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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 874377c8d6f5c40⋯.png (113.03 KB,336x385,48:55,wholosome tio.png)

5e78c1 No.374104 [View All]

tio thread

37 posts and 37 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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14fe2e No.374505



>race mixing

species mixing? yes. race mixing? no. y'all niggas that think fucking a monster girl is race mixing are one of (((them))), an insufferable retard, homosexual, or all three.

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92997a No.374506


But if the result is either a human male or a monster girl, where does the "mix" even come into play? Unless the result produces something in between a human and the monster girl, that still doesn't make sense. Therefore, only dhampirs are species mixing.

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6b1ed8 No.374508


>It's all married couples doing things together and being happy

>Other half of the site is to "meet single girls in your area", said girls are all MGs

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5163fe No.374516


But fucking monstergirls is racemixing because they belong to another race.

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405e69 No.374579


But what if man is the real monster?

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37532a No.374649

Having a monster waifu is the ultimate homosexuality

I cannot think or comprehend of anything more gay than impregnating a monster wife. Honestly, think about it rationally. You are breeding with, feeding, and marrying a monster wife only to pump out a son just so he can alp from all the mamomo mana already inside of him. All the hard work you put into your little boy to grow up to be a manly man - teaching him how to play baseball, teaching him how to fix a car, making sure he has a healthy and straight upbringing. All of it has one simple result, so that his alp body can be more enjoyable for the men that will eventually fuck him(her) in every hole.

Raised the perfect man? Great. Who benefits? If you're lucky, he'll alp suddenly and a random man who had nothing to do with the way your son grew up, marries her. He gets to fuck him(her) in his(her) tight pussy every night. He gets the benefits of him(her) kind and strong personality that came from the way you raised him(her).

As a man who has a son, you are LITERALLY dedicating at least 20 years of your life simply to raise a boy(girl) for another man to enjoy. It is the ULTIMATE AND FINAL gay. Think about it logically.

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29083e No.374651



>being this shit of a parent that your son alps

>not keeping your son up to slav standards of fag hate

Go choke on your soylent, cyka.

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92997a No.374653


It's a copypasta, you dip.

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29083e No.374656


I know. Still wanted to reply anyway.

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76d0a9 No.374660


I hate niggers and them being in porn due to my inborn instincts to not want my women taken by someone very outside of my gene pool, resources management and all that, and it gets in the way of projecting myself onto the male, and it is far more likely to make people of inferior intellect so it is dysgenic pressure on the most important attribute humans have

mixing with monster girls don't have this problem due weird shit that is going on with their genes, the fact that give off an kind of energy like cream from that David Firth video and just improves everything it comes into contact with, and the presence would be good for the further development of civilization due monster girl's lack of hypergamy


yea monster girl is an interracial, but you can still like it without being a cuck due it having implications with monster girls

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331d3f No.374678


>ywn be a being of pure light energy

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7cd65e No.374682


This is pasta-worthy, thank you anon.

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76d0a9 No.374683


grammar mistakes tho

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749d1c No.374759

File: 1fd0e6516b4187e⋯.png (518.45 KB,760x853,760:853,Anubis192.png)



>Stick to your own monstergirl culture

imagine not only taking waifus this seriously but trying to insert politics into an offshoot of what is just a weeb fetish.

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29083e No.374769

File: 4cd072334cb8d5d⋯.png (266.1 KB,638x363,58:33,IMG_0818.PNG)


>taking waifus this seriously

Where do you think you are?

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92997a No.374773

File: 3711a9acbe7e64f⋯.png (629.92 KB,557x467,557:467,failure as a human.PNG)


>he browses /monster/ just for the fetish

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5408a2 No.374789

File: 7b63bc84bcc8ed1⋯.mp4 (5.35 MB,1280x720,16:9,degradation_of_a_hobby.mp4)

Just a reminder.

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e23a24 No.374792


Wow you take waifufagging way too fucking seriously to think I don't know it's a script.

As a writer myself, I understand the value of emotional response. Unlike you I've had a girlfriend, several, and I've had girlfriends that cut themselves.

