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File: 4853347241f57f6⋯.jpeg (501.14 KB,900x1273,900:1273,E746659A-6856-46BF-9400-B….jpeg)

304b3e No.368804 [Last50 Posts]

Alright Anon, through inter-dimensional magic, you have been granted two magical buttons:

The first button will transport monstergirls here in a DOTR-style invasion with portals opening across the world. It won’t be easy on the girls, especially in the beginning years, where plenty of innocent girls will die in misunderstandings and poor situations or those few that integrate become alienated by society for their alien culture and bodies or shady organizations capture them for scientific reasons, or for much less wholesome purposes. But in time, things are sure to get better, right?

The second button will bring you to their world, and only you, leaving behind everything and everyone who you care about. Everything will progress in this world the same for better or worse, except that you suddenly disappeared the moment you pressed the button. You won’t have anything, there will be a language barrier unless you encounter someone with translation magic, and the war between the Demon Lord and the Order is just past its peak. At least this will spare the girls much suffering.

The choice is yours.

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9df0c5 No.368816

File: e25ae7c45142b72⋯.jpeg (153.72 KB,769x768,769:768,572471BA-31D6-4CCF-B2B0-A….jpeg)

Press both buttons to merge the two universes. If that’s not an option than press the first since it’s more interesting.

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82cde7 No.368818

File: 85dccc745ed8a40⋯.jpg (351.96 KB,1000x355,200:71,Dave-Canterbury-Bushcraft-….jpg)

Learn the fuck out of these and push the second.

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b1b362 No.368820

File: f7ff3888d71cdb3⋯.jpg (278.7 KB,1190x1200,119:120,1467352828815.jpg)

I'd push the first if it meant 3D would become 2D as well a DOTR

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69a25b No.368826


This. For extra keks, slap both buttons with your dick.

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304b3e No.368858



Congrats, monstergirls entered your world and you just entered an empty one. You also alp.

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a98b85 No.368867


I don't have enough to keep me here so I'll press the second one. Would rather learn a new language and deal with an environment that's always had MG's vs. bringing them here. Why? I would run the risk of them "getting upset" over some of the less than generous treatment ….. with a backlash that would cause a lot of issues.

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c3c4e4 No.368876

Choose option 2 but only if it kicks off the apocalypse for earth.

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1f80d5 No.368881

Press the first one because I care enough about you faggots that I'd like you all to get your waifus too.

Plus I want to introduce my waifu to my family and let my parents meet their grandkids when they come.

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025549 No.368883

File: c2ced1d3e24a199⋯.jpg (118.28 KB,600x800,3:4,c5e28a3b2fdecc5bfed5336065….jpg)

File: 630434f41f16f96⋯.jpg (12.49 KB,400x457,400:457,630434f41f16f9693392831b8e….jpg)

Change always brings suffering, first button, a waifu for you and me.

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82cde7 No.368888


Waifus are too pure and innocent for this world. Better to go into theirs and conquer it with the knowledge of ours.

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125e91 No.368898

File: 50d4362c2b91c9f⋯.gif (1022.98 KB,500x243,500:243,ED940CC8-9C89-4B14-A9C8-96….gif)

Button 1 all the way

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3042be No.368940

How about button 3?

>all degenerates, niggers or otherwise undesirables alp. Monster girls do not come to your world although scientific advancements may change that in the future.

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1f1797 No.368941

Button one it is. I may be forced to bayonet an oni or two while I wait for a manticore to come by, but it'll be better in the end.

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4123a4 No.368942

I don't know. I'm honestly conflicted. Maybe I won't press either button.

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8998e6 No.368953

I'm gonna have to choose the first one. Can't leave y'all behind.


Trying to stab an oni would just be advertising that you've got a fighting spirit and get her in the mood.

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a4aafe No.368958


Even an oni might think twice about raping a man when she's got a couple 7.62x54Rs in her torso. The bayonet is the last-ditch effort to remain pure for my waifu.

