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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 0fc9bdad59ca677⋯.jpg (464.03 KB,709x1000,709:1000,g2014_by_gamerag3-db5ey8m.jpg)

5b4f77 No.363249 [View All]

How does /monster/ feel about them?

58 posts and 73 image replies omitted. Click [Open thread] to view. ____________________________
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751b02 No.398494


>Shota Godzilla getting /ss/'d by big titty ara Mothra

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0563d8 No.398497


Would MechaGodzilla Kiryu technically be /ss/ Godzillas mom?

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a67c5c No.398523




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d57cbd No.398557

File: 2c8833892e44f2c⋯.png (4.17 MB,2700x1920,45:32,24.png)

File: 8af5e9bd8cdbd41⋯.png (1.86 MB,1349x1920,1349:1920,25.png)

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c98ec0 No.398563


Just make him a normal kid and put him in a Godzilla onesie or hoodie.

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4b82ac No.398635

Heres an idea ive been kicking around

The Goji species is believed to have been an unintentional byproduct of the demon lord testing ultra-massive dark energy magitech over the ocean, with the intention of being able to turn entire cities and countries into demon realms in a single strike. Through an unknown process, soon after the testing of these weapons, one, then several more gojis were discovered.

In their juvenile forms, gojis appear to be normal lizardgirls, with minor differences, such as wider hips, longer tail, and larger feet, as well as a line of bumps running up the spine and along the tail. They range from black, grey, to mottled sea blue or sea green. The display an affinity for the ocean, and unlike other reptilian types. However, not visible, is within them an extreme natural potential for production of demonic energy, and from birth produce an amount equal to a high level succubus, and only skyrocket from there. Because of this, they are not effected by cold like other reptilians, and only infrequently require food.

without exposure to human men, Gogis mature at a rate of approximately 1/3 the speed of humans, and it is hypothesized their growth begins to plateau around 50 years. But in the event they begin to develop feelings for a man, the demonic energy in them will begin building up at exponential levels, which greatly increases their aggression, metabolism, and rate of growth. The longer their feelings go unresolved, the larger and more destructive they become. An upper limit for their size, durability and energy output has not been determined. A rampant goji can only be stopped by the man they desire, waiting for them to naturally burn out and enter a dormant period, or an unreliable combination of charm, sleep, and stun magic. A large quantity of heated holstaur milk has been suggested by some lobbyists, but not tested. If two gojis desire the same man, the escalation of violence is doubly destructive. However, all gojis display the implicit honor values of the lizard girl family, and have never observed to be needlessly violent or cruel. They merely have a highly acute response to any visible threat to them or those they love, and they consider 'someone they love being single' a far more significant danger than the general infrastructure and economy.

Once a Goji ends its agressive phase it will naturally shrink to a more energy efficient form, however, each time it grows, its base form becomes slightly larger, and its thighs slightly thicker.

There are currently only 15 Gojis, 14 of which have been quarantined for the present to an undisclosed island to prevent further unintentional damages.


Director, REDACTED

though we have ceased our demonic energy bomb tests, and dealt with the goji incidents, there is another issue we need to deal with. A number of scientists, workers, and civilians were exposed to the same unstable demonic energy that caused the creation of the gojis. As of now we have each patient in a magically induced coma until the full effects can be studied and we can decide what we can do for them. A full list is attached.

Patient A- REDACTED (Dragon)

Patient B- REDACTED (Shoggoth)

Patient C- REDACTED (allurane)

Patient D- REDACTED (moth)

Patient E- REDACTED (Soldier Beetle)

Patient F- REDACTED (Automaton)

Patient G- REDACTED (Automaton)

Patient H- REDACTED (Automaton)

Patient I- REDACTED (Automaton)

Additionally there maybe a "Patient J" as some previously unknown records indicate one of the islands within the blast area may have been home to an Ushi Oni. Attempts to locate this individual pending.

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67bf55 No.398637


Godzilla is a dude, he can never not be a dude. Any "female godzilla" is not godzilla. This is why godzilla and monstergirls are incompatible.

