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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: b0cc4e5775c1e2b⋯.jpg (274.68 KB,850x1253,850:1253,KCmiia.jpg)

File: cfc2ea1d0d57c6b⋯.png (13.19 KB,240x160,3:2,FFIV_Entice.png)

c80d4b No.367998 [Last50 Posts]

Anyone else think that the seeds were laid for your interest in Monster Girls from RPGs you played as a kid? I remember playing Final Fantasy when I was younger and not really wanting to kill Lamia-type enemies. I remember thinking that they were cute (the imagination of a child makes up for the low res sprites I guess), and it didn't make sense that they'd just attack humans since they were mostly humanoid anyways.

I figure just based on the timing and market penetration of those games alone there have to be a fair number of people that were influenced by them, right?

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16d9ea No.368007


>Anyone else think that the seeds were laid for your interest in Monster Girls from RPGs you played as a kid?

Nope, for me it was the boy meets girl old movies when a guy gets rescued by a mermaid or finds a cursed mannequin and shit like that.

It got worse when I couldnt have monstergirls as companions in games like diablo II succubus.

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38b2d3 No.368008

I had strange new exciting feelings watching trick or treat when I was a young lad. While a little chaotic for monster the association between monster or sexuality deffinalty left an impersion on my development. It probably also gave me the desire to be raped by an aggressive monster girl.

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38b2d3 No.368009


Weirdly enough I don't remember any monster girls in games when I was younger.

Sage because this should have been in my first post.

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6b5023 No.368010

File: 4f04e2ef7a374da⋯.jpg (482.04 KB,2481x3508,2481:3508,Sylvanas.jpg)

File: b9e9e4dc5d08d4f⋯.jpeg (481.92 KB,800x1101,800:1101,voidelf2.jpeg)


I can second the succubus thing with Blizzard's Fantasy Succubi in general. Them and Shivarra from World of plebcraft. Also Sylvanas Windrunner being undead in The Frozen Throne, not to mention there version of darkelves. I just hate the hollow husk it all is. I used to really admire the art direction, I think that's what got me into the monster women.

plz no bulli.

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30baad No.368022

I read a lot of mythology books as a lad. Then i stumbled into kc when i was 12. He only increased my intrest in monsters.

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c57dc7 No.368025

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

From Dragon Age: Origins, you can encounter a succubutt that's charmed a Templar into believing they're a happily married couple, with the choice of either fighting her to break the charm or letting them go.

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8a215c No.368028

File: 656a6854ef1bdf8⋯.gif (1008.65 KB,500x280,25:14,1424760688657-1.gif)


she kills him if you leave her alone

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c57dc7 No.368039


Are you sure? I remember them both just disappearing.

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8a215c No.368043


you run across her and his body when you are in the fade, then you fight her

I remember because I was happy for him finding a monster girl waifu, but then biocuck had to ruin it

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fb1f0f No.368044


>Expecting anything good from modern bioware after EA raped it to death

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116288 No.368047


>Brief happiness, followed by sweet release

<or a long, unfulfilled life in the degenerate cesspit that is the Dragon Age setting

You did the right thing, anon.

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8a215c No.368049


they had to do more work in order to ruin it tho

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830eff No.368192

I think I got it from Digimon, my first MGlike ever crush was angewomon and my first intense true crush was Ayame from Inuyasha, the fact that she was a strong wolf girl, really turned me on.

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64d616 No.368209

File: 902daf9f559322a⋯.jpg (47.94 KB,564x804,47:67,Elf in Kimono.jpg)


I'm not sure where I picked it up. I just know I want a loyal wife and a long life. Monster girls tend to allow both, or at least in fantasy.

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7ae05c No.368357

Not entirely sure how I started down this path, but the earliest thing I can remember piquing my interest in monstergirls was Disney's Little Mermaid

It only continued from there with all sorts of stuff giving glimpses into monstergirls, and rpgs were definitely a big part of that.

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67787d No.368365

File: f6c8ce394138861⋯.gif (997.38 KB,500x377,500:377,894655113.gif)


well, it was Dragon Age: Origins, the only good game of the IP.


disney knew how to draw qt girls.

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396369 No.368369

File: 19c780b29ca941f⋯.jpeg (112.65 KB,736x736,1:1,02D8BD73-D7B2-474A-B64E-1….jpeg)

Phantasy Star for the Sega Genesis and Earthbound made me into a monster girl afficianado. Probably made me a 30+ year old boomer too.

