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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: f070aa38ab285c8⋯.jpg (67.38 KB,512x512,1:1,f07.jpg)

60b068 No.379747 [Last50 Posts]

pray to your godess

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b104b3 No.379748

File: 8fb65ef684f2c0d⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.98 MB,5000x4500,10:9,71726328_p0.png)

File: 321c1c7dd9753de⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.74 MB,5000x4500,10:9,71726328_p1.png)

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3a75cd No.379758

File: 7fddd23565464b9⋯.png (44.62 KB,696x290,12:5,hero cuck.png)

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c913f4 No.379759


That game was trash tbh

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8b8449 No.379761


Trash or not, it was probably what got many of us into monster girls in the first place.

Kind of funny. Usually the "gateway drug" is small and inconspicuous. In this case it's littered with vore and unbirth.

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687d4f No.379762


The Visual Novel is trash i agree but the sequel Paradox is great though

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f497d4 No.379763

File: 1b8349641d7be7d⋯.mp4 (4.85 MB,476x268,119:67,Microwave.mp4)


>Making an Illias thread

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b5767b No.379764

File: 75c96bf378ab02f⋯.png (277.36 KB,710x509,710:509,75c96bf378ab02ffaa44b8166f….png)

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9049ce No.379769


Ilias is proof that even goddesses need a dicking

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ecb0e1 No.379770

File: 62d31f238fc4998⋯.png (920.27 KB,1200x1440,5:6,ilias.png)



Monster Girl Quest is a timeless if somewhat flawed classic that I will treasure no matter how much autism gets attached to it. Even if it's filled with vore and niche gross-out stuff, it's about finding the aspects and moments that matter to you.

(I'm not really in the Ilias "camp" myself, but I'm always willing to reach across the aisle.)

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d62277 No.379775


>insane whore trying to rape her grandson

>anyone's goddess


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0ad7b1 No.379778

File: e05b08595d4bab2⋯.png (429.97 KB,750x1000,3:4,inktober19.png)



>anything but gutter trash

>praying to an omnicidal, incestuous, (((goddess)))

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97910c No.379781

Name absolutely one (1) thing Illias did wrong. That's a rhetorical question, because, as we all know, she did absolutely nothing wrong.

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c913f4 No.379786


Being part of a shit game

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0ad7b1 No.379810


>name one thing she did wrong


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4cf1de No.379886

File: 82e1a8a74cd88db⋯.png (14.79 KB,1118x838,559:419,A0E2F146-6F58-4C4C-A5AD-57….png)




>Thinking the masterpiece that is MGQ is in any way trash besides shoving in a few abominations that still are dwarfed in comparison to the number of cute monster girls.

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c913f4 No.379888

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Thinking that MGQ is a masterpiece

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967998 No.379889

MGQ was a horribly degenerate game with few good waifus. Reminder to all of you that the trash that existed in MGQ is in no way accepted here.

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4fed87 No.379899


What is it with all these newfags talking shit about MGQ?

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a4070a No.379900

File: 71fc5e0f877e7d0⋯.png (616.62 KB,800x600,4:3,Tentacle Chimera.png)


muh poster cred, but gotta sift through the shit to get to the nice ones.


Without a doubt

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999461 No.379901



What's with all these faggots trying to normalize degeneracy and act like MGQ's deviance was not always rightfully bullied?

Back to >>>/chaos/ with you now

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033374 No.379902


The point is it has bullshit in it but is still fun you larping nigger.

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999461 No.379904


>directing degeneracy back to /chaos/ is larping

Lurk more

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a4070a No.379905

File: 37cfc166e4ce3bf⋯.png (576.95 KB,799x598,799:598,latest.png)

File: f478c0b6c89a501⋯.jpg (352 KB,1920x1200,8:5,FILE2605.jpg)

File: 2d0d8db3e3e2a3e⋯.jpg (160.45 KB,1069x853,1069:853,1437542749483.jpg)


People around here are more than capable of bullying when it's called for posting one of the more unfavored creatures in game (Roper, Many of the angels). Go be a nigger elsewhere. This is now a general MGQ thread.

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c0a35b No.379915

File: bc00c9248d7d8b2⋯.png (2.95 MB,1912x1244,478:311,Goddess_Ilias.png)

Ilias was lonely. I honestly feel bad for her.

She's also a qt3.14. She needs some love.

