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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: c779685a3ae3891⋯.png (117.43 KB,600x706,300:353,c779685a3ae3891908c1259135….png)

cb538a No.374159

Would you bring a dead thread back?

If so, what thread and why?

Would you make some changes? What kind of changes will they be?

If there is another thread essentially "thread such and such part 2" would you trade it for the first or hope for a third?

Keep in mind that this isn't intended to shit on threads, old or new. Just something to hopefully get some nostalgia flowing and maybe convince someone to make more good threads.

I'll start: I want the last dragon thread back. It was a lot more lively. The current one is basically lifeless. The last one had a lot of really good pics as well.

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ca29a7 No.374166

Ironically, a thread died for this.

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0e2a72 No.374180

The hotline Miami themed ones from back in the day fo sho. I remember there was this thread with an Oni taking you as a partner and forcing you to be /fit/. (board has this weird fixation with femdom and hotline Miami back then) and like you got crushed to bits when she fucked you. The rest of it was her caring for you and latest make-up sex. I miss shit like that tbh.

This was back in, shit, 2014? 2016? Honestly can't remember.

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663b18 No.374183

Shit 404s, there's nothing to be done. The best response is to make better threads than this.

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f1f64a No.374228

I wish Waifu didn't abandon those quests

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cb538a No.374232


That's the point for this thread. To hopefully inspire new and better threads

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4118d8 No.374274

File: d0e7b7de72cdf73⋯.jpg (4.04 KB,255x149,255:149,this pleases the skelital.jpg)

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c1f5ed No.374318

File: 9ef71a4251a928b⋯.jpeg (1.84 MB,1240x1753,1240:1753,harem2.jpeg)

I liked the harem thread. Harems are nice and need more content

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202c23 No.374350


Mad hatter putting up some serious competition with Cheshires for smuggest girl

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5de093 No.374351

File: 2b883caabdeca29⋯.png (4.14 MB,1240x1753,1240:1753,ClipboardImage.png)


It had to be done.

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32eaf4 No.374362

I dunno how many of you remember it, but I miss Herr Wreichfag's New World CYOA.

Some suggestions were autismo, such as carving something into Aoi's door, but Wreichfag handled it well. Only real change I'd make is handwaving the human boys issue rather than forcing alps in. No other complaints about it. He had a good thing going with the adventures of Jahwolanon, Neu Reich scout and krautchan shitposter, stranded in monstergirl land. Sad that it died.

If you're confused but interested, here are archives of the three threads. Second one is web archive because it wasn't archived right on archive.is.





Those too. At least the foxgirl one got finished.

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391da8 No.374366

I like the ones about food or culture like to see what people come up with

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7d528f No.374415


more then one waifu will ruin your lifeu

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c1f5ed No.374418

File: 990375d1a2300e4⋯.jpeg (141.14 KB,375x600,5:8,Bicorn_1.jpeg)

File: b61412d0feee348⋯.jpg (86.68 KB,354x600,59:100,Werewolf_0.jpg)

File: 1817f6e9a0eeae6⋯.jpg (338.35 KB,758x900,379:450,Khepri.jpg)

File: acfbb75d677b210⋯.jpg (578.42 KB,893x1200,893:1200,Liliraune.jpg)

File: 56d7467743b1f68⋯.jpg (150.45 KB,854x1200,427:600,Nuarihyan.jpg)


Not when it comes to MGs

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fe5de0 No.374419


But anon, harems are a form of NTR.

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cb538a No.374442

File: a39fbd93add742f⋯.jpg (95.95 KB,500x500,1:1,White kht detected _eac207….jpg)


I think you meant to say

"Especially when it comes to MG's!"

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c1f5ed No.374446



Maybe i should start it up again. I think it's time has come

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fe5de0 No.374456


It is NTR. Unless you are spending time with all at once, you are cucking the others.

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875c02 No.374591


NTR implies it's harmful, deriding, and intentional.

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5de093 No.374596


NTR has the implied meaning you're being stolen from a girl by another girl, sharing is an entire different thing.

Still, I'd rather a monogamous relatinship with a shapeshifter, because I doubt I'd be able to handle multiple waifus.

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f45cce No.377696

I dont know about a particular thread, but what I want to recapture that feeling from a couple years ago. That everything was great and things were only looking up. There were great threads and everyone had a good time. Now everything feels slow and lethargic.

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8b7062 No.384535

Threads on fit/athletic monstergirls should be brought back. The world needs more athletic monster waifu.

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e99127 No.384579

Desert world cunts we only blew up half an abandoned city

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fc8720 No.384580

I don't get it. Why don't people here just remake the threads they want back instead of making a thread to talk about which ones they want back?

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cb538a No.384602


Threads can have 'part 2's and such, but you can't exactly "remake" a thread. The point of this thread is to reminisce on older threads while trying to inspire newer, better threads.

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