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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 29a9ba9a6ea1968⋯.png (814.31 KB,1280x1899,1280:1899,1ce1eb66b0194dba0d30ab3f83….png)

File: 98b0423a9c6bca7⋯.png (330.01 KB,680x517,680:517,2f1ef2bdeecbeb8e201a49fabf….png)

File: 4daccedd59f4efd⋯.jpg (173.71 KB,1670x1351,1670:1351,4daccedd59f4efdb9ac09fe639….jpg)

File: a89d611bbfdc24c⋯.png (2.29 MB,2357x3500,2357:3500,125fb5_6452590.png)

File: 838f67ce5c65b6a⋯.png (359.96 KB,900x635,180:127,288d4c1b1c0648fb90f35cb0ce….png)

04dfa1 No.374319 [Last50 Posts]

Post your paladin memes

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04dfa1 No.374320

File: 2593864806a78b3⋯.png (348.25 KB,600x458,300:229,2593864806a78b37414edcc61a….png)

File: 3d11f204beeb4cb⋯.jpg (212.44 KB,900x1013,900:1013,Blank _d67d7c809ec9e357da8….jpg)

File: a093c729e86b36c⋯.jpg (63.94 KB,492x410,6:5,Blank _f0c35a4538e3b990d2d….jpg)

File: 68c64a12c87f30d⋯.png (610.4 KB,1024x1024,1:1,ecb7ba8ec0bc41c2baecafea5e….png)

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04dfa1 No.374321

File: 112e9b671ec789d⋯.png (757.54 KB,1024x1024,1:1,f80b03dbccff92e6b386c5b1fb….png)

File: f28463527d3614e⋯.png (288.42 KB,750x529,750:529,f28463527d3614ef34e06a7d2d….png)

File: f4f80bc137ec018⋯.png (90.39 KB,340x837,340:837,heresy.png)

File: e1b08896ad051d0⋯.jpg (85.45 KB,700x463,700:463,mgn paladins are at it aga….jpg)

File: 951e4e9736be2e4⋯.png (1.44 MB,2200x2000,11:10,no.png)

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04dfa1 No.374322

File: 2ad8daab8278129⋯.jpg (213.25 KB,744x1052,186:263,pure human.jpg)

File: 6eb44c70312430c⋯.jpg (166.98 KB,1200x1425,16:19,Such_505548_6666008.jpg)

File: 7ffce31539ac993⋯.jpg (148.71 KB,1200x1998,200:333,Such_e2144a_6666008.jpg)

File: 5df67a4e674cc4f⋯.jpg (218 KB,1200x1400,6:7,Such lewd knights_775440_6….jpg)

And also drawings and greentexts, I guess.

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04dfa1 No.374323

File: 4b8708458bf4917⋯.png (469.79 KB,632x863,632:863,Magic Conch shell.PNG)

File: 66bd07358f5b58c⋯.png (138.74 KB,1494x506,747:253,paladins.PNG)

Please excuse the previous posts. I forgot I had both my paladin memes and my paladin propaganda in the same folder

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732d30 No.374339


>(((for skekels)))

This is a dumb thread

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1fcdbd No.374340

File: bca17f5f85fe103⋯.jpg (46.65 KB,496x347,496:347,zxRXnnDlpCZHxaCeksJKjvME.jpg)

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46c3bb No.374343

File: 3874d95a732e98d⋯.png (216.05 KB,440x297,40:27,Paladin mamono blood.png)

File: cc1dd0bdd30c567⋯.jpg (41.47 KB,540x387,60:43,paladin 2.jpg)

File: 11b844206cd66cf⋯.jpg (50.04 KB,719x478,719:478,paladin 1.jpg)

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46c3bb No.374345

File: 0db5c9236ef8b59⋯.png (492.32 KB,1280x1057,1280:1057,drow dark elf paladin 1 ar….png)

File: 122229b5fa9cf64⋯.png (458 KB,1280x1057,1280:1057,drow dark elf paladin 2 ar….png)

