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/monster/ - The Last Bastion of Romance


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File: 0481560781a7246⋯.jpg (83.89 KB,720x360,2:1,20180315a-www-housebeautif….jpg)

6afcac No.363231 [Last50 Posts]

quick rules: one dice roll per person, remember to sage, and anything that is purposely derailing is ignored.

Image slightly related

A loud bang startles you awake as your room door is kicked open, a very slim ray of the sun peeking into your cramped and dirty room. “Stand, Slave!” A gravelly voice says. You do as instructed, rising from your makeshift straw bed and slipping your clothes on as fast as possible before your restraints are undone and you are escorted out of the lower levels of the castle and out and onto the massive garden fields. The guard leading you to your area of the garden to water, weed as well as take very special care of the various flora. The guard wraps a chain tied to a tree in your garden area around your ankle. “You of all people know what to do! If I get any lip or complaints from you, I’ll make sure your next payload of work is triple what it would normally be!” The guard threatens before he leaves you to your own devices.

You grab your dull and chipped gardening tools and get to work, starting out by digging out the many weeds that have sprung from the soil. You were a garden slave, born into it and have been doing these same tasks since you were merely 5 years old. Learning how to dig around the weeds and pull them up by their roots, how to water each and every plant to perfection, how to properly edge the hedges and make sure the food from the various fruit-bearing plants was at their peak ripeness, but that has not stopped the guards and various other patrons of the kingdom from abusing you, unfortunately.

You were in the middle of taking the excess branches off when you felt a hand grab your shoulder, throwing you to the ground. “Out the way kid, I'm hungry!” An angry voice says, you spit a small amount of soil out before you see one of the castles many guards, taking an apple straight off the tree and eating it, the force of the guard ripping it off causing other fruits to fall off and land in the soil, dirtying them and giving you more work to do.

“Y-you aren’t supposed t-take the fruit right off of th-” you attempt to get out, but are quickly cut off.

“I’m sorry, did I just hear back talk from you?!” The guard says, throwing the apple down to the dirt as he grabs the collar of your tunic. “Sounds like someone needs to be taught some discipline!” The guard says. You could smell how god's awful their breath was, smelling like a rotting corpse left in a forest for days on end.

“I-im sorry… it won't happen again…” You just barely manage to get out trying to cover your nose with your hand, the guard lets go of your tunic, dropping back onto the soil, you fall on your back, letting out a small grunt as you land.

“That's what I thought!” The guard says with a chuckle, tugging a few more apples off the tree roughly, causing even more to fall to the ground. You sigh and start to get to work. You gather the apples that fell on the ground, burying them, hoping it wasn’t too obvious you were doing so, so you wouldn’t get whipped for that guards actions. After a quick panic induced session of making sure the tree looked prim and proper and the soil minimally undisturbed, you look around, seeing almost all of your section done.

“Stand aside, slave!” A female voice says, both the sudden intrusion and the loudness of the voice startled you, making you jump slightly. It was a lower captain, she must have been in the area and that guard must have told her that you were being negligent. You couldn’t make out her appearance, as she was fully suited in her armor, helmet and all. But you could tell she was a manticore due to her tail sticking out of the back of her armor. “A guard under my command has told me that you have failed to properly care for the flora here and have dropped a large amount of fruit on the ground, is this true, peon?” She asks, sounding annoyed.


A. Tell the truth of what happened

B. Lie (Roll for a single dice for 20, the highest result is final)

C. Other (Readers choice)

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c848f3 No.363233

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d20)


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e63c1e No.363236

File: 29fb3edda5b1d38⋯.jpg (92.32 KB,528x421,528:421,Evil.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 14 (1d20)


B. A mindflayer took control of one of your guards and forced him to pull off all the fruit on the tree. I'd suggest you purge your guards before this taint spreads any further

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a2c362 No.363275

Dice rollRolled 11 (1d20)


The best course of action.

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12261b No.363288

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d20)



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f60ad4 No.363295

Dice rollRolled 13 (1d20)


A. Tell the truth.

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263293 No.363330

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d20)

A. Something something truth set you free.

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fc5d71 No.363405



Playing it safe for the moment

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fc5d71 No.363406

Dice rollRolled 17 (1d20)


Whoops forgot to roll, my bad

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e63c1e No.363408

File: f2513f64ca962be⋯.mp4 (538.48 KB,476x476,1:1,WAKETHEFUCKUP.mp4)

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d20)


>Nat 1

She doesn't believe us or we just stutter like a retard **Let's see if I can roll us a save to lie our asses off*

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d48c11 No.363432

File: 93d4dee853277f0⋯.jpg (25.28 KB,610x780,61:78,610full.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d20)

D) I'm actually an undercover detective investigating crimes involving a serial garden trashing anarchist

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d48c11 No.363433

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d20)



It's like someone up there hates us or something

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8dfb9a No.363509


This fuck-baby is the winner

Op here posting from phone, I'll update later tonight when I get home

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6afcac No.363581

Choice one: Tell the truth

It would be the wisest course of action if you were truthful with the lower captain. Lying to her would only prove to worsen a situation that you had no hand in, not to mention being abused by fellow humans was already bad enough, you don't want to add a monsters notch to the post of people who hit you for no justified reason, you already lost a teeth in the back of your mouth from all the slaps and punches. You gulp quickly, trying your best to speak to the captain in front of you.

“I-i-it was another guard, he came by a-and pushed me out of the way before taking a bunch of fruit from the tree. I tried to tell him you aren't supposed to do that, that you’re supposed to go to the mess hall for food. But he threatened to hit me and actually seemed to pull the branch so hard that even more fell to the ground. So I had no choice but to bury the rest of the fruit before the bugs came and gathered on them and ruined the flowers.” You say, the captain looking down at you from inside her helmet.

“Well, I feel you’re not lying, not to mention you’ve never been a troublemaker in the first place… I’ll believe you for now. As against my better judgment as that would be, but for now, plow the rest of the unused soil and plant the snowberries, winter is less than a month away. ” She says, giving your head a small pat before she walks away. As instructed you grab the old rusted and chipped and begin to plow the small area where an area of unused soil lays next to part of the forest. It took far longer than it should have to plant the seeds, this part of the soil seemed to have small bits of natural clay mixed in, making it much harder and more tedious to do with the tools provided.

After a long, sweaty and terribly monotonous task, you managed to get it done. The soil looking smooth and undisturbed for any noble that would be walking in this area. After your task is over you call a guard, they unshackle you and escort you back to your small, cramped room, a leather shackle is tied around your ankle, trapping you here until you were requested, but your room was small, no bigger than a small broom closet. A small pile of straw piled up as a makeshift bed, a hole ridden piece of old carpet all you have for a blanket, and a small flickering flame coming from a candle being your only source of light. But it would go out in a few hours when the wick was finally all used up. A small book was your only source of entertainment for now, but you’ve read it at least fifteen times now, your fingertips littered the edges of the already torn and terribly bent pages.

But the silence was broken by your door opening up, it seemed the same lower captain from earlier was standing in your doorway, you stand at attention and look into her eyes. Well, the slits in her helmet where her eyes are, anyway.

“Well, after a small investigation, I found you were telling the truth, so I felt it would be fair to at least reward you for your honesty, and for my small doubting of you.” She says, handing a small piece of bread to you. “Enjoy, it was all I was able to snag from the mess hall for you.” She says, once again patting your head before gently closing your door and walking away. You quickly eat it down on the spot, not having eaten for nearly two days. After you devour the bread you sit down on your bed, the restraint around your ankle pops off, the piece that held the two straps together have rusted off and broken. On top of that, a small beam of light creeps through your door, leaving it open. Now there was a chance, the choice was now, do you risk it, or play it safe?


A. Play it safe, you don't wanna get beaten again

B. Risk it and run. (Roll 1d20 for luck, higher the result, higher the chance for not fucking up)

Note to self, quit writing late at night

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c8ff01 No.363582

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d20)



1)Find tools, preferably something sharp.

2)find guard


4)kill some more

5)Blood for the Blood God

6)Skulls for the Skull Throne



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5991fa No.363586

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d20)


B. Just act like you're supposed to be where ever you end up. Servants are usually invisible to people anyway.

Also, a crust of bread? A crust of fucking bread?! They starve him, beat him, made him bury perfectly good fucking fruit, he is loyal anyway and, oh, good job here's a fucking table scrap?! I think the MC should get a Hatred Point or something to account for this bullshit.

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e63c1e No.363591

File: 5325f90adfacd01⋯.jpg (56.09 KB,600x884,150:221,GrineerRage.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


Do what >>363586 say but make sure to make a detour to the lower captain's quarters and piss in her cornflakes

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ffdf44 No.363594

File: 9cfe0926f7317e8⋯.jpg (13.96 KB,306x306,1:1,tumblr_inline_nt0vu7juhN1s….jpg)

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b8ed97 No.363597

File: fdc2f4e0af3628d⋯.png (65.8 KB,170x179,170:179,1515818659566.png)

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)



-find captain

-grabe tail

-stick it in


-freedom forever

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9d647f No.363600

File: 668dbed59c78ea6⋯.jpg (37.87 KB,550x467,550:467,C is for CURRENT YEAR.jpg)


We rebels now boys

Bullying our masters

Liberty or death

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263293 No.363601

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


Yes, take your 'real reward' by force if you must.

Maybe she will help us if we do well enough?

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6afcac No.363609




really don't wanna be that guy. But mc has no idea where the lower captains room is, nonetheless the guards quarters in general.

and I suppose this one is my fault for forgetting to put it in, but the mc is a garden slave that is never allowed to bathe. So he's caked in soil and smells heavily of it as well. He'd stick out like a sore thumb. Again, I apologize for being a joykill

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b8ffa6 No.363632

File: 5e991eb288cfd22⋯.png (190.85 KB,500x856,125:214,we-cant-expect-god-to-do-a….png)


>beating up children

>monsters are ok with it

>lazy guards everywhere

Paladins arrive when

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2d6efc No.363636

>ignoring a nat1

>ignoring 2 nat20s after that

Why do you have to be such a no-fun, OP?

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da3eaf No.363640

>ignoring the nat1 and nat20s

You'll cowards don't even roll dice

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263293 No.363642


Come on OP, don't be a coward.

You don't use dice rolls if you're not prepared for the consequences.

Nat 1 or Nat 20 should be extremely lucky or unlucky breaks for MC, he can bumblefuck his way into or out of trouble. Dice rolls are for rolling with the punches.

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b8ed97 No.363646

File: 6c0d42e4fd6e888⋯.png (542.99 KB,900x900,1:1,1439382604456.png)

Dice rollRolled 17 (1d20)


anon is so greasy and smelly nobody wants to bother interacting with him as he's wandering around, and then trips over a washbucket and falls into the captain's quarters by sheer coincidence *so he can then insert peenor*

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d48c11 No.363652

File: 290a91093ca5188⋯.jpg (119.07 KB,720x486,40:27,listen_here_cunt.jpg)

Nigga you either roll with the rolls or you don't use 'em at all. You can't have your cake and eat it too. I recommend you scrap rolls, especially if this is your first campaign and you don't have alt routes prepped. Or switch to a story with occasional inputs, that's easier to run.

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51a244 No.363671

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 8 (1d20)


Is the MC Anon baldrick then?

I vote for the mc to go back to the garden and find the turnip alrune of his dreams.

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e63c1e No.363675

File: 667f7eb7ad7a192⋯.gif (2.32 MB,360x262,180:131,OPYouDunGoof'd.gif)


OP, I gotta call bullshit on this. Finding the lower captain's room should be easy considering all the MC would need to do is ask another servant or guard where captain WhateverTheFuckHerNameIs' room is and lie about being new here so your just learning where everyone is, plus I don't think there's many female guard captains if these are humans we're talking about

>MC never allowed to bathe

>They don't watch him like hawk considering a guard just waltzed in and fucked up a tree

>Never thought of spraying some water on himself to clean the dirt off

>inb4 "He never had enough water"

>inb4 how the fuck would they know how much water the MC would need, since he's the one taking care of the plants, he's the one that knows how much water they need

>inb4 "They would know if he washed himself"

>inb4 he's a slave. Why the fuck would anyone care if he was missing some dirt on his face, and if they do all he has to say is "I sweated a lot yesterday"

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a73d66 No.363689


>shitting the bed this hard with running a CYOA

>these asspull decisions

Smarten the hell up

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6afcac No.363695

OP here, I listened to your feedback and ill be updating tomorrow. I worked a double shift tonight and can barely keep my eyes open to type this.

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6afcac No.363738

>>363586 is the winner. We on the run now, boys

You decided it was time to go, years of beating and starving would be a good thing to try and get away from. You peek around the hallway from your open door, by both visual and audial inspection, it seemed clear. You crept slowly down the hall, hoping if you were caught now, it would at least be in the close proximity of your door. But the farther and farther you got, the more impossible that became. It was odd, even though this castle was usually populated from wall to wall with servants, guards, nobles and various other castle-dwellers, it was currently a ghost town.

The long and expansive castle halls only kept alive by the small pidder padder of your soft footsteps. The stained glass windows made the hall light up in a dazzle of colors, the solid gold chandeliers being topped with pure white candles made with only the finest honey bee wax. From what you understood, the castle used to belong to some monster queen before she was killed by the current king, but you were never really able to learn things like this outside of what you heard the guards discussing.

You then come to a small impasse, either down the basement or up the staircase. Heading up seemed better than going down, could be more guards down there. So up seemed the way to go. The hall narrows out into a much slimmer tower structure, three stories in the tower from what you are able to make out on the sign. You keep wandering and wandering, never having been anywhere near this area before, it was strange, your heart begins beating faster out of nervous fear, some sweat forming on your forehead. You keep glancing around before ascending another staircase, the next level having doors across from each other, these could be the nobles rooms, judging from how white and shiny the doors were, even some gold tacked onto the doors, golden door knobs, trimming and various other golden things that shined through the castle glass. But getting caught snooping around in a nobles room could land you in big trouble, so you keep ascending the staircase.

Finally, you make it to the final level, the doors going back to regular oak ones. But something was off about these ones, they had nameplates attached to them. While your ability to read is very poor, you can tell that these rooms belonged to the guard's thanks to the tiny rank symbols carved into the corners of the nameplates. And while your ability to read those is limited, just plain old not knowing what some rank symbols meant. You recognized a few guard symbols, the basic castle guard, the first guard leader, the second… third and then finally you come to one symbol you know clearly. It's the lower captains rank symbol, an angel wing with a single loop of thorns around it. You peek inside due to a massive rush of pure curiosity. The door opens silently as you slowly step inside, closing the door behind you. The room was less dangerous than your imagination… imagined. It really was a personal room, a massive bed against a wall, a dresser with a mirror on it in one corner, a closet and as well as a bathroom attached. But speaking of the bathroom, you hear a small amount of water splashing, that noise being followed by a relieved sigh.

“Ah, just what I needed!” The female voice says, your heart picks up again. Your mind begins to race on what to possibly do.


A. Get out of there before you get caught.

B. Hide before you get caught.

C. Readers choice (Roll 1d20 for luck)

D. Peek inside (1d20 for luck on getting caught)

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e63c1e No.363741

File: 12b1a3fa857e6fa⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image,220.04 KB,800x450,16:9,ThisShittyMeme.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 17 (1d20)


>What to possibly do

Grab a chair and break it over the girls head. And while she's knocked out steal a uniform with a helmet and waltz out of there inb4 "It can't fit you" if we're a slave then that means we're probably not built like Adonis and aren't probably much larger than a pretty well fed female captain from some lower nobility

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5991fa No.363742

Dice rollRolled 7 (1d20)



> ding ding, /monster/ shota delivery

top her

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9d647f No.363743

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d20)


Seduce her

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d79bd6 No.363744

File: 7087281669749ee⋯.jpg (400.43 KB,600x847,600:847,c15c495096cf62bec7af238743….jpg)

Dice rollRolled 14 (1d20)


Rape her

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f3e63f No.363745

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d20)




>wanting to throw away our virginity for what might as well be a pump-n-dump

>let alone this early

faggots, the lot of you.


give her the chair and loot her nonsexually.

