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File: d59e7647a577251⋯.jpeg (215.77 KB,1200x1095,80:73,Ankh Says.jpeg)

File: a8d56b2e45a9caa⋯.png (20.7 KB,1782x111,594:37,cuckquean.PNG)

File: b2acbd1dd50a07f⋯.png (1.57 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Wind tunnel, small breasts.png)

File: 1df1b665d03aacb⋯.png (1.62 MB,3840x2160,16:9,Wind tunnel, large breasts.png)

File: 31470957ec8a71a⋯.png (1.26 MB,1920x1080,16:9,4EBF9950-6699-464F-A015-55….png)

09156e No.362954 [View All]

This is the thread for all of you who want to derail other threads with autistic screeching about fetishes and other things that you don't like but that aren't against the rules. Femdom vs. maledom. Loli vs. ara. Yuri vs. that guy who really hates yuri. Anything that, if argued about in another thread, would send that thread careening off topic faster than a Hellhound seeing blue lights in her rear view mirror.

This isn't really for arguments like Kikis vs. Shogs, there's already a thread for that here >>321688 even if it is a little dead.

I'll start: Harems a shit. Men with harems are just male 3DPD. By having sex with more than one woman, you are cucking the other women. It is emotional abuse, just as bad as beating them, and is most commonly supported in third world countries and cults as a way for leaders to get away with fucking as many women as he wants while still pretending to be pious.

>B-but muh Mormons!

Joseph Smith took the wives of men who followed him and tried to justify it by supporting harems in Mormonism. Mormonism is just Islam without the mass murder.

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368774 No.364884

As much as I like to normally make fun of harems, I wouldn't mind one if the numbers of wives were two. That way there's still intimacy and keeps things managable.

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e818e4 No.364911

>femdom vs maledom

Femdom. Maledom is fine but kind of bores me. I want to be a cute girl's princess.

>loli vs ara

Both are fine, but I prefer loli. I like youth.


It's fine. Plenty of straight girls who I can be in love with instead.


Fun to fantasize about, but in reality they're shit. Just like you probably wouldn't want to share your waifu with another guy, don't make your waifu share you with another girl.

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a71b2f No.364932


>inb4 muh biologee

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59bf96 No.366439


the logic on why harems=NTR is retarded and only actual autists believe it.

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f6a114 No.366441


That's because they still think men and women are equal. Men are programmed to react negatively to physical infidelity and women emotional infidelity. Women are not concerned if you fuck another woman, only if you are diverting love and resources away from them.

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60a4fd No.366595

File: cff38d4a9a3c4a6⋯.webm (4.9 MB,1200x684,100:57,Boomer Wojak & Waifu - 静穏….webm)





Made a webm by using the comfiest song in Demi chan wa Kataritai's OST.

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122cbe No.366601


You could have saved a lot of time by saying "I'm a HUGE faggot"

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368774 No.366603


Now that I think about it, I guess harems are ok.

Women are all stupid cunts anyway. Treat them as property more than people.

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368774 No.366606

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60a4fd No.366611


I'm gonna make even more just to spite you.

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a2f37b No.366627

File: faa7253ad463c1f⋯.jpg (145.97 KB,1074x1076,537:538,8d84bfd41eeb874654acd3eea1….jpg)


>i'm being a faggot and you can't stop me

It checks out. Not that there was any doubt. Vanilla>Chocola

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94ac48 No.367789

File: d32d30107c0ab9d⋯.gif (98.01 KB,550x300,11:6,alright gaylor.gif)

File: 8fe0df6d29026bb⋯.png (43.93 KB,550x322,275:161,tumblr_p7ngrgVaHg1unm603o2….png)

File: a9f00c629d2fafe⋯.png (116.28 KB,601x509,601:509,tumblr_p5wwc6PYgr1unm603o1….png)


>posting Yuri.

I'm down with it.

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a39f5f No.367793

File: fc76387b54e3655⋯.jpg (264.22 KB,1200x1031,1200:1031,IMG_0468.jpg)


would this level of femdom be okay?

