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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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da24ea No.390133 [Last50 Posts]

Welcome to Wizardquest 3, the exciting conclusion to the Wizardquest series.

Welcome back to Deleor! Land of men, magic, and Monsters!

It's been six months since the conclusion of the last story and the world has been changing. Despite acceptance of Monsters into daily life, all is not well. Galmathoria pushes it's boundaries, making bold attacks against the Kingdom while unrest foments within the Monster Nation to the north. All the while, a darker presence plots and schemes.

Will you be able to bring peace to Deleor, nay, the world?

How to play:

This story will be a little different from the others. There are three protagonists which the point of view will be shifted between at various points in the story. This will be clearly marked.

When prompted, insert any request for the player action you'd like. All requests will be considered, and I try to make them work, depending on the number of answers. Let's have some fun!

Spell and ability list: https://pastebin.com/KeNh7jUd

Thread 1: https://archive.is/nyuKx

For those new to this quest, if you wish to read up on the first Wizardquest, this archive link has all the 8chan threads. If you wish to read the (more but not complete) edited and updated version of the story, it's on Touch Fluffy Tail.


For those interested in Illusionistquest (Colorfully called: Wizardquest 1.5) the archive link is here:


For those interested in Wizardquest 2, the link is here:


You can also find the stories on Touch Fluffy Tail. Please remember on Touch Fluffy Tail to watch the tags before reading any story. You'll thank me later.


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da24ea No.390134

>Story continue

The rest of the occupants turn to you, waiting for what you have to say next. Despite the anger making your blood pump hot, you calm yourself down and say in only a small growl, “When was the last time the vault was opened?”

“Yesterday.” One of the councilors says quickly. “I checked it yesterday to complete a trade deal and everything was in place.” One of the house attendants next to her nods her head to confirm the story.

“So this must have happened last evening or this morning. Given the patrols at night recently, it would have been difficult to smuggle anything out of the grounds without being noticed.” You grit your teeth as you say, “I was looking for tunnels leading out of the palace, not those within it.”

“No one expected this.” Tabitha says. “But what you’re saying is it was stolen this morning, then what happened?”

“Likely it was transported out on a wagon.”

“So it’s still in the city?” One of the councilors says. “Alright, form up a search party and-“

“We don’t know that for certain.” You say, cutting her off. “It’s possible, but I suspect it may have been smuggled out of the city.”

“There was someone who left this morning.” Another councilor says. “They probably already reached the outpost by now, however.”

The assembled Lizardmen begin to get agitated, their hands moving to their weapons. If you’re not careful, they’re like to form a posse and try to hunt them down yourself. Unfortunately this will not end well when a group of angered Lizardmen attack a neutral outpost housing a Danuki of all people.

Veronica is the first to recognize this and with a whispered prayer she speaks, her voice amplified as her eyes glow a slight shade of yellow.


The bickering stops as all eyes turn to her. Still giving off a faint glow, she says, “Before we jump to conclusions, we should confirm if the Wurms who did this are still in the city. We should also try to get a better idea of who these potential smugglers are. To that end…” She nods to Bardam. “Can you and Tabitha speak with the guards at the gate?”

“Sure, but what are you going to do?” He asks.

“Rommel, Maya, I are going to find the Wurms. If someone can provide a description of them, we’ll get going.”

One of the other house staff starts giving a description of Veronica while you send to Erwin, {Go with Tabitha. Keep in contact if we need you.}

{You got it.} He sends, walking over to Tabitha, who seems to understand as they leave with Bardam.

Once you have the description, you head out of the palace while the remaining councilors try to organize what’s left in the treasury and plan for the worst. You hope to the Gods it doesn’t come to that though. This dream of theirs only just started, it would be a shame for it to collapse so soon.

You reach the city in short order, the sun still shining in the late afternoon. Using the descriptions you have, you begin to ask other inhabitants, though most can’t seem to recall seeing anyone like that. It isn’t until Veronica speaks with a young Wurm child that you get any kind of answer.

“That sounds like big sisters! They aren’t my real sisters but they say I’m their little sister so I play along so they won’t be upset.” She nods her head like she’s doing a good deed for playing along, though clearly she enjoys it. “They were excited about getting a prize they said. They went big sis Yuel’s house but that was this morning.”

She points you in the general direction of where the Wurms went and you thank her by sculpting her a doll out of stone. Her eyes sparkle and she hugs the poor thing with a little too much force, cracking it, but she doesn’t seem to notice as she hums and slithers away.

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da24ea No.390135


Maya yawns as she leaves before looking up to the faint sunlight filtering down. “Hmm, that took a lot of time. We’re going to miss bedtime if we don’t get answers soon.”

You nod your head, having finished conversing with Erwin about this. Seems that only one wagon passed out of the town again, a male merchant with a rather large collection of weapons and metals crafted in the city. The guards didn’t find anything strange, though they truthfully were paying much more attention to things coming into the city rather than those leaving. Honestly, you’re not sure if you could blame them for that.

“I understand. The others will stay put for now while we go and ask the Wurms nicely to answer where the treasury is.”

“What is they don’t answer nicely?” Veronica asks, giving you a questioning look.

“Well then we’ll…” You trail off as she lifts an eyebrow. “You aren’t going to let me torture them, are you?”

“You’re learning, good. Next thing you know I’ll have you at church twice a week.”

Maya shudders. “That’s prime nap time…”

“Fine.” You sigh. “We can restrain them if need be, though honestly someone more intimidat…ing…” Your words trail again as you notice a familiar figure walking down the other side of the street.

Valeria tears at a piece of grilled lizard caught near the reach. She looks up and blinks when she sees you, lizard leg in her mouth. Her expression grows concerned, however, when you start walking toward her.


The Dragon lets out a grunt of annoyance as she walks behind you. Your strange group draws a fair amount of attention as you walk down the street, but most people get out of the way of Valeria, allowing you each passage.

“I shouldn’t have said yes.”

“I’m glad you did though.” You say. “I’d appreciate it a lot, and it would go a ways to help forget about the-“

“Fine!” She says, cutting you off with an angry growl. “Are we almost there?”

“I believe so.” Veronica says, checking the description. She nods to Maya who yawns before making her way forward, checking the place out. She circles around the house a few times, her mouse-like ears twitching. Returning, she nods her head and says,

“There’s more than one person inside. Seems like they’re having a good time.”

“Hmph. I’d heard some of the Wurms were like that.” Valeria says, standing tall. “Too much time without many men. Would have ‘a good time’ with themselves.” She shakes her head as she stomps toward the door. “Shameful!”

“H-Hey!” You say, trying to stop her, but it’s too late. The Dragon steps before the door in one motion kicks it in, driving the whole thing off its hinges. Dust flies up everywhere as she does so and she lets out a draconic roar before entering the house. Cursing, you dash in after her, readying you magic. When you cross the threshold however, you find something you weren’t expecting.

In the center of the room upon a comfortable rug you find the two Wurms you were looking for- both are dressed in very loose clothing which, by the way it’s slipping off their bodies, does little to hide their shame. They don’t seem to care much as they look up at you with dopey expressions, bottles of liquor held in their claws.

They give Valeria dopey (well, dopier than usual for a Wurm) looks as they lay there before one of them sits up and says, “Hey! You’re not the delivery girl!”

“What the fuck is this.” Valeria says, waving a claw at you. “They’re drunk off their ass.”

“Hey!” The other Wurm says. “I’m not certain I have an ass. There’s an essay written by a very smart man that says I should have an ass, but I’m pretty sure it’s more of a cloaca.” She giggles. “I don’t know!”

Your party enters, bewildered at the sight of the Wurms in their drunk state. Veronica just shakes her head as Maya looks about before shrugging and falling asleep in the corner.

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da24ea No.390136


“Uh… are you Yuel and Kayla?”

“No.” One of them says. “I’m just Yuel, I don’t know who ‘yuelankayla’ is.”

The other Wurm giggles and drinks more from her bottle, a liquor you’re unfamiliar with. Sighing, you continue, “Do you two work in the palace?”

“Yeeeeeeep.” Yuel says. “I’m a good stablehand. Only thing I’m better at is digging.” She chuckles.

“Mhm.” The other, you’re certain is named Kayla, says. “I work in the big house cleaning beds! And other things!”

“You can’t be serious.” You mutter to yourself. Honestly, you were half hoping to find Emphrasea tier Wurms ready to spring a trap on you, but instead you’re dealing with these idiots. Well, when dealing with idiots the best way is to be straight forward.

“Did you two steal from the treasury this morning?”

“Nope.” Yuel says, drinking from her bottle before giggling. Kayla begins to giggle too and you stare at them with hate before it dawns on you. Then you just feel tired.

“Did you steal from the treasury last night?”

“Y-yeah!” Yuel snickers. “It was before 6:24am, which is true morning! S-so we got you!”

Both of them laugh at this. Even Veronica is getting annoyed.

“What did you do with the contents? Where did you transport them?”

Yuel suddenly becomes quiet. She sits up straight at stares at you with an serious expression, her lips drawing thin. “Excuse me. You break down my door and begin asking me questions to a very serious matter as if I were a criminal. I do not take kindly to this behavior and would ask that you leave my residence this every moment. I will take this matter up with the council if I must and it appears I shall have to do so to redress grievances.”

Even Maya picks up her head at this sudden change in speech. Kayla gets up as well, crossing her arms under her breasts as she pumps herself up, staring at you with cold eyes. A tension fills the room, forcing Veronica to slip her hand to her mace while Valeria flexes her knuckles, readying for battle. Licking your lips, you say slowly,

“If… you tell me then I’ll get you more alcohol.”

Yuel’s eyes narrow.

“And I’ll see about getting the two of you husbands?”

And like that, the tension is broke as the two Wurm’s eyes widen, their mouths opening wide. Yuel throws her arms up in the air, “Yaaaaay! We can have babies!”

“And people won’t call us lizard beans anymore!” Kayla says. “It doesn’t make any sense!”

“Uh. Right.” You say. “We don’t have much time so uh-“

“Yeah, yeah.” Yuel says, waving a hand. “We were asked some guy to do this in exchange for a lot of this tasty stuff.” She waves to the bottle. “Didn’t seem too hard and he was a really nice guy, said we’d get a lot more good things when his boss came into town.”

Kayla sighs, “But a husband would be the nicest…”

Veronica rubs at the bridge of her nose while you try not to groan. “This merchant, can you describe him?” They do and it fits the description of the one who left this morning out the gate.

“Alright.” You say. “Did you give him all of it?”

“Yeeeeeeeep.” Yuel says. “We aren’t thieves, we don’t keep stolen items.”

“That’s-“ Valeria begins before shaking her head and turning to you. “Are we done here?”

“Yeah.” You say, fishing for some coins in your pocket. “Go buy more liquor.”

They cheer as you leave the house. A few passersby stare at the broken door, but you don’t have time for any of that bullshit. Walking down the street toward the gate, you relay the information to Erwin until a tug at your shoulder nearly throws you to the ground.

Catching your balance, you look up to Valeria who growls at you. “Alright, what was that about? They fucking stole the treasury of the damn city? Why didn’t you say so sooner?!”

“Because you’d do exactly what you did before, but probably with more fire!” You say, annoyed. “Look, thanks for coming along, but we need to get going to the outpost. If we’re quick we can probably catch them before they’ve transported it out to Port Dorning and-“

You gasp as Valeria puts an arm around your waist, pulling her to your side. You try to make protest as she does the same to Veronica before growling at Maya. “Get on.”

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da24ea No.390137


The Mouse Girl doesn’t question it and crawls in between the Dragon’s wings. Despite her feminine physique, her strong muscles seem to have no issue lifting all three of you. Her large, draconic wings spread out to the side and they begin to flap, generating impressive levels of lift. Despite the changes wrought to the strength of Monsters twenty years ago, it seems like Dragons didn’t get the memo. Even still, as she leaps into the air, all three of you as passengers, you swear you can feel a pulse of magic flowing through her body.

Or, maybe it’s just her heartbeat you hear as the force of her flying drives your face into her breast. Boy are you glad your wife isn’t here.

It’s a very, very short period of time before Valeria dumps you onto the ground before the gate, her wings allowing her to land with little issue. She lets Veronica down gently however. At your approach the rest of your party and some guards show up, Erwin giving you a smug look.

“Alright, what’s going on?” Tabitha asks, her eyes searching Valeria’s. The Dragon just gives her a flat, disinterred look, to which your wife slowly nods her head.

Groaning, you stagger to your feet and say, “We were right the Wurms were bribed into stealing the treasury. The man who left earlier smuggled it out.” The nearby guards blanch when you say this.

“Damnit. Alright, we’ll get horses ready and go-“ Tabitha’s words cut off as the ground beneath her shifts and rises. You stand there, radiating magic as you say,

“This is much, much faster.”

Veronica laughs at the ingenuity while Bardam just shakes his head and mounts the rock. You nod to Valeria and say, “Alright, we need to get going, thanks for the help-“

“Oh hells no.” She says, spreading out her wings. “I’m going with you. If ANYONE seeks to harm this place, I’ll tear them to shreds!”

You blink at her for a moment before shrugging and saying, “Well, glad to have you aboard I guess.” Shouting to the guards to open the gates, you use [Rock Slide] to propel you forward at blistering speeds. Normally this spell would tire you out after doing this much, but you got a lot of practice out in Ectria. Might as well put it to good use.

Speeding down the canyon separating the Reach from the outpost in the mountain pass, you almost feel silly for making a trip like this to save one city when the entire world could be in peril. Of course, you think to yourself, Blackfire Reach is your home where your family is. It might as well BE your entire world.

The trip to the outpost would normally take about half a day on foot, but a wagon would have reached there sooner and your spell would certainly move faster. Above you, Valeria flies, her wings dark against the rapidly lowering sun. You’re certain you won’t get there before nightfall, but that may be to your benefit anyway.

“Hmm.” Veronica says, sitting on the rock as if this was totally normal. “We left Maya on the Dragon, didn’t we?”


You arrive at the outpost a little after nightfall to a group of confused guards. Most of them don’t like you after what you did to one of their superiors in the past, but they know better than to mess with you. Still, it doesn’t help things when Valeria lands down next to you, a sleepy Maya slipping off her back and letting out a yawn.

“Rommel…” One of the guards says as you return your rock to the earth. “What are you doing here? Business relations won’t be open until the morning and the rooms are currently all full. You should return to the Reach until-“

You snap your fingers and Valeria picks him up by the collar with little effort. Both he and she look at you with surprise, the later growling for acting on instinct. You step up to the man and say, “Is there a Danuki party staying here?”

“W-What? Yes, but you can’t just-“

“Right then. They’ve been expecting us.” You say, waving to Valeria, who drops him to the ground. He rubs at his neck and says,

“Hey! You can’t just do this! We’ll put you under arrest-“

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da24ea No.390138


The rest of his words choke off as you give him a look devoid of any fucks. He visibly shivers before calling the rest of his men to stand down. You don’t even bother looking at him as you stride toward the inn run by the outpost for travelers in between the two nations and Blackfire Reach.

Music is playing inside and you hear laughter from many voices. He wasn’t kidding about it being full, if the wagons nearby mean anything. A quick [Survey] doesn’t reveal anything though. They probably have it inside in the upper levels. You hope, anyway.

Nodding to the others, you throw open the door to the inn and step inside. The smells of fresh food, beer, and unwashed people and Monsters hit you as you enter while the music of a harp being played by a bard echoes in the room filled with chatter drowning them out.

An innkeeper makes to greet you but pauses, a mix of recognition of you and confusion at the Order members and the Dragon in his establishment. Before he can say anything you move into the common room where you find an assortment of people dining and chatting. At your approach, they fall silent, and every eye in the room sits upon you.

You scan about, seeing many unfamiliar faces, until you happen to lock eyes with a man fitting the description of the merchant you’re looking for- sitting at a table with three Danuki.

He hurriedly looks down while one of the Danuki with long, brown hair and glasses puts down her fork and adjusts her suit before saying, “Excuse me, is there a reason you’re causing a disruption? Do I need to call the guards?”

You give the raccoon Monster a level look. Though they can pass as human at times, those greedy eyes and fluffy calves aren’t human. The raccoon ears on their head and the large, fluffy tails don’t help matters. Before you can say anything, however, Veronica steps forward and displays her Order sigil.

“On behalf of the Order of the Heroic Brotherhood, I am hereby conducting and investigation into the whereabouts of goods stolen from Blackfire Reach. Until such investigation is finished, I shall have to ask that no one leaves this facility.”

The Deleorian merchants mutter between themselves while the Ectrian ones give annoyed stares or flat out can’t understand what she’s saying. At the back of the room one of the Danuki gives a small laugh,

“A theft from Blackfire Reach? That’s terrible to hear! However…” She spreads her hands, “This outpost is technically neutral ground. The authority of the Order isn’t recognized here.”

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da24ea No.390139


The other merchants look visibly less afraid now and instead start to give you smug looks. Well fuck, so much for that. Looking over to Tabitha, your wife clears her throat and says, “Very well. We understand that you had wished for a discussion with the Blackfire Reach council. I am Tabtiha Leitner, representing the council.”

“Hmm.” The last Danuki, this one having red hair that you’re sure she had to fight to keep straight. “I think the council at Blackfire Reach denounced our involvement, didn’t they? To change your tune so soon is… strange.” A predatory grin spreads on her mouth.

“But… if you’re willing to make some concessions in reparation, then perhaps we can hear you out. Tomorrow, however!” She waves her hand dismissively as she returns to her meal, the chatter in the room beginning again.

Positively seething, you barely keep from leveling the whole place. Unfortunately, doing so will turn merchants off the Reach for good, basically dooming the fledgling city. You have to think of a way to show that they stole from you, but how?

Gritting your teeth, you nod to the others to back away and return outside to make a new game plan when Valeria, sweet, sweet Valeria, walks up to the Danuki table, grabs it in both hands, and throws it across the room.

The assembled merchants scream and run back and out of the common room as Valeria stands before the Danuki and the other merchant, who has now pissed his pants. Smoke begins to boil from her mouth as she says, “You pieces of shit are lying. I can smell it on you. Where is the treasury? Tell me now and I’ll kill you slowly.”

“Oy vey!” The brown haired Danuki shouts so EVERYONE can hear. “You’re going to kill us? You’re going to commit another horacaust? You’re going to murder six million innocents?!”

“No, but if you keep this up I’ll do at least three!”

“Well then.” The black haired one says, dry-washing her hands. “Then I suppose this means Blackfire Reach is assaulting merchants now.” She pats the man next to her, who seems about to pass out. “You saw it as our witness. We are justified in defending ourselves.”

“What the fuck are you talking abou-“ Valeria cuts off suddenly as a familiar-styled knife appears in her neck. She staggers backward, coughing up smoke as she clutches her neck.

Maya gasps and bowls into your legs, toppling you forward as another knife flies forward where you were standing before clattering off Veronica’s armor. Immediately you’re on your guard as three figures seem to appear out of nowhere. All three are female and clad in dark, eastern garb with black facemasks. They look up at you with the same, dispassionate eyes as the other Kunoichi.

The Red-haired Danuki pushes the struggling Valeria away from her as she giggles. “Now then. Die for us so we can finally get down to business.”

>What do you do?

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da24ea No.390140

Damnit danuki

Can never trust them.

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deaa7f No.390143


It dosen't matter if we kill the Kunoichi, it does matter that we kill all three danuki. The treasure will all have been destroyed or buried along the way, there's no way the danuki would be holding hot merchandise like that when they knew we were coming.

I'm not sure how to deal with the fight, but for the aftermath we can claim, and have evidence that the danuki hired the mayor's assassin. We were just coming to extradite them to face JUSTICE. :^)

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a05b7f No.390155

It’s very important we do two different things. WE prevent casualties of the other merchants. AND we take the Danuki and merchant alive. The danuki can call off the bodyguards, and we have sufficient evidence to take them back to blackfire reach to stand trialand be promptly executed we need to learn where the treasury is and for that we need them alive.

Keeping the other merchants safe and alive is important so that we don’t scare off any trade. All the gold in the world isn’t useless if we can’t trade it with anyone.

Given the merchant is still here it’s unlikely the treasury has left the outpost. Publicly announce to everyone in the room that these danuki and the merchant are wanted in connection to the theft of the treasury of blackfire reach, murder of the mayor, and attempted murder of other council members. We have witnesses, and the kunoichi assassin named you(talking to the danuki) as her employers. The fact they also just so happen to have 3 others of the same exotic race employed as bodyguards is also suspicious. While on its own it’s not enough to convict anyone, put together with our other evidence it paints a rather damning picture.

If the danuki order the kunoichi to attack we should also address them to throw them off balance. Something to the effect of “Do not interfere or you will learn what your sister experienced” the exact wording doesn’t matter I think, just enough to get under their skin, maybe make them attack recklessly. If they insist on fighting target their wrists and hands to stop their jutsu.

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35d0bf No.390174



We can't charge the danuki for the theft. We have no evidence much as it pains me to admit. We can however we can charge them with assault and attemped murder of Valeria. Attemped murder of a Blackfire Reach councilor (Tabitha), yourself and two members of Order of the Heroic Brotherhood.

Quote: "Now then. Die for us so we can finally get down to business.”

Seems pretty clear what their intentions are. And if they point to Valeria threatening to kill them. Point out this was egregious. But Valeria has no standing, no political power. We have witnesses that finger the man sit with you to the theft and Valeria assumed you three were with him. You know how hot headed dragons can be!

Who drew the first drop of blood though?

We are here for the man whom we have witnesses that finger him to theft and possible involvement in the murder of the mayor and the attemped murder of another councilor member.

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38ca69 No.390185

After or during the whole save the world business, genociding the danuki should be on our list.

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660c30 No.390188


Oh fuck yes its finally time.

First things first, Have the team mates protect you while you build a wall around the danuki and merchant so they can't escape while we're doing the dirty. From that point, Assuming we have a health potion we're making the dragon chug it because having an open neck wound isn't nice and Val is a good girl. who is also getting a headpat later. What will win, The infamous dragon pride, Or the headpats that make the gods tremble?

From that point just fucking unloading with a stupid amount of [Shotgun] volleys is the way forward. Between dealing with our team mates own attacks and our own wide angle of attack, their agility will give.

Ideally I'd really like to just try and incapacitate them, But if that can't be done then so be it. I can see a good future for them working for the Reach full time as intel operatives, And they can help us shore up our defenses so more of there kind won't have such an easy time getting into our city. Apparently they value honor so if they agree, Try asking them after we kill off the danuki, So there job is over we can be fairly sure they won't betray us since this will be a perpetual contract with the city itself, And I imagine they may want to start building there own life's as people instead of just staying a weapon.

Regardless, We need to try and ensure the safety of the merchants caught in this crossfire. Them dying looks bad on us, But us saving their ass from the crazy danuki schemes that were fitting to get them killed will be a boon.

Of course we need to go into an autistic fit while this is all happening and shout redpill'ing material while we're fighting.

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4b65cb No.390191


the fluffy tailed jew will backstab in the name of shekels the second they're not under the gun. Rommel needs to use build the wall to trap them in ovens enclosures, and since you have a portable and angry source of fire handy …. use Valeria to cook the (((chosen monsters))). Hard to do the rubbity rub when you're a pile of ash.

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41f498 No.390225


To begin, we need to save Valeria, as she’s in a very bad position right now, what with the knife in her neck and her being in very close proximity to the enemy. Usage of [Rock Solid] and [Build the Wall] to protect both her and us from direct attacks and [Flurry] around the enemy to blind our opponents not us, we have [Goggles] should suffice to keep her from getting harmed more and to give us the opportunity to rush to her side, [Health Potion] in hand, to deal with her life-threatening injuries. Once that’s out of the way, we really need to counter the Danuki’s bullshit before we continue, because otherwise we’re going to look rather bad in the aftermath. What >>390174 suggests sounds reasonable, but I would also add that we utilise [Amplify] whenever we speak to ensure that absolutely everyone hears us without question, that we figure out how to reverse the effects of [Amplify], thus making a spell that makes whatever sound passes through it quieter, and cast such a spell around the Danuki to ensure they stay silent while still letting them hear our accusations unlike [Privacy Barrier], which is the next best thing if we’re unable to do this, and that we bring up how they are not only using excessive force but are also attacking people who aren’t attacking them first everyone who isn’t Valeria, thus voiding their excuse of self-defence and giving us that same excuse to use against them.

Regarding the battle plan, we know from our previous encounters with Kunoichi, be they Ako, Sayaka or the assassin, that they utilise a mixture of knives, Eastern magic and miscellaneous tools to do their work. The latter-most is unknown outside of what the assassin used of course and will stay unknown until they come into play, but the former two we can counter rather effectively and thus should do just that in order to handicap our opponents for the rest of our party to mop up.

Starting with their knives, we can be fairly confident that they are nigh-identical to the knife we found as evidence when investigating the Mayor’s death, so in theory we should have a good understanding of what they’re made of and the knives here should lack any magical enchantments that could possibly hinder our manipulation of them considering that the first knife wasn’t mentioned to have any. As such, we can use [Metallurgy] to take their weapons and any spares that are hidden, maybe some of their other equipment too away from them, either to simply disable them or to use the weapons against them or the Danuki might be a good method of executing the Danuki to direct blame away from ourselves should we desire. Failing that for whatever reason, then we can at least use [Deflect] to protect ourselves from any other projectiles they may throw our way so long as we’re careful that no one else will be hit instead.

Moving onwards, their Eastern magic is reliant on hand motions in order to function, so disabling their hands should be a priority in order to remove one of their strongest assets. That said, doing so is rather hard when the target is very agile and is constantly dodging everything you throw at them, so until we succeed at that we need another method to give us and our party the edge over them. [Reverse Polarity] would be great for this, but it requires us to study the magical frequencies of our opponent first and I doubt we would be capable of using it one more than one person at a time. [Mana Burst], on the other hand, both doesn’t require much knowledge of our opponents magic and works in an area, meaning it would work wonders for stopping the Kunoichi from doing anything, albeit it would require us to react quickly whenever they move their hands in strange ways due to how the disabling effect wears off rather quickly. However, due to how it apparently causes our own magic to turn off for the duration according to the pastebin, though I don’t remember this ever happening in Wizardquest 2, we should ensure three things: one, that we aren’t in the midst of channelling something whenever we cast the spell, two, that we remove the enemy’s weapons before we do any magical disabling so they can’t just throw a knife at us when we can’t defend against it, and three, that we have a weapon of some description in hand in order to defend against any attacks that the disarmed Kunoichi may make against us.

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41f498 No.390226



Other than that, there isn’t much else to be said that someone else hasn’t already. I guess I’ll suggest using [Rock Solid] on the Danuki on top of the whole ‘surround them with walls’ idea, as we don’t want them trying anything while we have our hands full and this would force the Kunoichi to go out of their way to save them. In fact, it’s probably worth directing the occasional attack at the Danuki just to force the Kunoichi to react, because they can’t attack us if their hands are full protecting their masters.


>The treasure will all have been destroyed or buried along the way, there's no way the danuki would be holding hot merchandise like that when they knew we were coming.

I doubt it. Even if they did know we were coming, Danuki aren’t exactly renowned for their forward thinking, and Valeria mentioned smelling the treasure on them, which is probably not a lie considering the claim comes from a dragon with a fetish for gold. Also, Danuki are effectively the physical embodiments of greed and avarice; why would they want to hide away or, god forbid, destroy their beloved treasure?

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4ff217 No.390244

Kill the danuki but keep their boytoy merchant alive. We only need one person to tell us where they stashed our cash. But we probably will be able to find it even without them I'm guessing. Dealing with their bodyguards will be the hard part. Maybe start off with just shotgun blasting a hailstorm of rocks towards the danuki and see how the kunoichi deal with that.

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35d0bf No.390250



>Build a wall

I would suggest separating the Danuki from the man. They may try and kill him otherwise. We can convince him that the Danuki will kill him to cover for themselves. Which is better? Dying in ditch or bedding two scalie beauties? Scalie puss is best puss! Rommel would know (Tabitha needs to be within ear shot of this)

And we did promise the wurm girls a husband. If the wurms complain, say this way their babies will be sisters.


Who took my Salamnderfag tag from me!?

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35d0bf No.390251


Fuck! I forgot, Valeria needs to imprisoned for her crimes rewarded, and confined in a cell the treasury vault. She requires punishment headpats; WITH BOTH HANDS! Especially the area around her horns.



>Your too gentle with these shits.

If we take the Dunuki alive they should give them what they want!


They should be sentenced to work in the mines indefinitely. They should be placed under Valeria (((caring))) claw after she's recovered. Stripped naked and shaved, so they don't die of heat-stroke. With a collar that will explode if they leave the city limits.

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a05b7f No.390255


Rommel is a married man. He can’t just go headpatting every girl he comes across

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35d0bf No.390257


True, but he can ask for Tabitha's permission tho!

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660c30 No.390317


These hands are Solos gift to the world as repayment for being a black father, We are obligated to use them. The hands may wonder but the heart and the dick stay home. You know damn well by the end of this every single one of our group and a lot of people along the way are going to have gotten patted. Even Bardam, In what will probably be a drunk experience that neither of us will ever mention again and will live in shame with for the rest of our lifes

Still though, I imagine Tabs won't have an issue. Pat the Maya as well instead of the cheese gift

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9e9c33 No.390350

Encase the danuki's sweet fluffy calves with rocks so they won't get away. The kunoichi will have to stay close to their employers to ensure their protection giving us the advantage of movement

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da24ea No.390410

>Story continue

“Fucking hells.” You say as Tabitha pulls you to your feet. The Kunoichi watch you rise, making no further motions as your party spreads out, ready to attack. The Danuki chuckle and rise, making ready to leave. The black haired Danuki chuckles as she stands.

“Ufufufu. I’m sorry, but I believe being near such dangerous people could be a hazard. We should really evacuate the area.”

Flicking out your wrist, you call up a wall of stone that blocks the doorway at the back of the common room. The rock shatters through the wooden floor, throwing up splinters which shower upon the Danuki who cry in surprise.

As soon as you begin casting your magic, the Kunoichi are in motion. Though they cannot stop your wall from being built, they are able to move in to close range to attack and throw you off balance. Fortunately, Veronica and Bardam intercept them, the warriors battering aside their attacks with well trained skill and steel.

The Kunoichi leap backward, throwing knives at the exposed portions of the order warriors, but you reach out with your magic and take hold of the metal, stopping the weapons in mid-air. With a flick of your wrist and a cry of power, you throw them back at the Kunoichi. Two of them stare in surprise while a third, dressed in dark purple clothing, moves her hands quickly and with a release of power, the weapons are blown aside by a gust of air, sending them flying across the room to embed into wooden pillars.

An uneasy tension fills the room, the only sounds that of the Danuki’s dry rubbing, the whimpers of their merchant boytoy, and Valeria’s choking gasps. Gritting your teeth, you weave [Amplify] and shout, “Do not interfere or you will learn what your sister experienced!”

The purple Kunoichi cocks her head but says nothing however, merely placing her hands together, preparing to use a jutsu, perhaps.

“You are honorable, unlike the Danuki. Ask yourselves, who drew the first blood in this encounter?” You’re certain that the other guests of the inn, those who didn’t piss themselves and run away at the sign of battle, can hear just fine. Good, that’s the intention. “We never wanted any of this to happen, but they sent one of you to assassinate the mayor of the Reach! You are only doing your duty, but they will destroy you the moment it becomes convenient. It is who they are! It is what they do!”

Shaking a fist you scream, maybe with a little more force than intended, “Don’t forget what the Danuki did to Blackfire Reach in the past! They sent the Wurms to murder innocent Lizardmen so they could take the fucking gold in the mines!”

“W-what is this crazy man saying?!” The red-haired Danuki wails. “He’s going to kill us! Help! Someone help us! Please, he’s insane!”

The other two begin to shriek as well, crying as they claw at the wall in front of them. Two Kunoichi form up in front, one in dark blue drawing out wooden sticks tied together with rope while the other in dark green pulls out a hollow tube while lowering her mask.

No metal in these, huh? Well shit. Stepping back behind your armored wall, you prepare your magic again. “If you would just stand down and allow these Danuki to be brought to trial, none of this would need to happen!”

“AHHHHH! He’s going to kill usssssss!” The Danuki scream. Annoyed, you cast out [Privacy Barrier], shutting out their yelling.

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da24ea No.390411


Not waiting for the Kunoichi to attack first, you throw up another wall, trapping the Danuki in. As if anticipating this, the Kunoichi with the tube lifts it to her mouth and something flashes across the room. Tabitha gasps and moves in front of it, trying to hit the projectile with her sword, but it slips by and hits her in the side of the neck. She winces at the pain for a moment before pulling out a small dart.

“The hell is-“ She begins before wobbling.

The other two Kunoichi take the initiative and dash forward, the one with the wooden weapon dashing under Veronica’s guard and delivering a savage strike to the elbow joint of her weapon arm while the other moves her hands quickly, causing blades of wind to strike against Bardam, driving the man back. The two Order warriors rally however, Bardam struggling against the windstorm while Veronica lashes out with a kick, neatly passing her mace to the other hand as she begins to glow with holy energy.

Dashing forward to Tabitha, you throw out a cluster of pebbles in your pocket and [Shotgun Pebble] fire them at the Kunoichi with the dart gun. She neatly flips over the projectiles and fires another dart at you, which you manage to stop with [Deflect]. Pulling up a quick wall between you and see, you look down to your wife, panicking.

“Oh Gods, Tabitha? Are you okay?”

“I… I’m a little…” Her eyes widen and she turns to the side before puking. Gasping for breath, she says, “Everything is spinning…”

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” You say, trying to remember the small amount of plagamancy the Grand Wizard showed you. Let’s see, uh, find the humors and then… gah!

“Rommel!” Tabitha shouts, breaking your concentration as you look atop the wall you built. The Kunoichi is crouched atop it, blow gun at her lips.

“YOU FUCKING BITCH!” You shout, the force of it imbued with your magical might. As you shout, the rock underneath her violently breaks through the floor as you cast [Rock Slide], sending up a shower of wood as she’s thrown bodily into the wall. She bounces off it and into a roll before you can catch her in the rock to crush her, however.

“R-Rommel.” Tabitha says, panting. “Take care of them first then- hurgh.” She vomits again.

Everything in your body screams to take care of Tabitha, but you know she’s right. You have to remove the Kunoichi threat or else all of you will be dead. To this end, you scan the battlefield, watching as the blow gun Kunoichi reloads her weapon while the other two fight against Bardam and Veronica. As for Maya…

You blink in surprise as the Mouse Girl yanks the knife out of Valeria’s throat before pouring a thick, red solution into the wound. Despite blood welling up, Valeria’s coughing becomes less pronounced and she merely faints, her neck steaming. Wait, when did Maya take your health-?

No time for that however, as you block another shot from the Kunoichi. Rage overtaking you, you cast [Build the Wall] around Tabitha to protect her before stomping on the ground and sending a ripple in the stone that bursts up underneath your opponent. She reacts quickly and leaps through the air, firing a dart at you while reaching for something in her pocket.

Instead of deflecting the dart this time, you let it strike your shoulder as you run forward, the thick leather of your [Trenchcoat] absorbing the dart. From your pocket flows sand and gravel that gathers into your hand, spinning faster and faster into a ball. As you near the Kunoichi, instead of shooting at you again she throws something, a small, black ball. Shouting at her, you thrust your ball forward, [Flurry] racing ahead of you. It contacts little black ball and the device explodes into a violent display of light, temporarily blinding you.

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da24ea No.390412


The Kunoichi leaps around to the side and draws a knife from her belt as you stagger, disoriented, but before she can reach, the ball of concentrated dirt explodes outward, catching her in the swirling radius of debris. She cries out as her skin is rubbed raw while her eyes are filled with the sand. She tries to back away but a hail of accelerated pebbles hits her in the chest, perforating her lungs and heart, near instantly killing her in a spray of blood and gravel.

Blinking furiously to clear your eyes from the flash, you thank the Gods you can detect presences through the swirling sand or you’d never have hit her with that attack. Your [Goggles] pulled down over your eyes, you turn to the other two Kunoichi and make to direct your [Flurry] at them when the purple-clad Kunoichi sweeps Bardam’s legs and makes a furious flurry of hand signs.

A galeforce wind blows away your [Flurry], shattering windows at the far side of the room. You get hit by the tail end of this and spin around before crashing to the floor. Groaning, you pick yourself up to watch as Bardam, still on the floor, grabs the leg of the distracted Kunoichi and yanks her down to the floor as well. The man is unable to use his sword properly, but he holds onto it tight as he grabs the woman by the throat and chokes her, his expression cool and steady the entire time. She tries to move her hands in gestures but he throws his sword arm forward, using the flat of his blade to bludgeon her hands before using the same gesture on her head, knocking her unconscious.

For Veronica’s part, she stands on shaky footing, one arm limp while the other holds onto her mace. The Kunoichi before her whirls one end of her weapon in a circular motion while the other is grasped firmly in her hand. Veronica narrows her eyes and shouts a litany, running at the Kunoichi who lashes out with the weapon in an attempt to catch Veronica’s mace arm again. Surprisingly, as the weapon is about to make contact, Veronica drops her mace and uses her limp arm to grapple the Kunoichi, pulling her into a tight embrace.

The eastern woman blinks in surprise and fumbles to pull away until her eyes go wide and she lets out a gasp of pain. She turns her head to the side to see Maya latched onto her back, knife driven in deep. Gurgling, she slumps to the floor as Veronica lets her go. Instead of letting the Kunoichi die however, Veronica places her hand upon her back and recites an incantation, holy power flowing through her to seal the wound. Alive, if barely, the Kunoichi lays motionless on the floor next to the other.

By this point a pack of guards rushes into the room, weapons held at all of your necks. While you’re certain you can probably beat them, with Valeria and Tabitha in their conditions, it would be dangerous and someone may be wounded too badly to heal. Slumping your shoulders, you sigh as the latest captain of the guard, an Ectrian man named Mustafar walks in and growls,

“What in the name of the twins have you done you idiot?”

“Nevermind that, help me get her some medical treatment.” You say, reaching into your pocket to pull out your other [Health Potion.]

One of the guards places his sword before your face and you give him a glare so hard he backs away, eyes flicking to his captain for guidance. Brushing the sword aside, you kneel down to Tabitha who looks a little pale, but is still breathing.

“Hey, hey drink this honey.” You say, pouring the liquid into her mouth. She sputters a little after drinking it but restores some color a few moments later, though she still looks sick. You breath a sigh of relief as the Danuki start to scream again behind your wall, your [Privacy Barrier] going down in your battle.

“Help! He’s trapped us in here and is going to gas us!”

“This is anti-Danukic! Someone save us!”

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da24ea No.390414


The guard captain glares at you and you sigh, lowering the wall. The Danuki, tears in their eyes, rush toward the safety of the guards, leaving the merchant they were with on the floor, looking fairly beaten and abused for some reason. Crying, the brown haired Danuki says, “They attacked us and killed our bodyguards! Oh, if you weren’t here to stop them, who knows what they could have done!”

“Take them away and execute them!” The black haired Danuki says. “Beasts! Brutes! Murderers!”

You make to rise but swords appear all around you again. Unsure of what to do, you hesitate until Veronica stands up, her body battered, but still glowing with holy light. The guards around her seem both awed and confused, unsure of how to handle this situation. Using her good hand, she gently lowers a sword in front of her and says, “Lower your weapons. We mean no one any further arm. We were forced to defend ourselves when our companion was attacked.”

“Liars!” The red haired Danuki says. “You’re the ones who attacked! We have witnesses!”

A murmuring comes from behind as the other guests of the inn talk amongst themselves. Anger courses through you, but you manage to keep yourself in check, holding onto Tabitha’s hand as the guard captain groans.

“I must arrest both of you while we consult our governments. You will be imprisoned while we discuss this.” He waves to his men to restrain both of you when you blurt out,

“I can prove they’re in the wrong!”

The captain sighs and turns to you. “Rommel, I swear by the Twins above, if you pull any further bullshit-“

“Fuck you, my wife is poisoned, I don’t have time for you bullshit.” You say, waving your hand dismissively. “Check the Danuki’s rooms. There you’ll find good stolen from Blackfire Reach.”

“Preposterous!” The red-haired Danuki shouts. “You would trust the word of this barbarian? I will have you know that my mother is one of the Danuki Triad and I will bring down the full force of Danusreal on this miserable little outpost if you don’t release us!”

The captain looks down, gritting his teeth. While the old captain was certainly bought and paid for, you have to believe that Mustafar had a little more integrity. Still, this place was and probably still is heavily financed by the Danuki… in which case it may be hard for him to say no.

“Then ask him.” You say, nodding to the merchant from before. A guard helps him to his feet and he shudders in pain before spitting some blood from a busted lip. Mustafar narrows his eyes and walks over the man, asking,

“Is what he says true? Do these ladies have ill-gotten goods?”

The man hesitates, looking between you and the Danuki. The Monsters give him silent glares, to which the man shies back, whimpering. As he does so you say, “If you admit to it, then you will not be given punishment by Blackfire Reach. In fact, we will set you up with a loving wife, one who would never allow the Danuki to harm you.”

He stares at you, hope in his eyes as you say in a lower voice, ‘Scalie puss is the best puss.”

Tabitha, despite her miserable state, squeezes on your hand while the man weighs the pros and cons. Eventually he sighs and says, “T… the loot is in their rooms, hidden in chests.”

“NOOOOOOOOO!” The brown haired Danuki shrieks, rushing at the man before being tackled to the ground by guards. The black haired Danuki looks to the ground, defeated, while the red haired one’s eyes roll in the back of her head and she faints, mouth foaming.

Mustafar pinches the bridge of his nose and sends guards upstairs to check before turning to you and saying, “Fuck you Rommel. Fuck you.”

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da24ea No.390415


You stay the evening in the inn, watching over Tabitha as Maya returns to Blackfire Reach to inform the council of what happened. The Danuki and the Kunoichi, the later thoroughly bound and stripped (though you’re certain some of the guards may have taken that a little too far) are held in cells while you secure the treasury. Thankfully most of it is there, however you have no doubt that the guards helped themselves to some of it. At least all the runite you can recall gathering, pitifully little of it as it is, is still present. Guess the guards would rather take Deleorian coinage, which is fine.

One of the guests at the inn is a healer, who manages to remove the poison from Tabitha, her slow, reptilian metabolism keeping it from causing any major harm. Still, she’ll be out of it for some time he says, unsuitable for strenuous activity. Yes, sex counts as strenuous activity, he assures you. With Tabitha, this is quite true.

Valeria, on the other hand, is up before the end of the night. The potion that Maya administered healed the wound very well and her naturally tough skin managed to keep the wound from being too bad. Her voice seems to gotten a little more raspy, like that of someone who smoked green herb all their life, but she’s alive and angry. Guess it really is hard to put a Dragon down for good.

In the morning three of the council members flown in by Wyverns arrive and a deal is made with the guards to have the Danuki turned over to Blackfire Reach. True to your word, you do not punish the man who smuggled the goods out of the city, but you do have him help bring it back in. The Kunoichi, having learned of their employer’s fates, resign themselves to your service as you see fit. Unable to think of how to deal with them, for now you have them return with the wagon and await judgement. Oddly enough, they go along with it.

For your party, you create another block of stone, this one much larger, and head back to the Reach as the councilors, Erwin, Bardam, and Veronica try to figure out a way to pay for the damages. You’re pretty sure they’re going to confiscate Danuki goods, all things considered.

Riding on the stone in the late morning, you turn to Tabitha, who is asleep next to you. Brushing aside a strand of her hair, you sigh and turn to Maya, who yawns but is for some reason awake. Smirking, you say, “Hey, thanks for all the help recently. Saved everyone’s lives.”

“Hmm? Oh. Sure.” She says, seeming disinterested. Or maybe just tired. “Just doing my job and such.”

“Yeah, but it still means a lot.” Thinking for a second, you say, “Hey, lean in close.”

She gives you a suspicious look before leaning in close. Lifting your hand, you place it on her head and begin to give her a headpat. At the motion her eyes widen and she looks at you with shock as your fingers begin to glide through her short hair, massaging her scalp. She looks down for some reason and you’re surprised to see tears well up in her eyes. Her lip trembles ever so slightly as she leans into the pat.

When you finish, she shudders and lets out a small gasp before looking up at you with tear filled eyes. She blinks twice before turning about and rubbing at her face. ‘I’m taking a nap!” She declares, promptly falling asleep on a moving boulder.

“Huh, what was that about?” A husky voice asks next to you. Turning, you see Valeria leaning over, watching the poor Mouse Girl. “You have magic hands or something too?”

“I don’t think it’s just that.” You say, watching the poor Monster. How terribly sad that expression was… it makes your heart ache just looking at it. Sighing, you turn to Valeria and say, “I think she just needs a little time.”

“Hmm.” The Dragon muses. “Is it such a grand thing to have your head pat?”

“Huh?” You say, surprised. “You’ve never had your head pat?”

“Dragon society is a little different than human society.” She says. “We can’t afford such things. It is weakness and Dragons cannot be shown to be weak.” Her gaze shifts downward, “Though I suppose… modern times have shown that to be false for more than one reason.”

“Ah, you’re plenty strong, Valeria. And you’re nothing like your cousin, from what I’ve heard.” Smirking, you lift your hand and say, “Listen, don’t tell Tabitha about this, but just this once, as a reward.”

She blinks at you, confused before leaning forward for you to place your hand upon her head. As you begin to move your fingers her eyes too grow wide and tears immediately begin to stream down her cheeks. She stays, frozen in place as you work your dark magic, running intricate lines through her scalp and around her horns. When you finish she just stares forward, not looking at anything much at all.

You don’t say anything else as you ride the rest of the way home to Blackfire Reach.

>What do you do?

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da24ea No.390417


Waaaao I managed to get it done on the schedule I wanted. Amazing. Simply amazing.

TBH, this is more of a to be continued but I did actually run out of time… But it's also a decent point for further suggestions before we move onward. Onward to what you ask? Guess we'll find ouuutttt.

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a05b7f No.390424

We got the treasury back, captured the danuki, everyone is still alive. I call that a win guys. Now all we need to do is executeput the danuki on trial, and we can reopen the mines and start searching for the heart of the crags

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35d0bf No.390461


Good job, Ace.

Nice headpatts too.

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41f498 No.390552


The only three things that come to mind for actions are 1) setting up scouting teams to watch the area surrounding Blackfire Reach, the outpost included, for suspicious/Danuki activity, 2) reinforcing the walls of the vault to prevent future break-ins, and 3) blocking off illegal Wurm tunnels and stressing to the Wurms that burrowing illegally can lead to some disastrous results, case in point the murder of the Mayor. This should hopefully cover all the bases in protecting us from similar circumstances to recent events, as well as give us warning of any new threats that may crop up.

Other than that, I guess it's time to swap to the shit character. No, not Tobias :^)

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35d0bf No.390634


>The Danuki

First, no matter how much we hate it. We can't kill them. They're far more important as political hostages. Especially the one that says her mom is a member of the Triad we can always send her mom her shaved shin fluff if she tries anything. I would suggest hard labour in the mines, under Valeria's claw.

>The Kunoichi

This concerns me, as one of the Kunoichis (the purple one) appears to be a probable sister to the one that was tortured and then killed. How will she react?


>Swapping characters

I think we still need to check out the other tunnels just to make sure. And we still have a trial to perform.

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41f498 No.390666


>Letting the Danuki live

>Making them work in the mines, a place that potentially houses multiple exits from the city and is easy to lose people in

It's like you want them to escape or something. There is no reason for us to make an exception for them in terms of punishment for their crimes—they should all be executed. The Mayor and her husband deserve at least that much for the ills that have befallen them.

<But the red-haired Danuki is important!

So she claims, but how can we be sure that she's telling the truth? Danuki are infamous for lying and cheating, so why would this situation be any different, especially given her desperation? Also, if this particular Danuki happens to be the one who claimed to be the sister of the last Danuki in Blackfire Reach it's not clear which one of the two present at the time it was, then that means either the members of this Triad don't give a shit about their families, hence the lack of retaliation despite Blackfire Reach being weak at the time, or she's lying, with the former meaning she has no value to us and the latter implying she's likely lied about other things, this included, and thus likely has no value to us.

Even if she is in fact telling the truth, how would taking her prisoner help us? Any deal we make with Danusreal to turn her over is going to be designed to fuck us over in some capacity treasures will be fake and worthless, trade goods will be faulty, booby-trapped and/or contaminated, the stuff will be stolen from some powerful faction for the purpose of directing the blame of theft onto us, etc. and the Danuki would seek retaliation against us regardless of her survival if they were going to, so keeping her alive is only a negative for us due to the constant need for surveillance and food to keep her contained and alive. At least she will never threaten us again if she's a corpse outside of necromancy bullshit, but we can always burn her body if we're paranoid about that.

>I think we still need to check out the other tunnels just to make sure. And we still have a trial to perform.

I was under the impression that the trial was a given, considering this is a 'to be continued'. Regarding the other tunnels, opening any of them would likely spiral off into more events, meaning we wouldn't be able to find a good place to swap characters for a fair while. That's certainly not the worst outcome, but part of the fun of multiple perspectives is seeing how the events from each perspective affect others and figuring out how to deal with the consequences of said events; you lose the ability to have such impactful events if one party is so far behind the others, as having such events means you either need a damn good excuse for why the other parties were unaffected, or you need to retcon the events of the other parties, with both options not being ideal. Ace has stated we aren't going to miss key events, meaning we can always return to team Rommel opening that purposefully-closed tunnel at a later point unless it was a red herring when we want to, so there isn't much reason not to switch at this point.

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da24ea No.390777

So I'm really behind on painting I need ready before Adepticon so I've been doing that all day with intention to write and then… I fell asleep. Anyway, I'll certainly get up to the point of transition but I might have to turn back to painting focus.




I tried


Dunno about that first one, but the others can be done. Someone needs to remind the Wurms to be good girls.

Things are about to get shitty


I mean, I have to honor satan's request to kill the danuki. He's satan!

Well atm everyone is kind of very seperate so not too much is affecting each other. That you know and yes, no major events being lost. Like for Tobias and friends you'll next find yourself in the capital, etc etc.

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c84407 No.390930

We should get more health potions to replace the two we used.

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da24ea No.390943

>The Grand Wizard

Boots wet, clothing soaked, and undergarments squelching, you trump through the gates of Hudson with a sour mood. It didn’t take long to reach the city, thanks to Harmony’s flight unit, but you decided to enter the city on foot so as not to arouse suspicion. Unfortunately, this meant you had to walk through the damn swamp.

And it’s raining.

Grumbling as you tug on your Wizard’s hat, you hear a distinctive chuckle from your left. You scowl at them, though their features are entirely hidden under a large, brown cloak. “Think something’s funny, snake tits?”

“Who are you talking to, I’m over here.” An identical voice says, making you turn to your other side to see another form wearing the same cloak.

Groaning, you say, “I helped redesign both of your chassis, I THINK I can tell the modulations in your vocal patterns, even when you do this shit.”

Reaching forward, you push back the hood of the cloak of the figure on your left to reveal a dissapassionate faceplate and glowing, red eyes along with purple metallic plating. Letting out a grunt of frustration, you yank the hood back down as both of your companions laugh at you at the same time.

“Fuck both of you.” You grumble, walking further into the city.

Hudson, one of the two largest ports of Deleor, resides at the southwestern corner of the country. It is a major hub for both commerce from the myriad of islands off to the southwest as well as rarely visited, western lands and the largest concentration of Deleorian naval vessels, not that Deleor has much of a navy, despite being a country with a massive coastline. Having your major threat be land and airborne Monsters from the north made that sort of thing a little less than necessary.

While Port Dorning on the south east coast has a very exotic and eastern flare, the architecture of Hudson is a mix of subdued, brown buildings built for utility and to combat the frequent rain, and vibrant, almost festive buildings maintained by the descendants of the islands to the south.

You watch as a Lizardman with rainbow colored scales and wearing what looks like waterproof undergarments laughs and drinks alongside a tough, green scaled crocodilian Monster with pale skin and normal, Delorian clothing. Shaking your head, you marvel at just how different parts of this small country were from each other.

“Hmph.” Chaika says, watching the scene as well. “I’d heard Hudson was another world entirely, but I never thought I’d see it.”

“Well, given its location and all the swamps around it, it’s never been touched by the Monster Invasions.” Harmony says. “The Monsters to the south and the Monsters of the sea are all very nice in this region too. I’m not surprised the people here have taken well to the past twenty years.”

“Humph, well we can marvel at the place later. For now, let’s get us a damn room so I can dry myself off.”

“Aww, someone’s upset.” Chaika says, her chuckling needling you. “How cute.”

“Big talk for someone I had to scrape off the back of a wagon a few months ago.”

“Hey, I was doing quite fine by myself.”

Harmony coughs, though it’s a totally unnecessary gesture for a construct. “Define, ‘fine.’”

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da24ea No.390944


“Hrmph.” Chaika says, crossing her arms. “Well it won’t happen again since I don’t have to protect those two little twerps this time.”

“Excuse me, Chaika, did you just call my two precious angels, ‘twerps?’” You ask, batting your eyelashes. She looks to the side.

“I mean. It’s just- ah fuck it, yeah I said it.” She says, still not looking at you.

“You miss them, huh?” You ask as you turn down the rain slick streets. Despite coming down in a steady stream, people still walk the streets, going about their business with either umbrellas or, in the case of some aquatic Monsters, walking about in almost no clothing with happy expressions.

“It’s not that I miss them per say, it’s just… I’ve been looking after them for so long, and now they’re finally gone, living their own lives.” Her voice lowers, “It feels strange, not having those obligations.”

“Yeah.” You whisper, trudging onward without saying anything further.

The three of you walk in silence down the dreary roads as tall, drab buildings tower alongside you. You’ve only been to Hudson once, but you can still remember where you’re going, though it’s on the other side of the town, along the coast. As you approach the west side you begin to see more color in the buildings: vibrant signs written in a mix of foreign script and Deleorian or flags denoting one of the island nations.

Chaika lets out a small gasp from her auditory unit as you walk down a corridor of buildings which opens up, revealing the western extent of the city. Despite the rain you see before you a magnificent sight of a raised seawall spreading out farther than you can see with a rich, sandy beach below. Off to the south you can see large, seafaring vessels at dock while the north holds the naval complex, its docks seeming sparse, likely due to the attempted blockade of Galmathoria.

You stand there, water continuing to soak your abused clothing as you take in the sight of the sea spreading out before you until it reaches the black, stormy horizon. If you were a poet, perhaps you would have thought this was somewhat of an omen. But no, you just say something that fits your character much better.

“Some shitty weather we’re having, huh?”

You’re not certain what your companion’s reactions are, under their all-encompassing hoods.

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da24ea No.390945


A chime tinkles as you open the door to the inn, your clothing leaving a sopping wet trail as you enter. A human girl with caramel-colored skin and a mop signs and waits for you to squelch up to the desk before she begins to clean up behind you. Chaika gives her a look from underneath her hood, but smartly keeps hidden for now anyway. You can tell she really wants to mop though, what a good maid she’s become.

A large, shirtless man with skin the same as the girl wearing shorts and a necklace of shark teeth sits behind a counter, fanning himself off. At your approach he looks at you and cracks a smile. “Eyyy, what’s going on brother-man. You looking like a rain cloud, bringing the weather in here!” He laughs, slapping his belly, which jiggles.

“Uh, yeah.” You say, ignoring the man’s jests. “Looking for a room, Otit.”

The man’s eyes narrow and he leans forward, studying your expression. Despite his appearance you get the impression that if he needed to, the large man could strike at you in the blink of an eye, a fact of which is furthered by the machete you know if behind his desk. After a moment of scrutiny though he beams at you and laughs.

“Oh ho! Well if it isn’t my favorite magic man! What are you doing back in the okalili of the west?”

You pointedly ignore him mixing in words which, you’re fairly certain, aren’t real. “On some business.”

“Ah, business, business eh.” He says, riffling through something in a drawer. “Last time was pleasure eh? You got that lovely olahu of yours under one of them cloaks?” He leers, “Ah but brotha man, you can’t be having two, that’s unfair!”

The girl huffs and walks away, taking the mop with her. Otit laughs and says, “She’s just mad her boyfriend went to join the Order. Don’t mind her, she’ll be ulatiki soon enough.”

“Uh huh.” You say, feeling bad for the girl. Gods, how long was it since you last came. She was knee high, huh? “No, my wife is on business as well.” You peer around.

“Is empty today brotha man, season barely started and the rain keeping the pahu away.”

Nodding, you wave to Chaika and Harmony, who pull back their cloaks. Otit laughs, “Oh I see how it is, pleasure units eh!”

“No.” Chaika sighs. “I keep asking for upgrades like that though.”

“My hookalaus.” The man says, nodding his head with sagacity. “Anyway, you should dry off and not turn my floor into high tide, eh?”

“I was wondering when you’d get to that.” You say, removing you hat and shaking your head. “I trust we can get the same room as last time?”

“I thought you said they aren’t pleasure units?”

“Smart ass. Look, it’s the most private suite.”

“Ahaha, I know, I know.” He pulls out a key and places it on the table. “I’ll keep quiet about you like last time my alonahanu.”

“Thanks, uh… alonahanu?” You say, not certain if that’s even the correct word. He smiles and waves you away before calling his daughter back in to clean the floor.

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da24ea No.390946


Reaching the room, you unlock it and usher your attendants in, the two of them staring around in surprise at the décor. The room is spacious, consisting of a living area and a bedroom. Both overlook the beach and have a large decks-like balconies. The decorum is based on one of the more tribal islands which Otit is from and as such as many tribal masks, spears, etc.

While there’s only one bed, a very nice one at that, it’s not that much of a concern as Harmony and Chaika, being constructs, have no need for sleep. Stepping into the room, you reach out with your hand and channel your magic, drawing the water off you and the two constructs before tossing it outside the window.

“Ah, that’s better.” Chaika says, removing her cloak and revealing her feminine shaped, slim blue chassis. “I love the feeling of wearing nothing at all.”

“You’re a construct, you can’t feel.” Harmony says, doing the same to reveal her purple chassis. A section pops out from her back in a shape similar to wing bones. She flexes it a moment as lights flicker. Nodding, she pops it back in, the sections blending seamlessly into her armor.

“Hey, my emotions can still feel.” Chaika huffs, crossing her arms. Turning about the room she asks, “So this is where you stayed when you went on that trip, eh? Seems you two really enjoyed it.” She leans down to inspect a section next to the bed, a furrow cut into the wood.

Coughing, you say, “Yes well, it’s a good room and Otit can be trusted as far as I can tell.”

“Oh? Do you judge that on if someone blabs about your sex life? If so then I’m the most trustworthy person you know.” Chaika says, bouncing on the bed while kicking up her feet. Honestly, twenty years later and she still plays with them.

“Hmm.” Harmony says, putting down the large pack she carries, mainly filled with repair materials for the constructs in case you need them. “Didn’t you answer Sophie and Sylphie’s questions about sex using details from their parents?”

“Oh. Good.” You say. “So that’s why Sylphie asked why mommy hugs daddy while naked. I can now go to my rest knowing who to blame for that awkward conversation.”

Chaika hisses at Harmony before turning to you as you go through your [Sack of Holding +1], still functional after all these years. “So, we’re here. Might as well go over what the plan is again.”

“Plan?” You ask, chuckling. “You know we just make shit up as we go along.”

“Along a framework, at least.” Harmony says. “Which, if we recall, is to try to gain an audience with the Sea Queen so we can get the Trident of the Sea King.”

“Right, right.” You say, stretching. “I figure asking down at the docks with the aquatic Monsters should be easy enough. Honestly, we probably got the easiest job out of the three.”

“You say that.” Harmony sighs. “But it’s never that easy and you know it.”

Waving your hand in dismissal, you lay back on the bed and stare up at the wooden ceiling as the rain continues to come down outside. Gods you actually miss your wife and kids. Heh, it’s almost painful how much things had changed over the years.

“Perhaps.” You say. “Perhaps we’ll have an adventure, just like back then.”

“Oh Dollora.” Chaika groans. “Are you asking to get us killed?”

>What do you do?

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da24ea No.390947

The more I look at it, the more I think that it's probably okay to end Rommel's perspective there. We can go back to the trial later or, if you want me to write it out, I can probably do so before I head off to the convention. Either way, we have the set-up for the Grand Wizard's adventure in Hudson. I mean, it's a pretty straight forward quest right? No real need for suggestions, but if you have them I suppose i'll entertain them…

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a05b7f No.390952


We should make a speech about self sacrifice, service and our ultimate victory over phallia. But it needs to be stereotypically over the top

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660c30 No.390963


Dammit Ace stop setting up those deathflags, You ain't that slick.

I'd really would have liked to see the trialand execution and swapped over with Rommel starting construction on the new tunnel since it would be a couple days of mining anyway. Would have felt more organic imo but this works to. Not really much to add here, Just gonna sit and enjoy the ride for a bit

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da24ea No.390966


What death flags.

That's just how he talks. He shitposts IRL.

Anyway sure, I can go back and do that if I have time before i leave. It just seemed like people were like, "Yeah that's good stick with that and move on. No problem."

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885526 No.391172

File: 9d521154fe42026⋯.png (661.47 KB,800x800,1:1,Saya_jelly.png)

Finally caught up after a late start from needing to reread the previous content. It was nice to see best girl again, even if only temporarily.

Anyway I was wondering a couple of things about Rommel, mainly if he has become more proficient with martial combat during his downtime at Blackfire Reach. Considering his wife is a Lizardman, she would probably enjoy having a husband who is proficient in not just magic but also traditional dueling. After all, who's better to drill your ass in dueling than your wife whose ass you drill?

Also is it's possible for Rommel to make some sort of compact mechanical weapon similar to a Magitek rifle based around the easy use of [Pebble Gun]. It could perhaps it could use some sort of fire magic to ignite a diminutive amounts of blasting powder combined with wind magic to launch metal pebbles out of a sturdy frame accurately with ease. You could call it some sort of fire arm and eventually even upsize it to use with the tank!

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e945cb No.391200


A better design to the "gun" would be the barrel being rifled in a way what would give the projectiles the appropriate amount of spin from his wind magic with as little effort a possible so that he can focus on making said projectile go faster and hit harder. Internal pressure inside the barrel would help with that as well. Another added feature that would make it MUCH more effective in combat is an attachment to said "gun" that could hold pre shaped pebbles for him to fire from the gun, as to how you would want the pebbles to be transferred over from the container to the firing chaimber I'll leave up to your imagination. As for ammo, he can pre shape rocks or metal to his desired shape and size being a geomancer and all. A tool like this would make him much more lethal in a fight without a drastic increase in effort or energy used in combat. Allowing focus and energy to be shifted to protecting his allies, himself, or more spells. A "gun" like this should probably be no longer than your standard carbine lengths as it would fit his fighting style and Be much easier to travel with it's somewhat light weight and compact package. A weapon like this would fit Rommel perfectly. Quick, accurate, effective. No need for some long ass enchantment to use it.

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35d0bf No.391203


Sage, you bugger!

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41f498 No.391204



Alternatively, we could just stick to [Pebble Gun], which isn't taxing in the slightest and is exceptionally lethal with the perks <Rifling> and <Round Shot> added to it, and not waste a ton of precious time we really don't have creating something which doesn't achieve much of anything we can't do already, requires being lugged around, makes it pretty clear to our enemies where we're aiming, requires us to actually know how to use a gun and has a possibility of failing at the worst possible times if one component of the device fucks up due to a mistake in the creation of the either the weapon or the ammunition. The tank was a good idea despite its silliness, as it was designed to solve a problem we knew we would eventually encounter that we lacked other solutions for, it could get away with being made quickly and crudely to match the time frame we had available to us without compromising functionality and it was easy enough to use due to how every mechanic of it tied back into a skill or spell we already had without requiring a good understanding of physics; this proposed rifle, on the other hand, is superfluous at best.

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3d34bc No.391210


What I was proposing wasn’t as complicated as what >>391200 is suggesting. I was thinking of something more compact and simpler such as a brace of pistols rather than a proper rifle, though I can see how I may have misled with my comparison to the Magitek Rifle.

The reason for this suggestion is that one of the problems Rommel has with his [Pebble Gun] is that retrieving the components, rounding the pebbles, spinning the shot and then launching it where he wants it to go takes time and concentration, where as if we prepare some of the components of the spell in advance it could speed up the process of actually shooting a fucker. Hence a simple frame housing a tube with <Rifling> that contains a metal pebble and some powder that we can ignite and combine with wind magic shouldn’t be too complicated to fuck up horribly and would enable us to rapidly respond to threats.

It also means we could be able to combine our spells more efficiently, i.e. casting [Build the Wall] quickly as cover and prepare to shoot at the same time since we wouldn’t have to focus on casting [Build the Wall] and [Pebble Gun] simultaneously.

While it’s true we do lose some versatility being the ability to launch a pebble in any direction and telegraphing where we are aiming, it could still be useful utility in the right situation and increases our options and flexibility rather than limiting it.

If the base idea works out we could then proceed to figuring out to store extra shot later in some sort of clip and internal magazine system later but for now a basic pistol could still be useful and probably not have too many complex parts to fuck up.

The real reason I suggested it is because Rommel in his [Trenchcoat] wielding blade/fist and pistol on the top of his tank is too good to give up and dreams have to start somewhere.

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da24ea No.391445

File: 21c3a8b7f1d00b1⋯.png (5.7 MB,4560x5384,570:673,Rayleigh.png)

File: a3c4d8e45d8ff8f⋯.png (3.84 MB,4560x5384,570:673,Rayleighundie.png)


Hey hey! Sorry about being quiet, I've been furiously painting and such and haven't had much to reply to. I'll be away until next week but after that I don't have any plans for awhile so hopefully I can shelve painting and put my nose to the grindstone.

If y'all have questions or things you want to see or just shitpost in the interim, feel free.


It occurs to me I was a big dumb and you meant the thing about the boyfriend. You know the author is slick when he can't even recall what is being pointed out.


Ayyy it's that guy you are! Have you seen the new Saya pics in the last thread?

He's gotten a little better with the spear, though atm they're more focused on getting the city together and practicing a different kind of thrust.




I understand your autism, friend, but at the same time, the pebble fun is just that easy to use. Designing a weapon like that, while cool, is horrifically impractical. Same with blackpowder weapons when magitek exists… and is stronger.

Anyway, as apology for the lateness Also, it just got finished Here's the first of the new characters. A little something extra too because I wanted all her fluff to be seen :^)

I think Maya should be next.

>72>>391200 >>391204

>File (hide): 9d521154fe42026⋯.png (661.47 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Saya_jell

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da24ea No.391447


What in the fresh fuck happened at the bottom there

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4eb16d No.391457


Magitek is for nerds tho.

and not the good kind of nerd who appreciate cool rocks and history.

Still, I would argue that the magitek option is even more impracticable than faith, steel and gunpowder given if it gets damaged or requires maintenance we would have to find someone else to take care of it which seems like too great a liability for minimal benefit. Also correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I know the most compact magitek weapon created is a rifle which is somewhat rare in of itself and would require two hands to use effectively, making it straight up worse for the reasons I previously provided to use such a device over just using [Pebble Shot].

But yeah if projecting pebbles is still quicker than shooting them out of what is basically magically enhanced flintlock just without the flint or the lock pistol to counterattack right after casting defensive spells which is probably the best reason to use for such a device outside of maybe making strangers underestimate Rommel being reliant on them the case of capture, ambush etc. but that's not really a reason in of itself. then yeah I guess it's completely obsolete compared to the power of the pebble.

rip the dream.

I did see the new Saya pics btw and they're quite cute!

The Squirrel is too.

I would give her a nut.

Also I'm still in the business of making shitty memes such as this one along with shitposting australian slimeanon who is still catching up.

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4eb16d No.391463

File: 1d6647b594ada00⋯.png (473.7 KB,733x537,733:537,gingin vs piggu2.png)


woops posted the wrong version because I'm still a fucking retard apparently.

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271db7 No.391867

Honestly, how could she ever survive without you?

You ponder this as you watch the girl splayed out on the grass before you, showing absolutely no modicum of decorum as she sleeps in the early summer heat. Not that you particularly care, but there are others who would find her behavior entirely embarrassing. If you weren’t here to keep her in line you’re certain she would have gotten killed by now or worse, fallen in love with some rapscallion who would mistreat her.

No, no better that you’re here to keep tabs on her. Accordingly, you nudge her splayed open legs and she cracks open an eyelid before speaking, her voice coming out as more of a yawn than anything.


You merely snort at her. She groans and asks, “What are you, my dad?” When you don’t reply she sighs, “Ugh, you’re right, dad would find it comical.”

She shifts into a more dignified position, which means at least her legs aren’t spread wide, and you nod in approval. Good girl she is. Lazy sometimes, a little too focused on eccentric things, and quite the troublemaker, but deep down you know she’s a good girl.

“I’m not a little girl anymore.” She murmurs, apparently drifting back to sleep.

That’s… true, isn’t it? She isn’t a little girl anymore. She’s a fully grown woman now, able to make decisions for herself and others. And yet, no matter how much you try to fix that fact into your mind, you still can’t see her as anything other than the annoying little tyke who would jump on your back while you tried to eat or the curious child who would talk to you all night in your room, despite you never responding. Not that you really were one for conversation back then anyway.

You’re not her father, you could never replace your friend in that way, but sometimes you do feel like you’re in that role while he’s away. You’re her guardian, her emotional support, and her best friend. Though you frequently get annoyed with her antics, or frustrated at her recklessness, you do love the girl as only someone with a deep, magical bond could.

A cloud passes overhead, blotting out the sun from view for a moment. You look up before shaking your head and looking for something to eat. It’s been nice so far, but the southwest of Deleor gets a lot of rain and it often comes when you least expect it. Though you’d rather get to your destination before it hits, the weather is currently too good to let the opportunity to appreciate it and rest slip by. Gods know you’ve had a little too much excitement these past few months anyway.

“Mrmph.” The girl says, rolling onto her side. She doesn’t roll just once though, instead she tumbles end over end before coming to rest next to you, instinctively wrapping her arms around your leg. Sighing, you lay down and snort into her long, brown hair, tussled mess shifting with the air. Honestly, she could stand to be more like her sister when it came to her appearance.

“Mmm.” She murmurs, snuggling her head against your side. “Why can’t all days be this nice?”

Because the hard days make you appreciate the nice ones. You don’t give her this opinion though and merely settle for nuzzling at her hair, which makes her chuckle. What a nice sound it is.

“H-hey!” She squeals, opening her eyes to look at you with a pout. “Meanie.” She makes to push your head away with her left arm but winces as she lifts it, taking in a sharp breath of air.

You push her arm back down and let out a sigh. Her old injury flaring up, it seems. Though the shoulder wound is technically less than a year old and healed as best as the Order Hospitaliers could, the damage was done. A scar she’d have to live with for the rest of her life, one which scarred you as well with the guilt that you weren’t there to protect her.

The fact that it’s flaring up gives even more credence to your theory of rain on the way, however. She seems to understand that fact as well and sighs, pushing herself up from the ground while rubbing at her shoulder. “Ugh. Well there goes the nice day I suppose. I feel like I’m mom’s age or something, ugh.”

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271db7 No.391868


Well, one could hope she lives as long as her mother, though you’ll be long dead by then. To be fair, you’ve already lived longer than you should have, but you want to spend as much time with her as you can. She needs you after all! And perhaps… you also need her.

She reaches down to grab her staff, a long section of ebony her father gifted her before she left with you on her little adventure, before wiping grass and dirt off her outfit. Though she pulled them off well, you’re quite glad she stopped wearing robes and took her sister’s recommendation for an outfit that accentuated her feminine features and is much easier to move around in, including divided skirts for easier riding. Yes, if she would bother to comb her hair more often and maybe use a little rouge, she’d go from beautiful to a knock-out.

Of course, this would increase your workload of trying to keep ruffians with ill intentions away from her, so perhaps it’s for the best.

"Ready to go?” She asks, adjusting the equipment on your back. You nod to her and she leaps up onto your back using her nine, bladed tails in a swift, practiced motion, settling in as if she’d done it thousands of times. This, of course, is entirely true. You take her slim weight while barely noticing, her feeling light as feather to you, before looking back at her as she speaks, her feline ears twitching.

“We’re only a few days away from Hudson, though we’ll have to go through that Gods awful swamp again. If we make good time we might be able to reach an outlying village before the rain comes.” Sylphie pats you on the neck before laughing. “Maybe we’ll also find someone who needs some help, eh Mr. Ed?”

You just let out a sigh and begin to clop down the road toward the coastal city of Hudson, one hoof at a time. This girl and her notions of adventure and danger! She barely gets out of one pickle with her life and now she’s raring and ready for more!

Honestly though, how could she ever survive without you?

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271db7 No.391869

Howdy! Im back from adepticon and I had an epiphany. Let's add a FOURTH character to center around? From now on we'll follow the adventures of Mr. Ed as he tries to keep Sylphie alive and away from boys of ill repute. I hope you enjoy our equine adventures.

Regularly scheduled updates of our wonderful steed should resume tomorrow when im not half dead.


I am sorry friendo, but at least memes are good!

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41f498 No.391901


>From now on we'll follow the adventures of Mr. Ed as he tries to keep Sylphie alive and away from boys of ill repute. I hope you enjoy our equine adventures.

You say that as a joke, but a short story from a familiar's perspective would be pretty cool.

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2a4136 No.392015


Okay well, we all know it was an april fool's joke I just happened to have time to write cause it was super slow today.

I did want to write a story about Sylphie and Mr. Ed's adventures between WQ2 and WQ3 but that writing from Mr. Ed's perspective would be interesting…

Anyway, we'll finish up with Rommel's stuff tomorrow and get back to the GW later this week. Still need suggestions for that unless people want to wait to tomorrow. If anyone is still here anyway.

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715b71 No.392040

File: ee33461c3220409⋯.png (Spoiler Image,421.1 KB,720x387,80:43,danuki stoned.png)




Remember the Danuki are directly responsible for the death of the mayor as well as the attempted assassination of other key figures. The mayor was a good girl who dindu nuffin and they fucking slit her throat so the Danuki have to die.

To achieve this with the least chance of potential backlash we should pretty much pin all the blame for everything that happened on the Danuki. It’s interesting that the (former) mayor was elected rather than governing due to being royalty. This probably means that people must have liked her enough to elect her and she didn’t seem to incompetent or anything at her job. Hence we should emphasise how the Danuki did such an unforgivable thing as murdering the mayor in cold blood while she was sleeping and remind everyone that the Danuki left the beloved mayor’s poor husband who had never wronged anyone a widow just for their own selfish desires. We need to express just how utterly unforgivable tearing apart a family is.

If that isn’t enough we then we can elaborate on how all of these horrible events were just an awful scheme to infiltrate Blackfire Reach and illegally retake it again by attempting to murder everyone who opposed their corruption abusing their disposable, contract-bound pawns to make them carry out their tasks. Then when that failed they did something as petty as trying to rob the city’s treasury with dirty tricks just to see the society we (the community) built fall.

Somewhere here we should also mention the heroism and bravery that the wurmbait merchant displayed in rescuing the treasury from the thieving Danuki despite the threats to his own life and his loved ones. We also could elaborate on how the poor Kunoichi were abused under the pretence of signing an employment contract to do such vile deeds as murder the mayor against their will due to the Danuki exploiting the extreme ‘’’honour’’’ they hold to serving their employers, and once again how everything is basically the fault of the Danuki.

Anyway, if all goes to plan we should be able to give the Red Leaf to pretty much the whole city and the public should end up getting outraged at the Danuki and want them dead. The merchant would become a hero for standing up to the Danuki and we won’t have to execute all of the Kunoichi or have them being lynch mobbed as retribution. We could just get them to forced? labour or something for a while to help the city and right the wrongs they’ve done as recompense, because they seem to just do whatever we want anyway. Having the justification for using a bunch of dedicated loyal sexy ninjas who can keep their mouth shut in the mines isn’t the worst thing to possess when looking for holy artefacts.

As for actually killing the Danuki, I may have an idea on how to go about that.

I told myself I would stop writing walls of text but fuck here we are again.

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660c30 No.392041


>As for actually killing the Danuki, I may have an idea on how to go about that.

