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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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1c141b No.384870 [Last50 Posts]

Assaulted, arrested, whipped to within an inch of your life… Your First month as a Pilgrim of the Reitian Temple has been anything but uneventful. Yet you have discharged your duties, Sending Fynn to meet with a Kobold in Williamsberg who is desperately in love with him. Bringing the Centaur Matriarch Rose and the Black Knight Jamie to reconciliation. Helping the Hellhound Becca to admit her deep and abiding love for the Waylander Ian.

With Charlestown wrapped up in the joy and anticipation of impending weddings, you set off towards the eastern Free City of Atlantea, in the company of Robbo and Gilly, a Human and Dingo posing as simple traders. Nothing, you discovered, could be further from the truth, as Robbo turned out to be a deposed Noble from The Australs, the harsh and unforgiving island in the world's southern hemisphere, who even now plotted to have his birthright returned to him.

You and Thomas, a fellow Reitian Pilgrim, explored an abandoned temple at the behest of the Nordenlander Sigurd, a worshipper of Corvus, Dark God of Destruction. There, you discovered a horrible truth. The God of the Ocean, Oannes, had been supplanted in mind and worship by a foul and forgotten entity, an entity known only in whispers, by the name of Dagon…

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1c141b No.384871

>Talk to Sapphire

“Lot of Krakens in these murals…” You mused pointedly.

“Subtlety, my brother…” Thomas sighed, unable to keep the grin from his face “…Is clearly not your strong suit.”

“The Holy Mother has burdened me with a surfeit of honesty, it would seem.” You chuckled.

“I am not of understandings.” Sigurd admitted, peering between the both of you. “Are you of helpings?”

“Of course I want to…” You insisted “…But this strikes me as something which could fly apart, violently, if we approach it wrong.”

“Sensible.” Sigurd agreed. “What you are thinkings to do?”

“There’s a Kraken hosting me.” Thomas explained. “She’s somewhat established in Atlantea as a purveyor of seafood and various abyssal curios.”

“Is a good place to start.” Sigurd agreed. “I will be goings with you.”

“Fair warning, she’s a handful.” Thomas snickered.

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1c141b No.384872


“Sapphire?” Thomas called as the three of you entered the Kraken’s nondescript dwelling.

“Thomas? Is that another guest?” The Kraken’s strangely liquid voice sounded from further within. “Make sure they know the rules…”

“Gentlemen?” Thomas sighed, beginning to strip off his tunic. Shaking your head, you followed suit.

“What is this?” Sigurd rumbled in confusion.

“Thomas’s host is… let’s just say a stickler for hygiene in her own way…” You explained diplomatically. “…Long story short everyone in here goes shirtless.”

“How is that to havings anything to do with hygiene?”, the big Nordenlander asked incredulously, yet mirrored you in removing his heavy sea-coat.

“You tell me, then we’ll both be the wiser.” Your brother pilgrim drawled.

With a slapping slither of tentacles, the blue-skinned Kraken hauled herself bodily into the entry. “Well then who do you have traipsing through my… Oh Maou… This is a big one, isn’t it?”

You tried to keep from rolling your eyes as a tentacle began its caressing exploration of your torso. Sigurd, not expecting the contact, looked down incredulously at the smooth, suckered appendage serpentining its way across his chest, its muscular expanse covered with thick blonde hair.

“So Fluffy…” Sapphire almost drooled.

“This is expected?” Sigurd asked simply, looking between you and Thomas. You nodded, shrugging slightly in resignation. The Nordenlander grunted his acceptance, reaching forth a thick hand and deliberately squeezing the kraken on her generous breast.

“Ahhhhhhh!” Sapphire screamed, recoiling, her tentacles lashing back from your torsos to curl defensively around herself. “W-why would you do that?”

“Returning of greetings.” Sigurd replied simply. “This is of Krakens you were talkings about?”

“It is.” Thomas nodded. “Sapphire may I introduce…”

“I am being Captain Sigurd. Master and Commander of the Shieldmaiden.” Sigurd interjected, advancing on the Kraken. “And you are of tellings me of how Oannes has been forgotten.”

“S-so forceful…” Sapphire drawled mockingly, yet her alien, cephalopodian eyes held a hint of alarm.

Sigurd made a face, grabbing the Kraken by one of her humanoid arms, pulling the Mamono towards him, his thick features mere inches from hers. “I am not of havings times for games.”

The Kraken looked at the Human in utter shock for a moment, before bursting into tears, shoving the man roughly off his feet and hurrying further into the building, weeping openly as she left.

Sigurd blinked, sitting up and looking after her, his face a picture of innocent incomprehension “Was it somethings I said?”

“Please might have helped.” Thomas remarked disapprovingly.

Sigurd frowned. “Mamono were always of liking dominant behaviour…”

“When they’re courting, maybe.” You sighed.

Thomas put his face into his hand briefly. “I should go talk to her…”

“Let me.” You offered, halting him with a hand on his shoulder. “If I make it worse you can always kick us out. Keep in her good books.”

Thomas nodded in agreement, and you headed up the hallway towards the inner chambers of the dwelling. The Kraken’s sobbing could be clearly heard through the closed door as you approached her room.

“Sapphire?” You ventured, rapping a knuckle gently against the door.

“Go away!” The Kraken demanded.

“No. I don’t think so.” You continued. “Sigurd was less than diplomatic, but your reaction tells me there’s more to this. Please… It’s important… If the darkness is making inroads into…”

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1c141b No.384873


“Alright. We failed.” Sapphire hissed. “Does that make you happy, Human? Grandfather Ocean TRUSTED us to keep His faith, and we failed. Dagon and his pet mage wiped the very MEMORY of Him from you leggies… Left us alone to eke out a meagre existence on the edge of the waters, without love, without happiness… Is this what you wanted to hear?!”

“I didn’t come here to accuse…” You insisted, before a second tentacle tightened around your throat.

“Do you know what it’s like, to fail your God, Pilgrim?”

“Yes…” You choked. “…I have failed Her times beyond counting.”

Sapphire started at your confession “But you still…”

“I am Human, and imperfect.” You explained. “But She… She is Grace, The Wellspring of Goodness and Mercy. Though I fall a thousand times, She asks only that I stand again, striving onward. You call Oannes Grandfather Ocean. How much would a Grandfather forgive his beloved child?”

“I’m so ashamed!” Sapphire sobbed, falling into your arms and clinging to you, the tentacles loosening around your body.

“Reitia… Holy Mother… Bless this daughter of the sea…” You prayed fervently, your hand coming to rest gently on the Kraken’s smooth, soft mantle. Rose coloured light began to permeate the room, and an etherial hand reached out to rest atop yours.

“Sapphire… You have such Love within you…” A familiar voice echoed, and your eyes widened as you recognised the glowing form of Cirice floating behind the Kraken. “Know that Reitia, All-Mother of Creation, will bless and keep you, and that your faith will be rewarded, as Oannes has promised.”

“Cirice?” You gasped in joyous recognition “I knew it! I knew you were…”

Between one word and the next, the etherial image of the Cupid vanished.

“What… What was that?” Sapphire sighed, her alien eyes half-shuttered as Cirice’s benediction washed through her.

“An Angel of Reitia.” You explained, your own emotions a tumult within you at the Cupid’s sudden disappearance. “And… a friend.”

The Kraken sniffled, fixing you with a wry smile. “And here I thought I chased the impossible.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You blustered, your face aflame.

Sapphire gave a liquid chuckle, resting a cool hand on your cheek and helping you to your feet. “I wish I could find somone who thinks about me like that.”

“Why can’t you?” You demanded insistently. “Thomas told me how you don’t take advances seriously… We all deserve Love, Sapphire. Why won’t you let yourself be loved?”

“Because of who I am.” Sapphire explained “And because of what was promised. The Sea Witches bond with the Tide Priests. I am foresworn, bound to wait until my Love makes himself known to me. But Dagon has hidden them away, imprisoned them in darkness.”

“Then I am doubly bound.” You declared, taking the Kraken’s hand in your own. “For Thomas, Sigurd and I aim to spoke his wheel.”

“But the Abyssal Gates stand shut!” Sapphire objected, tears welling in her eyes again. “Guarded by foul beasts immune to my magics, sealed by pestilence I cannot overcome.”

You grinned involuntarily “They’re not immune to a big man with a sharp knife, it would seem.”

“Don’t toy with me, Pilgrim.” The Kraken seethed through her tears.

“I’m not!” You assured her. “Sigurd mangled something within one of Oannes’s temples… Mangled it so thoroughly I couldn’t tell you what it looked like in life.”

“Lucky you.” Sapphire sniffed. “I’d say they have faces only mothers could love but I’d be lying.”

“That bad?” You gulped.


You rubbed your forehead in thought. “So… We just need to get the gates open?”

“That’s a start… Though Dagon and his followers will be aware you’re doing it, and will likely move to stop you.”

“All-Mother of Creation” You groaned helplessly. “What have we gotten ourselves into?”

“Deniel…” Sapphire began, taking your hands in hers. “…You’re a sweet boy, and I regret that I took my frustrations out on you and Thomas. This isn’t your fight. I’ll think no less of you should you choose to walk away now.”

“A Dark pretender to Godhood keeping someone from Love?” You replied incredulously “I’d never be able to show my face in a Reitian Temple again if I walked away from that. I just…”

“Just what?”

“I’m not confident in my ability to match whatever these followers of Dagon can pull together. I feel like one way or another, we’re going to need some help.”

>Try and talk to Cirice, Pestilent Pretenders to Godhood are best countered by angelic boots to the hindquarters

>Talk to Ellie and any other Circle Mages lurking around Atlantea, you need some uber-juju in your corner right now

>Talk to Robbo, see if he’ll give you a loan of whatever army he’s cobbled together

>Do it yourselves. Mama Reitia didn’t raise no bitch

>Something Else?

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1c141b No.384874

I fucked up, this goes here


Your plea was interrupted by the door swinging open and a blue-grey tentacle seizing you about the waist. Without further warning, you found yourself on the floor, the Kraken looming above you, her face still wracked with tears.


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a9b16a No.384877


Try and get some advice from Cirice on how to handle it.

Also, try to see if Robbo can't help you out. If he helps out and you fix the whole situation, you can tell Sapphire and any other krakens that he helped considerably. A favor like that would help them give voice or even support when Robbo goes on his campaign. Would be a good investment for him.

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c807d2 No.384879


Ask Robbo, Sapphire says they're immune to her magics, so we probably shouldn't take any chances with our magic. Best way to go about this is collecting many large men with many large knives and ripping and tearing through the eldritch things until Oannes is restored.

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99a8a5 No.384880

Let’s talk with Ellie, mages are likely to be the ones with the best training to deal with this. Robbo has been very kind thus far, and helping us may weaken his army and therefore his efforts t9 reclaim his title.

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492bb2 No.384914


I vote for this as well.

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d2248b No.384981


>Try and talk to Cirice, Pestilent Pretenders to Godhood are best countered by angelic boots to the hindquarters

Considering the scale of what this involves, I think this is a good idea. Robbo as a backup is a good plan.

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1c141b No.385225

So it turns out the only way I can make this work is to get Deniel super OP or to have this conversation now.

>Try and talk to Cirice

“So that Abyssal Gate?” You began as you approached Thomas and Sigurd, still lingering topless in the entry room. “Turns out there’s more, and we need to get them open.”

“How manys? I am of knowings only the one temples.” Sigurd rumbled.

“Three here in Atlantea. One for the Spring Tide, One for the Neap Tide, and One for the Deep Places.” Sapphire replied. “There are others, in other places around the world. I pray to Grandfather Ocean that Dagon’s influence hasn’t spread that far.”

“Is good.” Sigurd grunted with a satisfied nod. “I will be of findings crowbar and…”

“Won’t do you any good.” Thomas interjected “The gates need to be cleansed of the corruption before we can even think about opening them.”

The Nordenlander blinked. “Why? Open is open, yes?”

“Depends what it’s opening into, fluffy.” Sapphire replied, her equilibrium somewhat returned with the promise of hope. “The Doctrines of Maou state quite plainly that the Queen of Hell sealed parts of Her realm away, that the terrors within never have the opportunity to escape. Oannes created those gates with His Divine power. You could create a mouth to the very blackest pits if the corruption remains when they are opened.”

“Will this do, do you think?” You asked Thomas, tracing the sigils and runes of Cleansing in white fire on the air in front of you.

“It’ll work…” Thomas agreed, nodding approvingly at you. “…assuming of course nobody’s fighting you.”

Your brow furrowed. “How do you mean?”

“Cleansing is Holy Fire, true, but it’s still fire… and it’s hard to start a fire when someone keeps kicking your tinder to pieces. Do you follow?”

“The both of us?”

Thomas shook his head. “We’d be sitting ducks if any more of those things came through.”

“I can be of dealings with them.” Sigurd scoffed.

“You can deal with one, fluffy… a feat which deserves no small praise…” Sapphire remarked, one of her tentacles caressing the corded muscle of his arm briefly, almost instinctively. “But Ten? Twenty?”

“You are of makings point…” Sigurd agreed, resting his hand almost as absently atop the Kraken’s tentacle. Sapphire flushed at the contact, retracting her tentacle and shying away.

“We should meditate, Deniel. See if the Path can’t avail us of a solution.”

“A fine idea, my brother.” You agreed, though it was not the path you were intent upon seeking. Try as you may, you couldn’t remove the image of Cirice’s face from your mind…

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1c141b No.385226


“Cirice?” You called, looking here and there as the wind whipped at you from the desert butte you found yourself atop. “I know you’re here… Please! It’s important!”

“So…” The Cupid’s voice sounded from behind you, descending to the ground with whooshing beats of her rose-coloured wings. “…You remembered.”

“The pool? Kimmy?” You clarified with a sorrowful sigh. “I did… I do… How could I have forgotten her?”

“Because you were made to.” The Angel admitted, her perfect features a picture of shame. “You must hate me so…”

“Why? You gave her back… Such as it was…”

A single tear, priceless beyond measure traced its way down Cirice’s smooth cheek. “I hurt you…”

“No. HE hurt me.” You retorted. “Who was that anyway?”

Cirice put a hand out, resting it gently against your chest. “Sweet Deniel… not now… you’re not ready for it.”

“When will I be ready for it?” You demanded. “I have to say Cirice, I’m not fond of having secrets kept from me, especially in my own head.”

“I don’t know…” The Cupid admitted honestly. “…Maybe never? I just know that it could destroy you, and I won’t take that risk… not with you… never with you…”

“I mean that much to you?” You asked, slightly teasingly.

“D-don’t toy with me, Deniel!” Cirice ordered, beating her wings and rising away from you. “You said this was important, and I don’t think teasing me is a critical task on your Pilgrimage!”

“You’re right, I’m sorry.” You offered placatingly, holding your hands out. “We move against Dagon, we need to get the Abyssal gates in Atlantea op…”

“You’re not serious!” Cirice gasped, putting a hand to her mouth in horror. “Deniel, it’s too much for you!”

“I’m perfectly aware.” You nodded simply. “Which is why I’m asking for your help.”

“I should say no.” Cirice sighed helplessly, looking at you with longing in her glowing eyes. “I should demand you summon the disciples… But… I can’t refuse you. I can give you the Words to summon me into the mortal world. But that will… bind us… you will be my anchor, and we will never be properly separate again.”

“Cirice, you’ve never been apart from me.” You smiled trustingly. “How will this be any different?”

“It could be…” Cirice warned. “…It could change… everything.”

You frowned. “How do you mean?”

Cirice licked her lush, bowlike lips nervously. “To start with, to know the words… you have to kiss me.”

>Kiss the Cupid

>Take a pass, see what else she can offer

>Kiss the Cupid? Oh we can do better than kiss…

>This was a bad idea, apologise to Cirice for your forwardness, let her down gently, move ahead with one of the other options.

>Something Else?

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99a8a5 No.385227


Kiss the Cupid. Do it now!but we should remember we’re still on pilgrimage so no sex

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f5363f No.385228




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210cea No.385229


What are we? A fag?

Kiss her.

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d2248b No.385252


>Kiss the Cupid

I see we kind of blundered into this, but I'm interested to see where it goes.

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fcc933 No.385266


don't be stupid, kiss the cupid

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43f281 No.385281


>Kiss the Cupid

We could wish for little more than this.

And try to find out some more details with everything that has been going on with Deniel. And what is this binding she mentioned?

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15478c No.385301

> “To start with, to know the words… you have to kiss me.”

< N-No way fag!

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b42768 No.385512

>Kiss her

“When you say ‘Bound’…” You began.

Cirice’s luminous eyes flicked to the rocky ground. “I understand your trepidation, let’s just forget…”

“I didn’t say that.” You interjected, halting the Angel with a soft touch to her wrist. “Just want to be able to say I asked the question.”

“It’s hard to put into Magisterian… The most obvious consequence is I’ll know everything that happens with you out there in the physical world.”



You swallowed uncomfortably. “Even…”

Cirice blushed furiously. “Y-yes, even… that.”

“Well…” You blustered slightly, trying to hide the flush colouring your own cheeks. “…Anything else?”

“It works both ways. You’ll probably find your thoughts drifting to me, often at the most inexplicable times…” Cirice explained.

A helpless chuckle forced its way past your lips, despite your efforts to hold it back. Cirice grabbed your arms forcefully, her face a mask of hurt and anger. “I don’t see what’s so funny about this, Human!”

“No… It’s not that…” You assured the cupid, forcing yourself back to equilibrium. “It’s just… You’re mistaken if you think you’ve ever been far from my thoughts.”

“D-Deniel…” Cirice stammered, her heart in her eyes as her grip softened. “Y-you make it very hard to think sometimes…”

“I trust you…” You assured her. “…and I will hold your trust in me sacred. As sacred as the vows I have sworn before Reitia herself.”

“Then you…”

You gently extricated your wrist from Cirice’s grasp, resting it against her cheek. “I agree, Cirice.”

“Deniel…” Cirice whispered, raising her face to you, her eyes half shuttered. You lowered your face to hers, your lips meeting softly… tenderly…

“Ohhhhh…” Cirice moaned against your mouth, throwing her arms and wings about you as the kiss grew more passionate, her delicate tongue flicking against your lips. “Deniel… my Deniel…”

You were almost overwhelmed as you felt the Cupid’s power flow around and through you, her feelings as evident as if she had screamed them aloud. An unconditional dedication to Reitia, to an extreme which made you almost feel ashamed. An insistent affinity for Love, and the increase of Love… and also a desire, a powerful, yearning desire to know it for herself.

“Sweet Cirice…” You gasped, breaking the kiss and putting your mouth next to her delicate ear. “…Please. Give me the words.”

Cirice put her smooth, finely boned hands on your face, pulling back to stare at you with her luminous eyes as if drinking you in. She briefly touched your lips as if fixing the memory of them in her mind. Her eyes seemed to flare in brilliance, before rolling back in her head.

“Ne Pireda Cirice!”

The sheer POWER of those words drove against your consciousness, the Cupid a tiny island of calm against that Angelic Maelstrom, yet she seemed as open and vulnerable to you as the most innocent of maidens. Your vision darkened, and on sheer instinct, you pressed your lips to hers again, even as reality itself fell away…

<You have learned the LIGHT magic: Summon Cupid - Cirice. Call Cirice from the Myriad Universes of Light to faceroll on a motherfucker. This is taxing on both you and her, however, and exhausting her will render the Angel unable to leave the realm she currently occupies for a decent length of time.

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b42768 No.385513


“What in the name of Reitia were you tapping into there, Brother?” Thomas chuckled as you regained consciousness.

“Nothing… Everything… Something wonderful.” You sighed reverently, unable to keep the grin from your face.

“You and me both… I don’t know what happened… but the Adept Intersect is mine!” Thomas smiled gleefully. “The power… the POWER! Deniel, my brother… It’s so much more than I could have expected!”

“Praise the All-Mother of Creation.” You intoned instinctively.

“Praise Her indeed…” Thomas agreed. “…Now, let’s see…”

“Fluffy, do you really think you could move that quickly?” Sapphire’s voice intruded from without the room in which you both kneeled.

“Is of not matterings.” Sigurd’s rumbling chuckled mockingly.

“Human… I could EAT you, you’re aware of this?”

“Not if I was of eatings you first…”

Sapphire’s chuckle was slightly desperate. “Prove it… Oh… OH!”

Thomas groaned. “Should we break them up? They’ll be at it for at least a couple of days otherwise.”

“Something tells me they’ll have the rest of their lives to appreciate it…” You chuckled, the warmth of the Cupid’s essence suffusing your very being.

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b42768 No.385514


“I am not of beings happy about this…” Sigurd snarled, adjusting his clothes as you again emerged from the magcal pool into the depths of the Oannesian temple.

“There are more important things afoot than getting your end away, Captain Sigurd.” Thomas chuckled.

“What happened you?” Sigurd pondered. “Something has of changings with you.”

“Revelation.” Thomas explained simply with a helpless shrug.

Sigurd grunted, sluicing water from his beard before gesturing at the gate. “Well? You can makings opening now?”

“Deniel, I think you’d better begin the cleansing.” Thomas suggested “I’ll try and keep any interference away.”

“You’re the adept, brother.” You reminded your fellow pilgrim… no… not pilgrim… for as adept Thomas was now your superior in the Temple Heirarchy. You ducked your head respectfully. “I mean, not to be disrespectful, Adept.”

Thomas laughed. “I’ve not peeled the packaging off the Adept Intersect for more than an hour or so, Deniel. I’m not about to go putting on airs. No, I ask this, because you have an affinity for the Light and Dark Magics that I’ve honestly rarely seen. My talents lie in other fields.”

“As you will then.” You acceded, clearing your throat and focusing your will on the door. “Holy Mother, bless us Your children, and strengthen our arms and our hearts against all adversity.”

“Glory to the All-Mother Of Creation.” Thomas responded, and you sensed him calling upon his own will in preparation.

Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius…

”Itreks-jod!” Sigurd cried, “Lord Corvus, Raven of the North! This darkness has escapings Your Divine imprisonment. I woulds of sending it back to You! I who am blood of the Icelands and the Ruslands! I who am Kin of Your Kin, call upon Your Obligation!”

A fluttering of wings echoed through the vaulted temple, and an ebon bird glided to land upon the Nordenlander’s shoulder. It blinked bright eyes, seeming to study the three of you in turn.

Caw Caw… Caw…

Sigurd took a huge, shuddering breath, letting it out in an almost animalistic growl. You blanched as the big man turned to you, his eyes now black as a coal shaft, smouldering with suppressed power.

“Come, little brothers… Find me something to eat…” Sigurd cozened in a malevolent tone, and you wondered if the words were his or those of whatever had taken residence within him. Nonetheless, you were committed, and you raised your hand to the door.


As a boy, you had seen a frog caught by a bird, its body held fast beneath a taloned foot as a cruel beak shredded its flesh. You were reminded of nothing so much as the surprisingly loud screams of that frog, as white fire enveloped the gate.

“RRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE”, the coarse, disembodied screech rang through the air.

“They’re coming!” Thomas warned, his hands igniting in violet fire.

“Magic not of workings…” Sigurd reminded him, his ebon eyes expressionless.

“KRAKEN Magic.” Thomas recounted. “I don’t think they’re prepared for this.”

Splashing, scrabbling noises were heard from the pool, and you took the chance to glance behind you, and almost regretted doing so, as horrible figures were emerging from the water, fanged, amphibian mouths agape, oozing foul slime as they shambled forward in gleeful anticipation of the kill.

“Ignis Mortalitus…” Thomas intoned, and you felt cold as that violet fire lept forward, engulfing the creatures, wisps of pale energy bleeding like smoke into the air, floating towards the adept as if on an unfelt wind. Far from being discouraged, Thomas greedily inhaled them. “Yes… More, MORE!” He demanded, redoubling his casting.

Sigurd, meanwhile, was moving like a human wrecking ball, not even bothering to draw a blade as he ripped and tore his way through the creatures, at one stage forcibly tearing the slimy, webbed leg from one before beating in the skull of one of its fellows with it. This was no organized battle, this was a slaughter.

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b42768 No.385515


“Competant…” A new voice intruded, a figure seeming to step from the shadows themselves. “…Though I hardly expected the pretenders to send them so… young.”

“Captain Sigurd, what is that?” Thomas demanded, pointing a flame-wreathed finger at the new arrival, its skin and hair sickeningly pale, its ears hugely deformed, elongated and thinning to points well above the crown of its head, and it’s features were of an angularity to render the being almost alien-looking.

“Not of knowings…” Sigurd admitted, ripping the head from another shambling creature. “…Not of carings.”

“Hold the Fire, Deniel!” Thomas ordered, levitating into the air. “Surely as Reitia gives us strength…”

“N’Tel’Quess Ekee-ra!” The figure snarled, a howling bolt of magic striking SIgurd in the torso and bowling him over, the remaining horrors setting upon him with fervour.

“Reitia!” Thomas gasped in shock.

“Humans…” The figure sneered, its thin arms crackling with alien magics. “…Even at the end of your age you still lack the grace to die… Allow me to remedy that oversight for you.”

<What do?

>Summon Cirice, this bony pointy-eared ass looks prime for an Angelic Boot.

>Concentrate on the Fire, Trust in Sigurd and Thomas to handle this.

>Surrender, plead for mercy, this thing’s fucking badass.

>I sure love the smell of HELLFIRE in the morning, smells like… Victory.

>Something Else?

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99a8a5 No.385528


>its skin and hair sickeningly pale, its ears hugely deformed, elongated and thinning to points well above the crown of its head, and it’s features were of an angularity to render the being almost alien-looking.

Fucking. Elves

Call in the angelic SWAT team. This thing needs to be booted back to whatever hell it crawled out of.

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a9b16a No.385532


Right, time to call in our angelic girlfriend to lay down the law on this faggot elf.

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43f281 No.385544


>Summon Cirice, this bony pointy-eared ass looks prime for an Angelic Boot.

This situation isn't looking too good. I'm not terribly worried about Sigurd. He's a big guy. But if Thomas freezes over and get bowled over just as easily, then we'd be fucked. Especially if anymore of those damn dark elves or whatever show up. I'm hesitant to blow our load calling down Cirice if the creepy elf turns out to be a complete pushover. But it's probably not a chance we should take. If nothing else we can get Cirice to fill us in on what kind of things we'll be facing in the other shrines. Since we'll hopefully get to cuddle and hold hands with talk to her for quite a long while, without reality suddenly evaporating.

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d2248b No.385554


>Summon Cirice, this bony pointy-eared ass looks prime for an Angelic Boot.

Have Thomas take the fire back, Summon Cirice. Considering Cirice expected us to do this with a bunch of acolytes, or her, we should probably get around to calling her.

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0a2ea6 No.385566


Going to rely on the guys and focus then call Our wife Cirice incase it really goes down.

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43f281 No.385574

Can't wait to see Thomas spaz out when he properly meets Cirice. We have to introduce her as our waifu, for maximum effect. It wasn't long ago that he thought Cupids were merely a metaphor for Reitia's love. I doubt that seeing her feather alone was enough to fully convince him.

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f825b7 No.385579

HookTube embed. Click on thumbnail to play.


>>I sure love the smell of HELLFIRE in the morning, smells like… Victory.

Fun fact, if your fire is hot enough it causes a cavitation bubble and basically nukes everything. Puts a nice sear on that fish, just like pops used to do. As the resident pyromaniac engineer, I vote fried squid with elf gibs. I mean how else are you going to deal with degenerates?

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c807d2 No.385610


We should call our girlfriend who is super strong and can beat up anybody because she is so strong


>Burn everything

>Including Thomas and Sigurd

Fire doesn't discriminate between friend and foe.

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fcc933 No.385615


what this guy >>385566 said

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38a3f7 No.385636

File: 947f8b52ebde87b⋯.gif (2.12 MB,460x290,46:29,23954c7016ba726e5c9cc7144b….gif)


Eh, they're big guys. They can look after themselves. Besides, a bit of superheated steam never horrifically scalded anyone to death.

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a75c6c No.385765

>Summon Cirice

This was not good. This was NOT good! You released your concentration on the Holy Fire cleansing the door, which understandably began to flicker.

“Deniel, the Fire!” Thomas reminded you urgently.

“We can finish it later.”

Thomas cursed, countering another volley of shrieking arcane bolts thrown by the pointy-eared intruder. “Don’t try to be a hero! You can’t take that thing!”

You knelt, tracing a glowing magic circle in the air before you. “I’m not going to. I’m calling someone who can.”

Thomas snarled, throwing another wave of violet fire, which the creature laughed at, batting the flames aside as if they were a cloud of insects. Thomas seemed to be staggered by this, as if failure had weakened him more than the magic itself. “This is no time for delusions of grand…”

”NE PIREDA CIRICE!” You howled desperately, the breath whooshing from your lungs as the circle shattered to be replaced with an intense, rose-coloured glow. The horrors attempting to savage Sigurd screamed shrilly, covering the multitudinous bulbous eyes atop their flat amphibian heads, their warty, slimy skin sizzling as if blasted by intense heat. Even the lanky, pointed-eared creature shied away, shielding its pale eyes from the sudden glare.

“It… Can’t be!” Thomas gasped, the violet fire around his hands flickering and dissipating. “It’s not possible!”

The light seemed to constrict into a blinding point, a soundless burst of force driving you to the floor, friend and foe alike. You blinked, scrambling to your feet, to see Cirice hovering in the air, clad in shimmering silver armor, elaborately fluted with rose-gold. Her hair shone, as if reflecting an unseen sun, and her wings beat majestically behind her.

“Blessed and Glorious!” Thomas choked, falling on his face and grovelling fervently. Cirice paid him no mind, her luminescent eyes narrowing as they gazed with revulsion on the writhing horrors. Her perfect, lush lips curled away from pearlescent teeth, and she reached forth one mailed hand, curling it deliberately into a fist. Shrieking madly, the creatures writhed, foul smoke billowing from them as fire lept from splitting skin, the horrors consumed with Holy Fire even before they had a chance to crumple in death.

“Vedui’, Yaaraer.” The slender creature drawled almost mockingly, recovering its equilibrium and staring unafraid at the Cupid.

Cirice started, her eyes widening in shock as she beheld the thing. “Sut naa lle sinome?” She demanded, her achingly beautiful voice filled with surprise.

“Lye naa ten’oio…” The creature smirked, striding confidently towards the Angel. ”…lle Edan aute…”

“I’LL EAT YOUR HEART!” Sigurd roared, launching himself at the pointy-eared creature.

“No!” Cirice objected desperately. “Raven-Thrall, your assistance is no longer required.”

The big Nordenlander clutched his guts as if pained, before vomiting a black ichor onto the ground. Gasping, he straightened, blinking as if awakening from a dream. “What… Why you are of taking it aways?!” He demanded, a hint of fear in his baritone rumble.

“Cirice that thing tried to kill us!” You blurt in incredulous amazement. “Why are you…”

“Botuu Edan” The creature smirked mockingly, its angular face staring at you with the kind of expression reserved for noxious vermin. “Yaaraer Tel’Quess’aute yela…”

“I will not!” Cirice stated with the kind of implacable firmness that almost seemed to carry a force of its own behind it. ”…Saesa, pante’lle i’mela en’Reitia!”

“Reitia?” The creature echoed, looking at once surprised and bemused. “Reitia? That pitiful…”

“Have a care creature…” Thomas growled, the air swirling around him as he called upon yet more potent magics.

“You are of even less concern, maggots.” The creature scoffed. “This mutant will learn her place under the True Gods soon enough…”

Sanguine fury clouded your vision, and you felt the Dark Tongue swelling in your throat, begging to be unleashed upon this thing.

“Deniel… would you burn me with him?” She asked, her voice carrying a hint of sorrow as if she read your thoughts.

“Never!” You gasped, thrusting the magic away in revulsion, cursing your own weakness in holding your temper.

“The vermin has control… Or is that your control of it?” The creature mused mockingly. “Needless, it would be a cold day in Corellon’s forge before I ever considered bending the knee to Hereses Dea…

Cirice shrieked, a bow and arrow appearing in her grip with a flash of light. “Reitia naa oira!”' She hissed, the arrowhead glowing like a tiny star before she released the string, the projectile striking the creature in the chest.

For a moment, the creature seemed puzzled, as if it could not believe something had actually struck it. Then, with a scream, it too burst into white flames, crumbling to fine dust before your eyes.

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a75c6c No.385766


“How could you drive me to this?” Cirice demanded of the ashes, agony in her voice, before bursting into tears, clinging to you as she wept. “Deniel… Why did he make me do it?”

“Cirice, I don’t understand…” you blurted, your hands hesitantly encircling the angel as she clung to you.

“Miracle of Miracles…” Thomas breathed reverently, sinking once again to his knees. “…surely the Holy Mother has…”

“Don’t ascribe Her name to it, Adept.” Cirice shot back with remarkable heat. “For Reitia would never condone me killing an Elf.”

You blinked in confusion, holding the Cupid’s face away from yours and staring at her incomprehendingly. “A… What?”

“Is of not possible…” Sigurd interjected “…Elves are of being extinct. Tyrisian Litanies of Castigation are of making…”

“Don’t speak to me of Litanies, Nordenlander.” Cirice interrupted. “The evidence is there before you… as is the stain on my soul.”

“Cirice…” You murmured, stroking the Cupid’s wings comfortingly “…Whatever he was, he was a servant of Dagon, and you heard what he called the All-Mother.”

“Heretic Goddess… I heard.” Cirice admitted, her voice muffled as she nestled her head beneath your chin. “I was not prepared, Deniel… but I think I shall be, now.”

Thomas coughed uncomfortably, hesitant to interrupt you with an Angel in your arms. You turned your head, looking at him askance, and the adept gestured discretely at the door.

“Cirice…” You began, gently extricating her from your arms “…I need to…”

Cirice made a gesture at the gate with a mailed fist, the stained stone bursting once again into white fire, burning with an intensity you could never dream to match. “And I need you to hold me, Deniel… This world is cold and harsh… and I feel so very alone.”

“Never alone…” You promised the cupid, wrapping your arms around her again. “…Never alone.”

<We’ll call it there for the moment, You’ve got two more gates to open. What would you like to do?

>Ask Cirice more about Elves

>Beg forgiveness and penance for nearly using dark magic again

>Bully Thomas for being a… doubting Thomas?

>Ask Sigurd what the bird and the berserker rage were all about

>Screw talk, keep going.

>Get some more motherfuckers involved. If so, who?

>Something else?

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0a2ea6 No.385768


Ask about the elves. Always up for a history lesson

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0a2ea6 No.385769

And ask for forgiveness for not saging

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fa4c37 No.385770

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


1, 2 and 4. And keep hugging because huggs transition to fuggs

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43f281 No.385781


>Beg forgiveness and penance for nearly using dark magic again

>Ask Cirice more about Elves

Without releasing your embrace on Cirice, talk to her about these topics. Regardless of how she answers, don't release her until she asks you to. And hold her hand afterwards, unless she stops you.

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43f281 No.385784



We must comfort her. I can only imagine how jarring it must be for her to physically leave the celestial realm. I'm sure she feels painfully disconnected from Reitia's warming presence.

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d2248b No.385818


On board for this: >>385781

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99a8a5 No.385848

Let us comfort the Cupid. And apologize for almost losing our cool. We need to be more careful.

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a75c6c No.386289

>Plead forgiveness from Cirice, ask more about elves.

“Forgive me, Cirice.” You begged, holding the angel against you.

Cirice pulled back slightly, looking at you in puzzlement. “For what?”

“I almost used Dark Magic again.”

Cirice giggled, the bridge of her shapely nose crinkling adorably. Reaching up with a mailed finger, she booped you on the nose. “But you didn’t. A true Dark Mage wouldn’t care about the consequences, just the power.”

“Still, I should have more control than…”

Cirice rolled her luminescent eyes. “Alright fine, if you’re so in the mood for penance, you can see to my armor when all this is finished.”

“As you will.”

Thomas was still staring obsequiously at the angel. “Blessed and Glorious, Might I assist Deniel in this most humble of….”

“His penance, Adept.” Cirice answered simply, to which Thomas gave a bitter sigh. Cirice smiled gently. “Thomas, I’m a Cupid, not a Cherubim like you met on the mountain. I’m not going to blow your mind apart for looking at me wrong.”

Thomas nodded his acceptance, resuming his feet. “Well forgive me for remaining a touch overwhelmed… You are a singular presence, after all.”

Cirice gave a slight blush, clinging to you and hiding her face in your chest again. Suddenly, with a grinding rumble, the doors of the abyssal gate swung open. A wall of water stood within, wine-dark and lit by faint flickers of phosphorescence.

“The Gate of The Deeps!” Sigurd declared in relief. “We are on our way to…”

With a splashing and squelching of sodden clothes, something stepped from the water. It was humanoid in shape, yet the details of its figure were hidden by lank, salt-ruined hair and a water-sheeting tricorn hat. It glanced at you, held up a hand for pause, and proceeded to vomit a deluge of seawater onto the stone floor, before drawing in a deep, shuddering breath.

“By gum. The change is always a bastard.” the figure cursed in a voice made harsh with salt. “What in the name of Oannes took you so long?”

“Alright I’m lost…” Thomas declared. “…Who are you?”

The figure cocked his head at Thomas’s blustering demand, before turning to the Nordenlander. “Didn’t you tell ‘em about us, matey?” the figure quipped, grabbing Sigurd by his biceps in rough greeting.

“You are of mistaken…” Sigurd replied, confusion written large on his blond-bearded face. “…I am of not knowings you.”

“You sure. Captain Sigurd?” The figure laughed, removing his tricorn and wiping the lank hair out of his face to reveal a salt-greyed, haggard, but blessedly human face. “You real sure about that?”

“You!” Sigurd exclaimed in shock. “But you were of drownings! Two years ago!”

“So’d Samuel the Caladonian, and that old bugger’s still gonna die warm and fat in his own fuckin’ bed!” the man laughed, clapping Sigurd on the shoulder. “The ‘Daybreak’ foundered in the storm, it’s true, and I resigned myself to facing Ammit in Duat as I sank beneath the waves… But Oannes offered me the choice to live and serve Him.”

“Then you’re…” you gasped in sudden understanding.

“Priest of the Tides. Shepherd of the Leviathan.” The man admitted, affecting a mockingly self-aggrandizing pose before laughing again. “Call me Ishmael.”

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a75c6c No.386290


“Why out here though?” Thomas grunted as your group clambered over the rocks. Atlantea’s docks hazy in the pearlescent mist, the light of morning peeking over the horizon.

“Well it’s easier to get there from the water, but the young lady doesn’t strike me as a swimmer.” Ishmael replied simply, reaching forth a hand to help Cirice up the rocks.

“She is an Angel of Reitia, man! Show some respect!” Thomas retorted hotly.

“C’mon now, I’m sure your friend can woo her just fine without you puttin’ her up on a pedestal…” The tide-priest laughed, hoisting Cirice up onto the rock he stood on. “…She is awful pretty though. If I weren’t happily married, you’d be in trouble, missy.”

“Sir!” Cirice chided, striking the man on the chest. “Have you no shame?”

“Not a skerrick!” Ishmael laughed, patting the Cupid on the hand warmly. “Drives the wife to distraction atimes, I’ll admit.”

You took up position beside her, staring at her in puzzlement. Her armor still shone, her wings were still as majestic as ever, yet Ishmael didn’t even seem to notice her obviously inhuman appearance. “Cirice, what…”

“Shhh…” Cirice hushed you, putting a mailed finger to your lips before taking your hand in hers. “…I’m in disguise.”

You blinked in amazement. “You can do that?”

“You can’t?” Cirice asked you ingenuously.

“I’ve never found the need to try.” You admitted, letting the matter drop. Even through the mail, Cirice’s hand felt very warm in yours. “Cirice, I was wondering… I don’t want to poke at a fresh wound, but…”

“Elves.” Cirice finished for you, her luminescant eyes downcast. “What do you know about them?”

“Only what I learned in the Abbey.” You admitted. “Which, as it turns out, was after, well… after Kimmy… I wasn’t really paying much attention at the time.”

“Understandable. You’re aware then, that the Tyrisian Church shoulders the blame largely upon Humanity?”

“I know the Litanies and Lamentations.” You agreed. “All Abbey-born do. We bear the shame and the guilt for their extermination.”

“You shouldn’t. It’s a terrible thing for you Humans to put upon yourselves. Ilias was wholly responsible… You’d know her as God-Before-Tyris.” Cirice explained, squeezing your hand briefly in hers. “She made a Harem of their males, even though her affections inevitably resulted in their total annihilation, then forcibly ascended Elven maidens, turned them into Angels of all choirs…”

You swallowed. “Even Cupids?”

“Maybe?” Cirice admitted, turning her head to you as if searching for assurance. “We aren’t ‘born’ like mortals. All I remember of my ‘youth’ is warmth and light… and then suddenly I was ‘me.’ I really don’t know how to explain it.”

“You don’t have to.” You assured her, patting her arm with your free hand.

“But you see why killing that one back there was such a problem.” Cirice continued, offering a small smile of gratitude at your comfort. “Was I killing a friend? A brother? Reitia forbid… a lover?”

“The Holy Mother would never put you in that position.” You retorted quickly.

“Mother Reitia offers us freedom similar to yours, Deniel.” Cirice explained. “As long as the end result be Love, and the increase of Love, She’s not much concerned with our methods.”

You paused as that sank in. “So you’re not here because She commanded it, but because you wanted to be here?”

“At first I wanted to see what the Celestials and the Umbrals were all put out about… Your past is an… interesting tableaux, it’s true. But then? I… I don’t know… You made me… feel something…”

“One day…” You smiled softly, raising the cupid’s mailed hand briefly to your lips. “…I’ll get a straight answer as to what they did to me.”

“One day.” Cirice agreed. “But not today. Dagon may be a shadow of his former self, but this is not a fight you need to be distracted in.”

“Agreed.” You nodded, squeezing the Cupid’s hand as you spied Ishmael beckoning you towards the mouth of a cave nestled amongst the rocks.

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a75c6c No.386291


“This is strange.” Thomas murmured, looking at the oddly circular formation of the cave, water sloshing about your ankles.

“It is.” You agreed. “Ishmael what causes a cave such as this?”

“From what I’ve been told, pilgrim, this used to be part of an ancient city that once stood here. These tunnels stretch for miles around, and can be something of a maze if’n you don’t know where you’re going.” The Tide-Priest replied without turning, striding comfortably forward through the weedy, slimy brine.

“Why would the ancients build all this underground?” Thomas mused.

“Harpies were of harassing them, maybe?” Sigurd pondered, somewhat subdued after Cirice had torn Corvus’s blessing from him. You hoped the man was alright, he didn’t look like one frequently given to such introspection.

“Is that Magisterian?” Thomas asked, peering at some carved letters in the rock “A… C… M… U… Acmu? What’s an Acmu?”

“Who knows?” Ishmael shrugged. “Atlantea taps into ‘em for the sewage system, to be perfectly honest.”

“Eurgh!” Cirice squealed, looking down at her feet in horror.

“At ease, little lady…” Ishmael laughed. “Cave-ins have separated those tunnels from these centuries ago.”

“Thank Reitia…” Cirice sighed.

“Here we go.” Ishmael continued, gesturing at a thick wall of bound weeds. “Gate of the Neap Tide. Open… Hey… OPEN!” Ishmael ordered, smacking a hand against the rubbery weed wall.

A foul-smelling, leathery strand of kelp lashed out, missing the Tide-Priest by a hair’s breadth.

“Corruption…” Cirice hissed.

“Let me…” You insisted, focusing on the kelp. “NE IALPRG”

You were expecting the frog-scream from the previous gate, but the shriek which rang from the kelp as white fire sprang up its length took your breath away… It seemed impossible, but the scream which rang from the kelp belonged to a woman.

“Ishmael!” the voice screamed “They’re KILLING me!”

“Shimetta!” Ishmael gasped, blanching at the voice. “Pilgrim! Stop!”

>Stop the fire, find another way

>This is a trick, keep the fire going

>Try and talk to the kelp

>Don’t listen to her, she’s obviously corrupted, but maybe there’s another way to purify her…

>Something else?

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a75c6c No.386292


>Have Cirice flash-fry it is of course an option

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43f281 No.386297


>Something else?

This is clearly someone Ishmael knows. We should immediately stop the fire and try talking to her. And we should ask Cirice if she can purify the corruption without harming the woman.

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e6c501 No.386301


Stop the fire, it could be a trick but we can't take the risk

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43f281 No.386329


I suspect that it is his waifu, turned into a kelp monstergirl, then corrupted. But it could also be a trick, preying upon a weakness of his. Regardless, I'd imagine that Cirice will be able to determine the true nature of it. There is little to fear if she is around.

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d5e375 No.386333


>Stop the fire

>Try and talk to the kelp

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fcc933 No.386334


stop the fire but keep an eye out for shenanigans

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d2248b No.386337

>Stop fire, try talking

Obviously there's more going on here than we know about. Let's try getting more info. Worst comes to worst, fire is a fallback option.

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e285a8 No.386764

>Stop the fire, try and talk to the Kelp.

“Reitia’s Mercy!” You gasped, dousing the cleansing fire immediately. “I didn’t realize…”

“You wouldn’t have, I didn’t…” Ishmael admitted woefully. “Shimmy, love, I’m so sorry, what hap…”

“Shut your festering breath-hole, you limp puke.” The kelp snarled back, two more strands of foul-smelling weed reaching hungrily for the tide-priest, lashing in impotent rage at the air. “You let that snotling mage set me on fire, and the best you can do is ‘Sorry’? Why aren’t you killing them right now?”

“Shimmy, they’re…”

“DON’T CARE!” The Kelp growled. “Kill them! Kill them now! If you loved me you’d kill them!”

“Bloody hell!” Ishmael blustered incredulously “What the arse has gotten into you girl? We’re trying to let Oannes back…”

“Fuck that face-finned father-fucker.” Shimetta spat, one of the weedy tendrils dropping a blob of foulness into the water with a wet plop as if driving home that statement.

“You don’t mean that.” Ishmael replied in a low, dangerous voice.

“Why not? Dagon’s not forcing me to guard his temple… Dagon didn’t keep you away from me for days on end…”

“Dagon had me locked in the deeps for two straight MONTHS, Shimetta!” Ishmael retorted hotly, holding his greyish salt-leached arms out in front of himself. “Waves and Tides girl, LOOK at me!”

A female face poked briefly through the wall of kelp. She would have been pretty, you noted with detached abstraction, if not for the gobbets of green and brown foulness leaking from every orifice on her face.

“At least now you don’t look like an Alp in training, you soft-faced nancy.” The kelp-girl sneered “I don’t know what I ever saw in you.”

Cirice recoiled as if she had been physically struck, and Ishmael’s pale features blanched even whiter, if such was possible. “Take that back.”

Shimetta smiled, revealing stained teeth dripping foulness. “Oh sweetie… didn’t we promise to always be honest with each other?”

Ishmael’s eyes narrowed, his lip curling. “I am sick and bloody tired…” he began “…of forever being the one at fault in this marriage! Do you know how many teeth I knocked loose of smug fuckers telling me I could do better than some wimpy flow-kelp? What I’ve given for you? What I’ve done for you? Well fine, if you’re done then that’s just FINE WITH…”

“Stop!” Cirice screamed, her voice reverberating in the closeness of the tunnel, driving you all to your knees with its volume. “Look at your leg, Tide Priest!”

“Eurgh…” Ishmael grunted, looking down at his leg where the corruption that had dropped into the water was now seeping like a slime-mold up the man’s calf. “That’s a good spot there… BY THE TEMPEST!” Ishmael gasped, staggering backwards with wide eyes away from the Cupid. Evidently, Cirice had dropped her disguise.

“Look out!” Thomas cried, reaching out futilely as the Kelp seized the opportunity to wrap those foul tendrils about Ishmael’s arms and throat.

“You’ll see… I’ll show you…” Shimetta promised, moving her humanoid body through the mass of weed until her head rested above his. Her slime-stained eyes rolled back in her throat and she began gagging, before vomiting a torrent of foulness all over the Tide-Priest.

“In the name of Reitia…” Cirice intoned, a shimmering bow forming in her outstretched hand. “…I will not let Love be diminished.”

“Blessed and Glorious!” Thomas gasped in horror “You can’t just kill them!”

