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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 403c1d323817600⋯.jpg (673.52 KB,1061x1261,1061:1261,Manticore_1.jpg)

30666c No.375129 [Last50 Posts]

Old thread hit the bump limit >>337803

Pick your poison.


>lithe and atheltic, pale skin with dark red hair

>modest proportions but more than makes up for it in manticore-ness

>black belt in several martial arts, but her favorites are judo and BJJ

>trains 4 times a week, collects and reads so many martial arts magazines that there's a small library of them under the bed

>sex with her often involves gentle kissing slowly getting heavier until you're more rolling around on the bed than anything else

>likes getting you in some sort of hold and feeling you struggle in her grip, like a mouse caught by a boa constrictor

>loves fucking you with her tailpussy while pinning you down


>smooth pale skin and pink hair, mostly in shape although a bit thick around the thighs and belly as a result of her… laid-back lifestyle

>most likely to be found lounging around in bed at any hour of the day or night, whenever possible

>snuggling is unavoidable, she treats you like a kissable daki

>will often ask you to bring her food so she doesn't have to get up, will repay you in cuddles

>really likes sappy, romantic, lovey-dovey talk and will bombard you with it mercilessly

>will begrudgingly understand if you occasionally have to get out of bed in order to go to work or see your friends, but expects you to make up for lost snuggle time on your return

>sex is slow and gentle, and she holds you much tighter than usual


>blond and thin, B-cup breasts and a stomach you could measure with a spirit level

>has an amazing ass, thick and juicy, the kind of ass that yoga pants were created for

>will drag you to the gym, ostensibly to help you work out, although she mainly keeps you there to hold her water, spot her, and stare at her rear

>obsession with enthusiasm for health and fitness has resulted in her becoming a decent cook, although she often makes you a breakfast consisting of a single piece of fruit and a protein shake of little taste and questionable nutritional value

>preternaturally knows how to operate every single piece of gym equipment at a glance, and will insist on making you do it

>often stands a bit too close when helping you squat and deadlift, and her tail doesn't sit still either, making it hard to concentrate on the lifting

>sex with her is sweaty sport fuck sessions after the gym followed by a shower together


>well-endowed with tanned skin, white hair and bright yellow eyes

>writes POV manticore smut for /human/ as well as other sites

>a cursory examination of her work reveals that half of it is essentially a diary of what she does to you, while the other half is elaborate scenarios ranging from fantasy to spy noire

>actually not a bad writer, could make a decent amount doing commissions but she doesn't know how to write about any mamono other than 'cores

>files her claws down for ease of tip-tapping on the keyboard

>will often ask you for help writing her male characters, including describing graphic manticore rape in rather clinical detail to you

>sex with her is always interesting, mostly because she loves to roleplay (more often than not as characters from her own stories) and she could be anything from a noble lady being roughly wooed by a human warror to a sadistic manticore desperada preying on unwary travellers

>she also, rather shamefully, likes gentle vanilla sex just as yourselves

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061178 No.375130

File: d653ac7f4a572d0⋯.png (226.73 KB,1280x1638,640:819,a21901ad19a0819a9cd94232b3….png)

Put me down for tomboy judocore.

I want a childhood friend manticore to have funny feelings for me and escalate some friendly tough housing to pelvis crushing rape once her instincts kick in for the first time.

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f8efe0 No.375148

File: 233979311756dfd⋯.png (1.92 MB,1700x2550,2:3,Manticore-Ver.-1.png)

File: 254e263fba5b066⋯.png (1.86 MB,1980x2800,99:140,gropicore.png)

Think I'd have to go with judocore since I like her approach to the bedroom, even though gymcore lifestyle would be very good for me. Writefagcore sounds nice, but doesn't come to the level of the other two. Sleepycore would be good for a weekend, but not as a lifestyle.

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11e6fe No.375160

File: 96e3c8b0927275d⋯.jpg (35.85 KB,512x528,32:33,96e3c8b0927275d5029642578e….jpg)


its gotta be writefagcore. because for her birthday, we go to bed, turn off the lights, strip naked on our own, and have moderate missionary sex to please her wildest dreams.

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7593eb No.375165

File: a42c21439320560⋯.gif (101.9 KB,758x696,379:348,1470232508384.gif)


Sleepycore sounds so comfy. 10/10.

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777d86 No.375166

File: 187be19e38d9af1⋯.jpg (124.9 KB,1080x1080,1:1,187be19e38d9af198edcf504ee….jpg)


Gymcore best 'core!

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a1cc1c No.375167


judocore with the occasional transition into sleepycore for me

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bdb29d No.375168


nice dubs

>spot manticore

>mrs. tailpussy feels you up


I'll have a sleepycore with the occasional judocore sexytime for some spice

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4ea2a0 No.375169


Sleepycore for me, as long as she's okay with snuggling on the couch so we could watch movies and I could still shitpost. Thicc and comfy a best.

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70366d No.375181

I'll take one sleepycore please. Sounds comfy as fuck. No pun intended. Either that or a writefagcore. Having a waifu that's decent at writing to pair with my drawfaggery would be fun.

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82c642 No.375186

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22be13 No.375195

File: 8794be7f9f03f29⋯.png (1.95 MB,1731x1441,1731:1441,8794be7f9f03f2927e5f850e75….png)

Always opt for the multi-arm cores, they're the top of the line model.

More arms = more love


She is gonna need a special keyboard for her big meaty paws. Or a cute humanboi scribe that she whispers writestuff to.

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b08eb5 No.375305

>when I was a kid I was friends with this manticore chick

>she was pretty fun to be around, up until highschool came up

>she became more aggressive, I couldn't use the bathroom around her, mrs. Tailpussy was more active

>sure my virginity was safe, when she was practicing for judo

>but when she had some freetime, she always pinned me down

>the only way I got free each time, was by headpatting her

>yes I know I'm a degenerate

>eventually she made her move

>at the time I was about to go home, something pricked my leg

>afterwards the obvious happened

>years later we got married

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59a7e4 No.375312

This is my first attempt at a writefaging so I would appreciate some constructive criticism

>Just turned 19 this morning

>Still a kiss-less virgin, most proactive monsters in high-school where intimidated my overprotective sisters.

>My Echinda mother is wonderful, she is very doting on her only son.

>She is very efficient at what she does whether that be managing my fathers multiple outlet malls. Making excellent dinners, keeping the house running, making sure her children and husband are as happy as possible.

>It is evident my father is very happy as I have 5 sisters

>What my mother is most efficient at though is making “dangerous” monsters

> Hannah is my second youngest sister and has been in a constant state of youthful rebellion since she turned 13. She's a crimson red Oni she's still a junior and has to be convinced by mom or one of my older sisters every morning to not spend all day skipping and wasting her allowance at the retro arcades in dads outlet.

>Beatrice my caramel cream Minotaur sister. She is the second oldest an doesn't spend much time around the house anymore. You can find her most of her time at her husbands family estate. They are quite well off. So much so she doesn't actually need to work but she helps maintain the building dad owns to keep busy and stay connected to the family.

>My alluring indigo eldest sister a Echinda like mom and is a second mother to me. Her name is Isla, blessed by the Demon Lord with a super uterus like mom. With mom being a paragon of her race and being surrounded with young children at such a young age she developed a strong maternal instinct, well younger than most echinda would. She works as a school nurse and kept a contrast eye on me as I went through school.

>She would conveniently call me to her office the exact day some Cyclops was trying to partner up with me in wood shop, or the time when a budding demon girl tried to slip a contract into the slips I had to sign for a school trip

>repeat ad nauseam

>Cassandra is a Red Cap through and through she is the middle sister and a year older than me. We where tied at the hip during high school. Also most likely the reason why my group of friends during that time was only platonic. All of them either being bonded monsters or other guys being the only people I could talk with without them being interceded Ilsa of scarred off by the soul-piercing gaze of Cassandra, I'm sure her improvised cleaver didn't help either.

>my youngest sister Morgan is a dragon. My mother truly outdid herself with her, she could bend steel beams or even melt them her breath. She loves her Oni-san wanting to spend as much time with me going to the park collecting things to add to her hoard and making sure the other 10 year old lizard type girls are sufficiently jealous of her kaleidoscope of a scale pattern.

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59a7e4 No.375313

>Being the only son my mother is still to this day extremely protective of me when is comes to…

<l-l-lewd things…

>This was a herculean task for my mother

>I cannot imagine the cost of soundproofing my room, monitoring all entertainment that I would see and bribing the local school districts so I would always conveniently put into another class when discussing sex ed.

>I'm not a dolt I understand the pistol and stamen and all those things. But I did not conceptualize how my spirit energy effects monsters around me. I was sheltered by ignorance and constant guardianship by my mother and sisters.

>I have no idea when they planned to let me in on the big secret on how mom and dad actually made me and my sisters.

>The only time I had a reprieve from this constant supervision was at the mixed marshal arts school renting a space in one of my fathers outlets.

>The owner is a very well endowed Manticore, her hips would have my mother jealous with their child bearing capacity. Tail thicker than my thigh, mane so fluffy it should require a license, her wings could envelop her husband and daughter.

>Her Bosom rivals my sister Beatrice's, yet they must be more form than function, as her only child my truest childhood friend Sophia seems to have lacked the nutrients to fill out as her mother has.

>Sophia is my oldest friend, we've known each other since we where both 8.

>She has never been very confident with her looks although I could not fathom why. Her mane a gray speckled with black it's not as striking as her mothers rose coloration, yet still has the softness that should be unknown to mortals.

>Her wings are proportional to her body which would normally be quite in line with her specials, if it where not for her inability to grow past 5,4.

>Her Bosom is pushing a B cup or at least that's what Beatrice tells me.

>Sophia helps her mother run all the classes at their dojo, doing this since the could stand has given her a body so toned I've seen body some amazons drool at her muscle definition. Any time I would bring this up to her she turns every shade from crimson to burgundy, quickly followed by a quick jab.

>What undercuts her confidence the most is her tail. The appendage is noticeable long for her race. She's unable to wrap all of it around her leg, granted she does not have the longest leg but the point stands.

>The Bulb with a capital B is what's most striking about it.

>Most manticore bulbs have 12 or so spines maximum at any one time, Sophia had near 30 with a slightly smaller bulb. That concentration of aphrodisiac in such a small area must have some government agency dedicated to monitoring it.

>On any other core this would be a source of beaming pride. But Sophia's family are Mormons.

>They take their faith quite seriously. Sophia only has 2 outfits types a head to ankle dresses with different colors to compliment each season covered with thrills. The only compromise on this was her training uniform whether that me a track suite or her Gi. No piece of clothing in her wardrobe would go halfway to her knee.

>But what's never compromised is a fusion of a bow and sock for her weapon of mass ludescrution. Part protection from her spines, part decoration.

>I'm the only person she talks to socially outside her family or network of other home schooled kids.

>She knows my mother as she likes to visit most of the family of the business owners in the outlet.

>Outside of Morgan being part interacting more out of the unwillingness to part herself with my pant legs than a true desire to interact with Sophia she only has met Beatrice and knows the rest by reputation.

>Growing up around monstrosity strong girls it's hard to impress most people with feats of physical stength. Beatrice had some private conversation with Sophia around when we turned 16. I couldn't hear what they where discussing but I and the rest of the dojo saw the conversation was resolved with Sophia suplexing 350lbs of muscle Minotaur onee-chan. Luckily Beatrice to it good humor and Sophia always avoided what they discussed but with such a feat I decided not to push the envelope to far.

>After this happened I never really gave it much thought given my Sisters Disposition. But This birthday will change my life for ever.

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59a7e4 No.375314

>The first hint that today would be different than most was I actually got to sleep to a solid 10:00

>No thundering of the door by Morgan wanting me to get her sugary cereal down or Cassandra demanding I assist pick out her cap for the day. Not that I can tell the minute difference between each one, or dad doing his rounds to let everyone know mom has finished her migas.

>Just the songs of mocking birds echoing through the cracked window.

>Heading down the stairs the the none of my family could be found. Their only trace was a list of errands for me that would send me all over town.