File: bf0ad5e6250f5df⋯.png (487.68 KB,1280x1057,1280:1057,drow dark elf paladin 3 ar….png)

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a86bdd No.374385

File: 81ad2d0af727c11⋯.jpg (54.27 KB,1024x674,512:337,1518565460279.jpg)

>be paladin

>doing palaidn shit such as burning down elf villages

>one day I came across this lamia

>she made some moves onto me

>so I responded with the casual paladin response


>as I said this I slapped her tail with the force of a thousand autists

>she slithers away, and I went on to raid this goblin hideout

>when the goblin hideout came into my vision, there was certain smell that reached me

>do goblins even shower, because they reek

>well at least there not onis

>oh shit I was so distracted with the smell, I didn't notice the amount of goblins that spotted me

>I'm fucking surrounded

>oh Gods their charging

>there dogpiling me now

>my pants are gone now

>I can no longer call myself a paladin now

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048bbc No.374386


>that last panel

That's pretty funny.

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a1d32d No.374390

File: 90ddef7b4c3dd8f⋯.jpg (72.56 KB,901x672,901:672,tanaposting.jpg)

Is every idiot with an armor suit labeled as a paladin ?

What about a regular Knight who's fighting for his king, his house, chivalry and such ? Would such individual be more accepting on having a monstergirl wife ?

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46c3bb No.374392

File: 125f18b5a43501b⋯.gif (14.49 KB,416x416,1:1,Paladin chair spin.gif)

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9b386f No.374394


Who is this artist? I like them

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9b386f No.374395


Knight= a trained warrior in service of a Lord

Paladin= a knight whose Lord is God

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46c3bb No.374396


Read the filename

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690f5d No.374400


Presumably unless the knight's lord hates monstergirls there would be little issue, other than him being unable to produce a male heir.

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13e231 No.374423

File: 00d7376ca3aa566⋯.png (97.86 KB,428x278,214:139,paladin meme 1.png)

File: 0b6127a8222675c⋯.png (502.19 KB,804x506,402:253,paladin meme 2.png)

File: d0299fc69a6cccd⋯.png (940.75 KB,1280x717,1280:717,paladin meme 3.png)

File: 2753006f8b227d9⋯.png (47.88 KB,533x320,533:320,paladinposters.png)

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732d30 No.374424

File: 34ace53ac5a0961⋯.gif (11.62 KB,524x121,524:121,charlemagne_paladins.gif)


The paladins sometimes known as the Twelve Peers, were the foremost warriors of Charlemagne's court

It would be nice if writefags would make somekind of nod to this in their settings

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5b6885 No.374681

File: 69edb4fec7be48b⋯.png (310.38 KB,1374x996,229:166,REMOVE GOBLIN.png)

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f27868 No.374687

File: 3f263aae3aa4179⋯.png (1004.54 KB,707x1000,707:1000,ClipboardImage.png)


"Astolfo (also Astolpho) is a fictional character of the Matter of France where he is one of Charlemagne's paladins."

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67ce27 No.374688

File: 82030b3aa45e1fe⋯.jpg (42.94 KB,480x640,3:4,82030b3aa45e1fe6502554fb10….jpg)


>posting prime alp material

Leave now before I smite you myself, heathen.

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aa151a No.374689


She's pretty cute

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3ad802 No.374690

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f27868 No.374692

File: bab32eb720a5d7e⋯.png (772.04 KB,600x800,3:4,ClipboardImage.png)


Astolfo's just a paladin bro, a fellow warrior against Monster corruption, it's only gay if you want him to alp… You gay or some shit?

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28f53c No.374693

File: fd55f443ab601ee⋯.jpg (189.48 KB,678x531,226:177,283.jpg)

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67ce27 No.374695


There's a reason why there's a dick-sucking bean plushie that looks just like him, anon.

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98aed9 No.374698

File: 938c522be3e4716⋯.png (45.72 KB,353x321,353:321,938c522be3e4716998b987592b….png)


>dick-sucking bean plushie

Is that a thing?