“Kill them?” Cirice echoed. “I’m not going to kill them.” The Cupid took a shining arrow from her quiver, the tip glowing with that gentle rose-coloured light that permeated her being. Drawing the bow, she sighted briefly along the shaft before letting the arrow fly. You gasped in alarm as the arrow pierced both Priest and Kelp, both of them crying out as the shaft impaled them.

“Heaven’s Lancet compels you, creature. Speak your name.”

“mglagln lw'nafh'nahor hnah” The conjoined voices of the Kelp and Tide-priest snarled, their mouths twisted as one into sardonic smiles.

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e285a8 No.386765


“Deniel, you’ll have to translate for me.” Cirice mentioned aside, as casually as if she had asked you to open a window.

“What? I can’t!” You blurted desperately.

The Cupid smiled, reaching up to stroke your cheek with a mailed hand. “Yes you can. You know the Dark Tongue… You’ve just been made to forget it.”

“Like so much else, it would seem…” You remarked in a surly mutter. “…I think it said ‘Away weak thing’.”

“Expected.” Cirice nodded, before clenching her fist, the arrow struck through Human and Mamono blazing like a ray of sunlight. “Your Name!”

”REEEEEEEEE… gnaiih Dagon h' fm'latgh!” The duo shrieked.

“Father Dagon… It Burns…” You repeated dutifully, the words coming unbidden to your lips, as if you translated by instinct instead of conscious thought.

“Give. Me. Your. Name.” Cirice commanded, every word accompanied by a new flare of light.

”REEEEEEEEEEE! N'ghanglui! N’ghanglui! Ya yaah ah N'ghanglui.”

“Plague, Plague, my name is Plague.”

“Of course it is…” Cirice sighed, her expression downcast as if she had received bad, but not unexpected news. After a moment, she straightened, her eyes firm with resolve. “I abjure thee, Plague, thrice-damned and spurned by the Heel of Maou. Return to the Malebolge or Burn.”

“Mg!” Ishmael and Shimetta coughed simultaneously.

“No.” You shrugged.

Cirice brought her mailed hands together before her chest. The air positively thrummed with power, and you instinctively braced yourself, gesturing for Sigurd and Thomas to get behind the Cupid. The men had barely rounded the Cupid’s wings before she brought them forward, a howling whirl of white fire shrieking as it tumbled towards the kelp, igniting it in an inferno so bright you had to shield your eyes. As it died, you espied two prone figures in the shallow water, and between them, the ugly, bloated form of one of those frog-creatures, yet larger than the swarming creatures from the pool-room, with elaborate fins encircling its scorched head. It gaped a wide, fanged mouth, the broad philtrum running all the way up to its blood-oozing nostrils.

“Gentlemen.” Cirice gasped, leaning on you heavily. “Please send it the rest of the way for me.”

Sigurd did not reply, but merely stomped up to the creature, driving that wicked-looking knife through the top of its skull, the shining metal clearly visible in its slime-dripping maw as it emerged from the roof of its mouth. The creature shuddered once, then collapsed into a boneless heap in the shallow water.

“Ooh dat be some badwon ting.” A new voice interjected as the scorched and withered kelp fell away, to reveal the tunnel opening up onto the pool-dotted sand of an impossibly low tide, a Crab-Girl standing on its threshold, staring at you curiously as she clacked her claws.

“We’re right next to Atlantea.” Thomas remarked in puzzlement “Where did this beach come from?”

“Be askin’ de wrong questions, magic-mon.” The Crab-Girl giggled, stretching her nut-brown torso deliciously. “Be payin’ attention to de wrong side of… Oh Grandfather Ocean! What be happenin?” She gasped, noticing the bodies of Ishmael and Shimetta lying prone in the water.

“A Plague.” Cirice murmured, clinging to you as if intensely weary. “One of the things Maou kept imprisoned in Hell.”

“A dead god, an elf, and now something that should be locked up in hell? No prizes for guessing this is all connected.” Thomas mused.

“‘Ere me now!” The Crab-Girl chided, scooping up the Tide Priest in one claw and the diminished form of the Flow-kelp in the other. “Be time later for de philosophy. Gettin dese two onto de warm sands now, dey be weak as de baitfish.”

“Will they be alright?” You asked concernedly.

“Dey gonna sleep some. Big longtime. Tree days, maybe four?” The Crabgirl pondered. “Gonna make de bubbles, soothe de pain.”

You glanced over to the big Nordenlander, who was yanking his knife from the plague’s fetid skull. “Captain Sigurd, do you know where the third gate is?”

“No little brother. I am of only knowings the one.” Sigurd admitted with a shake of his head, wiping the blade free of foul blood as best he could.

“Then we need him.” Thomas concluded resignedly.

“We do.” You agreed.

>Heal the Tide Priest, let the Kelp recover naturally

>Heal them both

>Wait the four days on the magical crab-beach you haven’t slept in a day and a night yourself.

>Try and find another option. You’re two for three, the froggy cunts are bound to make a mistake.

>Something else?

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99a8a5 No.386770


Lets heal them both quickly. If the servants of Dagon weren’t aware of us before they sure are now. Time is of the essence and we need to get to the next gate ASAP. We can sleep later.

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d2248b No.386782


If Cirice still has gas left in the tank we should go with healing both of them, and push to end it now. If she's on empty our odds a pretty shit, I think. In that case, we should wait it out and let everybody recharge.

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43f281 No.386783


>Heal them both

But I disagree with >>386770 about immediately taking off again. Cirice needs time to recover from the last battle. Deniel will also need to rest for a while after healing them.


I can't say for fact, but Cirice already seems quite worn out.

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6abfd4 No.386806

If we heal them we'll probably just fall down from exhaustion ourselves. Let the Rastacrab do her work, help her where we can, but focus on making sure the rest of the party rests and recuperates as well.

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b42768 No.386846

So in terms of gluing down a more concrete consensus, what I'm getting from you is basically;

>You and Thomas dump what heals you have left into both Ish and Shimmy

>Take the day to recuperate, go back to frogstomping tonight.

Is that about right?

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c807d2 No.386849


More or less, but I'd rather fight them during the daytime, for all the good that'll do us.

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c807d2 No.386850


As in, rest for a day and a night

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43f281 No.386851


Sounds about right, assuming our pretty pink Cupid is pretty worn out right now. I'd also really like to know more info about the limitations on how long Cirice can stay and how long it takes her to recover. Since we have a bit of downtime.


Fighting the next day sounds good.

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b42768 No.386854


>How long can cirice stay, what's the limits of her power

In character, not even she knows, she's never done this before.

Out of character, I'm kind of testing the balance of making her a viable artillery strike without having you lot just call on her for everything.

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43f281 No.386856


Well, I certainly don't want to only rely upon her for everything, even though she is turning out to be pretty great waifu material. And I don't want to tell you how you should handle her. But…I don't think it would be unreasonable for her to require some amount of time physically basking in Reitia's loving presence, in order to fully recharge her magical power. Like I think she ought to be able to recover to some extent in the mortal world as well. Just not as much as she could in the celestial realm. Probably recovering with increasingly diminishing returns until she goes back to truly recharge. I'd probably handle it somehow like that. Do what you wish! That's just my thoughts on an angelic being like her.

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c807d2 No.386858


Magic recharge seems like a good way to go about it, her just being flat out unable to exist in our realm for more than a few days at a time feels like too much of a handicap for her. Better to have her slowly go from juggernaut to pretty girl with wings until she returns to her angelic realm

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d2248b No.386878


This is good.



Yeah, I'm not sure. One thing I like about this though, is that if she's something like a being that is literally sustained/empowered by love, it can be waved off/lessened in importance once she takes a husband (Read: Deniel), since they'd be directly supplying love to her.

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43f281 No.386886


She could still regain her mana like normal, up to her current limit, but effectively reduce her maximum mana over time. You could make it simple by saying she loses around 25% of her maximum mana every 12 hours in the mortal realm. Then it takes her around 14 days to fully recover her mana capacity, if fully diminished. Then you could summon her every 2 weeks to come wreck shit for a couple days. Or summon her once a week to wreck shit for only 1 day before she returns (this is probably optimal). Of course, these numbers could be balanced however OP wanted. It's just ideas.

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43f281 No.386888


It would be cute to have her regain her mana faster in the mortal realm if Deniel dotes on her.

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a75c6c No.387279

Sorry about the delay guys. Junkie 3dpd has been stumbling through my bros wrecking shit and I'm fucking drained trying to help them soak the fallout as well as show the fuck up to work. Update soon.

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f7a503 No.387283


No problem. Thanks for the heads up, it's appreciated.

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fcc933 No.387336


get her high as fuck, drive into the outback. then lather her up in BBQ sauce and leave her for the dingos. problems solve themselves if you use the right touch.

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43f281 No.387340

File: 898efd06c71b71f⋯.gif (3.24 MB,355x185,71:37,not even mad.gif)


>get her high as fuck, drive into the outback. then lather her up in BBQ sauce and leave her for the dingos

The magic of nature.

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a75c6c No.387385

>You and Thomas dump heals into Ish and Shimmy, then take a day to recover

“We should be of finding shelter.” Sigurd murmured, squinting at the suddenly bright sky as you emerged onto the beach.

“Ere mon, why so?” The Crab-girl asks in puzzlement, her dirty-blonde hair a curious contrast with her brown skin.

“The sun wills be burnings…”

“Hah!” The Crab-girl snerked. “You no worry north-mon. Sun dere no burn you.”

“Maybe not of you, Mamono…” Sigurd scoffed.

“It no be burnin’ you, human…” The Crab-girl insisted, pointing at the faint sillhouette of two figures cavorting in the distance on the beach. “…Because it no be burnin’ dem.”

You squinted, trying to make out details of the pair. “Who are they?”

“Memories.” The Crab-girl replied simply. “Of ‘is dreamin’.”

“Whose dreaming?”

The Crab-girl rested the pair in a shallow tide-pool, trapped baitfish flailing valiantly to avoid the new intruders to their realm. “Oannes. De ocean be a cruel and unforgiving place yah. Dere be only one law. Who be eatin’ who?”

You frowned in puzzlement as the Crab began flexing the chelicerae at the fore of her shell, a positive wealth of pearlescent foam boiling forth to cover the surface of the pool. “I don’t see what that has to do with…”

“Course ya nah see. Ya nah be knowin’ Oannes. De sea be cruel… But Oannes was a man before ‘im becomin Grandfadda Ocean… ‘im be many tings, but cruel? ‘Im never cruel… and in ‘im dreamin’, ‘e rememberin’ life… Rememberin’ Love.”

“I can feel it!” Cirice exclaimed, floating into the air and spreading her arms. “Merciful Mother… How great your grace…”

“Cirice?” You exclaimed, slightly alarmed. The Cupid ignored you, turning her face to the sun, the glow around her pulsing like a heartbeat.

“She nah be wrong.” the Crab-girl admitted. “De Healer… She takin’ power from dem claws of Ammit… Put it into Oannes… Made ‘im God. She be afearin’ ‘im lose de memory of Love. But Oannes nah forgettin’ it.”

“So this…” Thomas interjected “…all of it… this is Oannes’s dream?”

The crabgirl smiled, her teeth brilliantly white in her delicate brown features. “Yah mon.”

“It feels so real…” The Adept remarked absently, scooping up a handful of wet sand and working it slowly through his fingers.

The Crab-girl picked up a flailing baitfish that had launched itself from the pool, flopping and gasping on the sand. “Your dreams be greater than de fish, yah? To Oannes, in dis place, you be de fish.” As if to drive the point home, she popped the small fish into her mouth, swallowing it whole.

“That seems almost a sacrilege…” You chuckled helplessly.

“Is life.” The Crab-girl shrugged. “Dis be ‘im dreamin’. De Deeps, dat be de real. De Spring tide? Dat where de worlds be meetin’ and mergin’ like de water merges wit de land.”

“We are of beings safe here?” Sigurd asked, peering about suspiciously.

The Crab-girl nodded, pushing Ishmael and Shimetta beneath the blanket of bubbles. “Dis be a place of peace. No ‘arm be comin’ to you and yours, north-mon.”

“I goings to find food.” Sigurd declared, obviously still unconvinced.

“De fish are…” The Crab-girl began.

“I am of not wanting to be eatings tiny fish.” Sigurd snapped, as if the very concept offended him, before stalking towards a thick copse of swaying pines.

“‘Im be hurtin’…” The Crab-girl sighed “…Somethin’ be tearin’ ‘im off ‘im course.”

“He’s a Corvidian.” You offered.

The crab-girl shook her head, dirty blonde locks bouncing with her movement. “No… ‘im tied to de Raven by de blood, by de Culture… ‘im not knowin’ what ‘e is.”

“Do you feel that, Deniel?” Thomas insisted, breaking your reverie as he pointed at the glistening foam.

“Feel what?” You replied absently, focusing on the foam. You sensed energy there… flowing… gently lapping like the tiny waves of a sheltered lagoon. Understanding sparked within your mind, and you nodded. “Healing.”

“Madam…” Thomas began.

“Pipina.” The Crab-girl interjected with a smile.

“Pipina.” Thomas echoed. “This can be sped up… Heal them faster… I want to…”

“We.” You added. “We would like to help.”

“Sure you have enough in you, Deniel?” Thomas asked with concern.

You grinned, kneeling beside the pool and reaching out your hands.

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a75c6c No.387386


“Stars’re pretty…” Thomas slurred as he collapsed onto the sand, groaning as he stretched out, his hands behind his head.

“Yeah…” You agreed, trying valiantly to keep your equilibrium as you gazed myopically into the multi-hued magnificence of that void-sea that stretched from horizon to horizon, a belt of pale luminescence broken only by the occasional streaking flash of a shooting star.

“Deniel?” Cirice’s voice seemed to come from nowhere, as with a soft whooshing of wings, the Angel alighted on the sand beside you.

“How’re you feeling?” You slurred, blinking owlishly at the Cupid.

“Never mind me, silly.” Cirice chided gently. “You look fit to drop!”

“M’ok.” You insisted. “Gotta help you with your armor.”

“Deniel…” Cirice giggled as you clumsily pawed at a shoulderplate, searching for a strap.

“S’alright… My penance…” You insisted, blinking deliberately as you forced your eyes to focus.

“Deniel!” Cirice repeated, putting a hand against your chest. “I was being facetious.”

“I don’t…” You began, before your breath left your lungs in a strangled gasp, as Cirice’s armor dissipated in a whirl of shimmering light, leaving the Cupid clad in that sheer samite shift.

“Still not used to it then?” Cirice teased.

“You’re being horribly mean.” You moaned helplessly.

“I know…” The Angel agreed, putting her arms around your neck.

“Thomas’ll have kittens if he sees us like this.” You remarked somewhat bemusedly, no longer able to tell where the Cupid’s glow ended and the stars’ began.

Cirice smiled, glancing over to where the adept snored peacefully on the sand. “I think we’re fairly safe.”

“Says you…” You remarked breathlessly, your heart hammering at the proximity of her lips. In your dreaming, you had a certain level of detachment, but here, you were keenly aware of your body, and even more keenly aware of Cirice’s pressed against you.

“Well then…” Cirice drawled, flapping her wings once.

You were standing at one point, you’re sure of that, and yet here you were, lying on the beach with your head in the Cupid’s lap, her delicate hands stroking your hair and face.

“You cheated.” You accused.

“Of course I did, Deniel.” Cirice admitted shamelessly, bending over you and gently brushing your lips with her own.

“Serious now…” You insisted, forcing fatigue away valiantly. “…You did a lot today…”

“Oannes’s dreaming helped… More than I expected…” Cirice explained. “I let the love of his memory flow through me, replenishing me enough to cross the worlds again, if I needed.”

“You’re going then?” You asked, your heart sinking in your breast.

“Do you want me to?”

“No” The word was out of your mouth before you had a chance to think on it.

“Good…” Cirice smiled smugly, raising your head gently “…Do you see?”

The glimmer of a driftwood fire shone against the backdrop of night, somewhere between ground and sky. “I see it… What’s happening?”

“Another memory, of a different kind of Love…” Cirice murmured, laying your head in her lap again and kissing you, more seriously this time. “…And it is very, VERY infectious.”

“Cirice…” You gasped, your heart hammering again in your chest. “…I’m sworn to chastity… but if you keep kissing me like that I don’t know if I’ll be able to stop myself.”

“Deniel…” Cirice murmured softly, her lips almost touching your ear. “…Right now… I don’t think I’d want you to stop yourself.”

“I have sworn…” You groaned helplessly, your body singing with need.

“Shhh…” Cirice hushed you gently, stroking your face and hair again. “Sleep, my sweet Deniel. Sleep…”

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a75c6c No.387387


“Up!” Sigurd’s harsh voice brought you back to wakefulness. For a moment you didn’t remember where you were, and then memory flooded back with the gentle light of early morning.

“Where’s Cirice?” You murmured, absently shaking sand from your hair.

“Angel is of talking to Ishmael and the weed-girl.” Sigurd replied, before holding a red, chitinous limb out to you, white meat steaming from where it peeked through the cracked carapace. “Eat.”

“You didn’t!” You gasped, recoiling in horror.

“Didn’t of what?” Sigurd frowned in puzzlement. “Is Sidecrawler. Was of brainings it when it tried to eat me. So much for peaceful place.”

“Don’t be talkin’ bad now about dis place.” Pipina’s voice interjected, filling you with a rush of relief. The Crab-girl picking her curious gait over the sands towards you. “You be wantin’ a fight all straight up, Oannes ‘e be givin’ you it. Eat and be thankful, north-mon.”

“I’m sorry, Sigurd.” You offered sincerely, taking the limb in hand and forcing the carapace open further, your stomach growling as the smell of the meat met your nostrils.

“You think I was of eatings the Crab-girl?” Sigurd inquired, a blonde eyebrow raised. “Little Brother…”

“I know, I know, it’s a horrible thing to think.” You admitted, tearing at the flesh eagerly. “In my defense though, I just woke up.”

“Well…” Sigurd admitted with a lecherous grin. “…If she was of unmarried, maybe…”

“You’re a bad man, Captain.” You chuckled helplessly.

“Am not of ever pretendings otherwise.” Sigurd drawled smugly as he walked away.

The flesh of the crablike monstrosity, a known pest in the tropical isles off the coast of the westerlands, was sweet and filling, and you were filled with vigour as you threw the remainder of the carapace into a nearby tidepool for smaller scavengers to consume.

“You’re pulling me leg.” Ishmael declared incredulously as you approached, the pale, weed-shrouded form of Shimetta clinging to him.

“I’m serious, Tide-Priest.” Cirice assured him. “There was an Elf guarding the Gate of the Deeps.”

“By the Weedy Bollocks of Oannes…” Ishmael cursed. “…That’s a fuckin’ thing… How could Dagon have brought them back?”

“Did Dagon bring the Elves back?” Thomas interjected, “or did the Elves bring Dagon back?”

“What makes you say that?” You ventured.

Thomas grinned at you in greeting. “Deniel! Morning sleepyhead! You missed the Dolphins!”

“What’s a Dolphin?”

“Like a fish, but not.” Ishmael ventured, scratching his head.

You cocked your eyebrow. “How so?”

“Well they’re chattery little buggers, and I’ve never met a fish that could carry a conversation worth a damn.” Ishmael explained.

“They’re warm-blooded, like humans.” Shimetta added. “Smart too… They love the Mermaids to distraction.”

You smiled at the kelp girl. “Good to see you back, madam.”

“Hi.” Shimetta replied shyly, hugging herself closer to the Tide-Priest. “I’m sorry if I…”

“What’d I say love?” Ishmael blustered, taking the Kelp-girl’s face in his hands. “Flotsam under the waves. Forgiven, Forgotten.”

“He’s right, Madam.” You agree. “That wasn’t you, that was what that thing was forcing you to do and say.”

“Ishmael, I know it’s a lot to ask…” Thomas began.

“No!” Shimetta cried, enfolding her husband in limb and frond.

“Now love don’t start…” Ishmael chided gently, kissing the kelp on her soft, green-tinged lips. “…It’s all part of the job, and I owe Dagon a good sailor’s boot up the jacksie for the bullshit he put you through.”

“Come back to me?” Shimetta begged, releasing the Tide-Priest reluctantly.

“Sure as the tides, Shimmy.” Ishmael promised her, kissing her again. “Sure as the tides.”

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a75c6c No.387388


“What the dickens happened here?” Thomas gasped, seeing the general carnage strewn throughout the once-elegant taproom of the Ruby’s Legacy.

“Not of knowings…” Sigurd admitted. “…am hoping Baron Robbo is of being alright though.”

“Robbo’s a survivor.” Ishmael insisted. “Bastard Australian’s too fuckin’ sour to die.”

“He seemed very congenial to me.” You remarked in puzzlement.

“Must’ve made a good impression, Pilgrim.” Ishmael chuckled, opening a heavy oak door beyond which a stone staircase led down below the establishment.

“It was of beings here the whole time.” Sigurd growled in frustration as you descended the staircase.

“You weren’t to know, Captain.” Cirice assured him.

The big Nordenlander grunted, but said nothing further.

Your footfalls were hollow as you descended further into the chamber, dim, green light glowing from below.

“This is…” A female voice echoed from below. “…as we put it in The Australs, fuckin’ berko.”

“Ellie…” Thomas gasped in surprise.

“It couldn’t be!” You insisted “Even the Circle would not be so grasping as to associate with…”

“I near on had her tongue in my ear a couple nights ago, Deniel.” Thomas retorted in a low voice. “I’d recognise her voice anywhere.”

“You have heard my betrothed…” a rich, deep voice chuckled. “…Can there be any doubt as to the rightness of Lord Dagon’s cause?”

“You SURE about this, Sea-Witch?” Ellie’s voice insisted.

“It is as my betrothed has said…” Another woman’s voice replied, yet the tone was tired… hopeless.

Sigurd stiffened as if he had just been impaled by a shaft of white-hot steel. “That is…”

“Sapphire.” Thomas finished for him, horror dripping from his voice.

Sigurd’s lips peeled back from his teeth, a resonant growl building in his chest as he violently yanked that cruel knife from its sheath, murder writ large in his eyes.

>Let Sigurd go Berzerk on whatever and whoever’s down there.

>Convince him to stay put, this is still a whole pile of variables and you don’t know how many circle mages are with Ellie

>Charge with him, it’s time to fuck shit up

>Get Cirice to lead, we need firepower at the van

>Enter as one, but calmly, denounce them for their vile Heresy.

>Something Else?

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43f281 No.387393


>Something Else?

We need to remain calm, so we don't needlessly antagonize them and escalate the situation. Prepare for battle, but don't immediately attack unless we are attacked first. Calmly enter as one and demand to know what the fuck is going on. I suspect this situation is more complicated than we realize. And attacking a circle mage without provocation is crazy, even if she is getting herself involved in things she shouldn't.

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c807d2 No.387414


>Enter calmly and denounce them

They get one shot to explain themselves, then burn the place down.

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99a8a5 No.387437


Denounce them. Nobody expects the Reitian Inquisition

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f7a503 No.387445


Pretty well this. Be on guard, have Cirice on point.

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a75c6c No.387778

>Be on guard, enter calmly, confront whoever’s below.

“Sigurd!” You hissed, grabbing the Nordenlander by the wrist.

“Do not of trying to stop me, little brother…” Sigurd snarled.

“Wouldn’t think of it.” You assured him “But let’s go together. Calmly.”

The Nordenlander’s eyes narrowed dangerously. “Why?

“Because we don’t know what the mages have been told. And if there’s one thing on the face of this world you don’t want to meet, it’s a spooked mage.”

“Maybe a spooked Resonant…” Ishmael interjected with a mocking drawl.

“Not helping, Tide Priest.” You muttered irritably.

“Dunno what you’re getting so stroppy about, matey.” Ishmael quipped. “Way I see it I’ve got the right to blithely walk up to whatever prick’s decided to set up shop in my Master’s Temple and feed him to a fucking giant starfish. This is, as the good Tyrisians would say, Heresy.”

“Ishmael’s right. And did you hear Sapphire? Does that sound like someone who is overwhelmed by affection?” Thomas added pointedly.

“Of course not but…” You began, before the other shoe dropped in your head with near audible ‘thunk’. “…You’re right, that would count as a crime against Love, wouldn’t it?”

“Damn right it would.” Thomas agreed. “And as an Adept of the Reitian Temple, I have every right under Magisterian Law to demand an explanation.”

“Mother Told Me To.” Cirice adds, stepping forward and forming that elegant bow in her hand once more.

“A revelation, Blessed and Glorious?” Thomas asked hopefully.

“No…” Cirice quipped innocently. “…But who’d gainsay me otherwise?”

“Cirice!” You gasped in shock. “Lying about our Holy Mother?”

“Who’s lying?” the Cupid replied simply “My instructions are the same as yours. Sow Love, and the Furtherance of Love. As Her Beloved Adept so rightly stated, we have a right to a ‘please explain’ here.”

You couldn’t help but notice Thomas preening slightly at being referred to as “Beloved Adept”. A sudden flash of jealousy wormed in your guts, and you tamped it down. You had no right to feel jealous of Cirice acknowledging his accomplishments… Still…

“So we are of cloakings ourselves in mantlings of the righteousness… THEN we kill everyone?” Sigurd clarified in a surprisingly even tone.

“If it comes to that.” Thomas agreed.

“Southerners…” Sigurd sighed, rolling his ice-blue eyes helplessly and jamming the blade back in its sheath.

“As we were then.” Ishmael quipped, striding purposefully down the remaining stairs and into the gaping antechamber. “I hope you lot have got a bloody good…” He began in the bellowing roar that marks the sea-captain, before pausing in his tracks so suddenly you almost collided with him.

“What’s wrong?” You asked, following the Tide-priest’s bulging-eyed gaze to where a man stood behind an altar, adorned in golden regalia that was twisted and fretted to resemble thorny corals. Your heart sank like a rock as you noticed, atop the altar, staring blankly ahead with a look of absolute hopelessness, the blue-grey skinned form of the Kraken, Sapphire.

“Justin…” Ishmael snarled. “…You traitorous smeg-ridden fuckin’ CUNT!”

“Ishmael…” the gold-adorned man smirked. “…You’re looking well.”

“Pull your tongue out my arse, rot-fuckin’ abomination!” Ishmael slathered, stalking forward with deadly intent. “The fuckin’ starfish are gonna be too fat to move before this sun sets, so help me Oannes!”

“Peaceful…” Sigurd remarked flatly.

“Did I not tell you, O venerable mages?” the figure Ishmael had called ‘Justin’ remarked, a small gathering of muttering, robed figures looking between your party and the altar. “They come with violence in their hearts, when all we seek is peace.”

“You lie like your whore mother lied when she told your cuck father he was the only man in her life.” Ishmael retorted venomously, before turning to the mages. “Is the Circle so thirsty for the Hidden Secrets that you’ll associate with this… corruption?”

“He turned back those fuckin’ things that caused the argy upstairs… whoever you are…” Ellie retorted. “…And the name ‘Oannes’ is as familiar to me as the name of his ‘Dagon’. The Circle is not in the business of making churchy decisions. He’s promising answers.”

“He’s offering lies, Ellie.” Thomas interjected. “All of us have been led astray by the blasphemous magics of Dagon.”

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a75c6c No.387779


“Thomas, you’re cute, but you’re naught but a… Wait…” The mage trailed off, waving her hand in front of her face as if clearing smoke from the air. “…There’s an angel somewhere here…”

“She’s good.” Cirice remarked.

“Are you in disguise again, Cirice?” You murmured softly.

“Invisible, Deniel.” Cirice corrected, leaning over and brushing her lips against your cheek. “To them, anyway.”

“Once again the Tyranny of Tyris imposes itself upon a burgeoning faith…” Justin lamented. “…How much longer will humanity be oppressed by His jealousy?”

“Here!” One of the Magi interjected. “I didn’t agree to slander against the Most High!”

“And I offered none.” Justin corrected quickly. “Just my despair that a generous and loving God be forbidden to offer His beneficence to Humanity and Mamono alike.”

“Loving?!” Cirice hissed, her teeth clenched and the muscles of her jaw pulled tight in barely restrained rage. “Ohhhh THAT one is not leaving here…”

You ignored the Cupid’s fury, looking instead at Sapphire. Her listless posture seemed profoundly unnatural. Something was wrong here.

“Sapphire…” You called. “…Why have you abandoned Grandfather Ocean?”

“He is Tide Priest…” Sapphire replied without looking at you. “…I am promised.”

That was enough for Sigurd, and with a yell of primal fury, he launched himself forward, gripping Justin with a wide, meaty hand before driving his forehead into the shocked man’s mouth. Justin fell back, spitting blood and teeth.

“Sapphire…” Sigurd whispered insistently. “…You do not of having to do this!”

“I am a Sea Witch…” Sapphire lamented. “…I don’t have a choice.”

“Yes you do!” Sigurd yelled, grabbing the Kraken by her shoulders. “Choose me.”

“But you are not…”

“You are whoevers you are of wantings to be.” Sigurd interjected, ignoring her protests. “I sell Shieldmaiden. We buy house, we sell fish, we make family… Do not be of wasting yourself with that.”

“I… I…” Sapphire stammered, and suddenly you saw the energy snarling and wefting within her.

“Ellie, wasn’t it?” You called to the mage. “I believe that the use of Dark Magic in manner malevolent is a breach of the Circle Code.”

“Yeah Pilgrim, what of it?” Ellie snapped back, her voice quavering with uncertainty.

“Well Sapphire has been cursed with Despair, and the words of the Dark Tongue may as well be written on her flesh!”

>You have learned the DARK magic: Despair - Curses a target with listless depression, makes them amenable to your will.

“Make it go away, little brother!” Sigurd called to you, still holding the Kraken in an iron grip.

“I don’t know how my magic will react with the pact you hold with Corvus!” You replied, fear squirming in your guts.

“I will be of thanking God for the Sufferings, if it brings her back!” Sigurd insisted.

“Deniel…” Cirice gasped. “…He Loves her!”

“If there remained any question…” You remarked softly, reaching out a hand towards the altar. “Ne Ialprg!”

“Ahhhhh!” Sapphire screamed as white fire engulfed the Kraken and Human “It Burns!”

“Be lookings at me…” Sigurd insisted, the fire lapping at his face and beard. “…I…”

“Tell her, man!” Thomas begged.

“I… I am of lovings you…” Sigurd admitted, pressing his lips to the Kraken’s. Sapphire’s tentacles flailed, wrapping seemingly of their own accord about the human as he continued to kiss her in the midst of the inferno of holy fire.

“Stop them!” Justin demanded around broken teeth as he resumed his feet, blood flowing freely from his mouth “They’re ruining everything!”

“Why?” Ellie demanded, folding her arms across her chest. “I know that spell… It only affects Dark Magic… Are you takin’ the piss, Tide Priest?”

Justin snarled, turning towards a wall that seemed to be made of loosely packed rocks “Prepare then to perish all! Cahf ah nafl mglw'nafh hh' ahor syha'h ah'legeth, ng llll or'azath syha'hnahh n'ghftephai n'gha ahornah ah'mglw'nafh!”

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a75c6c No.387780

“We’d better leave.” A mage declared suddenly as a tremor shook the room.

“Leave?!” Ellie declared incredulously “When that cunt’s just…”

“Ellie.” Another interjected. “This is EXACTLY what the Directives of the Archmagi state, EXPLICITLY, that we DO. NOT. INVOLVE. OURSELVES. WITH.”

“Fuck directives.” Ellie declared.

“I’m with you, colleague!” A mage called.

“Same here! For the Most High!” Another added.

The remainder of the magi began tracing mystical circles around themselves, popping one by one from existence as they teleported away.

“Fucking pussy cunts.” Ellie snarled, focusing on the apostate priest.

“Ellie!” Thomas cried, running over to seize the mage by the wrist. “Wait, we might have a shot at…”

“Don’t go fucking with…” Ellie began, before staggering, her eyes slightly unfocused “…Oooh… Now where have YOU been?”

“Focus, Colleague…” one of the few remaining mages warned.

“I’m focused…” Ellie drawled, raising a hand to caress Thomas’s cheek lingeringly.

“Cirice…” You lamented, looking askance at the cupid.

“Wasn’t me.” Cirice declared innocently, trying in vain to push the quiver of rose-glowing arrows behind herself.

With a rumbling clatter, the rocks collapsed, a hideous, amphibian figure gripping the edges of the sucking, black portal which remained.

“Why do you call to Me?” It demanded, its horrible maw dripping foulness.

“Lord!” Justin cried “These insects seek…”

Suddenly, Sapphire broke the kiss she shared with Sigurd, the white fire flickering and dying around them, before throwing her head back and crying out with a peircing shriek. ”Nishentop Adlantisag, kelobtem Gabrin karoklimik bet gim demottem net getunosentem bernotlimik bet kagib lewidyoh!

”AAAAAHHHHHHHH!” The hideous form of Dagon roared, shaking the chamber as something seemed to PULL at its form.

“In the Name of Reitia!” Cirice declared, flapping her wings and drawing her bow back, the head of her arrow once again shining like a star.

“Lend me your strength, Mages of the Circle!” Thomas begged, inscribing runes upon the air as fast as his hands could move.

“You heard him…” Ellie drawled dreamily, power flowing from her hands to weave throughout the mystical inscription.

“Colleague, his inscription is not…” One began to object.

Ellie spun around with a murderous glare. “The Kraken got her meet-cute. By Ammit I will have mine, or I’ll consume the lot of you with the Ignis Mortalitus!”

Cowed, the Mages in turn stretched forth their hands, their own power amplifying Thomas’s spell to a frightening extent.

“Perfect!” Cirice declared, and Thomas threw the inscription towards Dagon’s hideous head, Cirice’s arrow leaving her bow, the two drawing closer… closer…


Thunder without sound shook the chamber, rocks clattering to the ground as reality itself seemed to warp and weft around the portal.

”It Cannot Be!” Dagon declared, as the scaled, toothed maw of a Leviathan clamped around its shoulder.

“I CONSUMED YOU ONCE…” A new voice declared, as deep and powerful as the waves upon the face of a cliff “…DO YOU SO RELISH THE SENSATION?”

”No! They promised!” Dagon cried, a second Leviathan burying its teeth into its foul throat. ”They… Promised…”

With a final piercing shriek, the remnant of that dead God was dragged into the darkness of the portal, before it too seemed to melt into the foaming and tossing water which crashed against the invisible barrier between the real world and Oannes’s realm.

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a75c6c No.387781


“Grandfather!” Sapphire cried in utter joy, her arms and tentacles releasing Sigurd’s shocked form as she reached yearningly for the now purified Gate of the Spring Tide.

“Reitia protect me…” You moaned as a massive form peered through the portal, its head and shoulders hiding its immensity in the tossing waters beyond.

“RAVEN…” Oannes began, stretching forth a finned and taloned hand to point at the stunned form of Sigurd. “…I REQUIRE THIS ONE…”

A black bird appeared from nowhere, cawing as it circled the vaulted chamber, before alighting upon the ground. Its form shifted, and in its place stood what appeared to be a man, black of hair, with an ebon-feathered cloak draped around his shoulders.

“You know the rules, old friend.” The figure remarked. “An offering must be made in turn.”

“TAKE THAT.” Oannes remarked with revulsion, pointing at the cringing, whimpering form of Justin, his golden regalia hanging unevenly from his body. “FOR IT HAS BETRAYED ME, AND I WOULD NOT LOOK UPON IT FURTHER.”

“The Pact is met.” the raven-cloaked figure remarked simply.

Corvus… ”Itreks-Jod” Sigurd gasped, falling to his knees before the figure “Have I been of failings you?”

“You were never Mine to begin with, Sigurd. Go. Love the sea. Love the witch… Worship Oannes and be happy.” Corvus smiled slightly, before turning his gaze towards Cirice. “Child of Heaven, remember Me unto My Daughter, when you come into Her presence.”

“G-gladly…” Cirice gulped, quailing under the Dark God’s gaze.

“Ah…” Corvus exclaimed, that sardonic smile not leaving his face as he turned to look upon the gibbering form of Justin. “As for you… I have such sights to show you….”

“No! NOOOOOO!” Justin shrieked as darkness enveloped him, before he and the Avatar of Corvus faded from existence.


“I will be of giving any oath…” Sigurd replied in a choked voice, unable to tear his eyes from Sapphire “…If I can be of remainings with her.”

“THEN ACCEPT MY POWER AND RISE, TIDE PRIEST!” Oannes declared, the sounds of exultation ringing from the tossing sea behind him, before the vision faded, the rocks floating through the air and sealing the wall once more, until the barrier stood as if it had never been breached.

“You…” Sapphire whispered, awe-struck as she tenatively reached out for the Nordenlander. “…It was always you, wasn’t it?”

“I was not of knowings…” Sigurd admitted, regaining his feet. “…But now I am of knowings nothing else.”

“Sigurd!” Sapphire cried in delight, wrapping arm and tentacle about the big man again, kissing him fervently.

“I… Remember….” You gasped, as memory came flooding back.

“Me too!” Ellie declared. “By gum, what the ARSE carries that kind of power?”

“Deniel…” Cirice whimpered, reaching for you before collapsing to the floor in a dead faint.

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a75c6c No.387782

“But we saw her do so much more!” Thomas blustered as you tenderly dabbed the cool washcloth against the Cupid’s face.

“Did we?” You replied absently, your fingers running softly through Cirice’s rose-coloured hair. “Can we ever really know exactly what she did? How did you even know to cast the spell?”

“I don’t know.” Thomas admitted. “It was like… Something out of a dream…”

“Bah…” Robbo’s harsh voice sounded from the doorway to the luxurious suite in which the Cupid rested. “…Thank the Gods she gave you what you needed. Now c’mon, the lot of youse. Let’s drink to Oannes and let the girl rest.”

“In a moment, brother mine.” Ellie replied, before turning to Thomas and grabbing the front of his tunic in her hand.

“Ellie, what…” Thomas began.

“You’re Adept.” Ellie interjected. “And no point denying it, it takes one to know one. And I know that means your Pilgrimage is done. Now let me make this clear, I like you, and I want you. And we can do this the easy way or we can do it the hard way, the choice is yours.”

“Don’t you think we should…” Thomas blustered, his face flaming.

“Shut up.” Ellie ordered, pressing her lips to his forcefuly, before breaking off, her breathing heavy with desire. “Fuck the Circle. Fuck everything… I want you. Just you.”

“I’ve never…” Thomas stammered helplessly.

“Me either.” Ellie admitted, an almost shy smile on her lips. “So why don’t we? Together.”

“Together.” Thomas agreed, allowing the mage to lead him from the room.

“Kids.” Robbo chuckled. “I’ll see you downstairs, Deniel.”

>Leave Cirice to recover, head downstairs with Robbo

>Attend to the Cupid Kiss her gently on the forehead and stroke her face.

>Meditate while you have the opportunity

>Pray to Reitia

>Stop Thomas from fucking the 3dpd

>Where the hell is Sigurd? Go find Oannes’s newest Tide-Priest for more info.

>Something Else?

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f5b347 No.387790

>attend to the cupid kiss her gently on the forehead and stroke her face

With additional whispers that she did a good job and we're very proud of her

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43f281 No.387817


>Attend to the Cupid Kiss her gently on the forehead and stroke her face.

Lots of this, until she feels better.


>With additional whispers that she did a good job and we're very proud of her

Also a good plan.

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39f544 No.387823




Guess we're pampering the cupid. I Approve.

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99a8a5 No.387830

Cupid needs pats for a job well done

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fc563a No.387863

Want to go see Robbo

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fc563a No.387864


And bring me Corvus's wrath for not saging, but not before I say to bless the newly united couple in drink

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a75c6c No.388096

You know what? You guys have made a whole bunch of Waifu decisions, we’re gonna have this conversation now.

>Comfort the Cupid

“I’ll be a while, Robbo.” You replied, glancing over your shoulder before dipping the washcloth into the basin again, gently dabbing the grime and dust from Cirice’s perfect features.

Robbo groaned, rolling his eyes. “Dammit Pilgrim she’s passed out, not dying. She won’t disappear for your absence.”

“Won’t she? It was very powerful magic called her here… it was even more powerful magic she used against Dagon…” You shook your head determinedly, setting down the washcloth and brushing a lock of rose-coloured hair out of the Angel’s face. “…I remember what it felt like when I thought I had lost her. I couldn’t bear that again.”

“Kids… Don’t do anything stupid.” Robbo warned helplessly, and you heard the door close and the Australian’s heavy, lopsided footfalls descend the stairs.

“Mother?” Cirice murmured, stirring in her sleep.

You smiled softly. Lying here so vulnerable, she seemed almost human. “No Cirice, it’s just me. Go back to slee…”

“I don’t know what to do, Mother.” Cirice continued, seemingly unaware of your assurance. “It’s so hard…”

“Shhh… You were very brave today…” You murmured, stroking the Cupid’s face gently.

“…He makes my heart sing…” Cirice whimpered plaintively “…The way he looks at me… his hands… he’s washing my face right now, back in the mortal world… Oh Mother I want his hands on me, and mine on him! I want him so badly…”

“Reitia’s Mercy!” You choked, your face aflame and your stomach churning with immediate conflicting emotions. Exultation, consternation, anticipation… sheer ball-shrinking terror.

“I don’t see what’s so funny…” Cirice snipped. “…Talking in my sleep? What do you mean I’m…”

Suddenly, Cirice’s luminescent eyes fluttered open. The Cupid blinked, peering about in puzzlement before they focused on you. “D-Deniel? Did I….”

Clearly your crimson features answered for her. Cirice shrieked, the sound making you wince and clasp your hands over your ears instinctively. This of course, did nothing to assuage the Cupid, who immediately put her face in her hands, rolling away from you and wrapping her wings around her body, which shuddered with muffled sobs.

“Cirice, it’s OK, you were just talking in your sleep…” You assured her, stroking one of her wings in gentle comfort.

“I-I’ve r-ruined everything!” Cirice wailed “I-it wasn’t s-supposed to be like thiiiiiiiiis!”

“Ruined? What have you ruined?” You entreated as gently as you could. “You’ve done nothing wrong…”

“B-but I HAVE!” Cirice retorted, turning back towards you and grabbing your hands with hers “I’m tempting you! I can see the way you look at me… Reitia’s Glory, Deniel, I’m in your head, remember? I can see what you want…”

“I’m only human.” You justify lamely, a sheepish grin spreading across your features. “I’m sorry if my stray thoughts are unwelcome. I’ll try and keep my mind under better…”

“That’s just it!” Cirice moaned desperately. “They’re not unwelcome… Because I want it too…”

“You…” You echoed, swallowing nervously.

“You can have me…” Cirice whispered, licking her lips nervously and releasing your hands, sliding the samite shift from her shoulders, her pert breasts lolling free, somehow even more enticing in this dim, mundane light than in the idealized fantasy of your dreaming. “…I’ll be your woman, Deniel… You can take me right here, if that’s what you really want.”

Your mouth was dry, your heart was racing, and you felt a primal, instinctive desire build in your guts and loins. The sight of her, it made you almost hungry, and your hands ached to roam and explore that newly exposed flesh.

>Screw the Pilgrimage, Dick the Cupid.

>Hell no. We are going to abstain and be a proper fucking gentleman until we get the Adept intersect. Still… Nothing says we can’t take responsibility and confess our feelings.

>Be a bit of an asshole, use her desire to get more info as to the angelic fuckabout that is your memory

>Shit got way too real, way too quick. Let her down gently. We don’t want this after all.


>Something Else?

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39f544 No.388099


>Hell no. We are going to abstain and be a proper fucking gentleman until we get the Adept intersect. Still… Nothing says we can’t take responsibility and confess our feelings.

Gotta see our shit through. No reason we can't tell her how it is though.

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99a8a5 No.388102


We started this pilgrimage and we need to finish it. It will be all the sweeter if we wait until we unlock the adept intersect

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8124d5 No.388104


Wait until we hit adept.

After that, we can dick her.

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43f281 No.388113


>Hell no. We are going to abstain and be a proper fucking gentleman until we get the Adept intersect. Still… Nothing says we can’t take responsibility and confess our feelings.

This sounds alright. Say that we don't feel as if we've completely fulfilled our duty to Reitia. But make it absolutely clear that we love her and wish for her to remain near us much as is feasibly possible for the remainder of our pilgrimage. And afterwards, we want to remain with her forever.

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43f281 No.388114


Continuing from >>388113

We should also ask her about:

>the angelic fuckabout that is your memory

But not in an exploitative way. Only what she is comfortably willing to share. But I would like to learn more about that.

Also, kissing her a lot doesn't break our vow of chastity.

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4b4e4e No.388115


We gotta wait until we're a proper wizard to do the horizontal mambo with her. But when we do, the dicking will be thorough and loving.

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504f91 No.388120


we gotta sit through this pilgrimage properly before we waifu her

also, we have to take her on at least one hundred romantic dates first so we can get to know each other more

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fcc933 No.388135


>forgetting how /monster/ works

picking the "confess feelings but no dickings until we're finished" door. no sense in throwing the adept thing in the shitter along with more chances to lightly bully the cupid over this

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43f281 No.388140


>no sense in throwing the adept thing in the shitter

The way I see it, we owe it to Cirice to see our journey through until the end, for all the help she has given us. And to Reitia, because we'll be stealing one of her angels for ourselves. Also so we can become strong enough to protect and confidently fight alongside Cirice, if need be. And I'm very curious to learn the truth about our past and these angelic shenanigans.

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a75c6c No.388308

>No to the dicking, confess your feelings

“Cirice…” You began, cupping the cupid’s face in your hands and kissing her softly “…You can feel how much I want to, can’t you?”

“Yes…” Cirice whimpered, her mouth seeking yours hungrily, her slender hands busy at your torso, sliding into your tunic and caressing the bare skin beneath, the sensation of her touch almost overwhelming your resolve.

“But…” You began, gently fending off her hands with what felt like a herculean act of will, and holding them in yours again.

“But?” Cirice echoed in alarm, pulling her face away from yours, concern writ large in her luminescant eyes.

“If I make you my woman…” You murmured gently, taking her shift and sliding it back over her breasts and shoulders, silently shrieking in your head as her perfect form was obscured. “…I’d rather do it as a Temple Adept. Before an Altar. As your Husband.”

Cirice’s hands flew to her mouth and her wings extended suddenly with a thump of displaced air. “H-husband?!” She squealed.

“It’s presumptive of me in the extreme, I know.” You admitted. “But, when this is all done, when my Pilgrimage is finished… would you consider…”

Something happened, you must have tripped, but suddenly you were lying on your back on the floor of the room, Cirice glowing like a rose-coloured wildfire atop you, her wings mantling you as she panted “Yes… Yes… Yes…”, punctuating every ‘yes’ with another kiss. An odd sense of weightlessness caught you… a moment of vertigo, and suddenly the dimly lit room melted away to be replaced by a tableaux of beauteous wonderment, a sea of stars stretching out all around you, warm webs of energy glowing and congealing as they wove and wefted through realities beyond comprehension.

“Oops.” Cirice murmured, scrambling off you and straightening her shift and smoothing her mussed hair self-consciously.

“Oops?” You echoed. “Cirice what is this place?”

“Somewhere… You’re not really supposed to be…” the Cupid admitted somewhat sheepishly.

“It’s beautiful…” You breathed in amazement. Every movement of your feet sent glowing ripples flowing out into infinity, like you were walking on a lake made of frozen fire. “…Is this your dream, Cirice?”

“N-not mine…” Cirice whimpered, pointing covertly at something… or someone behind you. You swallowed, turning slowly before your breath left your lungs in a strangled wheeze.

She was a rather diminutive thing, her body the shape and build of a young woman, willowy, maidenlike, yet well past the androgyny of adolescence. Two lupine ears the colour of a summer sky poked through hair of the same lapis richness, cascading in a loosely-bound bunch until it almost brushed the ‘ground’ behind her dainty, bare feet. Two large, storm-grey wings rose above her slender shoulders, shifting slightly as she cocked her head, all bemused at you.

“Precious one, how did you get here?” She asked softly, and your mind shied away from the overwhelming POWER of your Goddess focusing Her attention wholly upon you.

“H-Holy Reitia!” You squeaked, falling to the ‘ground’ and grovelling pitifully at her feet.

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a75c6c No.388309


“Darling Cirice, I think I broke your fiancee…” Reitia mused critically as you continued trying to grovel yourself into a hole in the unyielding surface.

“I’m sorry Mother!” Cirice wailed, “I was just so overwhelmed because I thought I was… wait… You knew?”