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09156e No.367794


The fastest way to ruin a milf is to have her use some form of "mommy" during sex unless preceded by "make me a"

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eb6e0a No.367804

File: 2cdd96aba45a09a⋯.png (195.37 KB,498x780,83:130,monster vs degenerate (fix….png)


>that first pic

I remember shitposting about it. I wanted to fix it back then, and remembered that I had done that already. I don't lean toward femdom or maledom though, I want to balance both out. That means I'm a filthy equaldom though. I'll say it depends on the mood for you and your waifu though, it could be stupid to be 100% femdom or maledom where one partner does all the 'work'. It's better to plan accordingly and love each other even better.

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a2f37b No.367807

File: c3e2e3bd298a8ac⋯.png (288 KB,850x800,17:16,FILE1075.png)


I couldn't agree more. Now Onee-san play is where it's at.

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15ebcb No.367809


>Onee-san play

How is that any different?

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a2f37b No.367814


Probably helps that I never had a sister.

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172eb4 No.367823

File: 6ea23c757950012⋯.jpg (51 KB,1024x576,16:9,a man of culture.jpg)


>Onee-san play is where it's at.

My nigger.

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a39f5f No.367824

File: ff2f355f5e18791⋯.png (229.82 KB,1200x1250,24:25,1420772503207.png)


I was talking more about the mind control, where you lose the ability to think for yourself, and get taken care of by the monster girl.

She loves you, and treats you well, but you are of object that she treasures, and using to get stronger by feeding off you and you also get used for reproduction.

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a2f37b No.367829

File: 1fcb742b66ef248⋯.png (963.72 KB,1200x1329,400:443,1458501416054-1.png)


In that case, no I wouldn't want to be in a situation where i'm not at least willing to be subject to it. In which case it would go like how it works when a gazer attempts to hypnotize a guy who already likes her.

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e0443d No.367836


A gazer using her sexy hypnosis on a gazerfag results in something similar to being stuck by a tailpussy barb, minus the sadism.

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d54ef5 No.367913


She's still alive? I was certain she would have been culturally enriched by now by niggers.

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6eef84 No.372191


>he thinks it isn't

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58447e No.372201


I'm (mostly) a subfag and even I understand that's how things work.

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5c7290 No.372294


it is but only with rel women. Considering the fucking board we're on though, he's a huge cocksucking faggot trying to measure his E-Peen

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78d310 No.372321


>it is but only with rel women.

Humans copulating with other humans is the natural way too. If I've somehow found myself hooked up with a girl with scales, wings, the ability to breathe fire, and enough strength to juggle cars I see no reason to draw a line at muh gender roles. If she wants to take charge so be it. If she doesn't that's fine too. It's fuckin' whatever, dude.

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5c7290 No.372682


because these gentlemen are living in denial

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c713f0 No.372709

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> If I've somehow found myself hooked up with a girl with scales, wings, the ability to breathe fire, and enough strength to juggle cars I see no reason to draw a line at muh gender roles

ur a faget

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122cbe No.372759


Femdom, maledom, loli, ara, yuri, Harems all of these are inoffensive compared to alps

Alps gender benders are eternally shit and forever /chaos/-tier

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8ebbb8 No.372760

File: f419490f4234952⋯.png (104.16 KB,586x448,293:224,740a783d773fd03648a2b2f539….png)


gender is a fake ass word coined by john money, a known state sponsored kiddie fiddler. Dont use their words. there is only men and women and jobs.

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52bf3a No.372761


>and jobs

I've always known wagies were asexual subhumans.

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8dba1a No.372765

Ship girls, while the very definition of awesome, are not monster girls.

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f6a114 No.372766

File: 74b9106d9864373⋯.jpg (23.73 KB,395x397,395:397,1287287368996.jpg)


>I see no reason to draw a line at muh gender roles

If you are a man you better fucking act like one. It doesn't matter if she's a fucking dragon and you are only 5'5.