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967998 No.379916


This is cuckchan tier you nigger

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a4070a No.379917

File: 5bb1f2ebc9f647a⋯.png (254.27 KB,680x680,1:1,5bb1f2ebc9f647aed820a4517a….png)

File: 47693d4f213e0aa⋯.png (608.58 KB,1004x1000,251:250,1437078360610.png)

File: 44cb4eb34cd9f84⋯.jpg (432 KB,999x1397,999:1397,FILE1152.jpg)


If you wanted more, all you had to do was ask.

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967998 No.379918


>Embrace my faggotry

What may seem good here is truly marred by it's true ugly side. Like any 3DPD girl lmao.

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a4070a No.379920

File: cdd966e8e3f867a⋯.jpg (250.64 KB,566x800,283:400,1449901886625.jpg)

File: 9c652e46d30709d⋯.jpg (227.9 KB,1600x1200,4:3,1458503993021.jpg)

File: c09db2085d80c88⋯.png (155.7 KB,445x667,445:667,1470492850400-0.png)

File: 0e1f53214b0d21b⋯.jpg (54.82 KB,500x461,500:461,1455063234268.jpg)


While Illias needs it, Promo was a good girl who didn't deserve what she got. Should consider checking out Paradox at some point.

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06aafb No.379924

File: 1c371094c492340⋯.jpg (507.21 KB,695x876,695:876,ehag.jpg)


>implying that the game doesn't have some of the most hearwarming, touching scenes in all vidya, like when you buy Alice a ribbon and when you find it in her chest.

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264a0e No.379927


Ive honestly never played it, whats the plot? is there hand holding?

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0ad7b1 No.379928

File: f47dc04a97d1f71⋯.png (273.02 KB,438x720,73:120,U wot m8.png)


>posting bullybait foxes with best girl

U 'avin a giggle m8?

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f497d4 No.379929

File: e83091c0a1677c6⋯.mp4 (2.27 MB,640x360,16:9,MonsterGirlQuest.mp4)


Luka is a permashota who wants to get baptized so he can become a hero and make force peace between monster girls and humans, but Alice see >>379924 makes him late and so he starts his journey with Alice who constantly berates him and lets herself get cucked if Luka gets raped by a series of disgusting and cute monster girls. And by rape I mean he generally get's succ'd to death, vore'd, or raped by loli's for eternity and no there is no handholding

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06aafb No.379931


Well, in some ends, after he has lost to a cutie, they force him to marry them and live a lovey-dovey life in some village for the rest of his life.

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c0a35b No.379936

File: 166de0c8bf4e13d⋯.jpg (269.59 KB,921x1280,921:1280,tamamo.jpg)


Tamamo never kills Luka, instead marrying him. I also believe Ilias never kills Luka.

The vast majority of the monsters and angels are malicious, so the mgq is not a good universe to end up in.

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ecb0e1 No.379955

File: 8a6477ba62e849d⋯.png (302.64 KB,960x720,4:3,bestending.png)


Truly the best ending.

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1667a2 No.379959


>good girl

Maybe. Prom is largely the same in Paradox. Which is science unrestrained by ethics or morals.

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c913f4 No.379967


What's with all these newfags defending MGQ?


>Luka is a permashota

And a monsterboy

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0a0ca2 No.379968


>And a monsterboy

Are you really that new?

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c913f4 No.379969





>monstergirls and yes they have been considered that numerous times over the past few years on this board

>literally any female demi-human even if they look exactly like a human


>half angel

>not a monster boy

<but muh MGQ definition for monstergirls

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0a0ca2 No.379970


>haha, his mother is an angel, so he's a monsterboy

I guess /monster/ hates having sons now.

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c913f4 No.379971


He is literally described in the game as being half angel and has angel powers faggot. It's not a case of MGs birthing human sons

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6a6428 No.379979

File: 80b7cac927e10ae⋯.gif (352.85 KB,672x716,168:179,1541974056417.gif)


But some angels in MGQ are considered distinct from monsters read; some, not those act 3 abominations therefor would Luka, being half angel not make him a humanboy since he is not the spawn of a man and a monster but rather man and angel?

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0a0ca2 No.379982


He's human, the "angel powers" are just stat boosts, something that's /monster/ approved.

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297169 No.379985

File: 57210f377197bbd⋯.png (121.93 KB,667x1198,667:1198,1445210924784.png)

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ce4a39 No.379987


>is a foodie

>drinks the bottled refuse that is pepsi

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297169 No.379989


Ilias drinks the superior liquid jew.

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ce4a39 No.379990


If you are going to drink sugar water at least drink one that tastes good.

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297169 No.379991


Im confused, you know she's calling alice a faggot for liking pepsi, right?