“Goddess, sweetheart, and considering the ‘who’ and the ‘what’ I’m a little disappointed you think I’d miss it.”

“Yes Mother. I’m sorry Mother.” Cirice murmured, wringing her hands abashedly like a chastized child.

“No harm done…” Reitia waved a hand dismissively, before stooping down to peer at the top of your head as you tried very hard to compress yourself into insignificance. “…well I won’t say it’s the BEST impersonation of a beetle I’ve ever seen, it’s certainly a passionate one.”

“H-Holy Mother?” You blurted in surprise, glancing upwards to see the Goddess smiling warmly at you.

“Oh much better.” Reitia declared, holding out a hand to help you up. “You have such pretty eyes, Deniel, I’d much rather look at them than your bald spot.”

“B-bald spot?” You echoed in mortified embarrassment, springing to your feet and patting desperately at the top of your head.

“Mother!” Cirice lamented “Deniel doesn’t have a bald spot!”

“He’s standing up, isn’t he?” Reitia retorted evenly, the smile not leaving her soft mouth as she looked up at you, stretching her hand out presumptively. “Take my hand Deniel.”

You swallowed nervously, your hand hesitantly encircling hers, soft and cool and oh-so-small inside your grip.

“Say it, Deniel…” Reitia chuckled.

“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean, Holy Mother.” You blustered, your face flushing crimson.

Reitia rolled her eyes in exasperation. “Deniel, I can see the full span of existence that stretches through realities beyond counting. There is Nothing You can say that would surprise me.”

“You’re… smaller than I expected…” You remarked hesitantly.

“Oh? Well is this better?” Reitia remarked, and suddenly you were a swaddling infant again, held gently in the Goddess’s smooth arms.

“Or perhaps this?”

You were a boy again, peering up at Reitia’s beautiful eyes as your head lay in her lap, her soft hand stroking your face.

“Or this?”

She star-soaked dreamscape fell away and you glimpsed a momentary vision of the colossal reality of Reitia’s true power, stretching through countless worlds and times and realities. Your mind shrieked at the immensity, your sanity bowing under the sheer incomprehensible WEIGHT.

“P-Please, Holy Mother!” You cried, your arm shielding your eyes.

“I didn’t think so.” Reitia concluded, squeezing your hand gently as the dreamscape returned. “So no more ‘short’ cracks, am I understood?”

“Y-yes Holy Mother.”

“Good.” Reitia declared, pulling you down by your arm and kissing your cheek in a manner so similar to the Mothers at the Abbey that you were suddenly filled with a rush of warm nostalgia. “Now let’s get you home.”

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a75c6c No.388310


“Mother!” Cirice cried, reaching out as Reitia began leading you away, whether to you or the Goddess you couldn’t be sure. “Can I…”

Reitia looked pointedly over her shoulder at the Cupid. “Cirice, sweetheart, you have gotten enough kisses from your paramour to cover ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’ for the next year. Don’t be greedy. Now I want you to…”

You were more than passably educated in the Angelic tongue. Raised in a Tyrisian Abbey, educated in a Reitian Temple and an arguably gifted Mage, you had to be. Yet the exact meaning of Reitia’s next instruction to the Cupid escaped you… But you were sure you had heard a similar tone when you had been instructed to go to your room as a child.

You kissed your fingertips, holding them out towards Cirice, who smiled at you meltingly, her eyes filled with love as the glow around her intensified… and then she was gone.

“This is your dreaming then, Holy Mother?” You ventured, more to reassure yourself that this was more than an elaborate hallucination than anything else.

“Maybe?” Reitia pondered. “It’s not a part of My Memory that I set aside for My followers like Oannes’s lovely beach.” She explained with a gentle smile. “Think of it as like a small part of My ‘house’, but My house is also ‘Me.’ Does that make any sense?”

“I think so…” You replied dubiously, your mind scrabbling for more than a vague grasp of the concepts the Goddess was explaining.

“If you ever have the opportunity to study with a mindflayer, ask her about how a memory palace works, that’s probably as close as a Human can get.” Reitia offered consolingly, seeing you struggling with the concept.

You made a face. “Can I just take it on faith?”

Reitia laughed. “They’re not all evil murderers!”

“Can I take that on faith too?” You ventured, somewhat more cheekily.

“You…” Reitia chided fondly, hugging your arm against her. “…I understand things haven’t been the easiest thus far for you. I want you to know I appreciate the determination you’ve shown.”

“I’ve done nothing more than keep my word, and try and teach people to Love, as you taught us, Holy Mother.” You insisted, shaking your head, stamping vigorously on the ugly worm of hubris the Goddess’s praise threatened to grow within your breast.

“Your humility is touching, Deniel, but not many of my Pilgrims have to deal with Dead Gods, Elves where there shouldn’t be Elves, or naked Cupids throwing themselves at them.” Reitia replied levelly.

“The last being the most dangerous.” You quipped without thought.

“You’re very correct, though I’ll thank you not to be so flippant with it.” Reitia chided. “She is immensely powerful in her own right, and until recently, quite convinced that she would never know Love for herself. If you’re not absolutely sure about what you intend, it would be better if you told me now.”

“I Love her, Holy Mother.” You admitted honestly. “I meant what I said. When my pilgrimage is over, assuming she still feels the same way, I fully intend to marry her.”

Reitia nodded “I love you, all of you, but I’ll confess to being a touch more overprotective of My Cupids. If I thought you were toying with her I’d have likely spread your atoms across a wide expanse of void. I just want to stress how SERIOUSLY she’s going to take this.”

“Y-You make your point quite vividly, Holy Mother.” You gulped, your knees feeling like jelly underneath you and a cold sweat springing forth from your brow.

“Oh stop.” Reitia murmured comfortingly. “I don’t much like the realities where that actually happened anyway.”

“Holy Mother, please…” You near-whimpered, your heart fluttering in your breast. Even if it occured in a completely different reality, the thought of your Goddess obliterating you so casually sent icy terror crawling up your spine.

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a75c6c No.388311


“Deniel… Come here.” Reitia ordered, pulling you down into a hug, the warmth of the Goddess’s Love suffusing through you. “I love you, precious one.”

“I love you, Holy Mother.” You replied instinctively.


You nodded. “Much.”

“Good.” Reitia smiled. “I didn’t mean to be so blunt… Father and I are often somewhat graphic when ‘talking shop’ out of necessity.”

“The Raven?”

“Mmm…” Reitia nodded. “…I’ll admit to being a little disappointed in Uncle Samuel. My Father’s first disciple should be doing more to stop modern mythology from turning him into a Bogeyman.”

“The Caladonian?” You queried in awe.

“He still doesn’t know how that appellation became so commonplace…” Reitia giggled slightly. “…He was lamenting it to Father while peas steadily dribbled off his fork at dinner last week.”

“Holy Mother, forgive me but… You… Had dinner… with The Raven… and The Caladonian… Like, sit down, regular people dinner?”

“Of course precious one, Amaranth is quite an excellent cook…” Reitia replied as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “…She’s a little put out with you, you know. Spurning her in favour of Cirice and all.”

“So if I had…” You began, somewhat overwhelmed.

“We would have had this conversation over dinner after I finished consoling a very huffy Cupid.” Reitia smiled. “And Alexander would be threatening you with terrible, Terrible things if Amaranth so much as gave a listless sigh around you.”

“Oh…” You blurted helplessly. “Holy Mother… What am I?”

Reitia paused, looking up at you quizzically. “That’s a strange question, precious one. How do you mean?”

“I’m talking to my Goddess about how she had dinner with a company of Legends as we wander through what I can only surmise is something resembling ‘Heaven’.”

“That’s a reasonably succinct summary.” Reitia agreed.

“This is not a normal thing!” You insisted helplessly.

“It is in My Temple.” Reitia replied somewhat huffily. “I try and keep certain intersects of realities consistent, and I find conversations are some of the easiest ways to accomplish that. Plus, I like your company.”


“All of you.” Reitia laughed. “Thomas’s tendency to literalism aside. Would you believe I had to shoo two Celestials away from him after the Cupid I sent to help with them threw up her hands in disgust? He couldn’t hear a word she told him because he was so CONVINCED that his interpretation of them was correct.”

“Then how did he see Cirice?”

“You believed harder.”

You smiled helplessly. “I’m glad.”

“So am I. So is he, under the obsequiousness.”

“That’s a point…” You agreed. “…why is he so overwhelmed by her?”

“Learned response. Why was he afraid of water?”

You frowned in thought. “He didn’t want to tell me.”

Reitia patted your arm with her free hand. “Time and experience influence us all, Deniel. Even Gods.”

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a75c6c No.388312


You swallowed. If there was anyone to ask it was Her, and if there was any time to do so it was now. “Is that why The Angels have been playing barber-surgeon with my memory?”

“Ah.” Reitia sighed. “I was wondering how long we would take to reach this point.”

“Why?” You demanded simply.

“Because of what happened to you, and what awareness of that will mean to what you can, and potentially, will do.”

“What happened to me?”

Reitia looked at you, her expression a strange melange of sadness and comfort. “Something horrible. Something no child should ever experience.”

“Holy Mother, with all reverence, that doesn’t tell me much.”

Reitia raised your hand to her lips, kissing it briefly. “I know, precious one.”

“The first time I saw Cirice, I was in the forest where Kimmy was killed. The second, it was atop a butte in the desert. What happened there?”

“Sweet Deniel, you won’t thank me for showing you…” Reitia warned.

>Insist Reitia show us the past

>Redirect, try and get some more information via more subtle questioning

>We should not be wasting face-time with a FUCKING GODDESS bitching about our bodgy memory, ask about something else entirely.

>Pat Her Head. (No srsly don’t do this)

>So Cirice is crazy-powerful… get graphic, ask about if we have to worry about her orgasms splattering us across reality.

>Something else?

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5ae74d No.388316


You know what we want.

Though I don't care for the word "insist" when talking to our Lord. More like please.

Headpatting a god is out of our league, We haven't even patted all the bitches we've helped so far, We aren't ready for the big leagues. Yet

Also thats a fair question regarding Cirice. Not a bad way to go honestly. "Here lies a monument to Deniel, The man who made an angel of Holy Retia orgasm so hard it shattered his physical body across all reality."

We'd become the patron saint of shagging

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e891d1 No.388321


Pat her head.

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d855a6 No.388325


Headpat Reitia. What's the worst that could happen? :^)

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d855a6 No.388326


Fuck, forgot my sage

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99a8a5 No.388330


I am suspicious now that she said that. Did we watch someone get murdered? Let’s ask, but be subtle about it.



Very bad idea. Don’t do this. Save our pats for cirice.

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5edf52 No.388331



>Headpatting our goddess

>Headpatting our goddess when we already have Circe

Double sacrilege, don't do that shit

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43f281 No.388338


>Insist Reitia show us the past

Lets do this. But be tactful like >>388330 suggests.


>What's the worst that could happen?

Spontaneous reincarnation as a frog? Your entire existence wiped from living memory? Magical castration? Just to name a few.

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ae9d41 No.388347


As much as it might cause problems, I feel like we're the kind of stubborn fucker who'd need to know.

>So Cirice is crazy-powerful… get graphic, ask about if we have to worry about her orgasms splattering us across reality.

This got sorta meta-answered when I asked about it back when, but it does raise a interesting point: anything we should know about shaking up with an angel that's not common knowledge? We should ask about this if we get the chance.

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43f281 No.388350


>anything we should know about shaking up with an angel that's not common knowledge?

Outside of universe altering orgasms, a question about possible side effects of procreating with angels is worth asking. Such as… What would any potential children be like? Could marrying and spending all his time around an angel have an effect on Deniel like Incubusization?

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fcc933 No.388358


nicely insist about the past, and ask if Cirice would turn us into a fine pink mist if she has an orgasm.

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99a8a5 No.388381


Iirc from RD’s other work, hooking up with an angel eventually turns you into an angel.

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285e4c No.388400


This is in line with the meta-answer >>388347 is talking about.

Deniel won't sprout wings because isn't a part of the divine bloodlines. That's all you're assured of at this point.

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cc014d No.388592


Let's ask about our history, and for her to head pat us instead. Also, Lester just gamble on if there will be any side effects from the Cupid. Live on the edge.

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cc014d No.388593

I'm a faggot that didn't sage. End me.

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fc563a No.388595


I'm not so much for learning the past now. Done just fine without it as is, but will ask her to pat out head instead of trying to pat.

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43f281 No.388619


The reason I worry about the headpat thing is because she could easily construe it as a jab about her height. Implying that she looks like a child, since she is petite. And she's clearly very self-conscious about it. It's great bully material for when we know her better, but it's too early.

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a75c6c No.388761

>Ask Reitia Politely to show us the past

“Be that as it may, Holy Mother…” You began, facing the Goddess and bowing your head subserviently “…I beg you… If it please you… Show me.”

“Well it doesn’t Please me, Deniel…” Reitia sighed resignedly. “…Nothing about the whole sordid business pleases me. But, if you’re determined…”

Reitia waved one of her delicate hands and the air before you shimmered, the desert butte you had seen in your dreams coming into sharp focus, as if a window had been opened in reality. You gasped in horror as you spied a toddler, barely old enough to walk, reaching out through the bars of a wicker cage.

“Mama!” The child wailed piteously. “Scared, Mama!”

“Will you shut it up?” A woman’s harsh voice rang from the rear of a wagon, the clinking sound of reagent canistersters providing discordant accompaniment to the child’s wailing.

The hooded figure from your dreams approached the cage, kneeling down and pulling the hood back. For a moment, you didn’t recognise the figure as human, as ritual scarification covered the man’s face almost completely. Strange though… the man’s features… they were oddly familiar.

“Don’t be afraid, boy.” The dark figure insisted. “You’re part of a great Becoming.”

“Want Mama!” the toddler insisted, not understanding or caring about what the man with the scary face was saying.

“Has she ever shown you the slightest affection boy?” The scarred man smirked, curling back lips from teeth filed to points. “What makes you think she’ll start now?”

The boy recoiled slightly and began to wail. A stab of sympathetic pain shot through you at the sound of his cry. The scarred man reached a hand through the bars, gripping the toddler, but not roughly, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze with his tattooed hand.

“You must be strong, boy. Endure the hardship, and you will know power the likes of which…”

“I told you to shut it up, not have a conversation with it!” The woman demanded, her enraged face emerging from the cover of the wagon, sandy-blonde hair so like your own, her features horrifyingly familiar.

“Mistress…” The scarred man began “…Wouldn’t it be better if Deniel…”

“You named it?” The woman mocked. “More fool you…”

“Mistress… This is our son!” The scarred man blurted incredulously.

“That parasite…” The woman spat. “…is a means to an end, nothing more. Nine months beneath my heart is all it will get from me without tribute.”

The reality of the situation crashed down around you, and your legs gave way beneath you, tears blurring your vision.

“They… they were my parents…” You choked “…And they never loved me.”

“Deniel…” Reitia insisted, her delicate arms reaching as best they could to encircle your broad shoulders. “…I warned you…”

“End it, Holy Mother… Please…” You begged, tears running freely down your face.

“No, my precious one…” Reitia replied regretfully “…You wanted to see, and now you must see.”

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a75c6c No.388762


You tried to turn your face away, and found yourself inexorably locked to the vision, your child-self still sniveling within the wicker cage, the scarred form of your father tracing blasphemous runes in the dirt, your mother still mixing reagents from glass flasks at the side of the wagon.

“We are ready.” She declared.

“Yes Mistress.” Your father agreed, straightening and wiping his scarred brow with the back of his tattooed arm.

Suddenly, a flash of light burst from nearby, two armoured figures striding forth, one clad in the gold and white of a Tyrisian Paladin, the other in the utter blackness of a Corvidian Knight.

“Cease this Blasphemy!” The Paladin commanded, drawing a sword which blazed with golden fire.

“…Or be damned…” The Corvidian echoed, drawing his own black blade.

Your mother shrieked with mad laughter, throwing a liquid-filled jar which shattered on the ground before the pair, a foul, brownish miasma causing both warriors to grab at their throats, choking for air.

“Take their hearts.” She ordered, and your father nodded purposefully, chanting the Dark Tongue and moving his hands in strange, somatic gestures.

“Ne Pireda Ameniael!” The Paladin choked, hastily inscribing a magical circle in the air before him.

“Ne Pireda Athtoriel!” The Dark Knight echoed, mirroring his movements.

“Well well…” your mother purred. “…Scions… Just as planned.”

The air rang with twin choirs, as a Celestial and an Umbral Angel both became manifest.

“Gof'nn hupadgh ebumna…” Your father chanted, black and crimson energies weaving through the air.

“Pitiful…” The Umbral Angel sneered, black hair swirling about her pale, intensely beautiful visage. She stretched forth her hand, and the knights were enveloped in a web of void energy.

“You shall not have them, Heretics!” The Celestial added, enshrouding the knights in light.

“…Nog geb wgah'n ah f’grah’n!” Your father concluded.

“The Angels!” You screamed impotently at the vision “…He’s not…”

Twin clawed hands burst from shrieking holes in reality as mutant, foul limbs stretched forth to seize both angels in massive taloned hands. The air rang with their screams as cruel, grimy talons dug into their flesh.

<You have learned the LIGHT Magic: Sanctuary - Surround self or target in a shield of Holy Magic

>You have learned the DARK Magic: Dark Grip - Reach into the Malebolge and summon the arm of a Forbidden One to sieze the target.

The protections surrounding the knights vanished, and your mother pointed a hand at them, fingers curled cruelly, engulfing them in crimson-smoking hellfire. The Angels redoubled their shrieking, struggling against the disembodied arms as the knights burned alive.

“Fetch the ewers!” your mother ordered. Your father inclined his head, dragging a pair of oversized, rune-inscribed bowls beneath the struggling angels.

“It’s easy to die…” your mother purred at the angels “…knowing you’ll die for your God.”

“You will taste Oblivion!” The Umbral cried defiantly.

“You first.” your father quipped, clenching his hands.

The sound the Angels emitted as the talons dug deeply into their flesh was beyond description, light and dark blood pouring forth into the ewers.

“Die! Die and know your false gods have forsaken you!” Your mother cackled, almost dancing with mad glee as the angels bled out. The bleeding slowed, and the figures shuddered and were still.

Your father waved his hands, and the arms retracted back into whatever horrible realm they had spawned from, dragging the bodies of the angels with them.

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a75c6c No.388763

“Now. Baptise it.” Your mother ordered, pointing at you. Once again, your father nodded, moving to scoop the angelic blood from the ewers.

“All of it.” Your mother interjected.

Your father recoiled, staring at your mother incredulously. “So much… it could overwhelm him, Mistress!”

“What care have I of that?” your mother scoffed, gesturing at her crotch “We can always make another.”

Your father’s jaw clenched, but he did as he was ordered, levitating the heavy basins into the air. Chanting gutturally, he tipped the blood in twin deluges over the diminutive form of your child-self.

You cried out in concert with your younger self’s screaming. Hot. Scalding. Can’t breathe! Afraid, so afraid… the angels screaming in my head… so loud… the world’s vastness falling away… alone… alone… alone…

“I… Remember…” You gasped as the vision faded to nothingness. “…The Angels on The Path… They’ve always been there… Trapped…”

“Diablery.” Reitia explained. “The power of those two angels, bound to your soul through the blood you were drowned in. To open the intersects on the path. By the age of five, you had the capability of an Archmage. This is why you had to forget. Magical proficiency must be balanced by experience and wisdom.”

“But I remember the Abbey!” You protested.

Reitia nodded. “You were raised there, after you were rescued. An entire Tyrisian Chancel died trying to stop your parents… In the end, all they could do was to spirit you away.”

“Where are they now?”

“I don’t know.” The Goddess admitted. “They have great power, and the forces they have aligned themselves with know well the arts of hiding themselves.”

“I will find them.” You swore through gritted teeth. “I will find them and…”

“What, Deniel?” Reitia demanded hotly, a single tear, precious beyond measure tracking down her cheek. “You’ll what? Enact horrors on them, as they did you? Torture their flesh and souls? Is this what my precious one is reduced to? Is this the path I have taught you to follow?”

“Holy Mother, all my life I have taken it on faith that my parents surrendered me to follow higher calling. I thanked Tyris for them, prayed for them!” You grated, slamming your fist against the ‘ground’. “And in the end I was nothing… Worse than nothing… a spawn. Some vermin in their eyes raised for ritual I can’t even begin to fathom. I have nobody… I am nothing…”

A sharp stinging spread across your cheek, shocking you into immobility. She had slapped you! “If you’re quite finished feeling sorry for yourself…” Reitia chided seethingly, before taking your head in her arms and embracing it against her breast as if you were yet a child. “…Before you were born, I loved you. You suffer and my heart bleeds, you cry out and my arms reach forth to comfort you. I am Love, and you… all of you… are my precious ones… You are never alone, because I am always, ALWAYS with you… do you understand?”

“I-I’m s-sorry, Holy Mother.” You sobbed, shame and pain roiling through you as the overwhelming balm of the Goddess’s infinite love washed it away.

“There there Deniel…” Reitia murmured soothingly, her hand nestling within your hair as she patted your head comfortingly.

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a75c6c No.388764

“Where the bloody hell did you go?” Robbo demanded as you staggered back into the taproom of the ‘Ruby’s Legacy’. The Australian’s extensive entourage from the previous night was vastly diminished, only his Dingo wife Gilly, Director De Sephiny of the IMFC and Earl Charles of Longley remained at his side. “I came upstairs to make sure you were alright, and both you and the Cupid were gone!”

“It’s long, complicated… I’m not entirely sure I understand it myself…” You began, before the erstwile baron brought his hand up to stop you.

“Here.” He offered, sliding a tankard across the table. “Worry about telling me when you’re feeling sufficiently lubricated.”

“Thank you…” You sighed gratefully, drinking deeply. “Sigurd and Sapphire?”

“With the other Tide Priests and Oannesians downstairs, talking.” Charles replied. “It’s the strangest thing… I don’t remember when I forgot He existed, but…”

“You’re not alone.” You assured the noble. “There was some powerful magic at play there.”

“How dreadful!” Charles declared, before clearing his throat and glancing at you “Er, not to say…”

“I know what you meant.” You assured the man, taking another drink. “I take it Thomas and Ellie…”

“Upstairs…” Director De Sephiny drawled with a lecherous grin. “…NOT talking.”

“That’s me sister y’vile cunt.” Robbo growled.

“Such a nice boy.” Gilly remarked simply. “I hope she has the brains to keep him.”

“Gilly!” Robbo objected pleadingly.

“I love her.” Gilly whuffled, putting a pale-furred paw atop her husband’s hand and kissing him briefly. “But she is a human…”

>Ask Robbo and the rest what happened while you were away frogstomping

>Go downstairs and talk to the Tidepriests

>Go upstairs and make sure Thomas and Ellie haven’t broken reality

>Brain too full of fuck. Keep drinking.

>Fuck this noise, go bury our face in Cirice’s pillow and pray for pleasant dreams.

>Something else?

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99a8a5 No.388769


Let’s go to bed. The last thing we want is to do or say something stupid while drunk. For now we need to process this and think about what we’ll do next. But at least we know now why the angels wanted to kill us before.

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5ae74d No.388773



I think we need to try and talk with those two Angels. They were done dirty and must hold so much resentment. We need to talk with them and try to make amends in whatever way we can. See if there is perhaps a way to set them free. Even though there probably isn't, We'd be an evil cunt to not try.

Developing a working relationship with them and trying to assuage their suffering to the best of our abilities sounds like something Mother would approve of.

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1ff38c No.388782


Have a couple drinks for the nerves, chat with Robbo about what else has been happening, then get some shut eye.

Looks like it might be a good idea to find Deniel's shitty parents someday and get some damn answers. Torturing them is a no go, but I think burning them alive in holy fire to cleanse the world from their evil would be decent enough.

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01d7a3 No.388783


>Ask Robbo and the rest what happened while you were away frogstomping

Have a few drinks while we're at it. Time to decompress.


>I think we need to try and talk with those two Angels

I'm all for this at some point.

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43f281 No.388796


>Something else?

Meditate with the hopes of speaking with the angels whose souls have been bound to us. Explain how Reitia has shown you the truth. Then apologize for their treatment, and ask if there is any way you can help them.

>Fuck this noise, go bury our face in Cirice’s pillow and pray for pleasant dreams.

Afterwards, this sounds just fine.

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43f281 No.388797


>But at least we know now why the angels wanted to kill us before.

I also suspect that the mage who killed Kimmy was our father, who was hunting for us after we were liberated from them. As if we needed reason to hate them even more.

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5223a1 No.388800


>Brain too full of fuck. Keep drinking.

Yeah I find half a bottle of Scotch helps with the funk.

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fcc933 No.388825


getting so drunk an oni would cut us off is the only reasonable solution

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5ae74d No.388829


I seem to have missed the info dump regarding this person. What do we know about Kimmy so far? All I've picked up was she was a childhood friend who somehow got killed

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a75c6c No.388830


Yep. A young naiad or water nymph who was too afraid to leave her pool when deniel's erstwhile father came a-hunting. Deniel puts 2 and 2 together when he recognises the figure from the forest vision as the same as the desert vision.

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c807d2 No.388850


I'm up for meditating to try and make contact with the angels, attempting to reconcile is a good idea seeing as our souls appear to be permanently fused.

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a75c6c No.388859

>Have a couple, ask Robbo about what happened while you were away.

>Go to bed, but meditate on the angels first, see if you can contact them again.

“Gods, I’m tired…” You sighed, before taking a deep draught of your tankard.

“Tyris and Maou in a bloody bower, mate…” Robbo exclaimed, looking you over with a critical eye, before signalling to the neatly dressed man behind the bar, ostensibly polishing a glass. “…Yes please barkeep, I think we’ll need that bottle.”

“Bottle? You echoed, raising an eyebrow.

Robbo grinned at you as the Barkeep placed a bottle containing an amber liquid on the bar, along with a series of small glasses. Filling them casually, Robbo handed one to you before passing the others to his compatriots, Gilly satisfying herself with a tall glass of what appeared to be some kind of fruit juice.

“Not joining us, Love?” Robbo queried.

The Dingo shook her head, her large lupine ears flicking absently. “Grog makes undersized daughters and bad hunters.”

“Fair call…” Robbo acceded. “…Here’s mud in yer eye. Cheers lads.”

“Cheers.” You echoed, drinking half the glass before coughing as it burned its way down your throat.

“Hah!” Robbo chuckled, clapping you on the back. “Good shit eh?”

“It’s Magnificent!” You gasped in amazement. “What is it?”

“Zipangan whiskey. It’s what the Oni get onto when they wanna make a serious night of it.” Robbo explained. “Notheries?”

“Please…” You agreed, draining the glass and holding it out to be refilled.

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a75c6c No.388860


“…So th’Gods-damned Elf starts trash-talkin m’Goddess in its wolly-lolly language… and b’fore me or Thomas or anybody can do a thing. Cirice just murders it in the face with one of her magic arrows!” You exclaimed, clumsily miming drawing and releasing a bow “Boom. Ashes.”

Charles blinked owlishly. “Cirice is th’Angel?”

“Cupid…” You corrected the noble drunkenly, before giving a lusty sigh. “…M’gonna marry her someday.”

“Listen to the Pilgrim!” Director De Sephiny laughed slurringly “Next he’ll be saying he’s gonna beat the Most High in an arm-wrestling contest.”

“Go find a Paladin!” You retort with all the bravado born of intoxication. “Get him to call Holy Tyris… I’ll arm-wrestle anyone for her! I’ll kick a Seraph in th’balls!”

“Blasphemy.” The Director laughs, hugging you one-armedly, waving his glass in the air. “Deniel is drunk.”

“Deniel is aware of that fact.” You drawled, before hiccuping. “Oh Reitia… That crept up on me.”

“More beer!” Robbo declared, laughing uproariously and thumping his hand on the table. “The night’s still young if we’re only just now challenging Gods to a fight!”

“I still remember the time you chased a blackbird for half a mile convinced that Lord Corvus was talking shit on you from outside the tavern window, dear…” Gilly added with a demure smile.

“Hah!” Robbo barked, presumptively scooping up a tankard. “They say He’ll show up in a tavern somewhere in the Australs on Saint Bruce’s feast-day and buy the whole place a round. He might be th’jailor of the world’s horrors but that’s a good bloke in my books.”

“The Gods!” Charles declared, raising his tankard. “To Holy Tyris, the Most High, Lord of Humanity!”

“And Maou…” Director De Sephiny added. “…His Divine Bride, Goddess-Queen of Mamono!”

“To Reitia!” You added jubilantly “All-Mother of Creation, Wellspring of Love and Mercy!”

“And Corvus The Raven!” Robbo agreed “Guardian and Saviour of the World.”

“To Ammit…” Gilly interjected. “…Great JUSTICE, Empress of Eternity.”

“Not of Forgetting Oannes…” Sigurd interjected as he approached the table, hand in hand with the Kraken Sapphire.

“Wouldn’t think of it! Welcome back big fella!” Robbo exclaimed. “God of the Waves and the Depths, Grandfather Ocean! May He be a proper sort and overlook the fact we got magicked into forgetting Him.”

“The Gods.” You all repeated, before drinking deeply.

“So what happened after we left?” You asked, blinking to try and clear your swimming head.

“Oh…” Robbo replied, looking somewhat uncomfortable. “…Well… It seemed like a good idea at the time…”

“You have to understand, Deniel…” Director De Sephiny added “…Not everyone at the table last night was a friend…”

“We had them strangled.” Charles admitted bluntly. “And after that everything went to crap with those frog-things boiling out of the basement.”

“Did WHAT?” You exclaimed in disbelief, standing and backing away in horror.

“It was MAGNIFICENT!” Gilly snarled, her pale eyes alight with savage glee. “My Husband, showing his complete dominance… Those traitors never stood a chance.”

“Oh Reitia…” You groaned in despair. “…I think I’m gonna be…”

“Easy little brother.” Sigurd assured you, patting you on the back “It is the way of things. This is of being War, and you cannot be havings those behind you who will be of stabbings you in the back.”

“But to just kill them in cold blood!”

“I’m not happy about it, mate.” Robbo admitted, slapping his metal-braced leg pointedly. “But what was I to do? Challenge ‘em all to a duel? With me gammy leg? Think they’d let honour stop ‘em from just cutting me down? It’s the way the game’s played, and when you sit down at that table, there’s no option to fold. You win, or you die.”

“Was of fightings against Dagon any different?” Sigurd added.

You stared at the newly-minted Tide Priest with incredulity. “That was different! That was…”

“Different Game.” Sigurd interjected. “Different Rules. The world is of being a cruel and dark place sometimes… I am glad you Reitians are of being here to keep the Light alive.”

“Yer a good lad, Deniel.” Robbo admitted. “And you’ll be a fine priest or cleric or whatever yer Pilgrimage ends in. But yer an idealist. Not all of us have that luxury.”

You opened your mouth to object further, righteous anger building in your breast, and promptly threw up on the floor.

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a75c6c No.388861


“Was I a part of it, somehow?” You mumbled as Sapphire bundled you into Cirice’s room, the Kraken half-carrying you in her tentacles.

“Who’s to say?” Sapphire mused philosophically “But I know what you were a part of. Without you, I never would have found Sigurd.”

“Thomas and Cirice did…” You objected drunkenly.

“They were a part of it too, but would Thomas have agreed to help with Ellie nibbling his ear? Would Cirice have been there at all if not for you?” The Kraken retorted gently, kissing you on the forehead before sitting you down on the bed. “Thank you so much, Deniel. With all my heart.”

“I do what my Goddess Commands.” You insisted.

“And you do very well.” The Kraken smiled softly, releasing you and retreating from the room. “Get some sleep.”

You grabbed the Pillow, still divoted from the weight of the Cupid’s head upon it. Raising it to your face, you inhaled deeply, the sweet, indescribable scent of the Angel’s hair still lingering within it. Her beautiful, perfect face danced in your memory, and you felt your spirit lighten at the thought of her.

“Even when you’re not here…” You whispered to the darkness “…You comfort me. I Love you, Cirice.”

It might have been the alcohol, but through the spinning haziness you swore you heard her voice whispering back.

“I Love You…”

“Thank you, Holy Mother.” You breathed reverently, putting the pillow back on the bed before kneeling on the floor. “Thank you for bringing her to me.” Breathing deeply, you centred yourself, folding your hands in your lap. “Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius…”

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a75c6c No.388862


You owed it to them. You could not deny that simple fact as you walked the twilight of The Path, the astral plane spreading its fractal lattice out around you.

“Ameniael… Athtoriel…” You called, focusing your will upon making the Angel-shades manifest.

“He remembers…” The Umbral remarked, shimmering into vision as if appearing from a fog.

“He does…” The Celestial agreed, stepping from within a beam of sourceless light.

“Does he come to command us?”

“He has used the dark arts… Blood follows blood.”

“He has repented.”

“Repentance does not change reality.”

“Please!” You called to the angels, who turned their heads as one to regard you dispassionately.

“Wants the power back.”


“Yes. We must deny him.”

“But the pain!”

“Thank God for the Suffering…”

“No!” You objected “I don’t want to force you… I don’t want power without that I have earned it… I just…”

The Celestial floated towards you, reaching out her gold-glowing hand, stopping just shy of touching you.

“Love…” She remarked with something of a surprised tone “…He has been touched by Love.”

“I remember Love… I remember it being torn from me…” The Umbral added

“I also…” The Celestial agreed, before turning back to face you again. “…What do you want?”

Those words touched something deep within your spirit, and for one staggering, awe-inspiring moment, you held the power of the Divine in your hand. You COULD command them! You could manifest ANY magic… all you had to do was will it!

“Blessed is he who is Humble before Tyris…” The words of one of the Mothers at the Abbey whispered in your memory “…for the works of the Gods are not for the minds of man to know.”

“I want you free.” You stated simply. “Please… Tell me how.”

“Free…” The Umbral echoed

“But we are dead.” The Celestial mused, floating back to take the hand of the Umbral in hers once again

“…Bound… Our forms consumed long ago in the Malebolge”

“Only this fragment… our memory… our awareness…”

“Only this remains…”

“You don’t know…” You sighed dejectedly


“Only the Dead know the mysteries of the Dead.”

“And we may not truly die…”

“…While you yet remain.”

“So when I die, you’ll be free?” You asked despairingly.


“So forget us.”

“Yes… Forget… let us linger in that questionable peace…”

“…and embrace the madness of solitude.”

The astral realm faded away as the tumult of your emotions shattered your resolve. You came gasping awake in the darkness of Cirice’s room, the dull throbbing of a hangover beginning behind your eyes. Wearily, you pulled yourself back onto the bed, guzzling greedily from the pitcher of lukewarm water which still remained from your earlier nursing of Cirice. You spied a hairpin on the table, left by some woman known only to the gods in the unknown past. It’s point was keen, its steel length softly muted in the darkness…

“When I die, you’ll be free…”

You picked up the hairpin, turning it over in your hands.

“…I Love You…”

You groaned, letting the hairpin fall to the floor, and burying your face once again in the pillow, letting your weariness overcome you at last.

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a75c6c No.388863


The world was soft… muted… gentle rose-coloured light springing from everywhere and nowhere. Cirice’s face filled your vision, and she smiled, her eyes half-lidded.

“I’m dreaming…” You murmured.

“We both are.” Cirice replied, her soft lips brushing yours.

“Would that I could stay here forever with you.”

The cupid stroked your hair gently. “Why settle for a dream?”

“I Love You…”

“I Love You too…” Cirice sighed happily, before giving you a light slap, barely more than a tap. “…so don’t you ever think about leaving me alone again.”

“A moment of darkness… I’m sorry…” You apologized “…They suffer so…”

“I forgive you…” Cirice breathed, kissing you again and enfolding you in arm and wing. “…but where there is life, there is always hope.”

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a75c6c No.388864


“How’s the head?” Charles chuckled painedly as you joined him at the table.

“It’s not the head so much as the eyes…” You replied, squinting at the sunlight which streamed mercilessly through the taproom windows.

“Listen, Deniel, about last night…”

“I’m not interested in judging men who’ve seen more of the world than me.” You interjected. “And, Reitia forgive my selfishness… I’ve got enough to occupy my thoughts as it is.”

“As you will.” Charles conceded. “Listen, I have business in London. I don’t know where you intended to continue on from here, but if Reitia is guiding you towards the Continent, there’s a bunk for you to the Angel Isles, at least.”

“London?” Director De Sephiny echoed incredulously as he presumptively pulled up a chair next to you. “What could possibly draw him there? Is he going to minister to the Corpses in the Great Necropolis?

“James De Sephiny…” Charles drawled evenly “…I would pay a Solar Mark to see you say that to the Baroness.”

“No fear me…” The Director blanched, hurriedly making the sign of the sunburst. “…but still… I’m heading to the Doric Factorum to follow up with the IMFC agents there, and I’d be glad to have…”

“Woman, I don’t care!” Robbo growled as he limped down the stairs, a stormy-faced Gilly in tow. “That is my baby sister, and so help me Tyris, Ammit, and whoever else is listening on this far-too-bright cunt of a morning, I am going to raise a tankard at her wedding!”

“Wedding?” You blurted in surprise.

“Deniel. You’re up. Good. Maybe you can convince my wife to set aside the baby-brain and see sense!” Robbo grunted.

“I am far… far too hungover to follow this…” You groaned helplessly.

“He wants to go all the way back to Caladon!” Gilly snarled. “I love Ellie as much as he does, but do they REALLY have to be married in this Grass-Sea place? Our Child needs to be born in the Australs!”

“We’ve got time!” Robbo insisted.

Gilly sniffed. “Says you.”

>Go with Charles to the Great Necropolis of London

>Go with James to Doric

>Stay in Atlantea, No doubt Sigurd and Sapphire will be getting married soon.

>Go with Gilly and Robbo to Caladon for Thomas and Ellie’s wedding.

>Fuck this lot, get on the road by ourselves, we are far too wrapped up in their bullshit as is.

>Something else?

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5ae74d No.388866


Thomas is our best friend and is practically a brother, We have to go to his wedding.

That said, I do think we need to start moving on. Robbo and co have been good to us and I do like them but we are on pilgrimage and I don't think getting to involved with people starting a civil war is a good idea. After the wedding we need to part.

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5ae74d No.388868


Also I definitely think we need tell Thomas about what we learned. Perhaps while on route though so we don't sour his good mood. Deniel is going through some heavy emotional shit, He needs another shoulder to lean on at the moment and I'd like to hear Thomas's input

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43f281 No.388875


>Go with Gilly and Robbo to Caladon for Thomas and Ellie’s wedding.

I agree with >>388866

Lets attend the wedding, then see what new opportunities open up afterwards. We certainly do need to take a new path in our journey. The Great Necropolis of London sounds pretty neat, but the wedding comes first.

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99a8a5 No.388900


Let’s go with Gilli and Robbo to Thomas’s wedding. We can’t miss that. Though I disagree with >>388868 about telling Thomas for two reasons. Firstly he’s getting married and doesn’t need to worry about our issues, and secondly I don’t think we should tell anybody else just yet. It’s been less than a day since we found this out ourselves. We should think about it more. Especially given how many people the sperm and egg donor likely murdered or had deniel murder.

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43f281 No.388913


>I disagree about telling Thomas

I also think we should keep this info to ourselves. We may be friends with Thomas, but not everything should be shared.

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fcc933 No.388927


no, don't tell him about this. Deniel isn't a gossiping cheerleader

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640e94 No.388954


Looking at the other replies, guess we're going to a wedding. I want to see the Necropolis myself, though.

On the subject of telling Thomas about what we learned, let's not.

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c30b33 No.388972

File: 790fb77de374e12⋯.jpeg (23.57 KB,429x354,143:118,images (1).jpeg)

>only the dead may know the dead

>free ride to the Necropolis

<"lol nah let's go all the way back where we started because wedding"

>can't even get mad because it kinda makes sense


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febdbe No.388987


Look man I want to know more about them too but A: we ought to attend Thomas' wedding and B: fuck London.

Besides, undead probably exist on this side of the ocean. Once we see Thomas and Ellie tie the knot we can go looking for a lich or wight to help us out.

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a75c6c No.389434

>Go with Robbo and Gilly to the wedding

“Well I’ll be going.” You remarked simply.

“See?” Gilly whuffled triumphantly, before double taking and staring at you incredulously. “Deniel!” She whined, her long pale ears pressed back against her skull.

“Not that I don’t appreciate the support mate…” Robbo drawled in puzzlement “…But don’t you have your pilgrimage to think about?”

“It’s what, better part of a week back to Williamsberg? Another half-day to sea-of-grasses from there?” You justified, ticking the days off on your fingers “So at worst, I lose a month. This is my Brother in faith’s wedding! A few weeks won’t…”

“A few weeks?!” Ellie’s shrill voice interjects as the mage strides purposefully towards the table. “Bugger that!”

“Love, it’s important…” Thomas cozened, following along behind her and sliding his hand into hers.

“Yeah nah we’re going to sea-of-grasses, don’t worry about that…” Ellie assured him, leaning up to kiss him presumptively. “…But I am not sitting on Robbo’s creaky old two-train while those fuckin’ garbage disposals meander their way back to Caladon.”

You frowned in puzzlement. “I’m not sure I follow.”

“S’orright Pilgrim, you will.” Ellie chucked smugly.

“So!” Gilly harrumphed. “We’re just going to go because you all say so, and I have no input in the matter…”

“Gilly…” Ellie wheedled, approaching the dingo with limpid eyes, taking the Mamono’s paws in her hands. “…And I wanted you to stand with me before the altar!”

“You…” Gilly gasped, her eyes wide and her mouth agape “…I… But you…”


“Bloody humans…” Gilly snarled, pulling the mage against her in a posessive embrace, tears flowing freely from her eyes.

“Poor doomed bastard…” Robbo snickered, shaking his head knowingly at Thomas.

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a75c6c No.389435


“So the night’s getting away from us…” Robbo remarked pointedly, absently scratching one of the saurian bungarra above its horny eye-ridge.

“Fuckin’ aware of that fact Robbo!” Ellie snarled, seated cross-legged in front of Thomas with her legs folded, the Adept mirroring her position with the most shamelessly shit-eating grin plastered from ear to ear on his face.

Robbo raised an eyebrow, absently punching the lizard as it took a questing snap at him. “Is there a problem?”

“Bloody oath!” Ellie retorted desperately, her face aflame.

“Well? Don’t leave me standing here like one o’clock half-struck…”

“I-it’s not something I can tell me bloody brother about!” Ellie lamented, blushing even further.

“Tent.” Gilly ordered, placing a paw presumptively on Robbo’s shoulder. “Deniel can sort it out.”

“Me?” You blurted in surprise.

“Pilgrims solve relationship issues, yes?” Gilly whuffled primly, smiling at you with a slight hint of malicious glee. “Sing for your supper, pilgrim.”

“Well you’ve got me there…” You declared helplessly, standing from where you reclined in front of the cheerily crackling campfire and joining the mages on the soft loam.

“Like this is any better?” Ellie lamented, staring at you helplessly.

“Relax, Ellie.” Thomas chuckled.

“Don’t laugh at me, fuckya!” Ellie yelled, shoving the man.

“Why don’t you explain to me what the problem is?” You offered, placing a hand on each of their shoulders. “And we can work it out from there. I’ll keep whatever it is in strict confidence.”

“Seems the Circle is more… Regimented when they join their minds.” Thomas explained diplomatically.

“You fuckin’ Reitians don’t hold anything back!” Ellie accused. “Every time I enter his head he’s thinkin’ lewd fuckin’ shit about me!”

You frowned in puzzlement. “And this is a problem?”

“Yes! I mean No! I mean…” Ellie stammered. “…I’m tryin’ to teach him Portal magic and he just keeps washing me away with how much he’s thinkin’ about me.” The mage lowered her eyes. “I’m not that special…”

“Then I’ll keep showing you…” Thomas declared, cupping her cheek tenderly. “…Until you believe me.”

“Thomas…” Ellie moaned longingly. “…It’s really bloody hard to think when you’re like this.”

“Does Love concern you so?” You ventured gently.

“No, it’s just… before him it was academic, you know?” Ellie explained lamely. “You find someone you like, and who likes you back, and you make a go of it. I wasn’t expecting… This.”

“You’ve never known Love?”

“The Circle’s big on rules and procedure, they’re not exactly the most mothering sort.”

“Even your own parents?” You ventured, swallowing as the memory of agony wormed its way through your stomach.

“Me folks were good sorts, but they died while me and Robbo were still pretty young… I wouldn’t know.”

Sympathy welled in your breast. “I’m sorry.”

“Sounds stupid, doesn’t it?” The Mage drawled self-deprecatingly. “Yer brain goes to shit because yer fiancee loves you so much it’s all he can think about…”

“Not stupid at all. Love is all-encompassing, and it can be overwhelming.” You assured her. “Take your time. Try again tomorrow, or the next day, or the next… Either way we’ll make it to Caladon.”

“We don’t have TIME for that!” Ellie declared desperately.

“What do you mean, Love?” Thomas demanded, the smile gone in an instant.

“You’ll hate me.” Ellie lamented.

Thomas shook his head firmly. “Not a chance.”

“I broke some pretty major rules down there with that fuckin Dagon-worshipping cunt.” Ellie explained. “And more before that backing me brother. The Mages that were with me were originally supposed to bring me in for it. The good eggs who stuck it out’ll run interference, but eventually…”

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a75c6c No.389436


“Someone’ll come for you.” You finished for her.

Ellie nodded. “But if we’re married… Magisterium drafted a buncha legislation to try and encourage Human-exclusive partnerships some years back. If we’re married, they can’t just take me away from him without a fight.”

“Ellie…” You began seriously. “…I’m going to ask you a question and you’re going to get angry at me for asking it.”

“Orright…” Ellie acceded, slightly suspiciously.

“Do you truly love my brother? Or is he just a way to get yourself out of troub…”

You leaned backwards with a jerk of your body as the Mage launched a vicious swipe at your face, her fist crackling with energy, so close that you felt the breeze of its passing.

“Take that back, cunt!” Ellie seethed, her eyes alight with power. “From the moment I saw him I fuckin’ wanted him!”

“Ellie…” Thomas gasped, his face flushing at her confession. “…That’s so sweet!”

“Well it’s the truth…” Ellie murmured, getting herself back under control. “…fuckin’ accuse me of being a cunting monkeybrancher… Tyris Wept…”

“I love you…” Thomas breathed, leaning in to kiss the mage softly.

“See?” Ellie moaned, pulling herself reluctantly away. “Now I just wanna drag you off to the tent and…”

“Halting that for a moment…” You interjected. “…Firstly, I did warn you, and thank you for answering me honestly. Secondly, there’s another option.”

Ellie looked at you askance “And that would be?”

“My head.”

“Deniel!” Thomas gasped. “Are you sure? What with…”

“Each option poses its own risks.” You replied philosophically, spreading your arms.

“Whazzat now?” Ellie queried, looking between the two of you.

Thomas cleared his throat. “Deniel has… Company from time to time. Company whose reaction to us both being in his head I can’t be sure of.”

“Cirice isn’t here right now.” You assured him.

“Right now…” Thomas echoed. “…Who’s to say when that will change? Not to mention your memories are… Vivid.”

“Who’s Cirice?” Ellie demanded, before her eyes widened in understanding. “You’re bonded with that angel? You’re a Scion?!”

“Nothing so grandiose…” You assured her, holding out your hands for calm. “…Look, it’s an option.”

“Portal magic is not small beer, Deniel.” Thomas warned. “Can you handle it?”

>Get them in your head, time’s a wasting!

>You literally just finished finding out your parents were diablerists and you haven’t told anyone yet. Take a pass, avoid the risk.

>Sleep on it, see if another night of torrid sexual exploration will temper Thomas’s white-hot lust for his fiancee

>Something Else?

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a9b16a No.389437


A visit to the old noggi couldn't hurt. It's to help love and all.

Besides, Ellie might know some tricks in case shitty memories appear again.

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5ae74d No.389447


Ehh, Fuck it lets try it. We're going in with a concrete goal in mind. It is our mental landscape and we ultimately have full control over it.

Focus solely on the goal and cut out anything extra.

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99a8a5 No.389470

I actually think it’s a bad idea but I might get overruled here. We don’t exactly have the best control over our mind, and the revelation we had probably shook us up on multiple levels.

>”Me folks were good sorts, but they died while me and Robbo were still pretty young… I wouldn’t know.”