I have an idea for that as well.

Have the widow request to fight them in a duel to the death to avenge his beloved. It fits with Lizardman culture, Helps give the man some closureImagine the shitshow if Ace killed Selene, Saya, or Tabs. This guy is going through that off screen while also ensuring a sure fire death for the Jewnuki. It also brings an added benefit of being very good for the moral of the city itself. The whole town will know we bested those who seeked to corrupt us and bring us pain.

A man who married a Salamander generally has to have bested her, Or at least least is very comparable to her skills, If they aren't sticklers for tradition. He should easily be able to take 3 danuki who have never seen a day of combat in their entire lives.

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41f498 No.392070


>Somewhere here we should also mention the heroism and bravery that the wurmbait merchant displayed in rescuing the treasury from the thieving Danuki despite the threats to his own life and his loved ones.

While everything else you've said is solid, I have to disagree with this particular suggestion. Considering that the merchant betrayed the Danuki, there's a fair chance that any Danuki loyalists will try to kill the poor bastard should they learn of this fact, and it's almost certain that there are still some spies lingering around the city to hear any proclamations we make to the public. For his sake, it's probably for the best if we keep quiet about his involvement and gag the Danuki prisoners to ensure they can't mention it either.


I rather like this idea, assuming the dude consents and assuming we kill all of them regardless of outcome. That said, it only takes one mistake to die, and he would be outnumbered 3 to 1, which isn't the best position to be in even if the opponents suck at fighting. It might be worth only having him fight the Danuki in particular who ordered his wife's death while the other two are executed on the side, just to make the desired outcome a little more likely. Also, we should have the fighting Danuki frisked if not outright searched to make sure she isn't hiding any potent weaponry she's neglected to use up to this point.

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140b9f No.392074


Yeah I'll admit your idea on how to go about executing the Danuki is probably more sound than my shitpost, though a death through honourable duel is probably more than what the scum deserve.


We could probably use this fact to root out any last Danuki sympathizers, but after seeing their overlords executed and their plans thwarted I doubt anyone left would be that loyal to the Danuki. There's not really profit to be made in attempting to assassinate the merchant but a whole lot of risk, especially given that the professional Kunoichi failed at their assassinations once we were prepared for them. This is not to mention that the rest of entire city (hopefully) hates the Danuki again for what they've done and if they were caught they would be absolutely fucked.

At the end of the day any Danuki sympathizers are probably more loyal to the wealth and power the Danuki hold rather than the Danuki themselves. Given the Danuki have lost both of those things’ chances are if there are any Danuki associates left the first thing they'll do it get out of dodge before they're caught. It still probably couldn't hurt though to set up some counter espionage and we may just have the perfect candidates for this role.

As for the advantages of making the merchant a hero, the people won't blame him for falling to his greed and associating with the Danuki. It would probably hurt our conscience considering if the mob demanded him punished as well considering we promised he would be alright if he helped us. It also additionally emphasizes how the Danuki will bribe, threaten or blackmail anyone to further their own agenda and that those who can stand up to them and refuse them even though it was only at the very end in this case, are heroes which is a pretty good mindset for the people to have.

It also makes it possible to use the merchant as an example to encourage any other Danuki associates in the city who were deceived by the foul Danuki to come forward now under the promise that they won’t share the same fate as the Danuki. We then could use the spies who confessed to rat out anyone else who is covertly assisting the Danuki from the shadows and finally actually get the fluffy fucks out of Blackfire Reach. It also lets us justify moving the merchant into the palace not only for his own protection but also so we can keep an eye on him but just in case he's playing the double con or something.

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41f498 No.392078


>We could probably use this fact to root out any last Danuki sympathizers, but after seeing their overlords executed and their plans thwarted I doubt anyone left would be that loyal to the Danuki.

>At the end of the day any Danuki sympathizers are probably more loyal to the wealth and power the Danuki hold rather than the Danuki themselves. Given the Danuki have lost both of those things’ chances are if there are any Danuki associates left the first thing they'll do it get out of dodge before they're caught.

>It also makes it possible to use the merchant as an example to encourage any other Danuki associates in the city who were deceived by the foul Danuki to come forward now under the promise that they won’t share the same fate as the Danuki. We then could use the spies who confessed to rat out anyone else who is covertly assisting the Danuki from the shadows and finally actually get the fluffy fucks out of Blackfire Reach.

This is making the assumption that the three Danuki we dealt with at the outpost are the only Danuki pulling strings currently. Granted, that's a rather fair assumption, especially when Ace can bring in other threats to stand in our way rather easily if he so pleases underground abominations, Phallia's forces, the volcano Blackfire Reach is sat on suddenly becoming active due to chance or external influence, the list goes on, but it's an assumption nonetheless. Until we have confirmation that the Danuki's influence isn't present any longer, his life is still at risk in some capacity and any attempts to coax their agents out of hiding will not be as effective as they could be.

>There's not really profit to be made in attempting to assassinate the merchant but a whole lot of risk, especially given that the professional Kunoichi failed at their assassinations once we were prepared for them.

Killing the merchant would both scare other agents into not abandoning their missions by showing them what happens to traitors as well as cause more panic within the city. I doubt any assassinations would occur immediately, but it's a potential play to make when they have their pieces in place. Also, given all of the effort that was required to barely catch the assassin, I somehow doubt we're going to have as much success in protecting someone who we don't know when or if an assassin will come for, especially if the guards we assign for him aren't too fond of his transgressions against them and their home.

>As for the advantages of making the merchant a hero, the people won't blame him for falling to his greed and associating with the Danuki. It would probably hurt our conscience considering if the mob demanded him punished as well considering we promised he would be alright if he helped us.

As far as we're aware, the only groups within Blackfire Reach that know of the merchant's crimes are our party, the city council, the two Wurms that broke into the vault, Valeria and potentially the guards at the city's gate. Of these groups, we're not going to say anything if we don't have to, the council won't talk if it benefits the city which it both does and doesn't simultaneously, the Wurms won't say anything due to how it would implicate themselves, Valeria can be convinced not to talk and the guards likely wouldn't mention anything to the public that would cause mass panic—it's kind of their job to keep order within the city—thus it's highly unlikely that the public actually knows about what happened regarding the treasury being stolen unless I've missed something. Were we to bring it up, then your concerns about the public seeking retribution may actually come to light if we don't sell the whole 'he was misguided and is actually a very good boy' angle well enough.

That said, this would be something worth bringing up in the scenario where the public is actually aware of his crimes, because at that point it's the only real defence we have for him and for us bringing him back into the city without punishment.

>It still probably couldn't hurt though to set up some counter espionage and we may just have the perfect candidates for this role.

This I can agree on. Though maybe not the merchant and those two wurms assuming I'm not retarded and am actually interpreting your statement correctly; they strike me as small fry who wouldn't really get very far in terms of gathering information, not to mention we still can't really trust the wurms.

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2a4136 No.392098





It would appear that I passed out soon after getting home so danuki execution will have to wait until tomorrow. I would have posted apology Maya, but Manos vanish so…


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e6dbdd No.392108

File: 078dad2c49dd778⋯.png (Spoiler Image,420.27 KB,720x387,80:43,danuki stoned v2.png)


>This is making the assumption that the three Danuki we dealt with at the outpost are the only Danuki pulling strings currently.

That's the thing though, the Danuki's scheme only worked because they could pull strings while people were not aware of their deceptive ways. Unless any other Danuki around were to throw these three under the leyway which they probably would do without question and denounce them as “crazy radicals who don’t represent all Danuki”, they’re not even going to get the chance to negotiate, let alone take power with Blackfire Reach. Also there’s the fact that the Kunoichi at least the ones still alive all gave themselves over to us after learning of their previous employers fate, so I doubt there is a fourth employer related to this particularly group or they probably would have still resisted in order to uphold their obligation to them. I guess there is the possibility of another completely independent group of Danuki being around but they will have to be very wary of showing their faces around after the execution of this lot.

>Killing the merchant would both scare other agents into not abandoning their missions by showing them what happens to traitors as well as cause more panic within the city.

Yes, the Danuki themselves may see this as worthwhile but we have them locked up and their assassins are currently in our custody. That just leaves any random scrub pawns who like I said before probably don't really give too much of a shit about the Danuki themselves or their cause, but rather just about their money and power. After all pretty much every other time we’ve ran into Danuki, the mercenaries around them were just interested in the money and seemed to scram or get captured and raped when the evil Danuki plots are uncovered and stopped. Either way if we put the merchant in the palace under our protection he should be alright from anyone left with a grudge.

>Also, given all of the effort that was required to barely catch the assassin, I somehow doubt we're going to have as much success in protecting someone who we don't know when or if an assassin will come for

Those assassins were highly trained Kunoichi from the east and I doubt the Danuki have too many of those lying around. Even so orchestrating the merchant’s death for political purposes is only valuable until the trial is finished and we offer the ultimatum that any Danuki associates deceived/blackmailed/threatened can step forward now if they wish for leniency or be treated the same as their overlords and face the same punishment ‘’’when’’’ they are caught. After then killing the merchant shouldn’t matter too much since the Danuki associates would have either already surrendered to us, fled or remained in hiding but either way the damage would already be done.

>the only groups within Blackfire Reach that know of the merchant's crimes are our party, the city council, the two Wurms that broke into the vault, Valeria and potentially the guards at the city's gate.

That's just inside Blackfire Reach. There are an unknown but significant number of people at the outpost who witnessed what went down. It's almost guaranteed that word will spread about what transpired at the tavern via rumours and merchant gossip given how big of an event this is, so setting an official story first and foremost so people aren't left to speculate is probably better for him in the long run. There's also the problem that if we are to incriminate the Danuki for trying to steal the treasury, we have to explain how they did it in some way or form and at some point the merchant’s involvement is going to be leaked. Considering that he wasn’t involved in any murder or anything we could probably downplay his involvement somewhat easily.

>This I can agree on. Though maybe not the merchant and those two wurms assuming I’m not retarded and am actually interpreting your statement correctly:

Well not quite, I mean we have a bunch of master infiltrator Kunoichi who hold honour above all and are loyal to the death to their employers who have currently resigned themselves to our service. We do still need to make sure they’re actually going to serve us due to their contract ending with the Danuki as a result of them being arrested or something, perhaps by getting them to execute/mutilate one of the Danuki. They should only be able to do this if their contract is truly over after all so if they go through with it then chances are they’re genuine. If so then best people to watch out for assassins and infiltrators would be the master assassins and infiltrators themselves so that would be one problem out of the way.

I was going to post this about 4 hours ago but the power went out when I was literally seconds away from making the post.

also here's a small edit to the shitpost I made before if anyone cares enough to actually save these things.

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41f498 No.392110


That's the thing though, the Danuki's scheme only worked because they could pull strings while people were not aware of their deceptive ways.

Technically the Danuki's scheme just now was working regardless of most of the council being wary to their bullshit, because they made plays designed to break down the will of the city so that it would surrender to them when there was no other option, such as reducing the amount of merchants coming to the city or the recent example of stealing the city's supplies so that it had no goods to sell to other merchants—they've clearly gone past the point of trying to employ 'diplomacy' against us by now. If another group of Danuki does indeed exist, then they wouldn't need to show their faces until the very end, just keep exploiting vulnerabilities of the city until Blackfire Reach is at its breaking point and has to rely on them to survive.

>Yes, the Danuki themselves may see this as worthwhile but we have them locked up and their assassins are currently in our custody. That just leaves any random scrub pawns who like I said before probably don't really give too much of a shit about the Danuki themselves or their cause, but rather just about their money and power.

Again, assuming that we have actually dealt with all of the Danuki; that said, you're probably right about the Danuki not having many agents left in the city, else they would have utilised them against us before this point. Speaking of agents, it may be prudent to keep up the checking of people flowing into the city to identify potential threats so we have suspects should things go wrong again. We could also check people leaving the city too, but AFAIK there isn't much else worth stealing besides the contents of the vault, which we're keeping a closer eye on now any way, so this wouldn't really do much but annoy the merchants that keep the city supplied.

>Either way if we put the merchant in the palace under our protection he should be alright from anyone left with a grudge.

So long as we bring the wurms we promised him as well and keep an eye on them too, this is a good idea.

>Those assassins were highly trained Kunoichi from the east and I doubt the Danuki have too many of those lying around.

Perhaps, but Danuki are pretty renown for being rich so who knows how many Kunoichi they have hired. Also, it wouldn't take a highly trained assassin to kill a lowish-priority target like the merchant; a corrupt guard, for example, could do that job pretty admirably before getting the hell out of dodge.

>Even so orchestrating the merchant’s death for political purposes is only valuable until the trial is finished and we offer the ultimatum that any Danuki associates deceived/blackmailed/threatened can step forward now if they wish for leniency or be treated the same as their overlords and face the same punishment ‘’’when’’’ they are caught.

I'd argue it would be just as valuable—if not more valuable—after we offer the olive branch, as it would potentially prevent agents from exposing themselves and others out of fear for their own life, particularly if the assassin in this case gets away with it because then it would be shown that we can't really protect anyone that we claim we will. Should an assassin kill both the merchant and someone who surrendered, then we can be fairly certain no one else will give themselves up, though they may still flee the city. We have to make sure to provide adequate protection and surveillance if we want this to work.

>That's just inside Blackfire Reach. There are an unknown but significant number of people at the outpost who witnessed what went down. It's almost guaranteed that word will spread about what transpired at the tavern via rumours and merchant gossip given how big of an event this is, so setting an official story first and foremost so people aren't left to speculate is probably better for him in the long run.

In truth I didn't really think that was too much of an issue in my previous post since I believe more focus would be on how the Danuki wronged Blackfire Reach and how there was a big fight because of it rather than how the merchant turned on the Danuki at the last minute, but the fact that this information is still a part of the encounter does leave the chance of it spreading. Also, thinking more on it, mentioning how we've forgiven the merchant who wronged us would also help to convince the other merchants at the outpost that we aren't their enemy as well, as we would show them that we only care about the Danuki and aren't here to terrorise them. Still, it could also give them the excuse to work with the Danuki if they think they can get away with it, so we should probably prepare for that and bring down an iron fist on anyone else who tries to pull that bullshit on us after we've played nice.

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41f498 No.392111

I really shouldn’t double post for something like this, but I do enjoy these debates.


>There's also the problem that if we are to incriminate the Danuki for trying to steal the treasury, we have to explain how they did it in some way or form and at some point the merchant’s involvement is going to be leaked. Considering that he wasn’t involved in any murder or anything we could probably downplay his involvement somewhat easily.

Fair enough, you've convinced me. So long as we give the merchant and anyone else who surrenders the protection they need, I'm okay with this.

>Well not quite, I mean we have a bunch of master infiltrator Kunoichi who hold honour above all and are loyal to the death to their employers who have currently resigned themselves to our service.

>If so then best people to watch out for assassins and infiltrators would be the master assassins and infiltrators themselves so that would be one problem out of the way.

So less 'set up double agents to catch other agents in the act' and more 'spy on the spies', of which the Kunoichi would struggle to do the former and are much better at the latter, got it. I'm not really inclined to trust them even if they do kill one of the Danuki, as the Danuki they kill may not necessarily be their masters the assassin we caught earlier mentioned having little to no interaction with whoever hired her and receiving orders through the communion matrix, which could be a similar situation to the Kunoichi now if their true masters are still hiding in the shadows, thus making this a ploy to get on our good side so we drop our guard against them, but I suppose it wouldn't be the worst idea to make use of them in this fashion; it beats having them work in the mines.

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4cc1c5 No.392142


>then they wouldn't need to show their faces until the very end, just keep exploiting vulnerabilities of the city until Blackfire Reach is at its breaking point and has to rely on them to survive.

We're not going to let that happen and people will be more aware of strange occurrences which cripple the city probably being the fault of the Danuki. Also remember we just hit gold last thread so the city should probably be alright for a while.

>I'm not really inclined to trust them even if they do kill one of the Danuki, as the Danuki they kill may not necessarily be their masters the assassin we caught earlier mentioned having little to no interaction with whoever hired her and receiving orders through the communion matrix, which could be a similar situation to the Kunoichi now if their true masters are still hiding in the shadows, thus making this a ploy to get on our good side so we drop our guard against them

I highly doubt that a fourth Danuki involved with the first three planned for us to haul ass to the outpost and actually have the evidence and manpower to arrest the three and have ordered the Kunoichi to act as a honeytrap to the extent of willfully kill one of their employers to gain our trust while not being caught with the other three the day before they get out of dodge with their stolen goods. The Kunoichi don't really seem to do independent movement without orders so it's possible they're just in a standing down state until they get further orders, but once all of their employers are gone they shouldn't still be contract bound by honour unless there is some loyalty beyond death thing going on but they probably wouldn't have stand down are listened to us after seeing the Danuki arrested if that was the case.

Also we're not sure that the other Kunoichi at the tavern received orders through the communication matrix as well, it could just be the first one which had already infiltrated the city getting orders from the Danuki at the outpost so they didn't have to meet up. Either way the first assassin said that we couldn't trace the runic signatures of the employer from the glass she used but we might be able to see the logs of the orders she was given so if we can get the Kunoichi to give up their glass we might be able to confirm if there was an auxiliary source of their orders.

Even then the three Danuki in the outpost probably wouldn't let someone external to them hire their own bodyguards. They're cunning, manipulative bastards who don't even trust their own kind for good reason and they'd probably know the risk involved with another Danuki ordering the bodyguards to off them once they'd completed the heist to claim the treasury for themselves.

It still couldn't hurt to try get a message to Ako asking her how the whole Kunoichi loyalty/employment thing works, but chances are by the time it gets back to us either everything would have been confirmed to be fine or shit would have already gone down.


>Also, thinking more on it, mentioning how we've forgiven the merchant who wronged us would also help to convince the other merchants at the outpost that we aren't their enemy as well, as we would show them that we only care about the Danuki and aren't here to terrorise them. Still, it could also give them the excuse to work with the Danuki if they think they can get away with it, so we should probably prepare for that and bring down an iron fist on anyone else who tries to pull that bullshit on us after we've played nice.

My point exactly, we put all of the blame on the Danuki this time and let anyone involved in their schemes come forward now and wash their hands of it, then completely fuck anyone up anyone who still works with the Danuki after we give them the chance at such a nice offer.

Also the grace period for coming forward should only be a couple of days if that before we start trying to root out any other remaining Danuki sympathizers who still remain without sympathy. Hence we just need to keep them safe for the short period until everyone who is going to take our offer has already done so which any potential assassin would also know meaning if something was going to happen to them, it would happen soon and we would be prepared for it.

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2a4136 No.392147

>Story continue

You’re not welcomed back as great heroes returning from slaying some great tyrant. In fact, you’re not really welcomed back much at all beyond a guard asking, “Everything alright?”

It’s probably best you don’t receive any fanfare considering. Certainly the city had to know by now something was up with the sudden departure of council members outside, but they’d be assuaged for now with the information of, “dealing with the Danuki.” This is fine enough of an excuse, you suppose. It’s at least true.

You escort the merchant and his wagonload of treasure to the palace, where an armed escort takes both him and the rather docile Kunoichi under custody. While the Kunoichi are guarded rather closely after a uh, “thorough” search, the man is given a little more comfort in a room with no windows. You suppose you’ll have to introduce him to his new uh, “girlfriends” soon. Gods hope they don’t tear each other apart trying to get his clothes off when they meet.

The Danuki, however, are thrown right into the ruined dungeon where the poor Kunoichi you last captured was residing. They have plenty of guards watching them and you make certain that their bonds are more than just a little heavy. Honestly you wish you could just end them here and now as their mewling is rather pathetic, but unfortunately you have larger plans.

With that squared away, you take the time to rest with your wife while Valeria and Maya slink away to their own devices, the two oddly not wishing to speak about much of anything. Ah hells, you just hope Tabitha won’t get upset when she hears about the headpats. Which she probably will the next time Erwin wants to take a jab at you, judging by his grin.

The rest of the party and the council return the next day and plans get in motion for a trial. A show trial, because you know exactly what you’re going to do, but a trial nonetheless. Veronica wouldn’t dare hear anything less, and frankly it’s for the best that everyone can see the Danuki crimes. When you do get around to executing them, at least it will have that much more JUSTICE.

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2a4136 No.392148


Summer sun shining down through the hole in the mountain caves and warm, volcanic rock below, you bless the enchantments on your clothing as you stand next to Tabitha while the oldest council member, a blue scaled Lizardman, addresses the assembled crowd of residents.

“And so, we gather you here today to put on trial the Danuki who have been accused of hiring an assassin to kill the mayor as well as try to interfere in the affairs of trade to Blackfire reach.” She tacitly does not bring up the treasury missing, however. Probably best that people don’t know how easily the wealth of the city was plundered. The current accusations are fine enough.

The councilor steps back, allowing Veronica to walk before the crowd on the platform which normally sits in the city square. She clears her throat before speaking, her voice going through your [Amplify] to reach all of the crowd.

“My name is Veronica, a member of the Order of the Heroic Brotherhood who has been investigating these crimes. Much evidence has been found to incriminate these Danuki, but it is the way of the Order to allow them, or any others who would wish to, speak in their defense.” She holds up a hand and a group of Lizardmen guards bring up the shackled Danuki. They look about, tired, disheveled, and frantic.

“W-what are you doing? P-Please this is a joke! Y-You can’t really expect to accuse us of anything?”

“Help us good people! They’re trying to frame us!”

“Uhn… ugnnnhhh!”

Tears begin to stream down the brown-haired Danuki’s cheeks as the others shout at the audience, though all they manage to get are scornful and embarrassed looks.

Veronica waits for a moment before addressing the crowd again, her voice overpowering that of the Danuki. “These are the Danuki assembled. As said before, they stand accused of assassination and plots to inflict monetary and physical harm upon the citizens of Blackfire Reach.” She turns to the three, her silent intensity cowing them.

“What say you?”

The red-haired Danuki licks her lips and speaks up first. “I deny these charged whole heartedly. We are proud merchants who would never resort to such means. To insinuate otherwise is slander and an affront to Danusreal and all Danuki!” The other two nod their heads in agreement.

“Do you know how the mayor was killed?” Veronica asks.

The Danuki blinks in surprise before spitting out, “How should I know that? I was in the outpost until recently.”

Veronica doesn’t miss a beat. “It was by a Kunoichi assassin from the far east. Very similar to those you had in your employ and which you ordered to assault us upon visiting you at the outpost.”

“Preposterous.” The black-haired Danuki says. “They are bodyguards first and foremost and have no connection to this supposed assassin. Do you have proof it was a Kunoichi?”

“Do not play coy with me.” Veronica says, her voice steely. “I was there when she attempted a second murder and I have seen her remains. I can fetch them, if you wish, but I doubt you’ll want to see them.”

“Hmph.” The red-haired Danuki sniffs. “That still doesn’t incriminate anything. It’s merely a coincidence. We only had three Kunoichi in our employ and only to protect us when YOU assaulted US!”

Veronica waves to the guards and they bring forth one of the Kunoichi, the one in purple. She says nothing as she’s lead forward, wearing clothing that leaves little to the imagination, her legs manacled and hands encased on rock. Precautions are important after all. At her approach, the Danuki hiss and chitter amongst themselves.

“Tell me.” Veronica says to the assassin. “How many of you did the Danuki hire?”

“Four.” The Kunoichi replies in heavily accented Deleorian.

“We encountered three of you. One was killed in our encounter, but where is the fourth?”

“She was sent on mission. No return.”

“What kind of mission?”

The Kunoichi says nothing further, merely shrugging. Well, can’t have everything. Still, it’s enough to make the Danuki squirm as Veronica sweeps her gaze over to them.

“You said you only hired three?”

“I-I misspoke.” The Danuki says, dry washing her hands. “It’s a stressful situation, ehe…heh.”

“What mission was she sent on?”

“T-To fetch some supplies for us!” The Danuki says quickly. “She must have been killed by a bear or something. How tragic.”

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2a4136 No.392149


“I could have this woman confirm the corpse.” Veronica says, nodding to the Kunoichi, who nods her head slowly. The brown-haired Danuki hisses about lack of professional decorum or something but the crowd is already murmuring in your favor.

“Hmph.” The red-haired Danuki sniffs. “So you’re taking a misstep in speech and trying to blow it out of proportion. What other ‘evidence’ do you have?”

“Before returning, we spoke with many assembled merchants at the outpost. They claim they had been told either directly or indirectly by yourselves that Blackfire Reach was too dangerous for trading, that the inhabitants were like, and I quote, ‘to fall upon them like ravenous beasts as is their nature in response to a threat.’” Veronica looks up from a piece of paper she’s reading from. “This is signed, by the way.”

The red-haired Danuki’s eye twitches. “Rumor and hearsay. Other traders do not appreciate us due to how successful we are. They’re just trying to frame us!” The other two nod in agreement.

“Finally.” Veronica continues, ignoring them. “We have the fact that wealth from Blackfire Reach which was found to be smuggled out was found in your rooms at the outpost.” She holds up a piece of paper. “This is signed by the outpost commander, authenticating my words.”

“T-That’s j-“ The red-haired Danuki sputters.

“That’s just things we’d traded for!” The black-haired one shouts. “Y-You’re stealing from us!”

Veronica turns her gaze out across the assembled peoples. They all chatter amongst themselves with looks of anger. The Danuki pick up on this too and begin to throw out pathetic defenses, but no one is in the mood to believe them. They’d been swindled by the Danuki and their puppets once before and they’re not in the mood for it to happen again.

“Through our investigations it evidence is clear that there has been influence by you three against Blackfire Reach. I, as an impartial observer, must declare you guilty.” She bangs her mace on the podium like a gavel before turning to the blue scaled council member. “The Order will stand by whatever punishment you wish to sentence.”

The councilor nods and walks back over, speaking through your [Amplify]. “Very well then. In this circumstance the law is clear. The Danuki will be sentenced to mortal combat by the one most aggrieved.” She nods to fit, older man standing on the platform. “The late mayor’s husband. Will you choose a champion?”

“No.” He says, drawing a sword from his side with practiced ease. “I will perform this task myself.”

The Danuki squeal like Orcs as they see the blade, tears and terror pouring from them. One of them tries to make a break for it, but the Lizardmen guarding them tackle her down before dragging her back to the others. By the time the crowd is in a frenzy, the assembled peoples chanting for the dirty leaf heads to get the rake of JUSTICE.

“W-what about the others!” The red-haired Danuki shouts, frantic. “You’re going to kill us, but not punish the Kunoichi who tried to kill you? Or the Wurms who stole from you? Or the merchant who smuggled the treasure out?”

The Kunoichi in chains next to you looks at the Danuki like they’re less than insects at this before spitting, “You lack honor. Danuki said to be cowards, said to be cheats. If we had listened to master and stayed home, Kyoko and Kana would not be dead.” She turns her back upon the Danuki and says, “Do what you will with me, but I will not look at such shameful creatures.”

“RRAAGAGHHHH!” The brown-haired Danuki screams and she tears at her bindings. “RAAAAGHHH ALL OF YOU DIRTY SCALE BITCHES SHOULD BOW TO US! LEARN YOUR PLACE!”

You watch the pathetic sight before shaking your head as Tabitha steps up and speaks. “We will have the combat scheduled in two days time. Come to the arena at two bells and we-“

The crowd turns on her, making her blink in surprise as they chant, “Rake the leaves! Rake the leaves!”, or some variant of disparaging remark toward the Danuki. Both you and your wife exchange glances before sighing. She nods to the other council members before shouting through your [Amplify],

“Very well! We shall move to the arena at once!”

The crowd cheers and, despite knowing they should be civil about this, pour toward the nearby building known as the arena. It’s styled after the coliseum in Cair, but is far smaller, meant normally for duels between interested parties or shows of skill. It hasn’t been used for an execution in quite some time, however.

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2a4136 No.392150


You watch from the ground level as the Danuki are pushed onto the volcanic gravel, working well enough instead of sand. They beg the guards for help as their manacles are removed and try to flee, but are thrown backward onto the dirt as the guards retreat and close the doors behind them. All three Danuki look about in panic as from the other side the mayor’s husband approaches, sword in its sheath.

The crowd all around cheers encouragement as the Danuki huddle up amongst each other like frightened sheep, wailing in fear. The elder council member stands up from the royal box seat, not that royalty is like to use it anymore, and shouts, “In the name of Blackfire Reach, may JUSTICE be served in the eyes of Dollora! Take up your weapons combatants, and let they who win be guided by the righteousness of their plea!”

Three swords are thrown onto the gravel before the Danuki. They each stare at them a moment as the crowd continues to roar before picking the weapons up as if they’d never seen one before. They stand next to each other, watching the man as he holds one hand on his sword, the other on his hip. He narrows his eyes and begins to walk toward them with a menacing gait.

The brown-haired Danuki, panting heavily, her eyes darting side to side lets out a scream of terror and runs at the man, sword held in two hands as she slashes at him. Before her sword can connect, he draws his in a fluid motion and slices off both her hands in a clean motion. The sword, hands still clutching the hilt, flies away as the Danuki drops to the dirty, staring in horror at her stumps. She lets out an earsplitting scream of agony as the man slashes the blade across her throat, drowning her in her own blood.

The other two Danuki watch in horror as he approaches, holding their swords out before them. The black-haired Danuki shakes her head back and forth, tears streaming from her eyes as he approaches, their friend’s blood still on his blade. In the last few feet he lunges, driving his blade into the crying Danuki’s gut, causing her to wail in pain as she clutches at the blade, scrabbling to pull it out of her.

While this fails to actually draw the blade from her gut, it does keep it in place and make it difficult for him to pull the blade from her abdomen. He lets out a grunt before gasping and turning to the side as he sees the third Danuki, the red-haired one, slashing her sword into his side.

“Thank you for your sacrifice, idiot!” She shouts. “I’ll be sure to live enough for the three of us!”

The crowd’s shouts become frantic as the man staggers to the side, bleeding from the wound. His sword is still in the abdomen of the crying Danuki who kneels in the sand, weeping while futilely trying to pull the blade from her intestines.

“Heh… hehe.” The surviving Danuki chuckles, blade stained with his crimson. “I’m going to kill you and when I come back, I’ll bring a whole fucking army to wipe you miserable little stains off this planet for daring to deny the Danuki what’s theirs.”

The man’s breathing becomes shallow as blood drains down his side. He staggers to a knee, trying to keep balance as the Danuki raises her sword high to deliver a killing blow. Before she can, something grabs her from behind and she turns in surprise to see the impaled Danuki, blood dribbling down her chin.

“H-Help me! HELP ME!”

“You bitch!” The other Danuki shouts, slamming the pommel of her sword into the face of her friend. “Let! Me! Go!”

The mayor’s husband wastes no time. He lunges forward, grasps his sword from the Danuki’s abdomen and, in one, fluid motion, he slashes a huge rent through the red-haired Danuki’s chest. He staggers to his feet as she blinks down at her chest, which is quickly turning crimson. Blinking, she looks at him and says, “Am I going to die?’

“Yes.” He says, before driving his sword into her heart.

She collapses onto the other Danuki, who by this point has stopped moving, her blood loss too complete. He stands there for a moment, wavering, before lifting his sword into the air and shouting, “MY WIFE HAS BEEN AVENGED!”

The crowd goes ballistic with cheers as she slumps to the side and falls into the blood slick gravel.

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2a4136 No.392151


Three days later you find yourself sweating as your new team continues to dig through the collapsed rubble. After the excitement with the Danuki, you’d been able to get to work fairly quickly, the inhabitants not wishing to dwell upon any misfortune for too long. They’d all had enough of it and just wanted to get back to building their lives.

The late mayor’s husband received prompt medical treatment but has been quiet since, looking after a painting of him and his wife from years ago. You figure it’s best to leave him alone for now. The merchant and the Wurms, as promised, were introduced again and they immediately took a liking to him. They were, of course, punished, but mostly with community service, which is almost like torture to a Wurm. Still, now that they had a uh, “boyfriend,” though you’re certain it will be “husband” that they share somehow, they’re pleased. The man doesn’t look too displeased either, though he now has an odd limp in his gait you think is from his pelvis.

As for the Kunoichi? After the pitiful display by their former masters, they agree easily to work for Blackfire Reach to help protect against further assassins and thieves. You’re not certain there will be any in the near future as you haven’t received messages or anything from Danusreal or… really anything of note but it’s best to be careful. Around Danuki, shit gets spooky after all.

At least the merchants came back after everything that went down (and some urging from the council members). Seems having an Order member perform a trial gives some credence to you, and word of a gold vein being found in Blackfire Reach is too hard to pass up. As it is, even within three days you’ve seen plenty of orders for gold and you’re getting some great trade, especially for crops and seeds for what you take for bargain bin prices. Maybe Deleor is expecting a bumper crop or something? So, as far as things go, this issue with the Danuki was a temporary setback but one you’ll grow stronger from.

“Hey boss!” One of the Lizardmen workers on your team calls. “We broke through!”

Shaking your head back to reality, you adjust your gear and walk over to the section indicated. A Wurm worker lifts a boulder fragment she smashed and you feel air rushing at you. Incredibly warm air. Sweating a little, you nod to Maya who, feeling better you suppose, crawls through along with Erwin and explores. Watching through Erwin’s eyes, you see as light begins to play through the tunnel, warm and orange, as everything gets warmer and warmer.

“It feels like we’re in the middle of a volcano.” Maya says, panting a little as the light gets more intense.

Looking through Erwin’s eyes you watch as they come to the edge of the tunnel as it opens up into a vast, expansive cave. The light from before is a sea of lava spreading out in all directions as it bubbles and pops while more flows down from the far walls. Around the lake you see swathes of tunnels crisscrossing through the sides of the mountain like cheese while below are rock formations that seem unnatural, as if long along they were structures.

The two survey the area as the heat bores down upon them when a loud, rumbling sound, almost like that of a massive beast shakes the cave, causing the lava to ripple and small rocks to fall before subsiding. What in the hells was that?

{It doesn’t just feel like the middle of the volcano.} You send to Erwin, feeling a tightness in your gut. {We’re actually in one. And somewhere down there must be the Heart of the Crags.}

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2a4136 No.392152

Okie dokie! We have the real Rommel first act ending. Looks like that other tunnel DID in fact contain something more than just gold. Man, imagine if you found this one first? Maybe the Danuki wouldn't have had to kill the mayor… well, we can't change the past. Still, makes you wonder why the ended up collapsing this tunnel?

Anyway, we'll entertain what to do for this story a little later as we return to the port. So, where does our shit slinging Wizard go first/ do we have any questions about Hudson?





Man, I love autistic levels of discussion on this stuff, but it was a little hard to parse what you wanted done here so it's left a little superficial. Hope it was addressed at least!

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d19f0d No.392161

File: 7221d84af0195b1⋯.png (3.22 MB,3078x3480,513:580,Maya.png)

File: d23b8a0104c7605⋯.png (2.53 MB,3078x3480,513:580,Mayasmallclothes.png)

oh hey look what came in today!

Next on the list is… ah yes. Buff man Finn. Dragon later

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41f498 No.392241


>Man, imagine if you found this one first? Maybe the Danuki wouldn't have had to kill the mayor…

That first tunnel would have inevitably been opened at some point, leading to the recent events, so it's probably for the best all this happened while we were here to do something about it.

Regarding the Grand Wizard, there isn't really too much to be said action-wise that isn't relatively self-explanatory, that being asking the locals, sailors and aquatic monsters particularly, about the Sea Queen's whereabouts and how we could get to her, potentially splitting the party up to cover the most ground as quickly as possible because subtlety is pretty much impossible when your entire party is comprised of country-renown heroes. I suppose we could start looking for potential travel options as well unless we feel like swimming to our destination, but we probably won't get too far with that until we actually know where we're going, so information gathering comes first.

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a4d578 No.392275

File: 4f1478a46d7c0c3⋯.jpg (1.67 MB,2000x1333,2000:1333,clint village people v2.jpg)


>Buff man Finn

He's not going off to join the Village People with Clint is he?

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957c48 No.392319


Maybe. Maybe putting Blake in there too and the wizards and we'll just go on down to the YMCA.


Fair enough, though i mean, you CAN also disguise yourselves too.

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023b47 No.392338

File: 9836f65254a959c⋯.png (204.48 KB,624x607,624:607,disguised wizard.png)


Even if the shitwizard was to disguise himself when shit hits the fan his shit will be revealed anyway.

Possibly literally.

I don't even know how the shit wizard would go about making himself look and act like a normalfag though.

Probably hilariously, we should do it.

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41f498 No.392342


>Fair enough, though i mean, you CAN also disguise yourselves too.

This may be possible with the Grand Wizard if Otit has some spare clothes and something to help cover our face goggles, glasses, an eyepatch, I have no idea he'd be willing to let us borrow or buy, but Chaika and Harmony? I guess we could hide their identities, but it would still be obvious that they're constructs, so they'd stand out pretty hard regardless. We could potentially leave them behind and do solo work though.

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2a4136 No.392348

>Story continue

With everything settled into your residence for the trip, you decide to head out to into the city. Harmony advises against this course of action, seeing as it’s still raining, but, as you remind her, it’s easier to hide that way.

“How exactly are we supposed to hide?” Chaika asks as you wave to Otit on your way out. “You’re a famous person and we’re sleek, top of the line constructs with feelings and emotions. Not exactly common.”

“Beep boop.” Harmony says from under her cloak. It does an admirable job of hiding most of her features. Well, beyond the glowing eyes, but that’s a minor detail.

“Harr. Harr.” Chaika says, mimicking her monotone voice. “This unit does not find your attempts at humor to be amusing.”

“Perfect.” You say, foregoing your own outfit of robes for a traveling cloak as well. To put on the finishing touches, you place a mask you borrowed from Otit over your face. Turning to your constructs, you smile through the wooden depiction of an angry island spirit.

“How do I look?”

Both constructs go completely still as they stare at you, their eyes unreadable. Finally, Harmony is the first to snicker and say, “This unit finds your attempts at humor to be most satisfactory.”

“Tsk, ungrateful buckets of bolts. This will work perfectly, you’ll see.” You say, huffing as you walk through the rain toward the docks. As far as your search goes, the best course of action at the start is going to be getting information on where the Sea Queen is and how to get to the Sea Queen. One is probably easier than the other, but it’s a good place to start. Hells, if you can find a way to get to her, this may be the easiest of the three. Go looking for a Dullahan? Phah! Suckers can do that shit.

There’s still a fair number of people out and about their daily lives despite the rain, apparently not perturbed by it after living with so much water. Again, there are far more aquatic Monsters out than humans though, especially working down near the docks, your first location to check. The three of you agree to split up to cover more ground. Chaika will check out the warehouses, Harmony to the docks themselves, and you to the dockside establishments.

Despite feeling like a drowned fish again, you make your way to a series of inns, brothels, and bars set near the docks, meant for either intrepid travelers or sailors on shore leave. The docks are actually quite full, perhaps having been meant for Galmathoria but instead ended up doing trade in Hudson due to the blockade. Many of the sailors probably don’t see the difference between the two countries nor care despite it being over twenty years since it became a sovereign nation of sorts. You assume they’ll just trade with whomever has coin.

Accordingly, you see sailors walking down the afternoon streets, alcohol in their hands despite the rainwater while fetching aquatic Monsters woo them. How many are actually looking for husbands and how many make a good killing at a brothel, you’re not certain. Either way, there’s plenty of sex to go around.

You stop before a blocky building named, “The Slippery Eel” to find an aptly named patron sitting at a table under an eave, a pipe held in her hand. At your approach the woman smiles but doesn’t raise a hand in greeting, instead raising her long, slimy tail she has hanging out the in the rain.

“Welcome to The Slippery Eel. Care to get your eel slippery?”

“Not really.” You say in a gruff voice, mimicking an actor you saw in the most amazing play you’ve ever seen about a bat themed vigilante bringing JUSTICE to Cair. The villain in that story was far superior, but now is not the time for that voice. That might come later.

“Hehe… haha!” She chuckles, her voice smooth as silk. The woman, this Monster, takes a long inhalation of her pipe and exhales a ring of smoke. It frames her gorgeous face and black hair as it moves toward you before being drowned out in the rain. “You sir, do not have a career in acting. What is that mask supposed to be anyway?” She leans forward. “Ah, you’re staying with Otit then?”

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2a4136 No.392349


Well shit, there goes your cover. Sighing, you walk up the porch and sit down in front of her, the Monster’s slimy, eel-like tail pulling back to flop on the wooden deck. You notice absently that, like her tail, the rest of her body, which is showing a lot of skin, is covered in a slick ooze. There’s even some on the planks all around her…

She smiles, fin-like ears flapping. “Well, if you don’t wish to partake in my establishment’s business, why are you sitting at my table?”

“I’m here to ask a few questions.” You say, trying not to curse at her condescending voice.

“Hmm.” She says, looking out at the rain. “Well, it is a nice day out, but I’m afraid I’m almost out of green leaf you see and-“ She cuts off as you place a wad of leaves upon the table. Smiling, she takes it and places them in the bowl of her pipe as you do the same, pretending to use a tool to light it. Of course, you use your magic, and quickly get smoke rising.

The Eel Girl quirks an eyebrow but says nothing before shrugging. “Well mister mysteriously bad actor. How can I assist you?”

“I’m wondering if you know where the Sea Queen is?”

“Filliothia.” She says without missing a beat. When you blink at her in surprise (not that she can see through your mask) she chuckles. “The Queen is always in Filliothia unless someone sufficiently powerful such as the Monster Lady calls her forth and then only for a very good reason. It is underwater city of ocean Monsters, after all.”

Damn. Too bad Selene is a little busy up north or she could have made this even easier. Thinking of her makes your heart ache though and you let out a small sigh before pressing on.

“Easy enough. Now then, how does one get there?”

“You don’t, not really.” The Monster says, shrugging.

“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” You let slip. “I mean, shit. Fuck. Argh. I can be polite.”

“Haha.” She chuckles. “I’m sure, if you try really hard. Anyway, I meant in that it’s quite impossible to get there on your own.”

“Can’t a boat take us there?”

“Not unless it sank. The city is at the bottom of the ocean, after all.”

You groan. Greeaaaaat. This just got maybe a liiittttllleee harder. “Alright, that puts a damper on things.”

“Indeed.” She says before puffing another ring of smoke. “As for a guide, you’d either need to be married to an ocean-dwelling Monster and have the blessing of the Ocean Priestesses, or get the blessing of one of the Sea Queen’s closest family.”

“Ehhhhh.” You say, feeling tired all of a sudden. “Well this sucks.”

“A little.” She puffs on her pipe. “And no, I’m not one of her closest family.”


Tapping the table in front of you before blowing out a ring of smoke of your own, you ask, “Ocean Priestess, huh? What’s that?”

“The devout of Fillios. They run the chapels not dedicated to Solos here.” She points out past the seawall at a building sitting on a wooden dock. It’s rather large, given the location. “Mostly Monsters go there as Devotion to Dollora is… lax, amongst those who dwell in the ocean.”

“I see.” You say. “Maybe we’ll talk to one of them.”

She giggles this time. “You don’t look like a single man. I believe it may be difficult to get their blessing to visit the city unless you’ve brought your wife.” She waves her pipe. “Though I doubt someone who brought their wife would be seen around a brothel, after all.”

“Fair.” You say, standing up and digging out a few silver coins. She forestalls you with a gesture.

“No need. This is excellent quality leaf, more than enough payment. Besides…” She looks at you with a predatory smile. “I think you being here will make things quite interesting.”

“Uh, okay.” You say, feeling uncomfortable. Turning away you pause and ask, “What’s your name anyway?”

“Oh? And here I thought you said you could be polite.” She shakes her head though, shoulders shaking. “It’s Myra. Come on back if you want to have a chat.”

She waves with her tail again as you leave the deck, almost slipping on a trail of slime she left with her tail. Shaking your head, you head back about the dock, looking for more answers to the fresh set of questions you’ve been delivered.

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2a4136 No.392350


You meet up with Harmony first, finding the construct being assaulted near the docks by a pack of three rather short Monsters with shimmering, black eyes and long, chitnous tails. They snap little claws set under a set of normal, human arms at Harmony while trying to sell something to her.

“Pretty metal lady want find good husband? Buy shrimp musk!”

“Only ten silver!”

“Wow, what bargain!”

Despite easily being able to swat them, or at least fly away, Harmony stays put, seeming flustered. When you approach you lean on Harmony’s shoulder and sniff the air. “Ahhh, what’s that smell? Smells like porpoise hork.”

The Shrimp Girls back away, looking at you with horror.

“Big scary devil man!”

“He knows secret!”


The three of them scurry away rather quickly, leaving you with a surprised Harmony. She takes a moment to adjust herself before asking, “How did you know it wasn’t shrimp musk.”

“Listen, Harmony. Think of what I do for a living. I think I know horrifying smells when I smell them.”

“But it’s raining.”

“I’m very good at my job.”

She considers this for a moment before shaking her head. “I know better than to question you. Anyway, did you find anything?”

“Yeah… and it’s not great.” You sigh. “You?”

“Mmm, not terribly much related to the Sea Queen before I was assaulted there. The sailors were too busy to notice I was a construct, but I met a few who say they’ve been to this Filliothia before with their wives. They were a little hesitant to speak much on it beyond telling me to speak with an Ocean Priestess.” She sighs, “Harmonious never actually spoke with an Ocean Priestess before. They’re rather localized to the coastline, as you can imagine.”

“Similar information to what I got.” You say, nodding your head. “Seems they’re the key to this unless we find one of the Sea Queen’s family or something.”

“Oh, like Captain Baha?”

“Eh?” You say, before clacking your tongue. “Riggghhhtttt.”

“Hmmm.” She taps her chin. “Some of the sailors were talking about a rather important sailor returning to make port recently. No one knows where he’s staying though. Rumor has it he came into town and then just… vanished!”

“Huh. That’s weird, must be someone who knows where whoever this is went.” You scratch your chin. “It’s Baha, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know.” She says, shrugging. “But given the track record of things, yes.”

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2a4136 No.392351


“Encouraging.” You say, feeling a little better. If you can find the old geezer that’s one way there, right? “Alright, that’s enough sleuthing for now, it’s getting late. Let’s go find Chaika.”

As you say, you see a form in a cloak sprint down the road in front of you, kicking up a spray of rainwater as a pack of three brightly scaled lamia slither after, their serpentine bodies making great headway through the water. The figure in the cloak looks over their shoulder and you see a shine of red eyes before something clicks on their legs. Oh no, Chaika isn’t going to-

A figure drops down from the rooftops in between the two parties, causing the serpents to slide to a halt, somehow managing it well despite the slick road. They gather together, hissing as they hoist improvised weapons like clubs, confused at the hooded figure before them.

The interloper rises slowly from the ground, their long cloak pulling up like shadows gathering from the ground. They look at the serpents but you can’t see anything underneath the cowl. Something subtle shifts, an aetheric twinge. Surprised, you watch as the figure says, their voice somehow both a low growl and loud enough to carry down the street.

“You lizards crawl back to your hole, now.” They point at the serpents who hesitate before slowly slithering backward and then away, heading toward the warehouses.

The assembled people on the streets mutter to themselves as the hooded mystery person sweeps their gaze across the assembled people, stopping on you for a moment before sliding past. Before you can call out to them, they leap into the air far higher than anyone should be able to and land on a rooftop before turning a corner and vanishing from sight.

Watching with both surprise and amazement, you barely notice Chaika as she clambers up, letting out a metallic sigh. “Fucking snakes, I tell you.”

“You used to be a snake too.” Harmony says, offhanded.

“Yes, but I was a LAND snake. Sea snakes, not even once.”

Turning to her you frown and ask, “What happened? Why were you being chased by those goons?”

“Ehhh.” She hesitates. “I was looking the warehouses for anyone to talk to about the Sea Queen and I asked those three as they were unloading some cargo. They got really jumpy at the mention of the Sea Queen though and brandished weapons.”

“Uh… Chaika you could have beaten them easily.”

“Yeah but I was already making a commotion. Seemed best to leg it.” She sighs, looking down at her legs. “Honestly though, I forgot how fast serpentine movement is.”

“Well, you made enough commotion as it is.” You look around at people giving you curious looks. “Come on, we’re headed back to the inn.”

“Alright, alright.” She says, placing her hands behind her head as you walk. “Say, who was that cool person who intervened?”

“I don’t know.” You say, shrugging despite smiling.. “But if we’re lucky we’ll get to see them in action again.”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.392355


Guess things are happening in Hudson, but… what exactly is it? Ah well, you'll figure it out.

Sorry again for the "jarring" jump. I really thought by comments people wanted to move to the GW! Well hopefully the Rommel stuff is at a good point for now, but we're kind of close to a point where y'all can jump between stories if you want. I'd just need a majority of posters to do so!

Also, not sure I'll be able to update sunday, so depending on reactions I may do tomorrow.

Anyway, thanks for continuing to read.

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deaa7f No.392370

File: cf0c20bd1d59dfa⋯.webm (5.32 MB,640x480,4:3,fishmen.webm)


> Costal city

> Raining

> Mysteries afoot

> Fish women

> We need to get the the underwater city

I highly recommend walking with a strange gait, and plying people with booze.

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41f498 No.392556


From this little investigation, we have uncovered three potential leads for how to progress:

>Seek out an Ocean Priestess to discuss blessings

>Search for the vanishing VIP

>Look for the mysterious figure

Of the three, seeking out an Ocean Priestess first makes the most sense in my eyes, as both us and Harmony turned up this lead in our investigations, implying it's of some importance. Even if the priestess we talk to refuses to give us a blessing despite whatever methods of convincing we try, we can at least potentially get further information out of her regarding how to proceed in our quest, which would make the venture worthwhile. Also, there's a chance the priestess may know more about our other leads, so it would be smart to tackle this lead first to make chasing the others a much smoother process.

Following on from that, it would be best to look into the vanishing sailor of apparent importance, because our mysterious saviour is probably going to run into us again regardless of if we search for them her now, not to mention we probably wouldn't have much luck actively trying to find them given how these things tend to go. It would be really good for our quest if our missing man was in fact Captain Baha, seeing as we know the man and he just so happens to be married to the woman we're seeking, but it still wouldn't be the worst if he wasn't, as our important sailor is likely important for a reason and thus may be able to help us in other ways. In terms of how to go looking for this man, the sailors probably would've mentioned to Harmony if they had any idea of his whereabouts, so asking them probably won't help too much; it would be better if we snooped around the various taverns to see if any rumours or sightings crop up that may help us tracking him down.

A final note, regarding the mysterious figure:

>They seemingly have access to magic, or at least magic implements

>They can apparently jump really high, with no mention of magical assistance

>They seemingly recognise us despite our fantastic disguise, seeing as their gaze lingered on us momentarily when they would have no reason to stare at someone completely inconspicuous like ourselves

Something tells me they're going to bust out Biomancy the next time we meet.

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2a4136 No.392563


>Only one suggestion when I get home

>Might as well nap and do this tomorrow

>Awaken to more

Yaaaay. Anyway, another reason someone might, you know, look at you may be due to wearing a red tiki mask on your face.

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41f498 No.392564


>Anyway, another reason someone might, you know, look at you may be due to wearing a red tiki mask on your face.

That can't be the case, we were completely inconspicuous. :^)

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e0dd37 No.392565



or in such awe at how big of a guy we are

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2a4136 No.392658

>Story continue

You awake next morning feeling the familiar sensation of bloating and abdominal discomfort. Despite your particular brand of magic and a penchant for heated bread pouches, you still don’t enjoy the sensation. Of course, it was neither of these things which lead to your current predicament and instead it was Otit’s island cooking which you did you in. When he places a spineapple glazed ham in front of you, well, what are you going to do? Refuse it?

Thankfully, another perk of your position and long term experience in the ways of indigestion is a handy supply of potions to remedy the situation. Grabbing one from your [Sack of Holding +2], you drain the vial before grimacing. Great, this will teach you to buy the cheapest one. Sure, it will work but it didn’t have any added flavor beyond that of “salty cum.” God you hate alchemy sometimes.

Feeling relief, you begin to dress yourself as Chaika and Harmony stir in the corner. Putting on your undershirt you ask, “Have good dreams?”

One of the upsides of being a construct is not needing to sleep. A downside, however, is that they CANNOT sleep. It began to be something which bothered the two of them greatly, and so you’d managed to form a rudimentary program to help them cycle their functions and go into a dreamlike state.

Chaika yawns, not that she had the physiological need to, “Yeah. I dreamt I was a spider crawling up a water spout.”

“Is that all?”

“Well, the rain came down and I drowned.”

“Isn’t that charming.” Harmony says. “I dreamed about being able to taste that meal last night.” She turns her gaze to you and you shake your head. Sensory adaptations to a construct haven’t been made yet for touch and taste. You’re working on it though!

“Rats.” She sighs. “Well, it smelled nice anyway.”

“Uh huh.” Chaika says, pulling her cloak over her head. “Anyway, what’s the game plan, mister man?”

You mouth at Harmony in response to this, but she just sighs and shrugs. Shaking your head, you say, “Well, I figure we go talk to this ‘Ocean Priestess.’”

“Eh? One of those kooky codgers?” Chaika asks. “Only met one of them before, they don’t like going anywhere there isn’t coastline.”

“Makes sense.” Harmony says. “Can you tell us a little more about them?”

“Kind of…” Chaika mumbles. “But I never really learned much about Fillios, most Monsters don’t. If I recall right, then those priestesses are universally Hydromancers and they’re unnaturally calm all the time.” She shudders, again, not a normal response for a construct.

“It’s creepy.”

“Well, I can out creepy her if needs be.” You say, putting on a slightly less distresses mask. Blue crying spirit should be better than red angry spirit, right?

On your way out of the inn, Otit tosses a bag of something at you, which Harmony catches without even looking. Cocking your head, you look into the bag to find a nice lunch of leftover from last night. Chuckling, you say, “You trying to fatten me up or something?”

“Ha! Fatten up he says.” Otit slaps his belly. “You wish you could be as attractive as me.”

“If you say so.” You say, putting the bag into your [Sack of Holding +2]. Thinking, you ask, “Hey Otit, you hear anything about some legendary sailor in town gone missing?”

“Ah, I hear something about that.” Otit says, rubbing his chin. “I hear he was last seen in a tavern making an okaluie out of himself, but the next day he was gone.” The large man shrugs before smiling, “Hey, but you know what’s cooler? The Dark Avenger!”


“Yeah, yeah! Some new person going around town fighting crime and such. It’s hokkanikawow!”

You frown. “Were they about this tall and wearing a black cloak?”

“Yes! You’ve seen them eh?” He laughs. “All the kids these days keep talking about them but I haven’t seem them. Maybe you’ll run into them again, eh?”

“Eh.” You say, shrugging. “I don’t really care and I’d rather stay out of trouble.”

“Oh, then you picked the wrong spirit. U’tachilka not known for her calm skies.”

Feeling at the mask, you sigh and say, “It’ll be fine enough.”

“So you say! Well, have a boonkanowie day!”

“You uh… you too.” You say, not really knowing how to respond to his strange, made up language. Settling for that though, you step outside to find the rain gone, instead replaced with a bright blue sky and humidity so thick you could take a bite out of it.

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2a4136 No.392659


Immediately your clothing becomes soaked with sweat, trickles of it making your hair feel greasy. Feeling incredibly uncomfortable, you groan and make your way into the town, your perplexed constructs following you. Well, this is miserable, but if you keep it to yourself, you shouldn’t draw much attention. As you walk through the streets though, it becomes obvious that you’re drawing far more attention than before however.

“Oh.” Harmony says, noticing. “Isn’t everyone wearing light clothing?”

It occurs to you then that yes, men are either shirtless or wearing loose shirts with short cut pants while the women wear similar clothing or the barest level of modest undergarments. Some Monsters you feel would be fully nude if they could be, though thankfully there’s some decorum in this town. That being said, you’re a fucking weirdo for wearing a cloak.

Groaning further, you remove the cloak but keep the mask on. As for Chaika and Harmony… well, they’ll get looks no matter what you do so they keep it on. At least you’re a little more comfortable.

Trying to ignore the stares of the townsfolk, you make your way toward the boardwalk heading to the large chapel of Fillios over the water. Nodding to the other two, you walk down the planks, finding them surprisingly sturdy and well cared for. Barnacles dot the lower levels of the trunks sunk into the water and coral climbs up the sides, making a rather beautiful display. And yet, while this should have lead to some rotted planks or weakened integrity, you see no such signs of damage to the structure.

A casual touch to the planks reveals the cause: magic. A sort of magic you’re not quite familiar with, but it reminds you of the holy magic often used by the devout of Solos. Could Fillios be keeping this place like this? What a strange magic if so.

When you reach the building itself, you notice a series of poles jutting into the water. You figured they were for integrity of the building at first, but now that you look at them, you realize they’re for aquatic Monsters to pull themselves up from the surf if they want to enter. For the building itself, there actually isn’t much to say about it.

It’s tall, probably has a third story attic, but is otherwise rather plain and made of wood, unadorned with little but a few windows and a symbol of a wave. Looking between the other two, you nod your head and push open the large, double doors, and look around the interior.

The first thing you notice is that this place smells like low tide at the pier. Now, to be fair, it actually is low tide at the pier, but that’s beside the point. A wave of salt-water and fish assaults your nose and you have to stagger for a moment as your head spins. Harmony keeps you upright and you nod at her before taking in the view.

Like the exterior, the inside of the chapel is fairly plain and unadorned. Unpainted wood greets you underfoot and you can see cracks between the planks, water dripping between them to the ocean before. You see side passages and stairs leading to an upper level where rows of benches are placed while only a few of the same are on the bottom floor. The majority of the space before you is taken up by two large, shallow tanks of water, both filled you believe with saltwater, same as the ocean around you.

You stare in curiosity as you walk through the chapel toward the back of the room, where an altar covered in coral sits. A figure sits upon the altar, idly polishing a marble statue depicting a woman with gorgeous features and long, flowing hair, holding a trident in one hand and a motif of water in the other.

As your feet stamp through the thin later of water on the floor, the one perched on the altar turns to you and gives you a soft, wan smile. You can clearly see she’s female, and not just that, a Monster. Though she has a beautiful smile, long, golden hair, and blue eyes, her sensuously curved human torso terminates into a beautiful, blue scaled fish-like tail, the end of which swishes in the water on the floor.

“Welcome. Be at peace in Fillios’s domain.”

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2a4136 No.392660


Though she didn’t speak loud, you feel an almost physical force wash over you, making you feel calmer somehow. You’ve heard that Fillios is also a Goddess of temperance and calm, but you didn’t think this would extend to her priestesses. Shaking your head, you say, “Nice place you have here.”

“Oh, why thank you.” The Mermaid says, giggling behind her hand. You absently notice her breasts, clothed only by the thinnest of seashell undergarments, sway as she does so. Harmony, not absently, slaps your side and you wheeze. The priestess cocks her head and asks, “Are you alright?”

“Y-yeah, just fine.” You glare at Harmony before composing yourself. “Are you the Ocean Priestess?”

“I am. Have you come seeking the guidance of the Mother of the Oceans? Will you be setting sail soon?”

“Err, sort of.” You say. “Actually, look, we kind of need to speak with the Sea Queen. I’ve heard you can take us to Filliothia?”

“I can.” The priestess says, not skipping a beat. “But I won’t.”


She shrugs and looks up at the statue of what you assume is Fillios. “It is part of my duties to help those who wish to live in harmony under the waves to the Sea Queen’s domain. However, those who do not share their bonds beneath the blanket of the sea shall not receive this blessing.”

“Yeah but, it’s kind of important.” You sigh. “We’re kind of trying to save the world here.”

“The world of land is a very large place.” The priestess says. “And yet, it pales in comparison to what is beneath the waves. What one thinks is their world is only a fraction of what truly is and who looks after it.”

Grunting, you turn to Chaika. “Is she being poetic or pedantic?”

“I think she’s trying to say that Dollora is a chump and Fillios’s domain is far more important.” Chaika cocks her head. “Thems fighting words.”

“If so, that’s silly. Sveth has far greater domain due to the earth.” Harmony says, tapping her chin.

“Argh.” You groan, turning back to the priestess. “Is there anything you can do?”

She shakes her head. “The laws of the sea are as written and cannot be changed. One most give their heart to one of the sea or be shepherded there by the Queen’s own hand.” Her eyes flash blue. “And you have the smell of land upon your manhood.”

“Listen, I’ve bathed since the last time I had sex, okay.” You say. “And it was in a bed which was freshly washed too so there wasn’t dirt, just a few crumbs because I was hungry.”

The priestess giggles before turning into outright laughter. When she calms down she says, “I had heard the chosen of Solos were an eccentric group, but this I was not aware.”

“Oh, so you know I’m a Wizard, eh?”

“Of course. I can feel your essence through the waters.” She points down to the water around your feet and you blink in surprise. “But I am afraid I cannot help you.”

“Even if I-?”

“Yes, even if you ask very nicely.”

“Well shit.” You say. “We have to get down there though, it really is important.” You consider for a moment. “Can you deliver a message to the Sea Queen?”

“Perhaps, if the tides are right.” She says. “Though I make no promises. The seas are unquiet now, same as the Queen’s mood.”

“Eh? What does that mean?” Chaika asks, tapping the water tank next to her.

“It means, that she’s a little pissed off at the moment.” The Mermaid says as the water underneath Chaika forms into a hand that slaps the construct’s wrist.

“Alright well, tell her that… that the Monster Lady’s husband wants to talk with her, alright?”

“I know who you are, and I will strive to.” The priestess says, bowing her head. “May to sleep soundly upon the waves.”

Not certain that was a dismissal or a threat, you nod to the other two and leave the chapel, heading back to dry land. Of course, the moment you step outside again you feel even wetter than when you stood in a small pool of water, but that’s besides the point. Fuck, how do people live here?

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2a4136 No.392662


“Well, she was nice.” Harmony says as you walk between building along the seawall. “I don’t think she’s going to contact the Sea Queen for us though.”

“Doubtful.” You agree. “Well, I guess maybe we should find some other lead then. Or just wait until she maybe or maybe not contacts the Sea Queen.”

“Can’t we just swim there?” Chaika asks before thinking. “Wait, are we equipped to swim?”

“Somewhat, yes.” You say. “But not very deep, nor am I overly great at Hydromancy to go searching for some mythical city.”

“Well, that just means more work for us.” Harmony says. “Adventure, right?”

“I did a lot more fighting on my last adventures.”

Chaika cocks her head and looks over toward an alleyway. “Hmm. Maybe you’ll get your chance.”

Your shoulders stiffen as a female cry of panic sounds before a black cloaked figure flies through the air and lands at your feet. They get up slowly, wincing in pain, and you realize it’s the person from before, this Dark Avenger. You make to help them up and they turn about before ducking their head, hiding their visage from view. Despite their earlier girly scream, their voice becomes that growl again.

“Ah! Citizen! Never fear!” They pull away from you and turn back toward the city where a Monster with a powerful upper body and a torso that of a lobster with crushing claws walks forward, flanked by the three sea serpents from yesterday.

“Never fear, huh?” The Lobster Girl says, cracking her human knuckles. “You been snoopin around where you ought not be snooping. And now you’ve gone and brought these fine folk into this.” The Monster nods to you. “Sorry about this, but we’re going to have to rough you up too.”

Sighing, you reach for your magic, ready to teach these thugs a lesson, when the Dark Avenger thrusts out a black-furred hand and a wave of fire surges forward to engulf the crustacean Monster.

The Lobster Girl screams and backs away, her powerful shell deflecting most of the heat, but the sea serpents near her are less fortunate, the flames forcing them to retreat down from where they came. Eventually the fire stops and the Lobster Girl, positively glowing red, bellows and runs toward the surprised Pyromancer.

Before the Lobster Girl can reach, you step forward and create a wall of [Ice] that the Monster slams into, bouncing backward and onto the ground before picking herself up. Cracking your neck you say as you raise your staff, “I think you need to cool off.”

[Ice] flows from your staff to coat the Monster’s legs, forcing her to shout in panic. Before you can freeze her solid though, she slams the ice with her claws, breaking it apart and allowing her to scuttle back.

“You piece of shit. You haven’t heard the last of us!” And with that, she runs the same way that the sea serpents went.

The Dark Avenger, or whomever they are, sighs and adjusts their cloak before turning to you. You still can’t see anything under their hood, but they study your mask for a moment before saying in that gruff voice. “Thanks for the help, citizen.”

“Uh huh.” You say, crossing your arms. “And what might you have done to piss them off?”


“Pfffffff.” You spit. “What load of shit is this? Do you think you’re some kind of hero?”

“I am what I need to be.” They say. “This city needs a hero. Needs to be saved from the corruption that grows underneath.”

“How old are you?”

‘What are you, my dad?”

“Psssh, please. No child of mine would be this edgy.” You say, waving a hand. “Not even Saya.”

The Dark Avenger pauses and turns to study you once more. You feel they’re about to say something when a horse neighs in the distance. They turn and shake their head before saying, “You’d do best not to tangle with them again. There have been kidnappings in town, even the powerful are not safe. Let me save this city.”

Before you can say anything further, they dash down the alleyway and leap into the air before landing on the back of a large, bay horse that quickly runs out of sight.

You stand there for a moment, dazed by the scene. Harmony places a hand on her hip and says, “Well, you got your wish.”

Clacking your tongue, you merely shake your head.

“Well, it was something anyway. Kind of cool I guess? Well, whatever, let’s decide what to do now.”

“Yeah…” Chaika says, watching after the figure, her voice pensive. “No sense standing around here.”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.392663


Uh oh, guys.

I think this Dark Avenger might be… might be…


Also I guess that priestess isn't going to help you. At least she's nice.

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b9b868 No.392685

File: 5532ef403d8820f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.65 MB,2550x3300,17:22,Sylphie_fix.jpg)



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2a4136 No.392831

Quiet this time.

Guess I'll check back later and if there's nothing still I'll just start writing with my choice tomorrow or friday :^)

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41f498 No.392858


>Sighing, you reach for your magic, ready to teach these thugs a lesson, when the Dark Avenger thrusts out a black-furred hand and a wave of fire surges forward to engulf the crustacean Monster.

Welp, I was wrong unless we're mistaken about this individual being the same person as last time and they are actually a copycat, but that's unlikely. The black fur, mention of a horse and pyromancy imply this is Sylphie, but there is still a chance that this is a red herring when you consider how Sylphie is actually competent and would more likely utilise fulgromancy against an aquatic monster given her specialities, not to mention we would probably recognise her voice nigh immediately if it actually was her. Regardless of her identity though, the caped crusader needs to be bullied for being a dork, even if that would hamper our chances of recruiting them.

That aside, we should really look into these kidnappings because we have no other leads, considering that there are kidnappings at all, that the snakes got violent when the Sea Queen was mentioned and that the Sea Queen is apparently pissed for unknown reasons, it's likely related to the Sea Queen in some fashion—my guess is on someone of importance to her not returning when they said they would in a similar situation to what happened back on the riverboat in the first quest, only this time with said individual being unable to return rather than unwilling. As for how to look for them, investigating taverns as per what I said in >>392556 still works, especially if we try snooping around the same tavern the most recent disappearance occurred, but it's also probably worth looking into the activities of the thugs we just met and who else they are in contact with, because they are clearly connected to all this in some fashion.


Considering the lack of responses, you might as well do that any way.

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2a4136 No.393067

>Story continue

You watch Chaika for a moment before sighing. “Right then. Well since we’re in an alleyway, might as well talk over what our next move is.”

“Uhm.” Harmony says. ‘What?”

Shaking her head, Chaika turns and shrugs to the other construct. “No better time than the present, and no better place than here.”

“Uhm.” Harmony says again. “What?”

“Anyway.” You say, breaking this silliness. “With the Ocean Priestess not helping, we’re left with trying to find someone else who can.”

“Like your wife?” Chaika asks, to which you give her a sour expression.

“Yes… like her I suppose. But we don’t have that luxury, so we’ll have to figure things out for ourselves.”

Harmony sighs. “Well, there’s always looking into that missing sailor.”

“Aye.” Chaika says. “If it’s Baha then we have a ticket there, easy.”

“And if it’s not, maybe he knows where Baha is.” You say, nodding. “Sounds good without any other leads. What did they say happened to him? He just up and vanished, right?”

“Yeah.” Harmony says. “And if what that Dark Avenger said is true, then he may have been kidnapped.”

“I suppose we can just go and knock in some heads.” You say, stretching.

“No, I think that would cause more trouble than it’s worth. It’s best to even see if they have him and then try to resolve things peacefully. We’re trying not to blow our cover, remember.”

“Guess we’re snooping out the warehouses!” Chaika says, voice positively bubbly as you sigh in defeat.


You wait until the evening before leaving for the warehouses. If last time was any indication, they’ll be on alert during the day for anyone snooping. At night at least you can hide under cover of dark clothing and magic, if needed.

The mask is forgone this time, though only because Harmony demanded it. You still wanted to wear it because you thought it was be funny to jump someone at night wearing that. Chaika was also in support, but sadly neither of you could ever overrule the straight-laced Harmony.

For their part, the two constructs turn onto low power, dimming the lights coming from their eyes and other parts of their bodies. The cloaks are helpful, but a glowing set of eyes in the dark does not stealth make. Ah, who are you kidding, stealth is not any of your forte. If worse comes to worse, you’ll just burn the whole place down to the ground. That’s always been a good back-up plan to stick with.

Walking between the silent warehouses, using localized [Privacy Barriers] to hide your movements, you make your way toward the warehouse that Chaika had her run-in before at. In the distance you can hear the carousing of the sailors, but over here all you can hear is the sea breeze and the scurrying of rats. A pang of pain runs through your heart at that thought. Gods how you missed Bubs sometimes.

Chaika holds up a hand and both you and Harmony stop, readying yourselves. The lead construct nods and creeps forward slowly, you both following behind until you get a good view in the distance of two haggard looking Sea Serpent Girls.

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2a4136 No.393068


The Monsters stand in position near a door, trying not to look like guards, but the swords at their hips make it obvious they’re expecting trouble. One of them, wearing little more than a strap to cover her breasts and a belt, pulls out a flask from a pouch and starts drinking before tossing it to the other, who does the same.

“Fucking hells.” She says in an islander accent. “First we get scorched, then the boss chews us out. I’m starting to think this gig isn’t worth it.”

“Feh, we’re just grunts. We accept what others tell us and deal with it.” The second says before tossing back the flask. “Just nod your head and get paid.”

“Tsk.” The first serpent takes a drink and coughs. “Ugh, that caped idiot to a number to arms. My favorite fucktoy almost didn’t let me rape him.” She hisses, “If I see that shit again, I’m going to tear their arms off.”

“Pff, if you say so. Let’s hope that the boss doesn’t see them though or there will be hells to pay. He’s getting sick of them interfering in our business.”

“Yeah yeah. It would mean moving the cargo and that’s a pain in the ass.”

They both nod in agreement and continue chatting amongst themselves. It’s fairly inane for the most part, so the three of you pull back to discuss under cover of a [Privacy Barrier].

“It’s two of them from before.” Chaika says, nodding her head. “Looks like this is the place.”

“Wonder what they mean by ‘cargo?’” Harmony asks, tapping her cheek. “Could they just be simple criminals?”

“Maybe.” You say, thinking it over. “Might as well take a look since we’re here.”

Harmony nods and the three of you go around the warehouses to the back of the one guarded by the Serpents. There are no windows, or you’d just toss in a [Remote Sentry], and there’s only one door, the front. Annoying, you look up and nod to the others. They nod back as you use some of the geomancy you learned from Rommel to raise the three of you from below up to the roof. Once there, you look around and find a skylight built onto the building to let in some light. Moonlight sparkles through the glass as you walk forward and look down into the warehouse.

Below, you see the typical of a warehouse: a lot of crates piled atop each other amongst some lanterns giving off some faint light. What is atypical about the scene are the forms of three gagged and bound Monsters. You can’t quite make out their species specifically, but you’re pretty sure you’re looking at aquatic Monsters here.

Around them are a group of Sea Serpent Girls and that Lobster Girl from before, all of them

“What are they doing?” Harmony asks, her audio unit set to it’s lowest.

“Not sure. Guess that Avenger dolt was right about the kidnappings though.”

“Hey, does something look off about the floor down there?” Chaika says, pointing down.

You frown and notice that in the light of the lanterns, the floor has a circle made of seaweed around the captives, the pieces of undersea plant life making runic patterns you’re not familiar with. Is this some kind of ritual going on here? Shit, are they going to sacrifice those girls?!

“We have to get down there.” You say, reading your staff. “Chaika, break the glass and cause a distraction, Harmony, swoop down and get the captives. I’ll follow and incapacitate them to-“

You cut off suddenly as you hear a muffled cry from below followed by a booming sound. Looking down, you see the captives screaming while their captors look about in panic. A moment later, the lanterns go off one by one as an aetheric touch quenches their flame. Only the moonlight shines down now, revealing your shadows looking down from above.

The captors shout and you curse, forcing your plan into motion faster than anticipated. Chaika busts through the skyline, glass shards tinkling down around her as she lands in front of the terrified captives. Unfortunately she didn’t get the complete drop of them, so when Harmony swoops down, one of the Sea Serpents throws a weighted net at the construct, throwing her crashing to the ground as she struggles to free herself.

Harmony, on the ground, and Chaika, doing battle with the Lobster Girl, are unable to project the captives. Grunting, you jump down after them, using Aeromancy to slow your fall. As you descend, you point your staff at one of the hooded figures and let loose a [Lightning Bolt] that drops them, along with another next to them. When you hit the ground, you quickly weave a [Shield Circle] and deflect the blow of a Sea Serpent Girl looking to attack the captives.

One of the hooded figures next to you begins to channel hydromancy at the same time a Sea Serpent moves in to strike with a sword. Before the spell can be cast, however, a [Lightning Bolt] strikes them from the crates above and they drop to the floor, unconscious. This gives you time to drop your defenses and strike at the sword wielder, dropping them in an instant.

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2a4136 No.393069


One of those wearing a robe, their face unable to be seen in the darkness, and wearing a chain of seashells and seaweed turns and runs. You make to catch him when another figure lands in front of them, dressed in all black. Oh fucking great.

“Halt!” They say in that gravely voice. “Take one more step and I’ll subdue you, evil-doer!”

The figure pauses a moment before you feel… something… pulse from them. The Dark Avenger staggers for a moment before dropping to the floor, hand on their head. The robed figure runs past them and out into the night.

The Lobster Girl swings at Chaika but the Construct nimbly leaps over the blow and lands on the large claw, looking down impassively at the Monster. When the crustacean screams in anger, Chaika delivers a kick to her head with such force that they drop, immediately unconscious. By this time, Harmony has pried herself lose and is helping mop up, though some of the combatants flee the carnage. Well, whatever.

Sighing, you turn to the captives and smile, “All of you okay?”

The Monsters, a Crab Girl, a Mermaid, and a Shark Girl all look at you with surprise. Blushes come to their cheeks and you can’t help but feel dashing somehow through all of this. Selene must never know.

The Mermaid nods her head. “Y-Yes, I think so. Thank you.”

“Yeah, no problem.” You say, rubbing at your head. “How long have you been here?”

“I don’t know. A day or two.” She says. “I’m on a trip from Filliothia for business when I was kidnapped in my inn room.” She shakes her head. “I awoke here.”

The other two give similar stories, all having been visiting from Filliothia. Frowning, you turn to the captors who are being tied up by Chaika and Harmony. Doesn’t look like they’ll be talking anytime soon. A figure does move in the distance though: The Dark Avenger.

“Hey… don’t I know you?” The Shark Girl says, peering at you. “Aren’t you that Wiz-“

“Nope, it’s the moonlight playing tricks on you.” You say as you walk toward the prone figure.

They let out a groan as they push themselves up, hand on their head. When you approach, you squat down before them and growl, “What the fuck was that?!”

“H-huh?” They ask in a much more girlish voice. “I-I don’t.”

“Don’t you give me that shit. You fucked things up here and then let the ringleader get away. This isn’t a game you idiot, people can get hurt here.” Reaching forward, you grab their hood. They panic and grab your hand with their black furred ones and you hear a familiar voice plead,

“N-no! Don’t!”

