jacket around and tossing it away before jumping into the passenger’s seat. “So where to? What’s the job? We after that bitch that attacked you, right?”

Amber considered her options for a moment more before facing her new partner.

“We’re gonna need a few things first.”



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736c17 No.405831

Owen watched Cathy leave almost spontaneously. Something was said between her and that gremlin Ellen, but he hadn't heard it whatever it was. Owen caught himself staring at her going a little too long, shaking it off as just being tired. Something was definitely up.

“Hey, beardie,” Ellen broke the silence. “Can you uh… hand me that wrench?” She asked, holding her hand out for him.

“Oh, uh… sure. Here.” He said, placing it in her palm. Ellen grinned, taking hold of it and reaching into the box. “Thanks, big guy. Nice to have somethin’ with a little HEFT to it, ya know?”

Something about the way she said that seemed suggestive to Owen, but he chose to ignore it.

“So, you and the goyle gettin’ along?” She asked.

“Uh, yeah, I think so.” He answered, wiping his hands off with a rag. Carla leaned over on the box and grinned.

“So you two a thing?” She blurted out. Ellen stopped what she was doing, almost as if she was listening from halfway inside the box.

“W-what? Who, Cathy? Us? Haha, uh… no, nothing like that.” He replied, hiding his face in the rag. Where’d that come from? First Charlotte and now these gremlins. This a lady thing or a monster thing?

“Carla!” Ellen berated her, pulling herself out of the box. “Don’t ask him things like that! Can’t ya see the man’s busy? Here, Owen, would you mind reaching in there and turning the wrench for me?” Ellen asked, pointing to the box. “I can’t seem to get the right leverage. AND CARLA STOP LEANING ON IT!” She barked at her counterpart. Carla stood up rigidly like a child caught in the act.

“Uh, sure, okay.” Owen said, leaning down to look inside. The wrench was fastened to a bolt inside the box that seemed to be holding some kind of gear inside the chamber. Slowly he reached inside, taking hold of the wrench before tugging on it.

“Careful, beardie! Don’t knock it loose. That’s it, just tighten it up nice and slow.” Ellen guided him, placing a hand on his shoulder. Slowly the bolt tightened under his force when Ellen stepped back and gave him a toothy grin.

“Atta boy,” She said before giving a nod to Carla. When Owen looked over he could see the other gremlin behind the box messing with the control circuit.

Aw shit…


The first thing Owen noticed was his hand had gotten stuck to the wrench, but that was the least of his worries. He felt a sharp tingling shooting up his arm and spreading throughout his entire body in an instant, followed by a numbness that he was all too familiar with. Electricity. He was being shocked senseless! Owen’s muscles locked up and soon enough he could feel his entire body almost shaking with the energy being pumped into it.

“That’s enough!” Ellen said to Carla, who quickly flipped the switch off. At once Owen released the wrench and was thrown onto his back. He found himself staring straight up at the ceiling of the lower deck, both gremlins standing over him with a glint in their eye.

“Whad… da hell dih you…?” He tried to talk, but his mouth was locked up from the jolt of electricity still coursing through his body.

“Sorry about that, beardie, we had to test the systems somehow.” Ellen said, leaning down to pat his head. “Carla, you got the lifters?” She asked, looking up at the other gremlin. Carla was putting some kind of harness that strapped itself to her shoulders and hands. An exosuit? Owen had heard of them, but never seen one up close.

“Got it right here, sis. Here’s yours!” She said, before tossing another to Ellen. Once both had their harnesses on they picked him up effortlessly and slung him over their shoulders. “Come on, big guy, we’ll give ya somethin’ special for bein’ our guinea pig!” Carla cheered, slapping him on the rear while they carried him into the halls.


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736c17 No.405832

“Whadda hell… ah ya playin’ ad?!” Owen growled, trying his best to struggle in their grasp. It was useless, not only did his muscles refuse to obey but their hold on him was surprisingly strong. It had to be those harnesses.

Before he knew it, the two gremlins had taken him into a bunk room and threw him onto a bed. The room smelled like motor oil, dirt and… sweat? Something else? Owen couldn’t quite tell but regardless it was assaulting his nostrils. Ellen quickly shut the bulkhead door and turned the wheel until it was locked tight. Owen was slowly regaining the feeling in his body. He tried sitting up, only for Carla to grab his wrists with both hands and pin them against the metal frame of the headboard. She clamped the exosuit’s fingers down on them like a pair of handcuffs, smiling down at Owen.