I’ve got a bad feeling about this.

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43f281 No.389473


>Sleep on it, see if another night of torrid sexual exploration will temper Thomas’s white-hot lust for his fiancee

I generally agree with >>389470. Lets give them another try on their own before we do this. We need to spend some time meditating and sorting our mind before we bring anyone else into it, with a special exception for Cirice.

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fcc933 No.389478


listen to your friend, and go with the sleep on it option at the least

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a099f3 No.389479


>Sleep on it, see if another night of torrid sexual exploration will temper Thomas’s white-hot lust for his fiancee

Give 'em a day to see if they can't work it out, we can try if that doesn't take.

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87bbe0 No.389652

>Let them sleep on it

“I believe I could.” You admitted, sighing your acquiescence. “But maybe you’re right. Look, take tonight… It’s only your second night together after all, maybe we’re all just trying to force things before they’re ready to happen.”

“Works for me…” Thomas drawled lecherously, smiling at Ellie in anticipatory glee.

“You’re gonna be carrying me to Caladon if you keep this up.” Ellie giggles, half-heartedly fending off Thomas’s hands.

“Better get started then.” Thomas quipped, scooping the mage into a princess carry and bearing her off towards their tent.

“Two of them…” You groaned, shaking your head helplessly as the chorus of two couples venturing towards lovemaking began to colour the night. “…Mother Reitia… I am not going to get any sleep tonight, am I?”

Resigning yourself to the soft coos and moans coming from the tents, you knelt once again before the fire, crossing your hands in your lap and breathing steadily, chanting a silent prayer to Reitia.

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87bbe0 No.389653


“Oh this is new…” You remarked with distaste, finding yourself ankle-deep in a foul smelling, brackish swamp. “…Cirice! Couldn’t you have picked a more ideal location?”

The croaking and buzzing of unseen swamp-dwelling life was your only answer, the sensation of the Cupid’s bond with you worryingly… indistinct.

“Another memory?” You murmured to yourself.

“Leave it!” Your mother’s harsh voice rang out, and you spun instinctively as figures crashed through the moss-laden, sickly trees. Grimacing, you called upon your magics, power crackling about your hands as the forms of your mother and father ran towards you.

“Oaduu Cal Vime…” You began, before faltering as your mother seemed to run THROUGH you, continuing onwards as if you weren’t even there.

“Be strong, Deniel!” You heard your father order, dragging the figure of your younger self bodily through the swamp, your child-self crying and helplessly gripping the malformed arm by which the man clasped him in an iron grip.

“…And The God spake then…” A new voice intruded, a golden light growing brighter in their wake “…Now thou shalt suffer My Burning Will…”

“Bitch of a priestess!” Your father snarled, dropping to a knee and gripping you by the shoulders. “Like I taught you, Deniel… Just like I taught you…”

“I’ll leave you behind!” Your mother warned.

“Whore…” The scarred man cursed, before placing a hand upon your brow, chanting in the Dark Tongue. You felt a sympathetic pang as some kind of marker was left within your younger self’s mind, before it was replaced with agony as your father casually sliced a finger from your hand.

“Eat the pain, boy. Eat it and nurture your hatred.” He murmured without sympathy for your agonized wailing, before turning, pursuing your mother through the smoking rift she had conjured.

Your child-self held his mutilated hand against his chest, wailing as he rocked back and forth, his mind a chaotic miasma of pain and fear. The golden light approached closer, and your younger self staggered backwards in terror, before falling onto his back in the brackish water.

“Mother Alison?” You murmured in shock as the glowing figure approached closer. Your last memory of her was that of a kindly, soft spoken priestess of middling age, but here she appeared the valkyrie, clad in luminant armor fit to shame the most puissant of Paladins. Your child self moaned and gibbered as she loomed over him, her face conflicted… thoughtful…

“Kill it!” A choral voice commanded, a triune of Celestial Angels bursting into existence behind her.

“It’s a child, Blessed and Glorious.” Alison objected, her stern gaze softening.

“It is an abomination, baptised with diablerie, imprisoning the shade of our sister!”

Alison turned to face them. “But a child!”

“If it is not within you to do this…” An echoing, male voice interrupted, as a Corvidian Knight appeared from a cloud of utter blackness, two Umbral angels trailing in his wake, his face obscured by that intimidating, raven-beaked helm. “…Then I will take this cup from you.”

“He. Is. A. CHILD!” Alison repeated hotly, striding towards the Black Knight without fear. “I will not permit such a Sin against Tyris to be enacted.”

“Your Chancel dead… the Holy Ground of Father Tyris defiled… Such foul perversity cannot be allowed to remain…” The Corvidian declared, drawing his black blade with an ominous ringing of otherworldly metal.

“Then you must strike me down also.” Alison declared, wrapping her arms about the cringing form of your child-self.

The Corvidian’s advance faltered. “Sister… Do not force me to do this…”

“If you remember love… if it means anything to you, brother dear… let me try. The Abbeys are yet pure, the children within taught to live holy and charitable lives… let me try!”

“You forsake the Heavens?!” The Celestials cried in a ringing chorus of denunciation.

“Canticle 30, verse 18: The innocence of a Child is Holy in My sight…” Alison intoned stubbornly “…Surely My wrath shall fall in abundance upon they who preserve it not. This is the Word of the Most High.”

“And I may not move against the Word of The God.” The Corvidian admitted with a note of… relief?

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87bbe0 No.389654


“We will strip our blessing from you!” The Celestials warned. “You will again be a simple Priestess!”

“What The God Giveth, be it His will, He may taketh away.” Alison sighed, raising her eyes reverently to the heavens.

“So be it!” The Celestials declared, and Alison screamed as the armor and nimbus of light was torn from her, leaving her naught but a drawn, exhausted woman in a torn and stained priestess’s robe.

“You will answer to the Raven for your Failure…” The Umbrals promised.

“Then bear me to him quickly.” The Black Knight retorted, turning and advancing fearlessly towards them. “For I would not keep my Lord God waiting.”

The Umbrals seized the Black Knight by the arms before tearing open a hole in reality, the pitiless void within drawing the trio inwards, before closing with a thumping of displaced air.

“It hurts…” Your child self whimpered, staring pleadingly into Alison’s filth-streaked face.

“Sweet child, I know…” Alison comforted you, holding you to her bosom before raising her eyes again to heaven. “…It is done.”

A glowing of rose-coloured light intensified, and you prayed for something, anything else to emerge from it. But your prayers went unanswered, as Cirice’s unmistakable form suddenly burst into existence.

“He cannot remember this.” Cirice declared. “Mother Reitia has spoken.”

“As long as he has the chance to find peace on his own terms. Children are sacred in the eyes of Tyris.” Alison agreed.

“So much darkness…” Cirice lamented as she placed her hand on your head. “…Forget.”

The memory shimmered, the figures of your child-self, Mother Alison, and the Cupid vanishing as if they were so much mist in the swamp, leaving you utterly, unquestionable alone once more.

“You did it… It was you all along…” You murmured, your emotions awash with confusion.

She had forced herself upon your mind!

But she didn’t lie about it…

Neither did she tell the truth!

She had her reasons, the Holy Mother had said as much.

Did she truly love you? Or is this just another manipulation?

You’ve seen her heart… How can you question it?

But can you truly love her, knowing that she has manipulated your path with such finesse?

“She did warn you…” A dark, sardonic voice intruded, the cowled figure of the dark mage who sired you appearing in the swamp before you. “…Say what you like… She did warn you.”

“You!” You gasped, fury building in your chest. “How are you…”

“Your blood, your flesh…” Your father replied, his pointed teeth bared in a rictus of mirthless amusement as he touched the wizened talisman of a mummified finger hung about his neck. “…Your amnesia hid you from my scrying, but you… clever boy… you overcame restraints set in the name of a God! I’m impressed… and now…”

The man advanced on you, eyes glowing carmine with dark power “…I see you…”

>Call Cirice. She’s responsible for this, she can fucking deal with it.

>This guy nailed not one, but two angels at the same time. Don’t put Cirice at risk.

>Dark Magic, Light Magic, Neutral Magic, who cares? STOMP A MUDHOLE IN THIS CUNT.

>Play it cool, this is still your mind, you’re in control… you hope…

>Something Else?

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aabec0 No.389659


Kick your cunt of a dad in the balls. If he comes for us again, you'll kick his sorry ass.

You're your own man now.

Also, no matter what Cirise did in the past, it's clear she loves you now. And you love her. Acknowledge her involvement back then, but still show you care for her.

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a89cc8 No.389660


>Play it cool, this is still your mind, you’re in control… you hope…

I'm thinking this. I don't doubt that we'd get wrecked in a magical duel with father dear since he already seemed scary competent when we were a kid. I don't want to risk Cirice either, but I I think if it comes down to it, we should call her if it goes to Hell. Theoretically we control things here, plus I'm hoping that if she does show up, it's harder to deal with angels in the mind space than the real world.

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aabec0 No.389661


Oh yeah, after this whole ordeal, ask Cirice to meddle in your head once more to block out your old man or at least muddle up the connection. We don't need that bastard peeping in on portal magic learning.

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af626e No.389666

Out of the two, he was the only one that showed at least a little sympathy/care for us. Lease we can do is show the same for him. Hear him out, we may not agree on what he says, but at least we can get his side of the story, his reasoning, and his current plans/thoughts on/for us.

We may have to kill or fight him at somepoint, but we do not have to hate him. Hate is the antithesis of our faith. If we are to overcome it, we must understand the other side of the conflict.

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54aa96 No.389670


Call him a whipped bitch. Who the fuck calls his wife "mistress"? Bet she's sleeping around too.

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fc563a No.389694

Keep our cool and show the old man a little love. We're the bigger guy here after all.

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504f91 No.389703


what would the next step be in our master plan after dealing with him?

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43f281 No.389707


>Play it cool, this is still your mind, you’re in control… you hope…

Focus deeply on maintaining control. Try to find out what they want from you. If things go south then call upon Cirice. We need to speak with Cirice, or possibly even Reitia, about how to protect our mind from his scrying. This is a big problem.


>He's not such a bad guy

Even if he showed the smallest amount of sympathy for his own child, he probably views us more as a tool than a human. His previous kindness was probably just emotional manipulation. He ruthlessly murdered Kimmy with hellfire, and he has probably committed countless other atrocities. He does not deserve any sympathy.


I believe their relationship is like that between a literal slave and owner.

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43f281 No.389709

Also, lets not hold this against Cirice. She did what she did to protect us. Even if it was extremely invasive magic, it was a kindness. I'm sure she already feels bad enough about it.

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c807d2 No.389712


If anything the fact that our dad has found us so quickly is proof that she was right and we were better off not knowing

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43f281 No.389721

File: 03f0e1a3d10f1f4⋯.png (655.28 KB,606x938,303:469,cupid.PNG)


>She's a good girl

Thinking back on her interactions with us…

She has always been a bit more affectionate with us than I'd expect her to be, even if she is a Cupid. She alluded several times that we were particularly special to her, for some reason. I suspect that her sealing our memories is probably the root cause of that. I'm betting that she felt very guilty about it, and has been watching over us carefully our entire life. She was probably thrilled that we chose to become a Pilgrim of Reitia. And even more so when we decided to rely upon and praise her. She probably feels an obligation to watch over and help us. And that feeling has been amplified by her newfound experience in love.

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87bbe0 No.389970

>Play it cool, but be ready to summon Cirice

>Talk to her once you’re shot of daddy dearest

“That’s close enough, monster.” You snapped, tamping down your rage until it compressed into a cold, calculating anger.

The man’s eyes widened in admiration, yet he kept advancing. “Control… Good… This would have been much harder if you were a gibbering wreck… But you’re deluding yourself if you think your magics can match…”

The remainder of his sentence was cut off in a wheezing, choked groan as you snapped your foot forward, kicking him soundly between the legs. You dropped back into a wary guard as he collapsed to his knees, coughing and spitting into the brackish water.

“Magic is limited by the flesh that wields it, so a mage’s first duty is to ensure his flesh remains strong, his mind, sharply focused.” You intoned. “Seems your tutelage was lacking, filth.”

The man took a deep, rasping breath, regaining his feet and sliding the cowled cloak from about his shoulders, leaving him bare to the waist, the tattoos and scars tracing blasphemies across his torso. Raising his own hands, he nodded approvingly at you. “Master Hideki’s words, unless I miss my guess.”

Your eyes narrowed as you began to circle each other in the brackish water, each studying the other for an opening. “How did you…”

“He was Enochian, once… Took to the temple for ‘Penance’ after we gutted his apprentices… Tough old bird… Would you believe I miss him?”

“I wouldn’t believe you on the colour of shit.” You snarled, launching a testing strike, withdrawing as he parried it easily.

“You’re upset. I can appreciate that…” The man noted, launching a flurry of strikes which drove you backwards. “…You’re over-focused on defense. That’s a weakness.”

“Comes from sparring with Oni.” You retorted, feinting left before hooking your fist under the man’s scarred, tattooed ribcage.

The man wheezed as the blow impacted, yet managed to retain enough equilibrium to grip your wrist, wrenching it backwards and whipping his free hand around to strike you in your now unprotected side. “I can tell, you punch like you’re hitting bricks.”

You wheezed as the man released your grip, shaking his head and staring at you quizzically. “And you’re fighting me fairly… here of all places… You could dream me into the bottom of a matango pit… bury me in a sheet of solid rock… yet you’re fighting me fairly… why?”

“Because I’m not like you.” You hissed defiantly, resuming your guard.

“You still don’t understand, do you?” The man sighed. “You can fight me until the sun burns out and Corvus draws the curtains on existence and you’ll never beat me while you hold to this ridiculous mindset.”

“There’s nothing ridiculous about honour!”

“Isn’t there?” The man snarled, stepping inside your guard and pressing a long-nailed finger against your forehead. “Pain is in here. Nowhere else. You could have eaten the pain when I cut off your finger, used it to spur those shades in your soul to empower you… You could have sterilized this entire swamp…”

“Kill a priestess? A Mother of the Abbey? A woman who showed me more love in ten minutes than either of you two CREATURES showed me in all the horrible years you had me?” You retorted incredulously.

“Love?” The man echoed mockingly. “Love is fleeting… Power is eternal…”

“Such a fine husband you must be…” You spat.

“Husband? Oh that whore wishes someone would be so stupid…” The man scoffed. “…I was her servant… her slave… Nothing more.”

“So you’re here now to bring me back, an obedient dog on a leash?” You drawled witheringly.

“Have a care Deniel…” The man snarled warningly “…You may be master of this house but there are so many breakable things within it.”

“Then what do you want?”

The man paused, looking at you quizzically, running his tongue over pointed teeth. “To be certain I’m not entirely sure… Academically I’m aware of the years that have passed but somehow I was still expecting the boy. Pliant. Mouldable. But you’ve hardened, hardened to man, to fine, fine man… Even if you have allowed the rot of affection to pollute your…”

“HERESY!” You howled in righteous fury.

The man laughed “Look at what they’ve done! You traded a cage for a leash, and put the collar about your neck willingly. The Cupid butchered your mind like a farmer gelds a horse, and you still think sweet and loving thoughts about her… Maybe I should have let your whore mother seduce you…”

You staggered backwards, retching at the concept, the revolting image playing far too clearly behind your eyes.

The man nodded in a strange sort of sympathy at your distress, and the image faded. “No, you’re right, no man goes willingly between those thighs… Not even me…”

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87bbe0 No.389971


“Is that what you intended?!” You demanded desperately, the horror of it all weighing heavily in your guts.

“What SHE intended.” The man corrected you. “You need to understand this whole sorry business was her idea. She believed that she had been slighted by the gods. After all, was she not of the bloodline? But no, once again a human woman was passed up in favour of mamono.”

“Talk sense!” You insisted.

“Hathor, boy. She was of the line of Hathor. Well, of one of them, anyway.”

Your mouth worked incredulously for a moment as the sheer ridiculousness of the concept struggled to find purchase. “Hathor is never a human, it’s unthinkable!” you finally managed to blurt.

“I know that, you know that…” the man admitted “…but she could never accept it. Not to be Empress of the Westerlands. Not to be High Priestess of Ammit. Not to be more than a moderately talented mage… It drove her quite mad… quite mad indeed.”

You folded your arms across your chest, somewhat taken aback by the man’s frankness. “Then who are you?”

“Who I am, or who I was? Because I WAS steward of the Grand Lodge of Resonance, with all the power and prestige that accompanied it…” The man snarled witheringly. “…Reality itself was my plaything and then the Logos just picked up and abandoned us. Saving the world was suddenly too much effort and once again we had to sacrifice the reins of our own destiny to the fickle whims of the Gods.”

“The Twilight. But Mother Reitia…”

“Mother Reitia…” The man echoed. “…did you ever wonder why she’s so obsessed with mortals? Human and Mamono alike?”

“She Loves us! Unconditionally!” You declared without the slightest hint of doubt.

“Tell you that herself, did she?”

“Yes, in fact!” You retorted hotly.

“Well…” the man drawled, his smile broadening, and a worm of concern built in your guts at how pleased that fact seemed to make him. “…Would you like to know a secret?”

“If I agree, will you get gone?”

The man gave a harsh bark of laughter. “As you will. The fundamental difference between Humans and Mamono. Mamono are born in the image of God, which is why over the millenia such a big deal’s been made of the idiosyncrasies of their birth. Mamono could never bear Human sons because MAOU had never had a son. They could not surpass their ruler. All that changed with Corvus.”

“Rubbish.” You scoffed. “The Male Mamono after the redemption…”

“Was resonants forcing the knowledge INTO Maou, and yet imperfectly… I wasn’t there myself but the Lodge kept very detailed records… that in and of itself is a conversation which…”

“Get on with it, I don’t relish your company so much that I’ll succor your tangents.” You snapped.

“Fair.” The man conceded. “Ever wonder why humans remain so consistent, when Mamono can’t seem to go an eon without the rules of their existence changing? Ever had the chance to study the history of human mythology? Gods, Deniel, Gods piled high like corpses in a mass grave. They swarm here like flies in a trap and remain until they are forgotten or eaten by a stronger member of their kind. Our faith, our worship is as sweet elixir to them, and they CANNOT turn away. Reitia’s interesting, she’s either very old or very young, and I can’t tell which… but she knows how to keep bees. Don’t maul the hive like a bear at a hollow log, or the bees will swarm and kill you… evidence Ilias, God-Before-Tyris… But Husband the bees, build them frame and comb, keep their dwellings dry and their bellies full, and they will not begrudge your blatant theft of their largesse.”

“You liken the All-Mother of Creation to a BEEKEPER?” You scoffed mockingly “And you declare the woman who bore me mad.”

The man smirked at you. “What are the Mellisari, Deniel, Houris or Hive-Queens? She’s hardly sparing with the parallels. The point is, Humanity doesn’t exist by the will of the Gods, they exist because of us!

You shook your head, rubbing at your temple as the image of the swamp fell away, revealing the twilight of the astral plane behind it, the fractal maze of The Path spreading out in all directions. “You’re seriously going to the effort of invading my mind so you can try and sell me on a re-cooked version of the Raphaellian Heresy? And to think I ever had fear of you…”

“Raphael was Tyris’s attack dog who finally comprehended the leash. You don’t look to a Seraphim for philosophical subtleties. But the logic stands.”

You snickered helplessly, your lip curling in utter disdain. “You’re insane, and I’m quite done with…”

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87bbe0 No.389972


“So what does this have to do with you, Father?” The man squeaked in a comical falsetto from the corner of his mouth. “Well I’m glad you asked.”

“I didn’t…” You interjected.

“Shut up and listen.” The man insisted. “If there’s one courtesy from the Lodge I’ll insist remains alive it’s full disclosure amongst peers. This matters, because of your mother. I was rudderless after Mnemosyne ripped the Awakening from my mind, I had nothing but my wits, some small coin, and the merest fragment of magical ability thanks to my bloodline. Minor cantrips, barely enough to call attention to myself… But it was enough. I was caught of course, cheating at cards if memory serves, then for the resultant brawl… someone may have had their neck opened… the waylander sentenced me to indentured servitude. An orderly for a local mage of quite influential family. Quite mad, she was. Convinced she was the Goddess Isis reborn, when she wasn’t howling at the moon. Nobody else was stupid enough to take the job. My options were that or the block, no prizes for guessing my choice.”

“Two star-crossed lovers meet.” You drawled icily.

“More I met with her books while fawning at the appropriate outbursts and dodging the occasional magically hurled bedpan. I read, and I learned… The Blood is the Life, a basic alchemical law, just ask any Vampire. The right incantations, the right sigils, the occasional help from something in the Malebolge with a grudge… It’s remarkably easy to rip the magic from another mage once you’ve got the momentum going, and unlike we once-resonants, they at least have the blessing not to survive the process.”

You recoiled in disgust. “You killed other mages… did this ‘Diablery’ to them… to steal their magic?”

“I think he’s catching on…” The man crowed to the twilight. “…The point is, after draining an Archmage I came to an interesting conclusion. Dark Magic in general, not just Diablerie, has no ceiling! It’s like Resonance all over again except this time I don’t need to worry about some crystalline Deus Ex Machina taking over my body at an inopportune moment. Everything is Power, EVERYTHING. Between man and mage, between mage and Lilim or Angel, between Lilim and God… It’s only a question of degree.”

“Hence… me…” You breathed, staggering slightly as the revelation overcame you.

“Yes! You!” The man crowed. “I let that woman slake her desires on my rod… I was hardly in a position to deny her… She knew about the Diablery, was a more than willing practitioner of the Dark Arts, after all, who was there to tell a ‘Goddess’ no? And when my get quickened in her I thought for certain she’d lose it, she certainly didn’t take care of herself, let alone the life within her… But you survived, and hardly the worse for it. Oh sure, the arm, a little acromegaly in the jaw… but otherwise healthy. And when she cast you from her barely dry from the womb, I thought there was no way my inexpert care would keep you alive, but even as an infant you positively SANG with potential… I couldn’t just throw you away.”

“You said this was her idea.” You spat accusingly.

“Mine to keep you, Hers to turn you into a God.”

“Turn me into a who the what now?” You wheezed, bug eyed in disbelief.

“Keep up Deniel, do you want me gone or not?” the man chided casually. “The way that madwoman’s plan worked, we fill you with Angel until you’re strong enough to subsume a fragment of a dead God, Then she seduces you, gets a god-child in her, and before it’s brought to term, she diablerizes you and Bob’s the guy your mother acts like she doesn’t know.”

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87bbe0 No.389973


“A Dead God? The concept…” You blurted incredulously.

“See Dagon in Atlantea. That is not Dead which can Eternal Lie and so on.”

“You failed there.” You hissed mockingly.

“Me? No…” The man shook his head. “Nothing to do with me, that. That was the Tel’Qessir… Elves… Sneaky fuckers thought they’d just sidle in while we all still thought them extinct and take over the joint, but they weren’t exactly counting on Humans having adapted so well. Irrelevant in any case.”

“So you’re just keeping tabs on me because of my… potential…” You drawled suspiciously.

“You’re the only human on this rock with the potential of an Archmage and two Angel’s souls currently bound to his just to add some extra weight to it. You could go a long way, and I could be there when it happens.”

“Until you decide to bleed me.”

“It’s a possibility, but you’re AWARE of it.” The man replied without the slightest hint of remorse. “That already gives you an advantage.”

“I’m trying to find a stronger way to say, ‘Get thee behind me, Heretic Filth’, but I’m drawing a blank.” You snerked with as much venom as you could muster.

“You wouldn’t be you if you didn’t reply like that. But think on this, Deniel. You don’t get to the kind of Power I have without that you’ve learned to see into time a little. Imperfectly, I’ll admit, but there’s one constant to my visions. You come before me, alone, and you call me Father.”

“NEVER!” You yelled, every fibre of your being screaming in utter denial, your very soul straining with the desire to CAST. HIM. OUT.

“Rail against fate all you like…” The man replied whimsically, gradually fading into nothingness “…But you’ll come…”

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87bbe0 No.389974

“Deniel! Deniel!” Thomas’s voice shattered your meditations, the adept shaking your shoulders as you returned to reality.

“Thomas…” You sighed in relief. “… My apologies, was I loud?”

“Every mage in ten leagues probably got woken up by that fuckin’ scream, mate.” Ellie glowered, a blanket wrapped hurriedly around her to preserve her modesty. Her expression softened in concern. “Y’orright?”

“Ghosts.” You explained nebulously, not quite willing to bare the truth of what had occurred to your fellow mages. You stood up, brushing the dust of the road from your knees. “And I need to make sure they’re gone.”

“Deniel please, you haven’t been the same since Dagon, if something’s the matter…” Thomas began, grabbing your arm as you began to walk away from the fire.

“Soon Thomas… But right now I need to do something.”

“As you will, Brother.” Thomas conceded, releasing your arm.

“Angonamo…” Ellie interjected “…I still wanna know why you mind-shrieked like a fuckin’ banshee and put me off kilter when I was…”

<You have learned the NEUTRAL magic: Mind-Shriek - Highly distracting psychic scream, has a chance to put a mage off casting, lessening with the ability of the opponent

“Oversharing, love…” Thomas chuckled, sliding an arm about the blanket-clad mage, squeezing her buttock and leading her back towards the tent “…And we’re more than capable of picking up where we left off.”

“Ooh!” Ellie whimpered, biting her lip as she eagerly allowed the Adept to guide her back into the warm darkness of their tent.

You smiled involuntarily. You had been concerned, in the overwhelming throes of new love, that Thomas would be wholly subservient to the more experienced Australian. It was good to see he still kept his own council. You turned away from the fire, cresting the gentle slope of a hill, lit with soft silver as the gibbous moon painted it from the heavens. An owl-harpy about her business hooted a polite ‘Good Evening’ to you as she ghosted overhead, her wings silent in the cool night air. You smiled, waving absently in response, before coming to a halt in the sheltered valley at the hill’s base.

“Ne Pireda Cirice…” You murmured, tracing a magic circle in the air once again, and once again, a rose-coloured glow built within, until with a soundless shockwave, Cirice was made suddenly manifest.

“Hello again, my love…” Cirice smiled meltingly, reaching a hand out to stroke your face.

“I remember the swamp, Cirice.” You remarked simply.

Cirice’s hand froze in midair, before dropping to her side, her face falling in utter shame, tears running down her face.

“I t-told you you’d hate me…” She sobbed.

You blinked in surprise. “What? No!”

“I t-took your memories and I w-wasn’t even honest with you!” The Cupid wailed, burying her face in her hands.

“Cirice…” You sighed, wrapping your arms about her, holding her head against your chest. “…If you need forgiveness, you have it, unconditionally. I love you.”

“R-really?” Cirice sniffed, looking up at you through teary eyes.

“Really Really.” You smiled, kissing her perfect mouth. “You were only acting on the Holy Mother’s commands, right?”

“She knew it would hurt you… She didn’t want you to hurt…” Cirice explained.

“And I thank Her for Her mercies.”

Cirice stroked your face tenderly “I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to do it properly…”

Your brow furrowed with puzzlement. “What’s that?”

“Thank Her… for giving me you…”

“We’ll find a way together.” You assured her, your heart positively melting under the onslaught of the Cupid’s eyes.

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87bbe0 No.389975


“So why did you summon me?” Cirice asked, kissing you again for good measure, her eyes slightly naughty. “Couldn’t stay away?”

“Yes… I mean no, but… well…” You blustered.

“Something else happened in the swamp, didn’t it?” Cirice interjected, her expression suddenly studious.

“Before you appeared, that man who sired me…” You explained, deliberately avoiding the ‘F’ word “…He put something in my mind, then gave me this for good measure.” You explained, holding up your four-fingered hand. “He used both to enter my mind. We… Talked… after a fashion.”

“Is he still there?” Cirice asked plainly.

“I don’t know, that’s what I would like to ask your help with. You know me like nobody else, love. If anyone can change the locks on him, it’s you.”

“Even knowing what I’ve done, you still want me in your mind?” Cirice murmured disbelievingly.

“I trust you.” You replied without thought.

Cirice’s lip quivered, and the Angel threw her arms and wings about you, sobbing uncontrollably. “Oh Deniel! Y-you’re too good for me!”

“Pretty sure that’s Blasphemy…” You chuckled gently, stroking the cupid’s rose-coloured hair.

“Well…” Cirice sniffed, wiping her eyes and gently seperating herself from you. “Let’s get started.” The angel knelt upon the soft grass, her wings open and radiating pale light. Nodding, you moved to mirror her pose.

“Ut ut…” Cirice chided, patting her lap with a delicate hand. “…Here Deniel.”

Shrugging your acceptance, you lay your head in the cupid’s lap, relaxing your body on the cold earth as best you could.

“Sleep, my love…” Cirice whispered, taking your face in her hands and smiling down at you as reality shimmered and faded away.

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87bbe0 No.389976


“Deniel!” a voice called out to you, as you stood staring at a simple country garden, freshly dug soil lined out in neat rows before you. You blinked, all uncomprehending at the dirt on your hands and the rake and hoe leant against a fencepost. You turned, seeking the source of that voice, and spied a welcoming-looking abode, simple, but not rude. Rustic, yet comfortable. Warmth filled your heart and your feet moved towards it almost without your conscious action. You stretched forth your hand to open it, the solid oaken door creaking softly as if the house itself greeted you.

“I’m here” You called, looking about the cozy entrance for the person who had called to you.

“In the Kitchen.” The voice replied, and again your feet seemed to move of their own accord, bringing you to a warm, bright kitchen, sun streaming through the windows and a delicious smell permeating the air. And there, bathed in light, the rose-haired, winged form of Cirice, sitting demurely on a chair as she picked at embroidery with a thread-cutter. She was wearing naught but a humble sundress, but in that moment she looked more regal than all the princesses and queens who had ever lived.

“Hello Love…” you breathed, moving to embrace her.

“Don’t you dare.” Cirice chided, looking up at you, her nose crinkling as she smiled. “Wash those filthy hands first, mister.”

You laughed, pumping water into the basin on the counter and thoroughly scrubbing your hands. As an afterthought, you soaked a cloth, wiping the sweat of exertion from your face.

“Better?” You asked with a grin.

“Much.” Cirice replied, leaving the chair and throwing her arms around you, kissing you deeply and lingeringly. Your hands roamed along her body, and the Cupid gasped at your touch.

“Dinner’s almost ready… Later.” She promised with a naughty smile, disengaging herself from your hands and giving you a wink. “Call the children?”

“Children?” you echoed, and Cirice gave a cry of mock outrage, throwing a tea-towel at you.

“Go on! And make sure that son of ours doesn’t have any more frogs in his pockets!”

You shook your head, all bemused, before noticing what was on the embroidery. A bleeding eye, with horrible runes all around it, was being methodically picked apart by the Cupid’s delicate hands.

“That’s hideous.” You remarked.

“Isn’t it?” Cirice agreed with a look of distaste “I’m almost done though.”

“Children!” You called helplessly as you once again stepped outside. Girlish giggling answered you, as two rose-winged girls flitted about not far above the ground at the edge of the field. Something fumbled and thrashed around in the grass beneath them, before a howl of frustration rang out, along with a word…


A boyish figure levitated from the ground to join the girls, as they crowed their approval

“You did it!”


“I knew you could!”

“Best brother ever!”

<You have learned the Neutral spell: Levitation - Raises the caster or another object into the air.

One of the girls turned in mid air. “Now, race us…” Her eyes met yours “…Uh oh.”

“What’s the… Uh oh.” Her sister replied, also spying you.

“Is there another…” The boy queried, teeth clenched as he steadied himself in midair, before his gaze in turn met yours. “…Uh oh.”

You struggled to keep from laughing, as your arm moved on its own, beckoning the children approach. They dropped to the earth in front of you, the boy somewhat more clumsily than his sisters.

“Wash up for dinner, girls.” The words left your mouth as if unbidden. “I need to speak to your brother.”

“Yes Daddy.” The girls replied obediently, slipping around you and into the house.

“I’m sorry! I won’t do it again I promise!” The boy almost sobbed, utterly terrified.

“What in the name of Reitia are you talking about, son?” You asked incredulously, kneeling down to look him in his frightened eyes.

“I did m-magic… Johnny says kids who do magic get sent away…”

“Your friend Johnny…” You began, lighting a flame in your hand with a casual muttering of Ialprg “…Is a bit dumb.”

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87bbe0 No.389977

“Then you won’t send me away? The boy sniffed, rubbing his nose on his sleeve as you extinguished the fire.

“You’ll have to study… Now don’t start… It’s Sea-of-grasses! You’ll barely notice you’re gone. And do you honestly think your mother will be able to last a week without a hug from her best helper?” You chuckled, patting the boy on the head. “You’ll see plenty of me, and your sisters, and your mother, and you’ll make amazing new friends, and be taught by some of the wisest men and women I’ve ever met.”

“Then I can come home?”

“If you like…” You begin, “…Or you might want to go on pilgrimage, like I did, become a Temple Adept. You might want to apprentice yourself to a trader or artisan, travel the world… You might want to serve Tyris or Corvus… become a mighty Knight or Paladin, and defend the weak. Whatever you do, whatever you choose. You’re my son, and I will always love you, and Mother Reitia will always be with you.”

“I love you dad.” the boy sobbed, throwing his arms around you.

“I love you…” You echoed, a knot building in your throat as your unconditional love for this boy overwhelmed you. “…Now wash up. We have a special guest for dinner.”

Now how did you know that?

“Finally caught him at it?” Cirice murmured as you re-entered the house.

“Mmm-hmm.” You admitted, embracing the cupid and relishing the smell of her hair.

“Don’t see why you couldn’t have just confronted him on it.” Cirice sighed, returning your embrace.

“He would have lied. The Circle’s made itself no friends with the way they ship off neophyte mages without so much as a by-your-leave… and children will make up stories.”

“Does it concern you? How they’re manifesting their powers younger and younger?”

“Not while Love remains.” You replied, kissing the cupid softly.

“I believe that’s my cue…” A new voice intruded, and you separated from the cupid, staggering backwards slightly as the unmistakable form of Reitia stood framed in your doorway.

“Mother!” Cirice cried joyously, enfolding the diminutive Goddess in arm and wing.

“Have a care, Cirice!” Reitia warned, “You’ll squash the pie!”

“Allow me, Holy Mother.” You offered, taking the pie-dish from her hands. “Ahhhh ow ow ow ow…” You gasped, hurrying to the kitchen as the dish threatened to burn you.

“It’s hot!” Reitia called from behind you, her voice shaking with suppressed laughter.

“Mama Reitia!” Two voices cried in unison as twin rose blurs flew down the hallway to embrace the Goddess.

“My you’ve grown!” Reitia praised, patting each of them on the head.

“H-holy Mother.” your son intoned hesitantly, putting his hand over his left breast and bowing slightly.

“Sweet boy… have I done you some wrong that I no longer get a hug?” Reitia mused in faux-lament.

“I’m gonna be a mage like Dad…” your son replied. “…and that’s how he does it.”

“And you’ll be a wonderful mage.” Reitia assured him. “But you’re not one yet, and until then, I demand My Divine Tribute!”

“Yes Mama Reitia…” Your son laughed, embracing the Goddess without a hint of shame.

“Help me set the table.” Cirice instructed, shepherding the children away as you re-entered.

“This isn’t real, is it?” You murmured to Reitia as you closed the door behind her.

“A possibility. Your father offered you power, and I won’t lie to you, Deniel, you do have the capacity to seize it. But I want to show you the rewards of Love. No castle, nor title, nor wealth, nor status… Nothing but devoted wife, loving children, and the joy of the time shared together… If this is enough for you…”

“Enough?” You echoed incredulously. “You show me paradise.”

“I’m so glad.” Reitia smiled warmly, leaning up to kiss your cheek. “And Cirice is quite finished… It’s time to wake up…”

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87bbe0 No.389978


“Wake up, Deniel…” Cirice murmured “…It’s done.”

“Good morning…” You smiled up at the cupid, the gentle light of morning warming the earth around you. “…Are you alright?”

“He is a very unpleasant man. It was almost pleasurable to flense him from your psyche.” Cirice replied, shuddering slightly.

“I still remember him though.” You murmured, standing and stretching out limbs rendered stiff from the cold.

“You will, but he can’t find you with your finger any more.” Cirice explained. “The anchor needed to be unravelled from you like…”

“Plucking embroidery from cloth.” You interjected.

Cirice’s eyes widened “That’s a very apt analogy. How did you…”

“The Holy Mother showed me something wonderful while I slept.”

“Well?” Cirice prompted, sliding her arms around your shoulders and smiling up at you cheekily.

“I’d rather show you…” You replied, kissing the Cupid softly. “I’d rather spend the rest of my life showing you.”

“Well that’s ominous…” Cirice remarked. “…Can you give me a hint?”

“You look great in a sundress.” You mused cryptically, kissing her again.

“Deniel!” Ellie’s voice rang over the hilltop. “Where the fuck have you buggered off to?”

>Tell Thomas and Ellie what’s been going on

>Keep it secret, go back alone

>Don’t say anything but invite Cirice back for breakfast.

>Fuck ‘em. Keep kissing Cirice.

>Something Else?

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a9b16a No.389982


Invite our wonderful soon to be wife cupid to breakfast.

Then when everything's good and settled, try out that portal magic stuff.

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fc563a No.389986


That will come later, brother. For now


We keep the lid on our revelations to the uninitiated and invite Cirice to breakfast.

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a89cc8 No.389993


>>Don’t say anything but invite Cirice back for breakfast.

This. I think we should probably tell them some point before the wedding though. Otherwise, I expect this to bite us in the ass if we just sit on it.

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99a8a5 No.389995

Let’s invite Cirice for breakfast. We should tell Thomas and Ellie. They’re going to be curious about what’s going on and we’ve probably worried them enough.

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fcc933 No.390004


don't say anything and invite Cirice back for food. if Thomas and Ellie ask give them a five cent tour so they know what's going on but don't give away the farm either

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43f281 No.390026


>Tell Thomas and Ellie what’s been going on AND invite Cirice back for breakfast.

Lets invite Cirice back with us. I'm sure the others would be glad to see her as well.

Break the bad news to Thomas and Ellie. They should know at this point. You need not go into the full gritty details. Particularly the part about having angel souls forcefully bound to you. But give them the general idea. Parents are notoriously evil dark mages who are hunting for us…and probably want to abuse our powers.

But lets also share some good news. During the meal, announce your engagement to Cirice to everyone. That will show that we truly forgive her. It has sort of been a secret up until this point. Make a fun showing of it to turn her even more pink.

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99a8a5 No.390219


>announce engagement

We need to finish the pilgrimage first don’t we? I’m all for it but we haven’t unlocked the adept intersect yet

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43f281 No.390220


>We need to finish the pilgrimage first don’t we? I’m all for it but we haven’t unlocked the adept intersect yet

People announce engagements all the time. We'll, of course, say that the marriage isn't planned until after Deniel's pilgrimage ends. That has the plan all along. So why not? Besides, I think it would make Cirice happy.

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43f281 No.390222



I mean, when Deniel proposed to Cirice, he did it with the condition that he first finishes his pilgrimage. And she was perfectly happy to accept that.

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5ae74d No.390311


Ehh I disagree with the engagement. This is supposed to be their happy time, And ours is still very far off at this point. Announcing now would just be stealing their thunder

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5ae74d No.390316


Also friend you dropped a shit load of lore into this but I don't understand how some of it connects, Can you explain a bit deeper?

What is the significance of the Hathor bloodline? Same deal with the Grand Lodge of Resonance. Who/what are the "Logos"?

>>“Was resonants forcing the knowledge INTO Maou, and yet imperfectly"


>>Mnemosyne ripped the Awakening from my mind.

Again, What?

I don't know if this is from previous work or if my reading comprehension is just being garbage but I'd like those explained if you would.

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87bbe0 No.390322


>Can you explain a bit deeper?

Happy to.

>What is the significance of the Hathor bloodline?

Horus and Hathor are the Eternal High Priest/esses of Ammit. Rather than making Her Annointed immortal, Ammit has their souls reincarnate along the same bloodline. Horus is always a Human Male, and Hathor is always a Mamono Female, usually Taurean/Holstaur but there are apocryphal accounts of her being an Anubis on occasion. According to myth, Hathor and Horus have existed for as long as the world, but considering Mamono first appeared in this plane of reality only circa 2020CE (Current year is approximately 10500CE give or take) this is perhaps merely an Anachronism.

(See 'Chronicles of the Pax')

>Grand Lodge of Resonance.

Imadium Crystal matricies were extrasolar objects which fell to earth in the early/mid 2040s. These were widely studied for that reason, and deemed to be a hazardous material due to the radiant energy they emitted rendering a number of humans vegetative on contact with the objects, until their capacity for seemingly limitless data storage and nearly instantaneous recall, as well as their operation as a room-temperature superconductor drove Humanity (As well as Tech-savvy Mamono) to utilize them in computing, sending technological progress into the stratosphere.

A number of isolated incidents stretching from approximately 2500 proved that the matricies were capable of reworking and 'networking' with specific human minds, the common factor for a successful networking never discovered. These humans had the capability to issue commands through this network, causing something as yet unknown to act on their behalf, reworking reality according to the Human's desire. This culminated in 2642, where the 'Lodges of History', a clandestine organization formed from the combination of a number of fraternal, historical and archeological organizations successfully 'Awakened' enough of their members to what they call 'Resonance' to openly revolt against the then World-Dominating Order of Ilias, currently in open war against Mamono.

The details of this external force which these 'Resonants' called 'The Logos' was a matter of conjecture until the yet-nascent God Corvus discovers a Silicate Alien structure in low earth orbit. Bringing it to Earth, Resonants now for the first time in their history can interface directly with the Lithomorphic consciousness present in this structure, who eventually takes the appelation of 'Mnemosyne'.

(See basically everything from 'Australian in a strange land' through to 'Twilight of the Gods')

>resonants forcing the knowledge INTO Maou

"The Redemption" as it became known, was a united act by nearly all of the world's Resonants to alter Mamono to be able to breed cognizent Male offspring, though admittedly at a vastly reduced birthrate from females. Prior to this Male Mamono were monstrous, near-mindless creatures, which along with the agendered 'Null' comprised what was colloquially known as 'Maou's Shame'. This halfway measure was sufficient to begin grandfathering civilization out of the 'Pax Deus', a global Theocratic system of government which brokered alliance between Maou and The God Tyris, who succeeded Ilias after her fall, and rigidly dictated the permissible interaction between Humans and Mamono.

(See 'Chronicles of the Pax)

This in its own turn ended when Corvus was born. Male Mamono were no longer born, but Mamono began to occasionally birth Human Male offspring, who were usually fairly well guaranteed to have at least some magical affinity.

>Mnemosyne ripped the Awakening from my mind.

During the latter days of what is known as 'The Great Twilight', the Logos, Mnemosyne, fearing for Humanity's continuance under the assault of Entropy (also Apophis, its Harbinger.) Subsumed as many of 'her' Human 'Platforms' as would agree to the process, stripping those who refused (With the Exception of Samuel the Caladonian) of their ability to command the manipulation of reality.

With this ability gone, Humanity were totally reliant upon Magic and the Divine Blessings bestowed upon annointed followers of the individual Gods, a point which rankles those of an age to remember to this day.

(See 'Twilight of the Gods')

I've also got a basic (And possibly unintentonally retconned) Timeline if it'll help.


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87bbe0 No.390324


Also I have a (very) basic glossary (Mostly Pax-focused so some of it may no longer be relevant)


Also Spell Pastebin's updated


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43f281 No.390325


>Announcing now would just be stealing their thunder

I see no issue with announcing it now, over a meal. Waiting to announce it until the day of their wedding ceremony would certainly be stealing their thunder. I just thought it is silly to keep our relationship with Cirice a secret. She might even think we are ashamed of it or something.


Thanks for the extra info.

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5ae74d No.390392


The more of this I read the more I learn I have no fucking idea what is going on. This is obviously a connected universe that you've developed over a number of cyoa's right? While I am greatly enjoying this ride I'd like to also start from the beginning so I can naturally digest the deep lore you've built up. Where can I find your other works?

And if you actually did make all this up on the spot, Please don't taking so much drugs, Its not healthy

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33377c No.390405


All my completed autism ends up on tft


Because snail hasn't finished the alternative.

Chronologically it goes as follows:

>A spark of inspiration

>Australian in a strange land

>Under foreign skies

>The sweetness of poisoned fruit

>Child of the Australs

>Chronicles of the pax

>Tales of the walker

>The Pilgrimage (You are Here)


Alcohol and caffeine remain my only vices, sadly.

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33377c No.390406


Twilight of the gods between 'walker' and 'pilgrimage derp

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43f281 No.390445

Welp, I'll have to read all that as I have time. Because the universe is fantastic. It's awesome to be a part of molding the next branch of the story too.

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43f281 No.390526

File: 3287c6b9221233e⋯.png (47.18 KB,449x538,449:538,bookmarks.PNG)


This look like the right order? That's the order I bookmarked them. I'll get around to reading them all. It'll take quite a while, I bet.

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87bbe0 No.390531

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43f281 No.390961


I just finished reading A Spark of Inspiration. If you to come up with a name for the universe you've created, what would you call it?

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87bbe0 No.391008


I probably wouldn't. 'XXX-Verse' smacks of reddit and I've succumbed to that egotism before. I just say all of my stories take place within the same universe and leave it at that, but that's a me thing.

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43f281 No.391032


That's fair. Just thought I'd ask since you never mentioned it.

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87bbe0 No.391288

>Tell Thomas and Ellie… Broad strokes mind, no need to go mentioning angels stuck to our soul. Also mention engagement.

>Invite Cirice back with you.

“Coming love?” You grin, taking the cupid by the hand.

“Are you sure?” Cirice murmured, her face lighting up with pleased surprise.

“We’re down here, Ellie!” You called, firing a glowing spark into the air with a brief incantation.

“Right, gotcha…” Ellie’s absent yell responded. “…don’t move!”

“Don’t move? Ellie what…” You began, before reality went profoundly tits up. There was no air to breathe, yet no time in which to draw breath, no space in which to recoil in surprise, no light to shine upon your surrounds, no sound for your scream to echo throughout, only a distinct sense of strange motion, and the cupid’s warm, comforting hand in your own.

With an abruptness that shocked your every sense, reality returned, and you blinked as you beheld the camp suddenly not a handful of paces away from you. With a thump of displaced air, the female human appeared beside you.

“See? Safe as hous… OH TYRIS, that’s an Angel!” Ellie exclaimed, her smug confidence replaced with an almost terrified awe.

“This isn’t the first time you’ve seen me, Mage of the Circle.” Cirice smiled benignly.

“Yeh, but there’s passed the fuck out, wrapped in a blanket, and then there’s… now.” Ellie explained helplessly.

“We’re back then?” Robbo remarked, poking at the fire, a bubbling pot suspended from metal tripod above it. Noticing Cirice, he tugged his forelock absently. “G’day. Stayin’ for breakfast?”

“I wouldn’t impose…” Cirice blushed self-consciously, and your heart melted at how adorable she looked in that moment.

“Nah she’s right. Either you eat it or the Bungas will, and those fat shits are babied enough as is.” Robbo smirks, flipping a rude gesture at the huge lizards staring at the pot with myopic hunger.

“Robbo what the bastard have you been up to that you can shrug off a fuckin’ celestial trailin’ clouds of glory and shit?!” Ellie demanded.

“Cupid…” Cirice corrected. “…And they are rather ostentatious aren’t they? Naughty clouds… naughty…”

Ellie’s mouth worked, fishlike, searching for a response to that, while her brother collapsed into paroxyms of mirth, rolling on the ground as his braced leg gave way under him.

“What’s so funny?” Thomas asked, bearing another armload of wood. Noticing Cirice, he dropped the wood, placing his hand briefly over his heart and bowing slightly. “Blessed and Glorious.”

“Call me Cirice, Thomas.” Cirice smiled, squeezing your hand. “I don’t think we need to stand on formality, after everything.”

“Cirice.” Thomas nodded, beaming broadly. “May I introduce my fiancee? Ellie, Mistress of the Eighteenth Hexagonal Intersect… That’s what the Enochians call it, right love?”

“Y-yeh.” Ellie swallowed, her eyes widening as Cirice released your hand, crossing to the mage and embracing her warmly.

“May the Holy Mother bless you both with Love, and Love more abundantly.” Cirice intoned, kissing the mage on the cheek.

“Y-your energy… I… I know you…” Ellie breathed “…I dreamed about you… you showed Tomtom to me!”