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ac003b No.399011

File: a23bbf9f810741e⋯.jpg (207.62 KB,1280x720,16:9,CARLOS.jpg)

guess you could say that dating a kaijugirl is a tall order

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e01f54 No.399042



Just make Godzilla a guy who runs around in a rubber dinosaur suit with a flamethrower attachment that likes to wrestle with monsters.

Problem solved.

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df2cfa No.399083


Did you plan ongoing anywhere with the idea? Because it has me interested.

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4b82ac No.399100


not especially, but if enough people are interested.

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d57cbd No.399133

File: c1608f0673b62e5⋯.jpg (841.7 KB,849x1200,283:400,75011855.jpg)

File: 618e797532a2c1c⋯.jpg (854.41 KB,847x1200,847:1200,75047579.jpg)

File: a8ba6719a5dc94d⋯.jpg (1.25 MB,2150x3035,430:607,c355cfb05e3e1a41df81d724a9….jpg)

File: 7c8e004abe16d00⋯.jpeg (619.52 KB,838x1038,419:519,77729fbb3edf1fbe8040066ba….jpeg)

File: f5482630debd301⋯.png (8.07 MB,2480x3508,620:877,dce96f0dcf9b74d13ff4753230….png)

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eeb4b6 No.399134


consider me interested friend

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5efa7c No.399205


Lucky she didn't test it in the desert. If it turns regular monsters into kaiju, imagine what it would do to sandworms.

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4b82ac No.399338

File: 04573f5c70f4dbe⋯.jpg (1.46 MB,2129x2306,2129:2306,eae69d8622bd9c88c252906067….jpg)

File: d0bff528eda13f1⋯.jpg (1.44 MB,2087x2938,2087:2938,8f02179e04e2cb917da87b3f88….jpg)

>Well I think i'm pretty good at thinking up stories but I have no idea if im any good at telling them. Expect tolkientistic compulsive worldbuilding and trigger warnings.

The microscopic etchings on the hypodermic needle glowed imperceptibly as I plunged through the tough scales right between the sternum and the neck, feeling with a grunt it pierce the hard organ underneath and I imagined the colloidal silver solution spreading out dousing the fire. Sweat rolled down my forearm. I fumbled in my kit for the horse tranquilizer. Her jaw was slack, and her forked tongue rolling out and bloody, but her yellow slit eyes burned at me with teared defiance. I knew faintly there was a chance she could explode. Being a general mamonic surgeon was like a cross between a doctor, a veterinarian, bomb disposal, and wizard, and often required more creativity than ability. Being a general mamonic surgeon in an active combat zone, well I just try to keep my mind on my work. Fortunately dragon biology was extremely robust, and as as long as you could keep them stable they could usually handle the rest on their own. She had clearly taken a hell of a lot of enemy anti air fire, her wing membranes were shredded, one horn broken, arm broken on landing, her ribs felt like a bag of loose pencils, and while she had stopped bleeding, with minimal help from my bandages, there was a lot of blood already covering her, and her landing site.

“She’s stable, ready for cas-evac”

My minotaur aides loaded her onto a stretcher, her dangling mangled wings casting harsh shadows on the trampled grass from the scorching sun directly above.

“One of you cunts got the blessed shells? 2nd squad contacted with ghosts!” A voice screeched from afar as I packed my bags hastily, knowing the whole company was waiting on me.

“Use your fucking knife,” came a roar.

“All platoons disengage, first and second squads on rearguard, lets get the hell out of here, Morgan I swear, leave those fucking ears alone, at least this time”

Just as I began to sling on my pack an enormous black paw reached around my torso and slung me over her shoulder. The foliage raced beneath me as spare ammunition and a ludicrous combat knife struggled to stay attached to a pair of thundering ashen glutes. For no particular reason I recalled how they called them KAUSHI knives, as allegedly one of them had been used to kill an ushi-oni.