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ce4a39 No.379992


Of course I do. I said Pepsi tastes like shit you replied stating Ilias drinks the better soda. I agreed saying that if you are going to drink something unhealthy at least drink one that actually tastes good.

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0a0ca2 No.379994






Pepsi and coke taste the fucking same.

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034f45 No.379995


I bet none of these bitches drink the superior Cheerwine. Or even mix Cheerwine and bourbon.

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ce4a39 No.379996


Cheerwine is good shit.


You are factually incorrect in addition to having shit taste you Pepsi apologist.

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0a0ca2 No.380002

File: a75fd6751097f81⋯.png (77.23 KB,800x419,800:419,ClipboardImage.png)



the fucking


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ce4a39 No.380005


What's life like without taste buds?

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06aafb No.380047

File: 93dc157a5dafe83⋯.gif (236.08 KB,311x267,311:267,don't.gif)

Enough with the stupid talk about soda. Post more cute pictures of Alice.

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06aafb No.380049


>The vast majority of the monsters and angels are malicious

All the kitsunes and harpies are kind to him after they've won, I think.

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22b4e3 No.380052

File: 8ee4adb4a5702c6⋯.png (96.24 KB,279x200,279:200,630.png)

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ecb0e1 No.380053

File: 810599244745159⋯.jpg (107.49 KB,500x500,1:1,1431092265406.jpg)

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e97910 No.380057

File: 6add1782f62c12c⋯.jpg (141.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,nia.jpg)

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06aafb No.380070

File: cece4afe2861239⋯.png (315.89 KB,400x582,200:291,foxgirl11.png)

File: 0b5b620461e5726⋯.jpg (673.18 KB,1000x700,10:7,dsagaw.jpg)


Like pic related.

Why was Tamamo the only one of the first 6 monsters that managed to escape the seal? You'd think the other monsters would figure out the trick eventually.

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746c21 No.380073


Because Tamamo is best girl.

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7cb1c3 No.380082


Harpies need humans to survive. Kitsunes are earth spirits, and generally “nice” in the myths.

Most people that waifu girls from mgq are completely forgetting the fact that most of the popular monsters would probably eat you without a second thought.

Dating Saya has less risks involved.

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06aafb No.380090

File: 1c4d4bbfbe5839e⋯.jpg (158.02 KB,800x600,4:3,gaweg.jpg)


>Harpies need humans to survive.

All the monster girls need humans for reproduction. Harpies are no different from the rest in that regard.

>Most people that waifu girls from mgq are completely forgetting the fact that most of the popular monsters would probably eat you without a second thought.

During their journey, Alice and Luka talk about how it's just a tiny minority of monsters that eat their prey. Supposedly, most of them either kidnap and marry the men or make the guys into semen slaves. Luka runs into a fair bit of carnivorous monsters, which may contradict what Alice said. Maybe he just got unlucky.

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06aafb No.380093

File: a7eb46cf3482ce7⋯.jpg (901.48 KB,1920x1080,16:9,spirits1.jpg)

File: 9106466a94723d0⋯.jpg (79.69 KB,283x286,283:286,agwea.jpg)

File: 60391882e94a7e8⋯.jpg (400.06 KB,600x842,300:421,gawg.jpg)

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8d99f6 No.380094


If I remember correctly, slime girl, Alice, and succubus kill luka.

Tamano and dragon don’t.

That’s a 3/5 kill to live ratio for the strongest monsters.

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0ad7b1 No.380097


I think it has to be cast before the seal's finished. If the monster get sealed/seals herself before giving herself the body of a five year old …. they're stuck there until entropy claims them

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06aafb No.380099


Alice only does that when you challenge her in the beginning, or leave her on the ground to die. Only if you want to kill her or are callous towards her. I only remember Alma Elma doing that at the end, when you ask her to face you as a succubus. Doesn't she let you go on the boat and in the colloseum?

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c913f4 No.380116



I couldn't think of a more arbitrary distinction if my life depended on it

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916099 No.380168


I'm pretty sure she vores you with her tail on the boat It's been a while though


One thing I do remember is Alice saying that there are no monsters that actually need to eat humans to survive. There are ones that live on semen, and there are ones that are carnivorous, but the semen demons only need semen and the carnivores that do eat humans could live just as well off of animals if they weren't sadistic cunts.

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482788 No.380173


>Ilias was lonely. I honestly feel bad for her.


>She's also a qt3.14. She needs some love.

She's proof that monsters go crazy if they don't regularly receive the dick.