“Don’t give away secrets now.” Cirice giggled, placing a delicate finger on the human’s lips before returning to your side.

“Tomtom?” Thomas groaned pleadingly.

“I knew it!” You crowed exultantly “I KNEW you had something to do with them!”

“A girl needs her pasttimes.” Cirice sniffed primly.

“Being married to you is going to be something else…” You laughed helplessly, before realizing what had just come out of your mouth.

“What?” Thomas gasped incredulously, staggering slightly.

“You… you told them…” Cirice gasped, her hands flying to her mouth.

“He’s marrying an angel… Of course he is… Why in the name of Tyris’s luminescant scrotum would I ever have normal in-laws?” Ellie lamented to herself, wandering aimlessly towards the fire, Robbo putting a comforting arm about his overwhelmed sister, desperately trying to stop himself from bursting into laughter again.

“You’re marrying Deniel.” Thomas clarified, holding out a hand and rubbing his temples with the other.

“Don’t get the wrong idea, only after the Pilgrimage is complete!” You protest desperately, before turning to Cirice “I’m sorry love, I wasn’t even think…urk!” You choked as the Cupid threw herself into your arms.

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87bbe0 No.391289


“I don’t know why…” Cirice whimpered happily as she showered your face in kisses “…But I was so afraid you’d keep it secret.”

“Well I mean I didn’t want to force things…” You blustered. “…I mean you might…”

“If the next words out of your mouth are ‘Change your mind’, Deniel…” Cirice glowered, pointing a threatening finger up at you. “…I shall be very cross.”

“I plead the peace of Tyris.” You intoned, raising your hands into the Sign of the Sunburst.

“Smart.” Cirice sniffed, before bursting into a grin, kissing you again.

“I pray for a swift revelation then, my brother.” Thomas chuckled, clapping you on the back and after a moment’s hesitation, squeezing the Cupid’s shoulder warmly.

Cirice left your arms, embracing a suddenly shocked Thomas. “I never had a brother before.”

“Well… don’t think we’re all as debonair as me…” Thomas mused, his arms hesitantly returning the Cupid’s embrace.

“Fucks sake, if we’re quite done…” Robbo chided mockingly “…Breakfast is gonna get fuckin’ cold!”

“You’re as romantic as a dishmop sometimes.” Gilly chided, the Dingo having approached unheard, clipping her husband across the back of the head with a paw. Noticing the Angel, she inclined her head, barking a harsh, guttural phrase, one that Cirice returned without hesitation.

“Ow…” Robbo grunted. “…Thought you were in a rush?”

“Not that much of a rush…” Gilly mused. “…and I thought you said breakfast was getting cold? Stop complaining and serve up.”

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87bbe0 No.391290


“Alright, are we ready?” Ellie asked, looking at you and Thomas in turn.

“Ready as I’ll ever be.” You nodded, Thomas murmuring agreement as he closed his eyes.

“Right. Counting back from five. Five…” Ellie began.





Reitia Dei


In Excelsius


“HOLQ A NOFAHON DE EN ZIMZ OD COMMEMAHE ELASA COMMAH” You intoned together, the image of the rippling field which gave Sea-of-Grasses its name etched within your mind like diamond. You felt the magic pouring from you, astonished at the beauty of the triune weave as it plucked reality apart, the portal spreading… shuddering… HOLDING!

“Ammit’s Thighs…” Ellie declared in amazement. “…We actually fuckin’ did it!”

“Move you scaly shits!” Robbo swore, lashing cruelly at the beasts, which stubbornly refused, hissing and snapping at the air in front of them, rolling serpentine eyes in abject terror of the smoking hole in reality.

“Dammit.” The Australian growled, clambering forward along the traces, heedless of his own safety. “Youse didn’t see shit.”

“What’s he…” Thomas murmured, before Robbo planted a hand on the side of each beast’s skull, his eyes rolling back in his head as the beasts calmed, moving implacably forward as if the portal didn’t exist at all.

“What is…” You began, before Cirice grabbed you by the back of your tunic, hoisting you with astonishing strength into the wagon where she sat with Gilly.

“Portal now, love.” Cirice remarked, kissing you on the nose. “Questions later.”

<You have learned the NEUTRAL magic: Portal - Teleport yourself to a known location. This will expend your magic for the day and you cannot yet carry anyone else with you.

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87bbe0 No.391292

“I still think you’re making a big deal out of nothing.” Ellie quipped, waving her hand dismissively.

“Yer fuckin’ portal cut off me tailgate!” Robbo lamented, pointing at the rear of his wagon, it’s trailing edge sliced off as neatly as if a giant razor had been drawn across its length. “This old girl’s been with me since Toowoomba and you bloody mages have just vandalized her!”

“On the subject of ‘Bloody Mages’…” Thomas began. “…The Bungarra. What was that?”

“I told you…”

“Yuh huh…” Thomas drawled. “…We didn’t see shit. Problem is, Reitians are absolutely terrible at lying.”

“None of yer fuckin’ business.” Robbo growled, limping up to glare at the adept. “And if you push it, brother-in-law or no, I’ll fuckin’ job ya.”

“It’s how our parents’ magic manifested in him.” Ellie explained without hesitation. “And don’t threaten the fiancee, big brother, or I’ll set yer fuckin’ trousers on fire.”

“Yer a vile bitch.” Robbo swore, turning on his sister. “Why doncha just tell every cunt from here to Fort Caladon?”

“Dry off.” Ellie spat. “Why the fuck you’re ashamed of it I’ll never fuckin’ understand. Yer a Beastmaster. Own it.”

“Beastmaster…” You echoed. “…So… what… you can dominate animals?”

“Yeh… I know, it’s…” Robbo grunted in self-loathing.

“AWESOME!” You crowed in amazement. “And to do it so instinctively, so effortlessly!”

“Sink yer thoughts into one of those walking sewers…” Robbo retorted, pointing at the Bungarra who fought over the skeletal remains of some long-dead animal. “…and see if y’still think the same.”

“If you’re all quite finished…” A new voice intruded, a middle-aged human in unassuming townsman’s garb standing before them, a squadron of spear-wielding bee-girls surrounding him. “…I’ll know your business in Sea-of-Grasses.”

“Disciple Andrew…” Thomas laughed, walking fearlessly towards the man. “…Surely your memory’s not that bad.”

“Thomas…” The man groaned, rolling his eyes. “…can’t you at least pretend to be intimidated? I never get to threaten anyone these days.”

Thomas recoiled in mock horror, overacting terribly as he cowered from the bees. “Feel better?”

“Not a bit.” Andrew sighed, approaching the party and embracing both Thomas and yourself in greeting. “It’s good to see you both.”

“You too.” You smiled, before turning to the bees. “And you, Mellisarae.”

“Deniel..” The bees echoed in chorus.

“…It has been…”

“..such a short time…”

“…surely you have not…”

“…Finished your pilgrimage…”

“…So soon?”

“Not I.” You shook your head. “But I beseech you to recognise my brother. He is Adept… and he would be married.”


“…does Deniel…”

“…Speak the Truth?” The bees hummed queryingly, looking as one at Andrew.

Andrew’s brow furrowed, and he put his finger against Thomas’s forehead, his eyes going distant for a moment. “He does. And dammit if he hasn’t picked up some interesting things.”

“Wait, it’s that simple?” Ellie gasped in surprise. “That kind of insight shouldn’t be possible before…”

“The Prime Decahedron.” Andrew interjected. “As Enochians measure it anyway.”

“But that’s centuries of study!” Ellie objected shrilly “And you’re only… what… forty?”

“Technically I’m over ten thousand years old…” The Disciple quipped “…Though The Holy Mother did shorten the trip somewhat.”

“Disciple…” Thomas pleaded, trying to hold back laughter. “…Don’t tease my fiancee.”

Andrew grinned boyishly at the adept. “Old habits die hard. Come, let’s see the bride properly attired.”

“S-so quickly?” Ellie gasped, her eyes widening in shock.

“Did you have something else to do, love?” Thomas asked warmly, taking the mage’s hand in his.

“No… just… I wasn’t expecting…” Ellie stammered.

“We like to get the formalities out of the way, and let the happy couple linger in more… pleasant pasttimes.” Andrew drawled, a hint of lechery in his voice.

“Andrew!” The bees hummed chidingly

“There’s no need…”

“…to be coarse!”

“Come…” Andrew laughed, beckoning you all forward. “…Be welcome to the Holy Temple of Reitia, and Hive Sea-Of-Grasses.”

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87bbe0 No.391293

“Pilgrim!” One of the wide-eyed teenagers insisted “You can tell us!”

“Yeah!” Another agreed, the white-robed youth sidling forward.

“Honestly there’s nothing much to tell. I haven’t even left the Westerlands yet!” You objected, forcing levity into your voice. Cirice had quickly vanished after exiting the portal and your heart ached with her absence.

“I heard they tried to skin him in Charlestown and The Caladonian saved him!”

“No! I heard he hunted dark mages with a pack of wolves!”

“Please…” You snickered, leaning back against the simple cot upon which you sat. “…Keep going, this is way more interesting than reality.”

“Deniel?” Thomas’s voice intruded, the adept’s head peeking into the communal dormatory the Acolytes shared. “Can I steal you for a minute?”

“Of course, Honoured Adept.” You responded, making sure to stress the formality. Standing, you put your hand over your breast, inclining your head to your fellow Acolytes. “Reita Grace you all.”

“Reitia Grace you, Pilgrim!” The other Acolytes responded in the sing-song of ritual. Smiling warmly, you followed Thomas out of the chamber.

“What’s up?”

“Nothing.” Thomas explained with a conspiratorial grin. “I just thought you’d want to get clear of the kids.”

“They’re enthusiastic.” You agreed “Though I can’t say I was any different.”

“Yeah well…” Thomas chuckled, clapping you on the back. “…Although I won’t deny my motives were purely altruistic. Ellie’s been ensconced with a positive swarm of arachne and they threatened me with all kinds of horrible things if I saw her in her dress before it was finished.”

“Spiders…” You sighed, shaking your head.

“You said it.” Thomas agreed.

“Listen, Thomas…” You began. “…I never got a chance to tell you. About why I’ve been a little off since Atlantea, I mean.”

Thomas nodded. “I figured you’d tell me in your own time.”

“I’m remembering things about my childhood… My parents… to say they were bad people would be a disservice. They were Dark Mages, foul ones, and I was worried about what that meant for me.”

“Deniel if I hadn’t seen you threaten that sailor back on the promenade I would have sworn to every Waylander between here and Dixon that you were incapable of swatting a fly.” Thomas smiled, embracing you roughly about the shoulders. “Whatever they were, you’re a good man. And I’m honoured to call you my friend and brother.”

“Will you tell Ellie?”

“Not if you’d prefer I didn’t.”

You pondered that for a minute. “No… I wouldn’t want to be the cause of secrets between you two, especially not so early in your marriage.”

“See?” Thomas declared, waving his hand to emphasise the point. “You’d give your jacket to a stabled Centaur to keep the chill from her girlish shoulders, wouldn’t you?”

“Who told you about Rose?” You demanded in surprise.

“What, you actually did?!” Thomas laughed incredulously “Reitia’s Mercy, at least finish your pilgrimage before you go vying for saint…”

“There you are!” A booming voice declared, six disciples bearing down on you purposefully.

“Disciples…” You began desperately “…I don’t know what you heard but…”

“I heard the Bride’s ensconced with Arachne.” One disciple drawled.

“Yeah, and they’ll pamper her for at LEAST another day.”

The unmistakeable baritone chuckle of Disciple Travis resonated through the amber-walled hallway in which you stood. “Which means, lads, that you’re free to participate in an ancient and sacred tradition.”

“Tradition?” Thomas echoed. “It’s too early for the baths.”

“Oh no… Far more ancient than the groom’s ablution.” Andrew corrected.

“Aye…” A red-headed disciple agreed. “…Ten Eons more ancient.”

“What is it?” You asked, genuinely curious.

“We, lads…” Travis grinned eagerly “…are gonna get STINKING drunk.”

>Oh no… this is a terrible idea

>Drinking with Archmage equivilants… could con some magic tricks out of them if we keep our heads.


>Invite Robbo along, see if he can’t show the disciples up

>Exclude the Australian, he’ll probably end up killing someone

>Insist Thomas go, but stay in the Temple, we’ve got some questions for the Mellisarae Hive-Queen.

>Something Else?

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99a8a5 No.391295


BACHELOR PARTY!no titty bar though just a few guys getting drunk and having a good time

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7ec368 No.391299


Arright lads, let's get shitfaced.

Invite Robbo too.

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c807d2 No.391304


It's time to get wasted

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43f281 No.391328


>Invite Robbo along, see if he can’t show the disciples up

It's time to get tore up.

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2ff98b No.391340


one vote for three sheets to the wind with Robbo being dragged along

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5ae74d No.391341



This will be a fucking wild night.

Drink the royal honey that someone somehow manages to have stashed away for such an event.

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a89cc8 No.391365


Get drunk, bring Robbo.

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f2195f No.391666


>Bring Robbo

“Disciples…” Thomas began hesitantly “…Are you sure this is a good idea?”

Travis paused, turning with a broad grin on his face. “It’s gotta be tested, brother Adept.”

“With all of us?” You add, looking cautiously at the kegs of mead spread throughout the candlelit depths of the hive.

“Reality is objective.” Andrew replied in faux-sonorousness. “Surely we must verify the conclusions of our brothers. After all, they could simply be insane.”

“Stop that.” A slender, beakish disciple shuddered. “I’m not so far removed from those days that I want to be reminded of it.”

“Sorry John.” Travis apologised quickly, clapping his brother disciple upon the shoulder. “But rest easy, the Holy Mother found us in the end, didn’t she?”

“We-a drinking or what? Santa Reitia…” an olive-skinned, mustachioed disciple lamented impatiently.

“Orright Guillaume, ye ding bastard.” the redhead drawled in a curious brogue, coshing in the lid of one of the casks with a fist enveloped in crackling power. “Now which one o’ye fuckers brought the mugs?”

“We really should have invited Robbo.” Thomas chuckled helplessly.

“Sacramental Mead, Thomas?” Travis declared incredulously. “Even I’m not so libertine to let the unanointed have at this.”

Earthenware mugs were dipped into the cask and passed around, and the Disciples stood in a rough circle, jostling you and Thomas amongst their number.

“Brethren…” Travis began “…Let us invite the beloved to share with us in the goblet of fraternal affection. In the name of She who is All-Mother of Creation, the Wellspring of Goofness and Mercy.”

“Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius.” The disciples intoned.

“Sahnate, Pora…” You replied, raising your mug in turn. “…Reitia Dei in Excelsius.”

As one, you drained the mugs, the tart sweetness of the mead spilling down your throat and filling you with warmth.

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f2195f No.391667


“D’we really need THAT many toasts though?” You slurred, stumbling alongside Thomas as you and the disciples staggered towards the inn.

“S’tradition!” the redhead declared with a cheeky grin.

“They came down from Meekatharra in a clapped out four-train cart…” A voice sang absently in the unmistakable twang of The Australs.

“Robbo!” Thomas declared, recognizing the voice. .”leave those terrible lizards alone and come with us!”

“Thomas?” The Australian remarked in surprise, sticking his head and torso out of the stables. “What the buggering hell…”

“Is that a fuckin’ Aussie I hear?!” Travis yelled excitedly.

“Soon to be my brother in law. I mentioned him earlier, remember?”

“Well hell…” Travis exclaimed. “…Never met an Australian who didn’t enjoy a good drink. Goodman!”

“My Lord Baron.” You corrected tipsily.

“Really?” Travis blinked owlishly at you. “Well stone the fuckin’ crows…”

“Is that the burbling laments of some poor sod from New Botany?” Robbo demanded, limping his way towards you and the disciples.

“Disciples, may I present the rightful Baron of House Toowoomba…” You began, trying to act as sober as you could.

“Toowoomba?!” Travis echoed delightedly. “Well now I know he’s a maroon’s supporter he’s GOT to come with us!”

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re on about mate…” Robbo declared, shaking his head with a helpless chuckle. “…But that’s the sound of a countryman if ever I heard it.”

“The Disciples insisted on what they’re calling a ‘Buck’s Night.” Thomas explained. “We’re going to get drunk.”

“Now see…” Robbo sighed beatifically, grasping the disciple firmly by the hand and shaking eagerly. “…I knew there had to be someone here with a sense of culture.”

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f2195f No.391668


“Izzat the wife?” Robbo slurred, pointing at the Jackal-eared form of an Anubis stalking away, her face like a thundercloud.

“Yeh.” Travis snickered. “I’m gonna be in the shit tomorrow.”

“Why do it then?” Thomas asked, absently drinking from the foaming tankard in front of him.

“One, she’s fuckin’ adorable when she’s mad.” Travis declared, holding up an unsteady finger. “Two, she’s gotta have something to worry about.”

“I don’t get it.” You frowned. “I mean I don’t ever wanna get Cirice mad at me…”

“Got yerself caught already?!” Travis laughed, clapping you on the back. “Keep it for after the pilgrimage, yeh?”

“She’s a good Reitia-fearing woman.” You declared imperiously, deciding through the haze of alcohol that vagueness would be your friend here. “And we love each other enough to wait.”

“Lucky bastard…” the redhead snickered. “…Me, I never met a mamono who could keep it in her pants fer more than three seconds.”

“You’re jus’ picky, Padraig.” Andrew declared, pointing accusingly with his tankard.

“Th’Holy Mother found Dalila fer that fat bastard…” Padraig retorted, pointing at Travis. “…And ye with the birdy, Andrew…”

“Are you talking shit about the wife?” Andrew demanded, his umbrage building.

“Siddown.” Robbo snarled, seizing the disciple by the shoulder and driving him back into his seat, scarcely concerned with his own safety. “I get what the Eirelander’s on about.”

“Begorrah…” Padraig gasped incredulously, staring at the Australian. “…ye even pronounced it right!”

“Th’men of the Fae Isle understand what it is to have to search for love.” Robbo continued “Just as we of th’Australs know.”

“Fookin’ Australians…” Padraig grumbled, dashing moistness from his eyes.

“Isn’t it funny…” Disciple John remarked absently, tracing the condensation off the sides of his tankard with a bony finger.. “…Ten thousand years ago we’d be at a titty bar…”

“What’s that?” Thomas queried, staring at his empty tankard in puzzlement. “And who drank all my beer?”

“Used to be humans’d pay to go watch very scantily clad women swing around poles.” Travis chuckled, signalling to one of the staff to bring more drinks. “How good is it to know we’ve got better than anything we stuffed a note into the gee-banger of waiting at home?”

A murmur of general affirmation answered him, and the big man smoothed his greying beard, raising his tankard to the tavern at large. “To Loving Wives!” He roared. “And Faithful Husbands!”

The inn was filled momentarily with a wordless din of agreement, not a few couples staring at each other adoringly. Travis grunted his approval as he looked around. “Folks might lament the fact we’re not nearly as advanced as we were back then.” He began. “But I tell you, Adept, Pilgrim…. Be sure to thank Reitia daily for the Love she’s brought to the world. Because when we find it, Thank The Holy Mother, it’s forever.”

“Praise Her.” You intoned gravely, raising your tankard and drinking deeply. “But I thought you said there were bards tonight.”

“Hold onto your shirt, Deniel…” John chuckled, mussing your hair with his bony hand. “…They’re just setting up.”

“And taking too long about it!” Travis added, thumping his tankard on the table. “C’mon! Music!”

You added your cheers of encouragement to the acclaim of the taproom, the quartet hurrying to take up their instruments. They presented a curious picture, you noted, as one plucked experimentally at his lute. Slender, with angular features, each of them wearing a brightly coloured cloth about their heads. The singer stepped forwards, glancing about the taproom with eyes so pale as to be almost white, closing them as she drew in a breath, her hair artfully coiffed to tall in a wavy waterfall around her face.

“Hodo nôl velui benorven lín

Môr danna; le tollen na vethed lend

Losto hi, ah oltho o 'waith i thellir…”

“Begorrah!” Padraig choked, staring at the bards with eyes wide and unbelieving as the song began. “I thought ye said they were extinct!”

“What’re you on about… Oh…” Thomas groaned, his face paling as realization struck. “…Oh no…”

“They can’t be!” You declared, your heart racing in panic. “Not here!”

“The Aedhel…” Padraig sobbed, his cheeks glistening with unshed tears. “…Thank the fae folk… they’re alright…”

>Fucking Elves! PURGE! BURN! KILL!

>Wait for them to finish, then confront them somewhere private. No sense freaking out joe and jenny public

>Why the hell is a disciple so hung up on elves? Confront Padraig.

>You’re drunk and seeing shit. Ignore it.

>Something Else?

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a89cc8 No.391669


>Why the hell is a disciple so hung up on elves? Confront Padraig.

>Wait for them to finish, then confront them somewhere private. No sense freaking out joe and jenny public

Confront might be a strong word for it, but we should definitely ask Padraig what he knows, and probably speak to the elves afterwards. No point throwing stones yet, it's possible that they're not evil.

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99a8a5 No.391670


Same as what this anon suggested. The disciples were alive at the same time as the elves. They probably understand what they’re saying. We should ask Patrick why he cares so much then confront the elves afterwards.i sure as hell hope they aren’t using magic music here. Sirens are bad enough on their own

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43f281 No.391677


Thirding these choices. I've read nothing to indicate that elves are collectively evil or anything. They're probably just semi-nomadic survivors of a nearly extinct race. I'm pretty curious about their story too. And don't mention our previous encounter with the evil elf… I doubt they'd like hearing the story of their death of one of their kin, evil or not.

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1c6c19 No.391733

>What the hell does Padraig know?

>Talk to the elves after they’ve finished

“Disciple…” You begin, slurring somewhat more than you were entirely comfortable with. “…You’re familiar with the Tel’Qessir?”

“How are ye knowin’ them, Pilgrim?” Padraig gasped his shock plainly evident. “Even I was thinkin’ them to be a thing of the past.”

“We… Had something of an encounter with one in Atlantea.” You explain hesitantly.

“That’s one way to fucking put it.” Thomas snarled, his face caught in a grimace of fury. “If we hit them quickly enough we should be able to…”

“Have ye lost yer bleedin’ mind adept?!” Padraig cried, leaning over the table and grabbing Thomas by the collar. “Ye’ll not be murderin’ the Aedhel while I’m tae fuckin house!”

“You don’t know what they DID…” Thomas hissed.

“Easy… EASY!” Robbo snarled, grabbing both disciple and Adept in meaty fists. “Thomas, take it from someone who knows. Now’s a bad time to be doing violence.”

“Why?” Thomas demanded sullenly.

“Because the table to our three o’clock is LOUSY with circle mages.” Robbo explained without turning. “And if youse start a magical shitstorm they’re gonna respond, and we want to know whose side they’ll do so on.”

“Glad tae see Australians still have a bit o’sense about…” Padraig began smugly.

“And you, shamrock…” Robbo continued, putting a finger in the Disciple’s face. “…Tommo has it right. You’ve no fuckin’ idea what their kind has pulled.”

“Aedhel have never…” Padraig retorted hotly.

“Let’s just enjoy the music, gents.” Travis suggested in a low, threatening tone. “You can go give that skinny lot the third degree once you’re NOT in danger of trashing the wife’s place of business.”

“Yer lucky yer still a big fucker, Travis.” Padraig grumbled, sitting back in his chair and drinking deeply from his tankard.

“Disciple…” You ventured after your table had been somewhat mollified by strong drink and sweet music. “…Why do they mean so much to you?”

“They’re part of our culture.” Padraig explained, his eyes not moving from the quartet still plying instrument and voice upon the rude stage. “Tuatha De Dannan, the Aedhel. First of the Fae Folk. It was one of th’only things what kept me sane in the Lilim’s fookin basement, knowing the True Rulers of Eire had finally returned from Tir na n’og. And then to find out when the Holy Mother brought us here, that they were extinct…”

“Their return seems to have ruffled a few feathers… and when I say feathers, I mean FEATHERS, if you follow me…” You explained pointing upwards suggestively.

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1c6c19 No.391734


“Deniel!” Andrew exclaimed in surprise. “Have you been hob-nobbing with Celestials?”

“It’s complicated.” You replied lamely, before burying your face in your own tankard.

“It is.” Thomas agreed. “And I’m sorry, Disciple… To judge a people based on a bad experience, it was unworthy of me.”

“Ye met an Unseelie, didn’t ye?” Padraig remarked simply, nodding his acceptance of Thomas’s apology.

“I don’t know what that is.” Thomas admitted.

Padraig took another drink, setting his tankard down and blowing air through the russet stubble on his upper lip. “Winter court. Aedhel with hearts of cruelty.”

“That’s possibly the kindest thing I could say about him.” You grumbled, your lip curling with disgust.

“Aye.” Padraig nodded knowingly. “The Aedhel, as our brother Adept so rightly surmised, are not a people of single vision. The Summer Court, The Seelie Fae, they’re kind… passionate and hot-headed, but kind. They like the craic, and no fault on ‘em for it. The Unseelie are somethin’ of bastards… don’t fuckin’ bear a whit o’fondness fer Humans.”

“Certainly sounds like him.” You murmured agreement.

“Sounds like Wagyl and her sisters from the Australs.” Travis offered, Robbo nodding and grunting his agreement.

“We owe ‘em a chat, methinks.”

“Let me go… Fer the love o’Reitia.” Padraig begged. “I’ll not let no shenanigans befall Williamsberg, if’n they came here for mischief.”

“I’ll go with you, Disciple.” You added quickly. “They may be able to offer… clarification for… someone important.”

“Deniel…” Travis rumbled. “…why do I have the feeling you’re going to surprise us with something?”

“It’s way too much to get into now, Disciple.” You explained desperately “And I am in no way approaching sober enough to do it JUSTICE.”

“Fair enough Pilgrim.” Travis chuckled. “And we’re getting far too argy for such a joyous evening. Ho! Bards! Our Brother marries on the morrow! Play us a celebration!”

“As you will, sirrah…” The singer smiled, gesturing to the three instrumentalists behind her. “…A dance then.”

Tables and chairs were roughly pushed to the sides of the room as eager patrons took to their feet, Thomas being bodily dragged up by tankard-wielding disciples, thrown into the midst of a pack of joyously gambolling Mamono, who laughed, taking him in arm, hand, claw and talon, spinning him about with reckless abandon.

“I don’t know the steps!” Thomas yelled desperately, as an amazonian Oni murmured a brief congratulations before swinging him bodily off his feet.

“Make ‘em up!” Travis drawled, banging his tankard on a nearby stool. “It worked for me!”

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1c6c19 No.391735


“There they are.” You murmured, pointing at the quartet loading their instruments onto a nearby wagon.

“Hold there!” Padraig called, hurrying over to the elves.

“Is there something we can help you with, sir?” One of the elves asked, an unmistakable note of suspicion in his voice.

“Dia Dhuit, Tuatha De Dannan…” Padraig blurted, ducking his head as he approached the group.

“A son of the Celts!” Another elf hissed, his angular eyes widening in surprise.

“Whose people loved yer kind, and called ye friend!” Padraig replied, spreading his arms wide.

“He can see us!” The female lamented, her modest bust heaving in panic. “How can he see us?!”

“Something has gone terribly wrong… that spell has never failed before!” Another elf replied, his own panic rising as he wove magic in the air.

One of the elves collapsed to the ground in apparent despair, pulling the covering from his head, his long, pointed ears now clearly evident “The whole tavern! They know we’re here!”

“Why would ye hide?” Padraig pleaded, “The fact ye’re here… it’s a Miracle!”

“There’s only two of them…” The magic-weaving elf noted with a tone of finality “…We can…”

“No!” The female ordered sharply, bringing her hand down and dispelling the arcane energies weaving about the other elf’s hand. “We will not be that. We will NEVER be that!”

“So good to know that some of you have the capacity to reason…” A new voice intruded, and you turned with sinking heart as you recognized the cadaverous form of Archmage Nicholas, flanked on either side by robed adepts. “…Now, you’ll be coming with us.”

“I told you they were hunting us!” One of the elves cried in a panicked shriek.

“Ere! What’s this about?” Padraig demanded.

“Go back inside, have another drink, Disciple…” Nicholas sneered, the honorific filled with venom.

“Ye wanna have a go, ye scut fecker?” Padraig snarled, his obvious drunkenness belying the sheer POWER he channelled as he rounded upon the Archmage.

>Keep out of this, no sense tangling with the circle

>Brawl with Paddy. Fuck these Circle cunts.

>Grab the elves, teleport out of there!

>Tricksy elveses… Side with the Magi, they’ve got some explaining to do.

>Psychic Scream, try and stop this fight before it starts

>Something else?

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43f281 No.391740


>Psychic Scream, try and stop this fight before it starts

Not to say that we are anywhere near the Archmage's equal, but we're no longer the naive novice we were a few months ago. Past experience has shown that Nicholas is powerful and knowledgeable about magic but nothing less than an arrogant fool.

It's time to put our foot down and make our own declaration that no one will be going anywhere without some explanations. Should he refuse, or his explanation be insufficient (I'm betting on some bureaucratic bullshit explanation, at best), then we may need to defend the elves from him. I doubt Nicholas has even the slightest clue just how powerful the men standing next to us are. Summoning Cirice should be a last resort here. But I think we should be able to handle the situation without her, for once. And if push does come to shove, I'm certain it won't take long before other Adepts and Disciples take notice of the situation. Nicholas picked the wrong place to try and capture those elves.

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968455 No.391746


>Psychic Scream, try and stop this fight before it starts

No people, let's be smart, and bring it off

Does the Circle have any business kidnapping elves on Reitia's holy ground? They are surely violating some manner of celestial NAP. Do we know enough about this, and if so are we sober enough to properly call him out on it?

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43f281 No.391748


>They are surely violating some manner of celestial NAP

Interesting point. Ellie mentioned that Circle mages have some kind of rule not to interfere in the affairs of the Celestials and Gods. I'd guess they wanted to wash their hands of the Gods after everything that happened with Mnemosyne (See >>390322). Elves seem to have some kind of deep connection to the Gods, so this is certainly a good point.

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99a8a5 No.391752


>They are surely violating some manner of celestial NAP

This may actually be a good point. We need to demand an explanation for why they’re after the elves. After they do that I say we side with Padraig. There will be no circle shenanigans on holy ground.

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1c6c19 No.391776



>Holy ground

Ehhhhh… Not really, you're in Williamsberg, which is a small pastoral hamlet a stone's throw from the Temple-Hive itself. It's not consecrated to anything in its entirety.

(Still close enough to be on the nose though, you're right, just thought the distinction had to be made.)

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43f281 No.391789


Just finished reading Australian in a Strange Land. And I was thinking to myself while reading it, I bet ResonantDrunk is an Australian. And lo and behold. I've voice chatted with some funny fucking Aussies in MMOs before. Their slang is just as absurd as you write. I guess you need a good sense of humor when you live somewhere where everything is poisonous, eh?

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43f281 No.391793



>Australian in a Strange Land

Also the part with Ilias speaking to David in his dreams was absolutely creepy as hell. And from someone who has played through the first MonsterGirlQuest game in its entirety, the characterization of Ilias is perfect. I'm looking forward to reading more.

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68806d No.391800


Being the all-mother of creation, an argument could be made that all of creation is Reitia's holy ground :^)

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1c6c19 No.392292

>Psychic scream, demand of the Circle mages where they get the stones to go absconding with people on the Temple’s regular stomping grounds.

Summoning a scream whilst rather drunk and not directly under duress was more difficult than you imagined, the vibrations in the psychic aether little more than a background tingle at first. Ironically, it was your frustration which spurred you to further heights, the shriek building rapidly, until the mages and Padraig were clawing at their heads, yelling inarticulately at you.

“Please…” The elvish woman begged, her hands over her long, pointed ears. “…it hurts!”

You winced in guilty sympathy with the agonized elf-maid, silencing the scream. “I’m sorry, Madam.” You offered sincerely before helping the red-headed disciple to his feet. “But as drunk as I am, I know those three are out of line.”

“You again?!” Nicholas declared incredulously, recognizing you. “Didn’t the flogging you received in Charlestown teach you to stay out of Circle business?”

“And didn’t the mudhole we stomped in ye and yers not fifteen year ago tell ye clear enough that ye gobshites AIN’T FECKIN’ WELCOME.” Padraig snarled, the last echoing with a booming resonance as faint waves of ethereal power began pulsing from the man like a second heartbeat. “Williamsberg is a Reitian town. By th’Holy Mother ye gobshites will not come in here wavin yer toelike fookin’ cocks about and snatchin’ folk off the street!”

“You hapless wastrel…” Nicholas hissed. “…Do you have any idea what they did?!”

“I do.” You replied firmly, staggering only slightly as you put yourself between Mage and Elf

“Of course you do… No doubt up to your neck in it, cenobite.” Nicholas sneered.

“Yap yap, you walking corpse.” You sniped back, your drunkenness lending you to boldness. “What did I tell you about trying to insult me? And they’ve done nothing but play music. You don’t get to judge them because of one Un… Unseem… Disciple what the fuck were the asshole elves called again?”

“Th’Unseelie…” Padraig replied “…And if’n these were Unseelie, they’d be peelin’ yer faces off for to make pretty masks by now. These ain’t the Aedhel you’re lookin’ for, so jog on already.”

“I have the backing of the Select Council on this matter.” Nicholas sniffed haughtily. “One way or another, they will be coming with us.”

A spark of inspiration lit within your alcohol-hazed mind. Feigning a stumble, you staggered back towards the elves, falling ungracefully on your face as the feigned stumble quickly turned into a real one.

“Sir… are you alright?” The elf-maiden gasped.

“Pathetic…” Nicholas snickered, his attention leaving you to focus on the obvious greater threat of Padraig.

“Claim Sanctuary.” You hissed, absently spitting sod.

“Wh-what?” another elf blurted uncomprehendingly

“Claim Sanctuary! The Temple will protect you.”

The elf curled his lip. “And trade one cage for another?”

“You can leave when you want, but you’ll be safe while you’re there.” You assured them “As an Acolyte of Reitia, you have my word.”

“Reitian priesthood behave like common tavern drunks?” a third elf quipped.

“It’s complicated.” You blustered. “And really, do you have much of a choice right now?”

The Elf-Maiden nodded simply. “Sanctuary! We claim Sanctuary!”

“Oh how provincia… what?” Nicholas gulped as light pulsed from your outstretched hand, forming a glowing shield above the wagon and the quartet of elves.

“Oh ye are a clever fecker, Denny-boy!” Padraig laughed. “So. right then, let’s have at it!”

“That will be…” Travis’s booming baritone interjected, the remaining disciples along with Robbo and Thomas pouring out of the tavern to stand unsteadily between Padraig and the Archmage. “…Quite fuckin’ enough of that.”

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1c6c19 No.392293


“So much for ‘honour’.” Nicholas spat.

“Back off lads, I’m gonna learn this gobshite some feckin’ politesse.” Padraig promised, countless ethereal arms flexing as they fanned from his spine.

“The Pilgrim has promised Sanctuary.” Andrew stated calmly, pulling absently at a bottle of spirits before his jaw mutated horribly, his now-terrifyingly fanged maw dripping golden fire. “And we would uphold the promise of our brother.”

“Hedge-Mages… Cenobites…” Nicholas fumed in impotent anger, pale fire springing from his wrists. “…You will not stymie us!”

“Ne Pireda Uraeus.” Travis growled, a titanic serpent of light bursting from the earth and coiling protectively about all of you, your sanctuary spell dissipating in the shock as the glowing coils circled you. Spreading its wet mouth, it hissed threateningly at the circle mages.

“How?!” Nicholas cried in shock and fear.

“The wife introduced us.” Travis explained simply. “The Holy Serpent of Ammit doesn’t take kindly to those who dispariage Holy Oaths.”

“We will have your number, Cenobites…” Nicholas threatened, drawing a magic circle in the air. “…I promise you, one day!”

Between one moment and the next, they were gone.

“Thank you.” Travis murmured sincerely, placing his hand unconcernedly upon the titanic serpent’s scaled body. Uncoiling itself, it bent its colossal, arrowlike head to look the Disciple in the eyes.

“I know.” Travis nodded, “But these things must take their own path.”

With a final questing flicker of luminescent, forked tongue, the glowing snake dove into the earth, the ground closing around it as if it had never emerged.

“Trav ye’d better…” Padraig snarled, his blood clearly still up with the absence of a proper fight.

“I will tell Tetrarch Kevin in me own good fuckin’ time.” Travis promised, grabbing the bottle absently from Andrew. “And you! Turn yer fuckin’ face back to normal, the fuck are you calling upon wolf-magic for in the first place?!”

“Looks mean doesn’t it?” Andrew justified lamely, his face returning to normal.

“Your bloody wife is gonna scream at me for the smell.” Travis swore, drinking deeply. “And I get the feeling I’m going to be far too bloody hungover to bear it gracefully.”

“Sirs…” The Elf-woman ventured. “…It seems we are indebted to you for our deliverance.”

“Thank the Pilgrim.” Travis waved dismissively. “He guaranteed you Sanctuary. You’re safe on his word, and if you do plan any fuckery, be it on his head.”

You swallowed nervously at that.

“I am Ygrainne…” The Elf-maid ventured, inclining her head to you. “…This is my Hosse’ai, Iolas, Taliesin, and Kendel.”

“Perhaps I misjudged humans…” The elf identified as Taliesin began, taking you by the wrist and gripping warmly. “…I’m sorry for threatening to kill you before.”

“You wouldn’t be the first, goodman.” You snickered helplessly. “Not the first by far.”

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1c6c19 No.392294


“Now what in the Holy Name of Tyris…” Robbo began. “…was that shit all about? When did the bloody Circle decide to get into a damn pissing contest with the fuckin’ Temple of Reitia?”

“Thank Tetrarch Kevin.” Travis grumbled “Man’s got great ideas but no fuckin’ idea how to carry them to fruition.”

“Yeah nah I’m not with you on that one, mate.” Robbo retorted, shaking his head and grasping for one of the bottles of spirits making their meandering way through your party. “Isn’t he married to a Handmaiden of Hathor?”

“Jelena, Her very daughter.” Travis grumbled. “Would that it had been otherwise. Never got to meet a Resonant other than the Caladonian and I never will, thanks to that bloody space-rock, but if they were still here, at least the Tetrarch’d be free to tell the Circles to pull their fuckin’ heads in, instead of helping fucking Gods patch reality.”

A chill rippled through you at the similarity between Travis’s drunken rambling and your father’s viperous ranting.

“From what I understand…” John offered, his slender hand holding out a bottle to the Australian. “…this kind of thing is prevalent throughout any organization. The Grand Lodge was the same, The Hidden Circle under Heirarch Enoch… Now the Circle of Mages… It starts with the desire for independence, but ‘freedom’ always becomes ‘control’ eventually. Humans desire power, that’s all there is to it.”

“Reitia be merciful…” Andrew groaned. “…She never said we’d have to fight Human Nature.”

“As long as Love remains…” Thomas intoned stubbornly.

“Well said, Brother Adept.” Travis agreed, clapping the stumbling young man on the back.

“This Reitia…” Ygrainne ventured to you, the elves hanging surprisingly closely around you. “…She’s a kindly Goddess?”

“You’re kidding, right?” You blurted disbelievingly. “She is Love, and abundant Mercy.”

“Ae Adar, Corellon, nín i vi Menel…” Ygrainne breathed gratefully. “…We have not been always treated kindly by your Human Gods.”

“You don’t pay reverence to Maou then?” You remarked surprisedly.

“The Demon Queen?” Iolas retorted hotly. “Corellon willing, I pray you did not deliver us only to insult us, sir.”

“You have your own Gods… Of course you do…” You sighed, rubbing a hand on your face. “…I meant no disrespect.”

“We have been… gone… for a long time.” Kendel nodded. “It would be presumptive of us to think that you Humans would remember, being so short-lived and all.”

“That’s another point.” You continued, alcohol once again kicking the gate open on your mental filter. “Where’ve you been?”

“A… sensitive subject.” Ygrainne replied with pain evident in her voice. “I pray you, good pilgrim. Do not press such a thing at this moment.”

“Leave ‘em be, Deniel.” Padraig agreed. “They’ve had a hard time.”

“One day I’m gonna be able to have a good night without the damn world ending…” Thomas sighed self-pityingly.

“Tomorrow, my brother.” Travis laughed lecherously. “The All-Mother will see to that.”

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1c6c19 No.392295


“Gods…” Thomas groaned as he floated in the cavernous, mineral-smelling spring which served as the Temple’s communal baths. “…I’m dying.”

“Die quieter then…” You hissed, rubbing your temples as you likewise did your damnedest to relax in the steaming water. The two of you had the place to yourselves, the seemingly indefatigable disciples having lathed their sorrows not long after dawn.

“Deniel…” Thomas continued.

“Whaaaat?” You near-sobbed.

“I’m getting married today.”

You cracked an eye, staring blearily at the adept incredulously. “You only just realized this?”

“I’m terrified. How do I know I can be the man Ellie needs me to be?”

You opened your mouth to reply, a burst of laughter rushing forward to sweep away any words of comfort you may have offered.

“I don’t see what’s so funn… Ow…” Thomas broke off, holding his head in his hands as his temper was stemmed by the brutal thumping of his hangover.

“Reitia Herself brought you two together.” You snickered helplessly, your laughter fading into a groan as your own throbbing head made its lament known.

“How so?”


“She didn’t!” Thomas gasped.

“She did. Shamelessly.” You replied, leaning over to grip the adept’s arm. “Got into both of your heads without either of you noticing. Fanned the flames of Love within your souls even amidst all of the bullshit with Dagon.”

“You’re doomed.” Thomas groaned mockingly.

“I know…” You sighed, letting the memory of the Cupid wash over you like a soothing balm.


“Mblurblur?” You bubbled in response, submerged to your nose in the bath.

“I’m sorry you can’t stand with me at the wedding.”

You snorted unthinkingly in response before coughing as the bitter, mineral-tasting water of the bath invaded your mouth and nose. Sitting up properly, you spat, before shaking your head at your brother Reitian. “Like it or not I’m still an acolyte. And that means hangover or otherwise, I have to join the other white-robes in the Miserere. I’m just honoured you’d think of me.”

“After Atlantea?” Thomas chuckled. “How could I not?”

“It’s going to be strange not having you around when I leave again.” You admitted.

“You won’t have to sneak about when you’re trying to fish a kiss from Cirice.” Thomas mocked, somewhat less painfully as the mineral-rich waters did their work.

“No, I’ll be responsible for keeping myself honest… I hate me already…” You snickered ruefully. “I don’t know how I’ll be able to do it.”

“You know… you don’t HAVE to…”

“Wash your mouth out!” You objected hotly, shocked to the core at his suggestion.

“You wouldn’t be the first to… demit… as it were.” Thomas explained further. “C’mon… sure you wouldn’t be a Temple Adept, but it’s not like people would hold it AGAINST you… I mean… she’s a Cupid!”

“If I can’t keep a promise to Reitia, who can I keep a promise to?” You replied simply.

“There you go… vying for sainthood again.” Thomas chuckled, squeezing your shoulder briefly before emerging from the steaming water. “C’mon. They’ll think we drowned in here and I’m not yet spry enough to be diving for a towel to hide my dignity from the Priestess.”

“They’re only drones.” You groaned, yet stood yourself, water sluicing from your body as you headed for the neat pile of towels which sat upon a stone bench.

“She can still make them do that judgy-face of hers.” Thomas quipped.

“Yes…” You agreed, shuddering slightly at the memory of the Hive-Queen’s disapproving glare.

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1c6c19 No.392296


“Miserere mei, Mater Reitia, secundum magnam misericordiam tuam…” You chanted with the other acolytes, thankful that you had always been able to hold the baritone since your voice settled into the depth of manhood. “…Et secundum multitudinem miserationum tuarum, dele iniquitatem meam…”

The treble of one of the younger boys soared heavenwards as the chant grew in complexity, and the Hive-Queen Priestess raised her chitinous arms to the sunlight which streamed through the roof of the temple, catching minute motes of dust which danced in the air. You suppressed a smile as you caught the momentary wince of not only Thomas, but his soon to be bride as they knelt before the Altar.

Seemed you men weren’t the only ones who had overindulged the previous evening.

“Friends, Family, Beloved all…” The Hive Queen began, lowering her arms as the chant concluded. “…We are blessed this day to join this man, and this woman, in eternal union in the eyes of Reitia. We give thanks and praise to the Holy Mother, whose Love illuminates the World. Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius.

“Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Excelsius…” The congregation responded reverently, the phrase somewhat choked from the throat of the pale-haired Dingo at Ellie’s side, valiantly striving to keep from collapsing into a blubbering mess as she stared adoringly at her sister-in-law.

The remainder of the ceremony seemed to blur past, as all you could think about was standing before that altar yourself, kneeling beside Cirice.

“Soon enough…” The faintest zephyr of a whisper brushed your cheek, warmth filling your soul. “…though for you I would wait an eternity.”

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1c6c19 No.392297


“That Music…” Ygrainne almost gushed from where she and the other elves sat across from a few disciples. “…Surely this Reitia of yours blessed its composer with Transcendent inspiration!”

“Maybe?” Travis murmured, rocking his hand back and forth and grinning somewhat guiltily.

“C’mon Trav!” another disciple groaned, jostling the big man. “Don’t sell it down the river.”

“We’re establishing a dialogue.” Travis retorted, reaching for a tankard. “And it does me no good to open it with a lie.”

The Elf-maiden frowned in puzzlement, her delicate brows angling above her almost luminantly pale eyes. “I don’t follow.”

“We nicked it, to be sure.” Padraig chuckled self-deprecatingly. “…That piece was composed about five hunnred years afore any of us were born.”

“How can that be?” Taliesin demanded. “I have heard all the Hymns to Ilias… whether I wanted to or not…”

“Ah, before chief-bitch-wingaling was even a factor.” Travis grunted, waving his hand dismissively, the other elf-men snickering in agreement with his irreverent dismissal of the Fallen Goddess. “It was made for… an older God.”

“Don’t you find that a touch sacreligious?”

“Wasn’t him who saved me.” Travis murmured simply before taking a drink. “And if he gives a shit, he certainly didn’t go to much effort to stop us from nearly annihilating each other.”

“No.” Taliesin mused thoughtfully.

“Uma il-nowa ve'tanya!” Iolas hissed, his eyes wide with horror. “To think such things!”

“I wasn’t… Not seriously anyway.” Taliesin justified lamely. “But we know what the Humans endured… Did we not endure it with them? The Silver Tower… silent.”

“She tricked them!” Kendel coughed, almost spitting his mead across the table in his urgency to rebut his fellow Elf’s musings “Her deceit is to blame, not The Ascendant Ones.”

“Seere, Hosse’ai” Ygrainne snapped authoritatively. “You let your tongues run away from you.”

“You know we don’t just get drunk and throw magic around.” John mused, the slender, quiet-spoken disciple looking at each of the elves in turn. “Part of what we do, and what we’ve taught the Temple Adepts and Acolytes to do, is to listen. I understand that it may be difficult, that you may wish to keep it to yourselves, but any of us would be willing to hear you, should you wish to give voice to your concerns.”

“You have been most generous, and do credit to your faith and your people.” Ygrainne replied calmly, yet with adamantite control. “But this is our burden, we cannot share it with you.”

Wordless cheers rang through the celebrating villagers as a group of human and mamono took up instruments and began playing a cheerful tune.

“Then we won’t be pressin’ it.” Padraig declared, wiping his mouth and setting his tankard down, before standing and holding out a hand to the Elf-maiden “But a wedding ain’t a wedding without a Ceili, and I can’t be doin’ it by meself now, can I?”

“You… Want me to dance with you?” Ygrainne clarified, her eyes wide and unbelieving.

“Ye’d be doin’ me a great honour.”

“A-alright…” the Elf smiled almost shyly, allowing the red-haired man to lead her to the wooden-decked area set aside for dancing.

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1c6c19 No.392298


“Smooth bastard.” Travis snickered. “Let’s see if he can keep from eating the deck.”

“Disciple!” Iolas cried in slight alarm “I pray his intentions are…”

“At ease, mate.” The disciple chuckled, clapping along to the music as the laughing Elf and Human pranced about each other to the cheers and hoots of the other guests. “It’s just a dance. He’s not the sort to cut another man’s grass if there’s an understanding between you two…”

“Nothing of the Sort!” Iolas declared incensedly.