“Sit tight, spanner monkey, we’re only gettin’ started.” She said, popping the gloves off and stripping her harness to leave him coupled to the bed.

“What the hell?! Lemme go!” Owen shouted, having regained control of the muscles in his mouth.

The gremlin stuck her tongue out at him, “Hey, don’t stress over it, beardie. We just wanted ta take a break and have some fun’s all! Just sit back and enjoy yourself!” She said with a wink. Ellen sidle up beside her, having already stripped her harness and opened her jumpsuit. Sweat glistened off of her lean body and dampened her tank top, the loose cloth clinging to her small but shapely curves. She slid her slender arms out of their sleeves to reveal a subtle musculature befitting of a mechanic her size.

“Howzat, beardie? Like whacha see?” She asked, pulling on her shirt to fan her chest provocatively. Carla followed suit, tugging on the zipper of her own coverall down.

“Ha, as if, he’s lookin’ at me!” She said, pulling off her whole jumpsuit and boots in one swift motion to reveal her own goods. Her body was more plump than Ellen’s, sporting a slightly more ample bust and thighs wrapped in a sports bra and boxer shorts. The gremlin’s curves strained against the brim of her underwear, practically bursting at the seams.

“I seriously doubt he’d want some pudgy pound cake like you! He wants someone who takes care of herself!” Ellen argued, ripping her own jumpsuit off to reveal her bare legs hidden only by the oversized tank top she wore.

“Yeah right! You think he would want a twig? He’d be better off with an alp!” Carla shot back, stripping her socks off and tossing them in the corner of the room.

Owen watched helplessly as the two clambered over one another to get to him first, Ellen getting to his chest while Carla landed on his lap.

“Alright, alright! Truce!” Ellen shouted, “I start here, you start there, mouths only, we’ll switch in five! Winner gets beardie in their ‘motor pool!’”

“DEAL!” Carla shouted, going to work on Owen’s belt.

“Hey! Don’t I get a say in all this?!” Owen shouted before Ellen grabbed hold of his cheeks.

“Oh quit your whinin’, you sound like a balding drive belt!” She teased him. “Now pucker up!”

“Speaking of belts, wow, guy, you got quite the SCREWdriver down here!” Carla hooted, having already stripped him of his pants. She was now tugging on the elastic on his boxers to inspect the hardware.

“WHOA! STOP!” Owen cried out, feeling the air hit his manhood.

“Nope! I’m gonna mess up this dipstick real good, beardie!” Carla yelled back with glee, licking her lips.


Both gremlins stopped dead in their tracks, looking at one another.


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736c17 No.405833

File: 0359280303ed726⋯.png (1012.97 KB,1200x2000,3:5,CathyII032.png)

“What the hell was that…?” Asked Ellen.

Carla shrugged, letting Owen’s boxers snap back over him. “I uh… I donno. Should we… check?”

“DON’T WORRY OWEN, I’M COMIN’ TO SAVE YA!” Someone shouted.

“Cathy?” Owen called back.

“CATHY?!” Both gremlins echoed. “Wh-wha-what’s she doing here?!” Carla yelped.

“I thought you said you two weren’t a thing!” Ellen shouted at Owen, panic in her eyes.

WHAM! The creaking of straining metal filled the room before suddenly the door burst open, slamming down against the floor. In from the hall came the gargoyle, cracking her two pairs of knuckles, an air of menace following her.

“Alright, where are ya? It’s clobberin’ time.” She threatened.

Carla pointed at the exo gloves holding Owen, shouting, “ELLEN, QUICK!”

The gremlin slipped her hands into the arms of the exosuit and jumped off the bed, nervously holding her fists up to Cathy.

“I’m g-givin’ you one chance ta turn around and leave! I-I’m not afraid ta hurt ya!”

Her threat held no weight as Cathy readied herself for a fight, only for Carla to let out a cry. The chubby gremlin tumbled onto the floor, trying to crawl away while holding her rear in pain.

“I’m sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!” She bawled.

“Oh, I’m not done with you yet!” Owen roared, picking her up and sitting down on the bed with her bent over his lap.


The clap of his hand against Carla’s ass rang throughout the room.

“What the-,” Ellen began, turning around to see the man spanking her sister.

“Hey! You’re not suppose to start without me!” She hollered. “Just because I gotta fight this gargoy-“

“Would you like to join her?” Cathy asked, her voice low and threatening. Sweat ran down Ellen’s cheek as she was paralyzed like prey cornered by a vicious predator. Cathy snatched Ellen up by the arms with her much larger wings, holding her up from behind.