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2ded10 No.368372

File: bfba9832731a854⋯.jpg (254.9 KB,1333x1000,1333:1000,image.jpg)


>Earthbound made me into a monster girl afficianado

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a91616 No.368373

File: 5316b8e4186d55e⋯.jpg (80.72 KB,640x520,16:13,best girl.jpg)


Think? No, I don't think it's what caused it. I know it's what caused it. BoF does weird things to the adolescent mind. No regrets.

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fb1f0f No.368377

I don't really remember how I got into monster girls.

I think Lust from FMA might've helped though. If only she could've just gotten a proper dicking to become a good wife.

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77a5a6 No.368386

File: 240a739143558b3⋯.png (4.81 MB,2179x3527,2179:3527,Rutoadult.png)

File: c7bbcbe78b40ad9⋯.png (2.12 MB,932x2433,932:2433,Adult_Princess_Zelda_(Ocar….png)

File: 50995680610d661⋯.png (437.2 KB,434x600,217:300,ClipboardImage.png)

It wasn't RPGs but it was definitely games

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8cf546 No.368475

File: 834407d0ebbcc6d⋯.gif (26.22 KB,265x290,53:58,Threed_lady.gif)


I always assumed she was an undead girl. Was I wrong?

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2ded10 No.368480


In the end, I suppose there's no way of being completely sure.

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175180 No.368482

File: c08120647263960⋯.jpg (93.53 KB,544x784,34:49,yamero.jpg)



I thought I was over that. I thought wrong.

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2e8483 No.368483


Over what Anon? Coming to terms that your a 30+ year old boomer?

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4051f3 No.368484


I don’t think any 60-70 year olds browse /monster/, anon.

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df16f7 No.368489

File: b155ac089060cdd⋯.png (361.54 KB,555x350,111:70,1433379245441-0.png)


>not knowing what 'boomer' means now

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5c4ab0 No.368490

*sips* XD

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396369 No.368491

File: b847fc63e3faf10⋯.jpeg (60.61 KB,639x348,213:116,205A3159-71D2-40AC-9158-9….jpeg)


I am just saying that a buxom blonde undead girl in a bikini with her friends and her puppy dogs does it for me. I bet she has red eyes under those shades. 10/10 would take on a date and play with dogs with.

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8ea2c3 No.368510


Ah right, you wouldn't understand. You weren't there, newfriend.

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101f05 No.368525

File: 9ba41140de6e68c⋯.jpg (56.54 KB,618x591,206:197,reallynigga.JPG)


>nyone else think that the seeds were laid for your interest in Monster Girls from RPGs you played as a kid?

Anon, that's the foundation the entire modern monster girl genre is built on. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that one out, considering how often that stuff get referenced in monster girl media.

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2ded10 No.368567

File: ef72d96f1a60951⋯.jpg (30.43 KB,495x500,99:100,Bubble Slime.jpg)

File: 5d436527f013d82⋯.jpg (1.31 MB,2064x2992,129:187,Greilia's sabbath.jpg)

File: 51230cb76c04450⋯.jpg (101.94 KB,377x450,377:450,Slime.jpg)

File: a97c06d7a051422⋯.jpg (30.87 KB,439x496,439:496,Red Slime.jpg)

File: a134b30939bf818⋯.jpg (171.13 KB,600x471,200:157,Queen Slime.jpg)


>Anon, that's the foundation the entire modern monster girl genre is built on.

Yeah, given how heavily KC based MGE on DQ, this is pretty accurate.

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2e8483 No.368573

File: f450c19adaf453e⋯.jpeg (144.41 KB,1024x783,1024:783,44171FD0-60F9-48F9-A336-F….jpeg)


Anon I’ve been here for years. Dont forget, we’re here forever What magical event did I apparently miss?

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2d13f7 No.368593

File: ab99c691209d379⋯.gif (5.23 KB,181x166,181:166,ga_dora.gif)

File: 4cecd6a6abc7736⋯.jpg (45.65 KB,540x315,12:7,gfs_45443_2_60_mid.jpg)


True but DQ references in Japanese media are nothing special. I was more referring to lamias, harpies, mermaids, dryads and other classic monster girls that are girls to begin with. Sure, their source material is even older but these old vidya were the first time they got portrayed as cute animu girls.

They are monsters however and therefore usually enemies, with a few exceptions. This lead to people going "Aw man, I'd rather lay them than slay them. If I can't do it in the game I'll just create my own fiction!". Crabman and KC weren't the first to do this but they are the ones that really got the boom started.