“Seere, Iolas…” Taliesin interjected placatingly before turning to the humans. “We are her Hosse’ai. She is as an older sister to us.”

“Family, Capisco…” The Mustachoed Guillaume chuckled in agreement. “…We understand. Travis can tell you stories about the poor stronzo who came to court his youngest daughter.”

“Ah don’t go tellin’ tales ya ding bastard.” Travis groaned. “I wasn’t that bad.”

“You threatened to feed him his own feet.” John stated evenly.

You suppressed a laugh behind your tankard as the disciple glowered at his brother-in-faith. Your eyes panned over the assembled crowd. Williamsberg, being such a tight-knit community, naturally took weddings as a village-wide celebration, and as all contributed, all were able to partake. Tables groaned under largesse, and hearty greetings rang out as old friends clapped back and shook hand, and moving amongst them all, Thomas and Ellie, laughing and accepting embrace and pinched cheek with equal grace.

“They look happy.” One of the bee-girl drones remarked, its eyes blank and unthinking as the voice of the Hive-Queen spilled from its throat.

“They do.” You agreed, smiling up at the drone. “Where are you hiding, your Reverence?”

“None of your business, Pilgrim.” the drone sniffed haughtily, and you snickered your understanding. The Priestess and her Husband had met at the wedding of one of the disciples, had courted at a number of others, and it was a poorly hidden secret that the memory of their happy youth led the couple to often sneak away from celebrations to rekindle the flame of love between them.

“Ah! Well there you go!” Travis declared, applauding as the dance came to an end, Ygrainne and Padraig stood, breathing heavily from exertion, looking at each other with smiles. Suddenly, the Elf darted her head forward, seizing the man’s tunic in her hands and pressing her lips impetuously, passionately to his.

“Ed’Corellon!” Kendel choked in shock.

“Santa Reitia!” Guillaume laughed in surprise. “I was not expecting…”

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” Ygrainne gasped, pushing herself away from the Human and holding her hands to her mouth in sheer mortification.

“It’s not… I mean…” Padraig blustered, blushing crimson to match his hair.

Without another word, the elf-maid fled.

“Are you simple, disciple?” The hulking form of the Ushi-Oni ‘Chef’ demanded, scuttling forward on spideresque limbs and pushing a talon into the human’s chest.

“The fuck ye say?” Padraig retorted hotly, staring down the Mamono without fear.

The Ushi-Oni grabbed the man’s tunic in a taloned paw. “Chase. Her.”

“Right… Well…” Padraig blustered, straightening his clothing absently as the Ushi-Oni released him, before running off after the Elf.

“Humans…” Chef snarled, returning to the side of an otherwise unremarkable man, resting her head almost girlishly against his shoulder, a comical pose, (though of course none were stupid enough to remark such). The man chuckled, turning his head to kiss the monster’s brow fondly.

“I was just as bad.” He admitted, taking one of her talons in his hands.

“Hmph.” Chef sniffed, and revelry began returning to the assembled crowd.

“We should find her.” Iolas declared, standing.

“She’s right mate.” Travis insisted. “Paddy won’t let her come to harm.”

>The Elves are right, Nicholas and his cunts are out there, and won’t pause for an elf-girl to come to terms with her ladyboner

>Potatonigger has this in hand, convince them to stay, talk with them further

>Dance floor eh? We should see if Cirice would like to take a spin around the floor.

>Check up on Thomas and Ellie

>Something Else?

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4bb275 No.392313


We should probably do a little check up. Have one or two of the group try and find paddy and the elf. If they look fine and are getting it on, head back to enjoy the rest of the festivities. Travis sounds like a good choice due to that serpent if his.

Hey RD, got a bit of a minor question. Acolytes of Reitia are all about spreading love. How often do they encounter problem cases in helping with love? Say, for example, a really obstinate robot similar to the one on this board? Does the average acolyte have a give up point?

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43f281 No.392315


>Potatonigger has this in hand, convince them to stay, talk with them further

>Check up on Thomas and Ellie

Reassure the elves that their sister will be fine. Padraig is a good man who would lay down his life to defend them. They can rest for a while, since they have been granted sanctuary. Then go chat with Thomas and Ellie.

But I'd say it's unwise for Cirice to suddenly appear among the Reitians. She clearly has some kind of qualms with appearing before them, or she wouldn't have disappeared without a word shortly after they originally teleported there. She could come disguised, of course. But we'd still need to first discuss it with those who can easily see through her disguise. I doubt it is a common occurrence for Cupids to make appearances around there. Even the older Reitian mage's may freak out a little if they weren't forewarned. But I'm sure if they discussed it, then she would be more than welcomed to visit and have her and Deniel's wedding there. And I'm sure they would probably respect her wishes to remain relatively anonymous.

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43f281 No.392318


>Wants to risk cock blocking Padraig

>Wants to use the Holy Snek of Ammit as a blood hound

Really, anon?

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99a8a5 No.392331

Let’s have someone at least stay close in case those circle mages come back. They’re a stubborn and obstinate group so I don’t expect them to leave well enough alone.


I wouldn’t call it cockblocking or using the snake as a bloodhound. Just someone being close enough to help deal with the mages if they show up again.

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43f281 No.392332


I was just being a little silly with the bloodhound thing. But I still think it's being a little overly cautious, and I'd be surprised if Travis even agreed to that kind of paranoia. I doubt the circle mages will attempt anything again while the elves are under Reitia's protection. That would be like all out declaring war against Reitia's church. And they are not that foolish. But I'll admit that it wouldn't hurt to have at least one mage stay near the elves at all times while they are there. Padraig will probably remain glued to them for the duration of their stay, regardless.

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3d463f No.392337


>Check up on Thomas and Ellie

Seems like the relevant thing to do, since they just got married.

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5ae74d No.392341


For curiosities sake, How does the average disciple compare to the average archmage in terms of power? Relatively even, Or does one side hold an advantage? If we had gone balls out in that encounter would we have won?

I am also for leaving them be and checking in on Thomas. I swear though I can't take much more of these accents tho. It all fun but it makes for painful reading after awhile.

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1c6c19 No.392360


>Problems helping with love

It happens, and it's discouraging (Example that 3dpd in Charlestown) but it's not common. Sure there are unfortunates, but for the most part the Holy Mother tries to bully Reality into making sure there's someone for everyone.

>How long is an Acolyte's patience

How long's a piece of string? A lot of it really comes down to the person's willingness to BE helped. If they're just an obstinate cunt, they're only fucking themselves.


Heh, if one of the Gods yanked Robot-kun out of his computer chair and into my magical realm, he'd end up working for room and board in some way or another fairly quickly because public charity aside, apart from crisis care in the temples and chancels there's little in the way of established welfare. He'd find purpose and drive, he'd be making friends, he'd catch the eye of some likely girl, human or mamono, and if he kept being obstinate, she'd probably pin him up against a wall at some point and go "What do I have to do for you to realize I LIKE YOU, stupid-ass?"

If with good food, honest work and the satisfaction that results from it, steadfast friends, and the interest of a girl who's not afraid to show it, he's STILL obstinate? Well I guess Ammit's always there to cuff him about the back of the head when he dies alone in a puddle of his own puke and shit and ask him what the hell he was thinking, before sending his soul back to the wheel to do it properly.

>How does the average disciple compare to the average archmage in terms of power?

An archmage, from an Enochian standpoint, is a mage who has unlocked comprehension of the Prime Decahedron. That is a fulcrum on the path, the 'center of the maze' as it were. Essentially with study, there is no aspect of magic they are incapable of replicating. It's not super-rare, but it is usually only the most talented mages who manage to unlock it.

In contrast, calling on Kek to kick a bolt-hole in reality for the Mamono to come through changed the disciples, rendering them somewhat 'loose' in the weft of time and space. Apophis and Entropy fucked with their souls for a while from the planes they'd already destroyed, sending them somewhat bonkers and making their energy 'smell really bad' to Mamono. Reitia brought them 'back', cheating outrageously by manipulating reality to awaken magical potential within them. A bit of basic instruction from the Tetrarch (A Supreme Mage, who can manipulate time and space to a degree usually reserved for the divines) and they were confident enough to continue under self-study. Each can be considered 'Archmage' in terms of their potential.

The difference between the two is in training. Mages are instructed according to a tried and tested syllabus, while Reitians learn through self-revelation. Thus, for example a Circle Neophyte might have a wider range of spells, and a more predictable command of magic in general, whilst an Acolyte could command an almost chaotic command of magic, performing near-miracles whilst still being unable to perform more humble magic.

This is why Nicholas backed off. He saw Disciples performing Shamanistic Magic, and even calling upon Avatars usually reserved for High-Ranking Clergy, and he still didn't know if that was the best they could do.


Noted with thanks. I'll try and back them off a bit.

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99a8a5 No.392619


What’s wrong with the accents? They give guys like padraig some extra character.

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43f281 No.392629


They don't bother me either. Adds charm to the story.

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1c6c19 No.392664

>Convince the Elves Padraig and Ygrainne will be fine. Go see Thomas and Ellie.

“Disciple Travis is right, my friends.” You agreed. “I mean let’s be honest, The other disciples were probably the only thing that stopped Padraig from dropping half a mountain on Nicholas and his cohorts. Then of course there’s the other thing.”

“What other thing?” Kendel demanded suspiciously.

“Well if she is actually interested in him and wasn’t just overcome from the drink and the dancing…”

“The Tel'Quessir do not lack for stamina!” Taliesin objected.

“Even so, I meant no disrespect.” You qualified, holding your hands out placatingly, “But if she IS interested in him… do you really want to embarrass your sister by spying on her possible confession?”

Corellon, No!” Iolas gasped with a shudder. “She’d hang us by our thumbs.”

“See?” Travis chuckled. “All’s well. Now. I’ve got two silver chalices says Padraig brings her back in a princess carry.”

“Disciple!” Kendel snarled, rising slightly. “How dare!”

“Easy mate, just a bit of banter.” Travis offered.

Kendel’s thin mouth twisted in amusement, the outrage draining from his face. “I’ve three chalices says SHE’s carrying HIM.”

You gave a soft sigh of relief as the conversation between Elf and Human took on a lighter tone. Clearly they were talking about the distant past, a period of time which they were both familiar with… You pondered for a moment… could the Elves have been brought through time in a similar manner to Reitia’s summoning of the Disciples? If so… who summoned them?

“Now you’ll want a four-bed… no… five. Thomas strikes me as a virile young chap.” A female’s voice intruded, and you looked up distracted, to see Ellie near-pinned against one of the trestles, an enthusiastic Danuki standing before her, her eyes bright with avarice. “And you’re in luck! My factor has a lead on a place which, as this is your wedding day, I’ll even let go at a VERY attractive…”

Ellie looked over at you pleadingly, and you quickly excused yourself, hurrying over to the bride and taking her by the hand.

“Excuse me madam.” You nodded to the Danuki. “I fear the bride is urgently needed elsewhere.”

“Really, Acolyte!” The mamono huffed, her thick, brushy tail bristling behind her, her small rounded ears twitching in frustration.

“Terribly sorry.” You offered in a rushed tone, not ceasing in pulling Ellie away.

“Thanks Deniel.” Ellie murmured, squeezing your hand. “I was getting to the point where I’d either have signed something or set her tail on fire.”

“Really?” You mused, pausing momentarily. “I mean, we can always go back…”

“Don’t you dare!” Ellie laughed, hugging your arm fondly.

“Are you enjoying yourself, sister?”

Ellie looked at you speculatively. “Do you mean that?”

“Mean what?”

“Calling me your sister.”

You chuckled incredulously. “Of course I do, you’re married to my brother now.”

Ellie looked up at you with a smile. “It’ll be nice having a little brother…”

“I don’t know about the ‘little’ part…” You murmured, making a face.

“It’s a figure of speech, you great lunk.” Ellie snickered. “I mean I’d pat your head but I don’t think I can reach that high. D’they stand the acolytes in chook poop ‘round here? Looked like a white-gum forest in the temple when you were singing!”

“Probably the Honey. The drones use in in nearly everything, and it’s positively loaded with mana.” You admitted, holding out your malformed arm. “You should have seen this before I came to the Temple.”

“Are you having fun with me?” Ellie demanded suspiciously.

“I plead the Peace of Tyris.” You grinned cheekily down at the bride.

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1c6c19 No.392665


“Goit.” Ellie laughed helplessly, punching you gently in the arm she clung to. “So what’s wrong with calling you ‘Little Brother’, little brother?”

“Corvidians use it… I don’t know why… but it makes me feel uncomfortable. Like there’s something we’ve forgotten, and as you’re probably aware, things that I’ve forgotten aren’t usually pleasant surprises.”

“Tommo did tell me.” Ellie nodded. “And he’s right, you’re being too hard on yerself.”

“Then he didn’t tell you what…” You began.

“Yeah nah, shaddup.” Ellie interjected. “They were vile, damaged… fuck, let’s just go with evil. Doesn’t mean shit. You’re not them. You’re you, and far as I’m concerned you’re so fucking pure you make my teeth hurt.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment.” You murmured.

“Good.” Ellie declared, pulling roughly on your arm to lower your head enough for her to kiss you on the cheek. “Now let’s find my husb…”

“Absconding with my Bride, Deniel?” Thomas’s chuckle sounded from behind you.

Ellie squealed with delight, throwing herself into the man’s arms and kissing him soundly. “You were gone forever.” She accused. “I counted.”

“You’ve been spending too much time with Kobolds.” Thomas laughed.

“They’re good sorts.” Ellie remarked. “We’ve got a saying in the Australs, Saint Bruce the Vigilant said his mentor taught it to him. ‘Absent anything else, if you’ve got a full wagon, Mater Australis at your feet, and the loyalty of a good Kobold, you’re doing alright.”

“Having fun, Brother?” You grinned.

Thomas groaned, collapsing into a nearby seat, Ellie wasting no time in planting herself presumptively in his lap. “If one more kindly grandmother pinches my cheek, I think it’ll fall off.”

“How long do these things last?” Ellie demanded in agreement.

“Disciple Guillaume’s wedding lasted for the better part of a week, from memory…” You pondered.

“Bugger off!” Ellie demanded. “I am not wandering these trestles until me feet turn bloody!”

“Oh, we don’t have to stay, Love.” Thomas explained. “I’m just waiting for Her Reverence to tell me the drones have finished our Bower.”

“Oh…” The voice of a bee-girl intruded, as one of the drones landed nearby. “…Did I not tell you? That was finished an hour ago.”

“No, Reverence…” Thomas grated through clenched teeth. “…You didn’t.”

“Right.” Ellie declared, grabbing her husband by the hand. “You, husband, have work to do.”

“Work?” Thomas echoed.

“Work.” Ellie repeated, grabbing his head in both hands and kissing him hungrily “We both know the limitations of a tent… I want a bed underneath me when you put a baby in me.”

“Reitia’s Mercy!” Thomas gasped, his face flaming.

“Beloved all!” You yelled, waving your hands in the air for attention, unable to keep the grin from your face. “Please be upstanding while the Bride and Groom retire.”

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1c6c19 No.392666


“See that’s the first problem.” Kendel declared, gesticulating with his ale tankard. “You still cast your spells in Low Angelic and Pandemonean.”

“You show me a language better suited to encompass primary concepts.” John replied with a strange amount of heat for the usually retiring disciple.

“Edhel. ‘Shos.” Kendel remarked simply, a flock of glowing birds bursting into rainbow light and flitting above the heads of the steadily sloppier wedding guests.

“Tyris’s glowing bollocks.” Travis cursed. “He’s got me there. I could do the same but I’d need three words and two sigils.”

“The Dark Tongue works similarly.” You interjected, alcohol again having kicked over the fence of your mental filter.

“Eh?” Andrew blurted, looking at you askance. “What would you know about that?”

“Enough.” You replied, cursing your lapse. “I know enough.”

“Enough to stay away from it, I hope.” The disciple stated warningly.

“My back still bears the scars of my failings in that regard.”

“So.” Andrew sighed, squeezing your shoulder in sympathy. “You remember.”

“Wait…” You blurted, stumbling unsteadily to your feet. “…You KNEW?”

“Deniel you’ve seen the temptation it presents, and how easily it comes to even the most basically trained mage. Do you think we’re ignorant of any acolyte who comes to us with the potential to unlock the dark intersects?”

“Also the abbey blabbed.” Travis added simply. “You would or you wouldn’t. If this was the Circle they’d have beaten you over the head with it for your entire life. I hope we taught you well enough to know that we don’t work like that.”

“The Holy Mother would have very stern words with us should we rest the Sins of the parent on the shoulders of the child.” John remarked.

“What do you mean ‘would’, Jonno?” Travis demanded with a snicker. “She did and has, and don’t you pretend otherwise.”

“She’s spoken to you too?” You blurted in surprise.

“Too? TOO?!” Andrew laughed incredulously. “Oh Deniel, where did you get the impression you were somehow special?”

“She makes a point of it.” John explained. “To as many of her servants as have the capacity to bear it. Make no mistake, Deniel, it does bear testimony to your strength… But don’t fall into the sin of hubris by believing that you’re somehow unique in that regard.”

“Why hasn’t she spoken to Thomas then?”

“Who says she hasn’t?” Travis shrugged. “But I can see why she wouldn’t. Thomas has great faith, but his mind works like a machine. All analysis and minimal intuition. He’d probably have gone far in the Circle, but he’s not that quick to accept things he can’t immediately understand.”

“Like Cupids.” You nodded in understanding.

“You have met one then?” Guillaume exclaimed in pleased surprise. “Bella, no?”

“She is…” You trailed off, the memory of Cirice filling you again with warmth.

“Say, we could call Her…” Travis mused in thought.


“Mother Reitia. I’m sure she’d love to speak to our pointy-eared friends in person.”

“A Goddess…” Kendel clarified, his pale eyes wide. “…here?”

“Why not? Worst she could do is say no.”

“Or Incinerate us with Her displeasure. I know how your Human Gods work.” Iolas accused.

“Mother Reitia? Incinerate us?” Travis laughed slightly drunkenly.

“Pilgrim…” Taliesin murmured aside to you under the guise of filling your tankard. “…They are Disciples, perhaps familiarity has bred contempt… Do you think this is a good idea?”

>Call Mama Reitia to have a drink

>Call Cirice, next best thing after all, and at least it would give her the opportunity to see not all the elves are assholes

>Yeah nah take a pass, bad idea

>This is getting out of hand, go find Travis’s wife and get the disciples hauled off to bed.

>Not your brewery, not your Satyros. Go back to the temple and let them make their own mistakes

>Something else?

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8dfe7d No.392688

File: db39589db432130⋯.png (1.16 MB,1745x1635,349:327,ClipboardImage.png)


It does seem a little presumptuous to call Reitia in, especially when drunk. Surely if she wanted to manifest she'd make it known? Seems rude somehow. Just because she's Love and Patience infinite and incarnate does not mean we should try her on the latter. She's a Goddess, not a hotline or a housecaller. Also, she might already know about the elves but not want to have that fact be known for whatever reason.

Can we speak to Circe without summoning her? Circe works on a much more intimate basis with Reitia, and that would allow us to get the word up and then only call the #1 Mama if it's polite and appropriate to do so. Besides, this seems like exactly the sort of thing that Cupids are for, in terms of their more formally angelic role.

Either way I say it should be prayed up the line and not escalated to a celestial event.

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c807d2 No.392695

>>392666 (checked)

We should summon Cirice if only for a chance to brag to more people about how great our waifu-to-be is. Ellie and Thomas have already gone to bed so I don't think we'll be stealing their thunder. Plus she would probably like to see some nice elves.

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5ae74d No.392697


I like >>392688's idea. Just cold calling Mother like that seems a bit presumptuous. Same deal with Circe. Circe is in our head though, So we can privately offer her and Mother an invite without putting them on the spot in front of everyone.

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3d463f No.392700


Well, from the sound of it, they'd be asking her rather than summoning, since it's not like they can force her. If she thinks it's cool, she can show up. She's a big girl, she can make her own decisions. I'd also be for calling Cirice so she can meet some non-asshole elves, if we could do it without making a scene.

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43f281 No.392709


>Call Mama Reitia to have a drink

>Call Cirice, next best thing after all, and at least it would give her the opportunity to see not all the elves are assholes

Call them both! Reitia clearly has an interest in elves and may even be willing the shed some light on their mysterious appearance. And it's never a bad time to call Cirice. At the very least, I bet the elves would not mind chatting with Cirice. Just remind them that Reitia is a Goddess of Love, Family, and Compassion.

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8f20a5 No.393066


>Cute long-haired genki cupid

My fucking heart…

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8f20a5 No.393073

>Maybe calling Reitia might be a bit over the top. Call Cirice instead.

“Disciples…” You interjected, “…I might have a more… easily acceptable option. “

Andrew raised an eyebrow in surprise. “Oh? Well go on then Pilgrim, I’m listening.”

You smiled, closing your eyes. “A moment, if you will.”

“I love it when the Pilgrims show off…” Travis chuckled indulgently. “…They’re always so enthusiastic. Go on then Denny, show us what you’ve got.”

“Cirice…” You called within the vaults of your mind.

“I am here, my love…” The cupid’s voice whispered, soft warmth flowing like honey within your psyche.

“The Disciples want to call the Holy Mother… I thought it might be best, if She deigns to appear, that She were preceded by something appropriately less overwhelming.”

“Meaning me…” Cirice chuckled, the zephyr of her thoughts caressing your mind.

“Would you, love?”

“Of course. Say the words, beloved, and I shall be there.”

“Ne Pireda Cirice.” You intoned, drawing a magical circle in the air with the ease of repetition.

“Now where did you…” Travis began, before sucking air through gritted teeth in surprise as the rose-coloured glow intensified within the circle, before shattering as Cirice manifested in luminescent reality.

“Fondest greetings, Beloved Disciples.” Cirice mused softly, smiling warmly at the gathered humans as her dainty feet came to rest on the grass.

“Gen Ge Micama…” John murmured, waving at the surrounding trestles, where gasps and cries of amazement had begun to sound as the remaining guests noticed the Cupid in their midst. You marveled as the gawping guests blinked, shaking their heads and resuming their seats as if nothing had happened.

“That’s a neat trick John.” Andrew praised.

“Complicated.” John replied simply. “It took a while to learn.”

“You are as perceptive as ever, Disciple John.” Cirice smiled.

“One does ones best, Blessed and Glorious.” John quipped familiarly.

“Why do I get the impression this isn’t the first time you’ve met?” You demanded

Benadetta Cirice?” Guillaume chuckled, standing and kissing the cupid’s delicate palms without hesitation. “Her and her sisters are welcome guests to the Temple Sanctum. Benvenuta Bella, come stai?

Molto bene, Grazie.” Cirice replied, smiling, before resting her hand on your shoulder. “Deniel said you had need of the Holy Mother. Might I ask why?”

Travis gestured expansively to the trio of elves, staring wide-eyed and open mouthed at the Cupid. Cirice gave a small shriek, her hands flying to her mouth in surprise. “You… found them…”

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8f20a5 No.393074


“Someone fucked up one of their disguising glamours. So we decided ‘fuck it, let’s get drunk with the supposedly extinct.” Travis quipped irreverently.

“Tel’Quessir…” Cirice breathed, her hands visibly trembled.

Taliesin’s silence was broken with a bark of delighted laughter, the elf’s slender arms gesticulating wildly as he babbled in his native tongue. Cirice gave a joyous cry, replying in kind, their speech so intricate and rapid you could barely make out one word from the next. Kendel and Iolas likewise began babbling at the cupid, and soon the air was filled with the mellifluous din of the elvish tongue.

“Are you following any of this, Deniel?” Travis murmured.

“Not a word.” You admitted, smiling helplessly at the Cupid’s effervescent joy.

“You cheeky bastard.” The disciple snickered. “When you said their return had mussed feathers… you were talking about her, weren’t you?”

“For want of better explanation.” You nodded.

“She told you about cheif-bitch-wingaling then? That purported ‘Mother of Angels’, Entropy rot the whore…” Travis spat viperously.

“Sounds like you take it personally.” You noted.

“Ten thousand years, Deniel.” Travis grated. “If I had Ilias and Apophis in a room together I’m not sure which I’d kick in the cunt first. I’ve read the histories. Millennia of suffering, devolution, forced breeding… the people crying out for the Love of Reitia which was too long in coming thanks to shitmouse Gods and their selfish lust for power…”

“Tyris saved Humanity.” You responded automatically. “Without the Pax…”

“I know…” Travis sighed. “…But it’s something I can’t help wondering. How many lonely souls went to Ammit, frightened, agonized… never knowing Her Love?”

“You’re not responsible for that.” A female voice chided, a pair of darkly furred paws sliding down Travis’s chest as the Anubis bent to kiss his forehead. “So stop punishing yourself for it.”

“Dalila…” Travis chuckled as he raised his head to kiss his wife. “…Should’ve known John’s trick wouldn’t work on you.”

“There is no place upon Earth or the Worlds Beyond that you can hide from me, love.” Dalila replied, her voice filled with affection.

“You’ve been drinking.” Travis accused with a chuckle.

“It’s a wedding.” Dalila sniffed. “I make an exception.”

“That’s why we’re here, Disciple.” You offered. “To try and make sure it never happens agai…urk!”

Suddenly, your arms were full of Cupid as Cirice flung herself at you, showering your face with kisses. “Thank you…” She whispered “Thank you thank you thank you…”

“W-what?” You blurted, staring uncomprehendingly at the Cupid’s perfect features as she stared at you with adoring gratitude.

“Even after everything… you welcomed them… sheltered them… You didn’t have to, but you did…”

“Pilgrim…” Kendel chided gently, his angular features softened with his smile. “…You didn’t tell us you were touched by the Eilaer.

“It’s not the easiest thing to explain.” You replied helplessly, Cirice ensconcing herself in your lap.

“That you are bonded with a Cupid?” Guillaume quipped. “Does not every man who holds his love in his arms touch the face of Heaven in his own way.”

“You’re drunk.” Andrew accused with a chuckle. “And I hope you two aren’t…”

“Shame, Disciple…” Cirice chided. “…To suggest I would compromise the oath of my beloved.”

“I will marry her.” You promised. “But I will finish my pilgrimage first.”

“I do hate to interrupt what is clearly an occasion for joy.” Dalila interjected, “But I had reason for disturbing you.”

“What’s the matter love?” Travis rumbled, his eyes questioning as he looked up at the Anubis.

“The Caretakers are here… Along with a group of Circle Mages.” The matronly Anubis stated evenly, her jackal-like ears flicking absently in the cool breeze of early evening.

>Oh shit, Mages. Get the Elves in the temple pronto!

>Hang on, if they’re here with Ammittians maybe there’s something more to this.

>Not your goddamn brewery, not your goddamn satyros. Take Cirice for a dance.

>Still no word from Padraig… Maybe you and Cirice should go find them.

>Have another drink, get ready for a fight. Fuck these Enochian cunts.

>Something else?

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99a8a5 No.393085


If the caretakers are involved there’s something more to this. Let’s see what’s going on. It’s possible the circle mages have manipulated them or the story they heard. But we should also get the elves inside the temple just in case.

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a89cc8 No.393087


Well, fuck. There's a lot of options we can take here, and more than one of them are reasonable.

>Oh shit, Mages. Get the Elves in the temple pronto!

Don't know what's going on, so somebody who's not us taking them to the temple sounds good.

>Hang on, if they’re here with Ammittians maybe there’s something more to this.

Travis or one of the other higher ranking dudes can go see what the fuck is happening here since they're more authoritative representatives of the temple than us.

>Still no word from Padraig… Maybe you and Cirice should go find them

Deniel and Cirice can do this. Something something protecting love being a high priority. Might be nothing, but better safe than sorry.

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8f20a5 No.393090


This is fine, but remember there's a chance someone might decide to overrule you, you're an acolyte in the company of disciples, after all. As an example, If you escort the Elves, they will go willingly. If you stay behind the disciples may or may not agree to taking them back to the temple

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2ff98b No.393092


get the knife ears inside the temple and if they feel like trespassing show them why violating the NAP never ends well

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43f281 No.393094


>Oh shit, Mages. Get the Elves in the temple pronto!

I'd say this is top priority in this situation. We can volunteer for this, unless one of the Disciples has something else that we would be better suited to handle.

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43f281 No.393096


>It’s possible the circle mages have manipulated them or the story they heard.

This is all but a certainty. They probably told them half the story, at best.

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c807d2 No.393113


Travis is the best candidate for explaining the situation, on account of him being able to summon the Great Snek of Ammit, which probably wouldn't show up for an unjust cause.

Meantime we should get the elves in the temple and go find Paddy and his new knife-ear waifu. If they want to fuck they can fuck where the NAP protects them.

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8f20a5 No.393539

Sorry this took so long, I actually was not expecting you to take this option and actually had to plan out some other routes

>Get the mages inside the temple

“My friends…” You began, standing from the trestle. “…we should go.”

“What about Ygrainne?” Taliesin demanded.

“I’m sure Disciple Padraig will…”

“No.” Iolas stated simply. “We are her Hosse’ai. We have a duty to make sure she is safe.”

“Please, tiri edhel…” Cirice insisted. “…I will find her, and bring her to you presently.”

“Better safe than sorry…” John agreed.

“Faugh, running from a pack of enochians sticks in my craw.” Andrew grumbled.

“And what if it’s not just Caretaker, but Keeper they bring with them?” Travis asked pointedly. “You know as well as I that some of the Liches in the Grave-City haven’t as much as SPOKEN to anyone with a heartbeat in three centuries. If the Circle’s pulled a swifty… Deniel’s right. Let’s minimize the variables here.”

“Thank you, Disciple.” You murmured gratefully, putting a hand over your heart and ducking your head.

“Hurry up then.” Travis prompted, and Cirice gathered herself, her wings outstretched, before pausing, grabbing you by the collar and pulling your head down to meet her hungry mouth as she kissed you passionately.

“For luck.” The angel insisted, blushing adorably at her own whimsy.

“I love you.” You grinned helplessly.

“And I you.” Cirice smiled, the bridge of her nose crinkling slightly… Reitia she was cute… Spreading her wings again, she launched herself heavenward, the wavering remnants of John’s disguising glamour dissipating like transparent fabric as they vanished.

“Get on, you poor doomed bastard.” Travis laughed, waving his hand at you and the elves. “It’s been a pleasure lads. Gods willing, this is a gigantic nothingburger we’ll all laugh about tomorrow.”

Corellon ermaien…” Kendel sighed, raising pale, luminescent eyes to the skies briefly before following you and his compatriots back toward the ridged domes of the Hive-Temple.

The grass whispered about your legs as you set off at a light jog, your full bellies protesting the sudden exertion as you hurried back towards the temple.

“Silver Tower…” Taliesin groaned. “…I should not have had so many of those pastries.”

Vodolelyr.” Iolas chuckled “Whoever heard of a fat elf?”

“We’re not as spry as we once were, considering how long we were all…” Taliesin began conversationally.

“Tali!” Kendel barked, looking at you pointedly. “Cer!”

“I promised I wouldn’t push it.” You assured the elf, before stopping dead in your tracks as a sympathetic pang struck you.

“Pilgrim? Are you alright?” Taliesin asked concernedly.

“Yes… I think so… It’s Cirice…” You murmured, fingers against your temple as you examined the bond between you and the Cupid. “…Something surprised her.”

“Oh Corellon…” Kendel moaned. “…Ygrainne’s in trouble, I knew it!”

“Look!” Iolas cried, pointing at the sky, where a rose-coloured streak lanced towards the temple.

“Either she found them or something’s gone horribly awry.” You murmured in concern. “Come on, we should hurry.”

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8f20a5 No.393540


“Reverence?” You demanded, grabbing a nearby drone by the arm, the insectile bee-girl simulacrum staring at you dopily, uncomprehendingly. “What is going on?”

“Gaaaaaaaa….” The drone mewled mindlessly as another thorny vine erupted through the floor.

“Reitia preserve!” You yelled, instinctively yanking the drone out of danger. “What is this? Are we under attack?”

“I hope not…” Taliesin mused sinkingly.

“I’ve never seen this kind of power…” You blurted in frustration, stretching forth your hand as you vainly tried to divine the source of the clearly magically quickened plants.

“I have.” Iolas stated grimly. “It is the power of the Wild. Shoraer.”

“Elven magic?” You demanded, rounding on them. “I promised you sanctuary… Please tell me you had nothing to do with this.”

“Do you threaten?” Kendel retorted, bristling at the implication.

“You don’t want to see me threaten, my friend.” You promised, feeling the ever-eager darkness boiling in your guts.

“My friend.” Taliesin begged placatingly, placing a hand upon your broad chest. “Would we be here if we were its cause?”

“Probably…” You admitted, the absurdity of the elf’s statement taking some of the fire from you. “…I mean, where else would you be if you were?”

“Ah.” Taliesin replied, his expression rueful “You’re right, that was rather a terrible plea of innocence, wasn’t it?”

“Taliesin remind me never to ask you to stand beside me in arbitration.” Iolas groaned, pinching the bridge of his angular nose between slender fingers and shaking his head helplessly.

A blurt of laughter forced its way past your lips. “Forgive me…”

“No, I was at fault.” Kendel apologized, holding his hand out to grip your wrist. “To see it here shook me, is all.”

“No harm done.” You smiled, returning the grip. “Cirice is somewhere in the temple… I can feel her… All we have to do is…”

“Help!” a youthful cry rang out through the temple halls “Please! Someone help!”

“Reitia!” You cried in dread and alarm “The Apprentices!”

>Find Cirice, angelic backup is the priority

>Save the chillens!

>Why are the drones stupid? What happened to the Hive-Queen’s control? Find her first.

>Fuuuuuck this. Teleport back to the Disciples, you need experience right now.

>Ask the elves, this is their magic, after all

>Something Else?

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de7e61 No.393552


Get to the kids, Cirice can hold her own in a fight knock on wood but she would be crushed if she found out we prioritized her over endangered children.

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99a8a5 No.393570

Go check on the kids, it might be the plants have just startled them. If not we must bring holy fury upon the head of whoever may be hurting them

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43f281 No.393571


>Save the chillens!

Address any immediate danger to the children first.

>Find Cirice, angelic backup is the priority

Then find Cirice. I'm worried by this turn of events.

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cdf0da No.393572


>Save the chillens!

If the elves can explain this shenanigans along the way, that'd be great.

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43f281 No.393573


Agree that we should ask the elves if they can give us any insight into the situation while we look for Cirice (after securing the chillens).

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2ff98b No.393578


save de chilluns else Cirice will glare at us dissaprovingly for a long time. if there's time for a five cent tour of the magic doing damage then get he knife ears to spill it so we're not going in blind … etc

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f2195f No.393608

>Oh lawdy save dem chillunz!

“Come on!” You cried, beckoning to the elves as you ran up the hallway from which the cry had sounded.

“If your Acolytes…” Iolas began, easily keeping pace with you “…Are frightened by naught but a few branches…”

“…Then I’ll bully them outrageously.” You promised, your heart hammering in your ears. “But on the off chance…”

“I agree.” Taliesin nodded, twisting himself out of the way as another vine sprang from one of the amber walls. His movements were so fluid, so graceful, that you almost stopped in your tracks, gawping in dumb wonderment.

“Heh. Humans.” Kendel chuckled amusedly from behind you, pushing you in the shoulder to spur you onward.

“What IS all this?” You demanded, wincing as a thorny branch ripped your sleeve, lightly scoring the skin beneath with razor spikes.

Shoraer, the wild’s ecstasy.” Taliesin explained. “Magic of the savage green… There are few of us who can call upon it and even fewer who can adequately control it.”

“Anyone specific?”

“Not on this continent, to my knowledge. Many… passed beyond, when Cursed Ilias burned the Ainorn.”

“The what?”

“The Soul Tree.” the elf continued, sorrow catching in his voice “Our link to the Wild Gods, just as the Silver Tower was our link to the Ascendant.”

“Why would it be here?”

“I’ve no idea… unless… No, it’s impossible.’ Taliesin shook his head.

“Come on, you need to tell me something… Reitia’s Mercy!” You cried, skidding to a halt as you entered the dormitories, staring wide eyed at the thing that was bearing down on the cowering acolytes. Easily nine feet tall, it looked like nothing so much as an ambulatory tree, its gnarled, finger-like branches reaching for the acolytes, the twisted, knurled knot of its ‘mouth’ grating in some unknown tongue.

“Again!” One of the older acolytes cried.

Ialprg!” A few of the more experienced children cried, gobbets of fire flying from their hands to strike the tree-monster on its grasping limbs. It recoiled, curling in on itself, a green glow of magic encircling it as the burned and charred wood dropped away… and began to regenerate.

“I can’t… keep going…” One of the acolytes lamented, dropping to his knees in exhaustion.

“Damn it…” The leader swore, digging in his satchel and coming out with a penknife. “…You won’t take them, creature…” He promised. “…In the Name of Reitia, I swear it.”

“What is he doing?” Iolas cried in disbelief “It’s just a Treant!”

“A what?” You blurted uncomprehendingly.

“gn'th'bthnk l' fm'latgh fahf mghri…” The acolyte snarled, cutting into the meat of his hand with the knife.

“No!” You screamed, throwing yourself at the young man and pressing your hand over his mouth. “Stop! In the Name of Reitia, don’t say another word!”

“Pilgrim?” The Acolyte gasped, blinking as if emerging from a dream. “B-but she said it would save us!”

“She who?” You demanded, seizing the young man by the front of his white woolen robe.

“The Red Lady…” One of the younger acolytes explained “…she came to us last night in our sleep. She’s looking for someone.”

“Ti mosor…” Iolas began, putting his slender hands on the twisted wood of the Treant. “…shia eisi o pyl sor?”

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f2195f No.393609


The Treant turned its wooden ‘face’ to stare implacably at the elf, before grating in its creaking, grumbling tongue, pointing a rapidly regrowing limb at the acolytes.

“It says there is a darkness hanging over them, and wants to send it away.” Kendel translated, frowning at the Acolytes in puzzlement.

“Excuse me…” A young acolyte, barely a boy interjected, having walked up to Taliesin and tugging on the leg of his earth-brown trousers. “…Are you an Arf?”

“Elf, Timmy.” One of the older acolytes corrected. “He’s an Elf.”

“Are you gonna cook us in a stew? Please Mr Elf, I don’t wanna be a stew.”

“Little Human…” Taliesin replied with incredulous disbelief, taking a knee to look the boy in the eyes. “…We would never do such a thing, why would you even think that?”

“The Red Lady told us the Elves were coming to kill us.” The older acolyte explained. “She gave me the words… Why do you stop us from defending ourselves, Pilgrim?”

“You would burn your brothers alive if you finished that incantation…” You began, staring unblinkingly into the young man’s eyes. “…and damn yourself beyond hope of redemption.”

“Reitia!” The young man cried in horror, looking at the oozing cut in his hand. “I-I didn’t know! I promise I didn’t know!.”

“No… You didn’t.” You murmured, taking the Acolytes cut hand in your own and chanting a healing spell, golden light enveloping the torn flesh and knitting it closed. “And something tells me she was counting on that.”

The Treant creaked insistently from behind you, and Kendel placed his finely-boned hand on your arm. “It insists. The Darkness is causing it physical pain, and we cannot restrain its desire for long.”

“Will it hurt them?” You asked, looking over your shoulder at the elf.

“Not deliberately.” Kendel admitted honestly. “But who can say? Leeching a poison is not always a pleasant experience.”

You nodded, gesturing to catch the Acolytes’ attention. “Pray with me, my brothers. For the Holy Mother will be with us all.”

“Sahnate, Pora, Reitia Dei in Exelsius…” The Acolytes chanted, placing hand over heart and bowing their heads.

The Treant reached out its branchlike limbs, green-glowing energy spreading like spectral vines to envelop you and the other acolytes.

“I’m scared!” Timmy cried as the light began to pulse around him.

“Mother Reitia will not let you come to harm.” You assured the boy.

“It hurts!” The young man cried, darkness dripping down his face as foul brown ichor began leaching from his eyes and nose.

“Thank The Gods for the Suffering, my brother… it will be over soon!” You promised, grimacing as the magic seemed to claw its way up your spine.

“I found you!” The young man grated triumphantly in a voice not his own, as a black and crimson shadow flew from his throat, screeching as it fled through the roof of the temple.

“Holy Mother…” You moaned, staring after the shadow. “…Forgive me, I should never have come.”

“Deniel?” Taliesin queried as the Treant’s magic faded. “What was that shade?”

“My mother.” You admitted, your heart heavy within your breast.

Timmy sniffled and began to cry, running back to his bunk and burying his face in the pillow.

“That was unpleasant…” The young man grated, spitting before turning to follow the boy, putting a hand on his shaking back and murmuring words of comfort.

The treant grumbled again, its features staring at you lingeringly before it made its stumping, clomping way from the dormitories.

“Corellon pas air…” Iolas swore. “…it is as I feared.”


The elf sighed, his slender shoulders slumped. “There is nothing for it. I suppose we have to tell you. We owe you nothing less.”

“We were disguised as itinerant bards for a reason.” Taliesin explained. “We were seeking the Horned One… and it seems Ygrainne has found him.”

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f2195f No.393610


“Horned One?” You echoed.

“An Avatar of one of the Wild Gods. He will mate with her, and their pairing will fuel our continuance… or lead the Wild Hunt in its charge across the heavens.”

“This makes no sense to me… Why would Cirice bring Ygrainne here with the avatar of an Elven God?” You blustered. “And what about Padraig?”

“You don’t think…” Kendel began

“A Human?” Iolas replied incredulously “Unthinkable, Kendel.”

“I need to find Cirice.” You declared, shaking your head in confusion. “She’s here somewhere.”

“You must go alone.” Taliesin explained apologetically. “I can feel the Wild Magic from here… it is growing. If we get any closer to its source, we can’t be responsible for how it… affects us.”

You fixed the elves with a level stare. “You’re not serious.”

“The people of Williamsberg were good to us today.” Iolas explained, returning your gaze. “Would you have us repay their generosity with the rape of human maidens?”

“You’re having fun with me…” You groaned “…please tell me you’re having fun with me.”

“We’re completely serious, Deniel.” Taliesin replied, shaking his head “We may be ‘Seelie’, as the Celt calls us… but that doesn’t make us immune to the Call of the Wild.”

“We will stay here and tend to your acolytes. We have some magics to heal and calm. Let this be our contribution towards recompense for this intrusion.”

“Reitia bless you for it.” You sighed in acceptance, standing and heading for the dormitory, following the strange sensation in your soul which drew you inexorably in the cupid’s direction.

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f2195f No.393611


“Your Reverence?” You called, putting a hand to the thick resin door which led to the Hive Queen’s inner chambers. “Are you in there?”

“Who’s my naughty little bug?” a man’s harsh voice sounded from within, muffled through the resin. You breathed a sigh of relief. At least you knew why the Hive-Queen’s drones were insensible.

“Meeeeeee!” The rich voice of the Priestess rang out. “Stephan, my love! Put a Princess in me!”

“Yeoman Stephan, you’re a satyr…” You murmured, blushing slightly and shaking your head. The man must be well into his sixth decade, yet his vitality was still, evidently, as strong as ever. You turned from the inner chambers, your bond with Cirice pulling you towards the wing of the Hive set aside for honoured and noble guests.

“Cirice? You called, glancing into empty room after empty room, gently pushing past insensible drones who swayed mindlessly where they stood in the middle of the hallway.

“D-Deniel?” You heard the cupid’s voice ring out from around a corner. “Is that really you?”

“Cirice!” you gasped, running towards the sound of her voice, coming to a halt as the sheer POWER pulsing from the closed room beyond struck you as if you had run into a brick wall. “What… is this?” You grated.

“Oh Deniel!” Cirice lamented, the rose-coloured glow pulsating around her as she flung herself into your arms. “I made a terrible mistake!”

“What happened? What’s going on?” You demanded, holding the Cupid against you, your heart beating faster as the magic emanating from beyond the door washed over and through you.

“Their souls were crying out for each other… But they just wouldn’t!” Cirice cried, clinging to you. “Ygrainne, she would reach for the Disciple and shy away in the same instance… I didn’t understand! I promise I didn’t understand!”

“Cirice, calm down… tell me what’s causing this Wild Magic?”

“It’s my fault!” Cirice moaned, breathing heavily, her mouth helplessly seeking yours “I didn’t know my arrow would awaken it!”

“The Horned One.” You gasped in revelation, pulling away from the Cupid slightly “Padraig is the Horned One!”

“They’re in there…” Cirice whimpered “…I can’t bear it my love… help me!”

“My sweet Cirice…” You murmured “…It’s alright, we’ll get the other Disciples. Surely they can calm things. Just come with me.”

“No!” Cirice panted, grabbing your hand and pulling it towards the juncture of her thighs. “HELP me…” She repeated pointedly.

“Cirice!” You barked sharply “My vow!”

“Just hands… please my love… just hands…” The cupid begged desperately, seizing your earlobe in her teeth and fumbling for your crotch.

>Help Cirice get her end away and let her yank your crank

>Get Cirice off but hold yourself to NoFap

>Yeah nah this is getting too close without a metaphorical ring. Teleport out.

>Get Devious, play along but tease her further away from the room.

>Something Else?

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99a8a5 No.393615


She’s not thinking clearly, we need to get Cirice away from all of this as quick as we can. Maybe distance will help her cool off.we wouldn’t happen to know a cold water spell would we?

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cdf0da No.393619



Yeah, let's try to get some distance and see if that doesn't work. Not teleport though, that's got a one day cool down, and this isn't the time to go missing for that long. Just move her to a different part of the building. If that doesn't do it,

>Get Cirice off but hold yourself to NoFap

As long as it's not as that doesn't break our vow.

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5ae74d No.393624


She's drunk on wild magic, Her consent is invalid. We have to move her away.

Good luck not getting caught and turned into a moist human shaped pillow, But we still have to attempt it, >>393619 is the fallback plan


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43f281 No.393636


>Something Else?

>Get Cirice off but hold yourself to NoFap

Lets get her away from the area, so she can come to her senses. But we can get her off, as a last resort. Just keep her hands off our dick, if it comes to that.


>Implying that drunk people can't consent

Your shit opinion is now invalid. However, I don't disagree with the sentiment, in this circumstance, which is much worse than merely being drunk IRL.

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07f56d No.393651

I agree with >>393636 , get her outta there and calm her down. Get only her off as a last resort.

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a9b16a No.393652


Sage your posts in cyoas, idiot.

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fc563a No.393665


Hold to your vows and get Ciricle out of there. Even fingering a cupid might make strange things happen anyway. So better not to risk it. Can we not unsummon Cirice?

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43f281 No.393667


>Can we not unsummon Cirice?

This is a bad and shortsighted idea in this situation. The elf situation seems to be largely under control. But we still don't know what is going on with the group of mages and Caretakers. Not to mention our bitch of a mom just discovered where we are. So she may also appear at any time. No matter how you stack it, simply unsummoning her is a bad idea (if such a thing is possible).

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fc563a No.393681


True. Lets put that thought aside then. Man I can hardly wait for the day we preach the good word of Reitia to our folks But not before kicking their asses across the floor

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5ae74d No.393704


Its a phrase of saying she isn't in the right mind… You're being oddly defensive on that fam.

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43f281 No.393710


You phrased that in SJW-like terms, which made me rage a little. SJW ideology is not appreciated. And now you're throwing irrelevant accusations, which makes you even more suspect, since I called you out on it. However, lets just drop it, because I don't want to derail the thread.

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8f20a5 No.393885

You guys didn’t hint at any kind of subterfuge, so I’m assuming you want to try this straight up

I approve

>Move Cirice away from the room, roll up her little ball of yarn only as a last resort

“Cirice…” You sighed, grasping her about the waist.

“Deniel… My love…” The Cupid moaned, kissing and nibbling at your ear and jawline, grinding her hips against your rapidly hardening manhood.

If you let this continue, this was not going to end well.

“Forgive me.” You murmured briefly, before hoisting her over your shoulder like a sack of barley.

“So forceful!” Cirice purred, eagerly drawing her nails across your back. “Yes… Take me to a bed… Make me your woman… wait… where are we going?!”

“Away from this.” You grunted, striding purposefully towards an exit to the hive.

“Deniel! You put me down and have your way with me this instant!” Cirice demanded, squirming in your grasp. You gave silent thanks to Reitia that the Wild Magic seemed to have addled her concentration, as she seemed to be able to do little but writhe and drum her hands ineffectually against your spine.

