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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: aa84fb2f33202ca⋯.png (1.89 MB,2694x662,1347:331,Good with kids.png)

File: 65097dce8387301⋯.png (1.92 MB,2672x668,4:1,Sushi wrapper.png)

b05570 No.371017 [Last50 Posts]

A thread for kelpchan. She lives at the beach. She tries her best but things never seem to go her way. I'll post comics about her every so often. If you have any requests for things for her to try at the beach let me know and I'll consider it.

Since it's the first post you'll get double prizes.

Episode 1- Good with kids

Episdoe 2- Sushi wrapper

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b05570 No.371018

File: c71a70ff742c0bb⋯.png (Spoiler Image,1.92 MB,2672x668,4:1,Sushi wrapper fixed..png)

Only a handful of text and I still managed a typo. Added one word to 2nd panel of sushi wrapper.

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21ead0 No.371021

Nice, keep them coming!

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66f6ca No.371025


This is cute stuff OP, keep 'em coming.

>1st comic

Remember kids: the monster is only on the outside.

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b05570 No.371026

File: d7e1e39927e92fa⋯.png (7.58 MB,3264x2448,4:3,kelpgirl workshop .png)

I got a few different ideas for little skits and such and I'll try to do one a week if not more. I had a concept for kelpchan for a while but I didn't have the design I wanted so I just sat down and fiddled with ideas until I found something that was readable, easy to draw, and a cute.

Here's a bonus page for today. Triple threat.

This is my little Kelpchan concept workshop where I was trying to figure out how to do her. The bottom versions being what I settled on of course. The more I draw her the more consistent I should get (I hope)

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9fa545 No.371027

File: 274c8adf07b1340⋯.jpg (329.15 KB,872x812,218:203,kelp.jpg)


enter smugkelp!

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8875a9 No.371054

File: fefc10801c04358⋯.jpg (368.75 KB,801x1100,801:1100,Flowkelp_L.jpg)

Never thought I'd see Kelp girl get a thread.

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b05570 No.371335

File: 40505cb3b661235⋯.png (25.63 KB,563x406,563:406,postpaint.png)

File: 4de6e73c3d9a63e⋯.png (30.44 KB,632x488,79:61,prepaint.png)

I was playing around with smugkelp's face for a color palette if I were to start adding color in future works. The eye color and kelp/hair feel right but he face feels off. Like it's too light or the wrong tone.

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596993 No.371336


Now she just looks like slightly smugger Tomoko.

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d0a603 No.371342



I'd suggest trying her out without the eyebags and thinner bangs that look a bit closer to the kelp design to show her other eye. Maybe a comic strip where she tries to blow the bang away from her face because it gets in the way, and it slaps back on her face like a wet towel.

The hair could be a bit more wavy too.

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b05570 No.371346

File: 20ea6068f3ef6b1⋯.jpg (69.06 KB,1280x720,16:9,ara ara~.jpg)


There's definitely a little Tomoko in there.


Her body is more of the wavy kelp flavor. I want to keep the hair simple but identifiable. Right now there's 6 parts to draw, 4 forked shoots, one big bang bazinga , and a double cow lick. If I make everything wavy that'll follow MGE's concept more closely but MGE's version of kelpchan also has her as a sex hungry nympho (as a lot of their ilk form that universe does) so this is definitely my take on her.

As far as her "improving her style" my next strip idea is the introduction of Mermaid-san. An Ara Ara sutekina oppai motherly type figure that tries to help kelp-chan but fails because kelpchan just can't help being kelpchan.

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596993 No.371347

This reminds me, KC actually confirmed that flow kelps don't actually have arms, just prehensile kelp in place of them.

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b05570 No.371350


Hands help with sight gags though. I'll see about introducing mermaid-san today. Another question, should I start giving them real names rather than nicknames?

If so we'll roll d20's for them. Nat 20's lock a name down and failing that the highest roll names the character. We'll shut down the naming convention in a few days I guess if we've got some choice names together

3 characters need names

>Crabby the Crab (he's in the sunbaked comic. He'll make more appearances.)



naming convention- Names that aren't too crazy will be alright. We should go for English style names I think. Rolling with a name like "Poopybutt Mcshitsquirt" will invalidate your roll so troll at your own behest.

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9c1832 No.371359

Dice rollRolled 12 (1d20)



inb4 male name haha you have a girl's name!

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9c1832 No.371360

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d20)


For the kelp of coursh

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9c1832 No.371361


That one don't count. I'm posting on phone and it's a pain in the ass to type

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b05570 No.371364

File: da1da0f6ff7ac0e⋯.png (3.23 MB,3264x920,408:115,beach presentation.png)

Episode 3-Riding the wave.

dem mermaid tiddies

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b05570 No.371377

File: 460d59dbd790cac⋯.png (5.28 MB,3184x1640,398:205,Bonus crabs .png)


A bonus episode since I felt episode 3 didn't have a proper finish.

Bonus episode- Crabby pool

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596993 No.371379



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b05570 No.371380


It takes place in California I guess. Totally

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94b018 No.371384



kek that's cute

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137a1a No.371435


that last panel

show don't tell anon

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b05570 No.371438


I'm more used to writing as of late so I'm prolly using it as a crutch somewhat. My alternative strategy would be to utilize more panels and less words but then that shit starts to morph into a comic proper.

I'll also add that since it's a bonus it doesn't really have the same rules as the others both word count wise as well as layout wise. You didn't think there were too many words for this one >>371364 ?

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4517e8 No.371460

Keep up with the good work, OP.

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b05570 No.371552


I'll try to have more confidence in my work that people can tell what's going on without me going into wordy detail of all the supposed humor I'm trying to inject. Less words more action.

Episode 4- Into the trash she goes.

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b05570 No.371565

File: bec80d131bb8e19⋯.png (3.17 MB,3176x956,794:239,Into the trash fixed.png)


Somehow I used "ways" instead of "weighs". I guess my mind rationalized saving space and using less letters overall so it didn't even register for me.

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4517e8 No.371609


How mean. If possible, you could soften it by establishing in later strips that the man has poor eyesight so that he literally only saw pile of washed-up seaweed.

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c1cc4e No.372377

ooga booga wer da comics at

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b05570 No.372379


This one's nothing. I did one strip called "free ice cream" but decided against posting it since it was pretty anti-/monster/ and kelp-chan was crying in 2/3 of it.


Like I'm made of creative juice (I did 4+ this past week). I thought about doing one where she found the super crown and experienced what it was like to be a princess for a moment but I think that maymay is getting enough play as it is.

I got a few other projects floating around that I need to work on as well but I'm being lazy and not working on any of them. I'm also researching some D&D shit and seeing how well I can sneak a character with a passion for monsterigrls into this group's campaign and how long it takes them to find out he's a violated hero.

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4c949d No.372381


You’re doing good anon

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b05570 No.372544

File: 34428292c3b58c5⋯.png (3.04 MB,3236x924,809:231,the fucking crown.png)

Episode 5- That fucking crown.

Because people can't seem to get enough of it.

This strip is making me rethink how I wanna do editing. If I start touching things up in Krita that's when things get really serious. It'd look nicer but the time investment to learn the program to make things actually look proper will be rough.

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920a17 No.372548


this is some of the best OC ive seen in a while. Keep it up, this board is starved for this kinda thing and the kelp girl is so endearing.

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b05570 No.372550





> some of the best OC


I appreciate the encouragement but there are guys in the drawthread that run draw circles around me so make sure to encourage them as well. Even if I'm not the best at it, I like drawing because you're pretty much only limited by your imagination and technique.

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47a239 No.372591


Poor kelp-chan needs a good fuck

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35dd5c No.372594

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b05570 No.372598

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>good luck*



What you might not realize is there's a particular sub-species of seagull native to Californian coasts that, in theory would have the grip strength to sufficiently support the crown by it's claws. Supposing said sub-species had reached maturity it would not be entirely impossible for said gull to snatch the crown and carry it for (at a minimum) 200 to 350 meters. This would be well outside the line of sight for our kelp-chan.

Real talk, I was hoping someone might nitpick that part. Never mind the crown is probably too heavy regardless of where the seagull grips it. Originally I was gonna have it grab it by the beak but that seemed even less possible.

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35dd5c No.372602


> What you might not realize is there's a particular sub-species of seagull native to Californian coasts that, in theory would have the grip strength to sufficiently support the crown by it's claws.

no way

I'm used to the cheeky ones here that use their beaks to lift surprisingly many things. But man I need to study up on my foreign seagulls.

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b05570 No.372603

File: 00f2bcbbc45dc20⋯.jpg (30.1 KB,510x382,255:191,seagulls are bastards.jpg)


seagulls are the worst.

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35dd5c No.372604


I know man, they're a pest where I live.

There's two at work I like though. On account of them having some fucking manners

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b05570 No.372864

File: d2a59caf4614990⋯.png (12.01 MB,7440x1712,465:107,the boy.png)


>Episode 6- Oh boy


>>good luck

So here's a special one. Role 1d20.