>I can't find any keys even though there's still cars in the lot

>The bike it is.

>The first task on the note was to pick up some paperwork from the back office at the outlet.

>The outlet is around 20 miles away

>Halfway through the trip I stop my bike so fast I almost lose my first kiss to the pavement.

>The smell serenading my nostrils radiating from the best pastry in the county

>It's my birthday, I'm spending it huffing it without a car because my parents can't wait a few hours for some paper work. I wanted some pastries dammit I'm worth it.

>A mom and pop run by a quite mantis family.

>Their door is always open so the scents of cakes pie's cobblers waft outside.

>My mother told me it's a tradition from the old country to increase foot traffic. Not that it's necessary with the intricate designs and top shelf love baked in.

>The part time ogre they had the front counter took my order 2 slices of a flan with caramel topping.

>The order was placed under the Smith family.

>Flan usually doesn't cause this much noise in the back room though.

>The jade carapace of miss Culvert the daughter of the bakers came out of the back with a large package in hand calling for Smith.

>Normally as serene as a preset screen saver the young culverts eyes flare into saucers when she sees me coming to pick up the package 10 times to large for a few slices of flan.

>I don't know why but my face must not have been what she was expecting when she was giving a order to a member of the Smith family.

>She just froze mumbling sorry sir this order is to soon over and over.

>She short circuited

<I broke her

>The young part time ogre springs into action after the daze of the from the whole spectacle dissipates.

>I'm sorry sir it looks like we grabbed the wrong order, exciting stage left pushing the mantis in front of her.

>A few apologies ans slices of flan latter I'm back on my way

>There was no mistaking though stopping by the bakery was defiantly not on the list left for me.

>So what was the package for?

>The rest of the trip was uneventful

>It's high noon by the time I arrive one slice of flan left and some paperwork that needs retrieving.

>It seems I'm not the only one weak the mantis baking.

>A creak followed by the hypnotic sound of claws clacking against the pavement indicate I'm being followed.

I'm going to post some more latter tonight.

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0fb3ee No.375317

File: de0b3167e62b446⋯.jpeg (11.79 KB,255x191,255:191,1f1c995648840be54596ba34c….jpeg)


i have a hard time believing this is your first time it's just too good to be!

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59a7e4 No.375323

<”no plus one today? I do hope little Morgan isn't ill.”

>Finally announcing her presence Sophia's meek voice clashed with her gi and sheen of a mid exercise sweat.

>Her sapphire eyes scanning me for any indication for my change of normal behavior.

>I always feel so embarrassed when she does this, I don't know why you'd think living with a redcap would build some sort of immunity a gaze, but something about the way she looks at me with such intensity makes my heart rate increase. Not that I'd ever admit it though.

<”You're doing it again… you know the uh um breathing thing” her ears holding down as she tries not to notice the sounds my body makes.

>I can tell it's bothering her. Her tick present from childhood comes out at times like this where she grabs her tail an starts ringing it

>”I had to bike to my dads office for a errand, and I couldn't find the keys to one of the cars”

<”Maybe you wouldn't be short of breath if you didn't ride around with cake in your bike.”

>I inhale deeply hoping it would by me enough time to craft the prefect rebuttal to her observation


>Absolutely genius

>A toothy grin creaks on her face. The usual pure stoicism of her face contorts to a smug sign of victory dissipating as quickly as it appeared.

<”I just have a spirit energy substitute shake for lunch. You should share the cake with your best friend.”

>She can't even keep her voice straight while saying going into a giggle halfway through.

>”Sorry sister I wouldn't want to have my second slice of sweet perfection come between you and the tenet “though shalt not eat what tastes good.””

<”Second? Brother Daniels said indulging is sinful for the body mind and soul. But brother Daniels also said it is a sin to waste so let me bear your burden.”

>That smug grin flashing back momentarily. Her tail released from her muscular paws now twitching behind her with delight.

>”That simply cannot be sister superior I cannot let your pallet be tainted by my delectable flan.”

>Her serene eyes flare with the scent of a challenge, with a decidedly gluttonous glint in her eyes.

<”30 seconds”


<”Stay on your feet for 30 seconds in a sparing match and I will give you a ride to wherever around town. But when I win as we both know I will, you will give me the rest of the flan and you will have to jog back to your house. God knows you could always use more cardio”

>Morgan must have been rubbing off on me because my logical brain tells me the chances of succeeding are a magnitude lower than slim.

>But I have a secret plan.

>With this hidden knowledge I have discovered I CANNOT FAIL.

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59a7e4 No.375324

>The stage is set, the dojo empty except for the 2 combatants, timer at the ready, the hum of the air conditioning the only thing audible.

>Sophia's deep rythmic breaths put her in the trance as she tries to decide which stance to counter my moves.

>She will find no weakness. My power stance would make the CIA's knees molasses with envy.


>She's immediately on the back foot as I stride towards ruining her concentration surprising her by forcing her on the defensive.

>Her arms prepared for a feint as I outstretch my arm her. No quick movement just a slow advance towards her scalp.

>Her heads scrunches back in surprise.

>Touchdown, final victory my hand is now ruffling her hair soft as silk my fingers working behind her ear.


>The confused man eater grips me from the front her back spinning back to suplex me like she has done to my sister.

>The sudden rush of adrenaline released by my now airborne state gave me a moment to self reflect on my decision leading to this.

>It was fool proof I saw the student consul president calm Hannah down when she was in a rage at being suspended again for coming to school late. Her normal tempest of a temper totally disappeared within seconds when the two where alone.

>What about his technique did I not grasp I'll have to ask Hannah when I'm conscience again.

>Sophias panic changed both our lives forever in that moment her whip of a tail caught my shorts sending them on the opposite trajectory of my body.

>My biggest regret of my life is that I was unable to see the face of Sophia when my cock flopped out slapping her in the face.

>with my meat shaft resting on her nostril and lips I can feel the inhalation

>My male scent totally enveloped her. Her brain soaking with sweat of my dick the scream and breaking of my spine never comes.

>The next sensation is feel is numerous bones shafts of lust hooking me like a fish keeping me off the mat.

<Mother you never told me it would smell this good

>I feel tingly please help.

I'm sorry for the nigger level of quality control of the first few posts. My liquid courage helped my brain skip over way to much I will correct this in the future. I have more planned but would really appreciate any sort of advice on how to improve.


Thank you I appreciate the kind words.

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7593eb No.375345

Behold! The ultimate accomplishment of genetic engineering and dark magic combined!

The Wanticore!

Do you find yourself hypnotized by tailpussy but the cat who owns it scares you away? Look no further!

She's easily ten times as sensitive to headpats and snuggs.

>(Absolutely hypnotized by them, but ``needs`` attention, and will probably die if you neglect her long enough. Also may impulsively lick your face from time to time.)

Great teammate! Loves to play and compete.

>(Usually loses trying to save shitty teammates. Reacts very badly to selfish players.)

Built for endurance! Energetic and productive!

>(Needs exercise. She cools off by panting. It's kind of weird.)

Having pups is a must! just look at them, they're so precious!

>(Will give you litters of two or three. They'd be a huge burden if they weren't so respectful by nature. The pups will keep your young boys in check by force of peer pressure. Just fuck her tailpussy exclusively if you've had enough.)

Protective of her possessions!

>(That includes you. Don't you dare look at other girls or she will start snarling.)

So focused and intense! Her gaze pierces stone!

>("Single track mind." She has trouble with tunnel visioning, with all of the pros and cons.)

Can never tell a lie! Short and to the point!

>(Also shitty at bantz, because she's too simple and direct to lie. Never underestimate her nonverbal cunning though.)

Submissive and obedient! In the kitchen or the bedroom. She's a good girl and listens carefully.

>(She can hardly even register rudeness or verbal abuse unless it's in your tone of voice. Very good at taking constructive criticism, but her instantaneous rebounding and failure to register teasing or banter can be off-putting. Never truly shake her up or you will regret it indefinitely until the moment you fess up and apologize.)

Look! She'll eat anything you give her!

<At this point the ad shows her eating escargot without even flinching. Followed be her catching treats out of the air.

>(Don't you dare feed her anything weird. She ``will`` hurl later.)

No mane? No problem! She comes with a thick collar of neck floof, in a variety of colors!

>(It's never quite as good as a proper nyanticore mane, though.)

Loyal to a fault and completely worthy of a man's trust! Will never go behind your back and always wants to discuss things with you before committing to action.

>(No cons here except the occasional stupid question. That's what they bring to the table.)

You will forget this girl is a fantastic powder keg of violent sexual energy when you're too busy being impressed by your excellently managed household… That is, until the moment you step out of earshot of your mob of kids. In which case you will be caught in the incredible tidal forces between her stupendous lust, and her suffocating affection. She can never get enough of a man's attention!

>Warning, sexual neglect may lead to 'proactive romancing' the intensity of which can cause serious fatigue or dehydration.

>Never, under any circumstances should you give her venom to women, or children under the age of 18. We hold no liability for the resulting injuries or felonies that may occur.

Offering in three main varieties! Collies/retrievers! Wolves! And extra thicc St. Bernards!

Visit our website for more at WWW.WeWantHusbands.MGE/Mantipuppers

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30666c No.375363

File: b54c3746a0ea1b5⋯.png (841.66 KB,900x651,300:217,Manticore122.png)


>has her tailpussy but doesn't have her sadistic personality

This is as strange to me as the other way around would be, honestly.

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93e2b1 No.375367

File: 332ab187df871e0⋯.jpg (61.79 KB,601x936,601:936,DqLR2jsV4AAW71b.jpg)

File: 703aada17bcae35⋯.png (435.44 KB,600x600,1:1,fadsfadsvxcg.png)

File: 612d700e7988467⋯.png (712.39 KB,500x811,500:811,Manticore123.png)

File: 308e86c4e8425f5⋯.png (910 KB,700x1073,700:1073,Manticore124.png)

I wish for little else than to cuddle in a manticore's neck fluff.


Now to be fair to that particular manticore, she was just getting even.

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e0a67c No.375423


Second pick should replace the woman with a shota or a paladin

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86927d No.375426


>nipple stimulators


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8f9d29 No.375544

I want to give a manticore a big smooch right on the lips.

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bdb29d No.375548


I'm 'avin a giggle m8

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30666c No.375626

File: 75768e5f10f177d⋯.png (13.41 KB,171x255,57:85,85fbcc6523c68d517dc0fe77f7….png)

How to keep your wits about you.


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1d9542 No.375633


Beware snugposters. Never I repeat never privately message snugposters to do participate in a cuddle field study at their house. I repeat do not do this.

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93e2b1 No.375644

File: f1d8ecfa2f067ba⋯.jpg (164.39 KB,962x856,481:428,image0.png.jpg)

File: d57dce59882fe31⋯.png (314.11 KB,1591x1185,1591:1185,ima222ge0.png)

File: 86ad9c10ac30f3f⋯.jpg (13.31 KB,392x301,56:43,1442544792986.jpg)

File: 57b5dbb9650d7f0⋯.png (167.47 KB,1000x1000,1:1,YOTtftM.png)

Suppose I should shill my mofucore story



More scholarly articles need to be written on the recent trend of manticores lurking on local internet communities, attempting to convince single men that taking anti-rape steps is paranoid and unnecessary.

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59e4b7 No.375649


Good to see you back, man. A story about a man that fell for the meme would be great.



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30666c No.375666

File: cc58aa178f3243a⋯.png (176.33 KB,611x721,611:721,mofuswarm.png)


That was a fine story on the natural wonder that is the mofucore.

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b08eb5 No.375669

>wear a chasity belt

>manticore tries to proactively date me

>laugh as the belt stops her

>stop laughing when she manages to rip it off

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93e2b1 No.375671


>implying a manticore wouldn't just sting you then enjoy watching you squirm

>just take that silly thing off and I'll make it feel all better

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a1d7b3 No.375676



>Stop laughing when she stabs you full of aphrodisiac venom

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b08eb5 No.375691

>have tomboy manticore friend

>she stings me whenever we 'fight'

>laughs whenever I begin to squirm

>however one day I turn the tables on her

>another 'fight' breaks out

>before she could even use her venom, my hand would suddenly be on top of her head

>begin to headpat her

>she can barley move now

>yet somehow she swings her tail at me

>duck down before the tail hits, quickly counter by holding her hand

It isn't dirty of it works

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b08eb5 No.375697


If)* not of

Fucking auto

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cc388e No.375730


I will find a cuddlecore. You can't tell me otherwise.