Not heading their words, you pull it back and blink in surprise. The Dark Avenger winces and looks up at you before letting out a pitiful moan. She sighs looks up at you, green, feline eyes catching the moonlight.

“H-Hey Dad.” Sylphie says.

“What in the fuck-“ You begin, but cut yourself off, your shock turning back into anger. “Sylphie! What the hells are you doing-? Actually, nevermind, where is Mr. Ed?” Turning to the front door you shout, “ED! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!”

A moment later a large, bay gelding walks in, his hooves clacking against the stone floor. He stops beside Sylphie and gives her a sidelong glance before turning to you and wickering.

“Oh don’t you try me, mister. What the hells are you doing letting my little girl act like a Gods damned fool?”

The horse rolls his eyes. You glare at him in response when Sylphie says, “Dad! It was my idea to do this, not his!”

“Yes, but he’s the adult here and he should have stopped you!”

“Dad!” Sylphie cries in frustration, throwing her hands up. “I’m an adult too!”

“Not after this childish showing.” You say back to your daughter, gritting your teeth. It’s been months since you last saw her and part of you knows you should be kinder, but at the moment you’re so angry at her. “What do you think you’re doing, dressing up like some capeshit mummer and playing hero?”

“I’m doing good!” She huffs, nodding to the captive Monsters. They stare at both of you in fascination, all three looking away sharply as you turn their way. Sylphie’s tails are standing on end as she speaks again, voice getting heated. “I found out about some shady shit in this town and I decided to do my best to help out! Someone had to do it!”

“So you figured after one little adventure in the desert where you nearly got killed, it would be okay to be some vigilante?”

“And what the fuck are you doing?” She shouts back.

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2a4136 No.393070


You blink in surprise at the question, not certain how to answer. Before you can, Mr. Ed inserts himself between the two of you and snorts. He flicks his head to Harmony and Chaika, who walk up to the little scene, both appearing amused, despite their lack of facial expressions.

“Well well, if it isn’t the little adventurer herself. I knew you said you’d be out west, but I didn’t expect you’d wind up in Hudson.” Chaika says, hand on her hip.

“Hi Chaika…” Sylphie grumbles, crossing her arms under her breasts. “I just wanted to help…”

You begin to make a retort when Harmony holds up a hand. “That’s enough. We need to get these captives safely back home and see to their captors. You two can bicker later.”

Both you and Sylphie trade glances before sighing and going about the work.

Harmony and Mr. Ed escort the captives out to their rooms while you, Chaika, and Sylphie finish rounding up the new captives. Those in the robes turn out to be humans, mostly men, but you can tell they’re sorcerers, as evidenced by the mana crystals in their pockets. This makes the theory of a ritual that much more enticing.

As Chaika finishing tying up the Lobster Girl, the large Monster stirs. “Ugh… my head.” She blinks in surprise and then struggles, “H-Hey! What the fuck is this?”

“Nothing much.” Chaika says, cinching the rope tighter. “Just tying you up.”

“N-No shit!” The Monster says.

“Who are you?” You ask, approaching.

The Monster blinks at you and says, “Gilly. What the fuck does that matter?”

“I meant, who the fuck are you to be kidnapping people and doing some ritual?”

The Lobster Girl blinks before chuckling. “Oh, wouldn’t you like to know?”

“Lady, I’ve killed things with many more legs than you in ways far more horrific than you can imagine, just fucking tell me what I want to know or I let the psycho snake in a robot body have fun.”

She turns her head to Chaika, who lets out a soft hiss of static. The Monster shudders and says, “Look, me and my girls were just hired by those robed guys for security and to capture a few unwilling participants.”

“All of them from Filliothia?”

“A-Aye. Listen, I don’t know who they are or what crazy shit they were going to do, alright? They didn’t talk much.”

“We’ll make them talk.” You say, looking at the hooded forms. Turning back, you ask, “Have you kidnapped any more people?”

“No.” Chaika punches her in the gut. “Y-Yes. Three others. We brought them here but I don’t know where they are now!”

“Were any of them sailors?”

“One guy. Of the few times they spoke to us, the hooded woman running the show told us we had to capture him above all else.” She grumbles, “Bastard gave us a good showing too…”

So the figure who escaped was a woman, huh? It’s more than you had before. Nodding to yourself, you turn to see your daughter present, frowning.

“A female huh? I wonder if it was a Monster based on the mental magic she must have used on me.”

“Sylphie… ugh.” You sigh, shaking your head. “Just sit in the corner for now while I think about what to do.”

“No.” She says, defiant. “I found out they were kidnapping people and I helped stop at least two of their attempts. This is as much my work as yours.”

“Like father like daughter…” The Lobster Girl mutters before going silent at both of your withering glares.

“Anyway.” You mutter. “Where would they have gone?”

“I don’t know.” Chaika hits her again. “Fuck! I really don’t! We only ever met here!”

“Ah shit.” You say. “Well we’ll just have to wait until they wake up.”

“Hmph, YOU will.” Sylphie says, walking over to Mr. Ed and mounting him in a single bound. “I’ll find them before you and finish this myself.”

“What the- oh hells no, you get back here little miss-“

She casually ignores you and turns Mr. Ed, who gives you a tired look before carrying them both out into the night.

“She must be at the rebellious age.” Chaika says, rendering the Lobster Girl unconscious again. “Anyway, what do we do now?”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.393071

Heeeey, I'm back! I decided to work more on the book the last two days instead of writing this I suppose, but sunday should still be fine for another update.

Ah, but oh dear. Looks like this Avenger is your dear daughter! Whomst I forgot to do a more full description of… oh well. Maybe you should have been nicer to her, but she was acting like a nerd.

I'm sure this group you found isn't important at all though.

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a05b7f No.393084


We need to track down the one cultust that escaped. They’ll tell us who the sailor was and where they took him. Punishing sylphie will have to wait until after this is dealt with though. Can’t afford to lose anymore time

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1f32f2 No.393093

An error was made, disregard Mr. Ed escorting captives, i forgot to change that back.


Fair enough, thankfully you're FAR ahead of schedule compared to Rommel at this point in time. He's barely gotten started in Blackfire Reach.

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41f498 No.393189


>The figure pauses a moment before you feel… something… pulse from them. The Dark Avenger staggers for a moment before dropping to the floor, hand on their head. The robed figure runs past them and out into the night.

>“A female huh? I wonder if it was a Monster based on the mental magic she must have used on me.”

Out of curiosity, do we still have access to [Inner Guardian] and [Manifestation]? They weren’t mentioned in the PasteBin, so I wasn’t sure if you kept them after your rewrite of the first quest. If we do, we should really familiarise ourselves with how they work and perhaps teach Sylphie at least the basics of [Inner Guardian] when we get the chance because it would work wonders here against that witch’s mental magic.

That aside, we’re kind of stuck waiting for the unconscious sorcerers to wake up so we can interrogate them since we could really use the extra information for tracking down the escapee and the other captives, not to mention it would give us some insight into their plans and how that may affect us going forward, so we might as well spend the time we have available to set up counter-measures to ensure they can’t use their magic against us. As for how to do that, this can be achieved by a combination of taking away their mana crystals, as well as any foci they might use to cast their spells, to prevent or at least hinder their spells and either a [Counter Circle] or [Shield Circle] around them to deal with anything they may successfully cast, maybe adding in [Dispel Magic] where appropriate. Also, we should probably figure out a way to disguise ourselves once again with the available nearby materials because, unless we intend to kill our prisoners instead of handing them to the local authorities which I doubt Harmony will let us do, news of the Grand Wizard’s presence in Hudson will spread, which isn’t really what we want.

Once that’s all out of the way, like >>393084 says, we need to track down the escapee as priority number one. The information we gather from the interrogation should hopefully give us more leads to follow, but even if we gain nothing of value from the event we still have some idea of what to look for given what we just saw here, namely warehouses, armed guards and ritual circles, so we can just continue to snoop around in hopes that we find something related to one or more of those three things. Furthermore, given the number of sorcerers present and our target seemingly being a witch of some description, usage of [Mage Sight] would be rather beneficial here as a means to find our targets, because magic users can’t hide their auras from other magic users IIRC, I swear this was the reason we couldn’t hide our status as a Wizard, meaning any large concentration of magic in the town is likely a point of interest for us to look into.


How long did it take us to get to Hudson?

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2a4136 No.393196


Yes, I haven't gone back and edited his part yet, I'll probably do that later today.

They'll probably wake up soon and it should be easy to keep them under wraps to get more info.

[Mage Sight] will be able to see that, yeah, and there are only a few ways to confound the [Mage Sight], namely magic items but those are few and far between and unlikely someone would have that unless they're going undercover.

Just to make sure, you're not going after Sylphie then? Meh, you'll meet up with her again soon enough probably.

>How long to get to Hudson.

Harmony flew you most of the way so about two and a half days. You left a little after the others but not by much.

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41f498 No.393207


>[Mage Sight] will be able to see that, yeah, and there are only a few ways to confound the [Mage Sight], namely magic items but those are few and far between and unlikely someone would have that unless they're going undercover.

So what you're saying is one of these rare items is definitely going to appear at some point to fuck with us, noted.

>Just to make sure, you're not going after Sylphie then?

I'd imagine we wouldn't be able to find her unless we abandoned the interrogation plan, and even then she'd probably figure out a way to elude us, so no, best leave her be to cool off. Mr Ed should be able to keep her from doing anything brash.

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ff9d82 No.393212

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If she's still within earshot, we should yell out that unless she comes back here right now we're going to, with great detail, tell her beloved sister, her mother and even that autistic rock kiddo how much of a NERD she was being.

On the off chance she does come back we probably shouldn't chew her out too much though lest she flee again. We can promise to tell her what's going on, that dragged us all the way here later when it's safe.

Giving the occasional jabs should be fine though.

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660c30 No.393297


Even though I know this is pointless I still feel this is exactly what the GW would do, Thus I think we should

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2a4136 No.393354

>Story continue

You do what any good father would do. You run to the ruined entrance and shout, “SYLPHIE! Unless you come back here right now I’m going to, with great detail, tell your beloved sister, your mother, and even that autistic rock kiddo how much of a NERD you’re being!”

Unfortunately, you can no longer see her, Mr. Ed having quickly left the scene you suspect. Even still, you get the faint impression that she’s giving you the bird. In all honesty, you’d probably do the same.

Grunting in annoyance, you head back to Chaika, whose impassive face oozes exasperation. “So much for reconnecting after the desert, huh?”

“Bite me, snake tits.” You mutter before running a hand through your hair. Gods above, to see one of your daughters out here, making a fool out of herself no less! Didn’t you raise her better than that?

A dim part of you wonders about that statement, a part you suppress before groaning. Feeling somewhat empty inside, you sigh and wave to Chaika. “We’ll have to deal with her later. For now, we need to get more information on what was happening here.”

Chaika watches you for a moment before letting out a sigh. Was she expecting something from you? She kneels down and begins taking mana crystals from one of the robed captives, pulling back to hood to reveal the face of a male islander. As she works, she says, “Sure. Let’s get these rounded up and we’ll see about getting one to talk. Probably don’t have too long before any authorities arrive though. You don’t want to be here when they do, right?”

“Not particularly.” You say, reaching down and pushing the hood back on another one to find a Cat Girl with islander features too. All in all, there’s five of the robed members, four Sea Serpent Girls, and the Lobster Girl. Curiously, all of the robed ones are islanders, and a mix of humans and Monsters. Only three of them are sorcerers however, with one, an island Kikimora of all things, as a Monster witch.

She is the first to awaken and she looks about in concern when she realizes she’s tied up. Unfortunately, you’re unable to just pump all the semen out of her, so she has the strength to cast [Water Blades], a high velocity water spell, at you, but you expected this and block it easily with a [Counter Circle].

“Well that’s rude, aren’t Kikimoras supposed to be gentle souls?”

“Stick it in your itikitaka.”

“Oh, that’s a good one.” Chaika says, nodding her head.

“Uh huh, sure. How about you just tell us what you were doing here and where to find your boss and we’ll be gravy, okay?”

“Fuck you.”

“Hey, hey.” You say, kneeling down to face her. “I’m the boss of this warehouse, okay? Tell me what I want to know.”

“I will never reveal the designs of Mun’taca, the conduit of the great mother!”

“Oh no, you won’t? Dang.”

“Haha!” The Kikimora snorts, triumphant. “Silly pahu, you could never understand her great plan! Only Mun’taca hears the voice of the great mother! We are promised glory eternal!”

“Glory eternal? Oh nooooo. But how, how could this be? No one can have such a thing!”

“Aha!” She chuckles. “But she does, you hopinawi! She will bring us to the city of the unbelievers and we’ll-“

“HEY!” One of the other captives says, and islander man. “Stupid the fuck up!”

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2a4136 No.393355


The island Kikimora blinks her eyes before they grow very wide and she turns to you, horrified. “You… tricked me?”

“Uh.” You say, scratching your head. “You kind of played yourself.”

“Impossible, Mun’taca said my mind was like a steel trap. How could this happen? What magic did you use?”

Turning to the man who woke up, you ask, “Is she an idiot?”

“Yes…” He mutters before turning resolute. “But we will say nothing more!”

“Yeah, I figured as much.” You sigh. “Well I tried- ah! By the way, what kind of Monster is your leader?”

“She’s a-“ He cuts off before looking to the side the Kikimora laughing at him.

“So she is a Monster…” You mutter. A Monster witch with some kind of mental magic. Gods, how long as it been since you used your [Inner Guardian]? Does that knight of yours still look the same? For some reason you feel that the years, and your binge watching of eastern theatre recently, have made him look a little more like an easterner, but when you try to focus your mind’s eye on him, he vanishes like a shadow. Neat.

A shape drops down from the rooftop to land among the glass shards, throwing up a cry of alarm from the captives. You merely turn your head to Harmony as she stands and ask, “All went well?”

“Yeah.” She says. “They got their stuff and are ready to high-tail it back to Fillothia. Seemed rather insistent on it too.” She looks at the captives. “Get any good information?”

“Not really.” You say, kicking the Kikimora, who has a smug look on her face. “This one almost spilled the beans but she stopped herself midway.”


“Yeah, okay.” You say, turning back to Harmony. “How far away are the authorities?”

“Should be here soon. You ready to go?”

“I guess.” You sigh, grabbing onto the construct. She nods her head and activates her flight unit, bringing you out and down to the back alleyway while Chaika jumps on crates and out through the broken skylight. The three of you make your way back out of the warehouses while the sound of city guard and potentially Order members make to take the captives. Gosh you hope that Kikimora doesn’t try anything stupid.

Once you’re far enough away from the warehouse you take a moment to reflect on what just happened. For starters, there’s a group that’s kidnapping people in town and using them in some kind of ritual. Their leader appears to be a Monster who uses mental magic of some capacity and is currently at large. They also all seem to be islanders, for whatever reason that may be. Coincidence, perhaps? Finally, your daughter is caught up in all of this and she’s busy making a mess for everyone and might get herself hurt.

A pang goes through your heart at that realization. You’re not really mad at her for what she’s doing, you’re just worried about her, right? I mean, yeah, you weren’t totally bluffing about the NERD thing, but… but…

“Anyway.” You say, getting back into the game. Sylphie will just have to wait. “We need to find the escaped leader. Any ideas where to look?”

“Warehouse district might be risky.” Chaika says. “A lot of attention from the authorities here. Will be difficult for them to do much now, but they have to be holding the other captives somewhere.”

Harmony nods her head. “The docks themselves are always full of people too. They’d stick out looking like that and the sailors aren’t exactly kind when they’re drunk. They’d attract unwanted attention from the whorehouses too, especially if they can’t tell they’re women.”

“So that leaves the city itself?” You ask, blanching. There’s a lot of buildings there, it would be extremely difficult to find anyone hiding out there.

“Not necessarily.” Harmony says, rubbing her chin. “All of them were islanders, right? If we assume this Monster is also an islander, where would be the best place for them to go?”

“Ah!” You say, snapping your fingers. “The islander section of town! They won’t stand out there too much, especially if they ditch the robe.”

“Well that makes things hard.” Chaika sighs. “How do you expect to find them in a crowd like that.”

You tap your head. “[Mage Sight].”

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2a4136 No.393356


“Oh. Right.” She shakes her head. “Well, might as well get going on that lead. Beats standing around here. With that, you leave toward the islander district, making good time through the streets which are relatively quiet at this time of night. The closer you get to the beach, the more people you see about. In fact, it’s quite a few people. A lot more than there should be this time of night.

You and your constructs slow down as you reach a throng of people milling out in the streets as music plays in the distance. You see torches burning and people dancing, all dressed in traditional islander outfits. While the majority of the people present are actually Deleorians, those performing are entirely islanders.

Thankfully you had the foresight to don the mask again, this time it not attracting attention as Deleorian children and such wear similar masks. Walk through the crowds, you take in the sights and deeply wish that you both weren’t on a mission, and that your wife was here. Though she may not appreciate how scantily clad some of these island Monsters are, wearing little but shells over their nipples and short skirts made of leaves. Look at them, thrusting their hips out like that, leaning over and shaking their indecent breasts in such a way-

Harmony gives you a sidelong glance, somehow, and you cough into your hand before activating your [Mage Sight]. The world around you shifts and the colors become more vibrant, the people lighting around you like candles. Some, however, burn brighter than others. These are those with some mana around them and they often carry mana crystals or some magitek devices which you can see with your sight. You can’t tell much about their magic this way, but it does narrow down your field greatly as you push through the crowds.

You wish Otit told you there was to be some kind of luau today. Maybe he did but you weren’t paying attention, which would fit perfectly with the way you operate. Either way, moving through the crowds is at once a hindrance and a benefit. Sure, you can lose yourself in there and not be as noticed looking about, but at the same time, you can’t move too well.

Scanning the crowd, you find a few with some magic here and there, and you begin to fear you’ve gone to the wrong place when you see someone flare in your vision. It staggers you for a moment as you try to make sense of what you’re seeing. It’s like the aura around them is shifting and changing, but you can’t get a good view due to all the people around them, though they aren’t wearing a hood as far as you can tell. Clacking your tongue, you nod to the other two and begin to pursue the quarry.

They don’t seem to have noticed you, but they do push away from where you are, heading to the outskirts of the luau. While delicious smells and beautiful sights play all around you, you try not to get distracted as you work your way through the crowd toward the prey. The flashes you get of them through the crowd reveal conflicting visions. They’re clearly a Monster with their hair looking like tentacles, but why aren’t people paying her more attention?

Hoping that this is your target, you follow them as they break from the crowd and head down between some of the garishly decorated buildings. You push faster through the crowd, losing the other two, and turn down the alleyway to find your prey walking away from you, wearing the traditional islander garb of barely anything at all. Activating your [Inner Guardian], you straighten your back and shut off your [Mage Sight], only to find an islander woman standing in front of you.

They stop and turn around to look at you, blinking large, brown eyes. “U-uhm. Can I help you?”

“I…” You say, taken aback. The hells is this?

“No, but I could swear she was…” You mutter to yourself. Turning back to the woman, you see only a human before you. Maybe the sights of the luau were getting to you and you mistook pig grease for some kind of Monster parts? “Ah… sorry about that.” You say, coughing into your hand as your lower your [Inner Guardian]. “My mistake.”

“I see.” She says, frowning. “Well, I better be on my way home. Please don’t follow me further.”

She begins to walk away when a shadow passes overhead and at the other end of the alleyway, Sylphie drops down, her hood still on. She points at the woman before you and shouts, “I found you!”

The woman steps back as Sylphie summons fire from her hands, the ball of power illuminating the dark corridor. The woman gasps and retreats toward you, pressing against you as she cries out, “Please! Help me!”

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2a4136 No.393357


Confused, you look between the woman and Sylphie and then set your jaw. Standing straight, you summon your own magic and say, “Sylphie, stop this right now. She’s not who you’re looking for!”

“What? Of course she is, can’t you see-“

“No Sylphie, I can’t!” Frustration creeps back into your voice. “I know you’ve decided to play hero here, but you’ve taken this too far. Incinerating some woman because of some mistake is a step too much and I won’t let you do it.” Your eyes flash as you prepare your counter spells. “Clearly that trip was too much for you. I’m sending you back to Sanctifrond until I finish and then we’re going to have a very long discussion on what it means to use your magic correctly!”

“Dad!” Sylphie says, frustrated. “You think you can just go and leave me and Sophie basically on our own for years and now, after we saved your ass, you think it’s time to be a good parent?”

The woman blinks and huddles into your chest, “Your daughter is so violent, please, help me!”

“Don’t worry, I won’t let her hurt you.” You say, eyes flashing. “Sure, I may have my faults, but at least I don’t make such mistakes.”

“Are you sure? Are you really fucking sure?” Sylphie says. “Want to take a reeeaaaal good look at who you’re protecting?”

You narrow your eyes and sigh before looking down at the woman, activating your [Mage Sight]. Yes, she’s possessed of great magical talent, however she’s just a woman and-

A chill comes over your body as you look into the face of a red-eyes, purple-skinned Monster. A sigh escapes her lips and she says, “Tch, almost got away too. Oh well.”

Before you can say anything a crippling wave of agony comes over you. Your abdomen pulses with pain and you drop to the ground, gasping. No, not here, not now! Damn you Otit and your islander food! DAMN YOU!

The Monster rushes toward Sylphie. Your daughter admirably holds her ground, but for a second time she gasps in pain and drops to the ground as the Monster passes by her. She pats Sylphie’s head with a tentacle that grows from her head as hair as she moves by before saying,

“Next time, I’m going to break your little mind.”

She turns the corner again and vanishes, leaving Sylphie gasping on the floor. With a gasp, you suddenly realize that the pain in your abdomen is gone. Did… did you imagine it or… was it an illusion? As you blink in shock, Chaika and Harmony turn the corner, the former running to Sylphie while the latter helps you up.

“What happened?” Harmony asks, looking toward Sylphie. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just… feeling like a dumbass.” A pain worse than that in your gut surfaces as you grit your teeth and push off Harmony to walk toward your daughter, who removes her hood using one of her nine, bladed tails. She runs a hand through her long, brown hair and sighs.

“Damnit, she got away again.” Her eyes turn toward you and they go flat. “What do you want?”

“I…” You don’t really know what to say here. Looking for a moment you lick your lips and ask, “How did you know to find her here?”

“Mr. Ed said he caught the scent of islanders and thought she should check out the luau. I tracked her presence with [Mage Sight] and…” Her lips quirk downward. “What do you care? You’re just going to say I fucked up again.”

“Oh come on-“ You begin but are cut off by Harmony.

“We have more important things to worry about at the moment.” She says, looking down where the Monster went. “We’re probably not going to find her tonight. Let’s put together all the facts we have and continue the search tomorrow. We disrupted one of their schemes, maybe that’s enough for now.”

You and Sylphie trade glances before looking away, both of you huffing, but not dismissing Harmony’s logic. You learned a few very key things today, about the identity of your target and their abilities. Though they’ve surely gone to ground, with a description of the face they’re wearing, maybe you can get better information. Worst case, you go busting down every door you find.

Still, your eyes shift to your daughter, who shakes her head and sighs, tired. What do you do about her now? Feeling a sense of nostalgia, you question that age-old question,

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.393358



That was weird.

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e0dd37 No.393361


i would say give her headpats, but i feel like the mood isnt right for them


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660c30 No.393362


So another MindFlayer?

This bodes ill for The Wiz. Illusion magic doesn't seem to give to shits about our [Inner Guardian]Which I feel is actually balanced since it would completely shit on illusionists so that means we have to keep range. I forget, How do illusions work on constructs?

Were they immune or especially vulnerable, I can't recall?

As for what to do, I don't know why we are calling it quits so quickly. We can still track her magical aura, she can't have gotten to far and I doubt a bit of wood paneling can hide something as bright as you described.

Aside from that, Or assuming for whatever reason we can't continue the hunt, We need to apologize. Being snippy isn't going to help here and Sylphie has demonstrated the the Wiz she, despite being a total nerd, Actually did manage to track the woman down. From that point however I don't know how we'd continue. We have no leads and can't just search the entire town for a woman who can change her appearance at will.

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660c30 No.393365


Hold up i had another thought, Can't we just get Ed or Sylpie to track her scent? Granted cats aren't as good as dogs when it comes to smell they still outclass humans many times over. Same deal with Horses.

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2a4136 No.393442


I don't think they can change back sadly. Maybe you can use sylphie as bait? She's kind of a kid, right?


Yessir. Flayer of minds, mhm. Probably.

I don't think it was specifically addressed in Illusionistquest since most constructs are fairly mindless. Chaika and Harmony, on the other hand, are a different story. How it would affect them is quite up in the air and you won't know until you try…


Possible, unless she alters her scent via illusion too.

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41f498 No.393484


>You do what any good father would do. You run to the ruined entrance and shout, “SYLPHIE! Unless you come back here right now I’m going to, with great detail, tell your beloved sister, your mother, and even that autistic rock kiddo how much of a NERD you’re being!”

Here’s hoping we actually follow through on that threat when we get the chance. We can’t have Sylphie thinking we’re going soft in our old age.


[Inner Guardian] isn’t a perfect defence against mental attacks by itself, since—according to the chapter for [Manifestation] in [Defensive Magic Volume 3]—it’s unable to protect against attacks which “affect perceptions or are too hard to detect”, the former of which is precisely why the witch was able to trick us by changing her appearance despite the guardian being up and active. It may or may not have been able to do something about that final attack against us, but we won’t know for certain until a similar event occurs since we opted to drop the guardian rather foolishly despite the fishy situation because we are an idiot didn’t realise we were up against an illusionist of some description and thus believed our senses wholeheartedly, leading to our guard dropping. If we want things to go better next time, we need to figure out a way to avoid or mitigate the aforementioned shortcomings.

As for how to do that, we just need to ensure some things:

>We don’t drop [Inner Guardian] for any reason when there is a chance the illusionist is nearby

>We anticipate that our opponent will likely cast an illusion on us, making us more aware of our surroundings and sense and, more importantly, aware of when something changes—illusionists tend to struggle a bit when they lose the element of surprise

>When we know for a fact that our target is nearby or we are currently in combat with our target, put up [Manifestation] immediately and take her down as quickly as possible

The first two are pretty self-explanatory: keep our guard up and don’t get caught off guard by the inevitable illusion, allowing us to dispel said illusion and come to our senses quicker. Regarding the latter, [Manifestation] is our only real defence against sensory manipulation, meaning it’s our only option for dealing with our quarry’s main gimmick and potentially only gimmick, considering she has escaped the scene the same way twice now and didn’t do more despite having every opportunity to do so and thus we kind of have to use it if we don’t want to be mind-raped. It does have two major problems though, both stated in the description for the spell back in Wizardquest:

>By projecting the guardian, at the cost of a hefty amount of mana, the inner guardian will proactively search for and eliminate mental attacks before they enter the mental sphere.

It costs a lot of mana to keep up, meaning we can’t keep it up for too long, and it only works on mental attacks before they can reach our mind, meaning any illusions cast before we put it up would still be in effect and thus the only way to stop something truly detrimental taking us down is to put up [Manifestation] before said crippling illusion has a chance to be cast, which in turn means our protection will be up for longer and drain us more as a result. As such, the only real way around this is to end the fight as fast as we can before the mana expenditure becomes too much, or at the very least we need to break line of sight before we drop it since I’m fairly certain she can’t do much to us other than something along the lines of [Project] without vision.

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41f498 No.393485



But I’m getting way too far ahead of myself here. Regarding the current situation, I’m with >>393362 here; it seems a bit strange to end the chase just because of a small set back. Our quarry clearly knew she was being followed, hence why she led us away from the crowd to deal with us, yet she never tried to fuck with our [Mage Sight], which implies that she can’t or doesn’t know we have it. So why not use that to track her again? Even if she casts more illusions in an attempt to throw us off, she would still stick out like a sore thumb in our [Mage Sight], not to mention said illusions would give us a new trail to follow, meaning we can keep following her regardless of what she tries. Worst case we somehow lose her and can go do the whole ‘going over what we know and planning our next moves’ thing, best case we find her again, use [Manifestation] to stop her bullshit and zap her with a [Lightning Bolt], perhaps <taser>-modified if we think we’ll kill her otherwise, to take her down before she has a chance to question why her trump card isn’t working the third time she plays it despite it working fine previously.

If we fuck up or you want to put your foot down on this, it’s your story and I won’t complain, then I guess looking into who in town is a visitor from Filliothia wouldn’t be the worst idea considering that people meeting this criteria are targets of the witch and her cult and will probably be accosted due to our opponent’s need to replenish their supply of unwilling participants following our recent intervention, giving us a way of finding them once again. We could also look into the information we gleaned from the Kikimora, namely this ‘Great Mother’ the cult reveres, what she meant by ‘the city of the unbelievers’, why Filliothia holds that aforementioned title and the name Mun’taca to see if we can find something that would let us find their leader again, first by querying Otit, then querying Myra—she was fairly amiable and probably has a lot of gossip considering her occupation—followed by any other locals that don’t seem shifty. And I guess we can also be nice to Sylphie and play the role of the mentor she’s sorely lacked by teaching her what we know about countering mental magic, but I was under the impression this was a given considering Ace’s love of writing feels.


>How do illusions work on constructs?

Considering Harmony was possessed by a ghost back in the first quest fairly easily, my guess is that she's just as vulnerable to mental manipulation as the rest of us, which is to say very.

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2a4136 No.393492

File: ada68c3cd93e4c4⋯.png (788.04 KB,1103x1596,1103:1596,seleneless.png)

Sorry, not feelin it today. If I have time tomorrow I'll get the update it's just been an odd day today. Sorry everyone! Worst case is we get friday.

Still got some time to go before next character art, though if anyone has another character or something they'd want to see drawn, let me know! Here's a Selene for the moment as apology.



I'm certain sophie would join in calling her sister a nerd when outside polite company.

Don't forget that Mindflayers are not exactly bound in the same way as Illusionists due to being insane (relatively) already. Tho where did this one even come from, one wonders?

She may not necessarily have known she was being followed as she can't exactly walk around like a mindflayer all the time- she'd draw SOME attention. A constant project would be necessary in some situations, though going somewhere she can blend in would be important, yeh.

>Ace loves writing feels.

I-I mean.

Damn, you got me.

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2a4136 No.393493


>Forgot to Sage

Fuck. W-Well it's technically content.

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2a4136 No.393587

>Story continue

“Well, what are you waiting for?” Chaika asks, hands on her hips.

“Chaika, she’s gone.” You say, breaking your gaze from your daughter.

“Like hells she is, she only just got away. She can’t have gotten far and you can track her with that [Mage Sight], right?” She taps her metallic head. “Besides, you know what her tricks are now, right?”

“Illusions…” You mutter, rubbing at your head.

“Illusions? Huh, so that explains that…” Sylphie says, frowning. “But if it’s a Monster using illusions who looks like-!” She gasps, placing a furred hand to her mouth.

“She’s a Mindflayer!”

“That thing that suit-wearing monkey and Saya fought?”

“That suit-wearing monkey is kind of your son now, and yes.” Sylphie says with a huff. It’s not like you meant anything by the comment, you kind of like the guy from the limited interaction you had with him. Still, it is your fatherly duty to harass him, especially since you missed the dating phase which, as you understand, was remarkably brief. Illusionists…

Closing your eyes and preparing yourself, you draw upon your mana to reform your [Inner Guardian]. Again, he eludes you, but you feel his presence. If you need to, you can [Manifest] and draw him forth to protect your mind, but Sylphie…

“You’d best stay here.” You say to Sylphie as you walk past.

“Like the hells I’m just going to sit back and stay here!” She huffs, cloak rising as her tails bristle.

“Sylphie, you don’t have any mental defense spells, do you?” When she doesn’t reply, you sigh. “I don’t have time to teach you right now, we need to be going.”

“That’s what you always say…” She sighs, shoulder slumping.

“Just wait here, we’ll be back.” You nod to Chaika and Harmony before lowering the mask again and dashing after the Mindflayer, leaving Sylphie behind you.

“Well done, jackass.” Chaika says, voice bitter as she runs.

“It’s safer for her to stay put for now!”

“You could have dealt with the situation better, you know.” Harmony sighs, though her stride never changes.

Gritting your teeth, you turn forward and quest out with your sight. Initially you get little back, though a few people passing to and from the luau give you strange looks. You ignore them, quite used to the looks, mask or no. Instead, you run through the dark city, lit by lanterns interspersed along the streets. While the light helps, you’re looking for something that can’t be seen in the brightest of light.

Something tickles your senses and you turn toward a nearby brick building, unable to see through the wall yet… you feel something is present. Nodding to Chaika and Harmony, you get close to the wall of the building and slide along the side toward a door. Taking in a deep breath, you nod to Chaika, who opens the door very slowly and-

A Lobster Girl opens the door the rest of the way, grabs Chaika, and throws her into the wall of a nearby building. She lets out a yelp of surprise, if not pain, and crumples. Blinking in surprise, you ready your magic to cast spells, but find the drain of the [Inner Guardian] a little taxing. As you think about this, a shudder goes down your spine. What are you missing here?

Harmony dashes forward, but she too is grabbed by the all too quick Monster, and thrown to the ground. She does not rise. You blink in surprise at Harmony and Chaika being brought down so quickly. This… this doesn’t jive. What’s wrong with this-

It hits you like a wave of cold water and you gasp before reaching out and using [Manifest] as the Lobster Girl goes to snab you. From the shadows of your mind, an eastern man with a sword dashes forward and, in one motion, slices through the Monster. The Lobster Girl wavers before the entire scene before you seems to ripple, and you blink in surprise to see Chaika and Harmony stirring.

“H-Huh?” Chaika says, checking her plating. “I’m fine?”

“What the-?” Harmony asks, doing the same.

You grit your teeth as you nod to your [Inner Guardian]. While you preferred the shining Paladin of cooperation, you suppose that your guardian moved on, even though you hadn’t. Or it could be all that eastern theatre you watched when you got back from Ectria. Surely that had nothing to do with it.

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2a4136 No.393588


“Illusion.” You say, taking a breath to stabilze yourself. It’s been so long since you used it spell, you forgot how taxing it is. “The guardian can protect us, but we need to get moving, I don’t know how long it will last.”

The other two nod and you dash into the building to find it completely unoccupied and utterly dark. Frowning, you light your staff with a trickle of power and search about. The building looks like it’s an office space, with desks in rows and papers scattered everywhere. Given how recently used it seems to be, you’re pretty sure it’s not where this Mindflayer had set up shop, unless she managed to mess with the minds of the workers, but that seems… difficult.

Though draining to keep your [Mage Sight] and [Inner Guardian] up, you manage to hold on well enough as you scan about. You don’t see anything though. Is this Mindflayer still able to get you, despite your layers of protection? Maybe Harmony was right, maybe it is best to leave and come back later with more of a plan.

As you consider this, you look up and see a flicker through the floorboards above you. What’s all this then? The other two follow as you head up the stairs, devoting some more power to localized [Privacy Barriers], though you figure she knows where you are anyway. As you reach the second floor, you see a row of offices, and one with an open door. An ominous presence seems to emanate from there, your [Mage Sight] detecting the power of the Mindflayer.

You head toward the door open door and, with your staff ready, you turn the corner quickly and cast [Lightning Bolt]!

Though you turned the intensity down to stun the Monster, you fill the entire room with the pulse, sending up bits of paper and debris as your power arcs over everything. Readying for more, you scan the room and see… nothing.

Blinking your eyes in confusion, you search for her presence in the room but come up with nothing! Aghast, you [Manifest] your guardian, who appears before the naked eye. The guardian looks about before turning to you, frowning. You blink in surprise when you hear a loud sound of metal on metal. Whipping about, you see Chaika throwing a punch into Harmony’s face, tossing the construct across the hall and tumbling down the stairs.

“I got her!” Chaika shouts! “Did you see that? I got-“ Before she can finish, a whining sound is heard and bright lights appear from the stairs as Harmony dashes through the space with her flight unit to flying tackle Chaika down the hall and into the brick wall at the other end.

It happened faster than you could see, but your guardian did nothing. It merely stands its ground, hand on its sword and scanning, looking for threats to you. But that would mean that unlike last time, this is an illusion cast only on those two, which means that nothing is currently affecting you currently. Or at least, nothing directly that could be perceived of as a threat…

You detect magic flare behind you and you whirl about in time to see the Mindflayer’s presence blaze into being as she steps out from behind the door where she was hidden. Before you can so much as yelp, the tentacles on her head grasp yours and pull you in close, face to face. At this distance you can’t help but appreciate how beautiful she is, despite her strange, purple skin. Of course, this complexion is ruined when she breaks out into a grin so wide it seems to stretch the corners of her mouth, her red eyes flashing with an inner madness as she babbles.

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2a4136 No.393589


“You couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you? I just wanted to do my lady’s bidding, but you keep chasing me, chasing me, chasing me! Can’t I work in peace? Can’t I have do a good job? I can do a good job, but I don’t need pesky followers. You shouldn’t have followed me, you shouldn’t have done that, oh now I need to punish you, but should I kill you? Oh what should-“

Before she can say anything further, you let loose the [Irate Frog Song]. In most situations this would drive the opponent away, give you time to strike at her, or at least to get away. However, that would be too easy. Instead, she merely laughs, her off cadence noise creating discord with your song, as if she’s enjoying it.

The tentacles increase in pressure against your head and she slams her hands against the side of your temples, her fingers pressing tight. Gasping for air as you can no longer keep up the song, you feel magic flare up from within the Mindflayer. Laughing maniacally, she slams her forehead against yours, her red eyes boring into yours. Though your [Inner Guardian] is able to mitigate the effects at first it’s soon overwhelmed by a massive swell of power and then-

Before you lies Saya, broken in multiple pieces, her gelatinous form melting away into nothingness, eyes dissolving away. Laying behind her are the corpses of Sophie and Sylphie, tears leaking from their lifeless eyes as their naked forms are beaten and abused, covered in semen and blood. Behind them, nailed to a circle is Selene, her entrails open as her head lolls to the side, flies buzzing around her emaciated corpse.

You watch in slow motion as over and over you see their deaths happening by faceless beings and you feel a great wave of helplessness, unable to summon your magic, move, or do anything but watch over and over. And yet, something tugs at the back of your mind, a faint echo of a shudder from a foreign mind. Within, you see a girl watch as fish-like Sahaguin raid her village, stealing away her friends and family as everything burns.

And then everything snaps back into being. Gasping, you fall to your knees, eyes wandering as the world spins. You see before you the Mindflayer, who is no longer laughing, merely looking at you with a mix of pity and shame. Tears streaming down your face, you reach out a hand toward her but find your vision growing black until you fall face first onto the floorboards and the nightmare begins again.

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2a4136 No.393590


“-Is he going to be okay?”

“I don’t know, we’ll have to see.”

“I’m just glad she didn’t kill him. Damn, how did we fall for that again?”

You blink your eyes and look up at the ceiling of your room in Otit’s inn. A groan escapes your lips, followed by a series of gasps from around you, and then appears Harmony’s impassive faceplate, a large crack running through it.

“Wizard! You’re awake! Thank the Gods.”

“W-what?” You say, closing your eyes before gasping as a memory comes to you. Bolting up in bed, you shout, “SELENE?! SOPHIE, SYLPHIE? WHERE-!”

“Dad! Dad!” Sylphie says, sitting on a stool next to you. She rushes forward and grabs you, holding you tight as you pull away, eyes wild.

“No, no, no! I have to save them!” You begin to summon your magic, feeling a desperate need to get away and find your family when furred hands grab your beard and you’re pulled face to face with your daughter.

“Dad! Dad, I’m right here!” She says, looking you in the eyes.

Tears streaming from your face, you reach out with trembling hands and touch her shoulders, feeling the solidity there. “This… this isn’t an illusion, right?”

“No, it’s me.” She says, giving you a rueful smile. “In the flesh.”

“Oh… oh thank the Gods.” You say, pulling her into a hug. A tightness still pulls at your chest, but you feel an overwhelming sense of relief as well. Shuddering, you pull away and wipe at your eyes. “I thought… it was so real and…”

“Well, at least you’re alive.” She sighs, placing her head onto your chest. “When Harmony brought me to you, I thought she might have actually… actually…” Tears well up in her eyes.

“It’s… it’s fine.” You say, wrapping your arms around her. Rubbing at your eyes again, you say, chuckling a little, “So this is what your sister and the monkey had to go through? Damn.”

“His name is Tobias.” Sylphie says, chuckling as well, though you can see some tears in her eyes.

Sighing out, you turn to Chaika and Harmony and say, “What happened?”

“Uhhh.” Chaika coughs, though you know it’s just a vocal tick. “I thought Harmony was the Mindflayer and punched her.”

“And I thought the same thing.” Harmony says, rubbing at her faceplate and sighing as a piece chips off. “The illusions seem to affect us quite strongly it seems.”

“Probably because you have rather unique cores. Despite having different sensory organs, they basically function the same. I’m sure with your past lives remembering touch, she could probably make you think that too.” You say, feeling tired.

“What happened to you?” Sylphie asks, rubbing at her eyes.

“I…” You begin before pausing and taking a deep breath. “I believe the Mindflayer lured us up there by dropping any illusions hiding her presence. Though [Mage Sight] can see through most illusions, at the end of the day if our perception tells us something is there, we’ll default to that. Likely why I went for the open door instead of noticing the trickle of power behind it.”

“So she played your perception on what you expected.” Sylphie says, frowning. “That’s not magic, that’s just playing dirty.”

“It’s the same thing.” You say, shrugging before you remember the next part. “When I noticed her, she was able to get me in a hold and then, instead of killing me she… she looked me in the eyes and I saw, uh.” You gulp a few times and press a hand to your eyes. “Well, the most horrible thing I can imagine. Oh Gods.”

The other three exchange looks and Chaika rubs your back. “I think we get the picture. Gods, what a frightening power.”

“Jackor’s imperfections…” Sylphie murmurs. “Gods, from what I hear the last Mindflayer could barely be defeated, even by Madam Xanthia. This makes things difficult for us.”

You look up to your daughter, managing to keep tears in check as you pull yourself together. “For us? Sylphie you don’t mean to…” You trail off as she looks down, her ears flattening. The rest of your complaint dies in your throat and you lick your lips before sighing out,

“I’m sorry.”

Her ears perk up and she cocks her head as you ball your hands into fists. “I’m sorry I flew off the handle like that earlier. I was upset because I was afraid you’d get hurt, and you did, twice. But then I went off on my own and got my own ass kicked. Gods what an idiot I am.”

“Dad…” She whispers, but you continue.

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2a4136 No.393591


“I shouldn’t have made fun of your retarded- err, your adventuring, even if your cape is goofy.” She frowns at this though you keep talking. “The fact that you were able to deduce where she would be and track her down not once, but twice, is impressive. Maybe I just didn’t want to admit that my baby girl was able to be a hero on her own.” You laugh,

“I should have known better. I did know better but chose to ignore it in my anger. Can you forgive me?”

Sylphie looks into your eyes before sighing. “I suppose. Gods, if only Sophie could see you acting this pathetic.”

“I’ll give her the full details.” Chaika says, Harmony nodding in affirmation.

“Gee, thanks.” You say before chuckling. “Ugh, and your mother will never let me live this down.”

“No, but she’ll forgive you.” Sylphie says, a twinge of a smile coming to her lips. “So does this mean you’re going to tell me why you’re here in the first place?”

“Oh, ah…” You say before cutting off as you look into Sylphie’s eyes, annoyance forming. Gulping, you nod your head and tell her everything. When you’re finished, she sits back and blinks a few times, as if unable to comprehend it.

“Well shit.”

“Tell me about it.” You sigh. “So you see how important it is we recover the captive from the Mindflayer so we can potentially get to the bottom of the sea to see the Sea Queen and use her trident to summon the Goddess of the oceans.”

“Well gee dad, that doesn’t sound fucking retarded when you put it like that.”

“Hey, language missy.”

The two of you smile at one another before chuckling. Harmony leans over to Chaika and whispers, “Have you seen the two of them laugh like that in awhile?”

“Sure haven’t. It’s nice to see again.”

When you both calm down, Sylphie huffs and balls her hands into fists, tails swishing behind her. “So, what’s our next move?”

“Well.” You say, rubbing your chin. “We should gather more information. I know someone who might help and if she’s going around disguised as an islander, then we might be able to track down where someone with her description, assuming she hasn’t changed it, might be.” For some reason the vague memory of the island village burning and a girl crying comes to you, but you dismiss it. Too close to the other memory.

“Otherwise, we should come up with a plan of how to fight the Mindflayer next time we meet her. Hopefully her plans have been delayed some and we can get make use of the interference to prepare.”

“Alright.” Harmony says, gathering her cloak. “Let’s get to it then.”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.393592


Welp, that could have gone better. But… at least you've reconnected with your daughter, sort of.

This update is kind of a "to be continued" because I think I know what people want to go with, I just didn't have the time to sit down and write it all. If nothing else comes in, I'll write more tomorrow with gathering information in mind.

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2a4136 No.393673

File: 42510604ae6f205⋯.png (454.28 KB,968x750,484:375,Sophieandsylphiebath.png)

Change of plans, scrapped what I wrote because it was coming out wrong. Got work in the morning so need to turn in, but at least I can work tomorrow. Sorry everyone if you were waiting.

Here's a cute Sophie and Sylphie to tide you over.

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2a4136 No.393712

>Story continue

“Very well.” Sylphie says, nodding her head with sagacity. “But first…” She pats her stomach and blushes.

“Uhm, think we can get some breakfast.”

“Organics…” Chaika sighs. “Them and their food obsessions.”

“Truly, degenerate behavior.” Harmony says with a twinge of amusement in her voice. She turns to you and asks, “Are you feeling hungry?”

A rumble goes through your stomach and you sigh. “I suppose I can eat. Though I’m pretty sure Otit’s food is going to give me the shits again.”

“Dad!” Sylphie says, looking mortified.

“What? You’re an adult supposedly, you can take these kinds of comments.” You stretch and make your way out of bed, perhaps stumbling a little as you do so. Both Harmony and Sylphie support you, though Harmony relents after a moment, to a smirk from Sylphie.

“Wow dad, I knew you were old, but I didn’t think it was time for retirement yet.”

“On second thought, I change my worst fear.” You grumble, though of course you didn’t mean that. Still, Sylphie looks to the sigh and sighs before holding your arm.

“Come on, dad.”

The four of you head to the common room where Otit’s daughter is serving another group staying in the inn. At your approach she sighs and cocks her head at Sylphie, who is no longer wearing her cloak, but instead a green outfit that hugged her curves at the top before moving to divided skirts she obviously found easier for riding. She does still wear a cape, however, her tails hiding underneath. Otit’s daughter looks between her and you before cocking her head, sighing, and heading back to the kitchen. A moment later Otit arrives, clapping his meaty hands.

“Alahunora! You got in late last night, eh? Enjoy the luau a little much?”

“Not exactly.” You sigh.

“Hah, not exactly he says.” His eyes turn to Sylphie and he chuckles. “Oh ho, who is this little wahuwahi? I’m seeing a familiar presence here!”

“Ah, this is Sylphie, my daughter.” You say, introducing her.

“My father has told me much about you. A pleasure.” Sylphie says, nodding her head.

“Oh! Such manners. Your wife raise her good, huh?”

“Humph, I’d like to think I had something to do with that.” You say, crossing your arms.

“Well, no, not really.” Sylphie says, shrugging. “Besides, you were just saying how much this man’s food makes you shit a little while ago.”

“Oh, is that so?” Otit says, raising an eyebrow. “Well you’ll be eating a LARGE portion!” As he walks by, he grips your shoulder, hard, and you wince before turning to Sylphie, who looks at her nails.

“I’m starting to think maybe you’re still upset.”

“Maybe.” She says while Chaika snickers next to her.

“Damn, and I thought Sophie was the smart-ass.” The construct chuckles as Otit comes back with a steaming tray of some sausage, eggs, and rice. Yours is much larger than Sylphie’s, with extra sausage.

“Eat up.” He says, eyes shimmering with some emotion you can’t place.

“Ahaha… yeah.” You say, taking up your fork and digging in. The food is incredible for something which should be such a staple, you just know you’ll regret it later. Thank the Gods you brought potions… though that thought also makes you sick.

“So Otit.” You say, chewing some eggs. “Got time to answer some questions?”

“I suppose, you’re some of the last for breakfast.”

“Do you happen to know of someone called, ‘Mun’taca?’”

Otit’s fingers slip on the tray he’s holding for just a moment before he recovers himself. Looking about at the other patrons, he whispers, “You got a spell for this?”

“Ah.” You say, gently casting [Privacy Barrier]. Sylphie’s ears twitch as you do, but she doesn’t stop her eating.

Otit licks his lips and asks, “Where did you hear that name?”

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2a4136 No.393713


“A run-in we had last night. An islander Kikimora said she was some conduit of the great mother.”

“Kikimora? I see, I see. Not many of those in the city. I wonder if I knew her.” Otit says, frowning. “It would make sense to call her that though, as Mun’teca is the name of an island spirit of revitalization, of doing away with the old and rebuilding something from the ruins. She’s also regarded as a spirit of revenge, many ghost stories told about her. I’d heard the name around recently but didn’t think it was much more than some pahu that learned some island lore for a copper.”

You and Sylphie exchange looks. She swallows her bite and says, “Well, I doubt there’s an island spirit running around here.”

“Hah, not on this spiritless rock, no.” Otit chuckles. “But it could be someone using the name for something.”

“Conduit of the great mother.” You murmur. “In relation to this Mun’teca… perhaps it’s relating to a Goddess?”

“Eh? But which Goddess?” Sylphie says, concerned. “There’s Dollora, Phallia, and Fillios?”

Otit rubs his chin. “Islanders don’t take too much stock of the twins. We rely on the water too much, so many worship the Goddess of the seas almost as much as they do the spirits of the islands.”

“Really? That’s interesting.” Guess with the ocean all around, it’s kind of important to keep in good favor with Fillios. Although that memory with the Sahaguin bothers you for some reason…

“Oh!” Sylphie says, holding up her fork. “Didn’t you say something about a city of unbelievers they were looking for?”

“Ah, yeah.” You say, snapping back to the present. “They said this Mun’teca would deliver them there for eternal glory or something.”

“Can’t say I much know of that. Some say this city is full of heathens, but given that they live here, I’d say most are ungrateful huhowas.” He shakes his head. “But it would be weird to be delivered here if they were already here!”

He lets out a belly laugh that shakes your table, only stopping when his daughter walks up and grabs his arm. You hurriedly drop your spell as she growls out, “Daaaad, you’re creeping out the customers pretending to laugh like that. Come on, you need to get back to work!” She sighs and turns to Sylphie. “Dads, right?”

“Tell me about it.” Your daughter says, leaning on her elbow as she eats.

Both you and Otit look hurt as the latter is pulled away. Harmony watches the scene and shrugs, “Well, we learned something anyway, though how applicable it is will be variable.”

“Well, we learned that there aren’t many Kikimora islanders, our Mindflayer is invoking the name of some island spirit, and she wants to bring her followers to some city for eternal glory by kidnapping residents of Fillothia.”

Chaika nods her head with sagacity. “Open and shut, really.”

“Oh? Do tell.”

The construct is silent for a long time before saying in a monotone: Power cells low, initiating sleep mode.”

You and Harmony share a glance before shaking your heads and finishing breakfast.

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2a4136 No.393714


“Uhm, Dad.” Sylphie says, hands on her hips. “Why are we at a whorehouse?”

You cough into your hand, realizing just how awkward this situation is. After finishing breakfast, you decided to head back down to the docks with your mask on, despite the humidity. As soon as you left your inn however, Mr. Ed walked out from behind a nearby building, giving a soft neigh as Sylphie went to approach him. Together, you made your way down to “The Slippery Eel,” where you realize your critical mistake.

“I mean, Mom is a little busy at the moment, but to think you’d do something like this…” Your daughter says, hurt. “Here I was, thinking maybe I could trust you again.”

“Harmony, help me out here.” You plead to the construct, who gives you a neutral expression under her cloak, not that she any other expressions.

“I’m telling.” She says, to which you groan.

“Listen, there’s an informant here and-“

“Ohhh, well if it isn’t my favorite customer~”

All five of you turn to see Myra slithering out of the front door of the brother, pipe in her hand. “I’m afraid hours of operation are a little later in the day, but if it’s for you, I can make an exception.”

The other four stare at you. Chaika says, “I’m telling too.”

“I thought your stupid power cell- Nevermind.” You shake your head. “Besides, do you all think I have the charm or charisma to have anyone other my wife think so highly of me?”

The rest of your party consider this carefully as you realize what you just said. Actually, no, that’s pretty accurate all things considered. Damn, now you’re sad.

Myra cover her mouth as she laughs. “That’s enough teasing I suppose, especially in front of your beautiful daughter.” She nods her head to Sylphie. “Mmm, what a body though. Tell me, have you ever thought of a career being a whore?”

“Uh… uhm.” Sylphie says, her turn to be embarrassed. This fills you with no small amount of glee, while at the same time you’re annoyed that anyone would suggest your darling girl to be a whore.

“Alright, enough of that Myra, we have some questions to ask, if you’d be so kind.”

She taps her pipe and glides to a table before leaning back on her tail. “Well, if you have more of that leaf, I wouldn’t mind a little chat.”

The four of you take seats while you pass the leaf to Myra. Mr Ed starts nibbling on grass nearby, though for some reason Myra takes an interest in his movements. Once you’re situated, she reaches into her cleavage, digging about for awhile, before sighing. “Darn, I have forgotten my match. Might you have a light?”

You hesitate for a moment before Sylphie snaps her fingers and a small fire lights the leaf in the pipe. Myra smirks, seeming unfazed by this before taking a long draw and then exhaling smoke. “So, you are a witch, hmm?”

“Ah.” Sylphie says, realizing her mistake before looking down.

“Pyromancer hmm? Oh and you must be as well sir, though is it possible that you’re a… Wizard?”

Sylphie tenses, but you remain calm before sighing and removing your mask. The Eel Girl chuckles. “It’s rather hard to hide your presence like that. Well you tried anyway, so that’s something.” Breathing out more smoke, she asks, “So, what can I do for you?”

“Have you heard of what happened at the warehouse district last night?”

“Of course. Some ritual was going on but when the city guard came in, they found everyone already tied up. Most people say it’s the work of the Dark Avenger…” her eyes drift to Sylphie before she continues, “But I personally think some other force was at play.”

“I see.” You say, knowing intuitively this Monster knows far more than she’s letting on. “Those performing the ritual, do you know anything about them?”

“Mmm, not much. I believe one of the watchmen who came to ‘relieve’ himself after the stress said something about them all being islanders, even a Kikimora.” She blows out some smoke. “Leilani, if I recall right. She’s lived here for quite some time so it’s a surprise to find her involved in this sort of thing.”

“You know her? Do you happen to know anything about where she lives or where she might be seen usually? Has she been hanging around shady people recently or acting differently?”

Myra holds up a hand. “This all seems like more than a little interest. Looking into a person’s private life makes it sound like something is going on.” Her eyes flash. “And it sounds dangerous.”

“A little…” You say, wondering how to work this.

“Alright, let’s try something different.” Chaika says. “Do you know this person named ‘Mun’teca?’”

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2a4136 No.393715


“Hmm, I have heard that bandied about recently. I’m not certain what it means, but there’s been hushed whispers among some islanders that one of their spirits is kidnapping people. Considering three of the missing people were suddenly spotted heading for the beach last night a little after that ritual was busted up, one has to wonder how they are related~”

The four of you trade glances before Chaika groans and says, “Listen lady, where is this asshole calling herself some island spirit or whatever? She’s kidnapped people and we need to find her before she causes even more harm. ”

“I don’t know.” Myra says, giving a level look to Chaika. “That is the truth. If this person is to cause trouble to Hudson, then it would be bad for business. I have an interest in putting a stop to this.” She leans forward and blows smoke into Chaika’s faceplate.

Harmony places a hand on Chaika’s and shakes her head. “We see. But if you had to take a guess?”

“Well, if this person has disciples, then it might be best to find one of them and ask questions.” She pulls out a piece of parchment from between her breasts and shakes the excess slime off it before writing with a pen she also produces from her breasts. She hands it to you, and you frown at the slippery substance on it before reading an address.

“It’s the address of your Kikimora. If you hurry the authorities may not have raided it yet. Perhaps you’ll find more information there.”

“Thank you.” You say, nodding your head. “It’s something to work with at least. I just wish we knew where they were hiding the captives.”

“One would assume somewhere either no one would look, or no one would think to look.” The Eel says. “Though in this city, that’s rather vague. You may have to think like your mysterious spirit in order to find that out.”

“That… might be difficult.” You sigh before frowning. “By the way, do you happen to know what this ‘city of unbelievers is’ and why these islanders would want to be delivered to it?”

“Hmm?” The Eel Girl says. “Where would they need someone else to help bring them to that they can’t reach on their own?” She blows out a ring of smoke.

“I wonder.”


After bidding Myra farewell, you regroup a little farther away to go over your options. Staring at the slightly slimy address, you sigh.

“Well. We have one possibly solid lead. Why couldn’t this be as easy as it was supposed to be?”

“Because, that would be no fun.” Sylphie sighs. “Though it would be nicer.”

“Well, it’s something.” Harmony says. “I don’t know how well we’d be able to guess where an insane person would hide people.”

“Well, it’s either somewhere no one would look, or somewhere no one would think to look. Maybe she’s hiding right in plain sight?” Chaika chuckles. When you give it some consideration, the construct sighs. “Oh come on.”

“It’s a possibility. Illusionists are known for doing tricks which require no magic. If she could hide them somewhere no one would think to look then it would be perfect. But where could she go that wasn’t too crowded, but people would still not think to check?”

“That could be a lot of places.” Sylphie says. “It might be best just to check the other lead.”

“We could always split up.” Harmony suggests. “Cover more ground? We just need to make sure not to engage.”

Mr. Ed wickers and you nod in agreement. Looks like you have some decisions to make and the longer you wait, the greater chance that your captives, and possibly your only ticket to Filliothia, might slip away.

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.393716


You got a lead! A little bit of information too, but perhaps not enough. It's your call on how you want to approach this now, ball is in your court!

Sorry for the delays last week, I've just been really tired and writing after work has been difficult. I hate always having to apologize to people during these quests but I want to make sure people are still getting their content, or at least an update!

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2a4136 No.393724

File: aa7368665972037⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,111.15 KB,927x1200,309:400,Sophieredd.jpg)

I saged, whoops.

Here's a secret sophie.

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deaa7f No.393729


Don't mind me, just need to un-break my 8ch

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81fa6d No.393757

We still need to teach Sylphie inner guardian right? And seeing how easily she beat us last time it might be prudent to come up with some sort of countermeasure.

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95a306 No.393767

Alright. First of all we cannot afford to split up with an Illusionist/Mindflayer in town, along with other baddies, as the other members of our party have shown a deep weakness to illusions, and it's just asking to be picked off. Second of all, I believe that by interrogating the Kikimora, we will be led to Captain Baha, and "Mun’taca", for the reasons below. When done interrogating her, turn her over to the guard.

However, Mun'taca is not a run of the mill monster. It was mentioned by the Kikimora that "Only Mun’taca hears the voice of the great mother". I'd be willing to bet that the great mother is Phallia, and that Mun'taca is another of those foul plant abominations, which would explain how she can talk to Phallia. Additionally, whenever we saw a Calamari head in Illusionquest, their handler, Chalan, also a plant abomination, was never very far behind.

Because of this, we should be prepared to annihilate one of these things on sight, as I believe in WQ2, nothing short of a complete destruction, either by [Ice]+[Shatter], or [Plasma], will kill them. As for the calamari head, she has beaten us yes, but only by taking us by surprise twice, and fooling [Magesight] by flooding a room with her power. However, now that we know her tricks, we'll be able to counter this. I agree with the above anon, we need to teach Sylphie and the constructs as much mental magic/defense as we can while we travel. However, as Sylphie has Mr. Ed, who being an animal, is immune to illusions, to fall back on, this isn't vital. As for the constructs, remind them to just be hyper aware, and constantly question their environment, which seemed to work for Akela.

If Captain Baha is not with Mun'taca, we should take note of the this. As illusionists are stated to hide things in plain sight, the best place I can think to look for Baha is the warehouse that we rescued prisoners from already, or one close to it, as who would be crazy enough to hide prisoners in a place your other captives were rescued from? The only other possibility is Baha's ship, as that also fits the criteria.

TL;DR? Find Mun'taca by talking to Kikimora, will lead to Baha, be prepared for plant monster

Questions for Ace:

1. It was mentioned earlier that sorcerers were created from magical "leakage" of Solos blessing humanity with wizards. Are the leylines also a product of this leakage, or were they formed on their own? Are they connected to Solos at all?

2. How much magical power is required to drag a god forcibly into the world? What about simply call loudly enough that they will actually listen, w/o an artifact?

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008eb0 No.393768


Sage, mate.

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95a306 No.393769

Darn. Checked the wrong box

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2a4136 No.393776


Plz no leave. Plz stay and play.


You're correct! We should do that


The Kikimora is in custody, however you know where her house is so you can probably raid it for info. You could theoretically go and ask her in jail too…

I wouldn't say that Mr. Ed is necessairly immune to illusions, only because he is a familiar and their perceptions are a little… different.Would still be hard to affect both you AND him with the same illusion though. However, Mr. Ed is a sharp kid so he'll probably be fine.

1. The leylines were formed during the seeding of the world with magic after Dollora formed the Chasm of regret. This is why the land is seeded with mana crystals and why a place like Ectria does not have mana crystals (because there weren't functional leylines!)

2. A lot. Enough where Solos would probably personally quash this person because it would be noticeable. However, to call them with an artifact which was 1. passed down or touched by the God and 2. resonates with them wouldn't draw such attention. Speaking with them in a church is one thing, but actually getting their full attention is another.


Comment, mate :^)

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41f498 No.393796


Regarding the whole ‘where are the captives hidden’ thing, something worth considering is that the cult has only recently started having to deal with us and Sylphie in the form of the Dork Dark Avenger. Before we popped up, the only threats they had to worry about were the locals finding them and the local authorities becoming active soon after they made their first move, both of which likely lacking magic in any capacity considering that such gifts are supposed to be rare. As such, it’s likely that their methods of hiding will still involve illusions in some capacity since it’s unlikely that they would have been able to swap to a different location without usage of illusions and without being spotted, meaning [Mage Sight] should still work wonders here. Furthermore, considering who they were probably originally trying to avoid the notice of, their solution of how to hide will be based around where said threats wouldn’t look or wouldn’t think to look, rather than simply anyone.

With that in mind, I’m just going to spit ball a few ideas that come to mind:

>The Warehouses

Basically what >>393767 said, though for different reasons. Should local authorities have already done a thorough search to the best of their abilities, then they likely won’t check somewhere they already did earlier. Still, you’d think the fact that the ritual popped up in the warehouses at all would prompt more searching, so perhaps the cult wouldn’t do such a thing in the location they hold their prisoners.

>The Jail/Base of Operations for the City Guard

The local authorities wouldn’t even consider that their own turf could be hiding what they seek, because they would have noticed if someone had tried to set anything up within it. That is, unless you’re dealing with illusions, but they don’t know that and wouldn’t suspect a thing as a result. This would also deal with the risk of locals sticking their nose in places they don’t belong; the locals aren’t going to go snoop around a prison accidentally. Also, if the city guard is corrupt in some capacity which is possible but unlikely, we’ll figure that out if any members of the cult reappear in public then it would make sense they would use their facilities for storing prisoners since no one would question it.

>Outside of Hudson

The best way to avoid detection within a settlement is to not be within that settlement at all. This does beg the question of how they would smuggle prisoners back into the town though. Via a boat would make the most sense if I had to hazard a guess considering the port traffic and how some of the dock workers are compromised, so checking the docks wouldn’t be the worst idea.

>One of the Inns the kidnappings took place

The equivalent of hiding in the same room to the person you just murdered. Generally not a good idea, but it could work when you factor illusions into the mix.

A quick glance over each of these areas and what other anons have suggested with [Mage Sight] should hopefully turn up some results. In order to speed things up to avoid losing our ticket to Filliothia, I’d recommend we split into our original two parties, with us, Harmony and Chaika going to some of the aforementioned locations and Sylphie and Mr Ed going to the others. It’s certainly dangerous, yes, but frankly having Sylphie with us won’t help if the Mindflayer gets close due to her own vulnerability to mental magic, so grouping up with her doesn’t really benefit us—if anything, we’re more obvious. Furthermore, our target was more than happy to leave us alone until we relentlessly pursued her, and even then she only mind raped us after we took down her first illusion to show we weren’t stopping our chase, which implies that she wouldn’t give a shit if we bailed at the first sign of her presence she’d probably be pretty happy to get back to whatever work she was doing, meaning so long as we don’t engage and instead simply confirm our suspicions before running we should be fine. Worst case scenario we can simply keep our distance and bail at the first opportunity—she can’t do much without being within grab range, if our last fight is any indication.

Other than that, I guess just follow this new lead maybe before anything else due to the time frame we have to do it within while Mr Ed keeps watch for any guards we may need to run away from before they notice and question us.

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41f498 No.393834


Something else I just thought of: the cult could be hiding the captives within or in close proximity to one of the chapels of Fillios. A holy site dedicated to a deity well respected by the locals would almost certainly have some frequent traffic, meaning no one would really suspect anyone to be crazy enough to try hiding in the area, not to mention people wouldn't think that a location providing safety and comfort could also double as a place to hold prisoners. Also, considering that the cult is targeting 'the city of the unbelievers'—that is, Filliothia—and thus consider those faithful to Fillios to be 'unbelievers' and enemies, it wouldn't be out of the question that they would hide right under the noses of those most faithful to the Ocean Goddess, since it would be the last place said faithful individuals would think to look.

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2a4136 No.393855

>Story continue

“Nah.” You say, pocketing the address. “We’ll stick together for now. No sense in running into unnecessary trouble.”

Harmony cocks her head but relents while the others fall in line as you make your way into the city proper. Fortunately in the more Deleorian section of the city, it’s quite organized and you can find where you’re going without too much trouble, though people do give you odd looks for wearing your mask. The price you pay for your anonymity is the fact that it’s scorching hot outside now and the humidity makes it feel like you’re walking through the ocean. Gods that sounds nice right about now.

Casting [Ice] down your shirt, you shudder in relief. Sylphie snickers next to you, but when you turn to face her, she’s busy looking at her nails. She looks cool as a cucumber though, despite the cloak hiding her tails. Narrowing your eyes at her, you just sigh and consult the address again. As far as you’re aware, it should be around here somewhere…

“What’s the plan anyway?” Chaika asks, her sudden question surprising you.

“Uhhh, we break in and search the place for clues.” You say, as if it were obvious.

“Okay, smartass.” Chaika huffs. “And what if someone catches us?”

“Then we make sure that doesn’t happen?”

You get the distinct feeling Chaika is glaring at you, despite being physically unable to. She mutters something about asses and kicking when Harmony says, “How about we stand guard while you and Sylphie check the place?”

You and your daughter share a look before shrugging. “Sounds reasonable.” She says. “I’ve done my fair share of investigations.”

“Oh really? And where might this have been?”

She puffs out her chest, looking smug. “I helped find a missing treasure in a town north of here by following clues. I even laid a trap in another town near the unsettled region and caught someone trying to scare farmers off their stakes by dressing as a monster.”

Mr. Ed neighs and she laughs. “It’s true, he may have gotten away with it if it weren’t for my meddling and my stupid horse!”

You blink, surprised at your daughter’s accomplishments. Perhaps you could understand her getting things done with Tabitha around, or even Sophie, but on her own? A part of you feels proud and yet… conflicted on this. Unable to come up with a good response, you ask, “Monster, eh? How big were his fake tits then?”

“Ugh, Dad!” Sylphie says, huffing and turning away.

Yeah, reeeaaaal smooth of you.

Sighing, you look up at the street signs and stop to read the address again. “I think we’re here.” You say, the others stopping to stand next to you as well.

Before you is a large structure, a kind of packed structure of domiciles known as apartments. These had come into favor since the magitek revolution as people wanted to live closer to the cities but couldn’t necessarily afford their own housing. These small, compact living quarters were ample substitute.

“Mr. Ed” You say, nodding to the horse. “Keep watch and let Sylphie know if anything funny happens. Harmony, Chaika, come with us and watch the halls.”

Walking into the building, you ascend a flight of stairs up to the third floor. The building is quiet at this time of day, most people likely at their jobs or out enjoying the sunlight. When you reach the apartment you’re looking for, you wave for Chaika and Harmony to watch the corners as you and Sylphie walk up the door. Just to make sure, you try to open it, but find it locked. Well, can’t say you didn’t try.

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2a4136 No.393856


“I got this.” Sylphie whispers, one of her tails sliding from beneath her cloak. She places one of her feline ears next to the door and listens, her tail making rhythmic motions until a “click” is heard. She pulls away and nods her head, to which you are impressed.

“Wherever did my darling little girl learn to pick locks?”

“Mr. Ed taught me.”

“I-“ You begin, but then look to the side, not certain how to respond to that. Eventually you settle for shaking your head and looking back at the door, activating your [Mage Sight]. Nothing stands out to you about the place, at least not magically. After taking a deep breath, you put a hand on the door handle and push it open.

You’re greeted by the fruitest smelling, cleaning apartment you’ve ever been in. The scent of fresh island fruits and flowers physically assaults you while the daylight shining on polished metal dazzles you. Both you and Sylphie have to shield your eyes for a moment from the brilliance before entering and closing the door behind you. With most of the sunlight gone, you can adjust and admire the place.

It’s small, consisting of a small hearth near the entrance, a chest of drawers, and a well-kept bed in the corner. Infact, the only other room is a small area for a toilet and a closet filled with islander cleaning supplies. Seems you can take the Kikimora from high-class cleaning, but you can’t take high class cleaning from the Kikimora.

“Well, at least it won’t take long to search.” Sylphie says, her tails spreading out around her as she goes through the room, opening drawers and searching. Both of you look through the chest of drawers and find nothing but lacy undergarments, some of which Sylphie eyes with appreciation, though she puts them back.

The hearth is also empty and so is the bed. After your quick search you end up with a whole lot of nothing. It’s possible that you were lead to the wrong place by Myra, however you get the feeling that the Eel Girl was genuine with you. Which means that this Kikimora didn’t have any clues. Damnit, looks like you wasted time for nothing.

Sighing, you fold your arms and say, “Alright, we should go. Looks like this was a dead end.”

“I guess.” Sylphie says, shaking her head as she turns to close to the door to the little supply closet. As she does so, one of her tails snags a broom and it falls, dragging a while host of cleaning supplies down to the floor. Gasping, you hurriedly throw up a [Privacy Barrier] and wait for anything to happen. When nothing does, you sigh and turn to Sylphie, who looks away.

“S-Sorry. I know I’m clumsier with my tails than Sophie and Mom but…” She trails off and winces, “Sorry.”

Closing your eyes, you just shake your head and put your hand upon hers. Her feline ears twitch and she looks up as you smile down at her. “It’s alright. I’m clumsy myself, you know that well enough.”

She blinks in surprise as you go to clean up the mess of cleaning supplies, the irony not being lost on you. As you do, something slips to the floor from between a stack of rags. Sylphie reaches down to pick it up, a piece of parchment which she reads before gasping.

“I think this is what we’re looking for!”

“Oh?” You ask, looking down to see what’s on it.

In truth, there isn’t that much written. In excessively flowing script, you read the words, “In the shadow of the armed masts, you will find me. Come, and I will open the way to eternal glory.”

You both look at each other, confused. What the hells is this? Scratching your head you say, “Well, the eternal glory part sounds like what that Kikimora said, but who was she supposed to meet and what does shadow of the armed masts mean?”

“I suppose it’s a riddle, a calling card maybe?” Sylphie looks on the backside but sees nothing in particular. “Wonder why she kept it.”

“A momento, perhaps?” You say, not really meaning much by it. “Kikimoras are known to be sentimental toward their masters. Perhaps they saw this note as a gift they wanted to keep?”

“Ehhhh.” Sylphie says, scratching her head. “Maybe. But it’s more than we had before anyway-“ She cuts off as she cocks her head before frowning. “We should go.”

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2a4136 No.393857


Not questioning her, you pack up the rest of the closet and leave, gathering Harmony and Chaika. Before you can escape, however, footsteps are heard, coming from the stairs. Sylphie curses and pulls you in close, casting [Trick of the Light.] She motions for you not to make a sound as two men in city guard uniforms and one man dressed in the Deleorian navy approach the apartment, surprised to find it unlocked.

Your daughter nods and you cast [Privacy Barrier] to hide your footsteps as you leave, the Kikimora’s paper held in Sylphie’s hand. As soon as you reach Mr. Ed, you depart from the area, sighing in relief.

“Well?” Harmony asks, curious. “What did you find?”

“A riddle.” You sigh, showing her the paper. “Any idea what it means?”

“Hmm.” She says, thinking it through. “I’ll have to devote some processing power to it.”

“You don’t have processing- ah, whatever.” You say, waving a hand before reaching to your [Pocket Dimension] and fishing out a heated breach pouch. Tossing it to Sylphie, you reach for another and stop to look at Mr. Ed, who gives you the side eye.

“Oh, you want one, big guy?”

The horse nickers and swishes his tail. Sylphie snickers, holding the pastry. “He says he’d rather eat grass from the underside of a cow’s hoof.”

“Hey! These are amazing and fortifying!” You say, tearing into your pouch before blanching. Oh good, you got one of the awful flavors, and it’s cold in the center. Hardinclouse is slacking.

Sylphie chuckles before biting into hers and making a delighted sound as she chews on the contents. By the looks of it… bbq. Not bad, not bad. Fishing out another and finding it passable, you direct your group to a nearby bench and sit down, chewing on what you learned and what you’re eating.

“I’m still drawing a blank.” Sylphie sighs, lowering her snack. “How frustrating.”

“Well.” You say, leaning back. “When we can’t figure out one part of the problem, it’s best to move onto another and come back later.” When she gives you a questioning look, you smile and say, “Let’s say we find where they are and where the captives are. How do we take down this Mindflayer?”

Sylphie shrugs, “I’ve found fire works pretty well.”

“Sure, if you’re casting at the right target and not say, Chaika.”

“Bleh.” The construct says.

“Oh.” Sylphie says, ears lowering. “Those illusions are so powerful though. I’m not sure how anyone is supposed to stop them.”

“Nothing impossible.” You say, putting a hand on her shoulder. “We just have to prepare ourselves this time. That’s the hallmark of a practitioner.”

Sylphie looks into your eyes, surprise there before she looks away and shakes her head. “One of your lessons huh? Gods, it’s been quite some time since I’ve heard one of those.”

“Hmm, well, I’ve heard you’ve had some decent teaching from that Rommel fellow…” As you say this, you watch her expression, which falls a little before she gives a wan smile.

“A little. I felt like I taught him more than he taught me at times.”

“Well, that’s how things are at times. Everyone learns a little something from others.”

She quirks an eyebrow at you. “Geez Dad, you almost sound like you know what you’re talking about. Are you sure we didn’t pick up the wrong guy from that dungeon?”

“Listen here you little smart ass cutie patootie, if you sass back at me again I’m going to give Chaika unlimited rights to lecture you on the intricacies of Dolloran votive candle making.”

“OH!” Chaika says, hands to her breast. “Did you know that they use only the freshest beeswax, straight from the ass of Bee Girls?”

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2a4136 No.393858


Sylphie shudders. “Okay, it really is you.” A chuckle escapes her lips as she turns to you and places her hands in her lap, giving you a soft smile. “Well, what do you have to teach today?”

“[Inner Guardian].” You say. “You’ve seen it before, but I need you to master it and it’s secondary stage of casting, [Manifest]. It’s not a foolproof method to stop illusions, and the illusion must be directed at you for it to trigger the guardian, but it’s something. If it gives us even the smallest opening to attack, our magic is superior. Do you understand?”

She nods her head. “Good.” You say, taking a calming breath. “Now then, to form your guardian. Concentrate on something to defend your mind, something powerful and unflinching, an unmovable wall which will not allow your mind to be breached.”

Sylphie furrows her brow in concentration as she does so, and you can feel the magic pouring from her. Eventually she breathes out, “Okay, I see it.”