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263293 No.363746

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d20)

B, I say hide and see what happens. Maybe you can learn something interesting and figure out a way to escape with their help (possibly as a hostage.)

Rolling anyway for chance of getting nat 20

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c21fe2 No.363753

Dice rollRolled 16 (1d20)

It is my opinion that we should hide before we're spotted. Once she's gone we can leave(make sure you wait a few minutes after she leaves in case she comes back for something.

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6afcac No.363843

>>363741 wins the roll by one, the roll gods smiled down upon him for this one, I suppose

You hear the voice of the lower captain, at the moment, she was simply relaxing in the bathtub. But you looked around, wanting to minimize your risk of getting caught, you look for a chair. But you fail to see one, but you do however, spot a stool, a trusty second to a chair. The door to the bathroom was already open. You were quite weak, honestly, but hopefully her ignorance to your presence would help. You creep inside, slowly raising the stool above your head. You swing it down with all you can possibly muster, it was a solid hit to her head. It seemed like enough to knock her out, she was still breathing, but she had a small head wound that was bleeding quite bad, you quickly take her towel and place it upon the part where her skin split open from the impact. You had no idea how to treat the wound, so that was the best you could do. You set the stool down gently on the floor, walking out of the bathroom with a sigh.

You spend the next few minutes looking around the room, under the bed, dresser and finally closet. Finding nothing of note before you go through the closet, a set of armor definitely built for someone with a much larger frame than you. But for now, this would have to make due in the current situation. You spent at least a solid ten minutes trying to get the piece to fit you before you finally figure it out. The chest piece slid around on your bone thing frame, but it looked alright from a distance. Next came the leggings, then the shoes, gauntlets and then finally the helmet. It was obviously meant for someone with ears on their heads, seeing as there was no room for yours, making yours squish to the sides, not leaving any room for you to hear properly. After you clumsily slide the pieces of armor on, you head off, or well try to. If you were the person this suit of armor was intended for, you would probably move faster than a snail's pace, it was incredibly heavy, each piece must have weighed 70 pounds each, you slowly walk your way out of the room and into the castle halls, then down the staircase and eventually you reach the outside of the castle.

It was right there, it was directly in sight, the small clearing leading to an area where the garden slaves pit was that lead outside, the fence just short enough to climb over. You pant heavily as you walk to the fence, the monstrously hot sun followed by the inhumanly heavy armor made a normally easy task insanely difficult. It felt like days, but you managed to make it to the fence. You could barely walk, nonetheless climb in these heavy pieces of armor, so when you were at the fence, you were forced to throw the pieces off. You quickly do so, your body caked in sweat as you climb the fence and charge off, panting like a hot dog with each instance of your foot slamming into the ground, carrying you as far from the castle as possible, from here on out, till the day you died, or were recaptured, you were your own master now. After what was around thirty minutes of running and quick walking, you sit down, panting as to catch your breath. But after a minute of nothing but silence and a severe lack of thoughts, something occurred to you.

What do you do from here? You ran out here with no tools, no idea on how to survive and no idea how to fashion any crude tools. You start looking around in a panic. Looking around, noticing nothing as you start to freak out. This was the worst decision of your life, you just doomed yourself to a death sentence. The complete lack of food, water and anything else present also occured to you, making your fear grow greater. Only a few things come to your mind as you have an invasion of thoughts and actions you can do.


A. Panic

B. Panic

C. Keep moving forward, you should run into a village soon if you try that, probably, maybe… hopefully

D. Readers choice (Roll 1d20 if you suggest an action, high roll = high luck for MC low roll = low luck for MC and possible complete failure if it's low enough.)

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7593da No.363844

File: e99d0a48372bc7c⋯.mp4 (632.73 KB,320x240,4:3,PANIC.mp4)


We should probably get this out of the way so that we don't have to deal with it later.

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9d647f No.363852

Dice rollRolled 7 (1d20)


>Knocked out with one hit

Geez, sorry. It's a pretty standard stunt Lower Captain.

>What do

Calm down. We are Garden Freeman, Master of Botany! We can easily find a berry bush or fruit tree to sate our hunger if we stay focused.

We should also look for signs of running water, a river where we can wash the filth of our slavery off so we can blend in a bit better with common freemen.

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0a438e No.363854

Dice rollRolled 15 (1d20)


D. Calm yourself and remember your time on the garden. You were basically forced to learn about plants of all sort so try to think of were some edible stuff might be found.

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9d647f No.363855


If this wins can we still keep the name Garden Freeman?

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e63c1e No.363859

File: 65ae9ac4d2c83f0⋯.jpg (191.9 KB,1000x934,500:467,TheCourier.jpg)

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d20)


>each piece must've weight 70 lbs each

>each piece

I see our MC has no grasp of weight either unless we stole armor made for Henry VIII or a space marine. I'm sure those apple from earlier must've weighed 10 lbs each

>What do you do from here?

Ditch the armor in some underbrush and walk into the middle of the forest, we either hit a backwater town or we get lost as fuck and then panic

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c8ff01 No.363909

File: 23c97cf27a55e0a⋯.gif (257.33 KB,500x500,1:1,1529620842075.gif)

Dice rollRolled 15 (1d20)


Go full on Spec ops and tactically slit the throats of everyone in the castle. Everyone.

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2d6efc No.363942

Dice rollRolled 1 (1d20)

Panicking is for dorks, we march forward with conviction in our hearts and pawn everything that isn't the breastplate at the nearest village.

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2d6efc No.363943

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)


Well, I guess we do panic.

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263293 No.363955

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d20)

Yeah, we panic.

Maybe someone nice will find us panicking and help us?

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6afcac No.363989

Hey guys, op here. Votes are locked in, I'll update tomorrow after work.

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6afcac No.364234

>>363854 is the winner >>363943 does not count as he rolled twice

With a loud sigh, you calm yourself, it's okay, you are okay. This is nothing to freak out about, you’ve been in worse situations. You can make it through this, you know plenty about plants and how which ones are for show, and which ones are for consumption. You just gotta remember to keep calm, and keep moving forward. You take some time looking around, finding a small Redberry bush after some ten minutes of searching, it was a bit under peak ripeness. But it would do when coming to fill you up for a small bit of time. Now another concern was proper shelter, you could last a few nights without a cave to stay in. But knowing how jumpy the weather in this country was, it could go from daylight to typhoon in minutes. It would be best to try and find at least a big tree to sleep under for now. As well as maybe getting some sort of fire going to keep bugs away.

You set out to do the goals you set in your head, looking for a large tree with plenty of branches jutting out. After what feels like an hour of searching, you find one that looks useful for the night. You spent the entire night digging under the tree, making sure to get any rocks, bugs and various other annoyances out of the way, you actually manage to get a pretty big hole under the tree, this combined with the dark should make you pretty hard to find. You pat the dirt down into something more flat. You make it into a small circle well, more of a small oval you then proceed to gather handfuls of twigs, dead leaves and moss. You pile them on top of each other carefully, putting the most burnable stuff at the bottom first. Truth be told, this is just a recreation from the book you read, or attempt to read at least. You were still kinda iffy on your ability to do so. But you know the book for sure had a part where the character dug a hole and started a fire.

After this, it was all down to food to eat. You gather more redberries, they were simply the most abundant in this forest, but you didn’t want to eat to many and get a sore stomach. But you eat as many as your usually starved stomach can handle. It would be wise to keep moving as soon as you woke up, as they would have someone out looking for you. Possibly with a scent dog as well, or if you were unlucky, they would send out a full squad to drag you back before beating you and making you work nonstop. But what could possibly be the chances of that? Last time they did that it was a for a criminal… that was formerly a slave… that had just assaulted a guard and stole their armor to aid in their escape. And now that it happened again, they would more than likely be on red alert and be sending a full high knight squadron to come looking for you so you could be tried and sentenced to death… but what are the chances of that happening specifically to you?

You quit psyching yourself out as you shake the frightening thoughts out of your head. Now you had to try and make it through the night, lighting a fire would be unwise now that you think about it, it would give away where you were. But you had to make a choice right now, when you woke up what did you do?


A Keep heading out and away from the kingdom

B Try to find a place that would be safer to hole up in, the tree will work for now, but it's not gonna do much in the long run

Sorry for the update not coming out when I said it would, I didn't get home from work last night until five AM, kinda just went straight to bed.

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e63c1e No.364236



We on the lam now, boys

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43dfa4 No.364245

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d20)


A. We are no where near a safe distance from this horrid place.

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9d647f No.364247

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d20)



Find work as a gardener somewhere where the craft is appreciated

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744665 No.364248


Damn I was hoping to see us panic. Oh well, that'll remind me.




I don't think we need to roll for this.

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6afcac No.364249

Forgot to add, this one is going by vote, not by roll.

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fd04b3 No.364259


A my dude. Away to a better life.

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0a6148 No.364260



Putting as much distance between us and our masters is the best choice

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263293 No.364339


A sounds good.

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6afcac No.364482

It was probably a better idea to wait until morning before you did any moving. Chances are they were already looking for you with a small patrol squad, a few hounds with them to track your scent as well. But that reminds you, scent. You grab your remaining redberries and squish them into a small goopy mush, you smear it around the tree, both inside and out. It wasn’t a lot, but it should be just enough to throw them off… hopefully. You hear the sounds of distant thunder. It would be best to rest now, then. The rain would help mask your scent as well. You grab a small bundle of leaves and grass, making a small makeshift pillow as you feel yourself drift off, the sounds of nature helping lull you there, helping you forget your past life. And with a few moments of silence and the sounds of small droplets of rain landing down onto the grass, your eyes close as you finally achieve sleep.

Your eyes open, but you see no light, it was only an endless black void. You stand up, looking around, trying to find something, anything to help you see what was going on. But you could only see the black void. There was not a sound to be heard, you swear your heartbeat was the only thing you could hear. But after a few moments you feel something tap your shoulder gently, you jump and turn around. A hooded figure standing behind you, taller than you by at least a foot. You could only tell the figure was female by her breasts being visible from under her robe. After a split moment of silence, she holds her nearly pure white hand out, a small ball of fire floats gently on her palm. You for some reason want to grab it, the urge hitting you greatly, but the urge turns into a need, out of compulsion you grab it. You expected it to hurt, to scald your skin to the bone. But instead nothing happens, you retract your hand from the fireball. A very tiny flame sits on your palm, flickering. It was pleasing to look at, it almost tickled, but as you stare at it, it fades and you wake.

A beam of light shines directly into your eyes as you open them, making you wince as you crawl from under the tree. Water drips on your head, making you wince again as you walk forward, seeing a small puddle, you quickly wash your hands and face before looking at your own hands, remembering that dream. Wondering what that could have possibly meant, but you didn’t have much time to waste. You do what you said you would do last night, you kept moving forward, picking the odd berry or nut here and there to fill you up. After what must have been hours you come to the end of the forest, your legs were killing you, but you had to keep moving or else risk getting caught. You kept walking onward, the sun beating down on you, but soon you find a village, you could see a small beggar camp as well, it was best to avoid it, you didn’t want to risk catching black-rot. But that meant it would not be unusual to see someone dirty and ragged wandering the streets. You head into the village, you read a part in your book like this, the character was in trouble and needed to find a way to disguise himself, so he went through the waste can of a clothing shop to find any of their messed up clothes so he could disguise himself.

That idea seemed grand, so you go looking around for a clothing shop, they usually had garments displayed out front. After some looking you find one, you look around the back, indeed finding a waste bin. You quickly look around before digging through it, you sort through the general garbage and indeed find a tunic and a pair of leggings. The shirt was made of some rough, red fabric, it felt scratchy and uncomfortable in your hands. So it was perfect for you, it was just like your slave rags but it wasn’t covered in holes. Probably tossed out due to it never being bought, that or the seamster thought it was quite ugly and tossed it out. The leggings were in a similar place, being an odd color and being quite uncomfortable to wear. You quickly exchange your clothes, it was a very tight fit, the tunic was made for someone with a much smaller than you, so you barely fit in, it was odd to say thank the gods that you were underfed. The leggings had the opposite problem, they were far larger than you wanted, the legs themselves were far to long, probably made for a monster now that you think about it, but digging through the waste can you find a string, you tie it around your waist, that makes the leggings mostly stay put, you quickly roll the legs up, it looked silly, but now you looked less like an escaped slave. Now the question was, what do you do now?


A Try to find some food and keep moving. (Roll 1d20 for luck with finding food)

B Find a place to stay, you’re disguised and can afford to stick around.

C Risk talking to the locals and try to get some money, you looked less like a slave, but still looked pretty down on your luck (Roll 1d20 for luck)

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e63c1e No.364486

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d20)


Mo money mo problems


We gotta find some trail-mix and water and keep moving as they'll be checking every town around the area looking for us, especially after we knocked out a lower captain, and I don't wanna risk getting any sizable amount of money and getting robbed over it

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5991fa No.364495

File: 8723db7f1457f07⋯.webm (2.57 MB,640x272,40:17,I'm just passing through.webm)

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)


> A

Still kind of want that Hatred Point. Some small element of bitterness added to his characterization.

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0a6148 No.364501

Dice rollRolled 5 (1d20)



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98dd2c No.364503

Dice rollRolled 2 (1d20)


Politely ask for some food, we aren't a nigger.

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9d647f No.364521

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d20)



Try offering to do some odd job or menial task for a few coins, accepting free money is a good way to end up in debt

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dc20cb No.364582

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


C. If we're gonna end up a murderhobo, might as well start early.

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dc20cb No.364610



Just to clarify, I still mean to work for the money, not just gibs.

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db36d0 No.364615



We're RPG now, off to a NPC for our first quest.

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6afcac No.364844

>>364582 wins with a nat 20 if I was able, I would play some sort of over the top fanfare and throw confetti around.

Getting some money would be a wise decision it seemed. You can't rely on wild picked berries and nuts your entire escape. You look for a good place to ask for money, the market was the obvious spot, but you would just be another beggar there. Staying in the residential area could get you noticed by a guard. And begging here near the shops where the more affluent walked about would probably get guards called on you. So your best bet would be at the market, unfortunately. You find a nice, shady area and look around, you’ve never spoken to anyone that didn’t just immediately punch or strike you in some way, so your social skills were… less than developed to put it lightly. You sigh and gulp down your shyness and fear, an elderly kitsune was walking by, her greyed hair flowing softly in the breeze as she walked, a small basket of food being held in her hands. You approach her, your heart going crazy in your chest for fear of being turned in or struck again, but you risk it anyway, you would need the money.

“E-excuse me, ma’am?” You ask, one of her ears flicking softly before she turns her attention to you.

“Yes? Anything you need, little one?” She asks sweetly, a small smile on her face as her tails flicked around softly.

“I uh… I need some money for food a-and I don’t have any… I haven’t eaten properly in a while as well. I-I-If you have any to spare, I would really appreciate it.” You say shyly, the kitsune only smiling in response before laughing softly.

“Oh goodness me, you sound just like one of my grandchildren asking me for money to go get sweets.” She says as she reaches into a pocket on her top. “But here, you do look terribly lithe. It may seem like much, but please, go get yourself a proper meal, sweetie.” She says, handing you a surprisingly large amount of ruros. The currency of this country at least 120 of them in the bag. “And please, do stay safe, little one, I don't like it when the young have to meet the end so soon.” She says, giving your head a quick pat as she taps your shoulders with her tails before waving goodbye. You were no good at math, but you knew 120 ruros was a very big amount. You could buy a whole meal with this much and still have plenty left over, but your greater instincts warn against that type of greed. You decide to spend no more than just five ruros today, only spending big if you need to.