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93e2b1 No.375735

File: 00cc909946e8293⋯.png (1.68 MB,2402x2573,2402:2573,afevb.png)


>he actually fell for it

We got another one girls

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30666c No.375756

File: 57ce92d1c9cc38d⋯.png (670.84 KB,702x600,117:100,beware the cuddlecore my s….png)


A million hours in paint etc.

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860aa8 No.375759

Well, I WAS working on a manticore story, but it's not going anywhere so I think I'll just post the original idea as a greentext.

>waifu says she wants to try something a little different tonight, of course you don't say no

>before you can raise any objections you're stripped and tied to a chair in the bedroom

>quick sting of the tail to get the juices going

<"I'll take care of you soon enough, anon, but first… I want you to watch this."

>she takes something out of the chest of drawers

>well, you haven't seen THIS toy before

>double-ended dildo, actually pretty long horizontal stripes running around it like a candy cane

>she comes back and kneels on the carpet in front of you, but there's not a damn thing submissive about it

>she raises her tail in front of her where you can see it and s-l-o-w-l-y inserts one end of the toy, bites her lip and gives out a little moan of satisfaction

>whips her tail around behind her, then up between her legs

>guides it with one paw up to her groin, other end of the toy goes into her pussy

>she sighs and leans back, pushing further with her tail until the toy is in far enough

>there's something evil about the little grin she gives

<"Now watch."

>the stripes begin to shift back and forth slowly

>the bulb of her tail pulses gently as its internal muscles push the dildo in one direction

>you can see her belly twitch just a little as she works her _other_ set of internal muscles, pushing the toy back the other direction

>look up and see her seductively smiling and staring right back at you, not breaking eye contact, her breath coming a little harder and faster as her pussies fuck each other

>oh god, your dick's about to have a rupture, how long is she going to drag this out

>…forty-five goddamn minutes later

>at last you start begging for her to stop it

<"Holy shit, finally! I was wondering when you were going to say something."

>tail yanks dildo out of her pussy, flings it across the room, you hear it thwack against the wall

>she plunges her tail down on you and throws her head back with a loud, deeply pleasured sigh

>you nut in about 0.08 seconds

<"Oohh, YES… Fuck, it feels so good when I've made you beg for it."

<"Up for another round? …heheh, of course you are."

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f98a3e No.375767


>she uses a dildo because you're not man enough to satisfy her

If your woman has a dildo, you're already a cuck.

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30666c No.375775

File: 41d144014a8c6a8⋯.jpg (33.2 KB,173x165,173:165,manticore_lip_bite.jpg)

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ec8a08 No.375783

File: 7c161765aca70de⋯.png (2.67 MB,1400x1570,140:157,7c161765aca70de6f426e7167c….png)


>not going "fuck this" when she takes out the dildo

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0925b3 No.375784




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30666c No.376014

File: e01bed61840f8f5⋯.png (947.52 KB,715x889,715:889,Manticore_0.png)

>You're chilling with your manticore gf.

>It's late at night and the two of you are in bed, drinking tea and watching Alien.

>She's sitting behind you, the back of your head resting in her mane fur, as Kane goes down to investigate the Xenomorph eggs.

>"There's a… a layer of mist just covering the eggs that reacts when broken."

>You involuntarily shiver as he trips down into the egg pit and you recall what's about to happen.

<"Something wrong?" asks manticore.

>"I hate this part." you tell her.


>"Yeah. Good movie, but I can't stand this bit."

>Manticore doesn't respond as Kane moves over to the nearest egg.

>The camera gets a nice close-up on its leathery exterior.

>You jump at a sudden movement that doesn't come from the film, but relax when you see that it's just her tailpussy that's emerged from behind the screen and is now sitting on top of it.

>You go back to the movie.

>"Wait a minute, there's movement."

>The facehugger twitches inside the egg - you only see it for a second before manticore's tail droops down over the screen

>"Babe, I can't see the film." you say.

>She doesn't respond. You sigh and go to swat her tail out of the way, only to find she's holding both your hands against the mattress.

>You try again. Your hands don't budge an inch.

>"Honey, what are you doing?" you ask her. She says nothing - you start to turn to her, but stop when her tailpussy suddenly twitches and rises up to face you.

>"It seems to have life. Organic life."

>You stare her tailpussy down.

>"Don't." you say.

>The egg opens - so does her tailpussy, revealing the moist pink insides, the tiny tongues that line her inner walls beginning to shift around.

>Her tail's tough outer lips shift outwards and back, allowing the first layer of soft inner petals to spread wider until they reach full bloom, a few drops of drool falling from them and landing on your shirt.

>In fact, if she reeeeeeeeeeeally stretches, it's just about wide enough to cover your entire face.

>"Don't you dare." you say.

>Kane peers into the egg.

>You stare straight into the moist hole in front of your face.

>She leans forward. Her lips press into your ear.

<"Mine's prettier, right?" she whispers.


>Good thing you don't really care for the next scene either, because you miss it.

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cc388e No.376017



>trying this hard

Clearly this is all Yeti propaganda to steal away good boys who just want to snuggle. You can't fool me.

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6b1c86 No.376030


Quality stuff, cute

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e62abb No.376031


That was wonderful.

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7593eb No.376063


>Mine's prettier right?

Tbh fam, as soon as you become intimately familiar with tailpussy, it would probably be impossible to look at it with disgust…

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93e2b1 No.376517

File: 35116933c7211fe⋯.jpg (171 KB,1200x848,75:53,DrT4NT2UwAAnVST.jpg)

File: c4ea77dc5ed3962⋯.jpg (165.76 KB,1200x848,75:53,DrT4OUhU8AEtm0O.jpg)

File: a9c23fa675781e1⋯.jpg (154.65 KB,1200x848,75:53,102.jpg)

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5d7cb7 No.376519

File: 200a34ee4edd5fa⋯.png (360.1 KB,500x500,1:1,spoder.png)

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daeb9f No.376562



>no hellhound variety

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7593eb No.376597



>With a tailpussy

Too much for a mortal man.

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b08eb5 No.376598


Dear God imagine that

>she can fucking sting you with her venom

>its a fucking hellhound

>you might as well give her ultra instinct also

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93e2b1 No.376611

File: abcf298c2e34082⋯.png (1.87 MB,1000x1529,1000:1529,650eaea5dfc366a60fe5bc43ba….png)




>people have already forgotten the UshiHellCore

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2eb823 No.376612


Yeah but she was drawn pre-election and nobody on 8chan remembers anything before that.

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08b49d No.376614


date this girl to die instantly

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04dd91 No.376615


this is the last thing you see before death

of your dick, that is

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19318d No.376620


At least Cheshire isn't included in that. That would be overkill like it isn't already. Or in this case, overrape.

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8f9d29 No.376625



I think we should have the image be completed by adding cheshire bits. We need to make the supreme best grill.

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1a8c73 No.376629

File: 9d1db6666a03688⋯.jpg (61.4 KB,546x720,91:120,9d1db6666a03688ff8a814acbd….jpg)


>that pic

Nice, but she needs a bit of orange fluff on her chest, and under boob fluff to round out the hellhound additions, because she's mostly manticore.

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93e2b1 No.376659

File: 9f7ec5ce02c14ed⋯.jpg (66.73 KB,750x444,125:74,9f7ec5ce02c14edae7e7c91275….jpg)


>because she's mostly best girl.

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1a8c73 No.376660

File: 97dc86fc14ba7e0⋯.jpg (328.9 KB,1909x2160,1909:2160,GLAZ HIM.jpg)


>not wanting to make her even better

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1a8c73 No.376664

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97d0b5 No.377119

File: 0f88126b025a1c5⋯.jpg (127.7 KB,1280x1536,5:6,Manticore93b.jpg)

File: 87c6b9d631cbcc9⋯.jpg (505.1 KB,3000x3000,1:1,Manticore100c.jpg)

Don't be fooled by the mere presence of the tailpussy. Fuck your manticore in the pussy between her legs and get her pregnant. They love it.

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39b8d8 No.377121

File: 6ef2c8eb9dc0517⋯.jpg (174.12 KB,1481x1773,1481:1773,Manticore91b.jpg)

File: 7b770eccb0b51cc⋯.jpg (103.72 KB,850x1203,850:1203,sample_8ef408b41b76b89fc2a….jpg)

File: 05550cd15795d8b⋯.jpg (641.04 KB,2366x2029,2366:2029,8b0dc7102f41b47d00be32445f….jpg)

File: d2a2809b84f614b⋯.jpg (117.26 KB,800x1000,4:5,Manticore212.jpg)

File: bc7a6c8ea68c4ff⋯.png (631.94 KB,1798x2317,1798:2317,Manticore132.png)


Very true, but multi-hole loving is also very important to having a healthy relationship with your manticore.

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2de4fc No.377122


Pregnancy is the natural end state of the vanilla fetish it is only for true patricians.

there will never be enough pregnant manticores. After the dotr my life's work will to increase the manticore population by a nonfractional percentage.

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7593eb No.377168




I am sorry but the title fetish can't really be applied to vanilla. In fact Vanilla is kind of the opposite of a fetish.

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1ec771 No.377191


I'd say vanilla is consideres abnormal in the current year. Not to speak for others but I'd say /monster/ has taken the taste of vanilla to something a bit beyond what you'd find in a romance novel from the 50's, and that's a good thing.

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7593eb No.377193


>Beyond normal vanilla

Is it french vanilla now?

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ec8a08 No.377194


>In fact Vanilla is kind of the opposite of a fetish.

The official definition of fetish is "to be strongly sexually attracted towards something", so if you get diamond hard with vanilla it'd be a fetish.

Even if you're going with the "unusual thing you're sexually attracted to", I'd argue that degeneracy is widespread enough nowadays that vanilla would, ironically, be niche enough to be considered unusual.

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7593eb No.377232



>" an object or bodily part whose real or fantasied presence is psychologically necessary for sexual gratification and that is an object of fixation to the extent that it may interfere with complete sexual expression"

I am afraid that you should actually bother reading the definition of "fetish" before making claims on what it is.

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03278d No.377234

File: dcaf385899a20b0⋯.jpg (680.07 KB,1000x1500,2:3,mantycore F2.jpg)

I want to cuddle with a manticore!

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d265f8 No.377235


Didn't you read the warning? >>375626

You'll be in the perfect position to get raped.

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59a7e4 No.377236



>"an excessive and irrational devotion or commitment to a particular thing."

semantics will get us nowhere

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03278d No.377237


>obvious yetiposter repeating lies everyone stopped believing years ago

Fucking manelets, when will they learn?

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0925b3 No.377238


I just want a monster girl to cuddle with, period.

I also want out of the monster girl-less, faggotry-filled, insane clown world.

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97d0b5 No.377249

File: e60316f02673d44⋯.jpg (23.23 KB,288x499,288:499,why.JPG)


>human legs

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c63529 No.379509

File: 462b0b64d715b2a⋯.jpg (59.56 KB,528x426,88:71,activate it.jpg)

Hey so we all know manticores have soft, fluffy manes but what about matching fluffy pubes?

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6982e6 No.379516

File: bc7a6c8ea68c4ff⋯.png (631.94 KB,1798x2317,1798:2317,Manticore132.png)

File: d2a2809b84f614b⋯.jpg (117.26 KB,800x1000,4:5,Manticore212.jpg)

File: 33745861b42ab13⋯.jpg (189.9 KB,1200x1200,1:1,DmUdxI0X0AMMbgB.jpg)


Some things are best experienced firsthand.

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ebceae No.380671

Which is better: manticore who forces you to orgasm after orgasm until you're practically comatose, or manticore who precisely controls the inside of her tail to edge you for what seems like an eternity? Or both, in short order?