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1cd0b6 No.374793


>I've had girlfriends that cut themselves

Is that suppose to be something to be proud of? Good job faggot, you rode the town bicycle.

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797c0c No.374794


Shit nigga, you right

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5408a2 No.374795


>It's (You) again.

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5110d2 No.374797


It’s just copypasta.

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749d1c No.374801




>Falling for a pasta

Come on now, summer's long over and you're still newfags.

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749d1c No.374802


What are monster girls if not a middleground fetish between /jp/ and /tg/?

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53a6ca No.374860


how can that be if /monster/ is not full of turbo-cucks?

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f1beb5 No.374861

File: fd022f2f8350731⋯.jpg (30.75 KB,600x522,100:87,dontreallyknow.jpg)

>mfw this thread

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a7fd97 No.374862


It’s a designated shitposting thread, what’s wrong?

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ff71c3 No.374915

File: 26e2997f6fe4b52⋯.png (526.6 KB,800x1200,2:3,ClipboardImage.png)

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e23a24 No.374916

@374861: hahaha xD me too!

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69b58d No.375425

File: d4d71eded390529⋯.png (818.79 KB,1596x896,57:32,WcsSt56.png)


>imagine not only taking waifus this seriously

anon, though I agree with the politics bit, this board specifically caters to taking your waifu seriously

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824819 No.375427


>Monstergirls are LITERALLY racemixing

If they have Caucasian features, which would be most except for those specifically said to be from the not-china and not-japan, then the children ought to have your features as well.

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fcd428 No.375765


But instead of degenerate cuckshit, it's just human girls getting a dose of mamono mana

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d2214d No.377760


>It's not race mixing when differences races from Europe mixes since they're both Europeans

Merikan Ejukayshun

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6b1ed8 No.377774


No it is race mixing, don't fucking try to dance around it. They are essentially a different race of human altogether

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fb645d No.377775

Monster girls are racemixing and therefore should not be allowed in a proper society.

You wouldn't fuck a nigger. Neither should you fuck a monster girl. Even if she is part of your mythology, it's still wrong.

>>377760 is right too. There is no singular European race. British, French, German, Russian, whatever. They are all different races and should be treated as such. Trying to intermingle create mutts. Why do you think the US is such a failed country?

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31da50 No.377787


>You wouldn't fuck a nigger.


>Neither should you fuck a monster girl.

…The fuck you say? Where do you think you are?

>Even if she is part of your mythology, it's still wrong.

Paladin-kun please go and stay go. MGs are rightful clay for aryan dick to plow.

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433a93 No.377795


>muh dick



Do you want your children to turn out as ugly, retarded mutts like the americans are?

Didn't think so.

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92997a No.377796


That is ethnicity-mixing, anon. Caucasian is certainly something that makes sense to call a race. That said, it'd still be good to primarily stick to one's ethnicity.

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c89b2a No.377798


Ethnicity mixing is the same as race mixing and creates mutts.

Do not do it.

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92997a No.377799


Don't worry anon, I'll make sure to marry an Italian mamono someday.

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181396 No.377800


Still racemixing since it's a monster girl. Don't do that.

It's better for a monster girl to go husbandless and childless than to have mutt babies.

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e52549 No.377801


go away trannypol

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454320 No.377802

>unironically replying to an IP-hopping troll

C'mon /monster/, you can do better than this.

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76d0a9 No.377803


>it is better for monster girls to not exist

fuck you guy

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b5adac No.377814

File: 3b25a6648b439b0⋯.png (1.43 MB,1836x3333,612:1111,1534220500773.png)

Let's fix this shit

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fc036a No.377817

Would Tia sit on my face if I asked her nicely?

How would she react?

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92997a No.377823


You need to do it more subtly than that and introduce her to "hugging that uses legs instead of arms" and then asking her to hug your face.

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3e6151 No.377825


I can feel the pressure on my skull already…

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9fcf8c No.378247

File: ace64f92ff81d80⋯.jpg (290.76 KB,779x1000,779:1000,1418623327693-1.jpg)




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625b5a No.378257


I wanna racemix with Tio AND Seaport.

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