I was thrust down in the seat of the med vac chopper. behind be were my aides, who were preparing an iv. The freaks in biowarfare had somehow modified marla’s left breast to produce type O+ blood. Across from me sat Captain Debby. I wasn’t sure if she had decided to ride with me with me to support me or because we were flying with important cargo. General Cathcart had been very specific in how much she valued our lives compared to each downed dragon. As a medical specialist I was attached to Debby’s Devil Dogs, a rapid response aircav unit, often deployed to relieve enemy units under heavy attack, or extract VIPs. My comrades were mostly hellhounds. Hellhounds usually flatly ignored orders, especially if they came from the cat, so Debby was just about the only one in the whole army who could hold their respect. They suited the climate here.

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4b82ac No.399339

I sat looking at the broken dragon next to me, despite knowing there was nothing else I could do until they got her to a proper hospital.

Debby growled orders over the radio, as the helicopters touched off the ground, and the jungle full of whizzing bullets rolled beneath us. You could see the wounds on her closing before your eyes, evidence of miraculously tough hellhound biology. Of course someone was going to have to dig all that shrapnel out eventually. The unit trademark mohawk was concealed under her flight helmet. Her dark aviators seemed to show the entrance to every dark and violent deed conceivable, until I made out myself reflected in them.

“Doctor perhaps you could inspect this cut on my arm?”

“With all due respect ma’m, do you just want me to feel your bicep?”

“Thats a military secret, doctor” She smiled.

“I can confidently report you bicep is of the same size and health as last time.” I flicked off some dried blood.

“Although perhaps if you started wearing a shirt you might be less likely to screw up your tattoo.”

“But if I do not proudly display our insignia, I wouldn't quite be able to strike fear into the hearts and minds of our enemies.”

“I think you have no trouble doing that on your own”.

“You are too kind to me doctor… Maybe someday if this war ever ends I can come to your practice and you can inspect me to see if all this junk from biowarfare finally gave me cancer.”

Being a man in a unit of mostly hellhounds seems like an unsurvivable task, but it was surprisingly easy. There were even other men, but I wasn't anywhere near as mean as them, so I was a frequent target. A quirk of ancient hellhound honor meant that that if they took a husband they would retire from fighting. While this meant an easy out for deserters, more worryingly was that most of them seemed to like it here. Not a single hellhound had deserted. Old instincts coming out. It was an open secret that the base rape tents were exclusively used for platonic cuddling, and If a hound told you at 03:00 she was scared of dying, then you didn’t tell anyone about it.

“We’re clear of the LZ. Purify those CKC bitches, ” She breathed into the radio.

Screaming from the east came a flight of dragons. Back mounted engines hurtled them through the skies, their wings partially folded for speed. In unison they vomited forth great arcs of fire, and soon the whole area we had been in was turned into a burning hell scape. It almost made you uncomfortable to think about the wounded girl next to you.

Debby smiled a wide childish smile, then smiled at me as if to share the moment, then quickly looked back, basking in the fiery afterglow.

“Oh I’d love really to settle down, but I hate the idea that were some day gonna run out of comugamists to kill…”

I chuckled nervously, inaudible over the oppressive churning of the helicopter.

I reached over to check the pulse of the dragon. She was doing well enough.

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4b82ac No.399340

The Captain began to talk somewhat frantically on the radio.

“The fuck do you mean there is something I should see? Tell me what your talking about!… No I don't see it-… NO! I don't have to see it myself, thats what I have you cunts for, right?”

She scanned the horizon.

She deadpanned.

“Doctor do you have any idea what in the Fallen God’s fat cunt that is?”

I squinted. There was something big on the horizon coming from the north. And it was getting bigger fast. You could easily recognize the form of a dragon in flight, but something was wrong, it was flying wrong, and it was way- to- big to be a dragon. And it was still getting closer. I just shook my head.

Debby recomposed herself.