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cd8cc8 No.374699

File: 6ce54c06bcc7ed0⋯.jpg (1.56 MB,2976x5312,93:166,triggered by plushire.jpg)

File: 69c5520bef917fc⋯.png (1.73 MB,3450x1954,1725:977,plushire Mimi edition.png)

File: 0f5744d30522190⋯.png (5.88 MB,3120x2212,780:553,lich attempts to delet Mim….png)

File: 0f142f334896937⋯.png (1.03 MB,2942x1834,1471:917,Mimi and plushires dabbing.png)

File: 4220e4022dc8a1c⋯.png (161.68 KB,597x513,199:171,plushire impregnation.PNG)


How new are you? It's to the point where there have been "plushire" spoofs made of it here.

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f27868 No.374703

File: 0db03d5f43e173b⋯.png (187.34 KB,509x580,509:580,ClipboardImage.png)

Repost to make Paladins cry

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9a0a92 No.374704

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7fd7d1 No.374705


Alp Astolfo? I like this very much.

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fbd933 No.374706


>No tits

Astolfo should be hanging from a branch with a rope around his neck.

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8f1b7b No.374713

File: a754802fd9fa167⋯.jpg (270.2 KB,2000x860,100:43,c5c587ebfbc77b069b06f86f90….jpg)

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5f11e8 No.374714

File: 5808cc5f7b8b16e⋯.jpg (70.17 KB,490x603,490:603,Awoolord.jpg)

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f27868 No.374715


Fetishization of Purity sort of defeats the purpose.

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1fcdbd No.374719


>he doesn't want to purge the unclean and have babies ever after when the threat's eliminated

alp detected

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13e231 No.374720

File: 1ad7dd767c7c0e2⋯.jpg (37.17 KB,600x600,1:1,1ad7dd767c7c0e2fbf6e7e53ef….jpg)

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f27868 No.374723


The only thing that's going to alp is your fucking spine with a sledgehammer you subhuman cunt never call me alp again or you'll wish thats all i fucking was

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fc653b No.374724

File: 84419e7f2ba3519⋯.png (579.5 KB,990x682,45:31,no brain nigger monkey.png)




>The absolute fucking state of Fate

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1bf205 No.374735

File: a794e512b406abd⋯.gif (96.37 KB,700x700,1:1,1539211149278.gif)

>about a good 2/3 of this thread

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2a630f No.374762

File: a26530fab62d3ba⋯.mp4 (740.21 KB,400x300,4:3,Laughing Mexican.mp4)


You made me laugh anon.I'll be sure to hang you last.

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583711 No.375154









So, umm, funny thing.

Technically, Fate was right on the money with making Astolfo a talkative as fuck, scatter-brained, trap.

His part in the stories of the Paladins include such gems as:

> Crossdressing to keep the ace of the Paladins sane after the guy got rejected so hard he literally lost his reason.

> Happening to pick up a lance ensorcelled to down anyone it touches from their horse because he just so happened to have broken his lance earlier. That lance belonged to someone else mind you.

> He was described as being so beautiful that when rode by a siege once, the king who was leading the siege spotted him and then got his men to pack the entire thing up so that he could chase after him.

> He rode a hippogryph to the fucking moon in search of a bottle that contained Roland's sense of reason.

Soooooo yeah.

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04dfa1 No.375164

File: 77c655bb476c626⋯.gif (605.66 KB,500x281,500:281,bread and butter.gif)

>all this gay shit in my paladin thread

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98aed9 No.375173


I would.

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083fe3 No.375177

File: 5f3ae37ac3ed331⋯.jpg (27.61 KB,480x792,20:33,5f3ae37ac3ed331f8598ec8d8f….jpg)


Begone with your foulness

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ed0af8 No.375178


and you fuckers got mad when I said monster girl's energy should change you a dna level to make you only want her

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4d8f57 No.375183


>A bottle that contained Roland's sense of reason

How the fuck did that end up on the moon? And how do you bottle a person's sense of reason?