At least that's theory.

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66485d No.368602

File: af3829d13461291⋯.png (4.87 KB,240x160,3:2,Alura_une.png)

File: eb233f658597069⋯.png (4.6 KB,240x160,3:2,Lilith.png)

File: b16b1f1c01418f6⋯.png (10.83 KB,240x160,3:2,Durga.png)

File: 829defc8f061f81⋯.png (4.15 KB,240x160,3:2,Persephone.png)


Not an RPG (well, aside from some of the mechanics), but my first memorable encounter with monstergirls was Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow.

Symphony of the Night and the DS games have yet larger and more detailed and attractive sprites.

>the Alura Une soul in Dawn of Sorrow


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2ded10 No.368615

File: f5edee066a51707⋯.jpg (143.69 KB,500x400,5:4,portrait of ruin mamonos.jpg)

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2ded10 No.368617

File: 2067523b5966f6c⋯.png (149.24 KB,328x595,328:595,Lerajie.png)

File: de32884516f2473⋯.jpg (279.95 KB,664x818,332:409,Persephone and Lerajie.jpg)

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47d671 No.368620


It's a joke about how we're all growing old and becoming like our parents I think

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551578 No.368660




God Damn it, why can we have a happy ending?

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551578 No.368662


I mean can't, why can't we have happy endings.

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396369 No.368718


Bioware is super cucked and there is no expectation they could ever write something interesting or good. Do a CYOA on here instead. Cheaper (free) and 110% less likely to contain anything chaos tier or corrupted.

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c06277 No.369955


Well yeah, but I meant more what influenced people *here*. Seems like there were a variety of games, rather than just one or two series, which is interesting.

I was also wondering if there were any secondaries who had only discovered it after the genre was already established with the Everyday Life animu or even just with MGQ.



patrician taste

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054a3f No.369962

File: 36f8e6275c82fa3⋯.jpg (19.56 KB,480x360,4:3,1.jpg)

File: d493a36c550b0c8⋯.jpg (324.56 KB,800x1469,800:1469,妲己.jpg)

File: d3cd1daa916cf38⋯.jpg (201.72 KB,800x970,80:97,800px-Ulysses_And_The_Sire….jpg)

File: cd55a56a98c0a52⋯.jpg (111.69 KB,1280x845,256:169,1319662058450.jpg)



I doubt there's anyone here young enough to not have been exposed to female monsters of any shape or form. Just take a look at ancient Chinamen, Jap, Greek, etc., history with spirits, youkai, and various godspawn. In fact, almost all civilizations have had some sort of mythology relating to people wanting to fuck monsters.

Men wanting to fuck strange things is not a new concept. Alas the only change compared to then and now is the reasoning behind it: A majority of us are attracted to the idea of absolute loyalty because modern 3dpd is 3dpd.

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3801e5 No.369973


Also not exactly new, the story of the man making a statue and Aphrodite granting it life in honor of his love for it comes to mind, but that was more waifus being ancient. The reversal is that many monsters were tempting men into a trap and to their doom, particularly when you are talking about western stuff.

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bf3d95 No.370018

File: d22877bda8a0afd⋯.png (129.16 KB,285x392,285:392,ClipboardImage.png)

File: 79b9d336fb2ab9d⋯.png (698.74 KB,522x728,261:364,ClipboardImage.png)




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a26626 No.394101


mine started with slime girls on the internet… although I also really loved mermaids as a kid

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01ecc8 No.394118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I always felt bad beating the first boss in The Mystical Ninja for SNES. I thought she looked cute and whenever you damage her you see tears in her eyes. I can't bring myself to revisit that classic these days. Feels like I'm bullying a poor ghost girl who just likes to spin plates with that fight.

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49aeae No.394375


It was the behemoth for me. Still want someone to make a good Final Fantasy behemoth monster girl. Probably purple skin, horns, fit/ripped/shredded/swole/whatever the youngin's are saying nowadays, big thick tail packed with muscle, probably digitigrade legs, smokin' hot.

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84f332 No.394400

File: f8b4e8598b57795⋯.gif (127.32 KB,500x582,250:291,tumblr_mjs5flwhtf1rsxn5po1….gif)

Ragnarok online Isis did it for me

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a2984c No.394408

File: ad940b95df293f7⋯.jpg (176.7 KB,850x1181,850:1181,Katt the fuzzybutt.jpg)


You too, huh.

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dbd71e No.394869


>watching trick or treat

so you mean Trick 'r Treat? the 2007 film?

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