Closer to 1 and something bad happens

Closer to 20 and something good happens

Whichever extreme we're closer to is the one we'll go with.

Strike nat 1 or 20 and you'll get the best or worst result but the first one to hit will lock us in.

>1- bad end- Kelpchan will ruin everything like she normally does

>2-5- Kelpchan loses her nerve and runs away. She'll find another tide pool even though that one was her favorite.

>6-10- Kelpchan Confronts the boy and tells him to leave her tidepool or else!

>11-15-Kelpchan politely asks him to leave her pool since it's hers.

>16-19- Kelpchan will join him in the tidepool and pretend she's invisible hoping he'll be scared off like most people normally are.

>20 gud end- Kelpchan gets a decent ending for at least one episode.

gud luck

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1063b3 No.372871

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)



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b05570 No.372873


>nat 20 right off the bat

Damn, so much for a battle of rolls. You've done sealed the deal. Makes sense I guess. Next episode will be lucky number 7. That's not the title but that's what it is.

Nice roll.

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b05570 No.373458

File: 6932b4eda7342e5⋯.png (14.71 MB,6368x2240,199:70,Too close for comfort.png)


Episode 7- Too close for comfort.

Thank this guy for that sick roll that gibbed us an ending that wasn't completely terrible for change. Sorry the 3rd panel is so busy. It felt empty so I added some lines to pump up the impact. I could maybe use a protractor.

Should I make it a three parter or have tide pool boy come back later in another episode and simply say she bugged out after the bump in this one?

I'll do another roll and let the audience pick.

Highest roll wins with 1d20 wins.

choice is- three parter where she gets to know pool boy better OR pool boy is lame, gib more kelpchan fucking up as usual!


>no love for the JoJo face.

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b05570 No.373459

>Thank this guy for that sick roll that gibbed us an ending that wasn't completely terrible for change.


Forgot to hand out the (you). Sage for my own incompetence.

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b607d1 No.373461


I'd suggest you save/upload your pictures as JPG instead of 15mb PNGs.

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b05570 No.373465


I thought .pngs were supposed to be higher quality? Whereas before I was taking 1 picture of the whole comic which created blurriness to some extent I started taking pictures of each panel for higher fidelity.

I'll see about reducing the dimensions as well as the file format for a smaller file size in future comics. I have unlimited bandwith so I didn't even bother thinking about bros on dial-up or worse.

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b607d1 No.373468


pngs are higher quality but not really necessary in this case. jpg is lossy but not too much, especially for 8k resolution doodles.

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b05570 No.373471

File: 708f2721ed19cf4⋯.jpg (3.27 MB,6368x2240,199:70,Too close for comfort.jpg)



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d74c4f No.373473

File: fbfd0eef4c12873⋯.png (152.18 KB,800x1000,4:5,jpegVSpng.png)

File: 8175833570d4e75⋯.png (244.77 KB,470x488,235:244,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 83057e26aea9af7⋯.png (682.54 KB,730x730,1:1,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 250fdb8f7a0b353⋯.jpg (181.4 KB,1200x422,600:211,Too_close_for_comfort_EDIT.jpg)


(pic 1 related) Using free software for basic conversions I was able to get the following reductions

Original png - 15,071KB
Black & White png - 8,727KB
jpeg - 3,340KB
Black & White jpeg - 3,215KB

You're apparently using actual photographs of traditional media. That means you're creating a very complex image for the software's compression algorithm to process. Compare pics 2 & 3. Notice how when you start to get down to the pixel level your traditional media image has a lot more shades and each area of shade is smaller? For reasons of math that requires more storage space on a computer file system. Pic 2 is less complex in the sense that it is comprised of a smaller number of areas of distinct shade. Again, for reasons of math, the image compression algorithm used by whatever raster image editor the artist used is really good at compressing images like that. Pic 2 is a crop of a larger jpeg image which is only 124.34 KB large!

(If you're curious about what people usually mean when they talk about "lossy" jpeg those little mosiac censorship-like distortions in the Pic 2 blow up are what they're talking about. Pic 2 isn't very bad but if you look at poorly or repeatedly compressed images that distortion can get pretty extreme.)

Another thing to think about is how large in terms of dimensions does your image need to be? As posted your image is 6368 x 2240 pixels. That's kind of nutty since very few readers are going to view it at that resolution:


Screen Resolution Statistics
Date Other high 1920x1080 1366x768 1280x1024 1280x800 1024x768 Lower
January 2018 32.9% 18% 34% 4% 3% 2% 6.1%

You should consider how large the final piece really needs to be. While it can sometimes be convenient to work on a larger size image (pixel manipulation, using large expressive drawing gestures instead of cramped ones, etc.) there's rarely a need to give the reader something that big. Also, shrinking your image from its original size can sometimes clean it up a little since the compression is going to tend to smooth out wobbles and imperfections. I vaguely remember reading somewhere that most mangaka work at least 10% - 20% larger than the final image.

As an experiment in pic 4 I resized your image to 1200x422 (preserving original aspect ratio), which is still pretty big, and saved it as a jpeg. The file size went all the way down to 182KB. For an image size reduction of about x5 you get a reduction in file size reduction of almost x83! And that's before doing anything fancy like smoothing out some of the roughness created by the physicality of the traditional media used to create the original image (which of course you may or may not consider an important part of the piece). I'd recommend experimenting to see what works for you.

The important thing is to keep practicing and trying new things. Kelp chan is counting on you!

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b05570 No.373476


A lot of math there. I'll probably opt for the simplest solution while maintaining (what I consider) the highest level of quality. As previously mentioned I didn't really consider bandwidth an issue in this age but I didn't think about situations where data may be more precious to some. That being the case I'll focus on producing compact & quality images while also focusing on some uniformity as best I can.

Thanks for your feedback.

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35dd5c No.373481

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)

lil' crab is cute

Rolling for Kelp-Chan getting to know the dude.

I never did this rolling before I hope I don't fuck it up

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137a1a No.373486


Ammits light shine on this thread and its content

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b05570 No.377224

File: c2730cae02d3491⋯.jpg (1.3 MB,3504x1204,876:301,No relation.jpg)

Halloween special- No relation?

They're not really related. Mere coincidence. That awkward run away bit at the end though certainly makes him seem like the father if the behavior is hereditary.

This was supposed to be the Halloween special. I was torn between doing that and a continuation of the "plot". I decided to do neither and instead opted to play video games and watch anime. I can maybe do one episode a night after work so if I can choose one day a week to go steady I'll be okay.

Updated Wednesdays from now on? We'll see how long I can keep that up.

>14 days late for Halloween.

I'll make it up for it at Christmas and thanksgiving? fingers crossed

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d940d9 No.377225


this is great

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eb7646 No.377241



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b05570 No.377626

File: 044c955a0723939⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.49 MB,3408x1380,284:115,Forbidden Technique.jpg)

Episode 8- Forbidden Technique

No need for me to spoil it for you. Just want to remind everyone this is a gag comic first and foremost. Getting it out a day early because I started today and planned to finish tomorrow but I belted through all of it and there was no need for me not to post what I already finished. As always, I appreciate any words of encouragement for my meager showings.




This is nothing.


They'll get acquainted.

How will she ever recover from this embarrassment?

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35dd5c No.377630


lil' crab confirmed for the ultimate wingman

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649d05 No.378818

File: 0864e80585af25c⋯.jpg (1.33 MB,3332x1200,833:300,lore runs deep.jpg)

It's Wednesday so you know that what that means. More kelpchan.

Episode 9- Slimy all over.

I'll answer the question that was surely on everyone's mind since episode 2 (Or was it?). Anyway, you'll know now whether you want to or not.

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649d05 No.378820

File: 094ba3eafe22cd3⋯.jpg (430.23 KB,1666x600,833:300,lore runs deep.jpg)


Deadline was leaning on me so I forgot to double compress the image. Here's a slightly smaller 430KB version.

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649d05 No.379785

File: 6f534c9a0699de8⋯.jpg (639.28 KB,1914x918,319:153,Sweet dreams.jpg)

Holiday centric non-episode?

Hope you all head pat and hand hold your waifu this holiday season. You know she loves it.

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35dd5c No.379790


That is one cheeky lil' crab

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649d05 No.380689

File: f3b39a431fd9d3f⋯.jpg (691.61 KB,2943x765,327:85,crab only final destinatio….jpg)


Not the most amazing kelpchan entry, sorry. Enjoy this one with 100% more crab. Holidays hit hard and fast.

Episode 10

Crab only- Final destination.

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899e7f No.380691

File: 4528e70d1cde945⋯.jpg (35.58 KB,210x263,210:263,lil shit thumbs up.jpg)


I fucking love these

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35dd5c No.380709


>Lil' crab setting up tiny christmas decorations

He's too precious

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649d05 No.381419

File: 6d69cb864c80d87⋯.jpg (619.48 KB,2670x951,890:317,crabless seas.jpg)

Episode 11- crabless sea.

