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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 339929356f9fc5e⋯.jpg (54.84 KB,480x270,16:9,powerrangerscomics1280-153….jpg)

File: 3ba01b6e57eac59⋯.jpg (75.09 KB,1200x676,300:169,3431921-megazord1.jpg)

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3e99a1 No.379448 [View All]

I've had this idea floating in my head for a while, what would a squad of monster girl power rangers look like? What would they be fighting? Would they be a bunch of ara-ara's, or teenagers with attitude? Lets deliberate and come up with ideas.

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10cca5 No.379459

File: 816f7b3195d07d8⋯.jpg (28.34 KB,720x596,180:149,816f7b3195d07d8851c36e4b34….jpg)


Right, wish someone would draw MOAR.

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5b5815 No.379461

File: faa0fc1b9c9a3b0⋯.gif (1.94 MB,540x230,54:23,Jones.gif)


Red Ranger = Polt-esc dog girl

Blue Ranger = Baphomet who hates being a loli and uses the costume as a chance to not be flat

Pink Ranger = Cupid who secretly writes shitty fan fictions regarding her own group

Yellow Ranger = Tomboy kunoichi who constantly acts like a shonen protag

Green Ranger = Lizardwoman who always wanted to be a dragon since she was a kid

Black Ranger = Hellhound

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61cc51 No.379519

File: 2d100ccccafa55c⋯.png (748.33 KB,1212x379,1212:379,power ranger sneks.PNG)

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5696f8 No.379714

I've had the same idea too, though in the vein of magical girl mix with a bit of sentai. One of these days I'll get around to re-writing the first few bits. The end has a twist to it too

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43b0d2 No.379719



I wish I could say I thought of this the instant I read 'monstergirl power rangers', but I'm not that quick. Love it. Hellwan for life.

>Blue ranger

The original blue ranger was the nerdy one, right? Was thinking Anubis for that one.

>yellow ranger


I don't feel too strongly about the others.

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22f6eb No.379723

One of the Monsters of the Week would be a sentient condom whose evil plan is to slip itself onto dicks before they can impregnate mamonos. When the Mamono Rangers confront it, it inflates itself to the size of a skyscraper and grows a second layer (calling it the "Double Bag transformation") for additional durability and protection. The Rangers summon their Mamonozord and defeat it by using their ultimate move, the Mamono Mana Beam, which transforms it into a latex golem girl who wanders off to find a husband to pump her full of sperm so she can have a child of her own.

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b93f54 No.379726


>What would they be fighting?

Regular monsters from a parallel universe where monsters still eat people. They turn into monstergirls eventually, but on its own it happens slowly because they still carry demonic energy from the other universe. Fighting makes it happen faster because it forces them to burn their energy reserves.

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cd6cce No.379728

If they had tank "megazords" that would be awesome

As for recurring villians, you could use SIFT (Stop Importing Facshism Today) an 'antifascist' group who believe that monster girls propagate White Supremacy. They even call them "Monster-whites"(a label they apply to yetis, hotdoggos, and bunyips for some reason)

The Knights Of Humanity (KOH) the National Socalists and KKK members who see Monster Girls as "impuritoes"

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281df8 No.379730


>SIFT (Stop Importing Facshism Today) an 'antifascist' group who believe that monster girls propagate White Supremacy. They even call them "Monster-whites"(a label they apply to yetis, hotdoggos, and bunyips for some reason)

That's not an actual thing, right?

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cc6c69 No.379731

Would you stop with the names? You look like you’re 12.

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bf9493 No.379733


What are you referring to?

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cd6cce No.379734

>>379730 it's an organization in a story I'm working on.

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5696f8 No.379823


that sounds cringey in all honesty

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cd6cce No.379826


>Not cringy

>Power Rangers

Pick one.

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5696f8 No.379829


no the organization name and motivation are really cringey, like you just spent your first time on /pol/ or some shit.

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427e1c No.379831


He agrees with you that the whole concept is cringe. If you don't like the right wing elements that's whatever but it's not like he's introducing a new idea of religious zeolots or antifa being anti monster girl.

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e08261 No.379836

File: d5192914d5f3938⋯.png (208.23 KB,1000x1000,1:1,9BC20518-C18F-4394-A650-CF….png)

Friendly reminder that the yellow ranger died in a car accident on her way home from a wedding and was probably a good girl IRL and potentially should be canonized as a /monster/ saint as she lost her life involved in one of our most holy of events, marriage….

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5696f8 No.379837


Problem is how it's phrased is cringey, if you use fantasy terms and just take the motivation of real world organizations it becomes abit more palpable.

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427e1c No.379838


So what you're saying is if he didn't call the second group knights of humanity the cringe would be more palatable?

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b93f54 No.379843

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Rangers give the standard speech about the power of friendship

>autistic kaiju girl actually takes it to heart

Itassis was the best girl in the entire franchise.

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bdeaff No.379853

File: 855272761cfd20d⋯.jpg (136.87 KB,1280x720,16:9,Kamen Rider Drive.jpg)

File: 6204cc8cb7a14f2⋯.jpg (20.83 KB,300x225,4:3,caaaaaaranger_1918.jpg)

File: addb5f461f00615⋯.png (373.23 KB,614x382,307:191,turbo-1-01.png)


>All Monster-girl sentai

>It's Car/racing-themed like Carranger, Turboranger and Kamen Rider Drive

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cd6cce No.379854


Naw, do a tank theme, they haven't done tanks yet.

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281df8 No.379856



Shut the fuck up you little bitch, Power Rangers Turbo was the shit, I'll break your fucking neck.

You are going to watch Power Rangers Turbo MG versions and you're going to fucking like it.

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cd6cce No.379859


Mighty Raping Titty Rangers: Ghost Division.

