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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: ada9b5914b34cac⋯.jpeg (757.39 KB,992x1403,992:1403,940FC7F9-BEC9-40CB-BFFF-4….jpeg)

95a7ee No.376525 [View All]

/monster/ NEWS

>KC released Venom Cirno - a girl fallen over

>The MGEwiki has closed down and attempts to recover the images on the site are underway.

>Board activity’s been a bit slow lately.

8chan NEWS

>8chanmania Season 2 has officially started.


>Far-right presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro has won the Brazilian election.

>WSJ blocked 27k$ from going to a charity to save sick children.

>Blizzard fucks up even more by trying to shoot for the chink market.

>Trannies use discord to try and recruit kids into their cult and spread CP

362 posts and 178 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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95a7ee No.378839


>influenced feminism, open homosexuality, left-wing anarchism, “communist egoism”

>memes by leftists



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30a746 No.378840


>I google'd his Wikipedia just now

Good to know.

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116fcf No.378854

File: 8018b10cc77bdc2⋯.jpg (693.64 KB,750x1000,3:4,__freckled_tanuki_futatsui….jpg)

File: 814086db5796f88⋯.png (866.09 KB,1000x1100,10:11,__futatsuiwa_mamizou_and_h….png)

File: a49931135d5e0ca⋯.jpg (128.71 KB,850x586,425:293,__futatsuiwa_mamizou_and_u….jpg)

File: 2cfffb711876616⋯.png (691.49 KB,577x749,577:749,44832851_p0.png)


Telling purest girl who just wants to make the world an ideal place for you and your monster waifu

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eb14da No.378861

File: b1391e78e40d665⋯.jpg (103.15 KB,907x718,907:718,suck_dicks.jpg)


/leftycucks/ on full force I see

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935201 No.378862


Their mod is a tranny who suck dick for cash

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465b0a No.378871

File: 80872ae51c791a4⋯.jpg (85.02 KB,800x1044,200:261,ageaewfe.jpg)


Nice to see that there's more life in this place. Got worried when the board went under 95.

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27a191 No.378873


Quality isn’t always superior to quantity. A large number of posters is actually bad if nothing meaningful or productive gets made/done. We’ll wax and wane in our number of posters but what really matters is the quality of the board overall. That’s how we draw good people in

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b5ea78 No.378881


>implying best girl

DIDF plz

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4f3ec2 No.378889

File: 73c6087bfb77ed0⋯.png (52.26 KB,700x419,700:419,spoogs.png)


Think /leftypol/ knows or will at least eventually learn that Stirnerposting was /lit/ mocking Stirner's meme-tier philosophy?

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5a6ef6 No.378891


Just took a bit of shitposting.

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dbce01 No.378911


Shitposting always livens things up.

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c37ad4 No.378935

Why is there a star by the board name?

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ea7ab8 No.378937


It’s a sign that you haven’t been here long enough.

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935201 No.378943


What star I thought it's only visible to fags

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e3140b No.378952

File: eb5b46f94b9e42e⋯.jpg (153.5 KB,681x960,227:320,eb5b46f94b9e42e5c8a7acc123….jpg)


it doesn't help that these whores also mess with average or homely looking women and try to turn them into thots by perpetuating the idea that only ugly women are virgins. But its mostly the fault of betas and newfag women. IF parents taught their kids the idea that nobody needs approval from a hooker and their thirsty ass jews then things would be better.

But the natural need of women to be in a group destroys them, this hooker whore shit is the same like how trap shit or tranny shit works in a discord full of men, Once someone does it everyone does it to validate themselves among the mentally ill. There is no ally to men or women, its all fucking gay ops level shit trying to sabotage each other because people cant see the in person consequences.

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32d5c0 No.378974


>They haven't refuted jack shit.

For the sake of settling this; What would prove to your satisfaction that NatSocs aren't commies?

>They need to start making money again at some point. After a long time running at a loss to drive down competition they'll have no choice but to charge a price that actually generates revenue.

Unless you've got a nice large nest egg saved up, you'll run out of funds long before they do, they have the advantage when it comes to attrition. Now, if you're talking about competition in general rather than just one or two young startups like your truck then yes it would be an unfeasible tactic, but again it's just one example.