“H-hey… lemme go! … Please?” Ellen begged before kicking her feet uselessly as Cathy stretched her arms out in a windmill motion.

“Oh no, you asked for this and you’re gonna get it.” Said the gargoyle, throwing a slap against the gremlins toned bottom.



“OW, OW! S-S-STOP!” The gremlin wailed.

Both Cathy and Owen shared a nod before continuing to dole out the punishment.


Both gremlins cried out in agony under the disciplinary spankings. The bottom beatings went on for several minutes until the two were reduced to tears and left in a heap on the bed with sore rumps.

“This is all… your fault Ellen…” Carla sobbed.

“Me…? You coulda… backed out…” Ellen whimpered back.

“Ha! Serves you right doin’ what you tried to do to me.” Owen said, crossing his arms.

The two gremlins looked at one another weakly before slowly their frowns slowly turned toothy grins.

“It was kinda hot, though…” Said Carla.

“Yeah, you’re lucky, you had beardie slapping your ass. Still, I could get into this…” Replied Ellen the gremlin eyeing Cathy.

“Hey gargoyle, you up for a foursome-?”


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736c17 No.405834

“Okay, we’re leaving!” Cathy declared, grabbing Owen’s hand and pulling him out of the room. “Come on, Owen!”

“Uh, yeah okay.” He replied, not really having any say. The two gremlins groaned loudly like spoiled brats, disappointed that their fun had been ruined.

Cathy marched out into the hall with Owen in hand, hurrying away from the perverted gremlins’ grease trap.

“Hey.” Owen began.

“What?” Replied Cathy. She stopped and looked at him, then looked at their hands and quickly pulled away from him.

“S-sorry!” She yelped. Owen smiled at her awkwardness, which only made her blush more.

“Thanks for uh, savin’ me back there. They tazed the shit outta me and dragged me in there to do God knows what.” He admitted. “If you hadn’t come along, I-“

“Shush, Owen. It’s done, I saved your butt and now we’re square, right?” She said, poking his chest.

Owen stood there dumbfounded for a moment before bursting into laughter.

“Yeah! I guess we are, haha!” He chuckled. “I save your life, you save mine!”

Cathy giggled along with him, “Hehe-yeah, real life and death back there! By the way, your fly’s down.” She casually mentioned before turning around to snort. Owen looked down and saw that it was much worse than that. A second later and he’d be walking with his pants down to his ankles and his ‘junior’ hanging out of his shorts.

“O-oh. Oh shit! I’m sorry!” Owen panicked.

“Sorry for what?” Asked Cathy, already walking away.

“I-, we-…” He stammered, trying to make sense of the gargoyle. Was she just as embarrassed or was she teasing him?

“Damnit, Cathy! Wait!” Owen called, chasing after her. He grabbed her hand and spun her around, finding her face more red than gray.


A. Just play it off, you just want to thank your new friend sincerely for helping you out of a bad situation.

B. Kiss her and see where that takes you.


C. Tell Owen to go back to work, Mavis is probably waiting for you. Make sure to take the gremlins back by yourself, Mavis said she wanted to punish them and you can easily overpower them.

D. Take Owen back to your room.:^)

E. Suggestions?

<Wew, sorry there's only one pic, hopefully it makes up for that being a twofer.




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7135f0 No.405839


B, D, and E being Owen grabs a handful of thicc gargoyle ass while he kisses her

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157696 No.405840


Seconding this.

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123010 No.405842


B, D, and F which is really E but with Cathy molesting him back. Remember: four arms

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8d236e No.405854


this nigga gets it, she may be strong as hell but owen is still the man in this.

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7135f0 No.405862


>Remember: four arms

does that mean owen is gonna get one HELL of a hug when he and cathy finally do it?

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7f585b No.405868

File: a53b75908a6f9f0⋯.png (552.04 KB,1199x1080,1199:1080,pepe give me your energy r….png)



No, no! It ain't going down like this! Cathy is too pure! Let Beardie have a sweet moment where he indirectly admits that Cathy is growing on him if you have to. Heck, even have him go in for the kiss. But it's way to early for monster style marriage. This shit has gotta be interrupted by an epic spaghetti spill on Cathy's part. Cathy getting a guy is for the climax of the story, not something to just kind of happen along the way. Preferably (thematically) after her suitor has proven himself to her father.

