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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 3d956d18d0db742⋯.jpg (216.88 KB,1950x1300,3:2,06317ffec0ddf47ea73f00cab9….jpg)

File: cfeade2574deb0f⋯.jpg (126.19 KB,752x1063,752:1063,Kitsune_Dont_do_it.jpg)

File: e5e52bd37d85938⋯.jpg (747.57 KB,1000x694,500:347,e5e.jpg)

335b3e No.365621 [Last50 Posts]

>Go to catalogue

>No fluffy fox tails

We must change this.

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37cf4a No.365622

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the one from ASSFAGGOTS a canon slut?

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60c96c No.365625


>>No fluffy fox tails

But there is


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baa9e8 No.365626


Headcannon works wonders anon.

Maybe she claims to be a slut and spreads rumors about her sleeping around but in reality she's a virgin too insecure to admit that all she wants is a loving man to raise a family with.

>>365625 is right though there's already a kitsune thread

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fe685d No.365630



She's a slut. Why?

1. She's in ASSFAGGOTS. All ASSFAGGOTS girls are sluts.

2. She's a gook fox, not a nip fox. Therefore slut.

So for these

Actually, based on these two reasons, she's a double slut.

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33e232 No.365645

File: bb9090ce03cb368⋯.jpg (641.43 KB,714x1000,357:500,8299015.jpg)

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300a54 No.365667

File: f8b1db1467ba9d9⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,1200x1600,3:4,1282371.jpg)


Pretty sure she just seduced men so she could eat them. After a while of this she suddenly stopped being a man eating asshole, and now she's upset about the whole ordeal. She probably would have a list of mental issues a mile long, but Riot's writers are shit.

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b01feb No.366768

File: faa6fa7fe4969fe⋯.png (341.98 KB,720x507,240:169,qt (2).png)

Best girl of her game coming through.

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2d2d05 No.366777

File: 7d3eab3e9d11a29⋯.png (293.6 KB,537x590,537:590,your waifu a shit fix'd.png)

File: f47dc04a97d1f71⋯.png (273.02 KB,438x720,73:120,U wot m8.png)

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37cf4a No.366778


snek > fox > slime > dragon > shit > succuslut

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fe685d No.366781


You seem to have made a mistake. Let me fix that.

sylph :^) > fox = dragon > snek > slime > shit > succuslut

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cc72a9 No.366833

File: 8c126731e8cd03e⋯.jpg (109.09 KB,720x1200,3:5,1534218270965.jpg)

File: e0e05556ca07c58⋯.jpg (762.36 KB,2000x2828,500:707,1534219226458.jpg)

File: e824164500aa17f⋯.jpg (375.94 KB,850x1133,850:1133,1534271761900.jpg)

Got some fluffy tails to drop off here.

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96d58a No.366838

File: 43b8da89f545cda⋯.jpg (11.74 KB,182x255,182:255,355bf2f206ef5d650db039c2d4….jpg)

File: 3ec78f7b6cb07ae⋯.jpg (105.13 KB,1024x948,256:237,387a8300b59f0676ad4fbdf8d4….jpg)

File: 6c1537ed1f4f397⋯.jpg (15.81 KB,255x255,1:1,523caf1057ffcc1c94cb3971cf….jpg)

File: 0e9289e23a967e2⋯.gif (707.31 KB,480x595,96:119,brushiebrushie.gif)

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031b75 No.366972


Kon a good girl, dont lewd her!

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46eb10 No.367068

File: f06c620a924fb11⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,85.39 KB,546x827,546:827,Dk0j5JCVsAIJtn1.jpg)

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eafa32 No.367438


Chrome > Fox > Sylph > Dragon > Snek > Slime > Succuslut

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89bbc0 No.367465


played that game due to peer pressue I wanted to have friends! ;_; I remember her beeing a fox that wanted to be human, so she ate humans so she could become more human but the more human she became, the more she regretted eating humans, or something. It was a nice setting on its own, but reading on the developments of ASSFAGOTS on /v/ and hearing other people I guess they never did anything with it.

she qt though.