>It stops itself if you just leave it alone you retard.

With the example I gave you of the Phoebus cartel, it lasted 5 years! That is far too long to be left alone in my opinion.

>it went above and beyond that. Food in particular was pretty important, since the Third Reich was dependent on food imports despite upping production being one of their big goals.

True. All I wanted was to clarify that it was reclaiming lost territory, and not just conquering whoever for the sake of said resources, that's all.

>>Private property is a part of capitalism but it's not the sole defining feature of capitalism

>It's the single most important part.

That's fine, that isn't being disputed. Only that it's not exclusive to that particular system.

>Unless the Fuhrer dislikes you.

Can't deny that, though to my knowledge that only happened to the Jews and not even all of them.

>it's a problem that only shows up when you start trying to regulate the market, so it seems kind of unfair to blame it on the market.

That is indeed unfair, and I wasn't blaming the market.

>I'm not saying the Nazis invented cronyism you dumb fag.

Calm down I wasn't even remotely implying that. I think we're having some breakdowns in communication here. I'm trying to be as clear as I can but you keep misunderstanding me. I apologize if it's causing you some grief, it's entirely unintentional.

>They're the ones who were constantly printing up fiat money and then propping it up.

So are private banks. Thanks to fiat currency and this digital age we live in, every time someone takes out a loan or uses a credit card it creates more fiat on the spot. Personally I'm more a fan of credit unions for that reason since by their nature they need to be more responsible about how they give out loans. That being said having a currency that's backed by something tangible would go a long way fix the problem too.

>If they do do that, let them go out of business.

Yes please! It can't happen soon enough!

>Setting up a safety net and cleaning up their oopsies only encourages reckless behavior.


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f36092 No.378975


>What would prove to your satisfaction that NatSocs aren't commies

For them to have acted completely differently.

>Now, if you're talking about competition in general rather than just one or two young startups like your truck then yes it would be an unfeasible tactic

The single food truck is just a small scale example. there are going to be a bunch more looking to get a slice of the pie.

>though to my knowledge that only happened to the Jews

I already named an example earlier up in the thread. Junkers was nationalized by the NSDAP.

>I wasn't blaming the market

>I wasn't even remotely implying that

Sure looked like it.

>So are private banks

One private bank can't do it on their own with their bank notes because they'll lose gold reserves to other banks, then get left high and dry. You'd need an arrangement between almost every bank to inflate in unison, and see my earlier point about cartels being unstable. The central bank keeps everyone marching in formation and shuts down anyone who won't join in.

>every time someone takes out a loan or uses a credit card it creates more fiat on the spot

That's more because of the fraudulent fractional reserve system.

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27a191 No.378979


>for them to have acted completely differently

Now I’m no expert in debate but this seems rather vague and disingenuous. Any response he can give you could just be brushed aside because you’re basically demanding the entire political system be altered due to what you believe about it.

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f36092 No.378980


I'm a stubborn man and I've made up my mind already

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27a191 No.378985


Then what’s the point of debating with you then?

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0bcbff No.378986

File: bfc76ebc529be09⋯.png (278.51 KB,992x1024,31:32,wan.png)


>what does your waifu choice say about you?

That the only thing that gets me through the day to day is the thought of cuddling with my wife and grooming her fur while she nurses our heckpups.

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f36092 No.378987


then don't or keep shitposting to keep the pph up, I don't care

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5be448 No.378992


Wasn't he also a cuck? I remember reading he knew his wife was fucking some other dude and he didn't care.

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5a6ef6 No.378994


ntr is a spook

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bedb92 No.379024


They had an open relationship. Not quite the same, but functionally identical.

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6f9066 No.379027


>They had an open relationship. Not quite the same, but functionally identical.

So the same thing then

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bedb92 No.379030


The only real difference is that cucks are honest about how pathetic they are.

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5e89b3 No.379035

File: ca77c05a14e67c6⋯.jpg (569.1 KB,700x990,70:99,ca77c05a14e67c66bd0b26c409….jpg)


>what does your waifu choice say about you?