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427e1c No.379862


They are the monster elite, born to compete, never retreat titty division.

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cd6cce No.379866


Live or undead, 3d girls dread, fed by your head.

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bc88d8 No.379891


Motherfucker we wish that there would be Nationalist Socialist monstergirls here right now.

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5696f8 No.379925


No the whole real world parallels thing is cringey, it's like leftist memes, it beats you over the head with what it is supposed to be as a analogue for a real world organization/.

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1c9e75 No.379932


It's not an idea that's new to this board or in general we have multiple stories with that as a core premise in the monsterization thread. He took a idea that is already established on the board and applied it to a cringe thread. The concept of monster girl powerangers is pretty cringy not that antifa would be against monster girls you dense bastard.

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5696f8 No.379933


Not as cringey as flat out beating the audience over the head with what the antagonists are meant to represent

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dbc199 No.379934

I propose the mamono zords are piloted Pacific Rim style. The mamono and the husband must pilot them in sync to create the pew pew guns and weapons to fight the villain of the week.

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15e9e5 No.379935


is your contention that monster girl power rangers lack subtly?

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dbc199 No.379937



>in a sentai show

nigger u high

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cd6cce No.379938


Cool idea

What about sneks, centaurs, fluffy tails, any tails, slimes, or tentacles.

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dbc199 No.379956


Imma go with something more magic based than science based for this one.

In this case, I would say that this is based around the mamono and the husband's mana to be in-sync so that they can both control the zord, much like the drift works in PR.

I would say that both users have to be in physical contact, to aid the flow of mana you see, in the most comfortable and long lasting way. Depending on the zord, they would hold hands, be wrapped around each other, in the case of a slime she'd completely envelop her husband, in the case of dragons and centaurs the husband riding, or just straight up fucking Darling in the Franxx style.

IDK man, I just really like the idea of mamonos only being able to access their greatest wealth of power when fighting alongside their human significant others, and only a strong relationship can save the day.

The villains would then plot to tear the mamono and their men apart, putting them through trials and problems that only galvanize their relationship and afford them even more power.

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b93f54 No.379965

File: b63186b6e7df8a4⋯.jpg (326.22 KB,4041x2878,4041:2878,Aeshi_Nero_Artwork.jpg)


Sandworm's zord is just sandworm with bulldozer parts strapped to her body.

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5696f8 No.380014


I smell rapefugee, no one can be this retarded in understanding what I'm saying

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cd6cce No.380060

I think sabaton's metal machine would make a great theme song.

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a27aba No.380062


We understand what you're saying we just think it's retarded.

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33fe74 No.380069

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Red senshi is a gremlin with /o/ autism who works on a mekboy-tier garage

>Blue senshi is a Yeti who's an off-road aficionado with a /k/-tier ability to drive and thrive on harsh terrain (mostly snow and ice)

>Yellow senshi is a zombie girl who works as a stunt driver/double for TV and movies

>Green senshi is an Orc "soccer mom" who's constantly behind the wheel to get her kids from school and sport practice

>Pink senshi is a Vampire, a street racer wannabe who watched too much Initial D

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cee756 No.380132

File: e22b83522c8ee95⋯.jpg (34.06 KB,449x481,449:481,1423850772924.jpg)


dude what you must be high as fuck. villains in power rangers hate or dislike the people in the planet that they attack.

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adf383 No.380152

Red: Obliviously lizardwoman

Blue: Gremlin

Yellow: Alp

Pink: Succuslut

Black: Hellhound for the meme value or Oni if you want to do it originally by the books

Green/White: Dragon

Villianess: Ara Dark Witch who creates alped monstergirls then makes them into giantesses

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15e9e5 No.380153


The dude took some creative license calm the fuck down.

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1237e7 No.380175

File: 09d32a7ea1b92af⋯.png (82.16 KB,253x216,253:216,41ff1d5e86849ec37784d6966b….png)


As a /pol/ crossposter, all it takes to be so far right wing that it absolutely flusters the degens and their handlers is to have women who are cute, feminine, and not engaged in sexual warfare.

To insert stand-ins for political groups is a little silly. You could have a more insidious impact by just writing degenerates as exactly what they are.

>DotR happens.

>Be cuckfaced nu-male.

>Have a head full of stupid ideas.

>Cheat on Ushi Oni.

>Die while stammering out explanation for polyamory.

>Be rootless cosmopolitan.

>have casual Tinder sex frequently.

>DotR happens.

>MG's pass over you like you aren't even there.

>They can smell all the other women on you.

>"But you're already married… to multiple women."

>Be lunatic feminist.

>Screech impotently as men disappear off the market.

>Screech even more when MG's instincts won't allow you to bucketcrab them into your stupidity.

>Can't compete on any plane.

>Screech as you hoard cats and die alone.

>Corpse is eaten by cats.

>Nobody finds you dead for a year.

>Be jew.

>Mutilate another penis.

>Just as you're performing the bloody BJ, room is raided.

>Thrown into matango pit.

>Be nigger.

>Cry because you're still a nigger.

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cd6cce No.380182

File: 0da7d06f239c539⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,421.18 KB,780x439,780:439,180201123113-flamethrowers….jpg)




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1237e7 No.380184

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c55004 No.380248

File: 110ce6a58dff65d⋯.jpg (496.8 KB,686x1200,343:600,Chimera.jpg)


I thought the one-woman ranger team Chimera was a fun concept. When she powers up, she splits into her component monsters:

- Red ranger Lion

- Blue ranger Dragon

- Black ranger Snake

- Pink ranger Goat

- Green ranger human girl, who's actually just chimera's friend

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cd6cce No.380249


At that point she's captain planet

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c55004 No.380397


inverted captain planet

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b93f54 No.380439


Killer 7

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