“Good. Now then, use your magic and need to protect yourself and push forth your guardian, [Manifest] them into the visible world.”

Your daughter concentrates further and you feel as pushes her magic outward further, mana crystalizing before you to form the shape of a man with a long, flowing beard of silver blonde hair and brilliant robes. He stands there with his staff, looking down at you with sagacity that seems oddly familiar. Before he vanishes, he gives you a wink, which you have no idea how to interpret.

Sylphie gasps as she opens her eyes and looks around to you before blushing. “Y-You saw that?”

“Uhhhhh.” You say, not sure how to interpret that. “Ah… uh, yes! Good job, you did it!”

“Ehehe… uhm” Sylphie says, coughing into her hand.

“How did it feel?”

She blinks a few times before folding her hands together. “It felt like a strong, warm presence was standing beside me, ready to protect me should anything happen. It was reassuring, made me feel like I could do anything really.”

Mr. Ed snorts behind her and Sylphie pouts, “Oh hush, you can beat up all the physical threats you stick in the mud.”

“I… see.” You say, feeling something ache in your heart. You’re not quite certain how to put it into words, but it just seems like that very moment you notice just how much your little girl has grown, and how lonely she must be.

Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath before saying, “Okay. If we use that properly and keep our wits about us, we can get an opening.”

“Great.” Chaika says, waving her hand. “Now how do we find them?”

“Excellent question.” You sigh. “At least we solved one problem…”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.393859


Oh dear, what does that mean?

At least Sylphie knows the spell!

One suggestion was split, the other was stay but it was mentioned to go and check out the lead so that's the compromise! Figure out where to go from hereeeeee

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41f498 No.393921

>Sylphie's [Inner Guardian] is a positive perception of us

That's adorable.


>Ace saged all of his posts again

I'm not sure if I should purposefully bump the thread so people realise that there was an update or not.

But that aside, we now have a new lead in the form of that note from the Kikimora's apartment. It's very unlikely that this note is a red herring, considering how the cult likely wasn't expecting their members to get arrested in advance and how the note was hidden away rather than in an obvious location which implies it wasn't meant to be found, so it's probably worthwhile to check out the location described. I doubt we'll find everything we're looking for, but we should at least likely find a recruiter of sorts for the cult of whom we can potentially use to lead us to our goal before we capture and question them for more details and leads, assuming we set up an ambush correctly; as for how to go about with that plan, having us go in solo and disguised best get Sylphie to help with our outfit for better results while the others stay on the sidelines, ready to jump in at a moment's notice, should suffice—only the Mindflayer and those thugs we took down know of what we look like, after all, so the random lackey who handles fresh meat shouldn't be any the wiser. That said, if said recruiter turns out to be the Mindflayer handling things directly, perhaps with the intent of mind controlling potential candidates for easy manipulation, then [Manifest]/[Manifestation]/[Whatever This Spell Is Actually Called] to defend against any immediate illusions followed by breaking line of sight with our opponent to prevent more illusions and potential grapples, maybe via usage of [Build the Wall] we picked up from the rock autist, followed closely by bravely advancing in the opposite direction would be our best option; we could potentially take her down now that Sylphie is on the team, but I somehow doubt our enemy would come alone given that she knows we're pursuing her and things tend to go wrong when you're outnumbered by an unknown threat, so I suggest we don't risk it when we can't be certain she's alone.

As for what location the note was actually talking about, there’s a few possibilities. One possibility is on board a warship of some description, since ‘the armed masts’ may refer to some masts which are furnished with weapons. Another possibility is on board one of the larger ships in the docks, because ‘armed’ could be read as ‘having many arms’ of which a larger vessel would many on its masts to hold its sails in place. The final possibility that comes to mind is a barracks or guardhouse, since ‘masts’ could also refer to a flag mast and these locations, which hold armed men and women, may potentially fly flags to denote their allegiance and nationality, thus hitting all of the criteria. We should look into each of these locations if we’re going down this route, starting with the locations that come from the more obvious interpretations of the statement first as the Kikimora wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed yet was still somehow capable of locating the cult, which implies it’s not overly subtle.

Over than that, what I said in the last update is still relevant, but something tells me we aren’t going to make progress on that side of things until this is out of the way first.

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95a306 No.393931

I agree with the above points, but I have a little to add. Before embarking on the search to all the above possible locations, we should talk to Otit about what he thinks the riddle means. The reasons for this are twofold, which is 1, he’s lived in this town for years, and will know the local slang if this is what it is, 2, he’s an islander like the kikimora, and any thoughts that will depend on that will also occur to him.

As we search for the location mentioned in the riddle (AFTER talking to Otit), be sure to continue to search for the captives in any of the previously mentioned locations, if they’re on the way. Keep magesight active as often as possible, as we can’t afford to be taken by surprise.

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2a4136 No.393933

File: 4ea50cb243e7ad1⋯.png (91.9 KB,412x395,412:395,f2c538b4da1faf4c6ae6eae9c8….png)

>Sage'd again

Fug. I guess I just forget it's checked sometimes.

Uhhh do I even have an image I haven't shown here yet? Smiling sophie request pic it is.


It might not necessairly be you, but it certainly has a resemblance… wonder if that means anything.

>Get Sylphie to help with your disguise.

The girl who has no fashion sense and is only wearing her currently clothing because her sister picked it out. And you, the guy who also has no fashion sense. Frankly, you're better off asking Mr. Ed.

All good suggestions and I suppose you can search them all. An order would be useful, however.


Fair enough, we can go see Otit!

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41f498 No.393992


>Frankly, you're better off asking Mr. Ed.

Two wrongs make a right occasionally, so this would clearly work with just us and Sylphie. But I suppose Mr Ed can pipe up with his own ideas if he wants to.

>An order would be useful, however.

If you mean strictly the proposed riddle locations, then:

>Ships -> area around barracks -> barracks themselves -> underneath the barracks the phrase 'in the shadow of' could be interpreted as 'underground'

If you mean every single lead we have thus far, then:

>Ships -> warehouses -> chapel -> barracks and jail -> inns -> outside perimeter of Hudson

Both are under the assumption that we're definitely querying Otit before any investigation as per what >>393931 suggests. The ships are our highest priority since they cover both leads with fairly high chance and everything else follows on from that based on proximity to the port in order to avoid needless backtracking. That said, I'm not entirely sure what would be closer to the ports out of the barracks, jail and inns, so I guess swap them around to whatever would be the closest first with the rest following.

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2a4136 No.394105

>Story continue

Unable to make heads nor tails of the clue, you’re left with one option before just searching anywhere tangentially related: Go see Otit.

The large man is busy when you find him however, his bulk sleeping in a hammock outside his inn as a gentle wind and warm sun lull him further into sleep. You can’t help but notice that machete of his stowed within arm’s reach, however. When you approach, he opens an eyelid and murmurs, “Hey there brotha man, it’s nap time.”

“I can see that.” You say, feeling like a nap yourself. “We just need to bother you a teensy little bit and then you can go back to sleep.”

“Mmm, I dunno, I’m feeling myself slip back to the sweet embrace of sleep~.”

A groan escapes you as Sylphie walks up to the man and clasps her hands together before sticking out her lower lip in a pout. “Mr. Otit, it would really help us out if you could spare a little bit of time.”

The man’s eye opens again and he sighs. “That’s not fair, you can’t just use such a cute tactic on me.” Sighing, he opens his eyes fully and places his hands on his belly. “Well, what do you want?”

Handing over the note you just found, the man reads it before frowning. “Your poetry isn’t very good. Have you heard of a haiku? It’s simple enough, even for you.”

“Please.” You sigh. “My poetry is fantastic, but there’s no way I could write this nice.”

“Hmm, fair enough.” Otit says in a way that states this as obvious fact, even if the only thing you’ve written is your signature. To be fair, it’s basically illegible but his words still sting! He sighs and hands it back to you. “Well, I’m thinking maybe we’re lookin at some ships, eh?”

“Yes, very good.” You sigh, figuring that’s what “masts” meant. “What about the armed part? Is that any kind of slang around here or anything?”

“Well, arms can refer to the things connected to your torso, or weapons so-“ At you flat look he chuckles, “You’re a smart man! I’m just having a little paluhu. Listen, why are you asking me if you figured that out? I’m a simple man!”

“Because this islander Kikimora found wherever this is so we figured maybe an islander’s perspective would be helpful.” Sylphie says before you can embarrass yourself further.

“Ahhh, you raised yourself a little charmer there, eh? If only my daughter was as sweet.” He chuckles while you blink at Sylphie’s response. You’d expect this sort of thing from Sophie, but your little bookworm who cared nothing for manners, Sylphie? She really has grown without you realizing it.

“Well, there’s nothing inherently islander about this message. However, given the mindset of an islander, I’d be thinking of course somewhere with ships. Of course, we’d stand out less in the docks, but the armed part is weird and unless you think about it too hard, you’d be thinking about that naval base, eh?” He pats his stomach. “See, we islanders also like to take it easy, you know? Go with the flow. We don’t like to think too hard on mindgames. This might fool a smart man like you, but I’d go with the simple answer.”

“I… see.” You say, looking to your party. They nod their heads as if accepting this as reasonable before you turn to Otit. “Alright, thanks for the insight.”

“You going to make a ruckus eh? I suppose I won’t be seeing you at dinner then.” He laughs, “I think you need a little more meat on your bones though. Your wife would love having something to hang onto!”

“She has plenty of… anchors.” You say, trailing off at the end as you watch Sylphie cock her head to the side, blinking pretty at you.

“Whatever do you mean, father?”

Blanching, you nod to Otit. “Anyway, thank you.” The man laughs and waves at you before promptly falling back asleep.

Walking away from the inn back toward the city, you do your best not to look at your daughter as she walks in a circle around you, a questioning look on her face. “Hmmm? What was that Dad? Hmmmm?”

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2a4136 No.394106


“Harmony, help me.” You say, doing your best not to meet your daughter’s gaze. The constructs merely snicker at your misery, and this continues until Mr. Ed snorts and then licks Sylphie’s ear, making the girl squeal, her tails lifting up before she hurriedly pushes them down and then rounds on the horse, huffing.

“Thank you Mr. Ed, I’m glad someone is an adult aro-GAH!”

You cut off as he licks your ear too, giving you one wicked wet willy. Chaika and Harmony squeal in laughter as you do so, eventually both you and Sylphie glaring at the other three. Both of you huff before snickering and then joining in the laughter. Gods, how long as it been since you’ve had a laugh like this with your family? If only Sophie, Saya, and Selene could be here…

“Alright, hah, okay.” Sylphie says, wiping tears from her eyes. “So, the naval base, huh? I suppose it’s somewhere no one would look.” She references what Myra had said earlier. “But how do we get in and what will we find?”

“Not sure.” You say, rubbing at your beard. “We can probably sneak in and do some scans with [Mage Sight]. If there’s magic pervading the area, then we can formulate a plan.”

“And if not?”

“We’ll try the docks.”

Sylphie nods her head. “Well, what are we waiting for?” She makes to mount Mr. Ed when Harmony coughs into her hand.

“Forgive me, but don’t we look a tad suspicious?”

“Huh?” You ask. “I think we’ll look suspicious no matter what we do trying to break into a naval base.”

“I didn’t mean that, what I meant is if this is truly the base of operations for our foes, then we should look how they expect us too. Besides, the Mindflayer already knows what we look like, a make-over would be appropriate.”

Sylphie’s ears go flat. “Ugh, you sound like Sophie and Saya.”

“Do we have to?” You sigh.

“By Dollora, she really is your daughter.” Harmony sighs. “Listen, you two need to change your attire. Chop chop!”

Groaning, your party heads for clothing stores within the city. Due to Hudson’s size and being a port city, there’s a multitude of clothing from both domestic and foreign nations. You consider at first looking for clothing to fit in at a naval base, but decide not to as anyone who questioned you anyway would see through the clothing. After that, there’s the option of dressing like islanders, but you couldn’t pull that off at all, even if you painted your skin.

“Oh!” Sylphie says, pulling something from a rack at an outdoor stall. “Hey dad, check this out!”

She holds up a scarlet robe of excellent make as well as a pair of dark, shaded spectacles. “You’d look fantastic in this!”

Your eye twitches as an unbidden memory and the scent of crispy bacon comes to you. Controlling your expression, you calmly put it back on the rack and say, “I don’t think it’s my color.”

“Hmmm.” Sylphie says, going through more racks. She pulls out a burgundy dress which looks like it belonged in the old Sanctifrond courts. “They’d never guess it was us if I wore this.”

“Hmmm.” You say as well, rubbing your chin. “You’re right, the disguise would work perfectly. If I could find a similar outfit in the same style…”

Mr Ed snorts and walks up, casually taking the clothing from her and placing it back in the rack with delicate care. The store clerk looks at him with a mix of shock and wonder as the horse noses through the racks and pulls out some standard, but well-made clothing in the Deleorian style. He neatly places a pair of rough brown pants, a white shirt and vest, and a cap onto the counter. After a second thought, he takes the spectacles that Sylphie had before and places them on the counter too. He does the same with an outfit for Sylphie, building an ensemble of a simple spun, blue dress with a hooded cloak to hide her tails and ears, though it’s impossible to hide her hands and feet.

You just hand over some coins to the stunned shopkeeper, taking your purchases out of the store. It’s about five minutes after leaving that you ask, “Wait, are these even our sizes?”

The horse gives you a flat look and you turn to Sylphie who shrugs. “He’s a magic horse, I’d trust his eye for fashion.”

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2a4136 No.394107


Unable to say anything else to this, you change your clothing to find it fits perfectly well and shows off your arms. Damn, you need to work out more. Sylphie’s clothing fits her too and you feel a sense of fatherly pride as you behold your cute daughter in her city girl attire.

“Woah, ho, watch out there.” Chaika says, nudging you in the ribs. “She’s catching attention from a lot of boys.”

“What, where, I’ll kill them.” You say on reflex, magic channeling through you.

“Woah, calm down there.” The construct says. “Besides, she’s a grown woman and frankly should be on the hunt for a husband already. I’m actually surprised at how well she keeps her lusts down. I remember being that age and horny as fuck.”

“Is… that so.” You say, not sure how to respond to that. This was always something that you worried about as your daughters grew up, them having their Monster urges awaken, but you never saw it much in Sylphie so you just thought her more reserved. This is neither here nor there however, and as the sun begins to set, you figure you need to get your plan in motion.

The naval base is on the far end of the seawall, surrounded by a stone wall with only one gate in or out. The only other entrance would be from the water, where a disturbingly small number of ships are docked. The setting sun shines down over the ships, casting long shadows over a large complex of buildings, though you can’t be sure what’s where.

Standing outside the base in your disguises, you scan the area with your [Mage Sight] and sigh in annoyance as Sylphie does the same. The area is saturated with magitek devices, you assume mostly low energy ones such as torches, etc. but all the same, it overlaps remarkably well at hiding other magical signatures.

“Damnit.” Sylphie curses. “We’ll have to get inside to differentiate anything.”

“Yeah.” You agree with a sigh. “What I don’t understand though, is how that Kikimora would have gotten in here.”

“Maybe she said she was hired as a maid.”

“That’s retard-“ You stop before thinking that over. “Shit, you’re probably right.”

“I don’t think you can pull off the maid look.” Chaika chuckles. “You’ll just have to break in like normal folk.”

“Makes sense.” You say. “We’re only going in to check things out. It will be easiest if it was a single person but…” Your words trail off as you see a defiant Sylphie next to you and the memory of seeing her defiled corpse comes unbidden. Shuddering, you say, “It will just be me and Sylphie. We can at least fend off any illusions if she’s here.”

“Alright, just contact us if you need help.” Harmony says, to which Mr. Ed nickers.

“Yes, yes.” Sylphie says, waving a hand. “I’ll be careful.”

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2a4136 No.394108


With both you and Sylphie disguised and only carrying your [Sack of Holding +1] which is holding your staves, you head off toward a far section of the wall as darkness comes over the city and the magitek lanterns come to light all around the wall, making the building shine in the night. It will be difficult to approach them normally, but…

“Why does everyone keep making me use this spell.” Sylphie mutters as she hides you with [Trick of the Light]. Moving up the wall slowly, none of the guards along the walls notice you in their patrols, not that there are very many of them due to the deployment.

“Because it’s very useful, that’s why.”

“I guess. I just feel like a tool sometimes.”

“Well, from what I understand, that Rommel guy found you to be a very useful part of the team.” As you say this, she blushes and a realization comes to you.

“Did you have a crush on him?”

“D-Dad!” She says, her spell flickering for a moment. “This is not the time for this!”

“It’s okay if you did, he seems like a nice guy. I mean, there’s an age gap, but there’s one for your mother and I so it’s probably okay.”

“By the Gods, I can’t believe this is happening.” She whispers, cheeks bright red. “We could be killed and you’re talking about my love life.”

“I knew that headpat was a little more significant than he was leading on. Damn, well I’m sorry he went with Tabitha dear, he doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.”

Sylphie, red as a beet, places her hand against the wall as you reach it. She takes a shuddering breath and whispers, “Dad. Please. Shut the fuck up, you’re so embarrassing.”

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2a4136 No.394109


“It’s okay. You’re growing up and I trust that whoever you end up with will be someone you love very much.”

“Just get us inside, I can’t keep this up any longer.” She mutters something about being so embarrassed she could die when you raise yourselves up to the top of the wall with [Build the Wall] and [Privacy Barrier] before lowering the earth and crouching there, waiting for anyone to notice. Fortunately, no one does and you’re able to slip into the base without incident.

Hiding behind some crates, Sylphie drops her spell and lets out a sigh of relief before pulling out a vial of white liquid and downing it in gone go as she watches for danger, licking her lips afterward. “I think the coast is clear for now. Now many guards around.” She mutters to herself.

“Yeah. Wouldn’t be a bad place to hide then. Probably pretty empty inside the main buildings due to the deployment and no one would check the place out because they assume a well-functioning naval base wouldn’t be housing criminals.” Frowning, you shake your head. “I’m getting a stronger signature from inside this building, but I can’t tell what it is, there’s still too much interference.”

Sylphie follows where you point and nods her head. “Wouldn’t a place like this have a magitek generator? Maybe that’s the source of the interference.”

“Possibly…” You say, considering that. With advents in magitek, having a power source which can efficiently process mana from leylines and surrounding mana saturating the area is essential, especially in a military environment. Something like that can easily confound [Mage Sight] and would be a great way to hide an aetheric signature.

“Let’s check it out then.” You say, moving in the shadows on your way inside the base. Most of the patrols are around the perimeter and the walls, so slipping inside the nearby building is a piece of cake; you don’t even need to use Sylphie’s spell.

The structure you entered appears like an academy of sorts, with hallways filled with classrooms and sets of stairs leading up into what you assume is a dormitory. Thankfully you came at night, when any cadets would be on curfew, so you only have to hide from a few sailors on patrol, shining magitek torches through the dark halls.

Following your [Mage Sight] toward the large source of power, you move through the hallways, leap frogging with Sylphie in tow until you reach another section of the building, a series of offices you assume are for the higher ups in the navy. Given Deleor really only has the one true naval base, the top brass have to be here. You even see an Order sigil on one of the doors- guess there’s a attaché here like there is at the forts. Your [Mage Sight] pings something, but it’s not the same signature as the Mindflayer. Perhaps there’s a sorcerer from the Order here as well?

The lights are on in some of the offices and you have to combine your magics to stealthily make your way through and out of this building, over to the next one which is connected by a breezeway. This building is close to the water and you can tell why: It’s a dry dock.

Ships in various states of repair are present, with crews still working despite the hour. You enter the room, your curiosity getting the better of you when you see movement. Caught off guard, you’re noticed by a worker who calls your attention.

“Hey! Who are you?”

“Uh.” You say, looking to Sylphie. Your daughter shrugs and you gulp, pulling on your hat. “Magitek engineers, here to check on the generator.”

“Eh? The generator?” The man says, narrowing his eyes. You gulp, preparing your magic when he lets out a big sigh. “Thank the Gods, that thing is on the fritz again. We didn’t think you’d be coming so late but it might be better than during the day when everyone is busy.” Licking your lips, you start to head toward a set of doors on the far side of the room where you detect a swell of magic when he grabs your shoulder.

“Woah now, that’s toward the barracks. The generator is right over there.” He points to a nearby set of doors with the word, “Generator” painted over them. A much, muuuuch larger source of magic pulses nearby, so aetherically loud that you actually didn’t even notice that it had saturated everything at first.

Nodding to the man, you head toward the room and open the doors to behold a truly wondrous sight. In front of you is a massive piece of magitek that hums softly as it glows a soft blue, transforming the energies of the land into something usable to power this base. Stacks of back-up mana crystals sit in cases nearby as well, under lock and key of course, but with this beauty they’d probably not need them beyond portable devices.

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2a4136 No.394110


“What an absolute beaut.” You say, running a hand over the device. “An A-7 Raiju-type. Oh, listen to her purr when I pet her. Come on, don’t be shy.”

“Uh, Dad.” Sylphie says, looking embarrassed. “This is kind of weird.”

“Your father just appreciates magitek.” You say, patting the machine softly. “I’m a little miffed the country took the contract from The Manufactorum in Loveura over our G-41 Homete, but what are you going to do.”

“Well, it looks like they aren’t here.” Sylphie sighs.

“Who might you be looking for?” A voice says beside both of you.

Reacting instantly, both of you turn and pull up your [Inner Guardians] to find an islander woman in naval dress standing beside you. She takes both of you in and cocks her head. “You two are magitek engineers?”

“Who’s asking?” You reply, wary.

“Hahaha, who indeed?” She says, chuckling. You scan her with your [Mage Sight] but are unable to find any traces of magic on her. “I’m just here to watch you as you work on the generator is all.” She lifts an eyebrow,

“Unless of course, you’re not really here for the generator?”

You narrow your eyes and study the woman carefully. You’re sure you could see through an illusion if there was one being cast, but as far as you can tell, she’s clean. Certainly the Deleorian navy would accept islanders born in Hudson in the navy, but this is a little too convenient. Not certain what to do, you pull from your bag some magitek tools you store for working on Harmony and Chaika, then go to the generator, doing some basic maintenance.

The woman watches you with a careful eye before quickly becoming bored and looking away. Thankfully this machine is pretty basic, for magitek anyway, and finding that it actually does have a short in one of the three converter matrices is an easy fix.

“So, how’d this get broken?” You ask, doing your work.

“I don’t know, that’s your job.” She says.

“Well, I know WHAT broke, but now how or when. Anything funny been going on around here recently?”

“Nothing more funny that some bad jokes and a war.” She says, flippant.

“Huh, well I’ve heard some strange stories going around, about some folk looking for ‘eternal glory’ and such around town.” Without looking at her you say, “Sounds kind of interesting, if you ask me.”

After a few moments of receiving no reply, you look up to find the woman studying you critically again. She opens her mouth for a moment before closing it and then turning around. “Excuse me, I need to speak to my superior.” Without any further words, she walks out the doors and out of sight.

“Gods, Dad that was super risky!” Sylphie says, handing you the appropriate tool with you asking.

“Well.” You say, still working on the machine. “I had to know. This is all starting to seem rather strange, don’t you agree?”

“Well, yeah, I mean I don’t think the mana is supposed to flux like that in this kind of device if I remember correctly.”

“While true, not what I’m talking about.” You frown at where the woman left. “I can’t tell if we just met a recruiter or an actual sailor.”

“We can stay and find out.” Sylphie shrugs.

“Or.” You say, slapping the device, which hums a little louder now. “We can leave and search on our own more. Only place we haven’t checked are the barracks.”

“Wouldn’t that be suspicious?” Your daughter asks, worry on her expression.

“Well, probably.” You concede. “But we probably should make this decision quickly.

“Isn’t that usually your thing though?” She sighs. “I read your book you know. So:”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.394111


Huh. This all seems really suspicious tbh.

But they probably aren't here so you might as well leave.

Also, might be a little slower on updating (than I already am, i'm really sorry) because I'm trying to force myself to blitz through this last half of line edits so I can publish this damn book.

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a05b7f No.394126


I think we should send sylphie to check out the barracks using her [trick of the light] while we stay with the generator. I suspect that sailor will be back fairly soon. Either because she suspects us or thinks we’d make a good addition to the cult. If she’s back before sylphie is say she went looking for the bathroom and should be back soon.

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95a306 No.394229

I agree with the above anon. Sounds like a good plan of action. However, invisible isn’t undetectable, so we should advise Sylphie not to do anything that would give away her presence (like opening a locked door), without listening with her cat ears first.

A note for later: We need to learn hydromancy. We’re about to go underwater, where aeromancy, pyromancy, and fulgromancy will be ineffective, plagamancy, while neat, is not majorly offensive/defensive, and copromancy…well the ocean is the world’s largest toilet, but it would be nice to have a backup ability.

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60f412 No.394263

File: 5a313a7306e0356⋯.jpg (80.7 KB,900x900,1:1,That's how I play anyway.jpg)


We should locate that sailor, make some noises in a secluded area with no witnesses, and when she goes to investigate we should hit her with a shovel and toss her body into a nearby dumpster

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008eb0 No.394264


You Sir, need to Sage!

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38ca69 No.394295



Yeah, this seems reasonable. Have Sylphie keep an eye out for that islander, though.

>G-41 Homete

I see that reference, Ace.

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38ca69 No.394296

Fuck me, put the sage in the name field.

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2a4136 No.394464

Progress on these last edits coming well, just need a push this week and I should have it done… I hope.

I'll try to work on an update tomorrow for this, but pending work I might just do editing when I get home. Tuesday I'll be sailing in sea of thieves new update, hopefully.

Again, if anyone has an art request I can look into it. Character design pics will be slow in coming for this one though since manos is super busy.


Alright, sending Sylphie out on her own it is!


Maybe it got cut off, but you know some hydromancy, basic spells like [Water] and Sylphie knows spells like [Water Spout]. It would be easy to swap notes. (And get my ass to update the pastebin)


If things come to that Agent 47.



Using refrences?


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0b80bb No.394591

>Story continue

After a few moments of consideration you say to Sylphie, “I think we need to stay put.” She frowns until you follow-up with, “Well, at least one of us does anyway.”

Narrowing her eyes for a moment, she snaps her fingers and says, “Ah, right. Well I’ll wait here for you to return and-“ She stops as she notices your smug look. Sighing, she shakes her head and flicks a hand in annoyance as she mocks you. “Oh gee my dear and lovely daughter whom I would never want to see hurt, let’s send you off to go explore on your own.”

“I mean, you’re the one who can turn invisible.”

She gives you a sidelong glance before sighing again. “Well, what are you going to tell the creeper when she returns?”

“You ate islander cooking.”

“Ah, and I’ll be indisposed for the next week, fair enough.” Rolling her shoulder, she prepares to cast her spell when you fold your arms around her. She gasps and looks up at you with confusion as you hold her tight. 

“Hey, I know we were joking before, but please be careful. You, your sisters, and your mother all mean the world to me. If anything were to happen any of you I…”

She places a furred hand on yours and closes her eyes. “I know, dad. I’ll be fine, okay?” Her feline ears twitch, “I’m kind of good at locating threats.”

“I know you will, it’s just-“

“Yeah.” She nods her head pulls away from you, walking toward the door before snapping her fingers and becoming invisible. “As long as I don’t have to block anymore magitek rifle shots with my body, I’ll be fine.” 

You feel that last statement was both in poor taste and incredibly ominous. Still, you went on about trusting her and her being an adult, you can’t exactly go back on it now. Without much else to do, you casually lay on the ground and stare at the ceiling, the low hum of the generator threatening to put you to sleep. 

“Sleeping on the job is not a good way to fulfill your contract.”

Looking up, you see the islander woman from before, standing at your feet. How she got in here again without you noticing, you have no idea. 

She looks about and frowns, “Where is the other one?”

“Islander cooking, you know.”

A look of confusion comes across her face. Clearly she doesn’t know or doesn’t consider it anything out of the ordinary. You choose to believe the first part because what a way to live otherwise. 


She narrows her eyes at you and you shrug. “Severe diarrhea. Very messy stuff. Shouldn’t have eaten that canned ham on rice.”

The woman rolls her eyes. “Is the device fixed?”

“Yep, works like a charm.” You rap the generator with your knuckle. “Smooth sailing now.”

Clearly she doesn’t take well to humor or she would have gotten your amazing pun. Sighing, you push yourself up and ask, “Everything satisfactory then? Can I go now?”

“What about the other one?”

“She’s a big girl, she can find her way home.”

The woman looks at you strangely before asking, “What would you do for eternal glory?”

The hairs on the back of your neck stand up as she says this. Licking your lips, you ask, “eternal glory, you say?” Looking over to the generator, you slap it and say, “I don’t know much about that. I just know my magitek is all.”

“Hmm.” She asks, walking around you. “You know, no magitek engineers signed in at the entrance. How exactly did you come to be here?”

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0b80bb No.394592


Ah shit, she caught you in your ruse. Who even checks the sign-in lists, eh? Shaking your head, you say, “Well if you must know, the Order attaché let us in, said that the interference in his lighting was quite unfortunate and that he just wanted this done quickly.”

The woman’s expression becomes smug, smugger than you’ve ever seen, smug. She leans down, face to face with you and says, “Liar.”

Keeping on a poker face, you run through the possibilities. Should you kill this woman now before she reports anything? No, she already did report you bet. Which means that she’s either toying with you before arresting you, or there’s something else going on. Either way, best to keep playing with her. 

“Oh? If I’m someone who broke into this naval base in order to cause havok, then why would I fix this generator and then lay here, waiting for you to return?”

“Either you’re incredibly cunning and did something to the device which will cause irreparable harm, or you’re here for something else.” She leans back against the generator and folds her hands over his stomach as she shrugs. “Either way is fine with me.”

“Huh? What the hells are you-“

“Did you bring the calling card?”

You blink in surprise at being cut off. “The… calling card?”

“Don’t be daft. It’s obvious why you’re here. You’ve be lured by the call of eternity. The siren song of destiny. How have the unbelievers wronged you?”

Ah, damn. There’s no doubt in your mind any longer, you hit jackpot on the naval base. Normally this might be a good thing since you can infiltrate their ranks but you’re afraid that you’ll be recognized if you’re not careful. Even worse, Sylphie is currently gone searching the barracks. Barracks which very well could be controlled by the Mindflayer you seek to eliminate. 

Your eyes drift over to a shovel in the corner of the room and you entertain the thought of smashing her against the back of the head and being done with it. It would be easy, just lure her away into a dark corner and BAM!… however, that wouldn’t solve much of anything, at least not at the moment. Still, it’s a good backup plan. 

Reaching into your pouch, you pull out the paper you took from the Kikimora and the woman looks it over before chuckling. “I knew it. A magitek engineer who wishes to join the ranks. How useful you will be.”

“Eh, who are you by the way?”

“Just someone who wants to see that damned city fallen.” She nods her head. “But you will learn more once you’ve spoken to Mun’teca. Come.” She waves for you to follow as she heads out into the drydocks again. You walk after her and prepare to turn toward the barracks when she instead turns back to the administrative complex. Off balanced, you blink in confusion before trailing behind, worried. 

No one blinks an eye as you walk behind her and into the dark offices. You keep your [Inner Guardian] up, ready to manifest it in a heartbeat if needed. Though you pass by the admiral’s office, thankfully, you find yourself in front of the door with the Order sigil, the only one with lights on through the window. Before you can say anything, the woman opens the door and ushers you inside. 

The room is more spacious than expected and actually encompasses both a waiting room and a an office with three desks in the back. The furniture is sparse, spartan even, and you get the feeling that whoever was assigned here is some hardass about protocol. Still, a shudder goes down your spine as you step in, and your eyes are drawn to the back of the room where the Order member sits. 

Your stomach drops as you see a familiar sight. The woman behind the desk has the tanned skin of an islander and the long, black hair. When she looks up at you, eyes which have a restrained insanity look back at you coolly. There’s no doubt about it, she’s the Mindflayer. A quick [Mage Sight] confirms this, though the Monster before you frowns and examines you. 

“You have brought me… another one?” She asks, though her eyes drift back down to the papers in front of her, uninterested.

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0b80bb No.394593


“Yes, my lady.” The woman says, bowing. 

“After the failures of the others…” The Mindflayer murmurs. “Gone, left us, taken away.”

“Unfortunate, my lady. But the calling cards are working, there are more coming.”

The Mindflayer murmurs, “He stinks.”

The woman blinks and cocks her head. “M-My lady?”

“Magitek engineering gets you sweaty.” You say quickly, not sure what else to do. “Begging your pardon, but are you this… Mun’teca?”

“No.” She says flatly, surprising you. 

“Uhm. What she means to say is that she has borrowed the name from the great island spirit.” The woman says, coughing into her hand. “Her mind is often burdened with the voice of the great mother.”

The Mindflayer, still keeping her illusion up, grinds her teeth and crumples up the paper in front of her. She hisses out, “She promises vengeance to us.” Her eyes shoot up to yours and she searches your expression before saying in a low voice, “Why the fuck are you wearing shaded spectacles at night?”

Honestly, you thought she was just insane, but apparently she’s both insane AND perceptive. These little bouts of lucidity make for an incredibly potent combination with her abilities and you feel that she was once an incredibly intelligent person at one point in time. One begins to wonder if she truly was an Order member or just took up the role after disposing of the old one. Ah, if only you had that Tobias kid’s information on illusionists!

Licking your lips, you say, “They’re corrective- spending time with magitek can hurt your eyes you know. Only pair I have.”

“Remove them.” 

You pale. Will she remember your eyes if you remove them?

A silence descends over the room at this and you see the Mindflayer’s eyes narrow further and further. Will she attack you if you don’t? Would you be able to fend off the assault with another person nearby as well? This might be your best opportunity to strike at her, take her by surprise! If you can kill her now, the rest will be easy, but… 

If you should die, then Sylphie will be in danger. 

Gulping, you remove your glasses slowly and look up at the Mindflayer. Her eyes widen for a moment, as if in recognition, but then it passes and she shrugs. “Boring…” With a sigh she leans back in her chair and says, “Do you have what it takes?”

“For what?”

“To bring low the city of the unbelievers?”

“And to gain eternal glory in the eyes of the great mother?” The other islander woman says. 

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0b80bb No.394594


The Mindflayer, this Mun’teca gives her a sidelong glance before looking back to you. “What inJUSTICE fuels you? What chronic pain and agony drives you to my feet? What forgotten relic of the past claws at your memory and writes your future in blood?”

“Uh.” You say, not sure how to react. Should you make up a grandiose lie? No, you doubt an illusionist, even an insane one, wouldn’t see through that. So, better tell the truth. 

“They turned me away as my world is crumbling around me.”

The two look to each other before nodding. The Mindflayer chuckles a low, deep chuckle before her illusion drops, revealing her in her full, Monstrous glory. They both blink in surprise when you don’t show any reaction, your [Mage Sight] already seeing through it. Blinking for a moment as you realize it, you jump up and shout, “Woah! What the hells?!”

Mun’teca narrows her eyes and says, “Yes… I am more than humanity. The great mother has blessed me to carry out her work.” She extends a purple hand toward you. “It is now too late to run. You are one with us.”

“Huh? Hey-!” You shout as the woman grabs your arms from behind you and shoves your face onto the desk, hard. Surprised, you struggle against her to find that she’s surprisingly strong. Fucking sailors. As you struggle, you look up to find the tentacles on the Mindflayer’s head writhing. She titters as two reach down toward your head. 

Shit, you don’t have any choice. Summoning up your magic, you prepare to blast this place apart when the door flies open behind you and an out of breath islander sailor says, “My lady! There’s been an incident in the prisoner’s quarters!”

The tentacles stop in place and Mun’teca growls out, “What do you mean?”

“A Monster attacked us out of the nowhere! We think it’s the Dark Avenger and-“ He cuts off as a siren rings out throughout the complex. Rustling motion is heard as trained naval sailors and marines dash through the complex toward the administration to find the source of the disturbance. 

The Mindflayer’s illusion comes back up and she strides out of the room, grabbing a sword in the corner before growling out, “Damn you, I told you never to sound the alarm!”

“We- we wouldn’t!” The man says. “It must have been the dirty Deleorians!”

Mun’teca pauses and looks down at you, still being held in place. She lets out a low sound, almost like the [Irate Frog Song] before shaking her head. Distract them, I will head for the barracks to deal with the intruder.” A wicked some comes over her face. “I will play with her, ehehehe! This time, I’ll break her mind into pieces and give her gibbering form back to her father!”

She rolls her head back to you, grin widening as she speaks to the woman pining you down. “Stay put and don’t let him leave. He has a good mind, I wish to taste of it.” Before you can react further, she leaves the room and out of sight. 

“Hmph.” The islander woman says, reaching back to pull a knife from her belt that she places at your throat. “I suppose you’re mine until the lady returns.” She leans down and breathes into your ear, “frankly, I prefer Deleorian men over islanders.”

Ah, see, you missed this. Mortal peril, being threatened with intercourse, danger to your loved one. This is the kind of adventure you missed. This is what really gets your blood pumping! Of course, should you not want this adventure to end in abject misery and your daughter a dribbling psych-ward patient, you better figure out what to do. 

>What do you do? 

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660c30 No.394607


We gotta [Tase] her, Bro

Since she has a knife to our throat it might be a decent idea to wait until she starts to undress so we won't get cut by mistake

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95a306 No.394608

Yeah, any kind of KO or immobilization attack (such as [Ice]) when her guard is down will work well. Just remember to put up a [privacy barrier] first to prevent her from calling for help. After we take her out, remember to bind her somehow. [Ice] will work well for this too. If we’re harking back to the good old days, and we still have our sack o’ shit, the ghosts can pay a visit too. Or some good old indigestion. Ahh memories

On our way out, keep up the pretense of being a bumbling magitek engineer. Keep our mental defenses ready, and if we have a shot at the calamari head, we shouldn’t hesitate to take it, though it would be nice to find the captives. However, given her former Hero status, I’m guessing they’re somewhere nearby. Otherwise head out.

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41f498 No.394720


Considering our position involves direct contact with our target, I’m going to veto any use of Fulgromancy outside of a last resort when all else fails, because that’s just asking for a repeat of what happened in the encounter with Delilah—this time without a good angle for a [Lightning Bolt] variant and us being much older and frailer man—not to mention that a potential spasm of her arm would lead to our throat being slit, albeit probably not fatally but still not great. Instead, I’m going to recommend [Indigestion] mixed with playing her lust to our advantage to buy us time to locate her humours, as having her suddenly weaken and crumple due to severe abdominal pain is unlikely to lead to her getting the chance to cut us and it’s subtle enough that she won’t realise what’s happening until it’s too late to try and execute us. Failing that for whatever reason or perhaps alongside it as a safety measure against being cut, we could try stealthily weaving a [Sigil of Weight] onto the knife as to make it impossible for her to hold up to our throat, thus effectively disarming her long enough for us to try to escape her grasp when she loses her balance as a result of the sudden increased pull of gravity on one arm. Other options include using [Build the Wall] beneath her to make her lose balance, using <Cold Blooded> and hoping her tolerance to the cold is lower than ours or simply going along with her lewd plans until we get an opening. Regardless of what we do, make sure to have [Mend] or a health potion if we have any ready in the off-chance she does manage to slice us so we can avoid bleeding to death, have [Inner Guardian] up in case of more mind-fuckery shenanigans and a [Privacy Barrier] up as per what >>394608 said because attracting attention our way won’t really help Sylphie but will make our situation worse, especially when all of the base’s personal are coming very close to our location.

Assuming we escape her grasp, making some space between us and preventing her escape with spells like [Build the Wall] and [Ice] would be a good idea, because I have a feeling simply using [Lightning Bolt] once won’t be enough to put her down and we want to have control over the situation should this thought prove to be true. Speaking of which, [Lightning Bolt] is actually useful now that we aren’t in close proximity, so use that until she stops trying to kill us, but preferably before killing her. Should we succeed in incapacitating her, then using [Trench] which is reverse [Build the Wall], if Rommel can figure this out then so can we to bury her should suffice as a means of keeping her in place, so long as we bury her deep enough; we could also close the entrance of the hole to little more than a small gap for air to pass through for extra confidence in her not escaping if we feel like it. [Ice] may also work, but ice has a nasty habit of melting which means our captive may not be there when we get back should we take too long. Combining [Ice] with burying her may be worthwhile, though.

With that out of the way, we need to head towards Sylphie in the prisoner’s quarters. We could just walk out of the door we entered, but there’s a chance that Mun’teca has more lackeys in place to prevent our escape and something tells me the soldiers are going to be less accepting of our excuse of us being a magitek engineer than the earlier worker given the emergency situation, especially if we’re somewhere we’re absolutely not supposed to be, so I would recommend we take a different exit instead and stick to the shadows to avoid detection. Utilising [Build the Wall] to get up to the roof of the building we’re in from within said building and staying high when moving towards our destination, potentially with usage of what little Aeromancy we know for a boost in jumping distance and softer landings when required, should work out well enough to achieve this.

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2a4136 No.394913

File: 35faede9a6ae7a6⋯.jpg (4.65 MB,2775x3686,2775:3686,WQcoverjpg.jpg)

Hey everyone! Mix of good and bad news!

Might update tomorrow, sorry it's been slow but work has drained me recently and when I get home writing just is the last thing in my mind. Since I have nothing else to do after work tomorrow, I'll get the update written then. Once again, I keep apologizing but I really do thank y'all who keep on reading even if it seems there's a lull.

Good news though! The epub for Wizardquest is approved! Yes, I did go through and line edit so hopefully longpost anon won't be mad anymore, thanks for the help I'll get more details when it's available. Here's the cover page!

Unfortunately the cover needs to have things shifted a little to be able to print them, which normally would be like, a 5 minute fix but the artist is half-dead so I have no idea when that will happen. It's quite literally out of my hands. But I'll get that info out to y'all once I have more too.

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2a4136 No.394914


well shit.

I forgot to sage.

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e0dd37 No.394915


>we know ace's real name now







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deaa7f No.394921




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a05b7f No.394930



It might be a pseudonym

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41f498 No.394936


Congratulations nerd, you finally did it. I'm not entirely sure why I was supposed to be mad at anything though.



>Jacen T. Wright

<Jacen The Wrightfag

While it's entirely possible that Ace's online alias originally came from a very coincidental variation of his real name, it's more likely that this is just a clever interpretation of his image board name in a normalfag-friendly format. At least I hope it is, for his sake.

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ec761c No.394946




Hmmmm I wonder-


Ayyy, someone figured out my ruse. And no, its not my real name, im not that stupid to attach that to something like this. Not that openly anyway.

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95a306 No.394978


On a side note, have you thought about adding the commentary that led to certain decisions in the book, or possibly just adding links to the 8chan archive for readers to get the backstory behind certain ah…incidents?

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2a4136 No.394981

>Story continue

“Are you a sorcerer?” You ask as the blade touches dangerously close to your neck.

“No, why do you ask?”

“Because your charm is magical.”

The woman snickers, but doesn’t remove the knife from your throat. “That’s cute. I like that.” Her tongue traces along your ear and she whispers, “One of the perks of this job is being around the naval base is having all these strong men around. But you look like you have… experience.”

“Is it the beard that makes you think that? I bet it’s the beard.” You say, planning your escape. In all honesty, it would be hard for her to rape you and have that knife at your throat, though by the way she’s fumbling at your pants, you might rethink that a little.

“Damn, are you a Monster?”

“Is this another one of your ways to come onto me? I’ll bite.”

“I ask because you seem to have a ravenous sex drive, a trait common to Monsters that-“

“Shut it.” You cut off as she presses the knife closer, drawing a little blood. “Turn around, nice and slow.”

You acquiesce, but decide you should probably get started on your little get away plan. Sighing, you channel your power within you and open your [Mage Sight]. The woman’s humors light-up as you [Fast Scan] and you easily overpower and imbalance them in her gut. It’s almost pathetic how easy it is to cast [Indigestion] upon her.

The effects are near instantaneous. She clutches at her abdomen and wavers, though her knife still presses at your throat, albeit shaky. Her breathing grows faster and labored as she obviously struggles. She grits her teeth, but you can see she’s in incredible discomfort. Well, shouldn’t be too long before-

The woman shudders and then retches before vomiting all over your brand new clothing. Surprised, you pull back on reflex and she swings the knife. Fortunately for you, her swing only catches your vomit soaked clothing, and she staggers to the ground with a little cry of pain before you snap up a [Privacy Barrier]. She struggles on the floor, a mix between wanting to slash at you and needing to hold her horribly cramping belly. Sometimes you wonder if this isn’t the cruelest spell you ever came up with.

Either way, you kick the knife out of her hand before reaching down and jamming your fingers next to her neck and using a low voltage [Lightning Bolt], effectively using [Taser] to quickly knock her unconscious. You do your best to not notice the smell that comes as her struggles against your spell begin to fail, but you have the decency to roll her onto her side if she vomits again. Ghosts, you know? Ah well, it’s not a shovel to the back of the head, but you can still use [Ice] to fashion bindings around her before you leave.

Now freed from your captor, you pull the vomitus off you with your Plagamancy, though it does leave a stain. Unfortunately you don’t have much time for anything else here, you need to get to Sylphie!

You peek your head out from the door and into the administration hallway, thankfully seeing no one around. Using a few [Remote Sentries], you find the way back toward the barracks to be empty, thankfully. As you make to go that way, you reconsider. The Mindflayer is insane by nature, but she isn’t stupid. You didn’t learn that [Trick of the Light] spell from Sylphie so you can’t become invisible, or whatever it does, which means it’s highly likely that you’d be spotted by the sailors and you’d rather not hurt them unless you can tell that they’re enemies.

So instead… you head outside and behind the building. Making sure no one is watching, you retrieve your staff, a piece of rosewood you had carved a few years ago with multiple enhancement runes, from your [Sack of Holding +1] and use it to help you climb to the top of the building with [Build the Wall]. Once there, you hunker down and make sure you’re all alone.

Good thing no one really checks the roof, so you’re able to walk toward the dry docks and then use a bit of Aeromancy to propel you over to the next roof and soften your landing before heading toward the barracks.

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2a4136 No.394982


Down around you the siren still blares as sailors wielding various weapons, including a few magitek rifles, secure the area while heading into the dry docks of all things. Seems that the barracks was already secure maybe so they wanted to check out each place piece by piece? Kind of makes you wonder though, why exactly did the alarm sound-

A door bursts open at the roof access nearby and two sailors, one armed with a glowing magitek rifle, step out. Spotting you, they shout, “You there! Halt!”

Ahhhhhhh shit. Not knowing what else to do for it, you hurriedly throw up a [Shield Circle] behind you as you dash for the edge of the roof. They shout again and you hear a discharge of energy followed by a violent wave of disorientation as your shield is shattered. Holy fuck, how powerful did you make those fucking rifles?

Thankfully it didn’t pierce through, it just merely broke the shield. Unfortunately, this made you stagger at exactly the wrong time, and you hit the edge of the roof. Before you can stop yourself, you flip and fall off, plummeting to the ground. As the ground races up toward you, you create a rush of air with your Aeromancy to slow your fall until you find yourself hovering with your nose almost touching the ground.

Sighing, you drop the magic and hit the ground just as a magitek rifle shot explodes the ground next to your head. Cursing, you pick yourself up and scramble over toward the barracks. Thankfully no other sailors are outside at the spot, but the barracks are too far away in open terrain. It’s probable that he’ll be able to pick you off unless you do something!

The man charges up another shot and you consider throwing up a wall, but opt for something else instead. A bold, incredibly daring plan forms in your mind as you quickly form a circle in the air and attach the anchor points. You can almost feel the mana charging in the rifle as another shot comes toward your back. Flipping about, you thrust out your [Counter Circle] and deflect the shot right back at the firer.

Most people could never hope to pull this off, the time required to see and formulate the response is too great for a projectile like this. You, on the other hand, developed these damn things and you know the aetheric frequency of the shot fired by this model. Since the rifles are essentially enchanted items firing concentrated mana bolts… it’s basically a spell.

Which means you can counter it.

The bolt hits the rifle and destroys it, sending the wielder backward with a shout. Using the time gained by the distraction, you dash off toward the barracks and enter from behind. Surprisingly no one comes to greet you, not immediately. Wouldn’t they have the barracks on lockdown? Or did the Mindflayer ensure that the normal guards have nothing to do with this? Either way, they’ll be coming now so both you and this Mun’teca have a deadline before this place is crawling.

Dashing through the halls, you see open doors, but no sailors present- they must have left in a hurry. You open up your [Mage Sight] and are surprised to see pulses of magic ahead. That must be Sylphie using her magic but… is some of that from the Mindflayer? Worried, you continue down the hall until you run into a group of islander humans and Monsters dressed in a motley of maid outfits, sailor uniforms, and a shipwright. They stare at you in surprise before asking,

“Who the hells are you?”

“Uhhh.” You say before staggering to the side. Damn, still feeling some lingering mana drain from that battle outside.

“Ahhh, poor puha is drunk.” One of the islander maids giggles. “Mun’teca won’t like that.”

“How are you so sure he’s one of ours?” A man next to her asks.

“Please, he’s probably the new guy. Hey new guy, the whole base is searching for you, you know?”

“Uhhh.” You say again. “Is that what… that’s about?”

“Yeah! But you should be fine here. The great Mun’teca has kept those idiots out by saying she’ll secure the place. I suppose being some Hero gives you that power.” She shrugs. “Told us to wait here though while she takes care of some pest in here.”

The shipwright cocks his head. “Hey, wasn’t he supposed to be with Kelahu?”

“Uhhh.” You say for a third time as they look at you critically. Licking your lips, you just shrug and say, “Ah fuck it,” before letting loose a torrent of [Lightning Bolts] from your fingertips, the electricity coursing through their bodies and dropping them into spasming heaps. Thank the Gods you’re just dealing with run of the mill people and Monsters here. Imagine if one of them was like those plant infested from before?

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2a4136 No.394983


You look toward the source of that magic from before and frown as you realize it’s stopped. Cursing, you dash forward through the halls again until you reach a large room with row after row of books lined with shelves around the perimeter. A sign knocked onto the floor says, “closed until further notice” and you realize with perfectly clarity that the best place to hide in a barracks is the damn library under their noses. Ingenious!

You’ll pat the Mindflayer on the back later, first you need to pat her ass. Violently. You know like, kick it and such and- okay you’ll stop.

Inside the room, you can tell things are at a difficult impasse. While quite large for a library in a damn barracks, even having a second floor connected by a ladder, there’s still little place for them to hide beyond a room in the back, where you assume the hostages must be held. In the center of the room, with books lying on the floor and tables overturned, you see Sylphie, teeth barred, tails raised, her [Inner Guardian] behind her, warding off illusions.

Despite doing fairly well for herself, as evidenced by the unconscious (or dead) forms around her you can tell she’s being pushed to the brink. She should have fled long ago, but at this point her retreat is cut off. Anything less than focus on the Mindflayer would be suicidal- she’d play off those emotions cause havoc. If only Chaika and Harmony were here… actually, better not as they have no defense against these illusions.

Using [Manifestation], your [Inner Guardian] appears, eastern sword drawn and ready to defend you. Activating your [Mage Sight] and gritting your teeth, you throw out a [Lightning Bolt] at full intensity, not taking any chances. The electricity zips across the room faster than you can see, but before it makes contact, the Mindflayer steps to the side and then seems to blur in your vision before appearing next to Sylphie, her eyes wide and wild.

What the- how is she doing that? You have all of your mental defenses up! She can’t seriously be-

“Dad!” Sylphie shouts before dropping to the floor. “Remember what happened before! She’s playing on your expectations!”

Playing on your expectations… Wait, did you expect that attack to miss? If you did then… perhaps? Turning to your Inner Guardian, he shrugs. Good Gods, if that’s the case then-

You start chuckling, about to say something witty when the Mindflayer appears upon the bannister of the small second floor space. She cocks her head and says, “You… are the engineer? You… didn’t wish to join us after all?” It takes her a moment before she gasps, “You’re the Wizard! You… you tricked me!”

At this, a distressingly large smile plays over her face and she barks out a laugh. “YOU TRICKED ME EHEHEHEHE! I WAS MADE A FOOL AHAHAHA!”

Confused, you watch as she hammers on the bannister with her fist until it eventually cracks and she stops as suddenly as it began. She looks down upon you with those red, glowing eyes as if you were nothing more than walking garbage.

“I will not be made a fool again. The great mother sings to me a tale of your demise and I will see it through.” With that, she drops down to the floor in front of Sylphie and grabs her face with one of her tentacles in one, smooth motion.

Crying out, you throw out more lightning, but before it reaches, Sylphie yelps and leaps to the side, the Mindflayer suddenly a few steps to the side. Oh fuck your bolt was going to hit Sylphie! Pulling back, you curse to yourself. She’s only been using little tricks, nothing massive or showy yet, but if you don’t concentrate you’ll slip on the little details. Remember what Sylphie told you and what happened before.

Taking a deep breath to steady yourself, you put away your shaded spectacles and hold out your staff to begin channeling your will. Fleeing is no longer an option. The base is swarming with sailors who will quickly fall under her illusion and take her side, while she now knows your face. There’s nowhere to run and if you’re not quick, then your operation here in Hudson will have failed. Whatever nefarious plot Phallia has cooked up through this Mindflayer for Fillothia will come to pass as well.

“Ready Sylphie?” You shout to your daughter for encouragement.

She nods her head, quickly drinking a mana potion before throwing the vial on the floor. “Ready, dad!”

It’s now or never. Let’s kill a Mindflayer.

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.394984


There's no way around it, you're fighting the Mindflayer now. Well, you can run but that about ends the encounter in Hudson but hey, maybe your sanity is worth it…


This book is actually at the limit for what the printer allows. It's 1196 pages (including 18 pages of art). Commentary would be hard to add without dropping the font even more and I'd rather not have it DIRECTLY reaching back to 8chan. The dedicated will find it anyway/ are y'all anyway.

My one regret is it's too large to have the epilogue in there. Maybe I can make some more short stories and do an anthology or something…

Either way, I just want a hardback copy for myself!

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e0dd37 No.394986


we should somehow get in close and give the mindflayer headpats because headpats always calms things down

the idea's so insane :^) it might actually work


you could always have a second book/volume that has the epilogue, and then commentary that references the specific page number in the first book

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2a4136 No.394987


Maybe, we'll see that kind of response it gets/ how this story all goes. I haven't set out to make money (that's just not going to happen) but I'd like to see how things play out. I'd have to get some kind of cover made also, though it won't be a big scene… well. That's down the road.

Also, The GW doesn't have amazing pat powers! His pats are good, normal quality pats. Can the insane truly appreciate a pat though?

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a50ec0 No.395000

What do you do when you can't hit something? AOE. What do you do when something is fucking with you?AOE. Have them both cast their biggest baddest Father daughter spell in a back to back 359° fuck off attack. Only problem would be the bitch fucking up their brains midcast so how would we counter?

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46284d No.395019


Double inner guardian with overlapping mental attacks against the illusions. Also checking those sweet digits

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95a306 No.395033

I agree with the AOE strategy (I recommended it earlier), but with a caveat. It’s stated that we missed the calamari head because we expected to miss. This time, let’s expect to hit her, and turn her into a cooked piece of fish chum.

Let’s avoid collateral damage if we can. We don’t want to seem like the villain here, and get innocents involved

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41f498 No.395037


>The base is swarming with sailors who will quickly fall under her illusion and take her side

Couldn't we easily break such an illusion with [Manifest] though, given how it worked on Harmony and Chaika earlier? She's not going to individually afflict every single sailor that comes by, that would take too long and some would slip through the cracks, alerting the others to the lie very quickly. And even if we can't, couldn't we just reveal ourselves as the Grand Wizard as an absolute last resort as in, we’re completely fucked otherwise with no other way out to get around this? I somehow doubt the sailors would take the side of a hero of comparatively little renown over the guy that saved the land, is best buds with the Lord Commander of the Order and led a huge technological revolution which has benefited countless lives, and she can't hide all of our magical might with her illusions.

But I suppose we’ll cross that bridge if things get bad enough to reach that point, so no reason to dwell on it further. Regarding the current predicament, our opponent is capable of three things, namely illusions, both direct and indirect, grappling with her tentacles and mind-raping restrained targets—if we want to win this fight, we need to counter all of these. She may be capable of more, but we likely would have seen her other abilities by now and Sylphie would have mentioned if she had seen anything herself before we arrived on the scene, so it’s unlikely; still, it wouldn’t hurt to have [Counter Circle] ready for if we need to deal with other magical bullshit.

Starting with her illusions, both we and Sylphie have [Inner Guardian] and [Manifest] for direct and indirect illusions respectively, but the former doesn’t catch everything and the latter is very taxing to maintain, meaning we need other methods on top of these. From what we know of Tobias’ illusions and what we’ve seen Mun’teca do, we can deduce that her direct illusions require vision of her target in order to be applied. As such, breaking line of sight is a very good way to ensure she can’t potentially fuck with us in a way that we can’t really react to, not to mention it gives us the opportunity to attack her from unexpected angles ricochet projectiles off of walls, pop out suddenly to use [Lightning Bolt], etc. or in ways she can’t mitigate AoE comes to mind before she has the chance to retaliate, so we should do that with spells like [Build the Wall], [Trick of the Light] or [Daylight], while using spells like [Remote Sentry] which she should be unable to utilise illusions on to give us information on her position so she can’t surprise us when we lose direct sight of her.

We’re still fairly vulnerable to indirect illusions even if we do break line of sight though, so we have to be vigilant for those and be ready to cast [Manifest] at the drop of a hat. As for how to be vigilant, we need to question pretty much everything we’re seeing that includes [Manifest] working, you never know if it actually did, particularly when the situation changes in some way; her main tactic is to use our perceptions against us, so by no longer completely relying on them and using logic to deduce what may plausibly be reality we should be able to get an idea of when something isn’t quite right, much like how people realise they’re dreaming by noticing small details that make no sense in the waking world. It would also help to consider what she may be wanting us to think or perceive, because she was able to trick us without using illusions in our last combative encounter and we don’t really have a counter to such tactics unless we see them coming beforehand. A final note on the topic, while only one of us or Sylphie is needed to break the indirect illusions with [Manifest], it would be safer if we both used it, since one of witnessing the other casting the spell doesn’t necessarily mean the other actually did cast the spell, and that may be an avenue for abuse by our opponent otherwise.

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41f498 No.395038



Moving on, her tentacle grab and mine-rape are effectively parts of the same attack and thus have the same counter, namely keeping our distance so she can’t grab us in the first place. That’s easier said than done when she has illusions, but we should be mitigating the majority of them by not giving her the chance to use them much at all so we can have at least some confidence in whether or not she’s actually close to us. [Remote Sentry] should give us adequate protection from surprise attacks, but should she seemingly get close to us then it’s better to be safe and retreat instead of potentially getting caught and forcing Sylphie to make the guess as to whether or not we’re actually in danger. As for the method of getting away, a mix of [Ice] and [Build the Wall] should suffice for making space between us and the mindflayer while [Gust] can be used to increase our speed when moving. A side note, should we witness Sylphie being grabbed, we kind of have to ‘help’ her at the risk of her being taken out of the fight and becoming a gibbering madwoman, but we should at least check our other senses like [Mage Sight] and [Remote Sentry] before making the commitment in case we are able to notice the potential illusion. Furthermore, both we and Sylphie should probably have [Counter Circle] at the ready in case the other inadvertently attacks them, which will inevitably happen.

Other than that, I’m not sure what else to add. I guess blocking the entrance we used to get in here wouldn’t be the worst idea, since those lackeys we took down may recover and join the fray otherwise, making our job much harder.

>>395000 checked

>Have them both cast their biggest baddest Father daughter spell in a back to back 359° fuck off attack.

>Have us cast the strongest AoE spell we can both muster

<When we're in relatively close range to our target and would be caught in the blast like what happened in Cair

<When we're inside a building that would collapse on us, killing or at least severely hindering our escape

<When we don't want to alert the base's personnel to our location, which would happen if the barracks blew up

<When there is a very good chance that the hostages are nearby and would be killed as a result of said spell

AoE is a smart idea, but going full ham is not. Limit the intensity so we don't fuck ourselves over, and maybe stick to something which isn't fire or plasma like ice, wind or lightning to avoid structural damage and/or trapping ourselves in a blaze when the books surrounding us ignite.

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1a7bbf No.395092

Quick thought I just had. You can only illusion things you can imagine, or you can guess your target would believe, such as missing. But what about humors? It would be rather hard to illusion up something that you have no idea about (illusionists lack magesight), and as we’re an accomplished plagamancer, we should easily be able to tell the difference. From there, it’s just a simple matter of [Cancer], and she’s dead wouldn’t be the first time we’ve used it to take down a madwoman too. Just be sure we’re targeting her. Though I think our chances with this is better than others, as because plagamamcy, unlike fulgromancy and pyromancy, is unable to be seen, she won’t be able to guess what we’re throwing at her.

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41f498 No.395128

>Whatever nefarious plot Phallia has cooked up through this Mindflayer for Fillothia will come to pass as well.

Hang on a second, why are we suddenly certain that Phallia is behind this? I mean, she probably is all things considered, but we have yet to see any tell-tale signs like vines or spores whatsoever, so it seems a bit weird to jump to the conclusion so prematurely.


That plan of yours is rather reliant on the assumptions of her not knowing what humours are her first illusion against us involved abdominal pain, potentially relating to our perception of our own humours, and we don’t know what this ‘Great Mother’ has told her, her humours being vulnerable to disruption, her humours not recovering before we have a chance to use [Cancer] and her actually being susceptible to [Cancer] the original description for the spell states “Studies on monster species are inconclusive as to it’s effectiveness” and I’m fairly certain we’ve never tried the spell on an eldritch being to work, not to mention the best effect we would get out of it would be skin growths since internal systems are “much more resilient to this form of magic, and require extreme humoural imbalance so most likely more than simply fucking with the humours in order to adequately affect the body”, meaning it would be more of a hindrance than a finishing move by itself. Still, so long as we’re absolutely confident that we’re not targeting Sylphie with it—which can be done by taking precautionary steps like checking which humours we’ve disrupted, ensuring we’re under no direct illusions and perhaps performing the deed without line of sight to the target if that’s possible—this could work rather well.

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95a306 No.395179

To the first paragraph, the mindflayers created by Dollora were described much differently than the ones we saw in illusionquest, hinting that another god (Phallia) had their hands in these ones. Also, eldritch beings? Pffft. They’re just old Jackor toys that Phallia stuffed her own juju in.

Finally, experiencing abdominal pain and knowing what causes it are two very different things. I’m sure at some point in her life, she simply experienced it, like everyone else. But did you know exactly what caused it? No. As for [Cancer]’s effectiveness on monsters, the fact that it worked on a temple guard is enough for me to think it would work on all non-undead. Her likelihood of resilience is low, as mindflayers are illusionists, not plagamancers to any degree, which would make her ability to resist it very low.

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b78a09 No.395193


Good Lord, just cause [Indigestion] to everyone.

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2a4136 No.395196

Sorry, work was killer and I'm afraid I'm going to have to qol one of my patients tomorrow sooo, writing isn't in the cards. Unlikely tomorrow also, but I have all day wednesday so yay.


Those trips can't be denied. AoE's are God's third greatest gift to man after all.


D-duel guardians? MADNESS


There's just books around. Nothing of great loss. Thankfully everyone is outside… for now.


Potentially, though you'd need to find a sort of source for your guardian to go after. In the last case it was the lobster, in this case… what is she using to [Project]?

You could possibly reveal yourself as the Grand Wizard and buy some time, but not everyone knows what you look like and frankly you don't have the time to explain if she's still alive.

A direct attack illusion will require line of sight, probably, but she can still [Project] without it. Though in this particular library, there aren't that many places to hide. It's not overly large.


There may have been a particular ability Tobias knows that she might have used with those tentacles… though to be fair she could probably just kill you with them normally.

Don't forget that with remote sentry, you need to peel away part of your attention to look through it. Tho if you think of a way to use that…

>he doens't like AoE ham.


If you can see her true form with the [Mage Sight], you can see her humors. However if you think she's over in the corner, it gets dodgy.


She is a similar Mindflayer to Fiora. So she is certainly Phallian.



All living beings have humours, however, it's just part of their make-up. You're also strong enough of a Plagamancer to [Cancer] just about anything if you can unbalance those humors just… you gotta do that first.


My god.

Are you suggesting you sing the most destructive variation to the [Irate Frog Song]? Are you suggesting you sing the… [Brown Note]?

You'd never survive. I won't allow this to happen, it's an affront to the Gods.

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60f412 No.395218

This might be a dumb suggestion but, is it possible to trick the mind flayer into thinking that one of us is an illusionist? Can we make our magic look fake? Can we launch a fire ball at her that doesn't produce heat so it seems like an illusion?

You might be wondering why I would suggest doing this, it's so that we can trick her into standing still and getting a face full of hot steamy lighting.

So basically, my idea is that either the wizard or Sylphie pretends to be an illusionist I think monsters can't be illusionists so it would be the wizard I guess, then we'll get the might flayer in a possition where she's more concerned with the "real" magic and doesn't bother dodging when we send an "illusion" flying towards her face.

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41f498 No.395223


>To the first paragraph, the mindflayers created by Dollora were described much differently than the ones we saw in illusionquest, hinting that another god (Phallia) had their hands in these ones.

Fair enough.

>Finally, experiencing abdominal pain and knowing what causes it are two very different things. I’m sure at some point in her life, she simply experienced it, like everyone else. But did you know exactly what caused it? No.

But can we be certain she doesn't know about humours when she hasn't had a reason to display a potential lack of knowledge? She doesn't know that we know plagamancy, after all. Besides, we figured out how humours worked by reading a book that was previously just sitting in a magic shop, so it's not like the information is impossible to find, and a young girl looking for revenge against aquatic monsters would probably be willing to look into more unorthodox magics capable of killing a lot of people, of which plagamancy happens to fit the bill quite nicely. Does this mean she definitely knows about humours? Of course not, and honestly she probably doesn't. But the fact that there is still even a slither of a chance that she does warrants caution.

>As for [Cancer]’s effectiveness on monsters, the fact that it worked on a temple guard is enough for me to think it would work on all non-undead.

To be fair, Victoria was bruised and beaten, stabbed multiple times in the torso and had three of her legs torn off before we even considered casting [Cancer]. And even then, we still had to manipulate her humours first to simply cast [Cancer] on her leg, which isn't really an internal system. I don't think such a tactic would work as easily as you describe on a target that's hale and hearty; we'd need to spend a fair bit of time on her humours first.

>Her likelihood of resilience is low, as mindflayers are illusionists, not plagamancers to any degree, which would make her ability to resist it very low.

I don't see how her 'weapon' of choice would affect her resistance, as we're pretty vulnerable to disease despite our experience with plagamancy, but thinking more on it, her lack of an unclean living to build up a resistance, such as what that centipede girl in the first quest had, probably does mean she's fairly vulnerable.


>A direct attack illusion will require line of sight, probably, but she can still [Project] without it. Though in this particular library, there aren't that many places to hide. It's not overly large.

That’s what I meant by “indirect illusions”. And we can create our own hiding spots or at the very least get out of sight very quickly with [Build the Wall], so the small size of the library shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

>There may have been a particular ability Tobias knows that she might have used with those tentacles…

Yes, [Eye of Fear]. But I somehow doubt she'll actually use that here seeing as it incapacitates both the target and the caster insane or not, she'll still have to witness her targets fears, taking her out of the fight momentarily, which would leave herself wide open to attack. I say mind-raping as an option because, well, she's a Mindflayer—that's kind of their whole shtick in most settings they appear in—not to mention Fiora did something which could only be described as a form of mind-rape to Tobias and Richard during their first encounter, so we should probably expect it to come into play should she get close to either of us.

>You're also strong enough of a Plagamancer to [Cancer] just about anything if you can unbalance those humors just… you gotta do that first.

In which case, I’m going to recommend we focus entirely on setting up [Cancer] as per what >>395092 suggests, with necessary precautions because a little paranoia has never hurt anybody, while Sylphie focuses on AoE as a means of both damaging and distracting Mun’teca by not giving her the chance to do much of anything but dodge and block, buying us time to work our magic and making her weaker and thus more susceptible to [Manipulate Humours].

Out of curiosity, can we use [Mage Sight] through [Remote Sentry]? Because that would make for a fantastic way of determining Mun’teca’s exact location and form for us to be able to use [Manipulate Humours] successfully.

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2a4136 No.395294

Hey hey! probably won't have update today, but I do have an update of another sort!

The ebook is out for download! That's right, the ebook for Wizardquest on amazon for purchase! Take the antics of your favorite shit Wizard everywhere you go with your kindle or other e-reader device!


The story is a little altered from the original for clarity and space, but if you could leave a review, it would be a big help! Anyone interested in the hardback would need to wait, the proof copy should be in early next week I'd guess.

Again, I don't plan to make money off this venture (especially since I dropped the price of the ebook to $7 USD which will take effect on friday) but it would be nice to pretend I'm an author.


That would be… incredibly difficult. You can try to just plain trick her, but pretending to be an illusionist would be easier if you'd been a good father-in-law and checked in with your son-in-law and I'll stop talking.


Hmmm. The way that Remote Sentry works, you can't use [Mage Sight] through it as it feeds into a different section of your consciousness than [Mage Sight]. I suppose if you had [Magesight Goggles] you could use it as a filter over a sentry but… otherwise no.

Chances are after this we'll be looking at a character swap, if you want to. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it. One way or another something is about to reach a head…

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e0dd37 No.395302

File: bb3e470e8a970b9⋯.jpg (31.34 KB,423x442,423:442,50f15c38965f0a8d2daf787c89….jpg)


>not having a special edition of the book with "signatures" from all of the characters

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2a4136 No.395308

File: 9c8e8d67c0f67b7⋯.gif (548.84 KB,720x534,120:89,9c8e8d67c0f67b7e436e742572….gif)


>He doesn't know about the personalized page you can add into the hardback edition.

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2a4136 No.395404

>Story continue

Mun’teca steps back from Sylphie as your daughter explodes with power, a corona of electricity playing around her which pushes the Mindflayer back, a frown on her face. You follow it up with a [Lightning Bolt] of your own, though once again, it seems to miss, with her moving merely moments before the bolt strikes.

That’s fine though, the entire point of that exercise was to get her away from Sylphie and allow you to reach your daughter. With [Mage Sight] flaring and your guardian manifested behind you, you dive toward your daughter and throw up a wall that crashes through the floorboards using [Build the Wall].

“Huh? Dad, we can’t see her!” Sylphie shouts.

“No shit, that’s the point!” You reply before casting out [Remote Sentry]. The devices appear on the four walls of the library, giving you nearly total vision of the place. The downside to using four of these, however, is that it takes up a great deal of your concentration, though thankfully Sylphie notices and shields you, her tails rising.

You see her immediately standing on the other side of your wall, her head cocked as if in confusion. She looks up at your sentries, her innate magic allowing her to at least get a vague impression of where they are. As she looks-

“Sylphie, bombard right behind the wall!” You shout.

Not wasting a moment, Sylphie leaps into the air and fires a swath of fire, scorching the flooring and burning books scattered on the ground. Her area of devastation is large enough that even someone with quick reflexes shouldn’t have been able to dodge it! Quickly turning back to your sentries, you see-

Her standing right next to you.

Gasping, you leap backward as the sword she was carrying beforehand cuts through your already abused shirt and makes a furrow in your already abused chest. Blood flies crimson through the air as you throw up a spike of ice in front of you in desperation, but whether or not she used an illusion, she steps to the side and makes to strike at you again.

Your staff intercepts the sword and she leans down, eyes coming near yours as her tentacles writhe. She hisses as magic flares up around her, “This time, I’ll turn your fear into reality.”

Cold shock runs down your spine and you panic despite yourself. Oh Gods, she isn’t going to make you relive that again, is she? Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fuck you have to-

Mun’teca cries out in pain as Sylphie’s tails impale her tentacles, and throw the Mindflayer to the floor, sending her sword clattering. Unfortunately she’s stronger than she looks and the tentacle hair grabs Sylphie’s tails and THROWS her into a nearby table, throwing up a shower of books and a cry of alarm.

This snaps you back into reality. No… no, you REFUSE to allow that vision to come true! Roaring with anger, you tuck your head and barrel into the chest of the Mindflayer, driving her back into a bookcase and eliciting a grunt as the wind is forced out of her. Pulling back your hand as you charge lighting through it to pierce her chest, you blink in surprise as suddenly she’s not in front of you. Though it takes you a moment to understand that you’re being tricked, your guardian destroying the illusion, but that’s all it takes for her to slip from your grasp and smash a book into the side of your head, sending you crashing to the floor, stars in your vision.

Something slimy grabs your leg and you let out a cry as you look up to see Mun’teca fuming with anger. “YOU WILL NOT STAND IN MY WAY. SHE PROMISED ME! PROMISED ME I’D SEE THEM BECOME FERTILIZER!”

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2a4136 No.395405


“The fuck are you talking abou-“ You shout before being thrown as well into the recovering Sylphie. The two of you push to your feet as the Mindflayer, seething with anger, splits into five, all of them encircling the two of you. They make no immediate move to attack, but you can’t be sure which is the real one as they all radiate the same magic power. If you take a moment to analyze their signatures, you’re sure you can figure it out but…

“GUARDIAN! STRIKE!” You shout as your [Inner Guardian] manifests before you and slices through one of the Mindflayers, reducing it to nothing. The others press on, closing in faster and faster as your daughter pushes her back behind you, her guardian doing the same. Unfortunately she must be using multiple illusions over and over each other, because for every one your guardians destroy, another takes their place. The strain this causing must be immense, but from what you understand of Jackor’s little rejects, they can keep going until they pass out or go entirely insane. Unfortunately for you, this Monster passed the latter’s threshold ages ago.

“Sylphie.” You say as the Mindflayers about close in, their tentacles flailing and ready to grab you. She looks over her shoulder at you, sweat on her brow as you pull her staff out from your bag. Taking in a deep breath, you breathe out,


As soon as you say this, both of you turn, blasting power from your staves. Explosions of fire and electricity detonate around the room. The time for playing nice is over and so is the time for subtlety. She needs to go down and go down NOW.

The circle of destruction you form with Sylphie leaves a swath of destruction, obliterating any of the Mindflayers you see. They don’t reform, possibly because your mind doesn’t allow that possibility and possibly because your [Inner Guardians] also destroy them until they all suddenly vanish as one of the Mindflayers drops under your barrage, her teeth chattering as a stray explosion of electricity courses through her.

“F-Fuck you.” She says through gritted teeth.

Directing yourself at her, you point your staff and both yours and Sylphie’s guardians appear around her, striking in unison to shatter any illusion she may be casting. At this, her eyes widen in shock as she drops onto her hands and eyes, twitching while searching around frantically.

“No, no, no, it’s not supposed to happen. Why does it hurt? I’ve hurt so much already, please don’t make it hurt anymore! They’re all dead, oh by the spirits, they’re all dead! Please don’t let them be dead and- I have to avenge them? Oh but it hurts!”

She babbles incoherently there as you do a [Fast Scan] and get a hold of her humours. Raising your staff, you prepare to imbalance them and cast a spell you’d promised you won’t use anymore. But desperate times call for desperate measures. As you begin, however, you hear Sylphie let out gasp and fall down next to you, breaking your concentration.

Her [Inner Guardian] vanishes from next to the Mindflayer as the glow of magic around Sylphie dissipates. She curses and fumbles at her belt. “The se- the mana potion wore off, I need to-“

Mun’teca’s head snaps up in that instant, a horrific lucidity in her eyes as she screams far louder than even your [Amplify] and [Irate Frog Song] can reach. The very library seems to quake around you and you stagger to the ground, covering your abused ears while she screams as if to tear out your very soul. Actually, you’ve heard that kind of screaming beforehand, so at least you know this isn’t it… but it still hurts.

And then it stops. Surprised, you look up to see her gone from before you. Gasping, you flip about as Sylphie finally drinks her potion but find her nowhere. What the-? Where did she go?! Did she run away? That’s the worst possible outcome for you, in truth, because she can just hide again!

“Sylphie.” You say, getting close to your daughter again. “Did you find the captives?”