That really I'm here for the monster more than the girl.

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972911 No.379036

File: 384c916efbb02c0⋯.png (891.52 KB,1288x1135,1288:1135,4ZBtySH.png)


>what does your waifu choice say about you?

that i like girls with big fat tiddies, a large butt, and nice wide hips and thick thighs for the perfect lap pillow, and she's a massive cuddlebug who'd want to do nothing more than snuggle with me all day in bed

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95a7ee No.379037

File: 5b467029178fd63⋯.jpeg (105.91 KB,750x750,1:1,82AB066B-D73D-45CA-A80F-6….jpeg)


News please.


It also means you probably have a beard.

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e1cec4 No.379042

File: 73d9adfe8dedd68⋯.png (704.04 KB,600x806,300:403,__deedlit_record_of_lodoss….png)

File: 7b12b19087857af⋯.jpg (1.22 MB,1800x900,2:1,__deedlit_record_of_lodoss….jpg)

File: 8dcd2a3f9d0c6a4⋯.jpg (1.85 MB,2873x4098,2873:4098,deed3.jpg)

File: 0ed2d9b186e629d⋯.jpg (54.3 KB,595x455,17:13,DnQocJIUwAEPtiC.jpg)

File: 5c610070d589993⋯.jpg (123.78 KB,736x987,736:987,smug_lodoss.jpg)

/animu/ cordially invites you to watch

Record of Lodoss War

We'll be marathoning episodes 1-6 today, and 7-13 next week.

Countdown to the stream


Link to the stream


See you there, it's in a few hours.

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972911 No.379045


>knife ears


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b5ea78 No.379048


>linking the same post twice

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95a7ee No.379049


The first one isn’t supposed to exist. Now tell me what’s going on in the world.

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8ca997 No.379051

File: ce1e538b803ad69⋯.png (744.21 KB,848x1199,848:1199,Dryad.png)

File: fe5583f64090ab3⋯.jpg (402.63 KB,1600x900,16:9,fairylivinginthemorningwoo….jpg)


I like trees and fairies. What does this mean?

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27a191 No.379058


Sounds like fun

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dbce01 No.379062



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4f3ec2 No.379069


Yeah Stirner's a joke, but at least he's a funny joke


Funnily enough I think Beardicus doesn't even have a beard

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2371c6 No.379131

File: c37f9a9b96d0eb0⋯.png (1.23 MB,680x908,170:227,Palutena's form.png)

So, Palutena might have some Eldritch horror true form.

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9d550f No.379376

File: f0321a921273d4c⋯.png (22.74 KB,787x400,787:400,anhero.png)

File: 8c5baca09833b65⋯.png (116.85 KB,640x688,40:43,Smugdom.png)

Tumblr is getting ready to kill itself

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d4eded No.379379


I'm sure this will in no way backfire spectacularly on them.

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95a7ee No.379419

File: dafd447ed306ec2⋯.jpeg (241.74 KB,1292x2048,323:512,5B3966E7-5293-4755-A90C-6….jpeg)


>tumblr is actually crippling itself in favour of the appstore

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2371c6 No.379457


And the artists with their follower flee to Newgrounds.

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1896ea No.379489


And nothing of value was lost.

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fbb10c No.379530


Has Newgrounds changed that much? I haven't gone there for the last 15+ years.

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fb93b3 No.379679

File: aefef0811cf57ca⋯.jpg (128.94 KB,1060x1725,212:345,Tumblr Explicit Handholdin….jpg)


They're using an algorithm to flag stuff explicit.

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27a191 No.379708


Jesus Christ spoiler that stuff anon. It’s too lewd!

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8ca997 No.379773

File: 3bbe76f7289b85f⋯.png (577.36 KB,659x3838,659:3838,PFCs.png)

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2371c6 No.379796

>Board is extremely slow

>CYOAs are dead

>The scanlation groups are defunct

>/monster/'s visual novel project is dead

I feel pretty sad.

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f36092 No.380641

File: 7fc8f9cf86ec064⋯.png (51.83 KB,2409x1609,2409:1609,justician republic of texa….png)


Can we pin the Khenmaat thread for the duration of the holiday?

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