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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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b307a4 No.369712 [View All]

/monster/ NEWS

>KC has started a patreon

>Anons keep falling for danuki tricks

>No Spanish to be found; boarder security is working

8chan NEWS

>Lala won the tournament between MFW and 8chanmania

>The /bane/ animation is coming along nicely, feel free to help out

>/animu/ is now a viable alternative to /a/

World NEWS

>Terry Davis has died

>Crunchyroll is producing an (((“““anime”””))) and netflix is dumping a bunch 8 billion dollars into their own anime productions

>The youtube skeptic community is burning

>Some fat 3D is trying to track anons across the internet

363 posts and 135 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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d3919d No.373646


Please do not shit up our board with shitty "jokes". Thank you.

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e26080 No.373647

I see Shekelstein is trying to sow chaos and pit anon against anon again.

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d3919d No.373652


Can you please continue to keep us up to date what all your friends on reddit are thinking?


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b307a4 No.373655

>people can't tell the difference between shitpost edits, old memes and actual degenerates

Is this what it's come to?

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681036 No.373656


blame furries and null for it also snowdrake.

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0ac274 No.373658


I don't think we've been flooded by THAT many new people as of late, but do you think null did kinda intend for us to be flooded by people we don't want because of us spamming p'orcs at him?

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681036 No.373659


what if jewsh was the porc poster?

Man thats some deep level lore.

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d3919d No.373661


What this guy said >>373656

Until things calm down, it's better to be on alert and treat all three as the same. Better to be safe than sorry.

I really wish we could simply kill all those faggots. It's really the simplest option.

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0ac274 No.373662


>the porc poster

Anon, I'm pretty sure there were multiple p'orc posters.

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77913f No.373665


As someone on the /animu/ MG thread said: someone's trying to stir the shitpot for fuck knows what reason. Hooray for reddit thinking they can post here because they took a trip to knowyourmeme before posting.

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fae8d0 No.373667

Remember to report and filter, anons.

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f00994 No.373668

File: aa76b3b15a078e3⋯.gif (1.74 MB,850x850,1:1,1459139343736.gif)


Aux was right about you too

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fae8d0 No.373670


That is a very specific cap to go to KYM for.

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d3919d No.373672

So who are betting on that's stirring the pot?





>some autist

>All of the above?

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fae8d0 No.373675


Well was there anything that Aux complained about that this faggot could possibly say was right? That'll give us a clue.

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681036 No.373677


Its just plain out of control irony. ban sensitivity from something that should of been a 1 day ban because the vol forgot how to add days or hours. and old cuckchan memes causing wojack biz levels of asspain when it has a different meaning in le current year.

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775f17 No.373679

File: acd0044d17cb9da⋯.png (208.5 KB,1128x905,1128:905,oni shiggy diggy.png)

>when a whole board goes on high alert over a single shitpost

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775f17 No.373681


You can't just make pasta out of everything I say.

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681036 No.373682


> when you get your irony from /tv/ and your humor from twitter.

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d3919d No.373683


Were you not paying attention to earlier events?

Some cunt told furries to come check out monster gurls instead. TFT decided to spread its asscheeks to accept the new rapefugees. We're on high alert for a good goddamn reason.

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b307a4 No.373686


You can still differentiate a meme from 2007 and an actual degenerate. When actual degenerates show up you tell them to fuck off, they aren’t hard to pick out and will leave after people don’t accept their shit and they get banned. Same thing for the nigger spade cat, you can still tell people to fuck off when they post actual niggers.

All this aside, what do we have for news for the next meta thread:

>furries trying to attain rapefugee status in other communities, possibly ours

>literally hoo girl

And there’s plenty of other shit but I can’t pick anything off the top of my head right now.

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0ac274 No.373688

File: ed168170b2817d2⋯.png (444.15 KB,890x782,445:391,tomato sauce pasta minigir….png)


I can't just make pasta out of everything you say.

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18e015 No.373690

File: 10229f0281a3cec⋯.jpg (80.95 KB,492x428,123:107,10229f0281a3cecfbbf2ec2fed….jpg)

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0ac274 No.373691

File: 3c2f8bd30fcbe73⋯.jpg (170.74 KB,640x453,640:453,Napoli-tan and Miito Sōsui.jpg)


Please do not stir up our board with saucy "pasta". Thank you.