You go to the bustling market, hearing the loud cries of the many vendors trying to sell their product, some food, others cosmetical and some for… other uses.

“Finest fruit you can ask for in all of Terria! Fruit plucked from the royal garden itself!” One vendor yells loudly

“Get your spicy peppers here! So friggin hot it’ll make a hellhound’s nose bleed from scent alone!”

“Having trouble keeping your stamina? Fresh manticore venom plucked straight from the source! Buy ten get two free, this hour only!”

After walking by all the various low-quality foods trying to be passed off as otherwise, you come to a small stand selling pretty big loaves of bread for a pretty good price, must have been on sale so they can get rid of as many as possible before they went stale. It seemed perfect for your budget.

“U-uh yes, o-one loaf of the sweet bread please.” You ask.

“Sure thing, five ruros then.” The seller says. You quickly reach into your bag, handing him five of the small bronze coins. The seller hands you a large loaf of the sweet bread wrapped in a large clothNot to be confused with an animals thymus gland out of the few times you’ve had sweet bread, you’ve come to find it as your favorite, given the large size, you could make this last a few days, even make small meals with the various berries you find along the way. The seller nods as you walk away, it was time to get out of the village before the inevitable patrols came looking for you, taking a small bite of the loaf as you walk away, the sweet and cinnamon-y taste making you smile a bit.

It dawned on me that I forgot to disclose the MC’s age, so he would be around 15 years old for those wondering


A. Keep heading to village to village, trying to make your way out of the country, and hopefully, one that doesn’t follow the kingdoms united laws

B. Try instead to find a place to camp out so you can try and live independently, in a place where no guards would try to reclaim you and send you back to the castle.

Sorry if this one seems a little rushed, thats cause it is, at least a little bit rushed. And rolls will be coming back more frequently soon, just trying to find a place where they would make more sense to have

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9d647f No.364863

Dice rollRolled 15 (1d20)



Still think we need a bath though, and we should also use some of the money to buy clothes that fit. Nothing expensive, something common and unremarkable, but durable enough to withstand traveling long distances.

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36dda4 No.364919

A. Seems good

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36dda4 No.364920

Fuck! Forgot the obvious…

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43dfa4 No.364921


As a tip deleting your post undoes the bump.

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e63c1e No.364923

Dice rollRolled 13 (1d20)



We gotta gtfo and B is only a temporary solution. Do what >>364863 says and buy some clothes, and grab some more food, but make sure to grab something to cover our face as well. And make sure to never travel on a major road, guards will be hunting for our ass

>MC is 15

How long till MC gets kidnapped and forced into some sort of shota slave auction?

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6afcac No.365420

>>364863 wins

It would be wise to get out of the country, which seemed simple at first… but this country was one of the biggest in terms of sheer size. So it would take a while to finally get out and cross the countries borders, your best bet would be The holy land of Terra. Or as it was more rightfully known, the country of the twin rulers. Literally twin rulers, they were identical twins. And their head of security was a demigod, daughter of the god of war. So they would be a secure choice, King Vahndeere wouldn’t cross that line… hopefully, he can be a bit crazy at times. But those are all problems you need to worry about as they came up. You should get some food first, then you can worry about things like clothing, nothing to fancy, something lightweight and very durable. And maybe some face protection as well, didn’t wanna get spotted by someone just glancing at your wanted poster. You could pick one up in the next village, it wouldn’t be too far away, only a few miles, and if your memory on the local villages was still up to date.

So you keep walking down the dirt trail, looking behind you every so often, and stopping occasionally to pick the odd berry or two. Within a few hours, you found the next village, a bit smaller in size. And only a small handful of buildings compared to the one right next to the castle forest. The biggest being only two stories tall, the inn if your basic observation still worked correctly. It was quite an unremarkable middletown, having a large inn with an attached restaurant for travelers. Seemed like a nice place to stop, but it was a popular stop for guards and soldiers. So it would be wise to get out of this town as soon as you had less… pastel colored clothes, something that would make you stand out less. You go inside the shop, an Arachne looks up and smiles as she sees you. “Hello! What can I do for you?” She asks kindly, her blood red eyes seeming intimidating, despite the friendly and welcoming demeanor.

“Y-yes, I need some clothes fit for travel, like long distance, cross country kind of travel. I don't really care for the fabric. A-and can it be sorta normal colored?”

“Oh man, going on a long trek, huh? Oh is it a religious thing? Those lost star people tend to do that. Or are you going on vacation? Oh! Or are you going to finally meet your love? Oh, that reminds me so much of how my husband and I met!” She says, rubbing her cheeks softly.

“U-uh yes, but can I ask how long this will take?” You ask her, snapping her out of her thoughts.

“Oh no time at all, for a single person, I can have it done in less than fifteen minutes!” She says, grabbing a measuring tape and quickly measuring your various body parts. “Oh jeez, who made these pants for you? They are leagues to big for you! These are for someone two feet taller than you!” She comments.

“Oh uh… These were meant for my… sister!” You quickly say. “I come from a poor family, so we have to pass clothes down as much as possible.” You say, hoping the excuse was convincing enough.

“Oh, another poor family, huh? Yeah, I can see why you’re going cross country then, probably trying to get to Terron, then. Heard they are super good to the poor.” She says. “But the king hates them, something about inherent hypocrisy in their family. Anyways, let me go and get stitching.” She says, quickly walking into the back, a few quick noises are heard as she begins to sew your clothes to your size. It was a relatively short wait, but without something to do, it seemed longer than that with nothing to do, you should have brought your book with you.

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6afcac No.365421


“Alright, hurry and put the wanted poster up and let's keep going, orders said if we keep moving we’ll get him eventually.” You overhear an angry voice say. “And I wanna find that son of a cursed whore if it kills me! Has the balls to harm me after I show him kindness!” the voice says, still talking angrily as the group of guards walks away. Your heart rate spikes up massively, hearing your own heart in your ears now. It stays like this for what feels like hours before you hear the shopkeepers voice speak up again.

“Alright done! Sorry for the delay, slight issue with the fabric, but it's done! So for a pair of extra durable shirt and pants, adding in things like cloth used and labor, that’ll be around 40 ruros please!” She says, smiling softly.

“Oh! You wouldn’t happen to have anything like a scarf or dust mask, would you?”

“Yes, I would!” She says, reaching under the counter she was standing at, pulling out a small dust scarf, seemed to be the same kind that the guards used out in the desert area of Terria. “And tacking that on, that would be 45 ruros, please!” She says again, you nod and reach into your pouch, slowly counting to 45, placing them on the counter, she hands you a cloth sack with your clothes folded neatly inside. You sigh and wonder what to do, now that the guards were in the same relative area as you now. You ponder your options as you quickly change clothes in an alleyway, the clothes being less eye-catching, and the scarf was also big enough to wrap around a good bit of your face, obscuring it greatly, but someone paying close attention could still see through it.


A. Head to the northwest towards the village of Carth, a small place with not many shops to resupply, but a lower overall guard presence

B. Head to the next small trading hub along this path. It would have more guards around, but at the same time better shops to stock up at.

C. Readers choice.

Im back, sorry for the delay, my son got sick so I was busy with him until he got better

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e63c1e No.365431

File: 3965d75d57f535a⋯.png (238.92 KB,605x675,121:135,TheMummy.png)

Dice rollRolled 16 (1d20)


What the fuck do you mean the scarf can wrap around your face but yet someone could recognize us? Just do what this fucker from The Mummy did and make it so only your eyes show, unless we have rainbow colored eyes, or a brand between our eyes, then no one is gonna figure out who we are from just from looking at us


It's better to not push our luck and spend anymore time than necessary around guards

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0a6148 No.365434

Dice rollRolled 3 (1d20)



Less guards the better


The scarf probably isn't that big, but even so it would definitely be enough to keep us from being recognized

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e63c1e No.365450


Then get a bigger one while were in the shop inb4 she ran out

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f26bd7 No.365494

I vote A, better safe than sorry


A guy wearing a hijab is gonna be kinda suspicious don't you think

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6afcac No.366335

>>365431 wins

Carth seemed to be the better option, it was a small little village. Only about one hundred people lived there total. You take the scarf and wrap it around yourself. It obscured your mouth and nose, covering just enough so that no one would notice you if they weren't paying close attention. You keep walking down the darkening path, the sun going down, the sun just about to set, the path before you lit a faint orange, but after what felt like ten minutes, the sun was gone. Making it a pitch black, a part of you wants to repeat your first night and find a bush or tree to sleep in. But the guards seemed to be increasing their efforts, more than likely under order of the king or high captain general. But you kept walking, the faster you got to the village. The faster you could rent an inn room and get some sleep. After hours of listening to the owls hoot and grasshoppers playing their tune, you arrive at the entrance to the village, only a few animals wandering about in the night, most likely beginning to the various farmers and animal breeders. A blacksmiths station was near the entrance. But obviously it was empty, closed down for the night, all the supplies for sale put away. But maybe you could swipe something just before closing tomorrow…

But that thought quickly leaves your head as you keep walking, it was late at night and your legs felt like they wanted to break off and find somewhere to sleep. Like the one scene in the book where the main character was cursed by a witch and had to deal with his own legs working against him. You head into the inn, surprised to see it bustling with life and activity. A bard playing his lute to the crowd of some dancing citizens, a worker at the inn serving guests the drinks. Your heart beat kicks up as you see the large crowd of people, hoping none of them were guards. You try to stay out of sight, walking up to the front counter to ask for a room.

“E-excuse me? How much for a room?” You the man standing behind the counter, he towered over you in height, looking down at you, one eye covered by an eyepatch, his one good eye looking into yours.

“30 ruro per night, lad, any food and drink is half off to anyone renting a room as well.” He says in a voice that was much more welcoming and less intimidating that you were imagining in your head. “Also, as you can see we’re having our annual party to celebrate the fall of Seshua. Seshua being the former queen, she was obviously before your time. But from what you’ve heard, she was completely tyrannical, saying she ruled by divine right and anyone else was below her, taxes were high and put on nearly everything. But the current king came and dethroned her, then promptly executed her. How he did so, is kept a secret.

But all history aside you go to the room, you sat on the bed. Surprised at how comfortable it was, you’ve only ever slept on piles of hay or dirt. The bed made of cotton seeming to contort and mold to your body, embracing it., the blanket on top of the mattress seeming to hug you as you move into it. But your peace doesn’t last long, you hear your door open softly. A small frame stepping in, about a head shorter than you, even. Her skin was a deep ash grey, her hair a long, snow white, and her eyes a shining violet. She wore a black cloak, her eyes looking into yours.

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6afcac No.366336

Your heartbeat picks up, some sweat going down your forehead, wondering who this woman was.

“You chose a hell of a time to run, you know that?” She says to you without any emotion.”you really threw a massive hole in the middle of our plan.”

“W-who are you?” You ask, getting ready to run out if you need to.

“Im Eusa, the court lich to the king.” She says, causing you to try and run from the room, if you didn’t feel some some unknown force holding you down.

“Don't run, child. I’m here to help.” She says, holding one single finger out, the tip of it glowing a soft blue. “I understand you want to get out of the country, and I can help you with that. If you are willing to help me and my organization out as well.” You stay silent, feeling too scared to reply. “Long story short, the rest of the high ranking officials want to overthrow the king, but not out of greed, mind you. Out of necessity, if we meet again, I or someone else will explain why, but he’s becoming toxic to the original vision of the kingdom. Now, I have a simple task for you.” She puts a large bag on the edge of the bed. “Simply deliver the notes in this bag to small marked locations with a symbol of a crown… You know what those look like, correct?” She asks.

“Y-yeah…” You say in reply.

“Good, this is an easy task we would normally do ourselves, but your escape really hiked up day security around the towns, not to mention the bounty on your head. Just do this task for us on your quest out of the country.” She says to you, giving your head a small pat, all whilst still holding you down with whatever spell she was using.

“A-and if I don't want to?” You ask her, usually when the character in the book asks this, the answer is never good.

“Well, we’ll be forced to kill you. We can't risk any leaks on our plans. But, we’re not the king, we’ll make sure your death is quick and painless.” She answers. “Now, you may rest easy tonight, i'll keep watch to make sure you stay safe for the night, no doubt guards will check here, but they’ll trust anything I say to them. Oh and before I go.” She hands you a small sack, you open it to find more coins. “You always need those, the taxpayers won't mind it being given to a slave, i'm sure.” She says. You think that was an attempt at humor. She left the room after, the door seeming to lock magically, keeping you from getting out. Now you only had one choice to make.

1. Do as she asks, didn’t seem like that much of a burden to slip notes into places while you traveled.

2. Take the money and run

3. Readers suggestion.

Sorry for the delay again, infants are hard to care for.

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ea3293 No.366338

File: f7e6847baf23b46⋯.jpeg (161.91 KB,1000x815,200:163,324165BD-6213-4196-9214-E….jpeg)

Dice rollRolled 7 (1d20)


Take the money and gtfo, no way in hell am I trusting a lich, espically one part of some secret organization that wants to assassinate the king. Besides, they’ll probably kill you once you’re done being a mule for them

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ef2469 No.366343

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)


Do it. The king let things stay the way they were with slaves like you. Time to really hit the top if you want revenge

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ef2469 No.366345


Sorry for not saging

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9d647f No.366346

Dice rollRolled 12 (1d20)


Sure, not like we aren't already going to be put to death if we get caught. High treason and conspiracy to commit regicide charges are a drop in the bucket.

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21bb70 No.367514

>>366343 wins

It didn’t seem like terribly dangerous or grueling task, simply drop notes off and keep going. Okay… you could do that. You glance at some of the notes in the bag, they had odd markings on them, and no actual writing. Just markings and symbols. Could be another language, or maybe even a code, but you just wanted to drop them off so you could have an empty carrying sack. Would take the stress off of you and into the bag when carrying supplies. She specified a crown as what to look for in the towns, but she never said where they would normally be stashed around. Well it was either this, or your last breath, so you didn’t really have much of a choice in the matter. You could only wait out the night, the sound of the dancing outside being a bit distracting, but nothing you couldn’t zone out. You try to open the door, but whatever magic she had was forcing it closed. You sigh and realized your trapped, for better or worse. At least she was protecting you, somewhat.

With some effort you finally fall asleep, successfully drowning the noise out to rest. Your dream was odd, you were in a desert, dressed in a black robe, the strong winds creating a sandstorm around your location, you sat in a cave, the cave was much colder in comparison to the murderous heat outside. You sat next to a small fire, it strangely gave off no heat yet a symbol on your hand burned intensely as you tended to it, seeming to feed off of it, absorbing its heat. You put some colored stones around the fire before snap your fingers, the fire instantly starting to swirl and change colors, the laughter and joy of a toddler nearby can be heard, its hands clapping together as the intense colors kept it entertained. But the laughter doesn’t last long before a strong grip is felt on your shoulder, you are quickly spun around, a massive punch knocking you to the ground, making your vision swirl and blur, knocking the air out of your lungs and making you nearly unable to move. The person that punched you could be heard to talking to a female voice.

“Tie her down and make sure she has a seal around her before she’s executed, her magic can't live before or after the revolution.” the male voice says.

“And what of her child?”

“Bring it with us, we can sell it for ransom or something close. If no use is found, I suppose you can decide what to do with it. Gods know I’m no good with children.” The male voice says. “And don't worry, we’re not the queen, I’ll make sure your death is swift.” The male voice says, the only detail that could be made out was a cross that was branded onto his face, the scar seeming to be deep, and slightly tilted, but thats all that could be seen before his boot stomps down on your face.