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b48f36 No.380673

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0a881b No.380677


Orgasm after orgasm.

I'd want to be stuck with so much manticore venom that I could fill every hole of hers until her stomach, pussy, ass, and tail are bloated. Hell I'd keep going after that if I could.

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6b1c86 No.381153

File: 3721f7d222d0366⋯.png (1.71 MB,1280x1425,256:285,delete this.png)

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ac8e34 No.381158




not even shameless samefagging

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3d2a04 No.381160

File: b541c9ff111987c⋯.png (335.79 KB,720x1280,9:16,Screenshot_20181217-022936.png)


Don't be a nigger

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65a1e5 No.381189

File: ea8d4bca16cb635⋯.png (185.2 KB,553x956,553:956,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 99b30b2fa1d0741⋯.png (386.07 KB,720x1119,240:373,20181216_192526.png)


I must also ask that you cease being a nigger.

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d447a1 No.381618

File: 6bd8e43d93cb8dd⋯.png (178.64 KB,384x396,32:33,lewdface.png)


>You'll be in the perfect position to get raped


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b418a5 No.381626

File: 4075fddb01ed126⋯.jpg (167.29 KB,1600x1131,1600:1131,Du-fzJOVYAELKUM.jpg large.jpg)

Now you see here folks, this is a prime example of how a manticore might try to lure you in. But I tell you what fellas, you crawl under those covers with her and you're a goner.

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a1d7b3 No.381627

File: 9e1b533b48d4439⋯.png (72.27 KB,500x505,100:101,1429778690928.png)


I've never seriously thought of commissioning an artist but god damn, I love phanaxial's works

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c63529 No.381636

I'm upset at the lack of tailpussy stories recently but I'm too shit of a writer to contribute.

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bdb29d No.381638


start writing anyway and don't be one of those anons that complains about no content but doesn't contribute

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7593eb No.381669


Everyone knows manticores are for lewd snuggles.

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7593eb No.381671


Also this is the most beautiful tailpussy, and I recommend we ammend all future tailpussies to look like this one.

Shame it's kind of oversized.

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7593eb No.381676

File: 1aa6471fc5339d2⋯.png (6.82 MB,2494x2926,1247:1463,de-niggered.png)

Also I de-niggered this image for you guys. 6 million hours in paint.

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fee135 No.381678

File: bb4486f1d54362f⋯.png (83.91 KB,803x688,803:688,good.png)


Good shit, it's good to see another anon taking matters into their own hands with fixing what shouldn't be required to be fixed in the first place.

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b418a5 No.381927

>you wake up shivering in the dark

>this apartments central heating is spotty at best, but it at least usually has the good grace to fail during the summer months

>you know damn well that the landlord will take his sweet time getting it fixed

>1:38AM glares back at you from your alarm clock

>what a fantastic start to Christmas day

>with the blankets you've got as thin as they are, you're liable to freeze to death

>not literally, but it'll be uncomfortable

>still, you've got a solution to this problem

>you turn to the manticore lying next to you

>the cold never seems to really bother her

>perhaps it's her more animalistic extremities that keep her warm

>or maybe it's the paw print pajamas you got her last year she always wears to bed

>she's laying on her side, one paw beneath her head and the other resting on her hip


>you shuffle yourself against her, pressing against her warmth

>her mane is as fluffy as ever, filling your nostrils with her scent as you press your face into it

>your back is still cold though, you could really do with having that warmed up

>you hate waking her up in the middle of the night

>thankfully, you know a trick for just this situation, learned from a helpful online article

>internally thank the author of "Understanding Manticore Instincts" for their sage advice

>slowly you begin rocking yourself back and forth

>sure enough, you see her ears twitch once, then twice

>her paws flex briefly

>you stop for a moment to make sure she's still asleep

>as soon as you're sure she isn't on the verge of waking up, you begin moving again

>once again, her ears and paws are the first to react

>you keep the motion up, trying to awaken the most ingrained parts of her psyche

>it only takes a few seconds more before it happens

>her sleeping mind interprets the movement against her as prey struggling to escape

>her arms spring from their idle positions

>in an instant both of them wrap around you, pressing you tightly against her

>one of her wings drapes itself over your back

>both her legs and tail wrap around your legs

>in only a few seconds you're almost completely surrounded by manticore

>the cold is banished entirely

>you flex to see just how securely she has you held

>as expected, you can barely move

>you hold yourself stock still as her warmth spreads through you

>soon enough, her body begins to relax

>her arms soften from a vice grip to a firm hug

>you glace up from your cozy prison

>there's a contented smile resting on her face as she sleeps

>you nuzzle into her mane and close your eyes

>yeah, this is a pretty good start to Christmas

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6b1c86 No.381928


cute, good stuff

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7ab175 No.381930

File: d9b0665e7a5bb53⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,3000x4000,3:4,d9b0665e7a5bb53372f28b6b8a….jpg)

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be43f3 No.383033

File: 637906752e3dda0⋯.png (6.72 MB,3000x3600,5:6,637906752e3dda0002a0708ff1….png)

File: f811abfa3746f6b⋯.jpg (257 KB,1564x2048,391:512,f811abfa3746f6b5574b27369e….jpg)

File: 381abf0fa1306fb⋯.jpg (2.15 MB,3000x3600,5:6,1523300789550.jpg)

File: 1a8f8c8c6dcc569⋯.jpg (125.46 KB,1042x1200,521:600,1a8f8c8c6dcc569b72b5e9731c….jpg)

posting the Fiship manticores, as they deserve to be here.

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e2b95c No.383038


Just you wait anon, there's another one in the works.

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38b05d No.383086


That’s just a manticore without a fluffy mane

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fac3b3 No.383096

File: babdb3bff22d45a⋯.png (8.27 MB,6000x3600,5:3,babdb3bff22d45a7c721b8b4dc….png)


Dont forget the teacercore.

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a2711a No.383099

File: c978e80efe0cfe8⋯.png (34.27 KB,274x200,137:100,1362180124458.png)


can we have more mamono in clothes like that in general? Holy moly

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a7834e No.383156

File: 8b5e4a21b262779⋯.png (8.73 MB,3455x4759,3455:4759,noshu.png)

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59a7e4 No.383157



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7593eb No.383160


Fiship is a blessing. Praise be her. But I've had enough of pinups. If I weren't a stingy jew I would commission for a lewd snugglecore myself.

Are pinups all Fiship can do?

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7593eb No.383161


Ignore me I'm a retarded faggot and she doesn't do commissions.

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cd55e6 No.383162



She's done a couple other things, but mostly pinups. And she does commissions, but only intermittently.

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a1d7b3 No.383165

File: e99b0eec409e78b⋯.png (306.9 KB,600x600,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

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8f9d29 No.383204


Is there a NSFW version of there is never enough manticore lewds.

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cca763 No.383242


You know what's infinitely better than starting to write stories? Finishing them.

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5b2dcb No.383261


dead link m8. Pastebin taliban strikes again.

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be43f3 No.383267

File: 1f7196040833404⋯.gif (558.48 KB,367x265,367:265,1d5.gif)

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be43f3 No.383268

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f453b9 No.384111

File: 9daaac690baa387⋯.jpg (131.75 KB,1200x1000,6:5,IMG_20190111_092200.jpg)

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38970c No.384148


Drawing isn't bad, but god damn. She looks like she could palm two volleyballs at the same time.

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38970c No.384149


Derp, meant beach balls.

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7593eb No.384180


Three if she uses tail as a suction cup

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1e8ee8 No.384210


Suction cup man(ticore)

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d5d8cc No.384505

File: 0413f318bef1476⋯.jpg (213.6 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,Dw-K6rOVYAASaNO.jpg large.jpg)

Receive pats from the 'core.

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178c51 No.384539


Veru nice

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30666c No.384814


I want a manticore to give me headpats and maybe a neck rub.

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e15db0 No.384890

File: 1a7c1f5af7f54ca⋯.jpg (203.86 KB,800x1200,2:3,DxYcAwXWsAAq06q.jpg)

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0fb3ee No.385180

File: da4f669b83ff44b⋯.png (13.23 KB,225x225,1:1,5f4345e564e316510542230057….png)

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59a7e4 No.385181


I am erect

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4986bc No.385211

File: eb5eb471259422a⋯.jpg (331.98 KB,800x1200,2:3,manticore fix.jpg)

Utter shit but luckily I fixed it

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1c1dd2 No.385213

What happens if I blow into her tail?

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c63529 No.385216


probably get stabbed

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e15db0 No.385217


Her tail spontaneously shows you it's facehugger impression.

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7593eb No.385218


>Playing with GF's tailpussy.

>Blow into her tail.

>Feel her shift and wince.

>Angle your sips until you begin to hear it resonate like a bottle.

>The hum of the air is interrupted with what sounds like…

>Hollow popping…

>Continue to blow.

>The sound of something hollow rattling around intensifies.

>Blow harder.

>Ping pong ball pops out and rolls onto the bed


>goddamn physics

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7593eb No.385219

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c63529 No.385468


…why is your waifu eating ping pong balls with her pussy?

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30666c No.385984

Anyone got any pictures of a manticore giving head?

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905006 No.386022


aspergers syndrome

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c63529 No.386037


I'm sorry anon.

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610e8d No.386046

File: 3c29a047e9e2d8f⋯.jpg (122.59 KB,849x1200,283:400,fadstr.jpg)

File: 2ad98fa8a8e679f⋯.jpg (136.52 KB,946x1200,473:600,afgvcb.jpg)


I know of at least one but it's group sex, I don't have it saved and I don't feel like tracking it down.

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6a87a0 No.387269


why does the first one have a bushel of grapes sticking outta her tail, push that shit back in. no prolapsed tail pussy around here.

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b3053e No.387299

File: dc8bc9a11658381⋯.png (242.94 KB,1280x712,160:89,tumblr_inline_orbk7rmfNf1u….png)

Don't think I've seen this one posted around here before.

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8f9d29 No.387401

Just a reminder that manticores are the best and mane huffing is very lewd. Cheshires are also pretty great too.

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04dd91 No.387444



Cheshire is actually better than manticores :^)

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b3053e No.387454

File: 3a662b21987c767⋯.png (816.6 KB,1867x1917,1867:1917,6224d7c4b2ab408a9d1f0a6a6e….png)


That is a fine opinion you've got there. It's a shame it's entirely wrong.

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8f9d29 No.387455


Would you date a yanki thug manticore that is rough around the edges with a tough persona but is actually really sweet? What if she tries to badly bully you?

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295acd No.387457


>yandere kanojo except she has a fluffy mane to huff

I would.

Also, that pic just made me realize manticores have wings. I don't know how I manage to somehow ignore it on every single pic I've seen up until now, but I guess I'm aware now.

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8f9d29 No.387469


I imagine a yanki manticore would try to grow a huge mane, but get shy about how it doesn't let her tan as well or it is hard to dye.

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295acd No.387471


>tan manticore with the default blonde but dark at the roots delinquent hair and a big fluffy blonde mane


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b3053e No.387472


Does that bullying occur in bed? Does she leave deep claw marks across my body? Does she taunt me about how cute it is when I struggle in her grip, sometimes publicly? Orgasms, does she prefer to keep me on the very edge of one for an eternity, or force multiple out of me until I'm practically comatose? Does she assign pet names to me such as "Prey" or "Pincushion"? Do her friends giggle when we cross paths and make cryptic references to "stories they've heard"? Does she occasionally run the tip of a claw along my throat while musing on how soft I am? If we sit down at a restaurant table with a long cloth, what're the odds I'm trapped in her tail by the time our drinks arrive?

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35f477 No.387475

So, I have recently become completely infatuated by manticores. Can someone give me a quick rundown on tailpussy? What it is, what it does?

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7593eb No.387494

File: 5bdf212ce07ff71⋯.png (802.15 KB,1470x4385,294:877,cuddleslut.png)


Tailpussy is for comfy, lazy, prolonged sex.

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c12899 No.387500


Its a portal to another dimension kinda like a stargate or something.

You put things in it, like fingers, food, or your face.