“Well so much for an easy grab. Squadron, I want you to tease those treetops, and prepare for the worst, and scatter. Well form up at point gorgon. If you don't have enough fuel, head directly to point tiamat.” Yet just as she finished her order it was too late. The dragon was far larger and far faster than than we had guessed. We could see it clearly now, perhaps a mile away, and its wingspan looked to be the size of a cargo ship. It was unbelievable. Her golden scales glittered in the oppressive sun, and most disturbingly- she was closing,1000 meters and closing, 1300 meters and closing- we now could see she had three malicious leering heads, over three gigantic breasts (though they were proportionally shockingly small). Each new thing we spotted was some how easier and harder to believe. The Helicopter squadron collectively dived just in time, and seemingly luckily this behemoth cared little for them, the turbulence causing choppers to swerve like hornets in a rage. A few let loose with their machine guns, but if it had any effect, we couldn’t tell.

“…Battalion… Yes I think the navy would like to know about this…”

We were now following the coastline south.

“…Ok… Yes Ma’am understood… …Change of orders ladies, were following that thing, unless you are low on fuel, in that case previous order stands.”

We couldn’t hope to keep up with her. Even though it seemed to flying just under its wing power, it was moving at the speed of a jet. But we could see it was heading towards an island not far from the coast.

“Pilot you know if theres anything on that island?”

“Ma’am I don’t believe there should be an island there,” our kikimora pilot responded. But then the bright afternoon sky was lit up with a magnificent blast of sapphire energy shooting from the island, squarely striking the enormous dragon, who began to careen sideways

And then the island stood up.

“Another beautiful fucking day on the mist continent!” She said with genuine joy.

Smash cut to-

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4b82ac No.399342


It is the space year of 1967, and for 8 years the Khuahn conflict has been raging. Since the detente with The Order nearly 30 years ago, peace had ruled. Yet a radical sabbath splinter group, allegedly financed by The Order, was gaining traction in the mist continent nation of Khuahn, who was facing a imminent shortage of human males, with many migrating to the Demon Lord’s U.D.D.R. (United Democratic Demon Realms) for a chance at a better life. Thus the perverse Sabbath philosophy of scientific comugamy gained traction amongst the impoverished and lonely monstergirls of Khuahn, who had also long desired independence from the greater mist continent. “scientific comugamy” taught that monogamous marriage was immoral, because it would inevitably prevent the weaker and less wealthy girls from obtaining husbands. Going further than harems, the comugamists said that that all girls were truly married to the state itself, and the men in it were extensions of that single partnership. Thus no girl could claim one man, for all girls were already married to all men. Not long after gaining power the CKC ( Comugamist Khuahn Combine) forcibly redistributed all men, and assigned each man to a group of girls, and then the men would be regularly rotated to ensure equality and to prevent any emotional connection, as all love was required to be given only to the state itself.

Personally repulsed by this atrocity the Demon Lord vowed to crush these upstarts who rebelled against all she had strived to make. But the Demon Lord’s army was in great decline, as there had been no a real war for many ages, and never before had monster girl fought monster girl on such a scale. Further she was shocked to find that the CKC did not immediately surrender at her declaration of war. For the first 3 years the conflict was minor, but on the old continent new technologies and weapons were being developed, experimental and highly dangerous. New tools to kill were produced that were as hateful as the heretics they were designed to kill.

Yet the majority of the Demon Lords subjects still loved peace and were loathe to join in violence, and many knew little of what went on over the sea. Worse, those who came back from the conflict were changed in ways not yet truly understood, and were self imposed outcasts. The Demon Lords own pride, combined with little public support for the war meant that the full might of the U.D.D.R was never brought to bear, and her royal army was consistently understaffed and underfunded for the size of the operation. So the war boiled on, with little end in sight, with strange madness and butchery, largely unknown to rest of the world.

Smash cut to frighteningly malnourished hellhound rapturously licking on the flayed head of a now unidentifiable horned creature to the tune of “Somebody to Love” by Jefferson Airplane.

Tune in next time for the part with kaiju, and maybe if were lucky, something wholesome will happen. Cont. ?