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47df47 No.375192


You seem quite knowledgeable on faggots, you type like a faggot, thus you must be a faggot.

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3bd28e No.375203


Uh huh. Keep telling yourself that. Keep talking shit about people you don't know on the internet. It's a nice safe thing to do. No one will beat the fuck out of you on the internet for running your fucking mouth. That's why you retreat here to do it.

The question is what the fuck is wrong with a bitch like you that you come on to a imageboard and throw insults at large blocks of people and then act enraged when someone slings an offhand insult back at you? Fuck off man. Start going out in public and making your insults to people's faces. Pathetic motherfucker

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28f53c No.375205


is this pasta

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3bd28e No.375208


Now I pride myself on being a paladin, and I fully support a human ethnostate… But that being said, I can't stop dreaming about that thick ass salamander that sat next to me once in my community college fencing class… Her curly hair, light brown skin…. They awakened the warrior inside me. Not to disgrace the words of Ilias, but I might want to make a few mamono children with her. Not raise them, but make them. I'll only raise human children. But damn if I won't make as many fatherless mamono children as I can. Anyways, I'm still looking for an human wife, so I might settle for a salamander in the meantime.

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3bd28e No.375209


No, those are my original thoughts.

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47df47 No.375212


Oof, what’s wrong? Tyrone too tough on your little hole last night?

enjoy your manmeat gayboy.

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fc653b No.375226

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1fcdbd No.375231

Why is this dumpster fire of a thread still around?

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8be3ee No.375232

File: 0cd312bca4f1ba4⋯.jpg (167.81 KB,1240x1240,1:1,0cd312bca4f1ba4b69f12f9742….jpg)

File: 3bbc0c1af3b89aa⋯.gif (330.41 KB,1920x1080,16:9,7a93fe1693254531ff70627f8e….gif)

Can we fix it?

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b0cd10 No.375233


No, it's fucked!

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583711 No.375242


That's a good fucking question and I wish I had an answer. The stories of Charlemagne's Paladins are all crazy as fuck.

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12523e No.375243

File: 98f91a70a333e74⋯.jpeg (104.7 KB,1125x1500,3:4,5FEF774B-B626-408F-B750-0….jpeg)

File: 32c7a8ff7a56147⋯.jpeg (265.46 KB,1125x1700,45:68,C9D16818-28D3-4374-AB20-2….jpeg)

I’m still a paladin I swear. I had my gauntlet on the entire time, and it was only for a minute! I’m a paladin!

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77ab48 No.375254

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




>abloo abloo I'm gay



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13e231 No.375258



As I recall, there was a witch who beguiled Roland with unnatural beauty such that he lost his mind. Apparently when a man loses his mind, his reason becomes lost on the moon, and Astolfo rode some kind of magical beast up there to find it.

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732d30 No.375259


I don't buy this



Imagine being this much of an attention whore

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573971 No.375271

File: 7fbcedaed395365⋯.jpg (179.86 KB,795x960,53:64,beaten up lord nazi ruso.jpg)

File: 0721db0977370c0⋯.jpg (94.84 KB,480x579,160:193,the passion lord nazi ruso.jpg)


lel whatever happened to Lord Nazi Ruso? Did he finally get extradited to pidorashkaland?

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a71e07 No.375295

Working on a paladin story and put this roughly together, wanted to drop it in here to see y’alls reaction and see if y’all would be interested in the more flushed out full story

>blood trialed from the door to the inside of the storage locker

>following the trail you keep the pistol to your side and an eye on the door

>kicking it open an drawing on him in the corner


>paladin in full plate mail with multiple bullet hole in his chest plate

>won’t kill him but damn it looks like it hurts

>he tries to get onto his feet but ends up collapsing on his ass

>pull over a mop bucket and flip it over as a seat

“Now it’s question time, who sent you and how did they know?”

>already knew the answer but needed to hear it from him

<“Who do you think? We knew all along from the way you acted and your lies. Your eyes don’t hide anything from us, the Chief God knows who betrays and judges them justify.”