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a4070a No.380196


I guess pre-imprisoned Prom would be the better question, but even with that curiosity, you teach her the meaning of morality. Any good custom made MGQ scenarios someone would recommend? That or point me to a place where I can grab a translated Paradox

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0a0ca2 No.380197


>hurr durr that's arbitrary

>he says on a board filled with head cannon

You retarded nigger, /monster/ is completely fine with genetic status boost for sons and has talked about it multiple times before, actual monster traits, like living on semen, nonhuman characteristics and so on, are out.

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1667a2 No.380247


She does kill you on the boat. The monsters that can consume semen don't seem to live on it, and can get food from other sources. Its just an option open to them.


We only have her flashback to go on, and she doesn't see anything wrong with what she does. Some possible spoilers for Paradox: MGQ Prom is likely not dead. Every character that took the White Rabbit drug she developed survived their final battle. Illias got sealed and is now a main character, Black Alice might have been summoned back in time, and Prom is nowhere to be found. There is, however, a bit hinting that Prom was active trying to save everything from Chaos.

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9054e6 No.380252


>stat boost

You keep saying that to try and make it sound okay, while completely Ignoring the fact that the genetics comes from a monster. Your supposedly non-monster boy has monster genetics.

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0a0ca2 No.380253


There's a big fucking difference between a guy that's a bit more resistant to booze and gets muscles a bit easier than most and a fucking boy with a horn and red skin.

The first isn't a monsterboy, the second one is.

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b53cff No.380271


And yet there’s no difference between a girl that’s a bit more resistant to booze and gets muscles a bit easier that most and a fucking girl with a horn and red skin

the difference is your feelings

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0a0ca2 No.380314


If the girl is just "a bit more resistant to booze and gets muscles a bit " she is a human and you won't find anything like that.

>but hurr durr amazons

>but hurr durr witches

Every monster has something that clearly separates from a human girl, whether it's the behavior or the semen diet. Whereas human boys are still human boys that eat like human boys and look like human boys, with the only single different being a bit of genetics that could just as well be human.

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0ad7b1 No.380317


>giving (you)'s to 2int motherfuckers

That being said, there's no excuse for that pozz poster. If they want their fix of being bent over for a trip to poundtown by a monsterboy they can GTFO before their shattered shitters start leaking shit streaked semen all over the fucking place.

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2b301a No.380478

File: 8ff00e9b18afbf1⋯.png (154.72 KB,324x383,324:383,gnome says.png)


Don't suppose anyone has any more MGQ reaction images like this? I used to have a few more.




My niggas.

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c913f4 No.380484


>whether it's the behavior

>behaviour makes you a separate species

he isn't even trying anymore

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b1526e No.380522

File: 7d3bb7b634a6f78⋯.jpg (84.81 KB,418x455,418:455,93223.jpg)

File: 7b73a21dc55ce95⋯.jpg (67.77 KB,389x337,389:337,1324398123645.jpg)

File: 08cfc8092a0144e⋯.png (155.04 KB,356x438,178:219,1329342077946.png)

File: be13de148f3379d⋯.png (17.85 KB,199x183,199:183,1330125368478.png)

File: 741ab275a21162e⋯.jpg (16.5 KB,282x174,47:29,1333652365272.jpg)


I should have some lying around

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b1526e No.380523

File: 9a1e4c2abb643af⋯.jpg (170.09 KB,600x600,1:1,1330358952384.jpg)

File: 3e43ec0b885631c⋯.jpeg (298.58 KB,1000x1000,1:1,338345938d9d6be5541564f70….jpeg)

File: c6e4beaef3bd083⋯.jpg (228.32 KB,553x600,553:600,1330639441144.jpg)

File: 42340739b13bc2d⋯.png (46.27 KB,299x288,299:288,1338172576757.png)

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b1526e No.380524

File: fda116b67722d36⋯.jpg (140.62 KB,446x508,223:254,1344733615029.jpg)

File: 8efb850cb3a2045⋯.png (608.38 KB,800x600,4:3,1344033432996.png)

File: dc2d30a4ba1cfc8⋯.jpg (24.65 KB,250x250,1:1,1354380580672.jpg)

File: b255bc9832c1ec9⋯.jpg (20.98 KB,178x150,89:75,1356370419568.jpg)

File: 4489ac44d1956bc⋯.jpg (33.3 KB,640x480,4:3,1370132437605.jpg)

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b1526e No.380525

File: 6b4eb7bf31fdb6d⋯.png (48.48 KB,217x204,217:204,12839120839012.png)