Surprise motherfucker. Kelpchan at the stroke of midnight. High-intensity finger rubbing techniques for gradient tones. Has kelp chan been supplanted by crabby in total popularity?

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1063b3 No.381420


Are we going to get comfy Christmas stories with crabby here?

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abc5e1 No.381423


>1st comic


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649d05 No.381425


For me, crabby only exsists as a voiceless background filler. I never expected him to get much love. The thought of him somehow stealing Kelp Chan's own comic from her is too funny not to comment on though. Episode 10 was the way it was because I was short on time and had no other ideas so cobbling together mostly backgrounds with an easy to draw filler character seemed the best route.


I'm pretty sure that's some crypitc may may but it's not ringing a bell for me.

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35dd5c No.381427


>Crabby gets his own castle while Kelp-Chan is a homeless sea bum

The chad Crabby vs the virgin Kelp-Chan

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137a1a No.381428


i still love you kelpchan

but i already have a doll/ghost waifu

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abc5e1 No.381434


I can't find a better version, sorry. No Embed because it won't be readable.


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649d05 No.382271

File: 83cf55a2a449475⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,396.5 KB,1102x1469,1102:1469,just right.jpg)

Merry late Christmas? I couldn't think of any jokes. Have some tiddies. They're behind spoilers of course if you don't want to see bad artwork exposed tiddy nipples.

Call this one a non-episodic "saint kelp chan" or maybe "Saltiest nips". You choose. Hope you got to hold your waifu this holiday season.

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899e7f No.382287

kelpchan needs a good ol fboyfriend

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899e7f No.382288


also merry christmas nigger

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35dd5c No.382298


The kelp on her arms looks surprisingly classy.

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649d05 No.383005

File: e40d13d1bd3bce0⋯.jpg (656.07 KB,2923x639,2923:639,critical smug levels overl….jpg)

Got to work on this one while at work. All I had to do was edit the parts together when I got home. The third panel didn't quite capture the level of smug that I wanted so I made an extra one to fully showcase the levels of smug we were reaching.

Episode 12- Critical smug levels.

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35dd5c No.383031


I have two questions about this one.

Is her phone waterproof? And where does she keep the thing? Hidden kelp pockets?

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649d05 No.383039


>a gag comic about an anthropomorphized kelp woman living rent free on a beach and basically no one bats an eye at this.

>100% legit

>She uses a cell phone.

>"Now you're just talking crazy!"

I suppose it's the same place she got the hammer and nails for the "no mermaids" sign. If you don't like that answer consider some context clues.

In the first panel I state "Coming up for some air kelp chan took some time to answer texts from that one boy she 'met'." The implication being that she left the water to do so. This doesn't outright explain that the phone isn't waterproof or that she needed to exit the water to use it but the idea is later reinforced by the second panel where the boi in question mentions she never responded to his texts about his new Year's party.

We do know Kelpchan has been under the sea for a while and given her excited reaction to the texts you could assume she would have responded sooner if she could have. To that end it would be reasonable to reason that the phone in question isn't waterproof and she leaves it on shore when she goes under the waves. Without wanting to spoil anything (not that it would matter in a gag oriented environment where lore exists almost solely for the sake of gags) it wouldn't be outside the realm of possibility she has a small stash of junk on the beach she's stolen collected over time (gag material has to come from somewhere)

Then again, if I need a joke to work about her using her cellphone under water it's not like I'm beholden to any specific natural laws. I can always handwave anything away since gags always trump reality.

>kelp pockets

>not a kelp purse

Come on.

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f3c98c No.383068

File: 37648f2c39efa1d⋯.jpg (42.88 KB,636x960,53:80,277230-merchant.jpg)


I'm totally okay with the "If it's funny, roll with it." explaination. But I really had fun imagining pic related but with more spaghetti.

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8bebdc No.383164

File: d17f6ca969de76c⋯.png (358.07 KB,680x582,340:291,dac.png)



Can someone please educate the non-emojispeaker on what the fuck this is supposed to be?

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649d05 No.383245



is a hat. Dat boi prolly likes wearing hats since his little chat emoji wears one as well.


Smiley face with a "4" for a nose.Get with the program you Zoomer.


>spaghetti wrapped in kelp.

Someone cook some and eat it. You've just imbued the kelp-chan special. If you close your eyes you can almost imagine it's what a certain unmentionable part of her might taste like. Add some parmesan cheese if you want to imagine she hasn't bathed in a few days.

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d640a0 No.383251


Welcome, 4Channel Friend!

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f0109c No.383274

File: f5d8e0ebc48a30c⋯.png (318.13 KB,640x640,1:1,I'm_angry_about_euro-trash.png)



Kill yourself nigger

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649d05 No.383974

File: 625ef67080db35e⋯.jpg (852.12 KB,2084x1571,2084:1571,Sea power!.jpg)

Whelp, it's time again for some audience participation. Kelp chan used her "celestial sea power" to transform her extra kelp strands into an outfit to impress dat boi.

Roll a d20. Top roll picks the outfit. If you don't want to bother with the comic here's the abridged choices.

[] The stylish lady with class.

[] Hot as rocket skirt and jacket.

[] Bunny girl outfit.

Episode 13- Magical girl noises

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1063b3 No.383978

Dice rollRolled 15 (1d20)


Let's get classy.

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4c949d No.383980

Dice rollRolled 14 (1d20)


Let’s do the bunny girl outfit. Let her be bullied relentlessly

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ad5157 No.383982

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)






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d35c9b No.383985

Dice rollRolled 5 (1d20)



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137a1a No.383993

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)

Rolling for classic

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35dd5c No.383995

Dice rollRolled 7 (1d20)


gonna be the one guy (so far?) that says "Blasting off" because that one seems to have tights and exposed bellybutton

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7a3f01 No.384020

Dice rollRolled 11 (1d20)


Girls have swag, ladies have class :^)

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649d05 No.384042

File: 7c7ba539d174fed⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,65.04 KB,600x600,1:1,1304143012895.jpg)

File: 34912687621808d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.59 KB,340x453,340:453,Dvo7FXTU8AAou5C.jpg)

File: 90281eb064d82ad⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,166.38 KB,1060x1500,53:75,kojimusa_32.jpg)


I see you're a man of culture as well.



Class act is still holding strong with the 15 roll. Bunny girl rollers blown out. I'll lock down the voting this weekend.

I didn't think about it at the time since I never saw this as a CYOA kind of deal but if you're post is just the roll and your choice you should probably sage it from here on out. More in depth kelp-chan discussion need not be saged but mechanically when I do the audience participation bits the thread is essentially behaving like a CYOA which is not what I had in mind design wise. I don't want anyone getting V&d because they were overzealous about kelp chan posting.

tl;dr- Rule of thumb, if it's just a roll and your choice; sage it. No need to rustle jimmies unnecessarily.

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69e760 No.384078

Dice rollRolled 5 (1d20)


Kelp chan needs to be a classy lady

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649d05 No.384622

File: dbff52ac270c44d⋯.jpg (308.66 KB,620x1628,155:407,Classy kelp chan.jpg)

I'm low energy. I started work on this week's comic and all I managed about a 50% completion status. In lieu of incomplete work or nothing at all, have a completely cannon classy Kelp chan as voted on by this sick motherfucker.


I can't draw high heels to save my life. I know how to put feet into them but I can't make them provocative to safe my life.

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137a1a No.385050





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649d05 No.385286

File: 5584818ca5dc20c⋯.jpg (697.37 KB,3264x720,68:15,From noon til doom.jpg)

Episode 14- From noon til doom.

Had trouble thinking of a punchline for this one. I had to think "what would kelp chan do?" and the answer was obvious. If anyone manages to guess the movie I'm referencing you'll win a cookie or something.

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1cd11c No.385288

File: bddc65039d1540f⋯.png (239.14 KB,346x448,173:224,ClipboardImage.png)


> Hat-faggot-kun's idea of taking our little kelp-chan on a date is TV and takeout at his grungy apartment

I don't like him.

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70d1f8 No.385289


Fucking dice. If she wore the bunny suit he would have held her fucking hand, I'd put money on it.

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649d05 No.385290


He just asked her if she wanted to hang out. If anything kelpchan is the one who bungled things by overdressing and misreading the situation. At least she's trying to make friends who aren't crabby and assorted underwater monstergirls.


I don't think that would have helped her shyness issue. Speghetti wise it prolly would have been worse.

Tune in next time to find out if she will ever overcome her shyness or forever spill her spaghetti.

Also I thought about being real lazy and ending the series with them hitting it off and finishing it so I'd have one less obligation during the week but I felt that'd be a real shitty way to end things. AFAIK I'm the only one who creates kelp chan content so if I stop making it she'll die for real.

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841456 No.385291


Live on, Kelp-chan!

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35dd5c No.385322


third panel kinda makes me imagine hatlad somehow managed to steal a copy of the eternally missing phantom blood movie

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649d05 No.385829

File: c5b0ee440949d24⋯.jpg (637.21 KB,2508x608,33:8,kelp chan gets mad.jpg)

Episode 15- Bee yourself.