“I think… they’re in the librarian’s room.” She points behind you to a small door inset in the back of the library. “But when I was about to investigate, she attacked me.”

“Damnit. It’s not ideal, but we should try to rescue them until we find her.”

“Right.” She says, getting her bearings back.

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2a4136 No.395406


Despite hurting all over, you limp toward the back room, supported by Sylphie, your sentries searching. Where could she have gone? You reach the door and Sylphie places her ear next to it, listening. She gasps and says, “there’s someone in-!”

The door cuts off her off by bursting open and slamming her into the wall. You blink in surprise as the Mindflayer rushes out. Mun’teca gives you no time to respond as she drives you forward into another bookcase, a reversal of your earlier situation. In her hand is a pen-knife she must have picked up from the room. Her tentacles grab your head and she cackles as her red eyes glow with malevolence.

You do your best to grab her wrist and keep her from impaling your eye with the knife. For some reason it slips off her skin like it’s covered in oil and you can’t be certain if it’s an illusion or not! Before the knife can give you a back alley enucleation, you knee her in the gut and she pulls away long enough for Sylphie to throw into the air a spell you’d rather she didn’t.

[Daylight] floods the room, blinding both you and the Mindflayer, the latter screaming in pain while pulling away from you. For your part, you stagger against the wall of books, trying to get your bearing as white light clouds your vision until you remember something very important:

You still have [Remote Sentries]!

Tapping into just one of them, you can see despite your blindness. Cackling in a mix of rage and triumph, you cast [Ice] to trap her, though your aim is a little off seeing as you’re a little blind. Unfortunately, Sylphie casts [Fireball] at the exact same time and the end result is her leg becomes horrifically burned from steam. The Mindflayer screams in pain and drops to floor, holding her abused leg.

Seeing this through the sentries, you curse and prepare to send out electricity when Sylphie jumps upon her and prepares to jam her tails into the other Monster’s body. A bold plan of attack, but your daughter forgot one thing: Mun’teca likes to play tricks.

Whether or not as a planned assault or just dumb luck, Mun’teca grabs Sylphie with her tentacles and the girl stops moving.

Snapping back to reality, you furiously blink, trying to clear your vision enough to use [Mage Sight]. As you vision clears you see the Mindflayer stabbing Sylphie over and over again, her blood coming out in spurts that cover the purple skinned Monster.

Crying out in agony, you stumble your way over and manifest your [Inner Guardian]. When you go to annihilate the bitch and save your little girl, your guardian strikes first however, destroying the illusion before you. Surprised, you stagger to your knees, tears in your half-blind eyes as you sweep your vision before finding a source of magic to your right, behind the wall you’d created earlier. Clenching your fist, you drag the wall back down.

The Mindflayer, holding an unconscious Sylphie in her hands, tumbles backward as the wall vanishes. She gasps in surprise, but you’re in no fucking mood. Power roils over you as you create a spear of [Ice], ready to impale this bitch for good. As you prepare to run her through, you pause just an instant and notice something strange: Mun’teca’s eyes look… confused?

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2a4136 No.395407


Steeling your resolve, you stop your charge and send out your guardian, who cleaves through the illusion, revealing the positions of the two to be reversed. Sylphie stares at you with wide eyes filled with tears as tentacles attach to her head while the Mindflayer growls next to her.

Oh that fucking bitch. She tried to have you kill your own daughter.

Perhaps everything else she did was forgivable, but this? No. There is to be no mercy for this. Rage filling her heart, you latch onto her humours, using the burns on her leg as leverage to infiltrate her system.

“Stop!” She says, pulling Sylphie’s face next to her own, knife at the ready. “You make one move and I kill her. She’s going to die and it will be YOUR fault!”

“D-Daddy…” Sylphie whispers.

Something breaks in your heart, but you keep your resolve, intensifying it maybe. The Mindflayer searches your expression before gasping and trying to slit Sylphie’s throat. But it’s too late. Her arm shudders and the wrist goes limp. She looks on in surprise and horror as your Plagamancy begins its dark work.

The arm begins to roil and grow in size. She, a creature with the ability to make other see anything she could imagine, screams as the unthinkable happens. Faster and faster, the arm swells until a sickening crunch is heard as the bones in the arm snap from the pressure.

Oh but it doesn’t end there.

The burned leg undergoes the same process as well as her breast until her entire body is a seething mass of [Cancer]. The only place you leave alone is her mouth. Even if she used an illusion on you, you know for certain she’s dead. There’s no way to stop this any longer, even if she did carry those plants Phallia likes to put in everyone. She’s dead and just waiting your mercy to kill her.

“I could have made this easier on you.” You hiss, dropping next to her as you swat away one of her tentacle hairs. “But you had to push it. You had to threaten my damn daughter.”

“I… I wanted to bring them to JUSTICE.”

“Those Sahaugin? How are you so sure they even were related to Filliothia? They could have just been pirates. But you can just ask them in the Hells.”

“Heh…” She chuckles. “Even if… even if it is not by my hand I… I will wait for them in the Hells. I will wait for them and they will arrive soon.”

“What does that mean?” You ask, concerned.

She gives you a smile before something vital breaks and her eyes lose focus. Her head lolls to the side and she drops dead.

You watch her corpse for a long while, making certain with all your spells that she’s dead and not using some illusion. This whole shit makes your head hurt, though the massive expenditure of mana didn’t help either. It’s a struggle to keep yourself from passing out as you turn to Sylphie, who had passed out after being dropped by Mun’teca, and check her humours with a [Fast Scan].

She seems relatively healthy, if beaten up some. Using [Soothe], you fix her cuts and scrapes before trying to wake her up. She stirs briefly and gasps, leaping forward to grab your throat with her furred hand, her nails drawing blood as she growls, tails poised behind her to impale you. Despite yourself, you feel a stab of panic as you remember just how monstrous her race can be.

“Sylphie.” You say in a low voice. “Sylphie, it’s me, daddy.”

She blinks a few times, tears still coming down her eyes as she whispers, “D-Dad?”

Though her tails don’t lower, she loosens pressure on your throat. Gently, you pull her to you in an embrace as you stroke her hair and say, “It’s okay. It’s okay. Nothing she showed you was real.”

“I… I didn’t know where… I thought I was…” She begins to cry in earnest.

You hold her like that until shouts are heard from behind as sailors and other personnel flood the library, leveling magitek rifles and other weapons at you. Tired, you turn your head to them and say,

“Gentlemen. I’m the Grand Wizard and I’m having a tender moment with my daughter after a traumatic incident. Could you please be quieter?”

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2a4136 No.395408



Admiral Ulysses, the highest ranking naval officer in Deleor sits at his desk, palm over his face as you, Sylphie, and your constructs sit quietly in his office. Despite feeling like trash, you were rushed over to him following a brief interrogation until someone amazingly recognized you. Or at least your daughter as most people know that there are only three of such species in existence at the moment.

“So uh.” You say, rubbing at your chin but are cut off as the Admiral holds up a hand. Tense silence fills the room for a few more minutes before the man breathes out and finally looks you in the eyes.

“Let me get this straight.” He says in a way very familiar to a certain other military commander you met in the past. “A Monster infiltrated our base as our Hero, formed a cult within the walls, and kidnapped people, hiding them in our library.”

“Yeah, that about sums it up.”

The man groans. “That’s stupid, you know that?”

“Yeah, but she was able to mess with your perceptions and cast illusions.”

“Doesn’t mean it’s not stupid.”

You shrug, not able to argue that. The man sighs again and says, “Well, what do we do about this now?”

“Not much to be honest.” You say. “She’s dead and most of her cult is rounded up. The prisoners are freed and minimal damage was done to the facility.”

“The library is ruined.”

“Do sailors even fucking read?”

The Admiral pauses before conceding the point. “Anyway. Why was she doing this?”

Sylphie turns to you and looks for your response. You consider it for a moment before being honest. “She wanted to gain access to Fillothia and destroy it.”

A snort comes from the Admiral. “Are you insane?”

“No, but she was.” You say. “She truly believed she could do that and was gaining hostages for some ritual. We’ll never know what, but they’re freed now.” Rubbing at your cheek, you ask, “Speaking of which, among the hostages was there-“

The door bursts open as a grizzled old far with white hair and an eyepatch walks into the room like he owns the place. He slaps his hands on the table and says without preamble, “Ulysses you ol’ bastard, what’s your secretary doing making me wait outside?”

Your constructs exchange looks while Sylphie cocks her head. For your part you blink in surprise at the familiar old man.


He pauses and turns to you, eyeing you up and down critically before asking, “Who wants to know?”

“Holy hells, you haven’t aged at all.” You say, chuckling. “I didn’t actually think it would be you, I thought you’d be dead by now.”

The man narrows his eyes and rubs his beard. “Do I know you?”

“You sailed myself, the Hero Blake, and our party to Derrick about twenty years ago.”

“Hrmmm… doesn’t ring a bell-“

“I froze a Crab Girl’s pussy and then frogs beat up her Lobster Girl sister.”

Baha snaps his fingers. “Oh rrriiigghhht! You’re the one who fried that poor Sahaugin.” He shakes his head. “Sad business, but good to see you’re looking well. What have you been up to?”

“Uh, I helped stop the last Monster Invasion and an married to the Monster Lady.” You put a hand around Sylphie’s shoulder. “This is one of my daughters.”

Sylphie gives him an awkward wave as the man chuckles. “Oh ho! Darling thing. Makes me pine for the fruit of my own loins!” He turns back to the Admiral, who just looks tired. “Speaking of which, when can I get out of here and head back home?”

“We just need to process things a little more, ask a few questions and-“

“Home? Filliothia? Can we go along? I’d like to talk with your wife about something of import.” You ask.

The Admiral gives you a flat look as Baha turns to you again and chuckles, “You want to go there? Sorry, but my wife would never allow-“

“I just saved your ass from a calamari headed Monster.”

“Oh well in that case you have passage.”

Without further discussion, he turns to the Admiral as they discuss returning the other captives home as well. There’s still some thing to finish here in Hudson, you’re sure, but you just hope that from this point on, it’s smooth sailing.

Heh. Puns.

>What do you do?

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95a306 No.395412

Good riddance. That’s one monster the world won’t miss But Phallusia will. She’ll have to stroke her cock extra hard to get to sleep tonight after today.

As for what to do next? Eh, just get ready to go underwater and talk to the Sea Queen. I think doing some reading on her/talking with Baha in order to figure out how to get on her good side is a good idea. Additionally, we should probably buy a spell book on hydromancy to expand our options once we’re underwater. Some father-daughter magic practice would be good, as Sylphie’s probably still knocked around from [Eye of Fear], and needs to recover, in whatever ways we can provide. If possible, I think an interrogation of the remaining cult members to figure out what they were up to exactly would be nice, particularly the more intelligent ones, who would know what the plans concerning Filliothia. This could also be used as a bargaining chip with the Sea Queen.

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7d8506 No.395551

I agree with >>395412. Maybe also finally learn that invisibility spell. Also if fire + lighting is plasma are their anymore super combos? Last thing, can we pull the air out of water with magic and will that just leave hydrogen?

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2a4136 No.395631

Price change is on amazon, first print copy supposed to be in my hands on wednesday!

Anyway, since participation is a little low and I might be on-call, I think I'll write tomorrow evening instead. Hope to see more posts from y'all!


Fair enough, I just wanted to make sure people didn't have last minute things they wanted to do before we speak more with Baha.


Sure, she can probably teach it to you. If y'all can think of another super one then… well hit me I guess. But the hydrogen thing isn't going to happen. Molecular chemistry is a little beyond you and air is as air does and water is as water does… breaking it apart won't work.

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41f498 No.395753


The only things I can think to add that >>395412 didn't already cover are to get some information on what Filliothia is like, either from Baha or Myra, so we know what to expect when we get there and to practise geomancy and biomancy alongside the obvious hydromancy with Sylphie, since our destination is both most likely on the sea floor or close enough to it and probably within the photic zone in some capacity, meaning there will hopefully be sand and plants which we could potentially use to our advantage in some way. Aeromancy wouldn't be the worst idea either, since we could use the pressure of the ocean to our advantage by creating sudden pockets of air that immediately collapse and create shock waves in a similar vein to how pistol shrimps, and to a lesser extent mantis shrimps, attack, but it would make more sense to practise such a technique when we're actually in the water rather than before then.

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2a4136 No.395791

>Story continue

“Ey there brotha man. I hear from some of the pahu that there’s some big celebrity in town. Hear he’s a really popular person, did some big things down at the naval base. Wonder where that man could be staying, hmm?”

You sigh as Otit nudges your ribs. Again.

The man has been incessantly bullying you since you returned from the base, haggard and just wanting to sleep. Apparently news of “The Grand Wizard” being in town made the rounds far faster than you’d have expected and despite your hiding you find people in the inn whispering as the innkeeper pesters you.

“Yes, Otit. There certainly is important people in places.” You sigh, staring at the plate of food in front of you, though you don’t really feel hungry.

“Ah, I’m just giving you a hard time.” He chuckles and slaps his belly. “Well now, since everyone knows you’re here, what are you going to do?”

“Leave.” You say, nodding to Harmony, who is sitting next to you. Chaika is looking after Sylphie who is still a little out of it after her encounter with the Mindflayer.

“Leave? Awww, but you’ll miss the next luau!”

“I’ve had my fill of those.” You say, a shudder going down your spine. “We’re due to meet with Baha later today and make ready for our journey to Filliothia.”

“Hmm.” Otit says, rubbing his chin. “So it was that old fart in town. Good thing you found him, we’d have some pretty rocky seas if anything happened to him and his wife found out.”

“She’s that terrifying?”

“Oh no, no brotha man! She’s beautiful, one of the most gorgeous Anahie I’ve ever seen! But she has as temper, and if she gets mad ain’t nothing good going to happen.”

“I see.” You say, not knowing what to make of that. Let’s just hope her husband coming back home will put her in a good mood, huh?

“Well, I’ll go check on Sylphie and we’ll check out.”

“Ah, well, that’s the nature of these things.” He slaps you on the back this time, about making you fall face-first into the food. “You come on back then! And bring your whole family for some fun in the sun!”

You can’t help but chuckle at the man. “Alright, alright. We’ll return someday.” You go to stand up but he puts a hand on your shoulder and pushes you down.

“Hey now.” Otit says, leaning in close to you. “You better eat your breakfast.”

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2a4136 No.395792



Sylphie sighs in bed, placing a hand to her head. When you enter the room she looks to you and gives a weak smile before saying, “Breakfast good?”

“I… am glad I still have some potions.” You say, feeling ill already. Damn if it doesn’t taste good though. Kneeling next to Sylphie, you place a hand on her and feel her humors. At least she’s still physically fine but…

“How are you feeling?”

“Tired.” She says. “But I’ll manage.”

“You want to talk about it?”

“Not really.” She says, looking to the side. “Either way, we need to be going to Baha, right?”

“Yeeeeep.” Chaika says, placing hands on her hips. “No sense waiting around here anymore, lets head to the bottom of the ocean!”

“We don’t even know that it’s at the bottom of the ocean.” You say, waving your hand in dismissal.

“Please.” Chaika says, giving you a flat look.

“Anyway.” Sylphie says, pushing herself up. “I’ll be ready to go soon. Mr. Ed is getting a little ansty outside so we should be ready.”

“How can he be ansty, he’s a horse…” Chaika mutters while finishing packing, not that it takes long to do so. All of you meet outside after you finish up with Otit and make your way to the docks. Being that your cover has already been blown, you don’t even bother with a cloak, it’s just too hot anyway.

People watch you as you walk, muttering to themselves. Sometimes you forget that you’re technically a celebrity. Sometimes you just wish to be a nobody in your room. Of course, when you look over at your daughter you remember how silly that is. You’ve been to enough formal meetings with Selene to be used to this shit.

You reach the docks with the sun high in the sky, the light off the salt sea making your face feel like it’s burning already. The people here don’t have time to gawk at you, or they don’t care. Either way, you’re fine making your way to a small ship you’d seen before but didn’t have much of a reason to pay much attention to.

About the ship you see people walking about, loading it with goods, checking the vessel, and going about making sure they’re ready to set sail. You’re not surprised actually to see multiple acquatic Monsters working alongside the men to fix the ship while some pop their heads out of the water, calling things out. It all seems fairly routine until you see two familiar, yet surprising figures.

Sitting next to the dock, the wood wet around them, are the Ocean Priestess you met before and Myra. Both of them are speaking with Baha, the Mermaid seeming perturbed despite her earlier calm while the Eel Girl just chuckles. As you approach she notices you first, a smirk coming to her lips.

“Well, well, if it isn’t our mysterious guest.”

“Please Myra, you knew exactly who I was.”

“Maybe~, but it’s fun to play around.” She giggles. “What brings you here?”

“I’m pretty sure you know that as well.” Sylphie sighs, to which the Eel Girl smiles.

“Ah, our very own superhero, in the flesh. My, I should have brought my autograph book.” She chuckles and holds up a hand. “But you are correct, I do know, though I was merely reminiscing with a friend.”

“Aye.” Baha says, arms crossed. “Myra is the most incorrigible Monster I’ve ever met. Keeps temping my crew into terrible things. Sylvester is her best customer you know.” He narrows his eye. “She keeps trying to get to me too, but she damn well knows it won’t work.”

“It’s amusing to try.”

A deep sigh comes from the Ocean Priestess as she puts a hand to her head. “Please, can we not speak of infidelity so lightly? It is an affront to the Gods.”

“Aye you damn stick in the mud.” Baha says before turning to you. “You lot look like you want to go somewhere.”

“Uhhh.” You say, not knowing how to respond to that.

“I apologize for the man, he is a rapscallion, no matter how old he gets.” The Mermaid says. “However, he has called me out here today because he wishes to grant you transport to Filliothia. Normally I would object, however I hear you saved both his life and the lives of many believers.” She sighs, “Fillios wishes to grant you such passage.”

“Oh? Hey, if you can just ask a favor of Fillios for us, we don’t need to go to-“ You cut off as she touches a hand to your forehead and you take a sharp breath, as if being dunked into cold water. A shudder runs down your spine and you gasp, feeling like you just came up for fresh air.

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2a4136 No.395793


She does the same to Sylphie before she can react and then tries it on Mr. Ed, but the horse steps back and bares his teeth at her. She cocks her head and then clacks her tongue. “Ah, I apologize. I should have explained myself.”

“Damn right you should have!” You say, still shaking. “What the fuck did you do?”

“I have given you the blessing to enter the city. Without it, you would never make it.”

“I thought Baha would give it to us!”

The grizzled captain shakes his head. “Not exactly that simple. But at least she listens to me if I ask.”

Mr. Ed accepts the blessing while the constructs merely get sigil painted on them, which glows faintly before vanishing. Well, they didn’t explode so you guess the sigil acts a little differently than other ones when interacting with magitek.

“There.” The Priestess says, nodding her head. “They may freely enter the city now.”

“Huh.” You say, feeling yourself before scratching your cheek. “Well, thanks. By the way, what’s the city like anyway.”

She smirks, “it is beautiful. Grand in scope and always cast in the colors of the ocean. Structures you couldn’t believe made or stone and coral of colors that you can’t describe. The bounty of the sea sits right at your fingertips while the calm of Fillios seeps into you and makes you feel almost transcendental.”

“It’s nice.” Baha says, ruining the moment and making the Mermaid give him a flat look. “Anyway, we better finish preparations. You board the boat and we’ll get ready to shove off.”

“So soon?” You say, looking to the boat. Well… most don’t want to leave at night, if you recall.

“Aye, it’s not that long a journey, but I’d rather get out of sight of port before nightfall.”

“Hmm. Maybe we should have interrogated more of those cult members.”

“Arr, won’t do much good.” Baha says. “Ol’ Ulyssess has them under heavy lock and key. I tried to knock some sense into them myself, but they just seemed despondent without their tentacle head or whatever she was. Some kind of Kraken maybe?”

“Not… quite.” Harmony says. “Are you certain we shouldn’t check? There is a danger to Filliothia from them.”

“As you told me, aye.” He nods is head. “But you stopped the threat and the captives are coming home. Some probably made it back already.” He taps his head, “We’re fine.”

“I hope so…” Sylphie says, worry on her face.

“Well now, I’ll keep an eye on things, don’t you worry your pretty little head.” Myra says, before sighing. “Are you sure you don’t want to try at least one patron? I’ll make sure it’s a gentle event the first time… you won’t regret it.”

“None of my daughters are becoming whores, thank you very much.” You say, putting a hand on Sylphie shoulder and glaring at the Eel Girl.

Her eyes merely sparkle. “You have more than one daughter? Well maybe the other isn’t such a prude…”

“No. Bad Eel. Bad.”

She giggles, “Well, I just wanted to confer with Baha before he left. There’s many things happening in this world, much more than we expect.” She pulls her pipe out but doesn’t ask you for a light. “I’m sure your adventure in Filliothia will be more than you suspect.”

You frown before nudging Sylphie. “Come on, let’s board.”

She looks back to you and nods before the five of you board the ship. While not overly large, there’s a small cabin for you which is decent enough. Two beds works just fine for you as the constructs can just sit, or go up deck if they need to. Which they do, leaving you along with Sylphie as you wait to leave.

Your daughter sighs and lays back on her little bed, staring up at the ceiling. She hasn’t yet talked about what was forced on her back in that battle, but she still seems a little out of it. You can’t exactly force her into anything though, might as well give her as much time as she needs.

Or… you could try to cheer her up another way.

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2a4136 No.395794


“Hey, what do you say we practice some magic?”

Sylphie cocks her head. “Huh?”

“You know, we’ll be going into a cool new place, but it wouldn’t hurt to go over some notes on magic, you know?” You shrug. “Besides, I think it’s finally time I learned that invisibility spell of yours.”

She sighs, “It’s not invisibility, it’s… ugh it’s annoying to explain it.”

“Well.” You say. “Why don’t you teach me what it is?”

She turns to you and furrows her brow before cocking her head. “What’s this about?”

“Can’t I want to learn a cool spell?”


You sigh and hold up a hand. “Fine, fine. I mean, that’s also true, but I just wanted to do a little father-daughter bonding. It’s… it’s been awhile since we practiced magic, huh?”

She looks at you and then looks down, a curious mix of emotion on her face before she closes her eyes and shakes her head. “Is that so? Well… alright then.” She pushes herself up on the bed and says, “Alright, well, first thing you have to understand is that it’s not invisibility, it’s just changing how the light reacts to obscure you from view…”


You barely notice the time when Baha knocks on your door, opens it, and says, “We’re shoving off! Are you ready to-“ He pauses as he looks at the water floating in a ball in front of your face. “Uhhh.”

“I’m a Wizard, I don’t have to explain shit.” You say, to which Baha just scratches his beard and closes the door. You and Sylphie exchange looks before snickering.

“That wasn’t nice.” Sylphie says, though she still giggles.

“Well.” You say, shrugging. “It’s true! Besides, what else was I going to say? I’m practicing Hydromancy.”

“I still don’t know why you asked, don’t you know Hydromancy?”

“Some. Mostly basically stuff like [Water]. Never had much of a use for it, you know Fulgromancy is my elemental specialty.”

“Right, right.” Sylphie says. “Well, at least you’re still good at it. I swear, Wizards can pick up spells so fast, like [Trick of the Light].”

“Oh please, little miss, ‘I’m a Monster Witch but I can cast any kind of magic.’”

“It’s just a Cat o’Nine Tails thing, you know that.” Sylphie says, sniffing.

“Is that so…” You murmur before changing the subject. You forgot that Selene doesn’t want the girls thinking too hard about that. “Anyway, I’ll have to practice [Water Spout] more outside, but that could be useful.”

“Mhm. I even learned a great spell called [Tidal Wave].” Sylphie says, looking a little smug. “Though I’m not sure how it will work underwater… might not be a great idea to use.”

“That means it’s an excellent idea.” You say, nodding your head. A sudden inspiration comes to you and you snap your fingers. “What if I made sudden pockets of air in the water that immediately collapsed and made shock waves in the water?”

“Uhhh, wouldn’t that cause some severe damage to wherever that’s aimed?”


Sylphie chuckles. “Dad, you’re incorrigible. Next think you know, you’ll say you’ve found a way to use whale shit for your Copromancy.”

“Can’t, water dissolves the feces too badly so I can’t use Copromancy underwater.” You sigh. “Twenty years and I still can’t do it.”

“I don’t know whether to be happy or sad.”

At this the two of you laugh again, fully bodied and happy. Sylphie wipes her eyes and says, “Thanks dad, I needed this.”

“No problem.” You say, rubbing her hair. “I love it when you smile, much better than frowning.”

“Gee, thanks.” She says, rubbing her hair. “So how long is it until we reach the place?”

“Dunno, but we’ll find out.”

Going upstairs, you find Baha commanding his crew as the ship moves along the sea. You notice a few others like you who are on deck but aren’t working- you recognize them as the other captives you rescued from the library. Looks like Baha is giving them transport, isn’t that night. Turning your attention to Baha, you wave to him and he nods as you approach.

“Smooth shove off. Wind is good. I think at this rate we might reach the ol’ city in about three days.”

“Seems like a fairly short voyage to be honest.”

“Well it’s not… ah, you’ll see.”

“Hmm.” You say, looking out at the ocean. “What’s your wife like anyway?”

“The most delicate flower in the sea, but she’ll break your spine if you anger her. Filled with power of Fillios and the absolute ruler of the seas around Deleor, perhaps the world. She is terrible, and yet calm. A manifestation of the sea itself.” He smirks,

“And she makes the cutest moans in bed.”

The two of you smirk at each other, understanding each other perfectly.

“Well.” You say as the calm seas play around you. “I suppose there’s no changing course now. I just hope your wife is in a good mood when we arrive.”

Baha merely laughs.

>Character select

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2a4136 No.395795

Mmm, there really wasn't that much that needed to be done. You can get a better book in Filliothia and you know the basics of hydromancy with some spells Sylphie teaches you so you can fuck around with a lot of magic. That pistol shrimp thing can totally work too, though you'll have to wait to use it! If you have other water spell related ideas let me know.

At this point I think it's a good idea for a change unless you want to continue with the GW's sea adventure. For most of these stories (Save Rommel's, which you have more of a prompt), I'll have to continue them before taking suggestions! But yeah, who do you wan to read about now?

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8c5ad8 No.395798

I'd say we got a nice Lil order down and say Tobias is next up. How bout a spell where we increase the water pressure via compression and call it something cool like "Abyssil Point"

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41f498 No.395807

>“it is beautiful. Grand in scope and always cast in the colors of the ocean."

So the city has artificial lighting then? Because colours in the visible light spectrum are absorbed the further down into the depths you go, with colours like red and orange going first, yet the Priestess claims the city is always cast in the colours of the ocean, which means the aforementioned quickly absorbed colours should be present as well red is a common colour for fish, particularly those living in the twilight zone, after all in spite of sunlight not being capable of displaying such colours at such depths. If so, we could potentially use this to our advantage if we need to hide at some point, so long as either we have apparel of a low wavelength colour like red or Sylphie is capable of distorting colours with her manipulation of light, as we could disable such light sources to make anything red really hard to see, if not just outright disappear from sight if it's dark enough.

>t. Scuba Diver


I'm with >>395798 regarding character selection; we haven't seen Tobias in a while, so it makes sense to keep to the order we have and swap to him. That, and his party's actions going forward would probably have more impact on everyone than either Rommel's or the Grand Wizard's parties would due to their destination, meaning there's more potential for problems and drama which is almost always entertaining.

Regarding other water-based spells or attacks we could use underwater, I've got little that isn't immediately obvious firing a jet of water at a target, trapping a target in conflicting currents like an underwater whirlpool, etc. or would actually work well one example being mimicking an electric eel, a creature whose defence against its own electricity is theorised to boil down to 'don't make a current too strong', which means such an attack doesn't really translate to our needs without being either too weak to affect more than small targets or too strong for us to reasonably use safely. One thing that I thought might be viable is combining a [Sigil of Weight] with [Ice] as a means of making a target sink to the ocean floor, which would hinder their movement if not take them out of a fight entirely depending on how far away from the bottom they were when we cast it, but how viable that is depends on how quickly we can weave a sigil and how close to the ice or other material to use we need to be weave something on it.


>How bout a spell where we increase the water pressure via compression and call it something cool like "Abyssil Point"

That could work. I question whether it would have much effect against those with the Fillios' blessing you would think something designed to give passage to Filliothia would also give immunity or high resistance to the pressure of the ocean, as how else are monsters and humans, the latter in particular, supposed to live within the city? but it would be rather effective against both aggressive fauna and any physical obstacles, such as unblessed structures and coral, that may get in the way of our objectives. Also, we may be able to combine that idea with the whole 'pistol shrimp bubble collapse' thing to make it a more potent attack with more lethal applications, since more pressure means a faster collapse which in turn means more shock waves and an even bigger spike in sudden temperature; maybe it could be called [Abyssal Collapse] to keep with your name theme.

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a05b7f No.395831


Have we actually confirmed 100% that the city is deep underwater? Is it possible the city is suspended higher up in the ocean, yet still underwater?

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41f498 No.395846


From >>392349:

>“Can’t a boat take us there?”

>“Not unless it sank. The city is at the bottom of the ocean, after all.”

Granted, this doesn't really help with determining the actual depth, but you would think the sea floor would be considered fairly deep, even in more shallow areas of the ocean.

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95a306 No.395875

I vote for Rommel. We were on the verge of discovering the artifact for Sveth, and given Rommel’s previous experiences with him, I imagine he’d be our best line to Solos, as he knows us, and is more likely to listen than a rather uncaring god like Filios.

As for new spells, something like [Current] or [Riptide], which would let us control the flow of water to drag aquatic monsters around as we please. Spells like [Cold Blooded] will also work well here, as aquatic creatures are usually cold blooded, and depend on the stable water temperatures that oceans provide. Messing with water temperature will be pretty effective.

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2a4136 No.395894



Okay, nerd. You'll find out later then.

Sure, we're off to Tobias. I wish Finn's art was finished by now, but Manos is backed up and has skipped me so… hmmm.


Cool shit does mix with the GW. Makes sense!



Yep, it's pretty… well, you'll see. But it's not atop the water at least!


Oh? A vote for rommel, interesting! Atm you're in the minority, so we'll see what happens by tomorrow!

[Riptide] could be cool.

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c20388 No.396075


                >Story continue


                “Yes, Clint?”

                “Can you answer me a quick question?”

                “Anything for you, my dear friend.”

                “Why are we being escorted like criminals to the capital of the Monster Nation?”

                “That is indeed a quick question, one which I am afraid I don’t have the correct answer to.”

                The man turns to look at you with a droll expression as you sit on the front bench of your wagon, surrounded by armed, rather large, Monsters. Despite getting to keep most of your weapons, the Monsters had you surrounded and surveilled to the point that even turning a little out of line earns you glares from your escorts.

                Alice lets out a deep sigh from under her hood. “We could have made excellent time if we weren’t hobbled by these cows.”

                One of the Minotaurs escorting you nudges your wagon at the remark, which jostles everyone. Alice merely grumbles and crosses her arms. Ophelia sighs and shrugs her shoulders, “Well, not much we can do about it now. I suppose they weren’t just going to let us through the country that easily.”

                “It’s fine, we’re sort of under the protection of the Monster Lady, right?” Clarissa asks.

                All you can do is shrug and say, “Probably. I mean, she’s technically my mother-in-law now so that has to count for something, right? Surely Monsters value family to that degree, right? Of course, that this means for Alice, Clint, and Finn, you don’t know…

                The other, strange bovine Monster from before moves up to keep pace with you at the front of the wagon, though you aren’t exactly moving fast. You’re surprised at the stamina of all these Monsters, able to keep pace with your horses for hours without slowing these past few days. You’d almost find it admirable if you weren’t so worried.

                “We will be nearing the capital city soon. Once we arrive, you will listen to all regulations and procedures and should you deviate in the slightest, we will not hesitate to use force.”

                “I understand.” You say, nodding at her and giving a soft smile.

                She blinks in surprise and looks away, blushing, before falling farther back. Aww, looks like she likes those with roguish charm, huh? Hells, that’s going to be a problem you hadn’t fully thought of in this capital city. Many, many cock hungry Monsters looking for fresh husband material. While you and Clint might be okay on virtue of your wedding ring and Ginelle respectively, you can’t say the same for Finn.

                Of course, when you look back, you see both Rayleigh and Alice leaning into the man, to which he doesn’t seem to notice or care, merely reading through a notebook. Well… maybe things will work out okay.

                It’s a few hours later when, true to her word, you see as you rise the crest of a grassy hill the capital in the distance.

                Large, stone structures dot the landscape all around you, spreading out to encompass a wide swath of land. Though you can’t tell for certain at this distance, there appears to be green wrapped around the bleached white stone, looking to be vines trying to reclaim the city. Spires in various states of disrepair dot the outside of a wall showing patchwork repairs through the ages while around the wall and out into the countryside surprisingly are farms growing all sorts of crops. The two most interesting features, however, are the palace and the temple.

                Sitting at the edge of the city is an enormous place made in a style you can’t place. It seems to predate even sanctifrond’s architecture, seeming both square and yet containing curves you’re surprised to see. In the center of the city through is an even more impressive structure, one which stands atop a hill and dominates all around it. With circular pillars around the side and a tall, triangular roof, you have no doubt that this is the Sacred Temple of Dollora, the grandest Dolloran shrine in all of the world.

                Even Ginelle whistles as she beholds the structures before her. All of this must be incredibly ancient and yet here it is, still in use. Though some more modern buildings using Deleorian techniques can be seen around the periphery, most of the buildings stand testament to a bygone age. It is at once breathtaking, and perhaps sad. What humans used to live here, you wonder, before they were consumed by the Monsters who once wished to eat them, but then wished to fuck them?


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c20388 No.396076


  “Fits all the descriptions of Carthos I’ve read about.” Patricia says, nodding her head as she looks out from behind you. “The ancient capital of the Monster Nation.”

                “Sort of like a homecoming for you, huh?”

                “I don’t see why that would be the case. Mother’s pack was probably always in those woods, even before the Great Transformation. This would be more of a homecoming to Rayleigh.”

                “Huh?” The Squirrel Girl says, ears twitching. “What are you talking about, I was born in Deleor.”

                “Was your mother?”

                She pauses for a moment before frowning. “You know… I’m not sure actually. Never really thought to ask.” She shrugs, “Pretty irrelevant though.”

                “History is never irrelevant.” Patricia says, looking down at her furred hand before clenching it. 


                Your entrance into the city under normal circumstances would be met with wide-eyed stares of curiosity and a general murmuring of excitement. Given that there’s been a stop on trade and you’re being escorted by armed guards, the tone of the chatter is a little less friendly.

                As you pass under the ancient gates to the city, you become acutely aware of just how much diversity there is in Monster races.  Spread out all around on the sides of the road, watching your procession are many familiar Monsters such as Wolf Girls, Cat Girls, etc. but also more Oni than you’ve ever seen in one place, Hellhounds, and even Unicorns. Harpies galore fly through the sky while Succubi cavort through the streets, giving the place a strange sense of controlled chaos, kind of like a circus in a way.

                Men are in attendance as well, usually attached closely to a Monster. For the most part, they seem rather happy, affectionately holding onto their wives or the hands of their children. Some seem a little more glum or nervous, but you suspect they were once captured in raids or battle and haven’t come to accept their lot in life now. At least it’s pleasurable but at the same time you feel for the men, though they don’t look mistreated beyond those being held in the arms of their wives. Pelvis breaking is still a thing, even after the weakening of Monsters, it seems.

                The general murmuring in the crowds is something more akin to distrust and it makes it uncomfortable as you pick out words like, “prisoners” and “Order dogs.” Of course, they can’t know that you have Order members, right? But who else would be out here? Guess you’ll just have to keep things on the down low. You do, however, feel a little embarrassed when you also hear murmurings like, “Oh, he’s cute” and “Nice piece of jailbait…”

                Eventually you’re taken down a side path through the city of ancient stone, overgrown as you suspected by fairly well manicured plant growth. A large building stands before you, though this one seems to have a few more modern accoutrements to it. The reason for this becomes apparent when you’re told to dismount and enter the building to find it as a sort of holding facility. At this point, you’re forced to hand over your weapons and wait inside a large chamber locked with a rather sturdy looking steel door.

                “Well.” Clint says, leaning back on the bench in his cell. “We’re in the capital. We did it.”

                “Clint, please.” Ginelle says, though she clearly looks frustrated as she squats. “I don’t think we could have fought ALL of them.”

                Ophelia looks at the couple, askance, before sighing. “How long do you think they’ll make us wait here?”

                “Can’t be too long.” You say, drumming your fingers on a table in the middle of the room. “The Monster Lady will probably ask questions about this group lead into the city under armed guard and I don’t think a lie will go over well. We just have to sit tight until-“

                Footsteps sound, cutting you off. A few moments later, a short Monster approaches the bars, flanked by much taller Lamia holding spears. The shorter Monster unlocks the door and steps in before being locked in herself. She sighs and walks over to a chair at the table before pushing herself onto the seat and looks at you while clasping her hands together.


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c20388 No.396077


       “What a mess of trouble you’ve caused.”

                Surprised, you look between your party members before turning back to the diminutive Monster. On examination, she looks rather human, her only distinctly Monster characteristics being her sharp teeth and two horns atop her head. You think for a moment she might be a Succubus, but she lacks wings and a tail. Wracking your brain, you eventually come to a conclusion: Goblin.

                Coughing into your hand, you say, “I apologize for the confusion. Have you been made privy to the letter the Monster Lady provided us?”

“I am.” The Goblin says curtly before pulling it out. She sighs and looks it over again. “Things are a little tense here at the moment, as you can tell, and even on the Monster Lady’s authority, we need to do a through check of you and your companions before we let you go.” She grunts,

                “This would have been easier had you not had weapons.”

                You shrug. “It’s dangerous territory here, but I understand the concern.”

                “I don’t think you really do.” She leans forward and says, “Do you truly support the Monster Lady?”

                The question confuses you at first before it hits you. Taking a small breath of surprise, you sit up a little straighter. The two of you lock eyes as you say, “The Monster Lady has our full support, and we have no intentions of interference in the governance of the Monster Nation.”

                The Goblin studies you a long time before sighing again and pinching her nose. “We’ll still need to process your equipment and get statements and-“

                “I think that’s quite enough of that, Murdocka.”

                Blinking in surprise, the Goblin turns about to look at a newcomer outside the cell. Standing between the perplexed looking Lamia guards is a beautiful Monster wearing a dress of red and gold which hugs and accentuates her curves very nicely. If you weren’t married, maybe you’d find her appealing. Oh, and she’s also your sister-in-law.  

                Sophie runs a black furred hand through her long, brown hair, her nine, bladed tails swaying behind her. She notices your expression and smirks, feline ears atop her head twitching before she goes back to frowning at the guards.

                “Tch.” The Goblin, Murdocka, says, crossing her arms. “I didn’t think she’d send her brat so soon.”

                “Oh please, Mother didn’t do anything, I came here on my own accord when I heard of your little parade through town. A few questions was all I needed to learn what’s really going on.” She waves a hand, “It would be in your best interests to release the guests of the Monser Lady.”

                Murdocka grinds her teeth before grunting. “Fine.” She waves to the Lamia guards who look at each other warily before opening the door. The Goblin walks past, and grumbles something to Sophie before walking outside. The Cat o’Nine Tails watches her go before shrugging and walking in herself, hands folded before her. Before you can say anything, she bows to you, taking you off guard.

                “Esteemed guests. I welcome you to the Monster Nation and apologize for how you were treated. On behalf of the Monster Lady, I formally apologize.”

                “Uhhhh, Sophie what are y-“ You cut off as the guards watch you with curiosity. Coughing into your hand, you straighten up and say, “Of course, it was little trouble and we were brought to the capital safely. All in all, I consider this a positive turn of events.”

                “I must still apologize. Please, once we have gathered your belongings, I would like to escort you to your accommodations for your stay in the capital.”

                “Ah…” You begin, but trail off as one of Sophie’s tails twitch. Opting to just shake your head instead, you say, “Of course. We are in your care.”

                The rest of your party, seeming utterly confused, just follow along. Your gear is haphazardly tossed into your wagon by the staff here, though you’re quite ready to just leave without organizing it. When you go to get your horses however, Sophie shakes her head to stop you.

                “It would be best to gather your things and take them with you. Horse drawn wagons attract too much attention here.”

                “Won’t we attract attention anyway?”


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c20388 No.396078


    “Yes, but not nearly as much. As long as you hide your Order symbols, no one will care too much.”

                “And don’t you attract attention.”

                She huffs and pushes a part of her dress to open it up a little and retract her tails inside. Once cone, she raises an eyebrow and you hold up your hands. Okay fine, that works well enough.

                “We’re ready to go.” Ophelia says, walking up to you and nodding to Sophie. The other Monster merely makes a polite gesture and your large group begins to walk through the streets toward the palace.

With the sun shining over head and a nice, even summer heat permeating, you feel like you’re on some sort of vacation instead of a quest to save the world. The exotic and ancient architecture, the vibrant display of Monsters, and the comfortable weather make things interesting to watch as you walk. Unfortunately, you also get a few looks, but the Monsters and human men you see don’t have the same level of concern you saw beforehand. Instead, they seem more aware of you individually, paying keen attention to Finn for some reason. Can they sense that he’s single?

                You never really read much into the Monster Nation’s daily life growing up and still didn’t have much of a reason, even after marrying into this family, to check. There was little reason to go here, after all. You knew that the Monsters hadn’t built any major cities of their own, instead utilizing the structures left behind by ancient humans or ones built by captured humans during the invasions. Their agriculture also should have been stunted, relying more on hunting and gathering, but by having men teach them their ways and opening up things such as commerce, a function society has flourished here.

                In the last twenty years you suspect this has grown even further, especially with the policies put in place by Selene, who opened up a greater dialogue with Deleor and allowed much greater flow of goods and people. This may account for why they have markets like you’d expect to see in Deleorian cities or buildings like that jail which were likely absent in the past.

                Still, when a young Monster with large, feline paws, ears, and orange to black stripes runs up asking you to buy some flowers, you find it both surprising and expected. Given the right resources and relative peace, even a Monster run nation will be similar to one such as Deleor. People and Monsters really aren’t as different as everyone fears, huh?

                Chuckling, you give her two copper coins and she hands you the flowers, blushing furiously as she touches your hand before running off. You look down at your hand before looking up at Sophie to find she has a shit-eating grin on her face. Well, perhaps there are some differences- namely the lack of human men.

                After walking through the busy city for maybe twenty minutes, you pass along the structure of the Sacred Temple of Dollora and take a moment to appreciate it as well. From a distance it was impressive, but close up you can almost feel something radiating off the place- either magic or just the gravity such a structure holds. Even Ginelle, who rarely had much use for the Gods, pauses a moment to marvel at it.

                “You can pay your respects later.” Sophie says, moving you along. Part of you kind of wants to take her up on that… but no, you can’t stay long. You have a job to do.

                Your destination isn’t much further, though it surprises you. Instead of arriving at the palace, you instead arrive outside a mansion-like structure within sight of the palace. The wall around the place crumbled years ago and clearly no one finds it necessary to guard the place, that you can see anyway, so you just walk inside to find it moderately furnished. While in no way like the mansions of the nobles in Sanctifrond, it cares a similar level of sophistication and charm. Infact, the least sophisticated thing about the place is Sophie who, upon the door closing, pulls out her tails and then promptly flops down onto a plush couch.


                Once again, your party looks around in confusion until Sophie looks up and shrugs. “What, no one’s watching and it’s a little warm outside. It’s nice to rest in the shade.”

                “Ah, I figured that was all an act.” You say, setting aside your gear. “I seem to recall you having absolutely no manners at my wedding.”

                “That is extremely rude!” Sophie says, lifting a tail in the air.

                “Uhm.” Ophelia says, rubbing the back of her head. “What is going on?”

                “Sophie’s just being herself.” Alice says, seeming nonchalant about the situation as well. “You said you were going to head up here, didn’t think we’d see you though.” 

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c20388 No.396079


“Mmm, well, mother had let me know someone was going to be coming through, though she didn’t exactly tell me why. Just to keep an eye out for you. Of course, I didn’t expect that you’d be lead in like prisoners though, so I figured I’d intervene.”

                “Aren’t you the Monster Lady’s daughter.” Clint says, seeming perplexed. “Why aren’t you in that palace?”

                “Politics mostly.” Sophie says, sitting up. “But also because I wanted to do things on my own. See the Nation with my own eyes, get to know the people here.”

                “In a mansion?”

                “A girl’s got to have a little style.”

                Ginelle sniffs the air and cocks her head. “Are you all alone here?”

                “Yes, mostly.” She says, waving her hand. “I came to learn that mother has this sort of spy network like those Kunoichi that Amon had. Scary girls.” Her feline ear twitches and she snickers. “Anyway, it’s fine to stay here. Company will be nice.”

                “I apologize for my brusqueness, but why exactly did you bring us here? We don’t plan on staying long.” Finn asks, getting to the point.

                “Well, I saw my darling brother-“

                “Brother-in-law.” You say, raising a finger.

                “Right, in-law. Also Alice and Patricia, and figured I should help. Besides, being where you were, I believe you could use a friend.”

                “Couldn’t the Monster Lady help us?”

                Sophie folds her hands in her lap and looks contemplative. “In truth, mother should have returned here as soon as she returned from Ectria. The politics of the Monster Nation are on a razor’s edge and even her writing you a writ of passage is going to send some ripples through the factions. She can’t afford to bring you under her wing.”

                “I understand.” You say, nodding to her. In truth, things are a little nebulous about that fact, but you believe you understand what must be going on. “As Finn said, we do not plan to stay long. We merely need to resupply since we’re here and head north toward an old observatory.”

                Sophie raises an eyebrow. “On a mission from mother?”

                You pause before saying slowly, “She was one of the deciding factors, yes.”

                She studies your expression before smoothing out her dress and standing up. “I see. Well we all have important information to keep these days. It might be wise for you not to linger anyway, as not to cause any undue attention to the city or become something which the other factions can use against mother.”

                “We’ll leave tomorrow then.” You say.

                “Do we need to leave so soon?” Patricia asks, looking a little crestfallen. “I mean, I hear that there’s a library in the Sacred Temple so…”

                Sophie chuckles. “Oh Patricia, you really have gotten into the books? You’d get along quite well with Sylphie these days.”

                “Bah, it’s only your other sister I have problems with.” The Wolf Girl says, waving a hand. She turns to you and gives puppy dog eyes.

                “Well…” You say, remembering what happened in Cair.

                “Oh it will be alright.” Sophie says. “I’ll escort her, no one will cause her trouble. Besides.” She waves a languid hand toward you, “Do you even know where you’re going? The library may be the only place with any sort of maps in it, though Dollora knows if anything useful is in there.”

                “I’d be interested as well,” Ophelia says. “It’s not like anyone here wants to kidnap me, right?”

                For more than once in this journey, do you wish you hadn’t brought so many VIP’s.

>What do you do? 

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c20388 No.396080


"But Ace, why is the format so weird?"

Because, hero, I phone posted this and it saved the format. I wont be back until late so i figured better early than never.

Welcome to Carthos! Enjoy your stay.

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95a306 No.396101


Oh well, I suppose a day to visit the temple of Dollora and the library within wouldn’t hurt. We do need some more info about the observatory and the artifact it contains, along with the other artifacts we’re pursuing if possible. However, we don’t want to linger too long and risk becoming easy pickings. I say keep the group together at all times, even in the temple, and only pursue research on the observatory/artifacts. All members who can read should be able to help search for this.

If monsters (dangerous faction members especially) ask why we are going there, simply reply to pay our respects to Dollora and offer thanks for gifting the world with her creations. Should be a good enough answer, and, given that 2 out of 3 males in our party are enjoying them, believable.

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deaa7f No.396115


> The man turns to look at you with a droll expression as you sit on the front bench of your wagon, surrounded by armed, rather large, Monsters. Despite getting to keep most of your weapons, the Monsters had you surrounded and surveilled to the point that even turning a little out of line earns you glares from your escorts.

I second staying in the capital another day, watch out for that goblin though. My bet is she's one of the factions vieing with the monster lady for power.We should do everything we can to hide from her.

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2a4136 No.396178

File: d10879c9ddcb721⋯.jpg (398.69 KB,1120x1992,140:249,Wizardquestishere!.jpg)

File: d90d66f00ecf32c⋯.jpg (263.95 KB,1120x1992,140:249,FUCK.jpg)

It finally came! Oh man, it's a little off center, but that can happen with PoD, but the colors are good, the laminate is crisp, oh boy, let's check the-

Oh no.

After checking around, it seems acrobat fucked up my file. I fixed it, but it will be another week probably until I get the next test copy. Theoretically it will be just dandy but well… still best to check before taking orders.

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9a2703 No.396213

Just had a shower thought. Philia is goddess of plant right? Did we check and make sure Richard and his wife are okay? Also Franklin is surrounded by plants as well. Maybe im just paranoid but I don't trust a single blade of grass guys.

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95a306 No.396214

We don’t know about Franklin. I was under the impression that he was one of those biomancers sent to investigate the Cradle, but he made it back fine.

Also Phyllis only seems to be working through the Alarunes for now, as no other plant monsters have caused problems, nor were any of the plant monsters that Tobias found in that warehouse in 1.5 anything other than alarunes. Richard will be fine. Everything will be fine Don’t create unnecessary drama! Ace’ll take every chance he can get to mess with our plans and help his own drama boner

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60f412 No.396264


Fool, you've given us all we need to find you!

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ef0b0a No.396295

Guess we're going to stay a day! Or two. Or ten. Tobias is behind the GW but I think ahead of rommel atm. Ill have to check my notes again.

I will make an attempt to get update today but pirate night has been called so it might get pushed again. Things will be much smoother after i move.



Oh please, everything is fine. Richard is okay in a city with plant life everywhere and very old, tree waifu. Everything is daijobu.

Tobias has never met franklin and without communion matrix, the GW won't know much either. Its assumed he's fine.

Y'all like the drama, dont lie. :^)


Kay. Buy my book.

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a6cdae No.396311

File: fdd104ea0db0326⋯.jpg (61.12 KB,540x564,45:47,fdd104ea0db0326c802b0ffd40….jpg)


>that text to empty paper ratio

Is this supposed to be a joke?

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ef0b0a No.396314


Read the post, it was a mistake I had to change, that was the initial test copy. The fixed copy is being printed so I'll know next week if the issue is resolved.

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a05b7f No.396320


I hate it when that happens, hopefully they get it fixed pretty quick

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2a4136 No.396475

File: 2e7155d37441652⋯.png (3.83 MB,2480x3066,1240:1533,Sophieandsylphiecritter.png)

File: f9cc21d54e0d131⋯.png (3.74 MB,2480x3066,1240:1533,sophieandsylphiecrittertra….png)

Guh, I hit the wall today and by the time I'm semi functional it's already 10pm. Unfortunately I have a very packed weekend so I know it's next to impossible to write on saturday and sunday is dodgy.

This month has just been difficult to get the energy to write, huh?

Ah well, just enjoy the comfy kitties.

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60f412 No.396514


>human ears

Is this canon?

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9f0e96 No.396520

File: 132e267f00dd471⋯.jpg (92.17 KB,600x259,600:259,20180124_182645.jpg)


I should get a job for game of thrones, clearly.

No, I'll have to get that fixed. Kids, get your 8 hours of sleep after long days of work or you goof and get quad ears.

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95a306 No.396595

You know, I always wondered about that. What do cat girls have instead of human ears on the sides of their heads. Imagine sweeping back the hair on your Waifu, only to find… nothing. It’d be weird. Plus, they don’t have anything to put their hair behind, like human woman. Oh well, I suppose your girl is always best girl.

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2a4136 No.396644

>Story continue

The rest of the day you spend inside Sophie’s cozy little mansion, grateful for the beds. It isn’t too much and the rooms aren’t exactly the cleanest they can be (seems Sophie doesn’t entertain that many guests), but there’s enough beds that everyone can have one, or at least share in some cases.

While you wish you could go and get some extra supplies, both Sophie and Alice advise against it. Married or not, human males aren’t exactly common enough that everyone will keep their hands to themselves. It’s kind of strange really, hearing things that most mothers tell their daughters… but you suppose things are a little reversed here, aren’t they?

Though you prepare yourself to eat pack food for the evening, it’s a welcome discovery to find that Sophie is quite stocked on foodstuffs. Alice assures you that Sophie’s cooking is excellent and you’re very happy to report that it is indeed delectable.

“Why aren’t you married yet?” You ask while eating some stewed carrots, a dish which Ophelia devoured heartily.

“Because she was a shut-in with her sister for most of her life.” Patricia says, much to the host’s consternation.

Despite the banter, the evening is rather nice and you get the feeling that Sophie enjoys people her age around almost as much as she actually does enjoy playing the host. It kind of makes you wonder why it looks like the place hasn’t seen much in the way of traffic then… but perhaps it’s not your place to ask. You’re just here for tomorrow and then you’re gone the next day.

Speaking of which, when the next day comes, you’re loathe to get out of bed and ready yourself to go out into the city. But you have a job to do and it wouldn’t do to be caught being lazy in front of your team. Or your sister-in-law. Or your mother-in-law by way of your sister-in-law, etc, etc.

After a quick breakfast, you head out into the morning, the sun shining down upon you while a gentle breeze off the mountain cuts some of the summer heat. It’s actually much nicer here than in Deleor at this time of year, though you bet the winters have to be brutal. Good thing Monsters are a hardy sort, but you suppose all sorts live in the deserts too, huh?

Walking the streets yesterday drew attention, but walking the streets today with Sophie leading the way draws even more. The mix of curious vs. angered eyes is quite surprising and it makes you feel incredibly wary. You’re fairly confident most of those stares are not for you, but instead for Sophie and you have a good idea why. This might also be why her abode didn’t see many people coming through…

Finn and Clint give you nods, clearly having noticed the tension. All three of you are on guard, though perhaps that’s silly to say as you’ve been on guard anyway. Alice checks the sword at her side but Patricia, Ophelia, Rayleigh, and Clarissa seem blissfully unaware, merely taking in the sights of the city. For Ginelle’s part? She merely stays close to Clint and bares her teeth at anyone getting close.

When you come to the Sacred Temple of Dollora again, you have to stop again to take it all in. Through millennia this place has stood and been changed by Monsters and humans living here to a house of worship to Dollora. Who knows which Gods the ancient people here used to worship, but at least one must have been Solos. Though you’ve been to a few Dolloran temples, you have to wonder what’s inside this, the largest in the world?

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2a4136 No.396645


As you approach the doors, you notice two Lamia guards sit there, halbreds in hand as they watch the flock of worshippers entering and leaving. They cross their weapons as you try to pass, barring your entrance. You make to say something when Sophie stands up very straight and says,

“We have come to look through the archives and to pay our respects to great mother. It is by the will of the Monster Lady and the High Priestess that all who come searching for Dollora’s light be shown entrance.”

“Perhapssss that is the cassse for some.” One of the Lamia says, the unfortunate thing suffering from that speech impediment that some Lamia have. “But there are unbelieverssss in your company.”

Sophie looks over her shoulder at you and you frown before stepping forward and showing your ring. “I am married to a Monster and we have a two daughters. I believe in the co-existance between Monster and human and give praise to all the Gods.” You pause,

“Except Jackor. Fuck that guy.”

The Lamia exchange looks before nodding to Clint. The man goes to say something but Ginelle grabs his arm and bares her teeth at the Lamia, who back down. Their eyes linger on Alice before one of them mutters, “slut” and moves onto Finn, giving him an appraising look.

The tall man grits his teeth before exhaling. “I am…”

“Going to be on his best behavior, right?” Rayleigh says, stepping up before him, though they have to look down due to the comical difference in height. Finn blinks once before nodding his head, surprised.

The guards look between each other slowly withdrawing their weapons. You’re not exactly certain what just happened there, though you have a hunch, but it’s enough to enter the temple. Surprisingly, they don’t take you’re weapons, though you’re about to find out why.

Passing through the great doors, you find yourself within a entrance corridor lined with tall pillars like on the outside. Braziers lit with burning coals line each of them and on the sides built into the wall are alcoves filled with texts and artifacts clearly related to Dollora. While it’s overall on the darker size, like most Dolloran temples, it still manages to feel… comfortable? Like there is a presence watching over you in a manner similar to that of entering a shrine to Solos.

Patricia wanders off to one of the side alcoves and you have to send Ginelle to pull her back in line before she can touch anything as you enter further. While there are side passages, the area that catches you attention is directly in front of you, leading toward another set of massive doors. Other Monsters flow past you, seeming less concerned than they did outside, perhaps from the temple’s influence. They flow with you as you enter into the large chamber and gasp at what you see.

A massive statue of Dollora stands at the far back of the chamber, but this one is different than those you’ve seen before of her. Most have a duality, half angelic visage, half monstrous. This statue shows Dollora as entirely angelic, her wings spread out behind her as her arms stretch out to embrace the worshippers. Below her is an altar, a large slab with multiple candles and smaller carvings of the more traditional Dollora likeness.

Row after row of pews and open areas for larger Monsters seat those who have come to offer praise to their Goddess, despite there being no current sermon. A “thump” next to you breaks you out of your slack-jawed stare, and you turn to see Ophelia kneeling before the statue, tears in her eyes.

“Uh… are you alright?” You ask, shocked.

“I… It’s Dollora… she… this is really her.” The Rabbit Girl rubs at her eyes and blinks, as if surprised to see them there. “I’m crying? Oh…”

“I know what she’s feeling.” Clarissa whispers. “I was never one of temple but… seeing this I know that she’s there, watching over us.” She chokes up a moment before taking a breath to steady herself.

“I don’t get it.” Rayleigh says, staring at the statue. “This one isn’t like any of the others, but I feel… it’s more right than them.”

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2a4136 No.396646


“No one’s quite certain, but it’s said that this statue was actually built by the ancient humans who used to live here before the Great Transformation. This may be on the one representation of Dollora like this that exists.” Sophie says in a quiet voice. “Though my father is bound to Solos, I sometimes come here to think about Dollora and all of the Gods.”

All of you quietly contemplate for a long time, either saying prayers or just… absorbing everything before eventually Patricia says in a low voice, “We should move on.”

“Ah, right.” You say. “You give worship to Hevensferth.”

“Do not think that I don’t also give my thanks to Dollora.” The Wolf Girl says as Sophie leads you toward the entrance to the library. “Any Monster who doesn’t is lying to themselves.”

Ginelle mumbles something as Clint rubs her arm while walking toward the library. There’s no guards here, surprisingly, though a fair number of robed Monsters (see: still showing excessive skin and cleavage) going through books, cataloging things or reading. Few other Monsters are around however, and you suspect the largest reason for this is that most Monsters never learn to read. While literacy is exploding in Deleor, it still seems the rest of the world has yet to catch up.

Patricia hails one of the robed Monsters and asks after literature detailing the ancient human civilizations. The Monster seems at first surprised, then ecstatic to help someone, easily pointing you along the way. Poor thing must not get to do that very often. At least she’s good to her word and you soon fine an old, wooden bookshelf containing tomes you’re afraid will break if you touch them.

The Wolf Girl slides her fingers up and down the spines until she clacks her tongue and pulls one off the shelf before grabbing a few others and settling down at a table. She opens one up carefully and takes out a notepad from her bag before pausing and looking at you.

“Uhm. I don’t do well with an audience. Go find something else to do.”

“I’ll help.” Ophelia says, going to take a book from Patricia. The Wolf Girl gives a little snarl, which surprises all of you before she puts a hand to her mouth, shocked.

“I… I’m sorry. I didn’t think… oh Gods that’s just like my mother, I apologize.” She coughs into her furred hand and shakily passes a book to Ophelia. “Most of these appear to be written in ancient Deleorian so…”

“Please. I studied a little ancient Deleorian.” Ophelia says, huffing.

“Oh, same.” Alice says, taking up a book, much to Patricia’s shock. “Ah, been awhile but it still makes sense.”

The Wolf Girl looks hurt. “J-Just let me know if you find anything you might think is relevant. And I mean ANYTHING.”

The three get to work while the rest of your party moves to a different table and convenes, talking low amongst yourselves. Leaning forward on the table, you say, “Well, they’ll probably be at it for awhile.”

“Shouldn’t we go and gather supplies?” Rayleigh says, to which Finn frowns.

“It would be best to stay in one place I think.”

You agree with this notion. “I don’t want a repeat of Cair. We’re just looking some things up and leaving tomorrow, no matter what happens, alright?”

“Fine, fine.” The Squirrel Girl says.

“Ah, fair enough.” Sophie says, nodding her head. “I suppose cooking for one more night will be fun. It was nice having guests actually, though staying here may not be the best.”

“Oh?” Clarissa asks. “Why not?”

“Does it have to do with us being near you?” Clint asks.

The Cat o’Nine Tails smiles. “Yes, I’m afraid so. As I’d mentioned beforehand, it’s a political thing and, well, I’m sure you noticed the looks we got on the street.”

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2a4136 No.396647


“You’re not exactly popular.”

“Well Tobias, that really hurts.” Sophie says, hand to her heart. “But it’s the truth, in a way.”

“Like I said, we’ll be leaving soon.” You say, waving a hand. Before you can say anything further, one of the robed Monsters, a Cat Girl, walks up to your table and bows her head.

“My lady, I apologize for bothering you, but I must ask if it is acceptable, who is Wolf Girl?” She nods to Patricia. “Her voracious appetite for knowledge is most intriguing.”

“Her name is Patricia Boudreaux.” Sophie says. “She has formal education training in Deleor.”

“Oh my, is that so? I see she’s reading books related to ancient human culture and I saw her looking into Hevensferth. There are certain artifacts in the library that I would be dying for her to look at and give her opinion on…”

“She’s preoccupied at the moment.” You say, cutting her off. The Cat Girl blinks in surprise before frowning at you.

“I’m certain it’s something of value. I’ll go speak with her-“

“She asked not to be bothered.” Ginelle says, giving the Cat Girl a level look. The Monster gulps for a moment before giving a small smile to Ginelle.

“Of course. Perhaps another time.” She backs away and vanishes into the stacks of books.

All of you watch her go before Clint crosses his arms and frowns. “What was that about?”

“I don’t know.” You say, a worried feeling creeping through you.

“Ah!” Patricia says, standing up quickly and catching your attention. She turns and makes to head for the bookshelves again. Hurriedly standing, you follow her and watch as she riffles through the titles before grunting in frustration.

“Damn, they have a great cataloging system here, surprisingly and I’d hoped the reference book I needed would be here but it’s not.” She groans and leans back. “I think someone took it.”

“What’s so important about this book?”

“If my notes are correct, then this particular book has information related to practices by ancient worshipers of Hevensferth. Given what we’re looking for, that would be the best guide!” She sighs and taps her chin. “I could have sworn this book was here before when I was checking though. Where did it go?”

“We’ll ask around.” You say, moving to ask the robed Monsters if they know of the title. Unfortunately no one has it out and books do not leave the library without the Monster Lady or the High Priestess’s express approval, so it has to be somewhere in here… or someone took it.

“You know.” You say as you ask a final Hellhound of all things about the whereabouts. “I think that the Cat Girl we saw earlier went that direction into the stacks.”

“Cat Girl?” The Hellhound asks.

“You know, she’s one of yours. Average height, brown hair, brown eyes.”

The Hellhound frowns. “There’s no one like that who works in the Temple staff, I am afraid.”

Your worry senses from before being to ring a little more as you turn to Patricia. “How important is that book?”

“Very. Perhaps the other books will work, but that one is the best lead.”

“Miss Patricia?” A voice says, catching your attention.

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2a4136 No.396648

File: da9e4d7454dabdf⋯.jpg (75.11 KB,627x830,627:830,CatgirlEarDemonstration.jpg)

Well wadda ya know, I was about to do it.

Unfortunately nothing good ever happens in cities though. Wonder what it is this time. Maybe you should just ignore it.


An excuse to post my favorite picture!

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95a306 No.396666

Hmm. Interesting.

Anyway, let’s just set Ginelle and her nose on finding this cat girl. Should be rather easy. Once we find her, take her captive, either with pocket sand or a fire circle from Rayleigh. Then secure the book, find out who she’s working for, then turn her over to the temple for punishment. I’m guessing monsters on all sides of the political spectrum don’t take kindly to stealing from Dollora. Then continue onwards to the observatory, after learning what we need to.

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384ff1 No.396672


>No "What do you do?"

Was the last chunk of the update lost? Anyways, we still have the general location of the observatory, no? It's not like we need some highly specific information about Hevensferth's secret club. Have Patty look into secondary sources to get a general idea what to look for and then quietly leave the capital without much of a fuss.

Be sure to tell Sophie to be on the lookout for whoever it is that is trying to get in our way ahead of time.

We have much more troubling things to concern us like the fact that one of our party members is a traitor.

We have never mentioned our goal or destination outside of our party and I doubt Selene was stupid enough to write it in her orders, yet our enemies have cut us off somehow. None of us are carrying porto glasses. We might go maximum paranoia and assume that Phalia can spy on us through every single plant but if that is the case then we would already be dead since our enemies would have our location at all times.

If anyone had been following us all this time then between Alice's instincts, Clint's eyes, Ophelia's ears and Ginny's nose they would have been exposed like in Cair.

It is unfortunately the only explanation. Tobias should remain calm and subtly discuss this possibility with Ginny, Clint , Clarissa and Alice in private as they are the most trustworthy ones. Then check if any of Ophelias gadgets had been bugged and lastly subdue and interrogate the two order heroes and Patty. A double check on the presence of seeds in everyone's noggin won't hurt either. We need to take care of this shit first and foremost before someone dies horribly.

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2a4136 No.396680

>Skipped portion

You turn to see a younger Kobold in the robes of the temple holding a piece of paper. She hands it to Patricia, who reads the words before frowning deeply. She gives it to you and you grit your teeth as you read,

“I would really like to speak with you. I even have a book you might find enjoyable. Please come find me near the Terebithian district. Or I’ll find you.”

Groaning, you rub your forehead. Can’t you just have something nice happen in a big city for once?

>What do you do?


Holy shit, quads. Checked.


Yes, as you can see, i goofed. Doesn't change too much though so your explanation still fits. How those three sentences didn't get copied I can only attribute to it being like 12:30 and I didn't notice. Very sorry, It showed it all highlighted so I goofed.

Oh, and no, we do not have a more concrete location. Just sort of… somewhere north of the capital. Possibly this book will have more information to make things faster/ less dangerous.

Don't forget that you did have a tussle quite a few days back with a clearly well connected entity and it's also been multiple days after the Grand Wizard's little assassination. You also made a LOT of noise yesterday, intentional or no.

But I have one vote for just leave and one vote for try to find her. Guess we'll see what's what over the course of the day!

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a05b7f No.396698


Well lets go meet with her. We need that book to get an idea of where we’re going. I suspect she wants to try and tie us up in political intrigue or something, rather than try to stop us. If she was in cahoots with phallia or her servants she would’nt’ve Left a note. Instead she would have destroyed it and dissapeared

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41f498 No.396721


>The Cat Girl tries to get Patricia to come with her to see the ‘artefacts’ rather than just bringing them with her to show Patricia

>She also apparently steals one of the more important books we need and gives a note to be passed onto Patricia directly, asking to meet her outside of the library where it’s relatively safe

<Yet she came to ask us about Patricia rather than just asking her directly

Assuming the Cat Girl is in fact the thief, she’s either seeking to kidnap Patricia, be it for political usage or ransom against the Order, or is a very determined autist who actually wants to talk to Patricia about the topic of the ancient human civilisations and just went about doing that in the worst way possible. While the latter isn’t out of the question, the former is definitely more likely to be the case so regardless of what action we choose to follow through on we need to keep Patricia protected at all times and not split up from her except in the direst of situations, even if she would be left behind in a ‘safe location’ like the temple library, as she is at risk.

As for what to do, my vote is for seeking out the stolen book. While we do know the general location of the Observatory, we still have no clue towards how the hell the ancient scholars used it to contact Hevenswerth, which is kind of the reason we were seeking the building in the first place; if this book contains ‘information related to practices by ancient worshippers of Hevensferth’ as Patricia says, then it would be vital for us to have to know what we need to do to complete our objectives. Also, the apparent thief has confirmation of Patricia’s identity as the daughter of the Lord Commander—the man who killed the previous Monster Lady and likely doesn’t have many friends in the Monster Nation as a result, mind—because Sophie told her Patricia’s full name whoops, which likely means the thief and any of her faction will continue to seek Patricia’s capture even if we don’t go looking for them as per the thief's request, so we might as well go looking for them now to get their bullshit out of the way before we have to deal with other hardships alongside their interference.

In terms of how to go about doing that, what mega Satan >>396666 said about having Ginelle sniff our target out should work, particularly since we have a note that may have her scent on it. We could also ask the young courier that made the delivery who gave her the note in the first place and where they may have disappeared to, though I somehow doubt this will turn up much. However we do it, make sure to not split up and try not to make too much of a ruckus when searching. We’ll still draw attention regardless of how we proceed by virtue of being tourists and having Sophie with us, but we can at least make an effort to avoid any diplomatic incidents by being quick and clean.

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41f498 No.396722

File: 8de85002e74ff75⋯.jpeg (166.29 KB,786x1280,393:640,9c641599827f2d73d85b0bae0….jpeg)


>We have much more troubling things to concern us like the fact that one of our party members is a traitor.

While this is definitely a possibility we have to be wary of and I agree with the idea of checking for spores though I question how we're supposed to do that given our lack of a biomancer, I have my doubts that treachery is the reason for our current predicament.

For one thing, not only is our movement towards the Monster Nation already known by our enemies both from the journey itself and Bernholt's report via a compromised network, but we did mention our goals, or at the very least a very strong hint towards what they are:

<Patricia hails one of the robed Monsters and asks after literature detailing the ancient human civilizations. The Monster seems at first surprised, then ecstatic to help someone, easily pointing you along the way. Poor thing must not get to do that very often.

We've explicitly mentioned interest in ancient human civilisations, a topic which basically no one else gives a shit about, to someone we don't know who may have passed this knowledge onto others be it intentionally or accidentally in her excitement of actually doing something for once. Even if she didn't, it's still pretty clear to anyone looking at us that this is a topic our party has interest in when three of us are gathered around a pile of books all on the same rare topic, and it's not like our location is unknown when Sophie was the one leading us around, so spies are a possibility regardless of what countermeasures we have in place.

Moving on, we've been shown to have connections to Selene, both by Sophie being with us and the whole 'we support the Monster Lady' statement we made to Murdocka earlier, so it's not out of the question that our affiliation has come to the attention of rogue elements within the capital, as they could have learned this by either putting two and two together or having one of Murdocka or the Lamia that were present leaking the information to them in the day since that interrogation. As such, it's unlikely that a traitor would have been needed for those that would oppose us to come out of the woodwork and start hindering our progress.

But let's assume there is in fact a traitor who has just leaked information to our enemies. Why would they risk revealing themselves while doing something relatively inconsequential that they probably didn't even need to when they could instead just stay hidden to wait for a better opportunity to screw us over? Why didn't they do more when it would be so easy to light the sparks of rebellion? Why hasn't this traitor taken one of the many prior opportunities to do something that would either absolutely cripple us like Finn killing Clint when the two of them went alone to delay the leyway or at least hinder us like Patricia leaving us in the dark about Bernholt's report to the Lord Commander over the Communion Matrix back when they had the chance? Who even is the traitor? Why do they have the allegiance that they do? Those that turn to Phallia are generally either desperate or already influenced by her in a religious sense see the Prophet of the Sands, Phallia's priestesses and both mindflayers, yet none of our party members have shown such traits despite said traits being rather obvious when present. When did they start having this allegiance? Assuming they were loyal to Phallia or other enemies before they joined the party, why is it that Blake trusted them enough to assign them to our party with no prior influence from them on the decision? There are so many questions which lack plausible answers which crop up as a result of this assumption, begging the question of how likely the assumption is to be true when there is so much against it.


You could theoretically have ears that cover both the top and sides of the head if you wanted.

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95a306 No.396733


Oof. Nice curb stomping of that conspiracy theory.

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2a4136 No.396744

File: d8e3e6e9adb7c3e⋯.png (Spoiler Image,3.83 MB,2480x3066,1240:1533,Sophieandsylphiecritter.png)

File: eb201ee7040566b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,3.74 MB,2480x3066,1240:1533,sophieandsylphiecrittertra….png)


Yes, that would make sense, wouldn't it? How curious indeed.


Yeah, Sophie made a little goof also, though the name of Blake's daughters is not widely known as it's unimportant. To most people, anyway.

Yeah, Ginelle can get that scent pretty well, though being used as a common dog is just shameful sometimes. At least she's being useful.


Checked and yeh. Makes sense your reasonings. Wonder if we'll get a debate going.

Also, here's the updated and correct versions. Whoops.

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2a4136 No.396901

>Story continue

The Kobold cocks her head as you walk over to your table and slap down the piece of paper before turning to Ginelle and asking, “The Cat Girl who was just here, can you get her scent?”

She blinks twice before nodding her head. “Yeah, I think so.”

“Good. Everyone, let’s get ready to move.”

Sophie looks at the paper and frowns as she passes it to Finn. No one questions what’s on it, instead rising quickly and efficiently. Leaving the books on the table, you leave the library quickly, much to the confusion of the staff before exiting the temple back into the city.

The heat of the day shines upon you again, but you make no notice of it as you look about, trying to spy the Cat Girl. If she’s watching you then she should be around here somewhere…

“This way.” Ginelle says, pushing forward into the sea of people, all of whom watch your group with interest before going about their own business.

“Why exactly are we going to find this person? The book can’t be that important.” Sophie says, her tails nimbly nudging people aside with the precision of a living being.

“In some ways it is, in other ways it’s not.” You say, still scanning the crowd as you move. “But that Cat Girl seemed very interested in meeting Patricia.”

“For what purpose? If they seek to kidnap her to force Blake’s hand, I don’t see the good. Even for his daughter he won’t try to lead Deleor in favor a regime that opposes my mother.”

“Exactly.” You say, worried. “But I’d rather we catch her than be caught off guard.”

Sophie sighs but says nothing further as you pass farther way toward a series of tenement buildings made of stone like the rest of the city. Ginelle pauses and sniffs the air before turning toward a side street where you see a familiar set of ears. A moment later, a head follows and you see the face of the Cat Girl. When she realizes you’re watching, she smiles and ducks back into the side street and out of view.

You push on forward, breaking out from the foot, hoof, and tail traffic of the main street. There’s no one traveling this street at this time, making it seem like a different world as the buildings cast long shadows, shading parts of the street from the oppressive sun above. In the distance though, you think you spot movement, though the others of your party notice it as well.

Ginelle, Finn, and Rayleigh move forward down the street to the side of the building where the movement was. Finn looks around the corner and looks to Ginelle, who nods to him, before he signals the rest of you over. Hiding in the shadow of the building, you crouch down to speak to the man.

“Looks like an apartment complex. Ginelle thinks she entered here.” He signals in three directions. “Probably three exits, front, side, and back. I suggest we split up and cover all the exits so they can’t escape.”

“No, we should move together.” Clint says. “This isn’t the movement of prey trying to escape, this is deliberate to lure us here. Splitting up makes us easier to take out individually.”

“I agree.” Ginelle says.

“If they laid a trap, they can take us all out at once.” Alice counters.

“We’ll be fine. I doubt they have anything that can disable all ten of us.” You say. “Besides, I don’t need a repeat of Cair. We’ll protect Patricia and find out what’s going on here, okay?”

They all nod their heads in agreement before moving to the side entrance. Finn and Ginelle take point while the rest of you make a formation around Ophelia, Patricia, and Clarissa. On the count of three, Finn opens the door and moves in, hand on his sword while Ginelle bears her claws, sniffing.

Nothing comes to greet you, just an empty hall of doors leading to domiciles. Ginelle continues to sniff the air before turning down a hall and motioning to the rest of you to follow. Though the hallways aren’t that large, you can move three abreast without difficulty, moving up a set of stairs at the far end. With the noise you’re making, you assume you’d attract attention, but no one has opened the doors, nor have you seen anyone moving through the halls.