You wake up, your heart beating kilometers a minute, sweat going down your forehead, the center of your face seeming to hurt, as if someone stomped down on it whilst you slept. Your stomach growls as well, prompting you to eat some food before you headed out, the odd dream still making you jumpy, but not distracting you from the task the lich gave you.


Roll 1d20 for luck in these choices

1. Head to the nearest village and begin looking for the crown symbols, help them out and they may help you. But the guard presence was massive in the nearby villages.

2. Find a weapon before heading out, it could help in the future, but would allow search parties to get closer to your position before you could get out of the village

3. Readers suggestion.

Sorry for the delay, I got married over the week, ontop of class kicking back in.

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346745 No.367520


Do 1, before you go try to get some info on vilages were the guard presence is a little more scarce but be careful to not act suspicious and drop your spaghetti while doing it.

Congratulations on your marriage OP

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b5bb6c No.367542

Dice rollRolled 5 (1d20)


Use your peasant skills to blend into the crowd at the next village.

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9d647f No.367579

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d20)


>Marrying 3DPD

I hope it goes well for you

1, we're better off running away than fighting should the guards catch on to us.

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21bb70 No.369197

>>367579 wins

You begin head to the nearest village, your money in your sack, clothes on your back and scarf wrapped around your face, thankfully the village was nearby, not a very long walk, the path was short and very well shaded. So you didn't burn too much energy while traveling to your destination. The village was much bigger than you thought it would be, seeming much more like a town than a village. But you look around, looking in every nook and cranny for a crown symbol, you end up finding it on the edge of a metal rubbish bin in a back alley of all places you take the top off, it seemed like a normal place to put garbage, but then you noticed a thin slit on the edge of the lid, you looked and stared before you finally found a note that seemed to slide in without issue, lowering the lid you begin to walk on, feeling hunger setting in quickly. You find a food stand, paying for some more sweet bread before heading off, wandering around some more to find another crown symbol, but as you go looking into the alleyway again, you hear a voice call to you.

“Excuse me sir, we’re gonna need to speak to you!” The voice says. You shoot straight up, your heart going nuts near instantly. You slowly turn around, seeing a manticores tail waving behind the monster in armor walking towards you, your memory shoots to the lower captain you knocked out, thinking today may be the day you die. But you see the person take their helmet, short red hair falls out, followed by a pair of darker red ears. She had two amazingly beautiful brown eyes followed by golden brown tanned skin, she was a standard of beauty for sure. But she had one thing wrong with her, it was her hands, or that she only had one. The other being a manticores paw, that's what made her stand out, but you look up at her, she towered over you in height.

“You are a slippery person for a runaway slave, you know that?” She says. “I saw you when you were putting the letter away then I turn my head for a single second, then you’re all the way past me and into the other side of the village.” She says. “I’m Marigold S. Ulysses, the hi-”

“High captain general!” You say loudly, even though you were a slave, her history was written into your brain from day one, from the many times she almost single handedly won several important battles during the overthrow of Seshua, to her holding off an incredibly important position during the lexia war for three days with only two soldiers and almost no supplies as well as just known for creating one of the greatest armies the world has ever known seemingly overnight, she was well etched into your brain, whether you wanted her there or not. She was a very important person in the history of not only the kingdom, but the king’s life as well. A legend of a person was standing right in front of you, and you were not quite sure how to handle it at the moment.

“Well good to know you know who I am.” She says, smiling as she pats your head with one of her paws.”Look, The king is ordering every single village to step its guard presence tenfold, so Eusa and I are formulating a plan to get you out of the country in the meanwhile, so take this, it has all the spots marked out on where you should drop off the notes. Do. Not. Lose. This! It is ungodly important to both you and me, the only reason we’re doing this is to not risk losing you and having the king figure out our… ‘replacement’ plans. Now be a good boy, and You’ll be out of the country and in safer hands. Now quickly, walk out before me, Im supposed to be at a meeting with the other generals right now and coming here to hand you this was a massive risk. But hey, do a good job and i'll make sure you’re well rewarded.” She says. “Oh, before I forget, take a few of these.” She says, reaching to her own tail, plucking a few barbs from them. “It's dangerous out here, if you get found by animal or guard, they won't be able to chase you down if they’re too aroused to move. Just don't poke yourself.” She says. You nod, these could be used as weapons in a pinch, as long as they were not wasted.

The guards were now going to be more aggressive in their searching now, you would have to try going during night now, less you get found during the day and thrown to the castle wolves.


1. Keep going during the day, they might be ramping up the guards during night, the high captain didn’t specify which time.

2. Heed her warning and start going at night and following the map, dropping off the notes and slowly creeping your way out of this country.

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9d647f No.369261

Dice rollRolled 8 (1d20)


Go for 2, better safe than sorry. The scarf should blend in better at night too.

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0a6148 No.369288

Dice rollRolled 17 (1d20)


2, and thank her for the help

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c75a11 No.369301

Dice rollRolled 11 (1d20)


One would attract the least amount of suspicion in broad daylight. Besides, we want to get out ASAP.

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264006 No.369989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
Dice rollRolled 1 (1d20)

I'd say go with one. I mean, clearly, we have no fear of repercussions. Hell, with as many home runs as we've hit so far we should be able to slap Marigold on her hind end on the way out, snap our fingers and say "Better watch out I don't poke you." With a shit eating grin.

A morbidly fun thought had occurred to me reading from the beginning to our current spot. Having knocked out the guard in the bathtub it would have been funny if we'd inadvertently murdered her by drowning after the fact since we pretty much just bugged out afterward and left her alone in the tub. That's just me with my gallows humor though.

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264006 No.369991

File: ea90bfce773e83a⋯.jpg (18.76 KB,468x460,117:115,never forget.jpg)


>dat nat 1


Never forget.

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21bb70 No.370051

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


OP here, votes locked in and will be updating tonight or tomorrow night.

>Also that nat 1

There goes the good streak

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264006 No.370125


If you include the buttslap, you have my word as a shitty artist I'll draw a representation of the situation however you play it out.

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21bb70 No.370214

>>369989 wins, if you can really call it that

You felt quite brave at the time, you had to admit, your streak of good luck influencing you a bit, making you act a bit out of character, you found yourself spouting off a line you wouldn’t dare normally use.

“B-better watch o-out that I d-don't poke you!” You find yourself saying. You even feel your hand, going and slapping her behind, or at least trying to. It turned out that trying to slap a woman's behind was in of itself a bad idea, but it was an even worse one to do it to a monster. And its the worst idea of your life when you try to do it to a high ranking kingdom official wearing full armor enchanted with an impact reflection spell. So you feel the armor both stopping your blow as soon as it collides with her rear guard, the feeling of slamming your hand full force into metal is enough to make you cry out, but the spell reflects your own slap back into your hand, causing a loud flesh-meeting-flesh sound and you jumping back almost a full meter. You see High Captain General Marigold look at you with severe disappointment.

“Kid, I’m gonna assume you were trying to be funny and not really intending on slapping my ass and walking away all smug. I see you learned your lesson, so I'll let you off with a warning, but do something like that again, and I might just turn you in to the king myself.” She says. Giving your forehead a flick with her paw, causing you to cry out again as you rub the small mark. “Now go!” She says, you quickly turn heel and run out. Looking at the map to find where to go, it led into a major city, the kingdoms main source of tourism, Wekey City, home of the Wekeyleak dam, no doubt they would be increasing the guard patrols during the night trying to catch you, so it only made sense to keep going during the day. You would need to keep going, though. But your supplies would need to be refilled soon, you were almost out.

You were out of the village soon, thankfully in this part of the kingdom, most of the villages, towns and cities were close together, so travel time was not an issue, but roaming guard patrols were. If you played your cards right you would be safe, however. But while the sun was still high, you reached the city in only an hour on foot. But you stop just before you get to the entrance. There were guards absolutely everywhere, almost literally crawling with them as you started to sweat at the site of all of the bodies in armor, you quickly wrap your scarf around your face and walk into the city, a few guards eyeing you suspiciously as you do so. The city was bustling with both humans and monsters, as expected, it seemed a traveling circus came into town, bringing in tons more people, as well as the Dams popularity. The sound of the roaring falls turning a massive amount of wheels was all you could hear, the water making the wheels churn various things from wheat, alcohol and various other unknown products. You keep walking, your heart going nuts from all the guards, you could feel eyes all over you. Your paranoia starts to quickly spike higher and higher. You felt a voice in your head tell you someone was looking at you, coming right for you, you couldn’t resist it, you had to hide, and fast! You look around for your various options, hoping they were viable.


1. The alleyway that was next to you, it was easy cover, but anyone could be inside of it.

2. A nearby pile of hay, easy cover, but obvious to anyone looking at you.

3. Run ahead and into the circus tent labeled “Changing”, no guard would want to deal with that situation.

4. Run into the nearby building and hope it wasn’t obvious or heavily populated.

Roll two 1d20's, one for your choice to win, the other for the success of your cover working out in your favor.

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b5bb6c No.370215

Dice rollRolled 14, 17 = 31 (2d20)


Alleyways are always the safest place to go.

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1e4b88 No.370218

Dice rollRolled 3, 1, 5 = 9 (3d20)


either 2 or 4, either straight up hiding, or blending in inside another building, the more crowded the better.

2 for first roll, 4 for second, go with whatever roll is higher, if the same then 2.

3rd roll is success roll.

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264006 No.370244

File: 5d729796bfa79f9⋯.png (4.04 MB,1800x2360,45:59,worth it.png)

Dice rollRolled 17, 14 = 31 (2d20)

Man of my word.

> Where're her wings?

I don't remember them being described or even being mentioned. Since she's wearing enchanted armor let's say that the armor hides them or some shit. When she takes the armor off they magically "pomf" into existence. For the record, I hate manticores.

Hijinks are best. Go for the changing room. Extra points if we somehow end up performing in drag or some similar shenanigans for the same guard we conked out with the stool. First roll is muh choice and the second is the success rate.

>"hey…that dancer looks awfully familiar."

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9d647f No.370259

Dice rollRolled 9, 20 = 29 (2d20)


Changing room because there is no feasible way that could backfire or go wrong

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b5bb6c No.370277


Nice. We're supposed to be a poor, naïve, uneducated, scaredy-cat slave shota though. The OP states we're only 5.

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888014 No.370283


Anon, you need some glasses. The OP says he been gardening since he was 5 years old not he is a 5 years old.

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b5bb6c No.370286


Oh, okay. Oops.

>ywn go on a Slave Shota Freedom Quest

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264006 No.370311


I'd read that entry while at work and the first thing to pop into my head was THE OLD SPICEY KEYCHAIN. I think I'd read " flesh-meeting-flesh" as "Flesh-melting flesh" at the time and I pretty much had everything framed form there.

>Scardey cat slave

Scaredy cat slave isn't too much of a scaredy cat though. He fucking crowned that guard with the stool and left her for dead in the bathtub with a modest towel on her head as if to hide his handiwork. That takes a few stones at the very least

I thought OP had said he was around 15 years old or so. He's definitely at the age where he'd be interested in women. What has me excited is that Marigold (I spelled her name wrong in the comic, whoops) said she might turn him in. That means he maybe has another chance at some hand to butt action. Moreso, she might find his youthful indiscretion more cute than crude. If that's the case we might get some proper Ara Ara action since Marigold is a suitably older woman if her exploits from this post >>369197 were any indication. Otherwise, she's a prodigy with that kind of military record. Real Joan of Arc type figure.

>"Boy, allow me to show you how one treats a lady."

>Squirehood begins

>"Polish my armor, then come see me when you're finished."

I don't think we have a chance with the other manticore that we crowned though. She seems like a loyalist to the current regime.

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21bb70 No.370830

>>370244 wins, we going the risky route, boys

Your first instinct was to run into the changing room, or tent as it really was. You bolted inside, it was empty, at least it seemed so. You look around, whatever was chasing you seemed to have stopped. But now you were lost, surrounded by clothes and costumes of various sizes. You look around, hearing the faint sounds of an audience clapping and cheering. The yelling of the member addressing them was the only other noise that was heard. But you hear more shuffling that wasn’t coming from you wandering around. You look around in a panic, you jump into a nearby closet, the door being full of small gaps you can peek out of. Two pairs of hooves come stamping into the tent, stopping in front of the closet you’re hiding in.

“Okay, okay. Let's hurry up and get back out, we got like, thirty seconds.” One holstaur says undoing some buttons on a skintight rubber suit.

“Oh, that's plenty of time!” The other says, they looked exactly alike, twins probably, they begin undoing the suits they were wearing. You found yourself following their hands as they quickly undid their suits, each button seems to go slower than the last, time seeming to come to a crawl as the final button on their chest was undone. Time slowed as you watched the twins breasts fly free of their rubber prison. You’ve never seen a pair yourself before, you’ve read about them, and seen sketches of them in anatomy books, but never seen a pair of actual, naked, lovely, enthralling breasts before. You found yourself obsessed with them, all your attention and focus on the massive holstaur breasts a few feet in front of you. The bright pink nipples small, contrasting the big areolas the girls had, the breasts having a teardrop shape to them, their own weight forming their shape for them. Each movement the twin holstaurs made made their breasts move with them, making them bounce and jiggle with each soft or major movement. A bit of drool slides from your mouth as you stare, your body taking in every detail of these girls boobs. Time did not seem to exist, it was just you and the massive pair of heaven orbs attached to the cow in this frozen time paradise.

At least it was until you snapped out of it, really, the process of the twin holstaurs changing took less than twenty seconds. But seeing your first pair of breasts seemed to make it take forever, you shake your head and adjust your now strangely tight pants as you listen for more noise, with silence coming from the room you were currently in, you sneak back out. Looking at the map Marigold gave you, you deliver the notes meant for this place, the bag you had full of them now half empty. You look around, still feeling that feeling of someone looking for you, but it was very faint now, as if they were somewhere across town now. You also had a feeling about that changing tent, you felt that if you were slightly more lucky, something important may have happened, but at the same time, if your luck was worse, you may have had your journey ended right in that closet. But you shake the feeling off as you keep walking, you notice a board with many papers attached to it, you notice a sketch of your face, the words “Wanted: Alive. Reward, ten thousand tears.” Could be read on the paper, it seems now guards were not the only people you had to worry about finding you now, that could also possibly explain the feeling of someone watching you that you felt.

You keep that feeling in mind as you pull out a map, deciding on which nearby village to go to now.


A. Head to a small fishing village nearby here, they had cheap food and bed, but a bit of a high population that would be looking to claim your bounty.

B. Head to the farthest village from here, it led into the desert, though. But it was also a fast track out of the country, but you have no idea what could possibly be waiting for you in the desert.

Sorry, this update was a little rushed on my end, but I wanted to have it out by tonight. Every choice on where you head on your way out of the country will now require a luck roll, obviously low luck = bad stuff with bounty hunters and guards as well as vice versa. So let's try to get this kid out safe!

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e63c1e No.370833

File: fd794769deb8518⋯.png (95.28 KB,273x386,273:386,710AB847-F955-4798-8A95-8F….png)

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)



To the desert we go. rolling to meet wise sandnigger to teach us magic

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9d647f No.370834

File: 92e435c9e8995e0⋯.jpg (2.47 MB,2928x1960,366:245,raiders-of-the-lost-ark.jpg)


Desert town, they won't look twice at a guy covering his face with a scarf

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9d647f No.370835

Dice rollRolled 13 (1d20)


Dammit, forgot to roll

Also, I'm assuming wherever we go we'll be able to place the letters we've got left?

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5eddaf No.370838

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)



Maybe he has some Aloha Snackbars

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264006 No.370856

Dice rollRolled 6, 5 = 11 (2d20)


To be a contrarian I say the fishing village. Perhaps we can catch a fishy waifu while we're there. As long as it's not kelp chan.