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40e88d No.368962


Shooting is another matter entirely, but some light stabbing is basically foreplay for the more powerful mamono.

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26019c No.368966

As much as I hate the suffering that it'll bring to the girls, I'd go with the first one and hope JUSTICE burns this unholy world to the ground and let a new one be born from it's ashes.

Plus I'd get a gf I can play vidya with.

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8809b7 No.369005


>two buttons

Use my hair to tie the two buttons together, eat the buttons, learn magic, and planeshift to better worlds. Yep, the choice is mine.

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ec4044 No.369014

File: dcdf7d6c93da4b6⋯.jpg (565.98 KB,1280x1795,256:359,18a4279a9f7dccac84f3b99098….jpg)

I press the second since I know how to build guns and basic modern medical techniques.

I'll be running a weapons business in a week. I should write this out as a CYOA.

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ae90a0 No.369023

File: f3efdad9d71f88b⋯.png (256.33 KB,800x1000,4:5,Baphomet in mage gear.png)


I think the hardest question is if the monster girls keep their magic if I summon them through or not. If they did I would pull a Medivh and welcome them into this world and do what I can to warn them of what the more evil of humanity would attempt. Even help them become the new overlords of this wrenched world.

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304b3e No.369026


for a second I thought he was turning the nigger into chicken nuggets


Manono keep their magic, but they’re basically on battery life until the mana flowing in from the portals reaches saturation in our world.

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ae90a0 No.369030

File: 9391df92981c63c⋯.jpg (267.44 KB,1279x905,1279:905,Marisa_STM.jpg)


Cool, first button it is. Let us herald the Day of the Rape!

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bc4acc No.369036


>button1: many innocent girlswill die in misunderstandings and be vivisected by scientists

>button2: One guy will be made uncomfortable by new surroundings

What a difficult decision for anyone with a moral compass to make, really good work there op, making such a difficult decision I have no idea which one to choose

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bc4acc No.369040


>I care enough about you faggots that I want you to have waifus

>never mind the waifus that are going to be killed and tortured by scientists, its a price worth paying for us to have waifus

Well, I'm flattered you think so highly of us

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82cde7 No.369041



>Button 2: A potential one man Colonialism Machine is unleashed somewhere where our moral compass is not followed, much less enforced.

Right back at ya. I shall push Button 2, but not before I become as much of a Modern Science Encyclopedia as I can, in preparation of my ascencion into the realms of God-Kings.

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a4aafe No.369044



If tens of millions die so Jews can continue to rule the world, isn't the same sacrifice worth making so that waifu's and man can be together? I consider the second button to be the selfish choice.

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a50a95 No.369048

File: 03a5047fd33f8b9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,95.35 KB,617x692,617:692,98a6c867e4a707baf2f9cb5d3b….jpg)


truly the most selfless option is to put down both buttons entirely. but fuck that noise

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5d7960 No.369068


Is there a manual for making guns the old fashion way or at least without power tool? I know Filipino and Pakistanis can do so but I am not sure how exactly they do it. Also would that picture would be related to your cyoa?


I would assume that they would convert your energy to usable mana so I think that is should not be a issue either way,

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ebd046 No.369097

Second button, no contest. I refuse to let the girls suffer in this nightmarish parody of a world where most people are monsters on the inside. Perhaps I'm exaggerating on that point though.

Plus I might have an unfair advantage with my experience with the language barrier as I already live with it everyday. It would be interesting (and frustrating too) to re-learn a completely different alien language in a new world, even though it'll be more difficult than usual as we're older and don't grasp language as easily as young ones do, I imagine.

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2c733b No.369113

Button A is fucking true torture because instead of being trapped in the fantasys of monster-girls would happen. It would be the monster girls that would trapped in reality and would have to deal with our horrors and mundanes as reality fucking shit tests these women in possible into a multitude of personalitys, none of which are good.

if anything im gonna push Button B cause at least the torture would be limited to me and I'd at least simply have to adapt to the new reality, not force the one on everyone person in that reality.