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2a4136 No.396902


“It’s empty.” Sophie says, listening to a door before opening it, revealing a deserted room. She frowns, “There are parts of the city which are uninhabited, but I figured a place like this would be a little different.”’

“Seems a great place to jump someone then.” You say as Ginelle leads you down a hall heading to the center of the complex. You pause when you come before a door with ancient letters chiseled into the stonework above it.

“Gymnasium?” Patricia says, cocking her head. “On the second floor?”

“Her scent is strong here.” Ginelle says, nodding her head. “I think she just came this way.”

“Alright.” Finn says, drawing his sword. The others prepare themselves for battle as well, drawing weapons, powering them up, or preparing magic. The man takes a few breaths before pulling back and kicking the door open.

Your party piles into the room to find… nothing. Weapons still drawn, you enter into the room, looking around for any sign of danger but see nothing. After a few, tense minutes, you turn to Ginelle, who sniffs the air before giving a bewildered expression. “I don’t understand, she was just-“


Her words are cut off as the floor underneath her suddenly caves in, dropping her, Finn, Clint, Alice, and Rayleigh to the lower level. You’re far enough back that you can pull Patricia back with you while Sophie nimbly leaps aside and Clarissa grabs Ophelia, flapping her wings to pull her away from the devastation.

“What the fuck happened?” You ask, moving carefully to the side of the ruin. The floor had caved in from the center it seems, leaving only the edges safe. This clearly wasn’t because of a structural failing, this had to be intentional. This is confirmed a moment later when an annoyed voice says,

“Tch, didn’t get them all. Alright girls, you know the drill.”

Below you, in a meeting hall area now filled with rubble, you see your teammates trapped in the stone, groaning. At the far end of the hall though is the Cat Girl, holding the book in one hand, the other on her hip as she waves to a group of Monsters mainly made up of Cat Girls and Oni, the former holding nets while the later have clubs.

“Tobias, I hear sounds coming from behind us.” Sophie says to you.

Looks like they came prepared… and damn, most of your combatants are down in that mess. All you really have is yourself and Sophie, because you’re certain that Clarissa, Ophelia, and Patricia can’t put up much of a fight.

The Cat Girl chuckles, “You know, this worked out well. I only wanted to get the wolf, but if we take the Monster Lady’s precious daughter too, this could work quite well in our favor.” She shouts to you, “Hey boy! Don’t try to resist and we’ll make this easy on you!” She considers for a moment,

“Though Rose did say she’d like to have you all to herself… hehe. She never said anything about having some fun with you first.”

“Rose? Shit.” Ophelia says, holding her Magitek electocuter close to her body, the device spitting out sparks. “Tobias, what do we do?”

That is a very good question.

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.396903

Hum. Short update because we just sort of reached what needed to be reached pretty quickly. Guess that means I'll probably be writing tomorrow then unless something comes up?

Also, book is delayed until next week it seems because 2 day printing and 1-6 shipping do not mean that. Also memorial day.

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95a306 No.396957

I think we should try to talk our way out of this one. Fighting in the monster capital will only bring the factions that hate us down on our head, and this cat girl is undoubtedly working for them, and Rose, who is most likely an agent of Phallia. How do we do this?

We remind this foolish mamono of the cards we hold. First, we are a group of heroes out on a mission for JUSTICE, and to save the world from being thrown into chaos by Phallia (don’t mention the Phallia part to her). Second, this cat girl has stolen from the temple of Dollora, the creator of all monstergirls. That should immediately cause a few minions to have second thoughts. Following up on this, we should then mention that WHEN we do win, and WHEN we take her prisoner, she will have to face the most heinous of all mamono punishments for her crimes against Dollora: the chastity belt, a device meant to prevent them from enjoying their favorite form of pleasure. After doing this remind her that she can be spared all this pain if she simply hands over the book, let’s us go on our way, and everyone forgets that we all existed.

After we give this warning, prepare the team for combat. Clarissa should probably fly for whatever form of guard there is, Rayleigh and Clint should open fire on the net holders to prevent us from being trapped, Alice, Finn, and Ginelle can start smashing heads, preferably nonlethally, after the nets are cleared. We should hang back with Ophelia and use pocket sand if anyone gets close. Again, fight only AFTER we have given her our warming. If anyone with more writefag in them would like to make my warning better, than they’re welcome to. Illusions aren’t worth it here, as there are other ways out of this half-assed trap.

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7dd584 No.396959

File: 39587d8ec348588⋯.png (81.3 KB,411x460,411:460,Hmmkm.png)


>Clarissa should probably fly for whatever form of guard there is

This, honestly. We are in the monster nation capitol and in company of Sophie. If at least one Chat Noir agent isn't silently stalking her underneath a chameleon cloak because Selene is paranoid that someone might use it against her, then there has to be some form of law enforcement around an apartment complex.

With that I say, order Ophelia to throw one of her bombs behind us to cave in the hallway we came from, to cut off reinforcements and prevent us from being surrounded.

Then yell for Clarissa to grab Ophelia and for Sophie to grab Patricia. Smash open the nearest window and have them jump out. Sophie's strength is not that impressive, but her agility stat and nine nimble gripping points should be enough to scale down the side of the building with another person in tow.

While outside, Ophelia should throw another bomb high in the air, set her communication device into speaker mode at max volume and scream bloody murder for help.

Tobias should then jump down into the pit and try to dig the rest of the crew out, starting with Alice who is the hardiest. If we can hear them groan then they are conscious and not buried deep at all. Whichever enemy approach, we should do everything in our power to stall for time until our fighters are back on their feet. With how much dust this trap must have kicked up, the simplest thing to do would be to trick them that some dust got in their eyes and mouth, blinding and irritating them while making them choke.

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a05b7f No.396991


It’s a good plan except all of our fighters are trapped.

>Below you, in a meeting hall area now filled with rubble, you see your teammates trapped in the stone, groaning

Now given the fact this trap was set within a few hours since we haven’t been in the library all that long, there shouldn’t be that much stone if they were able to so quickly weaken the floor. I say we cast an illusory smoke bomb and buy our companions some time to free themselves from the rubble. Finn and Ginelle should be able to do so quickly enough to free the others and fight back.

With our enemies fumbling around in imaginary smoke they should be easy to deal with even if some of us are weakened from the fall.

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027db3 No.397011


Something else I remembered is that the Order uses similar devices for short range communication as Ophelia has, so, if possible to do it on a short notice, she should also transmit her screams of help, the fact that Sophie, the nation's sovereign's daughter is under attack as well and her location on every aetheric frequency at the same time.

This is gonna bite us in the ass, but this hand that Jackor gave us this time is too shitty to play subtle, so just fold and hope for the best next round when we inevitably get railroaded into the local game of thrones.

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95a306 No.397023


Yes, that’s why we jump in to free them, if the fall isn’t too far. As I said before, illusions are completely unnecessary here, and if we want to blind our opponents, then just use the sand.

>>396959 I can accept these modifications to my plan, and I think stalling should be replaced with the talk. This will also prevent them from seeing where Patricia, their main target, went and allow us to hold their attention longer.

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2a4136 No.397071

>Story continue

“Ophelia.” You say, running your plan through your head again. “Do you have any of those explosives?”

“Uhm, I have one.” She says, fumbling in her bag to pull the device out.

“Good, I need you to throw it in the hall behind us.”

“Tobias, that might collapse part of-“ She cuts off before cursing. “I just hope this section can hold on.”

“It’ll be fine.” You say before grabbing Sophie’s shoulder and whispering in her ear, “Grab Patricia and run once Ophelia gives the signal. I’ll distract them.”

“What? No, you need help fighting-“

“No, I need the city guard or whoever the fuck they are here as soon as possible. Get Clarissa to grab Ophelia and have her broadcast for help, I don’t care how she does it, we need support.”

“Wait, what about you?”

“Don’t worry, I’m a mastery of trickery.” You say, hoping that the cats below haven’t heard anything. Taking a deep breath, you walk to the edge of the crumbling stonework and look down. It’s… not that far a fall, just one story. You’ll be fine, right?

“What the hells are you thinking to do?” The Cat Girl asks, expression concerned. “I saw you talking with ‘her highness’ don’t you think I didn’t-“

“Ophelia!” You shout, cutting her off.

A moment later you hear a beeping sound as Ophelia activates the bomb and hurls it down the hallway (not that she can throw it that far). Pinpointing the oncoming Monsters below, you cast a simple illusion of dust making them cough and get in their eyes from the earlier cave-in. It’s a simple enough thing and the effects are immediate. Good thing too, because if you had to work any harder-



The explosion from Ophelia’s bomb sounds followed by the shattering of stone and shouts of pain. You hear Sophie grab Patricia, the latter protesting while Clarissa grabs Ophelia. They dash off to a window on the side of the room, Sophie using her free tails as anchor points as she dashes across before shattering the window and leaping down while Clarissa flies through the tinkling glass. For your part, you look down again at the rubble and prepare yourself.


Huh, that’s not a good sou-!

A cry escapes your lips as the floor beneath you crumbles, the explosion from Ophelia’s bomb ruining the remaining integrity of the already abused floor. More tremors shake the building, but you can’t quite seem to care as you land in the broken stonework, hard. Groaning in pain, you push yourself up to see Alice beneath you, the woman unconscious. Great, just great.

“What the fuck, *cough*, was that?” The Cat Girl says through a cough. “You son of a bitch, are you *cough* trying to bring this place down on our heads?”

“N-No.” You say, picking yourself up slowly, trying not to cry out in pain. Fuck your foot hurts. Did you sprain it? “I was merely showing you a taste of what’s to come if you don’t drop this charade.”

“What are you talking about?” The Cat Girl says. “You’re surrounded and most of your group is lying in a pile of rubble. You have nowhere to run.”

“Are you so sure?’ You say, pushing your illusion up again as another tremor sounds, this time having dust rain from above. You’re not certain how much longer this will work before they get smart and cover up. “It’s not too late for you instead to give in. I know you’ve been hired to nab Patricia, but I promise you that it will not end well for you.”

“Oh? How so.” The Cat Girl says, doing exactly what you feared she would. She pulls out a handkerchief and wraps it around her mouth, the others following suit. No more coughing you guess, and they’re starting to shield their eyes. Fantastic.

“We are on a mission for JUSTICE. One which you are interfering with. You think you might be doing some noble and just, but in the end you’ll only damn not only yourself, but the world.”

“Says you.” She says, motioning to the others to move forward.

“Yes, says me.” You say, noticing a shifting of the stone nearby. Edging closer to it, you continue to speak. “However, let’s think about the short term. You stole a book from the Sacred Temple of Dollora. In the Monster Nation capital. How insane are you?”

“It’s just a library.” She says, shrugging. “Oh no, I’ll have to pay a fine.”

“Are you not from around here? At best they’ll torture you, at worst they’ll slap on a chastity belt.”

The Cat Girl pauses at that before giving a worried chuckle, “Hah… not that it will come to that. Almost makes the punishments in Galmathoria look civil.”

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2a4136 No.397072


Galmathoria? Wait what in the hells- nevermind. Shaking your head you kneel down, which basically means you collapse. Not exactly ideal when you’re trying to project confidence. At least it gives a good excuse for you to root through the shifting stone beneath you as more groans sound.

“You know this won’t end well for you. Just hand us the book and walk away. No one needs to know about this, least of which the Monster Lady. Just walk away.”

“I think not.” The Cat Girl says before pointing. You turn in time to see one of the Cat Girls with the nets throw one toward you. As it sails forward, you pull with all your might to bring forward Ginelle, who roars in a mix of rage and pain. The net covers her just as the Oni goes to club her, bringing the weapon down and-

Ginelle catches it in one, clawed hand. She turns her gaze upon the Oni, who backs up in surprise, despite her larger stature. The Badger Girl rises from the rubble, net still on her before releasing the club and grabbing the net with both hands. In a feat of sheer savagery, she roars and tears apart the net, releasing herself.

The Cat Girl in front of her drops back on her ass, terrified while the Oni’s eyes widen in shock. She hesitates a moment before swinging her club at Ginelle again. The Badger Girl ducks underneath and springs forward to drive into the chest of the Monster, sending both of them tumbling down the pile of stone. The Oni tries to reach up and push Ginelle off, the but enraged Badger grabs her head and violently slams it into the floor until she’s unconscious and a little more so.

While brutal, it does, however, leave her open for another Oni to hit her full force in the back with a club, driving Ginelle face first into the unconscious (or maybe dead) Oni. She makes for another swing when a whirring noise sounds and a bolt of energy blasts the Oni’s leg, dropping her to the floor in agony.

Turning about, you see Clint holding his rifle in shaking hands. Blood dribbles from his forehead and you have no doubts in your mind that the man has a concussion. This is furthered when he wobbles and falls to his side in the rubble, just as another pair of netter and clubber arrive. They rush toward you, ignoring the fallen man, forcing you to prepare and illusion when a hand reaches up and grabs the leg of the clubber, dropping her atop the netter as she falls.

Finn lets out a groan as he picks himself up, armor dented but still intact. His sword is out of his hand, but he’s able to drag himself up while the Oni turns and kicks at him as she picks herself off the ground. The man grunts but stays put, though you can’t see the reason at first until he shies away to the side, revealing Rayleigh’s fluffy tail covered in debris.

The netter gets up and turns, throwing her net on the man and trapping him, allowing the Oni to pull herself free. Before she can hit him though, the lead Cat Girl shouts, catching the Oni’s attention in time to see Ginelle fly over the rubble and plow into the Monster, sending both of them tumbling away. This leaves a confused looking cat with a net covering Finn who doesn’t react in time when you throw a punch, dropping her to the ground.

You follow suit a moment later, your ankle hurting abominably as you help Finn from his netting, a process that’s actually rather difficult. A stirring catches your attention and you see Rayleigh push herself up, words slurred as she tries to speak.

“F-Finn? What… happened-!?”

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2a4136 No.397073


She’s cut off as the Cat Girl who lured you here rubs up and round house kicks her in the head, dropping her cold. Finn shouts but takes a kick of his own to the side of the head and he staggers, still conscious but dazed. Before you can react, she grabs you by the collar and shakes you like a doll.

“You fucking shit. Why can’t you just make this easy? Just fucking stop and hand over the fucking wolf!”

“Good luck with that.” You say, giving her a pained smile. “She left the building awhile ago.”

The Cat Girl blinks and looks behind you before looking up. She grits her teeth and turns her gaze back to you. “Fucking hells. I can see why she mentioned you too. Fine then, I’ll just take you instead. There will be plenty of opportunities to get the wolf.”

“I’m not so certain of that.” A voice shouts from behind.

The Cat Girl turns and gasps, dropping you at what she sees. When you pick yourself up, you smile as you see Sophie standing at one of the doorways, a group of well dressed (still revealing cleavage) Monsters with weapons behind her. The Cat o’Ninetails points and says, “You’re under arrest for destruction of property and plot to kidnap. Guards?”

“Fuck this.” She says, leaping over you and sliding down the rubble to head to the other exit. “I ain’t getting no chastity belt!”

She makes it to the door and opens it before letting out a squeal of pain as a flash of light goes off. A moment later, she drops to the floor, unconious. Ophelia steps over her, magitek device in hand giving off sparks as she says, “I got her!”


“Why am I not surprised to see you mixed in this, Sophie?”

A small, tired looking Monster with green skin and horns says as she pours herself a cup of tea before sitting in her chair and rubbing her eyes. She looks up a moment later at your assembled group and sighs before sipping her tea.

After being rescued, you find yourself back in the building you initially entered when you came into town, this time in the office of the chief, an Imp. Your more severely injured are currently elsewhere in the building being healed, though Sophie assure you they’ll be fine. Patricia, Ophelia, Clarissa, Sophie, and yourself sit in the office, watching the chief.

“That building was empty, thank Dollora, but now it will all have to go due to this mess. At least none of the surrounding buildings were damaged, but we can’t exactly go destroying good living quarters if we get the population for it.”

“As you have seen, we were ambushed there by a group of dissidents.” Sophie says. “But we thank you for your timely response.”

“Yeah, yeah. This makes it, what, the third time you’ve been attacked by ‘dissidents?’”

You cock your head and look to Sophie, the Monster mainting a cool poise the entire time. Three attacks though? Just what has this girl been putting up with.

“I suppose that is correct.”

The Imp sighs and take another sip of her tea. “Listen, Sophie, I know you want to support your mother and all, but you’re just becoming a target for people to get to her. Why don’t you just go back to Deleor?”

“I politely refuse.” She says, though the Imp just rolls her eyes.

“Of course you do. Well this time you got these uh… fine… folk in a mess.”

You make to say something, but one of Sophie’s tails tugs on your leg and you pause as she continues to look straight. “I apologize, but at least our assailants are to be put away?”

“Yeah, yeah. We’ll deal with them.” She shakes her head, “Stealing from the Sacred Temple, the nerve of these Monsters these days.”

“Speaking of which.” Patricia says, talking out of turn. “The book she was carrying, we were interested in potentially reading it.”

The chief looks at her with surprise before pulling the book out of a drawer. “I’ll have to return it soon, but if you read it here then that’s fine.”

Patricia eagerly takes the book and pours through it, nodding her head as she takes notes. You watch her as she does this before turning to the chief. “Does this mean we’re free to go?”

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2a4136 No.397074


“I suppose, though you did cause quite the commotion.” She nods to Ophelia. “The bunny here was basically shouting hysterically into some device she had, though I can’t fathom for what reason.”

“I was ah, trying all the signals to get help.” She coughs into her hand. “I thought the guard might be listening.”

“Not sure what she’s even talking about. We don’t have much magitek out here.” The Monster says, shrugging.

“It’s a good thing I was able to fly and get help then.” Clarissa says, puffing out her modest chest.

“Yes, yes. Now then, your wounded should be healed soon though are you sure you’re alright?” The Imp asks, cocking at eye at the little splint you’re wearing.”

“I’ll survive. Healing potion is kicking in already.”

“If you say so. Anyway, Sophie.” She says, turning back to the Cat o’Ninetails. “I know your mother is going through a lot right now and those who don’t agree with her are getting more aggressive. I want you to consider leaving again, or at least moving in to her protection in the palace. I can’t be seen overtly supporting you, you understand, but I can at least give you advice.”

“I’ll take it under consideration.” Sophie says before rising and bowing. “Thank you for your help.”

“Bah, technically I should bow to you.” The chief sighs as Patricia snaps closed the book and places it on the table.

“There, I have what we need.” She stands. “Shall we go?”


The return trip to Sophie’s mansion by late that afternoon leaves all of you exhausted. Your leg hurts abominably, though you’re assured it will be fine in the morning, but Clint and Rayleigh had to be carried back. They have little in the way of external injuries, not like Ginelle, but they took blows to the head that the healers say they’ll recover from with rest. Finn, Ginelle, and Alice are fine, if tired.

“So much for getting out tomorrow.” You sigh, sitting down on one of the couches in the sitting room. “We’ll be lucky to get going by the next day.”

“The healing is effective, it just takes time.” Sophie says, pouring tea for everyone. “I’m sorry about all of this.”

“Why? They were after us. You should have let me tell that Imp about it.”

“I think… it’s best she believes it was another attack on myself. We do not need outside actors raising suspicions, nor more eyes watching you.”

“I suppose that’s true.” Ophelia sighs as she lays back into the couch. “But you know what’s weird? When I was cycling through channels, I could swear I got a lock one of them. Can’t remember which but it makes me think SOMEONE has a communication device here.”

“Maybe inside the palace?” Clarissa suggests.

“Maybe.” Sophie says, shrugging. “It’s probably best to lay low for now and have you leave as soon as you can.” She nods to Patricia. “Did you get the coordinates?”

“I did.” She says, holding up her notes. “There’s a description of an observatory that used to look to the heavens to see the face of their God and offer praise to him above. It appears to be located near a lake inside the mountains to the north, hidden through a pass.” She beams,

“It also had details on specific rituals they used to try to commune to Hevensferth, though whether or not they were successful it didn’t say.”

“You read far too quickly.” Clarissa says. “Makes my head hurt thinking about it.”

The Wolf Girl shrugs and Sophie chuckles. “Well, all’s well that ends well I suppose. We’ll get you rested up and head out as soon as you’re ready.”

“If it only ends here.” You say, thinking. “I’m afraid we were traced here by a group in Deleor, though they were after Ophelia at first and now Patricia… and they had an interest in me.”

“You think they’ll strike again?” Sophie asks.

“They were bold enough to do so in daylight. Who knows what they’ll do.” You shake your head. You go to say something more when Sophie raises a hand, her ear twitching. Ophelia does the same and a moment later a knock comes at the door. Frowning, Sophie stands and walks to the front, opening the door.

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2a4136 No.397075


You hear her speaking as she asks, “Vinnetta? What brings you here?”

“I apologize for coming here, but I wanted you to know before anything happens. Rumor has it that the daughter of the Order’s leader is here in the Monster Nation and that you’re holding her.”

“What? Who told you that?”

“It’s just a rumor going around town. Look, I just wanted to tell you because I’m your friend, but even if it’s false, people are going to come knocking, daughter of the Monster Lady or no.”

“I see… thank you.”

The door closes and a few moments later, Sophie re-enters, looking disturbed. “You heard all of that?”

“Yes.” You say, frowning. “This complicates things a little.”

“Sorry.” Patricia says, looking down. “I didn’t mean to cause trouble.”

“It’s fine.” Ophelia says, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Being damsel in distress isn’t too bad. Besides, Tobias comes through with a plan that works most of the time.” She beams at you. “So, what will it be this time?”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.397076


Hey man, you have the option of just leaving whenver you want. Who's going to stop you?

Oh wait, at this point, anyone really. Those looking to curry favor, those looking to cause trouble… hard to say. Cover is 100% blown now and some of your party is recovering still. Wonder who blew your cover though?

Guess you should figure out what to do now.

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7dd584 No.397086

File: 5f3ae37ac3ed331⋯.jpg (27.61 KB,480x792,20:33,We_cant_expect_god_to_do_a….jpg)


And there we go, back on the tracks!

Guess beelining towards our destination is out of the question now, unless we want to get swamped in random encounters every step of the way. Fuck it, side quests time.

<Step one: Information gathering

Sophie's behavior is suspicious. She wants to help her mom? How? If what the guard said was true she is just a walking bullseye. Why is she not in the palace? Why is Selene just letting this happen. It's either plot induced stupidity or there is some sort of plan in place here. We must learn of it and aggressively butt into it.

Who are the major players in the capital that are opposing Selene? What are their assets and resources? Who is likely to be cooperating with Rose?

Same but for political allies and supporters. We might need to meet some.

Get into the prison asap before the Catgirl gets into an unfortunate accident. She is a Galmathorian native it seems like. We need to get the info out of her on who is providing them support and intel in the city. However shallow that trap was, they had a deserted location ready in advance. Not something you can cobble together on a short notice.

Have Ophelia track the transmission she detected earlier then work on a countermeasure to stop the enemy from doing the same to us in the future. Stalk that area out with Clarissa and Clint equipped with farsight goggles when he feels better with an order of keeping constant vigilance and to bail the fuck out of there if they hear so much as a fart in the wind.

Get an exposition dump from Patricia on relevant monster nation politics, culture, history and law trivia we should know and can use to our advantage.

Who was it that visited Sophie just now? Vinnetta? A friend? Sophie never had friends. Massive red flag.

<Step two: Free time

Visit the Temple of Dollora and pray to her. Make an offering of blood and ask for protection and guidance also to keep our wife and children safe. Nothing specific, she won't show herself to us, but we should pay respect still.

Find the best alchemist in the city and request a potion that temporarily induces insanity in the person who consumes it without long term side effects. There might be a time when we will need to contact Jackor in the future and we should have an option for it without maxing out our danger meter.

Let Fin and Ray to go on leave once they feel better. Have them wear disguises a hand them a reasonable stipend along with one of Ophelia's communication devices. Secretly leave it at an "always on" setting so we can spy on them. For purely security based reasons of course. If they object, make it an order.

Do some browsing on what is available in terms of exotic wares in the city. Potions of all sorts should be the primary focus. We have the room for it.

Walk to a public communion matrix and spend around thirty minutes shit talking Phalia and her futa tentacle dick. Tell her how much better her sister is, how she is the worst goddess and that she will never, ever, ever get her daddy's cummies since she is a huge stupid bitch. Repeat this for every day we spend in the city. Make sure to do it in public and loudly if possible. Have Clint always on a nearby roof with a sniper rifle ready when you do this.

<Step three: Pull off the biggest fraud of the century.

Once we get all the info we can get, we will get into more detail, but we should dust off our licence to kill, find a way to funnel all of Selene's political enemies into one place at the same time where the whole nation can see us brutally and suddenly slaughter every single one of them in one fell swoop.

And then blame it all on Galmathoria with an overwhelming amount of fabricated evidence and countless false witness accounts using our powers of Illusion to stage the biggest false flag attack in monster nation's history that would make every woman in Danusreal simultaneously orgasm.

Will that be a big enough feat of cheating and lies for you to be satisfied and show your smug fucking face Jack-off, you piece of shit?

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bc8fc9 No.397090


>Find the best alchemist in the city and request a potion that temporarily induces insanity in the person who consumes it without long term side effects. There might be a time when we will need to contact Jackor in the future and we should have an option for it without maxing out our danger meter.

Too dangerous and not worth it.

>Walk to a public communion matrix and spend around thirty minutes shit talking Phalia and her futa tentacle dick. Tell her how much better her sister is, how she is the worst goddess and that she will never, ever, ever get her daddy's cummies since she is a huge stupid bitch. Repeat this for every day we spend in the city. Make sure to do it in public and loudly if possible.

Why? Explain your logic? If Tobias does this; Phalia will know we're on to her. Instead of just some Galmathorian cunt that is looking for a huge payday. So no, this dumb!

>Once we get all the info we can get, we will get into more detail, but we should dust off our licence to kill, find a way to funnel all of Selene's political enemies into one place at the same time where the whole nation can see us brutally and suddenly slaughter every single one of them in one fell swoop.

>And then blame it all on Galmathoria with an overwhelming amount of fabricated evidence and countless false witness accounts using our powers of Illusion to stage the biggest false flag attack in monster nation's history that would make every woman in Danusreal simultaneously orgasm.

Another autistic plan… not worth it

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95a306 No.397112

As painful as it is to stay in the town, we need to get our information. And who better to do this than as the Grand Inquisitor of the Laughing God. Take our two best poker faces with us, and a letter granting approval to question her. Ask about who this catgirl is working for Rose, how she met this person, why she’s working for her, and where she’s from Galmathoria .

If she does not comply, as we’re in a time crunch, then we have no choice but to gain our information via enhanced interrogation. Bring into the room with us sand and a bucket of water. If she initially refuses to answer, start with the blowing sand in her face/eyes, while she is restrained, so she can’t wipe it. If she refuses again, begin dripping water on her cat-parts, as cats hate water. If she refuses again, then we will utilize the ultimate torture for cat girls: rubbing their fur backwards (Anyone knows some other things cats hate, they’re welcome to change these). If she still refuses, then we’ll happily leave and give her over to the chastity belt.

While this goes on, leave the rest of the team well-guarded at Sophie’s house. No political canoodling will happen on this trip.

We should try to leave in this one day, after our “questioning”. As our enemies know where we’re going, it’s no use attempting to leave a false trail. The mountain pass screams trap to me, so we should also be wary of any trickery. We should also practice with our crossbows while traveling so we can actually do something that won’t make us insane in a fight.

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41f498 No.397115

What’s our current insanity percentage? Two casts of [Project] to affect both sight and touch of multiple targets must have been somewhat taxing on us, even said illusions didn’t last too long.


Assuming I’ve got my facts right, we’re half-way through day 14 currently, leaving us 17.5 days to both get to the Observatory, do our business there and get back. While it would suffice to do the first and second of those steps to complete our objectives since we are unlikely to have an artefact to bring back with us for the plan and at least informing Hevenswerth means he can be present, we really need to get back to Sanctifrond in order to help out with the plan after the commune with the gods as otherwise we are leaving the others lacking in what is the most dangerous part of the mission: actually stopping Phallia. Unlike Rommel, we don’t have the luxury of being close to Sanctifrond, so we both have a long distance to cover and more chances for obstacles to arise. As such, we need to seriously pick up the pace if we want to make it back in time despite whatever bullshit is thrown our way.

With that in mind, priority should be given to getting to our objective as quickly as possible, everything else be damned; we can potentially fix the Monster Nation’s issues later should that prove beneficial to the goal of stopping Phallia, but right now we don’t have time. That said, we’re currently injured and thus aren’t going to be moving anywhere fast if we actually want to heal, so we might as well spend the time we’re stuck here productively where possible. Looking into potential opponents to theorise strategies to counter theirs should they crop up at any point, looking for supplies to utilise on our journey like potions, weapons or tools, researching possible routes to our destination to figure out ambush locations to be wary of, stuff like that. Gathering anything Patricia may need for the rituals she mentioned is very important as well, as we need to try everything we can possibly think of to contact Hevenswerth and not being able to try certain things due to a lack of supplies would be disastrous.

As soon as everyone is ready or perhaps nearly ready, beggars can’t be choosers, we need to leave the capital and towards the theorised location of the Observatory. While we basically have all eyes on us, it wouldn’t be the worst idea to get Sophie to figure out a method of letting us stealthily depart, assuming such a method isn’t too slow. Even if it doesn’t accomplish much in terms of keeping certain factions off our arse, it still beats just walking out in plain sight and letting everyone know where we’re going. If we can elude even one possible opponent, it’s worth the effort.

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41f498 No.397116


>Get into the prison asap before the Catgirl gets into an unfortunate accident.

Potentially pissing off the local law enforcement by barging into their domain before they can properly process the criminals to interrogate a target who isn’t guaranteed to tell us anything, let alone anything we don’t already know, isn’t the best idea. Even if there is a risk of losing our interrogation opportunity, we should try to get through the legal channels in order to gain access if possible instead, since that avoids any political drama we don’t need right now.

>Get an exposition dump from Patricia on relevant monster nation politics, culture, history and law trivia we should know and can use to our advantage.

From Sophie maybe. Patricia is a shut-in from another country and thus is very unlikely to know anything about the topic.

>Sophie never had friends.

As a result of being coped up in her home her entire life. She’s spent around 6 months in the Monster Nation since the previous quest and hasn’t had too much restriction on what she can do, so her making friends isn’t impossible.

>Make an offering of blood

When no one else in the temple was and when Dollora isn’t a goddess of blood? That would be weird at best, considered disrespectful at worst.

>Find the best alchemist in the city and request a potion that temporarily induces insanity in the person who consumes it without long term side effects.

Ignoring how this could easily lead to us leaving a pretty obvious trail if said alchemist talks and they would for the right price and thus give our plans away, insanity isn’t really something you can induce temporarily because there are very few methods of actually reducing it, so this is just asking for a game over if we try it. And even if it does work as intended, who’s to say Jackor will even show up? He didn’t show up to Richard when he went mad, nor Fiora, so why would he here, especially since we want to find him?

>Let Fin and Ray to go on leave once they feel better.

Why? Splitting up seems to always go wrong and this doesn’t seem like it would be an exception, especially given the dangerous political climate in the area. And getting them to go away while the rest of the party does important stuff seems like a great way to sow the seeds of distrust—something we’ve already done to an extent and are trying to avoid continuing—which will inevitably lead to falling out and compromising of the mission, if not outright mutiny should our enemies exploit the tension.

>Walk to a public communion matrix and spend around thirty minutes shit talking Phalia and her futa tentacle dick.

<Talk on a network compromised by Phallia about how much she sucks.

<When we’re trying to avoid her notice.

<When speaking about her explicitly will no doubt draw her attention and thus get her to look into our activities, fucking up all of our plans.

How about no.

>The entirety of step three

Oh boy.

<Get all of Selene’s enemies into one place and murder them all

How do we get every one of her enemies to a single location when no one trusts anyone, let alone us, without giving our plan away? How are we supposed to kill multiple extremely powerful, high-ranking monsters without any of them getting word or our just simply killing us and/or our party members when we can barely deal with mooks? How do we do the previous when most of our party is injured and thus in no shape to fight or set up deathtraps?

<Blame the attack on Galmathoria using fabricated evidence and tons of illusions

That is going to backfire really fucking hard, especially since the last time we tried something that stupid we almost died, setting a precedent for more catastrophic failure. But pretending it could theoretically work, how are we supposed to fabricate evidence and then release this evidence to the public without our scheme coming to light when all eyes are now on us? How are we supposed to make false witness accounts using illusions that would convince the public of the Galmathoria’s guilt without going insane extremely fast? How would witnesses even help blame Galmathoria? What reason could we possibly give Galmathoria to attack the Monster Nation when their political climate is isolationist and focused on fucking with Deleor?

<This should be enough to get Jackor to reveal himself

Actively seeking Jackor out never seems to get his attention, so why would this be any different if finding the god is one of the desired outcomes? Even if he does show up, why would he help us? His stakes in the games the gods play are rather low comparatively to everyone else and we have kind of fucked him over twice before now, giving him little reason to hear us out.

Some of your ideas sound reasonable, like gathering information on our opponents, but a lot of the stuff you posted ranges from questionable to outright pants-on-head retarded and suicidal.

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660c30 No.397151


>we have kind of fucked him over twice before now, giving him little reason to hear us out.

I don't entirely disagree with the rest of your comment, But if I am remembering correctly Jackor damn near busted a nut when we tricked him that first time. He'd probably love the opportunity to play us again, Since we're probably the only person to have beaten him in one of his games in ages. That said, I don't think trying to talk to him will really get us anywhere.

Given Phalia is/was taking his children away and mutating them into horrific beasts in 1.5 I imagine he's probably made an effort to look into what she's been up to. Tricksters don't normally make it easy for them to be tricked. He likely knows a lot more then we do, And that might come into play in the future parts of the story. It would be nice to have our old [Boons] back, Rommel just isn't very effective in a fight since we have to minmax the hell put of every encounter to avoid going full crazy cakes

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e0dd37 No.397163


we could always try and contact jackor and tell him the communion matrix is down, and he of all people should know the matrix is the ultimate platform for trickery, and the only way to fix it is to help us

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2a4136 No.397165


>Complains about railroading

>Gets the chance to write this amazing set of things to do because of it.

Plz hero. You're having fun! Of course, looks like the others aren't.

1. Not terrible tbh, lots of interesting stuff. And hey! Sophie has friends! Probably!

2.Blood offerings are not commonly accepted at the temple of Dollora, however if you wish to jack off on the collection plate, that's fine.

>Find Jackor via insanity.

Imma be real with you, Tobias reaaaaallly doesn't want to do that unless he has no choice.

>Public Communion Matrix

In the Monster Nation? Maybe in the palace, but unlikely around here.

3. Actually yes, this would amuse Jackor. I don't think it's going to happen but it would amuse him.


I mean. Leaving is always an option on the table.

>best poker faces

Finn and Clint then.

You have pocket sand, will that do? I mean, who knows what you'll find, but will that do?

Who knows if that catgirl even read that boo- oh well I guess you can ask her.


The hit wasn't bad, thankfully and you did targeted illusions rather than a project. We'll say

>Your current insanity is 26%

>That itch is getting worse

The dates were purposefully a little nebulous, however you're very close. You arrive at the capital on day 15, so this is day 16.

Also, as agreed, the month thing will be changed later, though to be honest it's looking like everyone might be back on time, even Rommel and he's furthest behind atm. (Day 18)

>Sophie figure out a method of letting you stealthily depart.

She can probably make that work. Would you want her to come along or stay? Atm she doesn't seem overly attached to your party.


>Legal drama

But. Illusions.

Sophie would know more about the area, yes.


He's just having a giggle m8y.


Jackor actually regards you pretty highly but at the same time wouldn't mind if you fucking died. You kind of pissed him off after what you did with Abigail.

>Boons back

You'd have to convince Jackor to give them to you, but if you could convince Jackor of anything you wouldn't be in this mess. Besides, Tobias can be OP which is he's an odd character.


I mean.

You're not totally wrong.

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95a306 No.397188

File: 56befaa0bdd8278⋯.jpeg (131.87 KB,968x547,968:547,91246A8D-A812-431E-9FB5-3….jpeg)



Pic related


Yeah, I meant to say pocket sand.

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41f498 No.397246


I know Ace already responded to this, but I would like to stress that Jackor tried to strangle us to death the last time we saw him.

>Given Phalia is/was taking his children away and mutating them into horrific beasts in 1.5 I imagine he's probably made an effort to look into what she's been up to.

Fair enough, I probably should've considered that more. Whether that's enough to warrant him approaching us remains to be seen, however.


>Also, as agreed, the month thing will be changed later

To be honest, I kinda like the whole 'you only have a month to do this task in' thing. It makes more sense, gives everything more urgency and means we actually have to make sacrifices if we're going to complete our mission in time, which you lose if you make it so that we have the perfect amount of time to do everything. Also, I think it would be interesting to figure out how the hell we're supposed to make things work if one of the teams doesn't make it back in time, which is a situation that will basically never happen if deadlines are variable and forgiving. But that's just my two cents on the matter.

>Would you want her to come along or stay? Atm she doesn't seem overly attached to your party.

If she comes along with us, political opponents of Selene will have more reason to hunt us down, which isn't ideal. Considering that she doesn't really bring all too much benefit to balance out the downsides of taking her with us, it's probably for the best if she stays behind in the capital where she's safer. We can always add her to the party on the return trip when shit hits the fan and everyone needs to bail if we want to.

>He's just having a giggle m8y.

The last time we did something that would be amusing and over-the-top without properly considering the consequences Rommel got impaled by the final boss and nearly died. I don't want to be the guy that screams "NO FUN ALLOWED" to every entertaining idea, but when the stakes are high it does help to consider the logic behind certain actions.

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e0dd37 No.397275


>you only have a month to do this task

>we're halfway done already

jesus, i completely forgot about the whole "one month" thing

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1f6550 No.397409

Is this thread dead? Or is everyone just taking their holiday?

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027db3 No.397410


Dude it's only been two days and there is a very large amount of events and scenes to cover. Give it time.

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2a4136 No.397444

>Story continue

What do you do, what do you do? Every 2-4 days, it’s “what do you do?” You wish you were home right now, snuggled up with your wife while your daughters play together. But alas, here you are in the far north, trapped in a cycle of politics with an ankle that hurts and a bunch of people out of commission. But hey, at least you’re not insane!

Though damn does your back itch, no matter how much that voice tells you otherwise.

“Sophie.” You ask, getting the host’s attention. “How secure is this place?”

“Secure enough. When I first came here there were those who thought they could do things to me, however I quickly disabused them of that fact.”

“So basically there’s no security at all.”

She huffs and crosses her arms under her breasts, tails flicking in annoyance. “You continue to be rude!”

“Yes, yes, we’ve gone over this charade.” You sigh, rubbing at your forehead. “Alright, but if we keep on our toes we should be fine tonight, right?”

“Probably, I doubt anyone will make such a quick and obvious move tonight. If they attacked here then I doubt mother would sit idly by.”

“So you assume they’ll wait.”

“Or be subtle.”

Patricia cocks her head. “What could they gain by abducting me though?”

“Depends who wants you, I suppose.” You say, leaning back on the couch. “I don’t even know all the players in this farce.” When no one responds, you cough into your hand.

“Oh, the rudeness continues. Good think I love you like a brother.”

“We’ve really only met like twice.”

“Family is family.” Sophie says before taking a seat herself and leaning forward. “Let’s see where to begin… in the city there are two major factions vying for power currently. There are those who support my mother and those who preferred the old ways.”

A tail raises and wags each time she names one. “Those in the outlying cities and around the country often take a stance against my mother, because they don’t see as much of the benefit of cooperation. You have to remember that men are a commodity the same as wheat or chicken. Without them, a town will be destroyed in time. However, you can’t just trade for them… well, except from Ectria, however…”

“There’s been talks of the slave trade changing, at least in intensity in Ectria. Some harpy is leading the cause alongside the new Sultan, right?”

Sophie smiles. “Ah, Ebe. She’s a Ghandharva, you know? I’m glad she’s still doing well. I miss her sometimes.” A soft sigh escapes her as she sits back up. “As far as the Sultan goes, I doubt he’s actually all that on board with stopping it, but on the surface the slave trade has diminished. This is what most Monsters see and, with raiding essentially being outlawed…”

She waves a tail for you to speak. Ophelia beats you to it though as she hits her fist into her hand. “Oh! They’re growing worried about their supply of men!”

“Correct. I fear I am partly to blame for that current circumstance, however, but I make no apologies. Either way, it has lead to a growing number of Monsters who wish to change leadership, if for nothing more than cummies.”

“Cummies?” Patricia asks, to which Sophie coughs into her furred hand.

“Semen. Yes, in order to produce children, a drive inherent in all Monsters, whether they accept it or not.”

“So then, where’s your husband?” You ask, to which Clarissa slaps you in the face with a wing.

“Thank you, Clarissa.” Sophie says, nodding her head. “My rude brother’s words not standing, this has lead to the rise of Gloria, a Manticore from the mountains with a curious level of intelligence for her species and a mouth able to gather Monsters to her cause.”

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2a4136 No.397445


You really want to ask, “which mouth,” but decide it’s best not to. Instead you sit up and ask, “Very well then. So you believe this faction may want to capitalize on Patricia?”

“And Ophelia too, perhaps. I find it curious that one has been made public but not the other?”

The Rabbit Girl shrugs. “I don’t know what to say. Maybe Monsters up here don’t have much of a use for magitek.”

Sophie considers this for a moment before nodding. “That is true. However Patricia is related to one of the greatest enemies of the Monster Nation, in their eyes. If they were to subvert you somehow and make you see their logic, you could be turned into a weapon against your father.”

“Preposterous.” Patricia says, canines bared in a way similar to her mother’s. “I will not be used in such a manner.”

“Oh, I know you wouldn’t willingly, but you might not have a choice. Or at the very least they can make it look that way, gaining more support to their side.”

Patrica looks down, concern on her face. You sigh and cross your arms. “What about the faction that supports your mother? Can’t we just ask for their help?”

Sophie frowns deeper. “While the end result is keeping the same policies, it’s not necessarily a good thing. Many of the higher levels of Mother’s supporters are, for better words, toadies.” She raises a finger, “One actually is a toad, but that’s beside the point. They wish to gain favor for better treatment.”

You snort, “Selene doesn’t exactly seem the type to tolerate that sort of thing.”

“To a degree, yes. Mother has also been out of the country for six months and left things in charge of others. Others who made a little mess of things mainly in the hopes of furthering their own position if, say, the Monster Lady never returned.” She gives you a knowing look. “The rumors of what happened in Ectria and her second missing tail don’t exactly make things better.”

“So what would they get from Patricia?” Clarissa asks. “Wouldn’t it be in their interests to keep her away from the detractors?”

“Precisely.” Ophelia says, nodding her head. “By bringing her to their side. It’s far more likely she’d voice political support for them and thus increasing confidence in the shaky treaty between the Order and the Monster Nation. More importantly, whoever has their hooks into Patricia will look better in the people’s eyes.”

“Yes, and I can assure you that anyone who does will look favorable to the people. Especially if they can leverage this before mother.”

By this point, Patricia has her face in her hands. She groans, “Gods above, I didn’t think this would happen. I just wanted to see some of the culture and go on an adventure. I didn’t mean to drag people into something like this!”

Ophelia rubs her back while giving you a piteous look. What, you’re gathering information at the moment, she needs some patience. Didn’t she hear the story of the Rabbit Girl and the Tortoise Girl? They tried to get the same man but the rabbit took it too fast and- This story isn’t relevant in the slightest, you’re just nervous.

“Okay then.” You say. “We have two factions in town who can both use Patricia. You don’t think they’ll come and attack tonight because it will tip the other off and cause too many problems initially. So what do you expect?”

“They’ll visit tomorrow and ask after her to try and talk. Once that fails, they will then try to stall her in town or find a way to abduct her.”

“Great.” Patricia says. “Just great.”

“Maybe we should leave tonight then?” Clarissa asks, worried.

“No can do.” You say, shaking your head. “In fact, this information might have been leaked for the exact reason to push us to action.”

“Ah.” Sophie says. “If you ran now, they’d be waiting for you.”

“And we aren’t in a good place to fight.”

“Who would be waiting?” Clarissa asks, cocking her head.

“Same people who attacked us today.”

“That Cat Girl? She’s in the jail…” She trails off before clacking her tongue. “Ah, right, whoever she’s working for.”

“Rose.” You say offhanded. “She mentioned her name.”

“That name again…” Ophelia spits, her ears folding down. “Bitch can’t leave us alone.”

“A third faction in all of this…” Sophie muses. “While the other two are known quantities, this third one can present a problem trying to leave the city. It would be best to gather information on them before formulating a way out..”

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2a4136 No.397446


“So you can get us a good way out north?”


“Does it involve your mother?”

Sophie frowns and looks down. “I’d rather not make trouble for her at the moment.”

You watch her and then shake your head, keeping your question. “Alright, so that means we need to do some interrogating. I’d like to know more about Rose also. All we know she is works for Galmathoria but… something is off about all of this.”

“Galmathoria?” Sophie says, raising her eyebrows. “That’s…” She shakes her head. “No matter, once everyone is recovered, we’ll figure a way to get you out here.”

You smile, “Thanks, sis.”

She beams, “What is family for?”


The next morning, as expected, you’re not ready to leave. While Ginelle, being the big lug she is, happens to be recovered quite well, Clint is still a little woozy while Alice, Finn, and Rayleigh just need some more rest. All in all, getting a wagon loaded and out of here with any semblance of fighting prowess or stealth would be impossible. And thus, you find yourself with another day to get answers and not be dragged into politics.

You wonder if you can succeed at either to be honest.

Your leg feels much better than before, so you prepare to go out into the city to try and get answers and maybe some supplies. While you’d like to take Clint or Ginelle with you, it’s best to keep them at Sophie’s place under guard. This is reinforced by the fact that, before you can get going, a knock at the door heralds a Sheep Girl with soft, curly, white wool over everywhere but her head and torso holding a basket of food stuffs.

“Good day your highness.” The sheep says, bowing as Sophie opens the door. She notices you standing nearby and gives you a soft smile, though underneath it is calculation. Sailing past it, she asks Sophie, “How are you this day?”

“Very well, Loliana. How can I help you?”

“Well, there’s been rumors around that you might have a particular guest. I am quite interested in speaking with her, might I come inside and we can have breakfast?” She holds up the basket and smiles.

“I’m afraid I already ate.”

“Oh? Well then, if I could have a moment of your time anyway…”

“I’m terribly busy, I’m afraid we’ll have to chat some other time.” Sophie makes to close the door, but the Sheep grabs the edge and pulls with surprising strength as she gives a half smile.

“Now then Sophie, you could at least introduce me to this lovely man here. Have you two had sex? Your mother will be overjoy-“

Sophie uses her tails to get extra leverage to slam the door closed, almost on the fingers of the Sheep Girl, though she pulls away before she can be hurt. Sighing, Sophie shakes her head and turns to you.

“She’s one of mother’s supporters.”

“She seemed aggressive for a fucking sheep.”

“Yes. I assume her next attempt will be far less amicable.”

Sophie nods to the back. “Come on, you better leave from here. Be back before nightfall, alright?”

“Got it.” You say, preparing to leave when Clarissa walks up and folds her wingarms.

“I’m going too.”


“I won’t take no for an answer. You need someone to give you cover in this place and I’m a nobody so no one will wan- hey what?” She pauses and cocks her head at you.

“I said, sure.” You say, stretching. “It’ll be good to have someone else along and you’re the only one healthy enough that we don’t need to protect.”

“I… yes! Good!” Clarissa says, nodding her head with sagacity to save face you suppose.

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2a4136 No.397447


Waving goodbye to Sophie, you throw on a cloak and head outback and through some backstreets until you arrive into one of the main throughfares of the city. Despite the wind, it’s still dreadfully warm in this cloak, but you’d rather hide your identity a little if you can help it. Besides, it doesn’t seem to be uncommon for a Monster to walk with her man like this in town, possibly to keep his visage out of view of other Monsters. Either because they’re ugly or because they don’t want others to look at them, the quirk of this city allows you to pass by without much detection.

“You know, I never really thought I’d walk the streets of the Carthos like this.” Clarissa says as you head toward the holding facility. “I mean, I always just flew by or delivered a package and then headed home, you know? Maybe I figured once relations are better between the countries I could visit for something more like tourism. Of course, it would be nicer with a man.”

“I’m not a man, huh?”

“Oh please, Tobias, we cleared that water awhile ago.” She waves a wing at you. “Anyway, it’s nice here. It feels… it just feels right for some reason.”

“To be surrounded by other Monsters?”

“Maybe that’s it.” She says. “Does it feel that way when you’re in Sanctifrond?”

You have to think about it for a moment. Eventually you shake your head. “Maybe in the past. Maybe still a little, but ever since our little quest I’ve been more comfortable in the company of Monsters.” A chuckle escapes your lips, “Does that make me a traitor to my species?”

“No.” She says, shaking her head. “I think that just makes you whipped.”

She giggles and you push her wingarm in jest, smiling yourself. “Okay, fine, that was a good one. But I do understand what you mean. While coexistence is nice between peoples, places like this should exist.”

“Maybe.” She says before nodding her head and then frowning. “Do you think they’ll be alright at Sophie’s place?”

“Oh, I wouldn’t worry about that.” You say as you dodge a centaur who turns to look at you with curiosity. “Ginelle is awake.”

“Oh, right.” Clarissa says, leaving it at that. “I should be worried about them, then.”

“Yep. Or at least, for ourselves.” You say, stopping. She stops as well and you both look at the building in front of you: the holding facility.

“What do we do now?” She asks, looking up at it.

“Right, I figure we’ll go in from the roof, drop down and infiltrate her room where we’ll tie her up and use a truth serum to extract the info we need before stealthily making our getaway.”

“I didn’t bring any rope.”

“Shit, then we’ll just have to go in the front door.”

Clarissa blinks in surprise as you walk to the entrance, the Crow Girl following in your wake. Once you reach the front door, you reach into your pouch and pull out your [DSS badge] before handing it to Clarissa, who deftly holds the item with her winghand.

“Alright, if anyone asks who we are, show them this badge.”

“Uhm, it says Deleorian Secret Service.”

“Sure, but that’s not what they’ll see.”

“Oh. Illusions.” She nods her head. “I hate those sometimes.”

“Me too. Let’s go.” You say, waving her forward. She enters before you and the two of you walk through a converted reception area toward a reinforced door to the back. When Clarissa puts a winghand on the door, the Monster on watch, a Wolf Girl raises an eyebrow.

“That’s bold.”

“Just trying to get in.”

“Even bolder. How about you scram?”

Clarissa fumbles for a moment before pulling out the badge and showing it. “O-official business.”

The guard frowns and looks at the badge closely. You aren’t exactly sure what to make it look like, so it’s seems a little fuzzy to the Wolf Girl as she looks at it. That, or she’s illiterate. You’re banking on the latter. “The hells does that say?”

“I- it’s a new kind of badge delivered by the Monster Lady herself.”

The guard blinks for a moment before growling. “Ah, fucking chat noirs. I figured the Monster Lady only wanted cats in that group.”

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2a4136 No.397448


“Well, I am black as well so…”

“Whatever.” The guard says, opening the door. “Just get your business over with.”

Both you and Clarissa exchange looks before heading inside and through the halls. No one else asks you who you are as you follow the path you’re pretty sure you came from before, eventually reaching the holding cells. Seems the guards are elsewhere at the moment, so you grab a set of keys hanging, yes, hanging, within sight of one of the cages, take some rope on the ground (which would have been great earlier), and then look for your Cat Girl. You spot her easily and her ears perk up as you try each key on the lock.

“Oh?” She asks, walking over to the door as you work the lock.

“Am I being sprung free? Did Rose send you? How uncharacteristic for-“ She pauses when she looks into your hood before hissing. “YOU!”

“Meeeeee” You say, before finding the one key that clicks the lock open. As soon as it opens, she pushes at the gate, but you merely pull out a handful of normal, everyday sand from your [Pocket Sand] and throw it in her eyes. She lets out a shout of panic and hisses as you push her backward and into the cell.

Rubbing at her eyes, she still manages to try to get away. Unfortunately for her, she can’t see much so, grabbing her by the neck, you throw her into a chair and wrap the rope around her while Clarissa holds her in place. Despite her protests, you’re able to tie her up pretty well, though she had cleared most of the sand from her eyes which appear very red and tearing.

“What the fuck is this?” She snarls. “It would have been easier to stab me!”

“Yes, but dead cats don’t talk and I need answers.”

“Fuck you! The guards are coming soon!’

“Maybe, but I doubt they’ll stop us.” You say, sitting on another chair in the room. “Now then, why did Rose hire you to capture Patricia.”

“What? Fuck off.”

“Hmm.” You say, reaching into your bag to pull out more of what looks like normal sand. When you throw it in her eyes, however, the sand begins to let out a high pitched scream, which sounds a lot like the Cat Girl’s.

“AHHHH WHAT IS THIS?!” She shouts, struggling against her bonds.

“Screaming sand, clearly.” You say, rolling your eyes. This bag of sand is so unpredictable. “If you want it to stop, then tell me what I want to know.”

“W-what? You mean it won’t stop on its own?”

“Maybe when you tear it out. Though it might get crusted and just sit there, screaming in your eyes until you go insane. Trust me, you don’t want that, it’s not fun.” Damn does your back itch.

“Y… you’re crazy!”

“Not anymore.” You say, shrugging. “I mean, I think the sound is fine, but gosh does that have to hurt. I can always up the ante though-“

“No! No Gods know please just make it stop.” You can’t tell if she’s weeping or if it’s just her abused eyes tearing, but either way, it runs down her cheeks. “We’d been a cell living in the city here, trying to shift thing to support Galmathoria. We got a message over this magitek device that was brought in one way, told us to nab her and bring her to the Galmathorian embassy. We figured we’d be able to jump her so we laid the trap and then you came and ruined it and oh my Gods please stop it.”

Shrugging, you pull out a water flask and dribble in her eyes, washing out the sand and stopping the sound all together. She sighs in relief as you do, seeming like she aged years.

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2a4136 No.397449


“Is Rose here in the city?”

“I don’t know, we’ve never actually seen her.” The Cat Girl says. “That’s all I know, really.”

“What would she have done with Patricia?”

“You’d have to ask the jerks at the embassy, I just do grunt work.”

“Hmm.” You say as Clarissa cocks her head.

“Tobias…” She says. “I think I hear slithering.”

You place a hand on the fur of her bound arm and slowly push it the wrong direction. Her tail shoots up in the air and she whimpers, “Oh Dollora, please no, not that.”

“Come on… you say. You must have some idea…”

“I don’t- I don’t know! Maybe they’ll ransom her off or just kill her and blame it on the Monster nation! She’s important, right? Fuck please don’t do that!”

You stop and she sighs again in relief. Leaning forward you whisper, “Are there more in the city like you?”

“Yes.” She says before chuckling. “But nothing I say will help you. Juniper is far, far more clever than I am, so at least I’ll have that revenge when she gets what we want.”

Standing up as lamia guards approach, you face them with your cloak’s hood up while Clarissa holds up the badge. “C-Chat noir!”

A chuckle sounds from behind the Lamia as an actual black furred Cat Girl steps in from behind their shadow, wearing pure black. She smiles at you and says, “But of course you are.”

Both you and Clarissa exchange looks and gulp as the Lamia open the gate and usher you out before tending to the Cat Girl who weeps about screams in her eyes. The two of you sheepishly walk to the black clad cat, who nods her head for you to follow. No one says anything until you exit the building and turn a corner to a side alley.

“Impersonating one us is a serious offense.” The Cat Girl says, knife suddenly in her hand. You didn’t even notice her draw it, though all she does is admire the blade. “I could kill you here and no one would bat an eye.”

“But you haven’t.” You say, cautiously. “So I assume you’re on business for the Monster Lady.”

“Possibly.” She says. “We can operate to a degree of independence, however I’d heard someone was impersonating so I made to check. Surprise surprise to find the Monster Lady’s son-in-law and… friend… interrogating a new prisoner, and not even a native of the Monster Nation.”

“You’re well informed.”

“It’s my job to be informed.” She says, brushing a strand of hair from her face. “We are aware of your entrance into the city and your stay with the Monster Lady’s daughter. We are also aware of the current strife affecting you and yours.” She leans forward,

“Unless the Monster Lady says otherwise, it is not my business to care what you’re doing. However, if it causes trouble for the Monster Lady or the Monster Nation in any way then…” She trails off, you getting the message.

“We’ll be careful.” You say, to which she nods her head.

“Good. Now then, I’d advise you return. I hear there have been unsavory folk asking after you and yours.”

“Aren’t some of them supporters of the Monster Lady?”

The Cat Girl merely smiles and then steps away into a shadow before fading from view. Well, she doesn’t vanish or anything, more like she scurries away rather quickly and with stealth, but it’s about the same.

“Well that was weird.” Clarissa says as you head back, stopping to gather some food supplies and health potions along the way. You consider asking for stronger potions, crazy stuff like something that would make you go insane or something, but that in itself is insanity. What if you had to talk to Jackor again? No thank you! In the end, you settle for the basics as they’re the most useful.

>You gain 5 [Health Potions]

>Insert names for other potions.

“A little.” You say, finishing a purchase. “But not unexpected. I don’t believe for a second that Selene isn’t keeping tabs on her daughter.”

“Do you think Sophie knows?”

“She’s not stupid, of course she knows.” You say, frowning. “The real question is, why doesn’t Sophie want to stay in the palace with her mother? What does she gain by staying out here on her own?”

“I don’t know.” Clarissa says, worried. “But we should really return and see how the others are doing.”

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2a4136 No.397450


“Makes sense. We can leave tomorrow if they’re up and about and potentially avoid this mess.”

“Yep!” Clarissa says as you walk through the ancient streets, finally reaching the mansion. When you come around back and knock on the door, nothing happens for awhile. Worried, you nod to Clarissa and prepare your magic before testing the door to find it unlocked. You open it slowly and enter the back, looking around but finding nothing.

Walking through the halls as silently as you can, you’re suddenly startled when Ginelle turns a corner and says in a weary voice, “Tobias, Clarissa, we have a problem.”

“H-How did you know it was us?”

She taps her nose and nods toward the sitting room. Following behind Ginelle, you enter the room to find Sophie, Patricia, and Ophelia standing over the corpse of a single tailed Kitsune, blood draining from puncture wounds in her chest. They turn when you approach and Sophie sighs, raising a hand toward you as well as one of her tails, which drips with blood.

“I’m afraid we have an issue.”

“Uh, that’s a corpse.” You say, confused.

“That’s not the issue.” She says. “The issue is the one who ran away and witnessed it.”

Confused, you set down your bag and take off your cloak. “I don’t understand, did they try to attack you?”

“It seemed that way, however, this was one of the prominent detractors of my mother. Which means that the one who escaped will spread far and wide the tale of the Monster Lady’s daughter and the daughter of the Lord Commander of the Order murdering one of their opposition.”

She gives a weak chuckle, “fake or not, we’re about to be in, as my father would say, ‘deep shit.’”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.397451

Oh. A corpse.

That's not… good. Is it?

Oh dear.





Sometimes after work and commute home I just don't have the energy to type. Especially if I have work on a weekend. I try to tell people when I'm gone for extended periods though.

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660c30 No.397480


Well since we are getting into a shitstorm we at least need to take the initiative and get our side out first. We need to get the story straight and get the police here. Biting this bullet now will help mitigate the spread of opposing propaganda. Like it or not we are stuck in this for a bit.

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ba9276 No.397481

So the only people we got that can defend them selves are Ginelle, Ophelia if she has items and maybe Clint if he doesn't have to do much. How about Clarissa and Ginelle scout and track down the scent of the one who got away to see if she went back to their hideout. and at the same time Have Sophie and Tobias go and try to report a assassination attempt or something to make the death and whatever action we do next legitimized. Also see if Ophie has something she can booby trap the house with so the injured can be safe while it's just her and a beat up Clint left who can semi defend. Maybe we can recruit the Chat Noir?

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7dd584 No.397496

File: 59fe43c60edeae9⋯.jpg (50.55 KB,720x530,72:53,59f.jpg)


First political intrigue and now a murder investigation. Lovely.

Send Clarissa out to summon guards like this anon suggested. >>397480

Going after the witness at this point is a fool's errand, since we know their allegiance anyways.

Let's perform our investigation while the guards are on their way. First secure the crime scene and have everyone watch the body. Ask everyone what happened here in great detail, try to get a timetable for the events.

1. Who are the victim and the witness.

2. What did they want?

3. How did they get here.

4. Why did Sophie attack and immediately go for the kill? (Verify her identity by asking a leading question about her childhood that Saya undoubtedly mentioned at some point.)

5.Why did they let the witness escape? There are few things that can outrun Sophie.

6. Why didn't anyone else act during the incident.

Focus the interrogation primarily on Patricia, since she has the best memory, but get everyone else's testimonies as well. Then check the crime scene.

1. Check the body. Confirm that the victim actually is dead.

2. Figure out the cause of death. This might be a setup.

3. See if-

You know what, fuck it.

Ace! I demand an update extension!

We need a full scene description of the room, there is nothing to go from with what we have right now.

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15397d No.397497

Politics. Stupid politics.

Yep, biting the bullet is a good idea, as is establishing that Sophie attacked in self-defense. But the thing is, we still need to leave. The world is about to end in 12 days?, and we need to haul our butts over to the observatory as soon as everyone is fully healed. Perhaps we could stick around and help the investigation while others are still recovering, but afterward leave. Tracking down the escapee is good like >>397481 suggested, but Ginelle still seems out of it, and the guard should have at least one sniffer monster.

As for our method of escape, we should probably ask Sophie or that Chat Noir for an escape route, in order to get out of their hair. Remember, we don’t need to stick around for the whole investigation, and real-life crime stuff can take months to deliver a verdict. And we’re staying in the country, so they can’t accuse us of trying to run away. Really, this is more Sophie’s problem than ours. Offer what help we can while we’re stuck here, but as soon as everyone’s healthy, GO GO GO.

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7dd584 No.397498

File: 2c87b23213b6b57⋯.mp4 (309.84 KB,384x288,4:3,Abandon_cab.mp4)


>He thinks he can escape the railroading.

Maybe if you can derail the plot train by doing something completely and utterly retarded and autistic with the full support of the player base but otherwise you can put on your thinking cap and get ready to play out a murder mystery.

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281638 No.397501


Ah well. I suppose we’ll just have to put on our [Deerstalker Hat of Investigation] and pull out our [Glass of Magnification] and get to work. Let’s ride this train to the best possible destination we can.

Doing autistic things usually ends lethally unless they’re well-thought out, so we’ll have to skip on that

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2a4136 No.397533

>Story continue

“Wait, wait, wait.” You say holding up a hand. “Okay, we need a few more facts here before we start panicking.”

“I don’t think anyone is panicking.” Sophie says, outwardly calm, but you see her hands shaking. Hasn’t she killed people before?

“Uh huh.” You say, squatting next to the corpse. Getting a better look, it appears to be two punctures made by Sophie’s tails, one piercing the heart. Death must have been swift. Reaching over to push aside her long hair, you can see a look of shock on her face. Was she that confident in her abilities that she didn’t expect to die? Against Sophie of all people? This is just weird.

Rifling through her pockets, you don’t find any weapons, just some coins in a pouch and a full vial of semen. Frowning, you look around the room and see a scorch mark on the wall behind you, but nothing much else beyond the blood.

“Hmm.” You say, rubbing your chin.

“What is he doing?” Sophie asks, to which Ophelia shakes her head.

“He does this sometimes. I think he’s investigating.”

“Do you have a deerstalker hat?” You ask suddenly, to which Sophie blinks in surprise.

“I- yes, actually.”

“Wait, serious- I mean, yeah. Bring it here.”

“Shouldn’t we be contacting the guard?”

“What difference does it make, they’ll be here soon.” You say. “We need to piece all of this together.”

Sophie returns a moment later and you put the [Deerstalker Hat of Investigation] on before crossing your arms. “Alright. Looking at the body it seems obvious how the victim died, however there are a few questions we need to answer.”

“Should we really be discussing this over the body?” Clarissa asks, looking nervous.

“Yes, it’s best in case we think of anything out of the blue.” Turning to Sophie, you ask, “First off, who was the victim and the witness?”

“Her name is… was, Runa. She’s a rather firebrand in the detractor faction known for her fiery temper. She’s also a pyromancer, if that means anything. As far as the witness, I don’t know. She’s a Kikimora I haven’t seen before, but I can’t exactly know everyone.”

Hmmm, so Sophie has intimate knowledge of some of the detractor faction? Interesting.

“What did they want?”

“I believe they wanted to take Patricia by force after they tried to push past me earlier in the day.”

“How do you figure?”

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2a4136 No.397534


Ginelle pips up, “They broke a window. Did it quietly but Ophelia heard them come in. I was checking on Clint at the time but I came down when I heard the shouts.”

“That was me.” Ophelia says, nodding her head. “I was here with Patricia when Sophie went to answer the door. That’s when I heard them coming and I shouted for help.”

“That answers the next question.” Turning back to Sophie you ask, “Why did you kill her? Saya tells me your precision with your tails rivals even that of your mother’s. How did this happen?”

Sophie stiffens before crossing her arms under her breasts. “When I answered the door to find no one present, I considered searching for who knocked, but then I heard Ophelia’s shout. I entered the sitting room to find the two coming for Patricia. I was able to intervene between Runa enough to let Ophelia get Patricia away. I pulled her back with some of my tails, but she cast a fireball somehow and I let her go enough that she could lunge at me.”

She looks down at the corpse and winces. “I guess I panicked and struck, though I didn’t want to. It was almost like she drove herself onto my tails, but sometimes they react without me thinking.”

Looking back to the scorch mark on the wall, you cock your head. Most Monsters use their hands at least to cast from, so if she was bound, how did she do that? Must have been quite the firebrand you suspect.

“I see. And what happened after she was stabbed.”

“I was surprised as she fell onto me, dying. I barely noticed the Kikimora before she was gone.”

Turning to the others, you ask, “What were you doing?”

“I was leading Patricia away from them. We didn’t see what had happened until the Kikimora rushed past.” Ophelia says. “Understandably we didn’t chase her.”

“I saw her bolt out the door.” Ginelle says. “But I smelled blood and hurried to find Sophe sliding the corpse off her tails.”

Well this is unfortunate. You consider this by tipping your nice hat when Patricia says, “I found it odd how fast the Kikimora left in relation to the blood. It almost seemed like she left before I could smell Sophie… well.”

“Kikimoras are rather perceptive.” Ginelle says. “The ones at Clint’s mansion often know what we want before we can even think of it.”

“Perhaps.” You say. “How about the others upstairs, how are they?”

“Fine.” Clint says, coming down the stairs while rubbing his head. “Ginelle told me to stay put and I sort of fell out of bed instead. Finn wanted to rush down too, but I managed to win the lot to come on down, though everyone can probably fight if need be. Can someone give me the run down?”

You do so and he grits his teeth. “I see.” He says, frowning. “So we’re going to be in trouble soon.”

“Maybe we should just go?” Clarissa says before wincing. “Ah… sorry Sophie.”

She taps her arm for a moment before sighing. “It’s okay. I understand you have an important task to take care of, otherwise mother wouldn’t have written you a letter of passage. I think I’ll be okay if you need to leave.” She bites her nail, “I could always speak with mother and… well…”

“Sophie, you should probably take a seat.” You say, leading her over to a chair. She protests for a moment before sighing and slumping into the chair and sighing.

“This is all a mess now.”

Clarissa cocks her head. “Can’t we get this chat noir to help us out? I know they support your mother so…”

Sophie frowns. “How do you…? Nevermind, if the Kikimora has already spoken to someone then there’s little they can do without people noticing. It might be best to get the guard on our side after all but…” She shakes her head. “Maybe it’s best you do go.”

You tug on your hat again, thinking it all through. Something about this is off, but what do you? Should you go or stay and try to work this out? There’s a countdown for you to get this relic or whatever it is at it stands, so can you afford to take the time? But what will happen to Sophie if you don’t help her? What will happen to her mother?

Maybe you should have just left days ago, but here you are, stuck in intrigue again. Well, at least you’re dressed appropriately.

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.397536



Poriticisu is funru.

Besides now is the time for action. You can probably just leave maybe :^)


Ask and ye shall recieve. Is that enough info?


Nah, they're fine, just tired.


We'll see if that opinion changes but its on the table.

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671f0c No.397540

Well, now we know this was all a set-up for that kitsune to get herself killed and become a martyr, with the kikimora as a witness. As for what to do…? Again, getting the guard on our side by calling them here will work, as will pointing out the breaking/entering, and the scorch mark on the wall. That will set up the defense quite easily, as will our superior number of witnesses.


1. Is the Monster Lady capable of pardons?

2. Will a manslaughter/murder charge be dropped by the guard if self-defense can be proven?

3. How closely do the gods watch their holy places? If, for example, a person were to swear to be telling a truth, by that god’s name, in their temple, with their appendage on their altar, and tell a lie, would there be a sign of some sort?

If 3 is yes, than skip to that, otherwise get guard to drop the case on the basis of self-defense. Afterwards, convince Sophie to go somewhere safe, then we need to get to that mountain. When the world is saved, we can address their “Cummies” issue by instituting a system to let them go to Deleor/Ectria to find sex/husbandos, and vice versa, which I believe was touched on in WQ 2.

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e0dd37 No.397542


>Most Monsters use their hands at least to cast from, so if she was bound, how did she do that? Must have been quite the firebrand you suspect.

maybe there was a third person there as well that cast the fireball, or that the kitsune is actually an Illusionist dragon that made herself look like a kitsune and used her firebreath or something

we should also scan for any magitek traces, or anything chemical that doesnt appear in fire created by magic or natural ways since it could very well be likely that the kitsune and/or kikimora used a pyrotechnical device to confuse the shit out of Sophie/us/our party while they (tried to) nab Patricia

looking for anything missing from the manor (in places where the kikimora and kisune might've been) wouldnt hurt either, since the kikimora may have snuck off with something important while Sophie was killing defending herself

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660c30 No.397544


>I guess I panicked and struck, though I didn’t want to

This doesn't sound right. Sophie wasn't one to panic, She had been in far more tense situations with Rommel and crew and held up fine. She had always had perfect control over her tails. This will be kind of morbid, But examine the corpse closer while we still can. Borrow Sophie's tails and compare the wounds to them to see if they are a close match. I can't help but feel this may be illusionist bullshit trickery so I want to be thorough.

And finally, Take Sophie by the hand, Look her in the eye and tell her we are gonna help get to the bottom of this. She's really worried about this blowing up on her mother and we need to reassure her it will be okay. She is our sister dammit, We are helping her in her time of need.

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2a4136 No.397549


1. Uh… if she declares it so, then fine, however she's on shaky ground at the moment and pardoning someone who murdered an opposition member is… not going to look well.

2. Self Defense will fit, but that doesn't stop the rumor mill unless you prove otherwise. Someone related the Monster Lady should have better control!

3. Not always. Most of the time they don't respond.


Hmm, but wouldn't Ginelle have smelled a third person? Unless they masked their scent…

Well, it's hard to tell magitek from actual magic due to, well, it's essentially a bound spell. Still, nothing she knows of would replicate a fireball like this.


You don't need to do that, it's clear and obvious Sophie's tails ended her life. Still seems weird though, right?

We can do the other thing though.

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1b0d49 No.397553

What >>397544 said made me think a bit, why is she surprised by how we know about the agent, did we ever get a concrete answer on why she isn't the palace? Also has Ginelle ever actually meet Sophie before? other thing she threw a panicked attack with her tail and she cleanly hit the heart, and she also reacted suspicious when we brought up that she should of been better then to be panicked. if we can get Alice to grill her. inb4 Sophie is locked up in the palace and this is a impostor for one of the political parties.

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0541f6 No.397554

File: 1127690e91770e2⋯.png (130.33 KB,764x448,191:112,confused anime girl #247.png)



>maybe there was a third person

Don't be retarded, it's not a matter of maybe, who the fuck do you think knocked on the front door and got Sophie out of the room while the duo snuck into the window? And Ace, don't spill the beans right away like that >>397549

With that said,

1)Examine the window to confirm that it was indeed broken from outside, see how it was done, see if there is any evidence left there. Note that no privacy barriers were cast in the land of monster witches, so the ones breaking in wanted to alert their mark to their presence.

2)Examine the scorch mark on the wall. Recreate the positioning of Sophie and Runa during the murder, see if the trajectory of the impact matches up.

3)>“When I answered the door to find no one present, I considered searching for who knocked, but then I heard Ophelia’s shout. I entered the sitting room to find the two coming for Patricia. I was able to intervene between Runa enough to let Ophelia get Patricia away. I pulled her back with some of my tails, but she cast a fireball somehow and I let her go enough that she could lunge at me.”

She looks down at the corpse and winces. “I guess I panicked and struck, though I didn’t want to. It was almost like she drove herself onto my tails, but sometimes they react without me thinking.”

Gently pat her on the head and tell her that it's not her fault, that it was a setup and we'll help her, but we need her to focus and try to remember exactly what happened. Where did the fireball come from?

4) See if BOTH of the puncture wounds match her tails. It's odd that one was a lethal stab through the heart, while the other was just a random hit.

5)Have Ginnelle do her best and try to sniff out the third person. It's almost a certainty that she came through the front door when Sophie opened it. Carefully follow the stretch of the house that she would have to take to get into the sitting room and examine the front door area outside.

While investigating everything have Clint along with Farsight goggles to act a makeshift microscope.

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00f4d4 No.397556


Also wake up Ray and get her expert opinion on the damages that the spell caused and whenever it's possible to cast spells while bound and if so, which?

And when questioning Sophie a second time, ask if she saw anything suspicious while at the front door. Anything at all. Even the smallest out of place detail can be important.

Strip the victim naked and check for rope burns and hematomas that don't match Sophie's tails. She was likely forcibly pulled into an attack.

When the guards arrive, drop the goofball act and have Tobias show his character development. Have him introduce himself as an agent of DSS here on a request from the monster lady. Show our letter of recomendation as proof.

Bullshit our way through with the straightest face. We are investigating an anonymous tip that the lady got. Apparently a group of traitors are seeking to remove her from the throne by sabotaging her reputation and were targeting her daughter for that purpose to pin a murder on her and make her seem like a tyrant. Because she could not trust anyone among her entourage, she requested aid from a foreign intelligence agency to perform an unbiased investigation. Turns out her hunch was right. If anyone asks, tell them to confirm this information with Chat Noir.

This will make the culprit panic, making them think that Selene was already a few steps ahead even if she wasn't and a nervous culprit is an easy one to crack. This will also give us free reign to perform a further investigation if necessary.

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00f4d4 No.397557

And the last option that we must consider is that the third person was not aligned with the first two, since the duo was after Patricia. The third party's real agenda might be causing civil unrest and destabilization of the country, so they would be unable and unwilling to form a united front with Deleor against the Craddle down the line.

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00f4d4 No.397558

Okay last LAST post and I'll stop spamming the thread but check everyone for presence of illusion aftermath and examine Sophie's tails for a sign that someone might have grabbed and forcibly redirected one of them off-course into the victim's heart.

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21ff28 No.397562


>Stating there might be a third person devoted to destabilizing the Monster Nation

>Forgetting that our enemy is a plant goddess

>Forgetting that all her servants’ names are plant ones

>Forgetting what the cat girl said about “Jasmine” while being questioned

Welp, now we know who to look for.

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00f4d4 No.397563


>All Phalia's servants have plant based names.

This makes sense but boy, do I feel retarded for not realizing this.

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6bc0f2 No.397601

File: b7d3515616b56fe⋯.jpeg (550.58 KB,1536x2048,3:4,D7VWm4pWsAApEwz.jpeg)

Looks like im at a party later today and work tomorrow so… no update it seems. Ill have to see about tomorrow because it may be pirate day.


Well, there's a few things that are easier to say now than writing them out later and reworking plans. There's plenty thats unsaid though. Have fun figuring this out.


I… is that so? What a coincidence.