Also are we still rolling 2 d20's or was that just for that one post? No more luck rolls? If so I think I should have the only valid post unless some folks go back and do an additional dice roll.

first roll for choice, second roll for luck.

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c78819 No.370864


>not liking kelp waifu

You deserve those shitty rolls

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264006 No.370867


So far, I see my post as the only legit roll(s) since I did both the luck and the choice but I think OP will allow people to quote themselves as necessary so only those who lack a sense of timeliness should lose out to me.

>Even considering kelp chan for anything other than absolute garbage tier.

When you see kelp chan washed up on shore it's your civic duty to put her into the rubbish bin where she belongs. Next, you're going to tell me goo girls are good or some such nonsense.

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6b8be4 No.370874

>kid saw his first pair of tits at 15


I'm not one to bump cyoas, but I'm gonna do it so we can allow those to reroll and correct them selves

also kelpchan a good

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9e9c7f No.370891

Dice rollRolled 19 (1d20)


Go route B.

We may be kited out in normal clothes, somewhat well-fed, but we're still terribly weak from our time as a slave. Best to play it safe and find a spot to lay low, get some medical supplies to bring our body as up to snuff as possible

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264006 No.370898


Nice roll but you forgot the luck roll. Still, it's looking better for fishing village now.


Kelpchan is the choice for failures. All she's good for is stripping stray lines from her body to make sushi. Leave her out in the sun and she turns black NIGGER. Also she's gonna be both gewy and salty the same time. Kelpchan is undoubtedly the most caustic and disgusting sea-based waifu anyone could pick.

I'd take sea cucumber chan before kelpchan and you know what happens when you get her excited.

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9e9c7f No.370901


is it too late to do a luck roll, or will that invalidate my current roll?

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9d647f No.370902


Don't listen to him, he's a faggot who's mean to Kelp-chan

Before you start worrying about luck rolls, worry about reading the board rules and saging your suggestions on CYOAs you stupid fucking faggot

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9e9c7f No.370905

Dice rollRolled 16 (1d20)


ill be sure to remember that from now on, here's my luck roll if it counts

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264006 No.370906

File: 8e921d93abb96bf⋯.jpg (145.81 KB,977x818,977:818,just rite.jpg)


If kelpchan didn't want to get bullied she wouldn't be anthropomorphized kelp.


Perfect, the fishing village is practically assured now unless some faggot gets a 20. That luck roll isn't too bad either. We'll have our dick wet with some ocean faring pussy in no time.

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43dfa4 No.370911

Dice rollRolled 6, 10 = 16 (2d20)



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21bb70 No.372999

Hey guys, OP here. There is gonna be a delay in the CYOA. A major delay in the CYOA. My cousin whom I was really close with killed himself. I'm gonna need a few weeks/months to make arrangements for obvious stuff.

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264006 No.373005


If you're gone for long enough that the thread slips down in the catalog I'm sure someone will bump it back up.

Sorry 'bout the cousin.

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21bb70 No.375727

>>370905 wins, to the fishing village we go.

You quickly decide on the fishing village, it was more populated, but it would be more plentiful in supplies and more beds to sleep in for the night. Without hesitation, you quickly make your way there. After a few hours passing, the sun almost setting behind distant mountains, the purple sky seeming somewhat welcoming. You step into the village, it was supposed to have a high population, but for some reason, the streets were empty, nothing but leaves on the ground and the occasional wild animal, but even then, when they spotted you, they would quickly scurry or run off to their hiding place, seeming afraid of you. Not even the sound of crickets could be heard, like someone paid special attention to make sure that no living thing that could make much noise was around you kept walking, looking around, you spot the inn. You poke your head in, not a soul to be found. You head out, spotting a stand, there was still bread sitting there, sweetbread to, you pick it up, and give it a sniff. But something was… off about it, it smelt… tampered, chemical-y. You set it back down and decide to head back to the inn, it was getting late. You head into a room, taking a few steps in and start to set your bags down.

But you feel something clamp around your ankle, making a loud snapping sound as the trap activates. You look down in your panic, it was a bear trap. The only saving grace was that the sharp, jagged teeth seemed to have been covered with some sort of padding, making the pain come from the force of it snapping around your ankle instead of it eating into your flesh. The trap itself was covered in some sort of slick black gunk, masking it in the dark. You start to panic, trying in vain to free yourself from the trap, but the gunk on the trap made it impossible to get a good grip on the slick, metal padding around your ankle, on top of your lack of upper body strength. Your heart goes berserk in your chest, the sound of your own internal organ panicking overpowered your ability to hear outwardly. You were all but deaf to the sound of slow, heavy footsteps walking up behind you. You only notice him when you see his shadow block the light coming from a lantern hanging on the wall behind you. Your eyes shake in a panic as you stare at the monstrously tall figure standing before you.

He wore nothing but a torn up one piece tunic, it was littered with holes, cut and burn marks. Dried blood caked his skin and clothing, as well as the dangerously sharp weapon he was holding in his other hand. It was hard to describe what it was. It had the handle of a longsword, but its blade was a long, flat piece of jagged metal. But then the tip of it was circular, rounded out for stabbing. Only the madman that made it would know what it was for. His face was obscured by a horrifying, gruesome looking mask. It looked to be handcrafted, made from some whitish grey material, having two large holes cut out for his almost pure black eyes, the only thing stopping them from being as dark as a void, was the fiery red bloodshot veins in his eyes giving them some small hint of humanity. A crudely cut out hole for his mouth was also present, cracked and jagged, like it was punched out instead of cut. He points the tip of the weapon at you, the sharp rounded point lightly touching your chin.

“You… They must be getting really desperate to catch you if they let me out of that place…” He says, his voice was unnaturally deep, on top of a southern accent stronger than steel. “You’re a lucky boy today. If thems had not wanted you alive, that trap would be coated with enough narcoberry sludge to knock out a bear instantly. But they really want yous alive, kid. They were really desperate. They even went as far as to makes me some custom traps as not to injure you.” He pauses to let out a soft laugh. “Well, not badly at least.” He then grabs both of your wrists in one of his hands, wrapping a chain around them and tightening them painfully around your wrists.

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21bb70 No.375728


“But they did say if you try to escape, that I could hack and slash your back up as bad as I did that poor little kitty cat that wandered into my forest…” He says with a deep, throaty laugh. “You remind me of her… Scared, small, wishing someone was there to help. The only difference is you’re not begging for your life as I rip those pretty little eyes out of your tiny skull!” He says excitedly, stepping down on one of the jaws of the trap with his heavy boots as he effortlessly tosses you over his shoulder, pinning you down with his hand, leaving you only able to wiggle to try to free yourself of his grasp, but it was to no avail. He takes you down to a dark, and damp smelling basement of the inn. He hands you by the chain wrapped around your wrist. “You’re a lucky punk… Normally I shove it through their hands, let them hang and beg… Now stay put while I go start the signal…” He says as he starts to walk back up the stair flight. Setting a single trap at the doorway. “Just to be sure.” He says with a laugh. You would have to be really lucky in your escape, you hoped the gods above were currently watching over you.


Each choice will require three luck rolls of 1d20

A Wiggle your hands out of the chains, disarm the bear trap, grab your supplies upstairs and run for your life

B Wiggle yourself off the hook, disarm the trap and escape.

C Try to launch yourself off the chain, find somewhere to hide, and hope he doesn’t find you.

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304b22 No.375731

Dice rollRolled 15, 17, 7 = 39 (3d20)

Welcome back OP.

B is the only sensible choice.

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e63c1e No.375734

File: 5429356a5c7d961⋯.jpeg (260.14 KB,1300x1760,65:88,A370CA2B-974A-4F62-B8B5-3….jpeg)


>Fishing village

>First guy we meet is crazy murderous trapper with black eyes

I’ll take it this town is called Innsmouth.

>No option to wait there patiently

Honestly I would not have a problem if some sahuagin/kraken/mindflayer/shoggoth walked down those steps and told MC they’re married now. Hell, it would probably be a better ending considering that those traitors to the king or the king’s guard won’t be able to ever find us and we’ll get to live a nice quiet life under the sea.

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0a6148 No.375873

Dice rollRolled 14, 8, 14 = 36 (3d20)


Going with B

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d63166 No.376096

Dice rollRolled 17, 18, 3 = 38 (3d20)


Option B

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264006 No.376345

Dice rollRolled 8, 19, 17 = 44 (3d20)


We worked hard for those supplies. If they include the letters we supposed to deliver we can't leave without them.

option A.

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295d2d No.376472

OP here posting from mobile, votes locked in. Will be updating tonight -ish

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264006 No.376561



He says.

hope your cousin is faring better.

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d63166 No.376648


Clearly by tonight-ish he meant at some point in the next 16 days.

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264006 No.376649

File: 7ffb15555f1f0a1⋯.png (11.12 KB,273x185,273:185,wew.png)


It's worse than that. For some reason, I misremembered what he wrote and for some reason thought he said his cousin had only attempted suicide. I guess he won't fare any better than he already has. And to think I always shit talk people about reading comprehension.

At least whatever pain he was in won't bother him anymore.

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21bb70 No.376653


*>>376345 Wins, with mostly good rolls to boot.**

Also, sorry for the delay, business stuff required my attention the rest of the night

You had no other choice but than to escape, as soon as you think he might be out of earshot, you quickly being struggling on the hook, your hands doing their best to free themselves of the chains that were binding them. Your wrists rub together, your flesh feeling hot, sweat starting to run down your hands and arms. But after awhile, you did finally manage to free them, but your landing caused a lot of noise. You fell on your knee, and as a result as you tried to stand, you stumbled and knocked a few things over. But you quickly limp your way over to the trap. With nothing else to try to disarm the trap. You swallow the saliva that had gathered in your mouth and hesitantly lower your hand onto the trap without applying any pressure to it. The cold, smooth metal of the pressure trigger meeting your hand.

“This is dumb, this is dumb, this is so dumb!” You say to yourself as you quickly apply pressure and then instantly raise your hand, the trap snaps shut without a issue, granted the trap also made a large amount of noise. You quickly start to run ahead, the adrenaline now pumping in your system making you ignore the pain in your hurt knee. You start to rampage through each room, desperately looking for your supplies. You tear apart dressers, beds and even small things such as curtains as you look for your supplies. You finally spot them in the last room you check, you quickly start to run out of the building, but the noise you were making was going to attract your hunters attention. Even when you managed to get distance on him, he was able to keep up, his long legs giving him an advantage over your adrenaline rush. You could hear his stomps getting louder, the sound of his weapon being unsheathed, you could hear his breathing right on the back of your neck, you could see the shadow of his weapon being raised. You could swear you felt it being swung down towards your neck. But instead you felt a hand grab you by the collar of your shirt, tossing you away as another hand grabs the hunter, tossing him away. After a few moments you recover, rubbing your now bumped head as you sit up. Your vision blurry.

“Who the hell are you?” The hunter asks, standing up, his weapon held tightly in his hands.

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21bb70 No.376655


“I’m second Lieutenant Michael John Kellerman, First battalion of the paladin regimen.” He says, calmly unsheathing an oddly thin sword, it was not a rapier, it had bladed edges on both sides. “And I can't have you hurting our head intel delivery boy, less that damned lich yap at me again.” He says, casually popping his neck. The hunter growls, swinging his blade, but Kellerman easily knocks it away with his, kicking the hunter onto his back. He pulls a handful of a grey powder out of his pocket, then tosses it at the hunter, in that split second of distraction, Kellerman pulls out a match, striking it against a rough part of his boot before he tosses it at the hunter, the powder in the air catches on fire, but only for a split second. The flames fade out and leave behind a thick, heavy smoke around the hunter. He tried to speak, but only coughed. And it only grew more violent, turning from soft coughs into long wheezes.The coughing and wheezing seeming to cause genuine pain to the hunter, dropping his weapon onto the grass as his hands wrap around his chest. Tears could be seen dripping from the eye holes in his mask, drool from the mouth hole. Soon, he stopped coughing, falling over onto the ground chest first. All movement stopping from him as he lay on the ground dead.

“Well, that takes care of that. I apologize for my tardiness sir, but I had an issue that required my attention.” Kellerman says to you. With the blurriness finally fading from your eyes, you could see fine details again. You could make out Kellerman's face, his two green eyes, the full bushy beard he had that hung down past his chin, the few deep scars he had on his left cheek. The dark olive skin tone. “Well, you’re in working order, as far as runaway slave standards go, anyways.” He comments. “Well, I’ll need you to follow me.” He says, letting you stand up. Kellerman was only about two heads taller than you.

“W-what?” You ask. “W-why?” He asks.

“A signal fire was started by Turner, the man who was chasing you. The royal army will be here soon, so it's in our best interest to keep moving. One crazed killer whose never had any formal combat training is one thing, but a squad of 30 of the kingdoms finest trained soldiers? I won't fair well against that.” He says as he begins moving quickly, forcing you to try and keep up with him. “I hate to throw information at you, but it's getting risky to have you stay by yourself, you’re going to need to be escorted to the border of the country where you will be taken in by a host.” He says to you. “Now this is where your input comes in. Do you want to try to make it all the way to the border? Or do you want to risk finding somewhere to sleep for the night?” He asks. You had to make a choice, and on short notice as well.

A. Mad dash for the border

B. Find a place to rest then go for your dash.

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d63166 No.376661


Are we rolling something again or just picking between these 2 options?

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9d647f No.376662



The feds are onto us, we gotta get while the gettin's good.

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9d647f No.376663



If we're rolling someone roll for me, this app doesn't let me roll dice

inb4 >phoneposting

Please don't bully

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d63166 No.376665


>If we're rolling someone roll for me

I will tomorrow morning, if need be. Depends how OP answers.

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264006 No.376666

Dice rollRolled 13 (1d20)


I guess there's not much reason to stay behind.A- Go and stay go. I'll go ahead and roll a d20. If I manage to get a 20, I say we slap Kellerman's ass, wink at him and say "Good job with that dust earlier."

That's Garden Freeman's calling card. He's an ass slapper. It's established lore at this point.

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837f7c No.376671

Dice rollRolled 6, 14 = 20 (2d20)


I'll assume its still choice+luck roll and choose A; lets not take our chances and GTFO now

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264006 No.376673

Dice rollRolled 1, 13 = 14 (2d20)


I forgot about the secondary roll. I'll roll 2 d20's this time. First one is just my second roll for this post >>376666

The second roll for this post, if odds, makes the previous roll be the luck roll or if evens, make it be the choice. That way my previous roll stands without me getting to cherry pick the "winner" so to speak if that sounds like fair play.

Or if OP demands this can be my double reroll but unless he says otherwise I'm going with former.

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2d6efc No.376674

Dice rollRolled 8, 3 = 11 (2d20)


A. Can't stop, won't stop


Pray to whatever god you believe in that OP disregards that post.

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d63166 No.376678

Dice rollRolled 18, 12 = 30 (2d20)



>A. Mad dash for the border

Enough fucking around with pursuers so close by. Lets run for the border.

And it appears we're supposed to roll 2d20? I'll just go with that.

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d63166 No.376679

Dice rollRolled 7, 5 = 12 (2d20)



>The feds are onto us, we gotta get while the gettin's good.


>If we're rolling someone roll for me, this app doesn't let me roll dice

>inb4 phoneposting

>Please don't bully


Also I'm rolling for this anon since he asked for someone to, and it doesn't look like anyone else has. Let the Gods of Chance be kind.

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d63166 No.376680



kek these terrible rolls. At least I rolled decently for myself in >>376678

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0a6148 No.376736

Dice rollRolled 13, 14 = 27 (2d20)



Run and don't look back

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264006 No.376738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>luck roll of 1 for the buttslap on Kellerman

As like last time, If we commit to the buttslap with the luck roll of 1 you have my word as a shitty artist I'll depict it however OP plays it out.

