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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 3714b5cf74579ac⋯.png (56.65 KB,300x465,20:31,testcuplogo.png)

7303fa No.379012

Hello everyone letting you all know that this Saturday at 5pm American Eastern Time the /test/ cup shall start Ie in 6hours and 36 minutes

The /test/ cup is an 8 team test cup in preparation for the next 8chan cup

There are 8 teams that will be in the /test/ cup, being /ausneets/, /unna/ /bane/ /v/ /just/ /todd/ /genesis/ and /monster/

The link where the stream will be held is here https://cytu.be/r/8cup

And for everyone who turns up I hope you all have F U N

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dbfba3 No.379056

Supposedly we won 3:4 against /v/ in this. Anyone have a pic of the results?

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8f522f No.379065


I can confirm that anon

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