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a84ee6 No.372791

File: b7f2564b4087efe⋯.jpg (387.08 KB,1080x1527,360:509,__atago_azur_lane_drawn_by….jpg)


they can be

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0d5dbe No.372792


What differs a battleship from a gun, or a doll, or a robot, or a rock?

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368774 No.372793

File: ed24a78faaee4eb⋯.jpg (410.01 KB,848x1200,53:75,IMG_0681.JPG)

File: 72915d34edda1b9⋯.jpg (476.26 KB,756x942,126:157,IMG_0714.JPG)

File: 4fffd69ae39b4a2⋯.png (2.33 MB,1050x1400,3:4,IMG_0892.PNG)

File: 80edbf82e7b056b⋯.png (4.92 MB,2894x4093,2894:4093,IMG_0983.PNG)

File: e4d7dc35e612856⋯.jpg (465.58 KB,626x885,626:885,IMG_1168.JPG)



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8dba1a No.372796




Looks like I started some ship.

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530ae2 No.372797


This statement is objectively wrong.

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8dba1a No.372807


Are you saying that ship girls are not awesome?

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095ff8 No.373798

File: 5fb4e19d7c66b2d⋯.jpg (25.58 KB,600x450,4:3,IMG_0662.JPG)

Cupids and houri are objectively the best girls because they live off the love of human men, and not spirit energy.

Human legs are better than snake tails and horse butt.

Succubi have better tails than manticores.

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340ba4 No.373800

File: 341c7c6db50cf06⋯.gif (1.93 MB,304x226,152:113,k.gif)


>Succubi have better tails than manticores.

Good one m8

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f1084e No.373802

I don't get the appeal of manticore tails. Why would anyone want their golf balls sucked through a garden hose instead of their waifu's body?

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055b47 No.373809



Succubi tails are erogenous zones, they are also small and compact as to not get in the way. Manticore tails are big bulky and are basically useless if you want to get your wife pregnant.

You could fit a succubus into a car easily, but a manticore would be a nightmare to fit in even an empty car.

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340ba4 No.373814

File: c20f47f633c4c2f⋯.jpg (1002.36 KB,2988x5312,9:16,manticore x-ray tailpussy.jpg)


>don't get the appeal of manticore tails

Pic related


>Succubi tails are erogenous zones

So are manticore tails.

>Manticore tails are big bulky

They can fit nicely in your manticore waifu's lap.

>basically useless if you want to get your wife pregnant

Good thing that isn't their intended purpose.

>a manticore would be a nightmare to fit in even an empty car

Tail in lap, wings folded, no issue.

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a2eb1b No.373815

File: eb4e21975940c87⋯.gif (252.01 KB,357x479,357:479,nervous hissing.gif)


>a nightmare to fit in even an empty car

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f1084e No.373816


That looks about as erotic as sticking your dick into your house's plumbing.>>373814

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38f25b No.373840


Your houseplumping isn't attached to a hot girl, neither does it feel like a tight, wet, hot pussy.

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e0443d No.373841


Unless your waifu's a house tsukumogami

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7c9739 No.373848

File: b1c12d954c35082⋯.png (762.78 KB,1109x664,1109:664,unknown.png)

File: 660a0c144813159⋯.png (2.81 MB,2000x2000,1:1,Manticore115.png)

File: 8e80651a1f803fc⋯.png (2.49 MB,3000x2800,15:14,manticore.png)


Tailpussy allows for a whole new variety of sexual positions, since you do not require being joined at the groins. She can straddle your face, lock you in a rear mount or even take up under the dinner table. Manticores also maintain great control of the 'tongues' that line the insides of their bulbs, allowing them to choose exactly what kind of pleasure you receive. You must understand, all of this ties into their personality as dominant, teasing and somewhat sadistic monsters. One manticore might want to pin you down and use her tail to gently edge you, keeping her spines flared so you can't just grab her tail and force yourself over the edge. Another would clamp her tail down as tightly as she could, thrusting and twisting it to bring you to orgasm as quickly as possible, then relishing your struggles as she keeps going afterwards.

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