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2b317e No.367510

File: 07e85346049184e⋯.png (445.5 KB,667x800,667:800,pdma1ohTcP1xv4d87o1_1280.png)

File: b34ff709feb1816⋯.jpg (236.9 KB,901x1280,901:1280,Ran ten seconds before dis….jpg)

File: 9f05c377a6879b1⋯.png (799.85 KB,1000x1350,20:27,1431574182456.png)

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2e711d No.379349

File: c0d85be9be87fd9⋯.jpg (626.25 KB,2902x4096,1451:2048,Senko-san anime annoucemen….jpg)


>Senko-san is getting an anime adaptation in April 2019

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4bf81b No.379353

File: 62e5a14b8bb7b32⋯.jpg (255.66 KB,675x1200,9:16,c0282c30d41514e2ecc06049d2….jpg)

File: dbf74b1db174c57⋯.jpg (406 KB,1406x1000,703:500,71125321_p1.jpg)

File: bd1c4e541d6938d⋯.png (351.67 KB,750x675,10:9,qqWS2MXPh.png)

File: 89344ac3a7a10ba⋯.jpg (56.89 KB,679x960,679:960,0bb66c885e2278b33e80a40970….jpg)

File: cdcd3f4c9ba02cd⋯.gif (2.67 MB,480x270,16:9,tenor.gif)


>My birthmonth will be filled with fluffy tails and comfy anime


>tfw don't have any reaction images at hand to properly express my excitement at these news

Disappointing, but my dick is always here for me. I should make one of those "you have been visited by" memes and post it in the relevant thread.

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07c07d No.379415

File: 7ac7316aa48c7e1⋯.png (1.55 MB,1280x720,16:9,4a676fd1c102c5d83081db5349….png)

File: 7d976a62f0f2b23⋯.jpg (98.29 KB,752x1062,376:531,DtL2btMVsAAsy7D.jpg)


Looks like I'm delaying my suicide another year.

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96ecfc No.379417


Fuck yes.

I hope they don't fuck it up.

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c262ae No.379431

File: c4eeffb70b31f28⋯.jpg (209.48 KB,936x1200,39:50,DlBqrqqUUAArWrs.jpg)

File: 29bd907fb936d50⋯.jpg (215.43 KB,936x1200,39:50,DlBqsMYUcAQdJnz.jpg)

File: 71beeacf720c6a3⋯.jpg (219.22 KB,936x1200,39:50,DlBqsrdVAAAMs_H.jpg)

File: 157121bd1ed6481⋯.jpg (141.3 KB,936x1200,39:50,DlBqtF4UwAAvgVD.jpg)

File: a2eb5031e5ab501⋯.png (5.98 MB,3935x3268,3935:3268,fox.png)

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c262ae No.379432

File: 0b4b752de8db875⋯.jpg (112.2 KB,807x939,269:313,DYUPRjgVoAAbFU5.jpg large.jpg)

File: 249a17c080e5a5a⋯.jpg (76.15 KB,781x583,71:53,ss2017-06-03at11.53.38.jpg)

File: ddec0ae6456b9ad⋯.jpg (63 KB,664x960,83:120,ddec0ae6456b9ad0e32321dae9….jpg)

File: 35977365ad9605d⋯.jpg (1.04 MB,3000x3600,5:6,ahri11.jpg)

File: 6de3a31cbbbed0f⋯.jpg (2.2 MB,3923x1292,3923:1292,6de3a31cbbbed0f5096014815c….jpg)

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ac2a63 No.380261

File: d5192914d5f3938⋯.png (208.23 KB,1000x1000,1:1,D8B180DE-1BC1-42E4-B674-58….png)


Do you have ahri11 but without her showing her puhpuh?

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9d0558 No.380277

File: 37b9583706ffd4b⋯.png (1.62 MB,1600x2000,4:5,fuchs.png)

File: f7994dfb8e4c22f⋯.png (256.45 KB,399x464,399:464,smug.png)

File: c43d4d0f5b582cd⋯.jpg (582.82 KB,1300x1582,650:791,1412382927151.jpg)

File: c1beef3b823149a⋯.png (937.27 KB,1024x573,1024:573,BecomeABoozeNymph.png)


Gotta say, my smile and optimism are restored.