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4aa305 No.387506


Also if you feed it Skittles you get a mofucore egg a few weeks later.

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ab344d No.387557

File: c2af03064011cb6⋯.jpg (218.77 KB,1600x1769,1600:1769,IMG_20190217_225753.jpg)

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afe7b5 No.387562


Magical Girl Manticore? I can get behind this.

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b3053e No.387564


It's a Cupidcore and I want to smooch her belly and most other parts of her.

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e0a67c No.387568



>tail fires spines that not only give you a raging hard-on, but also make your heart go doki-doki for her

Christ that’s op I wanna cuddle it

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508a79 No.387569


Don't worry I'll take one for the team and take her home. You'll all be safe your welcome.

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30666c No.387581


That's very noble of you Anon. I hope there are more like her, I would also like the chance to make such a sacrifice.

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32edd4 No.387591


Could a manticore's big meaty paws even hold a bow properly?

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28f1aa No.387597


Manticores are quite familiar with thick taunt cords.

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b3053e No.387611


No, but that's what makes it so cute.

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6c8f1f No.387617


They'd either have roughly human sized paws, or the bow itself is bigger. Lord help you if the latter is true.

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e0a67c No.387636


Maybe she could fire the arrows from her tail or something

Or like I was thinking here


If we go full hybrid we could just have her spines be imbued with the same powers as the arrows, on top of the SuperViagra effect.

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b3053e No.387658



>Accordingly Apollonius asked the question, whether there was there an animal called the man-eater (martichoras); and Iarchas replied: "And what have you heard about the make of this animal? For it is probable that there is some account given of its shape." "There are," replied Apollonius, "tall stories current which I cannot believe; for they say that the creature has four feet, and that his head resembles that of a man, but that in size it is comparable to a lion; while the tail of this animal puts out hairs a cubit long and sharp as thorns, which it shoots like arrows at those who hunt it."

In short, a manticore would not require a bow.

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80df87 No.387667


Maybe she just practices archery as a hobby.

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a15c33 No.387671






Clearly the answer is that she holds the bow sideways with both hands, then uses her tail's MANTISUCTION™ to nock an arrow and draw the bow.

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962f27 No.387690


tail barb archery ofc

with or without the bow

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30666c No.388432

File: c80dfdef771a8a7⋯.png (384.65 KB,615x715,123:143,all you care about is cudd….png)

>You wake.

>The morning light, filtered though the thin green curtain covering the single window in your small bedroom, casts everything in a dull emerald hue.

>Under this light, even the generic beige colour of the wall takes on a shade of green with enough character to put you in mind of lichen growing on a rock near a river.

>Whatever isn't bathed in the off-moss colour of the light remains pleasingly gray, just light enough to be seen while just dark enough not to offend the bleary eye.

>The calm provided by this rule of green and gray soothes your just-woken mind - everything in the room obeys it, with two exceptions.

>The first is the red light of the digital clock by your bedside, solemnly projecting its message of "09:30".

>The second thing to flout the rule of understated colour in this room is her hair.

>Her hair is of a light pink colour that you would most reasonably describe as 'disarming' - sometimes you can't even tell if there's more red or white in that mixture of shade, but they mix together to produce the kind of pink which effortlessly catches any and all eyes, and your eyes most of all.

>Her hair spills over her shoulders, and in fact over yours as well - in fact, due to the cramped space of the single bed you both share, her hair's roseate strands even reach your own scalp, mingling themselves mercilessly with your own hair.

>You're so focused on this that you don't even register her words, which drift out from behind you dressed in that sweet little whisper she saves for the first minutes of the morning.

<"Babe, it's raining."

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30666c No.388433


>You strain your ear to catch - the sound of raindrops hitting puddles outside, the soft hiss of their impact (muted a little by the closed window) providing the audio to this scene of perfect comfort.

>"Mmhm." you grumble drowsily, shifting under the covers. Her paw appears, sliding from where it was at her side over to your hip, and without stopping, under your shirt.

>You sigh at the feeling of her claws tracing their lazy paths over your bare skin, as her paw slides over your stomach and up your ribcage to stop just between your pectoral muscles, where her fingers tighten, just a little, to press her claws ever-so-slightly harder onto your skin.

<"Mmm, go and open the window." she mumbles in a sleepy yawn.

>"Why?" comes your reply in an equally sleepy yawn, still enjoying the simple feeling of her hand on your chest.

<"'Cause I want to listen to the rain." she says. "With you."

>Those last two words are followed by a tiny kiss on your shoulder blade, making her request impossible to deny.

>The room is designed for only one person to live in without much space to spare, so it's a matter of two large-ish steps over to the window, turn its handle and fling it open.

>Instantly, the chill of the morning air greets your face as the now un-muted sound of the rain greets your ears.

>Two more steps and a slight fumble, and you're back in bed.

>You're not even finished pulling the covers back over yourself before both her arms close around your chest, her leg crossing over yours and her tail sliding over your hip to land in its usual resting-place of just in front of your crotch.

<"Muuuuch better~" she sighs. You smile.

>Without much further movement you both resume your resting positions, as another sigh flutters over the back of your head.

<"Oh! I almost forgot…" she whispers, before leaning forward and over you - her face appears in your peripheral vision, but all you can make out before she strikes are flushed pink skin and two ruby-red irises.

>Her lips meet your cheek to deliver a rather ungentle kiss, before moving up to your ear.

<"Morning, baby~" comes her whisper, released from lips millimetres away from the ear which receives the words.

>"Good morning, miss…" comes your reply, a tell-tale prick from her claws on your chest betraying her pleasure at her simple favourite of your names for her.

>You've been together long enough that she knows you know she likes it, and she doesn't have to say as much.

>That thought makes you smile again as the rain continues to patter from outside the window.

<"Anything to do today?" she asks. You turn to face her, momentarily ending up with a faceful of mane fluff before meeting her crimson eyes, and your favourite smirk.

>Resisting the urge to kiss her is an absolute impossibility.

>She hums with contentment as your lips meet, and you hold it for a couple of seconds before pulling back

>"I don't think so…" you say, readjusting your position on the pillow.

<"Goooood…" she purrs, sliding her hand again under your shirt and up your torso.

<"I thought maybe you could go out for snacks in a little while… and then we can just snuggle for the rest of the day…"

>Her eyes shine with love.

>You stare out the now un-curtained window, out at the rain and the grey sky, where just at the bottom of the street the shop is waiting.

>"Sounds good to me…" you mumble, turning back to her before closing your eyes.

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59a7e4 No.388465


That's some prime cuddlecore right there.

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815a6a No.388498

File: 94ac13a6d8e4012⋯.png (1.21 MB,1250x1563,1250:1563,2019-1st_Manticore_speedpa….png)

>inb4 furaffinity

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e0a67c No.388509


Top notch stuff bud

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295acd No.388511


That's fucking great.

I'd figuratively step into the cuddlecore beartrap so fucking hard.

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b8fbf1 No.389486

File: b76ce81d7871bb3⋯.jpg (657.98 KB,1346x1071,1346:1071,dark_manticore.jpg)

I bring dark chocolate manticore.

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0cab91 No.389494

File: 141d4fec01069a9⋯.gif (1.39 MB,300x224,75:56,1334272999758.gif)



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7593eb No.389496

File: 4ad0e3b4d8bad57⋯.gif (828.88 KB,150x250,3:5,1461571126627.gif)



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295acd No.389497


Wait a minute, this Manticore is a nigger.

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bdb29d No.389499



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d85047 No.389501

File: fc20aa3698db501⋯.jpg (18.59 KB,700x535,140:107,fc20aa3698db501835ccf728e3….jpg)



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ec954e No.389505

How would a mother prepare her son when she learns his childhood friend manticore enters puberty? I'm thinking she'd line his jacket with chain mail.

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a16576 No.389506


Sign him up for track and field, endurance training, buying him a stab vest, and provide a venom antitoxin in his inner coat pocket.

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5836c2 No.389507

File: 9b9fc592988349f⋯.png (211.58 KB,900x580,45:29,Im fucking white.png)





Monsters cant be nigs, but nigs can be monsters

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d85047 No.389511

File: 4bb84530aee0f23⋯.jpg (52.72 KB,680x686,340:343,ed76976045.jpg)


nah, shit skin is shit tier, white is right.

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295acd No.389513

File: df9c2dc54ab1431⋯.png (361.79 KB,648x900,18:25,ClipboardImage.png)


>Monsters cant be nigs, but nigs can be monsters

I'm going to use first-order logic for simplicity sake.

Let's have two predicate symbols, M(x), for x is a monster, and N(x), for x is a nigger.

You're saying that monsters can't be nigs, in other words, if x is a monster, x can't be a nigger.

∀x (M(x) -> ¬N(x))
But you're also saying that nigs can be monsters, implying that there is or was a nigger that was a monster.
∃x(N(x) -> M(x))
Let us hypothesize that there is an x1, said x1 being a nigger.

Let us also suppose that x1, a nigger, is also a monster.

N(x1) ∧ M(x1)
Going by the second formula:
∃x (N(x) -> M(x))
N(x1) ∧ M(x1)
N(x1) ∧ M(x1)
N(x1) -> M(x1)
That means that x1 is a nigger and a monster, and there's no logical problem with that. However, there is now a problem with the first formula.
∀x (M(x) -> ¬N(x))
∃x (N(x) -> M(x))
N(x1) -> M(x1)
M(x) -> ¬N(x)
¬N(x) ∧ N(x1)

By considering the existence of a nigger that is a monster, we arrive that x1, our nigger monster, is and isn't a nigger, which, on first-order logic, is a contradiction, in other words, the formulas are mutually exclusive.

However, that's based on theorical logic. On the real world, however, there are many phenomenons that seem to contradict certain theorical rules, the now famous meme of Schrodinger's cat is an abstraction of the matter.

In quantum physics an object can, at the same time, be in multiple places simultaneously, travel multiple contradicting paths simultaneously and so on, it's not until the event is observed that it then becomes a single concrete entity.

In other words, either one of the formulas is wrong, which, considering latter is a tautology, means the former is incorrect, or the duality of the matter plays a certain role in this discussion.

In layman's terms, either you're wrong and hellhounds are niggers, or hellhounds are unobserved quantum niggers, meaning your bycicle exists and doesn't exist in their garages simultaneously.

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d85047 No.389530

File: 547af67c45b3322⋯.jpg (179.89 KB,850x601,850:601,547af67c45b33222b2798a67f3….jpg)


>unobserved quantum niggers, meaning your bycicle exists and doesn't exist in their garages simultaneously.

That is both hilarious and horrifying

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38b05d No.389533


Yes but if you separate M(x) into M(1) and M(2) where M(1)=waifus and M(2)=evil animals. Therefore N(x) can equal M(2) but cannot equal M(1), resolving the apparent conflict.

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861cca No.389571

File: f22c5921300d61f⋯.jpg (26.34 KB,487x598,487:598,1545091203322.jpg)


>quantum nigger theory

>on a monster girl board

Someone screencap this, its too good to pass up

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6c8f1f No.389578


Do it yourself nigger

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5836c2 No.389584

File: 2af16fa593bfe16⋯.png (626.65 KB,800x900,8:9,4f2269df917470dc6549e93ab4….png)


Im glad i caused this

And when i said "nigs can be monsters" i didnt mean monster as in mamono but as in "evil savage creature"

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861cca No.389585


I would, but I suck at screen caps, edits, etc. At most it will end up being a a full literal screenshot with horrid resolution

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b5e90d No.389729

File: 1c24d08d2043951⋯.png (1.39 MB,1422x994,711:497,cap.png)

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c85fb5 No.389738


/monster/ could really use more of these old-/tg/-like moments.

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c2cb6e No.389788

File: b15534605bbb0ae⋯.png (262.13 KB,426x358,213:179,elle.png)


>quantum niggers

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7593eb No.390301

File: d522804e0ba6ce7⋯.jpg (32.88 KB,370x699,370:699,4c396af5294f8310593a08e62e….jpg)

>Be autisticore.

>Recently snagged a man, sex is all you could have imagined and more.