Typical kelpchan self-flagellation over nothing. This joke has been done to death but not yet done by kelp chan so here it is. Also bit of a nod back at >>384653 don't think I don't browse other threads nigga. Tbqhfamlam your art is way gooder than mine. Griffin waifu is definitely bonable.

I'll post some auxiliary Kelp-chan art in a bit since I had some extra time for doodling.

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649d05 No.385833

File: 50267143dfe479e⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,186.2 KB,1062x784,531:392,baby kelp.jpg)


Baby Kelp-chan liked my little pony. Her dream was to become a pony when she got older. She never turned into a pony.

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35dd5c No.385841


I fucking love those facial expressions I just commission those, man. I got the drawing ability of a retarded sloth.

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649d05 No.385842

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I see. Thanks for including that in the commission I guess? I wonder what the artist thought you were trying to say with that.

Also that alleged movie was From dusk 'til dawn. No cookie for you.

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35dd5c No.385845


I just told her it was an in-joke, probably didn't think much of it. And if it's not a B movie I probably didn't see it. Waiting for a Leprechaun girl so I can shop her on all the movie boxes except the shitty remake.

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649d05 No.386634

File: aea1ead8d2f483a⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,892.29 KB,2850x924,475:154,different strokes.jpg)


Episode 16- Different strokes.

Features highly erotic content not suitable for underage /monster/ audiences, viewer discretion advised. In this strip Kelp chan goes down into hatlad's lap for some intense head patting action. She no doubt will leave him covered in a goopy mess as she's always slimy since she's seaweed.

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1cd11c No.386638

File: d717ea3dba7a729⋯.png (1.67 MB,916x720,229:180,ClipboardImage.png)


> So hat faggot kun, you don't mind if I call you hat faggot do you?

< Actu-

> Good. So hat faggot kun, what would you say your intentions towards kelp chan are?

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649d05 No.386639


Clearly, it seems like he's really into slamming her down on the couch to watch old movies until she's too tired to go on and he then gently strokes her head into the early hours of the morning. She'll have some messy hair when she wakes up for sure.

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35dd5c No.386667


she looks so at peace when she's not spilling spaghetti

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9c478b No.386774


>Giving our good girl headpats

Hatfag has slightly redeemed himself, but that cunt better be willing to take responsibility…

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649d05 No.387252

File: 2b65ed41ea9014f⋯.jpg (749.4 KB,2656x844,664:211,Out of the loop.jpg)

Episode 17- Out of the loop.

We haven't seen mermaid-san in a while. Subsequently, mermaid-san hasn't seen kelp-chan either. Time for them to catch up. mermaid-san is kinda spacey.

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9c478b No.387389



>No dealing with the aftermath of hatfag patting Kelpy's head and giving her cuddles

Drawfag why do you torture us so?

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649d05 No.387392


I didn't even think about it (because I have no GF) but valentines day was yesterday. If I would have done one for valentines day the script probably would be something like this.

>Kelp chan is expectant of a valentines day treat.

>She puckers her lips expecting a kissu from hatlad.

>hatlad hands her choclates- cut to kelp chan making a goofy face for having misread the situation.

To keep things clear story wise, unless it's explicitly mentioned in or shown in the comic (like kelp chan getting thrown in the dumpster) it hasn't happened. I guess if I say it happened it happened as well but I'd prefer to keep as much of the story in the comic as I can. I don't want this turning into a written story. I got enough of that on the backbuner as it is.

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649d05 No.387757

File: 81aca00b8a14c25⋯.jpg (1.45 MB,4176x832,261:52,bad thots.jpg)

episode 18- Bad thots.

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7349df No.387758

File: 2db00d02e347caf⋯.webm (1.71 MB,720x480,3:2,livid.webm)

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892690 No.387763


When is Hatboy gonna bust a cap or fifty in those bitches for messing with his friend? He's got an AK at least, don't he?

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35dd5c No.387765

File: dceb45ca7ff177e⋯.jpg (30.35 KB,500x566,250:283,1354481577341.jpg)


>Being Kelp-Chan

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4c949d No.387767

File: 5611f523960376d⋯.gif (1.48 MB,300x168,25:14,C4B0FF87-4F76-4E84-8C86-D8….gif)

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9c478b No.387775


Hatfaggot better protect Kelpy's smile, I swear to fucking Ammit…

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523d74 No.387783


haha she smells like poop

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9c478b No.387784


You shut your whore mouth about Kelp-chan, cunt.

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649d05 No.387828

File: 13b87bf130adc23⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,93.44 KB,523x291,523:291,Loss.jpg)

Now that most have had time to absorb the drama, how about some brevity? After drawing the ice cream cones I realized their orientation was somewhat familiar. See the spoiler for the connection. Also Kelp-chan had TWO SCOOPS!

As for the next episode, I'm sure everything will turn out alright. Hatlad needs a proper name. I've been struggling to place it but I think I have one. His name will be revealed nex time. Probably. I hope I managed to convey a proper feel of sincere emotion rather than some melodramatic waterworks.

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649d05 No.388378

File: 4a48e3d2bf136a8⋯.jpg (664.72 KB,3009x636,1003:212,kelp-chan strayed away.jpg)

Episode 19- A stray kelp chan

Honorifics aside, kelp-chan is all American. Of course she loves hamburgers. She's not some godless commiecat who has to wait in breadlines. Maybe that's why her face is so round?

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649d05 No.388382

File: 4d62720589ab091⋯.jpg (134.05 KB,1484x540,371:135,the decision.jpg)


If you wanna discuss the comic and roll in the same post you don't need to sage but if you're just rolling for a choice please sage. It's 1d20. Good luck.

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28adc1 No.388388

File: f81c6c266003a91⋯.jpg (240.01 KB,1280x706,640:353,UnagiJoro1b.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 11 (1d20)


It's time the bury the hatchet with mermaid-san, and time to bury those fucking thots. Ask mermaid-san if she wants to help you tag team some whores who've been talking shit about kelp-chan behind her back And if that fails then just ask her for relationship advice

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35dd5c No.388396

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d20)


It's time to let the mermaid speak

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9c478b No.388403

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d20)


Rollan' for talking it out with tittyfish

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649d05 No.389036

File: a68dedd6344612c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,470.82 KB,1890x588,45:14,The confession.jpg)

Episode 20- "The confession"

This is it. Kelpchan decides to Confess to Otto. What will he say? also what do you think of the new color filter?




Consorting with big tiddied fishes. I see how you guys operate.

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28adc1 No.389041


>What will he say?

"Sugar, how'd you get so fly?" Then sweeps Kelpchan off her feet into a princess carry New filter is much better. Went from rape basement yellow to office job blue

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b5e2b0 No.389124

just wanted to say this is glorious again and keep this thread alive

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ebfd65 No.389128


Did he get her lifted feeling so gifted?

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35dd5c No.389140


We can't ignore all the wisdom stored away in those big tiddies.

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649d05 No.389620

File: 36961869e023efc⋯.jpg (441.18 KB,1692x597,564:199,princess carry.jpg)

Episode 21- "The 'princess carry' "

She's gotta stop sleeping on the beach.

Blame this anon >>389041 for this strip's premise.

I was filling background character stuff in my head and as usual, I'm afraid I'm making it too melodramatic. Should I aim for more feels or more gags? If I shift it into feels I may need to change the format of the comic or relegate the art to light novel stuff and simply write my story out. If it evolves into that I'd probably just shimi the content into the writefag thread since it'd stop being a comic at that point. After that, I'm sure I'd post in the thread but I don't know if I'd have a regular post every Wednesday. Someone else would have to take up the mantle at that point.

The other option is a proper manga/manhwa style format and I don't feel qualified to produce that kinda content and even if I was I'd need to start up a proper gibs me dat kinda program to help subsidize all the time and energy I'd be pouring into that kind of creation.

So my choices are

[] More feels, more deep story and maybe transition into writefag content.

[] more lighthearted gags and pervy pratfall content with less focus on an overarching narrative.


[] my idea that's better and let me tell you what to do!

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25835c No.389639


Aim for whatever's appropriate, be they feels or gags. You're doing just fine with it as is IMO Even if you do tease our heartboner far too fucking often with no payoff.

Any reason you have to change the format from the 3-panel every when-you-get-around-to-it?

Also will someone cut this poor girl a break already?!

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917d8a No.389640

File: 3033bcf9d09995b⋯.gif (6.1 MB,271x480,271:480,3033bcf9d09995b48696891bb1….gif)

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649d05 No.389643


>Any reason you have to change the format from the 3-panel every when-you-get-around-to-it?

I feel it's hard to convey comedy, drama, and romance with a deep narrative in just 3 panels. In some cases, I did push it out to more than three but the layout was still simple. If I were to follow the plan in my head to do things properly I would want to do an actual manga style layout instead of basic 3-panel layouts. If I were to do that I'd have to consider page layout, text box placement, and putting a scene together that allows for all those previous elements to flow and read well in a comic format. That's a very time consuming process and even if I wasn't working full time and getting paid to doodle all day I still don't know if I could guarantee I'd be able to put out something worth reading in a timely fashion.

