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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 077299cef4d655f⋯.png (929.15 KB,1600x400,4:1,Monster Girl Dreams Banner.png)

18475d No.384582

Can't believe no one has made a thread for this yet or even mentioned it here as far as I can tell, so I'm gonna try and do it JUSTICE and share it with all of you. Monster Girl Dreams is a text-based Battle Fuck RPG where you play a male adventurer whose trying to stop the demon queen, but due to the island that the game takes place in having a barrier in place that prevents all acts of violence, the only way to do combat is to fuck the enemy into submission, the enemy, in this case, being an assortment of cute and sexy monster girls who are trying to do the same to you. The game is extremely vanilla with a large emphasis on femdom, being just the male and human player character pitted against the monster girl (or girls in some group fights) seeing who can sex the other into submission. The game has a sizable amount of content in it, with more being added at a good pace with no outlandish promises or falling behind on due date, and features both original monsters and some of the monsters from the MGE such as the Manticore, Kunoichi, Wurm, etc. Also, it's very easy to mod and already has a few mods for the game. Yeah, I know I'm being a shill here but goddamn this game fucking deserves it, it's a vanilla femdom monster girl game that's not been subverted and taken over by furfags because the creator adamantly opposes and refuses to add futa, furry, and other degenerate fetishes that attract them like flies to shit no matter how many Patreonbux they try to throw at him. It's like this game was made specifically for us, and while I won't link the games Patreon for obvious reasons, it gets a pittance of money when it deserves so much more.

>Most Recent Update 19.4





>The wiki, which also has all of the enemies from the game and a download list of all the mods of the game.


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ad7c3b No.384583

>the only way to do combat is to fuck the enemy into submission

Would be better if there was a game about wrestling monster girls into submission.

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4d5338 No.384586

>girl on far right

Please tell me that isn't Plasmid's art.

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18475d No.384587

File: 91f3ead175edaa8⋯.png (606.57 KB,1000x720,25:18,mimic_dom.png)


Yeah, it is, they also did the Mimic, which is not nearly as bad. The girl on the far right is considered by many to have awful and the worst art in the game, to the point that one of the mods just straight up replaces her with better art. Luckily, shes also a non-combat npc with no sex scenes that just sells you skills.

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b8e332 No.384588

File: 88cad676a99e0e1⋯.jpg (5.74 KB,137x200,137:200,nope.jpg)



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b8e332 No.384589

File: 5ea72c0b6746e68⋯.png (54.75 KB,156x227,156:227,plasmid memearrows.png)

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fba48f No.384590


Plasmid is a gud boi, but he hyperaccentuates his drawings to the point where they're disgusting. A shame.

Anyway, so is this game text based like CoC or more like MGQ?

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b8e332 No.384591


His art would be improved if the mouths he draws didn't look so weird.

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67151f No.384594


There's a lot more steps to it becoming good art than that. Especially the fucking cheekbones.

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a9c335 No.384595


I would say it's a combo of both. It's's not as linear as MGQ is, but it's also not an open world like CoC is. There's a set list of places you go to one after another to progress the story, but each place has side content to be explored and different monsters in each area.

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ebb5bb No.384615


>list of mods for the game

Oh shit there are mods for it? Nice, going to test some of them out

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52081f No.384620

It's an enjoyable game but the whole setting still stands with the tints of faggotry, I recall of one of the Succubus sisters dreams about being in a gangbang with men.

Thankfully the creator has made no such content yet.

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9659a4 No.384641

File: 990ed7efe0bd0f7⋯.jpg (78.44 KB,526x600,263:300,1542813608289.jpg)



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b2c631 No.384650

File: 0e04c3cb96f8fe4⋯.png (352.88 KB,620x1000,31:50,matango_shy.png)


With an actually good matango But yeah it sucks that some girls don't have art yet

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d14e46 No.384665


I await for annoying fucks to start asking for more chaos like monster girls on the patreon. It always happens.

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9b4336 No.384666

File: d938d347fd1de65⋯.png (373.95 KB,620x877,620:877,kyra_normal_blush.png)


One thing that could make this game even better is the option to pay your debt (after a lot of grinding, saving money or enough progress on your quest), then fuck off back home with your new wife you encountered on the island. Demon Queen? Don't care, she's doing a fine job.

Kyra's pretty cute too.

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6a1182 No.384675


>crank up cock sensitivity using the extra points to lower all my other parts

>select hard mode and max out arousal and power

>chose monstrous fetish for maximum good taste

>proceed to kiss and caress my way through the game, only experiencing a challenge from noticeably higher level enemies

Is this game supposed to be difficult?

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36291b No.384683


> Kyra's pretty cute too.

Have you tried anal?>>384675

> Is this game supposed to be difficult?

It's in alpha; it also sounds like you minmaxed. Also, how far are you?

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18475d No.384710


Yeah, there are some annoying faggots in the game’s discord that keep whining at the creator to add ‘just one futa’ to the game to cover all the fetishes, as if that won’t just cause a slippery slope that attracts more of their kind which in turn would get even more of a following for wanting futa, perpetuating a cycle of faggotry. Luckily, the creator either outright ignores them or gives them the same excuse each time of just make a mod of it yourself if you want it so bad. The creator is adamantly opposed to adding it to the game, as well as other degenerate things like monster boys, no matter how hard people beg. So thankfully there isn’t a need to worry about the game eventually being infested with degeneracy.