>listen and nod like all the meetings, all the gatherings, every time they called him, they knew and they were planning

<“Now I know what is going to happen, you are going to let me go and run, run as far and as fast as you can. You and those disgusting monsters.”

>oh really

“And how do you know this?”

<“Because you wouldn’t kill me, you need me to be a messenger so they all know to leave you be. Besides you took the oath as I did, and you know you cannot kill another paladin.”

>he’s right

>I took the oath and I do need him as a messenger

>but some messages don’t need words and they will all pay for what they did

>lift pistol to his head and pull the trigger

>they will pay

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541ca6 No.375296

File: 1ca1c39c5d62196⋯.png (87.16 KB,328x436,82:109,1481569823115.png)


>Paladin vs. Paladin

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77ab48 No.375304


as far as I know, he's still in prison

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dbd689 No.375306

Hi Every one, I am Sundaridevitihunakasuhava. I am an Indian Jinko. I love Ilias and Paladin order. If you are a hot holy Paladin Man from Europe please add me. I can teach you about SeX and Kamasutra. We can also marry each other and make Holy warrior children, teach and spread about the Order, Iliasism and Paladin life

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79f368 No.375307


Poo in litterbox shitcat.

Also RP is ill-advised. It never ends well.

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dbd689 No.375310


It's not ERP, it's a modified pasta from those horny poos who post awkward shit on twitter.

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dbd689 No.375311

File: 478879c4e214a24⋯.png (1.15 MB,778x1100,389:550,astolfo_fate_apocrypha_fat….png)

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732d30 No.375322

File: 386e5a8fdfd30ef⋯.png (1.31 MB,1178x952,589:476,v32cdps3yeqy.png)


>>they will pay

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1339eb No.375326

File: 81a88942be377ce⋯.jpg (33.02 KB,640x640,1:1,87bef413753e7324b89aa146cb….jpg)

File: 299db6b7f3f8375⋯.png (346.86 KB,500x425,20:17,1450746686508.png)


>they will gay

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98aed9 No.375328

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dbd689 No.375337


muh 'the dick only makes it better'

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6a010d No.375575

File: ba0cc5fd23105cb⋯.jpg (118.07 KB,850x787,850:787,Astolfo stronk.jpg)


Reading up on him Astolfo really is hilariously OP. I'd happily have that guy in my party, even if he dresses like a little girl.

Once again Rider-class are the best servants.

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e3668c No.375581


t. fag

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dbd689 No.375791


Joke all you want but just to be clear. In the long run you will have to value and chose human women over the monster and their hollow morals.

A human woman who has been abused, beaten, gone through violence, humiliated, etc. Is far more wholesome, far more beautiful, far more pure, far more empowered and has far more legitimate resolve than any "Powerful" monster girl that has magical and supernatural abilites and powers.

Because in the end humanity has far more resolve and resilience. So ideal ending for monstergirl encyclopedia? Humanity succeeding and prevailing, because everyone needs to learn a lesson that the shallow utopic hugbox that is prevelant in MGE is a mirage and an illusion. Only through struggle, even through tragic, grim and dark and unfair violence and turmoil will a more wholesome and brighter future can be succeeded.

NOT the borderline communistic schitck going on with demons.

And yes I'm also saying

human girls > monster girls

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ea2fdd No.375794

File: 855e1a10bee0776⋯.jpg (490.13 KB,2048x1150,1024:575,Ben speaking the truth.jpg)


>reddit spacing

Opinion discarded, fuck off fag

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98aed9 No.375795


Read the meta thread, that's pasta.

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3d5420 No.375823

File: a3665ec1a501945⋯.jpg (100.66 KB,800x800,1:1,13ed30ca8e45dfe611a6420f36….jpg)


>you will never be a house husband to a loving drow wife

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1fcdbd No.375826

File: 32a183bcca96dad⋯.png (524.92 KB,452x507,452:507,1455046396407.png)


t. thot

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8be3ee No.375828

alpfags were a mistake

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