Overall, that's a deeper level of writing, planning, and execution than I'm currently undertaking. That's why I'd opt for a light novel approach and occasionally grace some of the writing with my own artwork. If I were to try and create a proper manga it would be such an endeavor I'm almost certain I'd have to enlist an assistant to help with inking, backgrounds and more. Better yet, I'd probably hire someone out who is more talented than me better at portraying the scenes and let them do the primary art while I'd create storyboards, page layouts as well as doing the writing. Like a Robert Kirkman kinda position with the Walking Dead.

That's pie in the sky shit though. I'm much more heavily leaning towards the light novel approach that lets me just write and maybe occasionally draw. In the mean time, I don't expect the format to change. It's easy for me to do 3 panels with simple gags so that's what I'll stick with for now. If I really like the story threads in my head I'll probably write them out if I think /monster/ would enjoy it reading them.


If it were so easy.

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28adc1 No.389723


Do whatever you need to do to keep the story coming I wanna see the end of Kelp-chan trying to raise her equally autistic daughters

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649d05 No.390568

File: 0f1cee8fe8eacb1⋯.pdf (32.87 KB,otto.pdf)

You don't need to read the behind the scenes stuff but if you enjoy more words here's some story post ice cream fiasco and a week on after. Kelp-chan doesn't make an appearance but she is mentioned. There may be an easter egg in the next comic from the story but it's ancillary to the comic. At least if I plan it correctly. It's only 2 pages or so so you won't be up all night reading.

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649d05 No.390761

File: 8949ec572e513d2⋯.jpg (677.88 KB,2179x790,2179:790,Instant messaging..jpg)


Episode 22- Instant messaging.

Bless her autistic heart. She's so starved for headpats and compliments she's gonna die metaphorically. I'll need to be bullied for this but I was inspired by that Eric Andre "Let me in" clip. I came up with the premise for this one midday today. I had to weave into the word salad I posted earlier.

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649d05 No.391521

File: a05827544b61ad5⋯.jpg (524.56 KB,2021x615,2021:615,harder counter.jpg)


Episode 23- Hard counter

The drama ramps up. What will Kelpy do now!? Does she have the courage to accept his heart? Some double entendre right there.

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28adc1 No.391526

File: 1b7a25fbd4b674a⋯.png (9.01 KB,200x200,1:1,a9ee7b24efdf05e4f462c18fdb….png)


>Congential heart disease

>Keel over at anytime

From the look of it; it seems Kelp-chan is gonna keel over at this time

Now comes the real question why Otto hasn't prayed hard enough at church for a angel to cure him, or signed a contract with a demon

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fe5b2d No.391536


Kiss the now hatless hatnigger. If she doesn't do it now he might die before kelpy works up the stones.

then break The 4th wall and kick the author in the dick for never giving such a good girl nice things ever

I'm sorry drawfag, kelpy brings out a rabid desire to protect smiles.

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d81150 No.391548


>born with congenital heart disease

Otto sounds like a real Master of Romance

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6a7987 No.391549


Oh no, Otto has Key-AIDS.

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649d05 No.391588

File: c577f9e9b8b10e2⋯.jpg (12.94 KB,378x301,54:43,heartfelt.jpg)


Gotta sprinkle in some drama to make things interesting. Without spoiling too much I don't plan on making things into a tragedy since it's a gag comic after all.


>never giving such a good girl nice things ever

He confessed his feelings for her and saved her from the chance of spilling her spaghetti and spoiling things for herself.

The heart disease bomb just happened to fall at the same time but only because he trusts her with his heart.



I've given it some thought. While I'm no cardiologist it's not some just a catch-all convenient illness. Without being too explicit he takes vasodilators, beta blockers, along with Ace inhibitors and on occasion Diuretics if you want some clues to what the nature of his illness might be. He would definitely be in trouble without his medicine but with it, he's mostly safe save sporadic episodes like the ice cream shop. I want to delve into more of the underpinning of his disease but I'll wait until I get to those bits in the story.

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649d05 No.392157

File: c23167ce770886b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,341.14 KB,1697x500,1697:500,kelp attack.jpg)


Episode 24 - Kelp attack!

This is heartbeat after the previous comic so there's no time skip aspect. Originally I had it stretching out to 5 panels but I felt the brevity was lost so I cut the latter 2. Originally it ended on more of a joke but I didn't want to compromise the intimate nature of the third panel. Don't worry though, one of the extra panels was a repeat anyway.

You'll never be angrily hugged by a salty kelp-chan

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35dd5c No.392164

File: 78a12da3c0444fa⋯.gif (1.99 MB,500x250,2:1,g.gif)



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4c949d No.392178


That was really sweet.

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f86083 No.392271

Now have Otto kiss her so sweetly that she foot-pops

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649d05 No.392325


What the hell is a foot-pop? I don't think I'd properly illustrated their height difference yet so even when standing on her tip toes she's still too short to kiss him face to face. She's self conscious about that of course.

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a32299 No.392364

File: 50fdc324cf8dc35⋯.jpg (92.57 KB,636x956,159:239,foot-pop.jpg)

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649d05 No.392496

File: 6a2e42c1d0c4805⋯.pdf (31.73 KB,otto 2.pdf)


Some recommended watching for my next wordy bit. You don't need to watch this to enjoy the written part much like you don't need to read the written part to enjoy the comic but I'm all about tangential connections. I figure it's cool to be able to watch the same movie Kelpy did. I wouldn't want to spoil the movie for you with my snippet either way so a warning for minor spoilers in the movie if you haven't watched it.


Like Kelpy could pull that off. She's too clusmy.

Also first cannon kiss between Otto and Kelpy in this reading.


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4c949d No.392615


I liked it, good job man

>Also first cannon kiss between Otto and Kelpy in this reading.

well hell, that’s all you had to say man

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649d05 No.392892

File: d0f50e5e82554b9⋯.jpg (803.95 KB,2929x712,2929:712,Lewdest shit.jpg)


Episode 25- Otto's on top.

They've confessed their love, now it's time for Kelpy and Otto to really mix things up. Can Kelpy compete with Otto when they're locked together in a the lewdest of fashions? Click on if you dare.

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649d05 No.392893

File: a11ad16e9d7953d⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,246.2 KB,887x630,887:630,always bet on Otto.jpg)


Only for the most mature of violated heroes. You've been warned.

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f1e57b No.392897



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c4fd32 No.392899


>hands touching

reported, enjoy your ban

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649d05 No.393505

File: 7837e0742c6f83b⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,357.28 KB,1664x496,104:31,eat what you luv.jpg)

Episode 26- Eat what you love

It's not spoilered for lewd content. There's a slight amount of lewdness but that's ancillary to my spoliering reason. It's spoiled more because this is possibly the worst joke I've ever put into gag format. It's was already too late when it popped in my head and I knew that I had to write it. Please forgive me.

Also edible plant girlfriends.

Since it's so bad I'll also post the raws so you can see some of my workshopping I do for a strip. Do you like Kelpy's new hairstyle she used while cooking or should she stick with the Big bang and the adjoining cowlick to remain recognizable?

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649d05 No.393510

File: 91f4010a0c4fd79⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,185.3 KB,1224x598,612:299,test bed.jpg)



Here's the raws I mentioned in this post. Usually, I'll make little mini panels to storyboard the comic out and figure out how much I can show without having to tell. I'm very visual so it helps when I can spell things out in front of my face. Sometimes I'll have the panels just pop into my head and I don't need to storyboard it out. Other times I gotta brainstorm what kinda story I want to tell and piece things together from there.

I like to think expressions are my strong suit so whenver possible I like to have a panel show something really happy, exciting, sad, scary or whatever else so I can get a good reaction shot from Kelpy. This is all done right below the finished product. The circled numbers are the "winners" if you wanna call them that. They're basically what I settled on for the final comic.

I can also post the raw unedited version of the comic as well but it's just episode 26 without any text or clean up.

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abd388 No.393526


eating fruits and veggies from your plant gf must be extremely lewd to them

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4c949d No.393530


>and completely different gag

What’s this?

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649d05 No.393596

File: a583e082cceb738⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,125.08 KB,1280x720,16:9,some-like-it-hot-cover.jpg)


Whelp, this would for when Otto and kelpy were further along in their relationship.

Kelpy would pretend to drain his lifeforce with her "kelp tentacles" while he was sleeping in some autistic roleplay for her own amusement. Definitely have a close up of her semen demon face going "fufufu, I'll devour you!" He'd wake up during the interaction and be like "what the hell are you doing?", Cue some typical kelpy squealing out of embarrassment. "I thought you were asleep idiot!" or something like that.

I could make it funnier after writing it out and polishing the dialogue but that'd be the basic gist. It'd kinda be a bit of self-serving fan service since I have a drain fetish.