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df2cfa No.399402


It could use some proofreading and “comugamy” should be spelt commugamy, as community and communism have two m’s. Having “smash cut” in your story also breaks immersion, I would advise just using a separating line and a header indicating the change in setting. Aside from that feel free to continue.

You’re also using greentexting wrong.

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d57cbd No.399475

File: 4579fbde72e005d⋯.png (619.88 KB,1233x1274,1233:1274,bigO.png)

File: 4dd421b465da98c⋯.jpg (465.73 KB,750x563,750:563,8919faed328ed9a2a0202be05d….jpg)

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e01f54 No.399505

File: 56e54888baa4438⋯.jpg (149.36 KB,680x962,340:481,MG mothra.jpg)

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d57cbd No.399522

File: ca7917d25697545⋯.jpg (131.05 KB,708x1000,177:250,4bd744e0b2b251c5fa2bd8ab0f….jpg)

File: 082ca903d6e4eef⋯.jpg (539.47 KB,1087x970,1087:970,redman.jpg)

File: 7a29140fc2c6f3a⋯.jpg (119.02 KB,700x933,700:933,kaiju__knifehead_by_blade_….jpg)

File: 678483c0a31eeee⋯.jpg (103.78 KB,700x933,700:933,kaiju__leatherback_by_blad….jpg)

File: 09546594959c5b7⋯.jpg (100.85 KB,700x933,700:933,kaiju__slattern_by_blade_f….jpg)

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8de156 No.399528


Redistributing husbands sounds like a dystopian nightmare. Harems are better

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7f0661 No.399529

File: cf3a511f86c44e5⋯.png (247.33 KB,1200x1600,3:4,db3dc5f15b560437d75eb7b0cd….png)


Cuckoldry will not be tolerated. Go to the Sabbath for reeducation. Loli-ism is JUSTICE.

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4f39c8 No.399531

File: 79fd2c631b8c791⋯.jpg (192.4 KB,1024x600,128:75,1345519780449.jpg)


>harems are cuckoldry

>implying female sexuality is the same as male sexuality

Reddit go away!

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8690ba No.399540

File: 4bbb147e1398e02⋯.png (498.33 KB,531x534,177:178,Good.png)


>It's okay when I sleep around!

You are a slut

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29f434 No.399551


Controlling female hypergamy leads to a stable society. Also, one girl will get preferential treatment above the others and you'll have most of your harem angry. It's just retarded unless you're muslim and with a sub 50 iq.

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d0e133 No.399556

File: 201fb07a6328996⋯.pdf (760.74 KB,MeasuresPolygynyCurrAnthro.pdf)



While I agree that harems are shit, less socially stable than monogamy, and that it's only right to show your wife the same absolute fidelity that you expect from her, a certain amount of polygyny is unfortunately part of human nature. In nonhuman primates, the degree to which males are larger than females is highly correlated with how polygynous they are. Since men are about 10% larger and 20% heavier than women, it stands to reason that humans throughout history have been mildly polygynous. This is supported by data about human polygyny across 93 societies (see pdf 1). 38% of societies are strictly monogamous, 36% have <20% polygyny, 24% have >20% polygyny, and 2% are polyandrous. Even in societies that allow polygyny, a large majority of relationships are monogamous.

Since monster girls change female nature and polygyny is driven by hypergamy (it benefits women's average reproductive success at the expense of men's), their introduction could significantly reduce the amount of practiced polygyny. It would eliminate it entirely if Bicorns didn't exist, MGs like Khepri and Large Mice were monogamous, and the sex ratio were 1:1.

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7e03ff No.399569

File: cf04ce67c6e8553⋯.jpg (18.58 KB,186x181,186:181,Bitch please.jpg)



>The psychology and sexuality of monsters is the same as 3DPD's

Boyim please. Y'all might be good with real world science and politics, but when it comes to fiction you guys are more fatuous than a dyslexic tranny.