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b8bb44 No.384734

Turns out you can cycle between cleanse lust and invigorate for infinite hp and energy.

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c26013 No.386758

Version 19.6 was released a couple days ago and it added some more manticore content.

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187491 No.386761


his art's a little weird but it ain't that bad

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96dbb4 No.386822


The man is a hero is all that is true.

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94d8be No.389549


How have I not heard of this? Thanks for sharing man, will definitly check it out.

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fc794a No.394619

File: d044d43283ecbea⋯.png (187.4 KB,1156x631,1156:631,27772a83f1b1e89452a9180492….png)

File: 083bd1f642aa622⋯.png (332.5 KB,670x947,670:947,Ancilla_Base.png)

I was very pleasantly surprised with this. The main "story" writing and dialogue can get a little too cartoonish and cliche for my liking, but all of the scenarios for monsters and encounters are really enjoyable. I don't think there was a single character I didn't like (Well, there's Vivian, but that's pretty clearly intentional). My favorite now has to be Ancilla. I'm impressed with just how much written content there is packed into each area and monster for different scenes they have and reactions in combat.

I like the "stance" system that changes what skills are available for the player and what skills the monsters can use depending on the current sex positions. There's a lot of reverse spitroast, which is a fetish of mine, though I fear it may end up overused. The one criticism I have for it for now is that some descriptions for the player ejaculating don't check all the other stances. If one monster is having sex with the player, and another monster makes him cum with a facesit attack, it says he ejaculates into the air or on some part of the facesitting monster's body. I just got through the main content that's been finished so far and this is my character I had at the end. My "strategy" ended up being to charm my opponent at the start of a battle and then penetrating them and using Pound over and over, with perks and stats going into making that more effective and reaching the requirements to buy as many skills as possible. The only thing I haven't done so far is Kotone's challenge, though I'm lost on how I should prepare for that. I only hope the dev can keep up the quality, because I'm quite happy with what's here so far.

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a75fc7 No.394621




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ebb5bb No.394630


Taking feet as your fetish actually sounds like a decent idea since very few monsters use foot attacks, meaning its harmless 9/10 times

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e91b16 No.394662

File: 299dcd5f64ce02e⋯.png (77.08 KB,331x233,331:233,marie look at this fucker.png)


>powergaming in a monstergirl smut title

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ebb5bb No.394666

File: f90f1c27da753d5⋯.png (19.95 KB,203x209,203:209,f90f1c27da753d5b273ab6c308….png)


>not powergaming in a MG smut gayme

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e91b16 No.394667

File: ec5f89ab2e3f4c6⋯.png (285.34 KB,473x334,473:334,tryhards.png)


>I'm a footfag because the stats

nice try satan

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fc794a No.394707

File: a6c6f79483354c0⋯.png (754.72 KB,767x720,767:720,1457575403356.png)




Guys, I took two fetishes for a little added challenge and I literally just used a randomizer to decide. Please don't do this. I just wanted to talk about the game.

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c26013 No.394996

Does anyone know how to unlock Sofia’s second fight? I beat her once more in my overleveled save but nothing happened.

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bb86ce No.395013

File: 14ef5e8dce054c3⋯.jpg (110.47 KB,487x487,1:1,I can't even....jpg)


Choose a reward and then say you want to fight her again but harder his time then the 2nd fight should start.

Don't use the Demon Slayer too much else she will insta-KO you and you can't fight even back

Bullshit i know,i really wanted to kick her lazy ass but the game didn't allow me too

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c26013 No.395034


If you stack buffs and debuff her defense you can deal some pretty significant damage with only two.

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7cc3a7 No.397119

Any advice for beating Shinzu? I keep trying to restrain the clones with magical binding and then hitting the main one with electrify and demon layer. I can get about 200 damage on her before I can't keep up with restraining them all.

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c26013 No.397161


I didn’t bother with the clones. I just buffed up with magic touch, the crit buff and the defense buff that lasted more than 2 turns before whipping her like cream. If you have the willpower, teleport will get you out of the group stances.

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7e5db4 No.397193


Thanks, I got stuck in a blowjob and was able to to buff myself and face fuck her into submission. The rng gods were on my side because every turn the two clones just posed provocatively..

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7cc3a7 No.397716

How autistic am I /monster/? I got so fed up trying to beat the two onis wtih Kotone's challenge that I created a skill that does 500 damage and modded it into the game. I was easily able to beat them, but the victory felt so hollow that I reloaded to a save before the battle.

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05734f No.397843


Why is she so perfect

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014a87 No.397887



Sofia is vulnerable to Sleep effects and while she is sleeping she doesn't notice you using Demon Slayer. Just put her to sleep, wail on her with Demon Slayer until she wakes up, repeat. Note that if she wakes up before your attack lands it WILL count, so either be careful about it or make sure you can kill her in the time it takes her to wake up three times.

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50fa59 No.400546

Are there any links up for the newest version?

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ebb5bb No.400555

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