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3cf5df No.397602


Eh, it’s alright. Least it wasn’t at the pants on head level of >>397086. Besides, the rest of your plan is good, and makes sense to me. Besides illusionists, we should also consider those who would be capable of invisibility, either monsters or luxamancers, or of extremely fast movement. I think Jackor would tell us if there was another rogue illusionist who we had to put down, as that is our entire JOB that he gave us. Y’know it’s kinda odd that we were never told about that mindflayer that Gdubs encountered…hmm, [spoiler]here, let me give you the easy way out without a retcon: just have it be that because Jackor knew one of Solos’s chosen was taking care of it, he didn’t bother us however, if there is a rogue illusionist, we should know[/spoiler]

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3cf5df No.397720


Dagnabbit, I just realized it’s juniper not Jasmine. Don’t mind me, I’m just banging my head on the keyboard.

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2a4136 No.397728

Yeeep, pirates tonight. Unlikely to have an update but I have tomorrow off. I'll also (hopefully) have details on how to order the hardback if the preview copy (Which I can't access because I got home 10min after the office closed) looks good.


The Gods are fickle and Jackor also isn't a fan of you atm. So. Who knows what happened there.



It's all good.

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2a4136 No.397857

File: a525ff7875e17d0⋯.jpg (4.54 MB,5312x2988,16:9,20190529_124113.jpg)

File: 4290f36a01ce4b8⋯.jpg (3.92 MB,5312x2988,16:9,20190529_124139.jpg)

File: 7e72fce35976766⋯.jpg (3.4 MB,5312x2988,16:9,20190529_124151.jpg)

Errr. I got a little too involved in another project today and lost track of time. At least pirates is out of the way this week so I can write tomorrow. Honestly, I'm just looking forward to 2 weeks from now so I don't lose so much time commuting.

But for better news, the test print went well for the book!

Pages look clean now and correct size so we're all good for printing!

If interested in a copy, e-mail deleorianpress@gmail.com so I can get you a quote including shipping. It'll probably be in the ~$30 range once shipping and handling is taken into account.

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027db3 No.397884


Huh? I always thought that Selene wouldn't be caught dead, canonically wearing white lingerie. The more you know. Congrats on your first printed release Ace!

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2a4136 No.397970

This week just hasn't been good for writing. Ironically I lost a lot of time today getting some orders for the book done and then got about halfway through writing before realizing I should change this up. So what I have isn't much of an update, so I'll just have to write tomorrow too. Close to a week without update, I'm really sorry guys!


That's just her normal outfit! You should have seen her original design with it. It's not lingerie though gosh if it doesn't leave much to the imagination.

Thanks! I'm not looking to make much of a profit or anything, but it's nice to know there are people who want a copy!

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60f412 No.397978


Are we all going to ignore the fact that Blake is a minotaur's sloppy seconds?

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3cf5df No.397990


Eh, if I remember it’s kind of implied that Blame canoodled with that Lamia innkeeper at some point in time, along with some other monsters, due to his status as a Hero with a Charisma score of 20. All of this was before meeting Hala.


No worries. I personally want quality writing, not quantity. Just don’t take quite as long as GRRM and we’ll be fine.

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2a4136 No.398085

>Story continue

“Sophie.” You say, turning to the Monster. She cocks her head as you walk up and take her hand. Her ears and tails stand up for a moment before she bows her head as you gently pat it. “It’ll be fine, we won’t leave you to face this alone.”

“I-“ She says, looking up into your eyes before looking back down. “I don’t deserve this.”

“Well, you’re my sister damnit.” You say, chuckling. “And what is family for?”

Sophie quirks an eyebrow and looks up at you before rolling her eyes. With a sigh she steps back and folds her arms under her breasts. “Well, I can see why Saya fell for you, you smooth talker. Though Rommel gives much better headpats.”

“Sure, okay.” You say before composing yourself. “Right, we don’t have much more time so let’s get a few more things straight.” You turn to Ophelia and ask, “Can you get Rayleigh?”

“Uh, sure.” The Rabbit Girl says, bounding up the stairs as you turn back to Sophie.

“Once again, you’re CERTAIN that it’s your tails that killed her?”

“Quite. I’d rather not compare the wounds, however.” She says, looking down at the cooling corpse.

“I have to ask, how did you get so panicked? I’ve heard about your exploits, and you always sounded the cool headed one.”

“If it wasn’t panic, then what else was it? It’s not like she impaled herself on my tails, did she?”

You’re quiet on that fact for a moment before asking, “When you went out front, did you notice anything weird?”

“Yes, actually. A rather odd smell. I came back here before I could smell more of it though.”

Nodding to Ginelle, the Monster goes out front. A moment later the door slams closed as Ginelle shouts, “Dear Gods, it smells like something died out there!” She returns a moment later, looking abashed. “Err, sorry.”

“Not going to have luck getting a scent on who knocked on the door, huh?”

“No way. I can barely smell at all anymore.” She says, wincing. “I did find this though.”

Taking the item she proffers up, you look it over to find it an empty vial. You’re not certain what was in here beforehand, but certain potions are often kept in vials like these, as well as semen. It kind of even smells like semen. Curious.

“Ophelia, can you and Clint use your [Magesight Goggles] to check out the window? Make sure it’s their way in.”

“Got it.”

They leave to the other room while you make a frame with your fingers, lining something up. Patricia cocks her head at you while you do this before asking, “What are you doing?”

“He’s lining up the shot for that fireball.” Rayleigh says as she walks into the room wearing pajamas. They’re kind of cute how striped and loose they are… wait are those Sophie’s? “I’d assume anyway. Kind of a piss ass fireball though.”

“So it is from a fireball?” You ask, to which Rayleigh chuckles.

“Of course. Scorch marks fit a pattern of a standard fireball, though clearly this one wasn’t meant to burn anything down. Seems a waste really.” She looks to you. “Trying to see where it came from.”

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2a4136 No.398086


“Yes.” You say as Rayleigh walks over and traces a shot.

“No time to arc… straight shot probably…” She turns to you. “Pick me up really quick.” You do so and she holds out a hand. “Yeah, about here I’d say.”

Sophie blinks in surprise. “But that’s not where I was holding her.” She steps forward and pulls out her tails, making a mock show of wrapping something up. “I had her like this.”

“How would she even cast without her hands?” Rayleigh asks before sighing. “Seems implausible really.”

Sophie looks very confused now and makes to speak when Clint and Ophelia return. The shrugs, “Window was clearly broken from outside, pieces are on the floor. How no one heard it, I’m not certain.”

“[Privacy Barrier]?” Rayleigh asks. “It’s one of those weird spells that just about anyone can cast.”

“How did I hear them coming into the room then if they covered their sound?” Ophelia asks, confused. “Unless they weren’t thinking and went out of range of the spell.”

“That’s most likely it.” You say, nodding your head. “Unless they decided to drop it early.”

“This… isn’t making a lot of sense.” Sophie says. “You’re making it sound like they wanted to get caught and she wanted to…”

“I don’t think she did.” Finn says, joining you as well. “That is not the face of a martyr. That’s the face of someone who is utterly shocked.”

“Weren’t you supposed to be sleeping?” Rayleigh asks, to which the man frowns.

“Everyone else is down here and I’m tired of sleeping.” He looks about the room and then nods. “I think I can get the gist of what happened.”

“What? So fast?” You ask, slumping your shoulders. “And here I thought I was the detective.”

“You’ll figure it out some day.” He say, shrugging.

Patricia folds her arms and says, “So they wanted to get caught and the victim died by surprise. It doesn’t necessarily fit unless you take into account the fireball which was both low power and couldn’t have been cast by the victim.” She frowns deeper. “That would mean that the Kikimora cast it? There was no one else in the room unless…”

“I highly doubt an illusion was used.” Tobias says. “There wouldn’t be evidence like this left. An Illusionist could do this work without all the rigamarole. But that would either imply a human or a mindflayer and frankly I doubt both.”

“Why don’t you ask Jackor?” Clarissa asks, to which you give her a flat look.

“I’m not that insane yet.” You say, though a voice in your head says otherwise. You tell it to shut up.

“So if there wasn’t a third person in the room, then the Kikimora cast the fireball but missed?” Clarissa asks, to which Rayleigh shakes her head.

“At this range? With Sophie not noticing? I doubt that extremely.”

“Then she intended to miss and create an opening. During which time the victim pushed away as Sophie raised her blades in defense before-“

The door bursts open as an armored minotaur stalks into the room, flanked by three Hellhounds, each carrying a variety of weapons. The moment they spot you, they shout, “Don’t move! You’re under arrest.”

Shaking your head, you turn to them and, with a flourish, both remove your cap and draw forth your badge to show. Looking them in the eyes, you say, “Ah, we’ve been expecting you. Tobias Shady, Deleorian Secret Service. Might we have a word?”

The lead Hellhound just tackles you to the ground while the others wrangle up the rest of your party as more guard enter the room. You’re both surprised and yet not, as you should have expected this kind of response. Of course they wouldn’t respond favorably to a foreign secret serviceman showing off his badge. That was actually a very silly move. It’s further compounded when the Hellhound strikes you in the face.

“Stop this right now!” Sophie cries as two Monsters pin her. “We are not resisting!”

“Shut it, your highness.”

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2a4136 No.398087


You could easily cast illusions, Sophie could easily kill her captors, and Ginelle should break all their necks, easy. However, you just let this happen. Struggling is the worst possible thing you can do in this situation, despite the Hellhound sniffing your neck and maybe nibbling on your ear a little.

More footsteps sound as more and more guards enter the room. Lying on your back, Hellhound getting handsy with you, you look up to see a familiar little Goblin standing above you, an annoyed look on her face. She sighs before waving a hand.

“What are you fools doing? They could kill you where you stand if they wanted to. Let them go.”

You’re just as surprised as the guards, who look between you and the Goblin for a few moments before slowly rising. Standing up and dusting yourself off, you nod to your savior.

“Thank you, miss Murdocka.”

“It’s Mrs. Murdocka to you.” She sniffs. “You’re playing with some real fire here, all of you.”

“Was that really necessary?” Sophie asks, checking her tails.

“There’s a corpse on the floor with marks that fit your blades.” The Goblin says. “Of course it’s necessary.” She rubs her forehead as one of the guard whispers in her ear. Frowning, she turns to you,

“Great. You’re some kind of Deleorian spook? What made you think that was a bright idea to bring up?”

“Because I figured it would keep me from being tackled.” You say as she groans.

“Move into another room, we need to discuss this further.” Following her while being guarded, you move to the dining room where you sit and wait for Murdocka to finish giving orders to her officers. When she’s finally settled, she says, “You have one chance to tell me what happened before I have them really take you down.”

“I’d like to see them try.” Ginelle growls until you hold up a hand. Putting on your straightest face, you look the Goblin in the eye and say,

“We came here investigating an anonymous tip that the Monster Lady had received. Apparently a group of traitors were seeking to remove her from the throne by sabotaging her reputation and were targeting her daughter for that purpose to pin a murder on her and make her seem like a tyrant. Because she could not trust anyone among her entourage, she requested aid for a foreign intelligence agency to perform an unbiased investigation. Turns out her hunch was right.”

You lean forward. “If you wish to verify, bring it up with the Chat Noir.”

Murdocka doesn’t seem to respond at first, merely blinking once, twice, three times, before sighing the deepest sigh you think you’ve ever heard.

“The Monster Nation is in a tenuous position with Deleor and Galmathoria at the moment. If what you are saying isn’t a load of shit, then by announcing your true colors, along with tying this in with the Monster Lady might as well just be asking for people to declare treason.”

Finn gives you a long look and you gulp. “Is that do? Clearly there is something underfoot happening however, so I’m certain that-“

“Can you prove it?”

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2a4136 No.398088


You blink in surprise, staring at the Goblin. Her eyes never leave yours as you think this over. You have plenty of evidence in the room, or well, you hope you still do, however it could be shown as circumstantial at best. Which means you might just be dismissed outright and have made things that much worse. On the other hand, if you do actually find the culprit then Selene will instead gain support by having foresight, right? Surely the Monsters wouldn’t just be mad at bringing in outsiders regardless? Surely?

“It seems we have no choice but to find the true culprit.” Sophie says, hands in her lap.

Caught off guard by her coming to the same conclusion as you, you move a hand to hide your surprise as Murdocka turns to the Cat o’Nine Tails.

“What do you mean, true culprit? There’s a witness who called us here and we found exactly what we’re looking for.”

“Was it a Kikimora? Do you have her?”

“No, I’m afraid not. She just made a ruckus but vanished and I don’t exactly have a reason to look for her at the moment.”

“What did she say?”

Murdocka shakes her head. “Said that the daughter of the Monster Lady murdered her friend. We came over and found exactly what she described.”

“I see.” Sophie says, considering. Taking the opportunity, you jump in.

“What if I were to tell you that this was all set-up? That the victim did not actually attack Sophie, nor did Sophie have any intention to kill her?”

“I’d say you’re retarded.”

“Fair assumption, but don’t count us out.” You say, face serious. “We have every reason to believe that someone else orchestrated this in order to create a martyr and resentment toward the Monster Lady.”

You hear the guards behind you murmuring, but they quiet down when Murdocka gives them a stern look. She leans across the table and says. “Listen to me very carefully. All of you are this close to being executed and bringing about a civil war when we can ill afford it. Once this spreads through the city, I’ll have no choice but to detain you.”

Your frown deepens until it comes to you. Taking in a sharp breath, you then say, “Ah. I see.”

“The daughter of the Monster Lady must stay in custody, as well as the daughter of the Lord Commander or whatever. However, no one really knows about anyone else here, do they?”

Sophie frowns. “Murdocka… why?”

“Because, Sophie, despite being a royal brat, your mother has actually done some good here. I met my husband because of her changes and I’d rather not lose him.” She stands up from the table and waves to the guards. “Take these two into custody. The others we will… begin a search for eventually.”

The guards look between each other before nodding and taking Sophie and Patricia, the two not resisting. As she leaves, Murdocka gives you a knowing look before shaking her head and leaving to the other room as well.

Silence descends over the dining room as your group considers your options. It seems with revealing your identity like that, especially by lying, you actually made things a little more complicated. However… you’ve been given a chance.

“We probably have until morning.” Ophelia says, ears twitching. “I doubt we’ll be able to make much of a move otherwise.”

“Perhaps we should leave.” Clint says, much to the consternation of Clarissa.

“We can’t just leave Sophie and Patricia!”

“Our goal is much more important than that.” He says, though you don’t think he really means it.

“How is finding this observatory so important anyway?” Rayleigh says. “How is it more important than saving the life of the Lord Commander’s daughter and averting a crisis up here that could affect Deleor?”

Finn looks to you. Though he doesn’t say anything, his eyes express it all. Why are you out here, really?

“Give me a moment.” You say, putting your thoughts together. The clock is ticking, in more ways than one. What will you do in regards to Sophie, your team, and your mission?

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.398091

I hope that asnwers your questions. Also, revealing your power level was not the brightest move, after all. It may have bought you a little bit of an out but you don't have much time to use it. Also, you have some other problems now as well.

Hope you have fun!


Are we going to ignore the fact that Blake has had like, 1000 girlfriends?

Yes we are because Hala is a good girl and Blake is monogamous now.


uwu. No homo.

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3cf5df No.398093

File: 6dabea1c5602b26⋯.jpeg (264.14 KB,1108x748,277:187,E35FCECD-6FC8-4BDB-8A8B-4….jpeg)

““It seems we have no choice but to find the true culprit.” Sophie says, hands in her lap.”

Do I hear a train whistle? No? Just my imagination? Any way, I think it’s time to cut our losses, and forget about contacting Heavensferth. The assumption that some teams would fail was the entire reason for three teams in the first place, and that event has now occurred. Besides, Rommel was quite literally feet away from Sveth’s artifact when we left him. At this point in time, Sveth represents our best point of contact to Solos, as we have his artifact, and Rommel “impressed” Sveth with his autism, by pretending to be him to the Wurms. This should at least earn us a few seconds of his infinite time. GW is now the backup.

As for what Tobias should do, perhaps tracking down who sold the potion to who is a good idea. There can’t be many stink potions around, and the bottle itself should probably have something distinctive on it to indicate a maker. Find the seller, find the buyer. Also IMPORTANT: Juniper. There is at least one weed worshipped around here, and she is more than likely responsible for this. If we hear her name, be extra careful.

The fireball thing can be figured out by someone else, cuz that went over my head. The only theory I have is that a luxamancer used some sort of magitek device to create the low powered fireball, but that doesn’t explain the stink. The only purpose for that would be to hide whoever knocked on the front door, and keep us from getting their real scent. Probably wouldn’t hurt if we asked some monsters if they smelled something funky from a person walking by.

If we’re known as potential murderers, than keep a low profile, and don’t do any grandstanding. The men should just pretend to be the husbandos of the monsters. If news hasn’t spread, then do this investigating as quickly as possible.


1.Would it be possible for the walki-talkies to be turned into recording devices? We may need to record confessions.

2. Ophelia mentioned she heard another device, which, is most likely owned by the ring leader of this. If I remember, in WW2, the nazis hunted down soviet radios by using trigonometry of two radios tuned to the Soviet radio in order to pinpoint it. We could do a similar trick. I think Ophelia is smart enough to do it. If she can do this, skip everything else, and use this to get to the root of this problem AKA Juniper.

TL;DR We have two leads: the bottle and the mysterious walkie-talkie. Pursue walkie-talkie w/ trigonometry, using our smart people, if that fails, find potion maker, and follow that chain.

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e0dd37 No.398096


this outcome is perfect, because getting caught was all part of our master plan

now we just need to crash totally-not-phallia's plane WITH NO SURVIVORS

no idea how we'll do that though

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2a4136 No.398098


Toot toot

Well, it was kind of the outcome that was going to happen. I mean, y'all can come up with crazy plans and stuff too to do whatver you want and-

>Reciever frequency stuff

I mean, yeah, that's an option if you want to go for it.


Have you started the fire though?

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e0dd37 No.398104


whoever did, it's definitely rising

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027db3 No.398108


This anon is right on track lmao >>398093 let's start following the potion lead but first let's set some ground rules.

1)Inform Finn and Ray about our real goal, not a fan of context and meta based clues, but Ace basically confirmed that there are no traitors. Just make sure it's in a secure place. Then promptly tell them that we are dropping it like the above anon said, due to prioritizing our allies safety. [Finn will remember that] Heavensferth is a midboss tier filler god anyways.

2) We will have to split up. I know, I know, this always results in ambushes and trouble, but there is simply too much ground to cover reliably in a single large group. The city was shown to have decent security and we have communication devices.

The groups will be

Clint and Clarissa finding the source of the transmission.

Finn and Ray finding the source of the potion vial.

Tobias and Ginny meeting with Chat Noir, requesting aid in the investigation. We need them to locate the witness, before the trial and speak to her outside of red tape.

Alice and Ophelia, mostly for getting the bunny our top bodyguard but also for looking around the Galmathorian embassy and see if they are selling any magitek devices on the side.

Also ask for Finn's opinion on the situation, he seems oddly experienced. Once we finish investigating here and collecting evidence and testimonies we should ask Ophelia about ghetto cave scraping us some recording devices and break into the area that the transmission was coming from to hopefully run into Juniper or find some more incriminating evidence.

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3cf5df No.398120


Hmm. Good ideas, but I think only Ophelia is intelligent enough to find the signal, and wherever the signal is is likely very dangerous. I think Ophelia and Alice should go with Clint and Clarissa, as they could quite possibly end up at the embassy anyway.

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41f498 No.398124

Before anything else:


>Any way, I think it’s time to cut our losses, and forget about contacting Heavensferth.


>Then promptly tell them that we are dropping it like the above anon said, due to prioritizing our allies safety. [Finn will remember that] Heavensferth is a midboss tier filler god anyways.

I wholeheartedly disagree with dropping the mission entirely. Instead, we should simply put the mission on hold for the time being until we sort this current issue, seeing as said issue prevents us from continuing with it particularly since Patricia is being detained. We’re currently on day 17, meaning we still have a fortnight or however long until the new deadline to at least complete the contacting Hevensferth portion of our mission, which is very much still feasible considering we have a location and an idea of how to go about the whole contact thing, thus so long as we have a few days to a week we can succeed with this. Conversely, were we to instead just drop the mission and focus on returning to Sanctifrond instead, there is no way in hell we would ever make it, even if we didn’t have the current conundrum to deal with; it took us 15 days just to get here despite the ‘obstacles’ in our path not really wasting time that wasn’t already wasted in some fashion, so even without any problems we wouldn’t make the deadline unless we go by the unknown extended one, but that would still lead to us not making it back in time when you consider the current problem keeping us locked down in the capital and the potential for threats to accost us on the return trip, slowing us down. It would be better to actually achieve something than achieving nothing towards stopping Phallia.

Furthermore, disregarding Hevensferth in favour of the other gods is rather silly in my eyes. He’s the god of wisdom, which means he’s more likely to believe us regarding Phallia than any other god should our logic and evidence prove this to be the case and considering Phallia corrupted the Prophet of the Sands, a rather influential follower of us, he has reason to believe us, not to mention he’s probably ‘the smart guy’ within the pantheon of gods because of his status as the god of wisdom, potentially meaning his words of Phallia’s plots would carry more weight. And even if none of what I’ve said thus far is actually the case, you still need to remember that the gods may not even listen to or believe us even if we do contact them asking for help and give proof of Phallia’s bullshit; the reason why we’re trying to contact so many gods isn’t just solely for us to have more chances of actually reaching them, it’s also to give us as more chances of convincing them as simply contacting them isn’t enough to get them on our side. We can’t just rely on the others to succeed in their goals, because there’s no telling not only if the others will make it but also if their chosen gods will actually give them the time of day. We absolutely NEED to succeed in ours or die trying, since we’ll all be dead if we don’t.

With that out of the way:


What >>398108 said about informing Finn and Rayleigh of our true mission and why Phallia is evil is the first thing we should do, because they are both clearly at the breaking point now and to keep them in the dark any longer will no doubt result in mutiny given the circumstances, which is the last thing we want during a crisis like this. It’s unfortunate that this reveal will come about without any first-hand evidence to support it, but we can at least bring up second-evidence we know about, like how Phallia was trying to throw Ectria into disarray by manipulating the current leader at the time, how she has been stepping into the boundaries of the other Gods and how we personally have dealt with her bullshit back in Illusionist Quest. Should they continue to question everything we’ve said, point out how the Lord Commander was willing to risk his daughter’s life in order for this mission to succeed, which isn’t something he would do outside of extreme circumstances such as these, and how his daughter opted to come with us out of her own volition, which isn’t something she would do outside of the same dire position we’re in now.

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41f498 No.398125


Even with all this information I don’t think they’ll really accept what we’ve said so readily, so we should probably finish up the discussion by giving them to opportunity to abandon the mission should they so oppose it, so long as they assist with the current problem and are willing to accept that they would be abandoning the Lord Commander’s daughter in the process, alongside the rest of the world. By doing this, we’re showing that we’re not trying to force them into doing anything they absolutely disagree with, thus we show that we respect them and their decisions, and we avoid the issue of them turning against us later on by giving them an out should they desire it so long as they make that decision clear to us now. It would be pretty bad to lose either of them for the final stretch of the mission, but it’s still better than trying to force the issue and having everything collapse because of it, and even with the option available it’s rather improbable that either Order member will bail given their loyalty to the Lord Commander—Finn’s probably the biggest risk here, but considering his reasoning behind his prior abandonment of comrades, namely to save more lives, he’s unlikely to ditch us when many lives would likely be lost as a result of doing so.

Moving on, I think the proposed idea to split up is a questionable one, particularly in how much we should split up. Our party was nearly taken down during a recent ambush that was set up extremely quickly and left a lot of us injured and in no real fighting condition, and yet we should split up despite how easy it would be for another such attack to occur? Fair enough if we stick to areas within the capital that are ‘safer’ and only venture into more dangerous territory should everyone be together, but to split up into groups of two is completely suicidal. Comms or no, two people wouldn’t be an issue to take down before guards can respond, particularly if one of those two isn’t really equipped for combat like Ophelia or Clarissa.

If we are splitting up, then I’d recommend splitting into two groups of four, seeing as we only really have two leads right now, as that pyromancer likely isn’t going to show their face near us any time soon, and Chat Noir will inevitably seek us out at some point when Selene hears about what happened here and sends subtle support, making us looking for them a waste of time. As for groups, just combining some of the groups >>398108 proposed should suffice, so I’d recommend Clint, Clarissa, Alice and Ophelia go looking for the signal as per what >>398120 said while Finn, Rayleigh, Ginelle and us go looking for the source of the potion, with both groups keeping their eyes peeled for anything else that could be a potential lead to follow. There are other combinations which could work, like swapping Clarissa for either Finn or Rayleigh to give the team doing the more dangerous work more protection, but what we have currently maximises our information gathering for specific tasks while staying relatively safe, so it’s probably best not to mess with it too much.

Other than that, there isn’t much to be said that hasn’t already. The one thing that does come to mind is to leave behind Ophelia and potentially Clarissa in the safety of the palace if at all possible should we group up to enter the enemy’s domain, because they likely won’t offer much in the way of combative assistance and it would be beneficial to have someone on standby ready to alert the city guard, Chat Noir and anyone else who could assist us should things turn sour during any confrontations, as well as to alert them to any evidence in our favour we may have discovered so it can be recognised and confirmed by the authorities before anyone has a chance to destroy it.

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e0f41d No.398143

Because no one gave a shit about potions and gear earlier and I don't want everyone to die horribly later.


1) Featherfall

The old classic. Whenever it is to escape from a tall building or survive a deadly pitfall, it always has your back when you need to tell gravity to fuck off.

2)More healing potions.

Because there is no such thing as too many.

3)Mana potions

Because we need Ray to spam as hard and fast as she can and her personal supply is finite.

4)General purpose antidotes.

Because dying to a skin deep cut is fucking embarrassing and its very easy to poison people.

5)Elemental and magic resistance oils

So Ginny can meme on our enemies by beating them up while Ray simoutaneously roasts them. The frost ones are for dealing with the cold weather. Electric and magic for magitek wielding Galmathorians.


Make sure to look into who had recently purchased them too

7)Paralytic , sleep and deadly poisons as well as special antidotes for them

We are Jackor's hitman for fucks sake. Coat our weapons in them.

8) Morphine Numbness potion to aid with debilitating pain.

9)Stamina potions.

The ugly unloved child of the triumvirate. A bottled adrenaline rush is nothing to scoff at. Its gonna be a fucking aphrodisiac isn't it?

10)Attribute boosters.

The second half of the basics. Temporary enchanted agility and senses of Zoom or strength and endurance from Bulk could come in handy. Fairy dust too.

11)Blast potions

So Clarissa can do something in a fight.

12)Smoke potions.

To become temporarily untraceable with a privacy barrier on.

13)Water breathing

You never know.


1)Buy Ray the biggest magic stick and best bling money and influence can get.

2)Better bow for Finn. Elven grade. Enchanted. Also trick arrows of all sorts. As many as we can stuff into the quiver of holding that we will buy as well. Also lighter armor and a shorter blade.

3)Buy Alice the second best bling that money and influence can buy.

4)Regular flammable oil. Tar. Feathers. Flour. Salt. Potent spirits. Pepper. Torches. Rope. Chains. Winter clothes. Unperishables. Bells. Knives.

5)Black market magitek equipment from Galmathoria.

6)A pet raccoon that we pretend is our familiar because Tobias is insane and more importantly, because Akella needs a gift.

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3cf5df No.398148


Well yeah, putting the mission on hold is fine and not rage quitting is fine, but I think you’re overestimating Heavensferth’s like of us/our chances with him. He only knows 2 things about us right now, and they’re:

1. We’re affiliated with Jackor (Never a good thing)

2. We’re allies with the people who killed a person that he gave power to one of their ancestors (Also not a good thing)

As cerebral as he might be, he’ll still have issues with us, and they’re rather large ones to be honest. As I said earlier, Sveth is a much safer bet, although that doesn’t mean we should discount Heavensferth.


Good choices, only critique is that potion #11 is superseded by mana grenades from Ophelia, and equipment #3 is unnecessary, as Alice is already fully kitted our in armor she’s comfortable in.

Equipment #6: If there’s trained raccoon sure. Just don’t let your autism get too strong a hold of your sanity anon.

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41f498 No.398155


I've probably missed something, but since when did we buy equipment? Also:

>You consider asking for stronger potions, crazy stuff like something that would make you go insane or something, but that in itself is insanity. What if you had to talk to Jackor again? No thank you! In the end, you settle for the basics as they’re the most useful.

I think you may have gone a bit overboard on the potions, but potions 1 through 5, 12 and 13 seem reasonable enough. Everything else is either redundant or would draw suspicions from vendors when we want to be as inconspicuous as possible, more so in our current predicament.


>1. We’re affiliated with Jackor (Never a good thing)

Did any of the gods actually have problems with Jackor? I know that Nerg was looked down upon by the others (bar Solos, who respects him) because of his role being destructive in nature, but I don't remember there being any mention of distrust or hate towards Jackor. I know he's actually willing to speak to Dollora unlike the others, but whether that would lead to the others to think less of him isn't clear.

>2. We’re allies with the people who killed a person that he gave power to one of their ancestors (Also not a good thing)

If he knows that, then he also likely knows we have affiliation to Patricia, who happens to be a very devout follower of his, which helps to even the odds. Speaking of which, who's to say we're the one attempting the contact? Patricia is a much better candidate for the contact ritual thing due to her aforementioned worshipper status and her actually having looked into what to do in that book we recovered, so why not have her do it? We know we can trust her to get the results we need even if we aren't privy to the conversation.

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2a4136 No.398288

I should have made this response yesterday but I was very busy trying to catch up on backlog. I have notes and a basic gist of what to do, but I have two key questions that need to be addressed fully.

1. Are you putting off your search for Hevensferth totally or just for the moment

2. Confirm the splitting up parties and goals.

Assuming I'm not dead, we'll make this happen tomorrow.


Finn is experienced in sniffing out bullshit, but he might have some choice words for this situation.


You are actually 100% correct, only Ophelia knows enough about magitek to figure that out.




So just to make sure, we want to put the search for heavensferth on hold instead of outright dropping it, and we want to split up?

I'm seeing advocates for two parties, three parties, and four parties. I really want to make sure we have a consensus here.


You never actually bought equipment, but maybe once this is all over you can go truly shopping.

Let's see…

Featherfall potion- Yes, you have 1

Healing potions- 6

Mana Potions- More than enough for one squirrel to get cumdrunk

Antidotes?- 1 magicked antidote.

Resistance oils-

You have 1 fire resist, 1 lightning resist, 1 Wind resist, 1 ice resist. Earth resistance is kind of useless because rocks don't give a shit about potions.

Invisibility potion doesn't exist.

Paralytics- Uhhh no. Why would they sell that to you?

Numbing agent- Again, no. You have healing potions. Most Monsters just suck it up.

Stamina potion- It makes you harder than a rock and is actually a little debilitating. Good luck

Blast potion- Why, you can make bombs

Smoke- Rayleigh can create a sort of smokescreen effect if she wants. Also Ophelia could probably manage it.

Water breathing- Ehhh, sure you have 1



1. The other gods look at Jackor as that guy who everyone knows. He freely comes and goes between Dollora's domain, the hells of Nerg, and the heavens. No one really cares and it's always been that way as long as he keeps his pranks on the down low. You being one of his little creations has no bearing on anything because a curiosity

2. No comment

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7dd584 No.398296

File: c296653e4ab43e7⋯.jpg (7.31 KB,250x230,25:23,smugskinner.jpg)


>Only one of each potion

Gee Ace chan, you are awfully stingy with loot aren't you? You'd think the capital of the monster nation would have cool things for sale?

As for the consensus:

1) Drop our mission like a rock and focus completely on the task at hand. We should not prioritize our long game when we now know that there is sabotage going on among the monster nation's influential parties. If we don't deal with this gangrenous cyst right now it's going to burst and we'll be a shit out of luck in terms of allies from the north, when the Craddle opens and starts enriching Deleor with their plant refugees. IF and only IF we will still have time left, after that is over, should we try to go to the observatory.

2)Will have to concede with this anon >>398125

Splitting into two parties is probably safer. But my original reasoning for searching for the source of the transmission in a pair, was that if it's just two people, then Clarissa could quickly pick the other person up and bail the fuck out of there. With three people and one of them being a utility unit, escape will be out of the question.

>2. No comment

Now, now Ace, you can't just put on a poker face like that all of a sudden. You could have just ignored the remark, but by highlighting it like that you are suggesting that these two anons are onto something with that line of inquiry.

How about a lore dump on Heavensferth and his relationship to other gods and his worshipers? For all we know, he is going to smite us, out of sheer spite, the moment he sees us, for being part of the group that killed his bellowed daughter. Or in best case scenario, will just tell us to fuck off and vanish.

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41f498 No.398310


>1. Are you putting off your search for Hevensferth totally or just for the moment

Just for the moment, I don't even know why we're disregarding the option entirely when we're not even in a position that requires such a choice to be made yet we have 14+ days left with returning to Sanctifrond not being really being an option any more and us not knowing how anyone will react to the news of a ‘murder’ breaking, who fucking knows what will happen. But that aside, what would abandoning the mission even really achieve? Regardless of how this current situation resolves, the anti-Selene crowd are going to get pissed off in some fashion. If we fail to prove Sophie's innocence, then they'll get angry that someone who murdered one of theirs isn't being punished and revolt. On the other hand, if we succeed, then they'll either get angry that they're being accused of setting this whole thing up if no third party's influence is found, or accuse Selene's side of working with a third party to shift the blame onto them if a third party's influence is in fact found. No matter what we do, tensions are going to rise and the country will be even closer to a civil war than before, which isn't something we, the bumbling fuckheads that caused this mess in the first place, can really solve, let alone any time soon and before Phallia springs into action to take advantage of the chaos. Besides, even if the country were united, why would the Monster Nation charge down to save Deleor when they themselves will likely have problems from Phallia too? They're less allies so much as a neutral force that was previously an enemy they sure haven’t done anything to help us thus far, so relying on them is a huge gamble I’d rather not take if it involves potentially dooming the rest of the world.

>2. Confirm the splitting up parties and goals.

I'm still sticking with my guns regarding party set up, so two teams of four preferably. I get what >>398296 says about escape not really being an option, but the way I see it, we should never put ourselves in a dangerous situation that may require escape in the first place unless everyone is together, so it shouldn't really be much of a factor, not to mention there's no inherent guarantee that Clarissa and her partner would be able to successfully escape a bad situation even with there being only two people when the enemy knows what we're capable of and thus would probably know how to prevent such an escape attempt.


>For all we know, he is going to smite us, out of sheer spite, the moment he sees us, for being part of the group that killed his bellowed daughter.

A few things:

<1) We don't even know if he necessarily even knows about that—the gods aren’t all-seeing, else Solos would have told Phallia to stop being a cunt at risk of him destroying her for interfering with the mortal world. Even if he does, he should also know that Phallia was corrupting the Prophet and said Prophet was also fucking over Ectria, thus giving Rommel's team the excuse to intervene. If anything, he should be more pissed at Phallia for interfering with his follower's lives.

<2) Thinking more on it, would the Prophet really be considered ‘his’ when she was a devout follower of the Twins?

<3) The Gods not being allowed to directly affect the mortal realm is a rather important plot point for Phallia's plans, so Hevensferth isn't able to smite us even if he wanted to. Even if he could, I somehow doubt he's that petty; you'd think people, his followers in particular, would make a note of that.

>Or in best case scenario, will just tell us to fuck off and vanish.

He either talks to us or he doesn’t. It’s better to try than to just assume he’ll ignore us though, particularly when the stakes are so high.

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3cf5df No.398314


1. Yes, put on hold until the plant spies have been dragged out to the taproot.

2. What >>398125 proposed for teams will work, just switch Finn with Clint, as we should have at least one BS sniffer on both teams.


To your point about rising tensions/anger at Selene due to inability to get husbandos, there is a non-violent solution. It would take a bit of time, but we could always pass it on to that Goblin or some other good monster orator. As I said a couple of posts ago, the main problem is that they want husbandos, and are unable to as both raiding and slaving are outlawed. However, we need look no further than WQ 2 for our solution. There, it was discussed that in order to fill the need for prostitute slaves, monsters could move to the country. But why not do the same thing for husbandos. We could set up an international exchange system, where waifs-seeking men and husbando-seeking women could be afforded the ability to travel to each other’s countries, and be able to meet, all without conquest. And gee, what’s good at moving people quickly? Leyways! This would satisfy everyone’s desires, as it doesn’t involve violence, but it does involve men. Perfect for any monster.

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41f498 No.398348


>just switch Finn with Clint, as we should have at least one BS sniffer on both teams.

Agreed with this, partially because of the stated reasoning but also partially since this would put the better front-line fighter of the two in the party going into more dangerous territory.

>The non-violent solution suggestion

Sounds reasonable, and could theoretically convince even the more radical members of the anti-Selene faction to settle down. That said, it would require tensions between factions to be lowered since, like you stated, it would take time to set up and would also require Deleor to be in a position to consider such an offer as viable, both of which we can't really do much about in our current position. Still, suggesting it later on once we've cleared this recent mess up and have hopefully avoided a civil war in the process shouldn't hurt.

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2a4136 No.398374

>Story continue


“Okay?” Rayleigh asks, cocking her head. “Okay? What is okay?” She turns to Finn. “Do you know what okay is?”

The man looks down at the Squirrel Girl and shakes his head. “I have a feeling.”

“That’s not okay.” Rayleigh says, folding her arms cross her chest. “But I’ll have to assume it’s okay. Okay?”

“Okay.” You say again, mainly to yourself. “Gather your things you’ll need and meet outside. We need to discuss a few things.”

“Why can’t we talk in-?” Rayleigh starts before cutting herself off as Ophelia nods her head, rabbit ears twitching. The Squirrel Girl’s eyes go flat and she sighs before standing up and nodding to Finn. “Fine, let’s get our stuff I suppose.”

Your party breaks away to head upstairs and get their gear, though the guards give them dubious looks as they return with weapons. Thankfully none of them give you any trouble, so you assume Murdocka either has them all on a tight leash, or they think you might have JUSTICE on your side. You’re incredibly confident it’s not the latter.

Meeting out back of Sophie’s manor, you motion for the others to walk a short distance in a evening gloom before reaching an area that Ophelia assures you is free of Monsters, for now. While the possibility of a Monster with incredibly good hearing, stealth, or otherwise is non-negligible, it’s the best you’re going to get.

“Okay.” You say, feeling comfortable enough to start.

“Cut the crap, kid.” Finn says, though you feel it’s not totally due to your word choice. “You’ve been dancing around this for awhile and now we’re at a point where we need to know why we’re risking so much. I do not like disobeying orders but sometimes you have to set priorities.” He folds his arms across his chest.

“And at the moment, there appears to be a clear winner on what has priority.”

“A fair point.” You say, nodding your head. Taking a look around to those who are privy to the reason of your adventure, they all nod in affirmation. Finn and Rayleigh have shown no signs of betrayal and they’ve both fought with you in situations where they easily could have turned on all of you. Unless they’re playing the longest, most confusing con in the world, you believe you can trust them.

Exhaling, you stand up straight and say, “The purpose of this mission has always been to contract Hevensferth so that we may gain his support to stop Phallia from destroying her sister and the world as we know it.”

The two Order members stare at you. No one says anything as a cool, night wind blows by, letting silence descend over those assembled. Finn sets his jaw and continues to stare at you while Rayleigh gives you a confused, perhaps even worried, look.

“Uh…” She begins before shaking her head. “Wait, wait, wait. I’ve heard Illusionists are a little off in the had, but this is some crazy shit. You expect us to believe that? What the hell kind of shitty fiction is this? Did a group of autists get together to make up this story?”

“It’s quite real.” Alice says, looking pensive. “I’ve seen Phallia’s meddling firsthand. I’ve fought side by side with those who have seen her. I know it sounds crazy but…” She shrugs.

“Finn, come on.” Rayleigh says, turning to the man. “You can’t seriously believe this.”

He is silent for a few moments before asking in a low, cautious voice, “The Lord Commander knows of this?”

“He does. So does the Grand Wizard and the Monster Lady. We were all privy to the meeting which determined this course of action.”

“Why were we left in the dark?”

You look him straight in the eye as you say, “Because I had to know who I could trust with such sensitive information. I’m sorry it took so long for me to tell you, but I have no doubts in my mind that you two are true to your words and the Order.”

Rayleigh looks down and folds her arms before breathing out a deep sigh. “Uggghhhh. Do you even have any proof of this?”

“At this time I only have my word and the word of all others assembled here.” They nod to the Squirrel Girl, who bites her lip.

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2a4136 No.398375


“Ugh… if the slut queen believes it though, I guess I’ll have to go along.” She looks back up to Finn. “However…”

“I understand.” Finn says, leaving it at that. “But what will you do in the face of this current predicament?”

You look at the man, surprised for a moment. Does he believe your answer? Or did he always have his suspicions and just wanted confirmation. You’re constantly surprised at his level of professionalism to his job and tasks at hand.

“Of course we’re going to get to the bottom of this.” You say, planting your hands on your hips. “While the task ahead of us is important, probably one of the most important things we can do, rescuing our comrade is also important. Besides, there’s clearly entities out to get us, we might not make it home if we don’t handle them first.”

A small smile comes to Finn’s face at that. You suppose he would like that answer, wouldn’t he?

“Very well. Where do we start, leader?”

“Smart-ass.” You say, knowing quite well you’d like to use that line if you could. “We have little to work with but it’s something. Our main goal would be to find and interrogate the witness, or find whoever left that stench.”

“It’s still in my nose.” Ginelle says, shuddering. “I’m not going to be able to sniff out much of anything for awhile.”

“Which I’m sure was the intention. Something like this can’t be too hard to conceive of, so I’m sure a potion seller might have info on who bought it.” You pull out the vial and look it over, sniffing it again but only smelling the distinct flavor of refined semen. There’s no marks on it of any value, unfortunately.

“Though tracking it down will be difficult.”

“You know…” Clarissa says, musing. “Weren’t all the potion bottles different that we bought? I mean, sure for different varieties, but even health potions were different between potion sellers, right?”

“Huh.” You say, looking in your bag for the potions. Sure enough, you needed to visit multiple places to get everything but yeah, the potions are in different vials. “Might be that only one place uses this kind of vial for something, and if it belonged to the same person who left that stench, it’s a start.”

“Makes sense.” Finn says. “What else do we have?”

“Well, I assume the Chat Noir will find us soon enough.” You say, nodding to Clarissa. “In which case we don’t have much else to work with though…” You trail off while looking to Ophelia. “You remember when you cycled through signals and found one that connected?”

“Yeah.” She pulls out the device and holds it up. “You think it might be related?”

“Coincidences exist, I guess.” You say, shrugging. “But it doesn’t hurt to check it out. Can you trace the signal if you find one?”

“Yeah… I think so.” She says, musing. “Actually, yeah, I can. I’ll just need a separate signal to triangulate it.”

“Well then gang.” Alice says, clapping her hands. “Looks like we’re going to split up.”

“Is that a good idea?” Clint asks. “I think my aim is steady but I don’t know how much fight is in me. I know those two can’t be much better.”

Finn shrugs and Rayleigh sighs. The Squirrel Girl says, “I do want to sleep, but I can manage. I always get a little pep when I drink a mana potion anyway.”

“Gee, thanks for thinking about me.” Ginelle says, to which Clint rolls his eyes.

“Please, Ginelle. You can take a nap after being hit by a leyway and be fine.”

She sniffs, “Just because that’s true doesn’t mean anything.”

You shake your head at the conversation. “Oh, speaking of which, here Rayleigh.” Digging in your bag, you hand a rather large handful of mana potions over to the Squirrel Girl, her eyes lighting up with delight.

“Ohhhhhh.” She says, holding in her little arms more jizz than she can possible hope to drink, a phrase you never thought you’d even imagine, even after that time Saya did-

“Splitting up should be prudent.” You say. “We’ll have one group look after the vial while the other chases down that signal.” Looking between the groups, you nod your head in decision. “I’ll head up the vial team with Ginelle, Clint, and Rayleigh. The signal team will be Ophelia, Alice, Finn, and Clarissa. Any questions?”

“Seems solid enough.” Ginelle says. “I like doing a shakedown every now and then anyway.”

“Gee, and to think we’re trying to clear some good names.” Ophelia says, shaking her head. “Alright, let’s get going then.”

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2a4136 No.398376


She tosses you one of the communications devices and a list of frequencies to use before heading off toward with her group, the de facto leader you guess, though you’re sure Finn will take the reins eventually. Or maybe Alice? They’ll probably not… butt heads…

Leading your team through the night, you make a beeline for potion sellers. Unfortunately most are closed at this time of day, and they are rather uncooperative when you bang on their doors.

“Go away, I’m- ahn! Preparing ingredi…oh… oh! Working!”

Ginelle seems both keen on listening to the sounds and breaking open the door, but Clint pulls her away as you consider. “That’s the third one, I think unless we break in we’re going to have a hard time getting any answers.”

“And we don’t even know if it’s the correct place.” Rayleigh sighs, popping the cork off a vial of [Mana Potion]. “I need a pick me up.”

Shaking your head, you’re about to keep walking when you do a double take and shout, “Don’t slurp that semen!”

Rayleigh nearly chokes as you grab her wrist and stop her, a sticky mess splattering her face. Fire appears in her hand as she growls, “What the hells is wrong with you?!”

“The vial!” You say, plucking the half-filled, sticky vial from her hands. “It matches the one we’re looking for!”

Rayleigh’s eye twitches as she stares at you before huffing and wiping the potion off her face.

“Uhm… let’s see, that potion…” You say, trying to remember. “I think it was the Arachne alchemist we got this from.”

“Oh good, spiders.” Ginelle says. “Gotta love spiders.”

You walk through the city at night on your way to the shop as you remember. As you pass through, your heart sinks as you hear mumblings from the passersby.

“Did you hear that the Monster Lady’s daughter murdered someone?”

“I hear it was one of the opposition that died.”

“So the queen is using her daughter now as a catspaw. Disgusting.”

“Didn’t she take in the daughter of the Lord Commander? You don’t think the Order is-“

You can visibly see the agitation on Rayleigh’s face as you pass by a group discussing the last one. Implications such as this are incredibly dangerous for the health of the two nations and Rayleigh seems one to take personal slight at insults to the Order. Clint keeps up a stoic face, but you can tell he’s worried by what people are saying also. Ginelle is… Ginelle.

The Arachne alchemist’s shop is built into her home, the bottom floor filled with a variety of potions showing from behind windows installed sometime in the last twenty years, you suspect. Looking in the window, you see the rack of [Mana Potions] you pilfered earlier and, sure enough, the vial matches the ones in your possession.

“Did she have anything like that stench potion?” Ginelle asks you, sniffing.

“I don’t remember, I wasn’t exactly looking for that.” You mutter. No candles or lamps on, can’t tell if she’s inside either. You might need to make a break for the inside and possibly-

The device at your belt hisses some static as it comes to life.

“Tobias? I need you to give me your coordinates, over.”

“Uhhhh.” You say, clicking the button. “We’re sort of southwest side of town? Over?”

“Got it, over. Change frequencies to the one I mentioned before, over.”

You do so and hear a static again before switching back to the other channel. Ophelia’s voice comes again, “Alright, I think I have a better picture of where to go, over. Looks like… southeast side of town? That’s a more influential area of town if I recall, over.”

“Check, we’ll see you later then, over.”

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2a4136 No.398377


Shaking your head, you turn back to the others in time for Ginelle to pull you away violently as a large shadow descends from the side of the building. Clint readies his magitek rifle while fire plays along Rayleigh’s hands as a figure emerges in the magicked blaze.

“Can’t you see the shop is closed?” The figure, an Arachne, says. Her spider abdomen is large, brown, and fuzzy while her more human half has brown, chitinous arms and eight eyes set upon a gorgeous face. She’s also wearing cute, fuzzy pajamas.

As she pulls her to full height, she blinks and leans down to look at you. “Didn’t you come by earlier today? What, do you want a refund? Or perhaps you’d like to sell some sperm?”

“That all belongs to my wife.” You say, not fazed by her. “I’m actually here to ask some questions.”

“Trade secrets. Not going to go into details on how I make my wares, it’s quite a competitive market you know-“

“Do you make potions which create a noxious smell?”

The Arachne pauses and looks all of you over. “What’s this all about? I’ve done nothing wrong.” She shows her fangs to prove somehow that she’s innocent.

“It’s nothing you’ve done wrong, this is about one of your clients.”

“Huh? You can’t be serious, I don’t remember everyone-“

“You remembered me.”

“You’re a human with a handsome face an excellent taste in clothing. Arachne silk, yes?”

“Of course, I would never buy a suit without it, but that’s not what we’re talking about.”

The alchemist huffs and leans back on her eight-legged torso. “Can’t blame a girl for trying. But I don’t think I want to get involved in whatever is happening here, so I’m going to just go.” She begins to move backward toward the wall and gets one leg on it before Ginelle grabs her arm.

“Oh no, I insist you stay.”

“I-I’ll call the guards.” She says, worried.

“They’ve sanctioned this.” You lie, holding out your badge again for a moment, short enough in time that she can’t read it.

It does the trick and she sighs, re-settling on the ground. “Listen, I don’t want any trouble.”

“Answer the questions and you won’t get any.” Rayleigh says, extinguishing her flames.

“Now then, about stink potions?” You ask, to which the alchemist waves her hand.

“Yes, yes. I’m about the only one in town who makes them. Quite useful to hide your tracks or mess with sensitive Monsters. Mostly a prank really.”

“Has anyone purchased one recently as well as mana potions?”

“Well it doesn’t sell that well, so let’s see…” She considers. “There was one who bought both of those things. A Kikimora if I recall. She seemed a little smug for some reason.”

“What was her name, can you tell us anything more about her?”

“Didn’t give a name and she looked… like your average Kikimora? Wasn’t wearing maid garb though, instead wore a killer bodysuit. If only I could fit into something like that…” She sighs and bounces her massive breasts. You only notice a little. Maybe you can convince Saya to do something like-

“I see. Did she say or do anything else that could be noticeable?”

“Not really. Oh, she said to bill her stuff to the Galmathorian embassy, though those jerks have yet to pay up. I’m thinking I might need the guard on this one to get my damn money.”

The four of you turn and look at each other. Galmathorian embassy? That can’t be a coincidence. If the Kikimora who bought these things was also the Kikimora who was the witness, then…

“By the way, do you know where the embassy is?” Rayleigh asks.

“I think it’s southeast part of town, in that more influential section if I recall.”

“Thanks.” You say, digging out some silver coins to toss her as you wave to the others. The Arachne pockets them down her pajamas and shakes her head, muttering about out of towners. Thank the Gods Deleorian currency works up here!

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2a4136 No.398378


Getting far enough away from the shop, you pull out your communication device and say, “Ophelia, come in, over. We have suspicion that the Galmathorian embassy might be where the signal is leading, over. If you are there, do not engage, I repeat, do not engage, over.”

Nothing but static comes back to you. Worried, you try again, but get nothing. Staring at the device for only a moment, you say, “Come on, we need to go.”

The others don’t argue, and you run through the streets of the Monster Nation capital, the odd few passersby giving you stranger looks than usual. It takes some time to reach the other side of the city, time you’re afraid you don’t have. Ginelle asks the location of the embassy from a local and you arrive nearby to find nothing. No signs of a battle, no scuffle, nothing. Hiding in a nearby alleyway, you look up at the building and study it.

The embassy is about three stories tall and made, like all things, of the ancient granite. This one has a few alterations of course, mainly with crystalwork, one of the products Galmathoria is known for, as well as magitek lights around the property, showing off their ability to produce the technology. The gates are currently barred, but some lights are on in windows, so obviously they’re home.

“Ginelle?” You ask the Badger Girl.

She shakes her head. “Still can’t smell much.”

“Which is why you didn’t notice us.”

Turning around with a gasp, you see Ophelia standing behind you, the others of her group following down the alley as well. Rayleigh nods to Finn as if she too didn’t get spooked while Alice saunters up and shrugs.

“Took you long enough.”

“Where did you come from?” Clint asks, surprised as well.

“We saw you coming and followed up before you could enter.” Finn says. “Once we realized where the signal lead, we decided to lay low until you arrived.”

“I was ready to go in and kick some ass, but the big lug stopped me.”

“Fortunately.” Finn sighs. “Imagine if I wasn’t here to keep her in check.”

“I know exactly what that’s like.” You say, nodding with sagacity before sighing. “Why didn’t you respond when I messaged you?”

“Oh no.” Ophelia says, worried. “I should have sent a message beforehand warning that the comms might be tapped when we figured out where this is.” She bites her thumb. “This might be a problem.”

“How so?” You ask.

“They might be torching evidence or trying to run. We can’t rely on getting the guards here.” Clint says, shaking his head. “Not that they’d enter anyway. Looks like we might need to do this quick.”

“How do we know they’re still there?”

“They are.” A familiar voice says.

Being taken unawares for like, the fourth time today, you look up to see the Chat Noir agent from before hanging languidly to the wall. How she did so in such a quiet way, you have no idea, but there she is.

“No one has gone in or out since we heard of the murder. We managed to follow a Kikimora here, but no one has left.”

“Why… haven’t you gone in to deal with them?”

“Because it’s an investigation still and wouldn’t it be really… bad if the secret police of the Monster Lady were found directly antagonizing the Galmathorian embassy without justified cause?”

Rayleigh cocks her head. “Secret what now?”

The Cat Girl shakes her head. “Either way, it looks even worse for the Monster Lady and her daughter. However, if Deleorians manage to sniff it out then…” She shrugs.

Clint looks back at the building, then over to you before nodding his head and shouldering his weapon. “Looks like we’re out of good options. Do we storm the place or sneak?”

Ginelle and Alice crack their knuckles. “Let’s cause some havok!” they day in unison.

Ophelia and Clarissa both look at each other nervously. “Perhaps… stealth is better?’

“Well then, leader of this group.” The Chat Noir member says before seeming to melt into the shadows.

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.398379



Scarcity makes you use them wisely. Probably.

>The no comment.

I probably should have ignored it but here we are. As far as Hevensferth goes to his followers these days, it's mostly bursts of inspiration or finding the strength to study. It's an indirect caress if he shows them anything at all since he's not a major source of worship like Dollora or Phallia.

He's not been known as a wrathful god though and is logical and calculating.



What's funny is I forgot my phone at home today but had time to write and when I got back had to change up stuff. Mostly the end because had Finn been with you it would have actually been a much different outcome. But this is best case, probably. Unfortunately it also kind of is a railroad but we're on the tracks for this already, welp.

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e0dd37 No.398380



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2a4136 No.398389

Ah nerts, I forgot to give you the rundown of the place.

There's a large gate around the building with a front and back gate and a back door used for deliveries. There are no guards that can be seen. This is info easily obtained just so you can inform yourselves better.

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027db3 No.398393

Invidious embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>vid related

Our enemies already know we are coming so let's come all over their face.


Throw a grenade at the front door, then have Ginny and Finn run in and assault everyone still standing.

Meanwhile, the back entrance will get blown out by Rayleigh who will then set the interior on fire as much and as quickly as possible with Alice as backup.

Clint will stay outside with us and snipe anyone who tries to leave through the windows and will pick off stragglers through them. Clarissa will be outside too circling overhead for backup.

Once everyone is dead, we will interrogate them and investigate the ruins.

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7e69d1 No.398400


And while Tobias proceeds to tell his "genius" plan in depth to his team mates, going to great lengths to wildly and expressively articulate it with gestures, make sound effects with his mouth, do very poor impressions of his team members with completely unfitting high and low pitch voices and telling how he will go one on one with juniper and beat her with his slick oriental shadow warrior moves, he will pass a single note to Clarissa.

Now the unfortunate part is, Tobias "accidentally" forgot to turn his phone off and somehow managed to move out of cover so he is very visible from the embassy.

So while the Galmathorian comm officers are stunned speechless at the idiocy coming from the line that they are tapping and Juniper and the security are tensely observing the party from the windows, Clarissa and Ophelia will quietly fly to one of the upper floor windows, enter the building and steal every bit of mail they have by stuffing it into one of their bags of holding.

If they encounter any personnel, Ophelia can disable them with her taser. If there is one thing that I learned from Sony, Hillary and pizzagate is that no matter how rich, influential and powerful someone is, their mail security is always fucking shit.

Once they return, slap ourselves on the forehead dramatically and exclaim. "Wait a second, no, this is retarded." Then apologize to our party and suggest we go back to Sophie's home and plan.

On the way back, take a detour to the palace and dump it in Selene's claws, directly, bypassing everyone else and then take a day off while we wait for the nuclear meltdown.

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3cf5df No.398411


Faking out the listeners with false info is probably the least autistic of all these plans. I think we should do some parts of this, and have Tobias serve as a distraction for the listeners, telling them the complete opposite of what exactly we’ll be doing. As for what our team is actually doing, they’ll be sneaking in through a roof entrance after being flown in by Clarissa, preferably only a couple of them, and the mamono most skilled at subterfuge to grab any evidence. This should be done with subtlety. For example, Rayleigh could tell them she’s taking the documents to the roof so she can burn/destroy them quicker, and so they won’t asphyxiate on the smoke, and needs these other people to help her. If Ophelia can quickly modify the walkie-talkie to work as a recording device, that should be brought too, if anyone inside says something.

While all this is going on, have Tobias describe all of this >>398400 as a full frontal assault, making them move all their security up front, and away from their mail. Again, the people going after the documents inside should preferably be mamono, and stealthy enough to avoid being caught, or strong enough to knock out any potential guards, which our plan should lead away the vast majority.

As for why we’re not doing a full frontal assault, that could easily come off as the first attack in a civil war, one which we’re trying to avoid. Also, that means that Juniper would get involved, and I doubt anything short of Rayleigh going nova would be able to kill her. On the other hand, if the chat noir “mysteriously” obtains the evidence necessary to raid the place and arrest everyone inside, and those people are able to be tried in court, and all the evidence that reveals their false-flag ops revealed, the citizens will be convinced of their guilt, and the innocence of the Monster Lady.

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41f498 No.398421


>“Looks like we’re out of good options. Do we storm the place or sneak?”

Why not both to an extent? There's no reason for us to put all of our eggs in one basket when we don't have to. Granted, actually attacking the embassy would go pretty poorly for us as per what >>398411 points out, but having the option of further distraction via a fake attack should it be required wouldn't be the worst idea.

Regarding the stealth component, what >>398400 and >>398411 checked have already suggested—namely having a small team breach the embassy while we provide a distraction, grabbing what evidence they can and then getting out, ideally still undetected—is really good thus far, but I would propose some alterations.

>Now the unfortunate part is, Tobias "accidentally" forgot to turn his phone off and somehow managed to move out of cover so he is very visible from the embassy.

While they are unlikely to take advantage of this due to the risks involved, standing out in the open gives our enemy the opportunity to take us down with whatever projectiles they may have available, so it would be better were we to make our position obvious without actively leaving ourselves completely vulnerable. Perhaps usage of lighting and shadows so the enemy can see us acting without direct line of sight? It might look more accidental then.

>Clarissa and Ophelia will quietly fly to one of the upper floor windows

>As for what our team is actually doing, they’ll be sneaking in through a roof entrance after being flown in by Clarissa

I’d argue breaching via the windows would be the preferable option. The lack of information regarding a roof entrance being present aside there probably is one though, we can use our [Farsight Goggles] to see into each of the rooms that appear to be unoccupied to get an idea of whether or not anyone may be hiding within. Conversely, the roof entrance we would have no information about until we make the breach, at which point it would be too late to avoid detection if any guards were hiding nearby. Furthermore, it puts us closer to our destination than the roof, which means we can get this done quicker. The only caveat to this is that we would have to break into our chosen window if it wasn’t left unlocked it being left unlocked would probably mean it’s a trap though, so it’s for the best, but that can be achieved without alerting anyone via [Privacy Barrier] which Rayleigh said was “one of those weird spells that just about anyone can cast”, implying she should be capable of casting it herself to hide the sound and also potentially a temporary [Project] from us to hide any visual indication of the window breaking while the deed is done. Should we lack the ability to use [Privacy Barrier] though, then taking the roof entrance would be preferable.

>have Tobias serve as a distraction for the listeners, telling them the complete opposite of what exactly we’ll be doing

If the enemy realises we’re full of shit which would happen fairly easily if we go the over-the-top acting route, not sure what the plan is regarding that, then they’ll likely start preparing for the opposite of what we’re saying, which could go rather wrong for us. To combat this, it may be prudent to hide smaller details of our actual plan within our lies, so that the enemy treats said details as bullshit as well should they call our bluff; hiding one truth within a hundred lies or vice versa is a common kike Danuki strategy for a reason. Even if they do end up believing our lies, they’ll still primary focus their defence on combating our apparent assault, leaving our infiltration team still free enough to do their thing.

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41f498 No.398422



>The infiltration team itself

My vote is towards a mixture of Ophelia, Ginelle, Alice and Clarissa, via process of elimination: we need to stay outside to distract and deceive the enemy, Rayleigh’s skillset is primary focused on going loud and would likely lead to friendly fire heh in the small confines of the building, Finn is wearing not-so-quiet full plate armour and doesn’t strike me as too easy for Clarissa to carry even without it and Clint isn’t really stealthy in combat, which leaves the four aforementioned party members. The remaining people are easy enough to move, are quiet Alice may be ready to charge in, but she still knows how to be sneaky if the previous quest is any indication, and she can take off her armour if it’s too loud and are at least somewhat capable in combat should things go wrong. Ophelia maybe not so much on that last point, but at least her hearing means very little can sneak up on the team. Clarissa is kind of the same and frankly she could also be placed nearby to the embassy to ferry people out, but having her start within the team itself means she’s able to immediately take someone to safety probably Ophelia and can discuss the escape plan with the others without having to rely strictly on the compromised radio that would give the game away.

Additionally to all of this I have four suggestions for things to add to the plan. Firstly, we should have Clint get into a position where he has good sight lines of the majority of the embassy, primarily the stealth team's drop-off point, the courtyard and the other windows, potentially alongside someone else who can cover for him in the off-chance an enemy comes to his location. That way, should the situation go to shit and the stealth team needs to bail loudly, then he can cover people from range while they either make a break through the inner courtyard or have Clarissa ferry them away from danger if required.

Secondly, when Clarissa is bringing people to the embassy, she should ideally try to avoid being in direct moonlight where possible and fly upwind. That way, the chances for her to be detected, be it by sight or smell, are limited, even if the enemy has monsters with strong perceptions in those senses. Furthermore, if any side of the embassy lacks or has a smaller number of windows, then it may be prudent to approach from that side if we’re going for the roof option or either option, really to lower the number of positions Clarissa could be spotted from.

Thirdly, we should arm the stealth team, Clint and ourselves with the vials of [Orc Sweat] I think we still have all three vials, I forget in case any of us needs to disable nearby attackers and/or enemies in the way of our infiltration in the case of the stealth team; our enemy likely isn’t going to have gas masks immediately on hand to combat this, meaning the vials should work as a get-out-jail-free card should things go awry. Still, to avoid setting up our own demise, make sure everyone has a method of combatting the sweat either already equipped or quickly available, or at the very least make sure they don’t stay in the same place as the sweat when they release. Also, ideally the vials should simply be opened to let the contents loose and then collected again once they run out of distilled sweat to avoid leaving behind any indication of our infiltration, but if we need to go loud and quick then shattering the vials would be better.

Finally, the stealth team should take the [Featherfall Potion] we picked up so that, if necessary, Clarissa will only have to ferry two people to safety, as the last person could just burst through a window, land safely and bail through one of the gates or an entrance we make for them. Alternatively, this could work as a means of getting a single member of our infiltration team to Clarissa and thus to freedom quicker, most likely the final member, should it be required, since she would just need to pick them up from the courtyard rather than the roof or one of the windows.

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41f498 No.398423



Triple posting because I'm an autist, sue me.

Regarding the loud component, I should stress that anything written here should only be done if we’re compromised. Should things go to shit, it would be a good idea to take the heat away from our infiltration team so they actually have a chance to escape, because otherwise the entire building is going to be coming for their arses and any potential escape routes they may have will be quickly cut off. Actually attacking the embassy will likely come back to haunt us later though, so instead we should fake an attack while leaving behind little to no evidence of one ever occurring, which would serve to distract the enemy while avoiding giving them ammunition to utilise against us later outside of the embassy breach.

To achieve this, we should pretend to act out the assault we’ve been building up this entire time, starting with Rayleigh creating a smokescreen to block vision at the front gate, courtyard and front door of the building, followed by us using [Project] to play the sounds of our party charging into the fray and fighting; the smoke will put the enemy on alert and potentially bait some guards into leaving the building, while the noise will draw the majority of guards that weren’t already present down to the front door and potentially bait more guards into entering the fray, ready to fight us. Should we need to buy more time when enemy realises we aren’t present, then we could probably set up more [Project]s to mimic the sound of our party breaching the building from a different angle, thus hopefully drawing more guards and wasting more of their time.

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7dd584 No.398482

File: 1f03d2d7f807bae⋯.png (149.21 KB,680x509,680:509,1f03d2d7f807bae71affd7c1ef….png)

I just had a crazy idea. What if we, just hear me out for a second, I know this sounds insane but, what if, instead of breaking in or forcing ourselves in, we just knock on their front door and politely ask to continue our investigation?

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41f498 No.398502


>The gates are currently barred, but some lights are on in windows, so obviously they’re home.

>There's a large gate I think Ace meant 'wall' around the building with a front and back gate and a back door used for deliveries.

Openly trespassing in Galmathoria territory aside, we don't have any credentials to let us investigate the embassy and they know it. All this would achieve is making them increase their defences in anticipation of us trying to pull something, making any other plan we try afterwards that much harder to succeed with. That said, it could work as a distraction method if needed mid-operation.

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2a4136 No.398624

Update headed at ya tomorrow. Unless I die at work which is always possible.


God that sounds amusing


Your brand of autism is a fantastic kind and I half wish people would accept your hair brained schemes. Of course, then I'd have to write them.

Ah, if only that splitting into four parties of two thing had happened. Ahhh wouldn't that have been fun.


Is there even a roof entrance? Clarissa can figure that out you suppose. Window probably works too.


I mean, I did. Yes. Editing.


At least someone is a sensible gentleman!

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ad5f58 No.398638


Can't be helped. It's my fault really. I went a little overboard in Cair, by deliberately baiting the players into a fakeout tournament arc, in favor of their timed, very high stakes VIP retrieval mission and then pulled the chair right from under them, as soon as they chose to blow their cover.

So now the survivors of that nuclear fallout suffer from intense bouts of paranoia, jump at shadows, min max and overthink everything down to the tiniest detail, expecting traps and foul play coming at them from every direction, instead of just having fun.

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54a256 No.398640


>I bait and switched my readers in my fanfic

>So the maybe different readers of this different story by a different writer are now paranoid of everything


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ad5f58 No.398642


I have a very high opinion of myself

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2a4136 No.398720

>Story continue

“What just happened here?” Ophelia asks, confused.

“There’s a cat watching our every move to use us for political gain.” Alice says, shrugging. “The usual.”

Ophelia makes to say something but opts instead just to shake her head. Instead, Clarissa puts her winghands on her hips and says, “So what are we going to do about this if the officials won’t do anything?”

“We’ll have to get the evidence ourselves.” You say, frowning as you look to the building. Was that movement near one of the windows? Did they notice you?

“Aww yeah.” Alice says, cracking her knuckles. “Let’s do it!” She begins to walk forward when Finn grabs her by the back of her armor and drags her backward. She huffs and crosses her arms as he does so.

“I believe we’re going to do something else.” He says, looking to Ginelle, who also deflates a little.

“Well, while a frontal assault would be fine there’s something else…” You trail off as you look to the communication device at your belt. Cocking your head, you think through a few plans before smirking. “Ophelia, they might have been listening in, right?”

“Yeah, I think so, which is why we might need to hurry.”


The Rabbit Girl looks surprised as you power the device, conveniently leaving it on. “Alright, then we need to hit them hard and fast. I believe our best option is to crash through the front door before they can react.”

Ophelia looks at you, horrified as you continue. “I think if we leverage our armor we can get in okay without trouble and then support from behind. We’ll also torch the back to make sure no one gets out alive.”

Your team looks very confused as you pull out a pen and start writing on the envelope for the [Monster Lady’s Missive] that they thankfully handed back to you. Clint seems to figure it out first and says, “I think it might be best to keep an overwatch, you know? Shoot anyone who gets near the windows or tries to flee.”

“Good thinking.” Alice says, stepping in front of you to block anyone’s view. “We’ll be able to keep them pinned by doing so. Fresh for the slaughter.”

You finish writing your instructions and hand them off to Ophelia, who scans the paper before nodding and pulling aside Clarissa and Ginelle. As they do so, you stand up and walk on the other side of Alice, facing the building while she goes as well. Pointing directly at the building so your shadow shows against the wall in the moonlight, you say, “Oh yes, and when they’re all dead, they’ll answer any question we want.”

“Let me at them.” Finn says, cracking his knuckles. You’re surprised at how well he pulls it off. The man is full of surprises it seems.

Looking over your shoulder, you notice the girls are gone. Good. Now to keep the act convincing.

“But maybe we’ll make them sweat a little.” You say, gesturing with your hand, which still plays shadow puppets. “They know we’re coming, so let’s get them really nervous, make them feel like the walls are closing in before our blades do.”

Clint makes a hand signal to show that two people are at the windows behind you. Chuckling, you pull the [Farsight Goggles] from your bag and strap them on before turning about in a flourish and looking out. Sure enough, two figures, Monsters though of what kind you can’t say, stand at the second-floor windows, looking out directly at your alley. The moment you turn around however, they vanish.

“Come then, let us prepare!” You say, throwing up a fist before turning off the device with your other hand. A moment later, you crouch down and pull back as Clint whispers,

“That was quite foolish.”

“You think? I was going for foolhardy. I’ll get in the dress rehearsal.”

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2a4136 No.398721


“So what do we do now?” Rayleigh asks, cocking her head. “And where did the others go?”

“They should be infiltrating the place right about now…” You look up to see a dark shape in the night sky through your goggles. It’s Clarissa holding Alice, the two looking down, then nodding to each other before descending back toward the third-floor windows. Guess there isn’t a roof entrance after all.

“Clint, I need you to go provide overwatch after all.” You say, to which the man nods and looks about before heading around a nearby building. If you don’t miss your mark, he’ll try to ascend and get to the rooftop at least if possible. Good, if things go wrong, you want him overlooking things.

Waiting from your place in the alleyway, you continue to watch through your goggles, adjusting them to see the windows. As you feared, they’re still watching, even from the third floor. You’re afraid the team on the inside won’t be able to do their job unless you can drag the watchers downstairs… ah, but you did promise them an attack, right? Hopefully they’ll be so busy looking after you, they won’t notice what’s going in inside.

“Alright Rayleigh, I need you to make a smokescreen.”

“I’m a pyromancer, why would you assume I know how to make a smokescreen.”

“Can you not?”

“Ugh.” She says, readying her magic. “Honestly, couldn’t we have just gone through the front door?”

“I don’t think they’d react well to us knocking and asking for them to allow us to poke our noses where they don’t belong.” Finn says. “They might even politely ask us to leave, though I’m not certain how effective making ourselves known to everyone like this will be.”

“The Galmathorians are still watching from up top. I’m afraid if we don’t create a distraction, they’ll never give us an opening.”

“I see.” Finn says. “I hope you know what you’re doing.”

“Me too.” You say, in a half-whisper.

“Yeah, yeah, let’s get this started I guess.” Rayleigh says, letting out a wave of magic from her hands. It coalesces and forms a warm rush of black smoke that drifts from her hands to obscure the front of the building. Once it reaches a large enough screen, you say to the Squirrel Girl,

“Alright, now use [Project].”

“I’m a Pyromancer!”

“Rayleigh, please.”

“Ugghhhh.” She says, weaving the cantrip of a spell.

The sounds of the alleyway magnify as you shout, “LET’S GET EM!” before stomping your feet as if to charge the gate.

Finn gives you a tired look before drawing his sword and shouting while Rayleigh lets lose sparks of Pyromancy. It’s a convincing light show, if nothing else. Hopefully convincing enough to utterly distract the people inside. You did say you’d be attacking, right? Of course, you need to make this quick or else people are going to start asking a few too many questions and drawing a little too much attention. Hopefully it’s enough time for the team inside to get in and get out.

The smoke begins to dissipate and you look with your goggles to see the people gone from the windows, but don’t see anyone present behind them. Confused, your attention turns to the top window as something dashes through and shatters the glass outward before rising into the air, getting caught in the smoke, then practically nosediving over the gate and toward you.

Cursing, you step back as Finn grabs the person-sized missile in his gauntleted hands, slowing their descent. Readying your magic, you turn to see… Clarissa?

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2a4136 No.398722


The poor Crow Girl is coughing from the smoke, clothing something in her wing-hands. She’s covered in scratches from breaking the glass and other, deeper wounds, which look like getting raked by brambles. You help her get her wind back and pat her saying, “Clarissa! What happened?”

“W- *cough* we found something but we were attacked.”

“What? How did they know you were there? Did they hear you?”

“The… plants. There’s *cough cough* plants everywhere in there. I thought I was crazy when I saw one of them moving but we headed *cough* into a room with some filing cabinets when this big racket sounded outside and everyone left for downstairs. Ophelia was able *cough* to find these, but before we could do much else, we were ambushed by a wave of these *cough* vines.”

She holds up the files to you, a bunch in a folder marked, “ledger.” You don’t have time to go through it as Clarissa stands herself up and coughs up a little more. Though you make to help her, she holds up a wing-hand and says, “Ginelle managed to break me and Ophelia free. I tried to escape with Ophelia, but she pushed me forward and went back to help the other two while I delivered this.”

The Crow Girl shudders. “This woman, she reminded me of that Chalan we fought before *cough*. She still had Alice last I saw. I don’t know if they’ll be able to make it out of there.”

This evidence you have in your hands could be enough to incriminate the Galmathorians if you can get it to the right people… such as the one hanging out over you. Then they’d have proper reason to rush in and apprehend them. On the other hand, if it turns out to be circumstantial or not enough evidence, it won’t hold up and the Monster Lady, and Sophie, will face extreme backlash.

On the other hand, you can rush in yourself and try to save the infiltration team. It might be dangerous, but you’ll get any other information you need… you hope. Either way, you need to figure out what to do and quickly before Ginelle and Alice are overwhelmed, or the authorities arrive to find you trespassing. Neither is a particularly enticing option, you’re afraid.

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.398724

Short update but, given how most of the action was inside the building itself, it kind of needed to be.

Unfortunately it seems that things did not go 100% to plan, for either side, perhaps. But what will do you? Will you leverage the Chat Noir on circumstantial evidence or go in yourself?

Is there even a guarentee that they can defeat whatever this is? And what of that Kikimora?

Find out next time, on Wizardquest Z!

I guess I'm writing tomorrow too because that was short and I have a feeking tomorrow will be fun.

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027db3 No.398733


In retrospect, we should have seen this coming. Well nothing to it then, should have gone with my full frontal assault plan after all. Take a quick looksie and skim though the folder to confirm its incriminating contents and then hand the mail to Clarissa and have her deliver it to the monster lady directly. It's for her eyes only.

Then project an illusion of the folder in your hand and yell for Juniper that we are willing to hand it back, if they release the hostages.

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3cf5df No.398749


Agreed. Skip through the folder to see if it’s important, if it is, deliver it safely as possible. Another thing to remember is that the Galmathorians originally wanted Ophelia in order to put pressure on the Manufactorium, and they now have exactly what they want, along with two other prisoners. I don’t think they’ll be trading prisoners anytime soon. Another important thing to note is that Juniper, who is another plant agent, similarly to Rose, is not a Galmathorian, and only cares about them to the extent that they keep Deleor and the MN from fully allying by increasing dissent between the two. She’s not going to care if the game is up for Galmathoria, so she won’t care about the folder. They’re just a pawn to her.