I've mentioned it before when discussing plant girls but I think folks get nervous when discussing eating their waifu's bits since it drifts into vore territory. I don't view as vore as long as you're not fetishizing the act of eating the waifus edible parts. It's the same issue I have with cross-dressing as a gag being ruined by trannies turning it into an overt fetishism. Brings to mind the olde meme this is why we can't have nice things.

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649d05 No.394037

File: 41a99965bff240d⋯.jpg (345.36 KB,1020x814,510:407,Monster in the darkness.jpg)


Episode 27- Monster in the darkness

Rushing this one out. I got another part coming but the deadline was rough. I hope you all find it worthwhile.

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4c949d No.394041

File: 03f51e348b404c6⋯.gif (1.17 MB,720x404,180:101,02A63EA7-4B9E-4B49-AF4E-1C….gif)


>he didn’t say no

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649d05 No.394042

File: a6ab9178ca0a8ae⋯.jpg (281.17 KB,632x992,79:124,the big decision.jpg)


You dun it now Kelpy. After squeezing her way onto the couch and getting close to Otto certain feelings are emerging within her.

Roll a d20 for the fate of Kelp-chan. Will she remain a gud girl and keep her hands to herself or become a semen demon beholden to the pursuit daddies' cummies? Either way, things will escalate quickly. Gud luck Kelp-chan

As per usual if you're just rolling please sage your post. If you want to roll + comment you don't need to sage. Sorry for the quality for these not being the best. Without going into a deep blogpost I was busy all day. I should have worked on it more on Tuesday.


you already know.

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d11a62 No.394043

File: 410155bb0be2b21⋯.jpg (90.23 KB,1124x1117,1124:1117,anus.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 17 (1d20)



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a761cd No.394046

File: 0a1087ff670fd8d⋯.jpeg (376.88 KB,898x818,449:409,304E091F-A400-4E2D-96AA-E….jpeg)

Dice rollRolled 6 (1d20)

I don’t want to lewd her but I won’t complain with the results either way.

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4c949d No.394048

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d20)


Kelp chan is a good girl and will STAY a good girl

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4c949d No.394049

File: 43f37b0817c322f⋯.jpeg (30.08 KB,250x250,1:1,E1CF5436-D9A0-4BA1-81D0-1….jpeg)



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28adc1 No.394053

File: f5eee54ce2f0472⋯.jpg (394.37 KB,658x890,329:445,1554604459679.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 15 (1d20)


Rolling for the save. Kelp-chan will not rape Otto and instead gently cuddle him

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e4663e No.394057

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


no rape tonight

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cd8d85 No.394073

File: d8b06d937805a53⋯.jpg (68.8 KB,811x608,811:608,152707932966.jpg)



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649d05 No.394113

File: df95137e0d07cb3⋯.png (20.72 KB,242x430,121:215,cursed roll.png)

A fren I have that I showcase the comic to rolled for his desired outcum.

Now in the thread, we did get a 1 roll for the gud girl before we got the 20 so I felt a little shaky about that later 20 roll. Should I flip a coin? Do both and present a "cursed" alternate timeline? Just use the thread's roll? I have a rather cheesy yet heartwarming idea for the gud girl outcome so I wouldn't want to sour it by showcasing the semen demon option as well but the semen demon path also has some feels built in as well. I'm torn

dickscord I know

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177fdd No.394135

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d20)


Rollan for gud gurl, but also a mishap to make kelp-chan spell more spaghetti with more misunderstandings ("It's not what it looks like" type thing probably)

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879d3c No.394138

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d20)

Bunch limp jawed faggots around here…


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e4663e No.394191


Start to get frisky before having second thoughts

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177fdd No.394248

File: 49ebd066be4afbf⋯.png (294.31 KB,527x460,527:460,kelpchan is short.png)


I couldn't help myself.

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de617e No.394447


Seems obvious to me. Kelp chan tries to be a good girl but lying next to her desired husbandu is too much for her and she starts to succumb to temptation. This wakes up Hat Faggot Kun. The sight of Kelp Chan's TRUE LEWD POWER scares him so much he suffers a (nonfatal?) cardiac event. -> critical good girl failure, but no semen demon outcome

Seriously though, who gives a monstergirl headpats and then invites her to sleep over without wanting their pelvis shattered!?

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649d05 No.394455


That'll be a part of the next mini-writefag segment. Without spoiling too much kelp-chan pressures Otto to let her move in since her only other options are to sleep on the beach and wake up in the dumpster or live under the sea and get bullied by blowfish and squidface. Since Otto does love her he lets her stay but she can't just move in that easily…

There's more to it than that but you'll find out about that later. As far the cardiac event idea, I considered it but that almost seems too obvious. 'Like your intuition though. Would make for some good drama but that's not the kinda drama I want yet.


kelp-chan is canonically a short stack for sure. What's worse is Otto is pretty tall so he towers over her 6'3 or so. Kelpy is probably 4'11" or so. She's just shy of being a midget for the most part.

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177fdd No.394616


>What's worse is Otto is pretty tall so he towers over her 6'3 or so. Kelpy is probably 4'11" or so.

>Otto is 6'3"

>Kelpy is probably 4'11"



I should've made it 5'11.5"

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649d05 No.394730

File: 0eb5eaf7d30bb97⋯.jpg (867.95 KB,996x2241,4:9,short of breath.jpg)



Episode 28- Kissin' Time

I felt bad about the last episode. It was just two panels for the most part. The spotlight question panel was noice and finished out the set but I had to push really hard and technically I came in on the next day by like a second (talk about down to the wire).

For this episode, I did 5 panels to make up for what I feel was a decent if mediocre showing for last week. Let's just say the last episode passed my quality control by the skin of its teeth. For this one, I'm pleased with every panel. This one felt too long to stretch out horizontally so I did it vertically. Also, I'll be posting a bonus panel tonight as well. I'll spoiler it since it may be too lewd for some.

I'm gonna shy away from nighttime episodes for a little while. I go crazy with my hatching.


You got me, what's the gag?

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649d05 No.394737

File: e7141c2ca377b92⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,406.22 KB,857x1143,857:1143,She went too low.jpg)


It was dark so she went a little low and by accident kissed his chin instead of his lips. At least she kissed his head right?

I tried to make it a little 3d since her elbow was kinda coming at you. I hope it doesn't look like she has giant arms. If it does…well too late.

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d11a62 No.394744

File: 76dedff342b776d⋯.png (55.18 KB,217x190,217:190,n i c e 2.png)



Nice, I like it.

And the perspective in the second image looks good to me, boss.

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649d05 No.395423

File: 08f96856ece503f⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,759.92 KB,3558x642,593:107,Lucky.jpg)


Episode 29 "One Lucky Crab"

Spring is in the air. Kelpchan has secured herself someone. How is Crabby faring?

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4f3e60 No.395424

File: a44a6ba39fb5ea5⋯.jpg (49.27 KB,600x400,3:2,tanko crabo.jpg)


Crabby needs an upgrade.

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4c949d No.395434

File: 623f95919e43c7c⋯.jpeg (191.45 KB,800x800,1:1,3243BC8F-5B30-4A05-833B-B….jpeg)


>episode 30 “Crabby goes to war”

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4f3e60 No.395435

File: 32350e81bb5f621⋯.jpg (61.44 KB,720x540,4:3,crabo tanko.jpg)



Crabby has had enough with beachcomber fag.

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35dd5c No.395448

File: 1fea6fdab6fbf96⋯.png (34.18 KB,666x666,1:1,1426465165025.png)


A villain is born

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5d3066 No.395449

File: 2477ff2b1de4c0c⋯.png (75.86 KB,490x486,245:243,ClipboardImage.png)


Next Time on Kelp Chan


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4f3e60 No.395453

File: ee44c4c4de54f61⋯.jpg (69.73 KB,546x640,273:320,3baaa583459dfa73b88122edf1….jpg)





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075ca5 No.395898

File: a9daef96f8d4700⋯.png (443.74 KB,750x559,750:559,Battle_of_the_crab.png)


We shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.

-Churchton Winsthill.

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649d05 No.396004

File: 36d4ecd3531770d⋯.pdf (87.19 KB,Snuggle revengence.pdf)

A little writey bit I've been working on. Otto gets his revengence. It also includes the next monster girl I intend to introduce into the kelp-chan cannon. Or if you're lazy you can look at my concept art I'll post right after this rather than reading all my crap.

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649d05 No.396008

File: 4c5da1e6d502aad⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,205.73 KB,816x612,4:3,concept for spuder 1.jpg)

File: 0ed1d0dc5d8f909⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.35 MB,3264x2448,4:3,concept art for spuder 2.jpg)


Here's the aforementioned concept art. Emphasis on concept.

Concept 1 is me trying to play with some spider anatomy along with certain facial traits. I really liked the body on the left. I felt it really captured the tarantula flavor. I didn't like any of the faces I made in the first batch.

Channeling Reitia for extra creative juice I conjured a facial shape + features that I felt were pretty on base for what I wanted. They perhaps need a little refinement but concept art 2 is close to what I want from her face. Just needs some polish. Mostly I want to simplify the design. The easier she is to draw the better.