“Nope. Going to get you away from this.” You insisted stubbornly.

“Then I’ll make you…” Cirice seethed, as reality seemed to shimmer and weft as the Cupid’s power grew.

“Ameniael… Athtoriel…” you called in the innermost recesses of your mind. “…Your sister is overcome… Help me…”

“You have promised us…” The Celestial’s whisper resounded within your soul

“…That you would not force us…” The Umbral added.

“I don’t wish to… But the Wild Magic has intoxicated her. Any advice would be most welcome.”

“Are you mage?”

“Or are you mouse?”



“If she is yours, she will respond.”

Magic? No… You could never match the raw power of an Angel… But perhaps…

The image of the stout, matronly figure of Mother Angela from the Abbey appeared in your mind, her stern, no-nonsense visage as clear as if she stood before you. What the hell, it was worth a try…

“Cirice!” You snapped, bringing your free hand up to spank the rounded buttock wriggling against the side of your head. “My fiancee is better than some mindless lust-drunk mamono! Act like it!”

“Ahn!” Cirice moaned, her body stiffening at your strike. “D-Deniel… I’m so hot…”

“You can bear it love.” You encouraged her “Didn’t you say you’d wait an eternity for me?”

“But I want you now!” The angel almost sobbed “It’s not fair… I love you so much!”

“Would Mother Reitia be pleased with us rutting like beasts, drunk on elven magic?”

“S-she’d understand…” Cirice sulked “…Don’t tell me you’re becoming an ascetic.”

“That witch who spawned me just shoved her corruption into one of my brothers. He very nearly killed the Acolytes in the dormitories.” You stated evenly. “I can trust no feeling tonight.”

“What?!” Cirice cried, her voice echoing with the full majesty of her Celestial Birthright. “Deniel, put me down.”

“Nope, we’re going outside.” You persisted stubbornly.

“NOW.” Cirice commanded in a shattering voice, bursting from your grip and floating before you, the beating waves of her angelic power feeling like they were crushing you. “Do you suspect me?”

You gritted your teeth, drawing deeply from the wellspring of your convictions, staring your fiance in her luminescent eyes. “Do you give me cause?”

“Deniel…” Cirice gasped, recoiling, the stormfront of her power lessening. “…I LOVE you!”

“And I love you.” You assured her. “And I love my brothers. And for the sake of that love, in the name of She who is Wellspring of all Goodness and Mercy, I. Will. ABSTAIN!”

Something… shifted in your soul, the maze of The Path twisting and wefting, the streams of magic which threaded reality flooding forth with newfound vigour.

<Your Magical Potency has increased

“My Deniel…” Cirice whispered, her hand gentle upon your cheek “…you are so beautiful…”

“I am but a reflection of the love you have given me, Cirice.” You replied, putting your hand atop hers. “Are you in control?”

“More than I was… But I can… FEEL it Deniel.” Cirice replied throatily. “You’re right, we should go.”

“Come on then.” You nodded, offering her your hand.

“Actually…” Cirice added, taking your hand, her fingers lingering on your palm. “…I had a more… expedious exit in mind.”

Your brows furrowed in slight suspicion. “Cirice do I have to put you over my shoulder again?”

The angel laughed, stepping into your arms, turning her face up to kiss you briefly. “AFTER we’re married… maybe?” She suggested naughtily, kissing you again, more lingeringly this time. “Uuuuhhhnnnhhh… We need to go.”

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8f20a5 No.393887


“Agreed but wha…urk!” You choked as the world seemed to vanish beneath your feet, the feeling of weight pulling against every inch of your body strained against the flagrant disregard for physical law Cirice was exhibiting, the temple rapidly shrinking as you hurtled in the heart of a falling star.

Williamsberg rapidly grew as Cirice bore you bodily through the air, the gesticulating of the human figures of disciples and mages intersposed very pointedly by very Inhuman figures… The Caretakers, you hoped.

“Reitia’s Glory!” Travis declared as the two of you alighted to earth in a burst of rose-coloured light, the disciple shielding his face from the radiance and the dust of your landing. “Deniel you sure know how to make an enterance. Are our friends secure?”

“After a matter of speaking.” You admitted. “Ygrainne and Padraig… their confession has been… influential.”

“Wild Magic fit to scream at the sky!” A middle-aged mage grumbled pointedly. “It’s like I told you. There’s a Wild Hunt afoot, and the Circle has a sworn duty to defend the people of…”

A woman stepped forward, pale-skinned, her eyes a corpse’s milky pale, her body clad in a diaphonous shroud which clung to her lush, grey curves like a second skin. She drew a breath into her dead lungs, before releasing it in a tearing shriek which drove hands universally to ear, faces twisting in grimace as the sound shocked all thought and action to silence.

“Thank you Siobhan.” A more clement voice added in the shocked silence of that scream, another pale figure stepping forward, her arms sheathed in a faintly glowing miasma that looked almost like claws. Your heart sank into your belly… a Wight.

JUSTICE Guide You, Keeper of the Dead.” You intoned reverentially, holding your arms in the Sign of the Scales of Ma’at.

“Your Heart be weighed Lightly, Pilgrim of Reitia.” The Wight responded, clemently if absently, sparing you the briefest of glances, before turning her gaze to the glowing form of Cirice. “And I am glad that this Child of Heaven does not come in violence, for I have grown weary of the belicosity of Reitia’s Disciples.”

“Caretakers or not, youse lot do not just rock up in Williamsberg and start throwing around…” Travis retorted, his blood clearly up.

“Travis!” Andrew interjected, his hands against the big Australian’s torso. “Those are Necromancers!”

“And I’ve some idea what they can do.” Travis seethed. One of the black-clad humans stepped forwards, his clouded eyes bright with power.

“Don’t… Try your tricks on me…” Travis snarled, his eyes almost smouldering.

“Peace…” The wight ordered calmly, turning her head calmly to gaze at the hooded figure.

“Your Eminence…” The Necromancer nodded, bowing his head and stepping back with his fellows.

“Mages of the Circle.” The slender form of John began, stepping forward and steepling his hands. “Much as we respect and revere the Keepers of the Dead and the Caretakers of Duat, we cannot allow Nicholas’s ambition to cause us to breach a sworn offering of Sanctuary, to those who have done no…”

“Wait… Archmage Nicholas?” another mage interjected in clear surprise.

“You mean to tell me you’re not here by his order?” John queried, a thin eyebrow raised.

“No mage should be! He’s under sanction, should be in Magisterium by now.” a third added. “What’s that fucking skeleton done now… Uh… no offense miladies.”

“None taken.” The Wight replied magnanimously, waving that ephemeral talon. “Perhaps we have all been a little too… forward. We are here because a confluence of Wild Magics have disturbed our dear Liches… They would have it cease.”

“And our own divinations sensed the same.” The middle-aged Mage agreed, clearly what passed for a ‘leader’ of the coterie of robed magicians, his robe bearing the most elaborate and multihued trimming. “A ritual declared it likely a Wild Hunt was on the rise…”

“This is horseshit!” a younger mage snarled witheringly. “We’ve gone and pissed all over the tail-end of our Colleague’s wedding with all this sound and fury. Since when do we trust Thaumaturgy anyway?”

“Thaumaturgy?” Andrew echoed in surprise “Who amongst the Circle has the stones to be working blood-ritual under those iron-shod roofs?”

“Me.” A male voice interjected, as a young man stepped forward, his skin drawn and sallow, a rim of red around eyes almost feral in their lupine yellowness.

“Thrall…” Cirice hissed, recoiling in evident disgust.

“I give of myself out of Love, Cupid.” The young man smirked, his teeth shockingly white against gums pale and shrunken. “Does this not please Reitia?”

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8f20a5 No.393888


“M-my Mother… Keeps her own council on such…” Cirice gagged, shying away as if the very sight of the young man sickened her.

“I’ll be alright…” You murmured to the Cupid “…if you need to go…”

Cirice looked at you uncertainly “Are you sure? He is just so… foul!”

“Flattery will get you everywhere.” the Thrall mused self-deprecatingly. “And isn’t it Nice that we’re all getting along now? Truth be told I’d have lied to you all anyway. My goal here is singular. Where. Is. She?”

“What are you talking about, and what kinda Vampire lets its pets go wandering around off the damn leash?” Travis demanded.

“Watch how you speak of my Mistress!” The Thrall hissed. “Tell me where the Red Witch is! The Blood whispered her location true, I know it!”

“Red Witch?” You echoed, your umbrage rising in your breast as you caught the paralell. “You serve that… THING?!”

“…Serve… her?” The Thrall gasped, flying forward to catch you about the neck with hands tipped with long, broken fingernails. “Do you so wish to die?”

“Ialprg!” You snarled, blasting the thrall in the chest with a ball of flame “Vime Alonusahi!” You added, a shrieking bolt of mystical energy throwing the Thrall back, tumbling head over feet before impacting against an abandoned trestle with a whooshing of expelled breath.

“Remember my name to her, when you meet her in Hell…” You seethed, lightning crackling in your hands as you raised them to deliver that final blow.

“Hold Pilgrim.” The Wight chuckled, that eldrich claw against your chest. Suddenly you felt cold, achingly cold, and you instinctively recoiled from that touch. “You didn’t let him finish.”

“R-Reitians…” The Thrall wept as he clutched his burned chest. “…I didn’t think she could corrupt Reitians… Oh Maou, Sweet Sovereign… How long must I suffer…”


“You’re under the Red Witch’s spell!” The Thrall accused, spitting at you through those teeth.

“I most certainly am not!” You declared, before reality sank in. “You… don’t serve her.”

“I would BURN first!” The Thrall retorted hotly. “She has my Mistress… I must find her… Reitian, Priest, Pilgrim… Whatever you are… Please! I need to find her!”

“Oh what the joyous arse have we gone and gotten ourselves into…” One of the mages groans, putting his hands into his face.

>We fucked up. Heal the Thrall.

>Serves him right for waving his dick around, apologise but don’t take any action

>Fuck it, Cirice said he was icky, return to her side, don’t say anything.

>He offended the Holy Nostrils of our Beloved. BURN, PURGE, KILL!

>Something Else?

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5ae74d No.393892


Eh even though we were perfectly within self defense, We should probably apologize to keep things kosher. How serious of an injury is it? If it just stings but doesn't seriously hobble him let it heal on its own, But if it is substantial enough to warrant medical attention I'd be fine with healing it to a point where it will heal by itself. You don't just grab people by the throat and expect not to get fireballed in the chest after all.

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8f20a5 No.393893


It's a serious burn, but it won't kill him. He is a Vampire Thrall after all, and they tend to be pretty hardy by design.

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fc563a No.393894



In that case, I'll go with offering apology for suggesting he was in league with the witch, maybe somewhat heal his burn as a show of good faith,

and let him walk the rest off.

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99a8a5 No.393896

Let’s apologize and heal his wounds as a show of good faith. We jumped the gun.

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5ae74d No.393899


Yep, This is where I stand as well. Maybe it will lead to Cirice wanting to help "cleanse" ourself later on in the bath ( ° ʖ °)

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64b933 No.393904


Apologize for the accusation, but isn't he technically undead? Won't our healing magic hurt him?

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fc563a No.393906


Something like our holy fire would, but I would think our curative magic just uses mana to boost the healing factor, so it should be ok. Then again I don't about about RD's magical realm to say for sure

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43f281 No.393912


>Serves him right for waving his dick around, apologise but don’t take any action

Apologize and offer healing, but don't take any immediate action. Tell them that you also hunt the Red Witch, so they are perfectly clear whose side we are on. And finally, give a brief explanation for the Wild Magics, so they will calm their tits.

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43f281 No.393918


>Tell them that you also hunt the Red Witch, so they are perfectly clear whose side we are on.

Also, if they ask why we oppose her, tell them it's none of their business. We don't want news of her being our mother spreading.

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eb4573 No.393919


Should tell him the reason we freaked out about the Red Witch is that we've already seen her ruin and end lives, and she very nearly killed our little brothers in the temple. No need to say she's our mom, but we ought to explain why we're so quick to anger when she's brought up.

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43f281 No.393920


>Red Witch is that we've already seen her ruin and end lives, and she very nearly killed our little brothers in the temple.

I'm okay with this, if we are pressed for an explanation. This should also serve to explain why his blood magic divined her power here.

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8f20a5 No.393926


>Isn't he technically undead?

Nope, he's still breathing, just loaded with his 'Mistress's energies (Along with a bit of her blood) which have done quite a number on his latent magical abilities. Healing won't hurt him.

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43f281 No.393928


I'm about 2/3 of the way through Child of the Australs now. I gotta say, it's much better than the stories before it. Was it your first CYOA-based story?

Also, Deniel throwing Cirice over shoulder and giving her that spanking reminded me a lot of Adam dealing with Blue when she was naughty.

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43f281 No.393929


Not to say the stories before it were Bad or anything. They were just not nearly as good, by comparison. The CYOA-based stories are faster paced, more exciting, and just more interesting.

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0f4eab No.393952


>reminding you of Adam and Blue

I really didnt want to start domming an angel but not many girls are adverse to a good palm across the cheek to bring their attention to bear.

Also CotA was indeed my first CYOA so thanks for the feedback!

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43f281 No.393958


>I really didnt want to start domming an angel

She needed it then. I loved how his mind angels were like "damn dude, stop being a pushover." But with all the sex in CotA, I can see why this one is more focused on action. It's actually a little ironic since Reitia is around, compelling the Deniel to help everyone else get laid.

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8f20a5 No.394165

>Heal the thrall a little bit. Assure him we don’t serve the Witch.

“Commoh Tah Noblo Zien…” You murmured, reaching forth your hand, the healing magics flowing eagerly forth to bathe the Thrall’s chest in golden radiance.

“Ahhhhhh…” The Thrall groaned, his red-rimmed eyes rolling back in his head in delirium at the absence of pain. “…Not too much… You will burn the becoming from my veins.”

“Corruption!” Cirice interjected hotly.

“Is it?” The Thrall rejoined, standing and putting a gentle hand on your wrist, pushing it away from himself to break the spell. “My Becoming is a gift freely given, and gratefully received.”

“You forsake your humanity!”

“No more than these…” The Thrall chuckled, gesturing at the Necromancers.

“We give of ourselves for Holy Cause, in Service of She Who Waits!” one of the Necromancers hissed, his voice hollow… almost inhuman…

“And I for Devotion, for Submission… for Love.” The Thrall explained, before turning back to Cirice. “You who are of the Light, of the beauteous expanses of the High Heavens cannot be anything less than you are. I can’t hold it against you that the twilight repulses you… the approaching pause, that eternal moment between life and death which is the domain of the Blood. For truly…”

“Wank wank wank…” The elder mage with the elaborate trim on his robe groaned. “…Honestly Mark, you were never much of a poet even before you went and decided to become a Vampire’s chew toy.”

“Don’t test me…” The Thrall hissed, his umbrage again rising.

“Shall I kick you in the parts again? We can take bets on how long it takes you to land this time.” The mage retorted evenly.

The Thrall grimaced impotently, before settling in sullen silence.

“Right, now we’ve stopped his pointless soliloquy, what’s this ‘Red Witch’ thing?” The elder mage demanded.

“An Abomination.” You stated simply. “A dark Mage given over to monstrosity and horrendous dark arts. She very nearly killed the Apprentices in the temple…”

“Reitia!” Andrew howled, inscribing a magical circle about himself and preparing to teleport away.

“They are fine, Beloved Disciple.” Cirice assured him, putting a lambent hand upon his wrist “The Elves are tending to them.”

“And there’s another thing…” The elder mage continued. “…That is a LOT of Wild Magic. What gives? You Disciples have been roaring drunk while playing with reality before and we’ve never felt this kind of disturbance.”

“What’s that Ernst?” Travis snickered. “Sore you never got an invite?”

“What if I am, Travis?” The Mage retorted. “There used to be friendship between us… What happened?”

Travis looked as if someone had hit him, the Disciple stroking his greying beard self-consciously. “I…”

“There remains food and drink aplenty.” John interrupted. “Let us discuss such matters of the heart AFTER current events are put to bed.”

“The Elves…” You began. “…They were looking for someone special, and it looks like Ygrainne found him.”

“Padraig?” Travis declared in shock. “I mean I knew the man was sweet on her but you mean to tell me that mick bastard…”

“The Mick Bastard…” Padraig’s curious brogue interjected, as he walked towards the gathering, hand in hand with the blushing elf-maiden. Your eyes were drawn to the earth, where strange, glowing flowers sprang from the earth in the wake of their bare feet, bursting into blossom in vegetative ecstasy. “…can speak for himself.”

“Holy Mother…” Cirice groaned, her breathing quickening as they approached, before looking at you longingly. “…Deniel, I’m sorry… I…”

“Go love. I understand.” You smiled, touching your heart and holding your hand out towards her. The Cupid kissed her fingertips, blowing across them in your direction before vanishing in a burst of soundless light.

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8f20a5 No.394167


“You, uh… gained some accessories there.” Andrew remarked, gesturing to the Viridian-glowing antler-crown which hovered over Padraig’s head.

“Aye.” Padraig nodded, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “Ygrainne has crowned me Year-King, as is the custom in Eire. We’ll love and bring magic back, and th’Seelie will see spring return.”

“I can’t wait to show you Home, beloved…” Ygrainne gushed, leaning up to kiss the red-headed disciple eagerly “…The songs ring through the trees and…”

“Hold on…” Travis interrupted. “…You plan on leaving?”

“It’s me duty, Trav.” Padraig explained.

“That’s gonna be a bit tricky mate.” Travis explained. “We’re here for a reason. You’re gonna need permission.”

“I’ll feckin’ fight ye…” Padraig threatened in a low voice.

“Not me, cunt.” Travis snapped back, pointing at the star-laden sky above. “PERMISSION, follow?”

“And Cirice so recently fled.” John quipped, amusement lending a lilt to his usually controlled inflective. “I suppose we have no choice but to…”

“If you make a theatre of Me, children…” A woman’s voice interrupted, as with a burst of light, the blue-haired figure of Reitia appeared on glowing wings, to alight in the grass amidst you all. “…I shall be most annoyed.”

“Holy Mother!” You gasped, sinking to your knees in adoration.

“The Healer!” the Necromancers cried, grovelling in the dirt.

“My Lady.” The Wight murmured with profound respect, crossing her arms across her ample chest and bowing her head, the Banshee and other undead mirroring her pose.

“Do ye approve, Holy Mother?” Padraig begged yearningly.

“A love so strong as to drive my High Priestess to lust herself comatose? A love which intoxicates my very angels?” Reitia mused quizzically “Padraig… What makes you think I have any choice?”

“I am for ye, Holy Mother.” Padraig assured her breathlessly, kneeling in the grass. “Have always been for ye.”

“I know, my precious one.” Reitia assured him, kissing him upon antler-crowned brow. “But Ygrainne…”

“Divinity?” The Elf-maid replied demurely, stepping forward.

“There will be a price, to take my Disciple from me.”

“I will pay any cost.” Ygrainne stated stubbornly, her bearing regal as she met the Goddess’s cornflower-blue eyes. “I have found him at last, and I will not let him go.”

“So be it.” Reitia stated simply, gesturing casually. With a thump of displaced air, Taliesin, Kendel and Iolas appeared as if from nowhere, the elves looking around in shock and concern.

Asha-lem Thuril!” Iolas cursed. “What magic is this!”

Corellon Edan!” Kendel declared, pointing a slender, shaking finger at Padraig. “Look! The Human!”

“How?” Iolas demanded. “It’s not possible!”

Taliesin’s eyes narrowed, before falling on the diminutive form of Reitia. He gasped, his expression longing. “You…” He breathed worshipfully.

“Tali… what are you doing?” Kendel demanded.

“The bargain is struck.” Reitia declared. “Taliesin… do you know me?”

“I have always known you…” Taliesin replied, his eyes filled with awe and wonderment. “…Somehow…”

“Tali don’t!” Iolas begged. “Think about what you’re doing!”

“Don’t you see?” Taliesin cried, his voice edged with mad fanaticism. “She is what I am for!”

“Speak the words.” Travis rumbled. “Speak them from your heart.”

Sahnate, Pora…” Taliesin chanted “…Reitia Dei in Excelsius…

As one the elves cried out, grasping at their chests as if something had wrenched their very hearts.

“And so…” Iolas wept bitterly. “ar'ikotane lye tyela… our fellowship has ended.”

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8f20a5 No.394168


“This will be a blow to them.” Taliesin sighed sympathetically, raising a hand to the loaded wagon as Padraig whipped the horses into motion, his fellow elves returning the gesture, their eyes hooded with sorrow.

“I’m afraid I don’t understand, brother.” You admitted as the wagon trundled away.

“No. I don’t imagine you would. To be part of a Hosse’ai… it is deeper than simple affection. I wish they didn’t have to hurt so.”

“Reitia will soothe their pain.” You assured the elf.

“You are a kind soul, Brother Deniel.” Taliesin smiled, putting a hand upon your shoulder. “But She will not. They will not allow Her to. Their loyalty still lies with the Ascendant, and Corellon and His Court hold their children apart from other races.”

“The Elven Gods cannot be convinced? Reitia offers Her love to all without cost, after all.”

“They trusted once. Ilias. It will be a long road before they will trust again.” Taliesin murmured. “Forgive me, I would be alone for a time.”

“I hate to disappoint you, brother, but you will never truly be alone again.” You explained. “Do you not feel her, even now?”

“I do.” Taliesin admitted, his narrow mouth curving into a beatific smile “Then perhaps, privacy to hear Her in my heart is what I seek. To be certain, at this moment I am glad I never took a mate.”

“That won’t last long…” You muttered wryly, watching as the Elf walked back towards the Temple-Hive.

“Seems almost perverse, doesn’t it?” A voice sounded behind you. You turned, spying the sallow-skinned figure of Mark, the Vampire Thrall. “Seeing us be traded like Cattle at auction.”

“Is everything that comes out of your mouth a Blasphemy?” You sniped back at the man.

“Most of it.” Mark admitted, not rising to your bait. “But I wanted to talk to you in any case. The Red Witch…”

“I told you already. She fled when the Treant leeched her sorcery.” You sighed in exasperation.

“Oh I know… I also know that’s not the whole story… the way you reacted… there’s something personal there. What’d she do?”

“None of your business.” You snapped.

“No, it isn’t… But I know hatred when I see it. Help me. Help me help you…” Mark cozened.

“I’m listening.” You seethed, folding your arms across your chest.

“I’ve… refined my ritual. I can force her back to my Mistress’s sanctum, in which the bitch undeservedly squats. But I need another mage. A mage who has talents in… unconventional areas.”

“I don’t have the slightest idea what you’re talking about.” You blustered, a chill running up your spine.

“Oh come on… it was all those kids could do but talk about it. You stopped that Acolyte from casting Dark Magic… Only someone with talent in that field would recognise the spell in enough time to stop it. You hate her, I hate her. Let’s both get what we want.”

“I will not be party to monstrosity!” You barked, shoving at the Thrall.

“You won’t have to sully your soft white hands, Acolyte.” The Thrall rejoined, returning the shove. “My Mistress has her Sanctum below a Tyrisian Chancel. A Chancel which the Witch has beguiled her way into having sealed against all but the strongest magic. All I need you to do is crack the door for me. I’ll bleed the bitch myself and present her fluids as rare tidbit to my Mistress.”

You paused for a moment. It would remove a present danger, and one which was not likely to pause in its hunt for you. What about Cirice? Could you really marry her knowing at any moment that… THING could put her at risk?

“She’ll die, Pilgrim…” Mark almost begged, his red-rimmed eyes wet with desperation. “…My precious Lady… the True Death… Please…”

>Help Mark

>Nope, not a line we’re willing to cross. Find another Mage, subby.

>Maybe there’s another way. The Tyrisians aren’t the biggest fans of Abominations like your mother…

>Something Else?

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8f20a5 No.394171


>Also coughcoughABlackKnightKindaOwesYouAFavourcoughcough

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4bddbc No.394183



Hell, we might as well accept and help Mark. Would mean one less problem in the world. However, we should bring friends.

Sigurd if we can get him, maybe that black knight from early in our adventure, and some paladins. Really anyone who'd be up for abomination stomping.

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8f20a5 No.394189


If that's consensus, who first?

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99a8a5 No.394206


Let’s try Sigurd first, then the black knight, then anyone we can think of who might help us. We should keep cirice out of this though. The risk is too great

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43f281 No.394213


>Help Mark (and bring friends)

I agree.

The dark mage hunting knight of Corvus (forgot his name) we met a while back sounds like an appropriate choice for help, but do we even know where to find him?

Sigurd wouldn't be a bad option. But I'd prefer that knight of Corvus over Sigurd, since Sigurd is a tide priest now and no longer follows Corvus.

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2ff98b No.394228


go with the man that motorboats horsepussy of his own free will first

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353449 No.394232


>Mark is confident in his ability to kill a witch that has killed angels and everyone else that went after her in a manhunt that lasted years

>But you gotta open the door man that shit's too hard

Either Mark is vastly overconfident, or this is a trap. We should still go, but I'm on board with bringing everyone we can (Corvus' knight first) as well as speaking with the Tyrisians. Make sure there are no girls allowed. We don't need a repeat of what happened before.

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f2195f No.394284


Different magics. The spell he's asking for help with is to force mummy-dearest's wandering psyche back into her body. The 'door' he's talking about might be metaphorical, or it could be a literal door warded against vampires and their servants. If it's the latter, it would have to still allow Tyrisians access to avoid suspicion, which means you, as an uncorrupted human, would have no difficulty in just swinging it wide open for Mark to walk through.


>no girls allowed.

Interesting… Elaborate?

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a89cc8 No.394287




>Help Mark (and bring friends)

Out of the allies we might bring, I'd say we should prioritize the knight of Corvus as well, what with his magic hunting shtick.

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64b933 No.394315


Phoneposting now, but when I say "no girls allowed" I mean Ma seems to be pretty good at killing and/or enslaving monster girls, and having a couple come along, even if they both can fight, makes me worry for a repeat of what happened with the angels.

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fc563a No.394336


He brings up a good point. For the witch or if our pops is still with her, though with her earlier words makes me wonder otherwise to grab angels and a vampire means that no woman could be safe. I'd be asking Mark about how this happened anyway. We need information as much as need reinforcements right now, and i'd certainly call the first black whos name I can't recall. I want to say James.

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5ae74d No.394353

Man you guys are going to get Deniel and a lot of our friends killed. Mother dearest has killed a loooooooooooot of very powerful people, And Deniel as it stands has had what, One or two proper fights so far? And even then he has always had help.

We are far to under leveled to do shit to her ourselves, Cirice cannot and will not ever be in the same general location as long as we can help it, And unless the Paladin and Corvian knight who were hunting them years ago were fucking scrubs I doubt a single newbie Knight and whoever the Tyrisians will be willing to spare will help tips the balance in our favor.

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43f281 No.394356


Sooooo…what alternative do you propose? Do nothing? Or who else should we try and bring?

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c3cfdc No.394357


>Mother dearest has killed a loooooooooooot of very powerful people

Has she though? Think about it. She hellfired 2 knights that she had already mustard gassed (basic chemistry/alchemy from how RD described it) Everything else apart from the partial mind-ride on that acolyte our father did the heavy lifting on.

She might be unrepentantly evil and moonbat crazy, but she hasn't exactly demonstrated phenominal cosmic power either. Maybe we should ask mark a little bit more about what's happened?

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fc563a No.394380


Part of why I want to keep the wife out of this. Cupid blood might be the final ingredient needed in with the light and dark they already have. You are right in one way, The witch is dangerous,and we should let them know beforehand.

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fc563a No.394387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Came to me this morning, and witch is the right name Thanks RD

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43f281 No.394732

ResonantDrunk, I've just finished reading everything you wrote prior to The Pilgrimage. The stories were fantastic. And for me, it casts everything in this CYOA in a whole new light. Are you purposely avoiding linking to them for some reason? Do you want people to be ignorant of the past lore for some reason?

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43f281 No.394734




That Black Knight of Corvus is named Jamie. It's in the first post of this thread!

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335dfc No.394743


Call it egotism or ignorance I guess. I just assumed anyone wanting to be involved in the CYOA was at least passing familiar with my earlier works.

Update soon, it's been a cunt of a week.

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fc563a No.394754


I was close enough.


and this one happen to draw me in despite my ignorance of the lore. Take the time your need my man. Better delayed and good than rushed and shit.

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43f281 No.394767


>just assumed anyone wanting to be involved in the CYOA was at least passing familiar with my earlier works

I don't think that is a safe assumption to make. I would guess that many, if not the majority, of people here are unaware of the past stories. But I'm in no position to judge. This CYOA is good enough, in its own right, to draw in readers and participants.

>Update soon, it's been a cunt of a week.

It's all good.


>this one happen to draw me in despite my ignorance of the lore

Me too. I just happened to learn about the earlier stories by chance when they were mentioned in an almost offhand manner by RD in the first thread. That's why I'm a bit confused by him not mentioning them in the OP or something. But it's his threads and stories, and he's entitled to manage them how he pleases.

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8f20a5 No.395483

Got a couple of ways this could go down, so I’m splitting it up

>Get some more Details from Mark

>Find Jamie as a priority, assess other allies after that

You held out a hand for pause. “Let’s try and look at this a little more objectively… Mark, wasn’t it?”

“It is. Once of Lexington Holding, now Maristhrall.” The Thrall nodded “And you?”

“Deniel. Abbey-born. Holdsward. Now Pilgrim of Reitia.” You declared without shame. It certainly beat the alternative.

“My sympathies.”

“Unnecessary.” You insisted with a shake of your head. “But I need to know more about what YOU know about this Red Witch.”

Mark drew in a breath, letting it out explosively. “She… surprised my mistress. Pleasantly so if truth be told. She seemed so simple, some crazed waif who had broken out of a Chancel’s oubliette. It pleased my mistress to take her as amusement, a new plaything…”

“I find it hard to believe a Vampire so easily taken in… especially considering her… potency.”

“Whose?” Mark demanded with a confused frown.

“The Witch, of course.” You explained, rolling your eyes. “She is a Dark Mage of great power…”

“THAT’S what you Reitians consider great power?” The thrall laughed, his teeth bright against his pale, shrunken gums. “Maou’s ample bosom… they must think you near godlike then.”

Your brow furrowed in puzzlement. “I don’t understand.”

“Oh, her blood is potent. Suspiciously so…”

“Diablery.” You stated shortly.

“That explains it.” Mark nods without further question. “But in terms of ability? A base meddler. Doesn’t have the concentration for more than the most instinctive spell. Quite talented with her Alchemy and entrancement spells though… It’s how she won us over in the first, after all.”

That rocked you. How accurate were your memories? Had your child-mind simply enhanced the horror of your experience by way of the terror inflicted on you?

“So what happened?” You demanded, regaining your equilibrium.

“She waited for my mistress to fall asleep…” Mark stated flatly, his red-rimmed eyes wet with the memory. “…Then drained her.”

“But you said she was GOING to die.” You interjected.

“And she will!” Mark nodded emphatically, grabbing your arm as if to drive the point home. “With each passing moment she grows weaker… my poor mistress… I can feel her… it hurts her so much… she’s so… thirsty…”

“Be that as it may.” You continued, putting a hand comfortingly on the Thrall’s strangely cold fist. “I think we may need greater assistance than merely the two of us.”

“Bring your whole damn Temple for all I care!” Mark agreed readily. “Lead a damn army! Call Tyris Himself down from His Heavens, so long as my mistress is saved.”

You rocked your hand back and forth. “I had a more… appropriate ally in mind.”

Mark pursed his pale lips. “Such as…”

“A Black Knight of Corvus.”

“Maou Deliver me!” Mark gasped, shying away from you. “You’re… You’re serious aren’t you?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

“You’re speaking of Humans who have touched The Void and lived to tell the tale.” Mark explained. “They’re known to be… Indiscriminate.”

“They are charged with hunting Dark Mages.” You replied with slight puzzlement. “And this Red Witch is definitely one of those.”

“And what happens if he decides a hungry Vampire is an acceptable casualty in destroying her?” Mark demanded.

“What happens if the Red Witch is only showing you a fraction of her power?” You retorted. “A fat lot of good we’ll be when she’s bleeding us, clasped in the hands of some horror from the Malebolge.”

Mark’s eyes narrowed as he stared at you suspiciously. “You know something… I think it’s time for you to tell me what EXACTLY the witch is to you.”

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8f20a5 No.395484


“The answer to that is simple.” You murmured, your eyes downcast in shame. “She’s my mother.”

“Let me get this straight.” Mark began, holding out a long-nailed, pale hand. “Your mother has drained my Mistress to the edge of death, possessed one of your fellow Reitians, and you want to go find a Black Knight and give him free reign to obliterate her from existence?”

You paused for a moment before nodding. “Yes.” You stated unequivocally. “This world is full of too much love and beauty to allow something like her to threaten it.”

“Your MOTHER though…”

“Think of the worst Nightmare you’ve ever had.” You grated, your expression steely. “That was my childhood, and worse.”

“…Alright then.” Mark blurted, clearly surprised.

“Now it will take us a week and some to reach Fort Caladon…” You began.

“Fort Caladon?” Mark echoed. “Why are we going there?”

“There are Preceptors of the Holy Orders there.” You explained. “One of them must know where we can find…”

“We COULD do that.” Mark agreed. “Or we could go ask Lord Baron Alexander himself.”

“Didn’t I just say…” You declared incredulously.

“He’s not in Fort Caladon.” Mark smirked. “The Caladonian has taken ill… He’s at Lady Kylie’s villa in Cherrymont.”

“How do you know this?” You demanded.

“The Caladonian… Might have been my first option.” Mark admitted somewhat guiltily. “And Lord Baron Alexander may have beaten me with a switch for about three leagues for my presumption.”

You paused at that. Baron Alexander was a legend… but the Caladonian… Lord Samuel… History hinted he was heir to two Imperial Thrones… over five centuries old… the last remaining Resonant… How could you possibly dare to encroach on such a Titan on his sickbed?

…Still… who dares wins, right?

>Go to Fort Caladon, look for Jamie through official channels.

>You’re Holy as fuck, also his daughter had a crush on you. Go see the Baron directly.

>Didn’t Rose tell you where Split-Boulder’s lands lay? Go thataway, they’re probably still fucking.

>Hmmm… You didn’t consider ‘indiscriminate’ when taking Black Knights as allies. Maybe there’s a better option.

>Something Else?

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43f281 No.395506


>You’re Holy as fuck, also his daughter had a crush on you. Go see the Baron directly.

Lets give them a visit. But don't intrude too much. We didn't choose that path. Perhaps we could help them somehow. And maybe they could help us with the information we need.

>Lord Samuel… History hinted he was heir to two Imperial Thrones… over five centuries old

More like 23 or 24 centuries old at this point. He puts old Methuselah to shame.

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43f281 No.395507


Now that I've read everything, I feel a tinge of regret about turning down Amaranth. But we've had plenty of cat fuckers in the stories thus far. So I don't mind being Mother Reitia's good little boy, who She loves so much that She was willing to give up one of Her beloved daughters.

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2ff98b No.395521


stick with the original plan and ignore the sparkling skinned twat thrall. get Jamie though official channels.

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8f20a5 No.395538


Nah, Sam was born in about 9990CE, it's circa 10500 'now'.


>sparkling twat

I was more going for 'meth addict'. Do I strike you as the sort of writer who would engage in sparklepire faggotry?

Also tiebreak… anyone got anything else?

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99a8a5 No.395549


I am very tempted to go give Samuel a visit, but I think it’s better to let him have some peace and quiet. Let’s go to the fort and get Jamie.

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43f281 No.395563


>Nah, Sam was born in about 9990CE, it's circa 10500 'now'.

Yes, I was thinking of Bruce. He was the one who was old as hell when he died. But I imagine Sam would have gotten super old too, if Mnemosyne hadn't of left.

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83c5a3 No.396256

>Go to Fort Caladon

“Hah… No… No…” You laughed helplessly, shaking your head in utter incredulity. “We ah… we won’t be doing that.”

“Ah, where’s your stones, Pilgrim?” Mark demanded mockingly.

“Where they should be. Secondary to the big head when decision-making. Are you actually serious? You want to go harangue Lord Baron Alexander when he and his wife, you know, the Handmaiden of Hell’s Throne, are hosting The Reitia-Blessed CALADONIAN on his sickbed?” You demanded disbelievingly. “Does the Blood of a Vampire rob one of self-preservation entirely?”

“Who better? And it’s three days closer!”

You sighed sympathetically. “I understand, truly. But we’re talking about the sorts of people who regularly sit down to dinner with GODS. Can you imagine annoying the Caladonian when he’s passing a kidney-stone? I’m sure he’d be very apologetic afterwards, but we’d still be picking our teeth off the back side of the moon.”

“Reitia showed up last night didn’t she?” Mark objected, desperately trying to find a chink in your argument.

“The Holy Mother relishes in a sort of closeness with Her Disciples. We were just lucky enough to be there. Can you imagine if it was Tyris? Neither of us are Scions.”

“That’s an old myth.” Mark scoffed.

“Is it? I’ve never heard any legend or scripture which involves Tyris manifesting Himself that didn’t end absolutely horrifically for whatever caught his attention, unless that someone was a Scion.” You replied confidently before pausing. “…Or the Caladonian.”

“The official way then?” Mark sighed sinkingly.

“The official way.” You agreed. “I hope you have comfortable shoes. There’s no guarantee we’ll find a wagoneer willing to bear us both.”

“No chance you could pretend NOT to be a pilgrim while I steal some horses?”

“Not on your best day.” You smiled beatifically, clapping the thrall on the shoulder. “Come, daylight flees and the road isn’t getting any shorter.”

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83c5a3 No.396257


“Beautiful, isn’t it?” You smiled, taking a deep breath of the fragrant woodland air, the ironbound heel of your staff tapping rhythmically against the packed earth of the baronial road as it wound through hilly forests and meadows towards the Imperial seat of the Westerlands, Fort Caladon.

“Provincial.” Mark grimaced, taking another pull from a flask he had stashed in his dark leather jerkin.

“You’ll only make yourself thirstier.” You chided, offering the Thrall a waterskin.

“How do you mean?” Mark queried, looking at you in puzzlement.

“The flask.” You explained, all bemused.

“What, you think this is liquor?” Mark snickered. “Don’t be simple.”

You frowned. “I don’t understand.”

“My mistress was not without foresight. You might call this flask something of an insurance policy against our… unforseen separation.”

“That’s Vampire Blood, isn’t it?” You remarked with a note of revulsion.

“Well done, I didn’t have to completely spell it out for you.” The Thrall smirked.

“What happens when you run out of it?”

“Pray I don’t.” Mark replied simply. “It’s not something I even want to think about.”

“I’ll need to know.” You insisted.

The Thrall looked at you studiously. “You knocked me down capably enough before. I don’t want you getting jittery and doing it again.”

“That bad?”

“Could be…” Mark shrugged, yet a worm of fear had crept into his voice. “…I… I’ve never been away from her this long.”

“We’ll do this.” You assured the thrall. “I promise.”

Mark grunted his acceptance, yet said nothing further.

The sun tracked its way across the sky, shadows shortening and lengthening as it continued its stately march across the heavens. You and the Vampire thrall kept walking, true to your concern, only a few carriages and surreys passed you, none big enough to carry you both without compensation to their owner, compensation that you, understandably, could not provide.

“Next one of those that passes…” Mark hissed, his red-rimmed eyes staring death at the passing stately carriage, brushing mud from his trousers that the speeding vehicle had flung upon you both.

“I’m sure there was a reason.” You mused philosophically, likewise brushing mud from your clothing.

Mark gave another toothy smirk. “Yeah. ‘Move, Peasants’ just clarified that whole thing.”

“Humility is good for the Soul.”

Mark snorted, curling his lip in disdain. “I’m an Adept of the Eighteenth Hexagonal intersect, Thrall to Lady Maris De Bergerac, Countess of Albany. The last person who called me ‘peasant’ is a skeleton hanging by its thumbs in an oubliette. Fuck Humility.”

“Is that her name?” You quipped, not acknowledging the Thrall’s declaration of self-aggrandizement. “It’s getting a bit late, why don’t we make camp, you can tell me more about her?”

Mark looked at you in puzzlement, before chuckling helplessly, shaking his head. “I can see well enough in the dark. Let’s keep going for a while.”

“Up to you.” You shrugged. “I’m not planning on walking all night though.”

“Nor I.” The Thrall agreed, chuckling slightly as if privy to a private joke. You pondered that for a moment, before shrugging slightly and following along behind him.

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83c5a3 No.396259


“What’s that up ahea…” You asked somewhat shortly before biting off another muffled curse, hopping and grabbing at your leg as you slammed your foot into something unyielding in the looming dark. Assuring yourself that you hadn’t done any permanent damage, you glowered about, searching for your erstwhile companion. “…Alright Mark, unless you plan on sharing that little trick I’m going to have to insist we stop, or I’ll have broken every bone in my foot before…”

A clammy hand clamped itself over your mouth, pulling you down into the thicket at the side of the road. “Shhh!” The thrall’s whisper hissed in your ear. His breath stank, the metallic scent of old blood unmistakeable, mixed with what was evidently only a passing acquaintance with proper diet.

“What are you…” You demanded, forcing the hand from your mouth and shoving at the dark figure gripping you.

“Quiet!” Mark insisted, gripping you tighter and pointing with his other hand out onto the road. It was properly dark, the border between the road and the surrounding forest barely visible under what little starlight managed to peek between the broad leaves of the looming trees overhead. For a moment you stared in silence… nothing moved… and then a figure stepped from the brush on the opposite side of the road, followed by another, and then another.

“Didja see where’n that pilgrim went?” one of the figures hissed in a harsh whisper.

“Well he’s stopped runnin’ into things, and he ain’t screamin’…” Another answered. “…Probably fell and busted his head on a rock.”

“Reckon we should look for him?”

The leader paused, its position shifting slightly. “Fer a waterskin and a satchel that weren’t even clinkin’ when he walked? Not while we’ve got fat chickens not two hundred yards up the road.”

“Sides…” The third figure added “…Maybe he got snatched. And it’s possible whatever did the snatching has sisters. I’m not interested in persuading some horny Feral I’d make a shit husband.”

The other two figures snickered knowingly at that, and if Mark’s clammy, rough hand hadn’t been across your mouth, you might have groaned in sheer exasperation.



The Vampire Thrall held you immobile as the three bandits stalked their way up the road towards the dim orange beacon of a campfire.

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83c5a3 No.396260


“Come on, step where I step.” Mark murmured, rising gracefully to his feet, the night seeming to lend him stamina beyond that of his unremarkable build as he followed stealthily behind the bandits.

“What are we doing?” You whispered.

“Two wolves fighting over a fresh kill…” Mark explained shortly. “…Who gets to eat?”

“The stronger…” You began, your brow furrowed.

“Wrong.” Mark interjected with a smirk, his white teeth almost glowing in the dark. “The fox who seizes the opportunity while they’re both distracted.”

You paused, your lip curling in disgust. “Are you saying we’re going to scavenge the leavings of banditry?”

“I’m saying we’re going to look for an opportunity…”

The echoing sounds of voices became more and more clear as you approached the cheerily glowing fire. Mark pulled at your sleeve, guiding you back into the brush as you approached a widening of the road clearing. Within that clearing, a two-train surrey was pulled roughly off the road, horses with attached feed-bags pawing wide-eyed at the earth as two groups stood before the fire, warily eyeing each other off. The first, the trio of bandits, evidently robbed somehow of the element of surprise. Hard, lean, hungry looking men in shabby clothes and beards, fingering field-patched weapons at their belts. The second, a solid looking coachman, grey dusting his dark hair and mutton-chops, a stout cudgel held in rough, calloused hands. Behind him, a foppishly dressed young man doing his damnedest to present an intimidating profile, whilst a Kikimora stood at his side. She was barely moving, feather-cuffed hands folded demurely in front of the maid’s skirts she wore, yet her golden eyes were fixed on the bandits, unblinking and focused like those of a bird of prey.

“Now this doesn’t have to devolve into violence.” The lead bandit promised with a gruff growl. “Just take yerselves a seat, and me and the boys’ll help ourselves, and you can rest nice and easy until the Waylander’s patrol comes through.”

“M’lord?” The coachman queried over his shoulder, not taking his eyes off the bandits.

“Niles have you gone mad?” The young noble screeched, his voice the petulant whine of the instantly-obeyed. “I will do no such thing! Stop dallying about and see them off! Kalina needs to see to my supper at once!”

“Hey grandpa…” One of the other bandits snickered to the coachman, pointing a keen-looking dagger at the fop. “…Want us to learn that little trout some manners before we go?”

“If you touch the Master, I shall skin you alive.” The Kikimora promised, her voice as dulcet and honey-sweet as if she had been commenting on the weather.

“Kalina, petal, that’s not helping.” Niles, the coachman chided through gritted teeth.

“I’m gettin’ real bored of askin’ nicely, old man.” The bandit leader grumbled, letting a little more menace into his voice. “Now I’d suggest comin’ up with some smarts before me and the boys have to beat it into you.”

“They’ve got about half a minute before one of them takes the first swing.” Mark whispered in your ear. “Horses are right there, one loop around the trace, not even hobbled. I’ll grab the left, you grab…”

“Just steal these people’s horses?” You hiss incredulously.

“Us or the bandits, and we can turn them in as ‘found’ to the waylander when we get to Fort Caladon if you really want.”

“And what about them?”

Mark gave a soft snort of amusement. “What about them? The fop who got us all over mud today? He’ll survive a bit of road between the teeth.”

You paused for a moment. Considering the young noble’s dress, it was unlikely he’d be allowed to be missed for long, and a carriage and horses? Hardly beyond his apparent wealth to replace… Still… that Kikimora didn’t look like the sort to take a threat against her master philosophically… and would the bandits be content with simply roughing them up when presented with an actual threat?

Come to think of it… could the bandits be trusted to leave them hale under any circumstances?

>Go with Mark’s plan, steal the horses once the fighting starts.

>Step in and defend the noble and his servants

>Join the bandits. While they succumb to avarice, you can make sure the noble isn’t seriously hurt… or not…

>Don’t do shit, wait in the bushes and see how this plays out.

>Something Else?

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dc7079 No.396261


>Step in and defend the noble and his servants

I'm pretty sure this is the one that God-mom wouldn't be disappointed in us picking. Also there's probably something involving the scriptures of Tyris in there somewhere.

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99a8a5 No.396262



While the noble did get mud all over us that doesn’t mean he deserves to be robbed or his servants possibly harmed or killed. Step in and drive off the bandits. Put on a little light show to scare them off, but absolutely no dark magic.

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43f281 No.396268


>Step in and defend the noble and his servants

At this point, simple bandits will be little effort for Deniel to handle. It shouldn't be too hard to intimidate the bandits, if we make it clear that Mark and Deniel are mages. If they are stupid enough to attack us afterwards, then they deserve the beating or death that follows. Deniel should try to be non-lethal, if possible. We can probably cast a lot of magic missiles at this point. I somehow doubt Mark would be so considerate.

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f9f251 No.396272


The Kiki may not need protecting but she deserves it all the same. The master may be an asshole but I'm sure she's working on it.

Use the levitation trick from before, that'll spook em.

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5ae74d No.396281


Be the good Retian child we are, Step in.

I ideally don't want them to be butchered by the Kiki so intimidating them is the way to go.

Maybe end off the conversation with an ultimatum, While floating up in the air while holding holy fire in our hands. It won't hurt them but damn if it wouldn't be intimidating to look at.

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504f91 No.396301


>The first, the trio of bandits, evidently robbed somehow of the element of surprise.

save the noble while asking the bandits if getting caught was part of their master plan

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8f20a5 No.396397

>Step in and defend the Noble and his servants… Dramatically.

“Zodiladare!” You roared, becoming suddenly airborne as the spell lifted you into the air and out amongst the suddenly stunned gathering. Holding your hands out like claws, you fixed what you hoped was a suitably imperious expression upon your features. “Ne Ialprg!”

Your hands and arms burst into white fire, as the Holy Magic, finding no obvious corruption upon which to feed, burned intensely along their length.

“Tyris’s lambent bollocks!” One of the bandits cried, shying away. “It’s that pilgrim back from the dead!”