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9d647f No.376806

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9d647f No.376807


Wait nevermind, just realized you replied to the wrong post

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264006 No.376809

File: 8c06ce45d2aad45⋯.png (137.51 KB,549x413,549:413,happening for a reason.png)


I was replying to his reply. The implication being based on my roll in this post >>376673 that OP may or may not punish us with that shitty 1 luck roll.

What are the odds of rolling a 1 twice in the same thread for an awkward butt slap attempt?

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d63166 No.376851


>What are the odds

Much higher than you'd think. Don't curse yourself.

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d63166 No.378214

So is this dead now? OP hasn't posted in like 2.5 weeks.

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21bb70 No.378886


Sorry for the delay, I work in the fashion industry and our line of work gets really busy during the holiday season, new update coming soon.

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d63166 No.378934


np, thanks for the update.

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21bb70 No.379079


>>376673 solid one, oh boy

You feel that mysterious urge, the same one you had back in the alley with Marigold. Your hand raises, folding ever so slightly, getting in prime slap position. And you swing full power, putting all of your weight behind it. But you missed, you missed spectacularly. The weight you put into your slap caused you to fall face first into the loose gravel. A dozen pieces or so landing into your mouth. You then pick yourself up, spitting the gravel out. You’re pretty sure you chipped one of your your few remaining teeth. Micheal, turns around, raising an eyebrow. “Are you alright?” He reaches for you and grabs you by the shirt collar and lifts you up, setting you on your feet again, but the brief few seconds he spent picking you up were enough for a sizable group of knights to catch up on their horses. They jump off their horses, drawing their swords, forcing Michael to do the same. “Damn, take one second to do something other than run…” he grips his sword tightly, trying to figure out a way out of the mess you got the both of you into. He grunts lowly, the gauntlets around his hands squeezing the handle of his sword tightly.

“Hand the slave over, and you can walk away, paladin!” One of the guards says, drawing a claymore from its sheath on his back.

“We both know you would have a better chance of igniting spontaneously before I do that.” Kellerman says, slowly reaching for a small pack behind him, he jumps back, landing on top of you, knocking the breath out of you before he pulls out what was in the pack. “Hold your breath and don't open your eyes!” He shouts, you see that same powder that was used on Turner, but it was a much larger quantity. The only sound you hear was the sound of metal on metal the harsh sound invading your ears, sparks being made and flung outward. Even when you were trying not to breathe, the scent of that powder still invaded your nose, it was a terrible smell, something like ash and heavy amounts of tobacco. You had to hold back the urge to cough while everyone else did. Even the horses the guards rode in on were coughing violently from the powder. The sound of something heavy hitting a guard in the face. You felt yourself get picked up by the collar of the shirt you were wearing, Kellerman lifting you over his shoulder and running with you. When you opened your eyes you saw the guards starting to drop down, dying due to the smoke choking them. Some of the horses having been lucky and running out of the smoke before the worst of it got to them. Kellerman manages to catch up to a horse that slowed to a walking pace, the poor animal out of breath from the powder. He wasted no time getting you and himself on top of it. The horse even while walking, was enough to get you farther than on foot.

“You have no idea how much money I just wasted trying to save you back there…” Kellerman says, gasping for air. “That damned lich owes me several thousand tears, death gas is not cheap to produce…” He says, still trying to get air into his lungs, but coughing every few seconds. Small puffs of powder shooting from his mouth when he coughs.

“G-good job with that powder back there.” you say, while a minimal amount got inside your lungs, it was still enough to make you short of breath.

“You’re welcome. You better be worth all this damned trouble, kid.” He says. The horse carrying you to a small river where you and Kellerman washed the powder of your clothing and armor. At last, you were able to breathe clearly. “Let's get moving, their going to notice the guards not returning.” He says, letting the horse drink and eat before moving off. “Now we’re going to be going to the border. It's a bit of a trip, so we’re going to be taking a stop off at a few safe houses.” He says. “But when you do reach the border, we already arranged for a host to take you in.” He says. “But just know that their a bit… odd looking. Not ugly or anything, just not what you would expect.” He says. After awhile you found yourself falling asleep. Slumping against Kellerman you fell into the dreamland.

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21bb70 No.379080


Your eyes flutter awake, you were in a stone room with a cracked stone door, you try to push it open to no avail, but you could hear voices talking, trying to reason with each other. “Momo, you know damned well that happened back when I was still mortal.” The deep voice says, when it spoke, it sounded like two people talking at once, the voices doubling over themselves. “Besides, thats off topic. We’re talking about what to do with the flame child.”

“Right…” The female voice says. “Well, I can try to steer him in the right direction, but you know the order prevents us from directly interfering in mortal affairs.” She says. “So I have to rely on my children to do it for me.” She says. “I'll have to try to tell them what to do without telling them at all…” She says.

“Our first priority should be protecting the element he represents, our entire kind relies on his element staying alive. There are plenty that would make it their first priority to kill him if they find out he is the flame child.” The male voices say.

“Well, I suppose I could alway-” The female begins to say.

“Wait! Someone is in here with us…” The male voices say.

“Child, wake up.” Kellerman says, nudging you softly. “Do you have the notes? Hand them to me.” Kellerman says. He seemed kinda hasty in demanding them.


A. Hand them to Kellerman

B. Hand them to Eusa yourself.

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e63c1e No.379085


>B. Hand them to Eusa yourself

Also ask them about what they mean "protecting the element he represents". This ain't some were the chosen one avatar bullshit is it?

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d63166 No.379096

Dice rollRolled 20, 13 = 33 (2d20)


>B. Hand them to Eusa yourself.

Do this and try to dig for information like >>379085 said.

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9d647f No.379097


B, but I'm not about to fuck with these rolls >>379096

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d63166 No.379110


Not sure if I was even supposed to roll, now that I think about it. Well, can't hurt since I rolled decently. I skimmed back over the thread and the general rule seemed to be one roll per post unless otherwise specified? Maybe? Could use clarification.

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21bb70 No.379424


No need to roll for this choice in particular. But the general rule of thumb is one rd20 for normal actions. Two if its a choice that would require skill or large amounts of luckIE stealing someones sword. That would be the first roll. And then, lets say, stabbing them with it. That would be the second roll

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d63166 No.379610


>Generalized rolling rules

Gotcha. Thanks for the clarification.

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21bb70 No.380898


The overall choice was B

You may have been a slave, but you weren’t That stupid. You remembered something about being paid back, more than likely gonna keep the rest of the notes and hold them for ransom. You instead just thank him, hopping off the horse and walking inside. It was a small wooden cabin, only around three rooms in it. None all that big, about the size of the small stone cell you were kept in back at the castle. Just enough room to reach wall to wall within a few steps. The inside was lit brightly with candles and torches, various maps hanging on the walls and strewn about the tables. Various books lay on shelves with simple titles such as “King”, “Huntress” and “Joan”. The contents were a mystery to everyone but the one who wrote them. You see Eusa chatting with Marigold on the inside, pointing to various points on the map. You walked in on them in the middle of a conversation.

“Well, what if they were to meet him at the border to try and take him back? Or try to kidnap him while he is sleeping in his hosts house? The runaway slave clause is still in effect for another three years after he escapes.” Eusa says.

“Frankly, they would be beyond braindead to try and attack his host to recover him, they would be, and not to sound crass or hyperbolic, be they would be like cows to a slaughterhouse, I mean, his host is the form-”

“H-hello?” You ask, interrupting them.

“Ah, there you are, we were this close to sending out a search party when we finally caught wind of who they sent after you. I’m impressed that those damned paladins finally did something without setting a house on fire.” Marigold says with a relieved sigh. And then almost as if on queue Kellerman walks in, rubbing his gauntlet over his head.

“Well, here he is, all safe and accounted for. I hope my payment will be delivered swiftly.” He says, tapping his foot on the ground while staring at Eusa.

“Yeah, here.” She replies, throwing a few dozen tears on the table while looking at him.

“No, you damned heathen! You said I would be reimbursed for any supplies used on rescuing him! I used thousands of tears worth of death gas getting him here!”

“Yeah! Reimbursed for any supplies if he was rescued uninjured! His ankle was caught in a bear trap and he was hung from a hook about to be dragged back to the castle by his hair!”

“Don't you try to short me you abomination!” He says angrily, slamming his fist on the table, his other hand about to draw his blade, but he was stopped by the sound of a rapier being drawn and pointed toward his neck.

“Fine, we’ll reimburse you for your damned gas, as soon as you reimburse the funeral costs of all men, women, and children you’ve kidnapped, tortured and then slowly executed in the name of some fucking made up doctrine you say is sent to us by the gods! Despite the fact that the gods themselves have dismissed that damned lie on paper!” Marigold says very angrily. Even with your very bad people skills, you could tell that there was something…personal about the anger flowing from her. “Now take what we are giving you and leave! Or we will give you nothing! Now leave!”

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21bb70 No.380899


“This is what we get for even trying to work with you heathenous, monstrous whores! The captain will be hearing about this!” He says, storming off angrily, taking the small handful of tears he was given.

Eusa sighs, the tension in the room slowly dying as Marigold sheathes her sword, placing it in a hilt under the longsword she had.

“…Sorry about that, child. Monsters and paladins have a…rocky relationship to say the least.” Eusa says. “We’re only working together on one common goal, so tensions were high from the start.” She says, you handed her the remaining notes in the bag. “Thank you, child.” She says, going through the ones in the bag.

“You’ve been a huge help.” Marigold says, rubbing your head with her manticore paw. Causing a slight blush to rise from you.

“U-um… I have a question.” You say.

“Oh? Go right ahead, child.” Eusa says. “Whats on your mind?”

“I-I had this d-dream, right? A-and well…I heard some people talking. And… T-they said something about ‘protecting the element I represent.” You say.

Both Marigold and Eusa sigh. “Gods above I knew this day was coming, just not this soon.” Marigold says.

“Well… I suppose hiding it is counter productive at this point.” Eusa says. “Child, we are not fully versed in this…particular subject, your host would be the right one to ask about this, as they have a… long knowledge in these things.” She says. “But you are a lot more important than you could possibly know.” “Er…Not to sound ominous or anything. But let's just say your mother was a very important woman, but with her passing, you are now also very important.” She says. “Again, we are not trying to hide anything from you, but we do not have very deep knowledge on your importance.”

“O-oh…” You say. More confused after the answer than before the answer. Rubbing the back of your head.

“Now go and get some rest, child. You have a long walk ahead of you.” Eusa says, leading you to a room with a small bed. “Don't worry, we’ll keep watch.” She says. Patting your back softly.

You walked to the bed, you found yourself falling asleep almost instantly. Waking up in the morning groggily, you sit up and stand. Rubbing your eyes. You see Eusa sleeping on a chair in the corner, snoring softly as Marigold stands by your door. “Morning child, ready to move on?” She asks. “We have to make haste to the border, your host is waiting. “Do you want to head straight to the next checkpoint, or do you wish to try and get to the border?” She asks.


Option A: Mad dash to the border

Option B: Resupply and then make your way to your new home.

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1a9c90 No.380912

>>380899 (checked)

Mad dash, but my phoneposting app won't let me roll, so I'll have to ask someone to roll for me

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a73d66 No.380914

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d20)


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ef2469 No.380927

Dice rollRolled 15 (1d20)


Mad dash like a madman

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e63c1e No.380932

File: 81836c715c35558⋯.gif (1.55 MB,500x288,125:72,Run.gif)

Dice rollRolled 5 (1d20)


Make like a banana and split

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d63166 No.380949

Dice rollRolled 9 (1d20)


>Option A: Mad dash to the border

Agreeing with everyone else. We've done far more than enough fucking about during this escape attempt. The sooner we're across the border, the better.

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491eb4 No.381155

Dice rollRolled 11, 3 = 14 (2d20)


Mad dash is pretty much all but confirmed.

Also, as per usual, snap both our fingers, do a clap, then spin around ending in both pointer fingers pointing at marigold and say.

"I'll cross your border!"

With a wink.

Also I still need to draw the Kellerman slap attempt. Sorry for taking things slow. Been a little busy lately.

First roll for dash, second for the sexual put on.

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d63166 No.381217


kek at 3 roll on sexual antics. Slave boy is only good at being bullied, apparently.

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c21fe2 No.381343

Dice rollRolled 10 (1d20)


Run Away!

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6d64cf No.382057

Hey guys op here posting on mobile, merry Christmas. Update coming tomorrow.

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d63166 No.382064


Merry Christmas, OP.

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21bb70 No.382276


We on the run now, boys

The feeling in your heart rises, it bubbles up and consumes your willpower, almost forcing you to bend to its intentions. You wanted to snap your fingers, but you lacked the knowledge on how one does that. So you decided to substitute it with a clap instead. You spun around, pointing your fingers towards marigold. Already pinching the bridge of her nose with her paw, knowing what you were doing. Eusa simply looked between you and her, confused to the situation.

“I-i’ll cross y-your border” You say, after you point you try to walk backwards, but end up bumping into some stand, knocking it and whatever was sitting on top of it over, on top of you also falling flat on your rear end as well. Marigold lets out a very obvious annoyed sigh.

“I uhhh…. I am very confused.” Eusa says, her monotone voice the only audible thing in the room.

“Oh gods above… He’s…He’s a coming of age child, you know how growing human boys are…The urges and the development… Just ignore it.” Marigold says. Sighing in annoyance once again before walking out of the room.

“…Well then, I believe it’s best you follow her, she’ll be escorting you to the border. Oh, and try to avoid… whatever that was that you just did. It was embarrassing to just watch you do that.” She says, swatting the back of your head and sending you on your way. You follow the same path that Marigold took. When you finally met her outside, she was busy undoing a pair of knots that were trying some horses to a post. The horses being a dark brown, and kicking dirt softly as the stood around, obviously wanting to move around and let out some energy.

“I know you have never ridden a horse before, child. But it's very easy.” She says, quickly helping you climb up to the saddle that was on top of the horse. “Just whip this here and it’ll tell him that he has to move forward, tug to the left or right and it’ll move in those directions. These are one of the four smartest horses we have at the castle, so you’ll have no issue trying to command him.” She says. Making sure you were holding everything properly before she gets on her own horse. She does what she said to do and the horse quickly trots off, you copy her, doing the same. The horse then following in the same direction, the horses helping you make a very quick pace… you think.

“Now child, when we get to the border, if all goes well. You need to cross the border and leave with your host, no coming back, no saying thanks, you just need to run and get across border, and get into your host's house. The king will have three years to take you back, and have no doubt about it, he will try.”

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21bb70 No.382277


“W-why? Y-you said I was important, b-but I don't know anything or have any skills. I-I can only really tend to p-plants.”

“Well the king doesn’t want you to find out anything or gain any skills you may have hidden inside you. Your mother was a very important person, and a very… powerful woman, to put it lightly.” Marigold says. “Less his kingdom of oppression come back down on him.”

“O-oh.” There was nothing more for you to say after that. It was only just now occurring to you that this was all being planned and executed even back in the days of waking up early in the morning and going to bed late at night. That these people have been planning a massive game, trying to find ways to take down the king without alerting him to the plan. And while this massive game was being played, you were busy cutting and trimming plants… You suddenly felt small.