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da2169 No.369140

What happens if I push 1 repeatedly?

Like nonstop until a mg meets you?

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76d008 No.369142

Easy. The second button. I chuck the first button into the sea or something, after supergluing it from moving or something. Next, I hike off into some hard to reach location and geocache the second button's location. Then I post the coordinates here for you guys, cause I'm a fucking bro.

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304b3e No.369162

For those that think this is a simple black and white choice, have you considered why so many girls would just be rushing through the portals?

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82cde7 No.369164


Eh, if you are willing to risk falling off the cliff on the proverbial lemming race, why even offer the chance of failure? Why even make it a chance? As a matter of fact, no matter what you choose, you probably never even leave your world. The first button merely starts slowly transporting girls around. The second button is a true reality warping spell, and meshes both worlds.

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304b3e No.369165

File: 0d8af84e2c2f6c3⋯.png (333.39 KB,705x517,15:11,46BB19BE-1E47-4B5E-B38D-1F….png)


>falling off the cliff on the proverbial lemming race

>you probably never even leave your world.

>The second button is a true reality warping spell, and meshes both worlds.

I have no clue what you’re saying.

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6d400c No.369166

File: 4461022de15f45d⋯.jpg (135.33 KB,1231x1778,1231:1778,Suigintou.full.303060.jpg)

I would safeguard both buttons. In the meantime, I'd let the existence of the buttons be known to all of you sort of like >>369142 would.

We should take the time necessary to be ready for the trip, and then gather together and go over as a group. It might take a year or so to get everything in order, but that's fine. Even if we're split up on the other side, it's still better than just being selfish with the buttons. Obviously the goal is to find your waifu and try and overcome communication barriers. Ideally, we form a community of sorts on that side. But what then?

I propose we have one person hang back and wait. As everyone leaving has no need for earthly possessions, this person would be gifted money and whatever else we have so that they can focus on guarding the button and doing their duty. We'd agree on a time limit for waiting, and maybe outline some emergency situations that warrant pushing the first button early. Maybe also some situations that warrant this person crossing over and abandoning Earth, too.

If everything goes according to plan, though, this person would wait the agreed upon amount of time (probably 3-5 years) then press the first button. Open up portals back to Earth. The goal would be to give the people on the MG side enough time to explain Earth and what a mess things are. Enough time to rally the girls and get them ready for an invasion when the portals open up.

We then crusade to retake Earth.

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82cde7 No.369174


I`m just saying you don`t leave the future of your species to the human personification of a coin toss.

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da2169 No.369175


This is a good idea, but there must not only be one person behind, but a corps of annons. Firsthand, we need to see if a fight is needed to get in. Hide a few among the far-left, open borders people. Their place is to listen, get some intelligence, see what they really want in migrants. Remember, a living man is a groom for your waifu's friends.

The others will find the far-right, their participation is not really nessisary, they could be just as useful as enemies as friends, again a live man is a groom for your waifu's friends. If they fixed the whole "no sons" thing, or the spirit energy of our world could help fix it, we can fulfill the white supremacists' fourteen words in exchange for said "white (male) children" in exchange, you pretend to be against the mamono, until they get power, then they istitutionalize the mamono's protection. They could see the irony of using a "Jewish" tool to over through their own "genocide". That way, we could avoid bloodshed.

If our 5th column is unsuccessful, we could ship Armalite and Kalashnikov-patered rifles from 'Murica and the automatic Sears/disconnect-interruptors from Europe (remember, those parts ain't regutated there, only the stress-bearing components) thus preparing for a more hostile takeover

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6d400c No.369177


I really have no objections to any of this. It just comes down to a case of manpower. As OP pointed out, there are lots of organizations that would have competing interests in MGs. The culture shock would be huge if they came over, too. I just don't anticipate a peaceful transition when many MGs are essentially walking WMDs.