File: c9520c2f6ae1426⋯.png (8.35 KB,380x275,76:55,1375068970948.png)

File: 8e6dde652d68286⋯.jpg (47.87 KB,512x450,256:225,liking vore.jpg)

File: 3ce291bcf6f1c62⋯.jpg (196 KB,749x426,749:426,1375090754300.jpg)

File: b4e96d2897a8ac4⋯.png (56.72 KB,256x352,8:11,Laughing kreutz man.png)


I'm just glad these are potentially getting some use to be honest

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2b301a No.380532

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c11cea No.380533


If he's a monsterboy why aren't you just reporting the pictures of him and moving on?

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06aafb No.380534


The harpie spin-off story. What a cutie. 10/10

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50f6c6 No.380697


There's a reason no one posted it before you. Go kill yourself.

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edba33 No.380759

File: 7f8245aada7ddda⋯.jpg (188.34 KB,614x1920,307:960,tumblr_odor8k0dPM1qm5kn7o1….jpg)

File: 0042563912e08f1⋯.jpg (249.43 KB,614x1920,307:960,tumblr_odor8k0dPM1qm5kn7o3….jpg)

File: aee84855394d467⋯.jpg (224.85 KB,614x1920,307:960,tumblr_odor8k0dPM1qm5kn7o2….jpg)

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3bb53a No.380811


That's one dedicated angel. She has my support, even in death.

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edba33 No.380859

File: 01b75b0a88d1bab⋯.jpg (226.03 KB,576x2048,9:32,01b75b0a88d1babb62e54af21b….jpg)

File: b23d64b5b2afa40⋯.jpg (192.85 KB,713x2048,713:2048,DLoFCyFUMAAYZ4w.jpg large.jpg)

File: c1c650a90544645⋯.jpg (197.41 KB,713x2048,713:2048,DLeDcz-V4AAm0WH.jpg large.jpg)

File: e6d121d3dbd36be⋯.jpg (145.17 KB,1140x1274,570:637,DDfge1UVwAAFVPP.jpg large.jpg)

File: ab6b6360703c114⋯.jpg (142.36 KB,972x836,243:209,1493358836980.jpg)

Xelvy's twitter has some interesting art.

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264a0e No.381647

I heard that there was an official manga made from the game, anyone know where I could find it? is there handholding?

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798463 No.381666

File: f2812e97faaca61⋯.jpg (84.14 KB,800x600,4:3,95ed74b396521df5e175b5d155….jpg)

File: 4667294f1e14945⋯.jpg (106.87 KB,1000x750,4:3,bb53afa535b7dade57f26d7d3b….jpg)

File: 3f963bb21f58c80⋯.jpg (128.13 KB,1000x600,5:3,be453d29783b75abe1b941c5ad….jpg)


An official manga? There's an official OVA but I don't know anything about an official manga. There are doujins by Setouchi though. SlapStickStrike did some pretty good stuff too.

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06aafb No.381674

File: 2cdb223bf1d5c1c⋯.jpg (300.16 KB,750x528,125:88,cutereaver.jpg)

Weren't these games massively successful, especially in the West? Why haven't the nips made more with femdom on shota and a nice story?

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06aafb No.381796

File: d0a6cee77f08241⋯.png (1.72 MB,1413x1060,1413:1060,gwerg.png)

Can anyone translate this one?

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798463 No.381846


They're nowhere near on the same level as MGQ, but I believe there's quite a few games out there that at least took inspiration from it. Violated Hero, Forest of the Blue Skins, Tokyo Tenma, Monstown! Monsu Town!, Quest Failed, etc.

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1667a2 No.381864


At the very least, Quest Failed missed the fact that Luka ended up being something of a monster in combat. The build up from loser to guy on par with some of the strongest around is part of what made people like it.

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06aafb No.381932

File: 480a56f84db6a73⋯.jpg (861.87 KB,1960x1080,49:27,lobo.jpg)

File: 046c66ff57b5d5f⋯.png (542.56 KB,600x600,1:1,1545526149830.png)

I found some more.

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798463 No.382043


I'm not going to hold it against them if they want to play up the femdom aspects even more by making Matty far less capable than Luka. With that said, Chapter 1 was less than a week in-game time and Matty still showed some resemblance of growth. He impressed Ruby enough for her to not kill him and fought off a couple zombies at the end. How much that actually matters with him getting nearly drowned by a rando mermaid the next day is debatable, but I'm expecting him to perform more feats of strength eventually.

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