“Don’t be such an alp.” The bandit leader snapped, glowering in irritation at your intrusion. “The Reitians know magic, but they don’t hurt nobody. Buncha peacenicks. This is all sound and fury, isn’t it… Pilgrim?”

“In the name of Reitia, All Mother of Creation. By the Law of the Imperium of the Westerlands, Blessed by Ammit, who IS JUSTICE… I demand that you leave at once…”

“Oh, I’m sure…” The Bandit leader mocked, stepping closer to you. “…or what?”

“Grissom…” the other bandit declared warningly “…Remember what they said happened to Tommy the Knocker?”

“Wolves.” The leader smirked. “And I don’t see any wolves.”

“Leave.” You repeated, the holy fire fading to be replaced with crackling lightning. “Or you’ll find out how far ‘what’ can actually stretch with me.”

The bandit leader smirked. “Go on… I dare you.”

You swallowed slightly, you really didn’t want a repeat of what happened on the road to Charlestown… Why couldn’t he just run?

“Pilgrim…” Mark groaned, stepping from the bushes and cutting casually into the meat of his hand with a small knife “…You noble fucking moron.”

“Ere! We’re being ambushed!” One of the bandits cried, ripping a short, rusty sword from its scabbard. “Lay on!”

“Sub tenebrae sanguinius…” Mark snarled, snapping his hand forward, a gobbet of blood launching from his hand and burying itself in the forehead of the sword-wielding bandit, smoking and burning its way through the man’s cranium before bursting in a shower of steaming and charred gobbets from the back of his head. Twitching, the man fell bonelessly to the dirt.

The Bandit leader looked at the fallen body of his companion before turning back to you, his face a mask of inarticulate fury. He opened his mouth as if to curse you, and all at once a chill seemed to fall over the air. Howling shadows flew in from the darkness beyond the campfire, forcing their way into the bandit leader’s nose and eyes as the man choked and gagged against their intrusion. Your magic failed at the sudden horror of the sight before you, and you returned to earth with a stinging thud.

“Alright! Alright!” The last remaining bandit cried in utter terror. “Leave off! We’ll go!”

“That’s not me…” You lamented, a sinking feeling in your guts. “…Mark?”

“Not me, Pilgrim.” The Thrall replied, licking the cut on his palm absently. “You really should have gone with my idea.”

“Tyris!” The man swore, rolling between you and the gawping coachman, whose limp hands barely held onto his cudgel. Drawing a knife, he grabbed the foppish young noble around the neck and shoulder, pressing the blade to the young man’s throat. “G-get back! All of you! Back!”

“Should be running…” Mark chastised with the same regretful nonchalance, as if none of this was a surprise to him. “…Drop the shitmouse and run before… Oh. Too late.”

The bandit screamed, releasing the noble and staggering backwards, staring disbelievingly at the pulped wad of flesh and shattered bone which had once comprised his hand.

“Really!” The young fop huffed, twirling a masterwork shard-pistol in his hand before returning it to a holster beneath his half-cloak. “The nerve!”

“Master is so brave!” the Kikimora gushed adoringly, clapping her hands in front of her chest and smiling at the noble.

“Stop gushing, woman, and finish it off, will you?” The Noble sighed impatiently before turning to you. “And you, are you going to leave a job half done?”

“What in the name of…” You began, already off-balance from the shadows, Mark’s calm resignation, and now this aggrieved flippancy seemingly from out of nowhere from this noble.

“Deniel…” Mark interjected. “…Turn around, before it grabs you by those pretty golden locks.”

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8f20a5 No.396398


You spun on your heel, to come face to face with the Bandit leader, Grissom, his face twisted in a sardonic smile, foul brown ichor leaking from his eyes and nose, and a palatable miasma of corruption permeating the very air around him.

“Found you again.” Grissom near-giggled in a voice not his own.

“Maou’s Fragrant Cunt, Pilgrim! I’m an ADEPT! Do you think I walked all this way because I enjoyed the process?” Mark spat derisively. “I knew she’d be looking for one or both of us… And you just decided to turn up the stagelights and sing your fucking heart out, didn’t you?”

“Could have mentioned!” You snapped back, not taking your eyes off the insanely grinning bandit.

“I felt it was implied!”

You spared the vampire Thrall a glance. “You and me are going to have to work on our communication.”

“After present matters.”

Your brow furrowed, the spirit possessing Grissom seemed content to grin and twitch, but do little else as it stared unblinkingly at you. “What’s she doing?” You called aside to Mark as you began to circle the posessed human.

“Know how to ride a Gremlin’s construct?”

“Of course not!”

“Controlling a human from within a mind not completely subsumed is similarly complicated. I’d say she’s working out how to make the hands…”

“N’GLATH!” Garret snarled, a bolt of crimson energy howling as it leaped from his outstretched hand towards you.

“Ooge De Baeouib!” You intoned desperately, feeling yourself forced backwards as the bolt struck the golden shield of holy magic you had hastily erected.

“Grissom!” You yelled. “Man, if you’re in there still, you have to fight!”

“Even after all these years…” Grissom’s mouth moved spasmodically as the spirit within manipulated him like a puppet “…You’re still pathetic and weak.”

Despair and fury warred within your breast as the posessed bandit raised his hands again. “gn'th'bthnk l' fm'latgh…”

“Mark!” You prompted desperately.

“Oh no.” Mark quickly replied. “She controls the blood, and hasn’t yet got my measure. I’m not sacrificing that advantage for your feelings. You’re on your own for this one, Pilgrim.”

“I don’t want to kill him!”

“You don’t have a choice!”

“Conusata De Coazior!” You cried out, your vision blurred with tears as lightning forked from your hands, blasting a smoking hole in the Bandit’s chest. A furious screeching filled the air as the shadows fled the dead body, flying into the air and out of sight.

“Quickly!” You prompted, beckoning towards the carriage. “We need to get out of here before..;”

“Easy, Deniel…” Mark assured you. “…that would have hurt like an utter bastard. You’ve got a good day before she stops screaming and can look for us again.”

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8f20a5 No.396399


“Gentlemen…” the young noble began. “…It appears we are in your debt, and I must say I am most impressed by the pussiant abilities you have displayed this evening. Truly you are a credit to your Circle.”

“I like that much better than ‘Move, Peasant.” Mark almost purred, smiling mirthlessly at the young noble.

“F-forgive me…” The noble blanched, backing away slightly. “…I meant no offense…”

“Mark! Leave it be.” You demanded, pinching the brow of your nose and taking a deep breath. “My Lord, it has been a long, tiring day. I am Deniel, Pilgrim of The Temple of Reitia, and this is…”

“Marcus Adolphus Hartman the Third, Maristhrall, Consigliere to the Countess of Albany.” Mark interjected. “And I’d advise My Lord not to forget it.”

“Oh…” The noble remarked, clearly engaged in the intricate mathematics of courtly intrigue, establishing exactly where a Countesses’s Consigliere measured against his own rank. For a moment, you stood transfixed, watching the wordless power play weave its way through the young Noble’s mind.

“We, Marquis Reginald Desmond Thomas of House Iona, thank Ser Marcus and the Blessed Pilgrim for their assistance.” The young noble finally intoned, bowing floridly from the waist. “Kalina, see to it that they are suitably provisioned. We will retire.”

“But your supper, Master!” The Kikimora protested, wiping blood from a kitchen knife as she looked after the young noble adoringly.

“We are not hungry.” Reginald declared, heading towards the carriage. “Fetch us milk and brandy.”

“But Master…”

“Milk and brandy, woman!” the young noble demanded, throwing open the carriage and standing atop its step. “Are you hard of hearing?”

“No Master.” The Kikimora replied demurely, a flush spreading on her cheeks.

“Good. I will trust Niles to see you suitably billeted for the evening.” Reginald sniffed, closing the carriage behind himself.

“Corpses corpses all day long…” The coachman grumbled, picking up the nearby body of the handless bandit with a grunt, a wet red gash running across his throat. “…Never stops.”

>Talk to Niles, the Coachman

>Talk to Mark, the Thrall

>Talk to Kalina, the Kiki

>Talk to Reginald, the Fop

>Fuck the Nobility, meditate on the Word of Reitia

>Something else?

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43f281 No.396409


>Talk to Mark, the Thrall

Explain to Mark that you have virtually no knowledge of blood magic, and would love it if he could give you a brief lesson. We're not looking to become students of it, but we should at least learn enough to the point that we could understand these "implied" things.

Screw Reginald, the noble cunt. But we could see if Niles wouldn't mind giving us a ride, if they are heading in the direction we want to go.

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f9f251 No.396412

>>396399 (checked)

We should speak with the Kiki, see if she needs any help savagely raping convincing her master to let her service him to the very best of her abilities.

Also >>396409 is right we should talk to Mark about him

>implying implications

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04166f No.396440


If not talk to him, help the coachman with the bodies since that's kind of our fault, and have that conversation with Mark.

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5ae74d No.396461





We should probably give them their last rites as well. Not exactly our territory but as the holiest person here I think it kinda falls to us.

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5ae74d No.397632

OP die?


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43f281 No.397654


>OP die?

He's probably just been busy or something.

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8f20a5 No.397671


Yeah, flat out like a lizard drinking. I don't know why companies employ 457 workers. I end up doing not only my job but theirs too.

Update now.

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8f20a5 No.397672

>Help Niles with the bodies

>Talk to Kalina, see if you can help consumate her obvious desire for master’s meatcleaver.

>Talk to Mark, you need to know how this blood magic shit works, even in a general sense

“Can I assist you, Goodman?” You offered, gesturing towards the feet of the corpse the man awkwardly dragged.

“Thank ye kindly, young master.” Niles agreed, blowing air in relief as you grasped the bandit’s body by the ankles.

“Just Deniel, please.” You smiled. “I’m nobody’s master.”

“As ye will, Deniel.” Niles acknowledged with a curt nod. “Heave ‘im to in that gully there.”

You frowned slightly at that as you unceremoniously dumped the body in the shallow depression which lined the road. “We’re not digging a grave?”

“Me old back can’t be set to such tasks any longer.” Niles sighed, putting a hand to the small of his back and stretching slightly as if to drive home his point. “We’ll make do. Not to fret, Deniel, I’ll not risk Ammit’s displeasure by defilin’ the dead. This isn’t our first scrap, after all.”

“This… Happens regularly?”

“The open road’s always a risk, and the Waylanders can’t be everywhere.” Niles shrugged absently. “Usually they’re more willing to talk. I don’t remember the last time that a group-o highwaymen were that…”

“Violent?” You offered.

“Desperate.” Niles corrected. “There’s change a-comin’. This ‘Senate’ in Fort Caladon… Rumors o’strange folks in the deep forests… The Dead comin’ out in the daylight even… t’aint right and normal.”

“Is anything in our world right and normal?” You grinned, grabbing the next bandit by the shoulders, trying to avoid the blood and brain matter still drooling from his head.

“Aye. Sittin’ afore the fire with yer woman in yer lap, a glass o’fine whisky in yer hand and a pipe stuffed full of good leaf.” The coachman asserted, grunting as you heaved the body atop its fellow.

“That’s a normal I can appreciate.” You agreed sincerely. “Your wife is back at home then?”

“Never married.” Niles replied shortly. “Oh sure, I dallied in me youth like all do, but none ever really lit the spark.”

“I’m sorry.” You offered sincerely, a surge of sympathy swelling through you.

“Faugh.” Niles snorted, nonchalantly waving away your words. “If’n they took it on the chin during the time of the Pax, I can bear it nowadays. His Lordship ain’t a hard one to serve.”

“Strikes me as a touch… petulant.” you remarked somewhat sourly as you collected the last body, that of Grissom, the leader, the still-smoking hole in his chest staring at you in wordless accusation.

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8f20a5 No.397673


“He’s a fifteen year old boy thrust into nobility.” Niles remarked. “Oh sure he can be trying, but if I’m bein’ honest, half the time I pity him. Me? I can tie up the horses, brush ‘em down and me duty is ended. Him? Poor boy’d worry himself sick for duty if not for Kalina.”

“She loves him.” You declared without hesitation.

“She’s Kikimora.” Niles shrugged. “She’d fawn over a rock if the Council of Matriarchs declared it her master.”

You frowned. “I think you’re being unkind.”

“Maybe…” Niles admitted, grunting as you heaved the final body into the gully. “…But it makes it easier.”

“Makes what easier?”

“To anticipate her pain when he finally breaks her heart.” Niles stated simply, pouring a vial of sharp-smelling liquid over the bodies.

“There’s no hope for them then?”

Niles shrugged. “He’s noble. The Pax may be long gone but tradition remains. If he marries, it won’t be for love.”

Your heart ached for the Kikimora as Niles casually discarded the empty vial. “We should say something.” You declared finally.

“I’ll not stop ye, pilgrim.” The coachman replied, somewhat wearily.

“Dread Ammit…” You began, folding your arms into the sign of the Scales of Ma’at. “…Judge them with fairness, for they knew not what they did. Holy Tyris, Lord of Order, forgive us our sins. Mother Reitia, look upon us all with Mercy…”

“The Gods be Good.” Niles replied absently, brushing his left breast briefly with his hand.

“Ialprg.” You intoned, a bolt of fire flying from your hand to engulf the bodies. The liquid they were soaked in caught quickly, the flame building with surprising quickness to encompass the still corpses in the gully.

“I’m sorry.” You murmured sincerely, the bodies beginning to shrivel and blacken as the alchemically hastened fire ate at them. With a final sigh, you turned and head back towards the camp.

“His Lordship’ll want you rewarded.” Niles stated as he kept pace with you. “Have ye given much thought to what we can do for ye?”

“We head for Fort Caladon. A ride would be appreciated.”

“If’n ye don’t mind ridin’ on the tailgate, I’m sure His Lordship won’t object too strenuously.” Niles chuckled.

“Niles?” The Kikimora’s voice ventured. “Did you pack any spare clothing? The Master is unwell.”

“Oh Tyris…” Niles groaned as you both beheld the Kikimora valiantly attempting to keep her equilibrium as she stood without the door of the carriage, her dress soaked in fresh vomit.

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8f20a5 No.397674


“I truly do appreciate the assistance, Pilgrim.” Kalina, the Kikimora insisted, trying to cover her dignity as best she could as she stood before the fire in her smallclothes.

“It won’t be the first set of clothes I’ve washed…” You grinned as you scrubbed and wrung the dress in the bucket of steaming water. “…You should thank Mark for his ability in calling forth the water.”

“I’m good.” The thrall chuckled, staring at the Kikimora in open amusement.

“D-do not look upon me with such lewd eyes, sir.” Kalina insisted, blushing furiously.

Mark’s pale grin broadened. “You’re safe enough. My mistress would find you… most fascinating, however. Should you ever get tired of wiping the chin of that brat…”

“Cyka Blyat…” Kalina hissed, her scaled legs kicking up puffs of dust as she crossed the distance surprisingly quickly to the thrall, seizing him about the throat with her delicate looking hand. “…Don’t you DARE!”

“Mark, can you PLEASE go five minutes without insulting our hosts?” You groaned, taking the Kikimora by the arm and gently extricating her feather-cuffed hand from about the Thrall’s neck, Mark still grinning fit to shame a cheshire as you did so. “Kalina, would you not be more comfortable back in the carriage?”

“B-but I am not suitably attired!” The Kikimora gasped, staring at you in shock. “The Master would not be pleased!”

You frowned in puzzlement. “Why?”

“H-he does not wish to look at me in a state of undress.” Kalina stammered, wringing her hands in front of her, her long, pendulous ears twitching amidst the featherlike locks of her hair.

“You’re joking.” You blurted incredulously. “I mean, please don’t take this the wrong way, I mean nothing by it, but you are a very fetching young woman!”

“You are too generous, sir.” Kalina blushed.

“Oh HE’s being generous when he comments on those pert…” Mark began hotly.

“Maybe because I spare the lurid details, Thrall!” You interjected witheringly. “And once again, can you not?”

Mark laughed as if privy to some hidden joke, slapping his knee and taking another slug from his blood-filled flask, but said nothing further.

“Still Kalina…” You ventured, trying to restore some sense of decorum to the camp. “…I truly don’t understand. He’s told you he disapproves?”

“Well… Not directly…” the Kikimora admitted. “…But he splutters and averts his gaze, and chastizes me most… vociferously…”

You pretended not to notice the thrill of pleasure which ran up the Mamono’s spine as she recounted her experience. Ah… One of those then.

“At any stage has he told you to put some clothes on?” You smiled slightly.

“Well… no… but he calls me the most… VULGAR names…” Kalina admitted, her modest bust heaving with the memory.

“Have you thought perhaps he might be simply overwhelmed?”

‘The Master? Overwhelmed? But he is so forceful! So… so… manly…” Kalina trailed, a thin trickle of drool shining at the corner of her mouth, her breathing quickening and her thighs rubbing unconsciously together.

“He is but Human…” You grinned conspiratorially “…and you’ll never have a better opportunity than now to find out. After all… your only set of clothes is quite unwearable, wouldn’t you agree?”

“This is true…” Kalina mused thoughtfully as you held her dripping dress aloft before the campfire, propping it up against a wooden cruciform to dry.

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8f20a5 No.397675


“A thought, if you’d permit me…” You continued, thoroughly overtaken with the plot. “…Couch it as if you merely sought to comfort him. He has had a trying evening tonight, has he not?”

“He… He has, hasn’t he?” Kalina near-exulted, her golden eyes bright. “And as his servant, it is my DUTY to salve his stress!”

“I couldn’t have put it better myself.” You laughed openly.

Kalina smiled eagerly, turning on horned heel to re-enter the carriage. “Master~” you heard her cozen as she closed the door firmly behind her.

“Kalina? Why are you so lewdly attired? I should have known, you rutting wench…” Reginald’s voice cracked and warbled from within the carriage.

“Oh Master… You have had such a time tonight… Let your servant comfort you, my brave, brave Master…” The Kikimora cozened in a voice as sweet as honey.

“Oh you are a vulgar slut, aren’t you? S-so full of vice… and… and… Ah… Ahhhaa…”

“Simply put…” You drawled, putting your hands behind your head and grinning smugly as the noises from within the carriage spoke louder than words that the noble was being thoroughly… seen to. “…Good at what I do.”

“Shooting fish in a barrel much?” Mark snickered.

“I’ll take an easy win where it’s offered.” You rejoined. “Thanks be to the All-Mother of Creation.”

Niles emerged from the shadows on the far side of the carriage, his mouth downturned in distaste as he unceremoniously dumped a pair of thick bedrolls beside the campfire. “Ye’ve not done either of them a favour this night, Pilgrim.”

“I choose to hope that Love will prevail.” You retorted stubbornly.

“Then be it on yer head.” the coachman grumbled. “Stew’s in the crock, eat yer fill. We’ll be leavin’ at the first hour after sunup. If ye sleep in, I’ll leave ye behind.”

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8f20a5 No.397676


“Alright, it’s going to keep me up all night if I don’t ask.” You blurted into the darkness, the dim red of the dying fire casting a faint crimson on the ground around you, warring with the silver blue of moonlight above.

“Mmmm?” Mark murmured.

“Why were you being such an asshole tonight?”

“Made ‘em angry.” The Thrall replied simply.

“Clearly, but that doesn’t answer my question.”

“It does if you understand Blood Magic.” Mark continued, and you heard him rustle within the bedroll as he rolled to face you. “Emotion sings to the Vampire… on the off chance the Witch recovers quicker than I anticipate, all she’s going to sense around here is angry Kikimora… well… she WOULD have, now she’s going to sense Kikimora with a dick in her. Nice work there.”

“M-Master~” The Kikimora moaned from within the carriage.

“Again?” Mark groaned.

“He’s got the potence of youth.” You replied simply.

“Zipangan Banquet… Small portions, lots of courses.” The Thrall snickered.

“So what does it mean? This business with the Vampire Blood?”

“Who, the witch?”

“Mmm… I gather it’s something of a requirement for you.”

“If I want to keep any kind of equilibrium, yeah.” Mark agreed. “But her? She’s taken so much… she’s bound by it now. Has to abide by its limitations.”

“Specifically though, what does that mean?”

“Argh… pilgrim…” Mark grunted, and you spied the dark shadow of his body as he sat up, his red-rimmed eyes almost glowing. “You’re putting me in a difficult position. On one hand it makes sense you knowing, stop you from making another boneheaded move like earlier tonight… On the other I’m basically showing you the weak points in my Mistress’s arsenal.”

“What you can then.”

“It depends if she’s turned or not…” Mark begain. “…If she’s Vampire, then she’s as much at risk from herself as anything else. The Hunger… It’s like another mind inside of them, tempt it too much and it’ll take over… make them… reckless. On the other hand though, everything they do is based around two basic drives, Self-Preservation and staving off boredom.”

“Sounds a horrible way to live.” You admitted, furrowing your brow in the dark.

“There’s Love too… and the minor point of eternal youth.” Mark rejoined.

“Fair, I guess.” You acceded. “And if she hasn’t?”

“Then this is going to be a massacre.”

“What?!” You blurted, jolting upright.

“You misunderstand.” Mark assured you “If she’s still Human, then my Mistress’s blood is going to be fighting her every second. She’s going to have to use every ounce of her will not to go down to wherever she’s imprisoned my mistress and bear that white throat of hers to her teeth.”

“Why would she make such a rash decision?” You murmured in confusion, laying your head back down on the bedroll.

“You tell me, Pilgrim.” Mark sighed, settling down as well. “She’s your mother.”

“Thanks for reminding me.” You grumbled sourly.

“No charge.”

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8f20a5 No.397677


You woke at some time during the night to the soft sound of crying from within the carriage.

“Master? Whatever is the matter?”

“Kalina… I have no idea what I’m doing!” Reginald’s muffled voice sobbed. “Since Mother and Father… It’s too much! I don’t want it… I never wanted it.”

“You are so strong, my Master…” Kalina soothed adoringly “…And I will always be with you. Trust in me, my Master, I’m for you… I’ve… I’ve always been for you.”

“But the court… They’ll never approve. They’ll make me send you away!”

“Let them TRY.” The Kikimora near-snarled. “You are my Master, and I will do my duty to you for as long as I draw breath.”

“You won’t leave me then?”

“Never, Master… I…”


“I… I L-love you…”

“Tyris be Merciful… You’re so forward, you lewd woman… but I Love you too!”

You smiled wordlessly, murmuring thanks to Reitia beneath your breath. Surely Love would find a way, and surely the Blessings of the Holy Mother would be upon them both.

“Do you have any idea…” Cirice’s voice murmured within the vaults of your mind “…How difficult it is to shoot an arrow through the window of a carriage?”

A short blurt of laughter escaped your lips, and you rolled onto your back, staring up into the starlight, a rose-coloured streak arching across the heavens.

“I Love You…” You whispered to the sea of stars, before closing your eyes again.

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8f20a5 No.397678

“There she is…” Niles declared. “…Fort Caladon.”

“Civilization at last!” Reginald groaned from within the Carriage, drawing the curtain and gazing from the window as the carriage trundled through the vast gates of the Imperial City.

“Could we prevail on My Lord for an Introduction to the Court?” Mark mused snidely from where he sat beside you on the footman’s bench at the rear of the carriage.

“And have my reputation tarnished forever? You are a churl, sir…”

“Thank you for the ride, My Lord.” You interjected quickly, not wanting to start another barrage of veiled and not so veiled insults between the Thrall and the young Noble. “I’m sure we can find our way from here.”

“Hold a moment, Good Pilgrim…” Reginald replied, opening the rear window and looking down at you. “…I will not risk my standing by being associated with the Consigliere, but you… You I could see fit to introducing.”

“Oh! I am wounded!” Mark lamented in faux injury, throwing a pale arm across his forehead dramatically before making a rude gesture at the window. “C’mon Deniel, we don’t need this kid…”

>Go with Mark

>Tell Mark to wait for you, go with Reginald to the court.

>Fuck ‘em both, you’re holy enough to find church people.

>Try and convince Reginald to let you all go together, you did get the little snot laid after all.

>Something Else?

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43f281 No.397711


>Try and convince Reginald to let you all go together, you did get the little snot laid after all.

Remind Mark of why we are there, and that we could use any leverage we can get. Get him to promise to act like a good little boy, and give this a try. If it doesn't work out, then so be it. we'll manage to figure something out.


My condolences.

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6faa80 No.397800


>Try and convince Reginald to let you all go together, you did get the little snot laid after all.


>Get him to promise to act like a good little boy

Pretty much this. Have him give his word on his Mistresses' honor or something like that. Also, he can't really act like a asshat at court without it reflecting poorly on her.

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392f22 No.397903


This is definitely the way to go.

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0f1f1f No.397935


I agree with trying to convince Mark that he's not just representing himself, but his Mistress, and he shouldn't make her look bad in front of the Caladonian court, especially when she's not here to represent herself.

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2ff98b No.397961


this. also Mark should bedazzle them with the light hearted parts of his personality. I'm sure he can shine brilliantly when it comes to dealing with politics.

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665144 No.399117

>Try and convince Reginald to let you all go together.

>Convince Mark to be on his best behaviour, make him swear it on his mistress if necessary

“My Lord…” You began delicately. “…The task we embark upon is one where time is of the essence. I know nothing of courtly intrigue, and would not presume upon you to act as my effective translator in such an environment. If I could promise that the Consigliere will be on his best behaviour…”

“Oh you’ll promise that, will you?” Mark drawled in amusement.

“Yes.” You declared, curling up the meaty, four-fingered fist of your good arm and holding it in front of the Thrall’s eyes. “Or I’ll push your face in.”

Mark looked up at your eyes, studying you for a short while. “That saint-in-training mannerism of yours really does make it easy to forget that you’re built like a blacksmith. Have you ever considered Pugilism as a backup career? You could make a fortune.”

“Mark…” You growled warningly.

“Alright alright…” The thrall conceded, his thin mouth curled in amusement as if once again privy to some private joke. “…By my Mistress’s Garter, I promise that should our August Host agree to introduce us to the court, I shall be the very soul of gentility.”

“Why would you swear on her underwear?” You murmured in puzzlement.

“It’s a thing.” Mark whispered, tapping a pale finger against his mouth to hush you, jerking his head towards the window of the carriage where the young noble was making strangled noises of frustration.

“Against such a fervent vow, what can I do but accept?’ Reginald spat finally, Kalina the Kikimora making soft soothing noises as the young noble quieted to obvious sulking.

“I really don’t understand this nobility business.” You sighed, shaking your head helplessly.

“Good that you recognise that.” Mark smirked, patting you on the shoulder.

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665144 No.399118


“The Marquis Reginald Desmond Thomas of House Iona…” a sunken-cheeked master of ceremonies intoned, his wand of office pressed absently against his hip. Without hesitation, Reginald stepped from the oddly arranged group of nobles and petitioners which… swarmed was the only word you had for it… before the empty thrones atop the dais. Below them, three simpler yet still ornate chairs sat, two men and a woman atop them, richly adorned in silk and ermine robes.

“Senators…” the Marquis began, sketching a florid bow deep enough that his fingernails nearly brushed the stone floor. “…August Personages, Nobles, Landholders, Gentles all. It is my honour and privilege to stand before you, yea, insomuch as…”

“Is he speaking Magisterian?” You whispered aside to Mark, who bit his lip to keep from snickering. Kalina shifted her foot slightly, pinching one of your toes with her horned heel.

“Pilgrim…” The Kikimora chided, ignoring your pained wince. “…The master spent weeks memorizing that speech.”

Mark looked like he was in physical pain trying to hold in his laughter. With an act of herculean will, he forced himself back to equilibrium, his eyes wet with mirth. Credit to him, he was keeping his word.

“…And as such, I present myself before this court.” Reginald concluded, puffing out his chest proudly… to be met with disinterested silence from the court, broken only by the Kikimora’s enthusiastic, overabundant applause.

“Hmm? Oh. Yes… Be most welcome, Marquis.” One of the male senators remarked with indulgent absence, waving acknowledgement of the young noble. “Was there anything else?”

The young noble looked dejected, glancing back towards you as if reconsidering his offer. Finally, it seemed honour won out. “Yes Senators. Allow me to present before you, Deniel the Holdsward, Pilgrim of the Reitian Temple.”

“Keep it simple.” Mark muttered in your ear, pushing you forward.

“My Lords and Ladies, Senators, Excellencies.” You began, praying your voice didn’t crack, bowing and placing a hand over your breast. “I offer greetings from Hive Sea of Grasses, First amongst the Temples of the Holy Mother.”

“That’s adorable…” Someone snickered behind you.

“Silence.” The female senator declared imperiously, standing and striding towards you. You gulped audibly. She was shorter than you, yet her imperious bearing made her seem twenty feet tall. Smiling slightly at you, she dropped to a knee, taking your hand in hers. “Will you bless me, Pilgrim?”

“I am unworthy…” You stammered, your hand beginning to shake.

“I insist.” The senator retorted. She was no longer young, the ravages and lines of age beginning to show their wear on her face, yet her eyes hinted of warmth and caring.

“May Reitia spread her wings above thee, and pour forth blessings most abundantly upon thee. May Love dwell forever in thy breast, and may it’s fruit be plentiful and sweet to thy tongue.” You intoned, placing your hand briefly upon her head. Suddenly, like the rushing of water, revelation flowed through your mind and words forced their way out of your throat.

“She who is Sahnate will quicken thy womb and thou wilt bear a child…” You heard yourself utter “…and he will hold the Scales of JUSTICE and the Rod of Order in his hand. She who is Pora will call him to great destiny, and full with pride will he make thee. This is the Word of Reitia.”

<You have learned the light magic: Prophecy - Foretell the future of another in allegory and symbolism.

<Your ability to sense the auras of others has weakened, subsumed by this new gift

<Your Magical Potency has increased

“I dreamed of Her…” The Senator whispered, her eyes wet with tears. “…Humble yourself before My Pilgrim, she said, and I will bless you.” Clearing her throat, she stood, not acknowledging the muttering and wordless sounds of awe rippling throughout the assembled nobles and dignitaries. “Marquis Reginald, you have sanctified this court by bringing this Holy Pilgrim before us. The Imperial Senate is pleased with the service you have rendered to us.”

“I-I live but to serve, Excellent Senator.” Reginald stammered. “And if I may, there is one other I have made promise to present.”

“Please do.” The Senator gestured, resuming her seat.

“It is with… Pleasure…” Reginald began, his mouth twisting with the word as if it soured upon his tongue “…That I present the Consigliere of Countess Maris of Albany, Marcus Adolphus Hartman the Third.”

“Simple…” Mark muttered wryly to you before striding forward nonchalantly, sketching a casual bow before the seated senators.

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665144 No.399119


“And now he’s just ruined it.” One of the other Senators remarked snidely.

“Got your tongue back, Senator Jarrick?” Mark drawled evenly, pale lips drawing back from his white teeth. “My mistress feared you would be lost to your ravings for years to come.”

“Never again will I dismiss the warnings of a Vampire…” The senator chuckled ruefully “…how IS your mistress anyway? Her soirees are always the highlight of the Autumn Equinox.”

“Told you we didn’t need the kid.” Mark murmured aside to you, putting a brief, pale hand on your arm. “Hopefully you start listening to me before it actually starts to matter.”

You opened your mouth to retort, closing it as the truth of the Thrall’s words sank home. It was true, you’d fought him at every turn, and at every turn, he’d been right… from a certain point of view.

“And to your question, Esteemed Senator, she is… indisposed. A matter that the Good Pilgrim and I seek to rectify with all due haste.”

“Name what assistance this court can offer, Consigliere.” Senator Jarrick declared expansively. “Countess Maris has always been a wise and valued councillor of the Imperial Senate.”

“The matter is… delicate, and I fear she is not to Manse, having sequestered herself to more… Humble Sanctuary…” Mark replied carefully. “…Yet Pilgrim Deniel believes that a boon owed to him by the Holy Orders may be instrumental in its rectification.”

“Preceptors?” The senator beckoned, and the sound of mailed feet behind you made you swallow nervously. Mark had vastly overstated the favour owed to you by Ser Jamie… How would these Knights look upon your presumption?

“I have heard tell of this Pilgrim of Reitia…” A Tyrisian Paladin remarked, his mailed hand resting absently upon the golden hilt of his broadsword as he stepped before you, his deep-set green eyes studying, his armor silver and fluted gold, his tabard and surcoat an almost incandescent white “…Whipped in Charlestown for Dark Magics, to my knowledge. Though my Brother in Faith’s reports speak of him favourably despite this trespass against Order, we owe him no such boon.”

“Trespass…” A second figure snickered, lank red hair shrouding a face whose violet eyes glowed with power, his leaden armor fluted with strange crimson metals. “…wolves sing him a hero amongst the mountain tribes.”

“Wolves.” The Paladin echoed derisively “Your standards for heroism are lacking, Incubus.”

The red-haired knight curled his lip at the Paladin, yet returned his attention to you. Magic swelled within you in response to the sheer POWER of that being’s gaze. The Paladin had named him ‘Incubus’, and you could feel the swelling of uncontrolled, chaotic magic flowing through the man’s form.

“That being said…” The Incubus continued, his mouth curling slightly “…No matter how many Wolven maids may sigh themselves to sleep over him, the Knights of Hell owe him no favour.”

“Ser Victor?” The Senator prompted of an immobile, Ebon figure, face enclosed by a raven-beaked helm.

“Boon…” The Corvidian echoed simply. “…The Thrall presumes greatly…”

“Such is my wont, Sir Knight…” Mark quipped charmingly, his eyes flicking briefly to you “…If you’ve fucked me here, Deniel…” He hissed through his rigid smile.

“But…” The Corvidian continued, raising a hand from the evil-looking warhammer at his belt and holding a talon-fingered gauntlet aloft. “…Our little brother did Kindness to one of ours. Kindness which demands recompense. I will hear him.”

“I thank you for your indulgence, Sir Knight…” Mark sighed in relief, bowing slightly.

“Seek me out, little brother.” Victor echoed. “I retire.”

“The matters of the day have not…” the other male senator objected.

“I Retire.” The Corvidian repeated, an oppressive aura settling over the court. None moved to stop him as he strode from the throneroom, the crowd parting like water before him.

“Dour bastard.” The incubus grumbled.

“You are wearied from the road, Holy Pilgrim.” The female senator added, breaking the silence that followed the Corvidian’s departure. “Might we offer you some small respite?”

>Oh fuck yes. Palace Pampering. Get it while it’s on offer.

>Yeah nah go see Victor now. No rest for the Wicked.

>See if you can chat to the Paladin. You’re going to infiltrate a Chancel, after all, might pay to get the Tyrisians onside first.

>We’re too holy for this shit. Get Humble as fuck, go beg and preach on the street.

>Refuse the offer of respite, but wait for the day’s business to conclude, there might be something worth hearing you can act on once this is all over.

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665144 No.399123


Fuck, forgot one

>Hero amongst the wolves eh? Talk to the Incubus… Sounds like a free army in the making.

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2db895 No.399137



I feel like we should go see Victor now just because he doesn't seem like a guy we should keep waiting.

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43f281 No.399138


>Yeah nah go see Victor now. No rest for the Wicked.

I agree with >>399137. And we're in a hurry, so we should get to dealing with Victor sooner rather than later. We certainly don't need to take time to rest at this point. I'm a little interested in chatting with the hell knight about the wolves, but that's not the most important thing.

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99a8a5 No.399149


Fuck, it wouldn’t let me delete the post. Sorry guys

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43f281 No.399153


It appeared to delete just fine. You just need to refresh your cache to see it disappear. But what did you vote for?

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2ff98b No.399154


see Victor now, make a mental note of the awoos. if we have enough time investigate the wolves. if not, stick with the Victor plan because he's not here to fuck spiders unless he's a spiderfucker

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99a8a5 No.399169


Voted for seeing victor immediately.kept giving me an error message for some reason

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8d93df No.399209


>Yeah nah go see Victor now. No rest for the Wicked.

He said to go see him, best do it without dicking around… too much. I'm not wanting to recruit a wolven war party, but let's ask the incubus about what he meant by his words, since otherwise we're probably going to have it catch us off guard at some point.

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201f78 No.399586

>Go see Victor.

“By your leave, Esteemed Senators, my Lords and Ladies…” You offered, sketching another bow.

“By all means, Pilgrim.” the female senator sighed, waving her dismissal. “The Children of the Void are not known for their patience.”

“I’ll find you.” Mark hapaered, grabbing your arm as you passed him. “Don’t do anything stupid, and by Maou’s ample buttocks, don’t promise anything I’ll have to deliver on.”

“Do you want your Mistress rescued or not?” You retorted simply.

“Last time I ever ask a favour of a Reitian…” Mark chuckled softly, releasing your arm with a sardonic smile.

You made your way through the crowd, men and women, Human and Mamono looking at you curiously as you followed the wake of the Corvidian’s passage. It should have been a simple matter, you assumed, to follow the passage of one such as the Black Knight, yet all too soon you found yourself lost amongst the labyrinthine halls of Fort Caladon.

“Oof!” You exhaled explosively as your lower body impacted with something solid.

“Watch where yer goin!” A harsh, female voice exclaimed, a meaty hand shoving at your midsection.

“Your pardon madam… I…” You began, your eyes panning down as your voice trailed off in puzzlement at the sight before you.

She was a diminutive thing as far as height went, four and a half feet if she was an inch. Yet there was an implacable solidity to her bearing, her shoulders and breast wide and expansive, her arms and legs powerfully muscular. Her hair was shorn at the nape and temple, a long, coarse braid hanging down her back, her body clad in rune-etched plate armor.

“What’s the matter, lank?” The short woman demanded. “Never seen a dwarf before?”

“I have not. I will admit.” You stated honestly. “My apologies.”

“Yer cute, for a tall one…” The dwarf stated appraisingly. “…I might be willin’ to overlook bein’ stepped on if…”

“Madam, I am a Pilgrim of Reitia, with all that position implies.” You interjected quickly. Better to head that particular conversation off before it began.

“Oh!” The dwarf exclaimed. “You’re that one. Ser Victor’s expecting you. C’mon.”

“You uh… Know the Corvidian?” You blurted as the dwarf seized your wrist in her hand, dragging you along the hallway.

“I’m his squire.” The dwarf responded almost sunnily, smiling over her shoulder at you. “Name’s Sasha.”

“Deniel.” You replied bemusedly. “What would have happened if I wasn’t who you were looking for?”

“I’d probably be dragging you to an entirely different room.” Sasha quipped without a hint of shame, winking at you saucily.

“Madam!” You exclaimed, flushing a deep crimson at the implication.

“You’re adorable!” Sasha laughed, yanking you around a corner and unceremoniously pulling open a heavy wooden door. “In there.”

You straightened your clothing self-consciously as you entered the room, the sound of the door closing behind you unmistakable. Before you knelt a figure in a simple black robe, and before the figure, an orb of utter nothingness, reality shimmering in its periphery as if the world itself feared being sucked into its stygian depths.

“It shall be as you command, O my God.” the figure stated humbly. “Yet I fail to see…”

You cleared your throat, and the figure’s head raised slightly.

“Come in, little brother. We mustn’t lurk in doorways.” He chuckled. “One might question our upbringing.”

“I was raised in the Abbey of Blessed Innocence, Sir Knight.” You replied somewhat chidingly. “I would not presume to question the Mothers so.”

“Raised… Not born…” The Corvidian remarked, rising to his feet. He was powerfully built, even moreso than Jamie, and taller than you by a good three inches. His bare chest was unmarked, and part of you sighed in relief that you would not again be confronted with a history of Dark Magic.

“Come.” Victor beckoned, gesturing towards the orb of nothingness. “What do you see?”

“Nothing.” You admitted, your pulse quickening as the knight drew you closer to it.

“Just so…” Victor agreed, squeezing your shoulder. “…The stillness and darkness of the void which exists between worlds. The Nothing… The Hunger which my Master holds yet at bay.”

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201f78 No.399587


“I rest secure in the embrace of the All-Mother of Creation.” You intoned, squeezing your eyes closed. “In all trials, never do I walk alone.”

“Just so, little brother!” Victor chuckled softly, waving his hand at the orb which flickered out of existence. “We too, are never alone… Corvus speaks to us, even as His Holy Daughter speaks to you… We are the same, after a fashion.”

“Forgive me, Sir…” You stammered, every cell in your body screaming at you to run, flee, get as far away from this servant of destruction as you could. “…I don’t understand.”

“Jamie told you of the garden, yes?” Victor continued, pulling up a chair and gesturing for you to be seated. “And of the duty of the Black Knights of Corvus in holding fast the weeds which would encroach upon it?”

“He did.” You admitted, sitting on the offered chair. “You hunt Dark Mages…”

“A small part of our charge.” Victor mused. “You have met young Sasha, I take it?”

“Your Squire?”

“It pleases her to think herself so.” Victor admitted. “What do you know of the Dwarves?”

“Very little, I confess. They live in the deep places of the earth, and worship no Gods, revering instead the spirits of their ancestors.”

“There are things in the deeps… in the darkness beyond the ken of Heaven and Hell… Old things… Dark things…” Victor explained, taking another seat opposite you. “Lord Corvus is posessed of a singular love for His Daughter, and for the beauty of Her Creation. Dark Mages threaten it, aye, but greater threat comes from things forgotten in the deep places.”

“Dagon.” You blurted, suddenly understanding.

“Him and his ilk.” Victor nodded. “Evil beyond mortal understanding sleeps in the hidden places. The depths of the sea, the cthonian reaches of the earth, the vastness of the spaces between the stars.”

“Why are you telling me this?” You demanded.

Victor leaned forward, his chestnut hair hanging before steel-grey eyes. “I can smell its touch on you… You’ve used it once, yes?”

“I didn’t know” You whimpered, suddenly feeling very small.

“No. You did not… For I do not sense the temptation upon your soul… the thought that you could control it… master it… do you think perhaps one day, you could?”

“I want to spread love, and the furtherance of love, as the Holy Mother has instructed.” You replied instinctively. “I don’t want it. Any of it.”

“I know.” Victor nodded, squeezing your shoulder again, yet comfortingly. “But could you call upon it, given no other choice? To guard love, to protect those cherished by the Rafnsdottir?”

“I’m only a pilgrim…” You sobbed helplessly “…I can’t…”

“Forgive me.” Victor stated passionlessly. “You have not yet faced that tribulation, and I am unworthy of forcing it upon you. Know though, little brother, that one day you shall be confronted with it, in the day that you face your destiny… in the day you speak the name, Father…”

‘How dare you!?” You snarled, a crackling of mystical energy springing forth about your arms. “Ne Pireda Cirice…”

“Ne Pireda Ramaniael.” Victor intoned, and a conflagration of light and darkness erupted within the room, shaking loose items to the floor as angels became manifest within it.

“If you touch my Deniel…” Cirice hissed, locked in a grapple with an umbral angel, her armor shining like a star.

“Your authority does not encompass me, Cupid!” The Umbral Angel retorted, her inhumanly beautiful features twisted in a grimace as she struggled against the rose-glowing figure of your angelic fiancee.

“You see? We are the same.” Victor concluded. “Ramaniael… Release her.”

“My love, I…” The Umbral objected.

“Cirice… I was out of order.” You admitted.

“Deniel…” Cirice whispered, releasing the Dark Angel reluctantly and floating to your side, touching your cheek briefly. “…You stink of that Thrall.”

You grinned sheepishly “I’m sorry.”

Cirice’s perfect features twisted into a petulant pout. “Hmph… Well… Deal with it sooner rather than later. You owe me a kiss.”

“I can sense my sister within him.” The Dark Angel stated gloweringly. “It is Heresy.”

“All things end as the Dark God dictates, my love.” Victor offered, kissing the Umbral Angel’s hand lingeringly. “Go. I believe he understands now.”

In a shattering thump of soundless thunder, both angels vanished from view.

“I can’t escape it… Can I?” You sighed dejectedly.

“Only the Gods know the end of your path.” Victor stated simply “And Lord Corvus has not shown it to me. Now. What do you seek to repay the Kindness shown to Jamie?”

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201f78 No.399588

“What’s with the shortstack?” Mark demanded as the Corvidian and his “Squire” dismounted the smoking felsteed, before it vanished into a cloud of black smoke.

“Shortstack?!” Sasha seethed, rounding on the vampire’s thrall, murder writ large in her eyes.

“She’ll be coming with us. Her people are resistant to all kinds of magic.” You explained quickly, putting yourself between the Thrall and the Dwarf. “She can help.”

“Oh.” Mark remarked simply, taking another pull from the blood flask. His eyes widened as he removed it from his lips, their red-rimmed expanses speaking to his growing horror as he tipped it upside down.

“Empty…” He moaned despairingly.

“Time is not our ally in this.” Victor stated simply. “Do you have the means to speed yourself hence?”

“The damn witch will be able to smell us a mile off if I do!” Mark blustered.

“Good.” Victor nodded. “I want her to know I come…There can be no mistaking our intent.”

“Excuse me…” You interjected. “…Uh… I don’t…”

“If you have the capacity to learn, I can teach you how to speak to the Void.” Victor offered.

“Ohhhh no no no…” Mark interjected. “…Never met a man who didn’t go a bit mad after staring into the void for the first time. Deniel, you’re a stout lad, yeah? Give me a half a pint of your blood and we’ll be right as rain, trust me.”

>Learn Void Magic from Victor

>Trust Mark’s Blood Magic

>Fuck ‘em both, Call Cirice to fly you there

>Something Else?

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43f281 No.399623


>Learn Void Magic from Victor

Most people may go a bit mad when they stare into the void. But Deniel is not like most people. Most do not have the souls of umbral and celestial angels mixed with their own. Lets learn this magic.

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5ae74d No.399627


Honestly, I think we should ask Circie for her opinion.

On one hand, We kinda owe Mark at this point since he's always been right thus far, But I am kinda weary about giving a bloodmage our own blood. That usually ends poorly in most normal cases, And we have a ton of ludicrously potent angel blood in us. Hell we might inadvertently smite Mark if he's not expecting it.

On the other side, We get a new branch of powers but at the cost of possibly going a tad bit insane, While looking to face a very formidable and tricky foe, Who's ultimate goal is to rape and consume us. On that note, Perhaps we should make an agreement with Mark and Victor that should things start to look poor and we are killed, That they at first opportunity dispose of our body, So the witch can't get her hands on our blood or essence

Can't really pick a side, But under no circumstances should we allow Circie to be anywhere near or anyhow involved in this expedition. We cannot allow even the smallest chance that Mother can get her hands on Circie. We die first

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43f281 No.399630


>I think we should ask Circie for her opinion.

We shouldn't bug her about every little thing. But I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask her, mentally. Though she'll obviously be against giving our blood to the thrall.

>Can't really pick a side

Like I pointed out, that speculation about madness is for normal people. And Deniel himself has observed that due to the influence of the angels bound to him, there is virtually no magic that he couldn't learn. I see no reason not to expand our horizons (and power) with this void magic.

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5ae74d No.399631


I normally agree but this is mainly an excuse to give RD a chance to chime in.

As for Circie herself, I'd probably wager the first option. As disgusting as she finds the thrall, Its ultimately a safe action for us, Assuming Mark doesn't just explode like a hand grenade. While I'd support your reasoning in regards to our mental fortitude, And lean to it as well, We are still taking an irrevocable risk on Deniel's behalf.

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43f281 No.399632


Another thing worth noting is that "the Void" is Corvus, who is literally the father of Reitia, and a good man (God). So I doubt even Reitia would disapprove, though I can't say that with certainty. I know that she loves her father dearly, as much as he loves her back. I don't know if you've read any of the lore beyond this story, so I may be overstating some of this, if you have.

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43f281 No.399634



Now that I think on it, we should ask Reitia how she feels about us interacting with other Gods. I don't think she'd be jealous if it were her own Father, but you never know.

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43f281 No.399635


If you haven't read the other stories (they are great and really add a lot to this one), and you'd like to then let me know and I'll give you links.

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2ff98b No.399638


learning void magic wins because getting the succ from a sparklepire is big gay

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fc563a No.399769


I'm against giving mark our blood because i'm not sure how that would affect him, given our circumstances with our folks. I'd be with learning some void magic. I think Deniel has the fortitude to do so, even after learning about how mom and dad fucked us up.

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6f3ab9 No.399772


I dunno, I'm up for letting Mark have some of our blood, but only if we bleed into a jar or something and then he drinks it, because him sucking it directly would be gay

I'm hoping to bully Cirice by smelling of femdom until she pins us down and forcibly bathes us, then bullying her some more for thinking femdom smells stinky

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