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b01feb No.380305

File: 9106466a94723d0⋯.jpg (79.69 KB,283x286,283:286,agwea.jpg)



>putting other girls ahead of the snek

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0a1a2f No.380316

File: b0b6a0dff210616⋯.jpg (5.52 MB,2001x3001,2001:3001,Fiship kitsune blue.jpg)


Who drew the comic? Kinda looks like Waifu's style.

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07c07d No.380318

File: 78cbcbdee58b7da⋯.png (7.56 MB,3000x3600,5:6,__ahri_league_of_legends_d….png)


Here you go fag.

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970a4a No.380345

File: daf55924d811249⋯.png (65.55 KB,1069x1067,1069:1067,Kitsune.png)


That's glacierclear, so yes, that is them.

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008355 No.380350


>that pic

Oh god I remember that thread. What a fucking ride that was.

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0a1a2f No.380352

File: cc5312c14de2324⋯.gif (1.82 MB,250x250,1:1,1511087524244.gif)


She's still alive?! You know, I wouldn't have believed you if I hadn't searched that name and found her twitter, tumblr and… Fur-affinity account??


Ok. That's… Well, ar least she's alive and doing something. I guess.

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008355 No.380354


Just in case anybody wants it, because my googlefu muscles needed a good flex.

Has it really been almost 3 years since? Time flies.

Part 1: http://archive.is/aYSoz

Part 2: http://archive.is/FkeIs

Part 3: http://archive.is/Ry1sC

Part 4: http://archive.is/nQOYL

Part 5: http://archive.is/3kuHH

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96ecfc No.380365



Waifu's first and last complete CYOA.

God damn it, I wanted more shark girl.

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0a1a2f No.380384

File: 48da3265880935a⋯.webm (4.53 MB,320x233,320:233,monsterz OP.webm)

File: ab7bda2694d2a7c⋯.gif (1.94 MB,1786x1000,893:500,goat.gif)


You think that's bad? I want to see the goatgirl and busboy get together and live happily ever after, and that one got canceled because of sharkgirl. She said something about "needing a change of pace". We warned her, but alas, she did not listen. Her art is still quite good, though, if you look away from the furry stuff.

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96ecfc No.380396


Fuck I completely forgot about goat girl.

Why must >she curse us with never ending stories?

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9ef007 No.380820


please link her past CYOAs

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07d75e No.380821

File: ab5162d479ec9fd⋯.jpg (678.74 KB,1427x2048,1427:2048,HUFF_THE_FLUFF_1.jpg)

File: 99d31d054ea4255⋯.jpg (725.73 KB,1427x2048,1427:2048,HUFF_THE_FLUFF_2.jpg)

File: 39e0be0d0189762⋯.jpg (934.72 KB,1427x2048,1427:2048,HUFF_THE_FLUFF_3.jpg)




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12df4d No.380850

File: 98b53842dd34977⋯.jpg (68.12 KB,598x800,299:400,_senko_sewayaki_kitsune_no….jpg)


maybe god really exists

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970a4a No.380851

File: 5f9e3cf7bdc4b70⋯.png (224.18 KB,800x480,5:3,Chasing the tail.png)

File: 56a98cbfc82d0f7⋯.png (150.47 KB,800x1150,16:23,Fwumpf 1.png)

File: b32c3d2974ca829⋯.png (184.52 KB,800x1150,16:23,Fwumpf 2.png)

File: e177bfb4ab5318e⋯.png (472.65 KB,1050x2200,21:44,Fwumpf 3.png)

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fe685d No.380852


So what does fox girl fluff smell like? Does it vary by type of fox or individual?

>tfw no fox girl with a big fluffy tail that smells like mulled wine

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970a4a No.380853

File: 520b9a74c933232⋯.png (106.6 KB,689x828,689:828,You will never touch fluff….png)


I'd have to assume it varies. It's not like they all use the same shampoo, right?

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864146 No.380864


Their is a MEGA upload of Busyboy but isn’t fully completed it’s missing Chapter 4 through Chapter 5

Well i do have the MEGA upload of it but isn’t fully completed

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864146 No.380866

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a75539 No.380879





Anon, get your shit together

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9f68c1 No.380918

File: f5e29c91c4df556⋯.jpg (256.38 KB,921x1280,921:1280,166de0c8bf4e13d6780726165c….jpg)

File: 028b936b6304dcf⋯.png (710.1 KB,671x918,671:918,712bb35cda0833cc1a58a9b0a5….png)



He's right. Get it together or don't post at all.