Who's with me? I know at least some of you niggers aren't down with Beardie.

Carla's expression is panel 2 is adorable. I love that you can see she's trying to surreptitiously put his underwear back with her fingers.

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8cd4c8 No.405869



A and C, the Love Boat has only just set sail, let's give it time

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123010 No.405876


Last time Cathy didn't MAMONOMANA a potential love interest it resulted in the CYOA becoming Cathy: the clamjammed. Our winged MC needs to meet the rising challenge this time around else she end up collecting cats in a downtown apartment complex forgotten by everyone.

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736c17 No.405914

File: d17c1e2cd0520af⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.12 MB,1200x1200,1:1,Cathyrealshit.png)

<Wew lad, must have given you guys the right choices this time.

<I'd say we have 3 BD(E)s (not sure if >>405854 is casting their vote for it)

and 2 for AC (I assume >>405868 reeeeing means AC or even BC)


>four arms


>hugging the hell out of Owen if BD(E)

Yes.Because she already did that once in >>402395 and big hugs might also be my fetish:^)

<I'm excited to see if /monster/ will let Owen lay bricks or if Cathy's libido will crumble once more!

<One more round of votes if any, then I'll get started tonight!

Have another shitpost while I'm at it

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43e26c No.405926


strange how a lizardman is physically multiple times stronger than an oni

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43e26c No.405927


>C. Tell Owen to go back to work, Mavis is probably waiting for you. Make sure to take the gremlins back by yourself, Mavis said she wanted to punish them and you can easily overpower them.

Also Cathy has to remain pure.

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7135f0 No.405945


If Cathy+Owen does end up happening, Cathy better spill all of the spaghetti from her pockets

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157696 No.405947


This is exactly the reason I voted the way I did. Listening to >>405868 means going through yet another CYOA without her finding love.

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b8d2ed No.405955


>If Cathy+Owen does end up happening,


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736c17 No.405959

<Bumping again as there's still time.

>votes got tied up.

<I refuse to coin flip such a clearly IMPORTANT vote.

<If you THINK you voted but didn't write ABCDetc or make it clear like >>405840 that you are voting a certain way then you can either clarify or I'm throwing your vote out.



<What about A or B? You must choose what Owen does, too!


>Heck, even have him go in for the kiss.

<Okay, so now that I have a moment of not retarded I see you voted BC

<So here's how it is:


< 1 A

< 4 B


< 3 C

< 3 D

If you guys don't fix this tie then I'll just come out and say [something different will happen] will result in both of them getting GREMMIE'D I swear to Christ


<Stranger things have happened in this CYOA and who knows, maybe there's a reason for that? :^)


<Spaghetti will be spilled either way at this rate.

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6f8fac No.405961


B D E homeslice

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8d236e No.405962


i am voting for BD(E) but also with that other anon's idea of cathy spilling the spaghetti and trying to grab his ass but missing and touching the back of his knee

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a1a271 No.405991


I want this. Let the ravioli flow

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a16d93 No.405995


I vote for B D E as well

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157696 No.406001

rip cathy's hymen

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1ea592 No.406025


B D E, same as >>405839

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123010 No.406196

File: 020805ded0ab348⋯.png (Spoiler Image,83.53 KB,355x426,5:6,IT'S GARGOYLE TIME.png)


Since someone in my thread said something about posting this here I'm going to do exactly that

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2a2d1e No.406233

If the rumors of 8chan's demise are true will you be continuing OP? If so where?

I'm really, really going to miss Cathy and all her friends if this place dies.

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7135f0 No.406245

seems like posting text works fine (for me at least) for now but posting images fucks things up completely

hopefully jim/ron fix this shit soon and find a new DDoS protection provider that doesnt give a fuck

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1ea592 No.406248

I will post a page archive soon, just in case.

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1ea592 No.406255

I archived this page as a precautionary measure. Hopefully it won't be needed.


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4ae164 No.406273


<I’m not really sure. Any suggestions?

<I was thinking Picarto but that’s really only for streaming shit.

<I’m more worried about losing all your guys’ comments like >>406196 I love this shit and it’d be a shame if I lost it.

<I have all the art and writing saved so don’t worry about that! I just lack a place to put it outside of 8ch.


<I appreciate it m8, saw you archiving other cyoas,

you’re a real MVP. I could draw something for you after next post if you like.

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4ae164 No.406274

Also lmao 8ch dies to keep Cathy pure:^)

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