>There is literally no thing more satisfying than making him squirm. It's his twitching and gasping that get you off most of all.

>Begin to obsess over how to please him, just so you can watch and empathize, to the point it's a fetish.

>Read one day in a magazine that massaging his prostate will make him cum buckets.


>More sweating

>You must witness this for yourself.

>But how will you convince him to let you touch him there…

>Wait, you know just the trick.

"Hey… anon. I've been thinking, do you want to try anal?"

>It's time for the ol' switcheroo.

>You've prepared rubber gloves and lube under the bed.

>Maybe he will never forgive you, but it will totally be worth it.

>He pauses.

<"No thanks. Tailpussy is more than enough for me. I don't really want to go through all of the trouble."

>Closet begins rumbling.

"I. uh…"

>You face flushes. Your snazzy line has fallen flat, and so has your confidence.

>Spaghetti is leaking out of the doorframe.

"Anon I just wanted to…"

<"Maybe some other day, you horny weirdo."

>Spaghetti bursts out of the closet, you are covered in orange stains. You scream and cry helplessly, running to the bathroom.

<"Come on I didn't mean it like that. Do you really want it that bad?"

"You don't understand!"

<"What the fuck? What has gotten into you?"

>He tries to open the door but you locked it.

<"Are you ok in there?"

>It's been an hour and you still haven't left.



>What do you do?

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e0a67c No.390304


>using pinktexting for the man’s lines

Also I understand the Manticore’s reasoning, but I want the man to succeed in not getting anything up his pooper here. Prostate play bothers me deeply for whatever reason, nothing should be going up there.

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96c20e No.390309


>prostate play

this shit is fuckboy-tier, don't even try.

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a6d283 No.390312


The only time you should ever have someone sticking something up your ass is when your doctor is checking your prostate for tumors. That or an enema for purely medical reasons. Still doesn't mean you have to like either.

Anytime else is for faggots.

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30666c No.390332


There's not much of a market for prostate play here, writefriend. I did like the interaction between the characters though.

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7593eb No.390345

Just shitposting boys, relax.

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1fb150 No.390353

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Dont turn your back on big cats. You'll awaken their predatory instincts

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7593eb No.390427

File: 7453b85b1983633⋯.jpg (11.78 KB,243x207,27:23,1443347273748.jpg)

>Be anon in late highschool.

>Autisticore has been hitting on you.

>She was known for being an utter spastic who can't handle social interaction.

>She keeps telling the same fucking jokes for months.

>She once lost her mind in front of your friends because she couldn't find her phone.

>Tears, sobbing, bitchy attitude, the whole nine yards.

>She wants lots of attention, too, but doesn't know how to reciprocate.

>She's a bit involved with your ring of friends, so you've had to put up with her nonsense.

>Now she wants to be your problem.

>Look at this bullshit. When did I ever invite you to sit on my lap?

>Can't really be arsed to let her down hard, so you just pretend it's a normal, friendly gesture.

>Dear god she smells like she hasn't showered in a good week.

>Just a normal occurrence lately.

>Maybe give her an awkward, weak hug every once in a while, as per her prompting with open arms; to stop her from flipping out.

>Her tail teases you thighs. Every. Single. Time.

>She never actually voices her obvious attraction, however. She must be expecting you to make the move.

>Until one day, not far from graduation, she corners you.

<"Anon… I. I t-think you're cute, and I want you to be my boyfriend."

>There is this absurdly goofy grin on her face as she finds the courage to show you her open tailpussy.

>Fuck no. How is that even an appropriate approach?

>It's time to let her down.

>You blankly say…

"I'm sorry, Lilly, but a vagina on the end of a tail really isn't my fetish… I'm sure you'll find somebody better."

>That's it? Those are the harshest words your stupid mouth could come up with?

>Must have been her slick goods on display that distracted you into using that wording.

>Fuck, maybe she'll get the message anyway.

>That look of shame, and dejection on her face tells the whole story. That definitely hit home.

>She's clutching her tailpussy to her chest.

>You 360 and moonwalk outta there

>Lately, her gaze has been avoiding you. Maybe you'll catch her glancing, but she swiftly just turns her eyes to her feet.

>Things change over time, though. Soon eye contact leads her to flush bright red. And before long she just stares at you, smirking.

>One day she sits down right next to you, in the cafeteria.

>Reeeal close.

>Her tail arches across your back and pulls you to her side.

<"Anon I think I finally understood what you meant. What is your reeeal fetish, then?"


>Your arm has positioned itself to make space from her.

"Why would I tell you. What the hell?"

>She looks puzzled, and breaks away from you.

>Don't see her for a week.

>Until, that is, you hear knocking on your door.

>Who could it be?

>It's Autisticore.

>Dressed in a motherfucking skintight latex bodysuit.

<"Is latex your fetish, Anon?"

>She tries to do a sexy pose for you, but is too uncoordinated, and comes off looking wobbly, and spastic.

>Does she think this is a motherfucking guessing game? Like I'm just being coy?

"No, what the fuck. How did you find out where I live?"

>She huffs.

<"Look this was expensive just let me…"

>You close the door.

>You hear her fiddling with your doorknob, so you immediately lock it.

<"Let me in! I need you!"

"Go away!"

>You hear her running over to a window.

>Dad had them barred long ago, luckily.

>You see her outside, peering in through the iron rods, looking dejected.

<"Fine! I'll try again tomorrow!"

>And thus begins your series of adventures.

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e0a67c No.390430


I had the misfortune of knowing a girl who considered the prostate “the cum button”

I couldn’t stop internally shuddering for a few hours. The phrase still sends a chill down my spine.

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e0a67c No.390431


I’m convinced the endgame for this situation is that if she doesn’t end up finding his real fetish for long enough, she’ll assume his fetish is getting raped.

Given that she’s an autist, she’ll likely make some elaborate trap instead of doing the rational thing and pinning him down herself. But autism can result in really precise results sometimes, so anon’s chances may not be so good in this situation.

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5836c2 No.390497

File: 0ca3730d31942e8⋯.jpg (56.33 KB,360x451,360:451,0ca3730d31942e84f6ccb342bf….jpg)


I hope you plan on continuing, this feels like a solid green text

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962f27 No.390797



also dat white hair aesthetic

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8f9d29 No.391468

Anyone mind posting all the manticores elakan and fiship have done so far? Anyone also have their hellhound and cheshire art too? I am trying to cllect as much art of the whol smug squad as much as I can.

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d0bd69 No.391824


dig through the thread. all of fiship's manticores are here.

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cbf396 No.391863

How would catnip effect a manticore?

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6aa78f No.391911

File: a5faf8406759b7b⋯.png (1017.47 KB,1984x2800,124:175,a5faf8406759b7b7c59c6ce9c7….png)

File: 117becc7349e43d⋯.jpg (258 KB,1767x2048,1767:2048,117becc7349e43d22ecdb7bb8f….jpg)

File: 6fdbe021b4183d1⋯.png (1.18 MB,1246x1692,623:846,6fdbe021b4183d1d7e7b747d6e….png)

File: 087fa35340998d7⋯.jpg (323.63 KB,1131x1600,1131:1600,087fa35340998d7f5eda449c30….jpg)

File: 61184fc7f3261d2⋯.jpg (237.63 KB,1355x2048,1355:2048,61184fc7f3261d25bd87471e1f….jpg)

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6aa78f No.391913

File: 33f2cd6e1d6a729⋯.png (44.55 KB,719x290,719:290,scatsste3.PNG)


Good things, it looks like.

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e0a67c No.392028


>live with Manticore roommate

>not that you’d be able to tell that she isn’t a Cheshire by how often she pranks you

>putting venom in your food, covering your pillow in spines, filling your search history with Manticore porn

>I mean that last one’s kinda weird but whatever it’s gotta be just a prank

>anyway it’s time to get her back

>and you have just the thing

>buy a shit-ton of catnip

>take her pillow out of the case and replace it with a pillow-sized bag of catnip

>Manticores are supposed to be part lion, and lions are cats, right? If it all goes well she’ll just go nuts and it’ll be hilarious.

>later, watching tv when roommate comes back from work

<”Hey anon. Did you enjoy that tape trap I left for you in the doorway?”

>”Ha,ha, very funny. I was unwrapping myself for like 20 minutes. Lucky for you I’m the bigger person here and decided to clean house while you were gone. Your room should be much neater now.”

>she blushes in surprise

<“O-oh really? Wow, thanks anon! Now I feel kinda bad…”

>”Don’t worry about it, go enjoy your room”

<“Well, okay… thanks again”

>once she closes her bedroom door you sit back and wait for the fun to begin

>you hear a soft thump, probably her hitting the bed

>there’s some rustling, sounds like she’s noticing the pillow’s different

>then a pause

>suddenly a raucous chorus of ripping and shouting occurs, and you almost jump off of your couch

>well damn, guess a grown woman acting like a high cat is really rowdy

>maybe you didn’t think this through

>It just keeps getting louder, thumps on the door start to scare you

>seriously what the fuck, you figured she was just gonna roll around on the floor for a bit and then get pissy at you

>it sounds like there’s a tornado in there

>suddenly roommate says something intelligible

<“Oh anooon~”

>her suddenly sounding so sweet is very concerning considering the string of expletives she was spewing before


>shaking a little bit, you walk up and crack open the door

>her pillow and a good portion of her bed is torn to ribbons

>the room is thick with the scent of catnip, maybe you overdid that

>roommate appears to have done as much damage to her clothes as the bed


>you try not to focus on that by looking at her face instead

>oh Jesus her pupils are slits

>there’s a sadistic grin on her face as she forces out a strained question

<“Anon. Do you KNOW what you’ve done to me?”

>”I-I put catnip in your pillow.”

>”…April fools?”

<“oh one of us is definitely gonna feel foolish soon after I BREAK HIS FUCKING PELVIS!”

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e0a67c No.392030


I might’ve dialed up the aggression part of the symptoms a bit much, but the idea was to have anon drug her expecting a normal reaction and it going horribly wrong

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5836c2 No.392046

File: 6ca78340aa9bff8⋯.png (53.28 KB,1215x698,1215:698,Manticore on catnip.png)


Sorry for the shit image quality

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07fdb7 No.392066

File: 2fe7bfdb7040fa2⋯.png (504.87 KB,637x853,637:853,unknown.png)

>see fresh manticore art thumbnail

>open full-size version

>no fluffy mane

>stinger tail



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e0a67c No.392099


Thanks fam

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161cc1 No.392114


Simple manticores are only female. What you saw was male so it wasnt a manticore. It was a faggot larping.

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6f83e0 No.392541

I've been wanting to rp with best girl for forever now. If someone's interested my discord is Whomst'dve #1029

(This is not gaia, fuck off.)
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0925b3 No.392548



Enjoy your ban.

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470944 No.392557



>the cancer is spreading

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38b05d No.392613


We shall excise it wherever we find it. Cancer cannot develop in a healthy body and /monster/ is a healthy body

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5836c2 No.392625

File: ed45a91f07f87a1⋯.jpg (119.06 KB,1000x999,1000:999,Manticore143.jpg)


On the topic of cancer, would some of you be so kind and help me bully niggers on the halfchan /d/ monster thread? it will also serve as a pre emptive strike to protect our board.

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295acd No.392627


>posting on halfchan

Fuck no, not with all the datamine shit there.

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5836c2 No.392632

File: b4f82316e36a0f3⋯.jpg (529.67 KB,1600x900,16:9,Manticore174.jpg)


True, than lets abort the ops

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30666c No.392642


>personal army shit

Take it to the meta thread, faggot.

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5836c2 No.392710

File: e282e2db5fdf366⋯.png (55.11 KB,1000x844,250:211,tough_mofucore.png)


At least I posted on topic images so I dont feel so bad about my faggotry.

But yeah sorry for the thread derailing.

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96c20e No.392732


>Picking fights at random

>involving the board for no reason


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f72c38 No.392764


I mean I thought it was cute.

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b27aa0 No.393353

File: bc42851647afd94⋯.jpg (1.15 MB,3455x4759,3455:4759,mantiscorsjsp.jpg)

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2bde7f No.393425


Why is red hair so great?