Her character is older and while she's not an uggo she's not super gorgeous either. I want her to be cute and enduring like Kelpy but with a different mature flavor.

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1a03f4 No.396033


>spuder stands for spider girl

>not spurdo girl

I'm disappointed.

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649d05 No.396228

File: 398e7cdfa223a2e⋯.jpg (427.7 KB,1832x509,1832:509,Meet Erika.jpg)

Episode 30 -"A tangled veb"

This episode caters to a very specific audience. If you've read the writey bit you might have guessed where we were going. The new girl finely aged fraulein gets all the panels to herself but not all the text bubbles. If someone manages to guess her theme music I'll post her lewds… that is of course if you really want to see her hairy spider legs and puss puss.

To keep spaghetti from flying all over please sage your guess posts. You can guess as many times as you want.

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649d05 No.396231


Only now do I realize (after viewing it with a more critical eye) I left off two of her leg segments on her right side. Canonically she has them, I just didn't draw them since I wanted to have her waving with her feet and she was already big enough as it was in the panel. I will deform things on occasion for the sake of comedy and because it's a cartoon but I can't overlook such a travesty of anatomical annihilation. Sorry fraulein, I've maimed you right out of the gate.

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d8e1ef No.396242

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



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649d05 No.396246

File: be29c2f12784e4c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,678.62 KB,1403x1071,1403:1071,lewd spider.jpg)


Version 5 & 6 is pretty decent as well. I guess the file name was a pretty big clue.

You win the prize komisch.

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d8e1ef No.396248

File: 17a8d9c4e71c0b6⋯.jpg (46.84 KB,680x422,340:211,17a8d9c4e71c0b68c3fd047f2d….jpg)

File: 058faff18668bb9⋯.png (135.82 KB,466x486,233:243,Caco monitor cringe.png)


Well, you did warn me. Jesus Christ

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3537cb No.396249


You know what?

Still would

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916eac No.396251

File: f64a703720e6e85⋯.gif (847 KB,300x231,100:77,rampage.gif)

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649d05 No.397150

File: 7b86d4b4e034472⋯.jpg (556.95 KB,2332x630,1166:315,best boi.jpg)

Episode 31- "Gut boi"

What has Otto gotten himself into now? I'm using some new pens so my lines will be different for a while until I work out some kinks with them. I forgot to tone her top, oh well. Too late now.

Also, her jean shorts snap in the back somehow. Figure it yourself. Fucking spider anatomy.

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649d05 No.397152

File: 5f3b8b84ceb1bd6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,478.98 KB,1135x1532,1135:1532,gud boi or bad boi.jpg)


Now for the decision!

As per usual, make sure you sage your post if you're just rolling your D20. Regardless of what choice gets picked, she won't be featured in the next episdoe so I don't have to bother with her accent. I like it but I hate writing it.

No reason to spoiler this one, I just wanted to tease your imagination before clicking.

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4c949d No.397158


Is the molting sexual in someway to make us “not so gud boi”?

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ba3b0a No.397159


Get kelpchan to do it.

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649d05 No.397162


I left it ambiguous for a reason. It's not supposed to be sexual. Then again, is anything ever not sexual when monstergirls are involved? She said herself it wasn't "lewd". If you can't trust your landlord, who can you trust?


She'd never do it. She hates spiders.

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f74adc No.397172

Dice rollRolled 14 (1d20)


Help her molt.

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35aae0 No.397269

Dice rollRolled 17 (1d20)


Help her molt for the discount, but don't enjoy it.

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d11a62 No.397338

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)


She's still really cute.


Don't do it. Gotta stay pure for his girl.

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649d05 No.397346


>but don't enjoy it



So much for the molting route. Unless someone manages a 20 for the alternative anyway. Poor Erika, she'll have to take care of herself.

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0d755b No.397353

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d20)


Help spidermilf!

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649d05 No.397863

File: 1eccef78a7abd28⋯.jpg (834.38 KB,3884x832,971:208,Meanwhile.jpg)

Episode 32: Decisive action.

A month worth of take-out and couch-bound movie watching can't be good for a girl's a figure. Kelpy is no exception to this. Can she shed the pounds or will she be fat fatter forever?

>why is she wearing a swim cap?

She's kelp-chan, she does all kinds of goofy shit. Don't overthink it.

>what abouut the spider choice?

That comes later.

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4f3e60 No.397865


Crabby's thirsty for crab hunter blood

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f08fb2 No.397870


>Instead of being a fat shit, kelpy takes some accountability and gets /fit/

she is a good girl who deserves headpats.

>blaming Otto tho

Bitch it was a burger, not a cock, nobody shoved it down your throat.

>when the crabby learns to hate

I am way too invested in this

>Not making it a flick knife

dammit op you had one job

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649d05 No.397872

File: 4548bf972b83e1b⋯.png (Spoiler Image,214.01 KB,500x881,500:881,autism in action.png)


>expecting Kelpy to take responsibility

She may be a gud girl but she's still Kelp-chan. You ask too much.

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35dd5c No.397880

File: 886d9b47c20bfe2⋯.jpg (24.01 KB,184x184,1:1,1376256913348.jpg)


Go, Crabby go. For your waifu

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649d05 No.398620

File: 9f4d94b3d841675⋯.jpg (454.58 KB,2339x621,2339:621,demanding.jpg)

Episode 33. The kelp needs help.

Kelpy spent all weekend working out and she's tuckered proper. I'm a little bit tuckered myself. Sorry for the 2 and 1/3rd strip. I may post the voted choice a bit faster than next week. As previously mentioned, the rent choice outcome won't come til' later.

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b64e28 No.398623


>kelpy making demands of the man paying the bills like a fucking 3dpd

Shame on her. She deserves mild bully and stern (yet loving) admonishment.

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401a42 No.398628

File: 3cbb10d8429dafc⋯.png (Spoiler Image,607.79 KB,443x800,443:800,board of education.png)


> bratty 3D behavior

It's time to take responsibility, Otto. You know what you need to do.

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772388 No.398654


Otto needs to pretend to humor her selfishness then completely dom her hard in bad. Spankings required.

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01ac44 No.398662


DO NOT ENCOURAGE HER BEHAVIOR. SHE LACKS DISCIPLINE. TIE HER UP AND SPANK HER TIL SHE'S EVEN MORE SORE then cuddle her and possibly a massage if she's really sorry

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88450e No.398692


The solution is clear, show her who wears the pants in this relationship by not wearing any pants and then boning her until she is too tired to act bratty.

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d40c57 No.398812


bully her a bit and tell her about why her demands are unreasonable. then give her hugs

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649d05 No.399075

File: 738dc432b804f2a⋯.jpg (569.46 KB,2016x936,28:13,Trashy waifu.jpg)







You have to scare the brat out of here.

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649d05 No.399076

File: 7cfe6d330124903⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,720.12 KB,1213x2048,1213:2048,Sinister laughter.jpg)


Bullied into submission. she hates getting put in the garbage.

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9c0807 No.399088

File: e5fb6f66c5121be⋯.gif (1.47 MB,320x240,4:3,giphy.gif)


>graciousness in victory

I take back every judgemental thing I have ever said about hatfaggot Otto.

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6ef3e9 No.399178

File: 024cbe7e981def7⋯.png (541.28 KB,660x430,66:43,ClipboardImage.png)





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649d05 No.399449

File: 67c1bdbd155d954⋯.jpg (314.47 KB,1589x476,227:68,kelpy's tricks.jpg)

Episode 34. Scent of a woman

I was tuckered so I couldn't think of any good gags. Those who read the writey bits will already be keyed in on Otto's weakness. This is really just me being self-indulgent and comfy posting. Some Senko San may have wormed it's way into my head as of late. Just replace fluff with huff. The latter part of the comic will be spoilered in case it's too lewd for some.

I may have used the last text box in said panel to cover up the fact I was too lazy to do the "BUSTIN MAKES ME FEEL GOOD" on Otto's shirt. I'll just say the box is placed conveniently.

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649d05 No.399451

File: 7dabaf8e0216433⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,268.13 KB,943x839,943:839,High intensity cuddling.jpg)


Explicit content. Viewer discretion is advised.

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4f3e60 No.399453


What happened to Kelpy's face?

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649d05 No.399454


I don't usually draw her profile but she's gonna have a rounded face no matter which way I draw her from cus of her baby face. If you're talking about her hair it's just floating around since she's resting on Otto. I hope it reads well that they're laying down. Otherwise, I can definitely see why it might throw you otherwise.

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649d05 No.399456

File: 23fd32679e8cac2⋯.jpg (316.81 KB,1589x476,227:68,kelpy's tricks fixed.jpg)


Speaking of confusing my readers, I forgot to do the pointed dialogue bubbles. I doubt anyone will have trouble figuring out who's talking but in case you do here's a version of episode 34 with pointed dialogue bubbles. Sage for my own incompetence.

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4f3e60 No.399458


Don't need to bring yourself down. You're doing great! Also, will Crabby's revenge make a return?