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c0f973 No.399572

File: 74797094b750530⋯.png (162.59 KB,322x267,322:267,Vader.png)


>typing out y'all

It doesn't matter if she's okay with it, you're still a whore. She deserves your undying love and loyalty, but you're too cunt hungry to give it to her. You are, and always will be, male 3DPD.

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f87040 No.399574

I have a solution to the harem problem that'll appease everyone.

You take all the girls that would be part of a harem and fuse them into one girl. It's a harem in one. That way you still love a single waifu (with a gestalt psyche/personality) while having the experience of a harem. Everyone wins.

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aed546 No.399602


Wanting to share your wife with other men is cuckoldry. An mg has one husband and one husband alone. Giving an mg multiple hisbands is cuckoldry not a harem. The post was suggesting a redistribution of husbands.

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7f0661 No.399603

File: 402eade803fe204⋯.jpg (95.98 KB,600x450,4:3,3f00a291711a630de7267fb2f1….jpg)


You mean an amalgam girl like this then?

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325a25 No.399612


Was thinking more of custom chimeras, but if some people want something more xelvy, I guess there's a way for that.

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7f0661 No.399625


Aww I wanted to troll you.

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9b57ad No.399643


You sound like a fag

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7f0661 No.399644


We are all fags here my freind.

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1ef643 No.399665


Some much more than others as you seem to demonstrate.

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9bedfa No.399671


Those that have ascended past normal fagdom will be the ones turned to alps.

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428802 No.399674

File: e725a489c5de4ef⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,242.6 KB,850x1011,850:1011,click_at_your_own_risk.jpg)


I don't think you'd want to do that, anon…

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9bedfa No.399675


To be honest, not the worst thing I have seen on this board. As long as it not all their voices at the same time, cause that would actually be freaky.

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d57cbd No.399679

File: c9a551457dc0a2d⋯.jpg (743.53 KB,1000x1427,1000:1427,1808f77df6e33e8e63bc03a480….jpg)

File: f80d4004e077d1f⋯.jpeg (129.73 KB,800x920,20:23,8886a69f403251d10a52c8964….jpeg)

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d57cbd No.401716

File: 11f1f03456f4af4⋯.jpg (199.61 KB,1240x1754,620:877,D8s-NVmU8AgmdHi.jpg)

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d57cbd No.401717

File: 74e75cace4ad756⋯.png (1.11 MB,1500x2000,3:4,5e925fe573c79255344a57d860….png)

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d59af8 No.401746

Likeminded fags how big is too big?

10 feet tall is the upper most limit for me and even then you’d need to be pushing 6’5” to keep some semblance of the upper limit of male to female height comparison (4’10 hoe, 6’6 bro)

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0d7416 No.401768


I always liked the idea of kaijugirls being able to control their size to some degree

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d57cbd No.402220


I think up to 4 meters for human compatibility but able to grow to at least 50 meters when she needs to.

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d57cbd No.402338

File: e43f63460c6ab39⋯.jpg (203.64 KB,2000x1600,5:4,6390dce0d8f7a9c9c9403a5f1e….jpg)

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d57cbd No.402413

File: 17ba34c374e047e⋯.png (532.8 KB,1002x1000,501:500,1e80f41315404fd79db8118053….png)

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d57cbd No.402414

File: 346383dda4dd39f⋯.jpg (1.73 MB,1889x3279,1889:3279,360a4b301c6a750ccea8377e86….jpg)

File: 701391906621c31⋯.png (1.9 MB,1650x1702,825:851,9740713bbb8991553008e6f045….png)

File: 62a30874280c803⋯.jpg (158.64 KB,848x1200,53:75,f344eb8980edf5fde29faba0e6….jpg)

File: e516a942b8bb985⋯.jpg (707.28 KB,2482x3509,2482:3509,e0679f6ef10a6102245f1f2a5e….jpg)

File: 62e8e7895458ebe⋯.jpg (213.6 KB,1694x1200,847:600,934534aa6b7d0b53bc9b84e9df….jpg)

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