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c9060f No.396192


<"What the, wait oh you little, how?"

"Video games did teach me something!"

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4a103c No.396247


It’s the one natural hair color we have that escapes the black-brown-blonde-white spectrum. Shame there aren’t more outside of shitty dyes

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5aa360 No.396252


why would you spot squats

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119eaf No.396411


>daemon bird manticore fusion

Emperor protect me from this heresy.

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8f9d29 No.398886

File: 498a43bd5cc4525⋯.jpg (116.87 KB,1025x899,1025:899,3efb75ebfc66d9db8a0d4e54bb….jpg)

Exotic dancing manticores is something we need more of.

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cd2882 No.399010

File: f2525817aeef98f⋯.jpg (46.46 KB,600x528,25:22,forty keks.jpg)


mega TILT

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bb5593 No.399081

File: 1a5c694df61ad24⋯.png (346.78 KB,727x830,727:830,1a5c694df61ad24c0cb0fe46a9….png)

I want to take a shower with a manticore and rub soapy suds in her mane.

I want to give a manticore a back massage and focus on her wing roots.

I want to polish a manticore's tail chitin.

I want to tease a manticore's ears and see them twitch.

I want to rub my legs along a manticore's fuzzy built-in stockings.

And that's just some of the non-lewd things.

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6925fb No.399082


>teasing her ears

>massaging her wing roots.

Dear God anon, you fucking degenerate. You might as well just be holding her hand, or having construal sex in a dark room where you call each other pet names.

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bb5593 No.399090

File: a8bb7972cf4fd61⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.2 MB,802x615,802:615,ClipboardImage.png)


Much worse than that, I'm afraid. I often imagine myself waking up in the morning with a manticore and cuddling with her in this position while she gentle fucks me with her tail.

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5836c2 No.399114

File: 90ab7ea7a8e4f06⋯.png (255.87 KB,426x437,426:437,The future is now niggas.png)


>manticore's fuzzy built-in stockings

>built-in stockings

And that is why beast type monsters are the best.

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59a7e4 No.399440


Do you think manticores wear veils so only their husband will be graced with their smug grin?

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ce2f17 No.400317

File: 120169e8f675d33⋯.jpg (172.83 KB,2000x2000,1:1,D9ZTX7CXoAApLUs.jpg)

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5836c2 No.400338

File: 347ca69a73c8ff6⋯.jpg (1.82 MB,1524x1353,508:451,Good job pal.jpg)


>Mofucores are evolving

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39566a No.400383

If manticores are Aryan Persians, what would "moderate" manticore sharia look like?

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0cab91 No.400457


>Persians are Muslim

Islam ruined Persia, mate. Manticores are a reminder of better times.

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5836c2 No.400490

File: a22b34c481a4cd7⋯.jpg (2.44 MB,5500x6500,11:13,Manticore1b.jpg)


>If manticores are Aryan Persians

Manticores are half manticore and half succubus.

Don't bring human genetics into this and keep your shitty headcanon to yourself.

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c85fb5 No.400499

File: 57f87cf3a289273⋯.png (814.06 KB,857x1016,857:1016,simurgh grill.png)


Manticores are full manticore and if monster girls could not pass on any of their human's genetics through their children then that would be the true shit headcanon.


What would Zoroastrian manticores be like? How would they get along with other Iranian monsters, like the simurgh?

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b526ea No.400514


They'd be under investigation every other week because their symbols look too much like things (((other people))) don't like.

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c85fb5 No.400516

File: 46ee4ebc4fdbb5d⋯.jpg (305.24 KB,1280x912,80:57,Anahita-and-Bahram-Chobin.jpg)


Now I want to see a Priestess of Anahita manticore. Her devotion to a chaste Zoroastrian divinity of water and fertility might even affect her tailpussy, other physical features, and even personality in unique ways.


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9ad33b No.400526


We do danuki=jew and dont even get started on hellnigger posting. What's wrong with a comical memri tv manticore.

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5836c2 No.400623

File: e3989ab2a5529ae⋯.jpg (208.28 KB,1280x2880,4:9,Manticore55a.jpg)


>Manticores are full manticore

In the age of the previous demon lord that would be true. But after the white haired succubus's ascension to the throne all mamono became part succ, that is why current monsters look the way they do.

>and if monster girls could not pass on any of their human's genetics through their children then that would be the true shit headcanon.

KC never said anything about this so I can't even make an educated guess on how it works.

But one thing is certain. Monsters don't have an inch of human "genes" in their sexy little bodies. This idiotic, unsubstantiated topic is only entertained and discussed by insecure amerimutts who are scared that they are too much of a nigger to get a waifu

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cf48f6 No.400626


>/pol/is America.

>getting into fights with Autists and feds that leak to other boards on a site like 8chan.

Ok retard then by your logic all eurofags are cucks.

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6c723d No.400907

File: a1b132c70580c8e⋯.jpg (232.69 KB,1500x1400,15:14,D9vn-XMUcAI7UzU.jpg)

Roughly translations I've gotten from artist's Twitter:


>Model: conquering manticore

>Faces men alone. At turn end, gains control of that man. After which, will untap (extract spiritual energy) from man. Will continue extracting till turn end. She dominates without giving a single command.

>Targets one Manticore men to conquer. Gain control of it until end of turn. Untap the man. It gets premature ejaculation until the end of the turn. She does not order anything, but she is obliged to obey her.

>Single target only. Controls target until the end of the turn. Untap the man and restore his energy. The extra energy causes ejaculations until the end of the turn.

"Correct" translation is probably some combination of these three.

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c0fbf0 No.400921

File: a8f8c42f2faea05⋯.jpg (27.82 KB,245x343,5:7,51hPtA-pGDL._SL500_AC_SS35….jpg)

yeah thats just conquering manticore

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5c1344 No.401449

File: 767dc10840a09ac⋯.png (546.75 KB,904x922,452:461,Tumblr_ofmvnfkb7e1stljsho1….png)

File: fcc93e07565d873⋯.jpg (1.38 MB,1000x1500,2:3,73693643_p0.jpg)

While unrelated to these images, I would very much like to eat a strawberry that my manticore waifu holds in her tail.

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bdbc84 No.401712


That second image looks like it was taken from Monogatari

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b23df8 No.404197

File: 84278664ab2d3b1⋯.png (64.88 KB,251x312,251:312,ClipboardImage.png)

File: a666658e7a9ca44⋯.png (150.19 KB,571x511,571:511,Capture.PNG)

So, I couldn't help but notice this recently, but manticore tails are unnervingly shaped like Panzerfausts.

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c2be87 No.404201


All I'm getting out of this observation is that someone should draw a manticore firing a Panzerfaust using her tail.

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072a79 No.404427


>what is back blast?

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cbcd90 No.404555


The back blast will be countered by an explosive orgasm, or it would go up her tail and out some other hole. I like the first scenario more though.

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7005cd No.404556


>not a uniformed manticore firing Panzerfausts OUT OF her tail

please anon

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59a7e4 No.405698

At what age should you get the your manticore cubs childhood friend's parents to sign a waver for possible venom related hospital visits?

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7005cd No.405709


The same age you start carrying epipens full of antivenom.

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4a103c No.405727


This gave me the stupidest idea for a greentext

>be proud father of an 11-year old boy with your manticore waifu

>interestingly enough anon jr. made friends with a local manticore girl about his age a few years back and they've been inseparable ever since

>chip off the old block, almost brings a tear to your eye

>they play around all the time, you figure that one day soon she's gonna accidentally stab him with the venom

>once that happens you'll have to give them the birds and the bees talk

>One saturday afternoon, you're vegging out on the couch when you hear a frantic knocking on the door

>You open it to see Lucy, anon jr.'s friend, looking up at you about ready to bawl her eyes out

>And in her arms is anon jr. with what appears to be a really bad case of hives

>Lucy starts to sputter and try to explain what happened

>"Woah now kid, calm down and try to tell me what's going on slowly"

<"W-well, anon and I were p-playing tag by the swings, an-and I thought it would be fun to tag him with my tail, and a barb hit him, and he just started swelling up like this, an-and NOW HE'S GONNA DIEEEEEAAAUGUHHUHUHUH"

>Aaaand she's sobbing

>you try to console her and assure her that nobody's gonna die, but you don't really understand what happened either

>this just seemed to start after anon jr. got barbed

>uh oh

>you have a theory, but it's gonna have to wait until after you get your son to the hospital

>two hours later

>You, Lucy, and your wife are in the waiting room as the doctor emerges

>"Well Mr. and Mrs. Mous, the good news is your son is going to be fine."

>You both breath a sigh of relief

>"So can you tell us what it was that made him like this to begin with?"

>The doctor looked a little more downcast as he prepared to answer that

>"Well sir, you see, that's the bad news. What happened to anon jr. was a simple allergic reaction…"

>Oh well that's not too bad

>"…to Lucy's manticore venom"

>shit that's what you were worried about

>"It's a relatively rare problem, only a few hundred children per year are diagnosed with it. Fortunately there are precautions for this"

>He pulls out an epipen

>"This has a dose of antivenom to counteract the effects. Either one of you, whoever is watching anon jr., or anon himself should have at least one of these on him at all times, especially if he is going to be playing with Lucy."

>All three of you are a bit stunned at the whole situation

>10 minutes later your son is out and your wife is taking him and Lucy out to the car

>You stay behind at the doctor's insistence, as he wants to speak with you privately

>"Doc, these epipens are nice and all, but is my son gonna have to deal with this for his whole life?"

>"Well Mr. Mous, that's hard to say. Allergies can come and go as the body develops. Your son's encroaching puberty may well clear this up. Or perhaps the early parts of it are what brought the allergy about in the first place. We just don't know."

>"So it's just up to random chance?"

>"Not quite. There is one surefire way to cure an allergy to any of the various mamono venoms, poisons, and other materials. That cure, however, is incubization."

>"Well I don't imagine that's going to happen anytime soon."

>"Quite right, incubization can be an incredibly gradual process, and I don't need to explain to you what that process entails. Lucy there already seems to be quite smitten with your boy, so the need for a partner shouldn't be too prescient."

>"However, manticores instinctively use their tails and barbs all the time. If your son and Lucy end up falling into a relationship, they must be careful, far moreso that the average couple. And if they do choose to pursue incubization, the lack of venom entering your son's bloodstream is going to make the process take even longer than normal. As his parents, you and your wife will have to be very watchful to make sure the two of them make it out of this okay."

>"Okay, I understand"

>Boy, your son is going to have a very tumultuous decade ahead of him

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a16576 No.405728


Nice greentext, but wouldn’t the kid already have incubized in the womb?

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4a103c No.405729


Eh, I'd say it's up to your headcanon. Given that some mgs will turn a man into really weird forms of incubus, I think them being born as humans works better for everyone.

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59a7e4 No.405738


Good stuff we are always in need for manticore cub stories,

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5836c2 No.405779

File: 2b1f4c02f470365⋯.jpg (268.5 KB,1280x1157,1280:1157,Manticore raiju.jpg)


>Given that some mgs will turn a man into really weird forms of incubus

Nigger what? There are no visual changes involved. There is absolutely no downsides to incubization, unless you hate being healthy and strong.

You "i wanna stey humen"-fags are a laughing stock.

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1153bc No.405784

File: 8e80651a1f803fc⋯.png (2.49 MB,3000x2800,15:14,8e80651a1f803fc7cfdb1daf4d….png)


Having a loving waifu isn't enough for incubifags? You have so little faith in your ability to better yourself that some outside force needs to do it for you?

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4a103c No.405791


Dude I’m talking about shit like Mindflayers and Atlach-Natlas where they give you the ability to transform into shit once you Incubize

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ff0b2b No.405813

File: e9abca17cc48a57⋯.jpg (2.48 MB,891x2104,891:2104,people dont see the proble….jpg)


>There are no visual changes involved. There is absolutely no downsides to incubization

Hate to be that guy, but concerns are valid.

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4a3b90 No.405814


How about just talking to your waifu and lay down some ground rules regarding said changes?