“Child.” Marigold says quickly. “Speed up, we’re not far from the border. And I feel we’re being followed, and not by an ally. It intends to kill when it catches up.” She says, quickly whipping her horse, you do the same. The horses going from a small jog to a faster run. A thick mist begins gather around around the hooves of your horses. You feel your heart beating faster. “Child! Make it run as fast as you can! Your host is only a short distance away! Push your horse faster and don't look back! She’ll kill you if you look her in the eyes!” She says, damn near shouting “Of all times why now?! Vahndeer you sick bastard!” Marigold says as she kicks her horse as fast as it can go, it lets out a whine and sprints off. You again, copy her. Your horse beginning to sprint off as fast as it can go. You could feel the horses heart beating faster than yours, this animal as well fearing what was behind it as well. The fog only thickens more around the horses hooves. You would need amazing luck to make it out alive here. While the horses sprint, something seems to be blocking your part of the path. It looked like more fog, a wall of it Your panicked brain could only formulate two options on how to possibly escape, but maybe something would pop into your head before things got far to bad.


A. Jump from your horse onto Marigold’s, it looked like it may have just barely enough room. But this would require a great amount of luck roll 1d20 for luck and hope the result is not bad

B. Brace the fog head on, maybe if you hit it hard enough, it wont block you anymore. 1d20 roll required

C. Readers choice. This will need a 2d20, for action and execution

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c21fe2 No.382295

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d20)

The fog is an illusion! Hit it head on at full speed!

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e63c1e No.382312

Dice rollRolled 6, 16 = 22 (2d20)


>C. Readers choice

Ride through the fog but make sure to "accidentally" lose Marigold, I still don't trust none of those fuckers and I don't want mom breathing down our neck every second once we finally escape. We didn't escape slavery just to be put in another set of chains, even if it is some prophecy bullshit

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d63166 No.382340

Dice rollRolled 20 (1d20)


>B. Brace the fog head on, maybe if you hit it hard enough, it wont block you anymore.

Trying to jump from one horse at full speed gallop onto another horse seems suicidal, in the best of circumstances. We should just hope that that fog is just an illusion designed to make us slow down so the pursuer can capture or kill us. Also, it's a terrible idea to wander off on our own again like >>382312 suggests. At least not until we know what the fuck is going on with our situation. If Marigold intended us harm, then we'd already be dead.

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21bb70 No.383450

New update coming tomorrow. - OP

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d63166 No.383574

File: 92744d40e94a2f6⋯.png (672.47 KB,960x960,1:1,slap desk.png)


Awaiting story!

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21bb70 No.383596



You stare at the fog wall for a few seconds, jumping off the horse would be suicidal. The horses were running at full speed, the land was going by so fast that it was impossible to judge how hard and accurately you would need to jump. You had no other choice but to just brace the wall of fog head on. You slam your eyes shut and grit your teeth. Within a few seconds you feel the cold fog wash over you, the world around you was pure white, but your horse was still galloping at full speed. But you couldn’t hear the sounds of its hooves slamming and crashing into the ground as you could a few seconds ago. In fact, upon closer inspection, you couldn’t tell you were moving at all. As if your horse was running in place. You see a figure in the distance, they wore pure obsidian black armor, as well as a cape. The armor the figure wore was donned in various silver streaks, almost looking like snakes wrapping around their body. The figure reaches for a long, heavy looking blade on their back. It was a claymore, the handle sharing its appearance with her armor, they calmly walk towards you.They then unsheath it and walk towards your horse, gripping the blade, aiming for your horses neck. They raise the blade, your own reflection visible from the metal. They then swing down, but just before the blade connects with the horses neck, a hand grabs your neck, yanking you from the horse, and landing you down on another one.

“Child! You’re safe!” Marigold says. "Seems I got you out in the knick of time!" You look back your horse was missing its head, blood spurting from its veins as its body slams and tumbles on the ground. The figure seen looking over at you as Marigold looks back, seeing the figure, bright red crimson blood dripping from the claymore. “Damn! I was hoping I wouldn’t have to flee! But now she knows i’m part of the rebellion!” The same wall of fog appears a few meters ahead of you, but Marigold moves her horse out of the way of it. “Damn! She’s not holding back! She’s letting loose her damned fog like crazy!” Marigold grits her teeth, she grabs your neck again with her paw, quickly swinging you around in front of her as an arrow whizzes by, getting stuck in a tree just ahead of you, it then seems to surge with bright white lightning, the tree then lights ablaze from the white hot electricity flowing through it. “Fuck me, Vahndeere let her have no restrictions if she’s just openly using her bow!” Marigold then swerves off the path, the horse dashing through the trees. “Hold onto the horse tightly! And for the love of god, don't look into or run into any sudden walls of fog! Her illusion magic is comparable to that of a high wizards! I know you saw what she did!”

“W-who is she?!” You ask loudly.

“She goes by a very large lists of names, child. But she primarily goes by the black huntress! And as you’ve seen, there is a very good reason Vahndeere let her into the army!” Marigold pulls out a shield that was on her back, her teeth gritted as she quickly blocks an arrow that was magically curving towards you in the air. It bounces off her shield, landing in the grass. A cabin was visible in the distance, a soft light flickering inside of it you rode the horse towards it. “Child, as soon as you reach that cabin, Eusa will be inside of it! Run towards her, and just say White Fog! She will know what is going on! Then run with her to safety, we’ll have to take a detour to your host!” She says as the horse slows just a bit. “I hope you know how to tuck and roll, Child!”

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21bb70 No.383597


She says as she throws you off with her paw, again, an arrow flying where you were sitting as it sticks into the wall of the cabin. You land on the floor, slightly dazed from the impact of hitting the ground, you see a pure black fog heading straight towards you, Marigold holds out her human hand, a red ball of fire forming, she then throws it at the fog, the huntress appears from the fog, holding a small shield in her off hand, blocking the fireball that was tossed at her. “I SAID RUN, CHILD!” She shouts angrily at you, you then quickly bolt for the cabin door. Eusa already opening a trap door that was hidden under a carpet.

“W-W-W-WHITE FOG!” You shout out, she nodded and quickly made you climb down the ladder, your heart racing, sweat running down your head and sticking to your clothes. The ladder led to a underground basement, nothing of note down here excuse for a box filled with gods know what. She reaches for a torch above said box, pulling it down, a wall then slides open to your surprise, leading to a very long and dark hallway, stretching to gods above know where.

“Come, child.” She says. “We have no time to waste!” She says, grabbing your hand and running with you. “I suppose we’ll be putting these tunnels to use afterall. We’re still going to your host, but we’ll have to take the long way, stick with me and we can make it shortly.” She says. There were rats and various other creatures running around down with you and Eusa. “Gods above, I’m not sure if its a blessing or a curse that you showed up, on one hand, we’ll have to flee the country now, but on the other, we can flee into the safety of Terron and get military backup for the rebellion. So I suppose I should thank you in a way.” Eusa says.

“Y-you’re welcome, I think?” You say in reply.

The rest of the walk was in relative silence, save for your footsteps and the occasional mouse.

“Up here, child.” She says, climbing up a ladder. You follow, coming to another cabin. This one quite barren and dark, but you suspected it was so on purpose.

“Alright, relax here child, I’ll signal your host to come and pick you up.” She says, but just as she does so, Marigold bursts through the door, blood dripping from an eye and a wound in her stomach.

“Eusa, we haven’t long before they catch up. Joan, the huntress and Vahndeere are all together!” She says, panting, blood dripping from the wound in her eye and stomach rapidly.

Eusa seems to emotionlessly panic and immediately begins patching Marigold up, her body being surrounded in a white glow and her bleeding stopping. She was then bandaged up, Eusa scratching her head.

“How on earth did you get away?” She asks her.

“I barely got away, I had to pretend to die, and to do that I had to nearly get fully impaled on the huntresses blade.” She says, but they saw me as soon as I got up and ran, thankfully not where I ran off to, oh and the horses didn’t make it, one is decapitated and the other is now akin to a pincushion with all the arrows the huntress shot into it.” She says, still catching her breath. “And go signal the host with haste! We need to get out of here!” Marigold says. Eusa runs off to a seperate room as Marigold sighs. “Never thought I would face the huntress and live.” She says.

It was silent, but you heard something in your head, someone was speaking, but it was as if two voices were speaking at once, but it was one person talking.

“Child… Flamechild, if you can hear me, barricade that door with grain salt. And the same with windows, less the marked one of the hunt find you.” You look around, not spotting who was speaking, it was as if someone else was speaking in your head. “With haste child, with haste!” The voice says, and don't make me repeat myself. I am already jeopardizing my position by interfering with your affairs.” The voice says. You look around, spotting a pile of grain salt, it was just up to you to decide to… heed the strange warning.


Readers choice requires two 1d20’s

A. Follow the warning and spread the gain salt around.

B. Its a trick! Dont take the warning and stay put!

C. Readers choice

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d63166 No.383599

Dice rollRolled 11 (1d20)


>A. Follow the warning and spread the gain salt around.

Sounds good to me. A circle of salt is supposed to ward against evil…or something like that.

Thanks for coming through on the update, OP!

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c21fe2 No.383613

Dice rollRolled 4 (1d20)

Put as much salt as we can on each of the windows. We're dead otherwise

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c21fe2 No.383614

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ddb43c No.383665

Dice rollRolled 14 (1d20)


A, hopefully we have enough salt.

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4ab240 No.383859

Dice rollRolled 5 (1d20)


A. Spread the salt

Ain't gonna mess around with the "blamf shit out-of reality with lightning arrows" huntress

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53d0c0 No.385027

Hey guys OP here, sorry for the delay, update coming tomorrow.

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21bb70 No.385168

>>383665 wins

You quickly obey the voice that sprang into your head. Getting up from where you were sitting and looking for a bag of grain salt, after a quick minute of searching you find a few bags tucked into a corner, you tear open the sack it was stored in, putting it near the cracks in the doors and on all the windowsills. You just barely managed to get the entire cabin covered, the bags now empty. You sit down, thinking you were safe.

“Okay child, your host will be here shortly, now please relax.” Eusa calls from the other room. You sit back down and relax, sighing to yourself but you hear that voice come right back into your head.

“Do not relax now, flame child. You are not safe, this salt will wade off the huntress, but the king and his bodyguard are not swayed by it. Be on your toes, they might be here soon. Tell the lich to be on her toes, that you have an uneasy feeling about the cabin you’re currently in.” It instructs. You decide to do what it says, it did warn you to put the salt out to help each other.

“E-eusa?” You call for the emotionless lich.

“Yes, child?” She asks, looking down at you, her hair covering her eyes.

“I-i just don't have a good f-feeling about the cabin, I don’t really f-feel that it's safe. It just feels u-uneasy…” You say, rubbing the back of your head.

“I understand child, you’re shaken up after what you’ve been through and have witnessed in only a short time.” She says, giving your hair a quick ruffle. “I-I just feel that maybe you should be on your toes, ya know?” You say. “I understand your paranoia, child. But we’re safe here.” She says.

You sigh, trying your best to stay calm, the voice you had in your head didn't help to calm you all that well. Everything was happening so fast, only a short while ago you were waking up, working in the garden and being put back in your room when you decided to break out, and now you were waiting for an escort to another country with entirely different customs, possibly languages and gods above know what else, you put your head in your hands, you felt the urge to cry. But you felt a paw pat your back.

“Are you alright, child? You seem scared.” Marigold asks, rubbing her paw up and down your back as she sits next to you.

“I-i just feel so… I dont know, scared? Stressed? I-its just now all hitting me how small I am in all this. Say something goes wrong and I get captured again. T-thats just weeks of progress, gone!”

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21bb70 No.385169


“I know how you feel child, I felt the same way when I met the goddess of war. The gods have business that literally decides the fate of even the smallest thing on this planet. We on average live around sixty to one hundred years, but to gods who can age millions, maybe even billions of years of age before they even complain about being sleepy, those pass by in what counts as minutes for them. And after I realized that, it occurred to you just how unimportant and little you seem to be.” She says to you.

“T-that doesn’t really help me at all…” You say sadly.

“But, it's about what you make out of the situations you’re in. You’re currently a free man, albeit a runaway one. And you’re already doing what most slaves can only dream of doing. Not only that, most people can only dream of getting to go and live in a foreign land, you will get a great, safe home in a place where you get to make friends, meet girls. So you’re not small, you just have a forcefully compacted view due to your upbringing.” She says with a smile, patting your head.

“I-i guess, it's just a lot to take in.” you say.

“I understand, but hey. You’ll finally get to quit looking like a skeleton and more like a handsome boy!” She says, parting the hair covering your forehead and giving you a solid smooch dead center on your forehead. Your heartbeat immediately picks up and a blush rises to your cheeks instantly.

“Child, your host is here.” Eusa says as you stand. “Or at least your host’s guide.” She says. “Apparently the delay was caused by your host suddenly being unable to travel. So they had to send their sister.” She says.

“Eh, truth be told it's better thats its me, considering I actually have experience in these kinds of things.” You turn around at the sudden new voice. Your host’s sister was apparently a kitsune, she had 8 tails waving gently behind her, she had blonde hair, her hair having a slight tint of orange to it, as well as being the same for her tails, her skin having a slight tan to it. “Well I don't wanna sound rude or rush anything but your king and his pet hunt demon he calls a bodyguard are on our trail and will likely find this place any minute now, so I recommend we be on the move. I mean, not that I can't fight them, but I really don't want to. Feeling kinda lethargic today, actually.” She says. “Come on kid, let's get moving. I don't want to have to deal with that hunt marked ones decomposition magic. Oh, but the names Rose. Rose Anderson.” She says.


Readers choice requires 2d20

1. Go now, do not delay.

2. Stick around and say goodbye first.

3. Readers choice

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21bb70 No.385170

Sorry for the delay, international business stuff is stressful to deal with.

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e63c1e No.385174

Dice rollRolled 1, 8 = 9 (2d20)


>3. Readers choice

Get up on a table and call everyone cunts, besides the lich, she's cool, and then walk out of there in style.

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d63166 No.385175

Dice rollRolled 3, 7 = 10 (2d20)


>3. Readers choice

Before going anywhere, ask them if your actions with the salt could have prevented your host from being able to travel there. If the answer is yes, then tell them about the voice in your head. If they have no idea what you're talking about, then leave with Rose and don't mention the voice.

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d63166 No.385176



Welp, we're the kings of shit rolls today…

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b17f95 No.385199

File: a937bea2713a35f⋯.png (Spoiler Image,160.92 KB,700x900,7:9,IMG_2835.PNG)

Dice rollRolled 6, 9 = 15 (2d20)


>3. Readers choice

I dunno. Cry in a corner? Sit and stare a wall? Chant in Daemon tongue until something happens Amak tu Amat Slaanesh?

It's a line from one of the Gotrek and Felix books. First phrase that came to mind.

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d63166 No.385334

Someone really needs to come get some better rolls on something!

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bb43fb No.385437

Dice rollRolled 14 (1d20)

Option 1.

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21bb70 No.386603

Op here, update this weekend. Been busy with kid and work stuff.

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093e92 No.386729

Dice rollRolled 10, 11 = 21 (2d20)


I choose #3

Go and give eusa a hug and thank her, but as you're pulling away from the hug, drag your hands away from her body and try to skim a quick touch of her tits if possible, and try to play it off as nothing more than a pure accident

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21bb70 No.387072



And coming in with the last minute swoop, he wins with the highest roll.

You nod to your host, standing up and quickly swiping the loose dirt and dust off your pants. You walk over towards Eusa, you quickly wrap your hands around her. She jumped a bit in surprise, not expecting the hug. But she wraps her hands around you as well. If her body still had blood, her cheeks would be a pink color right about now.

“T-thanks for everything, y-you didn’t have to do it. But you guys did. I-i didn’t ask to be sent on the run and escape, but you guys went out of your way to help me. S-so thank you.” You say.