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8e1981 No.369178

Hmm What if I hit both buttons and explore an empty world full of wonder created by the monster girls and live a quite life rummaging through old ruins to build my own automaton ?

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8660dd No.369181

File: 1163ef8657e36b6⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,91.46 KB,1024x576,16:9,mgsv-phantom-pain-mother-b….jpg)

File: ae33c8d31525723⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,204.39 KB,1440x816,30:17,2806642-1201309516-metal.jpg)


We'll need to use the initial cash from the Away Team's possessions to set up some sort of cash flow– raw resources, refinement, investing, middlemen, etc.– in order to fund the Home Team's intelligence operations. We're also going to need a base and, although it's cliche, I think I have an idea that'll also solve the cash flow problem (at least for a little bit).

Unfortunately, anons who speak Kikongo will not be allowed on base

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3042be No.369183

File: 9cb1120efe6eff9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.79 KB,1100x733,1100:733,youcanseeemifyouredrivin.jpg)

What if CIAniggers have technology that could bring about DOTR? How do we get it? t. non-bioluminscent inconspicuous fellow civilian

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9cc3dc No.369185

File: 3ca6d157a9262e6⋯.png (897.94 KB,2273x1958,2273:1958,plan.png)

>go to the monster world

>become new demon lord.

>go back home in time for dinner.


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6ed9a5 No.369190


Just one thing to factor in, but we would need a good way to cover the disappearance of the away team from the planet. To the average intelligence agency this would look incredibly suspicious, especially because the guard team is getting their possessions.

We would need a front and a way for away team members to fake their deaths and have a non-suspicious way of donating their possessions.

I think a good solution to this is to organize ourselves as a charity organization. Ideally this should be done a year or two before the away team leaves, in order to acquire some legitimacy before anon’s begin donating en masse. This would also give the away team more time to let their support for the charity be known to lend credence to the wills they write before disappearing.

Of course the charity needs a cause. I don’t know what to go with on that, maybe just be another autism research foundation?

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da2169 No.369193


Relational Apathy Prevention and Education we are helping these people "get a life"

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789027 No.369194


>Fempaladindu with fishnet stockings

Not really my thing, but whatever

>Anon steals the fucking crown

Now that's how you do it!

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e128b5 No.369204

File: 74c89efc202efa8⋯.png (138.08 KB,228x302,114:151,Bloodborne_Protagonist.png)

If button one was an option, I'd probably skip the waifus altogether, fuck off to some remote part of the world, and spend the rest of my life hunting not waifu monsters until one of them kills me, sounds more fun.

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e128b5 No.369205


*button two

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8809b7 No.369207


>going back home

Anon, what are you doing?

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1e4046 No.369211

Button 2, without a doubt! This world is evil and cruel and sad and cold and I don't want to be here anymore! I want to party with onis and satyrs, build mechas with gremlins, go dungeon delving, learn magic from dark mages and witches, and at the end of the day, go home to my waifu and cuddle her. If anybody else wants a waifu, they should come here as well. Fuck this world and every normalfag in it. Isekai me already, Truck-kun!

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f70d7e No.369328


Just claim to be another "African children" charity. What are they going to do, go to africa and interview children?

Didn't Kony2012 get away with taking 98% of the donated money? What difference does 100% make?

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dd502f No.369337

Better question:

If you could choose where button one opens a portal where would you put all the monstergirls?

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da2169 No.369342


In my pants

In all seriousness, the us and "open borders" places. The us because I live there and "open borders" places because that's where they will have the best chance of being accepted.

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304b3e No.369351



Good shit. Also brb, buffing DL.


>What difference does 100% make?

There’s probably some sort of connection that can be tracked showing that you actually are at least in touch with the organizations you say you are.


>living in leafland finally pays off

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fb81c3 No.369370


if I drink your blood can I draw as well as you?

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952a20 No.406397


You know how to hand tool guns and make smokeless powder reliably enough to pull it off in a pre-industrial setting without poor metallurgy?

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