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ff0b2b No.405816


sensible. But please dont ignore the fact that the mind and morals change from the beginning. Anyway my main gripe with the incubization is how the headcanon seems to be "no downsides". Theres never no downsides and even if it were, it just makes everything so meaningless and bland.

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32edd4 No.405819


I don't think it's something they have conscious control over.

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5836c2 No.405911

File: 6add1782f62c12c⋯.jpg (141.32 KB,1280x720,16:9,nia.jpg)


You're reading too much into this. Men don't get non human features after they incubize, and the "more convenient for monsters" part refers to resistances to extreme enviroments etc. And mental changes are there so that normal niggers wont be disgusted by monstrous features.

>Other than that, one's sense of time, and values concerning work and recreation will also change so that it becomes more convenient to live with monsters

This is just KC being KC. But I don't see the problem with people no longer worrying about wagecucking because (((money is the most important thing in the world goyim))).

You're not spooking anyone with your semantical and hyperbolic nonsense.

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af65b0 No.405916


Why would you even want to wagecuck when the world is presumably large enough and has enough unclaimed land to homestead or take over one of presumably many abandoned fantasy forts?

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76a1df No.405924

File: 53068ea7a134982⋯.jpg (112.2 KB,505x767,505:767,Holo_wheat.jpg)



Why not become The Merchant, travel and do business for a year or so then settle down and start an inn with the hitchhiking waifu after the two of you finally admit your feelings and mutual attraction

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2a8ffe No.405952

File: 43ef10cf25691c6⋯.png (876.36 KB,900x1050,6:7,43ef10cf25691c68bee7080ff1….png)

>Be anon. Life has been quiet despair.

>Until recently.

>DotR happened just about a week ago

>The impact is massive. The public eye has been transfixed on the mamono who've invaded the earth.

>Men have been kidnapped, and proactively dated in staggering numbers.

>You haven't been taken quite yet, but you know it's coming.

>Up late in bed, one night. Can't sleep because your mind is humming over some recent drama.

>Look at the clock.

>4 AM

>Could you even sleep if you wanted to? Would it be better not to try, at this point?

>Tell your brain to shut up, and hope it works.

>Inner voices quiet and you drift off…

>This isn't sleep.

>You are still in your bed, but you are paralyzed. You can see your room, but you don't know if your eyes are even really open - you are definitely awake inside, though.

>Sleep paralysis

>You have been in this terrible pit many times before. At the very least you have the discipline and inner steel to stand up to a direct encounter with the wilderness that can dominate you out here.

>You lay in bed, staring at the contents of your shelves, waiting for the hallucinations to appear.

>You feel a pair of cold hands tighten around your throat.

>Something is by your side strangling you.

>Panic creeps in, but you know what to do.

>What is it?

>What do you want it to be?

>It's a girl. That's what you will make it.

>You see motion on your shelves. It's skittery and brown.

>It's a huge fucking spider.

>No it's not. You make it a cat.

>Something blurry obstructs the vision your right eye. Some speckled dark gray mass, blurry as if it were only an inch from your face.

>It's an eye.

>Is it the girl?

>Your instincts say no.

>You feel a puff of cold air spray against your lip

>Someone help. You have to get out.

>You struggle fruitlessly against the chains of gravity tying you to your torture rack.

>It's not an eye. You are… You are looking down a broken telescope.

>That doesn't even make sense, but it doesn't matter.

>Those strangling hands, and the girl they belong to still menace you.

>You haven't turned your lolled head to face her, and the thought of doing so forces you to tear up.

>She's not strangling you… she's… snuggling you.

>The grip immediately softens and grows warm. It becomes quite pleasant.

>You still don't dare turn to face the girl. Every instinct you have is telling you that you will only find a pallid abberation resembling the grudge.

>You pump every ounce of willpower into screeching upright and escaping this hell before it gets any worse.

>You can modulate your breathing, at the very least. You are totally hyperventilating. You feel your forearms weakly stroke across your chest as you barely manage to even move them.

>You see your door slowly swing open, though it doesn't make a sound, and a figure is standing in it. It's a fuzzy shadow.

>Hyperventilating intensifies.

>Please. Fuck no.

>Not the goddamn shadow again.

>The shadow vanishes.

>A moment later you hear loud static fill your right ear. It's so loud that it jolts you.

>You strain and stress and struggle. You feel helpless like you are lying against a neutron star. Your nerves scream, but your arm only limply falls off of your chest.

>The noise feels like it's burrowing into your ear, it's buzzing like the flap of a beetle's wings

>It tickles and you feel invaded and uncomfortable

>Just what the fuck is going on.

>Suddenly, you are shaken. The nightmare is being torn down right before you.

>Your personal hell feels forgotten under the sensation of rolling over.

>Somebody is softly pushing and shaking you.

>Who is it?

>You turn to face your saviour.

>The door is open and light shines in to reveal her.

>It's clearly a young manticore woman, climbed up on your bed, and leaning over to grasp you.

>In your house.

>Late at night.

>You live alone.

>At least she looks quite cute, and petite; she couldn't be over one hundred, and twenty pounds.

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2a8ffe No.405953

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Mixed feelings fill you.

>But gratitude wins.

>You pull the stranger into a hug.

"Thank you."

>You gasp.

"Thank you so much."

>Your eyes have actually watered up while you suffered, though you don't feel the urge to sob.

>You feel her fuzzy hand just graze the hairs on the back of your head.

>Is she hoverhanding you?

>Maybe it is irrational to greet an intruder so warmly.

>You don't really give a fuck right now. Your own body even feels alien to you in this moment.

>As you begin to release the hug, your mind floods with questions.

"Are you real?"

>You hear her snort.

<"Of course I'm real."

>Can you believe her?

>Are your recent memories of the DotR even real?

>Look at the clock. 4:47 AM

>The time actually makes sense. You're probably not dreaming.


>You've been staring at that clock, lost in thought for a few seconds now.

"Why are you… here?"

<"I was… outside your window when I heard you huffing and puffing. I thought that you might be in trouble."

>Of course she was outside your window.

>Is she going to claim you as her husband?

>You pause, trying to think of the right thing to say, but you are totally out of it.

"How long have you been stalking me?"

>She visibly becomes quite bashful.

<"Look… I've been. Uh. Watching you for…"

>The poor girl freezes.

>She must not have worked up the courage yet. She probably blew her cover just to check on you.

>Your hazy, clouded mind just desperately wants to go back to sleep, really.

"Look I don't care. It's cool. Ah.."

>You yawn.

"I figured It was going to happen sooner or later…"

>You know how to reward her.

>You lift a blanket and offer her a spot.


>This is what she wants right?

>She looks a little shocked.

>Fuck you are too tired for this.

>You take her hand and gently pull.

>She reluctantly follows, but she's definitely laying with you.

>She's wearing quite a bit of clothing for bed though.

>Is she wearing fucking shoes?

>In your bed?

>Do mamono even wear shoes? Probably not. Her feet are probably pretty filthy, then.

>Don't care. My saviour.

>You can sense a giddiness in her breathing.

>Her hand creeps up and almost touches you.

>You smile in bemusement, and take it and hold it against your chest.

>She hides her face with her other hand.


"You're pretty shy for a manticore."


>You feel rather strange. Was your boldness out of character for you?

>Not really. It certainly would have been for standard 3DPD.

>But what news has reached you of the monstergirl apocalypse has actually had you thrilled.

<"It's just weird you're not running away. You know what you've gotten into right?"

"Yeah. If you're going to rape me silly, can you wait until tomorrow morning, though?"

>She scoffs.

<"Rape you? I don't know if that's the right word, seeing how willing you've been…"

<"But yes, I *can* wait until tomorrow, boy."

>And with those words, she backs out a bit and strips off her sweater, and jeans.

>She comes back in and claims your arm.

>You might think that the sudden turn of events would prevent you from falling asleep in less than ten seconds.

>They did not.

>Embed related is Manticore listening to you sleep.

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59a7e4 No.405986

I hope to find fellow core fags in the post dotr gang wars over who is the best wife.

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8f9d29 No.406000

Is it acceptable to huff a manticore's mane on the first date?

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51f355 No.406015


Only if you ask misses tail pussy for permision first.

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4a3b90 No.406016


Huff it loudly and in public too. Just ram your face in the mane and roll around your head while huffing like a lunatic.

Follow it up with a hearty bellow of "MMMMMMMM THAT'S SOME GOOD FLUFF!"

Then smug at her with a smug that'll make a cheshire jealous.

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1f2c67 No.406018


In almost all cases no. Huffing a manticore's mane typically is something that will be reserved for a later date and there is a somewhat complex social dance that usually accompanies it. It's recommended that the topic of mane huffing is entirely left off the table for the first couple dates, but after you and the manticore in question have built up a good understanding of one another you can begin leading into it.

Let's say that you are on your third or so date with a manticore. We will assume that this manticore you have not known for a serious length of time beforehand, perhaps you only met recently or were introduced via a third party. A good first step towards showing an interest in mane huffing is to admit a liking towards rubbing your face into soft things. This may seem an awkward topic to work into conversation, but there are plenty of methods of doing so. Consider the following: "I really should eat breakfast more often, but whenever I wake up early in the morning I just want to bury my face in the pillows and go back to sleep". As the topic of food is rather common and sleeping in is as well, it is not difficult either set up or allow the chance to make that statement.

At that point you should pay close attention to the manticore's reaction. Does she seem to take no real interest in that piece of information you have given, or perhaps continues to another topic? In that case mane huffing is most certainly not an appropriate action at this time. On the other hand, if she comments positively on such a habit "I do almost the same thing, I love sleeping in" or "Aww, that's cute/funny", take this as a positive sign and encouragement to proceed to the following step. Also remember to take note of body language. Does she begin displaying her mane more prominently after your statement, or perhaps occasionally runs her fingers through it? Either of these may be meant as an inciting display and further encouragement.

This final part requires a bit of cooperative acting, but if you and the manticore are in good sync and can 'read' one another should go well. At some point during the date, make a point to visibly trip or stumble over a somewhat defined piece of walkway. The final step at the top of a staircase, a street curb or while exiting a vehicle are all good candidates. At that point your manticore will almost certainly make some statement noting that she might have to catch you if you continue to be clumsy. If she makes such a statement, this is essentially a green light to seal the deal.

The next time you approach one of your signaled "trip hazards" (for this example we will use a street curb), your manticore will attempt to subtly take the lead, increasing her pace to arrive there before you. Allow her to do so, and slow yours slightly. As you begin reach the curb similar to where you "tripped" earlier, your manticore will almost certainly be standing roughly in your path of motion and ahead, either facing you or to the side. Glance away from her, as if checking for traffic, and "trip" upon the curb as you reach it. As you stumble forward, your manticore (likely with a mock gasp) will react to catch you, and as if by magic your face will almost certainly end up pressed into her mane. The only outward sign that this is anything but a manga-esque accident is one of her paws pressed into the back of your head, forcing it deeper into her fluff, and perhaps the two of you holding this position for a bit longer than one would expect a pair of surprised people to remain together. A single deep inhale is your reward for your world-class acting ability, but there is still work to be done.

As you arise from her fluff, apologize for your clumsiness. She will brush it off, reiterating that is was merely a freak accident that neither of you could have foreseen. Share a laugh, but thank her for watching out for you. Unless this event occurred at the very end of the date, hold off on compliments for now. Let whatever it is you were doing go on, but work them in later. Comment on the softness or volume, or if your manticore uses scented oils in her mane ask about them. As the above, these work best when worked into seemingly unrelated conversation, so keep a sharp ear out for easy ways to lead into them.

Of course, all this assumes rather "traditional" dating. If we're talking a DotR first-encounter event, it's more simple. If your manticore allows you to take a dominant position such as the missionary position(unlikely), mane huffing should be done in conjunction or directly before or after climax. Huffing during traditional intercourse can seem a bit distant, as most manticores would rather be face to face or kissing during such action. On the other hand, if your manticore is acting dominantly she will almost certainly dictate when you will mane huff.

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39d1f9 No.406036


Truly an assest to all aspiring tail fuckers.

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