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1d5e6a No.373694


Do people eveb play food fantasy?

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0ac274 No.373699


>Do people eveb play food fantasy?

It's a game? I thought Napoli-tan and Miito Sosui were just mascots for a food brand and then also got something like an anime.

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0ac274 No.373701

File: d2ff8b5bdacf4c3⋯.png (1.66 MB,1500x1071,500:357,loli pirate captain with m….png)


Aux was right about borger.

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b307a4 No.373704

File: 7e57c661da5d514⋯.jpeg (450.03 KB,850x1303,850:1303,7D5D821B-A94B-4BEC-B4E8-A….jpeg)

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0ac274 No.373706


Aux was right about fri.

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3ab970 No.373709

File: d66d0b6bab8f92b⋯.png (585.79 KB,444x667,444:667,Netflix adaptation of Elf-….png)


Are you guys excited for Netflix's adaptation of Elf-san Wa Yaserarenai?

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50a285 No.373741


Oh god is that a real flesh and blood human inside that? Its not like, art, or something? The burger in the foreground looks fake

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3ab970 No.373745


Well duh it's Erufuda-san, of course she's real and she's not human bro.

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da149a No.373753


Please, don't summon my inner Scott Steiner

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b2c953 No.373771

File: e721bb605be66ca⋯.gif (1.47 MB,300x170,30:17,fat.gif)


>Please, don't summon my inner Scott Steiner

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545b36 No.373773


I finally did it! i cracked /v/!!!!

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545b36 No.373774


with autistic skill and percussion i snagged the GET

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88dd85 No.373776

File: 37f1d0237111a2a⋯.jpg (228.87 KB,2098x887,2098:887,VICTORY.jpg)

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fae8d0 No.373778


>directly linking the URL

Anon, what the fuck.

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545b36 No.373780

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f00994 No.373797


The asspain in there is palpable

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3ab970 No.373819

File: 450f97b61e6865e⋯.jpg (112.86 KB,444x667,444:667,Netflix adaptation of Elf-….jpg)


Also, she's real

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25e044 No.373824

File: a6192b4cfa786e8⋯.png (162.23 KB,282x504,47:84,aki.PNG)


Spoil that nasty shit

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3f597b No.373825

File: 4e5a97bdec0f5e3⋯.gif (1.86 MB,345x237,115:79,unintelligible.gif)


This kills the Steiner

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41e149 No.373827

File: 5a1050c0a121849⋯.webm (2.32 MB,586x746,293:373,chika_disgusted.webm)

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e26080 No.373863


We now officially live in a reality where actual zoophiles are less degenerate and more functional members of society than furries. I don't think this ride is gonna stop with the cart breaks anymore.

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68959f No.373874

File: 2ba1bb621f63b33⋯.jpg (336.59 KB,2000x2000,1:1,347b216c4cc0304fe843e0e859….jpg)


Jesus fucking christ the Jim stream today actually hurt. Fuck. I dont think I have the words to describe my sheer disgust at the whole thing.

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b307a4 No.373881

News for the next meta thread?

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681036 No.373896


they're the same shit you mong.

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25e044 No.374167

File: f77f403d0db08f7⋯.png (165.91 KB,331x588,331:588,It's a jovial fantasy romp.png)


Dipshits are shocked at Goblin Slayer's rape and genocide despite rape and genocide being the main draw of Goblin Slayer due to Crunchykike labeling it TV-PG and describing it as a standard fantasy isekai.

Should note that this isn't /monster/ news and GS is definitely not a /monster/ anime but it is news.

Also Kavanaugh got sworn in as a Supreme Court JUSTICE, whether or not he'll be any good at it remains to be seen, but the salt from the left is already worth it in my opinion. This is also not /monster/ news. The board's pretty quiet right now.

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b307a4 No.374175

File: 32a4cc72c2543aa⋯.gif (9.22 MB,400x300,4:3,1C03B3E2-EB5A-470B-8B1B-9E….gif)


Thanks. New meta threads would be up much faster if more people contributed to the news.

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