“N-not a problem child, we’re just doing what we should.” She says. But as you go to break the hug, that familiar urge rises up within you, you do your absolute best to suppress it. And you do find yourself resisting the urge to slap your palm against her bottom, you instead drag your hands from her back, your hands giving her breasts the lightest of touches. Well, what was left of them, she apparently had their size reduced at some point in time thanks to the obvious scar around her chest. But even with that small touch, your urge was sedated for now, fading back into the deepest pits of your soul. When you break the hug, you give another one to Marigold, she gives a small smile and pats your head one last time before you head off with Rose.

“Okay kid, listen to me. When we cross the border, we’re gonna stop by the castle first, you can rest there for quick time and then we’re gonna head to my sisters house, she’s the one hosting you, and she’s gonna enroll you in school or something like that.” She explains. “Then after a few years we’ll see about researching into seeing what happened to your mother. Of course this is all over the course of years.” She says. “Now stay close, we’re not out of the woods just yet.”

“S-sounds good, very good actually. I would like to attend a school, I always wondered what they were like.” You say in reply.

“Good to hear kid.” She says, one of her tails rubbing against your back, the soft fur tickled you, prompting a small laugh from you. “Thankthegodsaboveyoudontknowhowstrictkitsuneschoolsactuallyare…” She says quickly.

“What?” You ask to what she very quickly said.

“Nothing, just talking to myself, kid.” She says. Giving your head a pat with her tail. “But do tell me something, I can’t keep calling you kid, so tell me. Whats your name?” She asks. “If you have one of course.” She says.


Well, make up a name, the one with the highest amount of votes will be chosen. Anything to retarded will be ignored and something else chosen in your place if you somehow win with a retarded result**

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21bb70 No.387073


Sorry for the shorter entry, but ya know. Kinda wrote myself into a boring corner where nothing exciting could happen

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d63166 No.387074

Dice rollRolled 18 (1d20)


Shouldn't >>385437 have won with a roll of 14? Regardless, I like this outcome better than simply leaving immediately without saying anything. So I can't complain too much.

>make up a name

As far as a name for our protagonist…

Ben Gauche. Because he's the clumsiest bastard I've ever seen.

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21bb70 No.387077


Last I checked, 21 was a higher number than 14. And no he wouldn't have won, someone had a roll of 15 before someone else scooped it up.

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d63166 No.387087


So that roll scoring system you're using gives twice as much weight to people who roll 2d20 compared to 1d20? That gives twice as much weight to the possibility of the 2d20 options, relative to the 1d20 options. That's fine, if you don't want to all the options to have equal probability.

For the sake of fairness, I'd probably use the first number rolled for the purpose of finding a winner. Otherwise, the 2d20 options will almost always win. Unless you purposely want those options to have a much higher chance of winning.

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d63166 No.387088



Another side effect of your scoring method is a tendency towards mediocrity in the protagonist's actual efforts (his luck rolls for actions). Since the 2d20 rolls are more likely to win, even if they roll average rolls (such was the case with our last winner with 10 and 11), then the protagonist is more likely to perform poorly. However, the 14 roll would have more likely had the protagonist succeeding at what he was trying to do.

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ade729 No.387093


Yeah. I suppose that would be correct, never considered that. Ill take that into consideration. Thanks for the feedback.

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a7508e No.387421

I heard something about a Garden Freeman, I'd say that would work.

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d63166 No.387422


You forgot to roll.

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4c0a6a No.387686

Dice rollRolled 7 (1d20)


Had to delete my post because I didnt sage (I accept the dunce hat)

Anyways, I choose John Bels

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0d3ff8 No.387969

Hey guys, OP here. I'm terribly sick right now. So no update this week, but I'll try to push it out next week.

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d63166 No.389727


Still alive, OP?

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21bb70 No.390260


Yeah sorry, I've been in another country for a few weeks. Update coming soon.

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21bb70 No.392890

Oh hey I’m back. Don't wanna bore you all with a blog post, but long story short, business had me in Russia for a while, and being the only black guy in the entire country caused passport issues somehow. But it's all solved now.

You stared up at your hosts sister, a few names going through your head. But you decide on one that you read constantly. “B-Ben…” You say with your usual stutter “Ben Gauche.” Naming yourself after the character in the book you always read.

“That name sounds very familiar. I swear I read it somewhere before. Oh well, no time to dwell, let's keep moving, Ben.” She says, giving your head a quick pat before she kept walking, you keeping only a few steps behind her. The noises of the crunching of dead leaves were heard as you and your host’s sister walked through the forest, but you felt her hand wrap around your mouth as she quickly ducked behind a tree with you in tow. She kept her hand tight around your mouth and nose, preventing you from breathing, but you heard some soft crunching as well.

“He is nearby, I felt her presence suddenly cut off. They are both nearby, let's hope we find them soon, I don't want to deal with the headache that is the Kingdoms United slave code.” The voice of Vahndeer says, the huntress following right behind him. You couldn’t get a good look at either of them due to you being forced to look ahead by your host’s sister. Once they passed by, she takes her hand off your mouth. Letting you breathe again, but you don’t get a moment to rest as she takes your wrist, running with you down a path.

“Oh just my luck, a girl can't ever smuggle with ease. Always got to be a hard day.” She says as she ran with you, looking behind her as both of your feet slammed into the ground. “Do me a favor and do not look back, or you open yourself up as a target!” She says, and as if right on que, a throwing dagger embeds itself into the tree next to you. “The border is right there, he won’t risk crossing it.” She says as they run across the forest, one knife seemed to go right for your head, but she pushes you ahead, catching the blade by its handle and throwing it back without missing a beat with her running. Without any hesitation she snapped her fingers, a wall of fire appearing behind you. She then ran up to you, grabbing your wrist while the momentum from her push was still sending you forward, almost toppeling you before she grabbed your wrist. Running with you past a sign, despite what she said, you look behind you, both Vahndeer and the huntress stop at some sort of invisible border. “Great, we made it, now we just got to worry about propaganda for awhile.” She says as she runs with you. Her chest rising and falling as she runs towards a small cabin. “Okay… now let's hope your friends made it, or their going to have a fun time being tortured by the king.” She says. “So Ben, we’re gonna be heading to the city, but this is up to you now that we’re safe. You want to rest here for a bit and wait for your friends, or do you want to walk straight to the city?” She asks, quickly sitting on the floor, catching her breath. “Damn, I need to run more.” She mutters under her breath.


1. Run for the city

2. Wait for Eusa and Marigold to make sure they’re alright.

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21bb70 No.392891


I apologize for the long wait for such a short entry, but I need time to get back into the flow of writing in a story based sense. So my creative writing is gonna be a bit rusty for awhile.

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0a6148 No.392905


>admitting you're non-white on h8chan

oh you've dun it nao harry

Going with option 2, there's safety in numbers and all that

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d63166 No.392971


>2. Wait for Eusa and Marigold to make sure they’re alright.

Lets wait and make sure they are safe.

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2675a1 No.393561


im guessing everyone is going to choose option 2 because its the smart thing to do, now that we actually have a chance to catch our breath and not worry for a while

I choose Option 2, wait for eusa and marigold, maybe see if we got some water or some kind of non-killable liquid to slake our thirst. That amount of running has to have made us thirsty

repost because I forgot to sage

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21bb70 No.395634

Hey guys, OP here, new update coming tonight or tomorrow night. Sorry for the delay.

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21bb70 No.395782

We’re going for option 2

“I-I wanna wait… I want to make sure t-they’re safe… Oh goodness..” You say with almost no air in your lungs, your heart going painfully wild in your chest, not being used to having to beat fast. Your own heartbeat drowns out everything in your eardrums making it absurdly difficult to hear, you sit down as your chest rises and falls, air continuously going in and out of your still developing lungs. You sit down on a box propped up against a wall. As soon as your legs have pressure taken off of them they instantaneously turn to jelly, refusing to let you stand until they have taken a long, proper break from the hell they had to endure. The cabin was small, only two rooms total in it. One filled with boxes filled with only the gods know what, the other room filled with some maps and a few tables with various scattered pieces of paper with some coded messages written on them.

“Ben, go ahead and try getting some rest, I’ll keep watch and let you know if anything or anyone comes in.” Your escort says, she gives your head a small pat and pulls a box under her with one of her tails as she sits down, looking out of the window as she keeps an eye out. As soon as you were given permission your body goes slack as you fall asleep almost instantly, your eyes slamming shut like a heavy stone door and not opening back up. At least until you feel a heat surrounding you, your eyes shoot open as you look around, you were in total darkness, save for a small window with bars made from an unknown material letting in faint amounts of light from torches on the walls outside. The flames didn’t give off the usual yellow light a normal torch would, they were blood red, giving the darkness a somehow worse and more dreadful feeling. Your heart starts to pick up again, your instincts tell you that you were not alone in this cell. And you feel how correct they were when you hear a female speak.

“Scared. Frail. Afraid without being in any danger. Yeah, you’re the flame child the conqueror goes on about.” You turn around and jump back, falling on your behind as you quickly scramble to the other side of the cell. “Don’t be afraid, child. Even if I had the intention of harming you, I wouldn’t be able to, these restraints make sure of that.” The voice says. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you do in fact see a pair of translucent red chains holding whoever was speaking to you to the other side of the wall. “I’ll repeat myself, you’re in no danger. And don’t worry about someone finding you, only I can see you right now.” As she says that, a pair of bright red eyes shine from the figure, her irises were thin like a cats. But as previously mentioned, growing an unnaturally bright red. “I spent a great deal of energy that I spent decades gathering to bring you hear, and my message is going to have to be short for… complicated reasons.”

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21bb70 No.395783


“W-where am I?” You ask here, looking around the cell, but even as your eyes adjust to the darkness, it was as if the darkness of the room kept getting more intense, making it impossible to see. “Who are yo-”

“Time is short, child. I have to tell you this. Do not under any circumstances trust the church of unison. No matter what they say or what they do to you, avoid them. They will put a swift end to your life. Trust no one from that place, less you doom this world to her vision.” The figure says.

“I.. I uh…. Thanks?” You say, confused with your current situation. “B-b-but who are you?” You ask the figure.

“I have many titles and names that have been assigned to me. The traitor, the destructor, the descended one, the holy converted. But if you want my real name, then in the human tongue, it would be Yubel.” She says. “I knew your mother, and I promised her a great many things. Your safety is one of them…” She says, staying silent for a moment. “You must go now, you’re getting noticed.” Yubel says. “I’ll speak to you when you finally arrive.” She says.

“B-but w-wait, who is my mom? W-why are you chained up? Where even am I going to arr-”

“Ben! Ben!” A familiar voice says. Your eyes flutter open finally, you see marigold and Eusa, your escort standing beside you patting your head with a damp cloth.

“You had me scared that you were having a heart attack or something, kid. You just started sweating profusely and mumbling to yourself. And then just started jerking around in your sleep” Your escort says.

“Well, I don’t detect any health issues, and he seems to have gotten rid of what was bothering him while he was sleeping, I’ll keep an eye on him in the meantime, though.” Eusa says in her usual monotone voice.

“What was going on? Was it a bad dream?” Marigold asks, holding her manticore paw up to your forehead.


Important choice

A. Tell her about the dream

B. Just pass it off as a nightmare

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2de9fe No.395804


After what we went through, the shit we had to avoid, everthing? No way in hell are we passing this up as a nightmare.

I choose A, BUT, limit the details of what you experienced, see what their reactions are, don't mention Yubel unless absolutely necessary. They have done their best in saving us, but blind trust in this world is a quality that can end us as swift as a blade across our throat

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d63166 No.395818


>B. Just pass it off as a nightmare

We have no obligation to tell them anything. We need to gather more information about the world around us before we decide who we can really trust. For the time being, lets accept anything we hear about the church of unison with a high degree of skepticism. And lets keep our mouth shut about Yubel and her information. But absolutely do not forget about it. Later on we can do research about Yubel and this church.

Tell them it was just a nightmare that you had been captured and returned to the castle where you came from.

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d63166 No.395830


How much do we really know about these women, to be trusting them with stuff like this? We know virtually nothing about them, aside from the fact that they have some kind of incentive in keeping us alive. That doesn't necessarily mean that they truly have our best interests in mind. We should not trust them until we learn who they really are and where their allegiances truly lie.

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f058cd No.395873

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db2a92 No.396143


Going for B.

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84f833 No.398588

OP here, new update tonight

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d63166 No.398704


>OP here, new update tonight

No update?

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84f833 No.398718

>>395830 due to the way you worded it, sounds like you would be in favor of option B, so that's what I’m using for the tie breaker, if its not, well sorry. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You look Marigold in the eyes and nod, all the eyes in the room on you. “Y-yeah… Just a very bad dream.” You say, standing up and stretching your arms. What you said raised a few eyebrows, as if they didn’t believe what you said. But they all gather their things and begin to walk, walking in front of you, leading you through the forest, the trees eventually fade into a grass field, and in the distance, a massive, sprawling city was seen, with a massive castle that reached into the clouds, even from this distance you could see just how massive it was in scale. With some parts of it still being built around the lower area, the city below it being built out of fine materials, even at the distance you were at, you swore whatever material the building were made out of shined light into your eyes.

“Welcome to Terra, land of the gods and angels, the country my mother helped build in the literal and figurative sense. You’ll be living in the kitsune villages just outside of it, but when you come of age, you’ll have the support of the government to help live until you get a solid enough living on your own.” Rose says to you, giving your head a quick pet. “You’ll like your life here a lot more than your old one, that's a given.” She says with a small smile. “Now let's get going, we still have a few dozen more miles until we’re there.” She says as your small party began to track again, passing by the fields full of farmers working, but you noticed people there that looked similar to your fellow slaves back in the old country.

“R-rose?” You say to get her attention.

“Yes child?”

“D-do you have slaves in this country as well?” You ask her.

She sighed softly before answering, “Yes we do, I suppose I forgot to mention that in all of the ruckus that took place back there. We do, but don't worry child, you’re not going to be forced into slavery in one country only to be made one here, slaves here are either immigrants working for their right to live in the country, criminals working their sentences or people agreeing to work for money in a contract. I forget the term for it, but it's a long term type contract that you get paid for completing after a few years.” She says, explaining everything to you.

“It’s understandably a little worrying for him, Rose.” Marigold says as Rose ponders the name of the contract in her head.

“I understand that, I’m just pointing that out. Oh, and before I forget, you two are going to have to apply for a special visa in the government or you’re both going to be spending a lot of time in prison, a good chunk of our military were wiped out at the commands and in some cases, by you personally. Sometimes in en mass.” She explains. “And that's if you don't just get tackled and thrown into a death cell the second we step foot into the city.”

“We’ll cross those bridges when we come to them.” Eusa says, even her undead and emotionless face seeming tired of the argument that was going to occur sometime in the future out of inevitability, these were two people from countries that have been very on and off with their wars against each other, to the point where its become somewhat of a joke that every disagreement between the two countries was going to be a war.

“Oh, Ben.” Rose says as she looks at you. “We have a choice, we either head straight to the village, or we do as planned and head into a rented room to rest for a bit.”

Important Choice!

A. Rest at the room

B. Head straight to the village

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84f833 No.398719

Sorry for the delay again, I was in one country when I said I would update, then had an emergency call to head back to another. International business sucks.

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0a6148 No.398731


Let's rest at the room, try to unwind a little

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d63166 No.398752


>A. Rest at the room

Lets rest a bit.

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9635b2 No.406474

I get this board is restored, but is this CYOA truly perma-dead, or is it still going on

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9fa5e1 No.406512

screw it, necro or not we got this board back as well as the CYOAs, are we letting this die, or has it continued somewhere else?

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b4ffb0 No.406647

Hey guys, op for this CYOA here, I'll be continuing this cyoa at some other time. I live in Russia (thanks to work) and the covid stuff is fucking me sideways with a screwdriver tied to a steely dan, check either here or smugloli for when for this cyoa continues.

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d6be57 No.406649


Man i hope ppl come back

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