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20aa14 No.381037

File: a6ebecb1370b426⋯.jpg (906.07 KB,2448x3264,3:4,JPEG_20181216_012918.jpg)

>Friend made this for me. Merry Christmas.

I have the coolest friends.

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0a1a2f No.381038


>Wrong color


Nah, just messing with you, pal. Always fun to recieve unique presents from friends. What did you give him in return?

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20aa14 No.381045


An obsidian mirror.

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8377ef No.381051

File: cd56c8e55a24a89⋯.jpg (1.11 MB,2000x1500,4:3,c328249cc50dc05abd6f8d7b04….jpg)

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c69d4a No.381073

File: 245873f6a655422⋯.jpg (91.96 KB,658x960,329:480,2hrEa.jpg)

File: fd57f8ad456b1e3⋯.png (1.81 MB,943x1200,943:1200,aoHOZ.png)

File: 88f182008c73ee4⋯.png (191.8 KB,670x534,335:267,clp3S.png)


Nice, but Sun Goddess is a wolf.

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95cae9 No.382053

File: ab8cafd80567193⋯.png (145.71 KB,1280x595,256:119,Screenshot_2018-12-25-18-1….png)

Thought I'd post this here

could be a banner, but I'm too lazy and I don't even know how to properly edit, other than cropping, even then its pretty bad. Also, this is from 'Kitsune Spirit'. Just Google it.

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5e6536 No.382088


Second pic got me thinking.

>Manager is this stunner of a Christmas cake fox.

>Full moon, working late.

>Forgot it was a full moon.

>Thought boss lady had called it early.

>Stopped for a coffee break, in the break room.

>Pulled to the ground.

>Foxy bossy is on top of me. Suit jacket is open and her blouse was pulled over her tits

>I may as well be a steak flavored dildo.

>Don't remember how or when we got into her office.

>She has me on my shoulders, legs near my head, power fucking me from above.

>Three manticore spines are in my chest.

>I can only see shades of pink.

>Wake up on the floor, covered in fluffy tail and foxy lady.

>Try to move and get threatened with being fired and forced to be a house husband.

>Mention that then we couldn't take turns under the other's desk.

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0a1a2f No.383515

File: a80115ec808300a⋯.jpg (4.63 MB,2118x3000,353:500,JuneBride_01.jpg)

File: 21cab9294967798⋯.jpg (3.65 MB,2042x3000,1021:1500,JuneBride_02.jpg)

File: a8bb30344ece9e2⋯.jpg (4.22 MB,2029x3000,2029:3000,JuneBride_03.jpg)


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0a1a2f No.383516

File: eac12f9ebd5a50c⋯.jpg (4.16 MB,2062x3000,1031:1500,JuneBride_04.jpg)

File: 52d52cfd074f16b⋯.jpg (6.05 MB,2048x3000,256:375,JuneBride_05.jpg)

File: 2c64dc6072236c1⋯.jpg (3.18 MB,2051x3000,2051:3000,JuneBride_06.jpg)

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0a1a2f No.383517

File: 5479d6cef2eb57e⋯.jpg (2.79 MB,2032x3000,254:375,JuneBride_07.jpg)

File: 20bd07b0c57e74b⋯.jpg (2.94 MB,2055x3000,137:200,JuneBride_08.jpg)

File: 10820a09ffa7bd4⋯.jpg (2.59 MB,2056x3000,257:375,JuneBride_09.jpg)

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0a1a2f No.383518

File: 2eb7bf86205802e⋯.jpg (2.97 MB,2053x3000,2053:3000,JuneBride_10.jpg)

File: 7a29770e3723769⋯.jpg (3.35 MB,2081x3000,2081:3000,JuneBride_11.jpg)

File: 01fcf09ed39e44d⋯.jpg (3.14 MB,2065x3000,413:600,JuneBride_12.jpg)