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649d05 No.399466


Thanks for your consideration.


Crabby has a very enduring charm that I myself didn't fully appreciate until I'd got so much positive feedback about him. Concept wise I like the idea of an underlying drama for Crabby that all the other characters are oblivious to.

The crabby side story will conclude eventually. I can't leave it unfinished but do know this is the Kelp-chan thread first and foremost so she'll get the spotlight. I also feel like if I give Crabby too much exposure he'll stop being cool.

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649d05 No.400403

I had a vacation this weekend that kinda carried over into the week so no kelpy today. I've been doing more writing lately and I haven't poured any creative juice into the kelpy bucket all week. This is the designated kelpchan thread so if you have some art, stories or whatever (doesn't have to be my version of a kelp-based girl) this is the thread to post it in. I wouldn't blame anyone for not making kelp chan content. She is the garbage tier waifu after all

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649d05 No.401322

File: cdd1f155e1d4f7e⋯.jpg (523.38 KB,2328x479,2328:479,Penance.jpg)


Episdoe 35. Penance

Where's the jokes? I need to do a writey bit to fill out the plot to make room for more gag centric comics. Said writey bit will go into Otto's mistake. If he wants to be at peace it'll be necessary for him to make things right. His heart is aching but it's not just for the usual reason. Is it too late for him to make things right? Find out when I get around to writing it.

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0867f2 No.401326


>Wholesome and Kelpy doesn't get a pratfall

This pleases the heartboner.

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649d05 No.402299

File: f7db05bb5c6efaa⋯.jpg (662 KB,2626x552,1313:276,operation intrude 704.jpg)

Episode 36- Operation Intrude

The absolute mad lad crab has done it now. Sneaking into a seafood restaurant of all places. Is he a bad enough dude to save his soft-shelled significant other or will he end up on a plate? Don't miss the next explosive episode of Kelp chan! I may push it out tomorrow since I have tomorrow off. Even if I don't, happy 4th of July you heroes

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33da3c No.402305

File: 4b0b54ad1c5cf67⋯.jpeg (19.67 KB,739x415,739:415,images (2).jpeg)

>>402299 (checked)

Crabby is a true patriot.

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f7770a No.402503

File: 4006dbe69208018⋯.jpg (118.07 KB,1024x664,128:83,1539101730505.jpg)


Crabby's commencing infiltration

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35dd5c No.402543

File: 821a405ecbf47e8⋯.png (253.35 KB,500x500,1:1,when she strangles you wit….png)


Go Crabby go.

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649d05 No.403198

File: dce34667666070b⋯.jpg (1011.62 KB,1264x1970,632:985,freeedom.jpg)

Episode 37- Freedom

Happy late 4th of July. But where's crabby? Did he make out okay? Did he manage to save his sultry soft-shelled love?

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649d05 No.403199

File: c41597469fa89de⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,358.46 KB,1143x857,1143:857,Mission complete.jpg)


of course he saved her

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d7ee89 No.403201

File: 122aae10baf7c01⋯.jpeg (32.71 KB,456x672,19:28,images (4).jpeg)


>crabby gets a good end

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4c949d No.403205

File: 346a0c4c3089dfe⋯.jpeg (142.92 KB,636x740,159:185,BFD814A8-77A7-4FE6-8D31-6….jpeg)

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35dd5c No.403247

File: e140812f0371f60⋯.png (17.9 KB,411x454,411:454,1463364120335.png)



Rank: FoxHound. Good work, Crabby

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4f3e60 No.403259


I couldn't be more glad

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945dcb No.403349

File: 9d5f9f942837012⋯.gif (7.24 KB,128x128,1:1,TARMA.gif)




Keep it up

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649d05 No.404026

File: eed6e31100d5951⋯.jpg (643.98 KB,3009x546,1003:182,Fellowship of the ring.jpg)

Episode 38. Fellowship of the ring.

I was going to make this whole part (plus the following part) into a writefag bit I couldn't come up with any gags for today and the longer I beat around the bush the longer it takes to hit key story points so I ended up illustrating the writey bit. I probably saved you all a bunch of my shitty exposition in the long run. Pictures worth 1000 words and all that.

No monstergirls or cabby, what kinda comic is this? I thought about having one or two monstergirls in the background somewhere on the playground equipment but time was short and I felt like it'd distract from the scene.

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4f3e60 No.404632

File: 0fbf417785a433c⋯.gif (3.83 MB,720x404,180:101,I like it.gif)


Can't wait for episode 39

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f86083 No.404682

File: d2088dcbdce149d⋯.jpeg (28.3 KB,339x425,339:425,D_LR-NnXsAESxJa.jpeg)


>Get hype for more kelp-chan

>gotcha! Just some cunt not saging.

Sage your posts in story threads you nigger.

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4f3e60 No.404721


Excuse my immature actions. You happy now?

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649d05 No.404775


You say that now…



While this is the designated kelpchan©™® thread, it's not explicitly for my comic only. I was going to quote my first post but I didn't say it there. What I will say is if anyone has kelp girl artwork, stories, and other things to put here I wouldn't tell them to make their own thread for it. Since Kelpy pretty much belongs to /monster/ I wouldn't even be against people using her likeness or character in their own OC. I just happen to be the only one producing kelp-girl content ATM AFAIK.

As far as rules for the board go, I don't consider this a CYOA thread and when I do indulge in CYOA style setups I always encourage those rolling on choices to sage their posts respectively to keep the thread from getting pushed up artificially.

Unless a mod would like to give their two cents on the matter I'm not against someone bumping the thread for posting their own kelpgirl content or commenting on mine or others' content. Other than that I'd ask everyone just follow the board's rules. Saged for obvious reasons.

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649d05 No.405065

File: 5eb632f0b75c211⋯.png (1.2 MB,1024x844,256:211,RIP in peace Rutger.png)

Work was rough today. May not squeeze it out right at 11:59 like usual. This next episode of the comic is important. I have to sink the putt so to speak so I'd rather it be late then unfinished.

Also Rutger Hauer died. Even if he was a sexual deviant and left-leaning on a lot of shit, I still enjoy his films.


back to work on kelpy

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649d05 No.405071

File: 71c7146e74bf850⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,765.48 KB,3354x546,43:7,Surviving the gameu.jpg)


Episode 39: Surviving The Game.

I tried to making the ending uplifting even if it was somewhat bittersweet overall. When I say ending of course I'm talking about this episode, not the comic as a whole.

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d76ae8 No.405085


This is why monstergirls will always be better than 3dpd. Kelpy would be happy with him just telling her what she means to him.

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649d05 No.405879

File: 199905a8b2893a2⋯.jpg (572.08 KB,2402x549,2402:549,woked.jpg)


Episode 40: Panic Room

I was inspired by my own inclination to stay in bed this morning. Kelp-chan is my spirit animal.

This one will come with a roll. Don't forget to sage your rolls

[]Pretend to be asleep. If Kelpy answers the door she'll only spill her spaghetti! It takes time for her to warm up to people after all. It could be bad if he comes in anyway and finds her sleeping in his bed.

[]Greet Otto's dad. The sooner she gets to know him the better. Then again, he's not officially her step-dad yet. What will he think of her living with his son without being married to him?

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a03a78 No.405883

Dice rollRolled 6 (1d20)


First option. I mean come on, this is Kelp Chan we're talking about.

My question is: The guy obviously has a spare key. If he comes in and if she panics hard enough are some of her monster abilities going to activate to "defend" her? Is the old man about to get ineffectually attacked by kelp fronds?

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763859 No.405885

Dice rollRolled 14 (1d20)


I gotta go for the option that has the best potential for her being socially awkward.

Pretend to sleep, let him come in on his own, and let's see kelpchan spill a tanker full of spaghetti.

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649d05 No.405888


I have some ideas for punchlines regardless of who wins. She may be able to deploy some kelp powers in her defense but I would hate to spoil gags. I wouldn't overthink it too much.

Canonically I've introduced the costume change power to let her dress up >>383974 .She can also mimic a pile of kelp which is only useful for blending in at the beach so she'd stand out on for sure in the bed >>387252

I low key introduced the idea of her emanating a fragrance that's enticing for boyz but I think that's more for personal tastes >>399451

. She might have gotten Otto more into it by feeding bits of herself to him >>393510 and drowning him with her kelpy kisses >>394730 .

She may have a few more powers tucked away for emergencies but there hasn't been any need for her to use them…yet. I had to look up what a frond was


She's still wearing Otto's shirt. Shud be gud either way.

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71b75d No.405890

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d20)


Greet Otto's dad.

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d26c3b No.405905

Dice rollRolled 13 (1d20)

Kelpy should answer the door, bow politely, and promptly overbalance and fall on her ear.

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a63f6f No.405968



ew Otto's a druggie

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a03a78 No.405970

File: ffecaff079794c3⋯.png (280.63 KB,530x300,53:30,ClipboardImage.png)

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99d985 No.406234

If 8chan dies will you continue somewhere else OP?

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