A SWAT team break-in now seems to be the only real option to rescue our comrades. Clint can be sniper in the best position he can find, with those goggles. We’ll go with everyone else. IF we use illusions, they should be small, but effective ones, like losing your sense of balance, being unable to see/hear, things that will let Flint and Rayleigh take them out easily. We also have two crossbows, so let’s preload those and be prepared to use them. Our greatest threat will no doubt be Juniper and the plants she commands, but thankfully, we have a solution. The only way to kill the plant abominations is to completely destroy them in a way that prevents regeneration. As we have enough mana potions to make Rayleigh cum-drunk, I’m guessing we also have enough to reduce Juniper to a sooty smear.

If When any hostage shenanigans get pulled cuz Ace adores drama, just have Clint shoot whoever’s holding them in the face, or we can cast an illusion that they’re not holding anyone. If they’re being held captive by plants, purging the compound of biomancers, probably limited to Juniper, should take care of that.

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41f498 No.398769

>“Alright, now use [Project].”

>“I’m a Pyromancer!”

>“Rayleigh, please.”

>“Ugghhhh.” She says, weaving the cantrip of a spell.

She’s also apparently an illusionist now.


Welp, no plan survives first contact with the enemy. As a silver lining, at least this means that Rayleigh can be convinced of our earlier claims regarding Phallia being evil when she sees what I assume is Juniper.

>“This woman, she reminded me of that Chalan we fought before"…

Galmathoria is an independent nation of monsters, so they should theoretically overall hate Phallia as all non-plant monsters outside of Ectria and their love of the Twins are wont to do. And yet one of her plant abominations is within the confines of their embassy to the Monster Nation, showing that her fanatical worshippers are present in an area they absolutely shouldn’t be. If anything, this is damning evidence enough that someone not aligned with the factions within the Monster Nation is silently pulling strings in the background, as well as that Phallia herself is in some way responsible for this manipulation. As such, so long as any authorities happen to see the abomination with their own eyes which should be fairly easy so long as we keep her under pressure and don’t completely destroy her body should we defeat her, they should be more than willing to accept the idea that a third party may be involved in the recent murder case, more so if the other evidence comes to light.

With that said, and how we shouldn’t abandon our companions both because they are our friends and because the mission will become impossible without their support more so when Clint and Finn tell us to go fuck ourselves for leaving Ginelle/everyone else to die, we need to get in there to bail them out of the bad situation they find themselves in. Still, we currently have some evidence on hand, so we might as well do what >>398733 suggests and determine if it’s important enough on its own to prove our case, sending it to Selene if so and letting that Chat Noir member hold on to it and having her stay put if not for reasons I’ll get into later. That said, having the Chat Noir member make the delivery if what we have is good enough instead of Clarissa would make more sense: they report directly to Selene, meaning there wouldn’t be any delays or potential outright prevention like with Clarissa, and we can trust her to an extent considering that she didn’t fuck us over despite having many opportunities to do so. Besides, I’d prefer Clarissa stay with us by virtue of her being able to deliver people to and away from the upper floors of the embassy, which is rather important when that’s exactly where our companions and the evidence are and the ground floor is filled with personnel that would get in the way of breaching and escape otherwise.

As for how to go about the rescue operation, start by giving Clarissa one of the health potions to get her to a point where she can at least fly people to the upper windows again though make sure the Chat Noir member gets a good look at Clarissa’s wounds first—brambles don’t tend to cause such deep wounds, so that’s evidence of a monster biomancer’s influence by itself, which is evidence against Phallia, since we’ll need her to do just that if we want to avoid having to go through the entire enemy force to reach our friends in dire straits. With that done, get her to start moving Rayleigh and Finn, in that order, up to where the rest of our party is so they can help them in the fight before returning to us; the order is rather important as we want Rayleigh to be able to start torching the plant life in a controlled fashion to reduce our opponent’s offensive options as soon as possible while avoiding destroying the building or the rest of the potential evidence fire isn’t ideal for the same reasons it wasn’t ideal back in the previous quest in a similar situation to this, but we don’t have much choice given our lack of magical variety amongst the party.

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41f498 No.398770



Meanwhile, we need to provide more of a distraction, since the enemy is most likely going to start heading back upstairs if nothing on the ground floor keeps their attention. Options for distraction include what >>398733 said about proposing a hostage exchange which probably won’t even phase Juniper, let’s be real here, but may get some of the enemy to attempt to take us down, faking another attack on the opposite side of the building Rayleigh can set up another smokescreen and [Amplify] before she infiltrates the upper floors, actually making somewhat of an attack on the opposite side of the building via magitek rifle shots and a lot of fire from Rayleigh to show we’re not bluffing we’ve already been caught within the embassy, so we’re pretty much past the point of no return now or just simply digging into our [Pocket Sand], throwing some at the front door of the embassy and hoping for the best. Regardless of whether or not we have successfully made the enemy waste more time with whatever we’ve tried, when Clarissa has taken the other two inside we should get her to take us as well.

Once inside, we have pretty much two major options on how to proceed, that being fighting or retreating. As it stands, we’ve made a lot of noise getting into this situation and are going to make even more, so no doubt at least the local authorities have been alerted to the Galmathorian embassy being under attack by this point. Should said authorities get here then, unless we’ve already provided Selene enough evidence to give her reason to send Chat Noir to clean things up, we’re kind of fucked, since we’re the aggressors here and Juniper could hide her true nature before the law breaks down the doors if given the chance. As such, under the assumption we have yet to obtain enough evidence, focusing on fighting the plant bitch to keep her attention while Ophelia and Clarissa search for more proof of a third party’s influence in the recent murder—with Clarissa taking anything they find to the Chat Noir member that should still be hanging around as we didn’t get her to deliver anything yet—would be ideal. If for some reason we have provided enough evidence already, then having everyone help out in the fight is probably better than retreating, since running away means Juniper and her cronies have a chance to escape so they can cause issues for us at a later date, which wouldn’t be good.

As for combat strategy, what >>398749 says with regards to actually fighting Juniper should suffice. I would add that we should probably blow a hole in the wall to expose the room we’re fighting in to the air, partly to let out the smoke from Rayleigh’s pyromancy so we don’t suffocate but also to let Clint have a clearish, there’s smoke after all sightline of the battle so he can start assisting at full efficiency. We could also potentially destroy the stairwell leading to the current floor as a means of slowing down the enemies still on the lower floors, but this would also lead to us being somewhat trapped on the current floor, albeit that may not be an issue since we’re likely not getting away before the guards arrive in droves any way, nor are we retreating through the entire enemy force if we can help it. The only other thing that comes to mind is having Clarissa take the wounded out of the fight if necessary, but that’s fairly self-explanatory.

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2a4136 No.398895

File: 54594e913f4cbc1⋯.png (3.56 MB,1800x5376,75:224,Finn.png)

Fell asleep halfway through writing, have work tomorrow, here's a Finn, see ya after work.

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a05b7f No.398901


I always imagined he’d be broader

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027db3 No.398903

File: e8c147c57f3106e⋯.png (293.74 KB,607x1080,607:1080,orrin.png)


Damn, talk about production value raise! Reminds me of Sir Orrin.

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3cf5df No.398918

File: 816fbb1d6c42fc2⋯.jpeg (186.33 KB,750x1162,375:581,A5708D5B-3D89-4C85-ADAA-D….jpeg)

File: 998f1800bf4bdd2⋯.jpeg (186.22 KB,1073x750,1073:750,7CC92C37-7534-4293-B48C-B….jpeg)

While we’re posting photos, here’s my visualization of the transition from normal, female, cocksucker of Phallia to an abnormal, probably female?, plant abomination.

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2a4136 No.398982

>Story continue

The first thing you do is throw open the ledger and read through it as fast as you can. While your eyes are well trained to look over documents for just about anything of relevance, you quickly realize that you have next to no proficiency in accounting. In fact, you’re only able to pick up information such as payments for small things and maybe a mention or two of names, but it means nothing to you. Perhaps with time you could figure it out, or perhaps Clint or Ophelia, who had more training in such things due to their upbringing. You had already left to become and Illusionist before you really got that far in your studies at home.

Slapping it closed, you groan. “Well that was useless.”

“How so?” Finn asks.

“I can’t make heads nor tails of this. I don’t know if it’s enough information to bring in the Chat Noir.” Holding it up to the air, you shout, “You can have it anyway!”

A hand reaches from the shadows to grab the ledger, leaving you to drop down next to Clarissa and tend to her wounds. A simple [Health Potion] is enough to heal the worst of it, being that they were just some lacerations, but you make certain the Chat Noir member, who probably sees everything anyway, is watching. These aren’t exactly normal wounds, after all.

“W-wait.” Clarissa says as you administer the potion. “You need to get going, now!”

“I need your help.” You say, helping her up.


“I need you to deliver Finn and Rayleigh into the third floor.”

“Rayleigh I can do, but Finn? He’s way too heavy!” She shakes her head to which the big man just shrugs. Makes sense, really.

“Fine.” You say, handing her the [Farsight Goggles]. “Give these to Clint on your way, he should be in this building to the left and just take Rayleigh.”

You turn to the Squirrel Girl and say, “I need you to cause some havok. Controlled burns, however.”

“Yeeeaaaah, about that.” She says, coughing. “Well, we’ll see.”

“Let’s go!” Clarissa says, leaping into the air. Rayleigh jumps and Clarissa claps her arm before flying toward the third floor again. As she does so, you turn to Finn and nod.

“Alright, it’s our turn to bust in.”

“You’re certain about this?”

“I’m afraid the time for uncertainty has passed.” You say, taking in a deep breath before pulling from your bag one of the crossbows you had. Already loaded too, how fantastic. “Do you think the gates are unlocked?”

“Only one way to find out.” He says, charging forward.

Running through the dissipating smoke, you hear a loud sound followed by a spark of metal before you as a bolt of energy destroys the lock on the outer gate. It swings open, allowing Finn to crash through them, gaining you entrance into the courtyard. Nothing attacks you, so next you head toward the front door, where another bolt obliterates the knob.

A scream echoes from the other side right before Finn crashes through the door with his fully armored charge and slams someone into the stone behind it. They don’t seem to retaliate. The moment you enter though, you hear the sounds of shouting and smell smoke. It seems Rayleigh has begun her assault.

Two Monsters on the stairs look at you in horror as you enter, clearly not expecting something like this as they head upstairs. One of them casually trips and falls for entirely natural and not perceived reason, landing into the other as they hit the landing where Finn knocks them senseless. Another dashes into the room but you fire a bolt from your crossbow, both jarring you and knocking them flat on their ass. Or they could be dead. Either result is good.

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2a4136 No.398983


Rubbing at your shoulder after forgetting how these things kick, you load another bolt before nodding to Finn and searching your surroundings. The first floor is, or perhaps was, a nice reception area with meeting rooms to the sides. Anywhere they could be put, however, you see abundant and rather exotic plant life.

Unable to appreciate further, you head upstairs to the next level. Another group of Monsters, this time with weapons, ambushes you, but you’re able to take them out without much difficulty. Unfortunately, the shouts are getting louder, and you’re certain you hear cries of pain! Making to head up the next flight to the third floor, you pause as you hear another, distinct scream nearby

It’s Ophelia.

“Shit, she’s on the second floor!” You shout, searching about the floor filled with what looks like living quarters and more plants. Gritting your teeth, you shout to Finn, “You go ahead, I’ll rescue her!”

“Are you crazy?”

“Not yet!”

The man blinks before shaking his head and dashing upstairs, leaving you with your crossbow and a stiff shoulder. Remembering where the screams came from before, you run toward them and find yourself in front of a bedroom where Ophelia kneels as a Kikimora drives her bird-like heel into her back.

The Monster looks up as you approach and smiles, pushing the jacket covering her black bodysuit back to reveal the formfitting outfit. She chuckles and says, “Well, well, look what the cat dragged in. Or should I say, the Kikimo-“

You fire your crossbow bolt directly at her chest. Before it can reach, however, it burns up into nothing as a localized wall of fire appears before the Monster. She blinks a few times before frowning and saying, “Was that really necessary?”

“Yes, a little.” You say, dropping the weapon. It’s not going to be of any use anymore you suppose. “Let go of the rabbit.”

“Or what?” She asks, fire dancing in her hand. “You’ll tell the guard on me? You’re the aggressors here, they’ll believe this is just self-defense on foreign soil, because it is.” She leans forward, giving you the most aggressive shit-eating grin.

“Face it, you have nothing, and we now have more than we bargained for.”

“Is that so?” You say, shrugging as you pull something out of your jacket. “Then you won’t be needing these, will you?”

The Kikimora’s expression becomes confused for a moment before realization strikes and she hisses. “How did? Where did-?”

“Is it really that important?” You say placing the documents, or well, appearing to place something document shaped into your jacket. “Then the Chat Noir will be very interested in reading it.”

She growls, “Don’t fuck with me, boy!” Grinding her heel into Ophelia’s back, the Rabbit Girl lets out a very uncomfortable noise of pain. She lowers the fire toward Ophelia as well. “Now then, give that back or the rabbit gets it.”

“I dare say I’ll get the rabbit back after the guard have a good look at this document.” You say, waving it as you walk around the room toward the window facing the street. “You’re the one in the lower position.”

“You’re bluffing.” She says. “Juniper has seen through it all, you won’t be able to defeat her either, or whatever is happening there. We just remove the evidence and then, tragically, the troublemakers from Deleor are seen as inciting within the Monster Nation against Galmathoria. How do you think people will react?”

“Better than when they see your arboretum or whatever is going on here.” You say, lining things up. “Do you really think Juniper has your best interests at heart?”

“She is sent directly from the homeland. Her word is above ours, it doesn’t matter if she has our best interests at heart, she just wants to bring us victory over you Deleorian swine.”

“The same swine you want to fuck, right?” You say, staying put and gathering your magic. “I don’t think most men are that willing when you call them such nice names, though I guess everyone has their kinks.”

“Hah, I’ll show you!” She says before throwing fireballs at you.

Ducking quickly, you avoid the projectiles as they shatter through the window and scorch the wall behind you. You pull the knife from your belt and dash in, knowing your form isn’t the best, but you doubt hers is good either. Unfortunately, you forget about her fire wall until the last moment and roll backward when it flares to life, thankfully singed more than anything.

She laughs and summons more fire before letting out an ear-piercing scream and staggering forward while looking down, pushing you out of the way. Ophelia lays there on the floor, mouth coated with a thin sheen of blood as she spits something out before smirking.

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2a4136 No.398984


“You bitch!” She shouts, raising power to cast a large spell, presumably to kill you horrifically, when a bolt of energy flashes outside before zipping into the room and destroying the Monster’s head.

The headless corpse wobbles a few moments before slumping to the side, lifeless.

“Damn Ophelia, I was going to illusion you doing that.” You say, helping her up. “Aren’t you an herbivore?”

“Don’t fuck with a cornered rabbit.” She says, wiping her mouth. “Tastes like chicken though.”

“You good?’ You ask, retrieving your crossbow and loading it before handing it to Ophelia, who takes it graciously as you pull the second one out of your bag.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” She says, popping her back before nodding her head. “I’d hoped Clarissa would be able to get you, I tried my best to get away too but she caught me.”

She holds the crossbow at the ready. “Time to teach those bitches a lesson.”

Dashing back to the stairs, you head up into a veritable jungle. The room is covered in pulsating plant life that seems far, far too much for how many pots are there. Magic thrums in the room, making your teeth chatter as you look around to see Finn hacking at a wall of vines. Running up to him, he turns as you ask, “Finn! What’s happening?”

“Way is blocked, but I can hear them. I think Ginelle might be down, but Alice is still fighting.” He slams his hand on the barrier. “Damnit! And I haven’t seen Rayleigh!”

“I got this.” Ophelia says, pulling a [Mana Bomb] from her bag. She primes it and everyone runs back as the device explodes, destroying a section of the roots and the wall next to you, exposing you to the warm summer night air.

As the debris falls around you, something tickles your nose, making you sneeze as you rub your eyes, allowing you to see properly. The area around the blast is destroyed as multiple vines squirm about the floor, trying to reconnect themselves to the larger body. Beyond this you see Ginelle on the floor, Alice standing above her, sword glowing with arcane energies as vines swirl around her.

She’s covered in scratches on her unarmored face, her armor itself looking fine, but curiously the area around her is coated in a thin veneer of a powder. Infact, as you look about, you see the same powder kind of settling around everything. It makes you sneeze as you think about it, distracting you from the other form in the room, who is currently holding Rayleigh by the neck in her hand.

She appears to be a beautiful woman with long, blond hair and gorgeous features, wearing a tight fitting, red dress with an open back that drifts down to her legs. At your intrusion, she looks to you and you notice something else. A thin line separates out from behind her, growing larger and larger as you realize they’re thin wings spreading out. Beautiful arrays of green, red, and yellow play out before, dazzling you for a moment before Alice shouts,

“Don’t get distracted!”

Shaking yourself, you drop to the floor as a flow of vines appear where you were just standing. Ophelia shouts in surprise as she gets caught by the flow and then thrown backward into a wall. She lets out a cry of pain and tries to struggle, fruitlessly you see.

“Oh?” Juniper says, her eyes flashing green. “I thought Clair may have been able to keep the bottom floor occupied. I’ve been a little busy here.”

“And I thought you were supposed to be a woman.” You say.

“Do you need me to show you my breasts? I will, if you want.” She shrugs and looks to Rayleigh who is glaring at her. “Honestly I should thank you for the light show, you’ve made this all much easier for me.”

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2a4136 No.398985


“Unhand her!” Finn says, holding his sword. “I don’t care if you’re a Biomancer, I’ll slash all these vines apart!”

“Finn!” Rayleigh says before turning to the Butterfly Girl or whatever the fuck she is and closing her eyes. Juniper looks surprised as the Squirrel Girl appears to glow momentarily before bursting into flame and nearly exploding her captors arm. The force of her internal explosion throws her across the room, where Alice catches her and sets her on the floor, the Pyromancer’s eyes spinning as she tries to catch her balance.

Juniper looks at the remains of her arm, which are burning, before growling and cutting it off. As she does so, you notice vines worming through her flesh, seeking to reconnect with the missing piece. Her burning dress she rips off, dropping it to the floor and revealing that she is both not wearing undergarments and that she is indeed, a woman. As far as pain? No, of course not, she seems utterly unfazed by it, merely frowning before throwing out a wave of vines from the pants around her.

Alice gasps and tries to shield Rayleigh, but Finn runs in first, blocking the blow with his sword. The vines squirm around him, trying to move through but he sweeps his sword and cuts them apart. Juniper doesn’t seem all that disturbed by this however, the opposite of Chalan, though the way the vines in her flesh squirm as her arm begins to regrow makes you see them as exactly the same. Gods, if she becomes what Chalan did, you’re in for some real shit in these confined space.

“Alice!” You shout, “Help me fight her!”

“Uh, about that.” She says, almost slipping. “You smelled that dust, right?”

“Hmph.” Juniper says as the vines bulge and a new arm shoots forth, though it is a little more veiny than before. She frowns at it and says, “It’s a little late for you now.”

“What are you talking abou-“ You let out another sneeze, this one far more violent than before, almost staggering you. “The hell is this?”

“Butterfly Girls like myself can shed scales, or didn’t you know?” She shakes her head. “Most other species find it incredibly irritating. I, on the other hand, find it convenient.”

Alice stands and wobbles some, though you’re sure it’s not from her words. Gritting your teeth, you look to Rayleigh, who is still wobbling, Finn standing over her protectively. If only you had Ginelle, you’re certain she could hold her in place enough for Alice to chop her apart. As it stands, you’re left with about one option: Get Rayleigh to light her up.

And for that, you’ll need time. Though your head is starting to swim, you summon up your courage and swiftly fire the crossbow straight at her head. It thwacks forward and slams right into her head, straight into one of her eyes. You blink in surprise, think you killed her as she staggers before she turns to you and says,


This is enough distraction for Alice to dash forward and slash with Energieschwert. Despite all the opening in the world, she sneezes at the last moment and her slash goes wide, just making a long line across the Monster’s chest, spraying Alice in blood instead of vivisecting her.

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2a4136 No.398986


Juniper grabs Alice and begins to pull her in as the area Alice slashed open violently blooms with flowers that try to tear swarm over the swordswoman. Reaching out with your power, you make Alice’s arm seem to jerk, freeing her in reality from the grasp and letting her fall to the floor, out of reach of the plants. The butterfly girl flaps her wings as the plants retreat within her, and she lifts into the air, sprinkling a wave of dust that makes you cough and sneeze.

“A valiant effort.” She says, tearing the bolt out of her head as a trickle of blood and green ichor dribble down. “But I just have to not lose and I win.”

She’s right, of course. Though the plants roil about you, both of you know that they are what will bring victory for her. What will change the course of this battle is the guard coming in and finding the devastation wrought here. Unfortunately she’s a biomancer, everything here is reasonable if explained, even her strange appearance, assuming she doesn’t heal by then. Which means you’re running out time.

Finn sneezes also as Rayleigh finally seems settled. Unfortunately, while the ceiling isn’t very high, he’s at a disadvantage with his sword. If she noticed Rayleigh rallying as well, she’ll all out assault, or do whatever it takes to keep her fire out of play. Given the scorch marks around the room, you assume the plants covered those as well.

Your train of thought is stopped as another wave of plants reach up to grab you. Dropping the crossbow, you roll out of the way but cry out as one grabs your leg and drags you. Sneezing, you hack at the vine with your knife and release it just in time to see a flower in front of your face. You cock your head to the side as it opens up to reveal a series of sharp, teeth like needles.

Cursing, you push out of the way as it, and many other like it, snap down toward you. Leaping for the others, you land in a heap behind Finn, who is battling vines of his own. Alice hacks and slashes as well, and it quickly comes to you that you might be losing this battle all of a sudden. This realization has you flip to Rayleigh and shout, “Can you make the fire yet?!”

“Huh? Wh-wh-ACHOO!” She sneezes violently and wobbles before looking at you. “Where’d the bird go?”

That… is an excellent question, but not one for right now. Gasping, you push her down as a vine grabs you around the neck and pulls you backward. You choke out, “Burn the fucking bitch!” As you’re thrown across the room to slam into a stone wall, hitting hard before rolling to the ground. Head swimming, before you can do much else you’re swarmed with plant life pinning you down. Illusions aren’t going to help you here, you’re afraid! Looking up at Rayleigh, you try to shout at her, but a vine covers your mouth and all you release is garbled nonsense as she continues to look about, dazed.

A deep sense of panic and desperation comes over you. Oh Gods, you can’t die here, not like this! You have a family at home! A loving wife and two daughters who need you! You can’t be turned into fertilizer for some shitty plants! If you can get her to drop her control of them then you can get out of this. But how? The only thing you can do is force an illusion onto her, something strong, something that will have severe repercussions, you’re sure.

Sorry Saya, looks like you’re coming home a little less stable than before…

Before you can unleash the magic though, something flies through the ruined section of wall and throws something into the room. You see which shock as Clint flies through the air, hits the ground and rolls, before coming up and, in a fluid motion, pulls the trigger on his rifle.

A bloom of blood and ichor sprays from Juniper’s chest as the magic missile explodes her chest, causing her to gurgle and drop to the floor in a heap. The control on her plants fades and they grow limp, allowing you to tear yourself out of them and pull yourself out, spitting out leaves as you collapse forward, dizzy. The backflow of power you’d looked to release, coupled with the scales, has left you dazed, the world spinning some.

“Rayleigh…” You croak, throat sore from the plants. “Please…”

She just cocks her head, eyes unfocused.

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2a4136 No.398987


Finn, however, recovers incredibly quickly and dashes forward, his sword readied. As he reaches the prone Monster, he switches his hands to hold it point down and drive it into her. The blade drives forward and into her neck. You’re certain you hear a sickening popping sound as he twists the blade and pulls it from her neck. Blood flying off his sword. He pants heavily as he stands over her, watching with sword in hand. Nothing happens for a long while and you blink in surprise. Did he kill her?

“Finn! Watch out!” Alice shouts as Juniper, her head sitting at an unnatural angle, jumps from the ground, plant life blooming from her chest, neck, and arms. She pushes him to the ground as the vines reconnect her head lopsided, her eyes glowing an intense green as wickedly sharp thorns sprout from between her breasts like a mouth, opening forth to engulf Finn’s head.

The man stares at the horrific site for a moment and lets out a defiant shout, showing no fear as it makes to devour him. The maw gets within an inch of his face before a wave of fire lashes forth, engulfing the creature.

Juniper, or perhaps the thing that was Juniper, leaps backward and screams in pain as it burns, plant life bursting out of the skin to cover it up and isolate the burning areas. But the fire continues coming, burning more and more, faster than it can recover. It lets out a scream and a wave of magic, plant life bursting out around to strike Rayleigh, but it too bursts into flame as a corona of fire appears around her, catching the floors in an inferno and singing the hairs on your arm while poor Ginelle accidentally goes alight as she lays her.

You, Clint, and Alice drag her backward, putting out the fire as Rayleigh, her eyes filled with malice stalks forward, an empty vial melting as she drops it from her hand. “LET. HIM. GO!”

The thing that was Juniper roars in anger as Juniper’s face slips forward, her eyes coming into focus as she says, her words raspy and slurred. “S-sthop tghis. The rabugh…”

You turn your head and gasp as you see Ophelia, who had long since gone unconscious, is grabbed again by the plants surrounding her. They begin to squeeze on her violently, waking Ophelia up in terror, screaming as her joints begin to pop.

“FUCK THE RABBIT!” Rayleigh shouts, unleashing a torrent of flame that washes over the twisted Butterfly Girl, singing her wings to nothing as her flesh and the plants underneath it burn in an intense inferno, along with everything around her. Including Finn.

“Rayleigh, stop!” You shout, dashing toward the Monster. As you get close, you feel your skin begin to burn from the heat, but you push forward against the agony, seeing the hair on your forearms begin to alight. Literally burning, you grab her shoulder and cry out in agony as you pull back and punch her straight across the jaw.

The fire around her and her eyes goes out as she drops like a sack of bricks to the floor, unconscious. You do the same, rolling around to put out the flame, crying despite yourself. Oh Gods it fucking hurts!

Finn runs up to you and digs through your bag, which is likewise singed, pulling out a health potion and applying it to the burns on your arms and hands, soothing at least some of the pain. Both of you look up though at the other side of the room as a gurgling scream is let loose.

In the smoke and haze of the burning room, you see what’s left of Juniper stagger, spraying blood and ichor that vaporizes before it has a chance to hit the floor. It holds out an arm toward you for a moment before collapsing and not moving.

“Shit.” Alice says, leaping forward into the inferno. Despite the heat, she grabs Finn by his jerkin and pulls him forward toward the relatively unburnt section of the room. His armor is red hot, but you’re not certain you can do anything about that at the moment and his face is…

Around his eyepatch is burned, the thin layer of cloth covering his missing eye lost, revealing the empty socket and the horrific scarring around. Clint curses and begins to apply potion to that as well, saying to you as he does, “We have to go. The fire is going to reach us soon and there’s not much we can do about it without the Pyromancer.”

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2a4136 No.398988


“But the evidence!” You shout, pointing to the room next to you filled with filing cabinets. A room which is now conveniently blocked off by fire. “Shit.”

“Wait, didn’t we buy some fire resist potions?” Clarissa asks, rummaging in your bag because it’s public access now you guess, and pulling out. She hands the vial to Clint. “Drink this and go! You probably would be able to get files better than me!”

Clint looks at the vial of [Fire Resist] potion and nods his head before drinking. He shudders and shakes as his skin seems to glow a soft color of red. He looks down at himself and dashes through the fire, somehow not catching ablaze.

“Come on.” Alice says, turning to Clarissa. “Can you carry her outside?”

“I can try. She’ll be a little hard to move like this.” The Crow Girl says, grabbing Ginelle in her talons. She pulls herself to the hole outside and leaps forward, dropping for a moment but managing to recover as she flies to the ground and deposits the unconscious Badger Girl before flying back up and repeating the process with Ophelia, who had likewise fallen unconscious.

Clint dashes from the room through the spreading inferno, coughing as he hands pats his jacket. “I think this is going to work. But we have to get out of here!”

“What do we do about him?” Alice says, nodding to Finn. “I can’t exactly drag his ass down the stairs, not without burning myself or breaking his neck.

Finn nods and hands you his rifle before grabbing the man without seeming to feel the heat and hoisting in over his shoulder. He staggers a few steps and you stabilize Clint and he nods to you. The four of you depart down the stairs and outside, where Clarissa meets you.

“We’re in trouble, the guard is nearby and-“

“Tobias Shady!” A familiar voice calls out. Your heart sinks as the chief of the guard stands inside the grounds of the embassy, her Imp arms crossed. “You’re under arrest.”

Too tired to care, you slump to the ground as a wave of Monsters flow in to apprehend you and your party.

>You lose [Fire Resist Potion]

>You lose 3x [Health Potions]

>You lose 2x [Crossbows]


“Mr. Shady, get up.”

Sighing, you push yourself up from the cot you were resting on in your holding cell, the same one you were in before, wincing at the burns on your hands. You walk over to the bars of the cell and say in a tired voice, “Can I help you?”

“Chief wants to see you.”

“Yeah, alright.”

The Lamia guard opens the cell and you look over your shoulder at the sleeping form of Clint, Ginelle, Alice, and Clarissa. The others had been taken for medical treatment, again. Of course, you’d have liked some, but some discoloration of your skin and a lingering burning sensation along with that damn itch seem to be the side effects of your encounter after you used the potion. Oh, and you no longer have arm hair, but that’s fine, not like you had much anyway. At least your head is mostly fine, nothing a haircut can’t fix.

Following the guard into the chief’s room, you’re not at all surprised to find Murdocka and one of the Chat Noir standing there. The chief nods her head from her desk and you about collapse into one of the chairs before sighing out, “How bad is it?”

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2a4136 No.398989


“The embassy is lost. It wasn’t worth trying to put out that fire and everyone was already dead. The Monster Lady is stuck with the impossible duty of figuring out how to word this to the leaders of Galmathoria.”

“I see.” You say, running a hand through your hair. “What of Sophie and Patricia?”

Murdocka sighs. “They’re still in custody. It’s morning already and the people in town are gossiping. Some are up in arms over everything and it’s taking all our manpower to keep things from rioting. It’s a miracle we haven’t just strung you up already.”

“Not a miracle.” The Chat Noir agent, the Cat Girl you’ve dealt with before, says. “But it might as well be one. The files you and your associate gave us are quite… intriguing.”

“Yes…” The chief says, worried. “I would have almost preferred if you hadn’t given me those before we took you in. It would have made things less complicated.”

“But good that he did.” The agent says. “The ledger wasn’t particularly important. While it detailed information pertaining to purchases, including a potion meant to obscure scent tracking, the only other thing it mentioned were some names and payments relating to a specific faction in town.”

She lays out the ledger as she says this before pulling out the other documents. “You got lucky pulling these out of that inferno. There must have been a ton of files in there, but the other boy toy must have a keen eye for these things. This details involvement in rallies against the Monster Lady. Perhaps circumstantial if it wasn’t for the seal of the embassy affixed to it.”

You blink, surprised. “You’re saying they were actively trying to rile up support against the Monster Lady?”

The Cat Girl smiles, “That’s how it looks to just about anyone, yes.”

Nodding your head forward again, you feel tired, yet relieved. “So the intrusion into the house? The murder?”

“A set up made by Galmathoria against agents they saw as compromising of their mission. When their embassy was raided, a fire started and unfortunately all the Galmathorians were killed.”

She wipes at her eyes. “A tragedy.”

“However you have to spin this.” You say, sitting up straighter. “But does that mean Sophie and Patricia are free to go?”

“Sophie may have some issues, however the Wolf Girl is free to go.” The Imp says. “But things might come to a head here in a few days. I just pray we can hold together.”

“I see.” You say, standing up again, though your legs protest. “Then I’d like to speak with my team.”

“They’re being gathered into the medical room. I believe the injured have awakened by now as well.” Murdocka says. She makes to lead you away as the Chat Noir says,

“We’ll continue to have our eye on you, Tobias Shady. Good luck.”

Not missing a step, you continue forward, wondering about what that means as your lead to meet the rest of your team. As soon as you step foot inside, however, you feel an awkward tension in the room and the source is unmistakable. All eyes try not to look at Rayleigh, so sits in the corner, legs drawn up to her chest, looking despondent.

When you enter, everyone but she looks at you. Nodding to Murdocka, she takes her leave, returning the room to that awkward silence. After a few moments you say in a soft voice, “Well, this is a familiar sight.”

No one laughs, not that you expected them to. You cough into your hand and look to Finn, Ginelle already on her feet because, as mentioned before, she can take just about anything and be fine. Ophelia lays in bed, wincing as she rubs the bandages around her chest and arms. She got it bad this time, unfortunately. The man looks at you, his burned face now just a new scar, a new eyepatch covering most of it. Some of his hair was cooked however, though you’re not certain when that will reappear.

“Right then. The files Clint found are enough to exonerate Sophie. We’re in the clear, for now.”

A collective sigh comes across the room as some of the tension is relieved. Clarissa is the first to speak up, asking, “So what do we do now?”

>What do you do?

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2a4136 No.398990

File: e955e518051ef1b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1000.14 KB,974x1610,487:805,Chalan.png)

Ahhh, you managed to clear their names! But… you didn't manage to walk away unscathed. Man, if you didn't have that fire resist potion you'd have been in for a world of shit afterward. Thankfully someone had foresight and I remembered it existed.

So now might be a good time to leave, despite the injuries. Most of the party is hale enough, it's just… some wounds take longer to heal, if they can.


Someone posted use Project and for some reason I posted that instead of amplify. Gomen.

Also, did I say woman? Clearly Clarissa didn't get a good look. Not that she looked particularly monstrous anyway. well… not until later.


Eh, maybe, but he's still stronk boi


TBH, at first I had a guy from Valkyria chronicles in mind but the hair manos drew fit better


I'll be honest, for Chalan I literally channeled G from RE2. Because G is spooky as fuck. So, basically that thing you posted. Also, have a transparent Chalan.

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027db3 No.399008


So whats our time limit? How long were we locked up?

With that said, have a one on one chat with Ray, ask her for full disclosure about what happened back there. Don't be judgemental or overly supportive either. Be objective and reasonable. Tell her to be careful and ask what the Hospitaliers suggested to do about her condition back in Sanctiford and see if the monster nation capital has any medicine for that, seeing how many monster witches there are here. Tell everyone else to not think worse of her for it.

Everyone else gets a day off to rest, while we shop for what I suggested earlier and restock our potions. Examine the embassy ruins afterward, see if there is anything left in the basement, before we set off for the observatory.

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3cf5df No.399012

Take the day to recover, have that chit-chat with Rayleigh with control, and go and free Patricia and Sophie from jail. If we see the chastity-belted cat, stick our tongue out at her. Also, while we have the resources, Ophelia should make some more grenades, but in two varieties; one of the normal power Codenamed Imp, and the other of the power level that killed Heather Codenamed Holstaur, as we need a way with slightly less collateral damage of killing the plant abominations.

Beyond that, I think we should restock our lost equipment, and Tobias should write up the proposal here >>398314, probably with the help of Clint and Ophelia, as they have the most political experience. Deliver it to Murdocka, and tell her it may go even further than the evidence we procured earlier in assuring long term peace.

On the next day, it’s time to haul ass up to that observatory. We’ve got a wagon, and these roads are mostly peaceful, and we’ve got aerial reconnaissance, so we’ll be ok. Debrief Patricia. Do we want to bring Sophie? On one hand it’ll get her out of the city at a sticky time, but on the other, she’s probably needed for testimony against Galmathlria, and taking her will put an even larger target on our backs. I vote no.

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0541f6 No.399013

Oh! And write a letter to Saya and Akella. After they hear about this incident they will go crazy with worry so we should give a brief summary of what happened without going into details that could get into the wrong hands. Unlike the grand faggot, Tobias is actually a good family man.

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660c30 No.399014


The problem with >>398314's suggestion is that its likely already been considered or is in motion. Its a stupidly simple solution and the people who handle politics surely already thought it out. Selene's been dealing with this for months, if not years now, If it were that easy it would have already been done. Just dropping a proposal won't really do much except maybe help our reputation among the gossip crowd. Even then, Its not even like we have any political clout.

You know what actually this just reminded me of Tob's parents. Fuck it yeah lets do it anyway, Even if its just out of spite.

And while I'd like Sophie to come along, I worry about Ace not being able to do much with her character wise. I already kinda get the feeling he's having a bit of trouble with working everyone in and that party interaction among Rommel and Tobias's group are a bit lacking.

So I'd like to bring her along but if only if Ace thinks he can manage another main character. I like sophie and we can always use more skilled combatants

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027db3 No.399021

File: 24d4258e07dd4c2⋯.jpg (17.64 KB,280x425,56:85,ganbare_shiggy_diggy.jpg)


>party interaction among Rommel and Tobias's group are a bit lacking

<never suggest any fluff or shit and giggles options and immediately shut them down when they are brought up

<complains when the characters end up underdeveloped and dry

wew lad

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3cf5df No.399026


No, we’re not doing it out of spite. We’re doing it in part because it would stifle much of the dissent of the manticore-led faction, because it’s a good, non-violent, solution, and we don’t want the acrimony between Deleor and the MN to be reborn, as we’re married to one, and friends with others. Besides giving the people something to actually demand of their leaders, as opposed to just “We want men”, with no real plan as to how, which is worked out in the exchange system. Having a concrete thing to throw their support behind will do wonders for everyone, and make the politicians get to work, or get out of office. Remember, just because something is simple doesn’t mean it’s easy.



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41f498 No.399047


The only thing that really comes to mind that no one else has already said by this point is to not just restock, but to purchase even more fire resistance potions than we had previously, potentially to the point where every member of our party has one or two each. Rayleigh may have lost control of herself which resulted friendly fire and we need to talk to her about this, but we still should have really planned for such an outcome as it was a fairly likely occurrence, even discounting hindsight, since accidents do happen and pyromancy is notorious for going out of control in this setting. In order to prevent such a situation from happening again and to let Rayleigh perform to her fullest potential if required, we should take the necessary precautions by making sure everyone is equipped to deal with the fire if needed, for multiple occasions ideally.

Other than that, I would contest the whole 'take the day off before leaving' thing; not because I want to leave earlier, but rather the opposite. We've just gone from being wounded in an ambush, to being even more wounded and in a more serious fashion without giving the original wounds the time to settle. Leaving the next day doesn't strike me as being very feasible in our current conditions, and even if it was it is still risky as hell due to how weak everyone would be as a result of aforementioned injuries. I'd personally leave it a little longer, albeit not long enough for any civil collapse to occur if possible. Maybe two days minimum?


>Just dropping a proposal won't really do much except maybe help our reputation among the gossip crowd.

It also won’t really do much harm other than making us look like a smartass, which everyone already thinks we are. There’s no reason we shouldn't suggest it, so why not give it a go?

>The party interaction in Tobias' group is lacking

<So let's bring along yet another party member for Ace to juggle

That aside, I’d argue that, alongside the obvious issue of there being so many characters to balance out which I feel Ace has done an alright job on thus far, there’s also the issue of the plot going a mile a minute. Previous quests had down time where everyone got a chance to relax and we had the excuse to actually interact with the different party members since nothing was present to distract us. Here, as a result of the multiple perspectives showing the important events of each route, such down time is rare, if non-existent, as any potential down time tends to result in the perspective switching, so interaction is more limited as a result. That said, it’s our fault for choosing to swap without giving such down time a chance to produce something more than anything.


The anon in question hasn’t shut down anything though unless I’m blind. Also,

>Shutting down questionable ideas that will likely get us killed == stopping party interaction in any capacity

Party interaction is ultimately independent of our actions, as it tends to happen regardless of what we do as a natural result of the party reacting to the situation, so I don’t see how this is related.

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660c30 No.399049


You read the first part of my comment but don't address the rest. Either Selene is an idiot for not trying this, Or for some reason it won't work. Maybe the King or leaders of Deleor won't sign off, I don't know we aren't privy to the political circle. If we make a scene of it and get the idea into there heads and Selene can't deliver it then you are making a giant pain in the ass for her to manage. Without speaking to her or maybe Sophie about this before doing so could be a huge mistake since her opposition just wants to go back to the old days where they don't just ask for permission.


Fam I have been around since the original and I have always been a proponent of fun and wacky idea's, As long as it didn't kill us. Character development and bonding has been something I harp about every quest. You have the wrong dude I think.

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3cf5df No.399051

Sigh. I miss the old days when we just argued over which mamono to waifu, not the solutions to geo-political problems.


I’m fine with two days if that’s what it takes to fully heal.


Even if the resistance for this plan is from Deleor, as you postulate, that still makes no sense. What kind of nation would sacrifice it’s national security, due to the end of the monster wars/organized raids, for a couple of men, who are extremely willing to hand themselves over. Remember, this plan was only formulated a couple of months/weeks ago, when the new Sultan of Ectria took power and ended slavery. As Ace wrote, the main reason this most likely has not been put in effect is that Selene has had her hands full with Phallia, and/or that she faces resistance from “traditional” mamono, who want wars to capture men. And to them, the simple answer can be found in the words of the famous Lord Commander of the Order, Silliam CUMseh Wherman: War is hell.

Quick question for Ace, what’s the difference between a Monster witch and a Sorcerer? Are monster sorcerers just called witches?

Tabitha is best girl

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2a4136 No.399055

Oh right, assuming all goes according to plan, I'll write tomorrow and then be on hiatus for a week as I'm moving on wednesday and will be at a tournament out of town over the weekend.

Unless work is that slow or something, but I doubt it!


Just for the evening, it's just past dawn now

Ah Rayleigh, she might need a friend at the moment. We do all recall why she was sent back to Sanctifrond, right?


Wew, big boom bombs. Yeah Ophelia can probably work those up… once her bones feel better.

Proposal isn't terrible, it's just leyways do need bilateral work. Trilateral if you want Ectria, but it will be awhile before the leylines are restored enough to build transnational leyways. It shall be… considered.

Thank you for voting no. I love Sophie but yes, this party is too big already


It's unlikely to be delivered though. I guess you can give it to a Chat Noir member and maybe they'll send it?


Yes, see above ;_;


I mean.

I knew my mistake the moment we started on the leyway introducing everyone but damnit this is the party and we're having a good time!

If only you'd sent Ophelia and Alice on their own to the embassy, how badly that would have gone


Sure, that's fine to rest. And fiiiinnneee more fire resist potions.

Well, the previous quests also didn't have as much of a time crunch behind them. Most of the characters are also known along with their interactions. But this change of writing pace and to do something different and the new characters don't always jive. RIP.


>Harp about development every quest.

I-I try.


Well the the Goddess is gunna remove all the waifus so, whatcha gunna do? Sadly to wrap it all up I needed to not introduce a new character so no new romance… between player characters anyway.

Don't forget that Amon is also consolidating is own powerbase in Ectria. Good thing he has Ebe to help out!

I'm kind of sad I couldn't bullshit a reason for her to be here

Yes, a Monster Witch is basically a sorcerer but with a Monster. They are limited to a single variety of magic but cannot draw mana from the ambient area (crystals for the most part) and must consume semen to use their magic. Otherwise they're the same.

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027db3 No.399084

File: 15c5cfe916a53d6⋯.jpg (87.92 KB,655x902,655:902,Mario_Noir.jpg)


>Witch is basically a sorcerer but with a Monster. They are limited to a single variety of magic

>a single variety of magic

>a single variety of magic

<Looks at Sylphie

<Looks at Selene

<Looks at dark elves in Derrick

<Looks at Tolosh

<Looks at Valinthia's mom

<Looks at the Apophis

<Looks at the Pharaoh

I wonder if we reached the "Who is Tao Pai Pai?" tier of "Araki forgot" chart of authors disregarding their own work.

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3cf5df No.399107


Really? I thought Ace said that the CO9T’s were special in that respect. As for the dark elves, I remember multiple magic

Types being used, but never by the same elf, which still wouldn’t violate things. Moving down the list, I only remember Tolosh using dark magic, which the mind magic was a part of. Third? Hmm. She is documented as using both fire and dark, though that could be because she was an amalgamation of three monsters, each with their own magic, which also fused. The apophis was the same case as Tolosh, only dark magic. As for the Pharaoh, while she did use both force magic and dark magic, she specifically said that the dark magic was a break-glass “gift” from Dollora, as she drank a vial of something to get it.

If I forgot something, just pull out a contradicting quote and the thread it’s from.

Are we going to need a new thread? We’re pretty close to sage. [spoiler]>>399055

Eh don’t take my complaints, I’m just grumbling. You’re doing fine.[/spoiler]

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41f498 No.399108


>Yes, a Monster Witch is basically a sorcerer but with a Monster. They are limited to a single variety of magic but cannot draw mana from the ambient area (crystals for the most part) and must consume semen to use their magic. Otherwise they're the same.

If they are sorcerers, then shouldn't they theoretically be capable of using multiple kinds of magic? Since back in the first thread of the first quest, this was stated in the sorcerer's description:

<Generally each individual has a penchant for one kind of magic, (elementalism, summoning, magitek) but with some care and intense study, they can branch out into anything!

Granted I'm not sure how true this is any more, but still.


>I thought Ace said that the CO9T’s were special in that respect.

The race wasn't anything special outside of appearance, hence why they nearly went extinct in a time when monsters were outright superior to humans in terms of strength. The only really special one here is Selene, since Sylphie has the excuse of having wizard's blood which works but is a relatively flimsy excuse without other examples and one that you would think means Sophie should also have magic, but honestly it doesn't matter that much if at all, and even then Selene only really utilised pyromancy and could quite easily claim either the same reasoning or the one above if it ever becomes important to know for definite the reasons for her unique position it won't.

>Are we going to need a new thread? We’re pretty close to sage.

Considering Ace is going on hiatus for a week after the next update, it's probably for the best if he waits until he gets back before making another thread. It might get more people's attention that way, not to mention it avoids clogging the catalog unnecessarily.

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2a4136 No.399187

>Story continue

“We rest.” You say, nodding to the others.

They look about between each other, an uncomfortable silence returning to the room. It’s Clint to speaks up first to say, “Tobias, last time we rested, we almost burned to-“ He cuts himself off and looks to Rayleigh before coughing. “Anyway, maybe it’s best to just be on our way.”

You look over to Ophelia and ask, “How’s your chest.”

“Are you coming on to me? Boy will my mother be happy.” She says before coughing into her hand. “But to answer your question, not great. Health potions don’t fix broken ribs all that well.”

“I didn’t think so.” You say, turning to Finn. “And you?”

The man looks down before shaking his head. “I’d be lying if I said I was feeling fine.” He stretches and then winces. “I’m not as young as I used to be.”

“Like that’s all…” Ginelle says, looking to Rayleigh. Her gaze drifts back to you before wincing and looking down at your disapproving look.

Clarissa coughs into her wing-hand and says to you, “Alright then, I suppose we can spare some time to recover. My lungs are still a little smoky.” She turns about to the others before nodding to you. “So I guess we’ll rest up here? Kind of drab if you ask me.”

“Only those who need a bed will stay here.” You say, nodding your head. “The rest can return to Sophie’s place.

“The place that Monster died? Seems like an odd choice.” Clint says, scratching his head. “But alright, beats staying here. You sure these two will be fine?”

“I doubt Finn will let anything happen. Besides, all the Galmathorians here are dead as far as I’m concerned and I’m sure the Chat Noir are keeping tabs.”

“Alright.” Ophelia sighs, leaning back in her bed. “I hate being injured though, it’s so boring!”

“Then build some bombs or something.” You say, shrugging. She holds up her bandaged arms and you nod to her. “I concede the point. Very well then. Everyone else, come with me.”

Clint, Ginelle, Clarissa, and Alice gather up their things and make to head out the room. You prepare to head out after them as well before pausing and looking down at Rayleigh. The Squirrel Girl hasn’t moved at all since you first saw her, just staring at the floor and doing nothing.

Alice notices you looking at Rayleigh and makes to say something before shaking her head. “Hey, we’ll meet you there.” Clarissa gives her an odd look as Alice pushes her away, leaving you with Rayleigh, Finn, and Ophelia.

The Rabbit Girl looks to Finn and shrugs, though she winces in doing so. The man grits his teeth for a moment before saying, “Tobias…”

“Yeah.” You reply, not needing him to finish. Walking over to Rayleigh, you kneel down to her and say, “Well? You going to just sit there doing nothing?”

She makes no reply. Sighing, you shake your head and reach over to pick her up. Now, you aren’t exactly strong, however if you can pick up and carry your wife around, you can do the same with this slight Squirrel Girl. She doesn’t respond, just going limp in your arms.

“Thanks.” Finn says as you walk out of the room, fluff in your face. You don’t mind it though as you just go about your way through the halls of the holding facility, getting a mix of questioning and scandalous looks from the Monsters within.

The early morning sun greets you as you leave the building. You wince for a moment at the sun before looking about for a place to sit down. Luckily there is a nearby café which appears to have opened for the morning, where you sit Rayleigh down, the Monster almost slumping out of her seat as you do so.

“Ah, I know that look.” A Hellhound in a rather revealing Deleorian style serving outfit. “You two had a very… ‘happy evening’ hmm?”

“If you call burning a building down to the ground and almost killing everyone around you happy, then yeah. Very happy evening.”

The Hellhound blinks twice before chuckling. “Mmm, I’ll get you two some tea then.”

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2a4136 No.399188


You shake your head as she walks away before turning back to Rayleigh. The Monster looks despondent as she sits there. Sighing, you tap on the table and ask, “So, what happened back there?”

No reply. She seems devoid of life and vigor. All of it is gone, dead, consumed in the fire.

“Is this what happened to get you sent back to the Hero’s Hall?”

She winces. A simple emotion, but it’s more than nothing. Pressing this you say, “Rayleigh, I read your file. I don’t recall seeing specifics about why you were sent back. Did you happen to hurt-?”

“No.” She says, her voice close to a whisper. “But I almost did.”

Sitting back in your chair you fold your arms and tap your arm. Birds, perhaps some of the more Monstrous variety, tweet about you as you let that hang for a moment. Letting out a breath, you say slowly, “Rayleigh, I’m not here to admonish you. I just want to understand what happened.”

“I almost killed Finn.” She whispers, drawing herself into a ball again. “That’s what happened.”

“Just Finn?”

She winces again. “I was so focused on killing her that I let loose and I didn’t… notice who else was around me.” Her ears sag along with her tail as she says, “I just wanted to let the fire loose.”

“Collateral damage.” You say, nodding your head. “The report states you were sent back for too much collateral damage.”

“Do you know what it’s like to be a Pyromancer?” She asks suddenly, making you blink in surprise. When you shake your head she chuckles softly and says, “Fire intrigues most people, one way or another, either with fear, glee, or respect. For a Pyromancer it’s all of these things. It’s part of who we are, almost as if there is a fire in our blood. It makes us impulsive, drives us to unleash our magic at every opportunity, and sometimes the release is…” She shudders,


You consider this for a long while before slowly nodding your head. “I think… I understand, a little.”

She cocks her head and looks at you before clicking her tongue. “Of course, you’re a practitioner too. Sometimes I forget.”

“I try not to use my power unless necessary.” You say, shrugging. “I too am aware of what the potential is of my magic, however I am quite aware of the costs. It’s not just me who gets hurt if I use it too much.”

Rayleigh puts her hands together before sighing out. “Gods, are we really having this chat?”

“I think we need to have it.”

“Yeah, yeah I guess it’s just…” She looks off to the side before swallowing. “Are you going to send me back too?”


She blinks in surprise, as if not expecting your answer, or at least the rapidity of it. You close your eyes and say, “You’re one of the strongest Pyromancers I’ve seen. Your power is incredible, but you know what your fault is. You’re emotional and lose control easily, and those you love get hurt in the crossfire.”

Each word seems to drive a stake into Rayleigh’s heart. She cringes inward, face miserable, almost on the brink of tears, when you ask, “Do you want to go back?”

“No…” She whispers. “I don’t want to be cast aside for a third time.”

“Well then.” You say, standing up and walking to her. Kneeling down, you put a hand on her shoulder and say, “I think you know what you need to do.”

“I’m sorry.” She whispers, looking to the side.

“I don’t think you need to tell me that.”

She looks at you with curiosity when you say this before taking in a deep breath of understanding. Nodding her head slowly, she makes to speak when the Hellhound returns with two cups of tea, giggling behind her hand.

“Oh my, in broad daylight too. How scandalous! Are you two going to fuck also? This table is pretty sturdy.”

Rayleigh’s eyes go flat and you feel magic surge within her. You gently put a hand on hers and she stops, blinking before blushing and looking down. “No, I think we’ll just drink our tea.”

“Boring.” The Hellhound says, leaving you two to enjoy your drinks.

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2a4136 No.399189



You regroup with the others a little later at Sophie’s manor, pleasantly surprised to find the lady of the house and Patricia in attendance. The group decidedly does not sit in the sitting room, instead retiring to the dining hall where you sit as Sophie thanks you.

“I understand there was a little scuffle and some of you were hurt. Thankfully nothing serious?”

You turn to Rayleigh to looks abashed, but at least not dejected. “Nothing time won’t fix.” You hold up your hands. “Akela can practice her make-up skills on my hands I suppose.”

“Hah, that little Anubis of yours? Ah, it’s weird to know I have a niece already… I feel old.”

“You haven’t even gotten laid, you can’t feel old yet.” Alice says, to which Sophie stiffens.

“Excuse me, but I do not offer myself to every man who comes along like someone I can name.”

“Oh? Who might that be?”

“Ladies, please, you’re both pretty.” You say, though they both smile, neither taking it seriously.

Patricia bows her head as well. “I’m sorry for the trouble I caused. Once again people are hurt because of me.”

“If Ophelia were here she’d say, ‘you get used to it.’” Clarissa says, holding up a wing-arm.

“Well then. Despite some setbacks, it seems everything may have worked in our favor.” Sophie says, nodding her head. “If you must know, I’d been trying to lure out opposition to mother. Living away from her was both convenient and something I’d wanted anyway. So it all worked out, though I didn’t expect such an elaborate set-up.”

“I suspect Juniper was the one who set off the stink-potion and knocked on the door.” Ginelle says. “She smelled a lot like that potion, though honestly I don’t know if I still had that shit in my nose.”

“And the Kikimora, Clair, set up that member of the opposition party to be a martyr.” You say. “She turned out to be a pyromancer as well.”

“I see. And if what you say is true about their involvement in the politics of the Monster Nation, then they infiltrated the opposition, or even had a hand in shaping it. This is going to give mother much leverage in the coming days.”

“Well that’s helpful.” You say. “It will likely help her keep her power and help solidify some support against Galmathoria, but it doesn’t really solve the root cause of her power issue, does it?”

Sophie cocks her head. “Root cause?”

“Men, the desire and the drive for men.”

The Cat o’Nine Tails frowns. “Well, yes, that is certainly a cause for concern, however-“

“What does your mother… well, our mother, plan to do about this?”

Sophie frowns and begins to speak when another voice says, “Hmm, I’m not certain. Do you have an idea, dear son?”

All eyes turn to see Selene sitting at the far end of the table, her seven tails swaying languidly behind her. She wears an ornate breast plat that functions to push her breasts up while her bottoms barely cover more than her usual garments, showing off a tremendous amount of tanned bronze skin. A tiara of gold sits upon her head of red hair as well and she leans forward, elbows on the table, a feline smile on her face.

“Oh please, do go on.”

“M-mother!” Sophie says, surprised. “When did you arrive?”

“Just now. After what happened last night I figured I should see my darling daughter and son-in-law.” She nods to you. “Now then, what was this about the root cause of my problems?”

You falter for a moment as Rayleigh fish-mouths while Clarissa blinks in surprise at seeing the Monster Lady up close and personal. Gulping and regaining your composure, you say, “I was talking about the shortage of men and a proposal to uh… alleviate that.”

“Well, I could always use more proposals.” She says, waving a hand. “You may continue.”

“Smart-ass.” You mutter under your breath, to which Sophie and Selene’s ears twitch, the former looking shocked while the latter merely smirks. Coughing into your hand you take a moment before saying, “Leyways.”

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2a4136 No.399190




“Leyways…” Selene muses.

“Ley…ways.” Clarissa says, confused. “Why are we saying leyways?”

“Because it’s the answer to a problem, or at least the illusion of an answer.”

“Ah, politics.” Selene says, smirking. “Such a young age to grasp the essence of them.”

“I am a noble, after all.” When she concedes the point, you continue. “If the main issue with the Monster Nation is a shortage of men, then the remedy is to import more.”

“That used to not be an issue since men could be imported by force. However it was my intention to remove that issue and this is happens rarely. As such, men don’t often tread here anymore and there are plenty of lonely Monsters in Deleor.” Selene says, waving a finger. “A leyway won’t fix that.”

“What if there was a system connecting Deleor, Ectria, and the Monster Nation?”

Selene pauses and cocks her head. “Go on.”

“Ectria, despite being in harmony with Monsters for centuries, still has a large human population and many of them are desperate to get out of Ectria, while others have the wealth to try and bring exotic fare into the country. There is both a demand for Monsters willing to suck a little cock and men looking for new lives. In parts of Deleor, especially in the west, this is likely true too.”

“Mmm, but what of Galmathoria? They don’t take kindly to losing men like that.”

“Fuck Galmathoria. Doing this shows an alliance against such a nation and solidifies essentially the whole continent. Galmathoria would be cut off and about the only other country of annoyance is Danusreal, but they’re too far to affect Galmathoria meaningfully.”

“You assume, anyway.” Selene says. “Intriguging and bold, dear Tobias, but you forget a few things.”

She holds up three furred fingers. “One: Ectria’s leylines won’t be restored for years if we’re lucky. Reaching out the Monster Nation is incredibly far and so any proposal there will have plenty of time to be quashed. Two: While relations between Deleor and the Monster Nation have improved, things are currently rocky and a proposal for Deleor to utilize one of it’s foremost technologies to make a direct line to a historically hostile nation won’t sit well with much of the nobility especially. And three…” She sighs,

“We lack magitek engineers here in the Monster Nation. The world is changing, but the Monster Nation is slow to embrace it. It seems a big leap from twenty years ago but it really isn’t. You’d have to import engineers from Deleor and the country has a vested interest in making sure that won’t happen. Your DSS should certainly have informed you of this.”

“They… did not.” You concede. She shrugs.

“A little naïve, of a proposal, but I like where your head is at. It is… something however. Perhaps a vision I can impart to the people.” She rubs her chin with one of her tails. “It’s something to think about, at least. Thank you.”

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2a4136 No.399191


She smiles at you and you blush. Not like because she’s beautiful, but because you never really had a mother who said those sorts of things to you. Maybe when you were very little your mother did but… it’s been awhile. Makes you feel embarrassed, heh.

“Ah, but look at the time.” Selene says, standing up and walking over to Sophie. She languidly drapes her arms around her daughter’s neck and nuzzles her head. “I’m afraid I can’t stay too long. Don’t want people to come looking for me, even if they know I’m already here, don’t you?”

A Chat Noir member steps into the room from another door. “Sorry.”

Selene sighs. “Well, I just wanted to say I’m glad you’re safe, all of you. Necessary preparations have been added to your wagon, ready for you to leave as soon as you can.” She frowns, “Your task is important, of course.”

Rayleigh nods her head. “Of course.”

Selene looks to you and smirks before using her tails to ruffle everyone, including Clint and Ginelle’s, heads. Before they can react she steps back and says, “I look forward to hearing about your adventures going forward. But duty calls, I’m afraid.” She leaves the room with the Chat Noir member, leaving all of you stunned.

Shaking yourself out of it, you call out, “Can you get us a bunch of [Fire Resist Potions] and some crossbows?!”

You don’t get an answer. You assume she heard you right? Right?

“Well.” Clint says, smoothing out his hair. “That was… something.”

“How embarrassing.” Sophie says, cheeks red. “But that’s mother for you.” She chuckles, “So then, when do you depart?”

“You sound like you don’t want to come with?” You ask, surprised.

Sophie chuckles. “As fun as that might be… it is Sylphie’s calling to adventure. I know my place and it is helping mother, and our nation. Besides, your group seems plenty large as it is. I fear I won’t get the attention I deserve.”

“I feel that way too sometimes.” Clarissa says, pretending to wipe a tear from her eye.

“I as well.” Patricia adds, also shedding fake tears.

“It just doesn’t fit.” You say, rubbing your chin. “No one declines joining the parties, that’s not how the stories go…”

“This isn’t a book, Tobias.” Rayleigh says. “This is reality, one we need to face.”

You nod, serious again. “You’re right. And we’ll all face it together.”

Standing up, you address the assembled group. “We’re setting out tomorrow to the observatory. It’s time to do what we came here to do.”

>To be continued

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2a4136 No.399192

Ah yes, the "To be continued" aka: It seemed a thematic place to stop but there isn't much in the way of choices to make here, also it's late and I have work.

But hey, make further choices if you have them about your leaving and such. Anything you want to do here in town? Do you want to switch perspective? Be my guest


>Dark Elves in Derrick: They participated in a ritual which is its own issue, but otherwise I'm fairly certain they only each used one kind of magic.

>Tolosh: Only used Dark Magic

>Third: An amalgamation of three bodies, Third doesn't play by the rules in any way shape or form

>Apophis: Pretty sure it was also just Dark Magic

>Pharaoh: I don't believe she ever cast anything that wasn't via the staff and it was all the same kind of OP bullshit.

>Sylphie: Yeah that is weird, something isn't right about that

>Selene: Donut-steel, I mean, yeah that also isn't correct, is it?


Jesus that was awhile ago, probably before it got solidified, unless it was referring to Wizards but everything has been crafted toward the specializations at this point.

Sophie can use magic actually, she just chooses not to. Like, literally that's the reason. She doesn't like magic very much so she just doesn't, but she's perfectly capable of it.

Eh, just shitpost in here. I'll make a new thread when I have the next update.

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9bb34c No.399195

Time for the continuation of Rommel's Rock 'n Roll adventure?

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7e69d1 No.399199


> Shitpost in here

So we all agree that it's Tabitha>Saya>literal trash>Selene in terms of protagonist waifus right? It's the objective unquestionable truth.

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9bb34c No.399201

Think we can task Rayleigh with controlling her emotions and compressing her fire into like fire lasers? Also I agree with >>399199 (nice) just minus the shit part.

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3cf5df No.399203


Hmm…or perhaps it just represents the evolution of Ace’s writing skills, no? Most writers do grow in time, and he’s certainly done that.


Yes! Time to use everyone’s favorite rock autist to talk to the god of rock autists, fire autists, and RRRAAAGGEE.

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7e69d1 No.399208


Considering how Nerg is basically diet Nurgle, Sveth being diet Khorne would be pretty amusing.

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41f498 No.399248

I don't think the poor fourth wall deserves to be beaten like that, Ace.

Regarding the whole swapping to Rommel thing, we might as well let the current events play out for more party interactions and to set up for when we next return to Tobias by having him leave the capital before we swap characters. That way, we both help alleviate the characterisation problems mentioned earlier and we swap at a better point that allows for time to pass if necessary.


>Jesus that was awhile ago, probably before it got solidified, unless it was referring to Wizards but everything has been crafted toward the specializations at this point.

RIP the nightmare dream of having something devastating like a hydromancer bursting out the fulgromancy when everyone in the party is wet.

>Sophie can use magic actually, she just chooses not to. Like, literally that's the reason. She doesn't like magic very much so she just doesn't, but she's perfectly capable of it.

So what you're saying is that there's going to be a moment in the future of this story where Sophie is forced to use magic to save Sylphie or something then?


Shitting on Ace's waifu and bringing about his wrath aside :^), I’m not so certain about that order. Tabitha is obviously the unquestionably best waifu, seeing as she has given emotional support to Rommel when needed, even when he fucked up and pissed off the rest of the party, has bailed him out of multiple bad situations, even to her own detriment, has actively helped him improve himself via training, has gone along with his plans even when she was pissed at him and has shown undying loyalty to the point of refusing to abandon his side for the two weeks he was comatose despite there being a good chance he may never have woken up, not to mention her personality is very much likeable and meshes well with Rommel’s. As such, her being first makes perfect sense and anyone who says otherwise is lying to themselves.

But placing Saya above Selene? Admittedly it’s been a while since I’ve read Illusionist Quest, but I don’t really remember Saya doing all too much more than the other party members did outside of being lovey-dovey with Tobias when their relationship kicked off. Selene meanwhile acted as a safety net and teacher for the Wizard, despite doing so causing more problems for herself with the other guardians and her lady, purposefully contained her lust towards him due to not wanting to force the ‘lose your virginity, lose your powers’ issue and went as far as to throw herself between Saya and Valinthia to protect the former from being incinerated out of love for the Wizard and his daughter, directly defying her lady’s wishes. Certainly, Saya still has the better characterisation, but I’d argue that’s partially due to her being around more Selene was in the background most of the time and even then it isn't that much better, so I’m not sure I’d agree with that being enough to put her above Selene. I’d say the two should be equal unless Saya did stuff in Illusionist Quest I’m forgetting which is likely.


>Hmm…or perhaps it just represents the evolution of Ace’s writing skills, no? Most writers do grow in time, and he’s certainly done that.

While true, it should be noted that Tabitha in Wizard Quest 2 is basically the same Tabitha from back in Wizard Quest 1 only with more heart-to-hearts, so she’s been best girl for a while now, not just since her second round when Ace’s writing improved from prior experience.

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3cf5df No.399419


Eh, I don’t think his anger is quite like that. Given his reaction (rewarding is with a heavy metal guitar) to us impersonating/freeing his daughters, the Wurms, from Danuki servitude, he seems to be the kind of anger that’s extremely hard to set off, but once it is, you A) Don’t want to be the cause of it, and B) On the same hemisphere as he is when he’s going after the thing that made him angry. It’s funny how Rommel has probably the best relationship with gods out of all our characters, as he’s so chummy with Dollora that she sent best girl to save him from the futa-goddess, and that he got Sveth to reward him. That’s probably followed by GW and Nerg, then GW and Solos, as it seems he was acting as his instrument. Last, and certainly least, is Tobias and Jackor, who have that weird hate-like-hate thang, and then Tobias and Nerg, as we kinda sorta killed one of his daughters. TO be fair, she was basically a minion of Phallia, but we made Father Nerg CRY! That is a big no-no.

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b4062c No.399731

Fuck have I been busy. But i should give some replies where I can!


Guess not, after next update maybe? Would make set up better I suppose?


All of them have cute daughterus and loving families.

That's important too.


>Fire Lasers

Oh of only Sylphie were here to teacc.


Wao i gettin stronk

Rock and Roll adventure fun times in a burning city. Wonder what's down there? I bet it's ice cream.


Sveth has a temper but is misattributed as a God of War. Still, warriors do give him praise so… sure, discount Khorne in a way.


>Sophie save sylphie

You know, she had plenty of opportunities in WQ2. Seriously, ask her about her magic.

Waifu wars are comfy too.


Heather was working as instructed by Nerg. Just because it helped Phallia is quite literally coincidence… right? But yes, poor Nerg. If you'd just got on that boat in WQ2 you'd get to meet Heather's replacement but oh well. I suppose you wouldn't have met Tabitha and all sorts of things would be different.

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c78fc8 No.400301

>Story continue

“Got everything loaded up?”

You turn and wipe a thin sheen of sweat from your brow atop the wagon. Nodding to Clint and Ginelle, who are also loading up crates, you leap down from the wagon to meet Finn, the man being helped over by Alice. It doesn’t escape your notice that Rayleigh gives sidelong glances to Alice, but she keeps her distance as well.

“Last one.” Ginelle says, lifting up a crate like she didn’t just get injured multiple days in a row. Clint finishes loading it and sighs, lifting his hat and wiping some sweat as well. Despite it being cooler here than in Deleor, it certainly is still summer, isn’t it?

“All supplies accounted for.” He says before tapping a crate next to him. “This one just appeared out of nowhere though, there’s two weird crossbows in here and a lot of potions.” He looks to you, raising an eyebrow.

“What? They’re useful potions.” You say, leaving it at that, though you’re certain you see Clint glance to Rayleigh. Moving along, you say, “Weird crossbows, you say?”

“Uh, yeah.” He says, lifting one up. “It’s a little smaller than what we’d see in Deleor.”

“Well, most Monsters are women sized.” Ophelia says, arriving with the help of Clarissa. “I think I could even use one of those effectively. Looks like I can even fit my foot in there to load it up.”

Clint tosses you the crossbow and you put it down, using the stirrup. You manage to pull the string back with less effort than the last one, which makes you feel plenty strong until you notice Finn’s smirk. Pouting, you return the string to neutral and give the weapon back to Clint, who also smirks. Assholes, both of them. Sighing, you turn back to Ophelia.

“How are you feeling?”

“Like I got slammed into a wall by plants and had my ribs broken.” She says, wincing. “But I could be worse. I don’t think I’m going to like riding in the wagon.”

“Sure you don’t want to stay?”

“What, and miss all the fun?” She chuckles. “Besides, I have to have lucky feet or something, because I’ve avoided certain death like, at least twice now. Maybe I should invest in that crazy Wizard’s maid constructs.”

“Woah, let’s not be crazy here.” Clint says. “There’s a difference between risk taking with investments and throwing money in a fire.”

“Yes, yes, we can discuss the finer points of being bourgeois later.” You say before turning to the side. “Patricia, you ready?”

The Wolf Girl places a book back in her bag and stands, stretching out her long, canine limbs. “Ready if you are. I’d like to see this place. Besides, I feel if we stay any longer we’ll run into trouble.”

“More trouble?” Clarissa says, blanching.

“The city isn’t going anywhere.” You say, waving your hand. “Trouble will be waiting for us.”

“Like Rose…” Finn says, frowning.

The party becomes quite at that, feeling a sense of nervousness. Despite everything burning, you know in your heart that Rose wasn’t in that fire, if she’s even here. If you have experience with these things, and you kind of do, you have no doubt you haven’t heard the last of her.

“Hey, let’s not get focused on that.” Ginelle says, stretching. “We’ll just beat her down like all the others if we need to.”

“Heh.” Clint says, ruffling her hair, not that she minds. “That’s why I love you.”

“Oh? Just that hmm?” She smirks, to which Clint clears his throat.

“Alright you two.” You say, waving your hand. “Everyone load up, we’re headed out.”

Getting the wounded into the wagon and everyone ready to go doesn’t take very long. While you do, Sophie exits her manor where your wagon is and nods as you finish up.

“I see you’re ready to go?”

“No thanks to you, princess.” Patricia says.

“I didn’t see you helping either.” Ginelle sniffs.

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c78fc8 No.400302


“I had to finish a few things after breakfast.” Sophie says, though you’re certain she just wanted to get out of moving also. “But I wish you luck on your venture.”

“Well, we do have lucky rabbit feet.” You say, thumbing to Ophelia, who waggles her rabbit toes. “But we also have skill. We’ll be able to do this.”

“Mmm. I suppose.” She says. “If Saya chose you, then I’m certain you can do just about anything. Just make sure you don’t hurt her, okay?”

“Yes, yes, sis.” You say, to which she smirks.

“Fine, bro.” She chuckles, extending a tail which you shake from atop the wagon.

Everyone waves to her as Clint gets the horses moving, the wagon pulling away and out of the manor grounds and back into the city. You get the looks from before, perhaps even more, as you move through the city, the whispers of the Monsters a little too loud. Ophelia’s ears go haywire flipping about as she tries to listen, her expressions mixed and curious. It seems as if opinions are split within the capital, a day’s time allowing the residents to argue amongst themselves. Hopefully Selene and Sophie will be okay…

When you approach the edge of the capital, a group of guards checks your wagon and clears you, having been informed beforehand that you’d be leaving. Once clear, Clint drives you out into the wide expanse of fields leading off to the mountains.

While there is no true industry in the Monster Nation, the open fields and fresh air feel wonderful after the tension of the past few days. With nary a cloud in the sky, you sit in the front and bask in the warm summer air as cool winds drift down from the mountains from time to time. The spirits of the others seem to rise, even Rayleigh’s.

Speaking of which… she sits next to you on the driver’s seat, her size thankfully not enough to make it cramped, even with yourself and Clint. The man next to you gives her looks ever now and then, but neither say anything. Even with a day of rest, the group still feels awkward around her, huh?

“So, what do you think we’ll find?”

Rayleigh blinks in surprise at the sudden question from you. Frowning, she shrugs and says, “I don’t know, bugs?”

“Like, giant bug girls?”

“Or like, big roaches or something.” She says, rolling her eyes. “It’s an abandoned observatory, not an inn. I doubt anything is living there.”

“I don’t know.” Clint says, frowning as well. “I heard some places deep in the mountains still have some ancient Monsters living there.”

“What does that mean?” You ask, curious.

“Ancient Monsters are those who were old long before Dollora’s Great Transformation.” Patricia says, drawn in by a history discussion. You wonder how she heard before you remember, right, wolf ears.

“They are incredibly powerful Monsters, some of them even having resisted the change or even have control over it. Similar to the creature that Alice spoke of.”

“The Crocodile out in Ectria?” You ask, to which she nods.

“Yes. I’ve heard tales of ancient Dragons who live apart from the rest of Monster society, but who knows what else may live out here. There are places even Monsters before twenty years ago dared not venture.”

“Hmm.” Rayleigh says, tapping her chin. “Well, we’ll just have to deal with it when we come to it, right?”

“That’s exactly right.” You say, looking off toward the mountains.


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c78fc8 No.400303


Later in the day, Clarissa flies about overhead, giving more room in the wagon as you ride along, taking in the sun. She keeps you up to date on the paths ahead, giving great news on the roads being clear. While there are some outlying farms, even the Monster Nation needs agriculture, they’re out of your way and nothing to worry about. Patricia and Ophelia, when they aren’t sleeping, are listening for anything else that could come, giving you a wonderful defense system.

Going from Patricia’s information, you get a better bearing of how to go, Clarissa finding you a path of which to follow, though she informs you the road starts to fade away into nothing. You figured you wouldn’t get so lucky going forward, but Clint is a great driver so you doubt you’ll have much issue.

And that’s exactly what happens. Nothing of much interest occurs in the next three days of traveling, though thankfully Finn and Ophelia begin to feel better, if not 100%. You feel very thankful you got the book back from that Cat Girl because between Patricia and Clarissa, you’re able to pinpoint where to go. Driving your wagon further into the mountains, the air becomes cooler despite the time of year. By the end of the third day, Clarissa spots the lake mentioned in the book. Thankfully it didn’t go anywhere in all this time.

The next morning you head toward the mountain lake and, nestled into the trees on the side of the mountain, Ginelle finds evidence of a human structure.

Arraying yourself outside, you take a look at the building. It doesn’t look like much that you can see, being built into the side of the mountain. A large dome the color of the stone around it sits intact, covered in layers of moss and vegetation while sharp stone corners do the same. Clarissa sees no one else around and neither Patricia nor Ophelia can detect any other Monsters present. As far as you can tell, the place surrounding the structure is empty.

Still… something feels off about the place. As you study the structure you feel a deep unease, like you’re standing before a great beast, afraid to awaken it. The others sense it as well, but you’re unable to place what it is. It’s neither magical or magitek as far as you can tell but… maybe it’s just your nerves.

“So it’s really here.” Patricia says, placing a hand on the structure, feeling the stone. She looks over at a set of large, stone doors that stand slightly ajar, vines and roots growing in between the cracks throughout Gods knows how many years. She nods her head. “I have to see what’s inside. Even if Hevensferth can’t be contacted, I have to enter.”

She turns to you and give you the most serious expression you think you’ve seen from her. Feeling her sense of resolve from Patricia, you give her a reassuring nod before turning to the rest of the group. They nod back, a similar resolve on their features.

“Alright.” You say, hands on your hips. “Let’s go speak with the heavens, shall we?”

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c78fc8 No.400304

Posting here because the site is being stupid about creating a new thread.

There wasn't much to say before we switch to Rommel and I didn't think I'd have time to write this anyway so it's something while I look into writing for Rommel tomorrow. If you have suggestions you recall from last time, let me know, otherwise Imma get goin tomorrow afternoon.

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c78fc8 No.400308


Nevermind, threads finally went through

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[ / / / / / / / / / / / / / ] [ dir / random / 93 / biohzrd / hkacade / hkpnd / tct / utd / uy / yebalnia ]