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0a1a2f No.383519

File: 3999926623b8cd4⋯.jpg (2.73 MB,2088x3000,87:125,JuneBride_13.jpg)

File: 488fe2ad1f931a4⋯.jpg (3.5 MB,2077x3000,2077:3000,JuneBride_14.jpg)

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0a1a2f No.383520

File: 26673a447ddc948⋯.jpg (2.17 MB,2080x3000,52:75,JuneBride_15.jpg)

File: ca371f7245486a1⋯.jpg (3.21 MB,2091x3000,697:1000,JuneBride_16.jpg)

File: dd60d996ed2ffec⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,2091x3000,697:1000,JuneBride_17.jpg)

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0a1a2f No.383521

File: 04c37c783bf919b⋯.jpg (2.56 MB,2089x3000,2089:3000,JuneBride_18.jpg)

File: 8982bd5516f4da0⋯.jpg (3.17 MB,2094x3000,349:500,JuneBride_19.jpg)

File: a21a6c39b06f9ac⋯.jpg (2.9 MB,2047x3000,2047:3000,JuneBride_20.jpg)

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0a1a2f No.383522

File: 90828ac56a603fe⋯.jpg (3.55 MB,2066x3000,1033:1500,JuneBride_21.jpg)

File: b72789ca0fa2f85⋯.jpg (4.52 MB,2116x3000,529:750,JuneBride_22.jpg)


And here it ends, but our story begins. Waifus soon, check my doubles for confirmation.

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ac7b13 No.383526


>best girl of her game coming through


Hah, that doesn't mean much.

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37b724 No.383539


You get cheap housing and all government benefits promised to you.

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ac7b13 No.383590


I'm not sure what you mean.

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5e06b8 No.383594


That was meant for another thread, sorry about that.

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96ecfc No.387716

File: 0892fc2bb68183d⋯.jpg (304.87 KB,643x835,643:835,0892fc2bb68183def80fdc821d….jpg)

File: 7cde13378052fde⋯.jpg (178.34 KB,633x507,211:169,7cde13378052fde637312a551f….jpg)

File: 79302672cc5ab46⋯.jpg (319.66 KB,718x806,359:403,79302672cc5ab46da67f3bab5b….jpg)



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7a013e No.388525

File: 0401219b8b10b10⋯.jpg (129.17 KB,704x1180,176:295,four ears kitsune.jpg)


four ears foxes are so strange

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1e5b60 No.388529


All the better to hear you with.

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970a4a No.388539

File: 80652a3290ef5ab⋯.png (465.65 KB,1269x620,1269:620,Brushing tails is like for….png)

File: 14a141057916bdc⋯.png (519.2 KB,1400x1449,200:207,Be careful where you fluff.png)

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9394a2 No.391627

File: ed59abbdb608578⋯.jpg (185.71 KB,1777x1301,1777:1301,DyCoO2qWkAEKz2V.jpg)

File: da716edd8311c90⋯.jpg (166.29 KB,1763x1291,1763:1291,DyCoPUUXQAAYgEa.jpg)

File: f051070aa5e0357⋯.jpg (242.2 KB,1765x1295,353:259,DyCoPyjW0AI6lQk.jpg)

File: ce0baedaa6e1667⋯.jpg (176.12 KB,1763x1297,1763:1297,DyCoQMqWkAA-dFL.jpg)

File: 625128e53adc326⋯.jpg (326.46 KB,900x2493,100:277,DyCoQMqWkAA-dFK.jpg)

Casus Belli to invade best korea

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ded19e No.391629


We just need to send her a husband to keep her company. I dont know if id want her to be exposed to the degeneracy of the web. I dont want her to be traumatised by stumbling across some hand holding site.

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970a4a No.392983

File: f3b3dde7eeb3d1e⋯.jpg (72.25 KB,1280x720,16:9,Wary of petting.jpg)

File: 24d509b1804f83e⋯.gif (2.43 MB,640x480,4:3,Staring at you.gif)

So the anime's started airing. A very nice first episode.

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57f613 No.393014


The POV segment at the end was a nice touch.

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d261af No.393376

File: 4b23c24236e2d22⋯.jpg (143.04 KB,500x551,500:551,foxblow.jpg)

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